How to make a figured ceiling. Do-it-yourself figured plasterboard ceilings How to make an arc on the ceiling with your own hands

Figured ceiling – good way diversify appearance room, make it more attractive and unique. Today, suspended ceilings made of plasterboard, tension structures, or a combination of the two previous options are used for this.

Advantages and features of figured ceilings

First, let’s define what curly ceilings are. These are multi-level structures with complex shaped elements - round, wavy, repeating the shape of plants, flowers, and so on. In addition, these include volumetric stretch ceilings with many different forms and colors.

Why are such structures created, since they are much more complex in design and more expensive than a conventional surface made of polyvinyl chloride fabric or plasterboard? Curly ceilings have a set interesting features and advantages.

  1. Attractive appearance is the main reason for creating such ceilings. This is easy to see, just look at the many photographs of figured structures.
  2. - at correct form and painting, a figured ceiling will make the room “higher.” But here you should approach the issue especially carefully - some types of plasterboard structures, intended initially for tall and large rooms, can lead to the opposite effect.

  3. Dividing the room into zones - several ceiling levels allow you to separate zones with different functions in the room. Examples of such areas include a countertop in the kitchen, a bed in the bedroom or a sofa, armchairs, a TV and coffee tables in the living room.
  4. Hiding unevenness - figured or PVC sheets allow you to hide defects and height differences on a rough concrete floor.
  5. Hiding communications and replacing chandeliers with lamps - with the help of figured ceilings, unique and unusual lighting systems are created in the room. And all wires and communications are hidden under drywall.

  6. Durability - figured ceilings can last a very long time if they are installed correctly and no emergency occurs (such as flooding from above).
  7. Sound insulation - in addition to communications and uneven ceilings, you can hide a layer under a multi-level figured ceiling soundproofing material. Children's screams and the movement of furniture from neighbors upstairs will no longer disturb you.

As for the disadvantages of such structures, in addition to the increased complexity of installation and the cost of materials and work, there is only one disadvantage to figured ceilings - they “conceal” the height of the room. And if we're talking about about comparative small room V panel house old building, this is a big problem.

Drywall prices


Important! It should be remembered that the mass of such suspended structures will be large, so the ceiling must be strong enough to support the frame figured ceiling, and sheets of drywall.

Options for figured plasterboard ceilings

First, let's look at the basic shapes used in multi-level plasterboard structures.

  1. Squares and rectangles– the upper level of the suspended structure is located in the center of the room, and around it there is a rectangular or square “frame” of smaller thickness. In some cases, it is permissible to divide figured ceilings into several rectangles. The simplest form to implement, in the lower level of which lamps are installed around the perimeter of the room.

    Photo of suspended ceilings in the living room - multi-level

  2. Semicircle or oval- a good option for the bedroom. Using the upper level in the form of a circle, you can highlight the area where the bed is located. Oval-shaped structures are used according to a similar principle.

  3. Wavy and curved figured ceilings- exist in many types. Waves can be either a “edge” around the perimeter of the room or a room divider into two or more zones, each of which has its own function. An example is in the image below, where a similar ceiling is used to create space for lunch and dinner.

  4. Curly ceilings that follow the shape of flowers, plants, or simply have a complex pattern. They are suitable not so much for dividing a room into separate parts, but simply for decoration, giving an unusual and unique appearance.

Advice! For multi-level structures with a semicircle or oval in the center, you can use wallpaper with a pattern that imitates the day or night sky. Additionally, you can make the top level with edges that look like a cloud.

As lighting in figured ceilings, and are used. The choice of one option or another depends on the specific situation.

Drawing up a plan for a plasterboard ceiling

Before you begin planning and marking the figured ceiling, you need to prepare the floor surface for future work. To do this, all old finish– wallpaper, ceiling tiles, paint or plaster are scraped off with a spatula, and the whitewash is washed off with a solution of water and detergent. Then all the cracks and cracks in the ceiling are sealed.

Now start planning.

Step 1. Using a tape measure, measure the length of each wall in the room and accurately transfer it to the drawing. The presence or absence of problems when installing the frame and drywall sheets depends on how accurately the plan is executed.

Step 2. Divide the room into cells measuring 60 by 60 centimeters. The boundaries of these cells are elements ceiling profile.

Step 3. Separately, use a colored pencil to draw the boundaries between the levels of the figured ceiling. In this case, use reference points - the center of the room or one of the corners, from which it will be convenient to report later and mark the ceiling surface itself. To create wavy and complex shapes, it is better to use several auxiliary circles, as shown in the figure below.

Prices for spotlights


Step 4. At intervals of 20-40 centimeters along the lines of the frame, mark the points where the hangers should be located. For ordinary ceilings, the distance between the suspensions is greater, but here, due to several levels, the load on the frame increases.

Step 5. Mark the location of the wiring and spotlights.

Now that the plan on paper is ready, you need to transfer it to the ceiling itself. To begin, reproduce the drawing on the floor of the room using chalk. This will help you imagine the appearance of the figured ceiling and will help in the future.

Marking begins with determining the height of each level of the figured ceiling. To do this, use a hydraulic or laser level. The distance between the ceiling and the upper level should be from 4 to 10 centimeters, depending on the original plan and the need to place lamps and other communications. The distance between the levels themselves is on average 5 centimeters.

Step 1. Measure the height of the room at each of its corners. Choose the lowest one. Make marks regarding it for each of the levels.

Step 2. Using a level, transfer these marks to each corner of the room.

Step 3. Using a level and paint thread, draw horizontal lines between the corners - the guide profiles of the frame will be located along them.

Step 4. Mark the points on the ceiling where you need to make holes for mounting the hangers. Do the same with the walls in the places where the guide profiles will be located.

Step 5. Use a pencil to mark the boundary between the levels of the figured ceiling. Be careful to use anchor points so that the lines follow the outline exactly.

Step 6. Now use a pencil to mark the lines along which the frame should be mounted. Please note that the line should run through the middle of the ceiling profile.

Advice! In order to correctly mark curved lines and circles, the following method is used: determine the center of an imaginary circle, make a hole there and screw in a screw. A thread is tied to it and stretched to a distance equal to the radius of an imaginary circle. Tie a pencil to the other end of the thread. The result is a large improvised compass, with the help of which the figures are successfully marked.

Installation of a profile frame

Names and sizes steel profile, used as a material for the frame, are presented in the table below.

Table. Types of profiles for installing plasterboard ceilings.

BrandProfile typeHeight and width, mmLength, mWhat is it used for?
PP 60/27Ceiling profile - CD60 and 272.75, 3, 4 and 4.5Main frame element and lintels
PNP 28/27Guide profile - UD28 and 272.75, 3, 4 and 4.5Guides for ceiling profiles around the perimeter of the room
PA 60/27Arched profile60 and 272.75, 3, 4 and 4.5For curved elements
PNP 28/27 notchedGuide profile28 and 272.75, 3, 4 and 4.5Guide profile with shelf notches, used in the same way as an arched profile

In addition to the profile, you will need long screws with dowels, short self-tapping screws, U-shaped hangers, corner and multi-level connectors and a crab connector. The required tools are a stepladder, a hammer drill, a screwdriver, a level, a tape measure and a grinder saw.

Step 1. Using the marks on the walls and ceiling, make holes for the hangers and guide profile. Insert dowels into them.

Step 2. Install by horizontal lines guide profiles for all levels of figured ceilings. NP different walls connect to each other using a corner connector.

Step 3. Bend the edges of the U-shaped suspension, install the suspensions themselves for the upper level in accordance with the marks.

Ceiling profile prices

ceiling profile

Step 4. Insert straight upper-level ceiling profiles into the guides. To connect to the hangers, use short self-tapping screws, also known as “seeds” or “bugs.”

Step 5. Mount jumpers to the left and right of the profiles and connect them to the main PCB using a crab connector.

Step 6. Cut one of the straight profiles into small pieces. These will be vertical racks transition from the upper level of the figured ceiling to the lower one. They will be attached to the top-level frame using a multi-level connector.

Step 7 Now you need to mount the lower level border. If it has a round or curved shape, take the guide profile and make cuts on its shelves with a grinder saw at equal intervals with each other. Then bend the profile along these cuts to get the desired shape.

Step 8 Attach the curved guide profile to the vertical posts using connectors.

Step 8 Insert a CD profile between it and the lower level guide profile mounted on the wall. For greater reliability, you can attach it to hangers mounted on the upper-level frame elements.

Step 9 The process is completed by installing jumpers (connectors) on the lower level frame.

Two-level butterfly connector

In some cases, when laying a figured plasterboard ceiling, the frame is made only for the lower level. The top one can be a perfectly plastered and painted ceiling.

Prices for screwdrivers


Important! After installing the frame, do not forget to lay out the wires, the inside of the lamps and other communications.

Fastening drywall sheets

There are no special problems with installing horizontal sheets of drywall - you clamp them with a clamp or assistants and tighten the screws with a screwdriver. If the sheet will be located at the border between levels, cut it in advance in accordance with the diagram.

Also, make holes for spotlights in advance.

Cutting a hole in drywall using a special drill attachment - a crown

Drill attachments - bit

But creating bent strips of drywall is quite a complex and labor-intensive task that requires great care - it’s very easy to break or otherwise damage the material.

There are two ways to bend drywall.

  1. Using cuts. A strip of material is taken and cuts are made on its inner side. Be careful - only cut the cardboard from the inside and the layer of gypsum dough, the outer layer should remain intact. Then, along these cuts, the sheet is bent and installed on the frame.
  2. By wetting. A roller with spikes is passed along the inside of the sheet, which pierces the cardboard shell. Next, the sheet is moistened from the inside, waited for some time and, bending, placed on the workpiece, after which it is clamped with clamps. In this position, the leaf dries and takes on the desired shape.

After installing flat and bent sheets of plasterboard, it is necessary to putty the joints between them and the screw heads.

If necessary, the plasterboard structure can be completely puttied. The final stage– finishing of the figured ceiling with non-woven wallpaper or paint.

Video - How to make a figured ceiling from plasterboard

Stretch and combined figured ceilings

A combined figured ceiling is a ceiling that combines elements of plasterboard and polyvinyl chloride fabric. Alternatively, the top level is a stretched fabric a certain color or drawing, and the lower level and the transition between them are sheets of drywall finished with paint or wallpaper.

Regarding figured ceilings exclusively tension structure, then there are several types of them.

This shape is achieved by using aluminum baguettes of complex shape. To do this, it has cuts at the bend points, like a profile for plasterboard suspended structures.

Then bent baguette installed and secured to surfaces using screws and dowels. If necessary, hangers similar to those for the ceiling profile are used. The wavy shape of the canvas is given by a curved frame, which serves as a kind of support.

The process of installing a suspended figured ceiling occurs as follows.

Step 1. Cut the aluminum baguette with reverse side and give it the desired shape.

Step 2. In accordance with the plan, install the baguette to the walls or ceiling.

Step 3. Heat the polyvinyl chloride fabric and the entire room with a heat gun until high temperature(70 degrees for the room, about 40 degrees for the canvas).

Step 4. Stretch the fabric and secure it at the corners.

Step 5. Using a spatula, roll up the canvas and secure it around the entire perimeter of the baguette.

Prices for suspended ceilings

stretch ceiling

A two-level stretch ceiling with lighting is decorative design made of metal and plastic profiles, mounted on the main ceiling to hide unevenness and laid communications. you can find step by step instructions for installing such a ceiling.

It should be taken into account that figured stretch ceilings of very complex shapes take up a little more space than combined options or plasterboard structures. In this regard, they are better suited for large areas such as swimming pools, cinema halls, restaurants and the like.

There is another way to give the ceiling a “figurative” look, but it is rarely used. This is complemented by suspended structures from plasterboard.

Now, having studied this article, you know more about figured ceilings, the varieties of their shapes and designs. With the help of new knowledge, design services and experienced specialists you have every chance to turn your dreams of an unusual and complex ceiling into reality.

Video - Multi-level ceilings made of plasterboard and stretch ceiling in a house in the village

There is a mistaken opinion that the construction of complex intricate structures from plasterboard slabs will require special professional skills: first of all, this applies to multi-tiered ceilings equipped with original lighting. Indeed, a minimal understanding of working with this material is necessary, but, as we know, there are no unsolvable problems. If the entire sequence of operations is carried out accurately and accurately, a figured plasterboard ceiling can be built by the most ordinary person.

List of tools

To build a figured plasterboard ceiling, you will need to stock up with approximately the same tools as for simple installation. Before starting work you must have:

  • tape measure and pencil;
  • perforator;
  • hacksaw and metal scissors;
  • construction cord for beating circles;
  • screwdriver

In addition, the required number of plasterboard sheets is purchased, as well as the necessary profiles and fastening material.

Preparatory activities

To make a figured plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, you will need a sketch or design drawing: this will help you accurately plan all subsequent actions. When drawing up a drawing, it is important to indicate the dimensions, outlines, location of each level, as well as the transition points from one tier to another. Next, you need to prepare the walls and ceiling for marking: to do this, remove all weak and fallen finishing from their surface, as well as obstacles in the form of driven nails, protruding dowels and chandeliers. It is recommended to prime the cleaned base, which will give it the proper strength and make applying markings more convenient.

Installation work

Frame construction

Upon completion of marking, assembly is carried out frame structure under plasterboard sheets. As you know, the frame includes certain fastening elements - a metal profile, vertical posts and a lower part. In this case, the profile is securely fixed to the base of the ceiling, vertical posts are inserted into it, and the lower part is attached to them with self-tapping screws. As a rule, large-area compositions of plasterboard figured ceilings include not one load-bearing frame, but several. Each of them is responsible for fixing a certain tier of the structure, starting from the bottom: number load-bearing frames corresponds to the number of such levels.

To attach each subsequent tier you will need a rigid coupling with load-bearing elements top level, and, if possible, with ceiling slab. The complexity of this design is explained by the significant load it places on the base of the ceiling.

Along the curly lines on the ceiling, a curved profile base will have to be constructed, for which the profiles are cut in many places: usually such cuts are made with a frequency of 5 cm along the outer and lateral bending lines. Having thus obtained the necessary bends on the parts, you can begin attaching them to the ceiling, together with the rest frame elements. For those who do not know how to bend a drywall profile, the use of ready-made parts called “flexible profile” will help at this stage of frame construction. They can be bent in any direction to the required limits, without losing the required rigidity. The assembly subsequently repeats the main stages of constructing a frame for a conventional plasterboard ceiling, with the fixing of hangers and profiles on the walls and ceiling.

Upon completion of this procedure, the first level can be covered with gypsum board slabs. In those areas where there is an overlap of the lower tier with the upper one, it is not necessary to use plasterboard filing; the main thing is to add 10-15 cm to the side sections. When attaching parts of the lower frame, you will have to use through fixation through the already fixed plasterboard: at the points of attachment of the second level to the first, self-tapping screws screwed directly into the elements of the lower tier. For this reason, they try to equip such areas with embedded profiles in advance, even during the construction of the first level.

Bend drywall

To obtain rounded or curved elements of a plasterboard ceiling, they are bent along a certain radius. The main thing is that the tensile strength of the gypsum board is not exceeded, otherwise it will begin to break. The first method of bending plasterboard sheets is to simply pull them towards metal frame: You won’t be able to get a fairly steep arc this way, but smooth and gentle bends are created quite easily. For this operation, drywall with a reduced thickness of 9 or 6 mm is taken. The main thing in this case is to act slowly, performing each action carefully and accurately. If you need to obtain a steeper curly shape, this can be done with the help of such simple devices as water and an awl. Cut out plasterboard element the right size moisten with water, first equipping the bend with many punctures, using an awl for this.

It is very important that the holes have a depth of no more than half the thickness of the sheet, so when working, the awl is often equipped with a special limiter made of an eraser or a wine cork.

Instead of an awl, you can also use a needle roller or a knife with a thin sharp blade. Drywall should be wetted quite generously, but through-soaking with water should be avoided.

It is useful to pre-train on unnecessary pruning in order to understand approximately how much water and time is needed to achieve the desired result. The part soaked in water is bent with the wetted area inward until the desired radius is obtained. This procedure can be performed either below or directly at the installation site.

For the manufacture of very complex bends and compositions, it will be more convenient to use the “compositing” method. To do this, many small fragments are cut from a single element, which are attached one by one to the frame: uneven transitions and joints can be smoothed out using subsequent finishing with putty. Another way to bend a plasterboard strip is to apply inner side perpendicular cuts, 2/3 of the sheet thickness. Their number is dictated by the required configuration of the element. Hand saw in this case it will not work, since with its help it is quite difficult to maintain the required cutting depth. The best way to do this is to use circular saw, where this indicator is set at the beginning of the operation. In the future, when attaching such a sheet, it is important to be very careful because of its increased fragility. External seams are subsequently sealed with putty.

Final works

Studying the question of how to make a figured ceiling from plasterboard, the conclusion arises that the greatest difficulty lies in the correct bending of plasterboard elements. If this stage is passed, the entire subsequent assembly will not be difficult: each element must be installed on its own section of the frame. As a rule, professionals go through the complete construction of the entire frame, including all its levels and figures, and only then sheathe the resulting structure with gypsum board. However, it will be easier for a beginner to act sequentially, building level after level.

When installing plasterboard slabs on an installed frame, it is better to enlist the support of an assistant: this is especially true for the first tier, where solid sheets of 250x120 cm are usually hemmed. When installing the slab on the CD profile, you need to make sure that there is room left for the next element (it is best to install each of the sheets on half the profile width). Plasterboard elements of the second level usually have significantly smaller dimensions, however, due to the complexity of the forms, the help of a partner during their installation will also not hurt.

Drywall is rightfully considered one of the most interesting building materials for ceiling installation. Thanks to its use, you can create unusual multi-level or figured ceilings indoors. Drywall differs favorably from other materials for ceiling finishing in that even the most complex shapes can be made independently.

Preparation for installation

The preparatory stage is of great importance:

  1. It is necessary to first prepare a drawing of the future figured ceiling.
  2. Calculate the number of building materials required for installation: metal guides, both “L” and “U” shaped; plasterboard sheets; fasteners and built-in lighting fixtures.
  3. Clean the ceiling before installation: remove previous finishing materials from the ceiling and walls, level and prime the walls.

Construction materials and tools

In order to install figured plasterboard ceilings with your own hands, you need the following building materials and tools:

  • building level, C and U-shaped profiles, U-shaped suspension;
  • drill or hammer drill; dowels with a diameter of 6 mm and screws of 4 mm;
  • sheets of drywall, tape measure, pencil, needle roller, sponge;
  • hacksaw, a tool for cutting drywall sheets.

When preparing to install figured ceilings, you need to think through the contours different levels in order to know exactly how and at what angle to bend a metal profile and a sheet of drywall.

Note! On construction markets sheets of plasterboard with a thickness of 12.5 are presented; 9.5 and 6 mm. The first option is used for the initial ceiling level, which does not require bends. The second and third options bend, respectively, in the range from 180 to 130 degrees, and from 180 and less. When using 6 mm thick plasterboard, it is recommended to use 2 sheets so that one overlaps the seams of the other.

Bending metal profiles and plasterboard sheets

To obtain the required bend of a metal profile, you need to carefully make cuts in the side walls of the profiles in several places and apply a certain force in order to obtain the desired bend angle. Sometimes it takes several cuts to get the angle you want. Their number depends on the profile used and the required purposes.

When attaching a bent profile to a regular one, care must be taken to ensure that the edges of the bent profile fit tightly to the regular profile. To do this, you need to cut off the edges of the profile under the right angle.

Drywall can be folded in two ways:

Bend sheets of drywall of small thickness - 6 or 9.5 mm. You need to bend the finished part, cut out according to the drawing, slowly, carefully so as not to break the sheet of building material. You can make shallow cuts. Often this bending causes cracking of the drywall surface. It can be easily removed with a primer.

Bend the prepared part of the drywall using water. The drywall is carefully pierced with a needle roller. Next, using a damp sponge or roller, the building material is saturated with water. Thanks to the holes made with a needle roller, the drywall is evenly saturated with water. After which the building material bends much easier and without possible deformations. The main thing is to fix the sheet of drywall at the desired angle until it dries completely.

How to install figured ceilings

Along the entire perimeter of the walls at a distance of 1-2 cm from the lowest point of the ceiling using building level and a pencil mark the places for future fastenings of the C-shaped profile. Metal profiles are installed at the designated places, into which it is necessary to insert other “U”-shaped profiles. Suspensions are attached to pre-marked places at a distance of at least 50-60 cm from each other.

The sheathing is prepared from C-shaped profiles. With the help of hangers, the level of the figured ceiling is lowered, and they are attached to bent profiles. Using fasteners, the prepared frame of the figured ceiling is sheathed with prepared parts made of plasterboard.

After installation work Plasterboard joints are puttyed, general priming of the prepared plasterboard ceiling and final finishing is carried out.

The possibilities offered by using drywall are truly endless. Thanks to this finishing material, it became possible not only to level the surface of the ceiling and walls, but also to create original and exclusive multi-level ceiling structures. Creating fantasy relief patterns is the art of realizing design ideas and is accessible to everyone.

The versatility of a figured ceiling is undeniable. The simplicity, elegance and practicality of figured ceilings make it possible to hide the curvature of the base ceiling and engineering Communication, visually enlarge and zone the room, adjust the degree of lighting.

Curly ceilings fit perfectly into an interior designed in any style - from classic to high-tech.

The Empire style requires clear and strict lines, rounded and smooth shapes. It is better to decorate the corners with a simple finish on the wall. From the color scheme, give preference to pastel shades.

Baroque chic will help convey curved shapes and an abundance of details. For inspiration, look at the photos of the decoration of the palace halls.

A classic interior most harmoniously emphasizes the beauty and sophistication of the lines of a figured ceiling. Having chosen this style, adhere to symmetry, laconicism, rigor and discreet luxury when creating a ceiling. Use minimal lighting, emphasizing only the general shapes of the levels, but allows you to include an elegant chandelier in the ceiling design.

The asymmetrical arrangement of figures and levels on the ceiling will emphasize the advantages of the interior in a minimalist style. Strictness geometric shapes and as few decorative elements as possible. The backlight will smooth out excessive severity, giving the lines velvety and softness.

As you can see, a figured ceiling can highlight the advantages of any style in the interior, and the use of suitable combinations of color and shape, playing with light will allow the rooms to always look different!

Unique figured ceilings: design project

Thanks to modern technologies it became possible not only to reduce repair time, but also to make the most daring design ideas. The creation of figured plasterboard ceilings also plays an important role in this. Fantasy ceiling designs emphasize the dignity of the room and look beautiful.

Before proceeding with the installation of a figured ceiling, a careful development of a ceiling design is required, preferably in 3D format, taking into account all the features of the room. If computer programs are not available to you - just create a sketch on paper.

Design - the project will help you draw a drawing, mark all transitions from level to level, places to attach figures and lamps, and also not make mistakes when calculating required quantity material. You can develop a sketch yourself or turn to specialists for help.

Figure options

Don't try to overload the ceiling decorative elements and an abundance of lines. It is better to use various figures that only your imagination, sense of proportion and general interior design suggest.

Experts note the popularity of:

  • Geometric shapes;
  • Various waves;
  • Plant themes;
  • Clouds and stars;
  • Butterflies.

An effective finishing touch to ceiling structure The correct choice of colors and placement of spotlights and chandeliers will help.

We install figured plasterboard ceilings with our own hands

Individuality and originality of room design today is gradually coming to the fore. Due to the abundance of assortment on the market finishing materials You can easily make a figured ceiling from gypsum plasterboard yourself or invite a specialist.

Before you start installing a figured ceiling with your own hands, experts recommend looking at photos of already implemented ideas and video tutorials on installing multi-level plasterboard structures.

It is necessary that both before and during the work you have a picture before your eyes - a sketch of the future ceiling. Options for beautiful plasterboard ceilings presented in the material: .

Tools and materials

A clear understanding of the shape of the figures will help you in purchasing necessary materials. It's better to buy with a reserve.

To work you will need:

  • Drywall;
  • Ceiling and wall profiles;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Profile extensions;
  • Connectors;
  • Anchor - wedges;
  • Suspensions;
  • Dowel - nails;
  • Level;
  • Rule;
  • Hammer;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Construction knife.

Step by step installation

When everything is ready, study the sketch and drawing again.

Let's begin the painstaking but surprisingly creative process:

  1. According to the drawing, we apply markings to the ceiling. We determine the height of the first, then apply restrictions on the second levels;
  2. We install the frame - the basis of the first level;
  3. We fix the hangers according to the markings;
  4. Using self-tapping screws, we attach the profile to the hangers:
  5. We cover the first level with plasterboard, depending on the design of the second;
  6. Prepare a base profile where there will be curves and bends;
  7. Cut the base profile every half meter and begin to bend it carefully;
  8. Depending on the complexity of the drawing, repeat the magical actions with the profile again.

When installing a figured ceiling, pay attention yourself Special attention rigidity of the ceiling structure. The more rigidly you secure the frame and ensure that the plasterboard sheets adhere tightly to the profile, the longer the ceiling will last.

As you can see, patience, creativity and hard work will help you save your budget and decorate your room with a luxurious, exclusive ceiling.

We create figures from plasterboard on the ceiling: how to bend sheets correctly

When creating a volumetric figured ceiling yourself, you will certainly be faced with the need to bend plasterboard sheet. How to do this correctly?

When creating shapes and figures, it is necessary to take into account the strength of plasterboard.

If a slight bend is envisaged, then you can cut out the strip and attach it to the frame, without sharp pressure, fixing it with self-tapping screws. In other cases, it is better to use other methods of creating shapes and figures.

When you do more complex shapes– do not bend dry sheets! Before bending the gypsum board along the required radius, arm yourself with a needle roller and water.

When bending sheets, follow the following procedure:

  • Using a roller or awl, apply an unlimited number of holes to the inside of the part, approximately half the thickness;
  • Moisten the pierced side so that it is well wet, but not completely wet;
  • With the wetted side, bend the part inward to the desired radius.

For complex curves and compositions, a different method is used. It is usually called “typing”.

How to make figured ceilings from plasterboard (video)

Its essence is to cut a plasterboard sheet into several small pieces and attach them one by one to the frame. Unevenness can then be hidden using putty.

Anyone can make a figured ceiling from plasterboard. You just need to show accuracy and precision, patience and imagination. Take your time - creating a masterpiece does not tolerate fuss.

Options for a figured plasterboard ceiling (photo)

To make a multi-level suspended ceiling plasterboard requires a solid practical experience And professional training. Even the simplest change in the usual parameters of a room will require accurate calculations and the ability to use modern building materials and tools. The slightest miscalculation can lead to irreparable errors that will immediately affect the ceiling structure. An incorrectly attached profile can ultimately lead to the need to completely redesign the structure.

So that your idea can come to life, invite a real master of his craft who has good recommendations and able to show examples of their work.

When planning to give your house an unusual look, you need to think in advance how you want to change it and be sure to calculate your financial opportunities, because the more complex the structure, the more expensive it is. The work of highly qualified professionals always costs a lot, and only very good specialists can make a figured ceiling.

Creating a ceiling pattern from plasterboard

If you want to give your home a unique and inimitable look, you can make a ceiling of unusual shapes that will always amaze your guests with its beauty. When starting to develop a drawing, be sure to take into account the size of the room, its configuration and height, so that the figured ceiling fits organically into the interior. The specialist must take into account the number of windows, the orientation of the apartment to the cardinal directions and how shadows during lighting will affect the overall mood in the room. The correctly chosen ceiling shape will help emphasize the beauty of the set and make the overall ensemble sophisticated and unique.

When choosing a pattern, you need to think about the owners of the room and the purpose of the room. Suitable for children's bright colors, the presence of a variety of fairy-tale characters and funny animals. This will help create a wonderful environment for your growing child. The hall should look rich and at the same time airy without overwhelming those present with its grandeur. Your guests should enjoy their stay here. They will look organic in the bedroom, pastel shades and smooth bends will help relieve tension after working day and enjoy your vacation.

Curved ceilings in small rooms, kitchens, bathrooms and toilets are generally inappropriate as they take up space, making the room look small.

Patterns on multi-level structures

Complex patterns involve the creation of multi-level structures. Currently, there are a huge number of options for such ceilings that look great in a well-designed interior. Each designer sees the implementation of the project in his own way and can offer original idea, the implementation of which will make your home immaculately elegant and beautiful. Let's look at several types of existing figured ceilings.

Creating unusual designs using light

Properly positioned luminaires can not only provide quality lighting, but will help give the apartment a brighter and more festive look. By distributing the lighting evenly, you can use it to highlight relaxation and work areas.
Hanging lamps along the border suspended ceiling you can create light curtains, and by highlighting a specific place with a set, you can enhance the emphasis of the perception of the original design or unusual set. They look very original in the interior of the apartment LED bulbs and tapes that can not only change the intensity of the glow, but also color scheme, which allows you to adapt to a certain mood.

Housings made of chrome, brass or aluminum pendant lamps can serve additional element decorating the room and looking great even with the lights off.

Curved plasterboard ceilings

Using gypsum boards, a designer can bring to life the most daring and unusual project. Thanks to its plasticity, it is possible to make from this material both simple single-level and smooth ceilings, and complex structures reminiscent of unusual animals, insects or flowers. Ceilings decorated with various colors look good in an apartment. geometric shapes the main thing in the manufacture of multi-level complex structures maintain the proportions and relationship between the size of the room and the pattern on the ceiling.

Design selection

It is necessary that the pattern on the ceiling looks organically with the chosen style of furnishings and does not fall out of the general mood of the house. Pretentiousness, not confirmed by the general idea, will look alien and instead of a beautiful background it will become flashy and clumsy. When choosing the shape of a complex flow of plasterboard slabs, you should seek help from a designer with extensive experience; he will help you choose a structure that ideally suits your setting and will help turn your house into a fairy-tale castle.


The work is divided into three main stages, each of which is important and necessary.

How to bend sheets correctly

In order for the bend to be of high quality, you must first make a frame from a profile to which you can attach a sheet of drywall with self-tapping screws and thus give it the desired bend. If you have to make complex figures from plasterboard, take care to buy thin sheets materials that are more elastic and pliable to give them different shapes. Pull the sheet towards metal profile it is necessary to apply it very evenly without unnecessary tension.

A sheet cracked at a bend can be easily restored by widening the crack and filling the area with putty; after hardening and sanding, the surface will become uniform.

Creating figures on the ceiling

All work should begin with the preparation of a detailed drawing. Then the structural elements are transferred to the ceiling in the form of a frame. First, the first level is made and only after that you can create various shapes on the finished surface. A figured ceiling certainly looks elegant and beautiful, but you should remember that such a decoration takes a long time to make and requires serious investment, so you need to carefully evaluate your capabilities.

Curly ceilings have long been part of our lives and serve as decoration for homes and offices. If you have the opportunity, then such a design will certainly complement original interior your home, making it spectacular and unique. The beauty of this method is that, using a regular set of shapes, you can combine them in such a way that the end result turns out to be original and unique.

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