Small hall in classical style. Living room in a classic style: photos of modern ideas on how to create a cozy design (100 photos). Living room with fireplace and stucco decoration

You are the owner of an apartment with a small living room. Don't think that you can't create in this room Beautiful design an interior that will delight guests. Let's say more, a miniature hall is an excellent opportunity to show your imagination and arrange your home at your own discretion. Imagine that the apartment is White list, which is waiting for a masterpiece to be painted on it.

For living rooms small size Classic style is ideal. Remember that this stylistic direction comes in two types:

  • Modern.
  • Western.

The first option requires selecting a color combination that will be used when decorating the walls and purchasing furniture. The optimal solution is the use of beige and brown shades. Wherein bright hues are used for the background, and dark ones are used to form accents. Furniture for modern look classic style should have elements of wood and metal.

Don't forget about large mirror which will visually enlarge a small room and add style. Mirrored rooms have been common since ancient times. This was due to the fact that the palace chambers were often cramped and extended. This problem was solved with the help of mirrors that were installed on opposite walls. Mirror surfaces were placed in luxurious, gold-clad baguettes, and placed on the walls between the window openings. As a result, the space seemed endlessly wide.

The second option involves the use of expensive furniture made from the best types of wood. The interior should contain painted elements and carvings. Also, the use of stylish accessories, original chandeliers and sconces is encouraged.

Wall decoration

If you can’t see your living room without wallpaper, then you need to carefully prepare the walls for wallpapering. The point is that in small room all the flaws on the walls are clearly visible. Therefore, the walls and ceiling must be perfectly smooth.

It is better to purchase wallpaper in relief or non-woven. They are practical and produced in a wide range color palette. If you want to cover the walls with wallpaper large drawing, then we hasten to disappoint you. Not the best option for a small living room. It is better to give preference to plain wallpaper or those with a small pattern, as shown in the photo.

Bright accents

To get a special effect, you can use wallpaper with a golden glitter. But the glitter should not be applied over the entire surface, but only on the details of the pattern.
In a small room, wallpaper with oriental ornament. They add coziness and special luxury to the overall atmosphere.

IN small room you can create an appropriate accent in the form of a small niche with photo wallpaper that imitates a wooden surface. For a classic design, this option will be very useful.
A grandfather clock, beautiful paintings, and vases look ideal in the design of a classic guest room.

Ceiling decoration

Classic design presupposes the presence of luxurious elements in home furnishings. That is why the upper part of the room is decorated in white and decorated with stucco. The picture should be completed by a chic chandelier, decorated with several arms for excellent illumination of the room. This option is shown in the photo.

Modern materials allow you to create unique masterpieces without resorting to expensive techniques. So, if it is not possible to decorate the ceiling with real stucco, you can use decorated blanks made of polystyrene foam. Of course this a budget option, but in some cases it is quite acceptable.

If you have a low ceiling, you can decorate it with a beautiful cornice around the entire perimeter. A frieze is attached lower, at a distance of 20 cm from the cornice. Experts emphasize the distance between the two elements with a light tone compared to the main color of the walls. This move makes it possible to visually make the ceiling higher.

Interior features of a small living room

To increase the area of ​​the hall, you can combine it with a dining room or hallway.
When choosing furniture, you should not give preference to massive models. And although the classic style requires luxury and solidity, it is better to look compact sofas and chairs not equipped with volumetric parts.
The color scheme of furniture should be done in accordance with beige color, as we see in the photo.

Features of a classic interior

This style is ideal for those people who have formed views on life and are accustomed to a measured life. A classic in any form is an acquisition for many years, which is given to grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This design never goes out of style. It is relevant in any country. The classic direction combines luxury, sophistication, brevity, and simplicity. In such an interior it is always pompous and expensive. But, in a small area it is quite difficult to create luxury design, and at the same time not overload the area with unnecessary details. Therefore, when thinking about arranging a small living room, you need to carefully weigh the necessity and usefulness of every little detail.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the classic style for a small living room is an excellent solution that allows you to create a luxurious room in which it will be pleasant to receive guests. And your guests will probably appreciate your efforts, because classics are always in fashion, always relevant and original.

The classics, formed many centuries ago, still conquer the hearts of people with an aristocratic upbringing and status. It is often chosen to decorate luxurious reception rooms in public buildings, theaters and concert halls.

But this style is also appropriate in spacious rooms. living rooms: living room in classic style will be a great place for ceremonial receptions. Perhaps this is the main purpose of such a hall - the elegant interior primarily demonstrates the position of the owners.

Common features of the classics

The interior of a living room in a classic style is an example of sublime, sophisticated design. Here everything is subject to strict rules, as well as eternal values ​​that were sung back in Ancient Greece. The canons emphasize not only the harmony of design and composition, but also the entire universe. The philosophy of such a composition lies in the ancient worldview - in essence, classification, typology of all phenomena, denial of the random and individual.

The classics are also intended to fulfill an educational function: a hierarchy is clearly observed here, and mixing of styles and techniques of different classes is not allowed. The highest value remains the individual. In the interior, this is expressed in details - in comfort, decor, aesthetic satisfaction.

The classic living room has a certain regularity and recognizable features:

  • Symmetry. The very first nuance that catches your eye. It is impossible to decorate a hall without symmetry: everything here is built relative to a certain axis. This can be the center line in the room, or the diagonal. Most often, the basis is a sofa, which remains the main item in the furnishing of premises of this kind. Side tables, armchairs or floor lamps are evenly installed on the sides.

In the photo - the interior of the hall in a classic style with symmetrically located wall lamps on the sides of the sofa.
  • Noble palette. As a rule, white with gilding in the decoration is considered traditional. This is a solemn, elegant combination that is not acceptable for every classic living room. Traditional shades include wood, chocolate, matte gray, bronze. Burgundy, emerald, and deep blue tones are used for decoration and accents. Azure, blue, terracotta are suitable.
  • Natural materials. Decorating a living room in a classic style involves using only natural coverings - solid wood, stone, textiles. Of course, there is both glass and ceramics here. For example, a living room in a private house can be covered with a natural mineral, which has significant weight and is therefore not suitable for use. ordinary apartments. But it is being replaced fake diamond, which looks just as luxurious, but is practical and lighter.
  • The system includes many different parts. In addition to the central chandelier, several sconces, floor lamps, and table lamps are chosen for a classic-style living room. They can be called mandatory, since no interior can do without additional sources light to create different scenarios.
  • Decor. Classic presupposes a ceremonial design, which implies many details in interior luxury - stucco molding, carvings, inlays, antique columns, vases, statues, etc. If there is a large area, it can include many such details, but in a modest room it is worth limiting the number of such. However, even if you have a significant amount of space, it is worth remembering about balance and proper balance of decorative elements.

The design of a living room in a classic style is distinguished by harmony, regular lines, and a certain strictness in following the rules. But such a room can be different - either elegant and pompous, or discreet and elegant.

Classic style living room color palette

The living room interior in light colors can be called traditional for classicism. But the choice of color depends on how elaborate or restrained the design will be.

  • A luxurious hall in a classic style for receptions and social events is most often decorated in white with gold trim. Here, all textured details are covered with gold, and the vast majority of surfaces are painted in shades of snow. It is not only a perfect white, but also milky, a slight hint of cream.
  • A living room in vanilla color looks more cozy. You can decorate in this tone as pompous rooms, in which a warmer tone will smooth out the pretentiousness and make the atmosphere less strict.
  • Natural wood will also be characteristic of a living room interior in a classic style.. By the way, in this palette not only light tones will be appropriate, but also intense ones - deep, textured, chocolate. In such an environment, expensive varieties with an exclusive texture are used. There are not only oak and rosewood, but also ebony, wenge, etc.

Bright accents are placed in this design in a completely ordinary way - with the help of a striking shade. These are beautiful intense colors that emphasize the aristocracy of the interior - emerald, malachite, burgundy, dark graphite, chocolate. In modern versions classic design light positive tones are increasingly used - blue, pink, orange. Accent details in bright coral, turquoise, and gray-blue shades look elegant.

This style never looks boring - if not flashy accents, then textured decorative details make it varied and emotional.

Features of a small classic living room

Traditionally, the classic interior of a living room involves a fairly large space in which monumental interior solutions, columns, massive furniture with ornate shapes and decor look harmonious. But the desire to decorate a room in an apartment this way small area visits owners regardless of the size of the room.

Designers are ready to accommodate and offer quite affordable techniques even for economy class interiors.

  • In a small living room you will have to give up massive furniture. By the way, compact models of even sofas are cheaper than elaborate classic products of large dimensions.
  • Instead of standard wardrobes, built-in compartments are used, only the facades of which demonstrate the chosen design direction. The doors can be decorated with ornate patterns or expensive wood. But most often they are made of mirror or glass - with patterns, stained glass windows, and paintings.
  • Instead of full-fledged columns, they install their imitation- a light ledge with a characteristic decoration under the ceiling. Typically, portals are equipped with such elements - niches with a TV, arched openings.

The photo shows the design of a small living room in a classic style with imitation columns.
  • A small room does not allow you to choose openwork carved furniture . A simple-shaped sofa, but with rounded armrests and quilted upholstery, would be appropriate here.
  • The interior design of a modest-sized room involves the use of modern ideas and new furnishings - transformable furniture, multifunctional items.

A small living room in a classic style should be restrained - elaborate and formal options will require quite a lot of space.

Decoration of a classic hall

Choice finishing materials for a living room in a classic style depends on the design class: for elegant rooms in white with gilding, choose appropriate luxurious natural coverings, and for discreet interior more will do economical option– modern, beautiful solutions, but in a more affordable category of alternative proposals.

  1. For flooring, parquet or parquet is considered optimal. natural stone– marble or granite. Obviously, the rock has a significant mass, so it is used only in private houses and buildings in which such a load has been calculated in advance. A modern alternative is premium laminate and porcelain tiles for a living room of any size. Such materials suggest quite wide range colors and textures, so you can always choose harmonious solutions.
  2. The ceiling in the living room in classicism is usually made white. Traditionally, it is decorated with stucco - around the central chandelier and in the corners of the room. Today more practical option is considered to be one-level or included in plasterboard structures. Multi-level structures themselves look elegant, so they are not decorated with stucco or its number is reduced to one socket near the lamp.

The photo shows plasterboard ceilings in the living room in a classic style.
  1. Wall decoration can be varied. Such living rooms can be plastered, painted or wallpapered. This design uses both plain and ornamental coverings. Most often, high-quality wallpaper with a large pattern, called “Damascus,” is chosen. It is characterized by ornate patterns with floral or abstract motifs. Coverings can have a textile outer layer, reminiscent of velvet, satin, or satin in texture.

Repairing such a living room is rarely done with your own hands - it is better to entrust expensive materials to craftsmen in order to eliminate even the minimal risk of damaging the coating.

Accessories and decor: furniture, curtains, details

A living room in a classic style is usually replete with details. These include both functional items and decorative trinkets - figurines, vases, collectible dishes. The number of such elements depends on the area of ​​the room and the pretentiousness of the design.

The decor of the living room consists of little things that are unnoticeable at first glance:

  • The design of a window or several openings must be uniform. Curtains in an interior in this style are one of the important compositional elements. They are chosen in the color of the wall decoration or sofa upholstery. Windows in the living room in classicism are often decorated not only with curtains, but also with lambrequins, numerous tassels, cords, and draperies. They should be present on all openings, and similar decorations can be used in the upholstery of the sofa.
  • Single details in lamps form the rhythm of the interior, its symmetry and character. Identical, for example, forged elements or textile lampshades, frills in decoration, gilded patterns will contain table lamps for the living room, floor lamps,. If there are several in the hall functional zones, use several central chandeliers - for the guest and dining rooms separately. These lamps should also be similar.

  • The decoration will also be lunch groups : oval tables, ornate legs in the shape of lion paws, carvings or gilding will complement the decor of the room.
  • Paintings are most often used as decoration on the walls.. It can be either traditional classical works, and panels with ornaments in luxurious baguettes - without plots or painting. Such panels are arranged symmetrically in pairs or in compositions of 3-5 pieces - depending on the area of ​​the room.
  • Decorate the walls and panels from photographs– antique, family, urban or, conversely, with a rustic theme.
  • Among the traditional classical elements – columns or their imitation in fireplaces, doorways, arches.

Various details must be balanced, otherwise the living room will be overloaded. Therefore, it is important to take into account and balance the basic tone of the design, the solemnity of the setting, and the number of decorative elements.

Modern interpretation of a classic

Traditional classics, despite their fairly wide popularity, are increasingly gaining modern forms. This style is interpreted in different ways - from, also formed in past centuries, to contemporary, which is more reminiscent of Scandinavian laconic design. But modern classicism in any case remains an elegant and quite luxurious trend. It demonstrates good taste and the status of the owners of a house or apartment.

As a rule, they choose a palette that is not as pretentious as for the classicism of past centuries. The interior of the hall becomes more sophisticated thanks to the preference for warm beige, restrained gray, mixed gray and beige shades. There is no longer any elaborate gilding or flashy rich details.

The photo shows a living room in a classic style with a modern twist.

Modern interiors with such elegant notes are often chosen for old houses and apartments in buildings of the last century. For example, Stalin will look harmonious in the classical type of design rather than in ultra-technological industrialism or the direction. High ceilings, narrow high windows, which every Stalinist house can “boast” of, look luxurious when framed by rich draperies, lambrequins and curtains made of heavy expensive fabrics. But modern room will be deprived of such magnificent decor.

Classic rooms will be modern using built-in wardrobes, fairly restrained decorative elements and transformable furniture. Such an interior usually contains simple surfaces, to which it is easy to select a few characteristic details - a couple of flowerpots or imitation columns, framed panels or a luxurious chandelier.

The photo of the living room is an example of a combination of simple modern furnishings with classic decor.

Modern living rooms are characterized by simpler forms - without ornate legs and carvings, but with regular and elegant lines. The design of the hall is formed on the basis of typical symmetry, with a sense of proportion and balance. Here, against a background of simple decoration and furniture, you can use a few touches that will determine the style and mood of the environment.

Current ideas in design in a classic style involve the use of transformable objects and built-in structures in the hall. They are easy to disguise behind any facades, and such techniques help save space, freeing it up for comfort and harmony.

Despite the variety of design trends, a living room in a classic style never goes out of style. It’s hard to even call the classics “good old”. Rather, it is universal. And it fits perfectly into the modern world with its frantic rhythms. To get into the style, you need to understand all its nuances and correctly implement them in practice.

Basic principles of decorating a living room in a classic style

Classic living rooms never become outdated, this is their main advantage. Of the minuses: due to inexperience, you can go into related design directions and thereby violate the stylistic integrity of the room (modern, art deco, loft); you should prepare for significant financial costs.

Classic never gets old

What elements are typical for “classics” in the living room interior?

Classic style interiors refer to the idea of ​​perfection and impeccability. It’s not for nothing that the word classicus translated from Latin means “ideal, standard, example.” That is why the design is characterized by all kinds of decorative elements. Moreover, they are still more inclined to luxury, but not to pomp.

  • ceiling and wall stucco;

    Stucco molding on the ceiling and walls is a decorative part of the classic living room interior

  • fireplaces, if not natural, then false analogues (electric or bio);

    The fireplace is an integral part of the living room interior, made in a classic style.

  • columns, arches;

    Columns do not spoil the interior at all

  • solid but not bulky furniture, mostly made of solid wood natural wood;

    Furniture made from quality materials, looks rich and solid

  • cornices (wood, stucco) above window openings, as well as around the perimeter of the entire room;

    Cornices are also used

  • dominance natural materials: wood, metal, silk;
  • candlesticks, mirrors in elegant frames, paintings;
  • crystal chandeliers;

    Correctly selected decor is the finishing touch in the design of a classic living room

  • plaster sculptures are not uncommon;
  • luxury accessories, including antiques - vases, cigar boxes, watches and so on.

Zoning space in a classic style

Classic interiors have one of the core features - clearly defined functional areas. This distribution is aimed at maximum convenience for residents and their guests. There is no need to crowd into one place “for all occasions.”

Zoning plays an important role in arranging the interior of an apartment

Zoning options:

  • priority center (table or coffee table around which the soft spots and a common TV is installed);
  • separate groups of furniture - a table with chairs for tea drinking or board games;
  • a fireplace area in the form of a pair of armchairs with ottomans or footrests and a table for wine;
  • a free-standing console with floor lamps, an office bureau, also separate and complemented by symmetrical sconces;
  • mini-library against the wall with a small sofa.

Chaotic piles of furniture in classical style living rooms are excluded. Symmetry in the arrangement of furniture elements and the arrangement of accessories - mirrors, vases, ottomans, armchairs, floor lamps - is very characteristic.

Classicism clearly gravitates towards ancient canons, restraint, harmony, proportionality. All furniture, all decor and accessories exude serious calm. No glamor, cheap glitter and piercing bright colors no - they would distract too much attention to themselves. There are no frivolous “tricks” with their inappropriate playfulness.

What cannot be found in classic living rooms:

  • lush ruffles;
  • flounces and fringes on curtains/drapes;
  • window blinds;
  • canopies, tents;
  • ornate luxury in the form of gilding;
  • “space” design of metal fittings and accessories;
  • stained glass, openwork weaves;
  • forged furniture with curlicues;
  • cheap finishing from natural materials;
  • ethnic motifs, animal themes, nature;
  • tacky floral colors (as well as striped, polka dot and checkered fabrics);
  • flashy bright colors.

Background color scheme and color accents in the interior

Everyone knows how important pastel colors are for classic interiors. However, in order to avoid monotony, a darker, dense palette is successfully added to the antique calm of pastel colors in the classics. It is this combination that gives interiors the liveliness and relevance of today.

The interior design can be based on pastel colors

The advantage of calm, monochromatic colors:

  • beige-sand theme (cream shades, caramel, milk chocolate, light brown);

    Beige and brown tones - discreet and cozy

  • pink-terracotta line, peach, coral;

    Peach and pink - more lively

  • olive, mustard, soft light green.

    Green and olive will create a calm interior

There is no absolutely light, neutral classic interior. If the finishing base of the interior is beige (cream, sand, white on the walls and ceiling), then textiles and furniture upholstery should be green, blurry burgundy or bluish blue. As a result, the design irrevocably moves away from facelessness and becomes rich and attractive.

The color palette leans towards the natural, although a contrasting accent is often used. Combination options:

  • the overall sandy gray color scheme is complemented by deep green ( sofa cushions, curtains);
  • the milky pink background of the walls and floor decoration is complemented by smoky blue in the form of upholstery of upholstered furniture;
  • golden beige plays with unobtrusive blue - sofas, curtains, fabric decor on the walls.

The sound of color in classic interiors creates an atmosphere of calm. Designers do not use colors that are irritating to the eyes or aggressive. The following colors are unacceptable:

  • acrid lemon yellow;
  • poisonous greens;
  • fuchsia;
  • playful orange;
  • deep burgundy, purple;
  • heavy black.

The last two points are acceptable occasionally. But not as primary colors, but only as contrasting points. They can also be found in accessories, along with turquoise and coral.

Selection of finishing materials

A classic living room will not tolerate cheap decoration (even though it plays the role of a background for the main thing - furniture and accessories). Before deciding on a classic, it is recommended to study the market building materials. The living room will require those that at least look expensive. Some manufacturers are able to produce a “presentable” product at an affordable price.

Floor covering

Finishing the floor of a classic living room has three important features:

  • does not play a decisive aesthetic role;
  • may be heterogeneous (in modern classics it is permissible for floor textures to differ in different zones);
  • Practicality is an absolute requirement. Thin cheap linoleum is categorically excluded.

The basis for arranging a living room in a classic style is made up of expensive, high-quality materials.


  • laminate with imitation of natural wood, parquet, stone;
  • ceramic tiles of restrained colors;
  • wooden boards;
  • block and piece parquet.

Wall decoration

All finishing comes down to good quality, not devoid of grace. Again and again it is appropriate to recall the naturalness of the ancient style (with which the classical style is closely related). He is both sublime and practical at the same time. This design vector is more than typical of the classics.

  • high-quality thick wallpaper;
  • whitewashing, including contrasting shades;
  • frame fragments edging with molding are welcome. Different textures and tones. Sometimes - plain in an ensemble with figured colors, sometimes painted in an ensemble with wallpaper or pasted fabric;
  • It is permissible to cover the walls with panels made of wood or plastic with wood imitation.

The design should not be flashy, colorful, or too small. Large prints and calm natural tones are a priority. Floral ornaments and patterns from the Empire style are acceptable (with care, without going beyond the classical style).

Ceiling finishing

Before talking about finishing, you should remember their height. They must certainly be tall. However, in the absence of height (some typical apartments do not have it), the ceiling is stylized according to classical characteristics. The proportions and lines characteristic of the style are what will help bring the classics to life.

A prerequisite is that the ceilings must be high

  • perfectly smooth whitewash with large stucco around the edges and narrow moldings;
  • suspended ceilings, most often multi-level;
  • plasterboard parts at the second level, less often - the entire ceiling made of plasterboard;
  • colors are mainly white and light natural shades;
  • matte, gloss, satin are equally acceptable.

Basic requirements for materials and shape of doors and windows

Doors and windows of classic living rooms do not initially require complex shapes. Basically, the openings have a strict geometry without rounded arches (although they may be present if framed by a discreet frame).

Doorways are often without complex shapes and decor

Special requirements apply to materials:

  • natural wood is in the lead - solid wood;
  • modern versions of the finish allow the use of high-quality plastic.

Economy-class veneered elements are categorically unsuitable for classic design. Doors and windows are one of the most significant expense items. An important touch is color. Or frankly white (painting), or brown, beige solutions with an explicit declaration of wood texture.

You may also be interested in the features of decorating a living room in the English style:

Layout features depending on the size of the room

The resource of square meters varies greatly, depending on the layout of the housing being designed. However, this is not an obstacle to interior classics. The only question is how skillful zoning will become.

Small living room

Small living rooms have to be arranged ascetically in terms of the number of elements. As a rule, one functional zone is embodied.

In some cases, the living room embodies one functional area

For example:

  • fireplace, coffee table, around a centered sofa and symmetrically arranged armchairs;
  • due to the cramped space, the fireplace is “sacrificed”; part of its space is given to an area with a large TV (a guest sofa with armchairs is also placed opposite it, adding a compact coffee table to the composition).

Large living room

The large living room can be divided into several zones

On large areas It is much easier to arrange several functional areas - space allows. Owners of modern standard apartments often choose to combine a kitchen with a large room.

There are also options when the living room is combined with a kitchen

Due to the redevelopment, a spacious living room is created, where the kitchen segment is precisely one of the zones with its own unambiguous functionality: a dining area.

General lighting rules

Ideally, each zone has its own chandelier. This requirement almost always manages to follow, and this makes it one of the fundamental for the perception of interior classics.

In a classic living room, it is assumed that each zone should be visually highlighted with lighting

It is unacceptable to save on lighting; there should be a lot of it:

  • massive hanging chandeliers dominate, preference is given to crystal and expensive glass, earthenware. Holders and fittings are made of metal; forged elements without extensive openwork are possible;
  • complementary elements are wall sconces and floor lamps;
  • any lamps are appropriate on cabinets, consoles, or a mantelpiece - the main thing is not to forget about the symmetry of the installation of paired sets.

Classic style requires multiple light sources. They are also welcome in the form of ceiling lighting.

Furniture options

The furniture of classic living rooms is characterized by good quality, lack of frills, and precise lines. Significant expense. The products are expensive, fittings. Single items are either made to order in harmony with the main furniture sets, or are generally classified as antiques. Laconic modern solutions have a “lighter” appearance, gravitating towards the old-style classics - they are massive.

Single pieces of furniture can be made to order

Cushioned furniture

Sofas, armchairs, ottomans, banquettes. The base is solid wood, sometimes rattan. Fabrics used for covering:

  • atlas;
  • silk;
  • sisal;
  • leather;
  • natural linen;
  • jacquard.

Classic upholstered furniture is often made in a quilted version. A characteristic addition are numerous sofa cushions (including those with quilting) and sofa cushions.

Storage space

A classic living room is an ideal springboard for those who like to furnish themselves with a mass of small cabinets, cabinets, and shelves. Wall consoles are very popular and look good. Do not forget about the design: the existing smooth curves must be combined with hard lines.

Coffee table

Classic interiors have no desire to combine with other styles, especially high-tech. However, glass elements in coffee tables are quite organic. They just should be combined with wood, metal to a minimum and it should not dazzle with chrome shine.

Forms coffee tables for classics:

  • circle;
  • oval;
  • rectangle;
  • square.

You should clearly remember the symmetry of the classic design. Avoid triangular tabletops and any abstract configurations.

Carpets and rugs

In classic-style living rooms, floor carpets are welcome. In terms of color, they should at least be in harmony with the furniture (brown “wooden” tones, light creamy beige, pinkish, white). Not too fluffy pile. The materials are natural or synthetic, imitating natural wool.

Elements of traditional decor

The aura of classic design relies heavily on the right textiles. It is he, with his textures and colors, that forms a convincing basis for interior classics. Accessory elements make their contribution to the overall ambiance.

Curtains, drapes, capes, bedspreads

The range of fabrics used is incredibly wide. Skilled decorators use:

  • silk;
  • cotton;
  • velvet;
  • taffeta;
  • jacquard;
  • atlas;
  • chenille;
  • brocade;
  • tulle;
  • batiste;
  • organza

The fabrics are draped. Combine textures and color shades. There are no frivolous bows or ruffles, but lambrequins with trim around the edges are very welcome.


Interiors classic type, including living rooms, are unthinkable without accessories. All of them are elegant, preferably with features of the “past” (ornate contours, bronze and gilded elements, semi-openwork in decorations are appropriate):

  • vases, including floor vases;
  • framed pictures;
  • wall mirrors (preference not for single, but for paired, symmetrical products);
  • stands, shelves;
  • guest cigar boxes;
  • figurines;
  • dishes.

Decorative items will complete the overall picture of the interior

For interiors in the classic style, the presence of musical instruments. Whether it's a grand piano, a harp or an antique-style electronic piano - aesthetic events like family concerts and the like are often held in classic living rooms.

Living plants

Live plants will not be superfluous and will only complement the interior

Flowers and greenery enliven any interior, especially a classic one. Preference for large plants growing in floor flowerpots. Lush flowers mounted on the walls look good. At the same time, the flowerpot and shelf are independent accessories.

Original ideas in interior planning

Fantasy in a classic living room has every chance of being fully realized.

Interior idea for a living room in a classic style with a bar counter

So, the idea found wide response:

  • the bar segment (a counter with cabinets and cabinets) separates the guest and kitchen areas, although in fact they are a single room;
  • This option makes meeting friends and family gatherings especially comfortable.

Interior option in soothing colors

A rational option for a compact room:

  • sofa and armchairs are the center of the composition, classic furniture with forms a la modern;
  • small false fireplace;
  • compact coffee table;
  • a large mirror from the fireplace to the ceiling visually expands the cubic capacity;
  • the entire wall with a mirror and a fireplace is abundantly occupied by bookshelves (due to this there is no need for separate cabinets);
  • design in white colors, with Scandinavian motifs.

Features of neoclassicism

A noticeable step forward has been made today in classic design based on modern requirements. Lovers of the classics indulge in such touches as:

  • moving away from pomp towards simpler forms (we are talking about the design of furniture, lighting fixtures, curtains);

    In the interior, neoclassical style can be combined with Scandinavian style, loft or modern

Otherwise, adherence to the classical style is expressed unambiguously. Restrained colors, pastel colors, set textile materials and other classic features.

Neoclassicism is characterized by restrained tones and unpretentious decor.

Photo gallery: classic and neoclassical in the living room interior

A combination of modernity and classics in the interior of the living room Natural light will highlight all the hidden details of the interior Finishing the wall with brick does not burden the interior at all Option for combining the living room and kitchen The magic of warmth in everything Lighting visually highlights the relaxation area Simple, but at the same time, cozy interior Living room design combining warm shades Use of natural materials in decoration Massive furniture and decor in the form of stucco

Creating a high-quality living room interior in a classic style is an exciting and far-sighted task. Skillful play with textures, competent inclusion of accessories, zoning. All this will help make your home extremely comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

The classic style of the living room interior places increased demands on the furniture and lighting of the room. An individual order based on a specially completed design project is the best way to decorate a room. If this is not possible, you should take into account a simple rule: quality, good quality, elegant beauty, clarity of lines and shapes are always taken into account when choosing furniture. An important detail: the furniture should be quite impressive in size, the sofa and armchairs should not have sharp corners.

Solid natural wood of noble species is always a win-win choice for furniture. Only this one option will do to the interior with a fireplace area.

The upholstery of such furniture should be either leather or thick expensive fabric to match the overall color scheme of the living room drapery and somewhat darker than the wall decoration. Satin, jacquard, velor, tapestry - what should you choose if the living room and its decoration are given to the classic style.

The legs of the sets are selected with an exquisite shape and are also made of solid wood. Tabletops and coffee tables can be made of durable glass, if this does not conflict with other interior details.
The fireplace area creates a special semantic center of a living room in a classic style. Modern design and renovation, which includes decorating the room with a fireplace, lead to the choice of a suitable architectural option. Fireplaces are stationary and mobile, closed and semi-closed, corner and island. Closed ones are equipped with a chimney in the wall and plan at the beginning construction work. Open fireplaces are often placed in the center of the room. It evenly provides warmth to the room and advantageously emphasizes its uniqueness and style. It is worth considering that wood fireplace an area of ​​at least 20 square meters is required. If for technical reasons it is not possible to install it, an electric fireplace may be an alternative proposal.

The cladding and decoration of fireplaces is made of brick, wood, stone, ceramic tiles and marble blocks. Portal design - from granite, marble, stone, ceramics, brick, limestone, metal.
Classic style is impossible without elegant and sufficient lighting for a large space. A room, by definition, should have a lot of natural light. A massive chandelier is a must. It can be multi-level in pendants and decorated with candelabra. There are many variations, but it all depends on the size of the room. Lighting, containing crystal, natural gilding, bronze, will fit appropriately into a design that suggests a classic style. Modern neoclassicism also gives preference to the attributes of the classical lighting solution chosen by the time.

The design of a classic living room involves the use of large quantities of candlesticks, sconces and spotlights. They allow you to create a cozy, intimate atmosphere and achieve additional zoning of the area with light.

In the photo: Living room design in a classic style

1. Classic symmetry in the arrangement of furniture and decor

In the photo: An example of a neoclassical living room design with symmetrical lines

Classic living room interiors do not tolerate chaotic arrangement of furniture and decorative elements. Symmetry is one of the main principles that guides classics and neoclassics. Therefore, for classic interiors, it is better to buy many items in duplicate: a pair of sconces, floor lamps, armchairs, etc. The photo of the living room interior presented above clearly demonstrates how the principle of symmetry is implemented in practice. Here, on both sides of the sofa, there are small consoles with absolutely identical table lamps.

2. Classic zoning - highlighting zones using furniture

13. White and golden beige

In the photo: The design of the kitchen-living room uses gold accents against a white background.

In classics, shades of gold are especially valued. However, they are used there very sparingly, usually in the form of accessories. The classic-style living room shown in the photo above serves as an example of a successful combination of white and golden shades. In this interior, the golden palette is muted, so it does not cause dissonance and a feeling of flashy luxury.

Furnishing a classic living room

Classic style in the living room interior is also achieved with the help of appropriate furniture. As a rule, these are sofas decorated with a “carriage” screed, built-in wardrobes with laconic facades, glass inserts and sometimes pilasters. Furniture for classics and neoclassics must be of very high quality. Ideally, for its manufacture it is necessary to use exclusively natural and durable materials such as oak or larch. After all, classics are usually created with a long service life in mind. Don't forget about antiques. Objects with a rich history can add a special charm to the interior of a classic living room.

14. Chesterfield sofas and armchairs in the living room

In the photo: An example of an English-style living room design with Chesterfield furniture

Chesterfield sofas and armchairs are associated primarily with English classics. Such furniture is particularly respectable. It is not without reason that it is often used in furnishing the offices of British lords. Chesterfield sofas and armchairs can be recognized by the screed and high armrests that go into the backrest. The upholstery can be either leather or textile.

15. Bookcases and shelving

In the photo: Living room design with built-in bookcase

Bookcases, which many of us have already been forced to forget about by modern gadgets, can be used in the interiors of living rooms in a classic style. After all, the presence in the house small library, perhaps, will instill in someone in your family a love of reading. Fears that a bookcase will deprive you of valuable square footage are unfounded. In the end, you can always use narrow built-in shelving that does not “claim” your space.

16. White consoles and tables

In the picture: The design of a living room in a light classic style uses a white table and console

Consoles, tables and other small-sized furniture in classic living rooms have a rather specific configuration. On the one hand, the furniture elements in the classics are distinguished by their simplicity, on the other hand, they are borrowed from French interiors grace. Tables and consoles usually have long curly legs. As for the palette, preference is given to light, and often white, furniture, although, of course, there are also models of other colors.

17. Antiques

In the photo: An example of a living room design with antiques

Modern ideas presented in the photos of 2017 interiors promote the use of antiques in the design of classic living rooms. Tables from the Nicholas era, consoles that once adorned the palaces of the St. Petersburg nobility, armchairs from the early 20th century - all these furnishings fit well into the classics, giving it a resemblance to interiors from the past.

18. Open bookshelves along the fireplace

In the photo: An example of a living room design with a fireplace, on both sides of which there are bookshelves

If the interior of a living room in a classic style does not have room for a large bookcase, then you can limit yourself to built-in shelving, the equipment of which does not require a lot of space. Shelves with books are now often placed on both sides of the fireplace portal. You can find a place for them in the TV zone.

19. “Carriage” screed in furniture finishing

In the photo: Design of a neoclassical living room with a “carriage” screed in the decoration of upholstered furniture

Screed in upholstery of upholstered furniture is one of the most common decorative solutions found in classic living rooms. This technique, also known as the “capitonné effect,” adds texture and volume to the sofa area.

20. Furniture made from expensive natural wood

In the photo: Living room design with wooden furniture

It is not customary to save on classic furniture. The same cabinets, chests of drawers and tables designed for arranging classic interiors, despite their laconic design, cannot be cheap. After all, this furniture is most often made according to individual parameters and from expensive natural wood.

21. Furniture upholstery with floral patterns

In the photo: Floral patterns are used in the upholstery of upholstered furniture in the living room.

Classics, both in their traditional and lightweight modern interpretation, love monochromatic solutions. However, this does not mean that some designs and patterns should be avoided here. The upholstery of the sofa and armchairs does not have to be monochromatic. Among the photos of classic-style living room interiors in 2017, there are often compositions where material with floral patterns is used in the upholstery of upholstered furniture.

How to spice up your living room interior? Classic decoration

The decor of a living room in a classic style is usually very conservative. There are certainly expensive crystal chandeliers placed in molded rosettes. The composition is completed by paintings, candlesticks, and vases of flowers. In classic living rooms, of course, it is difficult to imagine modern posters, an abundance of metal surfaces or plastic. But the columns look organic here - architectural elements that have come to us from ancient times. Classic living rooms almost always have fireplaces. When thinking about the decor of such rooms, do not forget about moderation. Classics do not tolerate excesses. Therefore, to decorate a classic interior, a couple of lamps, a painting above the fireplace and matching textiles are usually enough.

So, in 2017, in the interiors of living rooms in a classic style, you can often find the following decorative ideas:

22. Stucco on the ceiling

In the photo: Design of a kitchen-living room with ceiling moldings

Stucco elements mainly decorate ceilings. Thus, in the design of classic living rooms there are often high stucco cornices, designed to visually slightly increase the height of the room. Sockets for chandeliers are also supplied with stucco molding.

23. Lamps in the form of spotlights on tripods

In the photo: An example of a living room interior with lamps in the form of spotlights

Lamps on tripods, reminiscent of spotlights, cannot be called characteristic elements of the classical style. They can equally decorate neoclassical, loft or art deco. Spotlight floor lamps add a touch of modernity to a classic interior. Such designs do not burden the space and fit quite harmoniously into strict classics, where everything is initially subject to the rules of symmetry.

24. Carved door frames

In the photo: Living room design with doors framed with carved trims

The doors of a classic living room can resemble a real work of art. And a true masterpiece needs an appropriate frame. Therefore, if you use doors with complex carvings, patterns and stained glass in the living room, then you will have to take care of the decor of the platbands framing door frame. In classic living rooms for decoration door frames Wood carving techniques are often used.

25. Fireplace in the white portal

In the photo: Living room design with a fireplace in a white portal

It’s hard to imagine a classic-style living room design without a fireplace. As for the portal under the hearth, it usually has a laconic, strict shape. In modern interiors that gravitate towards the classics, white fireplace portals are often found, which are quite versatile, as they fit harmoniously into almost any space, regardless of the chosen color palette.

26. Mirror in golden baguette

In the photo: An example of a living room design with a mirror in a golden baguette

Many of us are well aware of this useful property mirrors, as the ability to visually enlarge a space and improve its illumination. In the interior of a classic living room, the mirror surface can be decorated with bevel. However, if you use a simple mirror, then it will have to be placed in a massive baguette. As a rule, in the classics this frame for the mirror becomes a frame of a golden hue.

27. Busts and figurines

In the photo: Living room design with a bust on a pedestal

In one of their recent home design projects with antiques, Olga Kondratova Studio specialists used busts and figurines as decor. The use of these decorative elements was predetermined by the classics. It is this style that serves as a good platform for the use of busts and figurines.

28. Columns

In the photo: An example of a living room design with black columns

Another characteristic decorative element of a classic living room. Columns help organize space. In living rooms they are often used as zoning elements. In home design, they can, for example, play the role of support for a staircase. However, we should not forget that columns do not look organic in every living room. For these architectural elements you need high ceilings and, ideally, spacious premises. If your living room is limited in space, then you can use pilasters to enhance its classicism.

29. Tall white double doors

In the photo: Design of a living-dining room with double doors

Tall white double doors with glass inserts can easily be considered one of the elements by which a classic is recognized in the interior of the living room. The living-dining room in the house shown in the photo above serves as the best confirmation of this. Here, with the help of such doors, a whole suite of rooms is built.

30. Pilasters and moldings in decoration

In the photo: An example of the interior of a neoclassical living room with moldings and pilasters

When decorating a living room in a classic style, moldings and pilasters are often used. They make the space more organized and emphasize the symmetry of lines. Pilasters are perceived in some way as lighter and miniature copies of the columns that are associated with the classics.

31. Natural wood finish

In the photo: An example of a living room interior decorated with natural wood

In living rooms in a classic style, such as the interior shown in the photo above, natural wood trim is sometimes used. This is especially true for country houses. Wooden walls can bring a little country style into a space without compromising the classic feel of the composition.