How to choose curtains for tall but narrow windows. Decorating a narrow window with curtains - which option is right for you? Curtains for a bay window - main features of the package

Distinctive feature Many buildings created by architects of the 18th century can be considered to have window openings that are unusual in their parameters. Their proportions are elongated upward, as if they are reaching towards the sky. In modern buildings, ideas for such unusual execution of window openings are often borrowed.

Such narrow but high window structures become a decoration of any interior; they can be played in any style and given any image. But the happy owners of such homes often face the question of how to choose curtains for high but narrow windows.

Design Features

Curtains on high bay windows

Designers almost unanimously claim that it is almost impossible to spoil such window structures with an unsuccessful design of curtains. But in order to choose the right window frame, you will have to study some information related to home decor ideas. In specialized periodicals and, of course, on the Internet you can find a lot of advice on choosing the type and material of curtains, as well as photos of successful design solutions.

Luxury or minimalism

Tall windows themselves look festive and solemn, so they do not need unnecessary decorations. In this case, carved cornices with many decorative details and luxury curtains may look awkward and interfere with the perception of space and light. Do not forget that, first of all, the function of window openings is to let natural light into the room, so even such windows should not be cluttered with unnecessary elements and excess fabric. This window design will look most advantageous next to strict, but elegant curtains without fashionable frills. Such noble minimalism will transform the entire room, making it discreet and aristocratic.

Otherwise, there are no special restrictions when choosing curtains for window structures that have a significant height:

  • they may have classic look and consist of two canvases;
  • or they can represent one wide canvas, neatly assembled and directed diagonally across the window opening.

It all depends on the taste of the owner and general style rooms.

An important role for the holistic perception of such tissue compositions can be played by correctly selected:

  • cornices;
  • lambrequins;
  • rods;
  • as well as rings and tapes used to attach curtains.

Visual alignment of proportions

  1. Sometimes if top part The window opening is located too high; any curtains visually lengthen it even more, adding disharmony and even awkwardness. In such cases, the cornice can be mounted slightly lower, partially covering the upper edge window design. This technique will help to visually align the proportions and make the window opening more attractive.
  2. If the window opening is small in width and starts at long distance from the floor, under no circumstances should it be used short curtains. They will introduce even greater disharmony and make the window “detached” from the rest of the room. In such a situation, you should choose floor-length curtains. It’s even better if they are two-color with a smooth gradient transition from top to bottom from lighter to darker. Dark color will visually reduce the distance to the floor. To enhance the effect, the wall under the window opening can be painted the same color as the dark section of the curtains.
  3. If there are several narrow windows along one wall, their decoration can be combined. For example, create one common lambrequin and place one curtain on both sides of each window opening, as shown in the photo. Visually, such a composition will look more harmonious and attractive. External sides curtains can be beautifully folded and tied with a decorative rope, which will emphasize the completeness and integrity of the picture.

Let's sum it up

Curtains for high but narrow windows are selected based on the preferences of the owner and decorative design the entire room. There are simply some nuances, knowledge of which will help you avoid stylistic and visual mistakes. If everything is done correctly, an unusual window will not only fit harmoniously into any interior, but will also become a real decoration of any room.

Window design becomes especially important when they have a non-standard design. Narrow windows visually narrow the room and do not let in sufficient quantity Sveta.

How to choose the right stylish and functional solution for them?

First of all, you should decide on the specifics of the design, and then choose the optimal image that suits the interior. Photos of curtains for a narrow window will also help with this and will give you inspiration.

Features of the design of narrow high windows

Narrow windows look very original and fresh, but have some disadvantages. Firstly, light does not penetrate into the room at required quantity, and secondly, it visually reduces space.

Professional designers have developed a number of techniques that will help create a comfortable atmosphere and turn a couple of disadvantages into great advantages.

Unusual installation of cornice

To make the windows appear wider, a cornice is installed that is significantly larger than the width of the window itself. Curtains, in this case, cover the walls.

Another option is to place the curtains 20-30 centimeters below the frame itself. The window will appear square.

Correct color

Curtains light shades, ideally suited for narrow window openings. Feel free to consider options to match the color of the wall, or with horizontal stripes.

They will help to expand the window Decoration Materials, such as laminate, wood or stucco.

Choosing a style

The design of curtains for a narrow window should be either elegant or romantic. Basically, there are three styles that solve the issue of functionality.

This style is the most popular and deserves attention.

Classics are thick curtains and delicate tulle. The curtain should be chosen slightly longer than the window opening, and the canvas should be rectangular and reach the floor in length.

In this case, the color scheme is not important. It simply matches the main interior.

Curtains can serve as decoration various shapes tiebacks and lambrequins. They will add zest, but will not stand out much from the general background.

  • Great functionality: thick fabrics will serve at night, and during the day - translucent tulle.
  • Wide curtain - interesting decoration, magnifying window.
  • The choice of fabrics is huge, you just need to choose a sample to match your interior.

Italian arch

This design assumes only a decorative function, since it does not completely cover the window.

The Italian style is understood as two narrow canvases, picked up on the sides. They are attached to the curtain without connecting to each other, creating a triangular arch.

It is worth choosing light, airy fabrics that will create soft waves.

Italian curtains for a narrow window will create coziness in the kitchen or living room. In the bedroom, such a solution is unacceptable, since it does not allow you to hide from prying eyes. However, there is a solution - install blinds under the glass.

  • They perform a decorative function without “loading” the space.
  • Possibility of using asymmetry.
  • Lets more light into the room.

Romantic Austrian style

The Austrian style can be used anywhere: in the kitchen, bedroom, living room and even in the hallway. They not only expand the window opening, but also perfectly hide the room from prying eyes.

The curtains have wavy curves without creating horizontal stripes and folds that visually narrow it. The fabric falls down in lush folds, which slightly widens the opening.

  • Both narrow and wide canvases are selected. It all depends on the function.
  • There is a choice of a narrow frame.
  • Creates volume and a feeling of lightness.

Choose beautiful curtains on narrow windows - not an easy task. But you just have to take a close look at the samples.

Then you can easily understand which one will suit a specific interior, and the choice will only be a joy.

Modern means window decoration provide many opportunities for experimenting with openings of any shape and size. To verify this, evaluate the ready-made decorative curtain rods presented on this site. Each of the different curtain hanging systems has its own characteristics and advantages. For example, forged models look most aesthetically pleasing, and aluminum profile is able to repeat the silhouette of a non-standard window niche.

Photo of curtains for a narrow window

Narrow and tall window frames– as a rule, they are installed in private homes, if available high ceilings. Such windows can turn any room into a majestic auditorium or designer creativity.

A narrow and long window opening brings some inconvenience to its owners:

Design options

So, what can you do with curtains on a narrow window, depending on the needs of the owners:

Ways to change proportions

It is known that large things indoors, located in vertical plane, not only pick up by feeling free space, but at the same time give it a sense of scale. This happens because everything larger is perceived as more significant. You can add significance and expressiveness to a living room with a narrow window only by hanging voluminous curtains, as for a regular window.

In our case, both curtains should hang on either side of the strip of light that the window lets through. This will require a wider cornice (three window widths).

If you need to increase the width as much as possible, use 2 more techniques:

1) Cashing door frame- a contrasting color in relation to the walls of the room

2) Curtains of the same color as the color of the room walls. Just as beige shoes seem to extend the legs, so curtains that match the walls of the room do not once again cut the space into pieces.

Proportion No. 3.


Antique style is always associated with luxury. You can give the room a feeling of pomp and selectness to the guests entering it if you turn to this style. For this, use Italian curtains, picked up with a brush or rope in the upper part (above the middle).

Among all models best curtains for narrow windows - these are those that have a vertical profile: bishop sleeve, Italian curtains, Roman, Austrian, roller blinds. Ordinary curtains are least suitable. If they are placed inside the window opening, they will take in a lot of light, and if you try to make them narrower in width, the edge of the canvas will not hang evenly. Moreover, it will definitely look cheap.

Narrow curtains in the living room interior, on the wall flight of stairs in a private house, indoors classic design and creative directions will certainly attract attention. For such windows, extraordinary proportions and originality of execution are suitable, since ordinary curtains in this case are suitable only if the curtains are located on the sides of the window, and on a wide cornice.

Spacious, large windows in an apartment or residential building visually increase the interior space. Thanks to them, the room is filled with a lot of sunlight and warmth. A peaceful atmosphere is created in the room. Large windows provide a beautiful view, thereby recharging the person positive emotions and good mood.

Interior space with large window openings requires a competent approach. Experienced designers prefer several non-standard options, which help correct the shortcomings of the room and add a unique twist to the design.

Design features with large windows

Large window openings are often used for the living room, bedroom or bathroom. They are preferred by creative and extraordinary individuals who do not like to adhere to generally accepted standards.

Curtains for large windows should be in harmony with common interior. A large number of sunlight can transform any space. In some cases, strong solar insolation has a negative impact on human health.

Non-standard window opening sizes require a competent approach. When choosing textiles, it is necessary to take into account the architectural component of the residential area. Long curtains help visually increase the interior space. The size of the canvas must correspond to the height of the ceiling.

The location of windows also affects color scheme. The sunny side is perfectly complemented by bright and rich colors. They allow you to diversify daily life, thereby charging with positive energy. Variegated colors should match color scheme interior zone. In a monochrome design, richer curtains will become the main accent.

Northern windows need a warm palette and decorative materials. Mainly:

  • beige;
  • peach;
  • light pink;
  • light green;
  • pale lemon;
  • mint;
  • light yellow.

These colors will add to the room required heat and comfort. They create a peaceful environment in the reception or sleeping area. You should not choose dark and cold shades. They can ruin the finished result. Soft blue or blue will add a touch of freshness to the design of the room.

  • curtains large sizes should not contain small designs. This detail will constantly distract your attention. This option is suitable for a living room in Provence or country style;
  • the canvas should provide good protection from sunlight. This will allow you to hide from bright light;
  • a beautiful lambrequin can complete the composition.

Design options

When choosing curtains for a large living room, it is best to pay attention to solid colors. They must be in harmony with the overall design. You can add to the composition transparent veil, which will not hide the beautiful landscape outside the window.

Beautiful pickups can become bright accent in the interior of the room. Modern decorative elements, as a rule, are made of high quality materials that will not leave anyone indifferent. There are natural silk threads and crystal glass beads here.

A classic living room can be decorated with large blackout curtains. They should be made in dark noble colors:

  • wenge;
  • Dark red;
  • burgundy;
  • Navy blue;
  • black;
  • emerald.

  • velvet;
  • natural silk;
  • veil;
  • satin;
  • natural linen;
  • jacquard.

This combination of color and texture will help create an exclusive design for your home. Roller blinds suitable for high-tech, minimalism or modern style. There are no unnecessary decorations here. Prostate and clear lines create a laconic interior.

Where are large windows used?

In addition to the living space, curtains on large windows found in:

  • cafe;
  • office premises;
  • restaurants;
  • hotels;
  • hypermarkets.

For each room, different fabrics and textures are used that combine well with each other. Beautiful fabric and design of curtains help decorate the interior of a particular room.

A translucent chiffon or veil is suitable for a cafe. Beautiful decorative little things create cozy atmosphere. For restaurants, it is best to use natural velvet or silk. Combined with sheer tulle, they create a luxurious ambience. A multi-layer lambrequin helps complete the composition. Smooth drapery will complement long curtains.

In hotels, there are often plain thick curtains that help you relax after a hard day. They do not have any decorative elements.

Office premises located on sunny side need roller or vertical curtains. As a rule, they are performed from synthetic materials, which repel dirt and dust from the surface of the fabric.

Room with large panoramic windows looks impressive and unusual. A competent approach in the process of designing window space allows you to create harmonious design, which will delight its owners. On the picture large curtains depicted unusual options window opening design.

Photos of large curtains

Curtains not only decorate the interior of the room, but also help to adjust design features surrounding space. A frame structure of small width reduces the light flux entering the room and visually narrows the room.

Specifics of narrow high windows

Often high, but narrow openings present some inconvenience to the owner of the house. Used for curtains non-standard decoration space so that the opening does not visually seem narrower.

To do this, use a number of techniques:

When thinking about how to drape a tall window of small width, make sure that the room does not appear dark or gloomy because of incorrect style of curtains.

Italian style curtains are ideal for tall but not wide frames, as they allow you to adjust the shape of the opening, giving it a shorter and wider configuration. To do this, you need to choose a fabric that will flow freely at the top of the frame. soft waves.

The drapery should not be too tight. Italian-style curtains are decorated with soft folds in the shape of a semicircle.

Italian curtain allows a sufficient amount of light into the room, since it does not block the opening, but serves only as its decorative frame. Smooth curves of the fabric will add sophistication and grace to the room.

Italian style will suit for curtains on a narrow window in the kitchen, which does not need to be completely curtained.

Austrian style

When decorating rooms, curtains of various widths are used. It is appropriate to use narrow curtains in the interior for artistic framing of a window opening. Such curtains do not carry a functional load. They do not hide the room from prying eyes, but are used only for decoration.

However, in a room with narrow frames, narrow curtains are appropriate in the interior of the rooms. They do not create vertical folds on the plane of the opening, which can visually stretch an already narrow space.


If a narrow frame fits harmoniously into the room and decorates the interior, choose curtains whose style perfectly emphasizes the geometry of the opening.

When, for one reason or another, the size of the opening does not fit into the style of the room, decorating with curtains should hide visible imperfections, turning it into a decoration of the room.