If you dream that you are being strangled by evil spirits. What was she like?

Evil spirits in a dream reflect the bad thoughts and vicious desires of the dreamer himself. Sometimes dark forces have a very real basis and are often activated in the dreams of people engaged in esoteric practices. The dream book will tell you what various otherworldly creatures mean in dreams.

According to Miller

In a dream, did you communicate with devils without fear? The interpretation of the dream is not the most rosy: in reality you will earn fabulous wealth through strictly dishonest means, but later you will certainly pay for it.

What are you afraid of?

Does evil spirits constantly appear in your dreams? The dream book is sure: these are your own fears, originating in distant childhood. An attempt to ward off evil demons symbolizes the desire to get rid of fears and worries.

Very often evil spirits come before unpleasant events, troubles, losses. Usually in such dreams the dreamer thinks that someone is strangling him.

Why do you dream about all sorts of evil spirits most often? The image is associated with information that is scary to find out. If the devil comes in your dreams, then the dream book predicts: you will experience short-term joy, but later you will experience great sorrows.

Love is evil!

If in a dream evil spirits regularly appear in some rags, then you are in the grip of laziness, drunkenness, and debauchery. Did you dream of magnificently dressed monsters? They symbolize the demons of self-interest, pride and greed.

If a woman meets a demon, then in real life she runs the risk of falling in love evil man. Why does a man need such a meeting? The dream book believes that he dreams of having power, authority, influence.

Be careful!

Why do you dream of a house full of creepy creatures? You will lose a loved one and you will be very worried. Did you dream that there were evil spirits in your apartment? The dream book warns: a new acquaintance will cause a number of bad and even dangerous incidents.

See own house, in which creepy monsters are hiding in the corners, means that those around you are opposed to you. Why do you dream if your house was visited by evil spirits, but you managed to drive them out? Timely measures will save you from big trouble.

What they were doing?

The dream book suggests remembering how evil spirits behaved in a dream, as well as deciphering your own actions.

  • Monsters sat around - their bad thoughts.
  • They destroyed everything - the destruction of the good beginning in the soul.
  • They yelled and swore - you have the strength to cope with personal demons.
  • They fought with each other - separation of mind and heart, tearing of the soul.
  • They offered to play cards - a dangerous temptation, an unjustified risk.

Did you dream about talking to devils? You will be in mortal danger. The worst thing is to see that you have entered into an agreement with evil spirits. This means that you will get what you want, but later you will pay an incredible price for it.


Why do you dream if evil spirits attack? Dream book advice: get ready for a very difficult period in life. The same plot hints at problems from the past, as well as dirty gossip in the present.

Did you dream about being attacked by evil spirits? Things at work and family relationships will go wrong. What does it mean if a demon literally possesses you? Prepare for an unfavorable turn of fate.

It’s bad to see a creepy creature move into your body in a dream. The dream book is convinced: dark entities can really take over your soul.


Did you dream that you had to drive out an evil spirit with prayer? Only true faith in goodness will help you cope with the approaching troubles.

Seeing a magician who is going to drive out evil spirits from you in a dream means that after numerous trials, you will be able to win recognition and occupy a high position.


It’s good to drive out various evil spirits from yourself. The dream book prophesies victory over fears and bad habits.

Why do you dream if you happen to exorcise evil spirits from another character? In reality, someone needs your urgent help.

Have you ever watched a demon leave your body? In reality, you will experience an unprecedented surge of strength and optimism, because in the dream you really got rid of something very bad.

Why do you dream devilry

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Communicating with evil spirits means wealth, which you will acquire through criminal means and subsequent exposure.

Why do you dream about evil spirits?

Online dream book

You dream of an evil spirit, and at the same time you are talking with it - you will do anything for the sake of money, but then you will have to pay for your dishonesty. More interpretations If our dream book turned out to be useful for you, then add it to your browser so that it is always at your fingertips. Already used by more than 450 users!© Author-compiler: Alexey Krivenky. Photo: depositphotos.com

Why do you dream about evil spirits?

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

The image of evil spirits is one of the most ancient archetypes of human thinking. The idea of ​​evil spirits was formed similarly and together with the symbolism of the amulet/idol/amulet, only with a different sign: the amulet protects a person from the elemental forces of nature, and the evil spirits tried to destroy him. For a better idea of ​​danger, man gave his own characteristics to natural phenomena: if a person becomes overgrown with branches and moss, then the result will be a goblin - a creature intermediate between the element of the forest personified by the tree and man. The power of such mutants was unclear: where did it come from? They called her unclean. Over time, in the archetype of thinking, evil spirits underwent a substitution of meaning similar to an amulet: it became more necessary for a person to protect himself from the evil thoughts and deeds of other people than from natural phenomena. And all the incomprehensible, but successful actions of the enemies were attributed to the help of evil spirits. In the East they believe that properly buried bodies of ancestors supply energy to descendants for a long time and the clan prospers. Incorrect burials, not performed with love, absorb energy into themselves, and the race fades away. The laws of energy circulation between Heaven and Earth are the same in the East and in the West: improper burials prevent descendants from living. Let's add here the sick, frustrated imagination of a weakened person, and the picture of the emotional creation of a non-existent reality will be complete. The main problem is that, once emotionally created, it strives to acquire a material form - to be incarnated. A situation similar to the fact that immaterial emotional intemperance leads to severe and material physical illnesses.

Evil spirits really exist: like an evil invisible force, irritation, malice, inappropriate anger, and the like suck the health out of people. According to the physical law of the transition of any energy into another quality, our inadequate emotions return to us as someone else’s destructive emotions. In folklore, in sacred texts, in the literature of all nations, it is repeatedly mentioned that evil spirits have no power over the innocent and pure in soul: they do not exist for a pure spirit. To fall under the power of an unclean, devilish force, you must lie at least once, get irritated, get scared... The circle is closed: we are back again to distorting human psyche immoderate emotions. Dreams of evil spirits (witch, vampire, goblin, other life-threatening monsters) - external vision of pathology internal state where there are stagnations and blocks of yin energy.

Seeing evil spirits in a dream with fear (witch, etc.) - manifested themselves in the form of evil spirits in a dream indoor units energy and depression hidden from oneself. We can say that the dreamer himself appeared before himself in the image of an evil spirit, or that the situation around himself created by him caused such an image. The dream speaks of serious disturbances in the functioning of the liver, spleen and kidneys: the organs are overloaded with disturbing pathological yin energy, which does not find a way out in actions, which is not surprising, since all the plans and intentions of the dreamer have long been inadequate to reality. Scary dreams probably accompanied by the collapse of business and personal relationships. There is a severe need to pay attention to your psycho-emotional sphere, try to understand everything that is happening as a pattern of your own actions and moderate your ambitions and emotions.

In a dream, with fear, to see evil spirits in a cemetery (dream about it) or in the form of deceased relatives - the dream means that the cause of leaks and distortion of energy rhythms is located precisely in the cemetery. The burials were carried out incorrectly, or any obligations to the deceased were not fulfilled, perhaps not by the dreamer himself, but by common relatives.

Seeing evil spirits in a dream and not being afraid is favorable: the energy leaks that have taken place have already been restored by the body as a result of some spiritual work carried out by the dreamer. This dream it could also mean someone else’s ill will, but it passed by, since the dreamer did not have similar negative emotions, there was nothing to cling to. Still, you should slow down the pace of movement forward a little and take a closer look at those around you.

Dream Interpretation evil spirits

Why do you dream about evil spirits? It is not possible to see such a symbol in a dream so often, and therefore dreamers experience a large number of issues related to it. Before giving any definite answers, you need to pay attention to every detail. No matter how strange it may sound, even an unnoticed shadow can radically change the interpretation.

What to think about?

Meeting with evil spirits frightens many people, even if they live according to all religious laws.

Most dream interpreters focus their attention on the fact that a dream sign foretells great trouble for the sleeping person. There is a high probability that small things will turn into big problems, but this is not something to be afraid of.

Every difficulty will point to weak side personality that needs improvement.

Unusual image

I dreamed of evil spirits

As the dream book says, evil spirits appear in dreams for various reasons, and each one must be analyzed in detail.

Interpreter of Azar

After reading Azar's works, one can understand that otherworldly images seen in night dreams will symbolize the dreamer's boundless desire to constantly receive pleasure. We must not forget that the price of such benefits can be prohibitive.

According to the second interpretation, a dreamed picture often indicates that the dreamer is constantly striving for power and ambition. If otherworldly forces frighten him in a dream, it means that in reality he is under the yoke of a stronger personality who constantly dictates his own rules.

Danilova's Dream Interpretation

According to Danilova's interpretation, your current situation will be quite difficult, and you will want to resort to the help of the devil. However, this interpretation should not be taken literally, since in reality it may mean a constant pursuit of a goal.

What was she like?

Dealing with an invisible substance in a dream

Many dream interpreters write that evil spirits do not always appear in material form; in some cases, they can be invisible.

If you were to see a transparent image in a dream, then most likely you do not find harmony in your own soul. Constant doubts and contradictions lead to more big problems, and therefore such a vicious circle should be broken.

If the dreamed substance does not cause any fear, then the sleeping person will find himself in an incredible cycle of events, which will give a positive attitude.

You might dream close person or a child challenging you to a fight. The dream interpreter suggests that such a sign is a subconscious embodiment of the feeling of guilt that the sleeping person experiences in front of the image.

I dreamed of a werewolf

The best solution to this problem would be to meet as soon as possible and increase the amount of time spent together. If you had to fight, then in reality your experiences are groundless and far-fetched.

If you dreamed of werewolves trying to grab you in a tight hug, you need to immediately reconsider your immediate surroundings. There is a high probability that there is a two-faced person next to you who puts on a mask depending on the situation.


If in a dream you had to pray with a witch, then you should not worry, since such a sign is not literally deciphered.

Being in a mystical image is a lack of certain abilities, and this prevents you from moving up the career ladder.

Uninvited guests

If in a dream you find yourself in the same apartment with a mystical subject, then, according to psychologist Miller, your problem will be solved. The assistant will be the person from whom no one expected it.

Turning to Modern dream book, you can find out that a dream in which you had to fight with evil spirits does not bode well. If a representative of the fair sex dreams of pictures in which a charming man calls her to him, then in reality she should beware of dubious temptations and obsessive attention.

Encounter evil spirits while praying

If a praying dreamer encounters an unknown substance, then the correct interpretation can be found in Hasse’s dream book. Such a dream is extremely unfavorable for people associated with agriculture and livestock farming. Big problems may arise in their life:

  • mass slaughter of livestock associated with sudden disease;
  • high probability of crop failure;
  • damage to agricultural property by close competitors, etc.

Forgot something?

There are certain scenarios that do not seem typical, but they also need to be deciphered correctly and in a timely manner.

An evil spirit coming to visit portends incredible luck, at least this is what dream interpreter Vanga focuses on. If children do not allow an uninvited guest onto their doorstep, then in reality there is a great risk of becoming a hostage to their own vanity.

Anyway, unexpected meeting is not a reason for the dreamer to start fighting evil spirits. This scenario doesn't just appear, and often involves secrets and scams that you need to be wary of.

If an unknown force shows aggression towards you, then only pure reason will help you prevail over it. Most likely, the sleeping person will finally change his usual life.

Problems with the brownie foreshadow respiratory diseases, and therefore, after waking up, you should immediately seek the help of doctors.

Your mark:

Such dreams most often dream of some serious transformations in life. I think that you should, in addition to everything else, pay attention to your health - you never know... You will notice something and “spoil” it, but I don’t know whether it’s good or not... If your grandmother is one of the “ evil spirits", then for good, but if not, then no. But you yourself think carefully about the dream...

Dream Interpretation - Unclean

The first plot most likely reflected anxiety, fear, born from the unknown (an evil force) before the events that you yourself gave rise to begin to develop in the future (untying a rag, a deal). In short, heightening passions. And the second story told about pursuing one’s own interests (driving). Your affairs are going less and less well (the vehicle becomes smaller as it transforms). But your determination, perseverance and ingenuity (I’m eating, flying, driving away, with all my strength...) attracts the attention of people on whom something important for you depends (the man and woman at the table). The rat may well represent the woman whom you will safely pass (take off).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Unclean

Good day, Sylvia! You can’t decide whether to leave or not based on your dreams. This is determined by your unyielding intention. Are you ready to fight or want a quiet life, etc. You can find a positive moment in everything. But if you walk away from the situation, then life will present the same thing, but in a more sophisticated form. All tests that are given are an exam. But unlike college, which you can quit, in life it is impossible not to pass the exam, even on the tenth attempt. Only if death closes this opportunity. It seems to me that you, with some self-esteem, “without saying goodbye or calling”, made a kind of beautiful move. But there is no dignity or heroism in this: “Having lost our sense of self-importance, we become invulnerable.” And you yourself are invited to take this lesson. Think soberly, weigh the pros and cons, turn to your heart: “A warrior chooses a path with his heart and follows this path. When he looks, he rejoices and laughs; when he sees, he knows. He knows that his life will end very soon; he knows that he, like anyone else, is not going anywhere; and he knows that nothing is more important than anything else." And after that make a responsible decision: "In a world where death hunts everyone , there is no time for regrets or doubts. There is only time to make decisions. And it does not matter what those decisions will be. Nothing is more or less serious and important than anything else. In a world where death - this is a hunter, there are no big or small decisions. Only decision is that the warrior must face his inevitable death. "But when you make a decision, you should carry it out unwaveringly, regardless of your mood, the advice of others, doubts, etc. For a sample, I will give you a methodology on how to make serious decisions: 1. First praise God. 2. Then thank Him for the benefits shown to you. 3. Next, confess your sins and the transgressions of His commandments. 4. And, finally, ask Him for what you need, especially in the matter of your salvation, and then in material goods: Lord, my God, YHWH! I praise and glorify Your ineffable glory and Your immeasurable greatness - I thank You that, by Your sole goodness, having given me existence and making me worthy to be a partaker of the saving blessings of Your incarnate economy, You have repeatedly delivered me, unknown even to me (to me) myself), from the troubles that threatened me and from the hand of my invisible enemies, - I confess to You that countless times I have trampled (trampled) my conscience and fearlessly violated (violated) Your holy commandments, being ungrateful (ungrateful) for Your so many good deeds . But my Most Merciful God, may this ingratitude not overcome Your goodness, despise my sins and indecencies, look at the tears of my contrition and, according to the multitude of Your bounties, help me even now, give me what is necessary for my salvation and direct my entire life to please You May Thy all-holy name be glorified by me, unworthy (unworthy)! With this last word You can count, by name, all your real spiritual, mental and physical needs. But ask for everything, if it is the will of God and your need. And to do this, ask the Holy Spirit to indicate whether you really need this or whether there is another way to achieve your goals and whether these goals are true. Ruach YHWH lavash eved YHWH. Therefore, ask this at least three times at intervals. 5. If the decision is truly conscious, then you need to take responsibility for what you are doing and go to the end. Act without doubt or regret. 6. Create an unyielding intention to achieve the goal. 7. Clear the mind of thoughts, silent action: turning off the internal dialogue or the unceasing Isusov prayer. 8. Be detached and put aside any concern for the result of the actions taken. Thank God in advance for any outcome of the situation. 9. Get started practical actions immediately, without delay. Impeccably, by all possible, and even impossible, means, achieve the goal. 10. Regardless of whether the battle is won or lost, be calm, balanced, detached. Thank God for His blessings. Accept everything as it is, as the will of God. 11. Next comes practical work in life.... As for the dream: “I think my cousin and I (I know for sure that this is a woman I know) are from some barn (hut, small house) we go out and I notice a tied rag on the door handle and untie it. My sister is scared because we made a deal with some evil force and now something bad will happen. " - Yours excessive impressionability from the words and deeds of others. It may even be that you are screwing yourself over, but they don’t think anything like that about you, and they don’t plan anything bad. Moreover, you didn’t tie this rag. Rag is pagan magic ritual, asking the pagan “gods” (spirits) for help. “Then we go into a larger house, which is nearby, and she shows me: look! Mom slept here and now she’s gone - she’s disappeared! I reassure her: we’ll handle it, everything will be fine... It turned out that I was stroking her head and reassured her daughter. “- home, mother - this is the help of your Family, ancestors. The fact that you reassure your sister says that deep down you are confident in your abilities: “your head is afraid, but your hands are doing.” "The road is wide, cars... I'm driving. Right in front of me, the driver's wheel breaks and rolls away, but he doesn't see. I stopped and tried to pump up the second one, but it was also damaged, torn... I managed to slow down and am trying to tell him that he has lost one wheel, but he does not pay attention to me..” - the road is your life. The driver is your boss, who is confused in his life, he has no time for you, and no time for intrigues in your direction. “I drive on - there are problems with my car... It became like a motorcycle - then it gets smaller and smaller... Then the light doesn’t come on, but I’m not going to stop - there’s just a little snow on the road and I decide to go further on a sled) )) and I already have a sled, then the road narrows like a special sports track for sleds, ahead is a small arch through which I have to pass, and behind it, right in the middle of the road, is a rat (as fluffy as a bunny, brown) and looking at me - and I chase her away, waving my arms - she is afraid of me, runs away to the side, but does not want to leave there. Right on the edge near the arch is her nest - it’s just like a bird’s nest and she runs up and down the edge of this path near the nest. " - rat - good sign, sel, ancient light rainbow creature Slavic mythology, which came to the righteous to help them in difficult situation, for example in a dungeon. They will help you heavenly patrons, although you drive them away from you, because you yourself do not understand what you need, who is your friend and who is your enemy. The fact that the vehicles are getting smaller and the passage is narrow is that the Higher Powers leave you no choice and show you only one thing Possible Solution. You're even better off when you don't have to choose from so many options because it's too complicated. "then another passage... I already decide to take off, since my sled doesn’t really want to go either, and I take off, flying just like a witch, only without a broom)) And I fly to a table on the street - a man and a woman are sitting there - and in the air as if something doesn’t allow me to fly further and my speed decreases significantly - I’m already nervous that something is holding me back - with the last of my strength I pick up speed and brazenly fall right on his head))) feet first)) and wake up." - The fact that you did it with effort is good. Firstly, this is an indicator of good development of the dream body. Secondly, it is an indicator that the situation is already unfolding in your favor on the physical plane. Be more decisive and everything will work out for you - “I pick up speed and brazenly fall right on his head)))” - you will sweep away all enemies from your path. The blessing of the Lord is upon you always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Evil spirits and persecution

Hello, the dream could mean that you are being haunted by some situation. Hill - you have climbed far, higher than other people below. It may mean that you have high ambitions and a weak instinct of self-preservation. A woman is a danger. Perhaps you have been interested in something for a very long time, and now it haunts you. Perhaps we are talking about obsessive thoughts or feelings that you let into yourself through carelessness, and now you cannot control them. Check yourself, are you feeling angry or jealous towards someone? Good luck!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Seeing evil spirits in a dream is in itself not a very good sign. This means that a person is to some extent subject to bad influence and he needs to repent of his sins and turn his soul to God. Otherwise, he may not be able to cope with his bad thoughts and deeds.

What if you dream of evil spirits: interpretation 2?

Any person needs a good, complete rest, however, if you dream of evil spirits, then when you wake up, you are guaranteed to be in a bad mood. A dream is an echo of real thoughts and deeds, so it is worth being critical of what is happening in the soul and not allowing harm towards loved ones. A person may dream of evil spirits if he is ready to reconsider his views on life.

It is very useful, having seen such a dream, to go to church and pray, repent of bad actions and thoughts. Seeing a werewolf and talking to him means sudden ill-gotten wealth, in addition, such a dream calls for paying attention to your surroundings. Perhaps among your friends there are people who are capable of betraying you at the most crucial moment.

If a person has dreams like this, then it’s time to take his health seriously. The fact is that due to anger and hatred, the balance of energies in the body is disturbed and real and very serious diseases can arise. Advice - moderate your anger.

When you dream of already deceased relatives, this may mean lifetime guilt towards them. Perhaps, when they were still alive, the dreamer treated them poorly, did not fulfill some request, or the funeral of these people was held in violation of the rules. It is necessary to go to church, light a candle and pray for the repose of their soul. It wouldn’t hurt to visit your relatives at the cemetery.

Astrologers explain why evil spirits are dreamed of, if the dreamer is not afraid of it, like this: A person who sees evil spirits in a dream is ready for changes in his life. He was able to overcome anger and aggression in his soul. From now on, the dark forces have no power over him. No curses or evil eye can harm him, because evil spirits cannot act on a person who lives without malice.

What does it portend?

A witch is also often considered an evil spirit, so if you dream about it, you should be very careful. If you dream of an old and evil witch, it means some woman (possibly a boss) wants to harm the dreamer. For a woman to see a young witch - to troubles in family affairs, perhaps her lover will find another woman. Unpleasant, of course, but not fatal.

When a woman sees herself as a witch in a dream, it means that in reality she lacks caution. Witch - to know - to know. A woman should learn to choose friends more carefully, perhaps take up psychology. There is also a chance that she has obvious or hidden psychic abilities, which cannot be ignored. The dream reminds you that talents need to be developed and not buried in the ground.

Sometimes evil spirits in a dream do not so much threaten a person as warn of possible troubles. There is always an opportunity to avoid problems if you change your behavior a little or don’t trust everyone you know too much.

Seeing evil spirits in a dream means receiving a sign from higher powers that it’s time to stop and analyze your life. Not everyone can become a true believer in one second, but anyone can come to church and at least try to pray.