I want to be a politician. How to get into power? Social elevators without embellishment. How to make a career in United Russia

The decision to go into politics comes to people for various reasons: someone strives to make the world a better place, to create for the people Better conditions residence, make laws that truly work for people, and finally defeat corruption.

A number of people dream of taking a high position in politics more for themselves, their enrichment, fame, new opportunities for developing their business and total control.

In any case, the reasons for these people are different, but a difficult path awaits them all, because becoming a famous politician is not so easy!

In any case, to achieve success in this area, the main rule is a great desire to go towards your goal despite any circumstances, to truly love this area. So, how can you overcome the thorny path and become one of the deputies?

This person must have such qualities as determination, dedication, dedication to his work, he must be socially active, he likes to always be in the center of attention.

What does it take to become a politician?

  • To become a politician, you need to go through a hard and long path - this includes getting an education, social activity, joining the circles of rich and influential people. In Russia, before becoming a politician, almost everyone goes through these stages of formation:
  • To get higher education. Applicants with legal, economic, or business education have more chances. An educated person, perhaps with scientific degrees, will inspire more confidence among this “higher caste”.
  • Active public life, volunteer work. To make a rating, public support is needed. They trust more people who are ready to work without selfish goals, for the benefit of people, in order to truly be useful and make the world a better place.
  • You need to become famous political party. This step is advisable for those who really want to get involved in politics seriously. After all, this is where you can meet people with similar aspirations and gain trust and respect among them. Such activities will help you achieve your cherished goal much faster.
  • To gain experience, take part in someone else's election campaign. This is where you can gain valuable experience that will definitely come in handy in the future, see possible mistakes and choose best strategy for his election campaign.
  • It is necessary to take care of free time for politics and a stable income. Since the path to politics is not a matter of one year, but possibly ten years, then to achieve this goal the candidate must have two valuable resources - money and free time. Agree, it is difficult to combine the work of a full-time employee with an 8-hour working day and political activity. You definitely need to make time for attending meetings, volunteering, and other activities. The best option- your own, albeit small, business that can operate without your constant presence.
  • There is no way to get by in politics without big idea. All successful people of this circle are passionate about some idea, goal and are constantly moving towards it. It is this that must constantly feed you from within, help you find the strength to fight on and win. This idea should be so strong that the society around you is infected with it.

How to become a politician in Russia

Activity in your city, your region. People should know you as a responsible person who actively takes part in city life and helps solve pressing problems. After all, the path to big politics often begins with such small steps. The main thing is to be persistent, act constantly and soon become a person recognizable to the public, a well-known activist.

Start from the bottom - in Russia, a novice politician can go to the local village council, city council, or become a member of the administration. You may not dream of getting a high position right away - remember, this path is long.

When it's time to run for office, the main thing here is to have a good amount of money. This is what will ensure a successful election campaign, payment to campaigners and other expenses. Of course, other people can pay for this, but first you should count on yourself.

Election campaign. Its careful development will help to get votes and take a good position in the elections.

If you win the elections, all that remains is to congratulate you! Here you need to work on your image, develop as a person, and find reliable like-minded people.

But even in the event of the first defeat, you should not give up - everything is still ahead, your career is just beginning. You shouldn’t retreat after defeat, continue to actively help society again, gain people’s respect and establish yourself as a person who really wants to help people.

Many people are interested in politics, and there are even those who would like to connect their lives with political activity. But how realistic is it to make this a reality? Do you have the qualities that will help you build a political career? What difficulties will you face? Let's talk about this and much more right now. Stay with us!

About politics

Over the past 20-30 years in political life Russia has undergone noticeable changes. Reforms were carried out, as a result of which politics became one of the most popular areas of activity. Parties began to be created en masse, and many people began to think about how to become a politician. Moreover, the requirements for those wishing to engage in such activities have changed significantly.

It is worth saying that many famous politicians began their rise to the top by participating in ordinary party and youth associations. Gradually they reached new level and grew to become major political figures. It is interesting that some came into politics without experience, simply sharing the views of one party or another. But this trend is more characteristic of our time.

What to consider?

Often people are driven by the desire to simply protect their interests, the interests of their profession, their property. And, of course, in this case it is necessary to be closer to power. In particular, you need to be present in those government bodies that develop and adopt legislative acts in the area of ​​interest to a person.

Exactly political activity is the simplest form of policy implementation. And political struggle is suitable as a way to defend one’s own interests (that is, the interests of the party). Every politician belongs to a certain party, so this statement is quite fair.

There are many directions in the political sphere, and what you choose will determine the strategy that you will need to follow in the future. Today, the most common are conservatism, liberalism, democracy, extremism, socialism, and political clericalism. So, if you want to start your political career by becoming, for example, an assistant to a deputy, then choose the path by identifying yourself with one of the above political directions.

You can always start a career as a politician by working in the authorities local government. Gradually moving up the career ladder, you will be able to become a member of any party and work according to its charter. Only then can you advance to the district and republican dumas.

Be sure to select the audience you plan to work with - these are their goals and interests you will protect. It is important to interest people and offer them solutions that will help make their lives better. And it’s good if you have supporters who share your interests.

We also need to start looking for sponsors. It’s good if there are people willing to allocate funds to develop the activities of your political party.

If you are running in an election, be sure to research all of your opponents. By the way, it often turns out that it is their support that subsequently acquires particular importance.

Also note that the electorate may make a choice based on the candidacy specific person, and not on the party program. So, a politician should always work on his appearance, look neat and presentable - this is not even discussed.

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention the character that a successful politician must have. You must be sociable and easily win people over. In addition, you will need stress resistance, perseverance, and self-discipline.

We wish you good luck in building a political career!


To such important profession As a politician, a member of the country's leadership, you should prepare yourself at a young age. If you didn’t like to read, skipped lectures at university, and now, as a result, have a poor understanding of history, literature, political science, etc., then it will be more difficult for you. Improve yourself, for example, read biographies of famous politicians, books about the psychology of communication, and about body movements. If you are a bright and strong-willed person, then you will undoubtedly achieve your goals.

The sooner you set yourself the mindset to become a professional, the more likely your chances become. In the administration and in the State Duma of any city there are youth public organizations, take an interest in this, and if possible, join them. Do things that are useful for the population, help disabled people and veterans. Build your authority, collaborate with the media, give interviews, in general, be visible.

No one will hand you a good job on a silver platter. The area you want to enter contains many competitors. The easiest way to find yourself in a movement or party is with the help of connections; ask your relatives and friends if they can help you with anything.

Actively monitor opening vacancies or Duma. Elections are held once every 4 years, try to participate in them. You can try to get a job as an assistant to a deputy, it’s not so difficult if you have higher education, knowledge foreign language and self-confidence.

It will be much easier to get into politics if you are already established in your profession, for example, you are a well-known doctor, musician or actor in the city. Maybe you are a successful businessman and leader. Define your position, let's interview you about what you dream of changing in your country, what you want to improve. People's trust, popularity and competent PR will help you in your endeavors.

When analyzing the political situation, knowledge from courses in geography, international macroeconomics, psychology, history, jurisprudence and other sciences will be useful. This is due to the fact that a specific event on the world stage or within a country must be compared with something, taking into account the context. Then you can make objective judgments and make predictions.


Since politics is closely related to economics and finance, understand the meaning of basic economic terms. The country's balance of payments, how foreign exchange reserves change over the period under review. These documents indicate the sources of foreign currency and how it is used. The exchange rate shows one currency in units of another. Exchange rate fluctuations are influenced by: inflation relative to other countries, demand for foreign currency for foreign trade, for investment in other countries, for creating emergency reserves.

Master the methodology of country analysis - this will help you make predictions about the future of a particular country. First, analyze historical indicators: balance of payments, exchange rates, GNP, inflation, employment, interest rates, income distribution, population growth, education, etc. Define the country's strategic goals in financial matters. Study the context: country size, geography, type, leaders, stability and corruption, business, Agriculture; the role of family, culture, state, individualism; trading advantages and competitiveness in the international arena. Based on the information collected, make a forecast for the future. Compile a scenario analysis - several forecast options in case of changes in certain indicators.

Understand the terms of political strategy. The main goal of politicians at this level is to manage relations with external structures, which also compete with each other. This is due to missed opportunities and numerous threats. When analyzing a specific political situation, make a list of potentially affected parties. For each of them, write down all the benefits and types of damage caused by the action of one of the participants. Also define the rights and responsibilities of each party in terms of international law or internal laws. Determine the relative strength of each player and identify the few that matter most. Assess the consequences of their actions in the short and long term. Make possible action plans for each participant under any of the alternative scenarios. Formulate a judgment about your assessment of the situation.

Russia. Numerous reforms in this area have led to the fact that the profession of politics has become one of the most popular. Many parties of different orientations were created. Naturally, many people thought about how to become a politician. The requirements for people in this profession have changed.

Careers of many famous personalities in this area began with participation in some youth or party organizations of past times. This applies to older people. This is one of the ways to become a politician.

Some, mostly the younger generation, entered the field with no previous experience. They simply share the ideas of a certain political party and strive to implement them.

Sometimes the desire to lobby brings one into politics own businesses, professions. In this case, it is simply necessary to be in power, to be present in those government bodies that are involved in the adoption and development of legislative acts at any level.

It should be noted that several answer options can be offered to the question of how to become a politician.

The form of implementation of politics is One of its types has become political struggle as a way of defending the interests of one’s party.

Every politician is a supporter of one or another party or ways of developing the country.

There are a lot of directions in this area, and your choice depends on what strategy you will follow in your activities. Among the main directions of political thought there are democracy, conservatism, liberalism, socialism, extremism and political clericalism.

Therefore, before, for example, becoming (which also has direct relation to politics), you need to choose a path for yourself that will correspond to your principles.

You can start your political career by working in. Then, moving up the career ladder, you need to become a supporter of a certain political party and act in accordance with its charter. Next you need to go to more high level, advancing to the republican or district dumas.

Before becoming a politician and enthusiastically plunging into this work, you need to choose target audience, whose interests you will defend. The political struggle can only be won by engaging the masses and showing your willingness and determination to make their lives better. Well, if you are able to implement these projects, then you are guaranteed a good political career.

It is also important to find supporters who will share your interests.

If this path is completed successfully, then perhaps there will be people willing to allocate funds for political campaigns in exchange for lobbying their interests. Otherwise, the elections of deputies, in which you will definitely participate, will have to be paid for yourself.

Before the election race, you need to carefully study your associates and opponents. Perhaps some contacts with them or their support will be useful to you.

Very often the electorate chooses not a specific program, but a person. Therefore, it would not be out of place for a politician to have a presentable appearance that inspires confidence and stability.

The character qualities of the future candidate should also be mentioned here. People are interested in the politician's marital status, his education and even his nationality. Positive characteristic gives you more chances to win elections. Voters prefer candidates with a simple pedigree (people who come from the people), who have gone through a difficult path and achieved everything themselves. In addition, preference is given to family people.

To become a good politician, you must be able to win people over. Therefore, it is necessary to explain in simple words accessible to everyone.

AND last tip: Do not advertise your income if it exceeds the average.

Pro-government structures in Russia say that social political lifts have begun to work in the country, but political scientists are cautious and even skeptical about such statements. "New Region" interviewed experts and found out how modern Russia you can get into the political elite - if not the federal, then at least the regional.

The topic of developing social elevators in Russia was raised by officials at the highest echelons of power in May of this year, when President Vladimir Putin signed a decree appointing Igor Kholmanskikh, a former head of a factory workshop, as plenipotentiary representative for the Urals Federal District. Then the head of the presidential administration, Sergei Ivanov, commented on the event, saying that this was the most eloquent example of the work of social elevators. “The appointment of Igor Rurikovich to this position is one example of the fact that social elevators are starting to work. I am a supporter of attracting and not being afraid to appoint people to responsible positions,” he noted.

Some experts are convinced that the appointment of the Kholmanskys will give rise to the formation of a mechanism that will allow people who have proven themselves to be different areas, participate in municipal and state politics. However, they have opponents who are skeptical about such assumptions, as well as about the very fact of the existence of social elevators in Russia in the classical sense of the term. “As for real social elevators in Russia, when there are some smart, talented and honest people, this is all absurd. The social elevator exists only as a figure of speech, to which some people are drawn by the ears specific examples"trip from 1st to 25th floor." An example could be the same appointment of the Kholmanskys,” political scientist Alexey Shweigert explained to New Region. – In fact, the same presidential personnel reserve, which was planned as a way to support talented and young officials and politicians, is not working. In our country, an imitation of a political erection is taking shape and, I think, it will flourish for a long time. So to say that the social elevator works in our country means lying to yourself. It works only for a select few, between representatives of elite or bureaucratic structures, but not according to the “man of the people – federal-level politician” type.

Along the way with the party in power

Meanwhile, there have not yet been such dizzying rises as in the case of the ex-factory worker Kholmansky, but experts say that there are other ways to get into “big politics.” Among the first is joining the ranks of the party in power, which, in general, is not some new method of “getting into politics.” Even during the USSR, membership in the Komsomol, and then in the CPSU, guaranteed advancement. IN modern realities Only the name of the party changed, but the essence of the method remained the same. “Our system of political growth is very bureaucratic and follows long-established schemes,” political scientist Anatoly Gagarin explained to New Region. – Firstly, of course, you can join the United Russia party and move higher and higher there. But there are several ways here too. You can be a party functionary, a person who has his own ideas, who actually acts and gradually enters the political elite. Or you can have large business assets, or be an official.”

By the way, you don’t have to look far for examples. As a New Region correspondent notes, there are more than enough businessmen, for example, in the Sverdlovsk regional legislative body. Thus, many members of the former House of Representatives, which included large entrepreneurs, entered the united parliament. Very influential businessmen Valery Savelyev and Igor Kovpak became deputies, and the ex-director of a large gas enterprise Denis Pasler from the deputy seat moved even higher - to the post of chairman of the government Sverdlovsk region.

Young green

As mentioned above, the second way to get into politics is through youth organizations under parties or youth parliaments and governments. However, experts note that such young functionaries most often turn out to be “caliphs for an hour.” “Often young people in goes to politics purely because of their ambitions, which have nothing behind them. Very rarely do young people make it to the level of politicians who are truly significant in the life of a region or country,” explained Anatoly Gagarin.

One way or another, one example of a “youth elevator” is the entry into regional politics of Alexey Korobeinikov, who began his career as a car mechanic, but after graduating from university in 2005, he joined the “Young Guard of United Russia”, after which he received his own party card. By December 2008, the 30-year-old functionary had achieved the post of head of the regional branch of MGER, hoping to get into the regional Duma on the party lists. Korobeinikov’s dreams came true last year: in 2011, he became a deputy of the ZSSO.

Also, some experts believe that, if not the elevator, then the way to enter politics is the presence of advantageous family or simply friendly connections. So, for example, today in the parliament of the Sverdlovsk region there are two Kovpak deputies at once: father Igor and son Lev. The first was a member of the House of Representatives for a long time, the second was a deputy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma. But no one doubts that Kovpak Jr.’s entry into the business and political elite was facilitated by his father’s position.

Cultural and sports way

In general, many parliaments have unspoken quotas for youth and athletes, analysts say. By giving mandates to famous athletes or representatives of youth groups of parties, politicians strive to prove to society that the interests of many segments of the population are reflected in the legislative power. By the way, in the same Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly there are representatives from sports - this is a multiple winner Olympic Games, titled athlete Sergei Chepikov, who was elected to parliament from United Russia.

In addition, the same United Russia plans to nominate the artistic director of the Buranovskie Babushki show group Olga Tuktareva to the top three in the October elections of deputies of the State Council of Udmurtia. “This will be a party decision, we are preparing candidates, I would like the three to be a peasant and an industrialist. Well, there needs to be a female version,” said the President of the Republic, Alexander Volkov.

On the wave of protest

Another way to enter the political system is through opposition and pseudo-opposition parties. “Those who were not included in the United Russia lists often come here.” Moreover, there is such a nuance that businessmen very often change their identities, move from one political force to another, depending on the interests of their business, or to maintain a mandate,” said Anatoly Gagarin. – That’s why in Russia it’s often politic system is decorative, it only covers up business structures.”

By the way, entering politics on the wave of opposition protests is not easy. At least it's not a conveyor belt method. “I have an internal expectation that political angels will appear in the regions, who will either independently or by attracting a certain circle of people to try to change the structure of regional politics. So far there are no obvious examples, but to some extent Leonid Volkov can be included in this category (approx. NR - Estonian State Duma deputy), noted Alexey Schweigert. – But, again, this is not a social elevator in the full sense of the word, because... they will have no real leverage over the political situation or public opinion in in a broad sense. This local stories that happen on the initiative of an individual, people like this cannot enter the power structure.”