What you need to know about growing daisies from seedlings: the nuances of sowing and planting. Perennial daisies planting and care in open ground growing from seeds photo varieties Daisies flowers growing and care

Perennial daisy- herbaceous plant of the family Asteraceae native from the Mediterranean, numbering about 14 species. In ancient times, Pliny called this flower beautiful, and in European countries the flower has long been associated with the sun and sincere love: with sunrise, the daisy’s petals opened towards the sun’s rays, like a beloved to a long-awaited betrothed, and therefore they used the flower to tell fortunes, trying to predict their own fate. And in our hectic days, daisies have become a bright and colorful decoration, a colorful carpet that gives personal plot for real summer look. And if you want to add carefreeness and celebration to your country life, read on to learn how to grow daisies in the open ground.

  • “Speedstar” - variety series, blooms in the year of sowing, petals: pink, white carmine.
  • “Roggli Rossa” - a series with small semi-double inflorescences, petals of bright pink, white, and red flowers.
  • “Habanera” is a variety series with large double inflorescences, petals of white, pink, and red colors.
  • “Rominette” is a series of varieties with small double inflorescences, petals of carmine pink, white, pink, and red. The diameter of the inflorescences is about 2 cm, and the height of the bush is no more than 15 cm.
  • “Tasso” is a series of varieties with large double inflorescences, petals of white, pink, and red colors.
  • “Robella” - a series with densely double baskets, petals of coral and pale pink flowers.
  • "Prolifera" is a series of varieties with complex inflorescences.

Conditions of detention

Place for a daisy

The sun-loving daisy, of course, feels at ease in open spaces, but protected from cold winds. Planted in shaded areas, the daisy will become sad - it will lose its intoxicatingly juicy color, and it will bloom less intensely. However, varieties have already been bred that grow and bloom both in partial shade and in places without sun access. When choosing daisies for planting, carefully study the characteristics of a particular variety.

Good neighbors for daisies when creating flower arrangements will be daffodils, primroses, primroses, hyacinths, tulips, violets, lilies of the valley and forget-me-nots.

Soil for daisies

For favorable growth and flowering, “offer” the daisy well-drained, nutritious, water- and breathable soil of neutral acidity.

Planting daisies in open ground

At the end of May - beginning of June, dig up the intended place with a shovel, select roots, debris and weeds from the ground. Then add 1 sq. m. ¾ bucket of humus, 1/3 bucket of coarse sand, 200 g of ash, complex mineral fertilizer PETER PEAT “NPK 15-15-15” of the MINERAL line (see dosage on the package), mix everything properly and spread over the soil surface . Or try the ready-to-use nutrient soil PETER PEAT “For flower crops” from the HOBBY line.

10 minutes before planting, water the pots with daisy seedlings with warm, settled water. Next, make holes in the flowerbed with a depth of 13-15 cm and a diameter of 20 cm at a distance of 20-25 cm from one another.

Carefully, turning the pot with seedlings over, pull out the plant with a lump of earth and lower it into the prepared hole so that the upper border of the root lump coincides with the soil level. Pour water over it, wait 1-2 minutes until the water is absorbed and the flower squanders, tamp lightly and add more soil mixture/soil to the level.

Top dressing 3 (beginning of August) - liquid humic fertilizer PETER PEAT “Living force: for flower crops”.


Carefully loosen the soil around the daisy bushes to a depth of 2-4 cm 2 times a week from the end of April - this will improve the water-air regime of the soil, increase its microbiological activity, which will contribute to the good absorption of nutrients necessary for the plant.


Mulch the root zone of the daisy with PETER PEAT soil “For flower crops” from the HOBBY line 4-5 times per season. Thus, you will not only reduce the amount of watering and reduce the growth of weeds, but also ensure adequate nutrition for the plants

Flowering and pruning

The perennial daisy will adapt to its new location for the first year, forming a rosette, and will bloom only in the second year. Early varieties of daisies bloom in May, late varieties - in June. The riot of daisy colors ends, respectively, in August-September.

The daisy almost does not need pruning (except for sanitary pruning, when broken, dried and diseased parts of the plant are removed).


Reproduction by cuttings

At the end of May, cut off the cuttings of the daisy - side shoots with leaves and axillary sticks and place them in liquid humic fertilizer PETER PEAT to stimulate root formation for a day. Next, plant the cuttings on the prepared bed in sifted soil PETER PEAT “For flower crops” of the HOBBY line to a depth of 1 cm at a distance of 7 cm from each other. Pour warm, settled water and cover the bed with arcs and transparent film (4-5 days). Water moderately once a day, feed with liquid humic fertilizer PETER PEAT once a week, and after 2 weeks the cuttings will take root. In early August, transplant the daisy seedlings to the intended location.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

In early May, dig up a 2-year-old daisy without disturbing the root ball. Using pruning shears, carefully cut to 8 cm and divide the roots of the plant into parts (4-5), plant in the prepared holes. Water with liquid humic fertilizer PETER PEAT to stimulate root formation “Living force: for soaking seeds”, and after 2 hours - with settled water. Mulch the plantings.

Propagation by seeds

In May - early June, scatter non-hybrid activated daisy seeds (6-8 hours in ash solution) evenly over the surface with the prepared soil mixture/soil (see subsection “Planting”). Sprinkle the same sifted soil on top with a layer of 1-2 mm. Moisten generously from a spray bottle with liquid humic fertilizer PETER PEAT “Living force: for soaking seeds” so that 3-4 mm of the surface of the soil mixture is saturated with it. Cover with a transparent film (remove after 3-4 days), creating a greenhouse effect, spray regularly and once a week feed with liquid humic fertilizer PETER PEAT “Living Force: for soaking seeds”. After 10-13 days, the first daisy sprouts will appear (thinning 4-5 days after this), and after another 2 weeks, plant the grown young seedlings in a new place with similar soil in increments of 6 cm and feed once a week with liquid humic fertilizer PETER PEAT " Living force: healthy seedlings". At the end of August, transplant the grown daisy seedlings into flower beds, at the end of October - cut them off at the root and do not forget to insulate them for the winter!

Procurement and storage of seeds

Daisy seeds of non-hybrid varieties (without F1/F2 marks on the package) are suitable for collection. In late August - early September, 1-3 times a week, in dry weather, pick off wilted (not wet) daisy inflorescences. At home, place the inflorescences in 1 row on clean paper on a pallet and wait 7-10 days until the seeds begin to fall out on their own. Shake the inflorescences well over clean white paper: seeds will fall out of them, which need to be sorted, selecting the largest ones. Dry them for 2-3 days in a warm room with low humidity, package them in paper bags, write the harvest date, variety and store in a dry, dark place for 3 years.

Daisy is an annual and perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family. The flower has been known since Ancient Egypt, it was sung by poets, healers used it in medicinal purposes. In the 16th century, the first terry varieties appeared.

Today there is a huge selection of varieties and hybrids of this plant, which have their own characteristics and differences. Flowers first appeared in Central Asia And North Africa. Today the daisy can be found in different parts of the world (Europe, Transcaucasia, Australia, North America).

The daisy is a frost-resistant, unpretentious plant.

This flower is grown as a biennial. The bushes bloom within a year. In the first season, a leaf rosette is formed. On next year in mid-April the daisy bush is covered with flowers. Daisies are long-day plants and flowering is extended. It lasts until mid-autumn.

The roots of the daisy are short and fibrous. The pubescent bladed leaves are collected in a rosette and pressed to the ground. The leaves are bright, rich Green colour, serrated at the edges.

The stems are leafless, height from 10 to 30 centimeters. Inflorescences of pink, white, red shades. Flowers with a yellow center, diameter 1-8 centimeters (depending on the variety).

The daisy propagates by seeds (January - June), cuttings (May - June) and by dividing the bush (in March or August). Cuttings and dividing the bush allows you to propagate rare varieties. In addition, dividing the bush allows you to avoid degeneration of the flower.

The daisy, in addition to decorating the yard and balcony, can be used in folk medicine, cooking. Gourmets add flowers to tea and various dishes.

Types and varieties with photos

Today, 80 species of perennial daisies are known. Daisies grow in meadows, along the banks of rivers, lakes, in gardens and flower beds.

is the only cultivated perennial species of daisy, on the basis of which many ornamental varieties and hybrids have been bred.

Annual daisy (Bellis annua)

blooms in August and pleases with flowers until the first frost. This type of daisy reproduces exclusively by seeds. This type of daisy is most often found in wildlife.

Varieties and varieties are divided:

  • For early and late flowering;
  • by flower diameter - miniature (1-4 centimeters), medium size (4-6 centimeters),
  • large (more than 6 centimeters);
  • according to the shape of the flowers (pompom, tuberose, spherical, rose-shaped);
  • by terry size (single, terry and semi-double);
  • by type of baskets (reed, unfolded and tubular);
  • by color (pink, white, red shades);
  • by type of flower color (speckled, striped, single-colored, with different colors of petals on top and bottom);
  • according to the height of the bush (1-30 centimeters).

In double varieties, the reed petals on the lower part are colored and multi-rowed. Tubular daisies are small, yellow in color, twisted into tubes.

The best varieties of daisies include:

Terry early variety with white flowers. There are about 30 inflorescences in the bush, the diameter of the flower is 4 - 5 centimeters.

Rosa gigantea- terry variety with large pink flowers. This variety blooms in May - June.

Large double flowers, all shades of pink. The flower is 5-6 centimeters in diameter. The height of the bush is 15 centimeters.

Miniature flower. The bush consists of 40 inflorescences, the diameter of the flowers is 1 - 2.5 centimeters. The petals are feather-shaped, white or light pink. Flowering lasts from April to July.

A beautiful double variety, with red, multi-row, reed flowers.

Rob Roy- miniature flowers, all shades of red. The flowers are 1-2 centimeters in diameter.

The flowers are dark red in color, with pointed, needle-like petals, shaped like a fused tube. The diameter of the flowers is 5 centimeters. The center is bright yellow. The bush consists of 25 inflorescences.

Early variety Daisy- simple, medium-sized flowers of bright pink color. 2-3 centimeters in diameter.

Snowball - large, snow-white, multi-row, double flowers. Flowering lasts from May to June. The bush consists of 20 inflorescences.
The large-flowered daisy reaches 30 centimeters in height. The leaves are strong, large, the flowers are ligulate, multi-row, white.

Terry hybrid with large flowers, 6 centimeters in diameter. The petals are elongated, pink, white or red.

You can also select varieties: Tasso, Rominette, Roggli Rozza, Speedstar, Belissima, Prolifera and others.

To obtain strong, healthy seedlings, you need to choose the right seeds. Daisy seeds are quite small and are sold natural or coated. The pelleted seeds are covered with a nutritious coating, which dissolves in the soil when planted. Simple seeds require pre-treatment before sowing.

Seeds are sown in boxes, containers, pots, peat tablets, or in greenhouses, greenhouses, and open ground.
In any case, daisies grown from seedlings are healthy, and when sown in winter, they bloom in the first year of cultivation.

When to plant seedlings

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out two months before planting in the ground (March - April). In this case, planting takes place in May - early June.
In order for the daisy to bloom in the first year, the seeds are sown in January - early February. In this case, planting is done in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Sowing at home and in heated greenhouses is carried out from January to March. In greenhouses, seeds should be sown from March to April.

In open ground, sowing is done after the soil warms up in May - June.

Preparing soil and seeds

The container for sowing seeds should be low and spacious (box, container, pot). A layer of drainage (gravel, vermiculite, coarse sand) is poured onto the bottom.

The soil should be loose and fertile. It can be bought at a flower shop or made from turf soil, sand, or humus. The mixture is sifted and poured with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Before sowing, seeds are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate for 25 minutes. Then dry on a napkin.

If the seeds are coated, they do not require additional processing. The protective shell protects the seeds from fungal and viral diseases and pests.

Seed germination is high and when distributed planting material we need to take this into account. The pelleted seeds are distributed over the surface with tweezers (with an interval of 1.5-2 centimeters from each other). Small seeds are poured onto a sheet of paper and scattered in a thin stream over the soil. With such sowing, weak shoots must be removed after germination.

The seeds are sprinkled with soil mixture or sand (buried a couple of centimeters). The soil is sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle.

When using peat tablets, 1 granule or 3 seeds are placed in each tablet. The tablets are placed in a container, sprinkled with water and covered with a transparent lid.

The crops are covered with film. The air temperature during seed germination should be 21-22 degrees. The first shoots appear 9-12 days after sowing.
When the cotyledons unfold, the temperature drops to 15 degrees, and the shelter is removed. Lowering the temperature prevents sprouts from stretching.

Watering is carried out as the soil dries, a spray bottle is used until the shoots appear, then the water must be poured carefully along the edge of the container, without touching the crops. The water should be settled and at room temperature. Excess moisture is drained from the pan. The soil should not dry out, but excess moisture can lead to disease and death of sprouts.

Daisies love light and good growth They are provided with additional lighting using a phytolamp or a fluorescent lamp.

The total daylight hours should not be 12-15 hours. Additional illumination is carried out in the morning and evening, during dark hours.

After 2-3 leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in separate containers. When using peat tablets, seedlings are planted in containers with them. The soil for replanting should have a similar composition as when sowing seeds.

When using peat pots, further planting in the ground is carried out directly in them; the peat serves as additional nutrition for the plant.

A few weeks before planting the seedlings in the ground, the plants need to be hardened off. To do this, the room where they are kept is regularly ventilated. The seedlings are regularly taken to a cool place (loggia, balcony) for several hours. Hardening should occur gradually, starting from 10 minutes, you need to add time every day.

When growing seedlings in winter, transplantation is carried out in greenhouses or greenhouses, and then, in May, the plants are planted in open ground.

The place for planting in the ground should be light or slightly darkened. Areas with stagnant moisture or lowlands are not suitable for this. The place should be level or with a slight slope.

Loam is considered the best soil for daisies. Optimal level soil acidity should be 5.5-6.2.

If necessary, wood ash or slaked lime is added a month before planting.
On square meter Take a glass of lime (ash), 25 grams of potassium sulfide and 50 grams of superphosphate. Humus or compost is added to the soil before planting.

Depending on the variety, daisies are planted at a distance of 10-20 centimeters from each other.

The seedlings are transplanted into the ground at the end of May - beginning of June, after the end of the last spring frosts.

The size of the holes should correspond to the diameter of the pot where the seedling grew. The plant waddles along with the earthen lump and is slightly pressed with earth. After planting, the seedlings need to be watered with settled water.

Daisies count unpretentious plants and the most important thing in care is timely, regular watering. On hot days, watering is done at least 3 times a week.

Mulching helps retain moisture and prevents weeds from growing quickly. If mulching is not used, the soil around the plants must be loosened. You need to work carefully, without touching the bushes.

The root system of daisies is small and the slightest damage the flower dies.

Weeding is done as the weeds germinate. Dried flowers and leaves are removed after they dry out, this allows flowering to resume in the autumn.

Plants are fertilized 2 times per season. For this purpose, complex flower fertilizers are used.

  1. At the end of May - beginning of June, the plants are fertilized with nitroammophos. 40 grams of fertilizer are diluted in 10 liters of warm water. About a liter of solution is used per bush. Fertilizing is done during watering.
  2. During the growth process, potassium chloride (20 grams per square meter) and ammonium nitrate (15 grams) are added to the soil.

Diseases and pests rarely damage daisies, but both still appear under unfavorable conditions.

The most dangerous pests for daisies are small rodents and mice.. They chew the roots of plants, which leads to the death of the flower. To destroy them, special baits with poison are used.

Occasionally, mites appear on plants To eliminate them, the bushes are sprayed with karbofos and acaricides. At small area lesions a solution is used laundry soap.

From thrips, Damaging flowers are helped by Aktara, Fufanon, Iskra or infusion of celandine, marigold.

When slugs and caterpillars appear, the bushes are treated with insecticides (Aktellik, Bicol, Metaldehyde, Lepidocide). If the pest infestation is isolated, you can use manual assembly.

Plants can be affected by gray and brown rot. To prevent diseases, copper oxychloride and the drugs Kupritox and Hom are used. Bordeaux mixture, Topaz, is used to combat rust.

If the peduncle becomes elongated, the inflorescences become smaller, the leaves become discolored and become small, the bushes are immediately removed from the site along with the earthen lump. The soil is spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate. There are no drugs to combat this disease.

Powdery mildew sometimes appears on daisies. Used to fight disease copper sulfate, colloidal sulfur or the preparations Trichodermin, Pure Flower, Topaz.

You can use traditional methods(infusion of horsetail or garlic). To avoid disease, you need to ensure that the soil is easily breathable and does not become waterlogged. Plantings should not become thickened and overgrown with weeds.

The easiest way to protect against pests and diseases is prevention.. If you make sure that the bushes do not thicken, that weeds do not appear, and that you loosen and fertilize the soil, even rare lesions can be eliminated.

Tubular and double varieties produce few seeds. When propagated by seed, they produce many simple forms. To obtain decorative flowers, plants are propagated by dividing the bush and cuttings.

Seeds from other varieties should be collected as the inflorescences wither. The inflorescences are removed from the bush and dried on a sheet of paper. Inflorescences unfold thin layer. When dry, they become dry to the touch. The seeds become light gray in color.

The collected seeds are sifted from the petals and scattered into paper bags. They are stored in a dry and cool place.

Seeds remain viable for 2-3 years.

If the seeds are not collected on time, they scatter on the ground and in the spring many shoots appear, which are resistant to cold, but when flowering the buds become smaller, the decorative effect is most often lost.

To prevent daisies from degenerating, overgrown bushes are dug up, divided and planted in a new place.

In autumn, before frost, faded leaves and flowers are removed. Soil is added to the exposed roots. The soil around the bushes is covered with 8-10 centimeters of mulch.
Mulching plants with peat, humus, sawdust, and pine needles allows you to preserve bushes in winter.

The plants are covered on top with dry leaves, straw, and spruce branches. Spruce branches and needles additionally protect plants from rodents.

In the spring, after the snow melts, the cover is removed and the flowers are fertilized for the first time.

Abundantly blooming, low-growing flowers are suitable for planting on lawns (edging or ground cover), mixborders, along paths, in flower beds, ridges, alpine slides, rock gardens, in outdoor vases, pots, containers and on balconies, terraces, loggias.

Bushes near ponds, large stones, near bushes and trees look very picturesque. Flowers are used in bouquets and look beautiful in vases.

Daisies easily combine with many flowers and look great together with other plants, for example, ornamental ferns, bergenia, coniferous bushes, forget-me-nots, daffodils, hyacinths, primroses, pansies, hellebores, tulips, daylilies, lilies of the valley, primroses.

Perennial daisy - growing from seeds: video

Landscape designers and flower growers love daisies for their unpretentiousness, beauty and ability to combine with other flowers. The plant not only decorates flower beds, but also serves for medicinal purposes in the form of seasonings.

The perennial daisy (bellis perennis) belongs to the Asteraceae family, genus Asteraceae. The homeland of the plant is considered to be Southern and Central Europe. But because of its attractive appearance and unpretentiousness, it has become widespread throughout the world. Africa, North America, Australia, Europe - this flower crop is cultivated everywhere.

And a wild form of the flower, the annual daisy (bellis annua), affectionately called the “pearl,” can be found in the wild. She prefers to grow in forest clearings, along roadsides. Small flower with small flowers white or pinkish.

Daisy is a correspondingly perennial crop, grown as a biennial, with a compact rosette of oval elongated leaves. The height of the bush is 15-30 cm. The shoots end in inflorescences with a diameter of 4-8 cm of white, soft pink or dark red color. The structure of the flowers can be reed or tubular in the form of daisies, buttons, buboes. The flower is used in landscape design for group plantings and as a greenhouse or balcony plant.

Planting daisies in open ground

Since the daisy is a biennial plant, if it is grown using seeds or cuttings, lush flowering You can wait only for the second year. For flowering in this year gardeners use methods: seedlings or division.

It is more correct to grow daisies as a biennial crop. But growing a flower by dividing the bush rejuvenates the plant, while maintaining varietal characteristics and decorativeness. So, let us once again list the methods of plant propagation: using seedlings, cuttings, dividing and sowing seeds in open ground. And now more details about each method.

Growing daisies from seeds When to plant seedlings

When to sow daisy seedlings? If you want the flower to bloom earlier, you need to sow the seeds in February-March. It is better to plant seeds in separate containers. Pots made of paper, plastic or peat are suitable. In this case, if one or two plants have sprouted in a pot, you don’t have to pick them. If you use it for planting seeds large capacity, - grown plants dive.

It grows well and does not get sick if the soil does not dry out and daylight hours last up to 14 hours. That is, it is necessary to ensure that the “young animals” are illuminated. Two weeks after the sprouts appear, reduce the temperature at the location of the plants to +15ºC. And the middle or end of May (7 days before planting seedlings in the ground) is the time to harden the plant.

  • You need to sow in a common container on top of moistened soil as little as possible, lightly sprinkle sand or earth on top. Be sure to make drainage holes in the bottom to prevent the plants from getting sick.
  • The container is covered with a transparent lid or plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect, and ventilated daily.
  • After the shoots appear, the cover is removed.
  • Continue care with moderate watering, provide good lighting.
  • Seedlings are planted when a pair of true leaves appear in separate cups.
  • They begin to harden off a week before planting, leaving the seedlings outside for a short time at first, then more, up to a full day in the last days.

You can plant daisies in April-May, when there are no night frosts.

The video will tell you how to sow daisies for seedlings:

Propagation of daisies by cuttings

Daisies from cuttings will bloom only next year. Reproduction in this way is carried out in the middle and end of May. A young shoot with an axillary bud is separated from the mother specimen with a sharp knife.

Shoots treated with Kornevin are planted in the ground to a depth of 1 cm. The place for planting is a cold greenhouse. After half a month, the young plants take root. But drop off on permanent place They can only grow at the beginning of autumn, when the temperature is cool.

You can plant the cuttings on the windowsill, in separate cups, and simply monitor the moisture content of the substrate. It is best to plant in special soil for flowering plants so that the soil is nutritious and breathable. Rooted plants are planted in a permanent place in early September, not forgetting to cover them for the winter.

Reproduction of daisies by dividing the bush

This procedure is carried out in early spring or after flowering. For division, take healthy two- or three-year-old bushes. They are carefully dug up, trying not to damage the root system, and divided into 5-10 parts. Of course, each part must have a root. Flowers and buds on new plants are removed, the roots are shortened to 10 cm.

Dividing a daisy flower bush makes it possible to rejuvenate plants, obtain new specimens, while maintaining varietal characteristics and decorativeness.

Sowing daisy seeds in open ground

When sown in a garden bed, daisies will not appear until next year. Seeds are sown in open ground when the soil is ripe, at the end of March - April and until the end of summer.. They use the method of sowing on the soil surface, i.e. the seeds are not buried in the soil, but scattered over the area and mulched on top with humus or prepared sifted soil. If you do not immediately cover the seeds with soil, but first cover them with dark film and leave them for two days, their germination will speed up.

The soil with the planted seeds is regularly and carefully watered, avoiding drying out. To create greenhouse conditions, you can cover the area with the seeds with agrofibre. It will protect tender shoots from the bright spring sun and protect against nighttime drops in temperature.

Sprouts appear in two weeks, and after another two weeks they are planted in a garden bed or nursery. Daisies are planted densely. The distance between them should be no more than 5 cm.

Grown plants are planted in a prepared area at the end of summer. And next year in early spring they will delight us abundant flowering.

Young plants that have sprouted as a result of the so-called “self-seeding” are weeded, removing weak and damaged ones. Plants grown in this way lose their decorative properties and characteristics of the variety: brightness of color, flower size, doubleness.

Planting daisy seedlings in open ground

In order for the flower to grow and not get sick, it is necessary to choose the right site and soil composition. Daisy loves bright lighting. An area near the trunk of a tree, in partial shade, is also suitable for her. Only the Cape daisy prefers bright sunlight, but in the shade it fades and loses its colors.

The plant prefers soil that is light, drained, and moisture-permeable. Loam with neutral acidity is best suited. If the soil on the site is sandy, then it is mixed with manure, leaf soil, humus, ash, and peat.

Daisies are perennial, planted in a prepared area 30 days after picking. Transplantation is performed with a clod of earth to preserve the root system of the seedling. The distance between young daisy bushes is up to 20 cm.

It is not worth planting less often, as the effect of group planting will be disrupted. Also, flowers planted strictly in a line will not look interesting. After planting, you need to water the plants with plenty of water.

Interesting fact. Perennial daisy loves transplants. They activate the growth and development of the plant even at the stage of flowering and bud formation.

Caring for daisies in the open ground

Daisies planted densely do not need to be weeded. But regular watering is a must: in hot weather - every day, at other times up to three times a week. Excess moisture is detrimental to the flower. Its roots may rot. To reduce the frequency and volume of watering, mulch the soil between plants.

In spring, during the period of snowmelt and after heavy rains, the soil is loosened to improve aeration.

Interesting fact. During growth, the perennial daisy choke out almost all weeds. This property of the plant is highly valued by gardeners. After all, there are almost no weed seeds in the soil after daisies.

The flower responds well to feeding. There are several of them per season:

  • 1 time in spring (complex flower fertilizer);
  • in summer 3-4 times with an interval of at least 10 days (potassium chloride, Amofoska).

To add decorative value to the flower and lengthen the flowering time, faded inflorescences are cut off.

Diseases and pests of daisies

The daisy is unpretentious and many diseases are not scary for it. But it is susceptible to diseases such as gray rot, rust, powdery mildew. The plant can also be damaged by rodents and insects.

1. Gray rot

The cause of the disease is damp, cold weather.
The appearance of the bush is watery leaves with a gray coating.
Prevention - reducing humidity.
Preparations for treatment - “Skor”, “Chistotsvet”.

2. Rust

The cause of the disease is fungal infection.
Appearance of the bush - leaves with rusty red or brown spots.
Disinfection is the removal of the infected part of the plant.
Preparations for treatment - 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

3. Powdery mildew

The cause of the disease is oversaturation of the soil with nitrogen fertilizers and lack of moisture.
Appearance of the bush - the leaves darken, a white coating appears on top and bottom.
Prevention - destruction of plant residues, thinning.
Preparations for treatment - “Chistotsvet”, “Fitosporin”, “Trichodermin”.

4. Brown spot

The cause of the disease is damage to the plant by bacteria.
Appearance of the bush - the leaves are covered with light spots with a border.
Disinfection - removal of the infected part of the plant or destruction of the entire bush.
Prevention - destruction of plant residues, loosening.
Preparations for treating plants - “Kuprotox”, “Hom”
Preparations for soil treatment - solution of iron sulfate, 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

To protect flowers from animals- rodents: mice, shrews, moles - poisoned bait is left on the site. Make sure that pets are not poisoned by it.

Insects that can harm daisy plantings (spider mite and thrips) are destroyed by repeated spraying of the plant and soil. For spraying, use solutions of laundry soap, celandine, Aktara, and Iskra.

How to collect daisy seeds

Since, with proper storage, the germination of daisy seeds remains up to three years, it makes sense to collect and save the seed material. One condition is that the seeds are collected from non-hybrid plant varieties.

The rules for collecting seeds are as follows:

  • seeds are collected only from faded inflorescences;
  • the flowers, laid out in 1 layer, are dried on a paper mat;
  • dried until the seeds fall out easily from the inflorescences;
  • They store the seeds in paper or fabric bags, which indicate the year of collection, the name and variety of the flower.

Preparing daisies for winter

This important stage which should not be neglected. Failure to comply with wintering conditions can lead to partial rotting of the roots or to the complete death of the plant.

In order for the plant to grow well, remove dried leaves and flowers around the bush, cover the roots that are on the surface of the soil with soil.

Then mulch the ground around the bush. Suitable mulch is: humus, rotted sawdust, pine needles, peat. The mulch layer should be at least 5-10 cm. It is not advisable to use fallen leaves as mulch and covering material.

They can serve as a breeding ground for fungal spores or shelter for insect pests. In this case, fallen leaves placed in compost heap, an excellent component for compost.
Plants overwinter best under a snow “blanket,” but if your winters are not snowy, you should cover your daisy bushes with spruce branches or other covering material.

Daisies in landscape design What to combine with

The perennial daisy is a crop in demand by gardeners, designers and florists.
This is facilitated by such perennial qualities as:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • long flowering period;
  • variety of flower shapes and a wide range of colors;
  • good compatibility with other plants.

When planted alone, daisies are not very interesting, so it is better to use them as a companion crop for cultivating more tall plants, for example, spring flowering bulbs: tulips, daffodils. Or in combination with primroses, lilies of the valley, hyacinths.

There are a number garden compositions, which will lose greatly without daisies.
Daisies are planted:

  1. Near natural ponds and streams, artificial reservoirs, thanks to the love of moist soil.
  2. On lawns that are not cut (urban, Moorish, meadow) as a ground cover crop.
  3. In group plantings (up to 10 bushes at a time). Here you can show your imagination and use both plants of the same color and variety, or completely different ones.
  4. Daisies with small flowers are suitable for borders, on alpine roller coaster.
    Here you should pay attention to the regularity of watering.
  5. Cape daisies, which reach a meter in height, are used for the “back wall” of ferns, hostas, brungers, and bodans.

Perennial daisy is also used in group plantings in flower beds, ridges, balconies, in separate containers, as well as for cutting and forcing.

Florists love this versatile culture. Short compact bushes plants look beautiful in ceramic flowerpots, pots and containers. Such flower arrangements can decorate your favorite corner of the garden, greenhouse, terrace, balcony, patio, garden gazebo.

Small round bouquet made from white or soft pink daisies can even be used as a wedding flower. A pot with bright button flowers against a background of green leaves will be a pleasant gift.

Types and varieties of perennial daisies with descriptions and photos

There are about one hundred species of perennial daisies. They differ in the following ways:

  • according to the height of the crop. Height varies from 2 to 30 cm;
  • according to the structure of the flower. It can be reed or tubular;
  • according to the shape of a flower. It comes in the form of a ball, daisy, pompom, rose;
  • by the type of petal color. There are single-colored ones, with varying degrees of color on the upper and lower sides, with stripes, with spots. The color varies from snow-white to bright red;
  • by the appearance of terry. There are plants with simple, double and semi-double flowers;
  • according to the size of the inflorescence. Flowers are small from 1.5 cm in diameter, medium from 4 cm in diameter and large from 6 cm.

In addition, varietal daisies differ in the time they begin to bloom: early and late flowering.

Among the abundance of varieties and types of flower crops, we can still identify the most popular among gardeners. Thus, double and semi-double varieties and hybrids of perennials are mainly cultivated.

The most beautiful varieties of daisies with names and photos:

« White ball» - plant height 15 cm, double flowers, pure white.

“Pink ball” - plant height 15-20 cm, double flowers, carmine pink.

“Red carpet” - plant height up to 20 cm, double dark red flowers.

“Etna” - color of flower petals: orange middle and dark purple edges.

“Robella” - color of flower petals: coral combined with red.
Balcony varieties with abundant and long flowering are also in demand. "Early Etna", "Dresden China", "The Pearl" are compact plants suitable for forcing in winter and early spring.

African daisy or Cape daisy Osteospermum ecklonis

The so-called Cape daisies or African daisies (osteospermum) also belong to the Astrov genus. These are evergreen perennial shrubs or subshrubs. They grow up to a meter in height and have flowers similar in appearance to daisies or daisies.

The daisy is a flower that does not claim the title of star of garden design, but is quite content with the role of an extra. But, when planted in a group, blooming daisies set the tone for the entire geometry of the garden landscape, emphasizing the boundaries of flower beds and walking areas, spreading like carpets along garden paths, creating a colorful foreground in front of high flower beds and maintaining clear boundaries of green lawns. How to plant and grow daisies, choose the right variety and make them bloom amicably and abundantly - all this requires certain knowledge and a competent approach, so we will dwell in more detail on the rules of agricultural technology for these modest, but infinitely cute flowering inhabitants of our gardens.

General description with photo

Daisies are a low herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. They have a small compact rhizome and a leafless peduncle stem growing from a dense basal rosette. The leaves of the rosette are spatulate-elongated, with a crenate edge. Each peduncle forms only one flower head with a conical receptacle. The inflorescences of the original species are bisexual, simple, species daisies look like yellow or white multi-petaled daisies. Decorative varieties can differ greatly from each other in size, doubleness of inflorescences and, of course, their color.

By life cycle They are divided into annual and perennial, however, very often gardeners practice two-year cultivation of daisies, when in the first year compact green rosettes without flowers appear from the seeds, and in the second year lush, abundant flowering occurs.

If the buds are not removed as they wither (and this is not so easy to do, given that daisies are not planted individually, but in a continuous dense carpet), then the plant will actively self-sow. But this will not make the process of planting and growing varietal daisies easier, since the most ordinary flowers will grow, having lost their valuable varietal characteristics.

Ripe fruits are a flattened achene without a tuft.

Growing daisies from seeds

Sowing with your own hands collected seeds justified only for species varieties. Ornamental varieties bred by breeders can be planted with seeds for seedlings only when they were purchased from the manufacturer. Sowing daisies can be done both as seedlings and in open ground.

Growing through seedlings

The seedling method is preferable from the point of view that in this case it will be possible to obtain flowering already in the current season. It all depends on when to plant the seeds. It is recommended to sow in February, or at least in early March, immediately using individual planting containers. The root system of daisies develops in breadth, which leads to injury to the seedlings during transplantation. Sowing is done in nutritious, structured, well-moistened soil without deepening. It is permissible to sprinkle a thin layer of sand on top. After this, the seeds need to be pressed well into the soil and the container covered. plastic film. Before the first seedlings appear, the dishes should be placed in a warm and well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight to avoid the formation of excessive condensation.

After germination, and this can happen after 1-2 weeks, you need to move the containers to a cool, but no less bright place. Winter daylight cannot satisfy the seedlings' need for lighting, so at first it will be necessary to supplement it with a lamp.

When to plant seedlings in open ground?

Daisies refers to light-loving plants, which do not tolerate sudden soil frosts, especially in at a young age. Therefore, seedlings are planted in open ground no earlier than the end of May or even the beginning of June.


The plant does not tolerate root injury well at a young age, so it is advisable to do without additional planting of seedlings in containers. It is better to sow the seeds with a quantitative reserve, and then carefully cut off the excess sprouts at the root with scissors. Seedlings are planted in open ground by transshipment, and if grown in peat pots, together with them. The distance between neighboring bushes should be 15-20 cm, taking into account the growth of the root rosette.

Planting seeds in open ground

Most early date Direct sowing of seeds in open ground - end of May. It should be understood that this year it is unlikely that full flowering will be achieved, since all efforts will be directed towards the formation of the root system and leaf rosette. Seeds in open ground will need to be sprinkled with a thin layer of sand to protect them from birds and wind. Everything is covered with a film on top, which is lifted daily for ventilation. It is convenient to plant seeds in rows. As soon as the density of seedlings can be assessed, excess plants are removed using scissors.

Do not uproot excess seedlings from the ground; this will disrupt the root system of the remaining seedlings and slow down their development.

Selecting a location

The place for planting daisies is selected, first of all, based on their decorative purposes, therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that the composition of the soil at the selected location will have to be optimized for this crop. The question is simplified by the fact that daisies do not make great demands on the soil. But they feel best on light loam. Water should not stagnate in this place; in lowlands, you need to take care in advance of its high-quality and timely outflow.

As for lighting, daisies are unpretentious here too. They are ready to grow in an open area with sufficient moisture, and in a little passing shade. Perhaps, the only difference will be in the height of the peduncles; in the first case, they will be shorter, and the leaf rosettes will be denser.

Caring for Daisies

It’s not difficult to grow these flowers, but you won’t be able to forget about them for a long time. The flowerbed must be weeded regularly, watered in a timely manner and fed occasionally. You need to be careful with loosening the soil; shallow roots are easily damaged. For the same reason, you can’t delay watering, it will dry out. upper layer soil - daisies will suffer. With a lack of water, the inflorescences begin to shrink, and decorative terry varieties lose their doubleness. A layer of mulch will help partially solve this problem; the soil will release less moisture and dry out more slowly in the heat.

Mulching provides another advantage - mulch covers protruding roots, which the crop has a natural tendency to do.


Daisies are among the plants for which feeding is the most important care item. With unobtrusive “service”, their appearance will differ little from their wild counterparts growing in natural nature(in Russia - Crimea, Caucasus). If you provide them high level agricultural background, they will be able to fully reveal their decorative potential. In early spring When planting daisies or adding a balanced mineral composition to an existing flowerbed for flowering open ground crops. After waiting for the start of budding, you need to re-feed with a composition with a reduced percentage of nitrogen inclusion or with its complete absence.

Removing faded buds can not only prolong flowering, but also cause a second wave. To do this, you can walk through a flower bed with daisies with a lawnmower, cutting off all the flower stalks at the end of flowering. Very soon there will be a new flowering, and it will continue until frost.

Vegetative propagation methods

You can plant daisies not only by the generative method (seeds), but also by cuttings and dividing the bush. This primarily applies to varietal varieties in order to preserve their visual attractiveness.


The best time for cutting is the last week of August or the first of September (dates may vary depending on the weather). To do this, use a sharp knife or garden pruning shears; you need to cut off the leafy side stems. They are planted immediately on a training bed with a loose nutrient substrate. You can place them in a container with water. After just a couple of weeks, the green cuttings should produce new roots. It is better to plant them in a permanent place immediately after this. Next year they will produce full blooms.

Dividing the bush

It is worth knowing that after dividing the bush, the plant does not look as neat, lush and beautiful as one grown from purchased high-quality seeds. But you will have to resort to it from time to time for reasons that will be described below. The timing is the same as for cutting cuttings, but spring division is also acceptable. An adult, full-fledged bush is divided into 4-6 parts. First, all flower stalks and leaves without petioles are pinched off. The roots of the dug out bush are shortened to 5-8 cm. This will make rooting easier.

Divisions of adult daisies easily take root even with virtually no roots at all, producing new ones from the base of the petioles, so there is no need to try to preserve their entire root system.

Seed collection

Daisy seeds do not give away all at once, but as they ripen during a long flowering period, so if you want to collect all the seed material, you need to do this in stages every 5-7 days. It is necessary to carefully cut off the already wilted but not yet scattered seeds of the inflorescence, shake them out onto paper and lay them out on it to dry. For storage, paper envelopes or bags are also used, which are left in a dry and dark place for the winter.

Before harvesting, do not water the daisies; jets of water can easily wash away the ripe seeds.


The plant can overwinter in open ground, but requires shelter due to the shallow location of the horses, especially if the winter is frosty and with little snow. Sawdust, dry leaves, peat, humus or any other warming mulch, spread in a layer of at least 7-9 cm, are suitable for this. In old areas where plant roots protrude outward from the soil, the need for mulching increases in winter, and the thickness of the layer should also increase . In spring, such bushes must be replanted.


This point of agricultural technology applies only to perennial varieties. The need for their periodic transplantation is dictated by the tendency of the culture to degenerate. At first, the planting pleases with the beauty of large double flowers, but after a few years in the same place there is no trace of its former decorativeness. As soon as the clump begins to grow, the flowers become smaller and their double quality disappears. And, if other flowering crops require rejuvenating transplantation no earlier than after 5-6 years, then daisies need this much more often. If it is not possible to replant and divide the bush, then you should at least remove the excess bushes. This is quite a troublesome, but necessary care item.

Low growing flowers are important decorative element in the flower beds.

They play a role in multi-tiered compositions, alpine slides and lawn borders.

The daisy plant has long won the love of gardeners.

Its undeniable advantages are its unpretentiousness, long flowering period and frost resistance.

There are 14 species of daisies in nature, most of them grow in Europe. Modern garden forms were created based on perennial species.

Height wild plant does not exceed 30 cm, green leaves are collected in a rosette, and bright inflorescences are held on leafless peduncles.

The plant has a short decorative life span. In the first summer it forms a rosette of leaves.

The following year, the perennial daisy produces flowers and seeds in the fall.

The plant does not die after this, but its flowers become smaller, and the bushes themselves grow chaotically.

Systematic transplantation saves the culture from degeneration.

New varieties of daisies have been bred in Germany, Japan, Holland, and France. The work of breeders is aimed at creating flowers with early and abundant flowering. White, pink, red and bi-color flowers will fit into any garden design.

Popular varieties:

Daisy “Pomponnaya”. A miniature variety, the height of the plant does not exceed 15 cm, the diameter of the inflorescences is 2 cm. The shades are varied, agricultural companies often sell seed mixtures. Suitable for both open ground and as a houseplant. The variety is frost-resistant.

Daisy “Red Carpet”. The 15 cm tall plant is suitable for edging lawns and multi-tiered flower beds. Double inflorescences have a rich burgundy shade. The flowering period lasts from May to September.

Daisy “White Ball”. A terry variety with a height of 15 cm. The diameter of the flowers is 4 cm. The variety is used for framing flower beds and in rock gardens. The plant can be planted in partial shade.

Daisy "Habanera". The variety has the largest needle-shaped flowers, their diameter is 6 cm. The plant blooms in April, and the dormant period begins in September. The variety is frost-resistant, but prefers sunny areas.

Daisy "Robella". Low growing variety, the inflorescences of which are colored pink-salmon. Plants are planted on rocky hills, near ponds, in flowerpots and pots. The inflorescences open in the spring, covering the entire bush.

Daisy "Tasso Red". The height does not exceed 12 cm, the stem is shortened, the diameter of the flower is 4 cm. The tubular petals are painted red. Miniature variety used as ground cover plant.

All species and varieties exhibit resistance to common diseases and insects. You can transfer annual daisies from meadows and fields to the garden.

A low plant with white flowers will quickly cover the ground with a lush carpet.

The perennial daisy (Bellis perennis) belongs to the Asteraceae family.

Another representative of this family is the perennial osteospermum, which is a bush dotted with white and purple flowers.

The plant has many names, one of which sounds like African daisy.

Osteospermum resembles a perennial daisy not only in appearance, but also in growing conditions.

Plant propagation

Vegetative propagation methods allow preserving the varietal characteristics of the plant.

The procedure is carried out in the second year after planting or in subsequent years.

Dividing the bush

It is best to divide biennials in the spring, before budding, or in the fall.

The overgrown bush is carefully dug up and cut into several parts.

The green mass is removed from the cuttings, the roots are trimmed, and the sections are dusted with wood ash.

Daisies are planted in open ground immediately. The pre-prepared holes are then filled with soil and watered well.


Planting daisies can be done in another vegetative way.

The bushes are propagated by cuttings in June; side shoots are used for work.

They are separated with a sharp knife and immediately planted in open ground. It takes several weeks to root.

A rooted cutting will require the same care as an adult bush. The plant obtained from the cutting will bloom the next year.

Planting seeds in open ground

Seed germination persists for several years. Hybrid daisies are not grown from seeds, since they do not retain varietal characteristics.

Seed treatment before planting

Before planting daisies, the seed material is processed. It is dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate for a quarter of an hour, and then thoroughly dried on a paper napkin.

Instead of potassium permanganate, you can use the drug "Maxim". The pelleted seeds are immersed in the ground dry.

The protective shell protects them from insects and diseases.

Site selection and soil preparation

The future flower bed should be in a lighted place, but some varieties do well in the shade.

Pre-winter sowing carried out when the ground temperature drops to 0°C.

Under such conditions, the seeds will not germinate before the due time.

Planting daisies with seeds is carried out in previously prepared soil. A few weeks before frost, the soil in the flowerbed is loosened and weeds are removed.

Compost and granulated mineral fertilizers must be added to the planting holes.

Seed planting technology

Propagating daisies by seeds is a reliable way to get strong plants with strong immunity.

The material is sown immediately in a permanent place, the distance between each seed is 20 cm.

Daisy seeds require a lot of light to germinate. They should not be pressed deep into the soil.

The seeds are scattered over the surface and sprinkled with a layer of compost, sand or vermiculite.

The top of the flowerbed can be covered with spruce branches or dry leaves. With this sowing, the plant will bloom next summer.

Sowing daisies for seedlings can be done in room conditions, they do this in March. After processing, the material is sown in containers or peat tablets.

The container is covered with glass or film, then sent to a warm and bright room.

Optimal temperature for germination is 22°C.

The first shoots appear after 14 days.

The seedlings are watered as the soil dries out.

Plants peak with the appearance of three true leaves.

A few weeks before planting on the site, seedlings begin to harden. The pots are taken out onto the balcony for several hours.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Grown or purchased seedlings are planted in the spring, when the threat of return frosts has disappeared.

The soil in the flowerbed is pre-enriched river sand and humus.

Daisy seedlings must be carefully removed from the container; they have a delicate root system.

The plant grows quickly, so the distance between daisies should be 20 cm.

Rules for caring for flowers

After planting in open ground, the daisy requires standard care. The gardener's efforts should be aimed at removing weeds, watering and fertilizing.

The plant is moisture-loving; in drought it loses its decorative properties.

Water is added regularly, especially in hot weather.

However, its excess will lead to rotting of the root system.

Before planting, drainage must be done.

As the undersized biennial grows, it drowns out other plantings; the problem is caused by young plants that have grown by self-sowing.

They thicken the bushes and lead to various diseases.

Regular weeding and loosening are necessary, especially after heavy rains.

The earthen crust will not allow air to penetrate to the root system.

Fertilizers are applied three times per season. As soon as the snow melts, urea granules are scattered under the bushes, which will stimulate the development of greenery.

During the budding period, plantings are fertilized with nitroammophoska, and during the flowering phase - with superphosphate.

Of the diseases, the plant is most often affected by powdery mildew. A white coating appears on the top and bottom of the leaf plate, and later the leaf darkens and fades.

For prevention, the flower bed is sprayed with the preparations “Fitosporin-M”, “Topaz”, “Skor” or “Chistotsvet”. Common pests include thrips.

Elongated dark insects can be found on the underside of the leaf. As a result of their vital activity, the greenery acquires a yellowish color, then dries and falls off.

Insecticides are applied twice, with an interval of 5 days. Iskra, Fufanon, Aktara and Fitoverm have proven themselves well.

How and when to collect seeds

The plant has a long flowering period, so the seeds are collected several times during the summer. It is necessary to pick off the inflorescences on which all the petals have withered.

The seeds stick well to them, but may fall off due to strong wind or rain.

The inflorescences are picked in the afternoon, carefully laid out on newspaper and dried.

After a while, the daisy seeds begin to fall off on their own.

It is most convenient to store seed material in paper bags or fabric bags.

Preparing for winter

The culture is considered frost-resistant; the bushes overwinter with their stems and leaves. Sudden temperature changes and high humidity will lead to damping off and death.

Spruce spruce branches or branches of deciduous trees will provide ventilation for the plantings. The plants are covered in late autumn, and fallen leaves are sprinkled on top.

What to combine daisies with in landscape design

Hyacinths and crocuses will be excellent partners in spring compositions.

Varieties with white inflorescences are planted together with pansies.

Plants with pink shades inflorescences are often combined with.

You can add seeds to your Moorish lawn.

The daisy in the garden does not tolerate proximity to poppies, lilies and cornflowers.

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