How much does an induction boiler cost? How to make an induction boiler with your own hands. Operating principle of an induction boiler

An electric boiler is, without any doubt, an excellent alternative to gas or solid fuel equipment. But it has a significant drawback - high energy consumption. In the process of searching for ways to reduce electricity consumption, the induction boiler was invented.

In fairness, it is worth noting that the principle induction furnace was invented quite a long time ago, back in 1887, and they were used only in industry. The development of the technological process made it possible to create compact models new generation, suitable for household use, for example, heating a private house.

Device and principle of operation

Main element induction boiler– transformer with toroidal winding. The device of such a boiler itself consists of the following elements:

  • The body of the unit, which is made of metal.
  • A layer of electrical protection and thermal insulation.
  • The core is a ferrimagnetic tube.

The core winding acts as the primary winding, and the secondary winding is the boiler body. Also included in the package:

Not only ordinary water and antifreeze, but also oil can act as a coolant in such a system.

Operating principle

In the name induction electric boiler, the principle of its operation is electromagnetic induction. When voltage is applied, the following processes occur:

  • An electromagnetic field is created.
  • The core heats up to a temperature of 750 °C.
  • The coolant enters through special pipes and, passing through the core, heats up, then transferring the heat to the heating radiators of the house.

This heating method allows you to heat a large volume of coolant in a short period of time. At the same time, the convection currents created make it possible to do without circulation pump.

Advice! The absence of a circulation pump is justified in small heating systems. When heating with an induction boiler two-story house, its presence is mandatory.

Advantages and disadvantages of induction boilers

Let's first consider positive characteristics induction boilers:

  • High and constant efficiency: up to 99%.
  • Such a boiler does not require a chimney.
  • Lack of mobile and heating elements contributes to high reliability and durability of new generation systems.
  • Quiet operation.
  • Low inertia of the system allows you to save energy.
  • To install an induction boiler, a separate room is not required.
  • High-frequency vibration of the core prevents scale formation.
  • Easy installation does not require special knowledge or skills.
  • High level of fire safety due to the absence of open fire and heating elements.

Like all equipment, an induction heating boiler has not only advantages, but also disadvantages, which include:

  • In the first place, of course, is the high cost of such boilers. The more common electric heating element boiler costs 1.5 times less.
  • Connection is made only to a closed heating system of the house. At the same time, the pressure in it must be controlled and kept below 0.3 MPa.
  • Significant weight with small size. This fact should be taken into account when mounting the boiler on the wall.
  • Generation of interference in the entire radio range within a radius of several meters (depending on the boiler power). Such interference is absolutely safe for humans.

Advice! The main advantage of induction-type devices is the fast and economical heating of a large volume of coolant, for which other types of boilers would require much more time. It is this quality that has found its application in induction instantaneous water heaters.

Help in choosing a boiler

Due to the novelty of such equipment, only two brands are represented on the domestic market:

  1. VIN - manufacturer LLC " alternative energy" This vortex heater (this is what the abbreviation stands for) consumes converted high-frequency voltage. At the exit from the coil this gives sharp jump EMF tension and increased Foucault surface currents. This allows the body and everyone internal details, which are specially made from a special ferrimagnetic alloy, almost instantly heat up and transmit thermal energy coolant. We can say that all the structural components of the unit act as one heat exchanger, this explains its high efficiency.
  2. SAV is produced by JSC NPK INERA. This induction boiler consists of a short-circuited labyrinth of coolant pipes, which acts as a secondary winding. The alternating current generated in this winding makes it possible to quickly heat the surface of the heat exchanger. Thanks to the branched labyrinth of pipes in the heat exchanger, the coolant passing through it quickly heats up, which explains the high efficiency of this type of boiler. Thanks to the law of self-induction, the new generation device allows the coil to independently induce the necessary reactive power. This allows the use of this type of induction boilers in power networks with reduced voltage, which gives tangible results when operating in rural areas with weak electrical substations.

All induction electric boilers differ in power and number of connection phases:

  • Single-phase: power 2.5–7 kW.
  • Three-phase: power 7–60 kW.

In addition to standard automation (automatic circuit breakers), the induction boiler can be equipped with an electronic programmer. This device allows you to set the boiler operating mode for the whole week, and, if necessary, carry out adjustments remotely via a GSM channel.

Boiler power calculation

To calculate the system power as accurately as possible, it is necessary to invite specialists. But you can easily make an approximate calculation, which will be quite sufficient. To do this, for every square meter of heated area there must be 60 W of boiler power.

This power is quite enough, because the efficiency is very high and does not decrease during operation.

Advice! When choosing an induction boiler, it is necessary to clarify the thickness of the core walls. Optimal thickness– 10 mm. This core guarantees long and uninterrupted operation home heating systems.

Installation and connection

Installation of boilers of this type is quite simple, but requires adherence to certain technology:

  • Installation is carried out only in a closed heating system.
  • It is mandatory to equip such a system with an expanzomat type expansion tank.
  • The feasibility of having a circulation pump depends on the system of inclination of the heating pipes of the house. In some cases, subject to correct slope, you can get by with natural circulation.
  • The induction boiler must be positioned vertically. In this case, fastening to the wall occurs through special “ears” or ordinary clamps, depending on the model.
  • In this case, it is important to maintain a free distance between the boiler and the walls: at least 30 cm on the sides, at least 80 cm at the top and bottom.
  • When securing the unit, you should take into account its significant weight and choose a reliable load-bearing wall for installation.

Connecting the boiler to the heating system

A special feature of the induction boiler is the fact that piping from metal pipes not necessary. You can connect directly with metal-plastic or plastic pipes:

  • The pipe located in the upper part of the housing is connected to the supply of hot coolant to the heating system of the house.
  • Then the return heating pipe is connected to the pipe located at the bottom of the boiler.
  • At a distance of no more than 80 cm from the outlet pipe, it is necessary to install a unit safety group. The set of devices present in this group is standard for all types of boilers: automatic safety valve, pressure gauge and air vent.
  • After the safety group, it is possible, but not necessary, to close the circuit (connecting the hot supply to the return). In some emergency cases, the presence of a small circuit protects the induction electric boiler from overheating.
  • In any case, the installation of shut-off valves occurs after the installed safety group.

Next, we move on to installing auxiliary devices on the return pipe. On a small contour or in front shut-off valves The following devices are sequentially mounted on the return line:

  1. Expansion tank.
  2. Settling filter.
  3. Bronze coarse filter.
  4. Circulation pump.
  5. Flow sensor. The presence of this sensor in the system allows you to control the circulation of the coolant and turn off the boiler if it stops.

More detailed diagram connection is contained in the instructions supplied by the manufacturer, which must be studied before starting installation work.

Electrical connection

Carrying out electrical connections, you must use wires of the cross-section specified in the instructions. Electronic systems controls are connected using special connectors supplied with the equipment.

Advice! An important point installation of the induction apparatus is the ground connection. It must be done with a separate wire (optimally a bus) and connected to the existing grounding of the house.

Induction boiler maintenance

The induction boiler does not require any maintenance as such. The only thing that can be recommended in this matter is to periodically check the reliability of grounding and electrical connections.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that new generation induction boilers are ideal for heating a house where the owners are absent for a long time or are visiting. The efficiency, autonomy and safety of this type of heating equipment fully justify its rather high cost. And if you use antifreeze as a coolant in such a system, then it is definitely not in danger of freezing.

Heating a private home, especially in our climate, is a very important and complex task. And heating with electric boilers is one way to solve it. Of course, if it is possible to use natural gas, then an electric boiler can only be installed as a backup equipment, and even then it is unlikely. But if there is no gas, you can already think about this option. Moreover, today there is not only electric boilers for heating using heating elements: there are also electrode and induction ones. Let’s talk about the advantages, disadvantages, and capabilities of induction boilers for heating.

Operating principle

When heating the coolant in induction boilers, energy is used that is released when induced currents occur in the heat exchanger housing. It is essentially an induction coil housed in a massive ferroalloy housing. The housing itself is the secondary winding. It heats up due to the passage of currents induced in it. To increase the heat transfer area, it is made in the form of a labyrinth with thick walls. The coolant heats up as it passes through the labyrinth.

The system has a high degree of reliability, since the coil is hermetically sealed in the housing and has no contact with water or other coolant. The probability of breakdown of the turns is low - they are not wound tightly and are additionally filled with an insulating compound. All this, together with a massive thick-walled body, allows us to talk about a long service life. Sellers claim 30 years of operation without maintenance, but guarantee period Manufacturers charge much less.

Real advantages of induction electric boilers

You can often hear claims about the exceptional performance of induction boilers. Some of them are true, some are fiction. For example, sellers claim 30% savings in electricity compared to other principles of heating coolant. No evidence is provided, it is simply stated as a fact. Although everyone knows this is impossible in principle: how much energy is consumed, so much heat is produced. However, despite the law of conservation of energy, owners of such systems say that they actually have to pay less. But here main role plays, rather, high-quality automation and low inertia of the system.

They also say that induction boilers are new technologies. This is also not true. The first induction boilers operated in the first half of the last century. Among the new technologies, microprocessors and sensors are used, another element base, allowing you to control the performance of the system and its parameters and ensure the proper level of comfort and safety, but the principle itself is far from new. However, this heating equipment does have many positive qualities.

We can confidently add to the advantages of these heating systems:

  • High reliability (described above). The reliability of such boilers is indeed great, but there is a circumstance that can destroy the equipment in a few minutes: operation without liquid in the system. In the absence of liquid or its circulation, heat is not removed from the body, it heats up more and more and after a while it simply melts. Because one of important functions, which must be present, is the presence of control of the coolant level in the system and automatic shutdown of the boiler if its quantity is insufficient.
  • Small size - the boiler is a piece of pipe measuring from several tens of centimeters to a meter. It is significantly smaller than a boiler using heating elements, but almost the same in size as. Due to its small size, it can be located anywhere.

  • Maximum efficiency with a large control range, which heats the water in the heating system up to 85°C. The efficiency, like that of all electric heating devices, is in the range of 90-99%. The operating efficiency of each boiler depends on how correctly the heat exchanger (labyrinth) is designed and how correctly the entire system as a whole is constructed.
  • The low inertia of the system allows you to waste a minimum of electricity. To heat up the coolant initial stage the greatest amount of energy is wasted. Once the set temperature is reached, the power is reduced and the temperature is simply maintained. The inertia of such boilers is less than that of heating elements, but greater than that of electrode ones.
  • No scale is formed. There really is no scale. Firstly, from the constantly induced induction currents, the core constantly vibrates, so that nothing can be deposited on its surface.
  • Ability to use different types liquid coolants. This is true. An induction boiler is just like heating. The main thing is that it is liquid. Another thing is that manufacturers often give their own recommendations. Some are developing special formulations that ensure long-term and trouble-free operation. On the one hand, buying a special liquid is additional expenses, on the other hand, the operating efficiency and service life of the device increases, and the service life of such liquids is several years. In general, you need to think and count.
  • Autonomous work system. This is true, but any modern electric boilers operate autonomously (if there is a power supply).

  • Easy installation and maintenance. Indeed, installation is simple. Anyone can cope. One of the positive aspects is that it is not necessary to redo the system - there is no need to change pipes and batteries. It will work with any, but the efficiency may not be high enough. Maintenance with proper quality, there should be no boiler at all: there is nothing to break, nothing to change. All maintenance consists only of servicing the elements of the system - pipes, coolant.

This equipment has another attractive point: it is high-tech and its control unit in some cases is a mini-computer (such systems cost a lot). So: it is possible to control them remotely. Control signals are transmitted over twisted pair cable (up to 1 km), through a GSM channel at an unlimited distance, it is possible to organize an alert in the event of an emergency (for example, SMS to certain numbers, etc.)

If we consider the capabilities of induction systems from this point of view, they may definitely be of interest in some cases, since they provide service functions that were previously unavailable.

Not only household induction boilers are produced. There are similar systems for production purposes. They consume and produce a significant amount of heat: power consumption is from 1000 kW to 10000 kW. Such units are called high-voltage induction electric boilers.

Review analysis and comparison

There are few reviews about the use of these boilers. Probably because active promotion of the product to the market began quite recently. However, induction electric heating boilers receive mostly positive reviews, as many believe that they are more practical and economical. Although experts in the theory and law of conservation of energy claim that there can be no savings, owners of induction boilers say that there are savings. It is difficult to figure out who is right and who is wrong here. Both one and the other may be “sent Cossacks”.

One of the most “armor-piercing” arguments of opponents of induction boilers is their high cost. Actually yes, there are no cheap ones yet. The lowest price that we could find is about $220 (Vinnitsa plant) for the lowest-power models without an automation group, and this is still about $50-150, depending on the functionality.

Despite the fact that prices for boilers using heating elements start at about $80. But it must be said that this is what the economy version costs: without electronics and other bells and whistles. More complex models, having several stages of power control, are already at least twice as expensive. And their price compared to the price of induction ones no longer seems prohibitive.

The prices we found are indicated in the table. I’ll say right away that they took the first few models that came across from the search results list in the Yandex search. No one has done any in-depth research. What we sewed, we wrote down. The situation is also the same with the heated area - what was written in the specifications was installed. It must be said that some sellers are cunning here too: they indicate not the heated area, but the volume. In essence, this is correct: all the air in the room needs to be heated, so indicating the volume is correct, but most consumers focus on area. Without taking a closer look at the units of measurement, you fall into a stupor: 3 kW boiler for 120-150 m 3! To avoid this kind of distortion, all data in the table has been approximately recalculated and indicated in m2.

Once again, please note that we were not looking for either the most expensive or the cheapest models, although they certainly exist. The cost of induction boilers depends very much on the manufacturer and the installed automation. For example, 9 kW Galan in the “standard” configuration costs $415, and in the “Elite” configuration it costs more than $600.

Induction heating element
Power Heated area Price Power/quantity of heating elements Heated area Price
3 kW 30-40 m 2 220-415 $ 3 kW/1 heating element 20-35 m2 80-100 $
3 kW/3 heating elements 30 m 2 180 $
4 kW 50-60 m2 230-42 0$ 5 kW/2+3 heating elements 50 m2 3 0 0 $
5 kW 50-65 m2 240-525 $ 6 kW/3 heating elements 60 m 2 150 $
7 kW 70-80 m2 300-695 $ 7 kW/1 heating element 50-70 m2 150 $

When analyzing the reviews, another nuance was discovered: the induction electric boiler makes a decent buzz. Some are even planning to build a small boiler room near their home. But, apparently, some models are so noisy, because not all of them indicate this effect.

On the other hand, in one of the forums, in the debate it was said that most of the complaints about poor quality work is associated with cheap models. Induction boilers were also classified as the “premium” segment of the market. And the people who buy these products can hardly be expected to visit the forums. In principle, this is true, but then it turns out that reliable equipment– is far from a mass product precisely because of its price. And there is nothing to argue about.


Considering all of the above, we can say that it is rational to use induction electric boilers for heating only if there is sufficient insulation of the building, since electricity tariffs are not the lowest. And they will indeed be economical, but due to less inertia of the system, reliability (when using quality materials and well-thought-out technology) and good operation of the automation, which will turn on the system only to maintain the temperature.

Electric boilers. An induction boiler is a labyrinth of pipes on which an inductor is mounted. The electromagnetic field of the inductor quickly and efficiently heats the core, which heats the coolant. The core is made of steel up to 7 mm. It can fail, in the worst case, after 40 years. Microvibration inside the induction boiler provides it with 100% protection against scale.

Yes, an induction boiler is more expensive than a heating element, but the colder it is outside, the faster the new induction water heater pays for itself. Even the most reliable German heating element boilers, which are not inferior in price to induction ones, have the same disadvantages: the heating element can be made worse or better, but with constant use it burns out relatively quickly. If the heating element does not burn, scale forms on it, which reduces the flow rate of the coolant - heat transfer drops sharply. Half a millimeter of scale reduces heat transfer by 10 percent. And the further it goes, the worse it gets.

The power of a heating element boiler is reduced by 40% over 4 years of operation. The new generation of induction boilers is energy-saving equipment. Such boilers reduce operating costs by 30 percent or more.

Let's give an example - when heating a room at 200 square meters over 5 years, the loss of efficiency of an induction boiler will be 0%, while a conventional heating element boiler after five years will heat one third of the room at best.

Induction boilers heating systems differ from others in the absence of heating elements, so the boiler, in principle, cannot fail. The absence of detachable connections completely eliminates system leakage.

What elements does an induction boiler consist of?

  1. Circulation pump
  2. Heating radiators
  3. Induction heater
  4. Diaphragm tank
  5. Remote Control
  6. Ball valve

Induction boilers have another very important feature- they can be used with any heat transfer fluid, be it water, oil, or antifreeze. And this is crucial in areas with low temperatures. During a power outage, the pipes will not burst. When the power supply is restored, the system will operate as before.

Annual maintenance and preventative repairs of conventional electric boilers by specialists from service organizations is not cheap. Induction electric boilers service not required.

Another advantage of induction electric boilers is that they can be installed in any non-separated room, since this equipment operates silently. It is fireproof.

Let's sum it up. The efficiency of an induction electric boiler is 99%, its operation is silent. It does not require servicing. Installation of the boiler does not require special knowledge and does not require any special modifications existing system heating. The small dimensions of the boiler allow it to be installed in any room. The induction boiler provides complete autonomy in obtaining heat and hot water. By using antifreeze or oil in the system, pipe rupture during an emergency power outage is completely eliminated.

A separate type of VIN is an accumulating induction boiler. It is used in autonomous systems heating, hot water supply and technological processes, in which heating of the coolant is necessary. The storage induction boiler consists of a three-phase primary winding and a short-circuited secondary winding (heat exchanger).

The option of induction heating is most often considered in the case when the gas line is unavailable And you have to heat your home using expensive electricity.

An induction boiler is usually presented by sellers as a more economical and innovative alternative to the usual heating element heaters.

What is induction heating

The work is based on phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. An electromagnetic field is created inside the boiler, which heats the ferromagnetic core. It is this that transfers heat to the water in the system instead of the usual heating element.

When sellers and manufacturers VINs (vortex induction heaters) they talk about its efficiency, they mean the rate of heating of the element and the transfer of heat into the system.

If the heating element heats the water in the heating system, at best, after 20 , or even 30-40 minutes, then the induction element 10-15 minutes faster.

Important! In induction heating, the choice of coolant is quite wide: it can be not only water, but also oil, ethylene glycol and any antifreeze.

Operating principle and design of an induction electric boiler

Similar to a transformer. The induction current generator consists of primary and secondary short-circuited windings. The primary winding converts electrical energy into eddy current, and the secondary winding serves as the body of the inductor.

The following example will explain the operation of an induction heater even more simply:

  1. A coil is wound onto a pipe made of dielectric material (non-conductive).
  2. A core made of martensitic or ferritic steel (ferromagnetic) is placed inside.
  3. The coil, when exposed to electricity, creates a magnetic field.
  4. The magnetic field heats the core ( up to 750 °C).
  5. The core heats the water passing through the pipe.

Reference. Despite the fact that an induction boiler can quickly heat a large amount of coolant, the phenomenon of induction itself creates a convection movement of the coolant in the system in order to heat without problems two-storey house, you need to install a pump in the system.

Most often, an induction boiler is quite compact, not too tall ( 40 cm), but weighty ( up to 23-30 kg) wide cylinder-pipe. Therefore, to prevent it from collapsing, it is placed on strong additional fastenings. Sometimes, to enhance the effect, a welded section of several such balloon-shaped boiler pipes is used.

Photo 1. Induction boiler connected to the heating circuit. It is a small cylinder.

Less common are designs in the form locker.

But in any case, an induction boiler consists of:

  1. Housings, consisting of a dielectric metal.
  2. Electrical insulating layer.
  3. Core from a ferromagnet ( thickness up to 7 mm).
  4. Temperature sensor in the boiler body.
  5. Inlet and outlet pipes connections to the pipe and radiator system.
  6. Automatic switches(in the control panel).
  7. Thermostat(electronics in the control panel).

And this is what a heating system might look like, where:

  • Pump for coolant circulation.
  • Heating batteries.
  • Induction boiler.
  • Membrane expansion tank (to regulate pressure).
  • Control panel cabinet.
  • Locking ball valve

Attention! An induction boiler is only suitable for a closed heating circuit.

A little about the induction cooker

This miracle stove doesn't look like regular slabs that:

  1. Automatically recognizes suitable cookware(only made of ferromagnetic metals and with a flat bottom), and under the wrong one it doesn’t even turn on.
  2. Heats up faster than gas or electric, therefore, dishes are prepared more quickly.
  3. Warms a strictly defined zone, equal to the diameter of the dish. The rest of the stove remains cold.

The layout of such a stove in different brands may differ significantly, but it the basic structure is the same for all models:

  • Glass ceramic surface.
  • There is an insulating layer underneath.
  • Under the insulation is an induction coil.
  • Under the coil there is a control unit and a frequency converter.

Primary circuit in such a transformer there is a coil inside the plate, and secondary the outline is the dishes themselves.

On the Internet you can even find funny diagrams of homemade heating systems using induction cookers. But they cannot stand any criticism.

Induction cookers operate at ultra-high frequencies from 20 kHz to 60 kHz. Carrying out radiation measurements, we found that they are partially absorbed by the stove itself, and the rest act strictly within a radius of 30 cm from the center of the slab. Still, despite proven safety, people with pacemakers are strongly advised not to use such stoves in order to avoid cardiac arrest. What about harmful radiation from an induction boiler? After all, it also operates at frequencies from 25 kHz and above.

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Pros and cons of an induction electric boiler

Minuses induction boiler:

  1. While it is true that such a boiler is environmentally friendly and does not emit environment exhausts, it spreads an electromagnetic field throughout the home. People, animals, and technology react to it.
  2. Safe only conditionally. If a coolant leak occurs, the electromagnetic field will not turn off automatically, the core will continue to heat up until the body melts, and this will happen literally in a couple of seconds. Therefore, complex and reliable automatic control, which turns off the power supply in case of leaks, is very important for such a boiler. It's expensive. And for the sake of economy, domestic models of induction heaters most often use cheap Chinese models.
  3. It costs almost 2 times more than a heating element. At the same time, its declared efficiency is clearly overestimated and will pay for itself for a long time.
  4. Serious about rationality and economy inferior to gas and solid fuel heating systems.


  1. Some models have the option of remote control using an electronic programmer via GSM channel. It can be really convenient to set the temperature at 8-10 °C for the period of absence of people in the house, leaving for a week, without worrying about freezing of the home.
  2. No intermediate inspections, replacement of heating elements and others repair and maintenance work.

Who invented the induction heating unit

The marketing argument about the innovation of the induction boiler does not stand up to criticism. The principle of induction was discovered in the first third of the 19th century by Michael Faraday- a researcher known to us from the school physics course.

A at the very beginning of the 20th century in Sweden the first smelter was released into the world induction oven for the metallurgical industry.

Of course, engineers and scientists were still considering induction for heating boilers in everyday life. But, having studied the pros and cons, we considered this option irrational.

They began to use an induction heater for home and everyday life in the CIS in the mid-90s. Before this, high-power induction boilers were used in the USSR only in heavy industry for metal smelting.

Is it true that induction heaters are energy saving?

Economical this type of boiler is achieved only an initial head start of 5-15 minutes on the heating rate. And then, in comparison with heating elements. Because the most economical among electrical systems heating - “warm floor”. All arguments about 99 or even 100% efficiency is deceit and the expectation of mass illiteracy. All electric heaters have the same efficiency.

And the statement that part of the heat from the system is dissipated without reaching the coolant is equally true for both heating elements and induction boilers. Considering the high cost of the boiler and the mandatory optional equipment to the induction system for a separate amount, saving 30-50% on electricity is nothing more than a legend and a sales trick.

Durability. Like everything in the world, the core is also subject to destruction, but it will do this, unlike the heating element, much longer - 30 years old. The remaining components also have a good margin of safety. Manufacturers provide a 10-year warranty on the service of the induction boiler, and they do not lie. If you equip it high-quality European electronic controllers, will serve freely and up to 30-40 years.

Photo 2. Induction boiler connected to closed system heating. Additionally equipped with a controller, expansion tank and a pump.

Taking into account the above, the owner of an induction boiler will find savings compared to a heating element only in the long term - after five years of use system. But compared to the initial installation costs, it may not be significant.

Installation diagram of a device for heating water in a heating system

The first thing you should pay attention to is correct calculation power. It’s better, of course, to invite a specialist, but if you do it yourself, use the formula: 60 W boiler power per sq. m. home.

Here row standard rules required during installation induction heating:

  1. Distance from the boiler to the wall exceeds 30 cm.
  2. Distance from boiler at least 80 cm to the ceiling and floor.
  3. Behind the outlet pipe there must be immediately mounted pressure gauge, air bleeder and blast valve. This is an unconditional safety condition.
  4. Following the safety group, it is advisable to connect the hot supply with the return, i.e. close the small circuit. This is a protective measure against overheating.
  5. After security groups, install shut-off valves .
  6. Boiler must be attached to the wall vertically using special fasteners or clamps.

Having decided to heat their home with electricity or install an additional electric heat source, homeowners are wondering what type of heater to use? There is not much choice here; the market offers electric heat generators three types: heating elements, electrode and vortex (induction). The latter are of the greatest interest, since they are declared by manufacturers as new and the most economical equipment. Induction boilers appeared relatively recently, so it is worth studying them in more detail.

Design of a vortex induction boiler

In reality this technical solution Far from new, the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, due to which electric induction heating boilers operate, was discovered by M. Faraday back in 1831. Just thanks modern materials and technology, the phenomenon was taken as a basis and implemented in water heating installations relatively recently.

Heating of water occurs due to eddy currents (Foucault currents) appearing in the core of the coil. They are formed under the influence of variable electric field created by the turns of the coil alternating current frequency 50 Hz. The core is made in the form of a pipe, through which the coolant flows when heated. In essence, the device is an induction converter of electrical energy into thermal energy with an efficiency of about 98%. The diameter of the wire from which the coil is made, the number of turns and the dimensions of the core are designed in such a way as to heat the water to maximum temperature 95 ºС and at the same time prevent overheating of the winding.

Water heaters type "VIN"

The heart of the unit is a coil consisting of large quantity turns of insulated wire, and placed vertically in a cylindrical body in the form of a vessel. A metal rod is inserted inside the coil. The housing is hermetically sealed at the top and bottom with welded lids, terminals for connection to electrical network. Cold coolant enters the vessel through the lower pipe, which fills the entire space inside the body. Water heated to the required temperature goes into the heating system through the upper pipe.

Due to its design, when connected to the network, the heat generator constantly operates at full power, since it can supply heating installation additional voltage regulation devices are irrational. It is much easier to use cyclic heating and use automatic shutdown/on with a water temperature sensor. You just need to set the required temperature on the display of the remote electronic unit and it will heat the coolant to this temperature, turning off the water heating induction element when it is reached. After the time has passed and the water has cooled by a few degrees, the automation will turn on the heating again, this cycle will be repeated constantly.

Since the heat generator winding provides single-phase connection with supply voltage 220 V, heating units induction type are not produced with high power. The reason is that the current in the circuit is too high (over 50 amperes), it will require laying large cross-section cables, which in itself is very expensive. To increase power, it is enough to put three water heating units in a cascade and use a three-phase connection with a supply voltage of 380 V. Connect a separate phase to each device in the cascade; the photo shows a similar example of the operation of induction heating.

Design features of heaters of the “Sibtekhnomash” type
Using the same effect of electromagnetic induction, another company develops and produces water heating devices of a slightly different design that deserves attention. The fact is that electric field, created by a multi-turn coil, has a spatial shape and extends from it in all directions. If in VIN units the coolant passes inside the coil, then the Sibtekhnomash induction boiler device provides a spiral-shaped heat exchanger located outside the winding, as shown in the figure.

The winding creates an alternating electric field around itself, eddy currents heat the turns of the heat exchanger pipe in which water moves. Coils with coils are assembled in a cascade of 3 pieces and attached to a common frame. Each of them is connected to a separate phase, the supply voltage is 380 V. The Sibtekhnomash design has several advantages:

  • induction heaters have a separate collapsible design;
  • in the zone of action of the electric field there is an increased area of ​​the heating surface and a larger amount of water due to the spiral circuit, which increases the heating rate;
  • Heat exchanger piping is accessible for cleaning and maintenance.

Despite the differences in the design of the heat generator, its operating efficiency is 98%, as in heaters of the “VIN” type, this efficiency value is declared by the manufacturer itself. The durability of the units in both cases is determined by the performance of the coils, or more precisely, by the service life of the winding and electrical insulation; manufacturers set this indicator within 30 years.

Advantages and disadvantages

The real advantages of induction boilers for heating a home or industrial building, are as follows:

  1. High, as with all water heating installations, operating efficiency is in the range of 97-98%.
  2. Durability due to the absence of moving parts and simplicity of design.
  3. Small dimensions allowing to place heating equipment to a room of any size.
  4. High heating rate of the coolant and lack of inertia when it is turned off.
  5. Comfort during operation, an induction electric boiler does not require constant attention from the owner of the house, and the frequency of its maintenance depends entirely on the quality of the water used in the system.

Vortex heaters are supplied with automatic control kits, which makes it possible to connect heat generators with other climate systems at home.

Sectional view of the heater

This equipment also has disadvantages. The main one is the high cost, especially for heat generators of the Sibtekhnomash type. If using these units for industrial purposes is quite acceptable, then induction heating a private home may turn out to be unreasonably expensive.

Practical experience vortex heaters homeowners and service personnel service companies is not yet very extensive, but this moment There are no significant complaints about the equipment.

Myths about induction boilers

One of the most popular myths is created by sales representatives selling induction electric boilers. The bottom line is that these boilers are supposedly 20-30% more efficient than other heating electrical installations, especially heating elements. This information is not true, since all heat generators that convert electricity into heat operate with an efficiency of at least 96% in accordance with the physical law of conservation of energy. The only undeniable fact is that heating elements heat up the coolant a little longer due to their multilayer structure. The tungsten spiral first heats the quartz sand, then the tube material, and then the water. In this case, energy is not lost anywhere, and the efficiency of the heating element unit is 98%, the same as the vortex unit.

Example of a heating system

Another myth is that an induction electric boiler requires no maintenance at all, since the alternating magnetic field prevents deposits from settling on the heating elements. This question depends on the quality of the water and scale appears on the coil core in the same way as in heating element heaters if the coolant is not desalted. Therefore, at least once every 2 years, the heat generator itself and the heating system must undergo a flushing procedure.

Contrary to the assurances of the sellers, the water heater cannot be installed in any room. There are two reasons: the danger of electric shock and the presence of an electromagnetic field around the device. It is better to place it in a technical room with limited access (boiler room).


Heating installations that use eddy currents for heating do have many advantages, especially the heating speed, compactness and durability. How much these advantages justify the high cost of the product - each homeowner will have to decide individually.