Ritual for good luck New Year. New Year's signs and rituals. Spells to attract good luck

There is probably no greater presence of magic in ordinary things than what happens on New Year's Day. This is the period when you need to repay debts and forget grievances.

New Year's Eve has magic that everyone can reveal

When everyone waits and believes that everything will definitely be different in the new year.

On the last day of the year, you need to try to finish all the things you started earlier, ask for forgiveness from those who were offended, tune all your thoughts and emotions only to goodness, prosperity, profit, luck and love.

The Magic of New Year's Eve

Exactly at new year holidays I have prophetic dreams that will give me the opportunity to see upcoming events or my future chosen one, and various ceremonies and rituals are performed. Moreover, all of them are simple to implement and do not bring any harm to others.

There are also New Year's signs and rituals, with the help of which you can learn about the future and influence its improvement or avoid troubles.

Common signs are the following:

A pregnant woman should start eating New Year's dishes first - so the child will be born healthy

  • if a woman is expecting a child, then in order for the birth to go easily and quickly, she needs to be the first to start eating at the New Year’s table;
  • It is strictly not recommended to cut your hair on January 3, as you may lose its thickness;
  • you can’t borrow money on January 2, then you’ll have to live the whole year and need money;
  • in order to avoid trouble in the new year, it will be a sign from God if a couple of people enter the house and the man will definitely be the first to cross the threshold;
  • so that there are no quarrels in the house, the day after the New Year, it is enough to talk with loved ones quietly and calmly.

With the help of New Year's signs, you can find out about the upcoming weather for the whole year:

  • when the sky is bright and cloudless at Epiphany, spring will come early and summer will be warm;
  • if on the feast of the Annunciation it is sunny in the morning, and in the late afternoon it's raining then the whole summer will be hot, and there will be rain only in August;
  • there will be rain and cold in the summer, if there is no sun on Easter, but it will be cloudy;
  • if the weather on Easter is sunny and the sky is clear and clear, then the weather will be hot all summer and there will be good harvest.

Anyone, regardless of gender and age, without leaving home, can choose and perform a ritual for themselves and their family depending on what they want: to attract love, to fulfill desires, for health and good luck, to attract money.

Even children know that New Year's Eve when the chimes strike, you should make a wish, and it will definitely come true.

To fulfill your wish, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. On New Year's Eve, you need to prepare a pen and a leaf.
  2. Write down a wish that should come true.
  3. When the clock strikes 12 times, you need to burn the leaf with the desire.
  4. Add ashes to a glass of champagne.
  5. Stir the contents and drink to the bottom.
  6. Sometimes, at a loss or when there is no way to formulate a thought correctly, some people get upset that they didn’t have time to make a wish. After all, the chimes strike 12 times, some people simply don’t have time to focus on what they want.

To fulfill a wish, it is important to drink a glass of champagne with ashes to the bottom

In such cases, New Year's rituals will help.

New Year's ritual of wish fulfillment

A simple ritual with which you can make more than just one wish.

What is needed for the ceremony

To perform the ritual you need:

  • green bag;
  • Christmas tree needles.

How to do a ritual

To carry out the ritual, you need to observe some nuances, but it is very simple.

  1. On December 31, take out the bag and it must be made of natural fabric and green.
  2. Put Christmas tree needles in it, only the number of needles depends not on the number of your desires or the presence of needles, but on how many full years you have.
  3. Before placing a needle in a bag, you need to hold it in your hands and make a wish. Do this with each needle.
  4. If there is only one deepest desire, then you can make only this wish with all your might. The bag of needles must be hidden in a place where no one but you can find it. There it should lie for exactly a year, until the next December 31st.
  5. It is after a year that you need to take the bag and remove the needles from it.
  6. You need to look carefully at the color of the needles; they may be darker, so they mean that there are wishes that have not yet come true. These needles need to be buried in the ground.
  7. All other needles, they will be green, need to be placed in a container and filled with water.
  8. Soak your hands in the water, and take the water with the needles outside the threshold and pour it out.

When there is specific goal, then you can use rituals designed for its implementation.

New Year's Eve ritual for money

Whatever your financial situation, there is always a desire to improve it. This ritual can help with this.

To carry out you need:

A ritual with a clay pot will help attract money

  • clay pot;
  • piece of paper;
  • pen;
  • green fabric;
  • a thread.

How to do a ritual

This ritual can be performed as follows:

  1. On New Year's Eve, you need to write down a magical plot on a piece of paper.
  2. The conspiracy is as follows:

    “The New Year’s table is full of snacks, and my wallet will be full throughout the coming year. Gold itself reaches out to me, finds me on its own, and settles in my wallet. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  3. As soon as the New Year comes, you need to put a pre-prepared note at the bottom of the pot.
  4. Cover the pot with a green cloth.
  5. Using a thread, tie the fabric into a knot, keeping in mind that there should be 8 knots.
  6. Since the New Year is a family holiday, to tie knots with a thread you need to choose the oldest among the relatives with whom you are celebrating the holiday.
  7. Hide the pot in a secluded place.

New Year rituals are all very effective, especially for attracting wealth. Every family tries to keep the table set and the wallet filled with money and coins. There is magic and a magical atmosphere all around, which is most suitable for performing rituals for money.

You can also use this ritual to attract money.

Money Ritual

It will allow you to live the whole year without knowing financial problems.

What is required for the ritual

To perform the ritual you need to prepare the following:

  • red bag;
  • 3 copper coins.

How to perform a ritual

To perform the ritual, you need to take three copper coins and put them in a red bag.

  1. The coins must be tails up.
  2. Place the bag on the bottom of the refrigerator.

You can also perform the following monetary rituals on New Year’s Eve:

  1. When the New Year's table is set, you can hide a coin under an empty plate for guests. So, whoever eats from it will have good luck with money.
  2. You can prepare a coin and when the chimes start striking 12, at the first strike, squeeze the coin in your palms and wish for the absence of poverty, and think about a rich and noble life.
  3. Throw a coin into a glass and drink to the bottom.

New Year's ritual for getting a job in the New Year

The prosperity of each person depends not only on earnings at work. Can be carried out strong ritual, which will provide an opportunity to get a new good job.

What will be needed for the ceremony

To perform the ceremony you need:

Take a pen to perform the ritual

How to do a ritual

  1. To carry out it is necessary to write on each sheet of the photocopy on one side the time, date, place of work, position. Everything needs to be formalized the way it is done in the HR department.
  2. On the back of the photocopy you need to write down your gratitude to the Universe, in other words, write your Thank You! to higher powers, for the fulfillment of what is desired.
  3. Take one leaf of the photocopy and hang it on the Christmas tree.
  4. Place the second photocopy in the northwestern corner of the home.
  5. When you clean up the tree, be sure not to throw away the leaf, but always carry it with you. You can do this in your purse or notebook.

No matter how much wealth there is, you still always want love. You can also use New Year's rituals to attract love.

New Year's Eve application for your loved one

With the help of the ritual, you can lure into your life the man who is the most desirable for you.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform the ritual you need:

  • a piece of pink paper;
  • pen with red ink;
  • red envelope.

How to do a ritual

  1. To do this, you need to make 4 columns on a piece of pink paper.
  2. Perform the ceremony on December 31st.
  3. The first column should be about how you want your chosen one to be. The second is about what you are willing to put up with. The third is about what you are willing to give in return. Fourth, about what qualities should be missing in the man of your dreams.
  4. You need to write everything as you really want.
  5. Having written down everything you want, put the sheet in a red envelope.
  6. You can put the envelope under the tree, if for some reason you did not put up the tree in honor of the New Year, you can put it in a favorable secluded place.
  7. The envelope must remain until January 14th.
  8. Already on January 15, burn the envelope and scatter the ashes.

New Year's rituals for love can be performed without any effort and not necessarily in a secluded place.

You can repeat each time during a treat on New Year’s Eve:

“Just as candy is delicious to me, so I am sweet to men (guys).”

The main thing is to concentrate yourself on thoughts of attention in your direction from the male sex with every bite.

With this ritual unmarried girl the coming year will give her many fans who will delight and surprise her.

It is possible to carry out not only magical rituals for the New Year, but use New Year's conspiracies.

Love spell

Effective rites and rituals for the New Year will help you attract love and your chosen one into your life.

To carry out a conspiracy you need:

To carry out the ceremony, it is important to stock up on a red apple.

  • red apple;
  • paper sheet;
  • pen or pencil.

How to do a ritual

To carry out the ceremony while the chimes are striking, no effort is required.

  1. You need to take a red apple, it must be ripe.
  2. Remove the insides from this apple.
  3. Write the name of your chosen one on a piece of paper.
  4. Place the leaf inside the apple where the core was.
  5. Hide the apple under the Christmas tree.

After the apple has spent New Year's Eve under the spruce tree, it must be taken to a secret place.

The apple will dry out and attract men to you. And at this time, your chosen one will also begin to miss you and “dry”.

Health spell

So that you and your loved ones can be healthy throughout the coming year and not get sick from anything.

What is needed to carry out the conspiracy?

You need to prepare the following:

  • mirror;
  • chair;
  • 3 red candles;
  • tea spoon;
  • linden honey;
  • cup;
  • boiled water.

How to do a ritual

  1. To carry out the conspiracy, you need to close yourself in the room on December 31, before the New Year, when it gets dark, and turn off the lights.
  2. Sit on a chair, place a mirror in front of you and light 3 candles, always red.
  3. While the candles are burning, take a teaspoon of linden honey and eat it.
  4. Drink a glass of warm boiled water.
  5. When the candles are burning and you are eating honey, you need to concentrate all your thoughts on giving health to yourself and your family.
  6. You can continue to prepare for the holiday.
  7. The candles must burn out completely.
  8. It is also necessary to emphasize that it is not advisable to do any business on the first day of the New Year. You need to rest and rejoice.

If someone needs to go to work, especially if we're talking about about trade, then the first buyer needs to make a discount in order to attract good luck and prospects in business for the whole year.

New Year's magic, it not only gives you the opportunity to ask and make a wish, but also to get everything you want. After all, if you do everything correctly, your thoughts must be pure and there must be no negativity in them, then everything will come true in any case.

All rituals for the New Year, although they seem simple, because they do not require anything that cannot be in the house, but they are all very strong and effective. Everything will be fulfilled only as it was planned. Therefore, you need to be ready to accept gifts from higher powers and enjoy them, but before that, perform conspiracies and rituals.

The New Year is associated with renewal - people look to the future with hope. Known fact: magical rituals on New Year’s Eve are especially powerful, because they are supported by people’s faith in miracles. Sorcerers advise asking higher powers for health, longevity and good luck. Also, love and money magic works well on New Year's Eve.

You can also cast magic on the Old New Year, because old style no one canceled. There are rituals associated with the Chinese New Year celebrations - these also work well. Now we will reveal the secrets of holiday magic - get your notebooks ready.

Those who are tired of loneliness should conduct a love ritual associated with appealing to the Spirit of the holiday. The conspiracy is whispered about an hour before the New Year. Around 23.00, get dressed, go out of the entrance and look up at the night sky. Say a prayer:

“Spirits of warmth, come to my house and bring love with you. Let delight consume me, let the universe make sense. Bring your betrothed to me so that the bed is not empty. We will be together in sorrows and joys. From now on and forever. Spirit of the holiday, vouch for me before the Almighty. Amen".

Reconciliation with a loved one

There is a ritual that will help reconcile those who are in a quarrel. You will need two yellow candles and red wine. The complexity of the ritual is that the holiday will have to be celebrated in splendid isolation. Procedure:

  1. Open the window in your room and let the sounds of the holiday reach you.
  2. Wait for the chimes to strike.
  3. Pour the wine into a glass.
  4. Stand in front of the mirror.
  5. Light two candles and place them on either side of you.
  6. Say the spell words and clink glasses with your own reflection.
  7. Drain the glass and whisper the phrase: “What is said will be.”
  8. Go to bed.

Spell text: “I turn to the Lord, open my thoughts, open my spiritual aspirations. She opened the window wide, drove away the cunning, and gave in to the darkness. Inhale, heavenly powers, love into my yearning heart, reward me strong relationships. Send me a sweetheart, for whom I will become a clear sun. Love conquers obstacles and rewards the patient. Amen".

Ritual for health

The ritual for health should be performed three days before the holiday night. The ideal time is considered to be the day of St. Philemon (December 27). Early in the morning, go to the ice hole, fill a bucket of water there and return home. In the apartment, wash yourself with this water and whisper the spell:

“The Clear Dawn woke up in the morning and smiled at the earth together with the sun. So did I, God’s servant (your name). I took some holy water and strengthened my body. It washes the banks of (the name of the river), Father Frost cools this water. People's illnesses are lifted, heaven smiles on them. Heal me, heavenly intercessors. Amen".

Old New Year and money magic

Wheat has long been considered the patroness hearth and home, so we will turn to it. Siberian sorcerers believe that ritual actions need to be tied to the old style. The ideal solution There will be wheat taken from the first sheaf, but not everyone will be able to get it. Procedure:

  1. Wait for the festive night.
  2. Take a wooden tub (any wooden container will do).
  3. Throw a handful of coins to the bottom.
  4. Place more wheat in your palm (the grains should fit in your fist).
  5. Water the wheat.
  6. Say a money spell.

The text is: “Mother Wheat, help me get rich. You feed the poor and the rich, the young and the old, feed God’s servant (your name). The grains will sprout and they will bring me money. Amen".

After New Year's Eve, continue to germinate wheat in the tub and water the grains regularly. Divide the sprouted grain into two parts. Eat the first half, dry the second and hide it in a bag. This bag will be yours money talisman, always carry it with you.

We call for New Year's luck

For this ritual you will need chinese lantern- these things are sold in souvenir shops everywhere. The ritual is performed on the night of January 1, but it can also be tied to the Eastern New Year. After midnight, launch a flashlight from the balcony and read the magic spell:

“A terrible serpent goes into the sky and finds its death in distant lands. Fly away, snake. Let him come back to me lost luck, and your wallet will be filled with hard cash. From now on I will be lucky in business, love will not bypass my home. Let it be so".

Chinese ritual with pot

The Chinese New Year is tied to the winter solstice. The Chinese celebrate this event on a grand scale - the fun lasts about 15 days. In 2018, New Year holidays for residents of the Middle Kingdom start on February 16. You can perform a ritual for well-being and prosperity in the second half of February or in March.

The ritual activity of the Chinese is based on distributing money or its equivalent to friends. Often, souvenirs given by friends are used as money amulets. The ritual using a clay pot is indicative. Procedure:

  1. Gather your family around the holiday table.
  2. Let everyone write a note wishing wealth and good luck to loved ones.
  3. All notes are thrown into a clay pot.
  4. In the pot you need to place a figurine of the animal that patronizes the coming year.
  5. Money (small bills and coins) is lowered from above.
  6. The pot is covered with green cloth and tied with natural linen thread.
  7. The artifact must be hidden from prying eyes.

Make sure there are money symbols attached to the linen thread. Bandaging is entrusted to the eldest member of the family (grandfather or grandmother). The pot is stored throughout the year - it is your financial talisman.

Finding a high-paying job

New Year's Eve is great for magical attraction profitable work. The air element plays an important role in attracting wealth, so open all the windows. Should take a walk around the apartment cold draft, symbolizing change. Then knot magic is connected, the process looks like this:

  1. We take out a strong wool thread.
  2. We tie three knots (they should be tight).
  3. We pronounce the same type of spell over each knot.
  4. We make a bracelet from a thread and wear it on our hand.
  5. We are waiting for offers from employers.

Text of the spell: “Buyan Island is separated from me by a deep ocean. The island lies like a white stone beyond the sea, it is impossible to move it. This is how my wealth will grow, money will stick to my wallet. A generous boss will find me and want to hire a faithful assistant. They will invite me everywhere and offer me good sums. I will choose what is truly worthy. I was a fine fellow without a penny; I will become a noble merchant with a long ruble. As I say, so it will happen. Amen".

You need to tie knots in the center of the room, go there in advance. The ritual is carried out in complete solitude. In this case, the desire needs to be visualized. If you want to get a job as a programmer, think about computers.

Christmas tree with banknotes

The ritual takes place between 23.00 and 01.00 - it all comes down to hanging banknotes on the New Year tree. An artificial tree is not suitable for magical purposes; take the trouble to buy a live one. Collect as many small bills as possible and decorate the felled tree with them (for two hours). While decorating the Christmas tree, read the plot:

“Robbers and wreckers, merchants and merchants will not see any money. Let money flow into God's servant (your name) into his wallet. Income and success will accompany me, my family will live in prosperity and luxury. Let my income not end, let a continuous stream flow into my pockets. As I say, so it will happen. Amen".

Avoid using coins in the ritual - their presence can scare away large financial flows. When decorating a tree, think about your wallet and pockets overflowing with colorful bills. Half of the bills from the tree must be removed and stored in your wallet as a talisman.

When Taisiya Petrovna, tired of loneliness, for the first time, on the advice of a friend who was carried away by magic, used rituals for the New Year, she did not expect such a quick effect - at her age (fifty-odd!) to snatch a forty-year-old handsome man, and with money at that! Maybe it’s time for you to take fate into your own hands: include a couple of rituals in the celebration program - you won’t regret it!

Favorite childhood holiday

How long before January 1 do you start preparing for the pompous meeting of next year? Per month? During the week? Per day? Every year this event excites the imagination and makes you think about what has already been experienced, passed, and about what else you would like to experience and achieve. It is at this time that people allow themselves to briefly return to their carefree childhood and dream a little.

But it would be worth giving free rein to your imagination, because it is known that on New Year’s Eve magic is in the air and permeates everything around with miraculous energy, and higher power ready to fulfill even the most daring, seemingly unrealistic desires!

Just imagine, billions of people on the planet gather almost simultaneously at the family festive table, light the lights and hope that the next year will be better than the previous one.

The most powerful positive energy of these desires is directed into the space of the Universe in order to return to the most sincere and lucky ones who believe in miracles through the numerous gifts of Providence.

Magical rituals dedicated to the celebration of the New Year, in general, do not differ from the generally accepted sacraments of white magic held on any day not marked by a celebration. All of them are aimed at realizing serious life goals: finding a loved one, making a career, getting rich, becoming famous, recovering from an illness.

Even adherents of black magic try not to resort to dark rituals during the holidays (the period from December 24 to January 19), since the streams of light energy emitted from everywhere practically do not allow negativity to reach the person to whom it should be directed through such actions.

Only on Christmas Eve do dark forces briefly gain power, and demons roam the world with impunity. While young beauties, witches and warlocks gather at sabbaths and festivals, where they perform powerful magical sacraments and strengthen their witchcraft powers. However, this is not about that now.

Before entering a new time interval, it is important to leave everything that annoyed and hindered you in the past year behind you and not drag the negative train into the future, and also thank the higher powers for everything good that was given.

Therefore, some of the rituals for the New Year are aimed specifically at saying goodbye to the past: with their help, a bad program is neutralized, and gratitude for everything positive is given to the sky. These rituals help to spiritually cleanse and open up to accepting even more generous gifts of fate.

Before the celebration enters your home with the smell of spruce, tangerines and sparklers, you need to prepare your home and get rid of the previously accumulated negativity.

Goodbye troubles!

General cleaning and disposal of unnecessary things in everyday life will be the first step towards freeing you and your family from problems and hardships. The whole family group should clean up, accompanied by cheerful music and jokes.

The more junk you collect, the more satisfaction and joy you will receive in the New Year. Old clothes, broken or unusable kitchen utensils, waste paper deposits and worn-out toys - feel free to throw all this into the trash container.

Secure getting rid of failures with these words:

“Away with troubles, away with disappointments,
we leave all the sadness behind,
there will be no more tears and lamentations,
joy and happiness are ahead of us!”

Having brought cleanliness, shine and order, you can begin to attract the desired changes into your life. Everything will be used: balls, garlands, beautiful rags, figures cut out of colored paper, bells and shiny Christmas tree decorations.

  1. If you are fed up with a constant shortage Money– hang the main attribute of the New Year’s celebration – the Christmas tree – with banknotes (the higher the denomination, the better) and brand new coins!
  2. Singles who want to find family happiness should place hearts and photos of loving couples in prominent places in their homes, or images of animals (necessarily in pairs!).
  3. Happiness and good luck will come to a home whose entrance will be decorated with bright garlands and red balls, and at least one bell will hang on the door.

If you want to receive the first harvest of gifts on New Year’s Eve, use the following ritual no earlier than a week before the celebration:

At noon, sit down at the most big table, which is in the house, after placing a glass of water on it. Place a gold ring at the bottom of the container and say:

“Just as a huge golden table is bursting with expensive dishes, so my home will be full of various gifts. People will come, bring gold and silver, treat themselves to dishes from the table, and show me their generosity.”

Repeat this twelve times, and then wash your face with the charmed water and wipe with the hem of your robe.

New Year is approaching

So, the long-awaited day, or rather the night, has come into its own - it’s time to make your cherished wishes. Popular beliefs They say: if immediately after midnight on New Year's Eve you hold it wide open for five minutes open doors and the windows of the house, all the bad things will disappear from there, and new happiness will enter.

Everyone knows the New Year's ritual with champagne, when you need to write your dream on a piece of paper, burn it, throw the ashes into a glass of sparkling drink, and drink the mixture between the first and twelfth chimes.

However, what should those who cannot keep up with the passage of time do? You can’t be left without achieving what you want. Don't worry!

You can write all your wishes ahead of time on 12 pieces of paper and simply put them under your pillow on New Year’s Eve, and the next morning (when you wake up) take out one of the pieces of paper at random - the request written on it will certainly be granted.

The ritual with the letter is also considered very effective:

The day before, write a kind of text-wish to yourself, where you indicate in detail what you would like to realize in the coming year, what goals to achieve, what tasks to solve, outline your dreams and aspirations. Place the letter in a red envelope or carefully pack it in an empty bottle of champagne that you drank that night. Keep your prophecy until next year, and you will be able to check whether it came true!

In a similar way, you can carry out a New Year’s ritual for love, only in a letter you should not outline plans and dreams, but fill out a table of four columns:

  • 1st – the desired qualities of the chosen one, starting with the words “My man”
  • 2nd – unacceptable qualities, start the description with the words “I categorically reject”
  • 3rd – what you can forgive your lover, i.e. "ready to put up"
  • 4th – what he will receive from you future husband"I can give it to him."

Fill out this table with red ink on a pink sheet of paper, then hide the finished creation in an envelope (also red) and disguise it somewhere on the tree among the toys or under it. On January 14, take out the letters and burn them, scatter the ashes.

January 1st is ideal for the ritual of attracting health, and with it happiness, into the home.

The keeper of the family hearth - she is the one who is supposed to conduct the ritual - will need: a freshly baked loaf or pie, a decanter or jug ​​with clean, preferably well, water.

Gather all household members for dining table, and, breaking bread, distribute slices to everyone in turn - from the owner of the house to the smallest member of the family - with the words “to goodness, to health.” Then say over the jug: “happiness and health” and pour the water into the cups of your loved ones in the same sequence.

A variety of New Year's holidays will harmoniously fit into the program for a friendly youth company. It is worth mentioning the simple ones that are accessible to everyone. These optimistic people claim that any self-invented ritual, equipped with absurd, mischievous and cheerful actions, works no worse than the most complex magical sacraments.

For example, they recommend completing a ritual carried out on New Year’s Day in order to get rid of troubles and adversities not by banal throwing away unnecessary things, but by burning them on a bonfire, around which all participants should dance, dance, hoot, jump and scream. So, according to their reasoning, the negativity leaves human souls. It is noteworthy that during the sacrament it is forbidden to eat, much less drink alcohol!

Thirty minutes before midnight, take large bill, bring it to your lips and whisper your requests for financial well-being. Then place the banknote under your left heel (you need to wear socks or shoes) and wear it until you go to bed (you can even spend the night in socks).

On January 1st, take out the charmed money and place it in your wallet. Do not spend or exchange the banknote for a year, but from the first time you earn money, add an equivalent one to it - and keep the magic pair until December 31st.

  1. Hide a red rag bag with three yellow coins (laid heads up) in freezer at midnight.
  2. For battle New Year's chimes hold the coin in your hand and think about the desired wealth. Quickly throw a coin into a glass of sparkling wine and drink the drink. Take out the coin, make a hole in it and wear it as an amulet.

On New Year's Day, we are all waiting for something beautiful, the fulfillment of desires and the arrival of a miracle. Not only children, but also adults expect miracles and fulfillment of wishes in the New Year. Therefore, very often people perform rituals just before the New Year, both simple and special, Simoron New Year rituals.

For those who are going to start in the New Year new life, there is a special ritual. So, let's light a fire on which you can burn all the things that you are ready to get rid of this year. If there are no old things, then you can use old objects and notes on which you write all the bad things that happened to you in the old year. We throw the prepared notes or things into the fire, and around this fire it is necessary to arrange stomping, dancing, jumping and screaming. All this is done so that all negative information comes out of you, goes away along with bad memories and burns in the fire. It is important to know that you cannot drink or eat during the ritual.

Ritual for gaining wealth and money

In order to get rich in the New Year, they perform a ritual, which is described below: in a place where you will retire and can perform the ritual with money (it can also be strengthened), attach to three green candles coins to the ends of the candles, and then light them. After you have lit the candles, try to imagine as clearly as possible how money is flying into your pocket; the more clearly and distinctly you can imagine this, the richer you will be in the New Year. The Americans offer another ritual, which is that on the morning of January 1st, instead of washing your face with water, you need to rub your face with a dollar.

It is forbidden to celebrate the New Year with empty pockets, otherwise you will spend the whole year in financial need. Be sure to have a glass of champagne in your left hand when the chimes strike, and hold a coin in your right hand.

There is another simple and quite pleasant way. Write yourself a letter on December 31st and include a postcard with your wishes and a banknote. Already in next year When you receive this letter, you must keep the bill. It will bring you money luck in the New Year.

Another version of the New Year's ritual

  • A red bag with three copper coins is placed at the bottom of the refrigerator; be sure to make sure that the coins are facing up.
  • If you want to do a pleasant surprise For one of your guests, place a coin under the plate, and whoever eats from this plate in the New Year will experience monetary success.
  • When the chimes begin, you need to squeeze the coin in your hands and make a wish. After you make a wish, throw a coin into your champagne glass and drink it to the bottom. Then you need to take out a coin and make a hole in it. Recommended to be worn as a keychain.

If you use such simple New Year's cards, your year will be financially successful.

What to do when the clock strikes twelve?

As soon as the clock begins to strike twelve, you need to have paper and pencil ready. We write our wish on this paper and burn it, mix the ashes in a glass of champagne and drink it. In this case, there will be a one hundred percent guarantee that your wish will come true. Don't forget that you need to do all this while the clock strikes twelve times, otherwise all the work you've done will be in vain! There is also another sign: in the first five minutes of the new year, you need to open the doors of your apartment wide and drive away all the bad things that have accumulated over the past year. last year, and Happy New Year, invite good luck and happiness to your home.

What you can and cannot do on New Year's Day when performing special rituals

  • Place crabs, crayfish and lobsters on the table. They say that if you put such seafood on the table, then all year you will “back away” just like them.
  • Cleaning the house on the first of January is strictly prohibited. You cannot take out the trash, sweep, or wash the floors, as this promises you only damages and losses in the New Year.
  • It is forbidden to work a lot on New Year's Eve, otherwise the year will be all about work.
  • Look to the sky. If there are many stars in the sky, there will be a good harvest of berries in the New Year
  • You can listen to sounds outside the window:
    • Bell ringing - important events in the family
    • Meowing cats - there will be a new neighbor
    • Howling of a dog - there will be a new friend (if a girl hears a howling of a dog, this is for the groom)
    • The voices of birds will be good news(if the guy hears them, wait for his bride).

If you follow these simple rules, they will definitely help you and your loved ones.

What signs and rituals exist for the New Year?

  1. Good luck awaits the one who drinks the last glass from a bottle of wine
  2. If something happens to you on New Year's Eve, it will continue throughout the new year.
  3. If someone sneezes at the table on New Year's Eve, then New Year will be successful for everyone present at the table
  4. A merchant who sells goods at a big discount to the first passerby will be waiting all year
  5. If you spend the first day of the new year having fun, then you will have a lot of fun in the coming year.
  1. There are many that bring you happiness even when you are sad. At three o'clock in the morning, put your hands on a piece of paper and trace them. Once you have outlined, paint over the outlined hands with golden paint. If you feel bad during the year, put your hands on the hands outlined, and the energy of happiness and fun will be transferred to you from the drawing.
  2. If a toy falls from the Christmas tree that you have already hung, carefully collect the fragments, and when you throw them away, make an unusual kind of wish.
  3. Needles that fall from the tree should not be thrown away. Collect them, and if you have a cold, fill a glass of needles with boiled water. Let the broth brew for three hours. When you go to take a bath, pour this decoction into the bath and take it.
  4. On the night from the thirteenth to the fourteenth of January, write a note on a piece of paper, place it under the New Year tree, and burn it at lunchtime. They say your wish will come true.
  5. If you light candles on the Christmas tree, collect wax, make a candle out of it, whatever you get, and when you feel bad, light it and look at the flame. Has a healing effect.
  6. Place the stool back where it was Christmas tree. If you sit on a stool for ten to fifteen minutes, and if you have any ailment, it will go away. This place where the Christmas tree stood is valid for only a day.
  7. The last decoration removed from the tree is a very reliable amulet. Knowing New Year's signs and rituals, you can easily spend the year in success and prosperity. You can hang it wherever you wish, the effect of such a talisman is one year.

Rituals for love and prosperity in the new year

It is very important for many people to be loved, therefore, by performing magical New Year rituals for love, you can achieve your goal, that is, find your soulmate. This ritual is performed once a year. On the night from Thursday to Friday, exactly a week before the New Year, we write our three cherished wishes on an A4 sheet of paper, which are directly related to love and well-being. The wishes that you write on a piece of paper must relate strictly to your person. If in your wishes you wish happiness and goodness to your friends or loved ones, then the magic described here will not give a positive result.

As you write down your desires on a piece of paper, write the phrase “so be it” under them. Then put on the sheet:

  • A piece of black bread
  • Sugar piece
  • One red rose (be sure to buy it yourself).

Pick up the piece of paper, carefully and uncontrollably whisper: “My wishes will come true within a year”. Wrap everything that you put on the leaf, namely bread, rose, sugar with the same leaf, tie it with green and red threads, do not forget to seal it with wax that you collect from a white candle, in no case should you print with candle wax, yellow colors.

Place your bundle under the mattress of the bed on which you sleep. This package should be there for two weeks, seven days and nights before the New Year, and seven days and nights after the New Year. After fourteen days, the package is placed on your photo, and the photo in which the package will be placed must be placed on the highest and open place in your home, so that no one can see it. If you do everything correctly, the ritual will last for a whole year.

Warm Cash Flow Ritual

For this ritual you need to take a bath. The moment you sit in warm water, think of a golden stream of money falling on you. It is important to think about it with your eyes closed and get satisfaction, joy and peace from it.
Place the thumb and index fingers on both hands together and freely say these words:

Then count in reverse order from one hundred to one, when you reach one, open your eyes and count to five. When you finish counting, shout emphatically, “It works.”

Simoron rituals

In the last article we learned about, and today new rite. By Chinese recipe We bake fortune cookies. Everyone sitting at the table takes one cookie, which will contain pieces of paper with predictions for the New Year. Desires may be different. After the wishes have been read, everyone takes their own piece of paper and glues it to a cracker called “Racket” and launches them into the sky.

Another recipe for simoron, very simple and effective

When you really need money, knead yeast dough. Then we take a bag and wrap a banknote in it. Let the dough rise as usual and place our bill on top. The method is very simple, but as it turns out, it works!

Ritual for getting a job in the new year

We make a photocopy of the last page of the work book. We make two copies of everything. On each photocopy we make the same notes that the HR department makes when applying for a job, and on back side photocopies, write a letter of gratitude. Place one copy on the Christmas tree, and the second in the corner of the house, always in the north-west. On the day you remove the tree, make a photocopy and fold it. Leave the one in the corner there, and put the one you took off the tree and folded in your wallet or pocket. Always carry it with you; showing it to others is not recommended.

How to properly install a Christmas tree for prosperity and good luck for the whole year

  • The New Year's tree must be installed in the cardinal directions.
  • In the western part of the apartment, a Christmas tree is installed in order to spend all the holidays happily and cheerfully.
  • In order to find your soul mate in the New Year or strengthen family relationships, the Christmas tree should be installed in the southwest of the apartment.
  • For those who are studying, the Christmas tree must be installed in the northeast of the apartment. This helps to remember information.
  • The south-eastern part of the apartment, where you decide to install a Christmas tree, will improve your financial condition. It is recommended to decorate the Christmas tree with garlands of coins and banknotes.
  • To prevent your health from faltering, you should install the Christmas tree in the east of your apartment.
  • By installing a Christmas tree in the north of the apartment, you can always count on great support from the elders in your family.

Rituals for happiness in the home

The ritual is carried out directly by the owner of the house; he should not tell anyone about this ritual. Before the guests sit down festive table, tie the table legs with red ribbon or red rope. For each ribbon or rope, depending on how you tie the table legs, you need to say the following words:

“I came to the house and brought my friends. So that misfortune goes away and happiness comes.”

After the feast, scatter rose petals and coins under the pillow. It is advisable that only you know about them. Such simple New Year's magical rituals should be performed on New Year's Eve so that the year will be successful and happy for you.

In the video you will also find several rituals:

If you ask a person a question what the New Year means to him, then with a high degree of probability the answer will contain information that this is a bright holiday, that everyone is waiting for its arrival, each time hoping that everything will change for the better, and all the vicissitudes of life will be left behind. Every person living on Earth really associates the expectation of change, the desire to start something new, with the arrival of the New Year.

Every nation has its own rituals during the New Year. Many rituals originated a long time ago and are connected with the fact that people really want to celebrate this holiday so that all their cherished dreams can come true not in the distant future, but directly, in the coming year.

By country and continent

The New Year is truly considered a bright, fabulous and homely holiday among most peoples. It goes without saying that the new beginning of the year is associated with a large number of signs and rituals, regardless of the country. Here are some Interesting Facts New Year's Eve celebrations.

The tradition of ringing bells exists among different nations both in Europe and in the East. In Vienna, tens of thousands of residents of the Austrian capital and its guests on December 31 loudly greet the ringing of the main bell of St. Stephen's Cathedral "Pummarin", announcing the arrival of the New Year. And after that, to the sounds of Johann Strauss’s waltz “Blue Danube”, considered the informal anthem of Austria, they waltz and dance smoothly into the New Year.

In Japan, on such a significant night, temple bells must ring exactly 108 strikes. This number symbolizes 6 human vices, in the form of stupidity, indecision, greed, envy and frivolity, multiplied by 18 shades of these vices. According to the traditions of Buddhism, one blow of the bell is intended to kill 1 vice or shade of it, so that they no longer interfere with a person. After this, a person must go to bed, and at dawn go out into the street and celebrate the New Year with a smile, so that luck will repay him in kind.

But in Spain and the South American colony of Colombia, which previously belonged to it, there is the same New Year's ritual of eating grapes during the New Year's meal in the amount of 12 berries, according to the number of months. They must be eaten while the clock is striking, announcing the arrival of the New Year. It is recommended to have time to make a wish for each month.

Everyone knows about the Italian tradition on New Year's Eve of throwing out all the old unnecessary things symbolizing the passing year from the windows, but in Cuba they see off the year in a completely different way. When the clock strikes 12 times, pre-collected water is poured from the windows of the houses onto the street. Thus, Cubans wish the old year a bright path, and the water will take away all the bad memories.

Russian New Year traditions

New Year was celebrated twice in Russia. At first, like most peoples of the agricultural cycle, it was celebrated according to church rite in the spring on March 1, and according to the civil calendar it fell in the fall - September 1. Therefore, apples were one of the main New Year's treats. In the 14th century, this tradition was interrupted and, with the blessing of the church, the New Year remained only in September. And in 1700, as noted above, the date of celebration moved to the usual date for us - January 1.

The tradition of decorating yards and houses with New Year trees dates back to this time. New custom The Russians liked it and caught on quite quickly. Moreover, many New Year's rituals, as well as the following Christmas rituals, for example, sledding, mummers, round dances and fortune telling miraculously complemented each other, creating a festive mood for a long time.

Much attention, according to Russian traditions of hospitality, was paid to the New Year's feast. For prosperity, it was necessary to organize a worthy meeting for the coming year, to show that everyone was happy about its arrival. Suckling pig was served as the main treat. While the feast continued, the children could sit under the table and, most importantly, grunt loudly and with impunity. Thus, it was believed that they would protect the livestock from the intrigues evil spirits. Very often pancakes were baked on the New Year's table. As you know, pancakes are considered a symbol of the Sun, and the more pancakes stood on New Year's table, the warmer the coming spring and summer were expected to be.

As for the New Year tree, the tradition of decorating it came to Russia from Germany. It is for this reason that in 1916, during World War I, out of patriotic motives, the Holy Synod appealed to Russians not to put up Christmas trees. By the way, in the USSR the Christmas tree was also banned until 1935 for atheistic reasons related to church Christmas traditions. Then, according to the decree of I.V. Stalin, the country began to celebrate the New Year with Christmas trees and our traditional Father Frost. In 1954, a Christmas tree was first installed in the Kremlin, delighting big and small with its bright lights to this day.

New Year rituals

New Year's rituals have one peculiarity. They are fulfilled more often because they have a very large charge of collective energy associated with the fact that people all over the planet, as a rule, desire the same things: health, prosperity, happiness, good luck in their endeavors. At the same time, their thoughts are aimed at good.

Most ritual actions are usually performed on New Year's Eve, but in fact, New Year's rituals can be performed in the period from Catholic to Orthodox Christmas from December 24 to January 7. So, 3 days before the New Year, you can do a simple ritual for profit. To do this, you must first light a new candle. white, and then write on a piece of paper the amount that you want to have in the coming year twice: once in numbers, once in words.

After this, extinguish the candle and place the folded piece of paper under your pillow. However, no one should sleep on it until December 31st. At midnight, when the New Year comes, you need to take a piece of paper from under the pillow and set it on fire with the same white candle, mentally repeating your wish to receive the written amount. Throw the ashes out the open window.

On New Year's Eve it is customary to make wishes. In this case, one must take into account important point. Wishes will come true if a person does not curse fate for bad events, but thanks her for everything that happened in the past year. And you definitely need to believe that your wishes will come true, because faith is connected with ritual, and ritual is designed to promote faith. New Year's wishes are made in any form, but a special warning is that it is necessary to avoid using the particle “not”, for example, “not to get rich”, but “to be rich”.

The custom of wearing new clothes on New Year's Eve suggests that a person will be successful in all endeavors. And if at 3 o’clock in the morning you trace the contours of your palms on a white piece of paper and then paint them over with golden paint, you will get an excellent talisman for preserving New Year’s energy and a feeling of celebration for the whole year. Place your hands and feel the New Year's energy all year round.

On the morning of January 1, you can also perform a strong health ritual called the “ritual of breaking bread” for all family members, which goes back to Slavic traditions. You need to take an unopened loaf of homemade baked goods or purchased one, and break off a piece to all household members with the words “for goodness and health” and distribute it, starting the ritual with the owner of the house. You need to wash down this bread clean water, over which the words “happiness and health” were spoken. Water should also be supplied starting from the owner.

On the New Year, it is customary for everyone to wish happiness, health, give gifts and treats. How larger number congratulate people on this holiday, the more luck will come in the coming year.