The composition of PVA glue is universal. How to choose high-quality PVA glue and use it correctly? Technical characteristics of PVA

PVA glue can confidently be called the most popular and universal adhesive composition. It is used by tilers, carpenters, painters, schoolchildren, office workers. This is a real find for gluing for household and industrial purposes. We invite you to get to know this material better, learn more about its properties, types and applications.

Characteristics of glue - what does it owe to its versatility?

In 1912, polyvinyl acetate was first produced. Its creator is the German scientist Fritz Klatt. A couple of years later, the scientist’s development became widespread and began to be produced commercially. Today, the production of PVA glue per year is more than 1,000,000 tons, without it it is difficult to imagine the life of a craftsman or an ordinary person.

Interpretation of PVA glue - polyvinyl acetate. This is the main active ingredient that is part of the glue. In addition to it, the glue contains other additives that impart plasticity. Thanks to plasticizers and polyvinyl acetate, the adhesive joint is elastic and does not deform when bent, as is often the case with other adhesives. Appearance glue is a thick, creamy mass with a pungent odor of vinyl alcohol. And this is not surprising, because if you delve into the composition of the glue in more detail, it is a solution of polyvinyl acetate in water, plasticizers and special additives. Universal PVA glue has the following characteristics:

  • the elasticity of the adhesive seam is comparable to paper;
  • the adhesive seam is resistant to frost and bends;
  • high degree of adhesion (adhesion) and fixation of the material, inherent in more expensive adhesives;
  • the glue does not contain toxic additives, so it can be used both outside and inside the building;
  • explosion and fire safe;
  • dissolves in organic acids;
  • used in rooms with high humidity air up to 80%;

Types of glue - what to use for household and industrial purposes?

PVA glue has found its application in different areas activities. Laying tiles, gluing wallpaper, gluing plastic, cardboard, paper, plywood, use as an additive in the glass industry. To obtain maximum result When fixing certain materials, we will analyze in more detail the varieties of this universal fixator.

Let's start with the simplest thing - PVA stationery glue. This glue is well known to schoolchildren, students and their parents, because it is used for gluing standard things that are used in everyday life: cardboard, paper, photographs. Stationery glue is absolutely safe; if it comes into contact with the skin, it does not cause allergic reactions, so even children work with it. Among the disadvantages of PVA stationery glue, one can highlight its low resistance to moisture and negative temperatures.

For industrial purposes and repair work PVA construction adhesive is used. The list of main materials that this composition can fix to each other includes: paper, vinyl and fiberglass surfaces. The technical characteristics of construction adhesive allow it to be used as an additive that increases adhesion building mixtures(putties, plasters, primers).

Separately, there are specialized construction fixatives, for example, PVA wood glue. It is widely used by carpenters for working with wood and has increased moisture resistance.

PVA-M super glue is designed for working with vapor-permeable materials. Thanks to this composition, the adhesive seam is as strong as possible, and its application does not require compliance with certain rules. Craftsmen use this glue to work with ceramic tiles and fix joints flooring, leather products, porcelain, fiberboard (chipboard), plywood, glass and wood. PVA-M super glue has increased frost resistance -40°C.

To quickly fix laminate and parquet slabs together, we recommend using Moment PVA glue. It is enough to press the fixed parts of the material together, and the glue instantly sets.

PVA dispersion is an additive to mortars, which are used in the printing, footwear, textile and glass industries, as well as in the production of packaging, household chemicals and paint and varnish products. The reason for adding dispersion is to increase the adhesion and strength of the product. PVA glue is also used as a base for the production wallpaper glue, which fixes finishing material on paper basis different surfaces(concrete, plaster, wood, cement).

And if you are at a loss as to which composition is suitable for your material, then it is better to stop at universal glue PVA. It has a wide spectrum of action, which allows:

Features of applying the composition and surface preparation

Before applying PVA glue to the surface, it should be thoroughly degreased and free of dust and dirt. Foreign particles and traces of adhesive materials will interfere with adhesion to the surface, and maximum adhesion will not be achieved. In addition to cleanliness, also make sure that the surface is dry. If you apply PVA glue to a flat and smooth surface, sand it with fine-grained sandpaper or a grater. Rough foam gypsum or foam concrete is pre-primed.

We dilute concentrated PVA glue according to the instructions, and also take into account the peculiarities of the materials that we will fix. For example, for fastening sheets of fiberboard and plywood, the glue does not need to be diluted, but for other surfaces, the proportions are always different, indicated by the manufacturer. When applying glue to the wallpaper, carefully level the canvas on the wall with a dry cloth so that no bubbles form on the surface.

When working with flooring, use a notched trowel. It is convenient for them to level the adhesive composition, distributing it in an even layer and removing excess. When joining wood, cardboard and other cellulose materials, coat the joints thin layer, press them together for 1 minute, and then place them under a weight. By acting according to this scheme, we obtain the strongest possible connection. The drying time of polyvinyl acetate glue depends on the thickness of the application, but complete polymerization occurs within a day.

Each of us is familiar with the most early years with a polyvinyl acetate emulsion, this is the name of PVA glue, the composition of which will be mentioned below. At school and kindergarten Not a single art lesson was complete without this mixture. As we grew older, we became acquainted with this universal composition again.

Area of ​​use

It is indispensable in the renovation process, when you have to glue the ceiling and floor tiles, wallpaper, parquet, and also repair furniture. This glue is a necessity for professionals in various fields. It is part of primers and emulsion paints, and is also quite widely used in printing for gluing books. It can be found in carpentry workshops and construction sites. For different areas, the described mixture has its own ingredient composition. Different components can affect the properties of the adhesive.

Main types of PVA glue

As practice shows, PVA glue can be used to join almost any surface. The composition is used by schoolchildren and builders, the latter of whom paste wallpaper using the mixture, connect parts, and prime surfaces. This list cannot be called complete. For each type of work, a different type of PVA glue is used.

The household composition is also called wallpaper; it is used for gluing paper and vinyl wallpaper. PVA-M glue can be used not only to solve the above problems, but also for gluing linoleum, as well as tiling surfaces. It can be used to glue different materials, somehow:

  • textile;
  • skin;
  • porcelain;

Features of universal and construction adhesive

You can also find universal glue on sale, which allows you to connect combined surfaces. It is suitable for the following substrates:

  • skin;
  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • metal;
  • glass;
  • wood;
  • carpet;
  • linoleum;
  • serpyanka;
  • facing tiles.

Construction adhesive has an advantage over other mixtures in this group. It can even be used for laying parquet. Stationery glue is intended for joining photo paper, cardboard and paper. This is what schoolchildren use most often.


PVA glue, composition, specifications which will be discussed in the article, is a creamy thick mixture that has the smell of vinyl alcohol. This product is a dispersion of PVAD, various additives and plasticizers. The glue is non-toxic and harmless to the skin. All its additives are environmentally friendly.

Among the main characteristics, it is worth highlighting the excellent adhesive ability, which reaches 550 N/m. The composition is moisture-proof, resistant to water, explosion- and fireproof, non-toxic and can even be used on playgrounds.

PVA glue, the composition of which you should know if you want to purchase this mixture for repairs, dries with minimal shrinkage, and if there are gaps, it fills them well. As a result, it is possible to obtain a transparent thin film that is highly durable. With the help of certain substances the mixture can be dissolved, which expands the scope of use. The glue has a low cost, so it is available to many consumers.

The composition can be used as an auxiliary substance for putty and primer. The mixture can increase adhesion and perfectly hold surfaces together. Depending on the thickness of the layer, 1 kg will be enough for 5 m2. The product is frost-resistant, it can withstand up to 6 cycles of freezing and thawing.

The layer dries completely in 12-24 hours, depending on the ambient temperature. The layer turns out elastic. For example, paper glued with a compound can be easily folded in half. During the drying process, the mixture does not deform the product and does not deform itself. The composition does not deteriorate when exposed to sunlight, which indicates its light resistance.


PVA glue, the composition of which will be mentioned below, is manufactured at different enterprises, and therefore may differ in properties and technical characteristics. However, in factory conditions, the main stages are used, among them:

  • preparation of raw materials;
  • crushing ingredients;
  • weighing proportions;
  • processing of substances;
  • mixing;
  • cooking;
  • settling;
  • bottling;
  • packaging

PVA glue, the composition of which may vary, is a solution of polyvinyl acetate in water. During the production process, plasticizers and substances are added that can enhance properties. Polyvinyl acetate is an odorless, tasteless and colorless polymer. It is obtained by polymerizing vinyl acetate in an emulsion or solution. In this case, a reaction initiator and stabilizing additives are used.

The composition of universal PVA glue is as follows:

  • polyvinyl acetate 85-95%;
  • water 0-10%;
  • plasticizers 5%;
  • special additives within 0.5%.

As for plasticizers, they can be EDOS or dibutyl phthalate. If it is necessary to enhance individual properties, substances are added that allow the adhesive to be used more effectively in different areas. For example, strength can be achieved by adding the following ingredients:

  • kaolin;
  • talc;
  • chalk.

As for increasing water resistance, it can be achieved thanks to gasoline and acetone. However, these additives reduce the strength characteristics. If you increase the volume of plasticizers, the glue will become more elastic. Among these substances, oil and glycerin should be highlighted. Chemical composition PVA glue may involve the presence of metal, porcelain or glass, this will speed up the hardening process. In order to increase shelf life, manufacturers add nitro compounds and stabilizers such as inhibitor and styrene.

Composition of stationery glue PVA and PVA-M

The composition of PVA stationery glue requires the presence of the following ingredients:

  • silicate;
  • lithium polysilicate;
  • sodium;
  • potassium

This substance is supplied exclusively in liquid form. The material is water solution with the addition of modifying additives and plasticizer. The composition of solid office glue differs in the main substance. It can be polyvinyl acetate or polyvinylpyrrolidone, the latter of which is abbreviated PVP.

Office glue can be represented by a universal composition, extra-mixture or superglue; the degree of strength can be determined by the name. For office use, all-purpose adhesive is recommended, while the other two brands are mainly used in the furniture and construction industries. Regarding the composition PVA-M glue, then in this case we should mention polyvinyl acetate dispersion, polyvinyl alcohol, CMC glue, kaolin, acyl benzene sulfonate and other substances.

Composition and technical characteristics of PVA construction adhesive

The composition of PVA construction adhesive requires the presence of the following ingredients:

  • PVA dispersions;
  • thickener;
  • cellulose series;
  • technical water;
  • defoamer;
  • preservative.

The mixture is used to add to plaster mixtures, cement mortar and during installation work tiles. The mixture is not used for carpentry and wood gluing. It is capable of undergoing about 5 cycles of freezing and thawing. Storage temperature reaches +50 °C. It is important to protect the container from direct sunlight and moisture.

The thickness of the applied layer is 2 mm maximum. Before use, the composition should be mixed thoroughly. It is added to the solution only after preliminary dilution with water. In this case, the ratio should be maintained, which is equal to 500 grams per 10 liters of water. When gluing cardboard and paper products, the application should be carried out in a thin layer on one surface, and then the elements are connected to each other and pressed well. It is recommended to work with the composition at a temperature not lower than 10 °C, and the relative humidity should not exceed 80%.

Preparation of a composition for whitewashing trees using PVA glue

For whitewashing trees in the spring, a composition with PVA glue is perfect. This will protect the plants from pests. Usually the same recipe and ratio of components are used. Casein glue can be added to PVA glue, this allows you to make a moisture-resistant composition that will be resistant to precipitation.

The use of PVA glue is also justified here because the composition is affordable. However, you should be prepared for the fact that the mixture will allow trees to breathe worse than others. The second version of the solution is more difficult to prepare; for it you should purchase:

  • clay;
  • slaked lime;
  • fungicide;
  • PVA glue.

Before starting work, mix two parts lime and one part clay in a bucket. The latter is pre-soaked to dissolve the lumps. On final stage 300 g of oxide should be added, and then 100 g of glue.


PVA glue is different unique characteristics, but in order to achieve positive result, it is necessary to first prepare the surfaces to be glued. To do this, they are well processed, cleaned of dust and dirt, and checked to see how dry the elements are. Their humidity level should not exceed 4%. If the mixture is supposed to be applied to smooth walls, then they are pre-treated with sandpaper for better adhesion.

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PVA glue: characteristics, varieties and homemade recipe

Are you planning to use PVA glue in your work? In this case, it would not hurt to familiarize yourself with it characteristic properties and figure it out existing varieties. In addition, you will find a homemade recipe.


Polyvinyl acetate emulsion with the addition of plasticizers has excellent technical characteristics, which determine its popularity in many industrial and domestic areas. Let's sort it all out positive sides PVA glue.


  • Small consumption. Depending on the type of work, it may require from 100 to 900 g per one square meter. In any case, it is quite economical in comparison with most other adhesive mixtures;

  • Fast setting moment. Complete hardening of the mixture occurs within 24 hours, but the glued joint is fixed much faster;
  • High adhesive strength, equal to 450 N/m. It will be difficult to separate glued objects;

For example, even a small addition of PVA glue to the wallpaper adhesive mixture will significantly increase the level of fixation of the canvases.

  • Fire safety. Many adhesives are highly flammable, causing the spread of fire. Polyvinyl acetate emulsions do not burn, which causes the opposite effect;
  • No toxicity. Some aroma, which can still be heard while using the adhesive solution in question with your own hands, is absolutely safe for human health;

To complete school assignments or simply make fancy crafts, I recommend buying PVA glues for children, since they certainly will not cause harm to the growing body.

  • Good elasticity. The frozen mixture is able to change its volume to some extent, which allows it not to crack if the glued objects move;
  • Long shelf life, ranging from 6 months to one year;
  • Resistance to negative temperatures . Withstands at least 4 cycles of freezing and defrosting;
  • Possibility of cooking at home. We'll talk about this in more detail below.


The most significant disadvantage of PVA glue is its low moisture resistance. But today this problem has been solved in many of its subspecies through the use of special additives.


PVA composition: 95% polyvinyl acetate plus various additives. And the purpose of the final solution depends on the nature of the additives:

  • Universal. Suitable for joining any materials, although this makes it a little more expensive. As an example, consider the products of the Tex brand:

The prices in the article are current in the fall of 2017.

  • Wallpaper. Copes perfectly with fixing paper, non-woven and vinyl sheets to any surface;

  • Building. It is most often used when installing finished floor coverings, ceramic or tiles and other decorative elements;

  • Clerical. Ideal for the office or school, carefully and securely gluing any paper products between themselves;

  • Carpentry. Used when working with wood. The moisture resistance of such a solution is increased by special additives.

Homemade recipe

PVA glue recipe on our own looks like that:

Photo Description

Let's prepare required ingredients:
  • Distilled water – 1000 ml;
  • Ethyl alcohol – 20 ml;
  • Wheat flour – 100 g;
  • Glycerin – 4 g;
  • Photographic gelatin – 5 g.

We divorce and insist gelatin during the day.

  • Install water bath;
  • Loading add prepared gelatin with flour and boil, stirring constantly, until a homogeneous viscous mass is formed;
  • Add glycerin and ethyl alcohol, then wait until the mixture thickens, without stopping stirring it.

Soda has an interesting effect when added to PVA: a dense, moving mass is formed, similar to a children’s toy “lizun”. So you can make your child happy at the same time.

PVA is one of the most common types of glue, which is used with equal success both for office purposes and for carrying out finishing works. By the way, it's time to reveal the secret: PVA means polyvinyl acetate. It is this substance in solution with water (plus some additives) that forms the well-known adhesive composition.

PVA glue is a thick mixture with a slight smell of vinyl alcohol. The classic composition of the glue is completely harmless from an environmental point of view and does not pose any threat to the skin of the hands. Therefore, it has become widespread for household purposes, including for children's applications.

Naturally, glue brands can be produced that contain additional components that are not so safe. As a rule, these are specific compositions that have a clear purpose for certain types works Most manufacturers produce regular PVA, which is universal and does not contain potentially dangerous components. Such, for example, are the products of Verona LLC.

In addition to directly gluing various objects, this type Glue is used to strengthen primers and putties, making them more effective and durable.

The main advantages of PVA glue

  • Good adhesive ability;
  • Fire resistance and explosion proof;
  • Resistance to water (after drying);
  • Lack of toxic components and complete safety, including for children;
  • Virtually no shrinkage when drying;
  • Fills space well (cracks, gaps);
  • It is easily soluble in solvents, which makes it easy to remove if necessary;
  • PVA glue has a fairly low cost, which makes it accessible to any segment of the population in almost any volume.

Glue can be of several types depending on the proportions of the composition and the presence of additional components:

  • Household (aka wallpaper). One of the most common types. Used for gluing paper or vinyl wallpaper mounted on wooden or concrete bases.
  • Super PVA (usually marked “M”). It has a wider range of glued materials, which includes: porcelain, fabric, chipboard and other wood materials.
  • Universal. Used for joining different types of materials.
  • Building. Represents dry mixtures for various works. For example, there is carpenter's glue, used in the production of furniture, or parquet glue, used for laying parquet.
  • Clerical. It has the “lightest” composition. The main purpose is gluing paper, cardboard, photographs. This is the glue most often used in schools or offices.

Working with glue does not require any fancy skills. The only condition is a clean and dry surface of the materials to be glued. For reliable bonding, a small layer of glue applied evenly over the entire surface is sufficient.

PVA glue - universal remedy, used for gluing various materials. It is an emulsion of polyvinyl acetate in water using additives. It has a characteristic faint odor.

Chemical composition of PVA glue

All components of PVA glue are absolutely safe for human body, non-toxic. The adhesive contains the following components:

  1. Polyvinyl acetate - 90-95%. Thermoplastic polymer, tasteless, colorless, odorless. The main characteristics are wear resistance, resistance to atmospheric influences, adhesion to various surfaces, optical properties. Insoluble in gasoline, water, mineral oil.
  2. Plasticizers (dibutyl phthalate, diisobutyl phthalate, etc.) - 1-2%. Provides resistance to low temperatures, high ductility.
  3. Special additives - 3-7%. They are used to obtain the required thick consistency of the glue and increase the adhesion strength during surface treatment.


  • Adhesive ability high level meets the requirements of GOST 18992-450 N/m;
  • storage duration - 6 months;
  • complete hardening time - 24 hours;
  • low consumption - from 100 to 900 g per 1 m², depending on the type of work.

Properties of polyvinyl acetate

  • Resistance to sub-zero temperatures;
  • fire/explosion safety;
  • non-toxic composition;
  • resistance to increased levels of moisture/water resistance;
  • formation of a thin durable film after hardening;
  • during the drying process, minimal shrinkage and filling of gaps occurs;
  • affordability.

Types of PVA glue

Name Properties and application
Household (wallpaper) Gluing wallpaper on paper, vinyl, non-woven base. It is possible to glue other products, but it is advisable to use it only for its intended purpose. Resistant to low temperatures.
Universal (PVA-MB) Suitable for gluing numerous materials (paper, wood, fabric, leather, metal, etc.). Used in the production of putties, concrete mixtures, primer compositions. Plasticization of water-based compositions is possible. Withstands minus temperature up to 20°C.
Stationery (PVA-K) It is used in domestic conditions mainly for gluing paper, cardboard and other products. Not universal, susceptible to low temperatures, water, moisture.
PVA dispersion It is used primarily as the main component for all adhesives. It can be plasticized or unplasticized. Used in carpentry and furniture production, in woodworking factories.
Super (PVA-M) Low temperature (up to 40°C) resistant universal adhesive. Used for installation of linoleum based on felt material, ceramic tiles and other products.

Use as a dry mixture

Dried PVA dispersion is used as the main component for dry construction mixtures. Composition of mixtures:

  • filler (quartz sand, expanded clay, chalk);
  • chemical additives (dispersed powder);
  • binder (gypsum, cement, lime).

Features of applying the composition

The substance is applied in the direction from the center to the edges of the product. This technology prevents PVA from getting on front side processed material. On paper, glue dries much faster compared to other materials, so the mixture should be applied as quickly as possible. It is recommended to apply the substance to a surface with a less porous texture - the absorption of the glue occurs more slowly.

Problems that may arise when working with glue

To ensure that the materials stick together firmly and evenly, press them tightly against each other. A vice or press will help with this. Drying the adhesive under pressure prevents deformation of the products. During processing thin materials(paper, etc.) one of the layers can bend under the influence of the second. If we take thin and thick sheets of paper as an example, then when gluing thin sheet quickly soaks under the influence of the adhesive mixture. As a result, it bends more dense material. To avoid deformation, glue with reverse side a thick sheet and another thin one - it will serve as a counterweight.

When using PVA, it is recommended to study the composition and properties, since there are several varieties of this substance. Pay attention to the acid-free glue. The most simple formula(common composition, widely used in Everyday life) is prone to yellowing over time. The acid-free composition does not change the shade. This category includes PVA, used for wallpapering. There is also office adhesives acid-free, but they are not easy to find.


Depending on the area of ​​the surface to be treated, you can use a brush, foam sponge or roller to work with glue. For spot application, the glue container is usually equipped with a special nozzle. If it is missing or has become unusable, you can use a pipette or a regular syringe, having first removed the needle. To treat the floor, it is most convenient to use a trowel with wide teeth. After working with the tool, you should not throw it away - to clean the brush or roller from the adhesive mixture, rinse it under clean water and dry. After completely dry the tool is ready to use.

  1. Before applying the mixture, it is important to treat the surface - remove dust, dirt, and make sure that the moisture level does not exceed 4%.
  2. If subject to processing smooth wall, the surface is pre-cleaned to increase adhesion.
  3. The rough surface is pre-primed.
  4. In accordance with the instructions on the package, the mixture is diluted according to the recipe. When working with plywood/fibreboard, it is allowed to use the composition without thinner.