Terms used in floristry. Floristry studio in Krivoy Rog Form linear style in floristry

Basic principles Vegetative style is the most natural presentation of flowers and plants. Special attention pay: appearance, growth form, plant community. The most typical is an asymmetrical arrangement. Frequently used materials: flowers, leaves, stones, driftwood, pine cones, branches, moss, fruits, berries and other natural materials. Particularly careful selection and arrangement of material: flowers and plants should look natural - the way they grow in natural conditions. The goal of the vegetative style is to most fully, brightly, effectively and naturally reveal the beauty of plants, that is, copying or imitating nature is by no means necessary, although the selection and arrangement of the material must be done very carefully in order to preserve the natural appearance. This style is characterized by a free arrangement of material, identical to natural.

Composition In the vegetative style, the composition is created in such a way that it looks natural and miraculous: it should not show mechanical cuts, artificial weaves, etc. The vegetative style is especially good in spring compositions to convey the state of awakening of nature. The image of a waking forest - tender grass breaking through, thawed patches, the first snowdrops...

Composition A vegetative composition can be built different ways. The best known is the form with one growth point, when the material is arranged so that all the lines of the composition visually and actually gather at one point. This point is located in the vase where the plants are located. The visible main lines of the composition and the direction of movement of plants should not intersect in free space. In this case, intersections of small lines are allowed. This classic form of vegetative style is also called vegetative with a real growth point. In floristry, the growth point is the place from which the lines formed by the plants in the composition emerge. Typically, florists perform an asymmetrical arrangement of three groups: the main one, the opposite one and the neighboring one. In this case, the growth point of these three groups of different sizes should in no case be in the center of the vase. It should be moved sideways, as well as forward or backward from the geometric center. The sociology of plants is taken into account (forms of significance - groups of plants depending on their shape, flowers, size and rarity. Dividing flowers into forms of large, medium and small significance allows the florist to take into account the characteristics of each plant when creating different compositions) - a flower of low significance is not included in the composition higher than medium and large, respectively. It is mandatory to preserve the natural growth forms, sizes and shapes of plants. One arrangement uses flowers from only one season and one geographic range.

Composition from potted plants Before you start creating a composition of potted plants, you need to find out where it will stand - at home or outside, and what it is intended for. The choice of plants, plant substrate and vessels depends on its location. It is necessary to take into account the plant community of plants and their physiological characteristics: the need for a certain air temperature, the amount of light, and water. You should also remember about the rules of the school of floristry, that is, plants must be correctly selected in size, appearance, shape and growth rate, structure and possibility of grouping. The vessel also plays an important role in the composition. It should form a harmonious whole with the plant, therefore, when choosing a vase or pot, you need to pay special attention to their relationship in size, color, texture and structure of the material. For vegetative style, ceramic vessels and vases made of natural stone, discreet, neutral in color

Composition with an imaginary growth point Plants visually seem to diverge from one growth point, which is located not in the vessel, but under it. In this case, as a rule, a point is created by the intersection of three or more basis groups. Otherwise, you should adhere to the rules for creating a vegetative form with a real growth point. Parallel vegetative composition Naturally arranged, as if intertwined flowers. The wreath is assembled from plants so that they appear to grow naturally from its body. Plants can be taken along with their roots to extend their life for a while. It makes sense to assemble such a wreath on a sphagnum base. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the plant community of plants, but also their dependence on conditions environment. Round shape Wreaths still do not allow us to fully show the natural beauty of flowers.

Bouquet When composing a bouquet, a florist must largely rely on his intuition, since in this case he has to take into account not only the rules of floristry, but also the assembly technique. Therefore, it is much easier to show the beauty of a flower in a vegetative composition than in a regular tied bouquet. It is very important to choose the right vase - its elaborate shape or too bright color Glazes can ruin the beauty of the bouquet. A wedding bouquet can also be made in a vegetative style. In this case, you need to select and arrange the plants so that every movement of leaves and flowers is natural. However, practice shows that wedding bouquets are rarely made in a vegetative style.

The main characteristics of the free form vegetative style When creating such an arrangement, you must try to take into account the following factors: the plant community of plants; plant physiology; shape; direction of movement; structure; asymmetry or symmetry; proportions; gradation; grouping; environment; number of growth points (one or several); free space; examples in nature; color and shape of the vase; season. When composing a free-form composition in a vegetative style, it is not necessary to take into account all of the factors mentioned; it is enough to pay attention to only a few.

Considered the most difficult. In order to successfully create compositions in this style, the florist must pay attention to the appearance, growth form and plant community of plants, which is especially important when working with potted plants. You can use stones, driftwood, cones, branches, moss, berries and other natural materials.
The composition may have one or several growth points.
Working in a vegetative style requires particularly careful selection and arrangement of material: flowers and plants should look natural, the way they grow in nature.
Spring compositions look especially good in this style to convey the awakening of Nature.
The dishes are shallow, nondescript, earth tones or green, and should not attract attention to themselves.
Compositions vegetative style resemble a piece of nature, where stones, branches, moss can be used... They have one or several growth points.

Created using the following material production techniques:

  • free
  • parallel
  • radial
Bouquets vegetative style will most likely resemble an armful of wildflowers, with herbs, cereals... Technique for setting up the material:
  • parallel
  • spiral
  • on a portaquet (very rare)
Main characteristics of the style - taking into account factors:
  • Plant community
  • Plant Physiology
  • Form
  • Direction of movement
  • Structure
  • Asymmetry or symmetry
  • Proportions
  • Stepping
  • Grouping
  • Environment
  • Number of growth points
  • Free space
  • Examples in nature
  • Color and shape in nature
  • Season
There are several factors to consider, but not all.

At all times, floristry has considered bouquets and compositions as the highest work of art. To make them modern, sophisticated and original, it is worth knowing a number of professional terms. Their decoding will even be useful an experienced florist in the process of his creative activity, and, of course, will not interfere with those who are just planning to become a florist.

  • Accent- underlining, which is usually formed by a small amount of material in relation to the entire work. As a rule, it is created using shape and color.
  • Accent color- opposition using contrast, which is created using a small amount of one color to a larger amount of another in order to give special expressiveness to the work. Example: a bouquet in which 95% are yellow and green leaves, has a 5% accent in the form of a blue element that appears in general composition color point. If the proportions of colors are 50 to 50, there will be no accent. The accent color should not be diffused, as this will lose the emphasis. Small shape color accent can be very different, for example, a line, a circle or any other.
  • Textured (structural) accent- produced using surface texture or structure. Example: if not a large number of material with a velvety texture is placed next to a large amount of material with a metallic texture, then the accent will be created by the velvety texture. In this case, color is given a subordinate role.
  • Accent shape- opposition based on the principle of contrast between two materials. A small amount of a form of one material is taken in relation to a larger amount of a form of another. Example: a similar accent is created by a round element in a composition made up of only straight, strict material.
  • Asymmetry- free placement order. In the case when the elements on both sides of the axis are not identical, an asymmetric arrangement is implied. As a rule, she looks free and natural. Such work most often consists of 3 unequal parts. In this case, the main, opposite and neighboring groups are distinguished. The largest, main group, in an asymmetrical arrangement, is not placed in the center, but is only moved to the side. The second largest, opposite group, is placed further from the main one. The smallest one, the neighboring one, is located closest to the main one and supports it.

An asymmetrical arrangement must be optically balanced. In the case when the main group is located to the left of the geometric center, then the opposite group should stand further from it. That is, the principle of leverage works. The smaller the opposite group is compared to the main one, the farther away it should be placed. The adjacent group should be located to the left of the main one. The 3 parts harmonize and relate to each other. The florist does not make exact calculations, but acts intuitively, trying to give the composition maximum naturalness.
Asymmetry is quite natural for natural materials. As a result, such a composition looks flexible and light. I perform an asymmetrical arrangement, wanting to emphasize the positive of the moment. It is often appropriate when working in vegetative and form-linear styles. The expressiveness of asymmetrical works is enhanced by the use of light and luminous colors.

  • Achromatic colors- presented in black and white, as well as all gray shades between them.
  • Basis- represents the basis, or, in other words, the starting point of floristic work.
  • Bouquet- V general meaning stands for bound flowers.
  • Biedermeier bouquet- a dense bouquet, closed in a circle, the material in which is collected in the form of concentric circles.
  • Bouquet decorative style - this is a bouquet with a dense filling. The contour can be closed or open.
  • Bouquet for the bride- This is an original floral decoration in the form of a bouquet for the newlywed.
  • Bouquet shape-linear style- a bouquet, the creation of which is based on the contrast of lines and shapes.
  • Vegetative bouquet - is a related floral work, which mainly consists of greenery and cut flowers. The main attention is paid to the characteristics of plants, habitat, growth form, and membership in the plant community.
  • Vegetative style- one of the styles of floristry. Such works look as natural as possible.
  • Wreath - is a form-work executed in the form of a circle and having symbolic meaning. Wreaths can be interior, mourning, table, interior, Christmas, Easter.
  • Primary colors typically include yellow, red, blue and green. Each of them consists of 3 primary colors plus one mixed color (green).
  • Decorative style is a floristry style where the characteristics of each specific plant are not taken into account, but rather they are sought to be subordinated to the overall composition in order to create a new, very expressive whole. Having lost their individuality, plants can look completely different. Main feature style is dense filling - a large number of plants located very close to each other. Creating decorative work, the florist, first of all, must know that his creative result directly depends on the shape and color of the selected plants.
  • Decorate - in other words, decorate or decorate.
  • The dominant is the most important component of something.
  • Complementary colors are colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. Example: opposite colors - red and green.
  • Laws of composition - these include general and special knowledge about color science and the laws of composition. The “golden ratio” means dividing a segment into unequal parts.
  • Historical style is an expression of the characteristics of art relative to a particular period of culture or era.
  • A composition of potted plants is a type of floristic work consisting mainly of potted plants growing in pots, cache-pots, or vases.
  • A corsage (boutonniere) is a miniature floral decoration. Can be used to decorate clothes or hairstyles.
  • Non-plant material is divided into main and auxiliary. The latter may include ribbon, wire, and beads.
  • A parallel bouquet is a related floral work made from greenery and cut flowers. Plant material is located mainly in parallel. The bunch may not be the only one and, unlike other bouquets, also plays a decorative role.
  • Oasis (floral sponge) - porous artificial material, which has capillary properties, perfectly absorbs and retains moisture for a long time. During the process of making the composition, flower stems are inserted into the oasis. The oasis must be a reliable support for flowers and effectively retain moisture so that the flowers remain fresh longer.
  • Parallel style is one of the styles of floristry.
  • Dense forms are filled and are used for long plants, such as terry peony.
  • Porta bouquet - simple design, in which there is an “oasis” sponge soaked in water or a special solution. Allows you to preserve the freshness of flowers longer and keeps them in the desired
  • position The flower stems are replaced by a plastic handle. This perfect option when making wedding bouquets.
  • Order - a specified arrangement of elements indicating basic principle building a composition.
  • Proportions - the relationship between quantity and size. In floristry, there can be identical, that is, equal, as well as unequal relationships. Example: 50:50 or 30:50, that is, the “golden ratio”.
  • Arrangement is the principle by which order should be established. In the case of strict order, we are talking about symmetry, in the case of free order, we are talking about asymmetry.
  • Plants of dominant forms are dominants, that is, plants of great importance, like Eremurus.
  • Plants of mass forms - those that show the best decorative forms, when collected as a mass and not separately, like, for example, moss. Or we are talking about forms of small significance.
  • Plant material means all plants and their parts. Example: leaves, flowers, stems.
  • Rows are divided in floristry into simple and rhythmic, and can be made with identical or unequal elements that follow each other and are repeated in a certain rhythm.
  • Free order is the order of arrangement, that is, asymmetry.
  • Material properties are the nature of the material relative to its structure and textures. Example: clear glass, opaque ceramics.
  • Binding colors are colors that are optically related to each other by other colors. Example: green and brown, gray and white.
  • Spiral bouquet - a bouquet based on spirals arranged around a central element standing upright.
  • Floristry styles - vegetative, decorative, linear, parallel. They all have variations. Works are also classified according to the method of creation. Radial compositions, that is, having 1 point of growth: decorative, vegetative, form-linear, free. Parallel compositions with more than 1 growth point: graphic, decorative, vegetative, free (in other words, objects).
  • Surface structure (texture) is the impression made by the surface of a material, plant or non-plant. Surface properties are influenced by color. Materials of the same structure help to achieve harmony of effects in the composition, and materials of different structures help to achieve contrast or tension.
  • Structural bouquet - made in a decorative style. usually done in a decorative style. The surfaces are different in height and size. Particular attention is paid to structure and texture.
  • Stepping is the distribution of identical shapes in space with their different positions relative to the height and depth of the work.
  • The theory of floristry is a presentation of the basic laws of floristry in a systematized form.
  • Technology - refers to methods of working and processing plant materials.
  • Shape-linear - one of the styles of floristry. It is very important here to achieve the strongest tension in combinations of lines and shapes. The amount of material is kept to a minimum. The shape is not only in the form of geometric bodies, but also the plane of the sheet. The arrangement is asymmetrical. Attention is focused on the appearance and characteristics of plants.
  • Formation - many identical parts assembled together. Example: 50 liatris arranged in parallel.
  • Form work is one of the subforms of the decorative style, usually traditional work: garland, wreath, Biedermeier.
  • Frieze is flat work shaped like a strip or tape. There is a vertical ornament or a figured pattern. The walls are decorated with friezes.
  • Color - specific visual sensation, caused by light, depending on the spectral composition of the radiation.
    • 1st order colors are the basic, primary colors, pure and unmixed: red, yellow and blue.
    • Colors of the 2nd order are secondary mixed colors in a ratio of 50:50 from 2 primary colors.
    • 3rd order colors are mixed colors formed from 50:50 of the primary color plus 2nd order colors.
  • Color harmony - created different colors, differently spaced in the central circle from each other in certain quantitative ratios.
  • Color science is an ordered idea of ​​color.
  • A color star is a star based on a color. Which is created by mixing its colors with the colors of the achromatic series while lightening and darkening the color.
  • Color contrast is shades of the same color that are opposed to each other.
  • The color wheel is a systematic representation of all colors in the shape of a circle.
  • Sketch - preliminary sketch.

These are the most important concepts used by modern floristry, whose bouquets must meet all requirements. Therefore, it is so necessary to understand basic things.

Floristry is an art form that has its own characteristics. There are no specific rules for composing bouquets, but there are styles that are based on certain principles. There are four such styles in total:

The vegetative style is the most natural, natural, that is, a bouquet of flowers is compiled as simply as possible and close to reality.

When working on a composition, the florist must pay attention to its appearance, growth form and plant community. TO distinctive features vegetative style can be classified as:

  • asymmetry of arrangement;
  • the largest group is considered dominant, and balance is ensured by a smaller group located remotely;
  • vegetative style requires attention to the natural arrangement of flowers and plants - that is, the way they grow in natural conditions.

Decorative style

This style is taken as the basis when creating bouquets of flowers. The photo shows that the number of flowers varies, and they are designed to be stored in vases.

The features of this area of ​​floristry include:

  • mounting on floral foam;
  • plants do not stand out, because the main goal is to express the unity and integrity of the composition without an emphasis on individuality;
  • bouquets are filled tightly, that is, numerous plants are located as close to each other as possible.

Shape - linear style

This floral style involves an emphasis on lines, shapes and contours. Most often, modern beautiful bouquets of flowers are created based on this trend (the photo confirms that the compositions can be very different).

Distinctive features of the style include:

  • attention to shapes and lines and their combinations;
  • minimum set of materials used;
  • rigor and clarity of lines.

Parallel style

This style is often found in nature, which is why it is loved by many florists. The parallel style suggests that plant or non-plant materials are placed parallel to each other. The direction requires careful attention to proportions, color and shape, and the bouquets themselves can be symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Principles of proper composition

Any work of art is created based on certain rules. Bouquets of flowers in the pictures look interesting and impressive, but you need to understand how such an effect is achieved.

To create a beautiful floral composition you need to be able to compose it:

Choosing color combinations

The color scheme must be harmonious, and this is achieved in four main ways:

  1. A combination of contrasting colors that will be located opposite each other
  2. A combination of similar shades that are located next to each other in the composition
  3. Using different shades of the same color
  4. A combination of colors from different parts color wheel

Bouquet ideas based on contrasting combinations color range variety. The main rule of this method is to use plants of pure color: that is, combine blue iris with a scarlet rose. Contrasting combinations, for all their harmony and optimism, should not be too catchy. The ideal composition is created by combining light shades– pink with muted blue, lilac with lilac.

If you like discreet combinations, pay attention to bouquet ideas based on similar combinations. Along with pure colors, you can use shades in them. In an ensemble of colors, one color can predominate, but in shades: when correct selection such floral compositions will look harmonious.

If you are for a riot of colors, then choose multi-color combinations. Bouquet ideas are very different, and you can even use freshly cut flowers from your own garden

Symmetrical round bouquet

There are many techniques in floristry, thanks to which they look individual and original. Today one of the popular ones is symmetrical round bouquet. Symmetry is popular due to the variations of flowers of different lengths, which when combined provide a harmonious composition.

A round bouquet is created in a spiral:

  • the main flower is placed straight, the plants in the foreground bend from left to right, and on background- from right to left;
  • each next flower is laid in a spiral slightly obliquely;
  • when filling the bouquet, the angle of its inclination increases;
  • After a set of plants, the stems are cut off.

These beautiful flower bouquets are often created for the bride at a wedding. You can decorate it using roses, carnations, irises, mini roses or asters. The basic rule is that the outer and inner flowers should not differ greatly in length, because the roundness of the shape depends on this.

Biedermeier style

This style in floristry makes it possible to make it a reality different ideas. This is also a round composition, but the flowers in it are collected not in a spiral, but in the form of a concentric circle. The compilation scheme is as follows:

  1. The work begins with laying the apical flower.
  2. Other flowers are arranged in a row around him.
  3. The shape of the bouquet is very different. The pyramidal composition is created by flowers with long stems, while the flattened composition is created by flower heads, often without a stem.
  4. Biedermeier suggests using not only flowers, but also spikelets of wheat, rye, feather grass, asparagus, and fern. In a bouquet they should create a concentric circle.
  5. The cuff is made of paper napkin, fabric, ribbons or lace.

Photo beautiful bouquet flowers using the Biedermeier technique shows what can be created and small compositions from small flowers. By the way, this composition is considered one of the best among brides, which is why it is called matchmaking.

You can create it yourself:

  1. We take mini roses and daisies.
  2. We make cuffs from leaves.
  3. Perpendicular to it we place the top - from several roses and daisies.
  4. Above the cuff there are also roses and daisies placed strictly symmetrically. As a result, we get a circle.
  5. Three more roses and daisies are placed deep between the resulting rows.

Bouquet of asymmetrical shape

The ideas for such compositions are very different, but the main thing is the emphasis on the asymmetry of the form. Such bouquets look stylish and modern, especially if they consist of exotic plants.

Asymmetrical compositions are created based on two methods - according to the rule of three triangles and the diagonal method. Let's consider each method separately.

Three triangle method

The bouquet composition scheme is as follows:

  1. To create a composition, 5 or 7 flowers of two varieties are required.
  2. The first flower - the apical one - is installed vertically; it will serve as the first element of the composition.
  3. The second element acts as the base of the right triangle. The length of this flower can be different - it depends on the height of the bouquet itself. The main requirement is that the flower must differ in height from the first, apical one.
  4. The second element is installed horizontally on the right side.
  5. The third flower is placed so that its tip falls on the hypotenuse of the right triangle.
  6. The fourth element is the vertex of the second triangle, and we will build it on flowers of a different variety.
  7. The fifth element is laid horizontally - it should not be the same length as the second element of the bouquet.
  8. The sixth element is installed on the line of the quarter and fifth. If you connect all the points mentally, the triangle will turn out to be equilateral.


This floral technique is popular because it involves the use of cut plants. A bouquet of wildflowers created using this method looks very beautiful. The essence of the technique is to keep flowers fresh for as long as possible, which is why numerous wedding bouquets are created based on it. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • stems cut to a certain length are placed in a nutrient medium;
  • a special wire is inserted into the stem, and the cut itself is supplemented with hygroscopic material with some liquid;
  • the cut is treated with tape, which covers the wire insert in the stem and prevents moisture evaporation.

The basic rule is that the wire stems should not twist, but should be parallel. Features of the taping technique are as follows:

  1. The bouquet will be light and aesthetic.
  2. Flowers remain fresh for a long time.
  3. When taping, you can use flowers with heavy buds.
  4. The technique makes it possible to create figured compositions a certain shape. Therefore, in this way you can create both a wedding composition and a bouquet of “Happy Birthday” flowers.

On a portaquet

Main symbol wedding celebration– this is a bridal bouquet, and therefore close attention must be paid to its design. Floral compositions based on a porta bouquet are distinguished by their lightness, compactness, and convenience. The advantages of this design method include:

  1. A variety of flower sizes - small or large, with buds or inflorescences, field or greenhouse.
  2. Small sizes. The base of the bouquet is light, and the flowers themselves can be held in one hand.
  3. Durability. Such compositions retain their freshness and aesthetic appearance for a long time.

Floristry for any holiday: what to choose?

Modern florists will offer a lot of ideas for creating flower arrangements for any celebration. Some will choose a compact composition, while others need large bouquet colors. On Valentine's Day, bouquets are most often created of bright red roses, which are designed in the shape of a heart. Additions are created with white roses, freesias, lilies, and white carnations.

And you can prepare a bouquet for February 23rd. The main requirement for him is restraint. Compositions for men are made in triangular, pyramidal and linear styles.

A wide variety of ideas can be implemented when creating bouquets for March 8th. Most often they are formed from tulips, roses, daffodils, hyacinths or snowdrops. Beautiful compositions are created from both fully open buds - lush and juicy, and closed ones. Color solutions any plants can be chosen.

Wedding bouquets are created using light-colored plants, but bright touches are also possible, especially if the bride is getting married in a dress of a certain style.

Floristry or floral design is a type of decorative art in which the main object of creativity is fresh flowers. More than 200 thousand are known all over the world. different varieties colors. They help express feelings and emotions, and flower arrangements have become an integral part of our daily life.

Modern florists use 4 different styles floristry. This division allows you to choose the perfect bouquet for an event of any format.

Vegetative style

Vegetative style

Vegetative style

It is considered the most difficult, since all compositions in this style are as close as possible to the natural image. The florist looks at the morphology of each plant separately: sorts the species by color, shape and volume. Bouquets are made using moss, berries, dried flowers, branches, driftwood and decorative stones.

Several growing points, precise location of stems and natural muted colors are the main criteria for the vegetative style. Experts do not advise combining flowers from different seasons in one composition, as this is considered bad form and bad taste. The key image of the vegetative style is a massive armful of wildflowers.

Working in this direction, skilled florists draw inspiration from the environment, a certain time of year or the gradual physiology of plants. The most famous floral technique in the vegetative style is called “one point of growth.” All plants and flowers in the composition are collected at one point, for example, in a vase. Flower growth lines should not intersect with each other. The only exceptions are small, low-growing varieties.

Decorative style

Decorative style

Decorative style

Allowed to use all bold combinations. the main task florist working in a decorative style to create a single concept for a bouquet of different types plants. Each bud does not lose its individuality, but fits perfectly into the overall picture.

Contrast in colors, symmetry and asymmetry are welcome, use synthetic material. Plastic fruits, ribbons, bright wrapping paper - the more textured finishing materials, all the better.

Wedding florists often use decorative style techniques, as its features are ideal for decorating celebrations and holidays.

Linear style

Linear style

Linear style

Linear is rightfully considered the clearest floral style. Florists adhere to the main rule: minimum material - maximum natural forms.

All emphasis in the compositions is on creating clear lines. Preference is given to varieties with long or curved stems. All materials in a linear composition, as a rule, are arranged asymmetrically and emphasize the extravagance of the selected plants.

Massive style

Massive style

Massive style

The massive or “form” style differs from the previous ones in its clear presentation of the final composition. Florists in their work often use voluminous frames or special wicker bases for a lush bouquet.

All details are connected to each other as tightly as possible, so there is no free space left in the center of the composition. There are no focal points, smooth transitions between elements, gradual changes in lines, smooth transitions from large to small. Monochromatic flowers merge together, and multi-colored ones create a single motley canvas.

How the bouquet will ultimately look depends only on the professional skills and skill of the florist. We hope you are interested in the topic of bouquet design.

We specifically made a short introductory article so that general outline introduce you to the mysterious world of floristry. In subsequent issues we will discuss in detail issues that will be useful both for professional florists and ordinary connoisseurs of beautiful flower arrangements.