How to make sandblasting using improvised materials. Sandblasting machine (sandblasting): components, safety and operation, how to make. What can you use to make your own sandblasting machine?

It is quite tempting to have a sandblasting machine that can not only clean surfaces and niches from rust and dirt, but also perform more fine work. For example, glass engraving. Finished sandblasting can cost about 150-200 dollars, and if it is used from time to time and not for professional purposes, then there is no need to pay a fairly large amount. You can do everything yourself.

Operating principle and diagram of the sandblasting machine

First of all, it is worth deciding for what purpose the device is being assembled. If we need fine work with small details, then the requirements for the device will be the same, but if we plan to clean the bottom of a car, and not just one, but several, it will be a more productive design. But be that as it may, the following elements are required for any device:

  • air blower;
  • sand tank;
  • air line;
  • sand line;
  • governing elements;
  • spray gun.

This is in general. And the principle of operation of sandblasting is quite simple and understandable. River calcined sand, such as in hourglass, two circuits are connected to the reservoir - discharge and working. The discharge circuit is connected from below and has a protective check valve(Ideally). The working circuit is connected to the tank on one side, and on the other side it is connected to the spray gun.

By opening the valve on the gun, we release the pressure, and a stream of sand is supplied along with the air, which cleans the desired surface or part. All things. This is classic sandblasting. As an example, consider simplest option devices that can process spark plugs, for example.

The simplest sandblasting machine

A diagram of a simple sandblasting machine is presented in this section and the device makes it clear how the system operates. It looks like this. The same one is poured into the container river sand. A hole is drilled in the bottom of the container through which air is supplied from the compressor or hand pump. The top of the container is closed with a tight lid, in which a hole is drilled for the spark plug and a hole for bleeding air and collecting sand.

A hose is inserted into the hole, the other end of which is installed in a container for collecting sand. If everything is done carefully, the hose for collecting sand can be sealed with a bag, then the process of cleaning the candles will be completely silent and without raising dust. After the spark plug is polished, it is blown with air, checked on a probe, and it is ready for further testing.

Drawing of a sandblasting machine for amateur use

You need to clearly understand that cheap fish is only available in factory canteens. Therefore, they eat there only when necessary. Sandblasting is also a rather complicated device in terms of the materials used. The most important part of the apparatus is the nozzle, from which a stream of sand comes out. You can buy a professional, highly durable nozzle that will last hundreds of hours. It will cost at least a hundred USD, but whether this makes sense is up to each individual to decide. The price of the device directly depends on the materials and additional equipment, control taps and valves, but to a greater extent, from the nozzle or gun.

In short, if you assemble the device from improvised materials and from what is available in any hardware store, you will need the following components

The price of such a set should not exceed two and a half thousand rubles, and this is the minimum that will allow you to make a more or less functional device. When compared with the price of a finished sandblasting machine, this amount looks ridiculous.

Assembly and operation of the device

Now let’s turn on our imagination and, following the basic rules, assemble the unit. We drill a hole in the bottom of the cylinder for the fitting and screw it into place. We weld the neck from the same two-inch pipe. After this, you should evaluate your ability to carry the device. If the cylinder is heavy, you can put it on a wheeled chassis. This will make transportation easier. If the cylinder is small and light, a handle will be enough.

Actually, the main thing in this story is a few drawings that we have placed in this section and on the basis of which a homemade sandblasting machine will be assembled with your own hands. It is worth choosing the right compressor; it should pump air within 4-6 atmospheres, and the sand fraction should be about 0.5 mm. There is nothing extremely complicated in the device, so if there is a need for sandblasting, then this problem, like many others, can be solved independently.

Today, many people have heard about sandblasting, but few people fully understand how it all works. Although this method of surface treatment was invented quite a long time ago and is widely used in our time. This material will help you understand some of the intricacies of sandblasting. What does it consist of, how does it work, what pressure is needed to work? These and other issues are discussed in detail below. Particular attention is paid to the protection of the worker who uses the sandblasting machine. A few words have been said about the main parameters of sandblasting, which should be taken into account when choosing such equipment. An example of how to make a sandblasting machine with your own hands is also given.

Scope of sandblasting machines

You should start with the area where sandblasting is used. The most well-known application of this processing method is for cleaning metal during body repair or automotive repair. Devices for such processing have high pressure, with the help of which a sand jet removes the remains of old paint, soil, rust or scale from the metal surface.

Sandblasted metal lasts much longer after painting, largely due to the fact that such cleaning is better than other methods of removing metal coating. Small grains of sand cut into the surface being treated at high speed, thereby knocking down even those traces of corrosion that are located in small pores or cracks, where they are difficult to reach with traditional tools.

In addition to the quality of cleaning from old coating and traces of corrosion, sandblasting leaves behind a smoother surface. There are no scratches that occur after using brush cleaning, or using sandpaper with large abrasive particles. This makes it much easier to apply the first layer of primer and improves the quality of its adhesion to the metal.

Besides body repair, sandblasting is widely used in other areas of human activity. This is how large ships, parts and products are cleaned in factories. In addition to metal, this processing method is also applicable to other types of materials, for example, for cleaning wood, brick or concrete products.

Sandblasting machines are used to create specific effects on wood or glass. Wooden crafts after processing they can acquire all sorts of patterns. Sandblasting is used to frost glass, which is used in decorative purposes, for example, for engraving in the form of different patterns. Some sandblasting machines can be used to drill holes in glass, which can be round or other shapes.

Any sandblasting machine consists of the following elements:

  • compressor creating required pressure air flow;
  • storage receiver;
  • a gun through which a stream of sand is directed onto the surface to be treated;
  • container with sand or other abrasive material;
  • automation and control system;
  • connecting hoses.

The automation system is designed to control the pressure in the supply to the gun. There is also an automated compressor emergency shutdown system in case of problems in the work area. For example, when the work gun was accidentally released from the hands or in the event of a sandblaster falling.

The control system ensures that the compressor is turned on and off. Also, with its help, the equipment is switched to idle and operating modes. Sometimes it is located not only in the working area, but also in areas of additional sandblasting service. For example, the equipment can be controlled by an assistant who monitors the level of sand in containers. He does this either independently or at the command of the sandblaster.

Connecting hoses are very important element sandblasting. The power and performance of the device depends on them. When selecting or manufacturing sandblasting hoses, the pressure they can withstand is taken into account. No less important parameter is their diameter and internal resistance. The productivity and power of sandblasting is significantly affected by the length of the hoses.

Operating principle of sandblasting machine

The operating principle of sandblasting may vary slightly depending on the type, but most of them work as follows:

  • the compressor creates air pressure that accumulates in the receiver;
  • when the pressure required for sandblasting is created, the air flow is supplied to the gun;
  • after air is supplied to the gun, a vacuum appears in it, which draws the abrasive substance from the container. Sand can also be forced into the gun;
  • then the air-sand mixture is ejected from the gun with high acceleration and directed onto the surface to be treated.

Some sandblasters may work differently, but the operating principle described is the most common.

Types of compressors for sandblasting machines

It is worth saying a few words about compressors, with the help of which the pressure required in terms of power and performance is created. The most common of them are piston ones, since their power is sufficient for simple devices with low performance requirements.

There are also screw compressors. This type is considered more productive, which is why they are used where constant pressure with high performance is needed. Such compressors can work even with small storage receivers. Their performance is quite enough to provide pressure to the working gun in real time.

Main settings

Now a few words about the main parameters of compressors for sandblasting machines - power and performance. In this case, the first characteristic is measured in units of pressure that the compressor can create.

A device that can produce 9 atmospheres is considered more powerful than one that produces only 6 atmospheres. The optimal figure is considered to be 7-8 atm. Moreover, on the compressor, in the sandblasting machine and on the hose nozzle, the number varies depending on the size of the nozzle.

An important indicator for sandblasting compressors is their performance. This parameter shows the amount of compressed air that the device can produce in a certain period of time. Capacity is usually measured in liters of air per minute. Accordingly, the volume of sand that can be supplied to the work area per unit of time.

Other parameters of compressors are considered secondary, and therefore, when choosing equipment, they are not particularly paid attention to. These include the power consumption of the electric motor, time uninterrupted operation, number of revolutions per minute. The power and productivity of sandblasting also depend on these parameters, however, when choosing, they still focus on the main indicators.

Popular models of compressors for sandblasting are presented on the market by such certified brands as Abac, Berg, ChKZ, Ceccato, Atmos, Remeza, Alup, Kaeser, Fini, ZIF.

Features and characteristics of the pistol

For a pistol, the main parameters are:

  • its performance;
  • operating pressure;
  • nozzle diameter;
  • method of capturing an abrasive composition.

All of these characteristics, except the last one, depend proportionally on the compressor and the design features of the gun itself.

For example, with a larger nozzle diameter, the gun's performance will be greater. However, at the same pressure values, a nozzle with a larger diameter will have a lower jet power. This means that a larger amount of sand will be supplied, but its acceleration speed will be lower.

These parameters are selected depending on the task facing sandblasting. For example, when processing brick or concrete walls, wood products and so on, less jet power is required, while productivity is needed as much as possible. But when processing glass, metal and others hard surfaces you need a jet with high acceleration.

Personal protection for sandblaster

When working with sandblasters Special attention is given personal protection sandblaster. This type of material processing poses several dangers to human health.

The first of them is grains of sand flying out at very high speeds, which can reach 700 kilometers per hour. Many particles ricochet off the surface being treated, which can cause serious injury to the skin. To protect yourself from their effects, you must use the following personal protective equipment:

  • special shoes;
  • overalls made of durable material;
  • leather gloves;
  • protective helmet.

Sand dust and other particles knocked off the surface being treated have a negative effect on the respiratory system. To protect against this harm, the sandblasting helmet is equipped with an independent air source. Air usually comes from outside the work shop and is forced into the helmet for breathing. Sometimes self-contained air supply systems are used, similar to those used by scuba divers.

Well, the last one, no less dangerous source harm to health is noise. Its creation involves a rather loud compressor, a whistling stream of compressed air and the noise of sand hitting the surface being treated. If you remain under the influence of all these noises for a long time, you can very quickly get injured in your hearing aid. To protect against excess noise, special sound-absorbing headphones are used, mounted in the sandblaster’s helmet.

Room for working with a sandblasting machine

When working with a sandblasting machine, it’s a good idea to take care of creating necessary conditions in the workroom. The main enemy of sandblasting is excess moisture, because when sanding is carried out, productivity can be significantly affected by its moisture content. Therefore, the first thing they care about is removing excess humidity from the premises. Also for this purpose, professional sandblasting machines are equipped with air dryers, which is taken and supplied from the compressor to the working gun.

An equally important factor is the purity of the air from impurities. In addition to cleaning it in the workroom, filtration is used directly in the devices. The suction flow is cleared of oil and other impurities, which ensures better mixing with sand and supply to the working area.

Also, the sandblasting chamber should be able to be easily cleaned of sand residues. If you work with sandblasting at an amateur level, then you should choose a room for this where the sand will not interfere. After all, it will be very difficult to completely remove it. It is best to equip a special sealed chamber for this work and use it only for these purposes.

DIY sandblasting machine

In conclusion, a few words about a homemade sandblasting machine. Making it at home is quite difficult, taking into account following points. First, you need to select the appropriate compressor. Compressors from trucks are often used for this.

The compressor must have sufficient power. It must produce enough pressure to complete the task. Secondly, you should select a receiver for the compressor. If the compressor has a relatively low capacity, then the receiver will have to be assembled from several separate containers in order to provide the necessary pressure reserve.

You can use ordinary gas cylinders as a receiver for homemade sandblasting. They can withstand high pressure, are easily connected into a single system and are low cost.

A little more difficult with a working pistol. There are ready-made, factory-made options on the market, but they do not always have positive reviews. Often they have to be modified in order to achieve required power jet or required performance. These parameters are influenced by the method of sand sampling and the diameter of the nozzle, as mentioned earlier. Based on this, they achieve the necessary indicators, which still need to be adjusted to a specific compressor and receiver.

The same goes for hoses. When choosing them, you should try to ensure that they are as short as possible, withstand the pressure generated by the compressor and do not have leaks at the connections. All these parameters will help achieve higher power and performance of a homemade sandblasting machine.

It makes cleaning easy old paint, rust and other types of contamination. With the help of sandblasting you can quickly and efficiently clean the most hard to reach places. This device can also be used to engrave on glass and other materials.

As a basis for the homemade product, the author used small compressor. Perhaps this is the most expensive part of the homemade product, which will cost about 3,500 rubles. As for sand, the device works perfectly on the most common construction sand, which must be sifted through a fine sieve before refueling. If you don’t want to tinker with sand, you can buy ready-made sand, especially for these purposes.

Of course, all work is carried out either in a special room or on outdoors. You also need to take care of protective equipment. It is necessary to protect the breathing system from dust, and you will also need safety glasses or a mask to prevent sand from getting into your eyes. When working, there should be no exposed areas of skin, as loose grains of sand can dig into the code or leave a wound.

In the photo you can see what the homemade product looks like. As you can see, an ordinary bottle was used as a refilling container. And the homemade product looks like a spray gun.

Materials and tools for homemade work:
- small compressor:
- plastic bottle volume 1.5-2 liters;
- water ball valve;
- lathe;
- ceramic nozzle (used in dental sandblasting machines);
- air hose, spanners and other elements.

Step one. How the device works
You can see how the homemade product works in the photo. As soon as the master pulls the trigger, air under pressure passes into the gun channel and then enters the bottle, creating high pressure in it. The bottle contains a special liner, thanks to which the sand is mixed with air. A special valve is provided to regulate the flow of the air-sand mixture. Well, then the mixture passes through a ceramic nozzle. This is, in fact, the principle that this sandblaster, and many others, work on.

It should be noted that the nozzle must be ceramic; these are the ones used in sandblasting machines. First, the author decided to make the nozzle himself by drilling a hole with a diameter of 2.5 mm in steel. However, after fifteen minutes the hole doubled in size and this led to a sharp decrease in the productivity of the homemade product.

Step two. Device elements

The gun is made from a plastic bottle (sand is loaded here), and also water tap ball type. We also needed a tee and a tap from the spray gun. Homemade products contain elements that are turned into lathe.

The homemade product has such an element as an insert. This is a kind of injector with conical holes, at the point of their convergence, the air pressure drops, due to this, the air from the bottle along with the sand rushes to this place. Sand consumption is regulated using a tap.

You should also pay attention to the mixer; a bottle cap is screwed onto it using a threaded washer. The author tried to make such a plug from steel, but it didn’t work out; as a result, worn-out parts will need to be replaced from time to time.

Step three. Sandblaster operation
The peculiarity of this device is that it can be used to engrave on glass. To do this, the glass must first be sealed with self-adhesive film. Next, you will need to cut out the design, otherwise it can be cut out on the film before gluing. Well, then process the glass using sandblasting. What happened in the end can be seen in the photo.

This engraving on glass is well illuminated using LEDs. With this sand treatment, the drawing turns out much clearer than if you work with a Dremel. To make the engraving deeper, you just need to sandblast one place more often.

With the help of such a homemade product it is also convenient to make holes in the glass; they turn out very smooth. To do this, you need to drill a hole in a metal plate, and then attach the plate to the glass and sand the entire surface of the hole. Depending on the thickness of the glass, it takes about 3-4 minutes and one bottle of sand to make a hole. You can also make holes not only round shape, and, for example, square.

The only drawback of homemade products is that you often need to pour air into the bottle, but homemade products are not intended for work on an industrial scale. You also need to change worn out elements from time to time. By the way, the sand that is filled into the device can be reused, but, of course, it will need to be sifted.

Today, the market offers a wide range of sandblasting machines with different capabilities and for any budget. Unfortunately, good devices In addition to their high performance, they also have an equally high price, and budget models (costing from $180) are short-lived and quickly become clogged with waste particles. This raises a completely logical question: how can you create sandblasting with your own hands? In fact, as many experts assure, there is nothing complicated about it - you just need to purchase some necessary details. The sandblasting machine itself, instructions for its manufacture are available in many sources, is quite possible to assemble in just a few.

Operating principle of sandblasting machine

The operating principle of the unit is simple. If you look at the drawing of the sandblasting machine, especially simple models, then you can notice a great similarity with the design of the spray gun. Air passing under high pressure through the air ducts captures the abrasive material and directs it through the nozzle onto the surface being treated.

Since it is quite difficult to independently manufacture a device that could provide a high-pressure air supply at the proper level, experts recommend purchasing a factory compressor that provides a capacity of at least 500 liters per minute. The compressor motor must have forced cooling to avoid overheating, and its power must be at least three kilowatts.

How to make a sandblasting machine and what basic provisions must be observed? To work you will need:

  • A source of air that will be supplied under pressure (compressor).
  • Next comes the need for an uninterrupted supply of abrasive material (this task is assigned to the material container, with right angle a 45-degree inclination of the lower walls through which the material and supply hose are poured).
  • The last mandatory requirement will be the presence of such an important part as a nozzle for a sandblasting machine.

It should be noted that it should be made of tungsten carbide or boron, since ordinary budget models made of ceramics or cast iron are extremely fragile, they last for literally several hours (and often several tens of minutes) of intensive work, while at the same time as a resource There are hundreds of hours of quality nozzles. However, it is worth adding that a nozzle made of carbide will cost from 100 US dollars.

Components for assembling a sandblasting machine

A homemade sandblasting machine can be assembled from simple components found on any market. Essentially the following details are needed:

  • container for abrasive or sand. Best to use gas cylinder from propane or freon. Both containers are resistant to mechanical stress and can contain high pressure,
  • ball valves S 111,
  • two-inch piece of steel water pipe with thread and plug (which will act as a filler neck),

  • another piece of threaded pipe DN 15 with three adapters - “barrels” (which are a small steel piece with threads at both ends),
  • reinforced rubber hose, at least two meters long. A hose with an internal diameter of 14 mm is suitable,
  • gas hose with an internal diameter of 10 mm and a length of 5 meters,
  • hose fittings,
  • Collet clamp,
  • fum tape (fluoroplastic sealing material, characterized by such properties as self-lubrication, oil and gasoline resistance and corrosion resistance),

The total cost of such a kit is estimated at $35, so as you can see, the amount differs significantly from the price of a finished sandblasting machine. Once all the necessary components for the manufacture of the unit are available, it is worth starting the assembly process.

Sandblasting machine assembly process

It all starts with preparing a reservoir for the abrasive material, that is, a cylinder. Here it would be more acceptable to choose a freon cylinder, since working with it does not require preliminary preparation. If you happen to have a propane container on hand, you should first bleed all the gas out of it, then cut off the brass edge with a hacksaw. Then run a hose inside the cylinder and use the same compressor to pump out the remaining gas to avoid ignition during further welding work.

The sandblasting machine diagram presented below will not present any difficulties for a technician:

  • two holes are made in the cylinder opposite each other, one where the tap was (it is necessary to make the inlet diameter corresponding to the diameter of the pipe, that is, two inches), the second at the center of the bottom of the cylinder, its diameter is 12 mm. Next, the holes are welded, after which the filling neck is ready,
  • as a sand drain, a piece of prepared threaded pipe with index DN 15 should be welded to the bottom of the cylinder. It is important to maintain the tightness of the parts being connected when welding. To provide the installation with better mobility, either a tripod from below or a wheel base should be attached to the structure. The choice depends on the volume of the cylinder used in order to eliminate unnecessary stress on the back when carrying it.
  • on finished design parts are installed: taps are screwed onto the pipe outlets, threaded connections which are pre-wrapped with fum tape, ensuring the tightness of the structure,
  • the fittings are installed on the free ends of the tee, a hose with a diameter of 14 mm is screwed into one of them, and a hose with a diameter of 14 mm is screwed into the other before inserting a ten-millimeter hose copper tube, and then the hose is screwed in.
  • Next, for the tank with abrasive we use the following system: 14 mm. The hose is put on the fitting, which is then secured with a clamp. On the other side, a cylinder for abrasive material is installed, on the end of which a collet clamp is mounted, in which the nozzle will be secured.
    • As mentioned earlier, it is worth buying a quality nozzle made of tungsten material, but if you wish, you can make your own. For production, a metal rod with a diameter of 1 cm and a length of 3 cm is required. Inner hole with a diameter of 2.5 mm. as it passes, it is bored (up to 3 mm - a 20 mm segment, and after which we increase the boring to 6.5 mm for the remaining part).
  • A tee and a tap with a container for sand or abrasive are installed in the air inlet.
  • the first outlet on the tee is connected to the compressor, the second to the tank.

In this case, subject to all technical specifications The result should be a model that meets all requirements, with the proper quality of components and level of assembly, not particularly inferior to full-fledged units.

In the event that the design of the sandblasting apparatus described above seemed unnecessarily complex, or the apparatus itself is required for light amateur cleaning work small surface, a completely acceptable option would be to build a simpler structure. Homemade sandblasting can be made from a tee, ball valve, and an ordinary two-liter plastic bottle is suitable as a reservoir for sand. The design of a sandblasting machine of this level is quite simple, and what is important, such a unit can be assembled in literally an hour. The body of the spray gun is bored to the size of the nozzle being installed, and a handle and fittings are attached to it. In this case, you will have to take into account that a hastily assembled model will require frequent replacement of components due to wear and tear. For example, if you use a ceramic nozzle of a suitable diameter from a dental machine (which is often recommended on many portals on this topic), then you should take into account that literally after 20 minutes productivity will drop sharply due to an increase in internal diameter nozzles Its price starts at $5, but you should take into account a very limited service life. In fact, if sandblasting will be needed not for short-term work for a few minutes, but for continuous operation, it makes sense to purchase reliable spare parts at a higher price than to throw away low-quality ceramic or steel used nozzles every 10-15 minutes of work.

Varieties of sandblasting machine models

There are several types of sandblasting machines, and before assembling it is necessary to clearly understand the scope of use.

  • Suction sandblasters are suitable for light cleaning work. In such a device, air is needed not only to supply a jet of sand, but also to take it out of the container. This is the easiest device to construct.
  • Vacuum sandblasting machines are characterized by the reusable ability to use sand or abrasive materials; they implement cyclicity: when sand or abrasive, thrown under pressure onto the surface, is again sucked into the chamber and reused,
  • pneumatic sandblasters designed for processing large areas or difficult to clean elements. Since this device is characterized by high power and high pressure in the tank, it is highly not recommended to try to build such a device on your own.

The devices are also divided according to the type of supply of abrasive material for work:

  • pressure,
  • injection,

The first type of sandblasting is distinguished by the fact that air is directed both into the apparatus and into the reservoir with sand. Compressed air, as well as the abrasive, pass through one channel, as a result of which the overall productivity of work and its intensity significantly increases. The second type is characterized by low pressure created, which is optimal for amateur work. This property is achieved by moving the air flow and the abrasive used through different channels. It is advisable to start assembling the injection apparatus, since its design is better suited for simple work, and importantly, it is much more economical in terms of manufacturing. The compressor for this type of sandblasting machine is inexpensive (from $20).

Advantages and disadvantages of a homemade sandblasting machine

Of the advantages self made for the manufacture of such a machine, the following are distinguished:

  • if you have the appropriate skills, assembly will not take much time and will significantly save your budget,
  • the use of high-quality components will result in a device that is superior in quality and reliability to budget ones ready-made models factory assembled.

It is advisable to pay attention to the disadvantages of homemade sandblasting:

  • assembly should only be carried out if you have the appropriate skills,
  • models assembled hastily or from low-quality materials are not durable,
  • Often, “homemade” ones are equipped with low-quality nozzles (although this is also typical for budget factory models of sandblasting machines), which complicates the process of working with them, since such nozzles require frequent replacement and reduce operating efficiency.
  • in case of design defects or incorrect calculations during the manufacture of the device using high pressure air in the structure there is a risk of injury (for example, if a valve or container with abrasive ruptures),
  • Equipment assembled by yourself is inferior in quality to factory products from renowned manufacturers.

In general, before starting construction, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. homemade designs. It is worth remembering that it is possible to take the appropriate equipment, even professional class for rent. The construction of a more complex level sandblasting machine will require either the presence welding machine and skills to work with it, or attracting a third-party specialist - which will lead to an additional expense item. In any case, it is worth considering all aspects before making a decision.

In any process, at any stage, significant attention should be paid to the rules of handling equipment and safety precautions. Considering the large associated contamination and the danger of dust entering the respiratory tract, all work should be carried out either in a special closed chamber, or use personal protective equipment such as a mask and respirator, or a helmet with air circulation. Hands should be protected with thick rubber gloves, all parts of the body should be covered with work clothes to avoid contact with and injury to the skin by sharp quartz particles.

In addition, it is important to monitor the following points:

  • the sand dosing valve must always be open,
  • Before starting work, you should carefully inspect all components, make sure that the hoses connected to the device are reliable,
  • it is necessary to constantly check the condition of the nozzles, especially those made of ceramics or simple metal,
  • The spray angle should be 90 degrees for better surface treatment,
  • filters and valves in equipment must be lubricated each time after use,
  • The hoses must not be under any tension during operation,
  • any equipment must be carefully grounded to avoid the possibility of electric shock,
  • sand for work must be carefully sifted, the abrasive material must be uniform, and excessively large particles must be removed.

From inside the tank (or, as it is also called, a hydraulic accumulator), you will need to remove the chamber (membrane), which is filled with water, and all connections must be coated with sealant so that they do not allow air to pass through.

As a container for sand, in addition to the tank from the water pump, you can also use a gas cylinder of the required volume or, for example, expansion tank. The main thing is that the container itself can withstand a pressure of 10 atm without any problems.

Design features of sandblasting

To prevent the sand inside the cylinder from getting wet from condensation, you will need to install a moisture separator.

Also, to make a homemade sandblasting machine, you will need two reinforced hoses (air or gas are suitable). The author uses a thinner hose to supply air. A mixture of air and sand will flow through a thick hose.

To assemble the entire system, you will need two taps and a certain number of different fittings, adapters and tees, which can be purchased at a plumbing store.

The author also uses a ceramic nozzle from argon welding, which is installed at the end of a thick reinforced hose. You can, of course, use a regular metal fitting, but it won’t last long.

Sandblasting machine manufacturing process

Sand will be poured through the brass tee - to do this you will only need to unscrew the plug. By the way, only quartz sand should be used for a sandblasting machine.

After this, you will need to assemble the lower part of the system: you will need fittings, coupling, gas tap, adapter from large to small diameter.

Sandblasting machine assembly

The tank from the water pump (hydraulic accumulator) is welded or bolted to homemade cart, welded from pieces profile pipe. And from round pipe you will need to make two stops.

During the process of assembling the sandblasting machine, the author decided to replace the nozzle from argon welding with an insulator for a car spark plug.