Do-it-yourself decorative pond at the dacha. How to make a pond in the garden ⛲ and on a summer cottage with your own hands - photos of small ponds from a bathtub and a tire Landscaping a pond with your own hands

If there is free space at the dacha or suburban area You have the opportunity to create decorative water features that will be an ideal addition to the recreation area. For example, next to a pond it will be much more pleasant to read a book or wet your feet while relaxing after a hard day.

And considering that such a pond can also look different, you can show your imagination and design such a corner so that it is as comfortable as possible for the whole family.

We will push you to creative solutions– with your proposal to study pictures and photos of landscape ideas for a pond at your dacha with your own hands.

How to design an artificial pond at your dacha, photo

Choosing a location for a pond

If you decide to create a swimming pond in your country house with your own hands, first determine best place where you can dig it up.

When choosing an area for arranging such a water body, consider the following features:

  • It is better if the pond is located in an open area. If trees grow next to it, they will not only damage the landscape, but will also pollute the pond with their branches and leaves, and you will have to spend much more time cleaning;
  • try to choose an area where even after arranging the pond there will still be free space. It is likely that in the future you will want to expand the water feature and add new decorative elements, including massive ones;
  • You should not allocate a place for a pond that is in the open sun: in such conditions the pond will dry out, unwanted microorganisms will begin to develop in the water, and flowering will appear.

Ideally, the sun should illuminate the pond only half the day, that is, in the morning or evening. During lunch this area should be shaded. Determine the possibility of creating the necessary shade on the site right away: mark the pond in a suitable place - and take a closer look at how its brightness changes during the day.

Both the nearest building and tall vegetation can create a shadow for this area. Bushes and trees (especially those with a weeping crown) will decorate your pond and emphasize its natural design.

By the way, it is important to harmoniously fit the pond into the surrounding landscape, so this factor should also be taken into account when planning it.

Do-it-yourself pond in the country: landscape ideas, photo

If you decide to make a pond in low and wet places in your garden, you will be able to drain water from it through the drainage system. garden plot. And if such an area has flat surface, choose a place for the pond on the border of the garden, where bushes and trees are located, or next to the livestock (but then you will have to form a smooth transition of their perennial or ornamental herbal plants).

We do not recommend making an artificial pond at your dacha with your own hands in the middle of the lawn. If this is the only one suitable option, then visually separate the pond and lawn grass by planting vegetation with different parameters on the border, including low vegetation, so that you can observe the water through it.

Quite often, decorative ponds are created where a rock garden or alpine hill is formed. The stones located on these objects can be harmoniously combined with the decor of the water body itself. We also recommend not to neglect the uneven terrain: they can be used advantageously to create streams that will flow to the pond over the stones. And in the future it will be possible to install a bridge here, which will serve as another decoration.

Planning the shape and style

Before you make a pond at your dacha with your own hands, you should plan a couple more things. Find out right away which style is most preferable for you. Depending on the style, the shape may also change.

For example, for English design characteristic round shapes. For regular style will suit strict geometry.

Imitation of a pond at the dacha with your own hands, photo

And the closest to the natural, with its inherent irregularities and asymmetry, will be Japanese and Chinese design.

There are no clear requirements for choosing the design of a pond in the country. But it will be better if it looks natural.

Alternatively, you can combine several different forms, if you are creating a pond in a spacious area.

Decoration of a pond at the dacha, photo

Suitable materials

Forming a decorative pond at your dacha with your own hands begins with digging a pit. But to do this, you need to know exactly how such a water body will be created.

Most often, two methods are used:

  • for a pond, you can use ready-made molds on a polyvinyl chloride or fiberglass base. No less popular are plastic ponds for summer cottages, as well as ponds made of polypropylene. Choose forms based not only on cost, but also on their quality characteristics, if you are interested in the pond being preserved for a long time;
  • the second method involves the use of PVC film or butyl rubber. The film has a ten-year service life, and butyl rubber can last up to fifty years.

Artificial pond at the dacha, photo

Each of these methods has its own advantages. So, if you use a ready-made mold, you will complete all the work faster, since after creating the pit it will be enough to securely fasten it inside. The second method allows you to independently choose the parameters of the pond and create natural shapes.

Advice: To be on the safe side, using the second method, you can make a concrete pond at your dacha with your own hands.

In addition to the materials that will form the shape of the pond, make sure to purchase everything necessary to maintain it in the required condition. At a minimum, you will need a pump for your garden pond. You can find the necessary accessories at specialized points of sale or purchase everything for a pond at your dacha in online stores.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a pond from film

Now let's get acquainted with the procedure on how to build a pond at the dacha with your own hands, using film or rubber. Traditionally, pond construction begins with digging a pit: for small ponds a shovel will be enough, but if you are planning to make a huge water feature, you will need an excavator.

Decorative pond at the dacha, photo

Make markings on the selected area using pegs. Then remove upper layer earth, remove terraces 0.3 meters deep and 0.2 meters wide - and begin digging the main bowl.

Attention! The slope of the bank should be forty-five degrees, and the depth of the pit should exceed sixty centimeters. Otherwise, your pond will freeze when frost sets in, and will also overheat in winter. summer period.

To provide reliable device pond in the country with film waterproofing, form a ditch about fifteen centimeters deep around the perimeter of the pond. This will allow the film to be securely attached.

After the pit is ready, level the bottom, get rid of stones and form a five-centimeter layer of clean, washed sand on its surface. Then cover it with geotextile fabric to protect the film from damage.

Now you can start laying the film or rubber itself. The parameters of this material are calculated taking into account the length of the pond and its double depth. Also take half a meter in reserve, since the film will have to be secured at the edges.

Lay out the sheet and secure the edges with bricks. Now the pond can be filled with water. Do not cut the edges, as the material will take the required shape within 24 hours. Only after this will it be possible to get rid of them, leaving a quarter of a meter under the blind area.

Decorative pond at the dacha with your own hands, photo

Choose the blind area itself, focusing on your own preferences. It could be stone, brick, decorative tiles and many other materials. They are fixed to a cement mortar. The width of such elements must be at least sixty centimeters.

Making a pond from a bathtub

It’s quite easy to make a pond at your dacha with your own hands from old bath, and we will look at how this can be done step by step. Work begins with the creation of a small pit. The parameters of the recess are calculated taking into account the size of the container for the pond at the dacha.

The hole should be filled river sand, and also make a cement screed so that it does not erode in the future groundwater. The sand layer should be about ten centimeters, and the cement layer should be about three to five. Seven days after the formation of these layers, make another one - from gravel. The height of such a layer should be about twenty to thirty centimeters.

Now you can safely lower the bath. After installation, use gravel to fill the openings on the sides (at least ten centimeters from the bath to the cut). Make sure that the edges of the container are not visible above the shore. Decorate the perimeter of the pond with flat pebbles or large stones.

Design of a pond at the dacha, photo

If you are making a pond with your own hands from a bathtub on a slope, then strengthen it on one side with a large stone, forming a full trench for one and a partial trench for the other, free side. Visually it will look like a rocky alpine hill.

How to create a mini pond

We have already noted that hand-made homemade pond at the dacha can have a wide variety of shapes and parameters. If you plan to build an artificial pond at your dacha exclusively in decorative purposes, then you can use small containers.

For example, you can make a mini-pond at your dacha from a basin. It installs similarly to a large bathtub, but is much more compact. An unnecessary trough, flower pots, and barrels are also suitable for these purposes.

They often make a mini-pond at their dacha out of tires. To make a tire pond with your own hands, you will have to think about how a reliable bottom will be created.

Do-it-yourself small pond at the dacha, photo

If you look at a photo gallery of ponds at your dacha, you will see that small ponds can go deeper or, conversely, rise above the boundaries of the hole. To decorate them, use large pebbles, gravel, multi-colored sand, bricks, and live plants.

The nuances of caring for a pond

How to care for a pond at your dacha? To maintain the attractive appearance of your homemade pond, you will have to carry out some procedures in a timely manner. First, it is important to create the necessary ecosystem, so choose the right aquatic plants. Secondly, in the summer, get rid of the weeds surrounding the pond, as well as algae in the water. For these purposes, use rakes, nets and other tools.

Do-it-yourself artificial pond at the dacha, photo

Attention! Cleaning a pond at your dacha can also be done using suitable chemicals, which, moreover, allow you to saturate the water with oxygen, so that they are absolutely harmless to its inhabitants.

If you notice that the pond is starting to dry out, replenish the water. With the onset of autumn, promptly remove leaves, branches and other debris from the water surface, otherwise they will settle on the bottom. Some varieties of plants that are used for decoration will have to be transplanted into containers, and thick and lush plants will have to be thinned out. By the way, with the end of the swimming season, you can use a special net to protect the pond from debris.

In the spring months, start trimming dried plant stems and cleaning the walls and bottom of the pond from any silt that has appeared. This task can be easily accomplished special equipment. In mid-spring, it will be possible to launch a fountain, if there is one at such a water body.

And, of course, do not forget about strengthening the banks of the pond at your dacha if you begin to observe significant changes. It is better to do this work by involving specialists.

If you carry out these procedures on time, you will not spend a lot of time and effort on maintaining appearance your pond.

Arrangement of a pond at the dacha, photo

Suitable vegetation

Many people are interested in what beautiful plants plant around the pond at the dacha. Not all varieties are adapted to wet conditions, so let's look at this stage of designing a pond at the dacha in more detail.

The banks of large ponds can be decorated with lush plants. What to plant by the pond? For example, varieties of swamp iris, willow loosestrife, coin loosestrife, as well as tall reeds and dharmer are suitable.

Plants that are perennial are also suitable for a pond at the dacha. These are gunnera, hosta, marsh iris, Rogersia, bergenia, astilbe. And among the pebbles, which are located as close as possible to the water body, you can grow sedums, tenacious or forget-me-nots.

Attention! It is better to plant plants near a pond in the country not in the soil, but in jute pockets or containers, so that in winter they can be moved to a safe place.

Now you know what to plant near a pond in your dacha and what plants are considered suitable. But it’s also worth thinking about the vegetation that will float on the water. Dwarf water lilies, aquatic varieties of hyacinth and buttercup, duckweed and many other varieties will suit you.

Design of a decorative pond at the dacha, photo

Other Pond Decorations

One of the options for how to decorate a pond at your dacha with your own hands involves arranging a fountain. This can be either a large fountain for a pond, placed in the center, or many small fountains in the country that will highlight the beauty of the water feature.

To create a pond with a fountain at your dacha with your own hands, you should purchase special equipment with sprinklers from a specialized store. They will require metal profile stands. Screw the body of the fountains to them, sand the legs (since they can ruin the film in the pond) - and place the structure in the right place in the middle of the water.

Decoration of an artificial pond at the dacha, photo

By the way, you can connect a hose to the fountain and let the water flow through decorative elements (for example, through jugs). So you can make a pond in your country house with a waterfall with your own hands.

The next suitable decoration for a pond at the dacha is made of stones. These can be small steps that emphasize uneven terrain, fences on stone base or statues that are painted into the natural landscape. You can make a pond made of stones at your dacha with your own hands in different colors.

TO interesting ideas The arrangement of a pond at the dacha includes the installation of bridges. These elements can be purchased or made with your own hands from forged metal, wood, stone and other materials. The advantage of bridges is that they are suitable for decorating a plastic pond or any other pond at the dacha. And on the shore of the pond you can place decorative benches, hammocks, tables, sun loungers and much more.

Do-it-yourself pond design at the dacha, photo

A common idea on how to decorate a pond at your dacha with your own hands is to use colored lighting directly in the water or around the perimeter. In the evening and at night, it will draw attention to this object and create comfortable conditions for a relaxing holiday, stimulating reflection and highlighting natural beauty.

Decorating a pond at your dacha with your own hands, photo

In order to get as close to nature as possible, you can keep animals in the water. Goldfish will look especially interesting in a pond. But you can choose other types of fish, for example, think about keeping crucian carp in a pond at your dacha. Then you can go fishing without leaving your summer cottage.

Just plan in advance what to feed the crucian carp in the pond at your dacha so that they don’t die out. Worms, larvae and even some cereals are suitable for these purposes.

Beautiful ponds at the dacha, photo

Thanks to the wide variety of ideas for arranging and decorating homemade ponds, making your site even more comfortable is quite possible! All that remains is to decide which of the listed ideas you will turn into reality. Although, you can combine several of the proposed options to make the landscaped pond look even more interesting.


Photo gallery

Surely every summer resident has thought at least once how great it would be to have a own plot pond, it’s so nice to sit by the water at sunset and enjoy the pleasant evening coolness. It is quite possible to bring this dream to life on your own; you just need to familiarize yourself with the features of the technology for constructing an artificial reservoir, and you can get to work. Next we will look in detail at how to make a pond in the country.

Where to begin

So, you have finally decided to decorate your site with an artificial pond. But how to make the pond on summer cottage harmoniously complemented the surrounding landscape, while being durable and not problem area that requires constant care? To do this, you need to approach construction in stages, carefully thinking through every step, down to the most insignificant details.

You need to start arranging a pond at your dacha with preparatory stages, which we will look at below.

Style selection

First of all, you need to decide how to design a pond in your dacha so that it does not stand out from the overall picture of the landscape. Picking up style decision, you should focus on the architectural design country house and the existing garden layout.

It is advisable to carry out the coastline and the blind area of ​​the paths in one key with the design of the entire garden plot. In this case, the bowl of the reservoir can be supplemented with a waterfall or decorative stream.

If the pond is located in the depths of the garden, near the gazebo or, then great solution is a landscape pond with natural contours. For example, it can be made in the “nature garden” style, which involves planting only local plants that are characteristic of a given region. In this case, any exoticism will be inappropriate.

Another interesting solution– decorate a country pond in a lush Chinese style. In this case, do not forget to make a curved bridge and highlight the tree with variegated foliage.

The more discreet one is also popular Japanese style, its characteristic elements are various boulders. Unlike chinese style, Japanese lacks multi-colored forbs.

If the mini pond at the dacha will be located next to the house, then it is better to give preference to geometric shapes. A formal pond in a rectangular or square shape will highlight the horizontal and vertical lines of the structure. In addition, such a pond will look good next to patio, especially if there are straight flower beds nearby.

It must be said that formal ponds also include round ponds, which can be an excellent decoration for an open lawn or lawn. In addition, such a pond can be located near a picturesque group of trees.

It should be noted that it is easiest to make a round pond with your own hands, since you can use concrete rings or plastic containers for this.

Popular in Lately A technique in landscape design is to lay paths from terrace boards, which are thrown across a pond in the form of a broken geometric bridge. In addition, the path through the pond can be made of concrete square slabs, which seem to float above the surface of the water.

Cascades also always look interesting different sizes, where water flows from one bowl to another through small waterfalls.

Selection of location and dimensions

The location of the pond will determine how long it will function without seasonal flowering. The thing is that green algae are activated under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, part of the day the pond should be shaded, so that algae will not reproduce as actively.

However, you should also not completely shade an artificial pond at your dacha, as this will negatively affect the development ornamental plants. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a golden mean.

The pond should be illuminated for about five hours a day, and it should be left open from the southwest.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that it is undesirable to locate the pond under shady trees, since falling leaves are a source of pollution.

One more important point The thing you need to decide on is the size of the reservoir. Ideally, it should occupy 3 percent of the site area. At the same time than smaller sizes pond, the easier it is to build, and you will need less materials. Accordingly, the price of the project will depend on the size.

Therefore, before deciding on the width and length of the reservoir, it is necessary to take into account the following points:

As for the depth of the pond, it should be divided into three stages:


Before you start building a pond at your dacha, you also need to decide on the materials that will be needed for this. The most expensive, but at the same time the most capital option is to fill the base with concrete. In this case, you will need to perform formwork and reinforcement.

A less expensive option would be to use a ready-made plastic container that is dug into the ground. However, the size and shape of the reservoir in this case will be limited by the choice of container.

The most convenient and at the same time, the most a budget option construction of a reservoir is the use of special moisture resistant film, which is laid on the bottom and wall of the pond. I must say that this option has recently been the most common, so let’s take it as a basis.

Construction of a reservoir

Before digging a pond at your dacha, it is advisable to sketch out a plan on paper to scale, indicating all the dimensions and depth of the pit. This will allow you to avoid mistakes and alterations when arranging the reservoir. At this stage, you can also think about an accent for the composition of the future lake; it could be a large stone, tree or sculpture.

Further instructions for constructing a pond are as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to outline the boundaries of the future reservoir and level the banks so that they are located on the same level.
  • Then you can start excavation work. First, you need to dig a pit to the depth of the first tier and mark a line from which the pond will deepen to the second tier. Next, you need to dig the second tier and also apply markings, from which the deepest hole is dug.

  • When the pit is ready, use a cord to measure its dimensions, taking into account the depth and an allowance of about 50 cm. This size will be needed when purchasing film, which should be enough to completely cover the pit.
  • Next, the bottom is covered with geotextiles, which helps protect the waterproof film from damage. As an alternative to this material, you can use linoleum, roofing felt or even sand.
  • A waterproof film is laid over the geotextile.

In the photo - laying oilcloth

  • To arrange the edges of the reservoir, an auxiliary trench should be dug around the perimeter, which will allow you to tuck and secure the film. Having laid the edges of the film in the trench, it must be fixed by filling the trench with crushed stone.
  • After this, it is necessary to strengthen the edge of the pond with stone blocks. This will prevent soil from falling from the coastal zone into the reservoir. For example, you can line the edge with natural stone and then decorate it with a single block or a group of boulders.

  • Then the bottom of the pond must be lined with stones and gravel. Prepared plants should be placed in plastic containers and placed on clumps. You can also fill the bottom with soil and plant river plants on the bottom.
  • After this, you can pour water into the reservoir. In order to select pumping equipment and the required amount of hydrochemicals to care for the pond in the future, you should take meter readings before and after filling the bowl.

  • To prevent water from stagnating, it is advisable to equip the reservoir with a stream that will ensure its circulation. The source of the stream should be located above the level of the pond. Water is supplied to it from the reservoir using a submersible pump.
    To decorate the mouth of a river you can use natural stones.
  • Then it is installed on the bottom submersible pump, a pipeline is being stretched to the source of the stream. In this case, you should use a filter to purify the water.

In progress earthworks a problem will arise - where to put the earth taken out of the pit?
Most best option The solution to this problem is to evenly distribute the soil throughout the entire area, and thus raise its level.

Your homemade pond at the dacha is ready. Now you just need to carefully care for it - use products to revitalize the water, and also periodically clean it of contaminants. Container plants should be stored in the basement for the winter.

If the pond is located near the gazebo, it should be illuminated, which will allow you to admire the landscape at night.

If there is no electricity at the dacha, you can install a diesel generator.
Of course, this equipment is quite expensive, however, renting a diesel generator for a summer house will solve this problem.

The main mistakes when arranging artificial reservoirs

At self-construction anything, it is quite difficult to avoid mistakes.

  • Decorating the shore with stones of the same diameter, as a result of which the pond looks boring. It is advisable to combine large stones with small ones, however, do not fill the entire coastal zone with them.

  • Making the reservoir very deep, with steep walls. This design looks unnatural and resembles a stone bag. Therefore, you should not make the pond very deep, especially if you do not plan to breed fish in it.
  • Craving for container gardening, what gets in the way normal development plants. Container planting is good because it allows you to quickly change the design of the pond if desired, since the plants can be quickly regrouped, but planting algae will make the pond more lively. Algae is especially necessary if you plan to raise fish.

If you bought a plot for a summer cottage without buildings, then first of all you should build a house.
This process is quite lengthy, however, if you want to arrange your dacha as quickly as possible, we will help you with this country houses from a block of containers.
Their installation takes much less time than building a conventional house.


Every home craftsman can build a pond on a summer cottage. The most important thing is to approach this matter competently, so that the pond really becomes a decoration of the site and at the same time does not take up too much of your time for constant care. Therefore, when performing work, you should adhere to the above technology.

From the video in this article you can get Additional information on this topic.

Water has always attracted people. That’s why many people think about how to make a mini-pond at the dacha with their own hands, because then the landscape design will have its own zest. Being near water is natural for humans. You can relax on the shore, put fish in the water, make a fountain or waterfall.

The tradition of decorating areas near the house with bodies of water came to us from the East. But let's not consider simple stone bowls in the yard. After all, we are interested in integrating the pond into the design of the site. So, East. There are 2 design options: Chinese and Japanese. In China, a mini-pond was a body of water richly decorated with lush plants. It looked like a corner wildlife. In Japan, ponds were designed differently - in the style of minimalism. Having adopted this tradition, European designers began to make ponds in their own way. Often they were of the correct geometric shape. Which style to choose is a matter of taste for each owner.

There are no fundamental differences in the construction of reservoirs, so this material will be useful no matter what style you choose for your construction. It could be a traditional Chinese or Japanese mini-pond or a high-tech creation. Creating a pond is fun and you can get everyone in your family involved. This is especially true for design. Well, if you introduce fish, the children will be happy to feed them. The only thing that is not recommended to do in the pond is swimming. This is what the pool is for.

Construction of a pond

Just like in any other construction, you need to choose the right location. You should not build a pond where the water will be exposed to the sun all day. Plants will wither from excess sunlight, and algae in the water will multiply vigorously, and the pond will become overgrown. At the same time, if you make a pond on the shady side of the site, this will adversely affect the growth of plants. The best option is when the sun's rays illuminate the pond for at least 5 hours a day. The mini-pond should not be located near trees. When making a pond in the garden with your own hands, keep in mind that in the fall all the fallen leaves will end up in the water and rot. In addition, overgrown tree roots can damage the bowl, even if you make it from concrete. Such a garden pond should be located at some distance from the trees. As a last resort, choose a place where old trees grow, cut them down, remove the stumps and use this place for a pond in the garden.

You should be able to admire your creation. What good will a reservoir be if it is located deep in the site and cannot be seen? It’s good to have a pond nearby garden gazebo or the terrace of a house. Or set up a comfortable bench on the shore so you can sit and enjoy the beauty.

You also need to choose the size of the reservoir. There are also recommendations here, according to which the pond occupies 3% of the site. This best option. However, not all people who want to decorate their site in this way follow it. Often mini-reservoirs are made from old bathtubs or even basins. They are also constructing a pond from tires. Well, lovers of large reservoirs spend a lot of effort to dig the appropriate pit. Or they make two ponds and a small river channel connecting the two reservoirs. This is a personal matter for everyone. In any case, whatever pond you are planning to make, look through different variants How you can make a pond at your dacha with your own hands, photos will help you with this.

Having chosen a place, start digging a pit. Marking can be done using regular rope. If the volume of work is large, it will be more rational to use the labor of hired workers or an excavator. Well, you can dig a small pond yourself. But before you remove the soil, you need to decide how you will make the pond. There are different options. You can install formwork and fill the walls and bottom of the pit with concrete with the addition of liquid glass for waterproofing. Or buy an annual plastic container for the pond and dig a hole for it. Or you can use the most budget option - PVC film, which will cover the bottom and walls of the pit.

The pit is dug in ledges (usually 2-3). Plants are then planted on them. It is not recommended to make the deepest part of the pit deeper than 1.5-1.8 m. The pond should not be made too shallow, as in this case the water will be strongly heated by the sun. Some owners drain it for the winter, while others do not. Usually water is left out if fish are introduced into the pond. If the depth of the hole is normal, then they overwinter in the deepest place. Well, if the bowl is too shallow, then the water freezes in winter and the fish die.

So, a pit has been dug for a small pond. What's next? It is necessary to seal the walls and bottom. Let's consider the option with PVC film as the most budget-friendly one.

It is recommended to work with film in the warm season, when it is most elastic. A thick layer of sand is poured onto the bottom of the pit and onto the terraces and compacted. The film is placed on it. Sand is needed to prevent accidental damage to the material by sharp stones or roots of plants in the ground. The film will serve as excellent waterproofing, preventing water from escaping into the soil. On the surface of the earth, around the pit, the film is bent and pressed down by large stones. When decorating this garden pond, you will arrange the stones more beautifully, but for now you need to finish with the bowl. When the film is laid, it is recommended to pour a layer of sand on it. If plants on terraces will be planted in the ground, then you need to add soil, but it is much easier to plant plants in pots.

Another point that must be taken into account when building a mini-pond is that the water must be running. So you will have to spend a lot less effort to clean the bowl and replace the water. Making the water circulate is quite easy. You need to install a submersible pump in the pond. The water supplied through the hose will pass through the filter and drain back into the bowl. When making a pond in your dacha, you can choose any design for the drain. It could be a stream flowing from a nearby alpine slide(this is where you can put the earth from the hole), or you can make a fountain, which is also easy to construct. You just need to beautifully design the pipe connected to the pump and rising above the surface of the water. Having built such a pond at your dacha with your own hands, spend enough time decorating it. You can use natural stones, paving slabs, terrace board and other materials. Your imagination is not limited by anything. You can also provide multi-colored lighting that will light up when evening time. Different design options for ponds in your dacha will help you choose.

When making a pond with your own hands, you must strictly follow safety measures if you plan to illuminate it, since water and electricity are a dangerous combination. Use only factory sealed fixtures that are specifically designed for underwater installation. If you do everything correctly, then such a garden pond with a fountain and lighting will become a real pearl of your summer cottage.

DIY mini pond (video)

Mini ponds

As already mentioned, in addition to a large bowl, you can also make a pond from a tire. It will be very small, but beautiful in its own way. It is much easier to make than a large pond. Need to pick up the old one big tire from a KamAZ or tractor and dig it into the ground. The inside of the tire pond is also lined with PVC film. There is 1 small terrace for planting plants. Small tires are not recommended. After all, the pond will turn out to be tiny. But tires from passenger cars can be used when you want to make a cascade of small ponds in which water will flow from one to another. Such a structure also looks great, especially if it is well decorated. Basins or old bathtubs can also be used for this purpose. Tires can also be used to build flower beds around big pond. In this case they can be painted bright colors.


As you can see, making a pond with your own hands is quite simple. You just need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • choose the right place;
  • make good waterproofing;
  • provide water circulation;
  • beautifully decorate the space around the pond.

And then, having created a pond with your own hands, you can rightfully be proud of it. Creating a beautiful artificial pond is a creative endeavor where you can fully use all your imagination. Please note that it should be in good harmony with the rest of the landscape design elements. Although options for construction on a summer cottage were considered here, a pond can also be built in the courtyard of a private house in the city. Beautifully designed small ponds can decorate any yard.

Mini pond on the balcony (video)

2014-10-02 113


“I’ll buy you a house...” - a line from the song literally rolled off my tongue when a noisy group of my friends drove up to a country dacha.

“By the pond, in the Moscow region...” the three most cheerful of us sang in unison. The silence of the calm village street was shattered by friendly laughter.

“You’re laughing in vain,” the owner of the property was slightly offended. Unload, now you’ll see both the house and the pond for yourself.”

And indeed, beyond the high forged gates a luxurious dacha was hidden with aristocratic monograms. A straight path, paved with paving slabs. But the whole company, warmed by the gentle autumn sun, moved, without saying a word, to the right, along the thick green lawn to the area with the barbecue. This was not the case here dacha building like a gazebo.

In my opinion, these buildings with a circular bench and a mushroom roof can already be safely classified as relics of the past. We settled in comfortable sun loungers around the fire, over which the men were already conjuring, and got down to a pleasant task - they began to carefully examine the decorative pond. Along the way, many questions arose, which were kindly answered by the owner of the summer cottage.

Pond - what and why

“In general, water is my element,” a friend began a fascinating story. – You know that I can sit fishing with a fishing rod for days; at home I have a huge aquarium where dozens of species of fish coexist perfectly. So I also wanted to build a pond at the dacha.” Indeed, the atmosphere here is simply magical. It’s great to dream, but the passage of time seems to freeze. In addition, it does not take up much space.

Even on a modest plot you can build a pond minimum size, sacrificing two beds of potatoes in his favor. A country artificial pond will become your favorite vacation spot. After all, the water element relaxes, helps you forget about fatigue and everyday problems. To get rid of the baggage of negative thoughts accumulated during the day, just sit for a quarter of an hour near such a miniature pond. Besides, building a pond is not that difficult task. For those who have held a shovel in their hands at least once in their life.

Important design decision (style)

“Where did you start working?” - I was distracted from my thoughts by a friend’s question addressed to the owner of the dacha. I prepared to listen further.

Before you make a pond with your own hands, you need to choose an ideological concept. So that the artificial reservoir fits organically into the overall picture, so to speak. And indeed, I figured in my mind, after all, on a plot of six acres, a garden pond with a fountain and exotic vegetation along the shoreline would look at least ridiculous. “We considered a lot of options, because we wanted to make this corner of the hacienda unusual,” said a friend. Any shape for the pond can be chosen.

Clear square or rectangular artificial ponds look good next to formal mansions. Especially if the lawns in the yard are designed according to a similar principle and straight tile alleys connect its main parts like arteries.

If you want to create the effect of maximum closeness to nature, then you should think about how to make an artificial pond of any shape. The advantage of this variety is that at first glance it is even difficult to distinguish such a reservoir from a real lake.

Lovers of eastern currents can build a pond at their dacha in original style. For example, in Japanese - with huge smooth stones along the edge and low-growing coniferous plants. Or with a Chinese flavor: small wooden bridge connects two banks, a light breeze tangles in the round crown of a tree nearby, and colorful herbs complement the landscape.

“I followed the path of least resistance,” the narrator smiled, “I chose the simplest pond design.” It’s easier to build a round pond because you can use a basic blank required diameter: concrete ring, a wooden tub or even a truck tire. A round pond in the garden looks ideal, especially next to young fruit trees or a picturesque alpine hill.

Choosing a place for a country pond

The construction of ponds begins with a thorough study of the area. My friend was lucky; he didn’t have to worry about it for a long time, since there was only one place left for a pond - to the right of the house, in front of the orchard. And for those who are interested in the rules of choice, I’ll tell you about some secrets. Firstly, avoid the area in close proximity to trees, especially mature ones.

Roots can get in the way when you dig a pit. Leaves falling into the water are certainly picturesque, but not very useful - cleaning ponds is quite a troublesome task. The pond should remain in the shade for some part of the day. This is necessary so that algae do not develop too actively in its depths. Under the sun, aquatic vegetation will feel great, but you will have to regularly clean the pond during the seasonal “blooming” period.

However, the shadow will have a bad effect on the condition of the decorative “inhabitants” of the coastline. So here you need to choose the best option - as they say, the golden mean.As for the functional side of designing a pond at your dacha, be guided by your own design instincts. Place it where it is convenient for you: near the house as an alternative to the pool, near the gazebo for friendly gatherings, in a quiet corner of the hacienda if you like to be alone with yourself and just dream while enjoying the beautiful view.

Materials: three basic options

As in any construction, when constructing a pond on a site, the choice of materials depends on the budget. And, of course, on the desired result.

Have you decided on a major construction project? Search concrete base, erect formwork, use reinforcement. Expensive, troublesome, but reliable and, as the owner of the dacha said, “forever.” The second option is to build a plastic pond from a ready-made solid container.

And the most popular type of building material is a special film that is resistant to moisture. Decorating a pond using this technology can be called the most acceptable, the most affordable from a financial point of view and the most convenient in terms of implementing the design idea.

Pond construction process

“At first I was frightened by the volume of work,” we continue to listen to our friend. The men left the grill and, surrounding it in a tight ring, came to learn all the technological secrets of the home-grown builder of country ponds.

1. Making a plan.

We draw a sketch of the future reservoir. It’s worth thinking about right away main emphasis– what decorative element will be key (a tree on the shore, stones along the edge, bright perennials, or maybe a mini-fountain).

2. Sketch on the ground.

We transfer the drawing from paper to the site - we wash away the ground with water pressure from a hose or draw contours with sand.

3. Excavation work.

The construction of a pond at the dacha can be started using an excavator if the volume of the future reservoir is impressive. For a small decorative pond, a depth of 80 cm will be sufficient, and if you plan to breed fish, you should go at least a meter into the bowels of the site.

When the pit is completely dug, it is covered with a layer of sand and thoroughly compacted.

4. Line the bowl.

Geotextiles must be laid on top of the sand. As an analogue, you can use old carpets or blankets, linoleum or roofing felt.

You need to dig a trench around the perimeter of the reservoir to tuck the edges of the film in there.

5. Filling the bowl.

Fill the bowl with water. The film will be stretched. When the pond is completely filled, insert the film into the trench. Then fix this seam with soil and subsequently decorate it (with crushed stone, natural stone, boards, etc.).

To prevent water from stagnating, you can include a stream in the artificial pond or use a special submersible pump. “But this is already aerobatics,” was the summary of the story. “I will make my next pond more perfect.”

It became clear to everyone that our hospitable comrade was not going to stop there. And this is right, because in any business, and especially in design, there is always something to strive for.

“I’ll get some pigeons...” Well, here we go again! Why is this song haunting me today? The atmosphere is probably conducive, because the aroma of barbecue has already begun to tickle our noses.

“And with you, and with love...” The “most musical” from our company deftly struck the strings of the guitar.

“We will plant lilacs under the window...” Everyone has already picked up the familiar motif.

“Thank you, guys, for the tip,” the owner of the hacienda interrupted the song. - Exactly, the dovecote should be built over there, where the winding garden path. And I’ll plant lilacs here, it will be a hedge.”

A selection of photographs

For beginners, it seems that making a pond from a ready-made plastic mold is easier than making a pond using flexible waterproofing. It's an illusion. At first, the molds seem huge in the store, but after they are installed in the ground, they look about half the size, and when filled with water they look very tiny. Such containers are good for raised bodies of water geometric shapes, for installation on slopes.

The most durable plastic forms for a pond are structures made of fiberglass; they are not inferior in strength to containers made of reinforced plastic, but the edges of the latter can be deformed if the structure is not provided with reliable external support on the ground. These forms are imported and quite expensive. Containers made of ordinary plastic are cheaper, but they are not rigid enough, often have deformed edges, and their sizes are small. Only black forms are suitable for ponds.

Often, plastic molds for ponds in the country are deformed after filling with water; this is due to improper filling of the gap between the wall of the pit and the wall of the mold with soil.

The correct thing to do is this: pour 5-7 cm of sand onto the horizontal base of the pit, compact it tightly and install a plastic mold, then pour 10-15 cm of water into it, then pour sand into the gap between the walls of the pool and the pit to a height of about 20 cm, watering it with water from a hose, or pour a mixture of earth, sand and water into the crack and wait until the liquid mass hardens. Then pour another 10-15 cm of water, and into the gap - sand with water or mash, repeating this until the pool is completely filled with water, and the gap is filled with sand or soil. As a result of these actions, the form will stand rigidly in the ground, and its coastline will be in a horizontal plane.

Water from plastic molds for an artificial pond is never drained for the winter; this is an unnecessary and even harmful operation; in the spring, the empty bowl will be squeezed out and damaged.

The best way to design a pond in the garden, made in plastic form- is to decorate it with a rockery or a flowering retaining wall. IN modern gardens Most often, a pond is built in which aquatic plants grow and fish and frogs live. The shape of a natural pond should be as smooth as possible. The smaller the pond, the fewer all kinds of bends there should be, which is why ponds in rigid shapes look so unnatural, the “banks” of which are excessively indented and resemble shaped cookies rather than a natural structure. If you end up with just such a body of water, the situation can be improved by thoughtful planting of plants that will camouflage the unnaturalness of the banks in plastic form. Do not forget that excessive amounts coastal plants, especially large ones, visually significantly reduces the size of the reservoir.

Another difficult task is the design of the banks of garden ponds: a lawn can come close here, in some places of the coastal zone you can plant coastal plants such as loosestrife, loosestrife, marsh and Siberian irises, daylilies, etc. The choice of coastal plants is inexhaustible, your taste will be enriched the study of nature and the best examples - that is your judge.

In the process of decorating a pond in the garden, remember that there should not be a lot of vegetation around the geometric pond, one large plant is enough architectural form, for example, clumps of marsh iris or large hosta.

Look at the photo on how to beautifully decorate a pond in the garden in regular style: around it, trimmed shrubs and plants in containers are quite logical; if there is no fountain, you can plant a nymphea.