Homemade smokehouse - production, diagrams, principles, types and secrets of smoking. A simple and effective do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse Do it yourself smokehouse

Smoked meat and fish are famous delicacies. A wide variety of types of smoked meats can be bought in stores, but can factory-made products from a store compare with home-made products? Therefore, some summer residents and owners of private houses who breed poultry and animals, or those who are interested in hunting and fishing are thinking about purchasing a smokehouse. A serious obstacle to this may be its high cost, but almost anyone can make a smokehouse on their own. To do this, you only need a correctly selected drawing, suitable materials and some time.

Features and Benefits

Making a smokehouse is a much less complicated and time-consuming process than it might seem at first glance. Of course, it all depends on the type that the owner decides to install on his site, but some options can be made independently in just a few minutes. In most cases, a homemade smokehouse will cost much less than a purchased one. It can be made from scrap materials, from old things that are no longer used in the household, but have retained their properties.

A good and convenient smokehouse, corresponding in size and volume to the wishes of the summer resident, can be quickly made with your own hands right at your summer cottage.

Properly selected wood for smoking and temperature conditions allow you to create on your site delicacies that are completely unique in taste and aroma, the likes of which are very difficult to find on store shelves.

Types and purpose

There are two main types of smokers, one of which is suitable for hot smoking, and the other for cold smoking. They differ from each other mainly in the manufacturing technology of the smokehouses themselves and the temperature that is maintained in the smoking chambers. Depending on the smoking method, products will also have a slightly different taste. With equal success, these smokehouses can be used for smoking meat, game, fish, lard, and sausages.

First of all, you should consider cold smoked smokehouses. Their main feature is a long, elongated chimney, which allows for complete combustion of flue gases.

Such smokehouses, in addition to the chimney, have two main blocks: a firebox and a smoking chamber. All harmful substances settle on the walls of the chimney, and the meat acquires a barely noticeable aromatic smoke. To produce a product using this method, it will take from three days to a week, and the shelf life of products produced using such smokehouses can average from three to twelve weeks.

In smokehouses designed for hot smoking, products are cooked much faster: the whole process takes from a quarter of an hour to several hours, it all depends on the size of the original product. In smokehouses of this type, it is customary to use not firewood, but special wood chips, which determines some structural features. Thus, the firebox in these smokehouses is located directly under the most sealed chamber intended for smoking. The tightness of this chamber ensures uniform heating of the entire mass of the product.

In addition, there are universal smokehouses, which are a cross between cold and hot smokehouses.

In addition to the stationary smokehouse, there are also camping or portable mini-smokehouses: in appearance they resemble a box with a lid. This simple design is very convenient: you can take it with you, for example, fishing or on a picnic.

What can you build from?

To make a smokehouse with your own hands, you can use many available tools - used ones will do. household items, which are brought to the dacha in large quantities in the hope that someday they will find use.

A wooden barrel is suitable for the smokehouse chamber, and the larger it is, the better, but for small home production a container with a volume of 50-100 liters is enough. However, it is important to remember that under no circumstances should you choose tree species that are resinous or tar-producing. Spruce, pine, maple and birch are definitely not suitable. The best options trees such as cherry and apple trees, oak and alder will become.

In addition to the barrel, you can use any large metal box: it will do old refrigerator(this will allow you to combine a smoke generator and a dryer in one unit). You can make a chamber, for example, from a gas stove. In the end, a container for a portable smokehouse can serve as an ordinary metal bucket, an old saucepan, flasks, a medical bottle or even an old fire extinguisher: two grates are inserted inside, between which there will be meat or fish, and the bottom is filled thin layer sawdust

However, when using metal elements in the manufacture of a smokehouse, you should give preference to items made of “stainless steel”. Of course, this is a rather fragile and more brittle material that is more difficult to process, but it has a number of undoubted advantages: firstly, it is resistant to the chemical components carried by smoke, secondly, it does not oxidize at high temperatures and does not rusts, thirdly, it is easy to clean it from soot, soot and traces of grease.

If a smokehouse is a necessary attribute for the owner of a suburban area, then you can build a solid brick smokehouse. Its dimensions will correspond to the wishes of the owner, the main thing will be to ensure the correct flow of smoke inside the smoking chamber. For the heating source in such smokehouses, potbelly stoves are usually used, connected to the chamber by a pipe.

How to prepare drawings?

If the smokehouse should become a functional element of the decor of a suburban area, then, undoubtedly, it is worth making the drawings yourself. However, if there is no need for this, then it is better to use ready-made drawings. This is especially true for non-professionals, as this will help avoid mistakes and inaccuracies. But even in this case, one should take into account the size of the container that it was decided to use for the main camera. Most likely, the scheme will still have to be slightly changed.

It is worth remembering that hot smokers are convenient due to their small size, while cold smokers are quite bulky, but they allow you to produce products with a richer taste and a longer shelf life. Mini-smokehouses are distinguished by their simplicity of design.


Despite the variety of items from which a smokehouse can be made, each design must have several essential components to make the smoking process convenient and technologically correct. In addition, during work you should have some tools on hand - at least a welding machine and an angle grinder.

There must be at least one grate in the main chamber of the smokehouse. Products for smoking will be laid out on it. Such a grid can be made from thin reinforcement.

The smoking chamber itself must be sealed. This will ensure even heating of the products and will also prevent the smoke from evaporating ahead of time. In addition, if the size of the smokehouse allows, you should provide the chamber with several hooks for smoking.

Under the grate there should be a tray for smoldering shavings and sawdust, and even lower - a box for ash. There may also be a heat source that provides smoldering for the sawdust. Third important element there turns out to be a tray onto which fats and juices will drain; it must be cleaned after each smoking session.

You can install the smokehouse on a fire, on gas, and even, if size allows, on an electric stove.

An important design detail is the smoke generator. Of course, small smokehouses operating on the principle of hot smoking have it directly in the smoking chamber: smoke production is provided by sawdust, which covers the bottom of the chamber. For cold smoked smokehouses, it will be necessary to create artificial conditions for the formation of smoke, because its total temperature should not exceed 35 degrees Celsius. Therefore, such smoke generators often use an electric heating element with a built-in thermostat and temperature sensors.

To improve the quality of smoking (in the case of a hot smokehouse), it is possible to install an additional fan or compressor into the design. They will provide additional, more powerful pumping of smoke, due to which smoked products will warm up and cook faster.

Sometimes a lid with a water seal is added to smokehouses: it is a small recess located around the perimeter of the smoking chamber into which water is poured. This device creates a barrier that prevents air from entering the chamber and does not allow smoke to escape from the chamber.

Assembly Instructions

The variety of items from which it is possible to make a smokehouse raises natural questions about how to properly make a smokehouse at home. In fact, knowing the general technology and processes that products undergo during the smoking process, you can independently develop not only a diagram, but also step-by-step assembly instructions. However, as an example, it is worth considering several of the most common and convenient options for making smokehouses.

The simplest design made of polyethylene film

To make such a cold smoked smokehouse, you will need two meters of very dense film, which is sewn together in the form of a bag. The best choice is a thick film used by summer residents for greenhouses and greenhouses.

Next, you will need to find a flat area approximately one square meter in size on the site. The platform is covered with tall wooden stakes to the size of the film, about two meters in height, and the stakes themselves are connected to each other by thin transverse beams to give the structure stability. Then the opposite stakes will need to be connected with diagonal bulkheads in approximately 2-3 rows. After this, the products prepared for smoking are hung on the rods so that they do not touch each other, and a prepared plastic bag is pulled over the structure - not all the way to the ground, small space leave.

Burning coals are poured under the structure and covered with grass, after which the film is stretched to the ground and carefully clamped on all sides to make the entire structure airtight.

It will take approximately three hours for the products to be cooked in such a smokehouse, after which the bag is removed and the products are ventilated. Particularly large pieces may require re-smoking.

From the bucket

To make similar model smokehouse, you will need an old bucket. One or two stainless steel grates are placed inside it. If there are two grates, then the first, smaller one is installed about 10 cm from the bottom of the bucket, and the second is slightly higher. Then the bottom of the bucket is generously sprinkled with wood shavings or sawdust.

The bucket smokehouse is ready, all that remains is to place the products to be smoked on the grids, put the structure on the fire and cover with a lid.

From a barrel

The most traditional and simple option is considered to be the manufacture of a home smokehouse from wood or metal barrel. The principle of its manufacture is the same as in the case of a bucket smokehouse; the main difference is its significantly larger size, which makes it possible to equip the barrel not only with grates, but also with hooks for smoking.

A barrel can make a smokehouse for both types of smoking, which can be very convenient. In the first case, the heat source - the hearth - should be located directly under the barrel. For cold smoking, the barrel is installed in a pit, to which a chimney (approximately two meters long) is drawn from the hearth.

Can produce more difficult option smokehouse, for which you will need not one, but two barrels.

Most convenient option will be the use of two identical barrels with a volume of approximately 200 liters. They need to be welded together in a "T" shape. The lower barrel will serve as a container for the future firebox; an opening is cut out on the side and a door is installed. The valve at the bottom of the stove will allow you to regulate the intensity of combustion. The upper barrel will serve as the future smoking chamber: a strong grate must be tightly and rigidly fixed in it, on which the smoked products will subsequently be laid out, and it will also be possible to cook a barbecue on it. Plus, it can be used as an oven, placing baking dishes or simply food wrapped in foil on the grill.

For smoking, it will be necessary to arrange a sawdust brazier in the lower firebox, and an open fire will be lit under it. Sometimes sawdust is poured directly into wood coals, but this is a more labor-intensive method that requires constant monitoring and attention. Otherwise, the products may burn and lose the necessary taste.

Then all that remains is to hang the food over the grill, and place a tray on it, into which the draining fat and juices will be collected. Using the same principle, smokehouses are made from an old gas cylinder.

From an old refrigerator

Many summer residents prefer not to get rid of old non-working equipment, but to take it to their country house. If you rid a non-working refrigerator of the electrical filling and other “innards”, then the remaining box can be turned into a convenient and spacious smokehouse.

It is necessary to make a small hole in the roof for the future chimney. Inside the box, at different levels, six corners should be installed in pairs, on which grates for the tray and products and hooks for smoking will subsequently be located, as well as a tray for fat draining from the products. In addition to a tray for fat, you will also need a tray for sawdust or shavings; it is installed at the very bottom of the structure.

It is also important to ensure that the refrigerator door closes as tightly as possible and does not allow excess air to enter the chamber.

Made of metal

This product already requires a more serious approach, but it is not difficult to weld it yourself. The simplest and most convenient shape for a craftsman is a rectangle, but preference is most often given to stainless steel as a material: it is easy to clean, withstands high temperatures well and is distinguished for a long time operation. But at the same time, “stainless steel” is quite difficult to process. Another material to consider is cold rolled steel: it is quite ductile, withstanding temperatures up to 650 degrees Celsius, but is susceptible to oxidation and rust.

This design itself resembles a box, to the walls of which corners with grilles installed on them are welded.

To begin with, you will need two sheets of metal, one of which is divided into four parts, which will be identical if you plan to make a square smokehouse. You can divide the sheet using a grinder. Then, at an angle of 90 degrees (a carpenter's angle is used for this), the sheets are welded to each other, forming a box. To ensure the future smokehouse is sealed, it will also be necessary to weld the internal seams of the chamber. The bottom of the smokehouse is cut out of another metal sheet and welded to the box in the same way.

Finally, you can start making the camera cover. To do this, use a grinder to cut four identical strips of metal sheet (preferably stainless steel) with a size slightly larger than the characteristics of the outer part of the box. Then the resulting cover is welded.

The last parts will be the lower fastenings for installing a tray in which fats and juices will be collected, and the upper ones for placing hooks on which lard, meat, fish or sausages are hung. It is also worth attaching a couple of handles to the edges of the smokehouse to make it easier to carry.

A conventional electric stove can be used as a heat source for such a smokehouse. If higher temperatures are needed, the smoker can just as easily be placed over a fire.

From a gas cylinder or fire extinguisher

The process of making a smokehouse from a gas cylinder is somewhat complicated, but it is quite suitable for those who have this completely unnecessary thing in their household and want to find at least some use for it.

To begin with, it is worthwhile, observing safety precautions, to release the remaining gas from the cylinder, and then carefully saw off the release valve. The remaining gasoline is also drained from the cylinder into any metal container and burned. Then the cylinder is washed thoroughly, a door is cut into its wall through which the products will be placed inside. The hinges on which the door will be held are welded to the cutout. Metal strips are cut off from the bottom of the cylinder and half of the bottom is sawed off to provide the future smokehouse with a firebox. Finally, the firebox itself is made from metal sheets and welded to the cylinder, after which the entire structure must be calcined over a fire.

Made of brick and stone

This smokehouse is easy to manufacture, but quite complex in its design. During construction, you will not need to use a grinder and a welding machine, however, the slightest mistake in the location of the chimney can render the finished smokehouse unusable. The advantage of this smokehouse is that it can be adapted for both cold and hot smoking: this dual-mode design turns out to be very convenient and multifunctional.

First you need to prepare the foundation for the future smokehouse. Due to the fact that brick and stone are heavy, such a structure cannot be mounted directly on the ground: the ground may settle and the structure will be destroyed. It would not be superfluous to strengthen the foundation using a grid of reinforcement.

Then, when the foundation is ready, you can begin laying the lower chord of the walls, and after this, building a tunnel chimney. Its length is approximately two meters, and the pipe itself is well insulated to ensure the possibility of both cold and hot smoking. Any insulating material can mineral insulation resistant to high temperatures. For example, glass wool will do.

The structure of the future smokehouse itself should remain hollow. You can take this into account and use empty niches in the future to store supplies of sawdust, firewood, etc. The highest temperatures will be observed directly in the firebox and in the oven, so they will need to be made of refractory bricks. The remaining parts of the smokehouse can be laid out with any other types of bricks, even decorative ones.

Finally, you can start building the second brick belt. It will need to be separated from the first by an even concrete screed or concrete slab. Just as in the case of the foundation, it would be better to strengthen the layer with a steel reinforcement grid. There are two chambers, one of which will serve as a smoking chamber, and the second will become the basis for the Russian stove.

After this, the stove itself is built on. Since there will always be high temperatures here, as mentioned above, it must be built from fire-resistant bricks. The advantage of this design is its versatility: it will not only serve as a heat source for the smokehouse, but will allow you to bake food and even barbecue.

After constructing the stove, a smoking chamber is built next to the chimney: it can do without any additional finishing. The only thing is that it will be necessary to provide it with a tight, airtight door, preferably a wooden one, made of deciduous trees; Cherry or apple trees are ideal.

Then, when the smoking chamber is built on, a pipe is attached to it at the top to ensure smoke removal. Adjusting the draft in the pipe will allow the owner to carry out both cold and hot smoking in one smokehouse - everything will depend on the intensity of sawdust combustion in the firebox. With low heat and a wide pipe diameter, the smoke will have time to cool enough to provide cold smoking; If you limit the draft in the pipe and increase the intensity of combustion, then hot smoking will occur.


Construction of a chimney for a stationary smokehouse - important stage, which is worth considering separately. You should not make it from brick or other porous materials, since the brick will actively absorb harmful substances from the smoke and moisture coming through it. By accumulating these substances, over time it will acquire an unpleasant odor, which will negatively affect the quality of the products prepared in the smokehouse.

Metal is best suited for a chimney, but even in this case it will need to be cleaned regularly to remove the soot accumulated on the walls.

​​​Many owners of home smokehouses prefer a chimney that is dug in the ground: In this way, the soil effectively cools the smoke (which is especially preferable for cold smoking), and also absorbs condensation that forms on the walls. Bacteria and microorganisms living in the soil process the dangerous carcinogens contained in this condensate.

To make a smokehouse with such a chimney, a platform with a slight slope is located or artificially poured at the summer cottage, which will subsequently provide smoke natural cravings. The smokehouse firebox is placed under a slope, and a small ditch is dug on the slope itself - the future chimney. It is covered with iron sheets, on top of which a layer of soil is poured, designed to create improved thermal insulation. This chimney extends all the way to the smoking chamber.

In the next video you will see how to make a smokehouse from a barrel with your own hands.

Where is the best location?

It is very important to find right place for a stationary smokehouse: this is not a small, portable structure that can be stored at home or in the garage and taken out when needed.

When choosing a place, it is worth remembering that the smokehouse will emit a large number of smoke, which should not enter the living quarters in the country. In addition, harmful substances can harm trees and other green spaces. Therefore, pick up perfect place on the leeward side it will be quite difficult, moreover, for each house it is purely individual. The resulting products can be stored in the cellar, as long as the room is dry and cool.

A proper smokehouse must take into account three main points, and the summer resident, when constructing such a structure, must also remember them. Firstly, uniform heating and fumigation must be carried out in the smoking chamber. Secondly, the smoke itself for smoking should be very light, not carrying harmful substances and heavy breakdown products that can give the meat an unpleasant taste. Thirdly, the design must be airtight to ensure uniform penetration of smoke into all layers of meat; Additional smoke generators can serve the same purpose.

By the way, you can assemble a smoke generator yourself. A body is made from a metal can, a hole is drilled at the bottom for igniting wood chips, and the upper part is tightly closed with a lid. The compressor can be a computer cooler. The entire structure is assembled using welding air, and then all that remains is to ignite the sawdust or wood chips and turn on the cooler. The peculiarity of the smoke generator is that the built-in cooler does not push smoke out, but pulls it in. Therefore, it must be connected to the smokehouse directly.

Traction – required condition for smoking. It is not enough to simply put the product into a chamber filled with smoke. Otherwise, the meat/fish will simply evaporate, as a result of which it will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste. This is critical for cold smoking; in the case of hot smoking, everything is a little different, but it’s still worth following this rule.

To give the meat a rich taste, you should take special care in selecting the right tree species, the logs of which will be the most aromatic when burned.

For example, you should not use only birch logs in the smokehouse, as the meat may get an undesirable bitter taste. Yes, and birch logs will first have to be cleared of bark. Also, it is strictly forbidden to use it for smoking. conifers trees. The culprit is the abundant resin content. It is best to add juniper branches and cherry leaves to the logs: they will add pleasant notes to the aroma of the meat. If there is a need to give the meat a certain color, then you can also use certain types of trees. Mahogany will give the meat a golden hue, alder and oak will give a dark yellow color, and hardwoods will give golden yellow tones.

In general, fruit trees like apple and pear trees and cherries have the most pleasant aroma. This is especially convenient for gardeners who can use old tree branches directly from their site for a smokehouse.

Also, different tree species are used for different types of smoked meats: Even if these types of trees do not grow on your summer cottage, it will not be difficult to purchase the appropriate wood chips in the store. Thus, alder chips remain the most universal, on which almost any meat, lard, fish and even vegetables are smoked. Oak sawdust is used primarily for red meat and game. Willow and birch, which have a specific bitter taste, are used when smoking large game such as elk or bear. And cheeses, nuts, vegetables and fruits are smoked on the softest cherries and apples.

Firewood and pieces of wood added to the fireplace for aroma should not be larger than 5-10 cm in size. Larger pieces are more difficult to heat to the point that they begin to char.

Before putting the log on the fire, it’s a good idea to slightly moisten it: raw wood produces abundant smoke, which is very important for smokehouses. However, you should not overdo it with humidification: if too much steam is generated, the products will become soggy, which will significantly reduce their shelf life. In addition, in order to get good, abundant smoke, after the formation of coals in the stove, it is worth closing the pipe valve. At this moment, active combustion stops, but the sawdust that produces smoke begins to smolder.

To improve product quality, it is best to provide the fire with an active supply of oxygen. At the same time, you cannot fan the flame in the smokehouse: it is important that the wood smolder, but not burn.

It is very important to provide smoked products with a continuous supply of smoke from the beginning of cooking until its completion. This should be taken into account when placing pieces of meat or fish in the smokehouse. different sizes: small ones will be ready much earlier than large ones. For the latter, you will have to additionally pour sawdust and shavings into the tray, thus maintaining a constant temperature. However, do not forget about the danger of over-smoking products: the process must be carefully controlled and the products must be periodically checked for readiness.

Another method that significantly speeds up the smoking process is to pre-boil meat or lard in water with salt and spices.

The optimal temperature inside the smoking chamber should range from 60-90 degrees Celsius. Even without temperature sensors, adjusting the temperature is quite simple: water in a small container placed on the lid of the smoking chamber should not boil. For cold smoking, choose a little more low temperatures, for hot - higher, sometimes reaching 120 degrees Celsius.

By the way, you can smoke not only meat, fish, lard or sausages. Smoked nuts, vegetables and fruits have interesting tastes. Smoked cheeses are also worth mentioning. It all depends on temperature regime inside the smokehouse and sawdust and wood chips used inside.

Before the smoking procedure, it is better to place the products for some time in a separate drying cabinet, which allows you to get rid of excess moisture and thereby increase the shelf life of the product. It’s easy to make it yourself: just take a large box with a tight sealed lid, into the side of which a fan is inserted. Before placing the product in the cabinet, it is better to pre-salt it. It will have to spend from one to three days in the closet until completely dry.

Large stationary smokehouses can only be installed in the country house or, in the case of living in the private sector, on the territory own home. Such designs require a lot free space, in addition, they produce a lot of smoke, which can harm plants, penetrate into the house and disturb neighbors.

The taste of homemade smoked meats cannot be compared with store-bought products. The reason for this is a change in smoking technology in industry. Previously, this process took quite a long time. Nowadays, it’s enough to dip salty foods into “liquid smoke” and they can immediately be sent to the supermarket counter.

It’s a matter of natural smoked dishes that you can cook yourself. You just need to build a useful metal smoking structure with your own hands at the dacha or on a camping trip and enjoy delicious delicacies. It is worth noting that a smokehouse is an indispensable item for those who love hunting, fishing or are simply a gourmet. To make it you don’t need any special skills, just select required drawing or a photo and reproduce the structure, although, however, you can do without these attributes.

  1. Bucket smokehouse. You will need an old unnecessary metal bucket, several grates and wood sawdust. Grids are inserted into the bucket: one 10 cm from the bottom, and the second at a distance of 5 cm from the original one. Sawdust is placed in a thin layer on the bottom and the smokehouse is ready.
  2. Stainless steel smokehouse. A simple device that is convenient to use on the go. A metal box, inside of which gratings are welded at a distance, as in a bucket. The structure is installed on a fire or barbecue, and covered with a lid or sheet of iron on top. In 15-25 minutes you can get delicious fish, meat, chicken, etc. from such a smokehouse.
  3. Metal refrigerators (used). Old Soviet refrigerators are perfect for this option. You need to get all the insides out of them, cut off the roof on top. It will act as a chimney. It is necessary to install three pairs of corners, two of them for the smokehouse grates, and the bottom one for the tray on which fat and juice will collect. At the very bottom of the refrigerator you need to install an electric stove, after turning it on the smoking process will begin.
  4. Smokehouse from a barrel. A common method. The design is not much different from previous options. The smokehouse is equipped with grates and a fat tray. Add a chimney and you will get a cold smoked smokehouse, and if you place it above the fire, you can prepare hot smoked delicacies.
  5. Smokehouse with a water seal. It will not be possible to make this design at home. But it can be easily purchased in a store or market. Her distinctive feature is a reservoir that is filled with water. And thanks to the sealed lid, smoke does not escape outside, which makes it possible to use it in an apartment.

Advice. You can learn more about the options by watching the video.

Making a homemade hot smoked smokehouse from metal (drawings and photos)

To make a hot smoked metal smokehouse with your own hands you will need:

    • Bulgarian;
    • fittings;
    • welding machine;
  • carpenter's corner;
  • sheet metal 2 mm thick (67 x 157 cm) – 2 pcs.

All the necessary equipment is ready, it’s time to get to work. The main thing is to strictly follow the step-by-step instructions.

This simple sequence of steps will help you build a homemade metal smokehouse for hot smoking. It is perfect for cooking lard, meat, fish, game, etc.

How to build a cold-smoked metal smokehouse with your own hands (drawings and photos)

The difference between a cold smoking unit and a hot one is that the temperature is much lower (about 35–40 degrees). This effect is achieved due to partial cooling of the smoke as it passes through special pipe. The cold smoking process is longer.

  1. Dig a hole in the ground 50 x 50 cm and a meter deep. This will be the firebox. If desired, it can be lined with fireproof bricks.
  2. Next, you need to dig a chimney that will lead from the firebox to the smokehouse chamber. Its diameter must be at least 30 cm.
  3. Dig a trench and cover the top with sheet metal. To prevent smoke from escaping, the iron sheets are sprinkled with soil on top.
  4. The place where the chimney and smokehouse will be connected should be equipped with a filter. Its role can be played by a metal mesh with small cells. It will not allow soot to get on the food.
  5. The smokehouse chamber itself can be made of metal sheets welded to each other. Its construction is similar to preparing a box for a hot smoked smokehouse.
  6. At the top of the smoking chamber, grates are installed on which hooks hang. They are convenient for hanging fish and meat for smoking.

Attention! A hot smoked smokehouse can serve as a cold smoking structure, but for this you will need a chimney that will connect the firebox and the chamber.

The cold smoked smokehouse is ready. All that's left to do is prepare your favorite dishes. Delicate taste, incredible aroma and naturalness of products, guaranteed quality of a smokehouse made by yourself. Even a beginner can build it, and it won’t take much time. But the result will exceed all expectations. You will be able to please your friends and loved ones with new gastronomic delights.

Making a metal smokehouse with your own hands: video

Metal smokehouse for a summer residence: photo

Smoking has long been one of the most favorite ways of preparing meat and fish products. But since there are several types of smoking, amateurs are often faced with a choice: which smoking to prefer - hot or cold? Experts with experience in this industry largely prefer hot smoking, which can be subjected to various varieties meat and fish, and in support of their choice they list a large number of advantages of a hot smoked smokehouse, which we, of course, will consider in this material. The modern variety of products presented in the relevant field allows you to purchase a hot smoked smokehouse in a specialized store, and those who like to make purchases in a relaxed atmosphere will be able to do this in the appropriate online stores. And the operation of factory smokehouses is not difficult - just place the firewood in a special compartment, place the food inside, close the door tightly, light the fuel and, after the allotted time, enjoy the aromatic, golden smoked meats. But what to do if you are only going to indulge in smoked meats from time to time? Why do you need extra waste money if you can make a homemade hot smoked smokehouse that is in no way inferior to industrial models. And the answer to the question: “How to make a hot smoked smokehouse?” look in the article prepared by our specialists.

Features of various types of smoking: studying the smoking process

Smoking is one of the most common types of heat treatment of products, which has a preservative effect on them. During the smoking process, products acquire specific aroma, and are also impregnated with smoke substances released during the combustion process, and are subject to partial dehydration, which helps to extend the shelf life of products. There are hot, semi-hot and cold smoking. Each of these types is characterized by its own advantages and disadvantages.

Hot called smoking, carried out at a temperature of at least 50-60 degrees for small fish. It is a priority when smoking low-fat products. The process of hot smoking occurs quite quickly and is smoking carried out in hot smoke. In the lower section of the smokehouse, small chips smolder, and above them hang meat, fish, vegetables or cheese, which are quickly brought to readiness at a smoke temperature of 80 to 140 degrees, depending on the type of product. Since the process of hot smoking involves melting of fat, only low-fat products are suitable for it, which after such heat treatment can be stored for no more than two days.

Cold smoking, unlike hot, the process is more labor-intensive, which can last up to several days and actually represents a somewhat accelerated withering of products. In order to achieve cooling of the smoke, a pipe is pulled from the place where the firewood is smoldering, the length of which reaches 1-2 meters, and in order to control the temperature of the smoke, a thermometer is installed in the smoking chamber. As for meat, it is smoked at a temperature of 15-20 degrees, and fish - from 20 to 40. Products treated with cold smoke can be stored for quite a long time.

Semi-hot smoking is an intermediate option between hot and cold smoking.

General structure of the simplest hot smoked smokehouse. The essence of the smoking process

A home hot smoked smokehouse is essentially a container, the volume of which depends only on your preferences and needs. But no matter how much food you want to smoke at one time, the smokehouse must be of such a volume that it can accommodate a grate for storing food, and a tray necessary to ensure that fat dripping from smoked meat or fish does not fall on coals, which can reduce taste characteristics finished products. The grate can be made from metal rods connected by welding. However, the main element of the smokehouse, which it cannot do without, is the area for placing firewood, which is located at the very bottom of the tank. As wood material Various types of wood can be used, the choice of which will be discussed a little later.

To make a hot smoked smokehouse, it is recommended to use stainless steel, which combines such characteristics as resistance to heat, high strength and lack of susceptibility to corrosion under the influence of aggressive environmental factors. In order to make it easier to insert and remove products, the smokehouse design should include a lid or door. And in order for the design of the smokehouse to be completely complete, equip it in such a way that the smokehouse capacity is at a slightly elevated distance from the ground, which can be achieved by making metal legs. This is necessary in order to locate the fire source. Since it is not the fire that is important for the process, but the heating temperature, you can choose the source of fire at your discretion.

The essence of the smoking process:

Once the food has been placed on the metal grate and wood, such as juniper sprigs, in the lower part, close the smoker tightly and begin heating the lower part. As the fire begins to flare up, the wood smolders and releases aromatic hot smoke, which rises up and passes through the products laid on the grill, causing smoking. The duration of smoking depends on the number of products, the size of the smokehouse, the temperature of the smoke and your preferences, however, after 40 minutes it is recommended to test the results obtained, since if the smokehouse overheats, the process technology may be disrupted.

Advantages of a hot smoked smokehouse:

  • The simplicity of the design of a hot smoked smokehouse makes it easy to manufacture at home;
  • The following advantage follows from the previous advantage, the essence of which is that there is no need for large financial investments to manufacture a smokehouse;
  • Using a smokehouse anywhere: at home, in the country or outdoors;
  • When using a hot smoked smokehouse, the smoking process is characterized by speed and simplicity;
  • No need for additional processing smoked products.

Hot smoked smokehouse photo

Hot smoked smokehouse: step-by-step instructions

Let's consider one of the options for installing a hot smoked smokehouse with your own hands using metal sheets. Before you begin installing the smokehouse, study the most common drawings of a hot smoked smokehouse, which are presented in our material. It is worth noting that the dimensions of the smokehouse for hot smoking are quite variable and depend only on your taste preferences and the amount of material you have:

To work you will need following materials and tools:

  • Two metal sheets with dimensions 150x60 cm, the thickness of which does not exceed 2 mm;
  • Thin fittings;
  • Welding machine and grinder;
  • Construction corner.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

  • Using a grinder, cut one of the metal sheets into 4 equal parts. Dividing exactly into equal parts is necessary so that the finished smokehouse acquires a square cross-section;
  • Use drip welding to join the two sheets. In the process of connecting them, use the construction angle to achieve the ideal ratio of the two planes, equal to 90 degrees;
  • To achieve the tightness of the metal box, carefully weld the internal seams;
  • Divide the second sheet into two parts and cut out the bottom of the future smokehouse from one half of the metal sheet and weld it to the finished box;

  • From the remaining part of the metal, cut out 4 identical strips, the dimensions of which are slightly larger than the outer dimensions of the smokehouse, and weld them to a metal sheet, with dimensions similar to those of the bottom or walls of the smokehouse (since the smokehouse is square-shaped, their dimensions are the same). The result should be a lid of moderate depth that easily fits onto the body of a homemade hot smoker.
  • So, our smokehouse can be considered almost ready. To complete the process, it is necessary to weld metal rods located in two levels in the upper and lower parts of the smokehouse, as well as comfortable handles. The lower level of rods is necessary for installing a tray into which fat from smoking products will drain, and the upper level is for placing hooks with lard, fish or other products, depending on your preferences.

How else to make a smokehouse? Backup option for the lazy

The simplest way to make a hot smoked smokehouse is to assemble a smokehouse from a bucket or large pan. To make a smokehouse, experts recommend using stainless steel buckets, while the use of galvanized buckets is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that during the heating process toxic zinc oxide is released, which penetrates into food and causes serious harm to the body. Also stock up on a lid for a pot or bucket in which you need to make holes for the smoke to escape. The design of a smokehouse made from a bucket involves the installation of three grates. The lower one is located one third from the bottom of the homemade smokehouse, while the upper one, on the contrary, is one third from its lid. As for the middle grille, its location is approximately 5 cm lower than the top grille.

To make gratings, use steel wire. Wrap wire around the smokehouse in the places where you plan to place the grates, then cut the wire to the required length. Make hoops from finished pieces of wire and connect them by welding the joints. After the hoops are ready, intertwine them with pre-prepared, thinner wire, ensuring that the width of the cells does not exceed 2 cm. For those who do not want to bother with making lattices, experts suggest using a mold from an old dumpling maker.

Next, start preparing shavings, sawdust and wood chips for the smokehouse. Experts recommend using oak, rowan, alder or juniper shavings. Wood shavings will also work fruit trees. As for birch shavings or coniferous wood chips, on the contrary, it is not recommended to use them, since products that are smoked will acquire a bitter taste. Pour the prepared wood chips onto the bottom of the homemade smokehouse in a layer the thickness of which reaches 1.5-2 cm, then install the lower grate, on which place the tray necessary to collect fat. The dimensions of the tray are of important practical importance, since it should not be excessively large so as not to create an obstacle to the passage of smoke. Having installed the tray, place the second and then the third grate with the laid product that you are going to smoke. After completing all of the above steps, close the smokehouse tightly to prevent air from entering it and subsequently igniting the fuel, and hang it over the fire. It is important to know that the flame during the smoking process should not be too large so that the smoked product does not burn.

During the smoking process, it is not recommended to open the lid in order to check the readiness of the product. You can easily do this by assessing the color and structure of the smoke. At the initial stage of smoking, the smoke is usually thick, which indicates the smoldering of the wood chips. Then it gradually begins to turn white and becomes less abundant. At this stage, it is important to ensure that the smoke does not turn yellow, which clearly indicates that the wood has caught fire. If you follow our recommendations and smoke the product over low heat, it will be ready in 45-50 minutes, when the smoke becomes dry and acquires pleasant aroma. To determine the temperature of the smoker, splash water on the lid. About optimal temperature evidenced by its silent evaporation, but not boiling.

Various options for hot smoked smokehouses and their advantages

The design option shown in the figure is the most improved. The presence of a baking sheet (it is located to the left of the smokehouse and is a bit like its lid) allows you to smoke fattier products without fear that the fat released during the smoking process will get on the wood chips and thereby create an obstacle to its smoldering. And the use of two grids at the same time, provided by the design, allows you to prepare a larger number of products.

All considered designs are characterized by mobility, which determines their use in any conditions. For home use We suggest you pay attention to the massive stationary smokehouse shown in the figure, which can only be used at home. This device is more professional and will allow you to prepare high quality products.

To make a smokehouse, a version of which is shown in the following figure, no special professional skills are required. If you have two 50 liter barrels and a grinder at your disposal, after making cuts in the appropriate places, you can easily install these barrels as shown in the figure.

In order for the finished product to have excellent taste characteristics, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for choosing firewood for a smokehouse, which not everyone is familiar with. In this regard, our goal is to tell them to you. In order for the finished product to please you with a pleasant taste and aroma, it is necessary to use raw wood, in the absence of which the logs are additionally moistened.

Advice! If, despite our clear recommendations regarding the choice of wood, you decide to use birch logs, remove the bark from them before starting smoking. Otherwise, the products will acquire a bitter taste.

To give your food a specific, pleasant aroma, add juniper branches or cherry leaves to the firewood.

Advice! It is also not recommended to use coniferous trees as firewood for a smokehouse, due to their high resin content.

According to experts, color and, accordingly, quality finished product, affects the degree of combustion of wood. Incomplete combustion promotes the appearance of light smoke, which significantly improves the taste characteristics of smoked meats.

It is important to know that it is forbidden to fan the fire in the smokehouse to eliminate the risk of accidental fire. Ready-made, chopped logs are placed in the smokehouse and covered with sawdust or wood chips on top, which smolder, but, despite this, do not burn.

Concerning color characteristics finished product, they depend on the wood species you choose. In order to obtain a golden shade of products, use mahogany, while the product will acquire a dark yellow shade due to the smoldering of alder and oak sawdust.

To operate the smokehouse, use old garden trees, outdated, or tree branches obtained after pruning;

It is not recommended to use only large firewood, as it is only suitable for producing coal. Therefore, first put firewood in the stove and set it on fire, and then place a tray with shavings of fruit trees, which will smolder and give the smoke a pleasant aroma;

To get high-quality aromatic smoke, after receiving the coals, close the holes in the lid to ensure efficient smoldering of the sawdust;

The quality of smoking depends not only on the selected type of wood. Also important is the constant supply of smoke until the product to be smoked is finally ready. Taking this into account, in order to maintain a constant smoking temperature, sawdust must be constantly added to the pallet.

Hot smoked smokehouse video

To significantly expand your diet quality products you can get a small boiler room (both portable and stationary). But before you start working directly, you need to objectively assess your capabilities, prepare necessary materials, only in this case a mini smokehouse with your own hands will be made efficiently and quickly.

There are many ways to create a smokehouse, but we will tell you only about the most accessible of them.

Option #1. Cold smoked design

This type of smokehouse is made from a wide variety of materials. Below is step by step guide to create a simple design using polyethylene film.

Step one. First you need to purchase it yourself plastic film. Two meters of thick film (the kind used for greenhouses) will be more than enough. From one end, the sleeve of the purchased film is sewn up in such a way that the result is a kind of bag.

Step two. Next, you need a place where the mini-smokehouse will be located. To do this, you will need a small leveled area of ​​1 square meter. A two-meter stake should be driven into each corner of this site. At the top, the stakes must be connected to each other using crossbars. It is important that the structure is sufficiently stable.

Step three. Opposite stakes must be connected using diagonal slats in approximately two to three rows.

Step four. Fish, already prepared for smoking, should be hung on these slats. It is also important that the bodies of the fish do not touch each other.

Step five. The prepared plastic “bag” must be pulled over this structure to approximately half its height. After this, the site should be filled with 1/2 a bucket of hot coals, on top of which green grass should be laid.

Step six. After this, the film is already lowered to the very ground, and pressed down with something from below so that the mini smokehouse with your own hands is airtight. That's it, the design is ready and, as you have seen for yourself, the costs for it are very insignificant.

In the future, if necessary, fresh grass is added - the fact is that there should always be thick smoke inside the smokehouse. After three to four hours, the plastic “bag” is removed and the fish is ventilated. If there are fish with large carcasses, then the next day they need to be smoked again.

How to make a barbecue out of metal with your own hands

Previously we gave detailed instructions on how to make several options for a metal barbecue yourself, in addition to this article, we advise you to read this information

Option #2. Hot smoked smokehouse

The easiest way to make a smokehouse of this type is from sheets of metal. But before you start work, you should prepare everything you need (the list is given below).

  1. A pair of metal sheets 2 millimeters thick and dimensions 1565x610 millimeters.
  2. Thin reinforcing rods.
  3. Bulgarian.
  4. Meter.
  5. Carpenter's corner.
  6. Welding machine.

After this, you can proceed directly to production. The algorithm of actions should be as follows.

Step one. First, the first metal sheet should be cut into four parts. To achieve a square smokehouse, it is important that the dimensions of all elements are the same. To cut the sheet, use a grinder with an appropriate disk.

Step two. The two sheets are welded together using drip welding, after which, using a carpenter's angle, you should make sure that the planes are connected to each other strictly at right angles. If necessary, their position is adjusted. Then the remaining sides are welded in the same way.

Step three. In order to achieve tightness, all internal seams of our structure must be carefully welded.

Step four. The bottom of the future smokehouse is cut out of another metal sheet, after which it should be carefully welded to the box made at the previous stage.

Step five. After this, you can begin making the cover of the structure. Using a grinder, you should cut out four strips of stainless steel sheet (it is important that the dimensions of these strips are slightly larger than the external dimensions of the finished box). The cover is welded. When all work is completed, the lid should be deep enough so that it can be easily placed on the box.

Step six. The product is almost ready. But to completely complete all the work, iron handles and a couple of levels of metal rods are welded to the body. Rods should be welded on top of the body to mount a tray in which fats and juices will accumulate. The upper rods are required in order to place hooks with meat or fish.

Video - Making a smokehouse (hot smoking option)

That’s it, after this you can start operating the smokehouse. In this case, heat will be provided electric stove, but to get a higher temperature, it is advisable to light a fire.

Note! If desired, the dimensions of the smokehouse can be changed in one direction or another, but the main requirement must be met - we're talking about about the complete sealing of the smoking chamber.

We also note that in order to make a mini smokehouse with your own hands, you should first work on drawings of the future product. In this case, it will be possible to correctly calculate the amount of required consumables.

Option #3. Bucket smokehouse

The algorithm of actions in this case should look like this.

Step one. Take a bucket and pour a one- or two-centimeter layer of sawdust into its bottom. At the bottom. Approximately ten centimeters from the bottom of the bucket, a grate is placed on which products previously prepared for the smoking procedure are placed.

Step three. When steam or smoke begins to seep out from under the lid, this means that the smoking procedure has begun successfully. It is also important that the structure itself does not overheat. At first, when the prepared product is just dried (this takes approximately the entire time that the process takes), the temperature inside the case should be about 80-90C, and during the entire remaining time, that is, directly during smoking, it should be 120C.

Step four. To determine the current temperature in the smokehouse, you need to perform just one simple action - drop water on the lid. And if it does not boil, but only evaporates without any hissing, then everything is in order with the temperature. The meat or fish will be smoked correctly, but ultimately will not be cooked.

Step five. To regulate the temperature, you need to rake out the coals or add fuel to the smokehouse. As a rule, the smoking procedure takes from 30 to 45 minutes. At first, you will have to remove the smokehouse from the fire a couple of times and, quickly removing the lid, taste the food. When you have sufficiently mastered the process, there will be no need for this manipulation.

Step six. When smoking is finished, the bucket should be removed from the fire and, as soon as it cools, remove the product and dry it a little. It is worth noting that, for example, on a hike you will not need a tray to accumulate heat.

Option number 4. Smokehouse inside the apartment

To make such a design, you must perform the following steps.

Step one. A box 0.4-0.5 meters high is made from stainless steel, and it is equipped with a lid. Next, you need to weld an iron tube into the lid, through which the smoke will be removed.

Step two. After this, a hose is put on the tube - the latter should be led out into the window. The lid is installed on the box in special sides (made in the form of the letter “L”), previously equipped from the outside.

Step three. Water is poured into the sides - this will prevent smoke from escaping from the box.

Step four. The bottom of the box is covered with a layer of alder sawdust one to two centimeters thick. The sides are welded approximately 10-12 centimeters from the bottom, and a special tray is installed on them, in which the heat will accumulate. A grate for food is placed approximately 17-20 centimeters from these sides.

Option #5. How to make a portable smoker from an old refrigerator

In most cases, old refrigerators are used by owners of suburban areas as cabinets in which all sorts of small items are stored. But few people know that it is quite possible to make a small-sized smokehouse from such a refrigerator. To do this, you should follow these steps.

Step one. First, all the “insides” of the refrigerator are removed, leaving only the door and the box itself.

Step two. A hole is made at the top for the chimney pipe.

Step three. To the side walls of the case on three various levels 3 pairs are attached metal corners. The first two levels are covered with gratings and slats with hooks. As for the corners located below, they are needed for installing a tray in which heat will accumulate.

Step four. The product will also require a strong tray for sawdust and an electric stove. The tile should be installed at the bottom of the body, and the pallet itself should be installed on top of it.

Step five. It is important that the door closes properly - this is necessary to minimize the entry of air.

Video - Creating a smokehouse from a refrigerator

Option number 6. Making a smokehouse from an old barrel

Perhaps one of the simplest ways to make a miniature smokehouse is to use iron barrel. First, the bottom of such a barrel is cut off, then it is equipped with a grate (or, as an option, reinforcing bars) at two different levels. A pallet is installed in the lower part, and products will be hung in the upper part (using hooks).

Note! If the fire is located directly under the body, then we are talking about a hot-smoked design.

And if the barrel is placed in a special pit and a chimney pipe from the fire is brought there (its length should be two meters), then the result will be cold smoking.

Video - Making a good smokehouse out of a barrel

Option #7. Making a smokehouse from a cylinder (easy way)

A mini smokehouse can also be made from an old propane cylinder. If you have one of these lying around on your farm useless thing, and you don’t know where to “attach” it, then we advise you to read the instructions below. Let’s say right away that the remodeling procedure is quite complicated, but if there is competent instructions it is quite possible to cope with it. For everything to work out, you need to follow these steps.

Step one. First, the cylinder is taken to a remote place in order to release the remaining propane from it and cut off the valve. To check whether the cylinder is truly completely empty, you need to apply soapy water to the valve. If there are no bubbles, you can proceed to the next step.

Step three. For rinsing purposes, the empty bottle should be filled with plain water.

Step four. The washed container is taken home, after which you can begin to make the smokehouse itself.

Step five. First you need to take care of the large door through which the products will be loaded. It is important that the cuts in the cylinder are not made completely, otherwise the door will simply fall out prematurely.

Step six. The corresponding places are protected, then hinges are welded to them where the door will be located in the future. At the end of the welding procedure, the door is finally cut out. After this, you need to take care of the smokehouse stand.

Step seven. First, a strip of metal is cut out of the bottom of the cylinder, after which half of the entire bottom is sawed off. The smokehouse must also be equipped with a combustion chamber.

Step eight. For the manufacture of the combustion chamber, thick metal sheets. After manufacturing, the firebox is welded to the cylinder so that a single solid structure is formed.

Step nine. Before starting the first smoking, the device from the cylinder is calcined using firewood.

Photos of smokehouses

As you can see, a mini smokehouse with your own hands can be made by the most different ways, so you have the right to choose which one to use.

So, first, let’s define what should be called smoking? It must be said that this is a process in which heat treatment of meat and fish takes place. As a result, products acquire an unusual taste, are cooked and are free of harmful impurities.

Features of smoking

Hot smoking occurs with smoldering coals, sawdust or straw. Cold smoking is carried out for several days at a lower temperature. Despite the fact that products are stored longer than with hot smoking, it is the second type of smoking that is used.

Hot smoked products can be obtained much faster than cold smoked ones. Hot smoking is most often used in the countryside, during hikes, and on picnics. Let us immediately note that we will cook everything with our own hands. We use manufacturing manuals.

Among the products that are suitable for smoking are:

  • fish,
  • meat,
  • sausages,

Moreover, smoking is carried out both whole and in pieces.

Before smoking meat, you need to treat it with spices and let it brew. As soon as, after running a fork through the meat, it is discovered that there is no blood, you can begin to smoke it.

Concerning smoking fish, then you can smoke it either whole or cut up. If the fish is small, then smoking is performed without cutting. It is best to smoke fish that is salted and slightly dried.

If the fish is too fatty, then it needs to be wrapped in parchment. For smoking, it is best to choose fruit tree species, but in principle all types of wood are suitable. It is best to smoke on wood that does not have bark, since the bark may contain resins, and this will affect the taste of the smoked dish.

Simple DIY smokehouse options

Now let’s look at how to create a simple smokehouse with your own hands, without putting in a lot of effort and time. The smokehouse itself is a simple device made of metal or plastic. There must be a lid. Inside, meat or fish is laid out on the grill.

Pieces of food should not touch each other. As soon as the wood chips are placed on the bottom, they are lit. The smoldering process begins. And the lack of oxygen in the required volume leads to the formation of thick hot smoke. The smokehouse may also have a tray where the fat will drain.

So, the simplest option is a camping smokehouse. A little shavings are placed at the bottom of the container. For example, take a bucket. We will install a grid in the middle. We will place smoked products on it. Cover the bucket with a lid and put it on the fire. While the fire is burning underneath, the lid should not be opened.

As soon as smoke and steam starts coming out from under the lid, smoking has begun. It is worth noting that you should not overheat the smokehouse either. While the meat is drying, which is a third of the total time, you need to maintain medium heat. The rest of the time we light the fire bigger. It is very easy to determine how normal the temperature in the smokehouse is. To do this, you need to drop water on the lid. If the water evaporates without hissing, then everything is fine.

Smoking lasts no more than forty minutes. At first, you can try to remove the smokehouse from the heat and quickly test the product for readiness. Once you get used to the procedure, you won’t need to test the dish to see if it’s done.

As soon as the specified time has passed, the meat can be removed from the smokehouse from the heat. But you don’t need to take out the product right away: let it brew slightly. If you're camping, you don't need to use the grease tray.

Smokehouse with a water seal for hot smoking made of stainless steel

If your smokehouse will be located on a suburban area, then you should think about a more serious design. To do this, take stainless steel and weld the box.

Smokehouse with a water seal: diagram

You can create a special tube in the lid through which smoke will escape. The smokehouse can even be installed in an apartment.

Hot smoked smokehouse with a water seal, photo

In this case, a continuation of the hose is put on the tube and placed out the window. The smokehouse is filled with fuel. Now we load the meat. There must be a tray to collect fat. Now we put the structure on gas stove, and it all begins.

Country smokehouse from the refrigerator

An excellent option is the one that is made from the refrigerator. Of course, the plastic needs to be removed. The hole at the back of the refrigerator is welded shut and a hook is placed on the door. We place a potbelly stove inside the refrigerator. The chimney will be discharged through top part refrigerator.

You can put wood chips on the top of the stove, and the stove itself is heated with any kind of fuel. The meat grids are already ready - these are former refrigerator shelves.