Newborn baby crib after use. How to choose a bed for a child: tips on equipping a child's bed. Rating of cribs for newborns

Finally, the long-awaited baby has been born, and amid the hustle and bustle, the question comes to the fore - which crib is best to choose for a newborn. It would seem that there is nothing complicated about this, but in fact it is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances. After studying information on the Internet, mothers begin to understand that matching the crib to the tone of the rest of the furniture is far from the most important thing. We will talk about this in our article.

Which crib is better to choose: classification

Some models are very difficult to assemble on your own; sometimes you even have to use the services of the seller to assemble the product. After purchase, keep the warranty card and receipt. Modern domestic and foreign manufacturers present several types of cribs on the market, each of which needs to be considered in more detail.


Such products are folding models made of fabric, plastic and metal. They are very convenient for frequent travel, easy to use and maintain. Such beds do not need to be supplemented with a mattress, and if such a need arises, it can always be purchased separately. The dimensions of the playpens are wider and shorter than those of standard cribs.

Due to their lightness, playpens are increasingly being chosen for household use, because parents can easily move the product around the apartment with their child.

The functionality of the product is excellent: it is possible to place the bottom on the upper level, which is convenient for children up to 3 months, there is an opening on the side wall that is closed with a zipper, sometimes the package includes a changing table and a shelf for small items and baby cosmetics. The playpen is suitable for children up to 3 years old.

This product combines a chest of drawers and a changing table with a crib. Particularly popular are those bed models that, with the help of transformation, turn into teenage furniture: the upper sides of the bed form desk with a chest of drawers placed on the side or the bed smoothly turns into a sofa.

Several decades ago, all cribs for newborns were similar to each other, and relatives often simply passed this type of children’s furniture to each other “by inheritance.” Today, the children's goods market offers a rich assortment. In stores, parents see many models of cribs for babies: various shapes, with a motion sickness function, equipped with additional drawers, bedside tables, etc. Which option should your child choose? What should you pay attention to?

Important criteria when choosing a crib for a newborn

To navigate the variety of crib models on the market today, parents need to know certain parameters, important when choosing this piece of furniture.

Product size

This criterion will be especially important for a family with a modest living space. Standard dimensions are 120×60 cm, increased dimensions are 140×70 (mostly transforming beds), cribs are usually made small (length - no more than 100 cm, width 42–55 cm).

When choosing dimensions, it should be taken into account that standard size It will be easier to choose bed linen, pillows and other accessories. For a small or too large crib, many things will most likely have to be sewn to order.

The dimensions of a crib will be especially significant for families with small living space, for example, those living in a one-room apartment


The material of a crib for a newborn should be durable, reliable and at the same time environmentally friendly. In this regard, there are several options to consider:

  1. Tree. Very a good choice. Furniture made from natural wood must be carefully sanded and treated with harmless dyes and protective equipment. Cribs are most often made from beech, oak, birch, and alder (pine wood is cheaper, but it is softer and not as durable).

    High-quality cribs are made from durable species - beech, oak, alder, birch

  2. MDF (fine fraction). These are compressed under high pressure wood fibers. These products are also reliable and durable (although they are cheaper than solid wood cribs), but can be used in their production harmful substances (epoxy resins, phenol, etc.). When choosing such a product, it is important to find out the emission class: it should not be higher than E1 - this means that formaldehyde is contained in permissible norm and will not cause harm to health. In addition, the pronounced “chemical” aroma of furniture should alert you.
  3. Chipboard ( particle board). This sheet material, formed by pressing and gluing small wood chips (also to reduce the cost of production). Such furniture, similarly (like products made from MDF), can contain a lot of formaldehyde, so you must ask the seller for a certificate indicating the specific level of this substance.

    MDF is wood fibers pressed under high pressure, chipboard is made from small chips (it is pressed and glued together)

  4. Metal. Cribs made of steel or aluminum will be durable and will last a long time (can be used for a second and third child or passed on to relatives), but they are heavy and expensive.

    Metal cribs are very strong, durable, but heavy and quite expensive.

  5. High quality plastic. This material is not very durable, so it is usually used for the manufacture of individual elements (but not the bottom of the bed).

Video: nuances of choosing a crib for a newborn (the topic is discussed in Elena Malysheva’s program)

In the program, experts give priority to metal cribs as the most environmentally friendly.

Bottom height and version

The bottom of the crib can be solid or slatted. Pediatricians recommend the second option, since it does not complicate the constant ventilation of the mattress (moisture will not be retained in it and unpleasant odors).

The slatted bottom does not interfere with the ventilation of the mattress - it will not retain moisture and unpleasant odors

In addition, it is important that the bottom of the crib can be adjusted in height. Different models offer from 2 to 5 levels. The top one is convenient in the first months of a child’s life, when he does not yet know how to sit down and stand up: it will be convenient for the mother to lay the baby down without bending over too much. As the baby gets older, the bottom drops.

It is important that the lowest level is located 60–65 cm from the top edge of the sides - not lower than the armpits of a child standing in the crib.

It is very convenient when the bottom height of the crib is adjusted

Gaps between slats

The side slats of the crib protect the baby from falling during sleep and wakefulness. It is important that the distance between them is not too large or, conversely, small. In the first case, the baby may stick its head in and not be able to pull it out on its own. In the second case, the child’s arm or leg may get stuck between the slats. Therefore, the optimal distance is 6–7 cm.

The distance between the slats should not be too large or small so that the child’s head and limbs do not get stuck

Top rail protection

As the baby grows, he will taste everything, including his crib. And when teeth begin to emerge, the baby may chew off and swallow part of the furniture covering. That's why important element baby cribs are equipped with special linings on the top slats. They are made of silicone or plastic (materials that are safe for baby’s health) and protect children’s teeth and furniture well from damage.

It is important that the top rails have special protection

If the crib is metal, then soft textile covers are often used for the top slats (with buttons so that they can be removed and washed). Of course, the baby will not be able to chew on steel or aluminum, but there is a risk that it will hit hard surface furniture.

If the crib is metal, a soft textile pad is needed for the top rail

Removable slats

Naturally, not all families buy cribs only for infants. In most cases, this furniture is used until the baby is 3–4 years old. When the child learns to walk, he will probably want to get out of the crib on his own. To prevent the baby from being tempted to climb over the top side, it is best to simply remove the two slats from the side wall. Therefore, you need to purchase a model that assumes this possibility (the element can simply be removed and not sawed off).

It is best to do this not in the middle, but on the side where the baby’s legs are usually located. This will prevent him from falling out of the crib in his sleep.

It is better to remove the slats from the side where the child’s legs are located during sleep.

Availability of wheels

If parents plan to periodically move the crib around the room, then it is better for them to choose a model with wheels. However, such a detail can create problems if the baby is overly active or if the crib is adjacent to the parent's (it does not have one side wall). Therefore, you need to think in advance about special clamps or stoppers. It's good to be able to remove them as needed.

If you plan to move the crib around the room, it is better to purchase a model with wheels.

Almost all of the criteria mentioned are directly related to the safety of the child. Among other things, the crib should not be too light (the baby will be able to turn it over), and should not have easily unscrewed parts, chips, or other damage. It is important that all open parts of the furniture are smooth and the corners are rounded.

Review of popular models

Many models of cribs for newborns presented in stores generally meet the criteria of safety and convenience. To choose suitable option, parents should know the characteristics of the furniture, its advantages and possible disadvantages.

Classic crib

It is made of wood or metal, most often has a standard size - 120 x 60 cm. It is usually equipped with wheels for movement. A variation is the rocking bed (at the bottom there are arched runners for rocking the baby, and wheels can be attached to them, in turn).

Some models allow you to remove the side part (for example, to attach the crib to an adult). Also, many cribs come with arches that allow you to turn the crib into a rocking chair. This is safe because the arches have limiters.

Many have a removable wall and runners for swinging modern models cots


  • The design is simple - furniture rarely breaks.
  • A child can sleep in such a crib until at least 3–4 years of age (many children sleep until school).
  • It's easy to choose a mattress and bed linen.
  • Many classic models presented in budget options.


  • The design is quite bulky.
  • Budget models have minimal functionality (no top rails, wheels, mobile, etc.).

Crib with a pendulum

Unlike a rocking bed, the legs of the furniture remain motionless when rocking - only the sleeping place moves, while the child remains in a horizontal position.
Such a “pendulum” is presented in different options- longitudinal and transverse. The first imitates rocking in the mother's arms (from head to legs), the second involves movements left and right. There is also a universal motion sickness mechanism that allows you to alternate between different types. It is impossible to say unequivocally which swing option is better - everyone selects it individually.

There are heated debates online about which pendulum is better, but a lot depends on the arrangement of furniture in the room and on the convenience for the mother

The bed can have a manual or electric mechanism. The first is activated by pushing with the hand, and the oscillations continue for about a minute. The second one is powered by a miniature electric motor.

For most cribs, the pendulum can be removed to create a regular crib.


  • The model is convenient because a crying baby does not need to be picked up in order to calm it down or constantly manually rock the rocking bed.
  • The pendulum works silently, smoothly swinging the crib.
  • The bed can be used for a long time (at least up to 3 years), just install special clamps when motion sickness is no longer relevant.


  • Motion sickness has its opponents (pediatricians, child psychologists): they do not recommend accustoming a baby to it, because the reasons for crying can be serious (and this measure will only drown out the pain).
  • An older child can start it himself manual mechanism and overturn the bed (although special clamps can solve the problem)
  • The design of the crib is naturally more complex than the classic one, so the possibility of breakage cannot be ruled out.

Video: is it necessary to rock a baby to sleep (Dr. Komarovsky explains)

Well-known children's pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky notes that this method of placing a child is harmless, but troublesome for parents. He recommends initially (from birth) not accustoming the baby to motion sickness and spending more time with him actively, so that in the evening he falls asleep on his own from fatigue.

The design combines a sleeping place and some other piece of furniture (sometimes two at once): a changing table or chest of drawers (plus a drawer underneath the bottom). Some models can be transformed into school furniture (certain parts are removed, which increases the length sleeping place).

The transforming bed can be disassembled into a bed and a desk with a cabinet


  • The furniture can be used for a long time (up to age 12).
  • Multifunctionality, convenience for mom (necessary things are always at hand).
  • Significant savings on children's furniture.


  • High price.
  • Impressive dimensions (not suitable for a small apartment).
  • A narrow bed (no more than 60–70 cm) will most likely be uncomfortable for a student.

Round crib (including transformer)

A crib can have an unusual shape - in the form of a circle or an oval (sometimes a circle can be converted into an oval due to a sliding structure). Most often, such models are transformers: they are converted into a cradle, playpen, changing table, and subsequently into a children's sofa or chair, and are equipped with drawers.

Transformation options: round crib or playpen + changing table, oval crib or playpen, oval bed-sofa, set of children's furniture - table and chairs


  • The crib will last a long time and will be useful for an adult child (in the form of a chair or sofa).
  • Models with drawers and a changing table function are convenient for the mother and make caring for the baby easier.
  • Stylish appearance.
  • You can choose a model with a pendulum for additional motion sickness.


  • Expensive option.
  • Difficulties when buying a mattress and bed linen.

The crib combines a sleeping place and play area. The design is often foldable. The side parts are made of textile or transparent plastic. The bed is equipped with a fastener on the side so that an older child can get out on his own. The height of the bottom usually varies (2 positions). Possible nice bonuses This crib has all sorts of functional features:

  • wheels for moving with a locking brake,
  • sun awning,
  • mosquito net,
  • changing board or cradle for a newborn, attached across the playpen,
  • arc with toys,
  • mesh pockets at the ends.

The cot-playpen is very functional, you can take it with you to nature both as a sleeping place and as a play place for your baby


  • The design is lightweight due to the fabric base.
  • The folding model is convenient to take with you to the dacha or on a trip to the sea.
  • No maintenance problems: parts can be washed (plastic) or washable (fabric).


  • Enough big sizes, which is inconvenient for a small apartment.
  • Can only be used for up to 3 years, or even less. After all, some models have a weight limit, for example, only up to 7 kg.
  • Single-level cribs are too low; two-level cribs have too low a protective side, which is dangerous for the child.
  • The structure is not very stable.
  • Without rigid slats, it is difficult for a baby to rise and stand on his feet.
  • Child psychologists do not recommend mixing places for sleeping and playing: this is fraught with problems with falling asleep. A child's sleep should be associated with a separate place.

Cradle (or cradle)

Compact model, reminiscent of intrauterine conditions for a baby. There is a motion sickness function. Cradles have their own stand and are also equipped
handles for carrying the basket.

The cradle always has a dome and very often a canopy, as well as a rocking mechanism and wheels for moving


  • A good option for a newborn: he will be comfortable and calm in a limited space.
  • The cradle is light and compact, which means it is mobile.
  • The baby can be rocked to sleep.
  • There is always an opportunity to turn a sleeping child away from the light.


  • The cradle will last up to a maximum of 6 months, after which you will need another crib (not suitable for those who are on a budget).
  • Although the set includes bedding, a replacement set of linen will most likely have to be sewn to order.
  • Not all babies like being cramped.

Add-on cot to adult bed

In principle, this is a classic crib, in which one side wall is missing (or it is low). The furniture is placed tightly against the adult bed (sometimes it is fixed with a special mechanism). But there are also special models with a narrower sleeping area and a non-standard shape.

An additional crib will be convenient primarily for the mother, especially if the woman is recovering from a difficult birth and often simply cannot hold the baby in her arms.


  • The baby sleeps more peacefully, feeling the mother's presence.
  • A woman can breastfeed her baby at night, sometimes without even getting up, and check his general condition.
  • This crib allows you to eliminate the disadvantages of sleeping together, when the husband is forced to sleep separately, since the baby constantly needs his mother’s attention or cannot sleep without her.
  • An additional crib helps a woman recover after surgical childbirth or symphysitis and other complications if doctors do not recommend that she sit and pick up the baby.
  • The bed is convenient for gradually “relocating” a child to a separate room.


  • Specialized models are suitable only for the first year of life.
  • It is important to check when purchasing whether the product is securely fixed next to an adult’s sleeping place.

Photo gallery: models of cribs for newborns

The round transformable bed will last a long time and can be converted into other types of children's furniture The classic crib has simple design and is represented by both budget and more expensive options A special mechanism rocks the berth, while it remains horizontal The compact cradle reminds the baby of the mother’s womb, but such a crib is suitable for up to 6 months The baby can sleep and play in the playpen A transforming bed combines a sleeping place and some other types of furniture An attached crib has a low side wall (or no side wall) and is placed close to the adult bed

Recumbent stroller blocks, cradle baskets and bouncer bassinets as a possible alternative to a crib

Some families (mainly for reasons of economy) use cradles from strollers or, for example, portable baskets-cradles as a crib. Of course, you can’t do this for long, only for the first 3–4 months: it will simply be uncomfortable for an older baby to sleep like that all night.

Not long ago, such a children's product as a cradle-bouncer appeared on sale. The bouncer allows you to adjust the backrest: the baby can lie horizontally and be in an elevated state. It also comes with a soothing vibration mechanism. Not heavy weight makes it easy to carry the cradle, including taking it outside. The product is even equipped with an orthopedic mattress, which allows you to put your baby in it at night. However, a baby is allowed to sleep in a bouncer cradle for a maximum of the first three months: later he can easily fall out of there. Of course, there is also a strap for fixation, but it is definitely not suitable for healthy children's sleep.

Sleeping in a bouncer cradle is only permissible for the first 3 months of life, but the baby will again be more comfortable in a crib

Video instructions for choosing a crib

Newly born babies spend most of their time sleeping. Therefore, the crib should be as safe and comfortable as possible. Parents choose a specific model based on their financial opportunities, own preferences and individual characteristics newborn.

At first, the newborn spends much more time asleep than awake (). During this period, all the new information that the baby has received is analyzed and assimilated. That is why it is so important to create conditions for a newborn to have a restful, restful sleep. To do this, first of all, the child will need a cozy crib where it would be comfortable to sleep. Despite the fact that there is a huge amount of information about them today, many young mothers continue to be interested in questions: how to choose the right crib for a newborn baby, whether it needs wheels, whether it will need a built-in drawer, and others. Let's deal with them.

Choosing the right crib!

Safety requirements for a crib for a newborn.

Regardless of the type in the crib for a newborn:

  1. There should be no protrusions or sharp corners so that the baby does not hit them, as well as unreliable latches that could cause a finger to be pinched.
  2. Contrary to the opinion that the crib should be made exclusively of wood, pediatricians now suggest considering metal models. After all, the majority wooden cribs varnished to prevent drying and breakage of parts. If you still decide to buy a wooden product, then you should check with the seller what kind of varnish or paint it is coated with, and even better, that there are special linings made of non-toxic materials on the surfaces that the baby can gnaw upon the appearance of teeth.
  3. Bottom and side surfaces should not be continuous in order to provide good ventilation air in the crib itself and under the mattress.
  4. The bars on the sides should not be too dense so that the child’s leg or hand does not get stuck between them. Also, they should not be too sparse so that the baby does not try to stick his head through them. Optimal width between them is considered 7-8 centimeters.
  5. Another requirement is the presence removable wall. We can’t call it mandatory, but such a detail can make a mother’s life much easier at night if the crib with the front wall removed is moved close to the adult.
  6. Also an additional, but not mandatory requirement is the presence of two levels of the bottom of the crib. Then you can easily place the newborn on a higher bed, and when the child grows up and begins to try to get out of the crib, then the level of the bed can be lowered.

If you are hesitating which crib to choose for your newborn, then the review below various models cribs may be useful. Choice the desired model, will mainly come down to what features you would like to see in it.

Such cradles seem to be specially invented so that a tiny and defenseless baby is surrounded maximum number warmth and comfort. They are most often made from hypoallergenic, breathable materials (for example, willow vine). They are small in size, and the newborn's space is very limited (like in the mother's belly), which creates a feeling of additional security. In addition, they can be easily moved wherever needed, since many models are not only lightweight in themselves, but also equipped with wheels. Well-known manufacturers complete their cribs with a mattress, a canopy (optionally a mosquito net), bed linen And funny toys. Some of these cribs are even equipped with a rocking system to music.

An option for such a crib for a newborn can be a special cradle that is attached to a regular wooden or metal crib with the ability to rock the baby. It is convenient to take it out, for example, to go outside.

Their main disadvantage is that, despite their high cost, these models will not last longer than 6 months, since the child will simply outgrow them.

Classic model. Wooden crib

These are the most common models, designed for both newborns and children up to three years old. If it was not varnished, but was simply well sanded, then it would be difficult to find a more environmentally friendly option. Equipped with wheels, cribs can be easily moved around the room to the desired location. Cribs on runners with loose latches allow you to rock the baby to sleep before bed, and with fixed ones, you can install the crib firmly on the floor.

Wooden crib

Typically, such models have a double bottom level and a standard size of 120 by 60 cm. Many of them are supplemented drawers, which of course makes more convenient storage All sorts of children's little things are at hand in a small room, but they also weigh down the crib and make it almost impossible to move it around the room.

Rocking beds and pendulums

Rocking chairs are a traditional model; arched runners allow you to rock them from side to side. Minus: when the baby grows up, he, leaning on the side bars, may fall out of the bed. The storage box below is low-functional: when rocked, objects in it will roll and create noise.

Rocking bed

Pendulums can be longitudinal or transverse. They have a bulkier design that can break or squeak. But the model with a pendulum has strong advantages: rocking in them is considered less harmful than in a rocking chair, and the presence of a locking mechanism will prevent the baby from swinging on his own.

This model is suitable for practical parents who will be able to rationally use not only their own finances, but also the space in the room. They are called transformers because in most cases they are equipped with additional removable pieces of furniture such as a changing table, chest of drawers or cabinets, various shelves and drawers for linen or toys. In addition, some models can be extended, turning from a crib for a newborn into a good bed for a schoolchild. And if you remove all the partitions and shelves, they can easily serve as a small sofa.

Among the main disadvantages is that after a couple of years, this color and the crib itself may simply get boring for the child or significantly worsen its appearance due to the artistic or handicraft abilities of the growing child.

Transformable crib: advantages and disadvantages –

These models are extremely elegant - smooth, rounded shapes look very stylish. In addition, the absolute absence of sharp corners increases the safety of the product, and the baby inside is very comfortable. And such a crib takes up less space than a rectangular one.

But this is not all the advantages of such structures. They are also very deft at transforming. A round transformable crib can become a cradle, a round playpen, small or large (if you move the walls apart) oval crib, sofa, armchairs with a table. Thanks to its variety, it will never get boring.

Add-on cot

You can sleep next to your baby without worrying that dad will crush him if you buy an add-on crib for newborns. However, a baby will be able to sleep in it until he is three years old. The side wall of this bed folds back, and the mother can feed or calm the baby without getting out of bed. From a psychological point of view, such closeness is useful and convenient for both the baby and the mother.

Add-on cot

We read in detail about add-on cribs, selection rules, and popular models.

Metal cribs

The shape resembles traditional wooden models, but can be additionally equipped with a cradle. The child does not come into direct contact with metal parts, since all parts are covered with fabric protection. Sometimes such cribs can be folded out to create a sleeping area for a preschooler. The bottom of many models has two levels, and the crib can be used as a playpen.

metal crib

We also read

Modern stores are overflowing with cribs of several types from various materials, different forms, and it is difficult for parents to make a choice.

To know how to choose a crib for a newborn, it is important to know some nuances. Then you will be able to purchase a convenient, comfortable and reliable model.

Types of cribs

Choosing a crib for a newborn is a serious matter. Parents are thinking about how to choose a model so that it is comfortable for the baby and fits into the interior.

The main types of cribs are:

  1. Cradle;
  2. Transformer;
  3. Manege;
  4. Classic crib;
  5. Round crib.


In the first weeks of life, a newborn is afraid of large spaces, so a compact cradle is the ideal choice.

After the baby grows out of the cradle, he can be transferred to a crib. It is convenient because a newborn can be rocked and moved in it by holding the arms. Sometimes in included stand for it.

To be fair, your newborn will spend most of his time in your arms, nursing and napping. And when you try to put it in the cradle, it will wake up.

Yes, this is a reality for which you need to be prepared and not be offended that the child refuses such an expensive and long-chosen cradle.

To better understand your baby and not create high expectations, watch the online course Happy Motherhood: Methodology gentle care for children from birth to 3 months.

Of course, there should be a place for saving. And in this regard, a cradle or even a stroller is a very good option.

Transformable bed

A transformable bed is furniture that can change its appearance. It has a function:

  • dresser;
  • cabinets.

These beds are suitable for children from birth to 7 years. As the child grows up, excess elements can be removed to make the bed longer. Some models are even suitable for teenagers.

On average, the size of the transformer is 120x60 cm. The kit includes silicone pads to protect the child. The backrest lowers, the bottom can be fixed in several ways, to different heights.

There is a pendulum mechanism that will free the mother’s hands from rocking the baby.

Playpen bed

Playpen beds are made of metal, plastic and fabric. They are convenient to take on trips because they fold up and are easy to clean. They do not require a special mattress, but if you wish, buy it separately.

The playpen differs from the crib in that it is wider and shorter. He has additional elements:

  1. Changing table (in some models).
  2. Shelf for creams and other small items (in some models).
  3. Mobile.
  4. Pocket.

It can be moved to the room where the mother goes so that the baby can be seen.


Most people think about how to choose an economical crib for a newborn? The most suitable option is a classic crib. It is also the most common.

It is usually made of wood (beech, aspen, birch, maple) and metal. Some models are produced on wheels, the height of the bed is adjustable.

The top position is intended for an infant. As the child grows older, the bottom drops.

More expensive models have drawers where bedding, toys or clothes can be stored. In this model, a child can sleep until he reaches three years of age.


Lately it has become popular round cribs. She is stylish and transforms into various options. Among the additional functions it has:

  • changing table (not available on all models);
  • drawers (not in all models);
  • motion sickness mechanism (not in all models).

The downside is that this model is expensive and large in size.

Crib material

When you think about the best crib to choose for a newborn, you also take a closer look at its material. Models of children's furniture should be:

  1. Reliable.
  2. Durable.
  3. Eco-friendly.

It is usually made from materials such as:

  • wood (beech, birch, alder, aspen, oak, pine);
  • metal.

Natural wood, of course the best option, but expensive. If it is pine, then it will be cheaper, since it is softer and can be deformed.

MDF is compressed wood fibers, they are reliable and safe.

Chipboard is compressed chips; they most often contain harmful formaldehyde. It is necessary to choose models from such material carefully. It is recommended to check the certificate before purchasing.

Furniture made of metal (steel, aluminum) is strong, durable, but has a lot of weight and cost.

Mechanisms and additional parts

In addition to standard parts, the crib has additions. For example, you can do without a mosquito net or canopy; they only collect excess dust.

But if the side wall of the crib is removed, then it will be easier for an older child to climb into it himself.

The good thing about adjusting the bottom of a baby crib is that you can remove one of the side walls and move the crib towards the adult bed, closer to mom.

Many parents choose to sleep with their baby, but connecting the baby's crib to theirs will make it more comfortable for everyone to sleep.

Important! Make sure that there is no gap left between the two sleeping places where the child can roll into.

The bottom is adjustable by level. Usually there are from two to five. The fifth one is suitable for sleeping together.

By the way, this is the most best option cribs, especially if you plan to breastfeed. After all, getting up at night to see your child, feeding him, waiting until he falls asleep and putting him into bed is not something every mother can do.

It is much more comfortable for both the baby and the mother to sleep close to each other and at the first squeak of the baby, put him to the breast.

Co-sleeping allows you to get enough sleep from the first days after birth and raise a calm, healthy child.

Some models also have the following parts with mechanisms:

  1. Auto wall;
  2. Rocking chair;
  3. Wheels;
  4. Pendulum;
  5. Mattress;
  6. Removable slats.

The auto-wall is a movable wall; it lowers and rises when you press a button.

A bed with a rocking chair (runners) helps rock a newborn to sleep. When not needed, it can be fixed in a stationary position. When the child stands up freely, the restraints will come in handy.

The wheels on the crib are convenient because it can be easily moved to another place. Such models usually combine both runners and wheels. But if the crib is placed on them, it will not be possible to rock it.

A pendulum-like mechanism makes motion sickness easier. This is a harness with straps that effectively rocks a newborn to sleep. He can be:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • universal.

The longitudinal pendulum moves along the child’s body, the transverse pendulum moves across it, and the universal pendulum swings back and forth.

The bottom of the crib can be slatted or solid.

Important! The slatted bottom is ventilated, so unpleasant odors and moisture will not linger.

Removable slats are located above the side walls. When a child grows up, it is difficult for him to climb over the side. It is too early to remove one of the walls; the baby may fall out of the crib.

So, by removing only the slats, you can get perfect option. The child will be able to get out of the crib safely without parental help.

The ideal gap between the slats and the wall is 7cm. If the distance is greater, the child can put his arm or leg between them and get stuck.

In addition to these basic parts, the set may include decorative elements, for example, a canopy. It's beautiful, but you can get caught in your sleeves and hit yourself. And be sure to clean it from dust.

The range of cribs for newborns is not just great: it is huge, and getting lost in the sea of ​​offers is much easier than done right choice. Meanwhile, after birth and in the next few months, the child will spend most of his time in bed.

Which is better - cradle or classic? Should I take the standard version or a transformable crib?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of playpens? Specialists of the online store “Daughters-Sons” give useful recommendations so that you can make the right decision.

Main types of cribs


An option for the youngest, from birth to 3-6 months, but the manufacturer provides for the possibility of using such products for up to a year (until the child’s height reaches 80 cm). After the cradle, the baby moves to the crib.

The undoubted advantages of this product include its small size (at first the child may not be frightened limited space, and the cradle becomes ideal place for sleeping a newborn) and the ability to rock. As a rule, this type of bed is equipped with handles to easily move the basket with the baby.

The cradle can have a stationary stand or be installed in a child's bed with straps. The first option, as a rule, is noticeably lower, and therefore outperforms the “classic” in terms of ease of use. This advantage becomes obvious during night feedings, when several times a night it becomes necessary to pick up the baby in your arms and return it back to the cradle.

The cradle can be placed next to the parent's bed: then the baby will be constantly in sight.


It is a product that combines the function of a bed and another piece of furniture - usually a changing table and/or chest of drawers. Some models turn into teenagers when transformed; the upper sides form a table, complemented by a cabinet - a former chest of drawers.

Transformers are intended for children from birth to 6-7 years. As the child grows, additional elements are removed, thereby increasing the length of the bed. Some models “can” extend even further and are suitable for sleeping until the child reaches adolescence.


Folding models are combined under this name; They are convenient to use when traveling. Playpens are made of lightweight materials - metal, plastic and special fabric. All elements are easy to clean, so there should be no difficulties in caring for them. Beds of this type do not need to be supplemented with a mattress, but if desired, it can be purchased separately.

Considering the specifics of the application, playpens differ from the “classics” in size: as a rule, they are slightly shorter and wider than standard ones. In terms of functionality, this type of children's bed is in no way inferior to standard options: they also have an upper bottom level, which is used from birth to three months, additional elements such as a changing table and a shelf for cosmetics, a mobile for toys, a hood and a pocket for small items. A convenient feature is a zipper on the side wall, which allows the child to independently open a hole for himself to get out of the crib.

IN Lately playpens are often purchased for stationary use - it is convenient for parents to deal with a light, maneuverable bed that can be moved around the apartment during the day along with the baby in it.

What should a baby crib be like?

As for the age of the child up to which this version of the crib can be used, due to the specific design, the manufacturer usually limits the upper bar to 3 years, often also in conjunction with the designation of the weight limit: there are models that can be used for children no heavier than 6-7 kg, there are more stable options - up to 13 or 15 kg. It is clear that by the age of three the baby may outgrow these marks.


Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of a large living space, and often a crib has to fit into a very limited space, when literally every centimeter counts.

The usual sizes are 120x60 cm. But you can find models with lengths from 59 (cradle) to 180 cm, and widths ranging from 42 (cradle) and 55 cm to 140 cm.

If you choose a crib non-standard sizes, think about whether you can match it with bed linen and a mattress.

Possibility to change the bottom level

It is possible to change the height of the bottom for almost everyone; but the number of levels may vary - from 2 to 5. Five levels are important for those who practice co-sleeping, when it is important to combine the bottom of the crib with the height of the parents’ bed.

The bottom is placed on the upper level for the little ones: then it is convenient for the mother to lay the baby down. Later, when he learns to sit down and rise, the bottom must be lowered. It is important that the lower level is located at a distance of 60-65 cm from the upper edge of the sides, i.e. if the child will stand in the crib, the top rail should not be lower than his armpits.

Availability of a car wall

An auto-wall is the mobility of one of the side walls, which can be lowered and raised. Serves the same purpose as changing the height of the bottom, but if in order to move the bottom level, it is necessary to disassemble and reassemble the bed, then the auto-wall can be moved literally in one movement

Rocking runners

Instead of legs, the crib can be equipped with curved runners, which, if necessary, allow you to rock the sleeping baby. When the child gets older and can already stand up on his own, the bed needs to be fixed in a stationary state: if your choice falls on a model with runners, be sure to check whether there are special locks.


If you plan to move the crib around the room, including with a child in it, it is worth purchasing a model equipped with wheels. By the way, removable wheels can be combined with runners, however, when the wheels are installed, the swing function does not work.

Also keep in mind that moving wheels can create a lot of problems when the bed is not secured, say, between the wall and the parent's sleeping area. To prevent movements, wheel locks will not be superfluous.

Pendulum mechanism

It is a movable suspension for a newborn with straps, which allows you to effectively rock the baby without picking him up. The pendulum can be longitudinal (along the baby’s body), transverse (respectively, across) or universal (swing in two directions).

Consider this point: depending on the type of pendulum, it is necessary to allocate at least another 10 centimeters to the length or width of the crib in order to swing it. There must be a possibility of fixation so that as the baby grows older he cannot swing on his own.

To download or not?

Doctors believe that it is not worth teaching a child to rock, and the tendency to “pump up” the baby’s pain in this way is considered unhealthy, since the reasons for crying can be very serious.

Proponents of motion sickness put forward their arguments: the child is accustomed to rocking - the mother’s walking during pregnancy, and in case of anxiety, rocking allows him to regain harmonious emotional condition. It is clear that we're talking about not about deliberate shaking, but about smooth walking with a child in your arms. Approximately the same effect can be achieved if you rock your baby in a cradle, crib or stroller.


How actively did you use the crib with a pendulum mechanism?

  • Actively used - 28%
  • Used little - 36%
  • Didn't use it at all - 36%

The following people took part in the survey:

Box in the under-bed space

A baby's trousseau takes up a surprising amount of space, and a spacious drawer under a newborn's crib does an excellent job of storing diapers and clothes, and later on, toys. Many models are not equipped with a drawer, so we advise you to immediately decide whether you need one. If you purchase a stock without a box (such options are cheaper), but later feel that it is necessary, it will not be easy to choose a container that is suitable in size and style.

But even with such a “trifle” as a drawer, if not well thought out, operating difficulties may arise: for example, some of them roll out from under the bed on their own (especially true for models that have runners or a pendulum mechanism). Other buyers note that if the box is without a lid, then dust accumulates in it - you have to pack its contents in bags, because, as a rule, children's things are stored in the box. If these points are important to you, it makes sense to look at the assembled model in the store, and only then make a purchasing decision.

Number of boxes different models may vary.

Silicone pads

They are located on the upper slats, but their relevance increases during the period when the child is cutting teeth. If we neglect this point, we will not only have chewed slats, but most importantly, constant worry that the child will bite off and swallow part of the covering, and worries about the safety of the first teeth.

Silicone pads, made of the same material as teething toys, are completely safe and protect the child’s teeth and bed slats from damage.

Completeness of the mattress

Typically, mattresses are sold separately, so the buyer has the opportunity to individually choose the appropriate option. It makes sense to look for the “right” mattress (Read the article “How to choose a children’s mattress”). As for the sizes, the gap between the mattress and the walls should be minimal, no more than 1-2 cm.

If the mattress comes complete with a crib, you eliminate the need for a separate selection of this important element.

Bottom version

The bottom can be slatted or solid. The advantages of the first option are that the mattress is constantly ventilated. This means that unpleasant odors and moisture will not linger in it.

Removable slats and the distance between them

A grown-up child constantly strives to get out of the crib, but it is clear that he will hardly be able to climb over the side without falling. It’s still too early to remove the side wall - the baby can easily fall out in his sleep. But if the slats of the side wall are removed, we get an ideal option in which the child himself, without the help of parents, has the opportunity to get out, but there is no threat of falling while sleeping.

As for the distance between the slats, it is desirable that it be within 6-7 cm: if the slats are spaced more often, there is a high risk that the baby’s arm or leg will get stuck between them; if less often - the head.

Beautiful excesses

Sometimes the manufacturer places beauty higher than safety and ease of use. It's good if you have the opportunity to inspect already assembled bed, personally make sure that it does not have sharp corners that the child and parents can hit.

Let's say, beautiful elements - knobs. In practice, they cause a lot of trouble: sleeves constantly catch on them and elbows hit. The same can apply to the figured edge of the headboards.

Material of manufacture

Traditionally, baby cribs have been made from wood, a natural, breathable material considered best for babies. Today wooden beds serious competition came from metal ones, as well as those made from chipboard and MDF.

Experts concerned about the health of the child have no complaints about wood, but only if safe varnish or paint was used for its processing. Alder, beech, oak, maple, birch and pine are used for production. Pine cribs are the cheapest, but it is the softest type of wood, i.e. Marks from the baby’s teeth will definitely remain on it.

MDF is a tile material made from wood fibers. Its advantage is increased reliability compared to wood; In addition, it is safe, since no harmful resins are used in its production. The variations in the use of this material are different: there are cribs that are made exclusively from MDF (from the manufacturer Vlana), there are options that combine MDF and chipboard (Vlana), MDF and wood.

But chipboard often releases formaldehyde, and although cribs using it have a very attractive price, we advise against such a purchase. If your choice falls on a model made using chipboard, ask the seller for a hygiene certificate and a certificate of conformity to personally verify that no harmful substances were used in production. A manufacturer such as Vlana has products made from a combination of MDF and chipboard.

Metal is used to make very durable and, as a rule, externally extremely attractive models of children's beds, which are in the assortment of the manufacturer Lider Kids. If you plan to purchase a bed that can be used for both the second and third child, then a metal crib will cope with this task. Possible disadvantages of metal structures include their high cost.

Having set priorities, you can easily create for yourself a list of the most preferred quality and functional characteristics, and only then decide on a specific model. With this approach, you will never have to regret your purchase.


There are no small details in the production of cribs for newborns. The smell of varnish can cause allergies; improperly processed wood - small splinters; chipped plastic elements - cuts.

A specific smell in a new crib is a common occurrence, but, of course, it should be a barely noticeable aroma, and in order to avoid allergic reactions The assembled and unpacked purchase must be kept in a ventilated area for at least two to three weeks: after the specified time, the smell should disappear. This feature - main reason, according to which experts advise purchasing a bed in advance, at least two weeks before the expected date of birth of the child.

Specialists of the online store “Daughters-Sons” recommend paying attention to the following aspects, which will allow you to avoid purchasing a low-quality, and therefore unsafe crib for your child:


  • Do not purchase a bed that has uneven frame processing or visible damage: even a small crack poses a great threat to the baby’s health.
  • If the bed is made using varnish or paint, do not be lazy to look at the hygienic certificate and the certificate of conformity: it records what materials were used in the manufacture: lead and formaldehyde should not appear among them, and the “correct” paints are made from resins on water based; Do not purchase a crib that emits a noticeable smell of paints and varnishes.
  • Refuse to purchase if the plastic and metal elements are not “recessed” into the frame material.

Does a high price guarantee impeccable quality?

The quality and cost of a children's bed are two values ​​that are not directly related to each other. The lower threshold of the price tag starts from 1,500 rubles, but the best demand among Russians is for models that range from 3 to 15 thousand rubles. The upper cost limit is limited only by your financial capabilities.

Of course, a well-known brand is a relatively reliable guarantee of a high-quality and safe bed. But inexpensive and simple models with the right mattress and purchased from a reputable store or chain (not from the market or secondhand) can also be a good and healthy place for your baby to sleep.

What does the cost of the product consist of? Oddly enough, the material from which the stock is made does not play a primary role in setting the price, but it is significantly increased additional functions(for example, a pendulum), design and, of course, brand.

Star pick

  • Singer Beyoncé purchased for her beloved daughter a spacious exclusive Vetro crib from NurseryWorks, made of transparent acrylic and equipped with a mattress from the same manufacturer. The cost of such a luxurious bed was 3.5 thousand dollars.
  • Actress Dana Devon has much more modest needs: she preferred the elegant metal crib Star Finial from Corsican Iron Furniture in classic style, with hand finishing, thin rods and high knobs costing “only” 1.7 thousand dollars.


The best option for making a purchase are large chain and good online stores: the possibility of purchasing low-quality goods there is minimized.

Purchasing on the market is associated with a number of risks - for example, the prevalence of counterfeits; cheap cribs made of low-quality materials that pose a threat to the baby’s health.

As for purchasing a bed that has already been used, this is allowed under one condition: the product is not damaged. But the mattress needs to be replaced with a new one.

When choosing, it is important to pay attention to:

  1. Decide where the bed will be placed; Based on this, determine the desired dimensions of the product
  2. Decide on the type of crib (cradle; classic; transformer; playpen bed) and the material from which it should be made (solid wood, MDF, chipboard or metal)
  3. Decide on the desired functionality of the selected product
  • Is it necessary to change the bottom level?
  • possibility to extend the berth (for transformers)
  • Is it important to have a car wall and the ability to remove the side wall?
  • the presence of runners for swinging (and the ability to fix them in a stationary state)
  • the presence of wheels (clamps for them)
  • pendulum mechanism (and its type - longitudinal, transverse, universal - taking into account the space that you are ready to allocate for placing a crib)
  • drawer in the underbed area
  • silicone pads for the top rails
  • complete with a chest of drawers and/or changing table (for transformers), as well as variations of subsequent transformation: into a teenage bed plus an addition: a free-standing chest of drawers, a desk with a cabinet, bedside table, chest of drawers and bookshelves; We also recommend that you consider purchasing a bed, chest of drawers and changing table (or changing board or mattress) separately
  • Select cribs by brands and models that suit your requirements and financial capabilities
  • Study on the Internet the reviews of those who have already purchased the options you have been eyeing: it is quite possible that an expensive and beautiful crib has weak or poorly secured rods or even an unreliably secured bottom
  • Decide on the place of purchase
  • When making a purchase, read the certificate of conformity and hygiene certificate; check the contents of the crib and the availability of instructions; It wouldn’t hurt to look through the assembly instructions - it might make sense to order assembly from the seller, since some models are difficult to assemble, while the instructions are extremely concise and not always clear. Be sure to keep all documentation that came with the crib, along with the receipt and warranty card with the date of purchase, signature and seal of the seller.
  • Example of choosing a crib

    You are about to have a baby; the room in which it will be located is small, and the space allocated for it is limited to dimensions of 130x130 cm; Enough so that a baby up to three years old can sleep in it. Thus, a standard crib 120x60 cm will fit here quite well, and there is even some extra space left over.

    Popular manufacturers

    Well-known manufacturers carefully monitor compliance with the technology for manufacturing children's products. According to customers, the products of the following companies are particularly reliable, beautiful and well-thought-out in design:

    • Red Star
    • Kubanlesstroy
    • Gandylyan
    • Vedrus
    • LLC "RIO-SP"
    • SKV-Company
    • Carat


    Important requirements that the bed must meet are the ability to change the level of the bottom, the pendulum mechanism, silicone pads and the drawer. The desired material from which the product should be made is strong wood, so that for the next children you will not need to purchase another one. Because The space is limited in length, but there is a margin in width; the pendulum mechanism must be transverse.

    All of the above requirements are met by cribs from the manufacturers Kubanlesstroy and Krasnaya Zvezda.

    A high-quality and beautiful crib is one of the most important factors ensuring healthy sleep your baby and his harmonious development in the first months of life. But acquisition is only half the battle. You will also have pleasant troubles with choosing bed linen, selecting soft bumpers, a canopy, and toys for the crib.