How to make a ridge on a roof - recommendations from roofers. How to choose and install the right roof ridge Ridge element

The ridge of the roof is the edge formed at the junction of the roof slopes. As a result of the installation of roofing materials, this place remains open. If you leave the ridge connection unprotected, moisture, cold air and even small birds and insects will penetrate through it.

Design features of the roof ridge

The ridge connection is installed at the last stage of roof construction; the strength and durability of the entire structure depends on the result of the actions performed.

Before you make the roof ridge with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the functions that are assigned to this area:

  • Prevents moisture penetration. If the ridge is left open, moisture entering the attic space can cause rotting and destruction of the rafter system.
  • Roof ventilation. A roofing ridge, mounted in compliance with special rules, allows warm air together with the water vapor accumulated in it, come out. If circulation is disrupted, moisture will settle on wooden elements roofs and on inside roofing material. This will inevitably lead to damage to the entire structure.
  • Protection against insects and birds. It is very common to see feathered friends entering the attic space and building nests directly in the roof.
  • Creating a Completed Construction View. The ridge is a decorative element of the roof that makes the entire structure more aesthetically pleasing with the appearance of a completed building. Ridge roof self-made will look elegant, but there is almost no variety among hand-made elements. But ready-made ridge profiles have enough wide choose colors and shapes. It is very important that the ridge and roofing are made by the same manufacturer and preferably the same color.

The structure of the skate and its possible forms

To make the roof ridge, galvanized steel, ceramics or asbestos cement can be used.

The product profile can have three forms:

  • The ridge of simple shape is made in the form of an ordinary corner made of painted or unpainted galvanized steel. This detail is quite easy to make yourself. A simple ridge element is used on roofs with an unheated attic space covered with alloy steel.
  • The oval-shaped ridge is a semicircular gutter with wide shelves for fastening. This type of skate always comes with end caps. The oval ridge profile is an excellent option for a roof mansard type, since the pocket created by the part contributes to the organization forced ventilation. The oval ridge has high aesthetic properties, but the cost of such an element is much more expensive than other types.
  • The structure of the roof ridge, which has a U-shaped rib, also assumes the presence of a ventilation pocket, but of a slightly different shape. This version of the skate does not come with plugs. The cost of a U-shaped skate is slightly lower than the oval one, but slightly higher than the price of a simple version.

Types of profile

The choice of ridge profile should not be based on the attractiveness of the roof, but on its direct purpose.

Therefore, the ridge elements and the roofing material on the roof must completely correspond to each other:

  • Skate for ceramic tiles should have the shape of a semicircular gutter; it is made by molding from ceramics. Such a skate consists of individual elements no more than 50 cm long. Design feature The ridge element is the smaller size of one end. This makes installing the ridge on the roof more convenient. Installation of a ridge tile is a labor-intensive, painstaking process.
  • For a slate roof, an asbestos-cement ridge is used. Its parts are made in the form of a semicircular gutter with one wide shelf. For greater reliability, the ridge elements on a slate roof are laid in two layers: the first layer - with a shelf on one slope, the second - on the other.
  • On roofs covered with metal tiles or corrugated sheets, the ridge should be made of metal profile in the shape of an oval or triangle, as well as with a U-shaped edge. The ridge is divided into segments 2 meters long, the installation of which must be overlapped. The installation of a metal ridge profile can be done with your own hands, since this does not require special knowledge or tools.
  • Skate decoration soft roof, the coating of which was carried out with roll materials on a bitumen basis, is carried out with special strips with one adhesive side. In some cases, the construction of a roof ridge involves the use of pieces of soft tiles that are laid along the ridge. But this option takes more time and does not prevent leaks very well.

Installation work

For self-installation ridge on the roof requires a set of the following tools and materials:

  • Waterproofing material. Roofing felt or a highly diffuse membrane is suitable for this.
  • Ventilation tape.
  • Special screws for roofing materials.
  • Screwdriver or drill with attachments.
  • Construction stapler.

Rules for installing a roof ridge

To avoid mistakes during the work process, you must follow the recommendations of experienced roofers:

  • When laying the roofing covering, it is necessary to make an indent of a few centimeters from the top edge of the slope. This is necessary in order to be able to increase the height of the ridge due to the auxiliary beam installed on the ridge beam.
  • Before fixing the ridge to the roof, it is necessary to carry out mandatory waterproofing of the ribs between the slopes. For this you can use a highly diffuse membrane, plastic film or roofing felt. The layers of waterproofing are fastened together with a stapler or silicone sealant.
  • For free movement of air in the attic space and for ventilation of the rafter system along the ridge, it is necessary to stick a ventilation tape on both slopes. You must first remove the protective film from the adhesive side. If powerful forced ventilation is needed, then use special plastic ridge aerators.
  • Installation of the ridge on the roof begins from the end of the house, with the first element protruding beyond the edge of the roof by 2-3 cm. After laying the first part, it is necessary to check the correctness of its installation and secure it with a self-tapping screw. It is necessary to place fasteners in increments of 30-40 cm.
  • The second part is installed with an overlap of up to 7-10 cm over the first element and fixed, checking for even installation. The last part is also extended beyond the roof by 2-3 cm. To trim the metal element, you can use a hacksaw, grinder or other device for cutting metal.
  • The final step in installing the ridge profile is the installation of plugs, if they are included in the package.

The ridge is the upper horizontal edge formed by the intersection of the roof slopes. The ridge also includes additional elements attached to the rib. This is the highest point of the roof, through which ventilation of the roofing system and the under-roof space occurs.

When talking about installing a ridge, as a rule, we also mean installing its purlin, which connects the slopes of the rafter system.

The ridge is primarily an element gable roofs. However, it is also necessary when installing roofs of a more complex configuration - for example, a broken hipped roof.

IN asymmetrical roofs offset skates are used. Their design is a rather complex process.

When installing the ridge, special attention must be paid to two main points:

  • make the correct height calculation;
  • ensure good ventilation of the roof and attic space.

Skate function

The main purpose of the ridge is to close the upper edges roofing and strong connection of slopes.

The main function of the skate– ensuring free circulation of air in the under-roof space to remove excess moisture, prevent the formation of condensation and, accordingly, protect the entire roof structure from rotting.

Performing this function is possible provided that the work on the construction of the ridge is carried out correctly. It is necessary to choose the right material and additional components: this is important for high-quality installation work, preventing leaks and normalizing humidity levels.

The ridge also protects the roofing from damage due to precipitation and strong winds and gives the structure additional strength.

Types of skates and some principles of their design

The second name for the ridge is roofing strip. It can be made from the same materials that are used to produce roofing coverings:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • metal tiles;
  • galvanized steel;
  • slate, etc.

Depending on the shape, skates are divided into the following types:

  • embossed;
  • curly;
  • conical;
  • semicircular;
  • rib;
  • corner.

When installing this part, it is necessary to keep in mind that the roof covering should not be tightly connected at the ridge - otherwise it will block access to the air mass into the under-roof space.

Mounting the ridge is the last step roofing works, on which ventilation material is laid to protect the under-roof space from the penetration of insects and small birds.

The ridge also prevents rainwater and moisture from getting on the ridge beams and boards.

The protective layer can be a special sealant, glass or mineral wool, some other materials.

It is necessary to ensure that free space under the bar is not tightly filled: this may disrupt or eliminate natural air circulation. Therefore, the ridge space should not be sealed with sealed materials or treated with polyurethane foam.

Types of roofing and ridges

You should think about the design of the ridge already at the stage of choosing a roofing covering, since the technology for its installation is directly dependent on the type of roofing material.

When using asbestos-cement slate, you should also purchase special shaped elements that allow you to independently install the roof ridge. They are made in the form of a gutter, laid on boards or ridge beams and attached to them with special slate nails with a rubber gasket.

Care should also be taken to waterproof the wooden parts: before laying the slate-based ridge elements, the ridge beam must be covered with roofing felt tape. Ridge elements made of asbestos cement can be incorrect geometric shape: slightly narrowed at one end. The next slate element should cover this end. The overlap is at least 7 cm. The first element is secured using a wind clamp.

Manufacturers clay tiles also provided ridge elements in the form of gutters or corners.

When installing a ridge in fragments based on ceramics, lime mortar and wire are used to secure it.

In the case of installing a ridge on a roof made of roll materials The ridge is installed by gluing these materials. The canvases are located depending on the slope angle of the roof slopes.

A small angle requires laying panels with a significant overlap parallel to the ridge. As the roof slope increases, the panels must be positioned parallel to the drain.

If galvanized iron is used as a roofing material, the production of ridges is usually carried out independently. You can also purchase ready-made items. Their length is 2 meters.

Before you start making your own ridge, you should take the necessary measurements of the roof. The plank is cut from galvanized sheet. Giving it the required angular shape is done using a mallet ( wooden hammer). A regular metal hammer is not suitable because it will damage the zinc coating, leaving the sheet metal exposed to moisture.

Additional components

Skate components are required during its installation. They expand the purpose of this roofing element and help improve its functionality.

The main ones:

  • ventilation ridge tiles;
  • ventilation tape;
  • lightning rod holder;
  • some other aeroelements.

During the installation of components, some technical accessories are used:

  • Semicircular skates– installed at the junction of slopes.
  • Rectangular skates– used when installing a pitched roof with a metal tile covering; have increased protective properties and have an aesthetic appearance.
  • Stubs– necessary during the installation of additional semicircular roofing elements; designed to close the joints of slopes.
  • Narrow skates– made of metal tiles; don't have any special functionality– rather serve as a decorative element.
  • Snow holder– one of the most important ridge elements that contributes to the reduction snow load and preventing snow from sliding. The part must withstand significant weight, so it requires strong fixation. Made from a variety of materials.
  • Wind bar is a component accessory, covers sheets of roofing material from the end side, protects from the effects of rain, other precipitation, and wind.
  • Cornice- will fulfill protective function, is important element for wooden cornice board. Its installation is carried out under a hydro- and heat-insulating coating.
  • groove It is a component part that covers the joints of the slopes.
  • Universal gasket- This special coating, the function of which is to protect the roof structure from excess moisture and the influence of other adverse environmental factors.
  • Connecting to a wall is structural element, serves to close cracks at the joints of slopes, protects walls from negative impact rainwater, snow, etc.
  • Self-tapping screws– with their help, the ridges are attached to the roofing.

It should be taken into account important point: Additional ridge elements must be made of the same material as the roof covering, be the same color and have fasteners for reliable and durable installation.

Calculation of ridge height

To correctly calculate the height of the ridge, you need to know the run parameters. A ridge girder is a beam in the center of a rafter structure made of metal, wood or reinforced concrete. The skate rests precisely on this detail.

The height of the ridge depends on the angle of the slopes and the material for their design.

After selecting the material, you should proceed directly to the calculations and subsequent installation of the ridge.

Two pieces of ridge tiles are laid on the upper edge. They must rest on the roof slopes. After this, the length of the segment between the inner and upper edge of the fragment is measured from the narrowest end.

To others necessary moment is to measure the distance between the bend point of the fastening line and top part ridge beam holder.

There is a special table of coefficients that is used to calculate the height of the ridge if data on the roof slope angle and the width of the building is available (Table N1). For example: the slope angle is 40 degrees, and the width of the house is 8 meters. The height of the ridge is calculated according to the following formula: half the width of the house is multiplied by a factor, resulting in the height of the ridge (H):

In this case, the height of the ridge from the ceiling should be 3.35 meters.

Skate device

After all necessary calculations The fasteners are installed and a special mounting cord is pulled for the correct location of the ridge girder.

Instead of a cord, you can use regular fishing line (it must be of sufficient thickness).

The ridge beam is installed in holders and fastenings. Fastening is done using stainless or galvanized steel nails.

A mandatory aspect of the ridge installation is the presence of lightweight side tiles, which are intended for the final covering of the ridge girder after completion of work.

To prevent the penetration of moisture, steam and ensure a normal temperature background in the under-roof space, it is necessary to create a waterproofing and heat-insulating layer.

If the installation is carried out correctly, all seams and joints formed during the covering of the slopes are completely covered by the parts of the ridge girder.

It is also necessary to take care of creating a ventilation compartment: its absence leads to the formation and accumulation of condensation, even with waterproofing installed according to all the rules.

Ventilation ducts can be made independently or purchased at a specialized store. They are mounted using special fastenings or adhesive mixture.

The ventilation duct is glued exclusively to dry and clean roofing material, at average air temperature.

After all of the above work has been completed, installation of the ridge girder begins.

The optimal choice of material for its manufacture is a special ridge tile, which at the same time serves to decorate the roof ridge.

Installation of tiles must begin on the leeward side to prevent precipitation from penetrating and blowing through the joints of the material during strong winds.

First of all, you need to install the clamps, then lay the tiles on them and nail them with galvanized nails or screw them with self-tapping screws.

To reduce the wind load on the ridge and the roof as a whole, it is necessary to install so-called anti-winds, which are diagonal connections, in each of the slopes.

Ventilation device

Before installing the ridge itself, it must be provided with sound, heat, waterproofing and high-quality ventilation. Essentially speaking, the purpose of the skate is good ventilation roof structure and under-roof space.

Proper installation of a ventilation system includes the following actions:

  1. After completing the installation of the rafter system, it is laid on the rafter legs in the transverse direction. waterproofing membrane. The seams are glued using connecting tape, while maintaining a 15-centimeter overlap.
  2. Counter battens and sheathing are installed along the rafter logs.
  3. The roof sheathing is carried out in the required manner.

In a word, high-quality ventilation directly depends on waterproofing, which retains moisture and prevents its penetration into the layer of thermal insulation material and wooden parts of the floors.

For good ventilation, the distance created by the sheathing is also important: thanks to the unimpeded movement of the air mass, moisture penetrating inside quickly dries out.

The ventilation hole is also located in the ridge itself. Below it is a layer waterproofing coating overlapped.

Thanks to the presence of the hole, air penetrates inside and helps to ventilate excess moisture and steam.

If it is impossible to create a ventilation gap in the attic, end windows are created, which also help prevent dampness.

Special openings for the entry of air mass under the roof are also installed in the lower part of the eaves.

You can additionally protect your roof and walls from moisture and water using eaves with a large overhang.

If the rafters are not long enough, a roof fillet is installed - a board or beam to lengthen the rafter leg in order to create an overhang.

The main advantages of using a filly are:

  • possibility of use in construction wood material shorter length;
  • creating a lighter rafter system;
  • simplified work with short fillies compared to rafter beams considerable length;
  • the possibility of replacing them during repairs without dismantling the entire roof structure;
  • fillies can become a decorative element that improves the exterior of a building.


  • The ridge is the upper horizontal edge at the junction of the roof slopes.
  • This element provides ventilation of the roof structure and under-roof space.
  • The main purpose of the ridge is to connect the slopes, and the main function is to prevent the accumulation of moisture.
  • There are six basic skate shapes, each designed to certain type roofs.
  • The ridge is made of the same material as the roofing.
  • The use of additional elements increases the functionality of the skate.
  • Before starting work, it is necessary to calculate the height of the ridge.
  • The height of the ridge depends on the slope angle of the slopes and the roofing material used.
  • Important points when installing a ridge are the presence of light side tiles, laying a layer of hydro- and thermal insulation, and the installation of ventilation compartments.
  • To further protect the roof and walls from moisture, you can install eaves with a large overhang.

The video presents the technology for installing a roof ridge.

A roof ridge is an edge formed at the meeting point of the roof slopes. The technology for installing roofing materials is such that this area remains open after completion of the work.
Ridge connection without additional protective measures such as open window for the penetration of moisture, cold air, small birds and insects, despite the fact that we are only talking about a gap 2-3 cm thick. This article will tell you how to make a roof ridge correctly.

Features of the ridge connection

Arrangement of ridge connection - final stage erection of the roof, however, its durability and reliability directly depend on this event. To make a roof ridge protected from moisture and wind with your own hands, you need to know the main tasks assigned to it:

  1. Protection against moisture penetration. A section of the roof that is not protected by roofing material allows moisture to enter, leading to rotting and destruction of the rafter system.
  2. Providing air circulation. A properly installed roof ridge acts as a ventilation gap through which heated air saturated with water vapor escapes. In the absence of ventilation, water from steam settles on the elements rafter frame And inner surface roofing material, leading to their premature deterioration.
  3. Protection from small birds and insects. If you have not yet become a homeowner, but are just getting ready, then you will be surprised how often birds make their nests in the roof, getting there through minor cracks, not to mention insects.
  4. Giving a finished look. Among other things, the skate plays a role decorative element, decorating the roof, giving it a finished elegant look. The aesthetic potential of hand-made ridge profiles is limited, but purchased models delight with a variety of shapes and colors.

Note! Roofing specialists recommend purchasing the profile at the same time as the material for covering the slopes. To achieve an accurate color match, you should look for options from one manufacturer. Profiles for arranging a ridge connection are produced in the form of additional elements, the length of which is 2 m. To determine how many parts are needed, you need to add 10-15% to the length of the roof along the eaves for overlap and fitting.

Structure and profile forms

The roof ridge is a profile made of galvanized metal, asbestos cement, and ceramics. There are three forms of such products: simple, oval and with a U-shaped rib:

If you have no experience in construction, then the most obvious option is to install a simple ridge beam. To make it, you need to purchase a metal corner with a width of mounting shelves of 40-50 cm for better waterproofing.

Profile types

The choice of profile for arranging a ridge with your own hands is based not on aesthetic tastes, but on the practical tasks that it must perform. Therefore, ridge elements are selected depending on the material with which the roof is covered:

To make a roof ridge with your own hands, you should purchase a special ventilation tape, roofing material or a highly diffuse membrane for waterproofing, roofing screws, a screwdriver, and a construction stapler.

Installation process

The quality of installation of the ridge profile directly affects the effectiveness of protection against moisture penetration and air circulation. To avoid making mistakes, follow the following recommendations from roofing professionals:

  1. When laying the roofing, step back a few centimeters from the top of the slope so that an auxiliary bar is installed on the ridge beam, increasing the height of the ridge.
  2. Using a strip of highly diffuse membrane, film or roofing felt, waterproof the edge between the slopes. Fix the waterproofing layer with a stapler and silicone sealant.
  3. Take the ventilation tape, remove the protective film from the adhesive side and stick it along the ridge on both slopes. It is necessary so that air can freely escape from under the roof, ventilating the rafter system and preventing it from rotting. To organize powerful forced ventilation, special ridge aerators made of plastic are used.
  4. Start installing the ridge profile from one of the ends of the house, moving it forward 2-3 cm beyond the roof. Having placed the first profile segment, check whether it lies level and fix it using a screwdriver and roofing screws. The pitch between screws is 30-40 cm.
  5. Place the second part on the first with an overlap of 7-10 cm, place it evenly and secure it. Continue installation until you reach the other end of the roof. Place the last section of the roofing profile 2-3 cm outside the roof. To adjust and cut to size, use metal scissors, a hacksaw or a grinder.
  6. Insert special plugs into the end holes of the ridge profile if they are supplied with the model you have chosen.

Note! Construction stores offer ridge profiles suitable for different roof slope angles. Therefore, when going for a part to decorate a ridge, accurately determine the slope and consult with the seller whether the part you like is suitable for you.

Video instruction

  • The construction of a private house is completed by erecting the roof. This is a particularly important stage, since the reliability of the structure depends on the competent execution of this process. The construction process itself can be roughly divided into several stages, starting from installing the Mauerlat to laying the roofing.

    When installing roofing material on slopes, cracks usually form at the point where they converge at the very top of the roof. Therefore, an element is needed that, on the one hand, will protect the under-roof space from the penetration of precipitation and melt water, and on the other hand, will provide roof ventilation. This is the so-called roof ridge (photo below).

    This element is defined as follows. The ridge of the roof of a house is the top edge located horizontally at the junction of the slopes. It also includes those associated with this rib. Thus, this is a prefabricated structure consisting of a collection of several fragments. Installing a ridge on the roof requires a small theoretical training and simple construction skills, that is, in fact, anyone can cope with this task.

    Types of ridge construction

    The ridge on the roof is formed by closing the planes of the slopes. It has two versions and depends on.

    • The beam that is installed on vertical racks, resting on puffs or on ceiling beams, or fixed on gables. It serves as a support for the top of the rafters.
    • Purlin (ridge base), laid at the top of rigid triangular trusses placed one after another, connected in pairs rafter legs, which are interconnected by jumpers. The role of a purlin can be a roof ridge log with a wide cross-section or two 5 cm thick boards sewn at an angle.

    From all this it follows that first of all we are dealing with the component gable roof. However, it can also be found in structures with a more complex configuration. For example, or , in which it is displaced.

    Relatively recently, asbestos cement was used to decorate the ridge, but today manufacturers more often offer galvanized roof ridges. The dimensions of galvanized ones are usually standard: their length is approximately two meters, and the width of the shelves is 25-30 cm.

    Depending on the installation location, there are three main options for the ridge:

    • Strips of sealant or special ventilation tapes that match the pattern of the sheets are attached to the edge of the profiled sheet.
    • Fastening is carried out in increments of 20–30 cm based on the parameters of the corrugated sheet pattern. Elements laid overlapping are fixed to already installed bars, screwed with self-tapping screws through the upper corrugation.


    Note that the screws must be equipped with rubber or neoprene seals.

    • To obtain the most durable and quality connection, it is recommended not to screw in all the hardware at once. It is advisable to make fragments of two to four pieces of hardware each. The rest are tightened only after checking the lace and level. Agree that every extra hole in the roof poses a potential threat to its reliability.

    When arranging a roof, all elements are important. Each of them performs a specific function, and the coordinated work of the roofing components ultimately makes the roof reliable, durable, and attractive.

    Roof ridge - design features

    It can be said without exaggeration that the ridge is the crown of the roof, finishing touch her devices. Since ancient times, this roofing detail has been given considerable importance, decorated with carvings and various figures, regardless of whether it is a village hut or a noble estate.

    On ancient roofs, the ridge was a log - a log, always decorated with a carved or carved wooden figurine of a horse, rooster or bird

    This custom has survived to this day. Today, many developers also use carved or forged picturesque fragments to decorate the ridge, which are originally combined with any of the modern roofing coverings.

    The ancient custom of decorating the roof ridge with carved or forged fragments can often be found in the design of modern private houses.

    Why such honor to this seemingly insignificant element of the roof? It turns out that everything is simple - in addition to its decorative purpose, which gives completeness and perfection to the entire appearance of the house, the ridge in the full sense of the word protects the structure, because:

    Any roof has a ridge except flat design, domed, bulbous, lean-to and hipped, having only ribs.

    Skateless ones look original and stylish pitched roofs, the construction of which will require much less financial resources and labor costs

    It is necessary to distinguish between the ridge of the roof and the ridge of the roof. These are different concepts, although they are usually combined into one. The roof ridge is part of the load-bearing base, the upper horizontal rib obtained by connecting the slopes. According to its structure, it comes in two types: the first option is a beam on vertical posts, on which the upper parts of the rafter legs rest, and the second is a purlin laid over the connection of the rafters.

    The roof ridge is equipped in two options - with laying the ridge beam on vertical posts or with laying the ridge girder over the connection point of the upper part of the rafter legs

    The roof ridge is designed to cover the gap in the very top point roof formed when laying covering material on slopes. This is already a component of the roof enclosing system, which is called a ridge strip and, together with the accompanying parts - a seal and a plug - belongs to the additional forming elements.

    The key function of the roof ridge is to close the upper edges of the covering deck and firmly connect the slopes

    The roof ridge can be:

    Most often, the roof ridge is made of the main type of covering. But sometimes it is mounted in a contrasting color or from a different material, although in any case the ridge looks beautiful and favorably emphasizes the outlines of the roof, if, of course, it is made carefully.

    Most often, roof ridges are made from the same materials as the main covering deck.

    The covering material in the ridge assembly should not form a tight connection so as not to disrupt the free circulation of air under the roof.

    Video: ridge and end strips

    Optimal height of the ridge relative to the size of the house

    Aesthetic indicators, individuality and specifications structure, so it is very important to choose it correctly.

    When installing a roof, you need to know the height of the ridge in order to calculate it later required amount materials for the manufacture of truss structures and covering slopes

    When calculating, you need to pay attention to the following values:

    1. Climatic loads - snow melts off steep slopes faster, but the wind tries to overturn high roofs, which is why in regions with frequent and strong winds It is undesirable to erect roof structures with a large slope, or additional measures should be taken to ensure strength and safety. You can independently determine the influence of atmospheric loads for a specific area using the zoning maps included in the standard 20.13330.2011.

      Atmospheric influences on the roof of a house are one of the factors influencing the choice of ridge height

    2. The presence and purpose of the attic - for non-residential premises the rise of the ridge should be at least 1.6 m, which will allow you to move around the attic for routine inspection and repair of the roof. Height attic room determined by the height of the tallest family member plus 30–40 cm of reserve, but not less than 1.9–2.2 m from the ceiling to the cladding, and in the sleeping area 1.4 m.

      How high the ridge will be depends on functional purpose attic space

    3. Type of covering material - minimum slope slopes, which directly affects the height of the ridge, is recommended by roofing manufacturers in instructions for their products, which must be observed. You need to remember - the denser the covering flooring and the more airtight the joints, the greater the chance of making a flat roof, for which the costs will be correspondingly lower. And when laying small piece shingles or heavy coverings, you will have to build the roof structure higher, which will cost more.

      The type of proposed roofing is taken into account when calculating the slope of any pitched design and accordingly the height of the ridge

    The height of the ridge is calculated in two ways: mathematical and graphical. The mathematical method is quite simple. It is based on the rules of geometry and depends on the selected roof slope, covering material, natural influences and attic arrangement. The rise of the ridge is calculated using the formula: H = ½ span width x tgα, where α is the angle of inclination of the slopes, and the span width is the distance between the opposite supporting structures on which the rafters rest.

    Mathematically, the height of the ridge is determined as the product of half the width of the span and the tangent of the angle of inclination of the slopes

    In order not to search for tgα on the Internet, there is a table with ready-made values, which is convenient to use when calculating. For example, the width of the house is 8 m, the span width is 7.14 m, the roof slope is 35º, then the height of the ridge H = ½ 7.14 x 0.79 (coefficient 35º according to the table) = 2.82 m.

    Table: coefficient for calculating the height of the ridge in proportion to the slope

    Roof slope, in degrees →5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
    Coefficient→0,08 0,17 0,26 0,36 0,47 0,59 0,79 0,86 1,0 1,22 1,45 1,78

    The second calculation method is graphical, where the algorithm for determining the height of the ridge beam comes down to the following:

    In a similar way, the rise of the ridge is calculated, but not its height, since the latter depends on the compression of the wood, the method of attaching the rafter legs, the thickness and width of the ridge purlin, the depth of the cut, etc.

    Therefore, in practice it is simpler - to calculate the full height of the ridge according to any calculation scheme, add ⅔ of the thickness of the rafter board to the rise value. If this is not done, then when attached to the Mauerlat and connected to each other in the ridge assembly, the rafter legs will sag, which will result in a decrease in the roof slope.

    To determine the full height of the ridge, add ⅔ of the thickness of the rafter board to the rise value

    Of course, such calculations are not perfect, but the error is insignificant and quite acceptable regulations, in particular, SP 64.13330.2011.

    Ridge additional elements

    Roof ridges are prefabricated devices inherent in both capital buildings, and small structures architectural forms. The most common are angular hardware with bends of at least 1.5–2.0 cm along the edges. The skates are equipped with fasteners, seals and plugs, from which a sealed, reliable structure is assembled that prevents roof leaks.

    Among the variety of ridge strips, the semicircular design creates the largest ventilation pocket compared to straight ridge strips

    In terms of color, material and shape, roofing ridges must reasonably suit the specific structure and not disturb it architectural style, that’s why ridge extensions are designed for each type of covering material.

    The most common are:

    • semicircular skates with mandatory installation end caps;
    • rectangular products are universal, suitable for use on roofs of any configuration and do not require the installation of plugs;
    • narrow ridge strips - more used as decorative details on spiers, tent structures and gazebos;
    • curved, complicated profiles that fix straight skates at the joints;
    • end extensions are an addition to ridge elements for finishing and protecting gables.

    An important role when installing roof ridges is played by sealants, which are:

    • universal auxiliary components made of polyurethane foam and working like a filter - they allow air to pass through, but block dirt and snow;
    • profile products made from foamed polyethylene, which are selected for the specific shape and size of the ridge strips;
    • as well as self-expanding polyurethane foam panels with acrylic impregnation, having adhesive layer and designed to fill any voids.

    Video: self-adhesive seal

    It is the sealants that ensure the tightness of the structure, dryness in the under-roof space, and the durability of all structural elements, increase wind protection, heat and sound insulation of the roof.

    Ridge seals increase the thermal insulation properties of the insulation, protect the roof from the penetration of moisture, cold, noise and other factors.

    For mansard roofs where ventilation of the under-roof space is of great importance, craftsmen advise laying profile seals with additional installation roof or pitched aerators.

    To ensure the safety of all roofing elements and optimal level humidity of the under-roof space, use ventilation systems, consisting of passage elements and ventilation outlets, thanks to which exhaust air is naturally or forcibly removed from the room.

    Pass-through elements come in several types and are selected depending on the covering material. Ventilation outlets are divided into pitched ones, installed on roofs with a slope of up to 20º, and ridge products, installed on roofs with a slope of over 27º.

    Ventilation systems provide optimal humidity under-roof space and consist of ventilation outlets and passage elements

    Installation of ridge on various types of roofs

    The method of installing a roofing ridge is directly influenced by the type of roofing covering, therefore, when choosing a covering material, you need to immediately think about how and which ridge will be installed, and purchase all the shaped elements at the same time, which will make it much easier to install the ridge yourself.

    According to SNiP II-26–76*, the ridge structure on a metal tile roof is provided with a ridge strip, plugs and sealant. In addition, when installing an insulated roof, it is necessary to provide a good exhaust duct with a diffuse waterproofing film in the ridge area.

    Step-by-step execution of work:

    1. We check the geometry of the slopes - the discrepancy should not exceed 1–2 cm, otherwise it will be very difficult to install the skate.
    2. We lay the seal, compacting it not too tightly to ensure good air circulation.
    3. We install the end elements of the ridge along the edge of the roof.
    4. Laying it down cornice strip on one side of the ridge ridge, while it is advisable for an assistant to monitor the evenness of the laying on the other side. After making sure that the ridge bar lies correctly, we fix it with self-tapping screws.

      When installing additional ridge parts on a metal roof, they must be fastened directly to the ridge beam

    5. We stretch a construction cord along the lower edge of the ridge shelf on both slopes to ensure evenness and quick installation of the remaining elements.
    6. We install the next plank with an overlap of 5–7 cm, aligning it with the cord.
    7. After all the ridge elements have been laid, we finally secure them with screws at intervals of at least 80 cm.
    8. We install caps if required by the shape of the ridge products, which will give the roof a completed and well-maintained look.

      When installing a roof made of metal tiles, the ridge can always be harmoniously selected in color and texture

    Video: installing a ridge on a metal tile

    Installing a ridge on polycarbonate

    High-quality polycarbonate bends easily, allowing you to install beautiful arched structures no skates. However, there is often a need to pair reflective sheets in the ridge area, and then the question arises of proper fastening of polycarbonate in the ridge ridge.

    Ridge profile - a product designed to interface and protect panels cellular polycarbonate in the ridge of translucent roofing structures

    Mostly, a polycarbonate ridge profile is used for this, which makes it possible to cheaply and conveniently design a ridge for almost any angle, but subject to certain features:

    • polycarbonate sheets cannot be mounted end-to-end to the ridge rib, otherwise a fairly wide ridge profile without a gap of at least 40 mm will simply have nowhere to install;
    • It is advisable to attach a perforated tape to the edges of the polycarbonate near the ridge, which will allow moisture to pass through, but trap debris and dust;
    • light transmitting sheets in the area of ​​the ridge along the edge are not fixed, since installing the profile involves attaching it to the supporting base along with the sheets;
    • It is advisable to insert connecting profiles holding together the transparent sheet covering inside the ridge element. If this is not possible, the connecting profiles should be trimmed and the joints should be filled with neutral-curing sealant.

    Installation procedure:

    Installing a ridge on slate

    When arranging a ridge for a slate roof, regulations recommend laying additional bars along the ridge ridge of the same cross-section as ordinary sheathing boards (SNiP II-26–76* clause 5.4.8).

    As a ridge element, you can use ready-made factory-made strips designed specifically for asbestos-cement corrugated coatings, but it is also allowed self-production additional elements made from boards knocked down at an angle, treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant, or from galvanized iron. In the latter case, it is necessary to ensure that the height of the ridge and its overlap with the slate reliably protect the roof structure from blowing wind and snow.

    To install a ridge on a slate roof, it is recommended to install an additional support, which will significantly extend the service life of this part of the structure.

    The process of installing factory forming parts is as follows:

    Installing a ridge on corrugated sheets

    For roofs made of corrugated sheets, a ridge ridge is formed, as in other roofing structures, as a result of connecting the upper part of the rafter legs and is covered with a ridge strip made of galvanized steel. According to clause 6.7. SNiP II-26–76* ridge additional elements must have a “comb” of the same shape as the cross-section of the covering profiled sheet.

    The ridge elements are laid on the opposite side of the prevailing winds and secured with self-tapping screws in the contact areas of the ridge and the upper corrugation

    Stages of installing a ridge on corrugated sheets:

    Video: installing a ridge and additional elements on corrugated sheets

    Laying a ridge on bitumen shingles

    The main condition when forming a ridge on soft tiles- when installing insulated roofs, arrange the necessary ventilation gap, the cross-sectional area of ​​which is regulated by standards and determined by the formula: f cm²/linear. m = (2 x l x 100 x 0.05): 100, where 2 x l x 100 is the area of ​​two slopes at a width of 1 m. This figure must be at least 0.05% of the area of ​​both slopes and not less than 5 cm²/ m. As the length of the slopes increases, the area and height of the ventilation gap also increases, according to the values ​​​​prescribed in the standards, presented in the lower table.

    Table: area and height of the ventilation gap

    Rafter length, m →6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    horseventilation gap area on one side, cm²/m30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
    roof slopeventilation gap height, cm2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,6 2,9 3,1 3,3 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,3 4,5 4,8
    eaves overhangarea of ​​ventilation gaps, cm²/m200 200 200 200 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400

    A ventilated ridge is formed using roofing aerators installed in increments of 10–15 cm and connected to each other. Although they often do without them, arranging a ventilation gap on the ridge run the required section in the form of a triangular structure on bars.

    Installation of ridge bitumen shingles should be carried out along the cut ventilation gap and along a stretched thread, since it is almost impossible to lay ridge tiles evenly without a guide

    Video: roof ventilation

    The ridge ridge is mounted from universal eaves-ridge tiles or cut ordinary shingles. The ridge fragments are fastened with four nails in such a way that each subsequent part overlaps the fastening of the previous element. The installation of ridge tiles begins from the end of the building, opposite to the direction of the prevailing winds in a particular area.

    DIY roof ridge

    It’s not difficult to make a roof ridge yourself, even without the skills of a roofer or tinsmith. The most popular material for making ridge strips today is galvanized iron, which can be easily processed and is affordable. You can purchase it at construction market, and in construction markets. You can even use scraps, bending them yourself, but it is better to purchase ready-made galvanized corners 2 m long and 2.4–3.0 m wide.

    Making a corner for a ridge element:

    When installing a corner on slate, it is assumed that additional boards will be installed in the area of ​​the ridge. However, this can be avoided by attaching a ridge element made of galvanized profile directly to the sheathing frame, and using polyurethane foam to seal the gaps between the homemade ridge and the roofing deck.

    Making and installing a skate with your own hands is a very simple task; however, it remains important to follow safety rules when working at height.

    Video: making your own roofing ridge

    Once you understand what a roof ridge is and what functions are assigned to it, you can easily choose the best design for any type of rafter system. Correct installation ridge, competent calculation of height, compliance with standards and recommendations of manufacturers, as well as quality material- guarantee of a durable and reliable roof. Good luck to you and may it be built cozy home happy for many years.