What stones suit the zodiac sign Leo. Stones for Leo women and men by date of birth. Gems for men

By means of witchcraft, you can damage a person to almost any disease: from psoriasis to cancer. A person suddenly falls ill, and the diagnoses are very questionable. The fact is that there are no black magic conspiracies that contain the complex and unpronounceable name of the disease that appears in outpatient cards.

An illness caused by witchcraft is accompanied by a sharp loss of strength and a kind of “anxious apathy,” which in itself should alert the patient. Do you know where your health goes if it is damaged by illness? Not to the “world broadcast” at all, but straight to your ill-wisher! The one who damaged the disease feeds on the energy of his victim for the time being.

And if the patient removes the negative message, then kickback breaks this vampiric connection. The specialist conducts a course of treatment, and the evil returns to the aggressor threefold. In witchcraft this is known as the law of witchcraft retribution. If you suspect that your sores are of “unnatural” origin, be sure to open your pillow and inspect the feathers. Suspicious objects (threads, stones, hair, wood chips and generally everything except feathers) found there indicate that you urgently need to look for a good sorcerer. If a lot of small things of a suspicious nature were found in a pillow, it is better to take the pillow outside and pour any flammable liquid and burn it. “Suspicious” means items that, in accordance with common sense, should not have been in the pillow. If only 1-2 objects were found (bone, needle, match, etc.), and not some kind of copious garbage consisting of seeds, soil, threads and other small things, it is enough to place the found individual things in the fire. The pillow should be sprinkled with holy water. But you can do this only if you are absolutely sure that there are no more foreign objects in the pillow!

“Charged” garbage of any kind (grain, soil, glass, threads, needles, etc.) can be under the doormat front door, under carpets, in clothes, in the mailbox and even in your flower pots. You may ask, where does all this crap come from in pillows or in the same flower pots? But don’t you really think that only sincere and decent people who don’t feel any malice or envy towards you are your guests? For example, among Americans, when meeting friends, it is customary to walk around or sit on sofas with a glass of light wine in hand and chat nicely at the same time. In our country, communication often takes place in a completely different spirit: they get drunk to the point of swinishness. And when almost everyone is in an ugly drunken state, it’s easy for some people to sew something into a pillow, hammer it into the threshold, hide it in flower pot. So if you suspect damage, you should look here and there for objects charged with negative energy.

Tablets and bones are a sure sign of damage to a particular disease. Dead animals - damage to infertility, knots on threads and ropes - damage to impotence or cancerous tumors. Eggs are often spoiled for epilepsy. Do not forget that all suspicious items should be burned outside the house; Simply throwing them away is not enough!

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Damage is a magical intervention in a person’s life that can destroy health and career. The most effective and widespread type of conspiracies is considered to be damage done to health. In this case, the victim does not die immediately; it is characterized by prolonged physical torment. There are a number of options on how to remove damage to health. But first you need to figure out what kind of health damage was done.

Types of health curses

Using various attributes, incantations, spells, sorcerers direct negative energy on humans for different effects. Therefore, there are several types of curses associated with deteriorating health:

Due to the direction of action:

  • the impact occurs throughout human body, several organs and the immune system as a whole suffer;
  • Only a separate organ of the body or some system can be influenced. In this case, the spell can be aimed at a specific area or the choice is arbitrary.

Depending on the nature of the curse:

  • physical or organic. The human body suffers, causing physical pain. Infections with various viruses, bacteria and microbes are possible;
  • psychic or inorganic. In this case, the person's mental health is affected. Thus, they can deprive one of one's sanity.

According to duration there are:

  • one-time - a single impact on the victim, the consequences of which last for some time;
  • reusable - the impact occurs in several stages, each time leading to the emergence of new diseases.

Signs of damage to health and how to remove it

Signs of damage to health almost immediately reveal the fact that a curse has been sent. But many do not attach special importance to such symptoms. There are the following symptoms of health damage:

  • the disease appears very unexpectedly and affects the victim very quickly;
  • the presence of chronic diseases that did not exist before;
  • active progression of the disease;
  • traditional medicine is not able to cope with the disease;
  • During the examination, doctors do not find any health problems, but the patient’s state of health is alarming;
  • the occurrence of two or more serious diseases overnight;
  • accompanied by an increasingly bad and pessimistic mood;
  • weight fluctuations;
  • depression, indifference to life;
  • the presence of pupils of different sizes;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • infertility, although the partners are absolutely healthy;
  • increased aggressiveness for no particular reason;
  • feeling unwell in the temple, which can lead to loss of consciousness;
  • bad sleep, unpleasant dreams.

If there are several items from this list, you should not panic, but should carefully listen to your condition. Perhaps this is just a difficult period in life. If damage to human health is confirmed , you must not hesitate and seek help.

To get rid of health damage, you can use some methods available at home. You also need to be confident in your abilities, because fighting black magic requires a lot of energy. For believers, it is recommended to read the prayer against damage to health:

Master Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not die, strengthen those who fall, raise up the overthrown, correcting bodily sorrows of people and, we pray to You, our God, visit Your weak servant (name), with Your mercy, forgive him every sin, voluntary and involuntary. Hey, Lord, send down Your healing power from heaven, touch the body, extinguish the fire, tame passion and all lurking weakness, be the doctor of Your servant (name), raise him from the sick bed, and from the bed of bitterness, whole and all-perfect, grant him She pleases Your Church and does Your will, for it is Yours to have mercy and save us, our God, and we send glory to You. To the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.

You can carefully copy it onto a blank sheet of paper “ The Descent of John the Baptist into Hell" There should be no errors or omissions. Such a letter is wrapped and placed in a pocket on the chest. The text should be worn for 1.5 months. After this period, the leaf is burned, and the ashes are poured into a glass of water and drunk.

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More in a fast way A ritual with salt is considered to remove damage to health. The ritual is performed between the 12th and 15th lunar day on Saturday, Wednesday or Friday. You should start after sunset. Wine is poured into the prepared container, ash and salt are added there and everything is heated. In this case, you need to stand with your back to the east. The liquid is placed on the floor and a candle is lit next to it. Then they quietly say the following words:

Salty salt, bitter ash and wine that deprives one of reason. I salt it with salt, I salt it, I salt it out. I incinerate evil spirits with ashes. I deprive the demons of their minds with wine. Whoever washes himself with water will get rid of all illnesses, ailments, fears and nightmares, and all illnesses caused, caused, spoken, and observed will go away. No one can talk over my words, change them, revise them, or overcome them. Amen.

After the words, you need to put out the candle, pour the wine through the window and take a bath in a cool shower.

In addition to special rituals, you should perform simple actions daily:

  • use holy water to wash your face in the morning;
  • read “” three times a day and drink a glass of consecrated liquid before this;
  • when the curse is lifted winter time you need to swim in the ice hole for Epiphany and stand in the church during the service.

Damage to health: how to find out and what the consequences will be

In order to make sure that there is damage, you can perform the following actions. To do this, you need to stand before the face of the Mother of God at midnight, illuminate three wax candles and read the prayer 3 times:

Mother of God Virgin Mary, filled with the grace of God, rejoice! The Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit born of You, because You gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

When the candles begin to crackle, smoke, and the flame sways strongly, this means that negative impact present.

You should also pay attention to the behavior of animals in the house. Particularly sensitive to bad energy cats. They will avoid humans, not be picked up, scratch and hiss. If there is no cat in the house, you can borrow it from loved ones for a few days. And when she gets used to it, try to play with her. Her behavior will tell everything.

Damage to health has consequences not only for the victim, but also for the customer. In this case, the strength of the consequences can be equal for both parties. To avoid negative influence in any case, you need to seek help from an experienced magician or sorcerer. Only he knows for sure how to properly deal with damage or a curse.

You can maintain your health and protect yourself from damage if you try not to visit crowded places. Individuals who may carry negative energy and influence should be avoided. After an unpleasant interaction, you can take a shower, washing off all the negativity with water. Must be worn regularly pectoral cross and know a few prayers so that in a suspicious situation you can turn to the Lord for help. It is also recommended to keep photographs of deceased loved ones away.

Damage to health is a powerful magical effect. But it is also easy to overcome with faith in Higher power. Before making such an impact, you need to remember the consequences that will certainly make themselves felt, perhaps in future generations.

The Lord is always with you!

Tag: blood

Signs of damage and the evil eye, how is damage treated?

The most famous and great in the 16th century, the witchcraft specialist Guazzo, in his Compendium Maleficarum (1626), gives the following 20 signs of bewitchment using simple magic, distinguishing the bewitched from those possessed by demons and demons:

When it is very difficult to diagnose the illness of a bewitched person, so doctors hesitate and doubt, change their minds all the time and are afraid to make a clear decision.
If, although medications are used from the very beginning, the disease does not weaken, but, on the contrary, intensifies and the patient becomes worse.
If the disease does not intensify gradually, as happens with a normal disease, but immediately after the onset of the disease, the person experiences severe pain, although there are no obvious pathological indications for this.
If the disease is extremely unstable, appears periodically and does not have a regular character and, resembling a natural disease, differs from it in many ways.
Although a sick person often suffers from extreme pain, he cannot tell in which part of the body the pain is felt.
From time to time the patient lets out sad sighs for no apparent reason.
Some lose their appetite, and others regurgitate food, and their stomach is so irritated that they often double up in pain, you can see a kind of lump rising and falling from the stomach to the throat, they try to push it out as it rises to the throat , but all their efforts are in vain, although very soon it goes away on its own.
Stitching pains in the region of the heart, as if it were torn in two.
Some have a visible pulse and pulsation in the neck.
Cramps in the neck, in the kidneys, or in the lower part of the stomach, and often cold, icy air passes through their stomachs and comes out quickly, or they feel a heat, like a hot flame, attacking them in the same way.
Some become impotent.
Some break out into a light sweat, especially at night, despite the cold weather or season.
Some people feel as if certain parts of their body are twisted into a knot.
The illness that bewitched people suffer is most often associated with a loss of strength or exhaustion of the whole body, with severe weakness, dullness, attacks of melancholy, various types fever, which is very difficult for doctors, convulsions like epilepsy, numbness of the limbs, heralding the onset of convulsions. Sometimes the head swells or such fatigue takes over the whole body that the patient can hardly move.
The face, and sometimes the entire body of some bewitched people becomes yellow or deathly pale.
The eyelids of some bewitched people become so swollen that they have difficulty opening their eyes; this is noticeable during a special examination.
The bewitched can hardly bear the priest's gaze, even if it is not directed directly at them, and they roll their eyes in all sorts of ways.
When the spell is burned, the patient usually becomes worse to a greater or lesser extent, depending on whether their bewitchment was light or cruel; this often causes them to make terrible screams and moans. But if no changes or deterioration are observed, it is quite possible that the sick person, with a little care, will recover in good health.
If a witch accidentally approaches a sick person, he immediately feels great anxiety and is seized with horror and trembling. If it is a child, he immediately screams. The eyes become black (the pupils dilate) and other visible changes are observed.
When the priest, to relieve the disease, applies consecrated liquid ointments to the eyes, ears and other parts, and sweat or other changes appear in these places, it is a sign that the person is bewitched.

Damage- the most common negative program in black magic. Magical damage can only be caused by a professional who has a certain “gift”. Love damage to both themselves and their lover is very often foolishly caused by women who want to bewitch a man and do not understand the essence of love spell rituals.
Types of damage.

Here are some types of damage:

« black disease“- sends venereal diseases, male impotence. Often women take revenge on men who abandoned them. A woman can send damage to her rival, forever discouraging a man from wanting to communicate with her.

« sorrow“-causes heartache and mental anguish. A person loses all peace, cannot get rid of melancholy, sadness and sadness. All signs of depression. It seems to those around him that he is in grief. He is self-absorbed and it is almost impossible for even close friends to communicate with him.

« lesson» – damage causes severe continuous headaches

« flash» – damage - curse, causing schizophrenia, epilepsy, etc. Easily inherited.

Methods of causing damage

Damage is caused through:
- food and drink are the most common way of spoilage
- things belonging to the victim
- things given as gifts
- photograph
- doll
- a sharp, enchanted object, often a pin. They are thrown to the victim, they try to inject them or fasten them to their clothes.
- menstrual blood (love witch damage)
- hair and nails
- cemetery land
- candles.

Especially scary damage when candles are lit for a living person in church for the repose of the soul. Now many priests in the church refuse to read “for the repose” from the notes left behind, demanding a death certificate. It's a pity that this is not practiced everywhere.

Here are some more signs of spoilage in humans:
- if a woman has pigment spots on her face, and the tests are good
- if a woman cannot get pregnant, but from a medical point of view everything is in order - if a young strong woman does not have menstruation, constant delays or very scanty discharge
- if for no reason you quickly lose weight (dry) or gain weight (spreads)
- if a girl dates guys but can’t get married
- if doctors make different diagnoses, but there are no treatment results
- if you don't like looking at yourself in the mirror
- if one pupil is larger than the other or the pupils move around
- if you feel bad in church
- if the pectoral cross is lost or there is a constant desire to remove it
- if you have a long-term loss of strength, there is no desire to move, work or live in general
- “black streak” in life
- if there are a lot of cockroaches or ants in the house, but there are no neighbors
- during rest or sleep, unclean people come to you
- pets don’t like you
Damage in the house:

If you find suspicious objects near the door, in the house or in the yard (soil, water, blood, sand, feathers, needles, dead animals or birds)
- find wheat, corn, tied or stuck together feathers, threads, sharp objects in feather beds or pillows
- one or more photographs are pierced with a needle
- find unknown scissors or knives
- a feeling of fear in the family, constant illnesses and scandals
- incurable alcoholism
- consecrated salt heated in a frying pan crackles and darkens
- an unburned candle taken from church on Friday smokes when walking around the house
- dogs bark and cats try to leave the house
- incomprehensible or, on the contrary, very clear drawings appearing on the walls
- guests don’t like to come to you.

Sometimes damage can be determined So:

Take a glass and fill it cold water from the tap. Fresh egg you need to carefully break it and pour it into this water. It is important not to snag the yolk, it must be whole. Immediately place the jar on your crown, leaning your chin to your chest.
Hold this for 2-3 minutes. Now look what is visible in the water.
If the water is clean, transparent and the yolk lies in the white, there is no damage to you.
If the yolk lies, and stripes go up from the white, witchcraft intervention is obvious.
If these strips (candles) have bubbles, then the damage is severe.
If there are black dots in the stripes, done damage to death or with grave soil, in this case urgent intervention is necessary to remove it.

Everyone knows cases of the evil eye when they praise beautiful girl or a child. The people have an opinion that this should not be done. When one person sees that another has something, a feeling of envy arises. The person gets upset, the Almighty takes pity on him and takes him away.

If something good happens, don’t brag, don’t be too happy - they might take it away. You can even jinx yourself. Under no circumstances think: “Why am I so happy?” They might take it away. Some have noticed that if you just think: “I haven’t been sick once this year,” you will immediately get sick.

In a family, do not praise one child - others may be jealous. We cannot cope with bad inclinations on our own; we must ask the Almighty to help us.

Here is a typical case of the evil eye. “My husband and I worked in the garden. Neighbors passed by and said: “If you have health, then you work.” After that, we were sick all winter, and my husband was even in the hospital.”

Children are especially sensitive to the evil eye. Try not to praise them in the presence of strangers - children become nervous and restless.

Don't show off pictures of your children. An envious glance at the photograph is enough, and the child’s vulnerable biological shell will be pierced. Through photography evil person directs the flow negative energy.

The evil eye during pregnancy can lead to birth trauma and the birth of a sick child. Here’s what the patient said: “When I was pregnant, one woman said: “You are so beautiful and your husband is handsome. You must have beautiful child" The daughter was born sick; Now she is disabled.”

When the evil eye occurs, a person feels unwell, apathetic, yawns, their eyes may water, and their voice deepens.

Having worked with psychics for a long time, I noticed that they see the evil eye as a clot of negative energy in a certain place in the patient’s shell.

The evil eye in the crown area causes increased blood pressure and headache. The evil eye between the eyebrows impairs vision. An evil eye stuck between the breasts leads to pain in the heart. The evil eye in the uterine area contributes to the formation of a tumor.

The evil eye combines with any disease, strengthening it. So, a friend of mine had a slight runny nose. After the evil eye intensified, yellow-green discharge began. Having removed the evil eye, I got rid of my runny nose.

Question: During a trip abroad, I had a layover in Athens. A gypsy woman came up and wanted to tell fortunes. I waved it off. Shortly after this I had a stroke. Now my left eye can’t open, I can’t speak well - there’s a lump in my throat, making it difficult to eat. I take aspirin and psychotropic drugs - there is no result, although a month has passed. What should I do?

Answer: The Gypsy sent clots of anger to the crown of the head, between the eyebrows, and also to the thyroid gland. You are affected by three important energy centers. A clot of negative energy in the area of ​​the crown leads to increased pressure, the result is cerebrovascular accident, stroke. The clot between the eyebrows affected the eye, the clot in the thyroid gland disabled it. After removing the evil eye, it is imperative to strengthen this gland. I also recommend hot baths for your feet and hands, which improve cerebral circulation.

Question: I have had a limp since childhood. I work as a cleaner at a school. To feed a sick husband and little son, I work two shifts. My relative is surprised: “Well, have you washed everything already?” After these words I have a headache and feel very weak. At work, an employee gets angry that I have time to change or knit something. “What, are you in a new one again?” It seems to me that I am getting sick from her gaze. What are they jealous of? That I'm struggling to stay afloat? I underwent two surgeries, after which my condition noticeably worsened. Can the attitude of others affect my well-being?

Answer: During my practice, I have already become accustomed to people’s anger and envy. But sometimes even I feel uneasy. Unfortunately, you have become a victim of ill will. It apparently began with the wedding: your relatives could not forgive the fact that you, a lame woman, got married and soon gave birth to a child. To get rid of bad influences, mentally ask for forgiveness from them and beg the Almighty to give them health (take turns to go through everyone who treats you badly). Prayer before bed helps a lot when we forgive everyone who has offended us. We are very sensitive to energetic influence, very vulnerable. A nurse at the hospital said that all the employees “eat each other out.” This happens more often in non-religious environments. Religious people work on themselves and try to fight envy and ill will.

From letters from readers
“My husband was awarded a trip abroad. I talked about this at work. I was sick for 10 days. It’s been six months and I still can’t recover.”

“I was pushing my eight-month-old son in a beautiful stroller. He was very cute, wearing bows and ribbons. Crossing the road, I stopped at a traffic light. A lady of about 60 leaned over the stroller and said: “What a a handsome boy" Artem grew up happy and smart, but he didn’t see happiness. Didn't know my father. He is 30 years old, and he has no family, no friends, no good job. As if an evil fate was hanging over him. Sometimes it seems that the lady has taken away his happiness. Like in a fairy tale about an evil sorceress who predicted the princess’s death.”

Question: My hair is falling out a lot, half of it is already left. They are light and curly. My sister and friends often say: “What beautiful hair!” And I’m so upset, I cry often. Can you help me?

Answer: This phenomenon is associated with thyroid disease. You should drink a decoction of walnut partitions. It would be good to strengthen your nerves with self-massage. And there is another reason that traditional medicine knows - the evil eye. Your sister and friends are jealous that you have beautiful hair. I have had patients with this problem. After removing the evil eye and healing the thyroid gland, hair will stop falling out.

From practice
Marina, 32 years old. As a child, she had such thick hair that only her grandfather could big hands could braid her hair. One day, at the market, a gypsy woman approached a 10-year-old girl. She walked around, admiring the hair. Marina was not the timid type, but then she was scared. Something pricked her in the neck. This pain occurred from time to time. The hair has become dull and thinning. I found strong evil eye, she began to “pull” him out with prayer. Marina felt dizzy and nauseous. Of course, this is almost an operation - to pull out the evil eye, which has been sitting for 22 years and has already taken root. A day later I asked how she was feeling. “I can’t say it’s good,” answered Marina, “excellent.”

Raisa, 60 years old. Beautiful, slender woman. She complained of lower back pain. I treated my kidneys for many years. During the examination, it was discovered that the liver also needed treatment: it was clogged due to taking large quantity medicines. The cause of illness is the evil eye. I show you how to remove it. The patient is rocked from side to side. Raisa quickly cleansed her kidneys with glycerin and her liver with beet broth. I felt good. However, she did not attach importance to cleaning the biofield. Her teeth hurt and she had to remove 4. As a result, her kidneys started to hurt again, and her condition worsened (with any wounds, damaged cells enter the blood and enter the kidneys). I explained to Raisa that the evil eye was also on her teeth and did not bother her for the time being (she remembered that the doctor admired her teeth). When they began to cleanse the biofield, it became more active.

Biofield correction - main element in recovery, it must be carried out consistently, until the final result.

How to determine the presence of the evil eye

Sit in a chair, relax, place your hands on your knees, palms up. Close your eyes. Mentally turn to the Almighty: “Lord, please give me energy.”

If you feel warmth and tingling in your palms, it means energy is flowing. Therefore, the evil eye is not strong or it does not exist. When you feel a chill in your palms, you can assume a strong evil eye.

If you feel heaviness in your palms, you probably have vampirism.

If the palms turn or bend inward, then damage has probably been done.

Determining the location of the evil eye

The most vulnerable to the evil eye are the chakras, especially those that are poorly developed.
In the Pharaoh's pose, mentally ask: “Lord, do I have an evil eye (a clot of negative energy) in the crown area?”

Try to clearly imagine the top of your head. If the area of ​​the top of the head gets warm, begins to ache, twitch, or feels heavy, it means there is negative energy there.

We also check for the presence of a clot of negative energy between the eyebrows. Often, the eyelids begin to twitch, which indicates the presence of the evil eye. This is how we check all energy centers (chakras).
Another way to determine the evil eye and damage.

The patient sits on a chair. He raises his right hand, palm up, and lowers his left hand down. A lit candle is placed on the floor under the left palm. The subject needs to mentally imagine that cosmic energy is entering the palm of his right hand, pass it through right hand, shoulder girdle, left hand and, as it were, pour it through the palm of your left hand into the flame of a candle. If there is no damage, the candle burns with an even flame. If there is, the flame begins to smoke. When the evil eye occurs, the candle crackles.

9th December– St. George’s Day, St. George the Victorious. It is necessary to wash the body with water in which salt and coal were previously placed.

December 19th– St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (winter). If one of your loved ones suffers from alcohol addiction, on this day you need to order a prayer service in church for his health.

December 22 Pregnant women should not work under any circumstances; it is generally better for them not to leave the house on this day, much less go to the forest; In addition, they should fast throughout the day. It is very good to make vows on December 22nd.

31th of December Do not under any circumstances pay off your debts. It’s better to pay the money in advance, otherwise creditors will torment you all year.

There is such an interesting and very effective ritual, thanks to which in the coming year you will not know the lack of money. To do this, put several bills in an envelope, but so that the post office does not notice that there is money in it: they might take it out. You can put the money in a card or wrap it in dark paper. Try to find bills such that their numbers are odd, the number of bills should also be odd. Send such a letter to yourself on the eve of the New Year.

31th of December They put a special amulet on themselves. They do it this way: near the icon of your patron saint, read a special spell over the thing that you carry with you all the time (earrings, pendant, chain, etc.). After this, the enchanted item should be removed only when you wash; the rest of the time it should be with you.

The spell words are:

I'm on my knees, praying to the Lord.

The wound is not to the body, envy is not to the point,

Attack sideways, the groan is not mine,

Tears are not for the eyes, grief is not for the shoulders,

Blood is not to flesh.

Lord God, save! Amen.

Then you should cross yourself and bow.

On New Year's Eve you can clean your apartment. Previously, on the last Thursday before the New Year, fill a vessel with ordinary water, put seven burnt matches into it, pour Thursday salt and a pinch of dry wormwood herb. Close the container with a lid. On New Year's Eve, spray the walls, windows, doors, all corners, furniture, etc. with this water. During the ceremony, read “Our Father” all the time.

Our Father, Who art in Heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in Heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

The remaining water can be used to water flowers, wash floors, and then pour it into the snow.

Here's another way you can clean your apartment: sprinkle Thursday salt near the windows, around all the beds in the house and around the front door. Do not remove it for three days, and then sweep it with a broom into a dustpan, take it outside the apartment, throw it away and cover it with snow or soil. This ritual can be performed at any time, it is advisable to do it regularly. You can do the same at your workplace.

The most the right time get rid of vices - New year's night . We need to go outside and listen bell ringing until it stops. At this time, you should ask the Lord to free you from greed, greed, anger, stupidity, frivolity, and indecision.

To get rid of grievances, retire to a room, light a candle and whisper to the fire about what is tormenting you. And as the wax melts, so will your grievances melt away.

Another ritual that you can perform on this day is: ritual for luck. For this purpose the legs festive table, behind which the guests will gather, tie it with a rope (preferably not synthetic) and say:

He came to the house and gathered everyone around him.

So that old and young are all at this table

Next year we got together and were not separated by misfortune.

New happiness, be born, rise from the earth with bread!