Caring for an acrylic bathtub at home: choosing cleaning products. The best way to wash an acrylic bathtub at home. You can wash an acrylic bathtub.

What to wash with acrylic bath? This question arises among housewives who have wandered sanitary product made of this material, or it was covered with it during restoration. In any case, the products used to clean enamel are not suitable for caring for this polymer; you can easily damage the capricious surface, which means you will have to be careful when choosing.

Folk remedies

There are a number of substances that are found in almost every home and are suitable for cleaning acrylic surfaces:

It is recommended to be used to remove limestone deposits. Enough to fill the bath hot water, add a packet of acid, mix and leave for a couple of hours. Then, the water is drained, and the surface of the bowl is washed with jets of water; it should be wiped with a cloth so that there are no streaks left.

If you carry out such cleaning at home once every 10-12 months, then you can do without special means sold in stores.

In case of significant contamination, the dosage of acid should be increased to 3 sachets. But such a procedure is considered aggressive and is carried out only if there is a special need for it.

  • Toothpaste

This original product is not suitable for fighting rust and lime, but it can be used to remove minor stains on the bathtub. The paste is applied to a brush, you can use a toothbrush, and scrubbed off required area. Afterwards it is washed off with water.

  • Soda-soap solution

It is better to clean an acrylic bathtub with baking soda, which is a weak alkali that cannot damage the material. Prepare a mixture of baking soda and soap, apply it to the contaminated areas and leave for half an hour. Afterwards, the solution is washed off; if necessary, you can go over it with a sponge or brush with soft bristles.

You can also prepare a paste of soda and a small amount of water, which is used to cover the walls of the bathtub. After 20 minutes it is removed with a damp sponge.

This product is suitable if you need to clean the bathtub from fresh stains and minor deposits.

  • Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

With this mixture you can get rid of limescale, rust and yellowness. The liquids are mixed 1:1, a cloth or sponge is soaked in them and the surface of the bowl is wiped.

  • Salt

If there is old rust, you can clean an acrylic bathtub with regular fine salt. It is poured onto the surface of a sponge, moistened with water and the stains are rubbed off. But, it should be remembered that salt is an abrasive, which means it is advisable to act very carefully.

This substance allows you to clean very strong stains from the surface of an acrylic bowl. You will need 1 liter of vinegar, which is poured into a bathtub filled with warm water. The product is left for 10-12 hours, or overnight, and then drained and rinsed. This method is not recommended unless there is a special need.

You can also pour baking soda onto a pre-moistened surface, and after 15 minutes, pour in a 9% vinegar solution. Dirt is treated with a brush.

  • Lemon juice

Allows you to remove rust from the surface. Freshly squeezed liquid is applied to the stain, wait about 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Disinfection of an acrylic bathtub

The bathroom is a room with high humidity, in which fungi and mold often appear, therefore, important point disinfection is mandatory. The bath bowl also needs annual treatment. You can disinfect an acrylic bathtub as follows:

  • the bowl is filled with water at a temperature of 20-25°C;
  • pour out one package of detergent that has a disinfectant effect, for example, Ravac;
  • water with the cleaning composition should be mixed and left for 10 minutes;
  • after the specified time, the water is drained and the bowl is rinsed;
  • The last step is to wipe the walls of the bathtub dry.

The procedure requires the use of protective gloves. After the event, the bathroom should be thoroughly ventilated.

Special care products for acrylic

If the housewife decides to use cleaning products purchased in the store, then it should be taken into account that it is impossible to wash a bathtub covered with acrylic with compounds for ordinary surfaces.

But modern chemical production offers wide choose special products intended for the care of acrylic surfaces. The compositions have a gentle effect on the material, eliminating stains and smudges without damaging it. Most often, they have a cream or gel consistency. Popular cleaning products include the following:

  • Acrilan - provides comprehensive care - fights even old stains, disinfects, forms on the walls of the bathtub protective layer, preventing bacteria from accumulating;
  • Sif (cream, spray, paste) is a universal product characterized by its careful treatment of delicate polymers and high efficiency;
  • Mister Chister is an inexpensive cleaning liquid that can be used to remove limescale and rust.
  • Tim-pro is a modern disinfectant that removes plaque and dirt of any complexity, gives shine to the surface being cleaned, and eliminates unpleasant odors;
  • RAVAK Turbocleaner - to dissolve lime deposits, just apply the composition and wait;
  • San Klin is a multifunctional composition that is effective in combating various mineral deposits.
  • Triton is a disinfectant, recommended for use if care and cleaning is required old bath with old contamination.

The gel or cream is applied to a sponge or napkin, which is used to wipe the bath bowl. It is advisable to leave the product for 5-7 minutes, and then rinse with plenty of water and wipe dry.

Features of caring for an acrylic product

Proper care of an acrylic bathtub will increase the life of the product and preserve its aesthetic appearance for a long time. In addition, if you choose the right product and use it regularly, the bowl will shine white, without smudges, deposits, cracks or scratches.

The bathtub should be rinsed after each use and wiped with a dry cloth. If there are no persistent stains, then you can wash the acrylic bathtub with ordinary laundry or baby soap or dishwashing liquid. You can also add washing gel or a little powder to warm water, dissolve it, apply the resulting foam to the walls of the bowl and rinse with water.

To restore shine to the polymer surface, you can take soft cloth, saturate it with wax-based polish and rub the walls of the bowl.

One caveat - although acrylic is durable, it is a thermoplastic that is not resistant to high temperatures.

At individual system When heating water, do not allow boiling water to get into the bath, otherwise the surface will be deformed.

What should not be used to clean acrylic surfaces?

In order for the sanitary product to serve for a long time, it should be borne in mind that there are many products that cannot be used to clean acrylic surfaces. You can ruin your bathtub by using the following substances and compositions:

  • washing powder in dry form, without prior dissolution in water - its granules can leave microscopic scratches on the surface;
  • cleaning powders with abrasive particles;
  • chlorine-containing products - after the first use, the walls of the bowl may become cloudy; subsequently, chlorine begins to corrode the synthetic polymer, it becomes porous, loses its gloss, and becomes rough;
  • solvents containing acetone - an aggressive substance will not only cloud the surface, but will immediately corrode the acrylic;
  • bleaches and others chemicals, which contain ammonia - this substance is less hostile to polymers, however, it is also capable of destroying their structure;
  • products with the toxic component formaldehyde, a gas that was dissolved in water and was previously used in the chemical industry, are incompatible with acrylic.

Also, concentrated alcohols, acids, and alkalis are not suitable for processing this material.

To properly care for an acrylic bathtub, you need to purchase soft sponges and microfiber cloths. Also, when cleaning, it is necessary to use special products that will not harm the acrylic surface, which is quite specific in responding to the effects of aggressive agents. chemicals. Find out more about cleaning this bathtub below.

Store-bought cleaning products

For acrylic bathtubs, detergents can be especially dangerous if they contain concentrated alkalis and acids, chlorine, and ammonia. These substances can change the color of the bathtub, contribute to the appearance of small cracks and scratches, and add roughness to a smooth surface. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right cleaning product:
  • Akrilan. It is recommended to use foam as a detergent. With its help you can remove various pollution in the form of rust and limescale. The contaminated surface is wiped with a sponge on which foam is applied, and after 10 minutes from the moment of treatment it is washed off with water.

    Foam creates a thin protective layer that prevents dirt from settling on the surface of the bathtub.

  • Sif, Bass. Are considered the most universal means for gentle cleaning of sanitary ware surfaces, including acrylic bathtubs. They do not contain substances that can spoil its surface. After cleaning with these products, the bath will shine with shine and whiteness, if there are no old stains.
  • Cinderella. It is recommended to wear rubber gloves and a mask when using the product, as when spraying it releases bad smell. It should be kept on the surface for about 7-10 minutes. Then rinse off with a shower and wipe with a sponge or microfiber cloth.
  • Chister. Its advantage is that it contains acrylic polymer. When processing a surface, it covers it like a film, repelling different types dirt, and the bath will shine with shine and whiteness for a long time. Bacteria and fungi will not accumulate on it. It is enough to treat the surface for 5 minutes.
  • Team-Profi. A special product for acrylic bathtubs, which not only carefully cleanses various types of stains, but also eliminates odors, and also creates a reliable protective layer against other contaminants.
  • Bon Professional. This is a reliable product for cleaning plastic products. It is applied to a cloth and wiped over the surface of the bath. It is recommended to wait a few minutes and rinse thoroughly. clean water. It forms a special film that protects the surface from contamination for a long time.

In addition, if there is no special product at home, you can use dishwashing gels, as well as washing powder, previously dissolved in water.

Is it possible to use Domestos?

Many housewives are interested in the question of the possibility of cleaning plastic bath Domestos. This product is not prohibited from being used. Even though it will hold back hydrochloric acid, but it does not damage the acrylic surface. Perfectly removes accumulated plaque and rust.

But before you start treating the bath with this product, you need to know how it’s done:

  • First, you need to moisten a soft sponge with the composition and wipe the bath.
  • Wait about 1 minute and rinse off with plenty of water.
  • Wipe the surface dry.

In addition to cleaning the surface, Domestos reliably disinfects it and creates a protective layer.

Home Remedies for Cleaning Acrylic Bathtubs

They do not cause allergies and do not require separate material costs:
  • Lemon acid. To clean, the bath is filled with warm water, to which 10 g of acid is added. The water is not drained for about 2-12 hours. After time, the water is drained and the surface is rinsed running water. Remains of moisture are removed with a soft cloth.
  • Toothpaste. Whenever various kinds stains, use toothpaste to clean your teeth. Apply it to a sponge and rub the stain, pressing lightly on it.
  • Baking soda. If it is necessary to remove rust or limescale, use a paste of baking soda. The surface is treated with it and after a while it is washed off with warm water.

Methods for removing yellowness from an acrylic bathtub

Yellowness from the surface of an acrylic bath can be removed in the following ways:
  • For gentle whitening of acrylic bathtubs, it is recommended to mix in equal proportions ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. This composition must be wiped with a soft cloth.
  • Use in equal quantities lemon juice and vinegar. They are mixed and applied to the surface using a sponge.
  • Apply laundry bleach. To do this, the powder is diluted with water to make a paste and applied to the stains. Leave until the paste dries, then wash it off with clean water and wipe with a rag.
  • Treat the surface of the bath apple cider vinegar, then rinse with water.

Removing limescale from an acrylic bathtub

The bath has constant contact with tap water. Over time, salts can settle on its surface, forming a gray coating. In the same form, particles of fat are deposited, which we wash off from the skin during bathing, if after bathing the bath was poorly washed off. Because of such deposits, the bathtub loses its shine and whiteness, and the surface becomes rough.

It is necessary to select products that will effectively remove plaque without damaging its surface. These liquids and creams include: Sanfor, Gel WC 5+, RAVAK Turbocleaner. They act gently on the surface without damaging it.

To prevent plaque from stagnating, it is necessary to clean the bathtub with these products at least 2 times a month. If measures are not taken in time, then over time the thin hard film will thicken. Each time it becomes more and more difficult to remove it from the surface of an acrylic bathtub.

The advantage of these products is that there is no need to rub the surface, but only need to treat it, wait a few minutes and rinse with running water.

We remove heavy deposits and “water stone”

If the bathroom has not been maintained for a long time, a plaque may form that will be difficult to remove. However, there is a remedy that can cope with such plaque:
  • Take cleaning powder for dishes or washing, dilute with water and mix until it becomes a paste.
  • Add 2 tbsp. l. white and 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.
This mixture must be applied to the surface using a plastic or rubber spatula and left for 20 minutes. Then take a soft sponge, pressing lightly, and wipe the problem areas. Rinse the mixture with running water and wipe the bath dry.

Video: How to properly wash an acrylic bathtub?

The following video offers tips on how to properly clean an acrylic bathtub, and also tests ways to clean it using toothpaste and a special solution:

So, caring for an acrylic bathtub is not such a difficult task if you do not bring the condition to a critical level, allowing the formation of thick limescale and rust. As soon as the smallest stains or dirt are noticed, they must be removed immediately using special compounds. Then the acrylic bathtub will delight you with shine and cleanliness for a long time.

Owners of an acrylic bathtub should note that it is very different from its steel or cast iron counterparts and requires compliance with certain rules of care. Before cleaning an acrylic bathtub at home, you need to choose the right product. Otherwise it may be damaged inner covering and say goodbye to your plumbing product forever.

To clean an acrylic bathtub at home, you can use household chemicals. Specialized stores have big choice effective cleaners for acrylic from well-known manufacturers.

Cleaning products you can use to clean acrylic bathtubs:

  • Acrilan. It helps quickly get rid of rust stains, mold and limescale. Using this liquid, you can thoroughly wash the product and add shine to the surface of the bathing tank.
  • Rawak. The brand produces products for cleaning, disinfecting and restoring the protective layer of acrylic bathtubs.
  • Chister is a composition for quickly removing any type of contaminant, consisting of a polymer that protects the product from fungi.
  • Acrylic Polish. Cleaning gels from this company are available for sale, as well as products for restoring and polishing bathtubs.
  • Tim Pro. A safe cleaning product that disinfects surfaces and also removes unpleasant odors, salt deposits and greasy spots.
  • Cif. Available in the form of a spray or cream, suitable for all types of coatings. Since the products do not contain abrasive substances, they can be used to safely wash an acrylic bathtub at home from yellowness, rust, grease and lime.
  • Bon Professional. Good remedy for cleaning acrylic products. During washing, a film is formed that protects the coating from contamination.
  • Bass- liquid composition, which is suitable for daily care of acrylic surfaces.
  • L.O.S. - an expensive but very effective remedy from Amway.
  • Cinderella. Inexpensive and effective spray. However, when using it, you need to wear a respirator, since the product has a characteristic pungent odor.

Having decided which cleaning agent is best to use, you should read the instructions for use.

As a rule, household chemicals are used like this: the liquid is applied to a dirty surface with a sponge, and then left on the surface for 5-20 minutes to act. After this, the product is washed off with water. When using a spray, the product is sprayed, and then left for the time specified in the instructions and washed off. Finally, the clean bath is wiped dry.

Home cleaners

If you wish, you can clean your acrylic bathtub using home remedies. To wash acrylic, only soft sponges or cloth napkins, which are pre-moistened in solutions, can be used. After washing, the surface should be wiped with a dry cloth and treated with polish.

Most effective home remedies:

Lemon acid cleanses plaque, fats and other contaminants well, but pure form it cannot be used. To clean an acrylic bathtub, you need to fill it ⅔ full with warm water, then pour in 50 g of acid, mix the solution thoroughly and leave overnight. After 12 hours, drain the water, rinse the tank with a stream of water from the shower and wipe the surface with a soft cloth.

For mild stains, you can use apple cider vinegar, but you need to work with it quickly and carefully. It is recommended to generously moisten a rag in the solution, apply it to the stain and pour water on it. You can also do it differently. To do this, you need to fill the bathtub two-thirds full with hot water, and then pour 1 liter of vinegar into it and leave the solution overnight. In the morning, drain the water and wipe the surface dry. This cleaning method is effective for heavily soiled areas.

Suitable for removing plaque and breaking down fats baking soda. It is necessary to pour 3 tbsp. l. baking soda into a plate, pour 250 ml of water into it, and then moisten the soft side of the sponge in the resulting solution and apply the composition to dirty places. After a quarter of an hour, you need to rinse the bath with water and wipe with a cloth. It is prohibited to use undiluted baking soda as it can scratch the acrylic coating.

For effective cleaning Toilet or baby soap can also be used. A small piece of soap (about 15 g) should be grated, dilute the resulting shavings in 500 ml of boiling water and stir until completely dissolved. After this, you need to add 1 tbsp to the soap solution. l. baking soda. Treat the dirty surface with the prepared mixture and rinse with water after 30 minutes.

In addition, acrylic products can be cleaned using toothpaste, which does not contain abrasive particles. Initially, the product is applied to a sponge or napkin, and then the contaminated surface is wiped. Next, the paste is washed off with water and the bath is rubbed until shiny.

Removing rust and limescale

If you regularly rinse and thoroughly clean your bathing tank, it will always be in good condition. appearance. If care is not taken thoroughly, rust, salt deposits and other stains appear on the surface. You can use home remedies to remove them. The choice of cleaner depends on the type of contamination.

It is recommended to remove limescale using lemon juice.. To do this, rub the acrylic surface with a slice of lemon, and after 10-20 minutes, rinse with running water. A thick layer of plaque should be removed by sequential treatment with soda and vinegar solutions. Initially, the surface is treated with a soda solution (100 g per 1 liter of water), and vinegar is applied on top of it (9% table vinegar diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio). After 10 minutes, when the chemical reaction stops, the bath is washed with warm water.

A mixture of mustard and regular soda will help remove yellow stains and rust. Both ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, and then a small amount is added to the composition warm water to obtain a paste. After that home remedy Apply liberally to stains and leave overnight.

The next morning, the dried composition is moistened and the surface is wiped with a sponge. Next, all that remains is to thoroughly wash the product with water.

In addition, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are used to get rid of yellowness and rust stains. These components are mixed and then sprayed onto problem areas from a spray bottle. The structure is washed after 15 minutes.

Rubbing alcohol is suitable for removing traces of paint and glue. It should be applied to contaminated areas using a soft sponge, and after 2 minutes, rinse off.

Prohibited means

Although acrylic products have many advantages, they still have poor mechanical strength.

Therefore, in order to give the bathtub an ideal look and protect its surface from damage, you should not use cleaning powders with abrasives or aggressive chemical solutions to wash plumbing fixtures.

  • Products with abrasive particles, as they contribute to the formation of micro-scratches.
  • Preparations containing chlorine. After their use, the coating becomes dull, i.e., it loses its gloss.
  • Acetone and other organic solvents. They destroy the structure of the polymer. With prolonged contact, acrylic enters into chemical reaction with funds and begins to deform.
  • Products containing formaldehyde. These substances negatively affect the material, destroying it.

To keep an acrylic bathtub clean, you must adhere to certain rules for caring for such products. First of all, if minor dirt is detected, there is no need to immediately treat the surface with cleaning agents. To do this, washing the tank with warm water using a soft sponge may be sufficient. After completing the procedure, the product is wiped dry and treated with wax polish to add shine.

It is recommended to clean the bathing area once a day. For this purpose, you need to soap the sponge laundry soap, wipe the surface of the bathtub, rinse with running water and blot dry. It is advisable to treat the tank with chemical detergents no more than once every 2 weeks.

Besides, Every 6-12 months it is recommended to disinfect the bathtub. The container should be filled with water at room temperature, a disinfectant solution should be added to it and mixed thoroughly. After 10-20 minutes, the water must be drained, and then the remaining chemicals must be washed off from the surface of the acrylic bath.

Before using any product, it is recommended to test it. This is done like this: initially apply the selected liquid to small area, preferably on the lower part of the bath. Next, the product is left for 20-30 minutes. After this time, the treated area is washed with warm water and carefully examined to see how the coating reacted to the selected cleaning agent.

Thus, there are many products that can be used to clean an acrylic bathtub. For this purpose the use is permitted household chemicals or homemade cleaners. They effectively cope with any type of pollution.

Acrylic is a polymer material (polymethyl methacrylate) used for the manufacture of bathroom equipment and showers. If you wash an acrylic bathtub at home using familiar products, methods for cast iron or metal products, it will quickly become unusable. In order for plumbing to last for many years and have a decent appearance, it needs to be properly cared for.

Acrylic bathtubs appeared on the market not so long ago, but managed to gain trust and become a popular product. The products differ in many ways from enameled metal and cast iron products.

The coating requires careful handling and compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations. If the conditions are met, the plumbing fixtures will last for many years and will retain their whiteness and beauty. The rules of care and the process itself are so simple that if you wash the product regularly, there will be no difficulties in the future.

The basic rule that will help avoid the formation of red streaks of rust, stains, and lime deposits is to wash the bathtub after each use with a soft, soapy sponge and wipe it dry. You can prevent the appearance of water stones and salt deposits by adding a little vinegar to the water when bathing. It will soften the water and prevent sediment from forming.

For light stains, you can use detergent for dishes, bar or liquid soap. After taking a shower, you should lather with a washcloth, walk over the entire surface, rinse off the foam, and wipe the bath with a soft cloth.

Due to busy and busy people, it happens that cleaning acrylic bathtubs comes last on the to-do list. Housewives notice that the plumbing fixtures are taking on an unkempt appearance. To get rid of neglected contaminants, you have to resort to the use of special means or effective folk methods.

From the water stone

There is an opinion that acidic environment harms acrylic coating. Bathtubs and sinks from polymer material are afraid of exposure to inorganic strong acids, and weak chemical compounds are used in the production of household chemicals for cleaning acrylic products. These acids include acetic and citric acids, which can be used to clean plumbing fixtures made of synthetic polymer material.

  • You can clean acrylic bathtubs from water stone using special household chemicals, with the exception of products containing chlorine, aggressive compounds, strong acids, acetone, ammonia, formaldehyde, gasoline. Common, familiar products used for washing cast iron and enamel coatings cannot be used to clean acrylic. These include Belizna, Santry, Pemolux, Domestos, Comet, Silit, Express gel;
  • will cope with water stone, ammonia and vinegar will not harm the surface of the plumbing fixtures. 6 tbsp is poured into 0.5 glasses of water. spoons of vinegar and 3 tbsp. spoons of ammonia. The components are mixed, and areas with sediment are treated with the resulting composition. The solution should be applied using a rag or sponge and left for some time to dissolve the stone. After destroying the sediment, the problem areas should be rubbed with the hard side of the sponge and rinsed with water;
  • lemon with fine salt - effective way, which will help wipe off salt stains and stains. “Extra” salt is sprinkled onto a slice of lemon and the surface with contaminants is rubbed with this piece. The released juice can be left for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse the bath well with warm running water;
  • baking soda can help housewives in solving many everyday issues. If you sprinkle a little baking soda on a sponge soaked in vinegar and rub the areas with water stone, you can achieve cleansing and restore the appearance of your plumbing fixtures.

From limescale

  • You can clean the surface from a small sediment of calcium carbonate by spraying undiluted 9% vinegar on the problem area and leaving it for 10 minutes. After the time has passed, repeat spraying several more times. Then the dirt must be rubbed with a medium-hard washcloth and rinsed with clean water;
  • an aqueous solution with the addition of lemon powder will remove salt deposits on the surface of the acrylic bathtub. A tablespoon of white crystals is dissolved in 250 ml of warm water, and the problem area is treated with a sponge. In case of severe contamination, you can increase the concentration of the powder or soak a soft cotton cloth in a water-lemon solution, cover the area with sediment with it and leave for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, the coating should be rinsed well with warm water and wiped dry;
  • You can effectively clean a bathtub or shower stall with an acrylic surface using a steam cleaner. The universal device is convenient due to the presence of various attachments that allow you to remove dirt and salt deposits from hard-to-reach places. The flow of steam copes with scale, stains, soap stains, and rust;
  • limescale can be cleaned off lemon juice, rubbing the problem area with a slice of citrus, rinsing off after 10-20 minutes with running water.

From yellowness

  • A mixture of table vinegar and hydrogen peroxide will help bleach. The components are mixed in a 3:1 ratio (3 parts vinegar and 1 part peroxide). A sponge is moistened in the resulting solution, and the entire surface or only the problem area is treated with its soft side. The composition is left for 10-15 minutes, washed off with warm water;
  • If you fill the bathtub with warm water to the top at night, dissolve 1 pack of citric acid (100 g) and 0.5 liters of vinegar in it, leave it until the morning, after 8-10 hours the yellowed surface will shine with pristine whiteness. The acidified water is drained and the bath is rinsed with running water;
  • A mixture of mustard and baking soda will help get rid of yellow spots and streaks of rust. The components must be mixed in equal proportions, add a little warm water until a paste is obtained. The composition is applied liberally to the red spot and left overnight. In the morning, the dried layer of the composition must be moistened, rubbed with a sponge and rinsed off.

Review of specialized cleaning products

Special household chemicals Description
Ravak Cleaner Detergent for cleaning acrylic bathtubs, trays, stained glass windows shower stalls, corners, taps, faucets, sinks, tiles. The composition of the product copes well with greasy, soapy, limescale deposits.
Tim Profi The product quickly removes dirt, unpleasant odors, and forms a layer on the surface that protects from precipitation and dirt.
Akrilan Acrylan foam will help remove light stains, stubborn lime deposits, and rust stains. After use, the product forms a barrier layer that prevents the adhesion of dirt, soap foam residues, and the formation of fungus and mold.
Ecover Ecological detergent containing citric acid. The liquid can be used to wash chrome faucets, tiles, porcelain and earthenware sinks, acrylic bathtubs and shower stalls.
Loc from Amway The universal cleaning liquid gently removes grease stains, stubborn dirt, limescale deposits, soap film, and other dirt. Safe for use before bathing newborns, does not contain aggressive substances, chlorine or phosphates.
Mr. Chister The product is made on the basis acrylic polymer, has antibacterial properties. Returns whiteness and shine. Prevents the appearance of fungus on the bottom, side walls of the bathtub, and at joints sealed with silicone-based mounting sealant.
Cif A universal creamy product with pleasant smell will not harm the acrylic surface and will quickly deal with various types of contamination.
Triton The liquid in a container with a spray bottle is convenient for application hard to reach places shower stalls, corners of bathtubs. Easily cleans plumbing fixtures from stains, drips, rust and salt deposits. The product contains organic acids and an antiseptic.
San Klin Household chemical products with a sprayer do not contain phosphates, acids, or abrasives. Perfectly whitens yellowed surfaces, removes plaque, sediments of various natures, rust and stains. Can be used on tiles and metal plumbing fixtures.

5 handy products for removing stains in the bath

For cleaning, you can use available products that will not harm the smooth acrylic surface and will effectively remove dirt.

Lemon acid

Citric acid and citrus juice do an excellent job of removing lime deposits, yellow spots, stains, and also restore shine to the product. Powder or juice is diluted in a small volume of water, applied to problem areas, leave for 10-20 minutes, wash off.


Vinegar acts like lemon and is often used by housewives in everyday life.


Baking soda contains small crystals that act as abrasives when cleaning. But acrylic surfaces should not be rubbed vigorously with soda to avoid scratches.


Toothpaste is used to remove simple stains. Apply a little paste from the tube to the stained areas and rub the stain effortlessly until it is completely removed. You can use tooth powder for the same purpose.

Ammonia and peroxide

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, mixed in a 1:1 ratio, do an excellent job of removing salt deposits.

What not to use to avoid damaging the coating

To clean delicate acrylic surfaces, it is not recommended to use household chemicals containing inorganic acids, formaldehyde, ammonia, chlorine and other aggressive substances. The use of metal scrapers and brushes with hard bristles is unacceptable. Do not rub acrylic with abrasive powders. To remove traces of paint and other stubborn stains, do not use solvents, acetone, white spirit, or gasoline.

IN modern apartments Practical and durable acrylic bathtubs are often installed, but the polymer quickly loses its appearance if not properly maintained. To maintain sparkling whiteness and prevent cracks and scratches, you need to take proper care of your acrylic bathtub.


Caring for modern plumbing differs from the usual washing of cast iron and metal baths. If treated with care, acrylic products will delight their owners for at least three decades. They compare favorably with old bulky bathtubs in their lightness, variety of models, sparkling white coating, ability to retain heat for a long time, resistance to corrosion, and absence of mold and mildew.


Acrylic can be scratched when bathing pets. Metal buckets and basins, hard brushes and sponges will damage the polished surface. The use of detergents containing abrasives and chlorine also negatively affects the quality acrylic coating: it becomes dull and loses its attractive shine.

Attempts to clean the bathtub using gels containing solvents and ammonia will result in damage to the top layer: first it will become cloudy, and with frequent and prolonged contact with these substances it will become deformed.

The capricious polymer cannot even withstand soaking the laundry. Powder and stain removers used in washing are harmful to the fragile snow-white bathtub. Microcracks resulting from improper use and care, are not only not aesthetically pleasing, but also contribute to further destruction of the bathtub coating. Plastic cannot withstand high temperatures.

Cleaning products

In order for a bathtub covered with acrylic to remain snow-white, it is necessary to clean it properly every day and not neglect the prevention of contamination. The smooth surface of the polymer does not absorb dirt, so it is enough to wash it with a soft sponge and soap and rinse under running water. To ensure that water drops dry and do not leave marks, you need to wipe the coating with a dry cloth. If you don’t have time for these simple steps, and yellowness and limescale deposits still appear on the surface of the bathtub, you should use products designed specifically for cleaning acrylic bathtubs. The quality of products from well-known manufacturers is beyond doubt:

  • “Ravak” is a line of products designed for cleaning, disinfection, eliminating particularly strong contaminants, and restoring a layer of protection.
  • "Akrilan", gently acting on the surface, removes soap and limescale deposits, rust and mold, and also forms protective film, adding extra shine.

  • “Tim Pro” copes well even with old stains, restores shine and radiance, and fights unpleasant odors. In addition, it is necessary for the maintenance of a hydromassage bathtub. In order for the mechanism to work for a long time, it must be cleaned promptly and efficiently.

  • Bass effectively cleans acrylic bathtubs and showers.
  • Cif universal cream is also suitable for cleaning acrylic products. With its help you can get rid of yellow plaque, rust, and lime deposits.
  • “Acrylic Polish” is a line of products for the care, repair and polishing of acrylic coatings.
  • "Mr. Cheester" is wonderful a budget option, which not only copes with various types of contaminants and effectively fights bacteria, but also protects upper layer fungus baths. It covers the surface, thereby preventing dirt from accumulating on the acrylic. After using “Mr. Chistera”, the bath will remain snow-white for a long time and retain its shine.
  • Bon Professional has similar properties. It also forms a special film that prevents dirt from settling on the bathtub.

Liquid detergents are applied with a soft sponge, sprays are sprayed over the surface of the bathtub. After a certain period of time specified in the instructions for use (usually from 5 to 20 minutes), the product is washed off with water. Some gels and liquids for cleaning acrylic bathtubs can also be used to disinfect them (for example, "Tim Pro", Ravak Disinfectant). After filling the bath with water and adding a disinfectant, you need to wait about 10 minutes, then drain the water and rinse the bowl thoroughly.

For daily cleaning, regular dishwashing gel is quite suitable, but old limescale deposits will have to be dealt with using gels and creams specially developed for this purpose: Sanfor, Gel WC 5+, Ravak Turbocleaner.

Folk remedies

Some folk methods will help you wash an acrylic bathtub at home:

  • An indispensable assistant in removing limescale is citric acid. The bath needs to be filled with hot water and a couple of sachets of this product added. After a few hours, rinse the acrylic surface with running water and wipe with a soft cloth. Cleaning citric acid cannot be repeated often, 1-2 times a year is enough.
  • Regular toothpaste with a whitening effect can remove stains from acrylic.
  • Mixture ammonia and hydrogen peroxide helps get rid of yellowness.
  • Clear rust spots A paste of baking soda and water can do this. Simply apply it to the stain, then rinse carefully. Keep in mind that rubbing the surface of this polymer is strictly prohibited.

  • Table vinegar can deal with many types of stains. 1 liter of product is poured into a bathtub filled with warm water. In the morning, wash it thoroughly with a soft sponge, rinse under running water and wipe dry.
  • If a solid layer of limescale and waterstone has formed on the surface of the bathtub, a slurry of washing powder, water, 2 tablespoons of “Whiteness” and a tablespoon of vinegar will help remove it. Apply the composition for 20 minutes, then wash the surface with a soft cloth or sponge, pressing lightly. At the end of cleaning, the area to be cleaned should be rinsed well under running water.

Cleaning after renovation

Sometimes the need to remove stains from plastic arises immediately after installing plumbing fixtures or after renovating a bathroom. To wipe off the sealant, you need to be quick. Until it hardens, you can remove it with a rag and wash the surface with detergent. If the silicone layer has already hardened, It’s better to give up trying to remove it using all kinds of solvents and acetone, dangerous for acrylic.

Dried sealant must be removed very carefully mechanically: with a blade, stationery or construction knife.

Removing primer from a polymer surface is also not easy, especially without the help of harmful chemicals like white spirit and acetone. One option is to try to remove the stain mechanically, after softening it. The bath is being poured hot water, after a quarter of an hour it drains. This procedure must be repeated several times. As a result, the primer softens a little, and you can try to scrub it off with a blade or utility knife.

You need to act extremely carefully, as the risk of damaging the plastic is extremely high. Acrylic may lose its shine and become dull.