Bathroom design: photos of interesting solutions. Bathroom layout (41 photos): design ideas Order an individual design project for a combined bathroom

If you have a combined sanitary unit in your apartment, in order to make it multifunctional, you need to develop a high-quality design project. To create an original design project for a bathroom and toilet, use the YouDo service. The creation of a bathroom interior by designers from the Yudu website will be completed with high quality and on time.

Features of developing the interior of a combined bathroom

Many people think that renovating a bathroom combined with a toilet does not require large investments due to small area. Although the price for a small amount of materials is low, developing a design project for combined units is a more difficult task.

In typical houses, the toilet and bathroom are usually separate, so many people prefer to combine these two rooms during renovations.

Our designers will help you navigate the plumbing market and choose technical innovations that help reduce space costs:

When combining a toilet and a bathroom, you should take into account the dimensions of the premises.

Step-by-step development of a design project for the interior of a toilet and bath

Designers registered on the YouDo service will develop a design project sanitary unit step by step:

  • will amount to technical task based on your wishes and characteristics of the room;
  • take the necessary measurements and draw up a measurement plan;
  • will select options for planning, placement of furniture, plumbing equipment;
  • develop options for stylistic and color solutions;
  • create a visualization of the preliminary design;
  • will choose Decoration Materials and lighting fixtures;
  • will develop working documentation.

Based on the prepared specifications, you can calculate estimated cost future project.

What benefits can you get if you order designer services on YouDo?

If you need the help of an experienced designer, the best place to order services for developing the interior design of a combined bathroom is on the Yudu website. When looking for a specialist using our platform, you can:

Using the YouDo platform to find a specialist who can be entrusted with creating an interior design project for a combined bathroom, you can be sure of minimum costs time. Our contractors will develop a design project for the bathroom and toilet, and also provide high-quality designer supervision.

Very often, owners of small apartments think about creating a combined bathroom. In most cases, the layout is combined in advance, so all that remains for the apartment owner is to choose the appropriate arrangement of furniture and plumbing fixtures.

Naturally, in order to make the combined bathroom truly comfortable Special attention you need to pay attention to the color scheme. To achieve visual expansion, it is necessary to correctly position the lamps and choose the appropriate colors.

Advice ! In most cases, tiles are used as a finishing material for a combined bathroom. It is highly resistant to high moisture content in the air and is easy to clean.

Important nuances when creating a combined bathroom project

If your bathroom is combined with a toilet, and its area is not particularly large, this is not a reason to limit your comfort. With proper planning, you can create the most functional space in a limited area. To do this, it is enough to carefully approach the development of a combined bathroom project.

As a standard for the project, we will take a room with an area of ​​​​one meter and 82 centimeters by 2.15 m. These are the bathrooms that can be found in most two-room apartments in the country.

You need to start by choosing your priorities. For example, older people prefer a spacious and comfortable shower with plenty of additional functions. Modern equipment allows you to wash yourself in the shortest possible time, while some booths can be equipped with unique devices and provide massage, as well as drying.

Nevertheless, baths are still very popular. They provide an opportunity to relax in a relaxed atmosphere. But the point is that in such limited space you will have to choose between a combined bathroom project that includes a multifunctional shower stall and an option with a small bathtub.

Attention ! The main advantage of the bath is that you can take a simple shower in it. True, about any additional options will have to forget.

The simplest layout in a small room

In some cases, simplicity allows not only to achieve minimal financial costs, but also to organize maximum functionality. It is not surprising that in most cases the simplest solution is the most correct.

If we talk about the project of a small combined bathroom, then it is best to install the bathroom against the shorter wall. One meter and 82 centimeters will be enough for any adult to feel comfortable.

The remaining items can be lined up along a long wall, which will be free. This is usually where they install:

  • wash basin,
  • nightstand,
  • laundry basket, etc.

Also, a toilet is most often installed near this wall. The boiler is also best installed here.

You can mount a mirror on the wall opposite the bathroom. But you won’t be able to install anything bulky here, since large objects will block access to the toilet. The washing machine in this small combined unit project can be installed not far from the tank.

Removing corners and installing mirrors

Novice designers greatly underestimate the importance of corners in their designs for combined bathrooms. For example, if you place the bathroom in a semicircular niche, this will visually significantly increase the interior space.

The same can be done with a countertop that will be installed under the sink. Rounded corners not only make the overall space visually larger, but also increase the level of safety. This will be more than useful if you have small children.

Attention ! It is best to place mirrors in the gap of the false frame. At the same time, communications can be hidden in the box itself.


When creating a project for a combined bathroom, you should not focus only on the visual part. It depends on how you position key elements room, it depends how comfortable it will be for you to be in it.

When choosing a location for a shower stall, you can focus on front door. When entrance opening located in a short wall, it would be most reasonable to allocate the space opposite for a shower.

Attention ! It is best to raise the booth slightly above the floor. This will allow you to make the drainage system invisible.

Particular attention should be paid to the partition that will separate this room from the rest of the bathroom. It will be convenient to hide the flush system for a toilet with a hanging tank.

It is necessary to make sure that the partition does not reach the ceiling a little. This will make the room visually even larger. The washing machine can be hidden under the sink. Sliding partitions will perfectly complement this concept.

Advice ! Wall cabinets save space and provide a place to put towels or bathrobes.

Bathroom designs in different styles

Mediterranean style

To design a project for a combined bathroom in Mediterranean style Let's take a room with a length of 2.5 m and a width of 1.9 m. This is optimal parameters that will make the room as comfortable as possible.

The project of a combined bathroom in a Mediterranean style includes the following basic elements:

  • bath,
  • toilet,
  • two washbasins.

Naturally, the project will additionally include many elements, such as mirrors or drawers for towels. But their location will be determined by how in this combined bathroom project you place two sinks, a bathtub and a toilet.

Advice ! It is best to hide the toilet behind a partition.

This design option is most suitable for large families, but not only. If several people are going to work at the same time, then access to a washbasin becomes an extremely important option.

A laundry basket is often added to the design of a combined bathroom in a Mediterranean style. But such an element in most cases is purely decorative. It can easily be hidden under the sink.

When choosing color palette tiles are best given preference to a mixture of brown and orange. This is the palette that is traditional for Mediterranean-style projects. The main advantage of such a layout is space. Here you can easily install a washing machine, boiler or chest of drawers.

Attention ! White elements balance brown and orange colors, making the room visually larger. It is also recommended to use to visually increase space large mirror to the ceiling.

If you decide to make a shower instead of a bathroom in your project, it is best to use frosted glass as a partition. The fact is that transparent stained glass windows require too much maintenance.

Project for an elongated bathroom for a room with parameters 2.5 by 1.9 m

The design of an elongated combined bathroom is the most popular in standard Russian apartments. Usually, in order to obtain the required footage, the partition between the bathroom and the toilet is broken. This allows you to significantly expand the area of ​​free space and gives more scope for design imagination.

Of much more interest in this project of a combined bathroom is color design. Very often designers use mosaic tiles. This perfect option for a small room, since a certain graphic illusion is created that allows it to be graphically expanded.

Attention ! When using mosaic masonry, some caution must be maintained. It is best to cover individual parts of the room, rather than the entire room.

When it comes to color selection, it is best to focus on blue-blue shades. This technique will also greatly expand visual space and will add a certain lightness to the design. In turn, cream and brown inserts will add warmth to the design concept.

Narrow combined bathroom

In some apartments the combined bathroom is very narrow. In this case, you have to create a project for a combined bathroom with shower. This option is considered optimal under these conditions.

If you start creating a project for a narrow combined bathroom with maximum responsibility, then you can also install a bidet in the room. This element of plumbing must be mounted opposite the toilet. But at the same time, everything must be calculated in such a way that there is free passage to the shower stall.

If you cannot imagine your life without a bathroom, then you can install a compact structure in which you can wash while sitting. Such options are extremely popular in Japan.

Advice ! Instead of a bidet, you can use a device such as hygienic shower. This will save you a lot of money free space in the project of a combined bathroom.

Naturally, in such a combined bathroom there is simply no room for a normal washing machine; of course, you can choose small-sized version, but it will greatly reduce the combined space.

Attention ! When selecting color range for a combined bathroom project, you can use orange mosaic tiles with white inserts to delimit zones.


As you can see, there are many projects for a combined bathroom. Therefore, even with a minimal area, you can achieve good functionality if, for example, you install a shower stall or a small bathtub.

Convenient and comfortable housing is the key have a nice rest and the excellent well-being of all its inhabitants. But when buying an apartment, especially in older buildings, many people are faced with an inconvenient and impractical bathroom layout.

You can combine a bathroom with a toilet by demolishing the adjacent wall. In a combined room, you must leave one and one lamp.

Attention: if a pipe runs along an adjacent wall, then its removal should be carried out exclusively by specialists, and only after approval.

An example of combining a toilet and a bathroom - a difficult redevelopment when pipe relocation is required

Ways to arrange small bathrooms

Let's consider several layout options for typical bathrooms with an area of ​​up to 5 square meters.

Option 1:

  • instead of sitz bath install a shower cabin;
  • The washbasin and toilet are made corner.

An example of the layout of a small bathroom in Khrushchev

Option 2:

  • leave a full bath;
  • the toilet tank is hidden in the wall;
  • a cabinet is installed under the washbasin for storing various accessories;
Advice: You can hang a large mirror above the washbasin to visually expand the space.

Small bathroom with full bath tank

Option 3:

  • a corner tank is installed in one of the corners; you can use a mini-bath with a jacuzzi;
  • There is a washing machine near the door;
  • there is a washbasin on the opposite wall;
  • Near the sink there is a toilet, the tank of which is hidden in a niche.

A corner bathtub with an interesting shape will be the highlight of a small bathroom.

Bottom line

A convenient bathroom layout is the key to the comfort of all family members. Therefore, increasingly, small bathrooms and toilets are combined into one room. If the redevelopment is carried out in accordance with all the rules and regulations, you can enjoy the convenience and safety of your bathroom.

30.05.2018 Read it in 12 minutes.

What problems does a designer solve when developing a design project for a bathroom combined with a toilet?

On the picture: Designer interior combined bathroom with blue lighting

The task of designers when designing a combined bathroom is to create a beautiful and functional space with improved ergonomics. This means that it is important not only to listen to the wishes of customers in terms of style and color, but also:

  • choose the optimal planning solution taking into account the configuration of the room;
  • consider the possibility of additional redevelopment;
  • decide on the set of necessary plumbing equipment and furniture;
  • think over lighting and decor.

In the photo: Imitation of a phytobox in the interior of a combined bathroom with blue lighting

Current planning solutions for the interior of a combined bathroom

In the photo: Layout of a combined bathroom with bathtub and shower

The main thing in a combined bathroom is interior design, which is based on competent planning. The planning decision is important not only from the point of view of ergonomics, but also from the point of view of aesthetics, since it affects the selection of furniture. Niches are ideal for arranging the shower and toilet areas. They are also convenient for equipment economic block, If we're talking about about bathroom design with washing machine.

Interior of a bathroom with two niches in the residential complex "Garden Quarters"

In the photo: Combined bathroom in the residential complex "Garden Quarters"

A small niche near the entrance to the bathroom - optimal place for installing a toilet. For the Art Deco interior in the photo, the designers chose a traditional floor model, but with a hidden cistern. After installing the installation above the toilet, we got a small shelf, which, with the help of facades that matched the design, was turned into household cabinet.

Finishing a room with high humidity

In the photo: White bathroom with turquoise accents

Such a multifunctional room as a combined bathroom needs combined finishing. She will not only improve it appearance, but will also help to zone the space. For a shower, mosaic is preferable, allowing you to easily and effectively decorate even structural elements complex curved shapes, and large-format tiles for the walls in the wash area and the floor. But it is worth remembering that the choice of finish largely depends on the style of the design project and the properties of the materials - they must be beautiful, moisture-resistant and washable.

Slate imitation tiles or decorative panels with spectacular rust – nice background for white sanitary ware in a modern style and light wood furniture. This finish looks brutal and creates an expressive contrast with large-format glossy white tiles.

In the photo: Design of a combined bathroom with a shower in a modern style

Contrasting decoration in a combined bathroom does not need companions, so both the plumbing and shower in such an interior should be as laconic as possible. The best solution would be a wall-hung toilet and bidet of a strict square shape, as well as a shower corner with a transparent fence.

In the photo: Design of a combined bathroom in a modern style on Mosfilmovskaya

When it comes to a room with expressive decoration, there is no point in adding bright accents to the interior - with the role decorative elements Bathroom accessories can easily handle this. For the project on Mosfilmovskaya, Fundament specialists chose minimalist chrome faucets and a black designer panel-type heated towel rail that looks like an art object.

Choosing plumbing fixtures for a combined bathroom and toilet room

In the photo: A full set of plumbing fixtures in the interior of a spacious combined bathroom

The more spacious the combined bathroom, the more plumbing fixtures can be placed in it, turning a utilitarian room into a spa. As for the minimum set of equipment for such premises, it includes:

  • bath or shower;
  • sink;
  • toilet (can be supplemented with a bidet).

Design of a combined bathroom 4 sq. m with a minimum set of plumbing fixtures

In the photo: Interior of a combined bathroom in the residential complex "Garden Quarters"

Design of a bathroom combined with a toilet, 4 square meters. m in the residential complex "Garden Quarters" is made in a non-classical style using white and gold tones. Considering the small size of the room, the designers of the Fundament group of companies equipped it with a minimum set of plumbing fixtures, choosing models in retro style.

In the photo: Design of a combined bathroom in the neoclassical style

A small rectangular bathtub built into a niche takes up little space and fits perfectly into the decor. It is organically complemented by a compact rack for accessories, decorated with light mosaics, and a glass curtain with a rotating “wing”.

Design of a combined bathroom with shower

In the photo: Modern bathroom with bath, toilet and shower

the main objective combining a bathroom and a bathroom - increasing the usable area. Additional square meters will allow you to conveniently place everything you need plumbing equipment and create a beautiful interior. In most cases, a shower stall is installed in a combined bathroom rather than a bathtub. This solution allows you to significantly expand the functionality of the room and perfectly organize the space.

In the photo: Guest bathroom with toilet and shower

When choosing a color solution for the design of a combined bathroom with a bathtub or shower, architects and decorators, first of all, take into account the style of the project and the area of ​​the room. Classic, neoclassical and art deco suggest milky, gray-blue, powdery tones, and modern style – coffee, chocolate, truffle and sand shades, as well as contrasting black and white design. It is better to decorate a small bathroom in light colors, and for a spacious room, more saturated colors are also suitable. Light, in any case, must be functional.

Functional light and glass partitions in a combined bathroom with shower

Shades of latte and Baltic sand are an excellent choice for a combined bathroom in a modern style with a glass wall and an open shower area. The finishing design imitates natural materials, so the room looks cozy. Supports the overall concept and furniture. And high-tech lamps add a bit of fashionable urbanism to the interior.

The washroom area is illuminated by ceiling spots, the luminous flux of which is directed strictly downwards. In addition, the mirror has its own LED backlight, so there is a need for additional sources there is no light.

In the photo: Combined bathroom in the Vorobyov House residential complex

The shower room is illuminated by two spotlights built into the ceiling. LED lamps. They are designed for damp rooms and provide even, diffused light. In addition, due to the absence of partitions, light from the wash area penetrates into the shower room.

Bathroom with toilet and tinted bath-shower

In the photo: Combined bathroom with shower in the Fort Kutuzov residential complex

To design the combined bathroom with shower in the photo, the designers of the Fundament Group of Companies proposed a light palette including white, gray and sand shades. In this color scheme, we selected a multi-component finish (modular mosaic, large glossy tiles imitating marble, porcelain tiles) and furniture: a wall-hung wash table with a cabinet and a linen closet.

In the photo: Combined bathroom with bathtub and shower in the Fort Kutuzov residential complex

Due to the fact that the area of ​​the combined bathroom in the Fort Kutuzov residential complex is more than 7 square meters. m, the designers were able to organically fit into the space a large combined bathtub-shower cabin with radius facade. Rear walls black color and tinted glass doors turned it into an interior dominant and added expressiveness to the design.

In the photo: Bathroom with toilet and shower in the Fort Kutuzov residential complex

The wall-hung white toilet and bidet of the original shape look very modern. The installation for plumbing is hidden behind a false wall, finished with sand-colored modular mosaics. And the resulting shelf after installing the equipment can be used to place bath accessories and beautiful decor.

A bathroom with a shower in a retro style in the residential complex "Garden Quarters"

In the photo: Wash area in the combined bathroom in the Garden Quarters residential complex

The area of ​​the small guest bathroom in the photo, decorated in classic style, a little more than 3 square meters. m, but it fit everything you need without any problems. Light milky and vanilla shades in decoration, furniture and plumbing visually expand the space. And the golden-yellow fittings and retro-style accessories with decorative ceramic inserts give the interior an aristocratic sound.

In the photo: Toilet in the combined bathroom in the residential complex "Garden Quarters"

To use the available space with maximum benefit, a corner shower stall was installed in the bathroom, the glass walls of which are decorated with a sandblasted pattern. It looks very light and does not overload the space. A floor standing toilet and the washing area was located in small walls.

Combined bathroom with bath

In the photo: Combined bathroom with corner bath and shower

If the space of the room allows, in a combined bathroom it makes sense not only to equip a shower corner, but also to install a bathtub. This can be either a familiar rectangular model, suitable for embedding in a niche, or a free-standing bathtub with original design.

Combined bathroom 5 sq. m with a vintage bath

Small vintage bathtub on bronze lion claws – exclusive option, perfect for a combined bathroom in a classic style. It can be complemented with both wall-mounted and floor-standing faucets in a retro theme, as well as an original waterproof curtain on a ring ceiling holder.

In the photo: Combined bathroom 5 sq. m in the residential complex "English Quarter"

The finish in a noble gray-blue color scheme is a suitable backdrop not only for a vintage bathtub, but also for a classic white washbasin and mirror. Thanks to the spectacular plinth at the bottom of the walls, the bathroom looks like an elegant boudoir. And the designer chandelier and sconces with imitation candles further enhance this feeling.

In the photo: Combined bathroom 5 sq. m in the residential complex "English Quarter"

To isolate the toilet area during the renovation, a partition was erected, which also became the wall of the utility block. A washing machine was built into its lower part ( current solution, if there is no separate laundry room), and in the upper one - a linen closet.

Combined bathroom in a modern style with a free-standing bath

Finished with concrete-like tiles and relief panels The combined bathroom in the photo amazes not only with the play of textures, but also with the plumbing. And his main “heroine” is large bath ergonomic shape. Installed diagonally and complemented by a stylish floor-standing faucet and a unique lamp, it looks like an art object.

In the photo: Modern combined bathroom in the Vorobyov House residential complex

For a conceptual interior the best solution there will be plumbing fixtures from the same collection. Therefore, the elegant countertop washbasin fits perfectly into the decor.

In the photo: Modern combined bathroom in the Vorobyov House residential complex

The toilet was also chosen to match the theme with the bathtub and sink, which the “Fundament” designers supplemented with an original heated towel rail. But the shower enclosure with a transparent frameless fence plays the role of an invisible person in this project.

Large combined bathroom with plunge pool and mosaic decor

The spacious combined bathroom in the Setun Valley residential complex, with an area of ​​almost nine meters, is unique in all respects. If you need to quickly get ready for work, you can use the shower located in the niche. And for relaxation, a free-standing plunge pool located near the wall with the author’s signature is ideal. mosaic panel.

In the photo: Combined bathroom in the art deco style in the Setun Valley residential complex

The restroom area in this beautifully designed space is completely inconspicuous, although it is in plain sight. The secret is correct selection equipment - bidet and toilet from the same series have an elegant shape and look like works of modern art.

In the photo: Combined bathroom in the art deco style in the Setun Valley residential complex

A long washbasin with two built-in sinks literally merges with the wall decoration and attracts attention. And the large mirror above it reflects the luxurious decor, so that the atmosphere looks more festive.

Design of a combined bathroom with a washing machine

In the photo: Combined bathroom with washing and drying machine

Washing machines in modern apartments can be placed:

  • in specially designed laundry rooms;
  • in dressing rooms;
  • in the kitchen;
  • in the bathroom.
The last option is the most popular in our country. Experienced designer will always be able to find a place for a washing machine in the space of even a small bathroom.

In the photo: Organization of a laundry area in a combined bathroom

The washing machine is often placed under a single countertop that encloses the washbasin area. Such an area must be carefully designed by the project designer, the plumbing fixtures must be selected exactly to size, and the countertops and furniture must be custom-made.

In the photo: Location of the toilet and washing machine in a combined bathroom

With this placement option, it is important to adjust the washing machine well, eliminate jumping during the spin cycle and reduce vibration. If everything is done correctly, a functional and compact laundry area can be successfully integrated into the interior of a bathroom combined with a toilet.

In the photo: Design of a bathroom with a washing machine in the wash area

Design of a small combined bathroom

Arrangement of a combined bathroom of a small area requires a special approach. First you need to decide on the functionality and minimum set of plumbing fixtures. And, of course, for such a room it is important to choose the right color scheme and furniture.

Bathroom with shower area less than 3 square meters. m

In the photo: Wash area in the combined bathroom in the English Quarter residential complex

Light gray-blue decoration, compact white sanitary ware, chrome-colored accessories - the interior of a small combined bathroom in the photo looks laconic and light. Despite the fact that the area of ​​this room is less than 3 square meters, everything you need is here.

In the photo: Design of a small combined bathroom in the English Quarter residential complex

In order not to clutter up the space, a transparent corner shower stall with a low tray and a radius door was installed in the room. It does not dominate the interior, and its frame goes well with the accessories and faucet.

Combined bathroom 3 sq. m in the residential complex "Fort Kutuzov"

Gray and white color scheme with the addition of a discreet turquoise shade, chrome accessories, ultra-fashionable plumbing – the combined modern-style bathroom in the photo makes a very pleasant impression and gives a feeling of freshness.

In the photo: Combined bathroom in the Fort Kutuzov residential complex - washing area

In order to economize usable area indoors, the designers of the Fundament group of companies chose a compact wall-mounted cabinet module with a built-in sink for the washroom area in the Fort Kutuzov residential complex, complementing it with a small mirror and a towel holder.

In the photo: Combined bathroom in the Fort Kutuzov residential complex

There was a place for a shower in small niche. It was decorated with white tiles and mosaics in the colors of the interior and separated from the rest of the space glass door. And so that everything necessary for water procedures was at hand, the designers designed a mini-rack in the shower.

Small combined bathroom in Art Deco style

Powder pink walls, white marble floors, lamps with crystal pendants - absolute harmony reigns in a small combined bathroom with a small bathtub, decorated in the art deco style. The bathtub and wash area are located on the end walls (this technique expands the small space). And the center of the room is reserved for the toilet and is visually highlighted using 3D panels.

In the photo: Small combined bathroom with bathtub

An invisible glass curtain for a bathtub is what a small room needs. It copes with its task perfectly and at the same time does not weigh down the white and pink airy interior at all.

So, let's summarize. Combining a toilet and a bathroom into a combined bathroom should be done at the design project development stage. But by deciding to take this step, you will only win. The main thing is to enlist the help of professionals.

Text: Irina Sedykh

Many of us live in houses where the bathroom is separate, but there is nothing more good to say about it. Here in the toilet you rest your knees against the door, and in the bathroom you have to choose between the sink and the washing machine.

The only rational solution in this case is to combine the toilet and bathtub into a combined bathroom, when two tiny rooms turn into one larger one. True, many believe that even a combination will not allow increasing the free space in the bathroom and placing all the necessary objects and things in it.

We want to prove the opposite using several ways to design a combined bathroom. They basically require not only imagination, but also financial opportunities, but the result is definitely worth it. We offer some design ideas for a combined bathroom in your apartment.

Design of a combined bathroom

The main way to increase space in a small combined bathroom is to replace the bathtub with a shower. There are many variety of options in configurations, sizes and designs of shower enclosures.

So, for example, you can buy a regular cabin with a tray, or you can make the tray yourself, laying it with the same tiles as the walls - this will make the bathroom visually more spacious. You can also choose the depth of the tray: some people like shallow trays, while others like deep ones. I would just like to note that shower cabins with deep trays are more practical, as they can also act as a small bathtub.

Tiles in a combined bathroom

The bathroom is the place where a person begins a new day and ends the outgoing one.

Therefore, it is especially important here to create a beautiful, harmonious interior, where you can relax in the evening and get ready for an active day in the morning.

For these purposes, it is important to choose the right finishing materials, in particular tiles. For example, the fap meltin collection seems to have been created to bring harmony into the room. Soft, pastel shades, interesting, unusual texture, plus excellent quality - these are the three components of the reason for the enormous popularity of this product.

In terms of color and size, it is better to choose the option that will allow you to create successful combinations with other types of finishes and accessories. Today, among the huge variety ceramic tiles you can find quite interesting drawing, color scheme. Also, do not ignore the large diverse collections of tiles. From the presented options of one type, you can put together a wonderful original combination.

You can also use mosaics and stained glass as decoration. These inserts will give the interior a special sophistication, freshness, and liveliness. And they will help you achieve exactly that uniqueness and originality that you want to see and feel in your own bathroom.

The interior of the bathroom should not stand out from general style the entire house or apartment, but in this room it is better not to make bright accents, to emphasize the details. It is very important to correctly measure the size of the bathroom and interior items. That is, in a small bathroom there is no need to install a large washbasin, and, on the contrary, for a room of impressive size it is better to select more massive furniture and plumbing fixtures so that the room does not seem empty and uninhabited.

Shower cabins

When designing a combined bathroom with shower, you should take into account that there are cabins various types: with doors that open into the cabin, and with sliding sliding doors or "accordion". Here it all depends on the preferences and build of the owners, since ordinary doors may be inconvenient for large people. Creating rooms with a shower cabin and a washing machine Please note that the transparent walls of the cabins do not “cut” or delimit the space, but matte options are more practical in everyday life.

Very stylish and modern version The design of a combined bathroom with a shower stall is to create an open shower area without trays, and sometimes without partitions - the so-called wet room. To do this, it is necessary that the floor level in the shower area is lower than in the rest of the room.

For those who cannot refuse a bath even in small room, we recommend turning your attention to smaller bathtubs or irregular shape, which will seem to repeat the outlines of the room itself and surrounding objects.

Sink and toilet ideas

It's not just the bathtub that can have a non-standard shape - today corner sinks and toilets are very common, which are especially suitable for irregularly shaped rooms. There are also sinks of completely unusual configurations, which seem to form a single whole with the bathroom, saving space.

One of the basic rules for visually increasing space is the following: the larger the visible floor area, the more spacious the room appears. Therefore, we advise owners of small bathrooms to pay attention to cantilever toilets and sinks, which are attached to the wall at a certain height from the floor, so they look more elegant and seem to “float” in the air.

By the way, even in a combined bathroom, with the appropriate layout, you can symbolically separate the toilet from other objects. This can be done with the help of a decorative partition or with the help of more useful objects: a light and high rack or a heated towel rail.

Sink in the bathroom

Separately, it should be said about the sink area, which must be used. Firstly, you can surround it with a tabletop, and hang a cabinet with a mirror above it. It is also worth using the space under it by placing a cabinet there. It is worth remembering that the bathroom will look visually more spacious with light open structures under the sink.

Washing machine in the bathroom

It is much more convenient and logical when the washing machine is in the bathroom, and not in the kitchen or in the hallway. However, in a small, and even more so in a combined bathroom, you need to try very hard when placing a washing machine.

It will be easiest if you have an option with a shower. Here you can put washing machine in any free corner, combine it with the sink under a single countertop, closing it with a door if necessary, or place it near the shower in the resulting niche. By the way, it's never too late to pay attention to models with vertical loading or on shallow washing machines.

But those who have to choose between a sink and a washing machine will clearly like the option of placing the “washing machine” directly under the washbasin.

Shelves and cabinets in the bathroom

Not a single bathroom can be completely freed from a variety of necessary things: towels, cosmetics, household chemicals etc. And to place all these items in small bathroom, need to think carefully though different ways, of course there is.

Naturally, first of all, these are various shelves: hanging open shelves or cabinets, small floor shelves, niches in the walls. Please note that it is open shelves that visually increase the space, but if you still want to close them, it is better to choose sliding doors that will save space.