How to remove visceral fat? The best exercises to reduce internal fat

I tried to find information on the Internet, but came across some nonsense with in general phrases, yes, offers to buy a course “flat stomach in a week” or “ old-fashioned method pump up your abs." These "gorgeous names" still make me smile. As a result, bit by bit I collected my own methodology, thanks to which, at the age of 30, I still have a flat, sculpted stomach, which cannot be said about many of my friends my age.

How to remove belly fat for a man?
The beer belly, a frequent companion of family men, can even be said to be an integral attribute of older men. To remove a beer belly for a man, this very man, the first step is to understand the principle - how does a beer belly appear? Then, begin to influence the cause, as well as some structural features of the body, metabolism and the beer belly, as a result, will disappear. It seems simple and logical, but what is it really like? The first thing we should know is that a beer belly in men is formed from three components:

  1. Subcutaneous fat.
  2. Visceral fat.
  3. Abdominal wall.

In fact, there are many more reasons and in each case they are different, but the formation of a beer belly in men is based on these three ingredients. Let's look at each one in order. How it occurs, what to do to prevent it and how to remove the consequences.

How is fat formed?

Since fat, both subcutaneous and visceral, are formed according to almost the same principle, we will analyze the process of the formation of fat in the body in one point. So. The human body requires a certain amount of energy for normal functioning. Depending on many factors, each body consumes its own amount of kilocalories. Let's take this value as 100%. Next, it is worth understanding that 70% of energy comes from food intake. Another 30% comes from fat cells. Fat is very important, as it is able to maintain the vital functions of the body in the intervals between meals, as well as during sleep. In this way, the norm of energy consumption is formed, measured in kilocalories. I don’t think it’s worth presenting a table with kilocalories of individual products here. Firstly, it will simply clutter up the article, secondly, there are simply a huge number of such tables on the Internet, and thirdly, the calorie content of all the products you consume, almost always, with the exception of vegetables, fruits and bread, is written on the packaging. Calculating your daily diet and your kilocalorie consumption is not difficult.

As is already clear, fats begin to form in the body immediately after eating. As we remember, 70% of the norm goes into the blood and provides our body with energy, and the remaining 30% of the norm goes to build fat, and everything that we consume in excess of the norm also goes there. It is worth saying that food entering the body is broken down into glucose. But if we consume more than the normal dose required by the body, then it (the body) will not be able to use all the glucose, and it will turn into glycerol phosphates. Then, they are attached to glycerol phosphates fatty acid, forming a triglyceride, or, more simply, fat.

Subcutaneous and visceral fat.

Once formed in the body, fat is deposited throughout the body, starting from the cheeks, chest, ending with the buttocks, and the stomach - this is normal. This layer on the human body provides us with warmth, allows us to have a supply of energy, and also performs a dozen other useful functions. Normally, subcutaneous fat is not dangerous and is not noticeable.

Visceral fat is fat on the internal organs. Normally, it provides protection to internal organs. But even with a slight excess, visceral fat poses serious problems. And a bulging beer belly is the least of the troubles. Hormonal imbalances, diabetes, blockage of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques and a bunch of other troubles - these are the companions of visceral fat. Now I’m writing an article, and I remembered an incident. I have a friend: 31 years old - 120 kg. Doesn’t consider himself fat, can’t/doesn’t want to lose weight. Recently I was simply shocked when we were sitting as usual, talking, and he took out and injected himself with a glucometer. Honestly, my jaw dropped that in the 10 years after he gained weight, he could also develop diabetes!

Abdominal wall.

Having understood the basics of the appearance of fat in the body, you can move on to the third factor, which significantly affects the appearance of a beer belly in men. This is a loss of abdominal wall tone. The abdominal wall is what supports and fences off our internal organs. Simply put, the abdominal wall is a set of abdominal muscles. In four-legged animals, the abdominal wall provides, among other things, maintaining the back in a horizontal position. And since man is an upright creature, over time, the tone of the abdominal wall weakens, it begins to stretch - taking on the shape of a ball.

Step by step steps to getting rid of beer belly.

So, having dealt with each point separately, you can understand that there is not one factor in the formation of a beer belly in men, since it is a set of three components. A kind of sandwich. Visceral fat puts pressure on the stomach from the inside, the abdominal wall weakens and stretches, and subcutaneous fat hangs outside. Understanding this gives us two tasks: remove subcutaneous and visceral fat, restore tone to the abdominal wall. Where do we start? And from everything at the same time. Every day we will need to complete a series simple steps which, if the outcome is good, should become our companions, good habits :)

If we have excess fat, it means we consume many more calories than we should. Therefore, it is necessary, without changing your diet, to calculate how many kilocalories per day you normally consume. Conduct the experiment, allowing it for a week. You don't have to start losing weight today. Good preparation to weight loss, has a very important. So, by counting calories for a week, you can approximately understand how many calories you consume daily. Knowing this figure, reduce your diet by 20%.

Under no circumstances should you completely give up food, expose your body to stress, or go on some kind of debilitating diet! In this case, the body will resist, look for workarounds, reduce the effectiveness of exercise and slow down the time of fat burning.

After you have reduced your calories by 20%. Wait a week and record the result. If there is a smooth weight loss, then maintain this value. Once your weight loss slows down, reduce your calories by another 10%. And so constantly reducing, control the level of calories necessary for smooth weight loss.

It's worth knowing a couple of facts about fat loss.

Visceral fat is the first to disappear; only after its reserves have been reduced does subcutaneous fat begin to disappear. Don’t worry and give up without seeing obvious visual progress. Look at the scales and weigh yourself at the same time. Preferably in the morning after visiting the toilet.

Fat does not disappear locally. This means that fat cannot be removed in just one place; it disappears smoothly throughout the body at the same time. In parallel with the way the belly goes away, the fat will also go away from the cheeks, double chin (God, how it infuriated me), from the arms, back, etc.

Burn fat.

The first thought that comes to every person with a beer belly is to start pumping up their abs. But don't start there. I’m not at all a supporter of purposefully pumping the abs, although sometimes it’s fun to pump them, but for some reason the relief is there. It is worth knowing that the abs sway on their own when running, when doing push-ups, when doing pull-ups, and, in principle, during almost most standard workouts.

Let me remind you once again that fat does not go away locally, it definitely won’t go away from pumping your abs. We will need to do slightly different exercises with the stomach. I'll tell you about them below.

So. We have reduced the intake of calories into the body, but the greatest effect for losing weight in the compartment will be the load that will increase the consumption of calorie reserves. I don’t want to describe exhausting workouts, since I myself am quite lazy, like most overweight people. After all, you must agree, if this were not so, we would all play sports, have toned figures, and I would not be writing this article. But alas, we are lazy, we must admit it, and that is why we have what we have. Being a lazy person, I found a way to burn fat without training, easily and simply. Write down the recipe :) All you need to do is get up early, drink a glass of water and walk at least three to four kilometers. I'm not talking about running. I'm talking about simple walking - a leisurely morning walk.

The largest muscles in our body are the legs. If we need to strain something to burn fat, it is better to strain the largest muscles in the body. Morning walking on an empty stomach can eventually develop into brisk walking, and maybe even running in the morning. But this is in the future, but for now, it’s enough just to walk, burning calories. The most difficult thing in this process is to get up early in the morning and still leave the house for Fresh air, and not staying in bed under a warm blanket, with the thought - oh, I’ll start tomorrow :)

It was by walking on an empty stomach that I was able to lose 15 kilograms in a couple of months. True, at that time I also completely excluded breakfast; the first meal was not until lunch. But this is bad, and as practice has shown, fat will also go away if you have breakfast after a walk on an empty stomach. Breakfast should be light, excluding animal fats and glucose.

Abdominal wall training - "Vacuum" exercise.

It's time to approach one of the most important procedures. Restoration and maintenance of abdominal wall tone. If you follow the recommendations I described, reduce calories, burn fat by walking in the morning, then the fat deposits will definitely go away, but the bulging beer belly will still sag. Until the muscle tone of the abdominal area is restored, there will be no sense. How to restore this very tone of the abdominal wall muscles? I would like to say that it’s simple, but that’s how it really is. The exercise is extremely simple, but no matter how many times I would recommend it to my friends who want to get rid of their beer belly, not one could do it. Why? Yes, because they forget. That’s why I say that it is very, very difficult :)

The exercise is performed once or twice a day. Stand up straight. Exhale air from your “stomach”, while simultaneously drawing in this same stomach to the very maximum. Try to pull your stomach in as deep as possible, towards your spine. If possible, try to strain it slightly. And stay in this state for 10 seconds. That’s it! This 10 second exercise will remove your beer belly right before your eyes. The first noticeable results, even without burning fat, are visible after 2 weeks. In a month, the result will surprise you very much.

But again, this exercise is difficult because we forget to do it. Absolutely everyone to whom I advised this simple exercise to remove beer belly asked - what would happen if you did it 10 times a day? It’s okay, the tone will be restored anyway. But as I already said, you shouldn't talk about 10 exercises a day. The paradox is that everyone forgets to do at least one thing :) Or I’m so lucky with my friends and acquaintances.

There is a simple way out of this situation - a stimulator belt. You can read a detailed description in Russian and familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the device at this link . It’s not a bad device, and it’s not expensive, although the effect of using it will be slightly higher than just retracting the abdomen. Since the belt, in addition to toning the abdominal muscles, also tones the skin, which reduces the effect of sagging skin after losing weight. Of course, it won’t pump up your abs, as shown in the pictures, but it will significantly reduce your beer belly, just by toning the abdominal wall.

Exercises for the abs.

Well, the last thing I would like to talk about today, so to speak, to draw a logical line in the topic of fighting the beer animal is pumping the press. As I already said, pumping up the press is not particularly necessary. Relief abs, let's say, is a little different than regular muscle pumping. It’s worth knowing that you, in principle, already have sculpted abs, though not like those of bodybuilders, but enough to see the coveted abs in them. Abdominal relief appears when the amount of subcutaneous fat decreases. And as we remember, fat is not removed locally, that is, you cannot remove fat from the abdomen by pumping the press. Personally, I don’t often pump up my abs, because I don’t see much point in it. Since my frequent, and perhaps my main, workout is push-ups, my abs pump during push-ups. For runners, it swings as they run. When doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar/parallels, the abs also swing. But since I started this topic, I’ll still tell you about how I pump up my abs in rare moments of my training. I don’t know how others swing, but I’m trying to feel the muscles, understand the degree of load on each fiber of my muscles. I don’t pretend to be the ultimate truth, I’ll just describe the whole process as I do.

I do my abs while standing. I just like this way. I don't like hitting my spine on the floor. And you can tense your abdominal muscles almost anywhere without picking up dirt from the floor.

Weighted turns.

Pick up any weighting material that you feel comfortable working with. This is the case if you do not have dumbbells or weights. I sometimes use a 6 liter bottle of water. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. We press the weighting material to the chest and begin the exercise. We turn the upper part of the body (torso), alternately to the right and then to the left. Then, little by little we move the weight forward. We hold him on half-bent arms. Sometimes I hold it outstretched right in front of me. But I don’t recommend anyone to do this - you can break your back with one wrong move. Personally, I broke my back, weighing only 12 kilograms, when I incorrectly picked up a tie (2 x 6 liters) of water bottles, with my arms outstretched and slightly leaning forward.

Lifting the weight up.

We perform it similarly to the previous exercise. We lift with bent arms, keeping our back straight. From the lowest position, lift the weight above your head and place it slightly behind your head, arching your stomach forward. I think you will feel what needs to be done, you will feel the abdominal muscles and the extreme tension in them.

Lifting the weight to the side.

We take the weight in both hands. We hold the load below, but not in the center, but at the left leg. From this position, with half-bent arms, we lift the weight above the right shoulder and bring it back (holding the weight still above the right shoulder), arching the stomach/back as in the previous exercise. We repeat the exercise one by one. From the left leg to the right shoulder and, accordingly, from the right leg to the left shoulder.

Inclines with weights.

Hold the weights against your chest. Feet shoulder width apart. With a straight back, lower your torso and raise it. It's similar to how we pump up our abs, only while standing.

Pumping up your abs while maintaining your waist

By pumping up the abs, we pump up the waist, so that the centimeters in the waist do not go away, but are added. I don’t even remember where I saw this exercise, but I still do it occasionally. Although, as I said earlier, I can’t stand bench press exercises, I still make an exception for this exercise. So, we lie down as usual to pump up the abs, legs bent. To pump the central groove of the abs, we do not need to tear off the whole body, as we were taught at school, since the lower back will also pump, making it (the lower back) wider. So our task is to keep the lower back pressed to the floor and lift only the chest. The amplitude of the exercise will be microscopic, but this is not important. By repeating the exercise, you will feel how much your abdominal muscles tense. The exercise is quite effective in my opinion.

Number of repetitions.

How many times you need to pump up your abs, do this or that exercise I described above is up to you to decide. Feel your muscles, strain them as much as they allow, but a little more. If you forcefully do 50 body lifts, then do 53. :)

The interval between each exercise and repetition should not be too long, I would recommend no more than 20 seconds. Complete one set of 50 repetitions, rest for 20 seconds, proceed to the second approach. I personally do each exercise in 3-5 approaches, with an interval of 10-15 seconds.

It seems that I have told you everything I know about how to remove belly fat for a man, if you have any questions or additions, please write about it in the comments.

AND good health. They play sports, go on diets and do everything in order to remove fat accumulation. It is not easy to cope with subcutaneous reserves, but persistence in achieving the goal invariably leads to results. More complex problem- how to get rid of visceral fat. To find a solution, it is worth understanding what this type of body fat is.


Visceral fat is found around the internal organs. Its task is to protect them from mechanical stress, hold them in the desired position, and prevent hypothermia. Another purpose is reserve energy reserves. It is important to remember that you cannot remove all internal fat without harming the body. Its volume for normal condition is 10-15% of total number lipid tissue.

To find out if you have excess visceral fat, all you need to do is take some measurements. for the fair half of humanity, up to 88 cm does not cause concern. For men, the figure is 94 cm. If the norm is close to the limit or exceeds it, the scale of the threat can be assessed using the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference. The normal value for women is 0.88, for the stronger sex - 0.95. If the results of the calculations are disappointing, you should seriously concern yourself with solving the question: how to get rid of visceral fat.


It would be useful to find out why there is a sharp increase in the volume of the inner layer. This will help you create an action plan to bring its quantity back to normal. So, the main reasons are:

  • Predisposition inherent in genes and individual body type (“apple”). This automatically puts you at risk.
  • During menopause, women experience hormonal changes, and fats begin to be used more slowly by the body. As a result, there is a rapid accumulation of reserve stock.
  • Significant alcohol consumption by men promotes suppression, which is responsible for the distribution of fat. Its excess accumulates in the abdominal area.
  • Improperly planned diet. Sweet, flour, salty, spicy, fatty foods in large quantities cause harm to the body at any age. Calories received in excess are not consumed, but are converted into subcutaneous and internal fat.


An excessive amount of the visceral layer is dangerous to human health and can provoke a number of diseases, namely:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • risk of heart attack;
  • the likelihood of malignant tumors;
  • hypertension, frequent headaches, memory impairment;
  • insufficient speed of metabolic processes;
  • varicose veins;
  • allergic reactions to familiar types of foods;
  • diabetes.

The list goes on, but these points are enough to understand the seriousness of the situation.


You can remove excess internal fat if you use A complex approach to change your usual lifestyle. They will help with this simple rules behavior.

MOOD To succeed on this path you need a strong attitude. Without this, the desire will change, in a week it may evaporate and everything will return to normal. It is important to have the right mindset. If you want to maintain maximum health long term, you can’t retreat. Notice even the smallest changes along the way to your goal. This will help maintain morale.

RATION implies renunciation junk food. These are fatty foods, semi-finished products, sweets, baked goods, alcohol, carbonated drinks. A balanced menu includes the following products:

  • olive oil;
  • eggs;
  • dietary meats;
  • fish;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • various cereals.

You need to calculate the daily number of calories required for normal functioning of the body and consume it 5-6 times: breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Fractional meals will maintain the level nutrients in the body, so the body will no longer need to constantly accumulate reserves. Last meal no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Small dishes will help deceive the brain; a feeling of fullness will come from a smaller portion size.

DRINKING REGIME To undergo processes in the body, a person needs to drink up to 1.5 liters clean water, excluding other liquid products. This will help eliminate toxins and make it easier for the kidneys to function. It is recommended to start the day with a glass warm water. You can improve the taste with a mint leaf or lemon juice.

LOADS It will be difficult to remove internal fat without it. If in Lately Since your lifestyle was sedentary, you need to start small. Walking and avoiding the elevator will prepare the body for active action. Cycling, running, swimming, jumping rope, all kinds of bending and twisting. Good results give abdominal exercises.

It would be correct to alternate types of activities to work out all areas of the body. But it is worth paying attention that the duration of the workout should be at least 30 minutes. Only in this case will active disposal of unwanted accumulations begin. Pay attention to proper breathing. It is important to saturate the blood with oxygen, this will help the functioning of all organs.

NIGHT REST After exercise, the body needs proper sleep. Experts advise sleeping 6-7 hours. During this time, the person will fully regain strength and be ready for new achievements. Getting up early and going to bed late is the best mode for relaxation.

KEEP CALM Constantly being in stressful situations leads to the accumulation of energy reserves. This happens on a subconscious level, problems are eaten up with something tasty, but unhealthy. If you cannot cope with nervous tension on your own, then you should consult a psychologist. Sometimes it’s enough to get the opportunity to speak out, and the situation will seem less hopeless. Add positive emotions Dancing and aerobics can help remove internal fat.


To avoid this problem, you should take simple steps preventive measures. If they become a habit, it will eliminate many health issues. You won’t have to do anything new: sports, a menu from healthy products, quitting smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. All this will reduce the risk of any excess fat deposits. Don't allow yourself weaknesses. Removing excess is always more difficult than preventing its appearance.

If you strictly adhere to the chosen strategy, then after 10-14 days you can see the first results: your general condition will improve, centimeters in the waist area will begin to disappear, and your mood will improve. It is important not to stop at the first successes, but to continue moving towards the intended goal with even greater zeal.

What is visceral fat? Excess weighta big problem, and by no means exclusively of a cosmetic nature. The fact is that excess adipose tissue is located not only on top of the muscle layer, forming folds of the so-called subcutaneous fat, but also inside abdominal cavity, they can also be deposited on internal organs. This is visceral fat.

Natural deposits of visceral fat help the functioning of internal organs, acting as shock absorbers. But as soon as there is a little more of it than necessary, it begins to pose a certain danger.

With an increase in the percentage of visceral fat, the risk of diabetes, arterial hypertension, cardiovascular pathologies, and oncology increases. How to determine the norm of visceral fat and how to deal with its excess?

Visceral fat: normal

You can determine whether there is excess visceral fat in the body by eye - to do this, it is enough to take a critical look at your figure. The more it resembles the notorious “apple,” the more visceral fat has accumulated on the internal organs, which means there is a greater risk of developing various pathologies of the heart and liver.

The simplest measuring instrument will become an ordinary tailor's shop tape measure: Use it to measure your waist in a relaxed state. You should not deceive yourself and suck in your stomach, because you are not going to make public the data that will be received; on the contrary, you will take it into account to assess the state of your health.

A waist size of less than 89 cm for women is considered safe; for men this figure is 101 cm. Women with a pear-shaped figure are in a more advantageous position, since this type body shapes, fat accumulations are deposited on the hips, and on the stomach they are less pronounced. In addition, deposits on the hips contribute to the production of a specific hormone that protects the heart.

MRI of internal organs will provide accurate data on the amount and location of “dislocation” of harmful fat. Computed tomography will also give a comprehensive answer to the question: how much visceral fat is deposited and where, and how dangerous these deposits are.

Body mass index is also a serious indicator - if you do not do strength exercises and increased weight is excluded due to high muscle mass, then a BMI over 25 should make you think, and its value over 30 is a direct guide to action.

Why is visceral fat dangerous?

Visceral fat, located in the abdominal cavity, forms an omentum that serves to protect and maintain internal organs, ensuring normal temperature regime. This is a kind of airbag, which, however, if it grows excessively, can put pressure on the internal organs. In addition, fat begins to accumulate on the internal organs themselves, interfering with their normal functioning.

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Dangerous levels of visceral fat and how to combat it

The level of visceral fat increases under stress, as the hormone cortisol begins to work, stimulating fat production - the body, immersed in a state of stress, decides that it needs additional reserves and begins to actively accumulate them. This is also facilitated by the everyday way of overcoming stress – overeating. Therefore, if the risk of visceral fat formation is high, then it is better to try to avoid stress or at least not to “eat” it.

The risk of increasing visceral fat levels increases if you have a family history of diabetes and hypertension.

A great way to limit the accumulation of internal fat is to constantly drink green tea and follow a diet. This will quickly reduce the level of cholesterol, sugar and visceral fat.

How to get rid of visceral fat: diet

Diet will help you remove visceral fat. rich in products with a high content of L-carnitine. This is, first of all, lean meat and milk.

L-carnitine for the body is a stimulator of fat burning, thanks to it fat is burned in the mitochondria of muscle cells, turning into clean energy. Maximum amount L-carnitine is contained in crab meat (natural) - over 200 mg per 100 g, in young lean lamb - 190 mg, in beef and venison - about 150 mg. You can also take L-carnitine in the form of special supplements.

You should definitely adhere to a low-calorie diet, consisting of 1000 - 1200 kcal per day. It will help you get rid of excess fat in just a month, as you will see for yourself by taking the appropriate measurements and weighing.

Eating cereals in the form of whole grains, dried fruits, low-fat will help improve performance and significantly improve the health of the body. fermented milk products, fish rich in Omega-3 acids. Such a diet leads to a decrease in insulin levels in the blood and increases the rate of burning fat, including internal fat.

Physical activity to burn internal fat

The best stimulator for burning internal fat is physical activity. If the weight is heavy and it’s difficult to start running right away, regular walking will help. On initial stage you can simply walk around the city at a normal pace, gradually increasing it, but so as not to make your heartbeat feverishly go off scale.

After the body becomes accustomed to the load, you can move on to fast walking, then running. The most gentle and at the same time effective type of physical activity is swimming. For many, an excellent opportunity to get rid of harmful fat will be an exercise bike or cycling.

In general, the accumulation of visceral fat is a sign of our well-fed time, since every day we have less and less opportunities for spontaneous movements. We try to improve our life and move less and less. Sedentary lifestyle - main reason accumulation of internal fat, another reason is the boom in processed foods and fast food.

Change your lifestyle and diet and you may not have to put in extra effort to fight visceral fat.

Did you know that in addition to subcutaneous fat, a person also deposits visceral fat?! It is necessary for health, but only if we are not talking about its excess. Visceral fat deposits envelop the internal organs of a person and serve as protection for them. But when there are too many of them, health deteriorates. Why is excess visceral fat harmful for women? How to get rid of excess belly fat at home? “Popular about health” will answer these questions right now.

Why is visceral belly fat dangerous??

Normally, the fat layer that protects internal organs should make up no more than 15 percent of the body’s total fat reserves. Exceeding this norm has a detrimental effect on the health of women and men:

The oxygen supply to internal organs is disrupted.

Fat cells leak into the bloodstream, thickening the blood and raising cholesterol.

There is a danger of varicose veins and blood clots.

Hormonal levels change.

Metabolic processes slow down.

The risk of hypertension, neoplasms, and heart attack increases.

As you can see, visceral fat is really dangerous, so getting rid of excess fat on your stomach is very important. But how can you determine whether you are at risk?

Measuring the amount of visceral fat at home

In some cases, you can even visually determine whether a woman has excess fat deposits in the abdominal area. If your figure resembles an apple, that is, your stomach has rounded shape and he is clearly more than top part torso, then you probably have excess fat enveloping your internal organs.

Let's consider another way to measure the percentage of visceral fat. Measure your waist and hips. Divide the first value by the second. If the result is a coefficient exceeding 0.87, then you are at risk.

How to get rid of visceral fat at home?

To remove fat deposits on internal organs, it is important to understand that if you follow dietary restrictions and exercise, they are the first to go away. This fact is a good incentive. All the basic principles of fat burning apply here. What do we have to do?

1. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed (especially fast ones) - sweets, flour, mayonnaise.

2. Try to count calories and not consume more than 1900 kcal per day.

3. You need to eat often, and under no circumstances allow yourself to go hungry. Otherwise, the effect will be the opposite - the body will begin to build up fat.

4. Play sports or simply increase activity - walk more, climb stairs, walk.

What exercises will help you get rid of excess fat on your organs??

Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise is considered the most effective in the fight against fatty tissue on internal organs. It is recommended to run at least 2.5 kilometers per day at a heart rate that is 70-80 percent close to maximum. Ab exercises - crunches, scissors, double crunches - are another way to quickly burn abdominal fat. If you combine them with breathing exercises, the effect will be better expressed.

Japanese method to quickly remove belly fat by breathing

One of the methods of burning visceral fat was tested by Japanese actor Mike Ryusoke. It consists in the fact that every day for 5 minutes you need to do certain actions and at the same time breathe in a special way. How to do the exercise?

Stand with one foot in front of the other. Shift your weight to your back leg and tense your muscles. Inhale slowly while raising both arms above your head. Then exhale forcefully for 7 seconds as you lower your arms. During the exercise, all the abdominal muscles and the upper body in general should be tense.

Spinning a hula hoop

While twisting the hoop, all the abdominal muscles tense, in addition, the sports equipment massages fat deposits in this area. If you regularly hula hoop for 30 minutes a day, you can reduce your waist size in a short time.

Exercise "Plank"

A plank is a horizontal position on your forearms and toes. When performing this exercise, you must keep your body straight, which is accompanied by strong tension in all the muscles of the abs, back, chest. It is enough for a beginner to hold in this position for a few seconds, but then the time for performing the plank is gradually increased.

Removing excess visceral belly fat at home is not that difficult. Remember that he is the first to leave. Understanding this is very stimulating. What do we have to do? Remove fast carbohydrates from the menu, since they are the ones that “settle” in the waist area. Start eating smaller meals. Increase physical activity, aerobic exercise is especially important. You can also try Japanese method burning fat or hula hoop. Remember – accumulated fat cells in excess will lead to a number of diseases.

How to remove internal fat from organs (visceral) is one of the frequently asked questions today. It is deposited in places such as the stomach, waist and thighs, as well as around the abdominal organs. Both women and men can face this problem. There are many ways to remove subcutaneous fat, including surgery, but combating visceral accumulations in this way is impossible. How to remove visceral fat? You can find out the answer to this question below.

What is visceral fat?

Today there are many methods on how to get rid of visceral belly fat, but first you need to understand what it is. So, internal fat in humans is deposits near the organs. They appear, as a rule, with a significant replenishment of fat reserves. As a result of this, the body stops depositing reserves in the subcutaneous layers, which are sent to the organs. Accumulating fats inside the body, formed around the intestines, liver, stomach, etc., can cause serious damage to human health.

A large number of fat can delay the flow of lymph and blood to the internal organs and contribute to the deterioration of lung ventilation. As a result, a seemingly healthy person may experience problems breathing and sleeping. If measures are not taken in time and, at a minimum, the diet is not changed, then growing volumes of visceral fat can lead to myocardial infarction, diabetes, hormonal imbalance, metabolic processes (metabolism), etc.

Visceral obesity in men

The clinical picture of obesity of this type in males is as follows:

  • The waist circumference increases significantly, which can be more than 94 cm;
  • blood tests taken in the laboratory reveal low level lipoprotein concentrations high density;
  • Glucose is detected in the blood plasma when tested on an empty stomach.

Visceral fat in men is not as harmless a phenomenon as many may think. They claim that the so-called The beer belly in men is a kind of factory for converting testosterone into estrogens, resulting in the appearance of fat deposits. Therefore, getting rid of such fat is of utmost importance.

Visceral obesity in women

Representatives of the fair half of humanity, unlike men, more often wonder how to get rid of internal belly fat. Even a couple of extra pounds can ruin your figure. The waist circumference with visceral obesity reaches 80 cm or more, but this also depends on height. The norm of internal fat in a woman’s body, just like in a man, should be within 10-15%.

Those with a pear-shaped body structure are least likely to experience the risk of excess visceral fat. But the likelihood of such tissue appearing increases significantly in women over 40 years of age, and this does not depend on either genetic predisposition or body structure. In order to prevent such an internal layer from accumulating, you need to act by exposing yourself to various loads and changing your menu.

How to get rid of visceral fat

To prevent the emergence of serious diseases, first of all it is necessary to switch to a truly healthy eating, which involves reducing the consumption of fatty foods while increasing the consumption of vegetables. To reduce fat on your internal organs, check out the following methods:

  • eat less, but more often, so you won’t feel hungry, and eating food 5-6 times a day will help speed up the metabolic process;
  • try to replace White bread for products made from wholemeal flour;
  • definitely try to avoid stressful situations;
  • drink daily norm liquids;
  • Avoid using sedatives that can act as a sedative.

How to burn visceral fat

In addition to nutrition, to solve the problem in question, physical exercise is also needed. To burn visceral fat more effectively, you need more active movements: running, cycling, swimming, playing tennis and football (do not forget to inhale and exhale correctly). As for fasting, it may not bring much effect.

How to remove visceral fat in men

First you need to reduce your drinking to a minimum. alcoholic drinks– the point is not in their calorie content, but in the snacks, which many people eat without measure when drinking alcohol. In addition, to remove visceral fat in men, you need to engage in active sports. It is necessary to do daily exercises at home if you do not have time for jogging or hiking. Gym.

How to deal with visceral fat for women

In general, women need to fight visceral fat in the same way as men. It all comes down to changing your diet, eating protein, fiber and doing all sorts of physical activities. In the latter case, make sure that your breathing is correct. An excellent option for a girl is to play tennis, visit the fitness room, body wraps, and in addition, you can massage your stomach.


As for exercises for visceral fat, they include the following points:

  • classic and double press, which must be performed in several approaches for greater effect;
  • lifting the body with simultaneous twisting;
  • turning the legs from a lying position;
  • “vacuum” exercise, which will strengthen the transverse abdominal muscle.
  • squats.


To look young and be healthy, you need a visceral fat diet. To do this, start preparing dishes that are rich in foods with high level fiber, for example, it can be braised cabbage. Replenish your diet with cereals, fruits, legumes and dried fruits. To reduce fat on internal organs, increase the concentration of vitamin C in the food you eat, for example, porridge. With a serious approach and willpower, solving the described problem is not so difficult.

Video: how to get rid of internal fat in the body