What is sandrik in architecture. Belts and sandriks, crackers and volutes are the secret codes of architecture using the example of old Saratov. How to lay architectural elements

The decor showcases the home's classic style

Our company offers wholesale home decor construction organizations And trading companies engaged in the sale of materials and finishing. Jewelry for decoration in Lately are very popular among developers and land owners who plan to build a house in a historical style. Also, decorative products are of interest to those who want to rebuild houses, giving them a historical look.

Reconstruction of a house on Rozhdestvenka using polyurethane decor

Decorative modeling has been used since ancient times. Stucco and sculptural elements were present in palaces and temples Ancient Egypt. IN Ancient Greece Since the archaic era, decorative forms have also been used to decorate temples and acropolises. The emergence of the order system contributed to the systematization of decorative items and gave them a certain look and shape. Each era brought its own characteristics to the decoration of facades, which are also taken into account in modern construction. Most often, owners of private houses choose a classic style, and therefore facade decor The one that can be classified as a classic is most in demand. For those who want to buy decor, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the variety of products that are present in the catalog. The collection includes polyurethane columns, pilasters, moldings, bas-reliefs, sandriks, rosettes, garlands, brackets and modillions, from which you can choose decorations for facades in historical styles: antiquity, Renaissance, baroque, classicism, empire, modern. A large assortment of decor, which anyone can buy by ordering the model of decorative product they like, makes it possible to implement a wide variety of design ideas.

The decor emphasizes the Art Nouveau style, based on which the façade of the house is made.

Cooperation with a company offering wholesale home decor makes it possible construction companies offer to customers wide choose decorative elements, and, in addition, demonstrate projects for the construction and repair of facades with decorative elements. For better orientation in the services offered, consultation is offered on all issues, in particular, calculations decorative forms. Architects and designers collaborating with a company that sells home wholesale products can offer collections of building façade decoration. A large assortment will expand the possibilities of finishing design. The company can also provide original solutions stucco moldings according to individual sketches, non-standard decorative forms. The collaboration of architects with the company allows customers to buy or order decor, selecting products from the collections provided or compiling them from individual elements. When choosing home decor wholesale and ordering architectural project It is possible to use a bonus program. Construction contractors who have entered into contracts with the company can select decorative moldings from catalogs, as well as order a calculation of decor for facades. The company also provides training in the installation of facade decor, which will increase the capabilities of builders.

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Classical facades are traditionally decorated with stucco, which are reminiscent of the orders of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome: acanthus leaves, laurel wreaths, palmettes, meander, rosettes. Three-dimensional images of animals, military paraphernalia, and mascarons are used as stucco from various historical styles. Each type of stucco molding expresses a certain symbolism: leaves, flowers, fruits in stucco molding have long meant fertility, military paraphernalia has always been a symbol of victory, triumph, a laurel wreath is a sign of glory. Pentagrams, hectograms, polyhedra, stars, and symbols of the Moon and Sun are also used. A separate type of stucco molding is bas-reliefs, which can be composed according to individual drawings or made in the likeness of famous works. Currently, the use of artificial materials, which imitate natural ones with great accuracy, expands the possibility of using stucco decoration. Bas-relief made of polyurethane - stucco in the photo below.

Bas-relief with the image of a lion.

Stucco from artificial material- polyurethane, polystyrene - can be assembled into a single composition from individual elements. Its light weight allows installation without special tools. fastening structure. If the stucco molding is made of polyurethane, then its dimensions are limited only by the designer’s imagination, since its low weight does not require strengthening of interfloor partitions and walls. Let's consider the types of polyurethane stucco molding and its use in facade and interior decor. Cornices. On the facade, the cornice represents a horizontal projection along the entire perimeter of the building above the walls. Cornices can visually separate floors from each other. Lamps are sometimes installed under the eaves so that evening time create beautiful lighting. Nowadays, in new construction, polyurethane cornices are most often used, which are practically no different in appearance from those made of stone, concrete or gypsum. Cornice molding in the photo below.

Pilaster is a vertical molding in the form of a protrusion. Initially, pilasters were used in the order system not only as decoration of walls, but also to create so-called “stiffening ribs” that strengthened the walls of buildings. In addition, pilasters served to indicate a certain rhythm of the order. Pilasters have a base and capital like columns. Proportions of pilasters, size ratio different parts also repeat the order proportions of the columns. The profile of pilasters can be semicircular, rectangular, square. In the Baroque and Rococo styles, pilasters can be arranged in bunches. IN modern version this type of stucco serves mainly aesthetic purposes to support classic style, and also for visual rhythm on the walls of buildings. With their help, you can focus attention on niches or other decor.

Molded products must be of high quality; the connections between in separate parts were not noticeable. When decorating facades, stucco decorations are positioned in such a way that proportions, rhythm, and visual functionality are maintained. It is not recommended to decorate the interior with stucco according to the principle “for the sake of beauty,” without adhering to the basic rules of design. Moldings should emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages of the geometry of the house.

So listen up, friends! I'll tell you
Five indisputable and accurate signs,
By which you will understand - if only you find it -
Who you got - Snark or not.

Lewis Carroll "The Hunting of the Snark"

Who knows, we love small architectural details. It’s one of them - with the affectionate and funny name “sandrik” - that we will talk about today. Sandrik is an architectural decoration in the form of a cornice or pediment, located above a window or doorway.

Sandrik. Image: http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/es/49890/

Once you learn about their existence, you already walk around and, like a wounded one, look with your eyes to see on which wall the sandriks are hiding and whether they are good-looking. And recently we went hunting for sandriks to show them here. In our beautiful city, we didn’t have to work very hard: sandriks are found in abundance in these forests.

Common Sandrik (Sandricus vulgaris) is just a cornice or just a pediment without any special frills: rectangular, triangular, arched (rounded). In an amazing way, such sandriks already transform the facade and make it textured.

And there are sandriks that are simply beautiful (Sandricus elegans var. simplisticus), also minimalistic, but at the same time highly artistic. Such sandriks have a very simple form, but it is already carefully thought out, sometimes it is enlivened by modest but expressive decor. Sometimes, especially in combination with successful color scheme, such sandriks look simply amazing. In the sun, they cast strict shadows, giving even more depth and volume to the façade.

Pay attention to the sweetest Sandrik above this small window

Very common in our area (and certainly the most eye-catching) are representatives of the species Sandrik adorned (Sandrucus ornatus) and its subspecies sandrik magnificently decorated (Sandrucus megaornatus). As you might guess, such sandriks are equipped with a pronounced, often lush decor that makes an impression. There are leaves with flowers and berries, heads of cherubs and some Greek ladies, roaring lions and luscious ornaments. A real haven for those who like to look.

It is especially worth noting sandriks over blind windows and sandriks over double-triple openings - no, no, and such specimens do come across.

We consider our short hunt a success, and we wish you the same!

Since ancient times, craftsmen decorated the walls of brick houses and buildings with various architectural details. They complicate it and make it individual. The most commonly used complex architectural wall parts made of ceramic or:

  • cornices, corbels - a type of overlap - protruding rows of masonry relative to the plane of previously laid bricks of the previous rows;

Cornices made of stone and brick

Brick belts

  • (pilaster) - part of the masonry wall - vertical flat, in cross-section it has rectangular proportions; divides the plane of the wall, is the geometric axis of the composition;
  • sandriki (sandrik) - a small cornice, a horizontal protrusion above the platband of a door or window opening. The function of the sandrik is to drain rainwater away from the opening; from an aesthetic point of view, it is to emphasize the horizontal division of the building’s façade. May have a rectangular or curved outline;

  • rusty - horizontal furrows 30-60 mm deep, located every 4-8 rows; divide the facade of the house into belts to create a relief surface;

  • buttresses - a rib or vertical protrusion in the masonry to strengthen the main load-bearing structure(usually walls with outside building); perceive horizontal forces, pressure on retaining walls, thrust from vaults covering the building, etc.; often the cross-section of the buttresses increases towards the base of the wall. Buttresses made of stone and brick are often used in the construction of Romanesque and Gothic buildings;

Brick buttresses

  • semi-columns;
  • bay windows – part brick wall, protruding from the plane of the facade, one or more floors high. May have different shape, rests on consoles or on its own foundation;
  • framing curved openings;

  • window sill niches, etc.

How to lay architectural elements:

  • architectural elements are laid out simultaneously with the construction of the walls of the building;
  • the details of the cornices and corbels are laid out from bricks, which act in the form of brackets and have a stepped profile. For this face brick placed on edge or laid flat. The space between the brackets is filled with brick (ordinary or profile) or artistic inserts;
  • for protruding rows of cornices, corbels, etc. use whole bricks regardless of the brickwork. The amount of overlap of one row is no more than 1/3 of the length of the brick in each row, the total offset of the unreinforced cornice is no more than ½ of the wall thickness. For cornices with an extension size exceeding ½ of the wall thickness, the masonry is reinforced and laid to a grade not lower than M25 or prefabricated ones are used reinforced concrete elements, anchored in masonry;
  • cut bricks for overhanging rows architectural elements always made from solid (ordinary) brick, even if the masonry is made from hollow brick, or profile (special) facing brick is used;
  • besides ceramic bricks and stones, concrete ceramic and stone slabs, parts from, natural stone and ceramics;
  • reinforced concrete and concrete architectural details are used to decorate the platbands and slopes of window and doorways. They are used for arranging belts, large cornices and decorating facades;
  • cornices with ceramic details make an overlap with the masonry. The total offset is also no more than half the thickness of the wall;
  • architectural details made of natural stone are used for: design of plinths, platbands, slopes; belt devices;
  • prefabricated elements of architectural details extending over more than half the thickness of the wall are secured with anchor bolts, which are previously embedded in the masonry.

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Shaped elements, parapets, sandstones

Shaped elements, parapets, sandstones

Shaped elements are very important in the construction of structures made from sandwich panels. They are used to construct interface units for sandwich panels, cover the joints formed as a result of installation, protecting them from the effects of precipitation, and also give the building a neat appearance.

We are pleased to offer you elements of almost any shape and size (depending on the requirements of the project). Shaped elements are manufactured from galvanized steel roofing with polymer coating thickness 0.45-1.0 mm.

IN summer period The polymer powder painting workshop operates in 2 shifts. Therefore, high-quality painting of the shaped element can be completed in a short time.

Roof or fence parapets

A parapet is a low solid wall or small fence for a building, terraces, balconies, embankment, bridges and other structures. Often parapets are decorated with decorative elements or plants. Typically, a roof parapet consists of a main part, bends adjacent to it at an angle of 90 degrees, and side drips designed to drain water.

Parapet cover is a product made from various materials(polyester, zinc, pural, copper), which serves to protect the upper horizontal plane parapet or fence from moisture. Parapet covers are designed to cover retaining walls or fence walls. Some lids have drippers to drain running water. Among professional builders and private users, other names for this element are also common, such as parapet ridge, fence covers, parapet strips, ridge elements fence, and covers for posts.

When are parapet covers needed?

1. If you want to decorate a fence, any fence or parapet made of reinforced concrete, wood, stone or brickwork takes on a complete external form if it is top part decorated with a skate.

2. If you want to protect the fence, the destruction of the structure from exposure to precipitation is prevented.

In the recent past, parapets were almost universally faced with tiles or stones alone, which was not pleasing to the eye from an aesthetic point of view. Application of profiles and galvanized sheets with protective coating will help close (decorate) unnecessary cracks, as well as refine and protect the parapet from exposure environment. A wide color palette will add individuality and unique style to your building.

Sandrik is an architectural detail in the form of a small cornice or cornice with a pediment of various shapes (triangular, oval and complex compositions) above a window or doorway.

Belts, sandriks, ebbs, eaves are details on the facades of buildings that are covered with roofing steel or tiles to protect them from precipitation and protect the walls of buildings from water drips.

Pictures for coverings are prepared from roofing steel only when the slope of the part to be coated is less than 50%. If the slope of the belts, sandriks and window sill drains more than 50%, they are covered with tiles.

Elements for covering cornice corbels are prepared in the workshop on a workbench according to drawings and measurements from nature. Typically, the elements are made in the form of double patterns, connected by a double rebated fold or a single folded fold with an undercut. A bend is made on one longitudinal edge of the workpiece for embedding into the furrow to a depth of 25-30 mm. On the other edge, the drip edge is bent, extending it from the edge of the belt by 50-70 mm. Other sizes are determined by location. The belt patterns are made from the same sheet steel. When bending, use a mallet. If possible, the blanks are selected in such a width that the sheet cut into longitudinal direction, had no leftovers.

Belts, sandriks and window sill drains are placed 50-70 mm from the plane of the walls. Overhangs with a slope of less than 30% are covered with roofing steel. Belts, sandriks, window sills covered with roofing steel must have sloping bases with a smooth surface. This is necessary so that the covering paintings fit tightly to the base. Steel paintings are placed on belts and sandriks on T-shaped crutches. Crutches are secured with ruffs, which are sealed cement-sand mortar. The paintings are overlapped by 100 mm. The upper edges of the paintings are attached to wooden plugs (made of dry wood) in grooves or with dowels to concrete foundations. Depending on the length of the belt, sandrik or window sill along a slope exceeding 30%, they are covered with grooved strip tiles or flat strip tiles, which are laid on a mortar.

What are sandriks needed for?

Initially, sandriks performed a purely practical function, protecting door or window openings from rain, wind and scorching sun.

They also perform an important aesthetic function, optically increasing the height of a window or door. Previously, they were made from various materials: stone, plaster and metal, but now when decorating houses, preference is given to materials that are easier to install and operate.

A high-quality base and protection will be the key to a strong, durable and reliable structure.

K category: Roofing

Roofing work on building facades

In construction, roofing work, in addition to covering the roof, also includes all types of work on the facades of buildings, in which sheet roofing steel is used, namely: preparation and hanging drainpipes, covering all protruding parts on the facades of buildings (belts, sandriks) and window sills.

Making drainpipe elements by hand

A drainpipe, designed to drain water from the roof, consists of a water intake funnel, straight parts - links, elbows (connecting straight links at wall protrusions) and an ebb (mark) that drains water from the wall of the building. Parts of the drainpipe are shown in Fig. 1.

The diameter of the drainpipes is determined depending on the area of ​​the roof from which water flows into one pipe.

When calculating the diameter of drainpipes per 1 m2 of roof slope, approximately 1 to 1.5 cm2 of the cross-section of the drainpipe is taken.

Manufacturing of straight links

The blank for straight sections of drainpipes is cut out from roofing sheets, when marking which it is necessary

Making a water inlet funnel

The water intake funnel consists of a rim (shell), a cone and a glass (Fig. 2, a).

The lower part of the funnel (glass) is made with a diameter equal to the diameter of the drainpipe and a height of 120...150 mm for all types of pipes. In a funnel cone, the lower hole is always equal to the diameter of the pipe, and the upper one is 2.5 times larger. The height of the cone ranges from 1.25 to 1.5 times the pipe diameter.

The diameter of the rim is equal to the diameter of the upper part of the cone, and the height is 0.75 of the diameter of the pipe.

Typically, when preparing drainpipes, roofing steel sheets are marked and cut crosswise into two, three or four strips, depending on the diameter of the pipe. The most commonly used pipes are 140 and 215 mm in diameter.

To obtain pipes with a diameter of 140 mm, the sheet is cut transversely into three parts, and with a diameter of 215 mm into two parts, or the link is made from whole sheets of steel, rolled up on the true side of the sheet.

When making straight pipe links, the cut parts of the sheets are connected in pairs with a lying seam. Then a fold is made along the long edges of the prepared picture (in different sides) to connect these edges with a recumbent fold (when rolling the picture into a pipe). The bend is made at one end narrower than at the other (with a difference of up to 4 mm), in order to obtain the diameter of one end of the pipe less than the other, which makes it easier to join the links to each other during assembly. After this, the paintings are rolled into a pipe and the fold is sealed.

Rice. 1. Drainpipe

Rice. 2. Water intake funnel (a) and construction of its template (b)

The template is constructed as follows. On a sheet of steel or cardboard, a side view of the funnel is drawn along a ruler, which is constructed depending on the diameter of the pipe (glass). Then the lines BG and AB of the cone are continued until they intersect at point O - the apex of the cone (Fig. 30, b). Nearby, a template for developing a funnel cone is drawn, on which two circles are drawn from point O with a compass: one with a radius equal to OB, and the other with a radius OB.

From an arbitrary point B lying on a large circle, set aside (along the circumference) with the help of a cord the circumference of the upper opening of the cone and add up to 10 mm to the folds.

After cutting the steel according to the prepared template, the folds are folded, the cone is rolled out on the mandrel, and the folds are connected.

The glass and rim are made in the same way as straight pipe links. The prepared parts of the funnel are flanged with a roofing hammer and connected to each other. A wire is rolled into the upper part of the rim or a bevel is made into the rim.

Preparation of elbows and ebbs

The cutting of the knees is carried out according to a pre-prepared template. The most common are 45° knees.

The transition elbow between the funnel and the drainpipe consists of three links 1, 2, 3 (Fig. 3, a).

The link blanks are cut on one sheet of roofing steel (Fig. 3, c), and first a transition curve template is made on a piece of sheet according to the oblique cut of the link. Using the transition curve template and the specified seam allowances, mark all three blanks. After cutting, the workpieces are rolled out and then joined with single lying seams(Fig. 3, b). The knee elements are connected by folding.

Rice. 3. Preparation of links of the transition elbow a - connection of links (1-3); b - cross-section of the knee folds; c - cutting the links

To connect the pipes to each other at their edges, bend the edges (sides). This operation is performed on the workbench mandrel (Fig. 4, a, b). Depending on the direction of water flow, a single bend (4 mm) is made in one pipe, and a double bend (7 mm) in the other.

After trying on the connection, a secondary bend is made (Fig. 4, c) and the parts of the knee are finally connected (Fig. 4, d). Then the fold is dumped (Fig. 4).

The construction and cutting of templates for sectional (composite) elbows is carried out similarly to the preparation of templates for simple elbows, and the cutting width of individual sections of an elbow is taken (when making an elbow at an angle of 45°) equal to half the diameter of the pipe divided by the number of sections.

Rice. 4. Bend the edge and connect the knee links

The drainpipe at the bottom ends with a low tide (mark), which serves to drain water away from the building. The ebb is manufactured and connected to the pipe in the same way as the elbow parts. The connecting fold at the fracture site is bent to the vertical part. The outer edge of the mark is cut off and beaded.

To direct water from the gutters into the funnel, a tray 300...400 mm long is installed, installed in the cutouts of the wall gutters.

Mechanized production of drainpipes

Manual manufacturing of most elements of drainpipes (elbows, funnels, ebbs) requires highly qualified roofers and is a very labor-intensive operation. Therefore, in such large cities as Moscow and Leningrad, they almost completely switched to centralized production of drainpipes. The Leningrad plant "Stroydetal" of the Leningradremstroy Directorate completely provides the city's construction sites with mechanized drainpipes.

In the centralized production of drainpipe elements, prefabricated bends and ebbs are not made, since this operation is difficult to mechanize. In this regard, during mass centralized procurement, these elements are made corrugated (Fig. 5, a), using special stamps, due to which not only the labor intensity of the work is significantly reduced, but also the quality of the product is improved.

The centralized production of drainpipe elements is carried out in a special workshop equipped with rolling machines, manual and driven zig machines, and special stamps for stamping pipe parts.

When preparing pipe parts manually, cutting (cutting) sheet steel is performed using hand-held vibrating electric shears (see Fig. 5, d). These scissors are usually suspended (by a hook on the body) above a roofing workbench.

The scissors consist of a housing in which an electric motor is mounted with a crank mechanism that converts the rotational movement of the eccentric shaft into the reciprocating movement of the upper fluid. At the bottom of the scissors there is a guide volute with a lower stationary knife attached to it. Cutting is done with the upper knife as the sheet passes through the guide volute.

Centralized procurement of drainpipes is carried out using the flow-dissected method. First, on driven press shears, the steel is cut (cut) to specified sizes for the manufacture of individual parts of drainpipes (straight link, elbow, ebb, cone and funnel rim, etc.), then it is sent to a stamping machine for bending folds (to form a longitudinal seam in pipes). After that on rolling machine cut sheets of steel are rolled into a pipe. The upper working roller of the stack has a folding device, by opening which you can lift the roller and move it to the side to release the rolled out sheet. Finally, the longitudinal fold is compacted (riveted) using a special press.

Rice. 5. Elements of a mechanized billet drainpipe and funnel

Next, the pipe links are processed sequentially on zig machines to form three transverse rollers (stiffening ribs) at the ends of the pipes, while simultaneously making dents at one end for free joining when hanging. This completes the process of preparing straight links.

Rice. 6. Technology system mechanized procurement of drainpipe elements

Corrugated elbows and ebbs are made from straight pipes. To do this, the finished (rolled into a tube) links are sent to a special stamping press, where they are processed using the eccentric corrugation method (6...7 corrugations are made in the elbows, 4 in the castings).

The outlet hole in the casting is cut using vibrating shears after corrugation.

The process of preparing a water intake funnel is as follows. To make parts of the water intake funnel (rim, cone, glass), edges for folds are beaded in cut sheets of steel on a zig machine and the funnel cone is rolled out. After this, the funnel is assembled from prepared parts with the rim, cone, and glass folded together (Fig. 33, b). The next operation is to roll the wire into the upper edge of the funnel rim using a zig machine, and finally, the last operation is to connect the funnel to the elbow.

The technological diagram of the mechanized procurement of drainpipe elements at the Stroydetal plant of Glavleningrad-Stroy is shown in Fig. 34.

Drainpipes are made of steel with a sheet weight of 5...6 kg. The pipe must be smooth and even, since all kinds of irregularities and dents contribute to its destruction. These dents can trap dirt and ice. Pieces of ice falling down the pipe loosen the joints of its individual links.

The use of manual and driven machines in the centralized production of drainpipe elements significantly increases labor productivity in these works and improves product quality. At the same time, the cost of production is reduced by more than 50%.

Hanging drain pipes

When hanging pipes along the facade of a building in places where the walls have protruding elements (belts, cornices), it is recommended to cut through the cornice, which makes it possible to install the pipe without bending. We must remember that any kinks in drainpipes cause clogging and breakage. Where pipes pass through horizontal rods, roofing steel cuffs are installed.

The installation of drainpipes is carried out in two steps. First, stirrups (grips) are installed, and then the elements of the drainpipes are hung.

Nests in stone walls for plugs under the stirrups, the designs of G. Ya. Kogan are pierced with a bolt. It is a steel rod with a cross section of 20X20 mm and a length of 180 mm. One end of the rod is pointed to a length of 50 mm and also has a square cross-section. Its opposite end ends with a striker in the form of a rivet head, which is hit with a hammer during operation. A round handle 250 mm long is mounted on the rod.

When punching sockets, after two or three strong blows with a hammer on the bolt, the latter is turned by the handle to a new position and the blows are struck again. The square cross-section of the rod facilitates the removal of fines from the socket, so there is no need to remove the drill during operation. In order to reduce the labor intensity of work, an electric drill is used when making holes for stirrups.

Rice. 7. Single cradle-chair for hanging drain pipes 1 - rotary console; 2 — tool box; 3 - wooden seat; 4 - footrest; 5 -- fencing; 6 - sector fencing

The installation of stirrups begins with the fastening of two lighthouse (upper and lower) stirrups, and the lower stirrup is placed on the wall on a plumb line after installing the upper one. The remaining (intermediate) stirrups are installed between the outer stirrups at a distance of 1.3... 1.4 m from each other, driving them into the wall to a depth of 120 mm. In stone walls, stirrups are driven into the joints of the masonry or secured to wooden corks. The stirrups should cover the pipe more than half its circumference. Their bent ends (stags) are connected with wire, tightly twisted with pliers or a beard. When using stirrups with bolts, tighten them with a wrench.

Drainpipes made of galvanized steel should be attached to the walls of the building on galvanized stirrups, and the mounting is carried out not from top to bottom, but from bottom to top; this increases the productivity of roofers and improves the quality of work.

During assembly, parts of drainpipes (links, elbows, funnels) are connected to the outlet at joints of 70 ... 100 mm. The launch must be tight and done as the water flows. The funnel is attached to the cornice with soft annealed wire or to the gutter tray with rivets. The pipes should be 100... 150 mm from the wall.

The ebb tides should be hung at a distance of 30…40cm from the panel. In winter, a low-hanging ebb grows into ice formed from water flowing out of a pipe, and splashes from a high-hung ebb destroy the finishing of the base and walls of the building.

The work of hanging pipes is usually carried out by a team consisting of two roofers, one of whom works from the cradle, and the other is located below and ensures the vertical movement of the cradle and the supply of pipe links. In such conditions, the person working below is usually not fully loaded. Leningrad roofers proposed organizing work in teams of three, in which the roofer working below alternately serves two workers in cradles. This organization of work is the most rational, as it reduces labor costs by 30%.

For hanging pipes, an improved cradle-chair is used (Fig. 35), made of gas pipes. It has a wooden seat, a durable footrest and a guard. On top there is a sector fencing in the form of a canopy made of roofing steel. At the top of the cradle there is a rotating console with a block for lifting drain pipe links. A tool box is mounted on the cradle.

Inventory metal consoles designed by engineer. D.V. Dubitsky (Fig. 36, a) for hanging cradles and lifting materials are widely used in Leningrad. They are attached without a large opening of the roof.

The metal console consists of two half-trusses, welded from corners with a section of 35X35X5 mm and gas pipes with a diameter of 19 mm. The semi-trusses at the junction are connected to each other by strips of 40X6 mm strip steel with bolts. One end of the console is equipped with a lifting block; at the other end of the cantilever truss, a fastening bolt 500 mm long and 25 mm in diameter is installed. The weight of the cantilever truss assembled from two parts is 75 kg, the load capacity is up to 250 kg, the total length of the cantilever is 5200 mm.

The console is delivered to the site disassembled. Each half-truss is supplied to the roof of the building by staircase separately, which with its weight of 38 kg and length 2600 mm does not present any difficulties. On the roof, both half-trusses are connected with nine bolts. The bolt is passed through the open ridge of the roof into the attic. A gas pipe up to 3 m long is inserted under the rafters through the eye of the bolt, which is secured with staples to two adjacent rafter legs. Due to the simplicity of the design, such consoles can be manufactured in any construction workshop that has an electric welding machine and a lathe.

To protect the wall gutter from being crushed by the cantilever truss, a wooden cushion is placed under its end near the wall of the gutter.

Metal consoles in the form of entire trusses (rather than half-trusses) are also used, but this complicates their transportation to the roof.

Inventory console design engineer. And P. Kolodeya can also be used for hanging cradles. It is fastened without opening the roof too much.

Rice. 8. Inventory metal consoles for hanging cradles and lifting materials a - designs by engineer. A. V. Dubitsky: 1 - console; eleven general form; 1 half-trusses; 2 - corner; 3 - strips; 4 - bolts; 5 - block; 6 - mounting bolt; b - engineering designs. A. P. Kolodeya; 1 - I-beam No. 10; 2 - earring; 3 - cradle block; 4 - mounting bolt; 5 - segment gas pipe; 6 - metal plate; 7 - wooden pillow; 9 - locking screw

The console (Fig. 8, b) is made of steel I-beam No. 10. At the hanging end of this beam there is an earring, from which the cradle block is suspended. The opposite end of the beam is cut so that part of the lower flange of the I-beam is open. This shelf has a hole for a mounting bolt. Under the end of the beam, located on the roof, the ridge seam of the roof is opened to allow passage of the fastening bolt. At the lower end of the fastening bolt there is a ring into which a section of gas pipe is passed, which is attached with staples to two adjacent rafter legs. Between this end of the beam and the roof a steel plate is laid, fixed on two wooden blocks, which protects the open ridge seam of the roof from collapse.

To protect the wall gutter from being crushed by the beam, a wooden cushion is placed under its end near the wall of the gutter, which is hingedly connected to a clamp placed on the beam. The clamp can move along the beam and be secured in the required place using a locking screw on the wings.

The use of inventory consoles designed by A.P. Koloday and A.V. Dubitsky for hanging cradles eliminates the need for a large opening of the roof, and thus prevents rainwater from penetrating into the attic of the building. Water flowing down the roof slope passes under the steel plate of the console, and the ridges of the fold prevent it from entering through the hole at the mounting bolt.

In the Leningrad trust Fasadremstroy, an articulated electrified tower is used to repair and paint building facades, as well as install drainpipes and linear coverings (Fig. 9).

Hinged two-section towers Sh2SV-14 or Sh2SV-18 are manufactured at the Leningrad Foundry and Mechanical Plant according to the design of engineer. R. N. Ulanova. For buildings three to four floors high, II12CB-14 towers are used, for buildings of five or more floors - Sh2SV-18 towers.

From one site to another, towers are towed by car; on site they move using their own movement mechanism.

The tower consists of a running and turning parts, as well as lifting devices and electrical equipment mounted on a metal frame. The turntable of the tower has a lower supporting, middle rotating and upper holding parts. Lifting device The tower consists of two tubular trusses with hinges and lifting mechanisms.

The working cabin of the cradle is freely suspended on the forked end of the upper truss of the tower; two friction clamps reduce its swinging.

The electrified tower is serviced by one worker, it can be controlled from two electric remote controls, one of them is located at the bottom of the rotating part, the other at the top of the cradle.

Rice. 9. Electrified tower for facade works

The tower serves from one parking lot 8...9 m of the front of work on the facade; its sectional trusses easily bypass the suspensions of tram and trolleybus lines, as well as balconies, bay windows, cornices and other protruding parts of buildings.

The movement of the cradle's working cabin, both horizontally and vertically during operation, is controlled by the worker in the cabin using an electric remote control located in it.

The stability and immobility of the tower when performing work on repairing facades or hanging drain pipes is ensured by jacks located in the four corners of the trolley.

The use of an electrified tower significantly increases the productivity of roofers in hanging drain pipes and improves conditions for safe work.

Drainpipes can also be mounted using a self-propelled aerial platform.

Most widespread At construction sites in Leningrad, a VI-23 tower was received, mounted on the basis of a ZIL-151 or ZIL-157 vehicle. It consists of telescopic parts (five pipes) and two winches for lifting it. The lifting mechanism of the tower is driven by the vehicle engine. The lifting capacity of the tower is 200 kg, the maximum lifting height of the working cabin is 21 m.

Linear coatings on building facades

To protect the upper part of the belts and sandriks on the facades of buildings, as well as external ebbs from destruction, window openings covered with roofing steel.

Protruding parts on building facades are covered with pre-prepared sheets or paintings. When preparing, roofing steel sheets are cut into strips of the required width, equal to the width of the structure to be covered, with a margin of 100...120 mm for bending the edges. Along the length, these strips are connected to each other into patterns with a double or single folded fold.

On the sides of the sheet or picture adjacent to the masonry, edges 20...40 mm wide are bent; On the opposite side, forming the overhang of the coating, the flap tape (dropper) is folded.

Processing of the overhang (instead of the lapel tape) can be done by rolling the wire into the edge. Folding the flap tape or processing the overhang by rolling the wire is carried out in the same way as preparing pictures for cornice overhangs or wall gutters.

When covering belts and sandriks, the upper edge of the sheet or picture is laid close to brickwork wall and nailed to it with 25..50 mm nails every 15....20 cm (Fig. 38). The otter is formed by a protrusion of the wall plaster.

On the opposite side, an overhang of the covering is formed, which is strengthened with annealed thin wire (2...3 mm), passed through two holes in the sheet and its ends tied to nails driven 50 cm into the wall under the overhang of the covering.

The covering of window sills is carried out in the same way as the covering of belts and sandriks, with the only difference being that the upper edge of the covering is nailed not to the wall, but to the window frame.

Rice. 10. Covering of belts, sandriks and window sills

Significant variety architectural forms and standard sizes of protruding parts on building facades makes it difficult to perform preliminary centralized (off-site) processing (harvesting) of roofing steel to cover them. Procuring elements for linear coverings on building facades directly at a construction site allows these elements to be produced on site, taking into account their dimensions.

When processing roofing steel directly on site, it is necessary to use simple lungs devices or machines that allow their free delivery from site to site and can be easily mounted on any roofing workbench, such as a machine designed by the Leningrad roofer V. Ya. Beloborodkin.

The machine designed by V. Ya. Beloborodkin has small dimensions and weight, it is easy to assemble and allows the preparation of roofing sheets of various profiles necessary for linear coverings on building facades.

Rice. 11. Folding machine designed by V. Ya. Beloborodkin for preparing linear coverings on facades a - general view of the machine; b – operation diagram; 1 - support corner; 2 - pressure plate; 3 - bending angle; 4 - pressure plate handle; 5 - bending angle bracket

The machine (Fig. 11, a) consists of the following main parts: a support angle with dimensions of 100ХУ0Х12 mm, length 1700 mm; pressure plate with a cross section of 12X100 mm, length 1550 mm; bending angle measuring 80x30x10 mm, length 1700 mm.

The front edge of the pressure plate is beveled at an angle of 30° to a width of 30 mm. A stiffening rib at an angle measuring 45X45X5 mm is welded to the rear edge of the plate. The pressure plate and bending angle rotate on axle shafts welded to them in the right and left supports attached to the support angle. The pressure plate is equipped with a removable handle, and the bending angle is equipped with a bracket.

The machine is assembled as follows. The support angle and side supports are bolted to the roofing workbench. The pressure plate is inserted with one axle shaft into the hole of the left support, and the other into the groove of the right support. A thrust bushing is put on this axle shaft, which is secured with a locking bolt. The bending angle is inserted with the right axle axis into the bushing of the right support, and with the left axle axis into the hole of the left support. Disassembling the machine is performed in the reverse order.

A diagram of the operation of machines for bending edges in sheets for linear coverings is shown in the diagram. 39, b.

The use of a machine designed by V. Ya. Beloborodkin, compared to manual work, increases labor productivity by 2…3 times.

Installation of crown cornices made of sheet steel

The crowning part of the building, as a rule, is decorated with a cornice, often complex profile. Typically, cornices are drawn according to templates. This is one of the labor-intensive operations in the production of plastering work on the facade, requiring highly qualified plaster workers. At the same time, the service life of such cornices is relatively short, which leads to frequent repairs, and sometimes, if neglected, lead to the collapse of the plaster. Besides, plastering work but such cornices can only be pulled out or repaired under certain temperature and atmospheric conditions. These circumstances forced builders to look for new, more rational ways to construct crown cornices.

In the Glavleningradremstroy system, the Stroydetal plant has mastered the centralized production of prefabricated crown cornices from galvanized roofing steel in the form of boxes of various architectural profiles with a length of 1420 or 2000 mm. Such metal boxes delivered to construction sites and mounted on the façade of the building.

Steel boxes are easy to manufacture and hang on facades. Their use significantly reduces the cost construction works without compromising the quality of the architectural design of the facades. The possibility of collapse of such cornices during the operation of buildings is excluded. Eaves-boxes made of roofing steel can be installed at any time of the year.

Rice. 12. Design of fastening prefabricated metal cornices to the facade of a building: a - cornice profile; b - design of cornice fastening: 1 - wooden filly; 2 - rafter leg; 3 - rafter beam; 4 - board; 5 - fight

Mounting of prefabricated metal cornices on the façade of the building is carried out (Fig. 12) using wooden fillets sewn with nails to rafter leg or rafter beam. The fillies are made from boards 50 mm thick, processed from the end to the profile of the cornice, and are installed at a distance of 700 mm from each other. Under the filly, a board is embedded in the wall, which is fastened to the filly with two claws made of boards 25 mm thick.

Metal cornices made of galvanized steel are attached to the wooden supporting structure with galvanized nails at the vertical and horizontal seams. After installation, the cornices are painted oil paint in the color of the facade.

When installing prefabricated eaves from roofing steel instead of plastering, the cost of work is reduced by an average of 50%.

The installation of linear coverings on the facades of buildings (belts, sandriks, prefabricated metal cornices), as well as the installation of drainpipes, is carried out (in the absence of scaffolding) from a mobile cranked electrified tower or aerial platform.

Roofing work also includes the preparation and hanging of drainpipes and the covering of all protruding parts on the facades of buildings (belts, window sills and sandings).

Elements of drainpipes (elbows, in parts of buildings. In the Leningrad trust "Fasadremstroy" a special folding machine is successfully used for pre-processing of roofing steel directly on site. It has small dimensions and weight, is easy to assemble and allows the preparation of roofing sheets of various profiles .

The machine consists of the following main parts: a support angle 1700 mm long, a pressure plate 1550 mm long and a bending angle 1700 mm long. The front edge of the pressure plate is beveled at an angle of 30°. A corner is welded to the rear edge of the plate for rigidity.

The plate and the angle rotate on axle shafts in the right and left supports welded to the angle. The pressure plate is equipped with a removable handle, and the bending angle is equipped with a bracket.

The machine is assembled as follows. The support angle and side supports are bolted to the roofing workbench. The pressure plate is inserted with one axle shaft into the hole of the left support, and the second into the groove of the right one. A thrust bushing is put on this axle shaft and secured with a locking bolt. The bending angle with the right axle shaft is inserted into the bushing of the right support, and with the left axle shaft into the hole of the left support.

To cover window sills, asbestos-cement slabs are sometimes used instead of sheet steel (Fig. 13). They are laid on a bed of cement mortar and attached with screws or galvanized nails to the window frame.

Rice. 13. Installation of window sills made of asbestos-cement slabs: a - asbestos-cement slab; b - section of the opening with the slab

- Roofing work on building facades