How to close the radiator in the kitchen in Khrushchev. How to close the battery beautifully and correctly. How to cover radiators and pipes with plasterboard

Heating radiators cannot always serve as interior decoration. Therefore, they have to be hidden, decorated with all possible ways. Let's try to figure out how to do this beautifully and correctly.

Features and Requirements

Decorating heating radiators is not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance. It is necessary not only to hide the unsightly radiator, but also to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room. Obviously, closed batteries provide much less heat, and access to them becomes difficult.

In order to properly close the radiators and not reduce heat transfer (or at least reduce it slightly), you need to understand how radiators heat the room and on what principle they work. And choose the decor so that it represents minimal interference when the batteries perform their functions.

Removable or attached screens that do not have solid fastenings are well suited for this. This is necessary so that the radiator can be accessed at any time. Such a need may arise unexpectedly, and if the battery is mounted in the wall, plasterboard box or covered with a screen “tightly” attached to the wall, the structure will have to be broken. It will not be possible to dismantle it without damage.

Another important criterion when choosing decor is how much it will affect heat transfer. Heating of the room occurs due to the release of infrared radiation (it heats objects) and convection (it directly heats the air).

Solid screens, devoid of gaps at the bottom and top, will become a serious obstacle for both the first and the second. The best option There will be perforated, carved or lamella screens that do not cover the battery either from above or from below. Or closing slightly.

In order for the air to warm up evenly, it must be able to freely enter from the bottom of the battery, pass through it and exit from the top already warm. A tightly “sealed” radiator does not give it this opportunity, which is why the temperature drops. As for IR radiation, it simply cannot pass through a solid, impenetrable screen, which provides almost one hundred percent thermal insulation of the battery.

IN Lately You can see that batteries are often covered with glass screens with photo printing. Of course, such a solution has high decorative properties However, the temperature in a room equipped with such decor drops significantly.

The optimal solution for any interior would be a wooden perforated or carved screen. The main thing is that it has as little continuous surface as possible and as many holes as possible to allow air to circulate freely. In addition to the fact that wood fits harmoniously into almost any interior style, it is also necessary to highlight its environmental friendliness. When heated, it will not release any harmful substances. On the contrary, when exposed to heat, wood releases essential oils, which have a positive effect on human health (of course, we're talking about about natural wood).

Economical ways

To hide old heating batteries, it is not at all necessary to use expensive materials and designs. There are many budget-friendly ways to close unsightly radiators while maintaining high heat transfer rates and easy access to the system.

These methods include:

  1. Coloring. Even old, Soviet models of batteries can be turned into a stylish element of the interior by painting them to match the walls or, conversely, in a contrasting color. The costs are minimal, and the benefits are obvious: the possibility of quick access to the radiator remains, convection is not hampered in any way, and the room remains comfortable temperature. Such radiators will fit into any interior, from modern loft to the classics, the main thing is to choose the right color.
  2. Textile. The simplest thing is to cover the radiators with curtains that go down to the floor. The main thing is to ensure that there is no possibility of the fabric catching fire from too hot batteries. Or - if the option with curtains is not entirely acceptable - you can stretch a fabric over a wooden frame that matches the color of all the other textiles in the room, and cover the radiators with this screen. Air easily passes through the fabric; it does not present any obstacle to this, which means that heat transfer will not decrease.
  3. The use of materials such as plastic, MDF panels, and drywall will also be inexpensive. However, they also have a significant drawback - a decrease in heat in the room. And from the point of view of environmental friendliness, these materials leave much to be desired. The same plastic, for example, is better used in the bathroom to turn off the tap, in the kitchen, that is, in rooms with high humidity, where the same wood, the same metal will quickly become unusable due to external factors. Boxes made of MDF panels or plasterboard have good thermal insulation properties, which in this case is completely unnecessary. And it will be difficult to get close to the system.

Of course, low cost is a significant advantage of the material, and for many it is decisive. However, we should not forget that its main function is to provide not only the aesthetic appeal of the heating system, but also warmth in the apartment. Therefore, you should not focus solely on price.

Good combination accessibility, aesthetics, environmental friendliness and ability to transmit heat have wooden structures. A simple lattice made of narrow slats, which are sold in any hardware store, can effectively hide radiators and will not interfere with their normal operation. In addition, such a solution will look natural in any interior. It is not for nothing that wood has been used since ancient times to decorate houses. Its unique natural aesthetics, the warmth and comfort that it brings to the home are still appreciated and in demand.

If, as a background for carved wood panel choose a metal sheet– copper or aluminum – this solution will bring double benefits. Wood will take on a decorative function, and thanks to metal, the temperature in the room will not only not drop due to closed battery, but may even increase.

Popular solutions

Nowadays there are many ways to hide old cast iron batteries under the window. Screens from a wide variety of materials, niches, painting, mounting into the wall - options for every taste. But if it’s quite simple to decorate heating radiators in the living room, bedroom or children’s room, you just need to choose a solution that will be in harmony with general style interior - then in rooms with characteristic conditions (for example, in the kitchen, bathroom) - this is more difficult to do.

For these rooms it is necessary to select a material that will withstand and high humidity , and temperature changes, and possible exposure to steam, chemical substances. And with all this it will be non-toxic. The best option would be to paint the radiators to match the walls or in a contrasting color. This method of decorating pipes is the most common in bathrooms.

As for the other rooms of the house, everything depends solely on the imagination and budget of the owners. But the basic requirements for radiator screens must be met in any case. After all, their main task is to hide unsightly heating elements without compromising heat transfer. Therefore, any screen must provide free air circulation and IR radiation. At least create minor obstacles to this.

The now popular glass screens, of course, are highly decorative, look great in the interior, but they significantly reduce heat transfer, which means they help lower the temperature in the room. This decor can be used if heating is carried out in some other way, for example, using heated floors.

Quite often you can find such a solution - radiators are mounted inside the wall, and a small window (or two) is left behind a grill for the passage of heat. Not only does the temperature in the room drop significantly in this case, but also access to the system becomes almost impossible - to do this you will have to break the wall in the literal sense of the word.

The same applies to boxes made of plasterboard, plywood, MDF, chipboard and other similar materials. Reduced heat transfer, difficult access to the system versus decorativeness. Everyone makes a choice for themselves.

Screens made of metal – copper or aluminum – are now gaining popularity. Such models not only will not lower, but may even increase the temperature in the room. Heated by the radiator, such screens themselves act as a battery and additionally heat the room.

If the room is covered with wallpaper, the heating elements can be decorated using leftovers. By cutting them into strips and gluing them onto radiators (with heat-resistant glue, of course), you can minimum costs get a wonderful decorative element that will harmoniously fit into the interior.

In a children's room, you can generally give free rein to your imagination, or you can involve the inhabitants of the room in the process. Children will happily take on the task of decorating their own home and will tell you how they would like to decorate the radiators. Favorite cartoons, fairy tales, your own imagination, in which the room is not a room at all, but a ship, a tank or a racing car. All this can be used when decorating radiators.

To decorate old heating radiators, you don’t have to spend a large number of funds, effort and time. You can simply paint them. Freshly painted batteries will look good in a modern interior, such as a loft, or in a classic or soft pastel room. The main thing is to choose the right color.

The same loft - industrial style, and its color scheme is appropriate. The most commonly used is black or White color. One of them can be used to color batteries. Elements painted in a contrasting color - black on white or white on a black background - will look especially impressive.

For the more prosaic, calm interiors this is unlikely to be suitable - after all, it still emphasizes the heating system, highlights it, and does not hide it. In an industrial loft this is what you need. But, for example, in classic interior it would be inappropriate. Here it is better to paint the batteries to match the walls so that they blend into the background.

Heating radiators can be decorated with paintings. Such elements will look good in a nursery and will emphasize the dynamic, active, unusual atmosphere inherent in this room.

In the bathroom, you can put the pipes in a plastic box. It would be irrational to use wood or metal in this room - the materials will quickly become unusable, and the design will have to be changed. And plastic can easily withstand the high humidity of this room. However, plastic is not suitable for the kitchen; here it is better to give preference to traditional materials.

The decor of a heating system implies not only the camouflage of its elements, but also the possibility of easy and quick access to any of its components. This is one of the most important criteria choices that need to be followed when choosing the design of radiators.

Another important factor is heat transfer. But here you can resort to a little trick. A foil foam insulator hung on the wall behind the radiator will reduce heat loss by twenty times.

But it must be attached to the wall, and not just put the battery. In this case, a distance of at least two to three centimeters should remain between it and the piece of insulator.

It is not advisable to cover the elements of the heating system with boxes, hide them in niches or mount them in walls. If another option is not possible, it is necessary to provide the box with a door to ensure the fastest and easiest access to the system at any time.

Modern industry produces heating radiators that are significantly different from Soviet models, which everyone is so eager to hide or change. These are not only strictly geometric white radiators. These can be models of almost any shape and size. Such batteries do not have to be hidden or covered; on the contrary, it is customary to put them on public display, hang them in the center of the wall and show them to guests as a bright, unusual accent.

Modern radiators are a spectacular decorative element that is attractive in itself. Even simple white models have their own aesthetics. They don't have to be hidden at all. They will cope perfectly with the role of discreet, but stylish elements decorations that also perform a practical function - they heat the room.

Examples in the interior

Beautifully decorate or hide radiators in the room so that they are not a “fly in the ointment” and do not spoil the whole appearance premises, not so much difficult task. Modern materials allow us to solve this issue with minimal costs.

Vertical, horizontal, sectional, copper, cast iron - the modern market offers a wide variety of radiators for every taste.

A battery with a bright, cheerful color, such as yellow, will look good in a children's room - it has a positive effect on nervous system And emotional state person.

New models, unusual for the eyes - vertical radiators. They are located vertically on the wall and can occupy the entire height from floor to ceiling. This element looks quite stylish and does an excellent job of maintaining a comfortable temperature in the room.

The cold weather is just around the corner, and it’s worth paying attention to the heating radiators and thinking about how they can be hidden so that they do not spoil the interior. There are quite a few creative ideas, which will allow you to turn batteries into a decorative element and use them practically.

Disguise as interior style

In a beautifully designed interior, all objects and elements should somehow resonate with each other and form a single style. Heating generators in this case are also no exception. They, of course, simply must fit into the common space and only decorate it, and not spoil it. Therefore, you should worry in advance about adequate masking of the batteries. In classic versions, screens in an elegant style, made in light shadesIvory, beige, noble white. Laconic wooden models without elaborate decor will look good in a Scandinavian or modern interior.

Choosing the right material

The choice of material from which the screen will be made must be approached no less scrupulously than the design of the product itself. First of all, the selected material must be resistant to high temperatures. Today, such screens are made of metal, plexiglass, wood, plastic and plywood. The most reliable and popular of them are metal and plywood. Wood can deform over time, and it is expensive; plastic is only suitable for offices and non-residential premises, glass can hinder the heat transfer during heating.

Warmth or beauty?

When choosing a screen, there is another dilemma: what to put first - beauty or to be more concerned about warmth. Here you need to start from how severe the winters are where the apartment is located. If you want to reduce the flow of heat and it is hot in the apartment in winter, then you should take a closer look at closed options. If heating the room comes first, then you need to choose options without additional grilles, as well as those that are as light and patterned as possible.

Practical use of the radiator

The most interesting thing is that thanks to the screens, the battery can be used as extra bed for rest, as a shelf or stand for decorative elements. Thus, you have two birds with one stone in your hands - the battery is camouflaged, the interior looks great and at the same time it has additional element, performing practical functions.

Electrical wiring, heating, water supply and drainage systems, hoods and ventilation can ruin the interior of an apartment or house if they are not hidden from view. During construction or carrying out overhaul It is worth planning the premises in advance where you can hide numerous pipes and radiators. There are many ways to hide a radiator. In this article we will examine each of them in detail.

How to hide a radiator and maintain its heat transfer level

Choosing creative options for camouflage heating system, you need to keep in mind that it should not only be stylish and fit into the overall design project, but also fully perform its original function - to heat the room. When considering ways to decorate a radiator, pay attention to the following points.

The task of any battery is to maintain the necessary temperature regime indoors using the following methods.

The first is infrared radiation, based on the transfer of heat directly to heated objects. If you get close to the battery, you will feel this thermal radiation.

The second is convection, the essence of which is to heat the room and move warm air up, and cold - down. The air circulation promotes uniform heating of the room.

Therefore, it is important to consider that any way to hide the batteries completely or partially blocks the full operation of the heater. For example, a glass screen on a radiator prevents infrared radiation from acting, since glass prevents heat from penetrating beyond its boundaries. How fewer holes for air circulation will be on such a screen, the more noticeable the heat loss.

It is strictly not recommended to install airtight boxes without any gaps, because... they prevent warm air from rising. Therefore, in order for the radiator to preserve its original functions, decorate it better with panels with a large number of holes, like a mesh with large cells.

The next thing you should pay attention to is maintaining access to the battery and pipes. At the most inopportune moment, they can leak (due to installation errors, manufacturing defects or other reasons). To quickly troubleshoot problems, you will need to carry out renovation work or even remove the radiator and replace it with a new one. Therefore, it is important that the screen is easy to remove.

Ideally, the battery cover should provide access to the radiator at any time without the use of special tools. It is recommended to at least install a “revision” (plastic door) that provides access to the junction of the pipe and the battery. Most often, problems arise in this place.

Thus, when choosing a radiator decor option, in order not to reduce its heat transfer, you need to keep in mind the following:

    Warm and cold air must circulate freely in the room. The fewer barriers, the more evenly the room warms up.

    It is necessary to ensure access to the radiator at any time. Make a special window or hinged door at the junction of the battery and the pipe.

    All adjustment elements of the heating system must be freely accessible.

How to hide radiators in the interior, taking into account the design of the room

Many of us are unhappy with the way the batteries look in the apartment. Even a varied assortment of radiators of all shapes and colors does not solve this problem. Everyone uses their own methods to hide unsightly batteries.

It is worth taking note that the screen (box, panel) not only allows you to disguise the radiator in the house, but also performs protective function– isolates dangerous hot objects with sharp corners from small children.

Decoration task heating devices and pipes can be solved differently depending on at what stage (major or minor renovation of an apartment) it occurs.

If global changes (redevelopment, major repairs, etc.) are planned in the room, then this is an excellent opportunity to replace old batteries. You can install more stylish ones, suitable for new interior heating appliances. In this case, you won’t even want to hide them, and the heating capabilities of the radiators will be used to the maximum. For apartment design projects in the classic Victorian style, heavy cast iron batteries with several sections are ideal.

If changing plumbing and pipes is not part of your plans, there is different ways how to hide a heating radiator in an apartment.


The easiest and most cost-effective way to disguise a heating device is to paint it to match the interior (wall, sofa or cabinet next to which it is located). To do this, you need to use a special paint that has high heat resistance. This method is suitable for rooms in which the batteries fit organically into the overall space.

Hinged screen

One of the most common ways to hide radiators in an apartment is a screen, panel or grille.

A screen is a simple, but at the same time not the most beautiful way to hide heating appliances in the house. It does not require special installation or installation. A hanging screen can be made at home. You just need to hang it on the radiator. The disadvantage of this method is that the water pipes remain visible.

The hinged panel, performing a decorative function, maintains the radiator's operating efficiency at almost the same level. Most often, the panels are made of light metal alloys, so they can make loud sounds if they are touched. Such panels are inexpensive and easy to install.

The grilles meet safety requirements for families with small children - they have rounded edges.

Panels, screens and gratings are divided into two types: for one-sided and two-sided pipe connections.

Glass screens

One of current trends in interior design is the use of glass screens to disguise radiators. They are made of durable fire-resistant material. Photo printing, stained glass drawings and other images can be applied to such screens. Typically, glass screens are made to order in special workshops. Their price differs significantly from the cost of conventional hanging panels and grilles. To install the screen, you need to make several holes in the wall near the radiator. Next, using screw holders with flexible rubberized gaskets, it is attached to the wall. In the presence of relevant tools(a hammer drill and a screwdriver) you can install such a screen yourself at home.

There are different ways to decorate glass surface screen:

    Photo printing. This is one of the most common techniques. You can use any images you like (your own photos or pictures found on the Internet) to print on glass.

    Glass can be painted with acrylic or any other paints designed for working on glass. An excellent alternative to expensive stained glass. It’s quite affordable, and you can do everything yourself. You will only need special paints, which can be found in any art store.

    An interesting effect can be obtained during sandblasting.

    Original version is created using fusing. This is a technique for producing an image by sintering pieces of glass in an oven.

    A screen made using cut glass. A painting is created by combining the edges into a single image.

    You can decorate a glass screen at home. On plain glass using rhinestones different sizes With both shade and special glue you can create a unique masterpiece, which will not only disguise the radiator, but will also become an independent element of interior decoration.

Decorative screens for radiators

Typically, batteries in a house or apartment are located under the window. In this case, unsightly water pipes can be hidden behind decorative panels or screens. This is one of the most popular and simple ways masking heating devices. There are many options on how to do this.

The decoration of the screens can be very diverse: just a lattice, geometric or other patterns, carving, forging, etc.

In addition to their decorative function, screens also have practical benefits: they reduce infrared radiation from radiators and even increase the efficiency of heating the room. The hidden radiator hidden behind such a screen does not need to be washed every week. It is enough to periodically wipe the dust from the very decorative panel.

If you place the radiator in a niche, and above it there is a spacious window sill, this space can be used as a work desk or a place for cooking.

Frame made of wooden blocks

Wooden frames masking radiators fit harmoniously into any interior. They will look very organic in an apartment with wooden parquet and furniture. These frames are very functional. Depending on their size, they are used as a rack, table, shelf, place for sitting and relaxing. Visual execution can be completely different. If you have been thinking for a long time about the question of how to hide a heating radiator with your own hands, make such a frame yourself.

Action plan to create wooden frame for a hidden heating radiator:

    Carefully measure the heating device.

    Make wooden blocks appropriate size.

    Assemble the frame from sawn blanks and check for strength.

    Weave the base of the structure with a special tape or wooden slats.

    Apply varnish to protect the surface of the frame from moisture.

Stretch fabric screen

Fabric or paper web, usually in the same color scheme as the nearby wall. Then this design is installed in the same way as a regular screen.

A fireplace will add coziness to an apartment with any design.

Masking radiators with plasterboard

Sometimes there is no other option but to hide the heating radiator with plasterboard. This material makes it possible to produce the most non-standard designs. It must be taken into account that if a solid sheet of drywall is used to mask the battery, it is necessary to make holes in it to ensure air movement in the room.

Designers offer very original ways, how to hide heating radiators in a private house or apartment by fitting them into the interior: the batteries are made to order in the form of a decorative panel and mounted on the wall. Such a heating device will become an independent piece of interior decoration, retaining its original functionality. It is not necessary to use the same bright options, in order to hide the heating radiator, as in the photo. You can order a more laconic model that will fit perfectly into your interior.

The kitchen design will be perfectly complemented by a minimalist radiator, made in the form of a metal board that can be hung on the wall. Using magnets, you can attach notes, a calendar, photographs and other information that you want to keep before your eyes to such a battery. This radiator is very easy to clean.

Plastic gratings

Inexpensive options for decorating heating devices that should only be used in non-residential premises. Low-quality plastic, when exposed to high temperatures, can release substances harmful to people. It is recommended to place such grilles in utility rooms(storage rooms, bathrooms, garages).

If you need to hide a radiator in a short time, but you are not ready to spend too much money on it, you can sew a curtain, make a fence, or simply paint the heating device in an unusual way.

Now you know the best way to hide a radiator. And in order to install it, connect pipes to it, and in general, create a heating system, various plumbing materials are needed: pipes, fittings, tools, etc. You should only buy them from a trusted supplier. One of such suppliers is SantechStandard. By collaborating with SantekhStandard, you gain the following advantages:

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Decorative screens for radiators have firmly taken their place in the design modern interiors. They help maintain a consistent style in the interior and disguise the unsightly appearance of the batteries.

In addition to the aesthetic component, the screens eliminate the possibility of burns and injuries, which is especially important for families with small children. In our article we will talk about the most popular and practical ideas using battery screens.

1. Hinged screens with covers

Such hanging screens are most often made of metal; they do not require professional installation and can be installed by simply hanging it on a heating device with your own hands. Such protective panels do not interfere with convection and heat transfer at all. Wall panels are manufactured with rectangular or rounded edges, as well as for double-sided or single-sided pipe connections.

2. Flat screens for heating radiators

Flat screens are the most in demand. This is due to the fact that such screens are used both for decorating radiators built into niches, and for decorating various decorative elements of the interior of premises. Today, such screens come with carvings, drawings and various forgings; some examples can be easily equated to works of art.



3. Screens made in the form of a box

A screen for the battery in the form of a box allows you to completely decorate the often scary heating radiators with many layers of paint sticking out in all directions. And even modern “beautiful” radiators, as a rule, do not fit into general interior premises.



You can also use a classification based on the material from which the screen is made.

4. Metal screens for batteries

A variety of protective canopies made of stainless steels They are quite practical and, subject to certain rules, look aesthetically pleasing both in the interior of a living room and in a swimming pool or common area. Metal screens on radiators will help complement the design in the high-tech or techno style.

5. Decorative screens made of wood

Wooden screens are great for decoration purposes as they look quite attractive. Wooden screens for heating radiators can be purchased ready-made, or made to order so that they match the color and style of your furniture and doors. The main disadvantage of wooden decorative fencing for batteries - the ability to deform and dry out under severe temperature changes and even slight fluctuations in humidity levels.

6. Screens made of MDF panels

The most important advantage of products made from MDF is that in their technical specifications this material is not inferior natural wood, and the cost is 60-70% cheaper.

7. Plastic grilles

Despite their affordability, plastic grilles are a poor choice for residential premises, this is due to the fact that when heated strongly, products made of plastic can release harmful substances that are dangerous to the human body. Plastic grilles are good for non-residential premises and offices.

8. Glass screens

Glass screens are usually a rectangular sheet of thick translucent glass on steel holders. It covers the radiator only from the front, leaving free space below and above.

I would also like to talk about the now fashionable photo printing on glass screens for batteries.

  • Combination various colors screen frames, color range and types of perforation makes it possible to carry out countless variations in the interior.
  • If the battery that needs to be hidden is not initially located in a niche, then it is better to choose a radiator screen with a box.
  • Screens from natural materials more suitable for classic and vintage interiors. Artificial materials are more typical for interiors with modern design.

A radiator as an element of a heating system does not always meet the aesthetic expectations of the owners of a house or apartment. Many people want to decorate such structures, smoothing out their impact on the interior as a whole. However, before closing the battery, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, because it is wrong installed structure can significantly reduce heat transfer.


The battery does not need to be closed. There are a few alternative ways hide radiators if they do not fit into the interior.


During repairs, it is enough to remove the old coating and repaint the surface. To do this, use special paint that is resistant to elevated temperatures. The color must be selected to match the interior of the room. True, this option is best used with modern aluminum batteries. Painted cast iron items will stand out a lot.

It is not necessary to make radiators monochromatic; they can be decorated with various designs. This is especially important to do in a children’s room or kitchen. If artistic skills are completely absent, you can use special stencils.


You can cover the radiator using a cotton curtain. The truth is like this option will do only for products installed in a niche. You can attach the curtain to the window sill using Velcro; the fabric should be matched to the wallpaper. As an alternative, blinds can be used.


Using ordinary napkins and PVA glue, you can also decorate a heating device. This is easy to do with your own hands; special skills and expensive materials are not required. It is enough to choose napkins to match, cut out the necessary elements and paste them over the radiator. You can apply a special heat-resistant varnish on top.


If decorating heating appliances for some reason does not suit you, you can hide them under special grilles or perforated screens. Such devices are made from the most various materials, have a variety of shapes and designs.

When choosing a screen, it is worth remembering that the better the perforation, the more heat from the radiator will enter the room. Blind side and top bars seriously reduce battery efficiency.


Screens made of thick glass will successfully hide the heating device. You can purchase options with photo printing or entire glass paintings; such products look beautiful and very stylish. Glass screens only cover outside batteries. They are secured using screw holders with elastic protective pads.


You can hide radiators using hanging grilles. Most often, such products are used for those located in a niche under the window sill. Anyone can also handle the installation - you just need to hang the structure on the heating device.


Best suited for rooms with classic design. In addition, wood products can be used as a stand. However, there is also a drawback to such a screen. It lies in the short shelf life of the products. Alas, wood, regardless of quality, sooner or later becomes deformed under the influence high temperature and it will simply dry out.

What can you do yourself?

Now there are many opportunities to design screens for heating devices with your own hands. The easiest way is to cover the heating radiator with plasterboard. This universal option is suitable for any room, from the living room to the kitchen.

Required materials and tools

  • pencil and tape measure;
  • hammer drill and screwdriver;
  • metal scissors and stationery knife;
  • level, stapler, sandpaper;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • drywall, UD and CD profiles;
  • lattice.


In order to cover the radiator with plasterboard, you need to make a frame. To do this, UD guide profiles are secured with self-tapping screws to the underside of the window sill, walls and floor. The front edge of the resulting frame is deepened by 13 mm so that after covering with plasterboard, the surface of the screen coincides with the wall.

Then the CD profiles are screwed vertically, and the distance between them should be slightly more sizes grates.


Using a knife, cut blanks from a plasterboard sheet required sizes. Then the drywall is screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws. The screw heads should not be deeply recessed, otherwise the sheet may tear and the structure will not be securely fastened. On last stage secure the decorative lattice.

Plasterboard structures fit perfectly into the interior, but significantly reduce the efficiency of the radiator. Small space for the flow of warm air impedes convection. Therefore, when selecting a screen or decorative design you need to find a balance between aesthetics and minimal reduction in heat transfer from the radiator.