Bladeless domestic fans are the best for home. Types and principles of operation of bladeless fans. Fan without blades: operating principle

The creators of technology never cease to amaze with their new products. One of the innovations in modern technologies is a bladeless fan. This is a unique design that changes the idea of ​​a conventional fan, it is efficient and safe.

From its appearance it is not immediately clear what purpose the device is intended for. The design of the fan is very simple: a ring is attached to the stand, along the perimeter of which there is a powerful air flow. How does this device work?

The mechanism is designed in such a way that air masses are drawn into the air intake and exit through a narrow slot with reverse side with high speed. Thanks to aerodynamics of the design low pressure is created on the back side of the frame to pump the input air flow, the turbine located on the footrest creates a fast air flow at the outlet.

Due to the absence of moving parts, you can not be afraid to leave the device in a place accessible to children. Also, pets will not suffer if they show interest in the device.

The bladeless fan consumes 98% less electricity, which allows you to save on energy resources. The built-in 40W turbine produces an air volume of 20 l/s, which increases by at least 10 times when moving. Due to its design features, this fan is much more efficient than its bladed predecessor.

The built-in footrest mechanism allows you to rotate the ring to the side by 90 degrees, as well as change the tilt angle up to 10 degrees. To increase comfort there are rotation function 360 degrees, operating in automatic mode. This principle of operation will increase the area of ​​distribution of freshness and coolness. For convenience, the fan is controlled remote control management, which runs on regular AAA batteries.

Types of fan

The bladeless fan provides continuous air flow. To create a comfortable atmosphere, it is equipped with a regulator that can control and change the pressure of the moving air mass. Along with operating efficiency, the device has stylish design and will fit into any interior room. Depending on the application area, you can choose one of the following options devices.

Advantages of the device

The main advantages of such a climate control device are the following factors.

  1. Sustainability. The center of gravity falls on the footrest, where the motor is located. This gives stability to the structure and will prevent it from falling if the device is accidentally caught.
  2. Safety is ensured due to the absence of rotational elements.
  3. High performance. The device is able to quickly create a comfortable indoor climate by evenly distributing cooled air throughout the space. By installing a floor fan near the window, the room will always be fresh and cozy.
  4. Low power consumption will save energy costs.
  5. Ease of maintenance. Due to its simple design and lack of small parts, the device is easy to clean from dust with a regular damp cloth.

Despite the fact that such a fan appeared on the market relatively recently, it confidently occupies its niche in the consumer range. Customer reviews are only the most positive, but most of all it amazes with its creative look, thereby attracting Special attention. Unlike a conventional fan, it distributes air masses evenly and gently, creating a comfortable atmosphere in the room. The power of the device allows you to quickly refresh the climate, while not drying out the skin during prolonged use.

Thanks to low energy consumption, you can allow the device to operate continuously in sultry heat.

Diversity climate control equipment allows you to choose the most optimal device, which would meet expectations. Turbulent blower, thanks to its high efficiency and power, it can replace an air conditioner, but at the same time it is significantly lower in cost and free to maintain.

IN Lately advertisements for a safe bladeless fan periodically appear on the RuNet; we suggest considering the design of this climate control device for the home and the principle of its operation. We will also talk about the strong and weaknesses this device and its main characteristics. After which we will conduct short review several models of bladeless fans, and at the end of the article we will consider the possibility of creating such an unusual device with your own hands.

Design and principle of operation

In 2009, J. Dyson presented the world with his own fan development. The design feature was the absence of blades, which, however, did not prevent the device from creating a stable air flow. Moreover, the volume of air at the outlet exceeded that entering the turbine by one or two orders of magnitude. Do you think it's magic? No, everything is much more serious - aerodynamics.

It's all about the profile of the ring; it is given a special shape.

Thanks to this, the air escaping from the holes is focused so that a zone is formed in front of the ring low pressure(highlighted with a red oval in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Aerodynamic modeling of the operation of the Dyson Air Multiplier

Since such an area is surrounded in front and on the sides high blood pressure, air is drawn in from the back of the ring, forming a stable directed flow.

Note that the compilation mathematical model profile to achieve maximum effect and refine the technology, it took Dyson about four years. Most Chinese analogues of its device cannot produce even half the power of the original device. The inventor patented the design, in particular, the profile of the ring and the structure of the turbine that pumps air, so in order to make full-fledged copies it is necessary to purchase production rights from the author.

How does the fan work?

Since the drawing of the device is protected by copyright, we will talk about the operation of the fan, based on the drawings used in the advertising of this product.

Explanation of the picture:

  • A – holes for air supply to the turbine.
  • B – turbine engine.
  • C – air flows inside the ring.
  • D – ring.

When turned on, the turbine begins to pump air into the ring, from where it exits under pressure into a small slot (A in Fig. 5) or small nozzles.

Rice. 5. A - Slot for air outlet; B – motor for rotating the ring

Some models (for example, Flextron FB1009, KITFORT KT-401, HJ-007, Bork) have a built-in motor (B in Fig. 5), which allows you to change the direction of the ring, and, consequently, the air flow. Some manufacturers have provided the possibility of installing a special aerosol into the design, as a result of which Airmultiplier Dyson (that’s what Dyson called his brainchild) additionally acts as an air freshener (part model range Kitfort, Supra, Renova, Vesson).

There are bladeless fans with air cooling and heating; such household appliances can be classified as full-fledged climate control equipment.

Original devices are produced with a power unit (turbine) with a power of 25 or 40 W. For Chinese analogues, this parameter may vary by wide range. Such a small power is quite enough for up to 500 liters of air per second to pass through the ring (again, this value applies to original products).

Advantages and disadvantages

Having examined the structure of air multipliers, we can move on to analyzing their advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the first one. Advantages:

Unfortunately, of this device There are also disadvantages that significantly affect consumer demand:

  1. High price original models, it can reach up to 20 thousand rubles or more, which is comparable to the purchase and installation of an inexpensive split system. However, you can put up with this price if the bladeless fan has the functions of heating and cooling the air. Note that Chinese analogues are significantly cheaper, some even by an order of magnitude, but, as already described above, they are less efficient.
  2. Despite the fact that the fan power plant is low-noise, during operation this device emits a characteristic hum, reminiscent of the operation of an aircraft turbine. Moreover, at maximum power the noise level can reach 60 decibels, which is quite a lot, since an hour is enough for it to give you a headache. True, in this mode the device creates such a strong air flow that discomfort occurs, so the maximum level of operation is practically not used. In normal mode, the device makes much less noise.
  3. The 15-fold increase in flow stated in the advertisement is technically correct, but there is a certain nuance. This value is typical for the maximum mode, which is practically not used.

Review of models on the market

Let us give as an example several models of devices available on the Russian market.

Bladeless Fan, small inexpensive table fan bladeless type. Made in China. The cost is about $40-$50. A minimum of functions and low power (12 W) allow you to obtain an air flow that is quite acceptable for desktop devices.

Another a budget option with a minimum functional set - Fan Leader, according to suppliers, made in Poland. Also in a desktop version, in the same price range, but slightly higher power - 35 W. Featurework zone made in the shape of an oval. Note that this form is found in many models, for example, Orion OR-DSO2.

Well, for comparison, let's look at original design— Dayson Hot + Cool model. This device Available in floor-standing version. It has an air heating function. Turbine power is 40 W, in heater mode – 2 kW. There is a remote control remote control, an information board indicating the selected mode and the set temperature. For all this pleasure you will need to pay about 500 – 540 dollars.

Concluding the topic of the review, we present a comparative table of the Dynson model range and the Chinese analogue Unico ION.

Name Dyson AM-01 Dyson AM-02 Dyson AM-03 Dyson AM-04 Unico ION
Estimated Cost, $ 260 310 340 345 50
Functionality cooling cooling cooling cooling/heating cooling
Air flow speed (max), l/s 450 600 700 130 450
execution desktop Floor Floor Floor Desktop
Manual tilt angle adjustment + + + +
Manual height setting +
Automatic 90° turns + + + + +
Smooth flow speed adjustment + + + + +
Noise level (max), dB 64,5 63,0 65,0 64,0 60,0
Power consumption (max), W 40 65 65 2000 35
Packaging dimensions, mm 547x356x152 1007x190x110 1480x450x280 579x200x153 580x330x180
Weight (gross), kg 1,80 3,35 4,30 2,47 2,50

Is it possible to make a bladeless fan with your own hands?

There are several videos on the RuNet dedicated to this topic, where they are used to create a ring. various materials, starting from plastic buckets and ending with sewer PVC pipes. Power plants are also varied, mostly powerful processor coolers, but there are originals that use a vacuum cleaner engine. The effectiveness of such structures and their characteristics are highly questionable, especially since no measurements are provided.

As you remember, to create a low pressure zone it is necessary to focus air flows in a special way. Using ordinary materials at hand, this is quite difficult to do, and work for the sake of work does not carry any rational meaning.

The traditional design of a ceiling fan is well known. Usually its blades whistle through the air under the ceiling of the room, directing the air flow downward. Being directly under the fan, you can enjoy the “light breeze” and risk catching

The traditional design of a ceiling fan is well known. Usually its blades whistle through the air under the ceiling of the room, directing the air flow downward. Being directly under the fan, you can enjoy the “light breeze” and risk catching a cold at the same time. But in other places in the room the effect of the flow is practically not felt.

Inventor Nik Hiner, together with like-minded people from the company Exhale Fans, offers a product that does not have these disadvantages and has an unusual innovative design.

In the new design, everything is turned upside down. No, the fan is still mounted under the ceiling of the room, but it does not have any blades whistling overhead, and it does not blow out the air flow, but draws it in.

Instead of blades, flat disks rotate, creating laminar (unidirectional) air flows moving along the surface of the ceiling and descending down to the floor along the walls of the room. As a result, air entering the fan from below circulates evenly throughout the room, mixing the temperature layers. Unlike a conventional blade fan, a room completely enveloped by laminar flow eliminates areas where the temperature deviates significantly from the average.

The design does not have rotating blades, which determines a fundamentally lower noise level during operation. In addition, a low-noise electric motor is used to rotate the circles, which practically reduces the overall noise level to a minimum. Engine direct current can rotate at six different speeds, and is controlled by a wireless remote control. Of course, the undeniable advantage and difference between the new fan and its bladed counterparts is appearance, fits perfectly into almost any interior.

The idea for a bladeless ceiling fan came to Hiner while he was studying the design of a Nikola Tesla turbine. Hiner made the first attempt to implement an unusual design in 2005. Next years went into adapting the design and producing a whole series of prototypes before the inventor settled on the current design.

Today the fan is almost ready for production. To launch it, a certain amount is required, which Hiner intends to spend on developing packaging and purchasing raw materials.

In this publication, we will look at a device called Dyson’s Air Multiplier and, despite its unusual appearance, it is a fan that has an obvious feature - it does not have the usual blades, which, when rotating, create a flow of air directly directed at the object. In the video there is a review of it and a demonstration of how it works. This is an invention of Dyson, which specializes in the development and assembly of vacuum cleaners. The company's employees decided to create a bladeless fan, based on the principles on which their favorite creations, the vacuum cleaners mentioned above, operate.

Despite the apparent sensationalism of this useful model, the inventors were unable to completely abandon the blades. They remain in this device, but are hidden in the body, in general, like in a vacuum cleaner. The beautiful ring contains properly directed slits, and at the base of the fan there are blades that force air upward.

The nice utility of this thing is not only the futuristic design, but also the safety of the design, which has no external rotating parts. For owners of apartments and other premises where children are located, this is an important advantage. In addition, the air flow of a bladeless fan is more uniform than its standard counterpart. The disadvantage is a hum, reminiscent of the noise of a working vacuum cleaner, a weaker flow than in the paddle counterpart, and a high price. Figuratively speaking, the wind costs 450 rubles, and the cost is several times higher.

The main disadvantage is noise.


And if you make a super coil in this ring, and a transformer at the bottom, then by accelerating the electrons by 4000 volts and creating a powerful twisting magnetic field, you can create the same effect. Electrons magnetic field will disperse air particles. And there won’t be as much noise if it can be heard at all outside of the flow.
This is called induction. It will only be times more expensive at 15.

It's buzzing, I think the efficiency is several times lower compared to normal fans, problems with maintenance, dust and all that. useless thing. As for safety, it seems that all fans are equipped with mesh protection. Is not it so?

It makes noise. There is a 100% impeller like that of a vacuum cleaner, just for pressure to pump this ring. Dyson or whoever invented it, handsome, hid the valve in a separate housing (he took the housing from a vacuum cleaner) and simply added a more original air duct to it. That's it, the know-how is ready. It was correctly written above, a product for a variety of “on the couch” stores. A cheap Chinese floor fan operates almost silently at speed 1 and moves 50 times more air through it.

Useless thing. Well, you can wash this ring under the tap and the dust inside won’t be sucked in? A regular fan equipped with a mesh is also safe. This fan is quite loud. I don’t see any advantages in it at all.

Damn...4500...7500 rpm is brutal, it will sound like an airplane. But thanks for the video! Otherwise, in the descriptions in online stores, some kind of garbage is written, you won’t understand anything from them, but now at least I looked - I understand.
I'll buy it when they start making silent ones and at a normal price. 1500 rpm should be the maximum. Better - 600. In principle, everything is clear: there must be a thicker column in order to fit a fan that provides the required air flow at low speeds.
So, producers, get to work!

I've seen completely silent specimens. When I came across a stream of air coming from nowhere, I was very impressed. Imagine standing in front of an incomprehensible device that shows no signs of active operation, but at the same time generates a pleasant flow of air. I was immediately delighted. Returning home, I began surfing the Internet to understand what it was and how it worked. I remember then I immediately thought that Mr. Dyson, the practical one, had created a fundamentally the new kind propulsion system, which is based on the principle of air flow multiplication. And that uniform air flow, without turbulence, is very useful for such types of transport as Hoverbike, etc.

Alas, it is not an ideal fan, as it makes noise; an ideal fan should be absolutely silent. But this is a contradiction, cutting the air with blades creates a beneficial effect (air flow) and at the same time a harmful effect (noise), which means the blades must spin to create air flow and should not spin so as not to create noise. This is a physical contradiction, who will resolve this contradiction , will create the perfect fan.

Well, it’s not easy to wash it, but on the contrary, it’s very difficult. The fan is hidden in the case, and it’s not easy to reach it to remove the dust piles. There will be even more dust there than in the computer's system unit. And that's all show-off. Efficiency drops when air has to be pushed through it all before it comes out. It will either be weaker than a regular fan or louder.

Try to sleep with someone working food processor in the room. After all, the fan is a blade fan, the blades are just hidden. Low-speed fans with large blades are more practical, quieter and no less safe.

Quite recently, rather strange devices have begun to appear on the market that have the functions of a regular fan, but do not have the usual blades. Standard device This type looks like a ring mounted on a special stand. In this case, the air flow comes directly from the middle of such a ring, which seems fantastic and even magical. For many, such a fan causes bewilderment, while others consider its operation to be simply supernatural or a scam.

In fact, a fan without blades has a fairly simple design, although its operating principle is based on the latest developments in the field of aerodynamics and technology. The fact is that the ring installed on the cabinet is hollow inside, and a special hole is made along its inner perimeter. A fan without blades has a turbine inside the cabinet, which supplies air pressure inside the ring, and it exits through an opening that has such aerodynamics that its flow is directed in a certain direction, namely through the circle itself. Thus, directional masses are created, which, in turn, capture air from environment, creating a fairly powerful flow. Therefore, such a device is often called pressure."

It is worth noting that the air flow obtained using such a device flows evenly, and not in portions, as when using a conventional fan, which helps to increase its efficiency and significantly improves efficiency. Therefore, such a device is very good to use as a cooling fan. Its uniform flow will keep the required area under constant air pressure, which will be much more efficient at the same energy costs.

Thanks to its design, a fan without blades allows you to produce an air volume 15 times more than a regular one. At the same time, its air pump operates almost silently, which is also a very big advantage. Many models of such devices can heat the air, allowing the device to be used as a heater, and the absence of blades makes it safe for children.

However, the most important advantage of such a fan is its uniform air flow, which can be compared to a light breeze; it makes you feel like you are on the seashore. It does not bother you with its constant noise, so using such a device is a pleasure. Also, a fan without blades does not collect dust. This has a positive effect on health and will make it possible for people suffering from allergies to use it.

Therefore, bladeless fans are the latest devices for organizing everyday life, which are not only very effective, but economical and safe. At the same time, the price for such air is almost the same as for an electric fan heater. This makes such a device accessible to almost everyone, and the remote control will allow you to enjoy a gentle air flow from anywhere in the room.