Sample schedule for emergency drills in a boiler room. Emergency and fire drills

With the personnel of energy organizations of the housing and communal services system of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the State Construction Committee of Russia on June 21, 2000 No. 141 and the Regulations on assessing the readiness of electricity and heat supply organizations for work in the autumn-winter period, approved by the Minister of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation on August 25, 2004.

6. Fire drills can be combined with emergency drills. Operational managers, operational, operational and repair personnel, maintenance personnel, personnel of permanent sections of repair units servicing thermal power plants take part in fire drills.

11. In order to reduce the conventionality of training activities and increase objectivity in assessing results, new technical training tools (automated training systems, training grounds, simulators) should be used in training.

To master the main and auxiliary equipment of power facilities and practice techniques for maintaining stationary and non-stationary modes, it is recommended to use automated training systems (hereinafter referred to as ATS) and so-called full-scale simulators.

The most successful training of operating personnel can be ensured by conducting training on full-scale simulators that accurately simulate the operator’s workplace, using which the methods of perceiving information and error-free operation of power plant controls are brought to automaticity.

The use of computer simulators for emergency training can be additional in nature and should not replace on-the-job training, since by controlling the operation of a computer, the training participant does not acquire the skills to control a real power plant to the required extent. The use of computer simulators is advisable at power facilities equipped with such automated control systems, when all facility control is carried out using a computer network.

Many years of experience of municipal energy enterprises have shown the effectiveness of conducting network-wide emergency drills at training grounds. A diagram of the training ground for conducting classes simulating emergency situations in heating networks is given in.


12. The following emergency drills are carried out at energy enterprises of the housing and communal services system:

in heating network enterprises - network-wide, dispatch, district (precinct), individual (for a given workplace);

in boiler rooms - general boiler rooms and individual ones (for a given workplace).

Network-wide training is considered to be a training in which an emergency situation covers the equipment of a section of the main heating network with pumping stations and other facilities, and in which the operating personnel of thermal power plants of several districts participate together with the network dispatcher.

A general boiler room is considered to be a training in which an emergency situation covers power plants connected by a single technological process for the production of thermal energy and in which all operational and maintenance personnel of the boiler room shift participate.

in case of errors made by operating personnel during switching, switching on and off of power plants, mechanisms, etc.;

training with impacts on fittings, switching equipment and elements of relay protection and automation, control equipment and electric motor switches on non-working equipment (under repair or put into reserve);

combined training.

17. are carried out in real time and with mandatory access of participants to the places of operations. Using this method, training is conducted with operational and operational-repair personnel directly servicing thermal power plants.

18. Training with control actions on switching devices, fittings and switches of electric motors on non-working equipment (under repair or put into reserve) is carried out with the aim of practicing and consolidating professional skills among personnel. For example, opening and closing shut-off valves, drainage, bleed and purge valves, short-term starting of electric motors.

22. In accordance with the requirements of the Rules for working with personnel in electric power organizations of the Russian Federation and the Rules technical operation thermal power plants, employees from operational, operational-repair and operational managers participate in emergency training once every three months.

23. At newly commissioned power plants, as well as at existing power plants, by decision of the head of the organization, the number of training sessions can be increased depending on the level vocational training and personnel skills in accident prevention and response.

24. For shift personnel in which an accident or incident occurred due to the fault of operational or operational maintenance personnel, additional training may be assigned by order of the chief engineer of the enterprise, taking into account the mistakes made.

27. Each thermal power enterprise draws up an annual schedule for emergency drills in accordance with these Recommendations. The schedule must be included in the personnel plan and approved by the management of the enterprise. Based on this schedule, a training schedule for the structural unit is drawn up. Accounting for the completion of emergency training by personnel is carried out in a log. The recommended form of the journal is given in these Recommendations.

type of training;

date of its holding;

participating shift;

training leader.

29. The training leader is responsible for its preparation and conduct.

general boiler rooms - the head of the boiler room or the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation boilers;

Emergency training related to the complete shutdown of energy sources and massive disruption of energy supply should be carried out under the leadership of the first managers of energy supply organizations.

When conducting an emergency drill combined with a fire drill, the fire extinguishing manager from among the engineering and technical personnel is appointed as the training leader - the boiler room shift manager, the enterprise shift manager, the network district manager.

Table 1


Type of training

Who approves the program


Method of implementation

Training participants

Network enterprises


Chief engineer of the enterprise

Boiler room

General boiler room

Chief engineer of the enterprise

The head of the boiler house, his deputy or the person responsible for the safe condition and operation of boilers

Dispatching service

Control room

Head of ADF

Head of ADF

According to the scheme

Change of ADS

Network district


Head of the district

Head of the district or his deputy

With conditional and real actions of personnel

accidents and incidents that occurred in heat sources, heating networks and pumping stations, as well as technological violations given in information and directive materials;

The topic of the training should be realistic and close to the operation of the organization’s specific equipment.

availability of staff on site;

rapid restoration of normal operation of power plants, power supply to consumers and normal parameters of thermal energy supplied to consumers.

33. The training program indicates:

type of training and its topic;

training method;

a list of intermediaries indicating the control area (workers who are well aware of the scheme and equipment, as well as the instructions, rights and responsibilities of the persons serving the area, are appointed as intermediaries, and the number of training participants controlled by one person is determined in each specific case when drawing up the program; actions fire extinguishing supervisors are controlled by the training supervisor);

purpose of the training;

time of occurrence of the accident;

When conducting training and developing a program, it should be borne in mind that in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documents (NTD), the elimination of technological violations in boiler rooms should be led by the boiler room shift manager, and in heating networks - by the ADS dispatcher. The dispatcher's instructions are mandatory for operational and maintenance personnel of thermal power plants.

An example of an emergency training program is given in these Recommendations.

34. When conducting emergency drills combined with fire drills, representatives of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, who take part in the analysis of fire drills and evaluate the actions of the participants, can be involved as intermediaries by agreement.

35. When preparing a training session with conditional actions of personnel on equipment, you should check the completeness of the necessary documentation, add to the set of training posters and tags with inscriptions that simulate the switching on and off of valves, switching devices, devices, protection devices, pumps, etc. They must differ in shape and color from those used in operation, have the inscription “training”, and also have devices for securing them in place. The size of posters and tags is chosen arbitrarily so that they do not interfere with staff’s work. After training, all training posters must be removed and put away.

37. Group training should be carried out, as a rule, not during duty. Individual training may be conducted while on duty if the work environment does not prevent this. The time spent on emergency drills and fire drills is included in the working hours of the trainees.

38. During training, the personnel participating in it must comply with safety regulations. It is not allowed to perform any actions on operating equipment, or to touch switching devices, mechanisms and control equipment (keys, start buttons, valve drives, etc.).

39. Immediately before the start of the training, the readiness of technical and training means should be checked, radio and telephone communication between participants should be organized, the methodology of the training should be clarified, taking into account the specifics of training according to schemes, conditional actions of personnel, with actions on non-working equipment, using technical training means.

It is advisable to record negotiations between training participants on a tape recorder.

Training according to schemes

41. According to the schemes, dispatcher training is carried out at heating network enterprises.

42. Training according to the schemes can be carried out directly at the workplace or in places with the necessary equipment. To conduct training, participants must have training diagrams of the areas they serve, on which, before starting training, they mark the position of disconnected equipment, shut-off valves or sections of networks at the time preceding the accident. The training leader and facilitator should have the same scheme.

procedure for using communication;

time of occurrence emergency situation.

45. The training begins with messages from the training leaders or intermediaries about the changes that have occurred in the regime, about the shutdown of equipment, about the readings of instruments at the workplaces of the training participants.

Training with conditional actions of personnel

48. Network-wide, district, and boiler-wide trainings are conducted using the method with conditional actions of personnel. These trainings are carried out directly at the workplace.

50. If a real emergency situation occurs in any part of the networks or thermal power plant, the training is immediately stopped, the participants are removed from the emergency zone, and all training posters and tags are removed.

51. All personnel of the enterprise, boiler house, and district must be informed about the start of the training.

operating mode preceding the occurrence of an emergency;

deviations from the normal pattern;

procedure for using communication; time of occurrence of the accident.

56. Intermediaries are required to record all actions of personnel in the trainees’ activity cards, interfering with the course of the training only if it is necessary to communicate something to its participants, hang up new posters or tags, remove or turn them over depending on the actions of the personnel or changes in the introductory one.

Training with control actions on switching devices, fittings and motor switches on idle equipment

63. Training on idle equipment should not affect the condition and operating mode of equipment in neighboring areas.

64. After receiving input data about the operating mode and state of the equipment at the time of the start of training, as well as automatic shutdowns and other disruptions in the operation of the equipment, the trainee assesses the situation and begins to restore the normal situation. In the process of eliminating a conditional emergency situation, the participant must perform real actions with equipment (for example, turning on or off switching devices, starting a pump, closing or opening a valve), which are provided for by the training topic. In this case, he does not have to tell the intermediary about the procedure for his actions and tells him only what in real conditions he would tell his supervisor on the shift or the personnel of other areas.

Training using technical training tools

to bring the training activities of operational personnel as close as possible to real ones, without affecting the operating equipment;

deviations from the normal pattern;

procedure for using communication;

time of occurrence of the accident;

69. The training ends at the command of the training leader, after which information on the control and evaluation of training activities is collected and recorded.

Combined workouts

Fire drills

74. Each employee from among the operational, maintenance and repair personnel of heating network enterprises, personnel of permanent sections of repair units servicing energy facilities must participate in fire-fighting training once every six months.

76. The territorial divisions of the state fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia must be notified about the planned dates for training, at the discretion of which representatives of these bodies can take part in them as observers.

77. When participating in network-wide training of operational field and operational repair teams, the time spent on preparing the team, repair equipment, mechanisms, tools, protective equipment, time spent on travel, preparation of machines, lifting, earth-moving and other mechanisms, equipment is checked. communications, etc.

78. All types of training must be carried out in conditions as close as possible to real ones. For example, it is allowed to combine training on the topic “Accident in the heating network” with excavation planned for a given period at the site of a simulated accident; you can open and close auxiliary valves on idle equipment, checking the initial state of the valve after completing the actions; disable work lighting.

Training can be complicated by distractions: messages about the status and operation of other equipment, calls from consumers, etc.

79. When conducting network-wide, general-boiler, district and dispatch training, the conversations of the person in charge of the liquidation of a conditional accident are recorded on a tape recorder or other recording device in order to acquire the skills of more clear negotiations by the operating personnel, this will reduce the number of misunderstandings when analyzing training and will allow the use of recordings training during briefings.


81. Analysis of the training is carried out in order to determine the correctness of the actions of each participant in eliminating the accident provided for by the topic of the training, and to develop measures to improve the reliability of the equipment and the safety of operating personnel.

correct understanding of the task;

correctness of actions to eliminate the accident;

mistakes made and their reasons;

88. The results of the training are recorded in a journal. The recommended form for recording the emergency training carried out is given in these Recommendations.

89. Based on the results of the training, measures are developed aimed at preventing mistakes made by personnel. Activities developed based on the results of training are recorded in the emergency training log. In this case, the training leader must familiarize the heads of the relevant departments with the activities recorded in the log. Management personnel are obliged to take measures to implement these activities.


Scheme of the training ground for conducting training sessions with simulating emergency situations in heating networks


annual schedule of emergency training

Types of training

Training leaders

Distribution by month



Chief Engineer

General boiler room

Boiler room manager

Control room

Senior dispatcher


Head of the district

Chief Engineer_____________________________


accounting for personnel undergoing emergency training


Damage to the supply pipeline of the main heating network from the district boiler house "Gorki-2"

04/03/2004 10-30, dispatch service of the heating network enterprise, boiler room "Gorki-2" and a section of the main heating network from the boiler room "Gorki-2" to chamber A-1

3. Training method: with conditional actions of personnel on operating equipment

4. Training leader: Semenov A.P., deputy chief engineer

orally, via the city telephone network, via mobile phone, radio communications on a wave dedicated to the enterprise with a signal at the beginning of a conversation - “training”

7. Arrangement of intermediaries, checking the readiness of vehicles, repair equipment and personnel - are carried out before the start of the training; the start of the training is announced by radio, introductions are given verbally or using training posters (the list of training posters is presented below)

8. Purpose of the training: to practice the actions of operational personnel of the dispatch service, district boiler house and repair service in the event of an accident in the heating network

9. Operating mode before the accident: the hydraulic and temperature conditions of the heating network are maintained close to the schedule set by the dispatcher

At 9:30 a.m. The shift supervisor and the operator of the central control panel of the boiler room recorded a slight drop in pressure in the supply line at the exit from the boiler room. At the same time, the drop in pressure is recorded by the plant's dispatch service. The shift supervisor gives orders to increase the replenishment to maintain normal hydraulic conditions. At 9:45 a.m. A sharp drop in pressure in the network was recorded in the boiler room and control room. Almost simultaneously, a signal was received from the city housing organization to the heating network dispatch service about strong steaming and the appearance of hot water at the location of the route in the area of ​​camera A1. The dispatcher instructs the boiler room shift supervisor to switch the network to static mode and the fire control foreman to go and search for the damage site.

The operational field team discovered strong steaming, noise and hot water escaping to the surface of the ground along the network route. The heating system master reports the accident to the heating network dispatcher, who gives instructions to turn off the supply pipeline using the nearest sectional valve, drain the emergency area and prepare it for repairs. At the same time, the dispatcher gives instructions to the boiler room shift supervisor to turn off the supply pipeline. The dispatcher directs the ORB to the scene of the accident. After eliminating the accident, the dispatcher gives an order to the boiler room shift supervisor and the fire control foreman to restore normal operation of the network.

Introductory time


Introductory (orally in the form of a poster)

9 hours 34 minutes

ODS dispatcher

Small pressure drops in the supply line

9 hours 34 minutes

Boiler room shift supervisor

Slight pressure drop in the supply line

ODS dispatcher

A sharp drop in pressure in the supply line. Signal from the housing organization

9 hours 45 minutes

Boiler room shift supervisor

A sharp drop in pressure in the supply line

9 hours 50 minutes

ODS dispatcher

Name the possible causes of the accident

9 hours 55 minutes

Boiler room shift supervisor

Assess the condition and operating mode of the equipment

10 hours 40 minutes

ODS dispatcher

Emergency section disabled

12 hours 50 minutes

ODS dispatcher

The damaged area has been drained and prepared for repairs

16 hours 25 minutes

ODS dispatcher

Repair of the emergency area has been completed. The pipeline is prepared for filling

16 hours 25 minutes

Boiler room shift supervisor

The renovation is complete. The pipeline is ready for filling


ODS dispatcher

The accident has been eliminated. The operating mode of the heating network has been restored

18 hours 25 minutes

ODS dispatcher Boiler room shift supervisor

End of training

12. Detection and elimination of an accident.

The dispatcher, having detected a pressure drop using the pressure gauge installed in the ODS and rechecked with the boiler room shift supervisor, instructs him to strengthen control over the hydraulic mode and inspect the equipment of the pumping and heating installation in order to determine the cause of the pressure drop. The shift manager instructs the shift mechanic on duty to check the operation and condition of the equipment and, after the inspection, reports to the dispatcher that the equipment in the boiler room is working normally, no leaks or other defects were found. At 9:48 a.m., the boiler room shift supervisor reports to the dispatcher about a sharp drop in pressure in the network. The dispatcher, having recorded a sharp drop in pressure in the network at 9:45 a.m. and having heard the report of the boiler room shift supervisor, instructs him to increase the replenishment as much as possible; If it is impossible to maintain normal pressure, transfer the heating system to static mode. The ODS receives a signal from the city about an alleged accident in the network and its coordinates. The dispatcher instructs the EOD master to immediately go to the scene of the accident. After clarifying all the circumstances, the master reports to the dispatcher about the release of hot water to the surface of the earth, strong noise, steaming and the formation of a funnel, as well as the flow of hot water into chamber A1. At the direction of the dispatcher, he turns off the sectional valve, drains the area and prepares it for emergency repairs. The dispatcher simultaneously instructs the boiler room shift supervisor to turn off the valve on the supply pipeline of the boiler room manifold and instructs the ORB foreman to travel and carry out emergency repair work, after which it informs the main consumers about the accident and the estimated time to restore normal operation. The boiler room shift manager, having received instructions from the dispatcher, turns off the network pumps, turns on the backup pumps, turns on the backup make-up pump and transfers the operating water heating boiler No. 3 to the hot reserve.

After organizing and carrying out emergency activities, the dispatcher instructs the heads of the area in charge of the emergency area to issue a work permit for emergency repair work.

13. Evaluation of the participants’ actions and training in general

The assessment of the actions of the ODS dispatcher, the boiler room shift supervisor, and the EOD and ORB foremen is carried out in accordance with the protocol.

The assessment of the actions of dispatch service personnel, boiler room shifts, operational field and operational repair teams is carried out directly by intermediaries. The main criterion for assessing training as a whole is the correctness of the participants’ actions, assessed by the protocol method.

Familiarized yourself with the training program:

Training results:

Dispatcher's assessment -

Boiler room shift supervisor assessment -

Rating of the EOD master -

Evaluation of the training as a whole -

Poster 2. Valve No. 4 does not close

Poster 3. The drain valve in chamber A1 is faulty

Poster 4. Name the possible signs of an accident

Map of the activity of the master of fire safety

Control time

Mediator's comments

Gross mistakes of the trainee

Visually it is possible to give only a general assessment of the violation of the normal technological regime

Name the signs of a heating network failure and possible causes

Formation of a funnel with hot water escaping to the surface, noise, steaming. The appearance of a fistula in the pipeline or rupture

Disable the emergency section

Decides to go down to chamber A1 to shut off the section using a sectioning valve

After ventilating the chamber, he descends into the chamber independently without taking safety measures.

Prepare the area for emergency repairs ORB staff

Produces additional ventilation chamber, closes the sectional valve, opens the valve on the drainage pipeline, and pumps water out of the chamber.

Installs a fence at the accident site and hangs posters.

Records network pressure using pressure gauges in the chamber and air temperature

Prepare the site for launch

Removes the posters, removes the fence, closes the drainage, opens the jumper to fill the supply pipeline from the return one. After equalizing the pressure, he reports to the dispatcher and, on his instructions, opens the sectional valve.

Records the pressure in the pipelines in chamber A1 after circulation is restored


Poster No. 1 for hanging on control keys of electric drives of pumps, fans, smoke exhausters, etc.

Poster No. 2 for hanging on shut-off valves


recording of completed emergency training

The training leader gives a general assessment of the emergency training.


accounting of conducted fire drills

The training leader gives a general assessment of the fire training.

on preparation and conduct of emergency training for personnel of electric power organizations of housing and communal services


1. Methodological recommendations for the preparation and conduct of emergency training for personnel of electric power organizations of housing and communal services were developed with the aim of providing methodological assistance to organizations of the housing and communal services system that carry out the transmission and distribution of electrical energy and operate electrical substations, electrical networks and structures on them as part of the systems centralized energy supply.

2. These Recommendations have been developed taking into account the requirements of the Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated June 19, 2003 No. 229 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 20, 2003 Rep. No. 4799), Rules for working with personnel in electric power organizations of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia on February 19, 2000 No. 49 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 16, 2000 per. No. 2150), as well as Peculiarities of working with the personnel of energy organizations of the housing and communal services system of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the State Construction Committee of Russia on June 21, 2000 No. 141, and the Regulations on assessing the readiness of electricity and heat supply organizations to operate in the autumn-winter period, approved by the Minister of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation on August 25, 2004.

4. Emergency training is carried out with the aim of acquiring practical skills and the ability of personnel to act independently, quickly and technically competently in the event of technological violations, applying technical operation and safety rules, operating instructions and labor protection instructions.

5. Operational managers, operational and operational maintenance personnel should take part in emergency training.

By decision of the head of the organization and structural unit, other employees may be involved in conducting and participating in emergency training.

Maintenance personnel are involved in emergency drills; during the training, his readiness to go to the site of a simulated accident and his ability to quickly eliminate it are checked.

6. Fire drills can be combined with emergency drills. Operational managers, operational, operational and repair personnel, maintenance personnel, personnel of permanent sections of repair units servicing electrical and thermal power plants take part in fire drills.

7. Emergency training is one of the mandatory forms of working with personnel.

Conducting training involves solving the following tasks:

checking the ability of personnel to correctly perceive and analyze information about a technological violation, based on this information, make the optimal decision to eliminate it through a certain action or issuing specific orders;

ensuring the formation of clear skills for making operational decisions in any situation and in the shortest possible time;

development of organizational and technical measures aimed at increasing the level of professional training of personnel and the reliability of operation of power plants.

8. Training is carried out with the reproduction of conditional violations in the operation of power plants, imitation of operational actions in the workplace to eliminate accidents and incidents, performing equipment control operations on simulators, assessing the activities of participants and issuing work permits and switching forms.

9. The main actors during training are the training leader, training participants and intermediaries performing supervisory functions.

10. The effectiveness of the training depends on the relevance of the topic, the quality of program development, the preparation of participants and necessary funds to conduct training, the degree of approximation of a simulated accident to a real one, correct and objective assessment of the participants’ actions and analysis of the training.

11. In order to reduce the conventionality of training activities and increase objectivity in assessing results, new technical training tools (automated training systems, training grounds, simulators) should be used in training.

To master the main and auxiliary equipment of power facilities and practice techniques for maintaining stationary and non-stationary modes, it is recommended to use automated training systems (hereinafter referred to as ATS) and so-called full-scale simulators.

AOS are software tools for professional training of personnel, consisting of automated training courses and specialized local simulators that allow the formation of professional skills and abilities to make and implement decisions on the management of power plants. In particular, AOS for operating personnel of substations and distribution networks allows them to be used for training in the following modes:

training and training on complex operational switchings carried out when power plants undergo repairs and when they are put into operation;

conducting emergency training that increases the level of personnel readiness to perform operations in an emergency at the substation and in the distribution network.

The most successful training of operating personnel can be ensured by conducting training on full-scale simulators that accurately simulate the operator’s workplace, on which the methods of perceiving information and error-free operation of power plant controls are brought to automaticity.

The use of computer simulators for emergency training can be additional in nature and should not replace on-the-job training, since by controlling the operation of a computer, the training participant does not acquire the skills to control a real power plant to the required extent. The use of computer simulators is advisable at power facilities equipped with such automated control systems (ACS), when all facility management is carried out using a computer network.

Many years of experience of municipal energy enterprises have shown the effectiveness of conducting network-wide emergency response training at training sites. Scheme of the training ground for conducting training sessions in electrical networks is given in .


12. In enterprises of electrical networks of the housing and communal services system, network-wide, dispatch, district (precinct), individual (for a given workplace) emergency training are carried out.

Network-wide training is considered to be a training in which an emergency situation covers the equipment of a section of the electrical network with distribution points, transformer substations and other objects and in which, together with the network dispatcher, the operating personnel of electrical power installations in several areas participate.

Dispatcher training is considered to be training that involves participation in the elimination of technological violations by dispatchers with subordinate shift personnel.

A district training is considered to be one in which an emergency situation covers power plants in one district and in which operational and maintenance personnel of the district participate.

An individual training is considered to be one in which one operational worker servicing power plants participates.

Individual training can be carried out with individual employees who, for whatever reason, did not participate in the planned training (vacation, illness, etc.).

13. Emergency training is divided into planned and extraordinary.

A planned training is considered to be a training that is carried out according to the approved annual plan for working with personnel.

Extraordinary training is considered to be training that is carried out by order of the enterprise management in addition to the annual plan in the following cases:

if an accident or incident occurs due to the fault of personnel;

upon receipt of unsatisfactory grades based on the results of a planned training session.

Extraordinary training is also carried out for employees who were absent during scheduled training for various reasons (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.). Extraordinary training is carried out individually within 3 weeks after returning to work.

14. Depending on the number of participants, training is divided into group and individual.

Group training is considered to be a training session conducted with several participants.

Individual training is carried out in the following cases:

with personnel who are allowed to work independently for the first time after duplication at the workplace;

in case of errors made by operating personnel during switching, switching on and off of power plants;

after accidents that occurred during startup, shutdown or equipment failures;

with unsatisfactory grades obtained as a result of individual control in group training.

15. According to the method of conducting training, they are divided into: training according to schemes;

training with conditional actions of personnel;

training with impacts on switching equipment and elements of relay protection and automation, control equipment and electric motor switches on non-working equipment (under repair or put into reserve);

training using technical personnel training tools;

combined training.

16. Training according to schemes is carried out using technological schemes without indicating actions at workplaces and equipment, without limiting the time for performing exercises. In such training, staff develop the skills to quickly make the right decisions and issue the necessary orders. Using this method, training should be conducted with senior operating personnel to ensure that they understand the features of the scheme, its flexibility and possibilities for use in emergency response.

Scheme training allows us to identify the level of knowledge of the scheme, its features and capabilities, as well as determine the coordination of shift personnel when receiving information and issuing orders.

17. Training with conditional actions of personnel is carried out in real time and with mandatory access of participants to the places of operations. Using this method, training is conducted with operational and maintenance personnel directly servicing electrical power plants.

18. Training with control actions on switching devices, relay protection and automation, equipment and switches of electric motors on non-working equipment (under repair or put into reserve) is carried out with the aim of practicing and consolidating professional skills among personnel.

19. Training using technical means of personnel training is carried out using automated training systems, simulators, and training grounds. In such trainings, personnel develop skills in identifying the causes of deviations in modes and technological violations, developing measures to eliminate deviations and violations, and developing professional work practices. The advantages of this method include bringing personnel actions closer to a real situation, practicing reactions to changes in equipment operating modes in real time, and forming assessments of the quality of training tasks.

20. Combined training allows you to take advantage of each of the listed methods. For example, it is possible to combine training on a simulator and conditional actions of personnel at the workplace, training according to schemes with the actions of personnel at the training ground, etc. The effectiveness of such a combination of different types of training depends on the technical capabilities for conducting training.

21. Based on the nature of the relationship with fire drills, emergency drills are divided into combined and separate.


22. In accordance with the requirements of the Rules for Work with Personnel in Electric Power Organizations of the Russian Federation and the Rules for the Technical Operation of Thermal Power Installations, employees from operational, operational repair and operational managers participate in emergency training once every three months.

Workers from among operational, maintenance and repair personnel, operational managers of the organization, personnel of permanent sections of repair units servicing power plants participate in one fire training once every six months.

23. At newly commissioned power plants, as well as at existing power plants, by decision of the head of the organization, the number of training sessions can be increased depending on the level of professional training and skills of personnel in preventing and eliminating accidents.

24. For shift personnel in which an accident or incident occurred due to the fault of operational or operational repair personnel, additional training may be assigned by order of the chief engineer of the enterprise, taking into account the mistakes made.

25. Each dispatcher of an enterprise (district) must take part in the preparation and conduct of at least one training session with subordinate personnel during the year.


26. Preparation of emergency training is carried out in accordance with the annual training schedule, taking into account the list of recommended topics and training programs.

27. Each electric power enterprise draws up an annual schedule for emergency drills in accordance with these Recommendations. The schedule must be included in the personnel plan and approved by the management of the enterprise. Based on this schedule, a training schedule for the structural unit is drawn up. Accounting for the completion of emergency training by personnel is carried out in a log. The recommended form of the journal is given in these Recommendations.

28. Monthly training schedules in a structural unit are approved by the head of the structural unit. The monthly schedule indicates:

type of training;

date of its holding;

participating shift;

training leader.

29. The training leader is responsible for its preparation and conduct.

Emergency drills are led by:

network-wide - the chief engineer (his deputy) or the head of the emergency dispatch service (hereinafter referred to as ADS);

control rooms - the head of the ADS (senior dispatcher);

district (precinct) - chief (deputy chief) of the district;

individual - specialists appointed by the chief engineer (head of a structural unit).

Emergency training related to the complete shutdown of energy sources and the simulation of a massive power supply disruption should be carried out under the leadership of the first managers of energy supply organizations.

When conducting an emergency drill combined with a fire drill, the fire extinguishing manager from among the engineering personnel - the enterprise shift manager, the network district manager - is appointed as the head of the training.

The types of emergency training and the conditions for their implementation are given in Table 1.

Table 1


Type of training

Who approves the program


Method of implementation

Training participants

Network enterprises


Chief engineer of the enterprise

Chief engineer or head of the enterprise's emergency dispatch service

With conditional and real actions of personnel

Personnel of the dispatch service, network areas, operational field teams, operational repair teams

Dispatching service

Control room

Head of ADF

Head of ADF

According to the scheme

Change of ADS

Network district


Head of the district

The head of the district or his


With conditional and real actions of personnel

Operational and maintenance personnel of the district

30. The list of planned training topics is compiled taking into account:

accidents and incidents that occurred in electrical networks, distribution points, transformer substations, as well as technological violations given in information and policy materials;

existing equipment defects, as well as technological violations or abnormal operating modes of power plants and networks;

seasonal phenomena that threaten the normal operation of equipment and structures (thunderstorm, ice, floods, etc.);

commissioning of new equipment, circuits and modes;

the possibility of a fire in emergency conditions.

Training topics are not announced to participating personnel in advance.

31. When preparing a training session, its leader develops a training program.

The topic of the training should be realistic and close to the operation of the organization’s specific equipment. Acceptable conventions should not be unnecessary.

When conducting training at the workplace, the initial scheme and mode of operation of the equipment should be taken as the scheme and mode that were in the workplace at the time of the training. In this case, it is necessary to take into account:

forced change in equipment operating patterns and modes caused by repair work;

availability of staff on site;

state of connection between objects;

design features of the equipment.

32. When developing a training program, it is necessary to provide for the solution of the following tasks when eliminating conditional technological violations:

preventing the development of violations, preventing injury to personnel and damage to equipment not affected by the technological violation;

clarification of the state of switched off and disconnected equipment, rapid elimination of technological violations is possible;

rapid restoration of normal operation of power plants, power supply to consumers and normal parameters of electrical energy supplied to consumers.

33. The training program indicates: the type of training and its topic;

date, time and place of the event;

training method;

last name, first name, patronymic of the training leader;

last name, first name, patronymic, position of fire extinguishing leader (for combined training);

list of training participants for each workplace;

a list of intermediaries indicating the control area (workers who are well aware of the scheme and equipment, as well as the instructions, rights and responsibilities of the persons serving the area, are appointed as intermediaries, and the number of training participants controlled by one person is determined in each specific case when drawing up the program; actions fire extinguishing supervisors are controlled by the training supervisor);

purpose of the training;

time of occurrence of the accident;

diagrams and mode of operation of the equipment before the accident occurred, indicating deviations from the diagrams and modes;

condition of fire extinguishing equipment (for combined training);

causes of the accident, its development and consequences;

the cause of the fire, a description of the development of the fire and the operation of automatic fire extinguishing equipment;

description of the sequence of actions of training participants, possible options actions;

procedure for using technical means;

a list of required posters and tags;

technological map of the activities of each training participant.

During the development process, the program should be discussed with the heads of the structural units in which the training will be carried out, with the involvement of qualified specialists, if necessary.

The program is signed by the training director and approved by the person indicated in, or his deputy.

Network training programs are coordinated with the heads of structural divisions.

When conducting training and developing a program, it should be borne in mind that in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation (NTD), the elimination of technological violations in electrical networks must be managed by an ADS dispatcher. The dispatcher's instructions are mandatory for operational and maintenance personnel of electrical power installations.

An example of an emergency training program is given in.

34. When conducting emergency drills combined with fire drills, it is recommended to involve as intermediaries representatives of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, who take part in the analysis of fire drills and evaluate the actions of the participants.

35. When preparing a training session with conditional actions of personnel on equipment, you should check the completeness of the necessary documentation, add to the set of training posters and tags with inscriptions that simulate the switching on and off of switching devices, devices, protection devices, etc. They must differ in shape and color from those used in operation, have the inscription “training”, and also have devices for securing them in place. The size of posters and tags is chosen arbitrarily so that they do not interfere with staff’s work. After training, all training posters must be removed and put away.

36. Before conducting the training, its leader must review the program with the training leaders at the sites and with intermediaries, while clarifying the procedure for the participants and discussing possible errors.


37. Group training should be carried out, as a rule, not during duty. Individual training may be conducted while on duty if the work environment does not prevent this. The time spent on emergency drills and fire drills is included in the working hours of the trainees.

38. During training, the personnel participating in it must comply with safety regulations. It is not allowed to perform any actions on operating equipment, or to touch switching devices, mechanisms and control equipment (keys, start buttons, etc.).

39. Immediately before the start of the training, the readiness of technical and training means should be checked, radio and telephone communication between participants should be organized, the methodology of the training should be clarified, taking into account the specifics of training according to schemes, conditional actions of personnel, with actions on non-working equipment, using technical training means.

40. All types of training begin with an introductory part and end with analysis and summing up.

It is advisable to record negotiations between training participants on a tape recorder.

Training according to schemes

41. Dispatch training is conducted at electrical network enterprises according to the schemes.

42. Training according to the schemes can be carried out directly at the workplace or in places with the necessary equipment. To conduct training, participants must have training diagrams of the areas they serve, on which, before starting training, they mark the position of disconnected equipment, or sections of networks at the time preceding the accident. The training leader and facilitator should have the same scheme.

43. When conducting training according to schemes directly at workplaces, interference in the technological process is not allowed.

44. Before the start of the training, its participants are informed of the introductory part, which indicates:

section of the technological diagram on which an emergency situation will be simulated;

operating mode preceding the occurrence of an emergency;

deviations from the normal pattern;

procedure for using communication;

time of occurrence of an emergency.

If necessary, information about seasonal phenomena (floods, ice, thunderstorms, etc.) and meteorological conditions is provided.

45. The training begins with messages from the training leaders or intermediaries about the changes that have occurred in the regime, about the shutdown of equipment, about the readings of instruments at the workplaces of the training participants.

46. ​​Training according to the schemes is carried out in the form of operational negotiations between the trainees and each other and with intermediaries. Negotiations should be conducted in the same way as in a real situation, with the exception of training sessions conducted in the workplace, where the word “training” is added before the message.

47. Training participants, receiving messages about changes that occurred as a result of the accident and the actions of personnel to eliminate it, reflect them on the diagram.

Training with conditional actions of personnel

48. Network-wide and regional trainings are conducted using the method with conditional actions of personnel. These trainings are carried out directly at the workplace.

49. Training participants must comply with safety regulations. It is not allowed to touch the mechanisms and controls, switching devices, or perform any real actions with the equipment.

50. If a real emergency situation occurs in any part of the networks or electrical power plant, the training is immediately stopped, the participants are removed from the emergency zone, and all training posters and tags are removed.

51. All personnel of the enterprise and district must be informed about the start of the training.

52. Before the start of training, intermediaries simulate an emergency situation with the help of training posters and tags posted on equipment, controls, switching devices and alarm devices, which reflect the changes that occurred as a result of the accident. Posters and tags are hung in such a way that they do not interfere with operating personnel performing operations and observing the readings of instruments and alarm devices.

53. After placing the posters and tags, the training participants are informed of the introductory part - by the training leader or facilitator. The introductory part states:

operating mode preceding the occurrence of an emergency;

deviations from the normal pattern;

procedure for using communication;

time of occurrence of the accident.

54. Training participants are allowed to their workplaces after giving a signal about its start. Such a signal could be:

message from the training leader simultaneously to all areas by telephone or radio: “Attention participants! The training has begun";

message from intermediaries or training leaders at their sites at the appointed time: “Training has begun!”

55. When the signal is given to start the training, its participants must begin inspecting the posters and tags posted on the equipment of their site and eliminating the simulated accident. Changing the state of shut-off valves, switching devices, fixing light signals of display boards and bulbs, control keys must be done using conditional actions by removing, turning over, replacing posters and tags, verbally explaining their actions.

56. Intermediaries are required to record all actions of personnel in the trainees’ activity cards, interfering with the course of the training only if it is necessary to communicate something to its participants, hang up new posters or tags, remove or turn them over depending on the actions of the personnel or changes in the introductory one.

57. When conducting emergency drills combined with fire drills, the fire extinguishing manager conducts the training according to the program; The instructions of the fire extinguishing supervisor are mandatory for each training participant.

58. In the process of conducting a training session covering several areas, emergency situations at each of them should be changed by intermediaries (with the help of posters, tags, etc.) taking into account the actions of the training participants not only in their own area, but also in other areas. This can be achieved by coordinating the activities of the facilitators with the training leader. For this purpose, he must be at the workplace of the operational person in charge of the liquidation of the simulated accident, monitor changes in the situation based on negotiations between training participants and messages from intermediaries and, in turn, inform the latter about the progress of the training as a whole.

If it is impossible to coordinate the actions of intermediaries for any reason, then changes in emergency situations in individual areas must be carried out by intermediaries in the sequence established by the program. In this case, it is also necessary to foresee how long after the start of training at a particular workplace it is necessary to change the situation.

59. During training, negotiations and explanations between trainees and intermediaries are reduced to a minimum. Hints, leading questions and other actions that distract participants from their direct task of identifying the causes of the accident and eliminating the emergency situation are not allowed.

60. When using telephone and radio communications simultaneously for operational and training conversations, it is necessary to announce the start of a training conversation with the word “Training” and repeat it by the second person participating in the conversation.

61. At the end of training, all posters and tags must be removed from the equipment.

Training with control actions on switching devices, relay protection and automation, equipment and motor switches on idle equipment

In order to increase their effectiveness, it is most advisable to conduct such training when commissioning new equipment.

63. Training on idle equipment should not affect the condition and operating mode of equipment in neighboring areas.

64. After receiving input data about the operating mode and state of the equipment at the time of the start of training, as well as automatic shutdowns and other disruptions in the operation of the equipment, the trainee assesses the situation and begins to restore the normal situation. In the process of eliminating a conditional emergency situation, the participant must perform real actions with equipment (for example, turning on or off switching devices), which are provided for by the training topic. In this case, he does not have to tell the intermediary about the procedure for his actions and tells him only what in real conditions he would tell his supervisor on the shift or the personnel of other areas.

Training using technical personnel training tools

65. Technical means of personnel training include simulators, automatic training systems, training grounds, stands, etc.

Conducting training using technical personnel training tools allows you to:

to bring the training activities of operational personnel as close as possible to real ones, without affecting the operating equipment;

increase the efficiency of monitoring and evaluating the actions of training participants.

The greatest training effect is achieved on replica simulators, the control panels of which are similar to the workplace (full-scale simulators).

66. Equipment control operations that cannot be implemented using the applied technical training tools must be reproduced conditionally, for example, in the form of a report to the supervisor.

67. Before the start of the training, its participants are informed of the introductory part, which indicates:

features of technical means, existing conventions and simplifications;

general characteristics of the initial mode;

deviations from the normal pattern;

procedure for using communication;

time of occurrence of the accident;

a way to evaluate the actions of trainees.

68. Training begins with a signal from the training leader.

During the training process, the training leader or an intermediary from the training control panel enters faults, simulates machine shutdowns, and deactivates automatic devices, transferring equipment to preset modes, etc. in accordance with the training program.

69. The training ends at the command of the training leader, after which recording information on the control and evaluation of training activities is collected and recorded.

Combined workouts

70. Combined training is based on the use of a program that combines various training methods and technical means.

71. Enterprises should develop a list of combined training with various program options.

72. The introductory part of the combined training indicates the distribution of shift personnel among training workplaces.

Fire drills

73. Fire training is carried out for the purposes of:

testing the ability of personnel to independently, quickly and correctly navigate and act in the event of a fire at the facility;

developing clear techniques for extinguishing fires at a power facility in accordance with fire safety rules, the ability to use fire extinguishing equipment and protective equipment;

checking the interaction of personnel and their ability to coordinate their actions;

training personnel in fire prevention methods and techniques.

74. Each employee from among the operational, operational and repair personnel of electrical enterprises, personnel of permanent sections of repair units servicing energy facilities must participate in fire-fighting training once every six months.

75. Fire training is managed by:

head of the organization (general - by organization);

head of a structural unit (by division).

76. The territorial divisions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia must be notified about the planned dates for training, at the discretion of which representatives of these bodies can take part in them as observers.

77. When participating in network-wide training of operational field and operational repair teams, the time spent on preparing the team, repair equipment, mechanisms, tools, protective equipment, time spent on travel, preparation of machines, testing laboratory, lifting, earth-moving and other mechanisms, means of communication, etc.

78. All types of training must be carried out in conditions as close as possible to real ones. Training can be complicated by distractions: messages about the status and operation of other equipment, calls from consumers, etc.

79. When conducting network-wide, district and dispatch training, conversations of the person in charge of the liquidation of a simulated accident are recorded on a tape recorder or other recording device in order to acquire the skills of more clear negotiations by operational personnel, this will reduce the number of misunderstandings when analyzing training and will allow the use of training recordings in conducting briefings.

80. During training, armbands and other distinctive signs of different colors may be used for participants and supervisors.


81. Analysis of the training is carried out in order to determine the correctness of the actions of each participant in eliminating the accident provided for by the topic of the training, and to develop measures to improve the reliability of the equipment and the safety of operating personnel.

82. Analysis of training is carried out after its completion by training leaders with the involvement of intermediaries. If it is impossible to conduct a debriefing after the end of the training, then the debriefing should be done within five days after its completion.

83. All personnel participating in the training must be present at the debriefing. Network-wide training sessions may be reviewed over the phone.

84. When analyzing for each participant, the following should be analyzed:

correct understanding of the task; correctness of actions to eliminate the accident; mistakes made and their reasons;

correct conduct of operational negotiations and use of communication means.

85. When conducting a training review, the leader listens to reports from intermediaries about the actions of the training participants, analyzes the activity cards of the trainees,, if necessary, listens to the participants themselves, points out the mistakes made and approves individual and general assessments of the training results using a four-point system.

When conducting a review of an emergency drill combined with a fire drill, in addition, the fire extinguishing leader reports to the training leader about the current situation and the decisions he made to extinguish the fire, notes the correct actions of the personnel and the shortcomings identified in the process of extinguishing the fire.

To evaluate the actions of training participants, it is recommended to be guided by the following provisions:

if, during the training, a participant makes decisions that in a real situation, if carried out, would lead to the development of an accident or an accident, then he is given an “unsatisfactory” rating;

if during the training a participant makes mistakes that do not aggravate the situation, but delay the process of eliminating the accident, then he is given a rating of “good” or “satisfactory” depending on the nature of the errors;

If the participant does not make mistakes, he is given an “excellent” rating.

86. Persons who have made serious mistakes and received unsatisfactory grades undergo repeated training within a time frame determined by the head of the organization or structural unit.

87. If the majority of training participants received unsatisfactory grades, then the training on the same topic is repeated over the next 10 days, and the repeated training is not taken into account as planned.

88. The results of the training are recorded in a journal. The recommended form for recording the emergency training carried out is given in these Recommendations.

When conducting combined training, in addition, the results are recorded in the fire training log. The log form for recording fire drills is given in these Recommendations.


89. Based on the results of the training, measures are developed aimed at preventing mistakes made by personnel. Activities developed based on the results of training are entered into the emergency training log. In this case, the training leader must familiarize the heads of the relevant departments with the activities recorded in the log. Management personnel are obliged to take measures to implement these activities.

90. The training leader must familiarize the personnel participating in the training with the program and journal entries after the training. Personnel suggestions are communicated to the head of the training or structural unit.


Distribution by month



Chief Engineer

Control room

Senior dispatcher

programs for organizing and conducting emergency training on the topic:

Damage to the line disconnector onI section of closed switchgear-10 kV substation. "New"

1. Date, time and place of the event

03/18/2004 10-30, p/st. “New” indoor switchgear-10kV input T-1

2. Conditional time of occurrence of the accident 10-30

3. Method of training: according to a scheme with conditional actions and on equipment

4. Training leader: Voronkov V.S., head of the ODS

5. Training participants and facilitators


FULL NAME. participant

FULL NAME. intermediary

Head of the network district

Orlov V.I.

Kutov V A.


Kudra E.V.

Lebedev S.S.

Ushakov SP.

Spiridonov B.S.

Stepanov V.I.


Filimonov A.I.


Remizov E.P.


Mityakov B.S.


Beketov V.A.

Mobile laboratory engineer (ETL)

Yuskov A.M.

6. Procedure for using communication:

orally, via the city telephone network, by mobile phone, by radio with a signal (call sign) at the beginning of the conversation - “training”

7. Arrangement of intermediaries, checking the readiness of vehicles, repair and testing equipment, instruments, protective equipment and personnel - are carried out before the start of training; the start of the training is announced by radio, introductions are given verbally or using training posters (the list of training posters is presented below)

8. Purpose (objectives) of the training: practicing the actions of operational, operational and repair personnel during the liquidation of an emergency situation.

9. Operating mode of the equipment before the accident occurred: according to the normal power supply scheme.

10. Causes of the accident, its development and consequences:

At 10:30 a.m. The voltage has gone out on section I of the closed switchgear-10kV substation. "New". The cause of the accident was an insulation failure on the T-1 input line disconnector due to increased dampness in the indoor switchgear associated with poor ventilation of the room.

Due to the blocking of the linear input disconnector T-1, the differential protection T-1 was triggered. Since AVR-10 kV at substation. “Novaya” was taken out of operation, section I of the 10 kV indoor switchgear remained without voltage.

11. Introductory training for participants:

Introductory time


Introductory (orally or in the form of a poster)

10 o'clock 30 min

ODS dispatcher

The voltage has gone out on section I of ZRU-10 substations. "New"

10 hours 45 minutes

Head of the network district

Covering the linear input disconnector, T-1 p/st. "New". Name the possible causes of the accident

10 hours 55 minutes

Name possible consequences accidents associated with the failure of equipment adjacent to the source

11:00 am

ODS dispatcher

Emergency section disabled

11 o'clock 10 min

Head of the network district

A permit for work has been prepared

11 o'clock 15 minutes

Electrician OVB

Switching form prepared

11 hours 20 minutes

Head of the network district

A team of operational and repair personnel has been prepared

11 hours 25 minutes

ODS dispatcher

Prepared workplace

15 hours 45 minutes

Master Engineer ETL

Work completed, grounding, posters removed, fences removed


ODS dispatcher

People have been taken out. The task force is closed. The accident is liquidated.


Dispatcher Head of network area

Voltage is applied to section I End of training

12. Procedure for eliminating an accident.

The head of the network district has prepared an approval order for the replacement of failed equipment, followed by testing it with high voltage, as well as an agreed work order for testing with high voltage input cables. Upon arrival at the station. “New” staff prepares the workplace in accordance with the work order and the “Instructions for operational switching of p/st. "New". Receives on-the-job training and is allowed to work. After which he begins work on repairing the equipment of the 10 kW-1 input cell. In parallel with the repair of primary equipment, the electrical laboratory staff checks the integrity of secondary circuits located in the immediate vicinity of the failed equipment, including current transformers. Upon completion of the repair of the line disconnector and high-voltage testing of the equipment of the 10 kV water cell, the end seals of the input cables are inspected and, if their condition is satisfactory, high-voltage tests are carried out cable lines. To make sure that when operating on a close short circuit the power transformer does not fail, the direct current resistance of the windings of transformer T-1 is measured. At the end of the work, the personnel inspects the workplace, removes foreign objects, removes portable groundings, posters, and fences installed during the work, removes the team personnel from the work site and reports to the dispatcher about their readiness to put the T-1 into work.

13. Evaluation of the actions of the participants and the training as a whole. The evaluation of the actions of the ODS dispatcher and the head of the network area is carried out in accordance with the protocol.

The assessment of the actions of the personnel of the operational field and operational repair teams and the personnel of the electrical laboratory is carried out directly by intermediaries. The main criterion for assessing training as a whole is the correctness of the participants’ actions, assessed by the protocol method.

Familiarized yourself with the training program:

Training results:

Dispatcher's assessment -

Assessment of the head of the network district -

Master's assessment -

Mobile laboratory engineer assessment -

Electrician assessment -

Electrician-driver assessment -

Evaluation of the training as a whole -

Activities based on the results of the training:

Poster 1. Do not include working people

Poster 2. Grounded

Poster 3. Work here

Poster 4. Stop tension

Poster 5. The test is life-threatening

Network District Master Activity Map

Reference solution and expected responses from the trainee

Control time

Mediator's comments

Gross mistakes of the trainee

Using a voltage indicator, we check the presence of voltage on the equipment. You can visually determine the presence of melt deposits on the equipment. Using a megohmmeter we determine the state of equipment insulation

Name the signs of an electrical equipment failure and possible causes

Formation of carbon deposits and melting on equipment due to overlap and short circuit formation

Name the possible consequences of failure of other equipment located near the source of damage

Near the short circuit, failure of instrument transformers, secondary circuits, and power transformer windings is possible

Name the technical measures that ensure the safety of work during the permitting of the team

Disconnecting damaged equipment, installing a poster “Do not turn on people working”, checking the absence of voltage, applying grounding, installing posters “Grounded”, “Stay voltage”, “Test dangerous to life”. Installation of fences |

Prepare the area for emergency work

Performs organizational and technical measures to ensure work safety.

Instructs the team. Provides adequate illumination of the workplace

What is the list of work performed after equipment repair?

Removes foreign objects, removes installed grounding connections, posters, and fences.

Removes personnel from the work site, closes the work order, reports to the dispatcher about the completion of work and the readiness of the equipment to turn on


I am familiar with the assessment of training actions_________________

Poster No. 1

The training leader gives a general assessment of the fire training.

SO 153-34.12.203


Valid from 01/01/87
until 01.01.91*
* See the Notes label for expiration date. -
Database manufacturer's note.

DEVELOPED by the enterprise "Yuzhtekhenergo" PA "Soyuztekhenergo"

PERFORMERS L.M.Bogomol, V.A.Nyukhin, V.A.Polivenok, B.S.Popovich, V.G.Ruchko

APPROVED by the State Inspectorate for the Operation of Power Plants and Networks on 10.10.86.

Chief Engineer A.D. Shcherbakov

The work provides a List of the main topics of emergency training for operating personnel of thermal power plants, and also contains information on each emergency situation (signs of the situation, causes of occurrence, possible consequences, main tasks of operating personnel to eliminate the emergency and restore the regime). The information is generalized in relation to power equipment of various capacities. The characteristics of specific equipment must be taken into account when drawing up local regulations at power plants.

The list of topics can be expanded taking into account the requirements of the “Unified methodology for preparing and conducting emergency training exercises for personnel of power plants and networks” (Moscow: STSNTI ORGRES, 1972).

This List is intended for selecting topics and drawing up programs for emergency response training of operating personnel at all thermal power plants of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

1. General Provisions

1. General Provisions

1.1. The list of topics for emergency response training for operating personnel of thermal power plants is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the “Standard Instructions for Eliminating Accidents in the Electrical Part of Power Systems”* (Moscow: STSNTI ORGRES, 1972), “Unified Methodology for Preparation and Conducting Emergency Response Training Exercises for Personnel of Electric Power Plants and Networks”, as well as other industry guidelines and regulatory and technical documents of the USSR Ministry of Energy.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation, the “Instructions for the prevention and elimination of accidents in the electrical part of power systems” are in force. - Database manufacturer's note.

1.2. The list is intended to determine the topics of emergency response training for operating personnel of the electrical, turbine and boiler shops, as well as the thermal automation shop of thermal power plants in order to increase the efficiency of emergency response work with personnel.

1.3. This List of topics has been compiled on the basis of analysis and generalization of experience in emergency response and emergency training of operating personnel in Berezovsk, Zaporizhzhya, Zmievsk, Zainsk, Karmanovsk, Krivoy Rog, Ladyzhinsk, Lithuanian, Lukomlsk, Moldavian, Dnieper, Slavyansk, Tripoli, Troitsk, Tom-Usinsk, Uglegorsk, Cherepetsk, Estonian and other thermal power plants.

1.4. The work provides a list and analysis of the most typical emergency situations that affect the stability (the ability to maintain the load) and “survivability” (the ability to quickly restore the load) of the equipment of a separate power unit and the power plant as a whole. At the discretion of the TPP management, the scope of emergency training may be supplemented with new topics in accordance with the experience of operating equipment at a given power plant and accidents that have occurred at power plants in the industry.

1.5. Local emergency training programs must be drawn up in accordance with this List of topics, taking into account the characteristics of the equipment and technological schemes for each specific thermal power plant.

1.6. The complexity and variety of emergency training should be ensured by combining various topics of the List in the program of one emergency training, as well as the introduction of additional situations that may arise in the process of eliminating accidents (failure of telephone and loud-speaking search communications, fittings, apparatus, climatic conditions, etc. .).

1.7. The main activities of personnel in emergency conditions must be provided for by emergency instructions and determined by the following tasks:

prevention of accident development;

rapid liquidation of an emergency situation eliminating the danger to personnel and equipment;

restoration of the normal supply of electricity and heat to consumers.

Recommended actions of operating personnel when eliminating an accident at a power plant are shown in the figure.

Scheme of actions of operational personnel when eliminating accidents at a power plant

Scheme of actions of operational personnel when eliminating accidents at a power plant

2. Topics of emergency training

2.1. Emergency situations at a power plant due to disruptions in the operation of the power system


Tasks of operational personnel


Possible consequences

1. Increasing the frequency in the power system to 51.5 Hz

Frequency meters show an increase in frequency in the system

Excess power in the power system due to disconnection of powerful consumers and power system nodes, division of the power system

Damage to the blade apparatus of the tube, generator rotors, disconnection of generators from the network, damage to auxiliary equipment, loss of MV power

Rapid reduction of generated power by unloading, turning off part of the generators in a predetermined order, except for special cases when the reduction in power affects the stability of the MV conservation

2. Reducing the frequency in the power system to 48.5 Hz and below

Frequency meters show a decrease in frequency in the system, an alarm is triggered

Lack of generated active power in the power system or loss of generated power due to shutdown of power plants, powerful units, rupture of intersystem or intrasystem connections

Overload of generators and electric motors of MV mechanisms, reduction in the supply of pumps and draft mechanisms, overload and damage to the turbine blades, separation of generators from the network, allocation of generators to asynchronous operation with the system without loss and with loss of MV power

Loading generators to the maximum, transferring MV mechanisms to steam drive if possible. Allocation of MV for non-synchronous power supply, prevention of unacceptable overload of equipment, unloading and separation of generators from the network

3. Reduction of frequency in the power system, accompanied by a deep decrease in voltage

Voltage decreases to a value at which frequency shedding machines may fail, alarms are triggered, frequency meters show a decrease in frequency

4. Asynchronous mode in the power system

Periodic oscillations of the needles of ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters in the circuits of generators, transformers, power lines, triggering of the "Asynchronous operation" alarm

Violation of static or dynamic stability, non-synchronous automatic reclosure, loss of excitation of powerful generators

Disturbance of synchronism of the power plant in relation to the system or between parts of the power system, separation of the power plant from the power system

Immediate restoration of frequency by increasing the load or unloading generators, increasing or decreasing voltage to the maximum permissible level (according to local conditions), maintaining MV

5. Reduction of voltage in the power system below the permissible level

Network voltmeters show a decrease in voltage, the generators are being forced to excite

Shutdown of powerful power plants, shutdown of reactive power sources, appearance of an undisconnected short circuit in the system

Overload of generators, violation of the stability of parallel operation of generators, possible voltage “avalanche”

Set the maximum reactive load, take emergency overloads, reduce the active load of generators when the permissible overloads are exceeded, timely unloading of generators to the rated values ​​of the rotor and stator currents after the overload period has expired

2.2. Emergency situations at the power plant due to disruptions in the operation of the electrical parts of the units and the power plant

Topic name

Characteristics of the emergency

Tasks of operational personnel


Possible causes

Possible consequences

6. De-energization of the main busbars or one busbar system of one of the high voltage switchgear

Emergency shutdown of the switches of all connections of the main buses or a given bus system, the "DZSh Operation" display lights up

Triggering of differential bus protection (DBP) during a short circuit in the protection coverage area

Power system division

Supplying voltage to de-energized buses, providing MV power, separating damaged equipment, turning off and connecting disconnected generators to the network, turning on disconnected connections, preventing asynchronous switching on

7. De-energization of the main busbars or one busbar system of one of the high voltage switchgear

Emergency shutdown of the switches of all connections of de-energized buses, the “Breaker Failure Operation” display lights up and the display of the connection protection operation on which the short circuit occurred

Triggering of a breaker failure failure when there is a delay in disconnecting the connection switch on which a short circuit has occurred

8. De-energization of the main busbars or one busbar system of one of the high voltage switchgear

Emergency shutdown of the switches of all connections of de-energized buses, the “DFZ Operation” or “Breaker Failure Operation” display lights up

False activation of DFZ and breaker failure protection

Disconnection and shutdown of generators, failure of MV power supply, overload of equipment and overhead lines, reduction in frequency and voltage in the power system

Supplying voltage to de-energized buses, providing MV power, turning off and connecting disconnected generators to the network, turning on disconnected connections, preventing asynchronous switching on

9. De-energization of the main buses or one bus system of one of the high voltage switchgear

Emergency shutdown of the switches of all connections, except one, the “Breaker Failure Operation”, “Failure to Switch Phases” displays, and the connection protection operation displays light up

Triggering of a breaker failure failure in case of failure to open the circuit breaker of one of the connections

Disconnection and shutdown of generators, failure of MV power supply, overload of equipment and overhead lines, reduction of voltage in the power system, long-term asynchronous mode leading to disconnection of overhead lines

Disabling a defective switch or removing it from the circuit in the event of a disconnection failure, supplying voltage to the busbars, providing MV power, turning off and connecting disconnected generators to the network, turning on disconnected connections, preventing asynchronous switching on

10. De-energization of the main busbars or one busbar system of one of the high voltage switchgear

Emergency shutdown of generator-transformer unit switches and communication autotransformer from maximum protection, lighting of the connection protection operation panel

Refusal to operate the protective shutter during a short circuit in the protection zone

Disabling connection switches if the location of the short circuit has not been established, supplying voltage to buses, providing MV power, separating damaged equipment, turning off and connecting disconnected generators to the network, turning on disconnected connections, preventing asynchronous switching on

11. De-energization of the main busbars or one busbar system of one of the high voltage switchgear

Emergency shutdown of generator-transformer block switches and communication autotransformers, connection protection operation displays light up

Non-tripped short circuits on one of the connections

Disconnection and shutdown of generators, failure of MV power supply, overload of equipment and overhead lines, reduction in frequency and voltage in the power system

Turning off the connection switch where the short circuit occurred, supplying voltage to the buses, providing MV power, turning off and connecting disconnected generators to the network, turning on disconnected connections, preventing asynchronous switching on

12. De-energization of the main busbars or one busbar system of one of the high voltage switchgear

Emergency shutdown of switches of generator-transformer units and communication autotransformers, the connection protection display lights up

Failure to operate the breaker failure protection device when the circuit breaker of one of the connections fails to be turned off

Disabling or removing a damaged circuit breaker from the circuit, supplying voltage to the buses, providing MV power, turning off and connecting disconnected generators to the network, turning on disconnected connections, preventing asynchronous switching on

13. Emergency shutdown of one or more generators from the network in case of damage to outdoor switchgear equipment

Switching off the generator-transformer unit switches by protections, shedding the load, the protection operation display lights up

The occurrence of a short circuit in the primary circuits when the wire of the outdoor switchgear busbar is broken, when the arrester is damaged, erroneous actions of personnel in the primary or secondary circuits

Shutdown of generators, failure of MV power supply, overload of equipment and overhead lines, reduction of frequency and voltage in the power system

Providing MV power, maximizing the load of generators remaining in operation, eliminating equipment overloads, identifying and separating damaged equipment from the circuit, putting switched-off equipment into operation and taking the load

14. Emergency disconnection of the generator from the network in case of equipment damage

Disabling the generator-transformer block switches with protections

The occurrence of a short circuit when the current transformer is damaged

Generator shutdown, loss of MV power, damage to the equipment of neighboring cells of the outdoor switchgear, ignition of the oil of a damaged turbogenerator, spread of fire to the equipment of neighboring cells

Providing MV power supply, maximum load of generators remaining in operation, fire extinguishing, removal of damaged equipment for repair

15. Malfunction of the automatic generator excitation regulator

The appearance of spontaneous “swings” of the current and excitation voltage of the generator in the absence of disturbances in the power system

Violation in the ARV circuits. The appearance of “swings” in the output signal at the AVR output

The appearance of false boosts and underexcitation modes of the generator. Reduced stability of parallel operation of the generator with the network. Disconnecting the generator from the network

Disabling the ARV generator and switching to manual control. Transferring the generator to backup excitation. Taking measures to eliminate the ARV malfunction. Transferring the generator from standby excitation to working excitation. Putting ARV to work

16. Loss of excitation on the generator

Consumption of reactive power by the generator, partial discharge of the active load and its fluctuation, stator current overload, increase in rotation speed, decrease in stator voltage

Violations in the excitation system, erroneous actions of personnel

Reducing the voltage level on the power plant buses, increasing the temperature of the generator windings, increasing vibration, disconnecting the generator from the network

Rapid unloading of the generator in terms of active power, raising the reactive load on other generators, restoring excitation on the generator

17. All-round light on the collector of the backup exciter (RV) when the generator is operating on backup excitation

Sparking, all-round fire on the RV manifold

Malfunction of the commutator or brush apparatus, contamination of the commutator with coal dust, damage to the insulation of the commutator plates, increased vibration

Damage to the radio, loss of generator excitation, loss of synchronism and disconnection from the network

Reducing the voltage on the radio to the maximum permissible level from the condition of generator stability. When the all-round light disappears, switch the generator to operating excitation. If it is impossible to transfer the generator to operating excitation - unload and turn off the generator, de-excite and turn off the radio, take the generator out for repair

18. Cooling water leak on the generator high-frequency excitation rectifier unit

Water leakage from the rectifier unit

Rupture of the fluoroplastic tube on the water manifold of the rectifier unit

Moistening the insulation. Short circuit on the rectifier unit. Loss of excitation on the generator, its transition to asynchronous mode and disconnection from the network

Reducing the excitation voltage to a level acceptable under the conditions of generator stability. Simultaneously stopping the water supply to the rectifier device and transferring the generator to the RV. Taking out the rectifier unit for repair

19. Short circuit to ground at one point of the generator rotor winding or a decrease in the insulation resistance of the rotor winding below the permissible level

Triggering of the "Ground in the excitation circuits" alarm

Damage to the insulation of the generator rotor winding or a decrease in its resistance

The occurrence of a ground fault in the rotor winding at two points. Damage to the winding and active steel of the rotor. The appearance of generator rotor vibration

Checking the insulation resistance of the excitation circuits to determine the correct operation of the alarm. Transferring the generator from working excitation to standby excitation, followed by checking the insulation resistance of the excitation circuits. If restoration of insulation fails, unload the generator, disconnect it from the network and take it out for repairs.

20. Emergency shutdown of the block in case of damage to the block transformer

Emergency shutdown of the unit switch and AGP, lighting up of the unit transformer protection panel

Damage to the internal insulation of the transformer or its terminals

Oil release from the transformer and its fire, loss of MV power

Providing power to 6 and 0.4 kV MV sections and switchboards, maximum load of generators remaining in operation, extinguishing fires, taking the unit out for repairs

21. Emergency shutdown of the unit in case of damage to the unit transformer

External damage and overlapping insulation of the external parts of the transformer bushing

Damage to insulating structures, turn-to-turn short circuits in windings, phase-to-ground short circuits, local overheating of steel, oil decomposition and ignition

Analysis of the information received on the operation of relay protection and automation, provision of power to MV sections and switchboards, maximum load of generators remaining in operation, fire extinguishing, removal of the unit for repair

22. Fire in cable facilities under the control room, in cable lines

Appearance of a warning system signal, smoke and fire at the source of the fire

Occurrence of a short circuit in the cable, ignition of spilled oil

Loss of power unit control, false operation of protections, automation, unloading, shutdown of power units

Localization and extinguishing of fire with a stationary fire extinguishing system and with the help of a fire brigade, de-energizing cables if possible, unloading and stopping units (if necessary)

23. Single-phase shutdown of block circuit breaker during protection operation and failure of breaker failure protection

Triggering of the alarm "Failure to switch phases of the circuit breaker"; the presence of currents in two phases of the generator, determined by kiloammeters on the control room panel

Mechanical malfunctions of two-phase switch drives

The appearance of a significant negative sequence current in the stator winding. Overheating of the rotor, damage to the insulation of the generator rotor winding. Transfer of the generator to motor mode

Repeated shutdown of the circuit breaker using the control key from the control room console. If an attempt is unsuccessful to turn off adjacent switches, the bus system to which the unit is connected is de-energized

24. Turning around the power plant after an emergency shutdown with loss of steam and electrical power supplies

All units of the power plant were shut down with loss of electrical and steam power supply.

Operation of the power plant according to schemes that do not provide the required reliability in case of accidents in the power system or at the power plant, personnel errors during emergency response

Prolonged downtime of the power plant, undersupply of electricity, equipment damage

Separation of damaged equipment, preparation of circuits, supplying voltage to 6 kV buses from backup power sources, turning on the starting boiler room and all extraneous steam sources, alternate or partially combined start-up of power units

25. De-energization of the 6 kV MV section with unsuccessful activation of the backup input switch

Emergency shutdown of the operating power switch of the 6 kV MV section and unsuccessful ATS, the “Call to 6 kV section” display lights up, emergency shutdown of the electric motors of the MV mechanisms of the damaged section

The occurrence of a short circuit on a 6 kV MV section or an undisconnected short circuit on the connection of this section

Load shedding, loss of MV power, fire in 6 kV switchgear, generator disconnection from the network

Providing power to undamaged sections and switchboards of 6 and 0.4 kV, monitoring the switching on of backup pumps, keeping the unit in operation, removing damaged equipment from the circuit, maximum load of operating units, extinguishing a fire, restoring power to the section and load of the unit

2.3. Emergency situations at a power plant due to malfunctions of boiler equipment

Topic name

Characteristics of the emergency

Tasks of operational personnel

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DEVELOPED by the enterprise "Yuzhtekhenergo" PA "Soyuztekhenergo"


APPROVED by the State Inspectorate for the Operation of Power Plants and Networks on 10.10.86.

Chief engineer A.D. SHCHERBAKOV



Expiration date set

until 01/01/91

The work provides a List of the main topics of emergency training for operating personnel of thermal power plants, and also contains information on each emergency situation (signs of the situation, causes of occurrence, possible consequences, main tasks of operating personnel to eliminate the emergency and restore the regime). The information is generalized in relation to power equipment of various capacities. The characteristics of specific equipment must be taken into account when drawing up local regulations at power plants.

The list of topics can be expanded taking into account the requirements of the “Unified methodology for preparing and conducting emergency training exercises for personnel of power plants and networks” (M.: STSNTI ORGRES, 1972).

This List is intended for selecting topics and drawing up programs for emergency response training of operating personnel at all thermal power plants of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The list of topics for emergency response training for operating personnel of thermal power plants is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the “Standard Instructions for Eliminating Accidents in the Electrical Part of Power Systems” (Moscow: STSNTI ORGRES, 1972), “Unified Methodology for Preparation and Conducting Emergency Response Training Exercises for Personnel of Electric Power Plants and Networks,” and as well as other industry guidelines and regulatory and technical documents of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

1.2. The list is intended to determine the topics of emergency response training for operating personnel of the electrical, turbine and boiler shops, as well as the thermal automation shop of thermal power plants in order to increase the efficiency of emergency response work with personnel.

1.3. This List of topics has been compiled on the basis of analysis and generalization of experience in emergency response and emergency training of operating personnel in Berezovsk, Zaporizhzhya, Zmievsk, Zainsk, Karmanovsk, Krivoy Rog, Ladyzhinsk, Lithuanian, Lukomlsk, Moldavian, Dnieper, Slavyansk, Tripoli, Troitsk, Tom-Usinsk, Uglegorsk, Cherepetsk, Estonian and other thermal power plants.

1.4. The work provides a list and analysis of the most typical emergency situations that affect the stability (the ability to maintain the load) and “survivability” (the ability to quickly restore the load) of the equipment of a separate power unit and the power plant as a whole. At the discretion of the TPP management, the scope of emergency training may be supplemented with new topics in accordance with the experience of operating equipment at a given power plant and accidents that have occurred at power plants in the industry.

1.5. Local emergency training programs must be drawn up in accordance with this List of topics, taking into account the characteristics of the equipment and technological schemes for each specific thermal power plant.

1.6. The complexity and variety of emergency training should be ensured by combining various topics of the List in the program of one emergency training, as well as the introduction of additional situations that may arise in the process of eliminating accidents (failure of telephone and loud-speaking search communications, fittings, apparatus, climatic conditions, etc. .).

1.7. The main activities of personnel in emergency conditions must be provided for by emergency instructions and determined by the following tasks:

Scheme of actions of operational personnel when eliminating accidents at a power plant

2. Topics of emergency training

2.1. Emergency situations at a power plant due to disruptions in the operation of the power system

Topic name

Tasks of operational personnel


Possible consequences

1. Increasing the frequency in the power system to 51.5 Hz

Frequency meters show an increase in frequency in the system

Excess power in the power system due to disconnection of powerful consumers and power system nodes, division of the power system

Damage to turbine blades, generator rotors, disconnection of generators from the network, damage to auxiliary equipment, loss of MV power

Rapid reduction of generated power by unloading, turning off part of the generators in a predetermined order, except for special cases when the reduction in power affects the stability of the MV conservation

2. Reducing the frequency in the power system to 48.5 Hz and below

Frequency meters show a decrease in frequency in the system, an alarm is triggered

Lack of generated active power in the power system or loss of generated power due to shutdown of power plants, powerful units, rupture of intersystem or intrasystem connections

Overload of generators and electric motors of MV mechanisms, reduction in the supply of pumps and draft mechanisms, overload and damage to the turbine blades, separation of generators from the network, allocation of generators to asynchronous operation with the system without loss and with loss of MV power

Loading generators to the maximum, transferring MV mechanisms to steam drive if possible. Allocation of MV for non-synchronous power supply, prevention of unacceptable overload of equipment, unloading and separation of generators from the network

3. Reduction of frequency in the power system, accompanied by a deep decrease in voltage

Voltage decreases to a value at which frequency shedding machines may fail, alarms are triggered, frequency meters show a decrease in frequency

4. Asynchronous mode in the power system

Periodic oscillations of the needles of ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters in the circuits of generators, transformers, power lines, triggering of the “Asynchronous operation” alarm

Violation of static or dynamic stability, non-synchronous automatic reclosure, loss of excitation of powerful generators

Disturbance of synchronism of a power plant in relation to the system or between parts of the power system, separation of power plants from the power system

Immediate restoration of frequency by increasing the load or unloading generators, increasing or decreasing voltage to the maximum permissible level (according to local conditions), maintaining MV

5. Reduction of voltage in the power system below the permissible level

Network voltmeters show a decrease in voltage, the generators are being forced to excite

Shutdown of powerful power plants, shutdown of reactive power sources, appearance of an undisconnected short circuit in the system

Overload of generators, violation of the stability of parallel operation of generators, possible voltage “avalanche”

Set the maximum reactive load, take emergency overloads, reduce the active load of generators when the permissible overloads are exceeded, timely unloading of generators to the rated values ​​of the rotor and stator currents after the overload period has expired

2.2. Emergency situations at the power plant due to disruptions in the operation of the electrical parts of the units and the power plant

Topic name

Characteristics of the emergency

Tasks of operational personnel


Possible causes

Possible consequences

6. De-energization of the main busbars or one busbar system of one of the high voltage switchgear

Emergency shutdown of the switches of all connections of the main buses or this bus system, the “DZSh Operation” display lights up

Triggering of differential bus protection (DBP) during a short circuit in the protection coverage area

Power system division

Supplying voltage to de-energized buses, providing MV power to the separation of damaged equipment, reversing and connecting disconnected generators to the network, turning on disconnected connections, preventing asynchronous switching on

7. De-energization of the main busbars or one busbar system of one of the high voltage switchgear

Emergency shutdown of the switches of all connections of de-energized buses, the “Breaker Failure Operation” display lights up and the display of the connection protection operation on which the short circuit occurred

Triggering of a breaker failure failure when there is a delay in disconnecting the connection switch on which a short circuit has occurred

8. De-energization of the main busbars or one busbar system of one of the high voltage switchgear

Emergency shutdown of the switches of all connections of de-energized buses, the “DFZ Operation” or “Breaker Failure Operation” display lights up

False activation of DFZ and breaker failure protection

Disconnection and shutdown of generators, failure of MV power supply, overload of equipment and overhead lines, reduction in frequency and voltage in the power system

Supplying voltage to de-energized buses, providing MV power, turning off and connecting disconnected generators to the network, turning on disconnected connections, preventing asynchronous switching on

9. De-energization of the main buses or one bus system of one of the high voltage switchgear

Emergency shutdown of the circuit breakers of all connections, except one, the “Breaker Failure Operation” and “Non-Phase Switching” displays and the connection protection operation display light up

Triggering of a breaker failure failure in case of failure to open the circuit breaker of one of the connections

Disconnection and shutdown of generators, failure of MV power supply, overload of equipment and overhead lines, reduction of voltage in the power system, long-term asynchronous mode leading to disconnection of overhead lines

Disabling a defective switch or removing it from the circuit in the event of a disconnection failure, supplying voltage to the busbars, providing MV power, turning off and connecting disconnected generators to the network, turning on disconnected connections, preventing asynchronous switching on

10. De-energization of the main busbars or one busbar system of one of the high voltage switchgear

Emergency shutdown of generator-transformer unit switches and communication autotransformer from maximum protection, lighting of the connection protection operation panel

Refusal to operate the motor protection device during a short circuit in the protection zone

Disabling connection switches if the location of the short circuit has not been established, supplying voltage to buses, providing MV power, separating damaged equipment, turning off and connecting disconnected generators to the network, turning on disconnected connections, preventing asynchronous switching on

11. De-energization of the main busbars or one busbar system of one of the high voltage switchgear

Emergency shutdown of generator-transformer block switches and communication autotransformers, connection protection operation displays light up

Non-tripped short circuits on one of the connections

Disconnection and shutdown of generators, failure of MV power supply, overload of equipment and overhead lines, reduction in frequency and voltage in the power system

Turning off the connection switch where the short circuit occurred, supplying voltage to the buses, providing MV power, turning off and connecting disconnected generators to the network, turning on disconnected connections, preventing asynchronous switching on

12. De-energization of the main busbars or one busbar system of one of the high voltage switchgear

Emergency shutdown of switches of generator-transformer units and communication autotransformers, the connection protection display lights up

Failure to operate the breaker failure protection device when the circuit breaker of one of the connections fails to be turned off

Disabling or removing a damaged circuit breaker from the circuit, supplying voltage to the buses, providing MV power, turning off and connecting disconnected generators to the network, turning on disconnected connections, preventing asynchronous switching on

13. Emergency shutdown of one or more generators from the network in case of damage to outdoor switchgear equipment

Switching off the generator-transformer unit switches by protections, shedding the load, the protection operation display lights up

The occurrence of a short circuit in the primary circuits when the wire of the outdoor switchgear busbar is broken, when the arrester is damaged, erroneous actions of personnel in the primary or secondary circuits

Shutdown of generators, failure of MV power supply, overload of equipment and overhead lines, reduction of frequency and voltage in the power system

Providing MV power, maximizing the load of generators remaining in operation, eliminating equipment overloads, identifying and separating damaged equipment from the circuit, putting switched-off equipment into operation and taking the load

14. Emergency disconnection of the generator from the network in case of equipment damage

Disabling the generator-transformer block switches with protections

The occurrence of a short circuit when the current transformer is damaged

Generator shutdown, loss of MV power, damage to the equipment of neighboring cells of the outdoor switchgear, ignition of the oil of a damaged turbogenerator, spread of fire to the equipment of neighboring cells

Providing MV power supply, maximum load of generators remaining in operation, fire extinguishing, removal of damaged equipment for repair

15. Malfunction of the automatic generator excitation regulator

The appearance of spontaneous “swings” of the current and excitation voltage of the generator in the absence of disturbances in the power system

Violation in the ARV circuits. The appearance of “swings” in the output signal at the AVR output

The appearance of false boosts and underexcitation modes of the generator. Reduced stability of parallel operation of the generator with the network. Disconnecting the generator from the network

Disabling the ARV generator and switching to manual control. Transferring the generator to backup excitation. Taking measures to eliminate the ARV malfunction. Transferring the generator from standby excitation to working excitation. Putting ARV to work

16. Loss of excitation on the generator

Consumption of reactive power by the generator, partial discharge of the active load and its fluctuation, stator current overload, increase in rotation speed, decrease in stator voltage

Violations in the excitation system, erroneous actions of personnel

Reducing the voltage level on the power plant buses, increasing the temperature of the generator windings, increasing vibration, disconnecting the generator from the network

Rapid unloading of the generator in terms of active power, raising the reactive load on other generators, restoring excitation on the generator

17. All-round light on the collector of the backup exciter (RV) when the generator is operating on backup excitation

Sparking, all-round fire on the RV manifold

Malfunction of the commutator or brush apparatus, contamination of the commutator with coal dust, damage to the insulation of the commutator plates, increased vibration

Damage to the radio, loss of generator excitation, loss of synchronism and disconnection from the network

Reducing the voltage on the radio to the maximum permissible level from the condition of generator stability. When the all-round light disappears, switch the generator to operating excitation. If it is impossible to transfer the generator to operating excitation - unload and turn off the generator, de-excite and turn off the radio, take the generator out for repair

18. Cooling water leak on the generator high-frequency excitation rectifier unit

Water leakage from the rectifier unit

Rupture of the fluoroplastic tube on the water manifold of the rectifier unit

Moistening the insulation. Short circuit on the rectifier unit. Loss of excitation on the generator, its transition to asynchronous mode and disconnection from the network

Reducing the excitation voltage to a level acceptable under the conditions of generator stability. Simultaneously stopping the water supply to the rectifier device and transferring the generator to the RV. Taking out the rectifier unit for repair

19. Short circuit to ground at one point of the generator rotor winding or a decrease in the insulation resistance of the rotor winding below the permissible level

Triggering of the “Ground in the excitation circuits” alarm

Damage to the insulation of the generator rotor winding or a decrease in its resistance

The occurrence of a ground fault in the rotor winding at two points. Damage to the winding and active steel of the rotor. The appearance of generator rotor vibration

Checking the insulation resistance of the excitation circuits to determine the correct operation of the alarm. Transferring the generator from working excitation to standby excitation, followed by checking the insulation resistance of the excitation circuits. If restoration of insulation fails, unload the generator, disconnect it from the network and take it out for repairs.

20. Emergency shutdown of the block in case of damage to the block transformer

Emergency shutdown of the unit switch and AGP, lighting up of the unit transformer protection panel

Damage to the internal insulation of the transformer or its terminals

Oil release from the transformer and its fire, loss of MV power

Providing power to 6 and 0.4 kV MV sections and switchboards, maximum load of generators remaining in operation, extinguishing fires, taking the unit out for repairs

21. Emergency shutdown of the unit in case of damage to the unit transformer

External damage and overlapping insulation of the external parts of the transformer bushing

Damage to insulating structures, turn-to-turn short circuits in windings, phase-to-ground short circuits, local overheating of steel, oil decomposition and ignition

Analysis of the information received on the operation of relay protection and automation, provision of power to MV sections and switchboards, maximum load of generators remaining in operation, fire extinguishing, removal of the unit for repair

22. Fire in cable facilities under the control room, in cable lines

Appearance of a warning system signal, smoke and fire at the source of the fire

Occurrence of a short circuit in the cable, ignition of spilled oil

Loss of power unit control, false operation of protections, automation, unloading, shutdown of power units

Localization and extinguishing of fire with a stationary fire extinguishing system and with the help of a fire brigade, de-energizing cables if possible, unloading and stopping units (if necessary)

23. Single-phase shutdown of block circuit breaker during protection operation and failure of breaker failure protection

Triggering of the alarm “Failure to switch phases of the circuit breaker”; the presence of currents in two phases of the generator, determined by kiloammeters on the control room panel

Mechanical malfunctions of two-phase switch drives

The appearance of a significant negative sequence current in the stator winding. Overheating of the rotor, damage to the insulation of the generator rotor winding. Transfer of the generator to motor mode

Repeated shutdown of the circuit breaker using the control key from the control room console. If an attempt is unsuccessful to turn off adjacent switches, the bus system to which the unit is connected is de-energized

24. Turnaround of power plants after an emergency shutdown with loss of steam and electrical power supply

All units of the power plant were shut down with loss of electrical and steam power supply.

Operation of the power plant according to schemes that do not provide the required reliability in case of accidents in the power system or at the power plant, personnel errors during emergency response

Prolonged downtime of the power plant, undersupply of electricity, equipment damage

Separation of damaged equipment, preparation of circuits, supplying voltage to 6 kV buses from backup power sources, turning on the starting boiler room and all extraneous steam sources, alternate or partially combined start-up of power units

25. De-energization of the 6 kV MV section with unsuccessful activation of the backup input switch

Emergency shutdown of the operating power switch of the 6 kV MV section and unsuccessful ATS, the “Call to 6 kV section” display lights up, emergency shutdown of the electric motors of the MV mechanisms of the damaged section

The occurrence of a short circuit on a 6 kV MV section or an undisconnected short circuit on the connection of this section

Load shedding, loss of MV power, fire in 6 kV switchgear, generator disconnection from the network

Providing power to undamaged sections and switchboards of 6 and 0.4 kV, monitoring the switching on of backup pumps, keeping the unit in operation, removing damaged equipment from the circuit, maximum load of operating units, extinguishing a fire, restoring power to sections and unit load

2.3. Emergency situations at a power plant due to malfunctions of boiler equipment

Topic name

Characteristics of the emergency

Tasks of operational personnel


Possible causes

Possible consequences

26. Sharp reduction in feedwater consumption to 30% of nominal and below

A sharp decrease in the total consumption of feedwater and by stream; reduction of feedwater pressure in front of the boiler; feed pump overload; pressure reduction to the built-in valve (for once-through boilers); reducing the water level in the drum; discrepancy in readings of water and steam flow meters; reducing water pressure upstream and downstream of the adjustable feed valve (RPV); increase in temperature along the once-through boiler path

Rupture of the supply pipeline in front of the reduced supply unit

Damage to auxiliary equipment by a jet of water in the area of ​​the rupture, threat to personnel safety, damage to the heating surfaces of the boiler

; implementation of measures aimed at localizing the accident and ensuring the safety of personnel (removing people from the dangerous area, disconnecting the damaged section of the pipeline, reducing the pressure in the supply pipelines to zero; removing steam from the room, etc.); operation of other boilers (units) with the maximum possible load; start-up of backup boilers; determining the cause of the accident and providing conditions for repair work

27. Sharp reduction in feed water consumption to 30% of nominal and below

A sharp decrease in the total consumption of feedwater and by stream; reduction of water pressure behind the RPK; reducing water pressure in front of the built-in valve (for once-through boilers); reducing the water level in the drum; position indicator (UP) of the RPK at “zero”, discrepancy in readings of water and steam flow meters; increasing the pressure in the supply pipeline after the feed pumps and before the RPK

Spontaneous closure of the PKK

Emergency shutdown of the boiler (unit) if it is impossible to open the RPK manually within 30 s (for direct-flow boilers) or the water level in the drum decreases; opening of RPK bypasses; operation of other units with the maximum possible load, start-up of backup boilers; determining the cause of the accident and providing conditions for repair work

28. Sharp reduction in feed water consumption to 30% of nominal and below

A sharp decrease in the total consumption of feedwater and by stream; reduction of feed water pressure in front of the boiler behind the RPK and in front of the built-in valve (for a once-through boiler); lighting (blinking) of a green light on the mimic diagram or on the control panel of the feed pump; a decrease in the water level in the drum, a discrepancy in the readings of water and steam flow meters, an increase in the temperature of the medium along the once-through boiler path

Disabling the feed pump

Damage to boiler heating surfaces

Switching on the backup pump; emergency shutdown of the boiler (unit) in case of failure to turn on the backup pump via ATS; operation of other boilers (units) with the maximum possible load; start-up of backup boilers; identifying and eliminating the cause of the pump shutdown

29. A sharp decrease in steam pressure behind the boiler

A sharp decrease in steam pressure behind the boiler and in front of the turbine; strong impact and noise in the area of ​​the rupture; dumping the active load of the turbogenerator; reduction of steam consumption in front of the turbine; reduction of pressure in the boiler drum; reducing the temperature of fresh steam behind the boiler; increase in reheat steam temperature, increase in water level in the drum

Main steam line rupture

Damage to auxiliary equipment due to steam jet, threat to personnel safety

Emergency shutdown of the boiler (unit); implementation of measures aimed at localizing accidents and ensuring personnel safety (removing people from the danger zone, disconnecting a damaged steam line, reducing the pressure in the boiler and steam line to zero); operation of other boilers (units) with the maximum possible load; start-up of backup boilers; determining the cause of the accident and providing conditions for repair work

30. A sharp decrease in steam pressure behind the boiler

A sharp decrease in steam pressure behind the boiler and in front of the turbine; loud noise in the boiler room; lighting of the red signal lamp for pulse activation safety valve(IPK); reduction of pressure in the drum; dumping the active load of the turbogenerator; reduction of steam consumption; reducing the steam temperature behind the boiler and in front of the turbine; increase in reheat steam temperature, increase

Spontaneous opening of the pulse safety valve on the boiler

Emergency shutdown of the boiler (unit)

Closing the IPC remotely or locally: transferring the boiler to the firing load; work from other boilers with the maximum possible load; restoration of the original load. If it is impossible to close the IPC, shut down the boiler by order of the chief engineer of the power plant

34. Reducing the temperature of the fresh steam of the drum boiler to the first protection limit

Reducing the steam temperature behind the boiler and along the superheating path; increasing the water level at all water indicators; board lights up " High level in the boiler drum", reducing the steam temperature

Boiler drum refilling

Moisture entering the turbine, damage to the turbine flow path, emergency shutdown of the boiler (unit)

Performing operations to reduce the water level in the drum, opening an emergency release when the water level in the drum rises to the first limit; reducing feedwater consumption, increasing the unit load to the nominal value, eliminating valve leaks, eliminating malfunctions of automatic power supply and RPK. When the water level in the drum rises to the second limit (if the protection fails), an emergency shutdown of the boiler and shutdown of the turbine

35. Reducing the temperature of the fresh steam of the drum boiler to the first protection limit

Reducing the steam temperature behind the boiler and along the superheating path; The “Steam Temperature Decrease” indicator lights up

Malfunction automatic control final injection valve

Emergency shutdown of the turbine (unit)

Transition to remote control; eliminating the defect, restoring the boiler to normal temperature conditions

36. Reducing the temperature of the fresh steam of the drum boiler to the first protection limit

Reducing the steam temperature behind the boiler and along the superheating path; the “Steam Temperature Decrease” display lights up; drop in ammeter readings of two mill fans (MV) to zero; The “MV shutdown” display lights up, the green lights of the dust feeders blink

Disabling two mill fans (APF triggered)

Reducing block load

Performing operations to maintain the operability of the boiler (unloading the boiler, turning on all additional nozzles), operating other units with the maximum possible load, finding out the reasons for turning off the MV, troubleshooting and putting the MV and dust preparation system back into operation

37. A sharp decrease in pressure in the hot reheat pipeline of one stream, accompanied by the sudden appearance of loud noise

A sharp decrease in steam pressure in the hot reheat pipeline, the sudden appearance of a sharp noise, a decrease in pressure in the cold reheat pipeline, a decrease in the active load on the turbogenerator, a decrease in the temperature of the hot reheat steam

Hot reheat pipeline rupture

Damage to auxiliary equipment at the rupture site, threat to personnel safety

Emergency shutdown of the boiler (unit), implementation of measures to localize the accident (removing people from the danger zone, disconnecting the damaged steam line, reducing the pressure to zero in the steam line, removing steam from the room, etc.); operation of other boilers with the maximum possible load, switching on backup boilers; determining the cause of the accident and providing conditions for repair work

38. Reduced steam output of pulverized coal boilers

Deviation of the heat load regulator readings, a significant increase in the rotation speed of the dust feeders on the SBR indicator (stepless control station), unstable readings of the oxygen meters, a decrease in the steam output of the boiler, a decrease in the dust level in the bunker

Receipts of poor quality fuel

Reducing the load of the blocks, deteriorating the combustion mode to the ground

Supply of reserve fuel (fuel oil, gas) for lighting, operation of other boilers with the maximum possible load, start-up of stopped boilers; reduction of dust temperature behind the mill within acceptable limits to increase mill productivity

39. Reduced steam output of pulverized coal boilers

The signs are the same as in paragraph 38. Additional signs: coal sticking in the bunker and in the fuel transfer units

Input of wet fuel

Deep reduction of block load

The same as in paragraph 38. Additionally, taking measures to eliminate coal sticking in bunkers and fuel transfer units

40. Reducing the water level in the boiler drum to the lower permissible limit

A decrease in the water level in the drum according to level gauges, the appearance of pressure and sudden noise in the furnace, the “display” lights up Low level water in the drum"

Screen pipe rupture

Damage to boiler heating surfaces, threat to personnel safety

Taking measures to ensure personnel safety (cessation of work, removal of people from the danger zone, strengthening control over the water level in the drum, combustion mode and temperature level of the boiler; emergency shutdown of the boiler); operation of other boilers with the maximum possible load

41. Reducing the water level in the boiler drum to the lower permissible limit

A decrease in the water level in the drum according to level gauges, a decrease in feed water consumption, the “Low water level in the drum” indicator lights up, a decrease in feed water pressure after the RPK

Malfunction of the power regulator valve (jamming, gearbox failure, etc.)

Emergency reduction of water level in the drum, damage to the heating surfaces of the boiler

Taking measures to increase the water level in the drum, opening the bypasses of the power supply unit, turning on the backup PEN, unloading the boiler; identifying the cause and taking corrective action; operation of other boilers with the maximum possible load; restoration of original load

42. Extinguishing of the torch of a pulverized coal boiler operating on fuel oil

A sharp drop in fuel oil pressure behind the control valve and in the main fuel oil pipeline, a sharp decrease in fuel oil consumption, and the appearance of a fuel oil leak

Main fuel oil pipeline rupture

Impossibility of lighting boilers in the absence of starting fuel, deterioration of the combustion mode due to the release of liquid slag at reduced loads without fuel oil illumination, fire of fuel oil at the rupture site

Organization of measures aimed at localizing the accident (switching off the fuel oil pumping station, disconnecting the damaged fuel oil pipeline, taking fire safety measures), operating other boilers with the maximum possible load, finding out the reasons for the rupture of the fuel oil pipeline, providing conditions for repair work

43. Extinguishing of the torch of a pulverized coal boiler operating on fuel oil

A sharp drop in fuel oil pressure behind the control valve, a sharp decrease in fuel oil consumption to the boiler, and the appearance of a fuel oil leak in front of the boiler

Rupture of the fuel oil pipeline of the boiler fuel oil ring

Organization of measures aimed at localizing the accident (switching off the damaged area, taking fire safety measures), operating other boilers with the maximum possible load, identifying the causes of the rupture and providing conditions for repair work

44. A sharp increase in pressure in the firebox

The arrow of the “Vacuum at the top of the furnace” device deviates to the right until it stops, the ammeter readings of the smoke exhauster drop to zero, the green signal light of the smoke exhauster lights up (flashes) on the mimic diagram or remote control, the light displays “Switching off the smoke exhauster” and “Pressure in the furnace” light up

Disabling one of the two working smoke exhausters

Emergency shutdown of the boiler (unit)

Reducing the boiler load to 50 - 60% of the nominal; operation of other boilers with the maximum possible load; start-up of backup boilers; identifying and eliminating the cause of the smoke exhauster shutdown; starting the smoke exhauster and restoring the original load

45. A sharp increase in pressure in the furnace

The arrow of the “Vacuum at the top of the furnace” instrument deviates to the right until it stops, the light display “Pressure at the top of the furnace” lights up, the position indicator of the guide vane of the smoke exhauster is at zero; sharp decrease in hot air temperature

Spontaneous closing of the exhaust fan guide vane

Reducing the boiler load to a value that ensures normal vacuum in the furnace; operation of other boilers with the maximum possible load, identifying and eliminating the reason for the closure of the guide vane; restoration of original load

46. ​​A sharp increase in pressure in the firebox

The arrow of the “Vacuum at the top of the furnace” instrument deviates to the right until it stops, the “Pressure in the furnace” display lights up, the green signal light of the gate in front of the RVP lights up on the mnemonic diagram or remote control; reduction of hot air temperature

Spontaneous closing of gas valves in front of the RVP of a monoblock boiler

Emergency shutdown of the boiler (unit)

Disabling one DC and DV; reducing the boiler load to 50 - 60% of the nominal value; operation of other boilers with the maximum possible load, identifying and eliminating the reason for closing the gate; starting DS and DV and restoring the original load

47. A sharp increase in vacuum in the furnace

Deviation to the right until the arrow of the “Vacuum at the top of the furnace” device stops; the DV ammeter readings drop to zero; lighting (blinking) of the green DV light on the mimic diagram or remote control; The light display “Disconnection of DV” lights up

Disabling one of the two working blower fans

Unloading the boiler to 50 - 60% of the nominal; operation of other boilers with the maximum possible load, start-up of reserve boilers; identifying and eliminating the cause of the DV shutdown, starting the DV and restoring the original load

48. A sharp increase in vacuum in the furnace

Deviation to the left until the arrow of the “Vacuum at the top of the furnace” device stops; deviation of the arrow of the position indicator of the DV guide vane to zero, a sharp increase in the temperature of the flue gases

Spontaneous closing of the guide vane of one blower fan

The same goes for finding out the reason for closing the guide vane.

49. A sharp increase in vacuum in the furnace

Deviation to the left until the arrow of the “Vacuum at the top of the furnace” device stops; the green signal light of the air damper behind the RVP lights up; sharp increase in flue gas temperature

Spontaneous closing of the air damper behind the RVP of the monoblock boiler

The same as in paragraph 47 and finding out the reason for closing the gate

50. Increase in flue gas temperature

A sharp increase in the temperature of the flue gases, a sharp decrease in the temperature of the hot air, the “RVP shutdown” display lights up, the green signal light for RVP shutdown flashes on the mimic diagram, the appearance of pressure in the furnace

Disabling one of the two working RVP of the monoblock boiler

Reduced unit load, damage and failure

Disabling DV and DS. Unloading the boiler to 50 - 60% of the nominal, operating other boilers with the maximum possible load, mobilizing reserve power (starting reserve boilers), turning on the RVP and restoring the original load

51. Increase in flue gas temperature

Increase in flue gas temperature and hot air temperature; reducing the temperature difference: air at the outlet, gases at the inlet to the RAH; the appearance of smoke from RVP hatches; redness of the casing of the RVP body

Ignition of deposits in RVP

Damage and failure of the RVP and other boiler equipment

Emergency shutdown of the boiler (unit), taking measures to extinguish the fire, blocking the boiler along the gas-air path, turning on the fire extinguishing system, turning on the RVP water cleaning apparatus, calling the fire brigade, connecting fire hoses, operating other boilers with the maximum possible load, turning on backup boilers; determining the cause of the fire and providing conditions for eliminating the consequences of the fire

52. Increase in flue gas temperature

An increase in the temperature of the flue gases and the temperature of the gases behind the water economizer, the opening of the guide vanes of the smoke exhausters, the appearance of pressure in the furnace, knocking out flue gases through hatches and leaks in the firebox, knocking out flue gases from the RVP and leaks in the flue ducts behind the boiler

Ignition of deposits in a convective shaft

Damage and failure of the boiler and auxiliary equipment

Emergency shutdown of the boiler (unit), taking measures to extinguish the fire (turning on the fire extinguishing system, calling the fire brigade, supplying steam to purge the nozzles into the firebox, connecting fire hoses and supplying water through hatches into the convection shaft, turning on the RVP water cleaning apparatus); operation of other boilers with the maximum possible load; mobilization of reserve power (switching on reserve boilers); determining the cause of the fire and providing conditions for eliminating the consequences of the fire

53. A sharp decrease in the temperature of hot air behind the RAH

The indicator “Disconnection or malfunction of the RVP” lights up; The green RVP light comes on (blinking)

Disabling one of the two operating RVP boilers

Reducing the block load. Damage and failure of the RVP

Disabling the corresponding DV and DS. Unloading the boiler to 50 - 60% of the rated load, taking measures to prevent the RVP from jamming (periodically turning the RVP manually); loading other boilers; turning on the RVP and restoring the original load

58. Emergency transition from gas to fuel oil in case of sudden limitation of gas supply to boilers

A sharp decrease in gas pressure in front of the boilers to a level exceeding its protection activation setting; a sharp reduction in gas consumption for boilers; reduction in the steam output of drum boilers, reduction in parameters along the duct of once-through boilers, a sharp decrease in the temperature of the flue gases in the rotary chamber

Malfunction and unreliable operation of hydraulic fracturing gas pressure regulators

Partial load shedding of the power plant. Complete power plant load shedding without or with loss of electrical and steam auxiliary needs

Immediate unloading of operating gas boilers; transfer of boilers to combustion of fuel oil from fuel oil pipelines in reserve; turning on additional fuel oil pumps and increasing the temperature of the fuel oil to the nominal temperature; launch of reserve boilers using fuel oil; operation of units with the maximum possible load, taking measures to restore the functionality of hydraulic fracturing pressure regulators

59. Emergency transition from gas to fuel oil in case of sudden cessation of gas supply to boilers

A sharp decrease in gas pressure in front of the boilers to the protection level; sharp reduction in gas consumption; reduction of steam output of drum boilers; reduction of parameters along the duct of once-through boilers; sharp decrease in gas temperature in the rotating chamber

Complete power plant load shedding without or with loss of MV power

Monitoring the actions of protections for emergency shutdown of units; immediate ignition of stopped boilers and start-up of fuel oil-fired units. Turning on additional fuel oil pumps and increasing the temperature of the fuel oil to the nominal temperature; lighting of reserve boilers using fuel oil; operation of units with the maximum possible load; taking measures to restore the functionality of hydraulic fracturing pressure regulators

2.4. Emergency situations at a power plant due to disruptions in the operation of turbine equipment

Topic name

Characteristics of the emergency

Tasks of operational personnel


Possible causes

Possible consequences

60. Irregularities in the operation of the direct-flow technical water supply system

Drop in water level in the supply channels of the coastal pumping station (BPS), drop in water pressure in front of the condensers, load fluctuations circulation pumps, vacuum reduction

Clogging of rough turbine water intake screens in front of the BPS with ice

Unloading the blocks and turning off one circulation pump per block, closing the drain valve and turning on the ejector of the working circulation water line for permanent operation, turning on all the ejectors of the turbine unit, attracting repair personnel to mechanically clean the coarse grates, opening hot water recirculation on the suction side of the BNS

61. Irregularities in the operation of direct-flow technical water supply systems

Increased water drop on rotating screens, drop in water pressure in front of condensers, fluctuations in the load of circulation pumps, breakdown of siphons in drain circulation water lines, decrease in vacuum

Clogging rotating BNS grids with sludge

Damage to circulation pumps, vacuum drop, unit shutdown

Inclusion of all rotating screens in continuous operation, supply of hot water to them and continuous cleaning with available means; unloading of blocks by vacuum, when individual rotating grids become jammed, stopping the corresponding circulation pumps; activation of all ejectors of the turbine vacuum system and condenser drain chambers; monitoring the operation of oil coolers and generator cooling systems, switching them to backup supply if necessary industrial water. Periodic turning on and off of stopped circulation pumps to supply heated water to the suction chambers of the pumps

62. Irregularities in the operation of the direct-flow technical water supply system

Decrease in water pressure in front of the condenser, decrease in vacuum, flooding of premises

Rupture of the pressure circulation water line or circulation water collector

Vacuum drop, rapid unloading or unit shutdown

Disconnection of the damaged section of the collector; turning off the circulation pump operating on a damaged section of the collector or on a damaged circulation water line; unloading units to reduce the supply of circulating water, transferring circulating water consumers to a backup source

63. Irregularities in the operation of the direct-flow technical water supply system

Failure of the siphons of the drain circulation water lines, an increase in oil temperatures after oil coolers and gas in the generator, a decrease in vacuum, an increase in the pressure of circulating water in front of one of the condenser halves

Clogging with sludge and rupture of the rotating nets of the BNS

Clogged condenser tube sheets, vacuum drop, unit shutdown

Unloading the unit by vacuum, turning off (for cleaning the tube sheet) that half of the condenser in front of which the pressure of the circulating water has noticeably increased

71. Irregularities in the operation of the heat supply system

Overflow of heating plant heaters due to leaks in the pipe system. Jamming of rotary diaphragms of district heating extractions

Disruption of normal operation of the heating plant

Damage to the main equipment of the turbine plant

Shutdown of the damaged heating installation, transfer of heat consumers to backup sources

72. Damage to the turbine unit

Increase in axial displacement and relative expansion of the turbine rotor, temperature of the thrust bearing pads, temperature of the oil at the drain from the bearing

Damage to the turbine thrust bearing

Destruction of the thrust bearing and turbine rotor

Operations for emergency shutdown of a unit with vacuum failure

73. Damage to the turbine unit

A sudden sharp increase in vibration of one or more turbine bearings and an increase in the hardness of the condensate in the condenser

Damage to low pressure turbine rotor blades

Damage to turbine rotor and bearings

74. Violation of normal operation of the turbine regeneration system

A rapid increase in the water level in one of the high pressure pumps when the unit is operating at rated load. Failure to trigger the protection “Increasing the level in the MDV-1 limit”

Leaking heater pipe system

Throwing water into the turbine, damaging it

75. Malfunctions in the operation of the condensing unit

The appearance of leaks in the vacuum system

76. Malfunctions in the operation of the condensing unit

Rapid drop in vacuum according to the readings of the main and backup instruments

Reducing circulation water consumption

Emergency stop of the unit. Damage to low pressure turbine rotors

Unloading the block by vacuum. Identifying and eliminating the cause of the vacuum drop

77. Malfunctions in the operation of the condensing unit

Violation of normal operation of ejectors

78. Rupture of the oil line in the area of ​​the turbine bearing. Oil ignition

Drop in oil pressure. Signs of a fire

Vibration and rupture of the oil line, ignition of oil that gets on hot surfaces

Damage to the turbine unit. Fire spread to turbine oil tank

Stopping the unit with vacuum failure. Fire extinguishing. Operations to eliminate oil leaks and localize the fire zone

79. Malfunctions in the turbine oil system

Reduced oil level in the turbine oil tank

Clogged oil tank screens. Interblock oil flows along communication lines. The appearance of leaks in the oil system

Block stop. Fire

Identifying and eliminating the cause of a decrease in the oil level in the oil tank, adding oil to the oil tank, and if necessary, stopping the turbine unit

80. Malfunctions in the turbine oil system

Drop in oil pressure in the turbine lubrication system

Malfunctions of the drain valve, oil pumps and their AVR. Leakage of check valves of backup or emergency oil pumps

Emergency stop of the unit. Damage to turbine bearings

Identifying and eliminating the cause (adjusting the drain valve, checking the operation of oil pumps and, if necessary, turning on backup ones). If it is impossible to eliminate the cause, the unit stops

81. Malfunctions in the turbine oil system

Increase in oil temperature in the lubrication system, after oil coolers

Reduced flow of cooling water to oil coolers, clogging of oil coolers

Checking the contamination of oil coolers, filters and cleaning them. Increased cooling water consumption. Stop the unit if necessary

82. Malfunctions in the oil systems

Increased oil temperature at the drain of one or more bearings

Clogged oil supply lines. Damage to Babbitt bearings

Visual inspection of oil drainage from bearings. Monitoring the operating parameters of the turbine unit, if necessary, stopping the unit with vacuum failure

83. Deterioration in the quality of the distillate supplied to the stators of one, two or more generators

Decline resistivity distillate below the permissible value

Contamination of the distillate during the regeneration of BOU anion exchange filters due to loose closure of the valves after the filters

Emergency shutdown of turbogenerators

Elimination of saline water leaks into the demineralized water circuit. Stopping the UPC pumps, powering the condensers and generator cooling systems with demineralized water directly from the water supply unit. Enhanced water exchange of generator stator cooling systems with demineralized water. If the resistivity of the distillate decreases below the permissible value, stop the turbogenerator to completely replace the distillate in the cooling system, followed by starting the unit

84. Stopping the supply of demineralized water from the water treatment plant to recharge the blocks

Increasing the salt content of make-up water supplied to the state district power plant. After the replenishment is stopped, the water level in the deaerators of the blocks decreases

Connecting a source of raw source water with high salt content to the VPU

Limitations in replenishment with demineralized water. Termination of starting operations on blocks. Unloading blocks

Maximum reduction of condensate losses. Identification and elimination of the causes of increased salinity of chemically demineralized water

85. Fire in the turbine oil tank

Flame appears on the turbine oil tank

Spilled oil fire. Fire spread to turbine oil tank

Shutdown of the power unit, spread of the fire to adjacent equipment and power units

Stopping the power unit with vacuum failure, displacing hydrogen from the generator with carbon dioxide or releasing it into the atmosphere, emergency draining of oil from the turbine oil tank. Calling the fire department and extinguishing the fire yourself

2.5. Emergency situations due to failures of control system elements

Topic name

Characteristics of the emergency

Tasks of operational personnel


Possible causes

Possible consequences

86. False activation of protection to increase the level to the P limit of the PVD

Triggering of the emergency process alarm “Level increase in PVD-P limit.” Shutdown of the power unit

Erroneous actions of CTAI personnel during preventive checks of protection

Emergency shutdown of the power unit from the network

Monitoring the operation of the power unit shutdown protection. Identification and elimination of the cause of the accident. Carrying out preparatory operations for starting up the power unit

87. Failure of elements of the information-measuring lubrication system of the turbine unit

Drop in oil pressure in the turbogenerator lubrication system to the protection activation settings. Disabling the main oil pumps and not turning on the backup ones via ATS. Triggering of an alarm, shutdown of the turbogenerator

Failure of oil pressure sensors in the lubrication system

Triggering of protections to shut down the power unit

Control of protection activation. Determining and eliminating the cause of failure. Preparing equipment for start-up

88. Failure of the main control feed valve remote control system

Alarm triggered, control feed valve position changed

Defects in the voltage supply circuits to the control feed valve

Uncontrolled change in feedwater flow. Damage to boiler heating surfaces. Triggering of automatic protections

Identification and elimination of the cause of the accident. Restoring the original mode

89. Failure in the control circuits of the blower fan motor

The alarm “Blower fan switched off”, “Vacuum in the furnace” is triggered, the DV ammeter readings drop to “0”, the arrow of the device “Vacuum at the top of the furnace” deviates to the right until it stops.

Defects in the blower fan motor control circuit

Triggering of protections to reduce the power unit load to 50%

Control of protection activation. Stabilization of 50% load. Identification and elimination of the cause of the accident. Restoring the power unit load

90. False activation of BROU blocking

The alarm “Reduced steam pressure” is triggered, the red signal light BROU lights up on the mimic diagram or remote control; steam pressure drop; reduction of active load

False activation of blocking for automatic switching on of BROU due to defects in the measurement system

Reducing the block load; transferring the boiler to the firing load

Forced closure of BROU. Identification and elimination of the cause of failure. Restoring the block load

91. False operation of the fuel regulator with failure of the lock to monitor the serviceability of the regulator

The “fuel oil pressure is low” alarm is triggered. Instrumentation devices for flow and pressure record a decrease in the measured parameters, the green light on the fuel regulator control unit comes on

Failure in the fuel regulator task generation circuits

Emergency boiler shutdown

Disabling the regulator; forced opening of the control valve. Restore original mode. Identifying and eliminating the cause of the accident

2.6. Emergency situations due to natural phenomena

Topic name

Characteristics of the emergency

Tasks of operational personnel


Possible causes

Possible consequences

92. Flooding of a flood pumping station during a rainstorm

Rising water level

Long rainfall over the power plant area

Cessation of ash and slag removal, damage to electric motors of sump pumps, shutdown of boilers (units), reduction of power plant load

Calling maintenance personnel and the fire brigade to pump out water using mobile pumps. In case of flooding of the flood pumping station, transfer of the power plant to reserve fuel

93. Destruction of an ash dump dam during an earthquake

Pulp breakthrough through the dam

Consequences of the earthquake

Stopping ash and slag removal, reducing power plant load, environmental pollution

Carrying out actions in accordance with the operational plan for eliminating accidents at the ash dump, approved by the chief engineer of the power plant

94. Turbine shutdown during earthquake

Oscillations of the building and the appearance of a signal about the activation of turbine protection due to the axial displacement of the rotor

Turbine unit foundation vibrations

Power plant load reduction

Increased load on power units remaining in operation. Listening to the turbine for any interference and starting the stopped unit from hot standby or taking the turbine out for repair

95. Medium earthquakes

Buildings shaking, large cracks appearing in walls, glass falling out

Increase in the volume of destruction with repeated shocks. Damage and shutdown of power unit equipment, power plant shutdown, loss of life

Giving orders to personnel working outside the control room to leave the premises. Return of personnel to their workplaces 10 minutes after the cessation of shocks and in the absence of new shocks. Inspecting all equipment and taking measures to start it up

96. Strong earthquake

Strong vibrations of buildings, the appearance of large cracks and destruction of walls, falling of ceiling slabs

Damage to main and auxiliary equipment, failure of the entire power plant, loss of life

Emergency shutdown of all power units, complete shutdown of the power plant. Removal of all personnel from premises to open areas

97. Damage to a reservoir dam during a flood

A sharp decrease in water level in the reservoir

Dam break during flood

Limiting or stopping the supply of cooling water, reducing the load of the power plant or stopping it, flooding the area behind the dam, causing economic damage

Carrying out actions in accordance with the operational plan of the commission for the passage of floods

98. Hurricane

The appearance of wind at a speed of 25 - 30 m/s

Breaks and short circuits on overhead lines, deformation and fall of supports, violation of the density of roofs of buildings and overpasses, falling of lightning rods, tearing of casings and thermal insulation from pipe tanks, occurrence of fires, reduction of load of the power plant or its shutdown

Taking additional safety measures: moving to a safe distance from glazed frames, slate walls and ceilings, turning on electrical equipment that has been turned off without obvious signs of damage. After the hurricane passes, taking measures to restore the power plant's operation

99. Strong hurricane

Increase in wind speed above 35 m/s

Breaks and short circuits on overhead lines, deformation and fall of supports, violation of the density of roofs of buildings and overpasses, falling lightning rods, tearing of casings and thermal insulation from pipelines and tanks, occurrence of fires, reduction of load of the power plant or its shutdown

Inspecting and taking measures to restore equipment and buildings, calling repair personnel, civil defense units and the fire brigade. Restoring the power plant

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ORDER of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 06/21/2000 141 (as amended on 04/18/2001) ON APPROVAL OF THE FEATURES OF WORKING WITH ENERGY PERSONNEL... Relevant in 2018

Emergency and fire drills

33. Emergency training is carried out in order to increase the level of knowledge and the ability of personnel to independently, quickly and technically navigate in the event of emergency conditions on equipment, to clearly apply the instructions of operating instructions, labor protection instructions, rules of technical operation and labor safety.

Emergency training is carried out:

At enterprises of electrical and thermal networks - network-wide, dispatch, district (precinct), individual (for a given workplace);

In boiler rooms - general boiler rooms and individual boiler rooms (for a given workplace).

If there is operational communication between the dispatcher and the duty officers of the districts and sections, questions of a network-wide nature are introduced into the training topics.

Emergency drills are led by:

General network - the chief engineer (his deputy) or the head of the emergency dispatch service (ADS);

Dispatchers - head of ADS (senior dispatcher);

General boiler workers - responsible for the good condition and safe operation of boilers;

District (precinct) - chief (senior dispatcher) of the district ADS;

Individual - specialists appointed by the chief engineer (head of a structural unit).

34. Operational managers, operational and maintenance personnel must participate in emergency training at least once every 3 months.

Other employees from among the managers and specialists of the organization and structural units are invited to conduct and participate in emergency training by decision of the head of the organization or the head of the structural unit.

Repair personnel participate in emergency training; during the training, their readiness to travel to the site of a simulated accident and their ability to quickly repair damage are tested.

During the year, duty dispatchers take part in the preparation and conduct of at least one emergency training in structural units with on-site training.

For single duty personnel and persons who, for any reason, did not participate in scheduled training (vacation, illness, etc.), individual training is allowed.

At new facilities of organizations during the first two years of operation, the number of training sessions may be increased at the discretion of the head of the organization.

For shift personnel in which an accident or work failure occurred due to the fault of operational or operational maintenance personnel, additional training may be assigned by order of the head of the organization.

A thematic schedule of emergency training is drawn up for a year and approved by the chief engineer. In each structural unit, an annual thematic training schedule is drawn up based on the general one for the organization, approved by the corresponding head of the unit.

35. Training topics are compiled taking into account:

Accidents and operational failures that have occurred, possible emergency situations with equipment specified in information and directive materials, as well as personnel actions to comply safe methods labor and elimination of accidents and operational failures;

Existing equipment defects or possible abnormal operating modes of equipment in practice;

Seasonal phenomena that threaten the normal operation of equipment and structures (thunderstorm, ice, flood, etc.);

Commissioning of new, unexploited equipment, circuits and modes.

The topics of emergency drills are not communicated to the personnel participating in them in advance.

36. The training leader must develop a program for organizing and conducting training.

The program should include: the previous mode of operation of the equipment, options for solving the training problem, placement of supervisors, conditioned signals, designations (tags, posters) and communication procedures. For each topic for controlled persons must be developed and approved by the chief engineer of the organization routing sequence of work.

37. Persons participating in training are required to comply with safety regulations. They are prohibited from carrying out any operations on operating equipment or touching mechanisms and control equipment (keys, switches, gate drives, valves, etc.).

Posters and tags used during training must comply with the requirements of the safety regulations and differ in shape and color from the corresponding posters used in operation.

Training posters with the name of the operation can be hung on the mechanisms and equipment control equipment during the training; after training, all training posters must be removed and put away.

38. At the end of the training, its leader must conduct an analysis of the actions with an assessment of the overall results of the training and the individual actions of its participants; the results are reflected in the journal with a general assessment of the training, comments on the actions of its participants.

Persons who made mistakes during training, according to the conclusion of its leader, are required to undergo additional instruction or unscheduled individual training. If the actions of the majority of training participants received an unsatisfactory assessment, then training on the same topic is carried out a second time over the next 10 days, and the repeated training is not taken into account as planned.

Persons who receive an unsatisfactory assessment of their actions during repeated training are not allowed to work independently; they must undergo training and knowledge testing.

39. Fire training is carried out for the purposes of:

Systematic testing of the ability of personnel to independently, quickly and correctly navigate and act in the event of a fire at the facility;

Developing clear methods for eliminating fire situations at the facility in accordance with fire safety rules;

Checking the interaction of personnel and their ability to coordinate their actions;

Training personnel in fire prevention methods and techniques.

40. Fire training is carried out with operational managers, operational and operational maintenance personnel at least once every 3 months.

At least once every 6 months, workers of other categories are invited to participate in fire drills. Fire drills are managed by: the head of the organization (overall - by organization), the head of a structural unit (by division). Local fire authorities must be notified of the planned dates for training, and at the discretion of these authorities, representatives of these authorities may participate in them as observers.

The results of fire training are recorded in a log indicating the nature of the training.

41. By decision of the head of the organization, fire drills can be combined with emergency drills.



RD 34.12.201-88

SO 153-34.12.201-88


Moscow 1989

DEVELOPED by the enterprise "Yuzhtekhenergo", Production Association for setting up, improving technology and operating power plants and networks "Soyuztekhenergo" CONTRACTORS N.S. DOLGONOSOV, A.G. TUMANOV, L.M. SLONEVSKAYA (Yuzhtekhenergo), A.S. ZVEREV (MGP "Soyuztechenergo") APPROVED by the State Inspectorate for the Operation of Power Plants and Networks 08/12/88. Chief Engineer A.D. SHCHERBAKOV


RD 34.12.201-88

Expiration date set

until 01/01/94

These Rules establish the procedure for preparing, conducting and reviewing emergency drills in the workplace using modern technical training tools. The rules apply to the personnel of joint dispatching departments, dispatching departments of power systems and energy enterprises. With the release of these Rules, the “Unified methodology for preparing and conducting emergency training exercises for personnel of power plants and networks” (Moscow: STSNTI ORGRES, 1972) is canceled.


1.1. Emergency training (hereinafter referred to as training) is one of the mandatory forms of industrial and technical training and advanced training of operating personnel of power plants, joint dispatching departments, dispatching departments of power systems, electrical and heat networks. 1.2. The training is aimed at solving the following tasks: testing the ability of personnel to independently and on the basis of collective actions of shift personnel to prevent the development of accidents, in the best way to ensure their elimination; provision of first aid and release of the victim from the effects of electric current (qualification control); ensuring the formation or restoration of skills in making operational decisions and operating in a difficult security environment in conditions of limited time for solving management problems (training); identification of necessary organizational and technical measures aimed at improving the work of personnel and increasing the reliability of equipment (recommendations). 1.3. Training is carried out in the form of a game with the reproduction of violations in the operation of equipment, imitation of operational activities to eliminate an emergency situation, and assessments of these activities. 1.4. The main actors during the training are the training leader, training participants and intermediaries performing organizational and supervisory functions. 1.5. The effectiveness of training depends on the quality of its preparation, the degree of proximity of the reproduced accident situation to the working one, the reliability of assessments of the activities of the training participants and the quality of the training analysis. Achievement best results training requires good organization and rational use of means and methods of their implementation. 1.6. The accumulated experience of conducting training in accordance with the current “Unified methodology for preparing and conducting emergency training exercises for personnel of power plants and networks” (Moscow: STSNTI ORGRES, 1972) shows that in the practice of energy enterprises there is a high level of conditionality of training activities and subjectivity in the organization of current control and evaluation of results, this is caused mainly by the impossibility of real actions on operating equipment and the low level of mechanization and automation of training. Minimizing and completely eliminating these shortcomings is possible by using new technical training tools in training (simulators, automated computer-based training systems with automatic control functions, training grounds, etc.), algorithmic descriptions of operational activities (action plans, situation assessment trees , observation maps). 1.7. These Rules are drawn up taking into account the existing positive experience of leading energy enterprises, as well as the requirements of the current “Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks” (M.: Energia, 1977), “Standard instructions for the prevention and elimination of accidents at thermal power plants. TI 34-66-061-87" (M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1987), "Basic scientific and technical requirements for the creation of an industry-wide system for training operating personnel of energy enterprises using technical means" (M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1987), "Instructions on the construction of a complex of training and training systems for training operating personnel of power units of thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, power grid enterprises, power systems and associations" (Moscow: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1986). 1.8. It is recommended to combine emergency drills with fire drills. The organization of combined emergency and fire drills, as well as fire drills that are carried out separately, must comply with the requirements of the “Instructions for organizing fire drills at energy enterprises and in organizations of the USSR Ministry of Energy” (Appendix to Order of the USSR Ministry of Energy No. 267 dated July 23, 1984). The fire extinguishing leader, along with the training leader, training participants and intermediaries, takes part in the emergency training combined with the fire drill.


2.1. Emergency training should be carried out in joint dispatch control departments (UDD), in dispatch control departments (DU) of power systems, at power plants, in electrical and thermal networks. In Fig. 1 presents the main types of emergency training, indicating the location of their implementation. 2.2. The ODU conducts inter-system and dispatch training. An intersystem training is considered to be one in which emergency situations are common to the equipment of several power systems and in which, together with the ODU dispatcher, the personnel directly subordinate to him or her at least three facilities participate. A control room in an ODU is considered to be a training session that provides for the participation in the liquidation of an emergency situation only by ODU dispatchers. 2.3. System-wide and dispatcher trainings are conducted at power systems control rooms. A system-wide training is considered to be one in which an emergency situation covers the equipment of a certain section of the power system with power plants, network enterprises (districts), substations and other facilities located in it, and in which, together with the power system dispatcher, personnel directly subordinate to him in at least four areas participate. Dispatcher training in the power system control room is considered to be a training session that provides for the participation of only power system dispatchers in the liquidation of an emergency situation. 2.4. At power plants, plant-wide, block and shop training is conducted.

Rice. 1. Types of emergency training

A plant-wide training is considered to be one in which an emergency situation covers the equipment of at least half of the existing workshops connected by a single technological process for the production of thermal and electrical energy and in which the operating personnel of these workshops participate together with the duty engineer of the power plant. A block training is considered to be one in which an emergency situation covers the equipment of one unit and in which the participation of all operating personnel of the unit is provided. Workshop training is considered to be training that is carried out with the personnel of one workshop. Shop training can be carried out simultaneously with the staff of the entire workshop shift or alternately with the staff of individual workplaces. Operating personnel from another workshop, whose equipment is connected with the equipment of this workshop, may be involved in workshop training. 2.5. In electrical networks, network-wide, dispatch, district, precinct, and substation trainings are carried out. In heating networks, network-wide, dispatch, and regional trainings are carried out. Network-wide training is considered to be one in which an emergency situation covers the equipment of a certain section of the network with the areas (or part thereof), substations and other objects located in it, and in which operational personnel of at least four facilities or areas participate together with the network manager. Dispatching in networks is considered to be a training that involves the participation in the elimination of an emergency situation of a shift of electrical network (district) dispatchers. A district training is one in which the emergency situation involves the equipment of one region and in which the operating personnel of that region participates. A site training is considered to be a training in which an emergency situation covers the equipment of a site and in which the operational personnel servicing this section of the network participates. Substation training is carried out at substations with operating personnel on constant duty. 2.6. The considered types of emergency training are divided into planned and extraordinary. A planned training is considered to be a training that is carried out in accordance with the annual personnel work plan approved by the management of the enterprise. Extraordinary training is considered to be training that is carried out above the plan by special order of the enterprise management in the following cases: if an accident or failure to work occurs due to the fault of personnel; upon receipt of unsatisfactory grades based on the results of a planned training session; when analyzing individual accidents according to the recommendations of emergency circulars; after vacation or long-term illness of operational workers. 2.7. Depending on the number of participants, training is divided into group and individual. Group training is considered to be emergency training conducted with several participants. Individual training is considered to be one conducted with an individual operational worker. Individual training is carried out in the following cases: with personnel who are allowed to perform independent operational work for the first time after undergoing duplication at the workplace; in case of errors made by operational personnel during work related to turning off and turning on units, mechanisms, switching equipment, when interacting with subsystems of automated process control systems, etc.; after accidents that occurred during start-up, shutdown or equipment failure in normal modes; in case of unsatisfactory grades obtained as a result of individual control and in group training, after vacation, illness, etc. 2.8. According to the method of conducting training, they are divided into: training according to schemes; training with conditional actions of personnel; training with impacts on valves and motor switches on non-working equipment (under repair or taken out of reserve); training using technical personnel training tools; combined training. 2.8.1. Training according to schemes is carried out using technological schemes without indicating the actions at workplaces and equipment, without limiting the time for performing exercises. In such training, staff develop the skills to quickly make the right decisions and issue the necessary orders. Using this method, training should be carried out with senior duty personnel to ensure that they understand the features of the scheme, its flexibility and possibilities for use in emergency response. Scheme training allows us to identify the level of knowledge of the scheme, its features and capabilities, as well as determine the coordination of shift personnel when receiving information and issuing orders. 2.8.2. Training with conditional actions of personnel is carried out in real time and with mandatory access of participants to the places of operations. Using this method, training should be carried out with operational personnel directly servicing production areas. 2.8.3. Training with impacts on valves and motor switches on non-working equipment (under repair or taken out of reserve) is carried out with the aim of practicing and strengthening certain professional techniques among personnel. For example, transferring the generator excitation from the main exciter to the backup one, taking a gas sample from a gas relay, manually turning on switches by jacking, eliminating minor equipment defects, etc. 2.8.4. Training using technical means of personnel training is carried out using simulators, automated computer-based training systems, training grounds based on algorithmic descriptions of operational activities. In such trainings, personnel develop skills in recognizing technological modes, identifying the causes of deviations and violations, planning activities to eliminate deviations and violations, ensuring stable operation of equipment, and developing professional work practices. The advantages of this method are associated with the ability to perform real actions, practice reactions to changes in equipment operating modes in real time, form generalized assessments of the quality of training tasks, automate the recording of training progress, etc. 2.8.5. Combined training allows you to use the advantages of each of the listed methods when solving a selected technological problem. For example, combinations of training on a simulator and conditional actions of personnel at the workplace or using an automated training system, or on a simulator and real actions on equipment put into reserve, etc., are of interest. The effectiveness of combining different types of training is determined by the capabilities of the available training tools and the quality of the unifying combined training program. 2.9. Based on the nature of the relationship with fire drills, emergency drills are divided into combined and separate.


3.1. Each employee from among the operational personnel of control systems of energy systems, power plants, boiler houses, electrical and heating network enterprises must participate in planned emergency drills at least once a quarter. The frequency of group planned emergency training is indicated in Table. 1. 3.2. Inter-system and system training, due to the complexity of their organization, is recommended to be carried out once or twice a year at the discretion of the head of the control department (for inter-system training) and the chief engineer of the power system (for system-wide training). 3.3. Managers, specialists and employees (RS) of power plants and networks who are not operational personnel, but are involved in the production of switching as intermediaries, and with operational and repair personnel, training is carried out each time after checking their knowledge of safety rules (or simultaneously with the check) . 3.4. At new facilities of energy enterprises, during the first two years of operation, the number of training sessions may be increased at the discretion of the enterprise management. 3.5. For shift personnel in which an accident or work failure occurred due to the fault of duty or operational repair personnel, additional training may be assigned by order of the chief engineer of the power plant or network, or the head of the dispatch service, taking into account the mistakes made.

Table 1

Frequency of group planned emergency training


Type of training


for this type of training

for all types of emergency training conducted in this unit

Joint control centers Intersystem Once - twice a year Four times a year with each shift. In addition, each dispatcher must take part in the preparation and conduct of at least one training session with the personnel directly subordinate to him
Control room Two to three times a year with each shift
Power system control rooms System-wide Once - twice a year Four times a year with each shift. In addition, each dispatcher must take part in the preparation and conduct of at least one plant-wide or network-wide training together with the chief engineer of the power plant or network enterprise with on-site training
Control room Two - three times and a year with each shift
Power station Four times a year (fire safety - at least twice a year) with each shift. In addition, each duty engineer (shift supervisor) of the station must take part in the preparation and conduct of at least one workshop training together with the head of the corresponding workshop
Shop Three times a year with each shift (fire-fighting workshops - 1 time a year with each shift)
Four times a year with each shift (fire fighting at least twice a year with each shift) Four times a year (fire safety - at least twice a year) with each shift
Network enterprises Once a year with each shift Four times a year (fire safety - at least twice a year) with each shift. In addition, each network enterprise (district) dispatcher must take part in preparing and conducting at least one training session with subordinate personnel
Control room Three to four times a year with each shift
Three to four times a year (fire fighting - at least twice a year) with each shift


4.1. Emergency training is prepared on the basis of a training schedule, a list of recommended topics, and training programs. 4.2. At each energy enterprise (as well as in the control rooms of power systems and control centers), an annual schedule (Appendix 1) must be drawn up for conducting emergency drills that are of a general nature for the entire enterprise. The annual schedule must be included in the annual personnel work plan and approved by management in accordance with Table. 2. Based on the training schedule of the enterprise (energy system), a training schedule for the structural unit must be drawn up, which additionally includes training that is not related to other units. This schedule is part of the work schedule for the personnel of your department. The division's schedule must be agreed upon with the training and production and technical training engineer, operational inspector engineer, safety engineer and approved by the enterprise management. Every month, for each structural unit of the enterprise (production energy association), as part of the overall monthly work plan of the unit, training schedules are developed taking into account the annual schedule and current production activities. Monthly schedules must be approved by the management of the structural unit. Monthly schedules should indicate: type of training; date of its holding; personnel shift involved; training leader. The training leader is responsible for its preparation and conduct. The person indicated in the table is appointed as the training leader. 2, and in case of absence - his deputy. When conducting systemic, network-wide, district and station-wide trainings from among the persons indicated in table. 2, training leaders at the sites are also appointed.

Types of emergency training and conditions for their implementation

table 2


Type of training

Who approves the program


Method of implementation

Training participants

Joint Dispatch Directorate Intersystem Head of ODU According to the scheme Change of ODU dispatchers together with subordinate personnel
Control room Chief dispatcher of ODU Chief dispatcher of the ODU or head of the dispatch service of the ODU According to the scheme Change of dispatchers
Power system dispatch control System Chief engineer of POEE Chief engineer of POEE or head of dispatch service of POEE According to the scheme Change of power system dispatchers with subordinate personnel
Control room Head of dispatch service POEE Head of the POEE dispatch service or his deputy According to the scheme Power system dispatcher diagram
Power station General station or block (facility fire protection) Chief engineer of the power plant and his deputy Station or block shift personnel
Shop Foreman Head of the workshop or his deputy With conditional and oval actions of personnel Shop shift staff
Power plant with shopless structure General station (on-site fire protection) Chief engineer of the power plant Chief engineer of the power plant With conditional and real actions of personnel Station shift staff
Network enterprises Network-wide or district (on-site fire protection) Chief engineer of a network enterprise (district) Chief engineer or head of the operational dispatch service of a network enterprise (district) With conditional and real actions of personnel Shift personnel of the enterprise networks (district), OVB and ORB
Control room Head of operational dispatch service Head of the UDF According to the scheme Changing network managers (district)
Precinct and substation (on-site fire protection) Head of a section or substation Heads of sections, substations With conditional and real actions of personnel Operating personnel of a network site or substation
When conducting a workshop or site emergency drill, combined with a fire drill, the head of the training is appointed fire extinguishing supervisor (FEM) from among the engineering and technical personnel: for a workshop training - the workshop shift supervisor, for a facility training - the station shift supervisor (dispatcher of the enterprise, network district, duty officer substations). 4.3. When compiling a list of recommended training topics, it is necessary to focus on the recommendations given in the “List of topics for emergency training of operating personnel” (M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1987) taking into account: accidents and cases of operational failures that occurred in power systems, power plants and networks; possible emergency situations on equipment specified in standard instructions and other policy documents on accident prevention; existing equipment defects or possible abnormal operating conditions of a given power plant, network area or energy system; seasonal phenomena that threaten the normal operation of equipment (thunderstorms, ice, transformations, floods, etc.); the possibility of fires in emergency conditions; commissioning of new, unexploited equipment, new electrical and thermal circuits and modes. 4.4. When preparing a training session, the choice of topic should be made by its leader, and the training director can entrust the preparation of the program to another person who has the necessary knowledge and work experience. The training topic should be real in its content and should not be based on schemes and regimes that include many conventions and overlapping accidents. If the training is carried out on a work bench, then it is recommended to take as the initial scheme and mode of operation of the equipment the scheme and mode that should be at the workplace by the time the training begins. In this case, the following should be additionally taken into account: forced changes in equipment operating patterns and modes caused by repair work; availability of staff on site; state of communication (its presence and quality) between objects; design features equipment. 4.5. For the selected training topic, a detailed program for its organization and conduct should be drawn up. The recommended form and example of the program are presented in Appendix 2. The program should indicate the following main indicators of the training: type of training and its topic; date, time, place of training; training method; last name, first name, patronymic, position of the training leader; last name, first name, patronymic, position of fire extinguishing leader (for training combined with fire fighting); list of training participants for each workplace (last name, first name, patronymic of each person); a list of intermediaries indicating the control area, last name, first name, patronymic and position (employees who are well aware of the layout and equipment of the area, as well as the instructions, rights and responsibilities of the persons serving the area, should be appointed as intermediaries, and the number of training participants controlled by one person is determined in each specific case when drawing up the program); the actions of the fire extinguishing leader are controlled by the training leader; the purpose (objective) of the training; conditional time of occurrence of the accident; diagram and mode of operation of the equipment before the accident occurred, indicating deviations from the normal schemes (modes) of operation of the equipment; condition of fire extinguishing equipment (for training combined with fire fighting equipment); causes of the accident, its development and consequences; the cause of the fire, a description of the development of the fire and the operation of automatic fire extinguishing equipment (for training combined with fire fighting); time-balanced description of the optimal sequence of actions of participants in the emergency response training (possible options and their Comparative characteristics ); method of transmitting the introductory part of the training, conditioned signals and messages during the training; the procedure for using communications by training participants; procedure for using additional technical means; a list of required training posters and tags; activity map of each training participant. It is advisable to attach to the program a description of the most likely erroneous actions of training participants with recommendations for assessing the actions of trainees. During the development process, the training program should be discussed with the managers of the sites where the training will be carried out, with the involvement, if necessary, of highly qualified equipment maintenance specialists. The developed program must be signed by the training director. Depending on the type of training, the program is approved by the person indicated in the table. 2. In the absence of this person, his deputies can approve the program. Systemic, network-wide and district training programs must be agreed upon with the managers of participating enterprises. Station-wide training programs must be agreed upon with the heads of participating structural units. 4.6. When conducting emergency drills combined with fire drills, the RSS and work managers of higher organizations of the USSR Ministry of Energy, as well as the central apparatus of the fire safety department, paramilitary security and civil defense of the USSR Ministry of Energy, who are required to take part in the analysis of fire drills and give an assessment, may be present as intermediaries. actions of training participants. 4.7. If the training being prepared will not be carried out at the workplace, then before it begins, you should check the availability and serviceability of the special equipment that will be used during the training process, and the completeness of the necessary documentation. 4.8. When preparing a training session with conditional actions of personnel on equipment, you should check and, if necessary, replenish the previously prepared set of training posters and tags with appropriate inscriptions, through which the switching equipment, shut-off valves, instrument readings, protection devices, alarms, etc. are simulated. The material from which posters and tags are made must comply with safety regulations. They must differ in shape and color from those used in operation, have the inscription “training”, and also have devices for fastening in place (ears, rope loops, miniature magnets, etc.). ). Their size must be such that, when placed on equipment or control devices, they do not interfere with personnel’s work. Some types of recommended posters are given in Appendix 3. 4.9. If the training is carried out at the workplace, then changes in the operation of equipment using posters and tags should be displayed to an extent sufficient to unambiguously determine the cause of the emergency. At the same time, if the required number of posters and tags is so large that their location makes it difficult for the working personnel to act, provision should be made for the production of a special card. The specified card must be handed (presented) to the participant(s) of the training and contain the necessary information in a brief form. 4.10. If the training program for practicing negotiations provides for the use of sound recording equipment, then its installation and check of serviceability must be carried out before the start of the training. 4.11. Before conducting the training, its leader must conduct a preliminary analysis of the program with the training leaders at the sites and with intermediaries, while the procedure for the participants’ actions is clarified and possible mistakes of the trainees are discussed. The topic and program of the training are not communicated to the operating personnel participating in it in advance.


5.1. General instructions

5.1.1. Group training should generally be conducted during off-duty hours. Individual training, with the permission of the head of the relevant department, can be carried out during duty, if this is not prevented by the trainee’s workload and the situation at the workplace. The time spent on emergency and fire safety training is included in the working hours of the trainees. 5.1.2. When conducting training, their topic may include issues related to work in special modes and fire drills, and in enterprises and equipment with increased fire hazard It is recommended to combine fire training with emergency training. 5.1.3. When conducting training, participants must strictly adhere to safety rules. 5.1.4. Immediately before the start of the training, the readiness of technical and training means should be checked, telephone and radio search communication between its participants should be organized, and the training methodology should be clarified in connection with possible changes in the technical means used in comparison with the program, taking into account the peculiarities of training according to schemes, with conditional actions of personnel , with control actions on idle equipment, using technical training tools and combined training. 5.1.5. All types of training begin with an introductory part and end with analysis and summing up.

5.2. Training according to schemes

5.2.1. The following trainings are carried out according to the schemes: inter-system and dispatching control rooms, general-system and dispatching power systems, dispatching electrical and heat networks. 5.2.2. Training according to the schemes can be carried out directly at the workplace or in places adapted for this and having the necessary equipment. To conduct training, trainees must have diagrams of the areas they serve, on which, before starting training, they mark with a pencil the position of switching equipment or shut-off valves, disconnected areas, areas that have deviations from normal operation, etc. at the time before the accident. The facilitator or training leader should have the same diagram. 5.2.3. If training according to the schemes is carried out at workplaces, then it is allowed to use all existing information display and communication means with the adoption of additional measures for non-interference in the technological process and the immediate termination of training at the request of those on duty if the security situation becomes more difficult. 5.2.4. Before the start of the training, the participants are informed of the introductory part, which indicates: the section of the technological diagram on which the emergency situation will be simulated; operating mode preceding the occurrence of an emergency; deviations from the normal pattern; procedure for using communication; time of occurrence of an emergency. If necessary, information about meteorological conditions and seasonal phenomena (flood, ice, thunderstorm, etc.) is provided. 5.2.5. The training begins with messages from intermediaries or training leaders about changes in the regime, equipment shutdowns, and readings from the mnemonic diagram and instruments at the trainees’ workplaces. 5.2.6. Training according to the schemes is carried out in the form of operational negotiations between trainees and with intermediaries, and the latter can negotiate on behalf of persons from the operational personnel serving the site, with the exception of personnel directly involved in the training. Negotiations should be conducted in the same way as they would be conducted in a real work environment, with the exception of on-the-job training where the word “training” is added before the message. 5.2.7. Trainees, receiving messages about changes that occurred as a result of the accident and the actions of personnel to eliminate it, reflect them on the diagram according to which the training is carried out. 5.2.8. Training with a shift of dispatchers consisting of several people is also carried out in the form of operational negotiations between each of the trainees and their intermediary. However, when conducting such training, it is recommended to place the training participants in one room and the facilitators in another. Each participant in the negotiation training must have a direct telephone connection with the person controlling his actions. With this method of conducting training, each of the training dispatchers is provided with information about the development of the accident and the progress of its elimination only for the section of the circuit he serves. A complete picture of the development of events during the training is obtained by summing up the information available to each participant. Such summation should be carried out on general scheme, where those participating in the training note all the changes that occur. 5.2.9. Intersystem and system-wide training can be conducted in one of the following ways: participants in the training are located outside their workplace in the same or different rooms. To conduct a training session, it is necessary to have a telephone connection between the persons participating in the training. Each of the trainees must have a diagram of their area, according to which all operations to eliminate a simulated accident are carried out. The introductory part must be communicated to each trainee, indicating all existing deviations from the normal regime. This information is reported by the training director for all participants at the same time, or it is transmitted by the person who controls the actions of the trainee at his site (in the case of placing training participants in the premises of his own departments). The beginning of the training can be a message from the training leader about a change that has occurred in any area; Those participating in the training are located at their workplaces. To conduct a training session, it is necessary to allocate one communication channel for each place, through which all negotiations related to the training should be conducted. Routine operation of the power system or association at this time must be carried out through other communication channels. If any energy system object (power plant, substation, control center network) has only one communication channel with the power system dispatcher, it is not recommended to involve the personnel of this facility in conducting system-wide training. 5.2.10. In Fig. Figure 2 shows a block diagram of communication means and placement of intermediaries during a system-wide training involving a shift of energy system dispatchers of two people and subordinate personnel of ten objects.

Rice. 2. Structural scheme means of communication and placement of intermediaries during system-wide training:

Training participant; - intermediary, - communication channel; - an intermediary who negotiates on behalf of persons not participating in this training

5.3. Training with conditional actions of personnel

5.3.1. According to the method with conditional actions of personnel, the following types of training are carried out: station-wide, block, workshop, network-wide or district, district and substation, combined. These trainings should be carried out directly at the workplace. 5.3.2. Participants in training must strictly comply with safety regulations during training. It is prohibited to perform any actual operations with the equipment, or to touch the mechanisms and controls of switching equipment and shut-off valves. 5.3.3. If a truly emergency situation occurs at any site or facility, the training must be stopped. 5.3.4. Before the start of training, all working personnel must be informed about this. 5.3.5. Before the start of the training, its participants must leave their workplaces, where the intermediaries (or other persons under their direction) simulate an emergency situation using training posters and tags posted on equipment, controls, devices, protection and alarm devices, which reflect the changes that occurred as a result of the accident. Posters and tags must be hung in such a way that they do not interfere with operating personnel performing operations and observing the readings of instruments and alarm devices. 5.3.6. After the posters and tags are placed, training participants are given an introduction. The introductory part is given by the mediator or the training leader at his site. The introductory part indicates: the operating mode preceding the occurrence of an emergency; deviations from the normal pattern; procedure for using communication; time of occurrence of the accident. 5.3.7. Training participants are allowed into their workplaces only after a signal has been given about its start. Such a signal could be: a message from the training leader to all sections simultaneously by telephone or radio: “Attention participants! The training has begun"; message from intermediaries or training leaders at their sites at the appointed time: “Training has begun!” 5.3.8. When the signal is given to start the training, the persons participating in it must begin to inspect the posters and tags posted on the equipment of their area, and to eliminate the simulated accident. Changing the state of switching equipment and shut-off valves, fixing the light signals of the display and lamps (acknowledgement), control keys must be done using conditional actions by removing and turning over posters and tags, verbally explaining their actions. For example, a trainee must turn on the switch of line A, on the control key of which a “Blinking” poster is posted on the mnemonic diagram with a luminous alarm (in reality, the switch is turned on, and its automatic shutdown according to training conditions is shown using this poster). He goes to the place where the switch control key is located and says: “I acknowledge the control key for line A switch,” and turns over the poster posted on the control key of this switch. On back side The poster should say “Disabled.” Then the trainee continues: “I turn on the switch of line A,” and removes the “Disconnected” sign. If there are no posters on the control key, this means that the position of the switch under the training conditions coincides with its real state. To show that the switch has not turned on for some reason, the intermediary places a “Flashing” sign on his control key. 5.3.9. Intermediaries are required to record all actions of personnel in the trainees' activity cards, interfering with the course of the training only if it is necessary to communicate something to its participants, hang up new posters or tags, remove or turn them over depending on the actions of the personnel. 5.3.10. When conducting emergency drills combined with fire drills, the fire extinguishing supervisor conducts the training according to the program and the instructions of the fire extinguishing supervisor are mandatory for each participant in the training. 5.3.11. During a training session covering several areas, emergency situations at each of them should be changed by mediators using posters, tags, etc., taking into account the actions of the training participants not only in their own area, but also in other areas. This can be achieved by coordinating the activities of the facilitators with the training leader. For this purpose, he must be at the workplace of the operational person in charge of the liquidation of the simulated accident, monitor changes in the situation based on negotiations between training participants and messages from intermediaries and, in turn, inform the latter about the progress of the training as a whole. At the same time, the consistency of the actions of those participating in the training will not be disrupted even in the event of possible mistakes by one of the trainees, which are almost impossible to predict by the program. If it is impossible to coordinate the actions of intermediaries for any reason, then changes in emergency situations in individual areas must be carried out by intermediaries in a sequence pre-established by the program. In this case, it is also necessary to foresee how long after the start of training at a particular workplace the situation needs to be changed. For example, local training is carried out in electrical networks. The personnel of the 110 kV substation “A” (Fig. 3) were given an introductory part about the operation of the differential protection of 110 kV buses, and the personnel of the dead-end substation “B”, powered by the substation “A”, were given an introductory part about the disappearance of voltage. During the training, the personnel of substation “A” inspects the 110 kV buses, separates the damaged section, takes voltage to the 110 kV buses and gives it to substation “B”. The input about the appearance of voltage to the personnel of substation “B” is given by an intermediary either after a message from the training leader located at substation “A”, or after a certain time after the start of the training, pre-provided by the program. In this case, when drawing up a program, it is necessary to determine the time that the personnel of substation “A” should spend on inspecting 110 kV busbars, separating the damaged section and applying voltage to substation “B”. At the same time, some inconsistency in emergency situations in individual areas is possible, caused by deviations from the program during the training process. 5.3.12. It is recommended that negotiations and explanations between trainees and mediators be minimized as much as possible. You should not allow any hints, leading questions, disapproving exclamations or anything that could distract those participating in the training from their direct task of identifying the cause of the accident and eliminating the emergency situation. 5.3.13. When using telephone and radio communications simultaneously for operational and training conversations, it is necessary to announce the start of a training conversation with the word “Training”.

Rice. 3. Diagram of a section of a 110 kV electrical network with two substations:

B - switch; T - transformer; OD - separator; Short circuit - short circuit

5.3.14. It is not recommended to use telemechanics devices on equipment in operation to display the switching state of equipment and shut-off valves, transmit signals to the signal board, or artificially change the readings of measuring instruments when conducting emergency training. 5.3.15. If a truly emergency situation occurs at any site or facility, emergency drills must be stopped. 5.3.16. At the end of training, all posters and tags must be removed from the equipment.

5.4. Training with control actions on valves and motor switches on idle equipment

5.4.1. It is recommended to conduct training on non-working equipment to practice individual emergency situations. The technological situation that allows such training to occur occurs if the equipment is under repair or in reserve. It is especially recommended to conduct such training when commissioning new equipment, in order to master it by operating personnel. 5.4.2. Training on non-working equipment must be organized in such a way that its conduct does not reduce the reliability of operation of equipment in neighboring areas. 5.4.3. When choosing a training topic, you should especially pay attention to the presence in it of such elements of personnel actions that they must be able to perform, but which they rarely encounter in their daily work. Such actions include, for example, manual synchronization of a generator in emergency conditions, taking a gas sample from a gas relay of an automatically switched off transformer, switching from operating equipment to standby equipment, usually performed automatically, eliminating minor faults in electrical and thermal mechanical equipment, etc. 5.4.4. The training leader or facilitator in the introductory part reports on the operating mode and condition of the equipment at the start of the training, as well as on automatic shutdowns that have occurred and other signs of malfunctions in the operation of the equipment. Based on the information received, the training participants must begin actions to eliminate the emergency situation. For example, turbogenerator No. 1 operates at full load. Condensate pumps 1-A, 1-B are operating, pump 1-B is in reserve, the vacuum in the condenser is 96%. Pump 1-B turned off, the automation did not turn on pump 1-B. The vacuum in the capacitor begins to decrease. After assessing the situation and what happened, the trainee begins to take action to restore the normal situation. In the process of eliminating a conditional emergency situation, he must perform real actions with the equipment (for example, start pump 1-B manually), which are provided for in the training topic. In this case, he should not tell the intermediary about the procedure for his actions, the operations being performed and is obliged to tell him only what in real conditions he would tell his supervisor on the shift or the personnel of adjacent areas.

5.5. Training using technical personnel training tools

5.5.1. Technical means of personnel training, with the use of which training can be carried out, include simulators, simulators, training complexes, training grounds, stands, etc. Conducting training using technical means of training personnel allows you to: bring the training activities of operational personnel as close as possible to real ones, without affecting the operating equipment; increase the effectiveness of monitoring and evaluating training participants. The use of technical training tools complements and increases efficiency traditional methods training, while the benefit of their use increases as the characteristics of technical training tools approach the characteristics of the operating personnel’s workplaces. The greatest training effect is achieved on replica simulators, the control panels of which are similar to a workplace. 5.5.2. The completeness of solving training problems when using technical teaching aids should not depend on the limitations of their functionality. This requires targeting each topic and training program towards a complete emergency task. Equipment control operations that cannot be implemented using the applied technical training tools must be reproduced conditionally, for example, in the form of a report to the supervisor. 5.5.3. Before the start of the training, its participants are informed of the introductory part, which indicates: the features of the operational circuit of the technical means of training, the existing conventions and simplifications; general characteristics of the initial mode; deviations from the normal pattern; procedure for using communication; time of occurrence of the accident; a way to evaluate the actions of trainees. 5.5.4. The training begins with the training leader giving a signal. During the training process, the training leader or an intermediary from the training control panel enters disturbances, malfunctions, simulates machine stops, turns on alarms, disables automatic devices, transfers equipment to preset modes, etc., in accordance with the training program, taking into account the specific activities of participants training. 5.5.5. The end of the training is carried out at the command of the training leader. At the same time, recording information on monitoring and evaluation of training activities is collected and recorded.

5.6. Combined workouts

5.6.1. Combined training is based on the use of a program that takes into account combinations various methods training and technical means. 5.6.2. The energy enterprise must develop a list of combined training, with various combinations of methods for conducting it, as well as layouts of programs for the implementation of such training. 5.6.3. In the introductory part of the combined training, along with the functional initial data, the distribution of watch personnel among training workplaces is indicated. 5.6.4. The methodology for conducting combined training is based on the specified methods, in accordance with the combination used. 5.6.5. Appendix 4 provides additional guidance for specific types of training.


6.1. Analysis of training is carried out in order to determine the correctness of actions in eliminating an accident, provided for by the topic of the training, for each of those participating in it and to identify measures that help improve the reliability of equipment operation and the safety of operating personnel. 6.2. Analysis of training should be carried out, as a rule, immediately after its completion by training leaders with the involvement of intermediaries. If it is impossible to organize a review of the training immediately after its completion (for example, after intersystem-wide and network-wide training), then it should be carried out on the following days, but no later than five days later. 6.3. All personnel participating in it must be present at the analysis of block, workshop, substation, district, dispatch and combined trainings. In order to reduce time, during the analysis of inter-system, system-wide, network-wide and plant-wide training, we can limit ourselves to the presence of personnel who participated in the training in the most important areas covered by the simulated accident. For other participants, the analysis can be carried out at their workplaces by mediators. Analysis of inter-system, system-wide and network-wide training can be done over the phone. 6.4. During the analysis, it should be clarified in relation to each participant in the training: the correct understanding of what happened; correct action to eliminate the accident; mistakes made and their reasons; correct conduct of operational negotiations and use of communication means. 6.5. When debriefing a training session, the leader listens to reports from intermediaries about the actions of the training participants, analyzes the activity cards of the trainees, and, if necessary, listens to the participants themselves, points out mistakes made and approves individual and general assessments of the training results using a four-point system. When conducting a review of an emergency drill combined with a fire drill, in addition to the above, the fire extinguishing leader reports to the training leader about the current situation and the decisions he made to extinguish the fire, as well as to prevent the accident from developing, notes the correct actions of the personnel and the shortcomings identified in the process of extinguishing the fire. It is recommended to evaluate the actions of training participants to be guided by the following: if during the training the participant makes decisions that in a real situation, if carried out, would lead to the development of an accident or an accident, then he is given an “unsatisfactory” rating; if during the training a participant makes mistakes that do not aggravate the situation, but delay the process of eliminating the emergency situation, then he is given a rating of “good” or “satisfactory”, depending on the number and nature of the errors; If during the training the participant acts without a single mistake, then he is given an “excellent” rating. 6.6. Persons who receive an unsatisfactory assessment of their actions during control training are subject to an extraordinary qualification inspection. (New edition, Amendment No. 1). 6.7. If half or more of the training participants received unsatisfactory grades, then training on the same topic should be conducted a second time within no more than ten days (for object-based combined training, repeated training is carried out within two weeks), and repeated training is not taken into account as planned. 6.8. The results of the training must be entered into special tables presented in the application. When conducting combined training, in addition, the results are entered into the fire-fighting training log; the form of the first page of the fire-fighting log is given in Appendix 6.


7.1. If in the process of preparing or conducting a training it becomes clear that it is necessary to carry out measures that promote accident-free operation, then they should be entered in the emergency training log. In this case, the training leader must familiarize the heads of the relevant departments with the activities recorded in the emergency training log. Management personnel are obliged to take measures to implement these activities. 7.2. The training program, as well as the log after each training session, are transferred to the workplace of the person in charge of the liquidation of the simulated accident for the personnel participating in the training to familiarize themselves with these documents. All staff suggestions must be communicated to the training director or the head of the workshop (section, service).

Annex 1


Type of training

Training leader

Distribution of participants in training by month


General station Chief engineer Ivanov A.A.

Shift A, block No. 2 - 4

Shift B, block No. 1 - 3

Shift B, block No. 3 - 4

Shift G, block No. 2 - 3

Block Deputy Chief Engineer for Operations Petrov A.B.

Shift A, block No. 1

Shift B, block No. 4

Shift B, block No. 1 - 2

Smena G, block No. 1, 4

Workshop for electrical shop Deputy Chief Sidorov V.G.
Chief engineer signature

Appendix 2

____________________ ____________________ (energy enterprise) (approval stamp)


1. Date, time and place of conduct: 09.22.1987, 16 o'clock, control room No. 3. 2. Conditional time of occurrence of the accident: 16 o'clock. 3. Method of training: with conditional actions of personnel on operating equipment. 4. Training leader: Petrov I.G., deputy head of the CTC. 5. Training participants and facilitators. 6. Head of fire extinguishing: Afanasyev I.P., senior unit driver. 7. The procedure for using communication by training participants: verbally, by radio search telephone with a set-top box at the beginning of the conversation of the “training” signal. 8. The placement of intermediaries and checking the readiness of fire extinguishing equipment are carried out before the start of the training: the start of the training is announced via radio search communication, introductions are given orally or using training posters (the list of training posters is presented below). The fire brigade is called by telephone, and the fire brigade is met by a person appointed by the training leader. 9. Purpose (objective) of the training: monitoring and practicing the activities of operational personnel during a fire in RVP-A. 10. Operating mode of the unit equipment before the accident occurred: the unit operates in a mode close to the nominal one, fuel-oil. Protections have been introduced: protection valid for emergency unloading of the unit up to 50% N eno with the permission of the chief engineer, brought out to eliminate a defect in the work, automatic regulators are included in the work. 11. Condition of fire extinguishing equipment: normal. 12. The cause of the accident, its development and consequences: due to the collapse of part of the packing, the RVP-A jams and shuts down. The block operator begins to unload the block to 50% N uh no. The blocking that acts to close the valves on the gas pipelines before and after RVP-A does not work. Locally it is possible to close the gate on the gas pipeline after RVP-A. The gate on the gas pipeline in front of RVP-A does not close due to jamming. As a result of the entry of hot gases into the stopped RVP-A, soot deposits ignite in it. The block stops abnormally. Measures are being taken to extinguish the fire in RVP-A. After the fire has been extinguished, the equipment is taken out for repair. 13. Cause of fire ignition and its development: ignition of soot deposits in RVP-A occurs as a result of heating when the valves on the gas pipelines are not closed when the mechanism is stopped. 14. Introductory training for participants:

Introductory time


Introductory (in the form of a poster or orally)

16 h 08 min

Poster 1. Poster 2. Test time 2 min.

16 h 10 min

Poster 3

16 h 15 min

RVP-A jammed due to the collapse of part of the cable

16 h 30 min

Poster 4. Test time 2 min.

16 h 13 min

Poster 5

16 h 20 min

Poster 5 is removed

16 h 18 min

Poster 6. Test time 2 min

16 h 20 min

Poster 7
The gate on the gas pipeline in front of RVP-A does not close - it is jammed

16 h 20 min

Name the signs of a sunburn in a RVP. Control time 1 min

16 h 22 min

Fire in the RVP
Unit emergency stop control

16 h 27 min

The fire in the RVP has been extinguished

16 h 34 min


End of training
15. Detection, development and elimination of fire. The unit driver, having discovered the RVP-A shutdown (reports to the senior unit driver), begins unloading up to 50% N he demands that the boiler operator inspect the mechanism and find out the reason for its shutdown. While monitoring the operation of the interlocks to turn off the RVP, he notices that the valves on the gas side do not close. Attempts to duplicate the action of locks - unsuccessfully. Requires the boiler operator to close the valve in place, the duty instrumentation and A operator to find out the reason for the blocking failure, and the EC shift supervisor to check the serviceability of the RVP-A engine. Receives a report from the boiler operator about mechanical jamming of RVP-A due to the collapse of part of the packing, a message about jamming of the gate on the gas pipeline to RVP-A (the gate behind RVP-A is closed manually). The unit operator requires the boiler operator to strengthen control over RVP-A. The driver-inspector reports to the ground that there are signs of fire in RVP-A. The unit driver makes a decision to emergency stop the unit and reports the decision to the senior unit driver. The senior unit driver gives instructions to the unit driver on fire-fighting actions, reports to the station shift manager about the emergency situation and fire. The training leader, together with the senior unit driver, organizes a fire extinguishing operations center in the event of a fire spreading outside the unit. The unit operator controls the correct operation of the protection that stops the unit. Turns on the fire extinguishing system in RVP-A. Performs emergency stop operations of the unit that are not included in the scope of operations performed by the protection. Requires the turbine operator to check the operation of the protections locally. Performs the necessary coordination with the shift supervisor of the electrical center; the boiler operator on site monitors the activation of the fire extinguishing system. Controls drainage from the box. After the fire has been eliminated, he reports to the unit operator, follows his instructions to close the manual valves of the boiler in place, and blows out the injections in reverse. The turbine operator monitors locally the correct operation of the protection and listens to the turbine during run-down. After the fire has been eliminated, the unit's senior driver announces the all-clear for the combined training. 16. Evaluation of the participants’ actions and training in general. The unit driver's actions are assessed in accordance with the protocol. The assessment of the actions of the boiler operator is carried out in accordance with the protocol. The assessment of the actions of the senior unit driver, boiler operator, ILO, due to the insignificant workload during the training, is carried out without a protocol, directly by intermediaries. When analyzing the training, evaluate the results of the training participants’ activities using activity cards indicating the joint actions of the training participants, the presence of armbands, and the competence of training posters. The main criterion for assessing training as a whole is the correctness of the participants’ actions, assessed by the protocol method. The training program was compiled by (last name, first name, patronymic, position). The program has been agreed upon (last name, first name, patronymic, position). I checked the training program (last name, first name, patronymic, position). We got acquainted with the training program. Results of the training: MB assessment - IOC assessment - SMB assessment - ILO assessment - Assessment of the training as a whole -

Activities based on the results of the training:

List of training posters:

POSTER 1. “Assess the operating mode of the equipment. Give a brief description" POSTER 2. "4PZ is out" POSTER 3. Display "No rotation of RVP-A" POSTER 4. "Name the signs of shutdown of RVP-A" POSTER 5. "The fittings on the flue gas side of RVP-A do not open" POSTER 6 "Characterize the state of the gas-air path after turning off the draft mechanisms one line at a time" POSTER 7. "The gate on the gas pipeline in front of RVP-A does not close."

Activity map of the unit driver during training

Reference activity and expected trainee responses

Control time for task completion

Mediator's comments

Gross mistakes of the trainee

Assess the operating mode of the equipment. Give a brief description The unit carries a load close to the rated one, protection has been introduced to reduce the load of the unit, automatic regulators are in operation
Name the signs of RVP-A shutdown The green RVP-A light on the mnemonic symbol is flashing. Zero readings of the ammeter of the RVP-A electric motor. The “No rotation RVP-A” display is flashing. The alarm panel “Disconnection of one RVP” is on. Parameters: = 40 (± 5) ° C;
Controls the boiler unit: closing of the fuel oil valve, fuel oil shut-off valve, valves on the fuel oil supply to the burners, on the fuel oil recirculation line; turning off blower fans, gas recirculation exhaust fans; turning off the regulator and closing the guide vanes of the blower fans; closing dampers on air and gas pipelines before and after RVP-B, dampers after and before gas recirculation smoke exhausters; closing of control supply valves, shut-off valves on the water supply for injection. Controls the turbine unit: closing of the main steam valves, seating of stop valves, closing of check valves (KOS) of extractions; turning off the PTN and not turning on the PEN via ATS; opening of the BVK, PSBU, valves for injection into the desuperheaters of discharges into the condenser; transfer of the D-7ATA deaerator to power supply with steam from the CH manifold; closing the valves on the steam pipeline from the third extraction to the STP and on the pressure of the STP Additional actions:
Requires the IOC and ILO to check the implementation of the protection action in place. Controls: the absence of combustion in the firebox; disconnecting the generator from the network when N e = 0; P = 0; closing the valves on the steam supply line to an external source; closing the valve at the PTN exhaust; transfer of seals to MV steam supply; shutdown of one BPN, KN-1 and KN-P, NRT; closing the water supply to the gas coolers in agreement with the shift manager of the electrical center, turning off the NTO; levels in D-7ATA, condenser, steam outlet temperatures Disconnecting the generator from the network before closing the main steam valves, stop valve and WWTP valve
Do you require the ILO to listen to the turbine during run-down, rotation of the turbine using a shaft turning device? Total time 25 min
Mediator _________________ (signature) The assessment of training actions has been reviewed by: __________________ (signature)
1. Poster for hanging on control keys of switches and symbols of switches of telemechanized control panels



Posters No. 1 and 2 are used to show the positions of the switches. To show the off position of an automatically turned off switch, poster No. 1 is hung with the inscription “Flashing”, and to show the automatically turned on switch, poster No. 2 with the same inscription is hung up. Acknowledgment of the control key (matching the position of the control key and the switch) should be done by turning over the posters. In this case, on the key or symbol of the switch that has turned off, there will be a poster with the inscription “Off”, and on the key of the switch that has turned on, there will be a sign with the inscription “On”. If, during the training, a participant needs to turn on the switch, on the control key of which there is a poster with the inscription “Disabled,” he says: “I turn on the switch,” and removes the poster from the control key. When this switch is disconnected from the protection, the person in control must again display poster No. 1 with the inscription “Flashing”, as well as the poster “Siren” (see below). If the switch is not turned on by the control key, then poster No. 1 is posted with the inscription “Flashing”. Similar actions with posters are performed when the switch is turned off. 2. Poster for hanging on voltmeters

No voltage

It is hung to show the disappearance of voltage on live parts. 3. Tags for hanging on alarm devices

Posted to show how the protection works. 4. Tag for hanging on the alarm board. A narrow colored strip is attached to the window of the board (on the edge).

5. Poster for sound signal

1. When conducting network-wide training, operational field and operational repair teams should be involved in participation in them, traveling to the site as directed by the superior operational personnel participating in the training. In this case, the time required to assemble the team and repair equipment, the time spent on the trip, and the equipment of the vehicle should be checked. At the same time, the condition of the communications equipment is checked. 2. On block boards of power units and other boards with a large number of devices, symbols of equipment and shut-off valves, alarms, etc., where posters and tags are hung in the right amount impossible, it is recommended to provide information about the emergency situation in the form of a card, for example: The mnemonic diagram shows: valves No. 3, 7, 10, 11 are closed, valves No. 4, 8 are open. The alarm board lit up: increase in steam temperature, decrease in feedwater pressure. This card is issued during the training process to its participants to familiarize themselves with the situation and is then returned to the supervisor, who reflects on it all changes during the training and is issued to the trainee upon request. It should be noted that such a card should not contain information about the readings of measuring instruments. The supervisor must provide information about their readings at the request of the training participants, and it is necessary to report only the readings of the instruments pointed to by the trainee. 3. All types of training should be carried out in conditions as close as possible to the real ones that may arise for personnel in such an accident. For example, when conducting training in a situation where there is a loss of power to the SI in the premises where the training is taking place, the working lighting can be turned off; when conducting training in a situation where there is no power to consumers, the actions of personnel can be hampered by calls from subscribers or other distractions (messages about fires, accidents, etc.). The degree of difficulty of training using distractions should be varied depending on the experience of the participants. 4. When conducting plant-wide, network-wide, dispatch, system-wide and intersystem training, conversations of the person in charge of the liquidation of a simulated accident should be recorded on a tape recorder. This will teach operational personnel to conduct negotiations more clearly, reduce the number of misunderstandings that arise during training reviews, and make it possible to use training recordings when conducting briefings, etc. 5. When conducting training at power plants, when a lot of people accumulate at certain workplaces and there is a danger of disorientation of the personnel of the working shift, special insignia should be used for persons participating in the training. Such signs can be armbands of different colors for trainees and supervisors.

Appendix 5


Accounting for emergency training

Training date

Last name of the training participant and position held by him

Topic and location of the training

Rating, comments and suggestions

Signature of training participants

Ivanov P.I. - duty engineer Short circuit on 220 kV buses of substation No. 1 Ivanov P.I. - "Fine"
Petrov A.A. - senior duty electrician Petrov - “satisfactory.” Work through instructions for maintaining differential protection of busbars and breaker failure protection 220 kV
Signatures of the training director and supervisors indicating the position

Appendix 6

ACCOUNTING JOURNAL FORM______________________________

(shop, facility and joint)


Training date

Topic and location of fire training (facility, training ground)

Participant information

Notes and suggestions for training

Note on the implementation of proposals and elimination of comments

Full Name

Job title

Trainer's signature

The training leader gives an overall assessment of the fire drill. Signatures: Training leader _________________________ Intermediaries (if appointed) _________________________ Supervisors (if present at the training) _________________________
1. General Provisions. 1 2. Classification of training. 2 3. Frequency of training. 4 4. Training preparation activities. 4 5. Methodology of training. 7 5.1. General instructions. 7 5.2. Training according to schemes.. 7 5.3. Training with conditional actions of personnel. 8 5.4. Training with control actions on valves and motor switches on idle equipment. 10 5.5. Training using technical personnel training tools. 10 5.6. Combined training. 11 6. Analysis of training. 11 7. Development of measures based on the results of training. 11 Appendix 1 Form of the annual emergency training schedule with an example of completion. 13 Appendix 2 An example of a program for organizing and conducting block emergency preparedness training, combined with fire safety, on the topic: “Ignition of soot deposits in RVP-A (Emergency shutdown of the unit).” 14 Appendix 3 Some types of recommended posters and their application. 16 Appendix 4 Additional recommendations for individual training sessions. 17 Appendix 5 Logbook form for recording emergency training. 17 Appendix 6 Logbook form for recording fire drills. 17

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