How to open a public bath. Which taxation system to choose for a commercial bathhouse. OKVED code. Step-by-step plan for opening a commercial bathhouse

Good day! Today I’m writing another one for my business portal.

I was asked to write this business plan by one of the subscribers of the VK group “ Business secrets for a beginner ”.

And so, next in line business plan for a private bathhouse, or rather even step-by-step instructions for opening a private bathhouse as a business.

Looking at the Yandex search engine on the topic of opening a private bathhouse, you can get a nervous tic. Check it out for yourself, the last thing that just killed me was the business plan for a private bathhouse in 2017, I received a business plan for 2005... further without words.

How to open a private sauna step by step

We traditionally start a business plan for a private bath with the official registration of our future business, for this we need to select.

Choosing a form of ownership for opening a private bathhouse

To open a private bathhouse, you should pay attention to two forms of ownership:

  • (Individual entrepreneurship);
  • (Limited Liability Company).

There are several reasons why I chose an LLC rather than an individual entrepreneur:

  1. Image LLC. Whatever you say, the image of a limited liability company is an order of magnitude higher than that of a business. Having opened your own private bathhouse, be prepared to work not only with ordinary people ( individuals), but also with organizations (legal entities), quite often corporate events are held not in stuffy halls of establishments, but on outdoors with a bathhouse, barbecue, etc.;
  2. Insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs. If you don’t know, then an entrepreneur, in addition to taxes, must pay so-called taxes for his activities, and it does not matter whether you are in business or not. This is a definite disadvantage of IP;
  3. Payment of 1% to the Pension Fund for individual entrepreneurs. Another disadvantage for an individual entrepreneur is that he must pay 1% to the Pension Fund on a turnover exceeding 300,000 rubles a year, which doesn’t seem like much. But counting for the year, let’s assume that the monthly turnover of a private bath was 100,000 rubles, for the year we get (1,200,000 - 300,000) = 900,000 and 1% is 9,000 rubles of additional expenses to the fixed contributions of the individual entrepreneur - undoubtedly a minus;
  4. . Just a couple of years ago I would have been making up step by step instructions opening a private bathhouse, I would choose an individual entrepreneur as the most simple form business ownership. At the moment, I am choosing an LLC for one good reason: in the case when the sole founder of the LLC is also its director, he does not receive a salary and, as a result, does not pay 13% and insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, and Social Insurance Fund. The reason is quite banal - a person cannot conclude an employment contract with himself, but no employment contract, then there is no salary or insurance premiums.

This is actually the reason why I chose the LLC form of ownership for the private bathhouse.

Even if for some reason you don’t run your own business, you won’t pay anyone anything, unlike an individual entrepreneur.

In order to open an LLC, you will need types of activities from.

Since last year OKVED2001 was replaced by OKVED2014 (OKVED2), the Internet turned out to be a complete mess and they all got mixed up and only a knowledgeable person can determine which OKVED is needed.

Here you are lucky, since I belong to the category of people who can easily choose the necessary types of activities:

96.04 - Physical education and health activities (includes steam baths).

This type of activity will be the main one.

If you have any questions, please ask them either in the contact group or directly in the comments to the article.

Happy business! Bye!

The history of the appearance of baths goes back at least two millennia; they appeared all over the world in different types among many peoples they are still a very popular form of recreation. Baths have become a part of human life and have long ceased to be an attribute of rural areas. Almost all cities in the world have them at their disposal.

For many, the bathhouse is a place where the body and soul rest, and for some it is also a business. The business model of the bathhouse is quite simple, but at the same time it requires preparation, because not a single person starting a business in this industry wants to receive a loss instead of the treasured profit.

Types of baths

It is necessary to begin the analysis with the types of baths and how they differ.

  • , also known as a steam sauna, is the most common and popular type of bath. In such a bath there is a fairly high temperature (from 45 to 80 degrees Celsius) with high air humidity (from 70 to 100%), due to this a high degree of warming up of the body is achieved. Steam condenses on the body in the form of water droplets, so the Russian bath is not only good place for relaxation, but also helps to wash the body much better than taking a shower or bath, which makes it one of the best places to maintain personal hygiene.
  • or as it is more often called a sauna, it differs from the Russian one in its higher temperature (about 100°C) and low air humidity (from 10 to 30%). Finnish baths widespread in Western countries and practically not inferior in popularity to Russian. They are fully a place for relaxation; they do not provide for the presence of steam brooms, due to the risk of getting burned; instead, in most cases they use natural or artificial reservoirs near the steam room.

  • Hammam or Turkish bath- common in the Middle East, its distinguishing feature This is a very mild indoor climate, the bathhouse is heated by pipes with heated water running inside the floor, walls and even sun loungers. They spend more than one hour in such baths, achieving maximum relaxation; they employ staff to carry out various procedures, such as massage. Temperatures rarely reach 50°C, with low humidity. Often such baths are used in spa centers.

  • - looks a little like a bathhouse in our minds, this is the room in which wooden barrel, filled hot water, heated within 60°C and a couch on which a person sits after taking a bath.

  • A separate view is worth mentioning saunas on wheels. These are increasingly popular, compact baths located inside the back of a truck. This type of bath attracts with its mobility and unusualness, and in fact this type of sauna is in no way inferior to others.

Other types of baths are essentially the ones listed above, but differ in the way they are taken, so it makes no sense to disassemble them.


It is necessary to find out the profitability of certain types of baths before the start of a business project. Based on the principles of popularity, cost of construction and complexity of implementation, Russian and Finnish baths will be the most profitable.

The Russian bath with its high humidity is difficult to implement in urban areas; in addition, many people associate the Russian bath with outdoor recreation, dousing with water, rolling in a snowdrift, and so on. We can conclude that it is best to base your business on a Russian bath in the countryside.

The Finnish one requires lower installation costs due to the absence of the need to install a steam generator, the price of which is quite high. At the same time, the Finnish bathhouse competes on equal terms with the Russian one.

In the long term, the commercial use of a bathhouse brings more profit than a small cafe. This is ensured by low costs for service personnel, hourly wages, and income from the sale of goods.

In theory, the bathhouse can be maintained by its owners themselves, which will significantly reduce initial costs, helping to quickly recoup the cost of its construction. Hourly payment guarantees a profit from each client, and often large groups go to the baths. Selling goods in such establishments implies higher prices than in stores. It is up to the owner to decide whether to sell alcohol or not, but it is worth remembering that then customers will bring it themselves, which will take part of the establishment’s income.


Choosing and maintaining the climate in the bathhouse is the basis of the future layout, so first of all it is necessary to find out what the climate in the future bathhouse will be like.

The climate will depend on several factors:


Two development paths: either you build the stove yourself, or purchase a ready-made stove.

Purchasing a stove affects future heating costs. Electric, wood or gas - this is the choice offered by stove manufacturers. The most popular and reliable are Finnish stoves.

An electric oven is the easiest to use; it only requires proper settings.

Gas, like electric, is more economical in terms of costs, but requires careful monitoring to ensure safe use.

A wood-burning stove is the least suitable option for use in a bathhouse for commercial purposes, due to the constant need to maintain a fire inside the stove using wood.

Prices for these types of stoves start from 12,000 and reach millions of rubles. Of course, everything depends on the scale of your project; for a middle-class bathhouse, a stove costing about 40,000-60,000 rubles is suitable.

When building a stove manually, whether to order or independently, it is important to remember that brick kilns have a much greater heat capacity and maintain heat in the bath longer than their metal counterparts. In general, the cost of materials for the construction of a furnace will not exceed 6,000 rubles.

Manual construction is not too labor-intensive and difficult, but the right approach you can be 100% sure that the constructed stove will last a really long time.

An important element in a Russian bathhouse; without it, the bathhouse will in fact be Finnish due to the lack of steam. The cost of steam generators is an order of magnitude higher than the cost of furnaces. A middle-class steam generator costs about 60,000-80,000 rubles. Of course, there are cheaper ones, but such steam generators are intended more for private baths than for permanent job in commercial.

Ventilation and chimney

An important condition quality bath is ventilation. Ventilation ensures air circulation and prevents stagnation inside the room. Sometimes the lack of ventilation can be dangerous to health and sometimes life. It helps in drying the room after use and maintaining the same temperature and humidity levels.

A chimney is a must if you are using fuel combustion to generate heat. Without this, the room will be smoky, and the danger will be the presence of carbon monoxide in the air.

Construction of a bathhouse

Before planning a bathhouse, you should ask yourself: what material will the bathhouse be built from?

Material selection

Type of material and cost:

  • Profiled timber From 18,000 rub. per cubic meter.
  • Rounded log From 6,000 rub. per cubic meter.
  • Simple log From 3,500 rub. per cubic meter
  • Brick (red) From 400 rub. per m²/rub.

Using a special calculator you can calculate the approximate amount of brick needed. With a masonry width of one brick, a structure of 2.3x6x5 meters (excluding walls inside the building), the construction will take about 4,848 bricks. If the price of one brick is 8 rubles. then the cost of bricks for building walls will be 38,784 rubles.

When building a bathhouse from timber, with the same dimensions, at the price of profiled timber 100x100mm. - 18,000 rub. per cubic meter, the total cost will be 91,080 rubles (you can calculate it using this calculator At the same time, wood, in comparison with brick, warms up faster and does not require external and internal finishing .

It should be noted that baths built from wood are very attractive for potential client, because of people’s prevailing ideas about her appearance.


This is what the approximate layout looks like small bathhouse, which provides for the presence of three rooms:

  1. Steam room.
  2. Washing room.

The layout of the bathhouse is possible without the presence of a washing room, with the addition of a staff room in front of the entrance to the rest room. It is best to discuss the layout with experts in the field.

When using a bathhouse as a business, it is recommended to equip the rooms with various equipment that attracts customers and expands the functionality of our bathhouse. For example: installing a pool table or solarium. It will bring additional profit by attracting more affluent clients. To do this it is necessary big square rest rooms.

Example of a commercial bath:

This layout includes a washing room and toilet, large room relaxation, terraces and steam rooms.


The construction of the bathhouse is divided into several stages:

  • Foundation installation;
  • Construction of walls;
  • Roof installation;
  • Pouring the floor;
  • Installation of equipment and interior finishing.

You can learn more about all this from various articles about the construction of bathhouses, there are a huge number of them on the Internet, from the simplest and most understandable, to the construction of projects for multi-storey bathhouses.

Each stage must be thought out at the bathhouse design stage in order to avoid problems during construction.

Construction of a bathhouse, depending on the complexity, will take from three weeks to three months. The average cost of hiring a construction team is 2000 rubles/day.

The cost of hiring workers will depend on several factors:

  • Worker qualifications;
  • Region;
  • Timing and length of the working day.

Calculation of costs for the construction and equipment of a bathhouse

Bathhouse design price: approximately 10,000 rubles.

Let's take into account the design of a 12x8 meter bathhouse, with a steam room, a staff room and a relaxation room. The height of the walls will be 2.5 meters. Equipment will include a table for 8 people, a billiard table, a steam generator, and an electric oven.

Brick building with width external wall one and a half bricks and an internal width of one brick, with a joint thickness of 5 mm, approximately 21,000 bricks and 5.7 cubic meters of mortar will be required.

The price of the solution is 2,300 rubles / cubic meter

Brick price: 400 rub./per square meter or 8 rubles/brick

Calculation of the estimated cost: (8x21000)+(2300x5.7)=168000+13100=181100 rub.

Construction from timber at a cost of 18,000 rubles. a cubic meter with the same parameters will cost approximately 210,000 rubles.

The cost of construction from a log is 6,000 rubles. three times cheaper and will be approximately 70,000 rubles.

The cost of a roof, according to approximate estimates, ranges from 25 to 50 thousand rubles, let’s take the average figure of 37,500 rubles.

The average cost of equipment when building a bathhouse is about 150,000 rubles.

The cost of hiring a construction team will be about 120,000 rubles.

Total: estimated cost complete construction from design to installation of equipment, when built from rounded logs, will amount to: 567,500 rubles. To start a full-fledged business, this is a fairly low cost. The cost of construction can be either lower or significantly higher, reaching millions of rubles. But still, in most cases, the cost of building a bathhouse as a business project will vary from 500,000 to 1,000,000 rubles.

Revenue optimization

After building the bathhouse, it is necessary to begin its commercial use. Here you need to set visiting rates and work on increasing the income from clients using your bathhouse. This is primarily necessary to increase the rate of return on investment for this business project, but in addition, high income will improve the quality of the services offered and ensure stable operation.

An internal mini-store that will sell a variety of ready-made snacks, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, etc. will significantly increase profitability due to inflated prices and high demand.

Self-service of the establishment will allow you to save on hiring an administrator at the initial stage, allowing you to invest more money from income to promote and improve the quality of services.

Improving the quality of services provided will increase the profitability of the establishment by increasing the cost of visiting. Simple sauna will offer its services for about 200 rubles/hour per person, and a bathhouse with a billiard table, hookahs, a large number of seats and snacks offered will cost about 500 rubles/hour.

It is not recommended to save on everything; this can lead to a significantly reduced quality of service and loss of reputation. Savings are required, but in acceptable quantities. Rational use budget is often much more useful.

Calculation of profit per month

The most enjoyable activity for any entrepreneur is counting profits. The need to calculate profits in advance is one of the foundations for future entrepreneurship. Without this, there will simply be no incentive to start moving towards this goal. Therefore, below you will be presented with the estimated profitability from the commercial use of the future bathhouse.

First you need to calculate the number of visitors per day. The work of the bathhouse mainly occurs in the evening and at night, so from 24 hours it is worth immediately removing the morning and daytime 12 hours. There are 12 hours left during which the bathhouse will be open, but not all of them will be profitable due to the lack of visitors. The average number of “working” hours per day for most baths is about 3-4 hours. Most often, the bathhouse is visited by groups of two or more people. If we take the average number of visitors as 3, it turns out that approximately 9-12 people will visit the bathhouse per day. This value will decrease or increase depending on many parameters, such as the popularity of the establishment or the day of the week. So we can calculate that about 300 people can visit the establishment in a month.

A middle-class bathhouse, the cost of construction of which was calculated above, uses an hourly payment from each client in the amount of 500 rubles per hour.

If you do not take into account the costs of purchasing products and public utilities, then the net profit is about 150,000 rubles. A very good business that, with the right approach, will recoup its startup costs in less than a year.

There is a common type of bathhouse in which people can simultaneously stay a large number of different people, such baths are used more low prices, but receive a more stable and larger influx of visitors. More often, such baths perform better when located near large shopping or sports centers. In such baths, each person pays up to 300 rubles for entry and is with other visitors in one large steam room.


From such a broad topic, several important conclusions can be drawn.

  1. A bathhouse can be a source of good profit. The lack of bathhouses in the everyday life of the urban population forces them to go to paid saunas and baths. This allows without special costs receive visitors for advertising. Relatively low costs of maintaining a business after starting and high profitability of the services provided provide scope for the development of this establishment.
  2. Low capital investment is a very big plus in favor of starting a business in this industry. In related industries, capital investments often exceed several million rubles, while here they rarely exceed the 1,000,000 mark.
  3. Pleasant competitive environment - firstly, the competition here is not as developed as it might seem, almost all saunas provide the same range of services, which means there is room for imagination. Secondly, the competitive environment itself attracts visitors, people not only go to different bathhouses in search of a better one, they may also not be able to get into one bathhouse and then they may urgently need to find another, which may be yours.
  4. Simplicity of the business model. Visitors pay for the time spent in this establishment, this is a very simple and at the same time effective key to making a profit.
  5. Awareness. All people know from childhood what a bathhouse is, so there is no need to once again explain to the client about the service provided to him, he himself knows everything.

The accelerated pace of life in modern megacities and heavy workloads lead people to look for opportunities to maintain their health, relax and receive positive emotions. One of the best places where you can have a good rest, get emotional release and engage in healing procedures are baths. Therefore, baths have been and remain a profitable type of business, despite the fact that new establishments of this kind are constantly opening in large and small cities, offering a wide range of services.

Which bathhouse is more profitable to open in 2019?

In Russia today, the Russian bathhouse, Finnish sauna, Turkish hammam and Japanese ofurro are popular. But the first two types are more common, since the latter, especially the Japanese one, are relatively new on the service market.

The most in demand are baths that have expanded functionality - bath complexes that include a swimming pool, bar or cafe, billiard room, massage parlors, etc. In recent years it has been gaining momentum new trend- establishments with bedrooms, often located in attics or the second floor, combining the functions of a bathhouse and a guest house. Baths with an expanded terrace area are also in demand. But you need to take into account that large bath complexes quickly pay for themselves only in megacities. More suitable for a small town small sauna, including a minimum range of services. This is the most profitable option for opening an establishment from scratch.

Our business plan is designed to open an establishment with minimal investment in 2017.

What documents are required to open a bathhouse?

When opening a bathhouse, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur and select UTII for taxation. The OKVED code is needed 93.04, since this section includes activities aimed at improving health, physical condition and ensuring comfort, which includes Turkish baths and saunas, as well as steam rooms. OKUE number - 019100

After registration, a package of documents is prepared:

  • copies of constituent documents;
  • a copy of the tax registration certificate;
  • permits from SES and State Fire Supervision;
  • passport from the BTI;
  • premises rental agreement or property documents;
  • a copy of the letter from Goskomstat;
  • a copy of the registration card;
  • contracts for waste removal, water supply, heating, electricity.

Approximately 25,000 rubles will be required for paperwork.

What should a bath room be like?

You can either look for a room for a bathhouse in a non-residential building or build one. The second option is preferable for two reasons:

  1. refurbish existing premises for required sizes pretty hard;
  2. When building a bathhouse, the choice of all areas and materials remains with the customer.

A small bathhouse with an area of ​​100 square meters is suitable. m. with a swimming pool (6 sq. m.) and a steam room (12 sq. m.). The bathhouse will also have a common room, a locker room, a relaxation room, a spa and massage room, and a terrace.

If the bathhouse is built from brick, it will take about 1,700,000 rubles, but we will stop at more economical option- a room made of timber, which will cost 700,000 rubles. When finishing, special attention should be paid to the technical and aesthetic characteristics. The walls are covered with wood, which must be treated with special substances that protect against overheating and fire. Each owner decorates the rest room according to his own taste. But, it is desirable that there be benches, a table and a TV.

After completion of construction, it will be necessary to connect gas, water, sewerage, electricity, which will require additional funds and time. Setting up all communications can take up to six months, and the cost will average 160,000 rubles.

Equipment and furniture. What is needed and how much will it cost

In recent years, a lot of special equipment for baths has appeared. In order to choose the right one, you need to take into account not only prices and manufacturer, but also the factor that modern bathhouse should be as functional as possible. Professionals advise to first draw up a plan of all the premises of the bathhouse with the equipment that can be located there. For the bath you will need:
  • a stove that has a heater and a tank for heating water;
  • shower cabins:
  • pool equipment;
  • ventilation equipment;
  • lighting;
  • equipment for massage room.

In addition, you will need lockers for clothes, tables, benches, and a TV. It is also necessary to purchase brooms, mittens, slippers, bathrobes. They can be rented or sold, thereby increasing income.

Furniture, equipment and bath accessories will require 700,000 rubles/

Bathhouse business plan: recruitment

It has a big advantage in terms of personnel recruitment, since it does not require so many specialists, and, consequently, the costs of wages won't be tall. Another thing is that with low wages, staff turnover is possible. To retain employees, you can introduce incentive payments, small but regular.

To work in the bath you need:

  • Administrator - 20,000 rubles;
  • Accountant - 15,000 rubles;
  • Cleaning lady - 10,000 rubles;
  • Massage therapist - 15,000 rubles;
  • Bath attendant - 15,000 rubles;
  • It will cost approximately 75,000 rubles per month to pay.

You can save money if the functions of administrator and accountant are taken over by the owner of the bathhouse or members of his family. Then only 40,000 rubles will be spent on wages.

Bath business: how much you can earn

How much does it cost to open a bathhouse in 2017? Let's try to calculate how much money it will take to open a bathhouse from scratch:

That is, to launch a bathhouse you need 1,675,000 rubles.

The profitability of a business depends on a number of factors, including the range of services that your establishment will provide. Services can include pre-booking, massage therapist and bathhouse attendant services, rental and sale of bath accessories. Prices for customers should not be too high, but they should not be too low either. On average, the price can be 200 rubles per hour per person, or when renting the entire complex 1000-1500 rubles. On weekends, the workload should be 80%, on regular days - 25%. If the bathhouse operates for 12 hours, the monthly profit will be up to 86,000 rubles. The project should pay off within 1.5-2 years. After which you can think about expanding your business.

Download a ready-made business plan for a bathhouse

Sauna and business are quite an exciting combination. Someone who is not afraid of competition knows how to quickly get together and accept the only correct solution, will be able to open a sauna with minimal costs. In the future, you can earn a good reputation and have a constant contingent of steam lovers.

Where to start a business?

Before implementing the idea of ​​opening a sauna, you need to clearly understand the end result and draw up a step-by-step action plan. The more detail this is done, the greater the likelihood of success. Where to start?

Step 1. Define:

  • type of sauna (Finnish (sauna) with dry air, Russian (bath) - with wet air);
  • the need to install equipment (main and auxiliary);
  • range of services provided (billiards, sports equipment, massage and beauty salon, solarium).

Step 2. Use of existing property, purchase or rental of premises.

Step 3. Development of a business plan.

Step 4. Repair, re-planning, re-equipment of the premises of the future sauna.

Step 5. Acquisition of basic and auxiliary equipment.

Step 6. Registration of individual entrepreneurs, obtaining various permits and operational documents.

Step 7 Personnel selection.

Is it profitable to open a sauna and why?

The profitability of a business is determined by the amount of income received. A well-thought-out structure of the enterprise with the provision of the most popular services in the sauna is the key to clients visiting such an establishment, which will contribute to further development.

Today, the sauna is perceived not only as a health-improving establishment, but also as a cultural and entertainment facility. It is very important that the business has some kind of zest, is strikingly different from similar ones, in other words modern language, was a little creative. This could be the decoration of the premises, the installation of innovative equipment, or the provision of some service to clients free of charge. “Winning” a client is possible only with the impeccable quality of services provided and the high professionalism of the service staff.

Competent planning of the future business, flawless execution of plans, and hiring real craftsmen as employees will make the business not only attractive, but also profitable.

Business plan for opening a sauna

A business plan is a document according to which the business will be built in the future. All costs and estimated profits are calculated, as a result of which it is planned to receive income that would cover the costs. In the future, it is planned to receive dividends, which is main goal business.

When calculating a business plan, you need to carefully study the main points for making a profit. Firstly, you need to pay attention to the location of the sauna, the internal selection of premises, the quality of furniture and special equipment.


The main activity of the sauna is providing relaxation services to individuals. Individual entrepreneur is the best legal form For of this business. The tax system is better accepted as a “single tax on imputed income.” Such type of activity as the provision of personal services, in accordance with the all-Russian coding of types economic activity, has code 93. Sauna services fall under this clause.

Selecting a location

The location of the sauna must be approached very carefully. The most suitable location would be one away from the main roads, quiet, surrounded by trees or a fence. The optimal location for the sauna is on the shore of any body of water. The presence of nearby power supply networks, water supply and sewerage play an important role when choosing a site for construction.

Selecting a room

The choice of premises is made when it is planned to rent it and equip a sauna. This method is one of the best in terms of upcoming expenses.

The size of the rented premises must be at least 150 m². This area should accommodate:

  • steam room;
  • pool;
  • rest room;
  • locker room;
  • toilet room.

Depending on the planned volume of services, it is necessary to provide separate rooms for massage and physical therapy. Billiards can be installed in the recreation room.

It is better to place a bathhouse on the territory of a hotel, fitness club, entertainment or sports complexes.

It is possible to rent a small room - 50-60 m². This sauna can accommodate 4-6 people at the same time. Refurbishment costs will be significantly reduced, which means that the cost of services can be made more affordable.

Equipment selection

To popularize the sauna, comfortable conditions for have a good time leisure It is advisable to purchase and install in the rest room comfortable furniture, plasma TV, karaoke, billiard table with a full set of accessories. The shower must be equipped at the exit of the steam room, preferably next to the pool. You will need a standard set of bath accessories: a ladle, a basin, a tub.

In the locker room, install separate lockers, a shelf for shoes, ensure the availability of bath slippers, hats, bathrobes, and install a mirror. Provide sheets or towels for visitors. This can be scheduled for a fee.

If there are massage, physical training or cosmetic rooms, equip them in accordance with the requirements: armchairs, chairs, massage tables, various sports equipment.

The sauna requires special equipment:

  • steam room oven;
  • water heater;
  • boiler for space heating;
  • pool water filter system;
  • indoor and outdoor lighting;
  • steam generator;
  • alarm system, fire extinguishing system.


“The customer is always right” - from this position it is necessary to select employees for the sauna - polite, courteous. The more tolerant and loyal the employee, the more willingly people will come here. The sauna must have an administrator to regulate, place and accept orders; cleaning lady to keep the premises clean; technical worker for steam and communications maintenance. If there are massage and beauty parlors, appropriate specialists are required. They can be involved under a separate agreement.

Considering the round-the-clock work schedule, the issue of organizing shift work is relevant.

Advertising and promotion

Advertising is the engine of trade, and no one can object to this. The better the advertising campaign for the opening sauna is carried out, the greater the guarantee of success. It is necessary to involve the media, produce and distribute visual advertising (install navigation signs, rent a billboard, distribute business cards, invitations, booklets, leaflets to passers-by on the street). If possible, place advertisements on all local Internet sites, in social networks.

Estimated cost calculation

Costs paid monthly are shown in the table:

One-time expenses that are necessary when starting a business are shown in the following table:

Types of costs Amount, thousand rubles
1 Registration of individual


2 Room renovation 500
3 Sauna equipment set 40
4 Pool equipment set 30
5 Set energy equipment 45
6 Set of furniture for a rest room 50
7 Set of household equipment 20
8 Furniture set for massage room 15
9 Set of equipment for the gym 18
10 Locker room furniture set 15
11 Administration furniture set 15
12 Billiard table included 25
13 Soft inventory 10
Total 713

Prices for all types of furniture, technological and special equipment are approximate. They depend on the manufacturer, power and other parameters that affect the cost.

Payback forecast and profitability

An individual entrepreneur sets prices for visiting the sauna independently, based on the expected payback time. Based on the practice of operating establishments such as saunas, the most visited day of the week is established - Saturday.

For ease of calculation, let's consider an example. We accept the price of 200 rubles. per hour per visitor. Possibility of simultaneous visits – 10 people. Duration work shift- 12 hours. Since in weekdays the sauna occupancy can be up to 50%; simple arithmetic calculations show that monthly revenue will be 350 thousand rubles. Monthly income is 63 thousand rubles.

With such a monthly income, taking into account all unforeseen expenses payback sauna will be 1.5 years. Reducing the price and increasing the operating time per day will increase the payback period. If the “load” of the sauna increases, it will decrease.

When drawing up a payback forecast, the main thing is not to go too far with setting the hourly rate. Setting a tariff that is too low will cause wariness; setting a tariff that is too high will “discourage” the visitor.

Providing guaranteed quality services is the key to an establishment’s impeccable reputation and an influx of visitors.

Necessary documents for opening a sauna

Opening a sauna is a responsible and troublesome task. A license to provide such services is not required. In addition to arranging the premises, it is necessary to collect a package of various documents:

  • permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service to operate the sauna;
  • approval from the fire service for the start of work;
  • developed and approved sanitary and industrial control program;
  • contracts in accordance with the established procedure for disinfection, deratization, disinfestation of sauna premises;
  • for maintenance of the ventilation system;
  • for the removal of household waste;
  • for washing clothes;
  • contract for service maintenance internal electrical networks;
  • for the supply of electricity, water supply and sanitation.

To prevent fines imposed by regulatory authorities, it is necessary to comply with all requirements for the legal conduct of business activities.

Possible risks when opening a sauna

Starting your own business always involves risk. When opening a bathhouse, an entrepreneur faces the question: when will income cover expenses? Sometimes fears arise - what if the project does not pay off. To prevent this from happening, you must adhere to certain rules for running a sauna business:

  1. The services provided in the sauna should not be harmful to health.
  2. Business profitability will be ensured by timely registration of all necessary documents and contracts in accordance with current legislation.
  3. Do not provide services that fall under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intimate services, distribution of narcotic and psychotropic substances, etc.).
  4. The business owner and staff must strictly maintain confidentiality regarding visitors.

Compliance with such simple rules will create a positive reputation among clients, increase traffic, and, therefore, double or triple income, and increase profitability.

An important factor in increasing the number of visitors to the bathhouse is the sanitary condition of the premises, equipment, and the level of culture of the staff.

Do not neglect business insurance against bankruptcy and sauna accident insurance.

Sauna power supply

The sauna room is classified as a room with a large number of people and a high fire hazard. The electrical wiring in the sauna is subject to increased safety requirements. The thermal insulation of the wire must withstand high temperatures. According to the “Rules for the Operation of Electrical Installations”, it is strictly forbidden to install switches, sockets, distribution boxes. The best option is to lay wiring with outside steam room walls. You need to lead the ends of the wiring directly to the pantograph through the wall. If an electric oven is installed in the steam room, the cable must be routed in monolithic design floor. It is prohibited to use metal hose, corrugation, or any type of cable ducts for laying power supply wires in the sauna.

You cannot install lamps in the steam room on the ceiling. Lighting device must meet the requirements for heat resistance (withstand temperatures not lower than +125°C), and have an increased level of moisture resistance. In rooms with high humidity (swimming pool, shower room), it is recommended to install moisture-proof lamps and fittings (sockets and switches).

It is better to install the power supply control panel at the entrance to the sauna (vestibule, locker room).

All current collectors in the sauna must have a separate grounding circuit.

Sauna water supply

Water supply for the sauna is not the last thing on the list binding decisions. Business development depends on the quality and quantity of water.

If water is taken from the city network, it is necessary to install a meter cold water and a filter system. Purified water fills the pool and is supplied to heating device for use in the shower room. The durability of the heating boiler depends on the quality of water purification, shut-off valves.

It is better to install electricity and water supply using a ready-made design solution.

How to open a sauna (video)

The presented video describes, using “live” examples, how to open a sauna from scratch, and what is needed for this.

From an economic point of view, this type of business such as a sauna is profitable and profitable. Initially invested funds will return within a year or two net income. Compiled correctly, taking into account all needs and financial opportunities a business plan will ensure stable business operations that will bring not only monetary profit, but also moral satisfaction.

The sauna has long ceased to be a place where people come exclusively for “light steam.” Modern saunas have become entire complexes that combine a bathhouse, a spa with a full range of beauty treatments, and an establishment for meeting friends, where you can celebrate a birthday and even have a corporate party. These services are in demand - many people now want to relax with health benefits, so if, when planning new business, you are wondering how to open a sauna - you are on the right track.

Let's start with registration

The first thing you need to do is register your business. An individual entrepreneur can open a sauna, but if you plan to sell to visitors alcoholic drinks, the only possible option is , only in this case will you be able to obtain the appropriate licenses.

You need to submit all the documents necessary for registration to the tax office, and notify it of the transition to a special regime; in the case of a sauna, the most suitable regime will be or. This must be done within the period established by law.

Additional documents

To open a bathhouse, you will need to collect a whole package of documents and obtain permits:

  • permits for the premises from the SES and fire service;
  • industrial sanitary control program;
  • agreement with a laundry for washing bath accessories;
  • a contract for the maintenance of the ventilation system, including its disinfection;
  • contracts for disinfection, disinfestation, deratization;
  • contracts for waste removal and recycling of fluorescent lamps.

Choosing a room for a sauna

When choosing a room for a future sauna, you can (with rare exceptions) not particularly worry about its location. Still, a bathhouse is not a place where people can accidentally “drop in” while walking nearby. They usually go there purposefully. So it makes sense to focus on the size and rental price of the space, as well as its functionality.

The minimum area required for a sauna is from 100 square meters. meters. Here you can easily arrange everything you need: a locker room, a relaxation room, a shower room, a steam room, a small swimming pool and utility rooms. For any additional services (massage, spa treatments) you will need separate rooms.

And first you should decide on the range of services that you plan to provide: if you do not plan this in advance, an unpleasant situation may arise when there is simply not enough space for something important. It is better if there is “extra” space left - it will be much easier to deal with it by organizing, for example, a small cafe or beauty salon or subletting additional meters.

An important point: refurbishing a former bathhouse and converting any other room into a sauna will require approximately the same costs. Another option that may be more profitable is the construction of a bathhouse building from scratch - modern technologies and the materials allow this to be done quickly and not particularly expensive.

Setting up the room

As you know, a sauna is a fire hazard, and for the future owner this means that he will have to spend a lot of money on finishing the room special materials before opening the bathhouse.

To equip a steam room, you need to purchase a heater - wood-burning or electric, or, as an option, the now popular infrared sauna.

The remaining rooms will need furniture (tables, chairs, hangers, sofas for relaxation, etc.), as well as Appliances(music center, TV panel, kettle, coffee maker). Even a small sauna should be equipped with a swimming pool; it will require filters, pumps, etc.

Fire safety and sanitary and hygienic requirements for the premises

To ensure that the operation of the sauna does not raise questions and objections from the concerned services, certain (rather strict) requirements must be met:

  1. The sauna must be equipped in a separate building or in a public building, subject to availability separate entrance. If you open a sauna in a residential building, you will need to provide sound, thermal and vapor barrier.
  2. It is prohibited to locate saunas in basements and in rooms adjacent to those containing more than 100 people.
  3. All bathhouse premises must be equipped with fire detectors.
  4. It is prohibited to use resinous materials in the cladding.
  5. The windows in the sauna should have opening transoms.
  6. The furniture is made from chemical resistant detergents materials. Installation of upholstered furniture is not allowed (here we're talking about about the sauna itself, in the relaxation room there may be chairs and sofas, of course). Indoors high humidity(swimming pool, shower) you need to use rubber mats.
  7. The volume of the steam room can be from 8 to 24 cubic meters, the ceiling height must be at least 1.9 m.
  8. The stove in the steam room must be installed at a distance of at least 20 cm from the walls. Its permissible power will depend on the size of the room, but the maximum is 15 kW. After 8 hours of continuous operation, the oven should automatically turn off. The cable protection must withstand the maximum possible temperature in the sauna.
  9. A shield made of fireproof material with thermal insulation properties– the distance from the ceiling should be 5 cm or slightly more.
  10. It is necessary to ensure air circulation in the steam room; for this there must be ventilation system and gaps (at least 3 cm) under the door.
  11. The air temperature in the steam room should not rise above 110°C (there should be automatic control of excess). It is necessary to install a thermometer in the room.
  12. The steam room requires a fire extinguishing device; its sprinkler heads must be open, and the device itself must be connected to the water supply. The control panel is located outside the steam room.
  13. All washing equipment is made from materials that are resistant to high temperatures and disinfection.

Sauna business plan: expenses and income

In addition to one-time expenses for starting a business and equipping the premises, the sauna owner also faces ongoing costs.

To work in the establishment you will need administrators, a bathhouse attendant, a stoker, cleaners, and a security guard. If the sauna provides an expanded range of services, you need to add a massage therapist, cosmetologist, bartender, etc.

You also need to purchase Consumables: disposable slippers, brooms, special bath caps, towels - all this can be provided for a fee or included in the cost of the service.

How much it will cost to open a sauna depends on its size and level. However, even according to the most conservative estimates, you will need to invest at least one and a half million rubles - approximately the same amount will be the cost of equipment and personnel, without taking into account the cost of rent or construction of your own building.

If we consider the construction or refurbishment of a finished premises, utility bills per year (about 5 million), with costs for personnel and advertising (another 1 million), you need to prepare about 6–7 million rubles as start-up capital.

At a cost of services of 1,500 rubles/hour, income will be about 300 thousand per month, i.e. up to 3.6 million per year, which will allow the sauna as a business to pay for itself in 2–3 years.

The expenditure side of the budget must necessarily include possible costs for Finishing work in the steam room and shower. Because of high temperature and humidity in these rooms, they may need repairs even before the sauna has fully paid for itself.

To attract visitors to the sauna, a variety of advertising events are suitable: commercials on TV and radio, advertising blocks in newspapers, distribution of flyers, business cards, navigation, promotions and prizes.

Today, many people are looking for a vacation spot via the Internet, so having your own website with bright photographs And good description services, and most importantly - with the possibility of online booking will be a definite plus.

At first, the main task is to develop regular customers: sauna lovers, as a rule, make a choice in favor of one establishment and remain faithful to it. So, by creating the most comfortable conditions for relaxation, you will provide yourself with a continuous flow of visitors and, as a result, constant profit.