Lining a wooden house with a block house. Cladding the house with a block house - we decorate and insulate it. Block house: advantages, species diversity and selection rules

A block house is a cheap analogue of rounded logs, which is in no way inferior in quality and visual appeal to the original. The block house perfectly imitates the shape of a log, which gives the house a luxurious appearance, and the interior - sophistication.
Block house

The material represents a board, one side of which repeats rounded shape logs, and the other is flat. The imitation log looks so realistic that it is difficult to distinguish a block house wall from a log wall.
At the same time, the block house is an environmentally friendly and safe material that retains heat in the room for a long time, protects from noise and moisture. The block house is easy to install, process and paint.
Advantages of a block house:
Low cost and availability of raw materials;
Environmental friendliness - wood is harmless and does not emit toxic substances;
Aesthetic appeal of the facade and interior;
Ease of installation;
Strength, durability and wear resistance;
Easy to process and paint;
Heat and sound insulation;
The material is suitable for cladding stone, brick, wood, block and other walls.
Advantages of a block house
How to choose a block house for exterior decoration
For exterior finishing choose a block house made of pine. Pine is an affordable raw material that is distinguished by its strength and resistance to dampness. Such wood will not rot or crumble over time. To finish the facade, take wide boards - at least 150 mm.
The surface of the wood should be smooth and even with a minimum number of knots. This will ensure a pleasant and aesthetic appearance facade. These include a grade A block house. In addition, this category is easier to install.
Buy a block house from the manufacturer. This guarantees the quality of the product, because specialists carefully control every stage of production. At the same time, you will save a lot of money, because intermediaries increase prices several times.
The Drev-Market company offers to buy a block house made of pine. We produce finishing materials ourselves and use condensation drying in production.
Using a block house
Drying lumber - important stage during manufacturing, on which the service life of the lumber depends. Condensation technologies, unlike others, remove excess moisture from the surface of each type of wood evenly.
This method will preserve the natural properties of the material and extend its service life. In addition, it will significantly reduce the number of defects, which improves the quality and appearance of the block house.
How to secure a block house from the outside
Before installation, it is necessary to prepare the walls and material. After purchase, the block house is left indoors for 1-2 days so that the wood gets used to it. The installation begins with laying a vapor barrier, after which they install the sheathing, insulation, wind protection and the second layer of sheathing (counter-lattice).
There are several ways to secure a block house. Self-tapping screws and nails are used for fastening. The most optimal option is considered to be one in which the self-tapping screw is screwed into the base of the tenon and when installing the next board, it is completely masked with a groove.
Please note that great importance has a board arrangement - the board is placed with the tenon facing up. This will eliminate the accumulation of moisture and dust in the groove, which will preserve the material longer.
How to care for a block house
Wood requires special care. At correct processing, it will last 6-7 decades. So don't ignore this step. Use protective coatings, which include varnishes, paints, fire retardants and antiseptics.
First, a primer is applied to the surface, then a colorless varnish or paint. When the coating has dried, sand the surface using a sander or sandpaper.
After sanding, apply 2-3 layers of varnish or paint of the desired color. At the same time, do not forget to renew the coating once every 6-7 years. It's better to use the same ones paints and varnishes so as not to remove old layers of paint.
Such protection will prevent the appearance of mold and rot, insects and scratches. The house will retain its attractive appearance for a long time!

Block house - modern finishing lumber for external and internal wall decoration, imitating rounded logs. It consists of natural wood panels and is made from logs along with lining. Cutting a log using the square-in-a-circle technology allows you to obtain four rounded blanks for panels, and from the remaining part with rectangular shape sections are made by boards or timber. This manufacturing method is suitable for industrial production a diverse range of products in large volumes. A small batch of products is obtained from edged boards, rounding its profile with milling machine. High-quality, convenient joining, like that of the lining, is ensured by tongue-and-groove fastening. When assembled, the panels give the impression of a real log wall. They can be used for finishing external and interior walls residential premises, cafes, country houses, loggias, baths, trading floors. Similar view surface design allows you to save time and money on plastering.

Types of panels

The products are produced in three grades and are also classified according to the type of raw materials and sizes. Products of grade "A" may have front side knot and no more than two shallow cracks per 1.5 m length. Grade “B” is allowed to have 4 knots and one spot of contrasting color. Grade C wood may have up to 5% of its surface defective. The panels are made from coniferous and deciduous wood. The most common products are made from pine and larch. Their light wood has a beautiful texture. This material is easy to process and can be tinted in any color. For outer skin For walls, larch panels are more often used, since it is not susceptible to rotting, is not afraid of temperature changes and is not affected by insects. Hardwood products are most often produced from alder, aspen, and linden. Buyers can choose the width of the product, which ranges from 90 to 180 mm. Standard length panels are 3 and 6 m. The thickness and radius of the arc are also different. More volumetric boards better used for external walls or spacious premises. For small rooms would be more suitable flat options, which will create a spectacular relief surface without significant damage to the space. It is necessary to take into account that the panels are laid on the sheathing, which also reduces the footage.

Advantages of panels

The advantages of panels of this type are obvious. They are made from environmentally friendly natural raw materials. Walls with this finish “breathe.” The material is beautiful and durable. Coniferous varieties wood has a very affordable price. Thanks to antiseptic treatment, the material is not affected by fungus and mold. One of the most important points is that these products undergo high-quality drying and their humidity is below 15%. This prevents deformation, cracking, twisting, and reduces the weight of the boards. The material is lightweight and extremely easy to assemble. The tongue-and-groove fastening system in conditions optimal humidity wood provides good fixation. The disadvantages of wood are well known to everyone. First of all, this is low moisture resistance and all the problems associated with it. If there is a large difference in temperature between the wall and the air under the panels, condensation may form.

Panels of this type allow you to recreate an environmentally friendly design in an already built house or in standard apartment. They will fill the space with the aromas of wood, especially if made from coniferous species, and the owners will not have problems with cracking of the material, settling, joining, or sealing cracks, as happens with real logs.

If all the necessary points are taken into account when this process, then the result will meet all your expectations.

We install a block house

Metal lathing

Installation of a block house is always carried out according to, regardless of what surface the installation is carried out on, be it wood, brick or any other material.

To do this, it is necessary to attach bars with a thickness of 30 to 40 mm to the wall. It is also necessary to maintain an interval between them of about fifty to sixty centimeters.

Then they should be leveled in height. One of the huge advantages of this design inside the building is the cladding with a block house, in which there is subsequently no need to level the wall before the finishing process.

Wooden sheathing for a block house

At interior decoration premises with a block house do not necessarily require thermal insulation, which usually occurs when finishing facades. In particular, such a procedure is not required for wooden and brick structures. This is a question about insulating the room before you start installing the sheathing. If you still decide that you need insulation, then the thickness of the bars should be increased accordingly. And one interesting fact– sound insulation will be improved, since there will be free air space between the wall and the sheathing.

Installation of a block house with insulation

The standard way to install a block house inside the structure itself is horizontally along a vertical grid. But sometimes another method is used - vertical installation boards. Often this method used in rooms with a higher humidity coefficient: baths and saunas. This fact prevents the destruction of wood, which can cause the accumulation of water in the grooves of the board itself.

If we look at the example of gluing wallpaper with an overlap, then this is where we can draw an analogy with the installation process. The installation of the tenons of the first board and the rest must be directed towards a light source, which will make the joint of the boards not so noticeable. But this method can be considered an exception, not a consequence. The main method is still setting, with the tenon positioned on top, horizontally, and the groove at the bottom of the board.

Hidden mount house block

One of the important mentions for you is that in order for the material to acquire environmental humidity, it is necessary to condition the block house without packaging before the installation process itself. indoors several days.

You can start the installation itself not only from the top, but also from the bottom. Fastening with a nail or self-tapping screw at an angle into a tenon is one of the most common methods. To begin with, for easier and comfortable work installation in the best possible way you need to start from the bottom. It would also be appropriate to mention another method - the use of clamps. And clamps are special brackets for fastening. If we attach a block house in this way, then its cost accordingly increases, but the installation itself indoors remains reliable, durable and of high quality.

Today, it is examples of traditional architecture that are becoming a trend and gaining popularity. It's prestigious to have a beautiful wooden house, country cottage, made of logs. At the same time, new technologies are emerging modern materials: they allow you to erect buildings quickly, reduce the load on the foundation and achieve good parameters on energy efficiency. In addition, construction costs are also reduced.

You can build a cottage from an innovative material, but visually it will appear wooden. This is achievable if you buy a block house. It consists of plates with a cross section complex shape: their inner surface flat, but the outer one imitates a rounded log. Covering a house with such lumber creates the complete illusion of wooden masonry.

Features of a block house

Many people are interested in how much a block house costs, how profitable it is to use it finishing works, façade design. Manufacturers present options in various price categories. The determining factor here is the type of lumber.

Experts and craftsmen note: strength and durability do not depend on the type. All panels are equally reliable and have decent performance properties. The boards are made from proven raw materials, dried in the same chambers, using the same technology. But they divide into varieties into final stage production. When sorting, visual characteristics are taken into account to a greater extent: the amount of darkening, the density of marks from knots, and the accuracy of geometry.

The advantages of popular lumber deserve attention:

  • The quality is strictly controlled. All boards are durable and attractive due to their high stability and wear resistance.
  • People like sustainability. The material is natural, natural wood is used.
  • The block house is not subject to deformation. Its shape will remain original even after prolonged use.
  • The lumber is adapted for use in difficult climatic conditions. It is not afraid of serious temperature differences, humidity and wind loads.
  • Installation is carried out without problems, ventilation cuts are provided to prevent the accumulation of condensation.

A block house from the StroyLesGroup company is attractive due to its price per m2, since the material is supplied from the manufacturer, eliminating intermediaries.

Block house from StroyLesGroup

Choose reliable ones Construction Materials in a specialized company! We have a large assortment, panels available different varieties in any required volume. Warehouse capabilities help to quickly cope with orders for large deliveries. Delivery is made promptly, strictly within the agreed time frame.

We all read as children Russian folk tales and watched their film adaptations. And, of course, each of us has vivid pictures of the Russian tower and royal chambers in our memory. Yes, exactly like that wooden buildings created by ancient Russian architects. And only thanks to them, now almost everyone dreams of such a fabulous mansion. With the appearance in modern world latest technologies wood processing, it has become possible and accessible to everyone. And it is not necessary to build the house anew; it is enough to use a block house for the exterior decoration of the house, and then your building will be filled with a fabulous Russian spirit.

It should be noted that the cladding of facades with block houses not only resembles Russian buildings, but also goes well with modern finishing materials. A combination with stone, brick or siding will create an original exterior for your home.

Block house- This is an imitation of a rounded log, equipped with a tongue-and-groove lock. To make a block house, wood species are used, the characteristics of which differ high density and strength. Buying a block house for exterior decoration in Moscow cheaply is not easy, but it is possible. Our company offers you this opportunity.

Photo 1. Block house finishing

There are several types of block houses for exterior decoration. Of course, the most common is wooden. Since it is environmentally friendly, and is closest to the texture of a natural log plane.

Photo 2. Block house mounted on the facade

Cladding a block house is done using a simple technology, which can be divided into several stages:

  1. Selecting the size of the panels. Of course for facade works Solid boards are suitable, for example - 190x36 or 140x28 mm. The length varies from 2 to 6 m. Using such a house block for exterior decoration, its price will be higher than for panels of smaller sizes. Of course, it’s up to you to choose, but according to the rules of perception and practicality indicators, it is recommended to use wider and thicker panels for decorating a house with a block house on the outside. At this stage, one should not forget about the grade of the block house. We have two varieties in our catalog: - narrow panels made from the top of a log. They will look great in interior decoration. AB - massive and wide boards, made mainly of pine. They are perfect for facade work.
  2. Painting and processing of panels. Experienced craftsmen It is recommended to tint and treat the block house before installation so that there is accessibility to the end parts of the board, and reliable protection wooden structure from external aggressive environment. We have professional equipment, which will help you make the painting perfect, with even layers.
  3. Cleaning and leveling the wall for a house block. It is necessary to clean the walls from dirt, old paint, flying plaster, etc. until the surface is completely clean and even. If necessary, the walls are leveled.
  4. Sheathing with vapor barrier and waterproofing. Vapor barrier protects against condensation that collects from meeting “opposite” temperatures, and waterproofing protects against external atmospheric moisture.
  5. Attaching the sheathing. For the sheathing you will need a reliable beam measuring 40x40 mm. The size of the sheathing bars is calculated depending on the thickness of the future thermal insulation. The sheathing is attached perpendicular to the future block house in increments of 50 cm.
  6. Installation of vapor barriers is carried out by laying material in the gaps of the sheathing.
  7. Then comes the second layer of waterproofing. It can be fastened using a construction stapler.
  8. Afterwards, another layer of sheathing is mounted to the main layer, and subsequently the panels of the house block are mounted to it.
  9. For exterior finishing, the house block is laid from bottom to top, leaving small indentations along the edges. The first board is leveled and installed with the tenon facing up. For finishing corners and window openings, use additional wooden extensions. By contacting us, you will be pleasantly surprised by the price external finishing block house by experienced craftsmen.
  10. Mount for solid boards that are used for cladding facades, it is necessary to choose reliable ones. We use special screws with anti-corrosion coating Essve Corrseal 4.8x75

Photo 3. One of the stages of installing a block house

Company " LesoBirzha" will help you implement all your planned projects. We present quality materials from Arkhangelsk wood, which you can order inexpensively using the indicated contacts.

Understand what the cost of the panels depends on, make a purchase and pay for the order only after delivery. Also in our online store you can find out about all categories of block houses.