The best blinds for plastic windows. How to choose blinds for windows: expert advice. Modern interior design ideas

Blinds, which were once an attribute of boring and gray offices, are now actively used to furnish apartments and houses. They take up a minimum of space, do an excellent job of protecting from sunlight and prying eyes, and most importantly, they can become an interior decoration, take photo blinds for example. The buyer is offered blinds today different designs, materials and colors, and the widest range turns into real torture for an unprepared person. It is better to make a purchase fully prepared, and for this it does not hurt to figure out in advance how to choose blinds for windows, what advantages and disadvantages their different types have, and which option will be the best in each specific case.

No. 1. Advantages and types of blinds

Modern blinds, regardless of the design features, have the following advantages:

Blinds confidently compete with conventional ones and often win this competition. Moreover, for organizing space on the balcony this is almost the only suitable option.

We are accustomed to the fact that blinds consist of thin slats interconnected. Depending on their location blinds are divided into vertical and horizontal. In addition, the group of blinds often includes structures in which solid panels are used instead of slats. fabric cloth, This roller blinds and pleated curtains.

No. 2. Material for making blinds

The following materials can be used to make blinds:

  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • textile;
  • tree;
  • bamboo.

Also possible multi-texture option when two or more materials are combined at once. The design and type of material used greatly influence the features and scope of use of blinds.

Plastic blinds

Plastic blinds received widespread, used on , balconies,bathrooms and even living rooms . Plastic is used to create mainly horizontal blinds, and among them main advantages:

  • low price;
  • hygiene and ease of care;
  • the ability to paint in any color and apply the texture of any material (for example, wood);
  • resistance to moisture and sunlight.

However, some recognize plastic not aesthetic enough for use in residential premises, but this is a matter of taste. The remaining disadvantages are associated with low-quality material, which can turn yellow, deform in the sun and break.

Fabric blinds

By popularity fabric blinds are catching up and even surpassing plastic ones. The fabric is also used to create vertical blinds, much less often horizontal ones. The latter are considered exclusive and cost accordingly.

The following fabrics are commonly used:

  • fiberglass, which is fire-resistant and indispensable in the kitchen;
  • polyester, dense, fade-resistant and easy to care for;
  • cotton– an option for lovers of all things natural. Preference should be given to the maximum thick fabric, which is less susceptible to deformation, stretching and warping;
  • jacquard– durable fabric with excellent sun protection qualities, option for the bedroom.

Manufacturers usually coat the fabric special impregnations, which protect blinds from fading, dust and odors, so minimal maintenance is required. Only sometimes you will have to do dry cleaning, in extreme cases - wet cleaning. The slats of vertical fabric blinds are different heights and shapes, so you can decorate any window opening with them and make it original. They can be of any color or pattern, and with reverse side fabric blinds can have a special coating that does not allow light to pass through - an option for bedrooms.

Wooden blinds

If you need to choose blinds for , or classic, then you can stop at wooden ones. Their main advantages:

  • beautiful appearance due to the natural pattern of wood;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • strength and ability to keep its shape perfectly;
  • durability.

Wood is suitable for horizontal blinds. Can be used more or less inexpensive breeds (Cork tree, Canadian linden, painted pine) or valuable(wenge, mahogany and rosewood). In any case, the price is several times higher than for plastic and fabric analogues, and not only the cost, but also the performance depends on the breed. The cheapest wooden blinds will be fragile and will soon begin to fade in the sun, changing color, but high-quality ones will last a long time and will not succumb to temperature influences. Wet cleaning wood is contraindicated - only dry cleaning is suitable. It is better not to make large structures from wood - they will look massive and weigh heavily.

Bamboo blinds

Bamboo blinds do not have the last drawback of wooden blinds - they are lightweight, and when rolled up they take up minimal space. The material is not afraid of sunlight, resistant to moisture, color ranges from light yellow to golden brown. From cons high price and the ability to deform under its own weight, so bamboo is not suitable for organizing large window openings.

Metal (aluminum) blinds

Metal blinds are usually made from lightweight Dur aluminum alloys . These are cheap designs that are usually used in production premises, but are also applicable in kitchens and interiors designed in loft or style. The slats can be perforated to create an unusual lighting effect or covered special materials to give them a velor surface.

TO benefits include ease of maintenance, resistance to ultraviolet radiation, moisture, fire, and low weight. Main minus– the property of rattling in a draft and deforming, but the price is low.

No. 3. Horizontal blinds

Which blinds should I choose for a small window opening? Definitely horizontal. Their versatility lies in the fact that they can be used to organize windows of almost any size and even for inclined roof windows.


  • take up minimal space;
  • wide possibilities in regulating sunlight, because the horizontal slats rotate according to the right angle, and the blinds can be raised to the required level, up to the complete release of the window;
  • simple installation and a variety of mounting options: on the window sash, in the window opening, behind the window opening;
  • large selection of materials.

From cons note less strength and ease of handling compared to vertical blinds. Standard width lamellas are 16 and 25 mm. Horizontal blinds can mounted between frames– this design significantly saves space while maintaining convenience, because the control mechanism is placed inside the room. For inclined windows there are attic structures , which are distinguished by the presence of special cables that help keep the blinds parallel.

No. 4. Vertical blinds

Vertical blinds are most similar to curtains and can only be made of fabric. The design is a system of vertical lamellas, which are fixed at the top and connected at the bottom with a chain. The lamella width is usually 127 or 89 mm: for large rooms Wider elements are applicable; in small ones, narrow slats will look more harmonious. The blinds open to one side or from the center in both directions, the length can be up to or down to the floor.


  • excellent appearance;
  • variety of design;
  • strength, practicality and durability;
  • vertical slats can visually slightly raise the ceilings;
  • ease of operation;
  • possibility of arranging window openings complex shapes(for example, arched).

Cons There are practically no such blinds, but you can find fault with the fact that they are not entirely compact.

No. 5. Cassette blinds

Cassette blinds are considered one of the varieties of horizontal. The basis of the design is a cassette, which is firmly attached to the window sash, and in which the assembled blinds are hidden. The system was specially designed for, very rarely found on wood. Blinds are made of plastic or fabric.

Since the blinds are installed flush against the glass, space is saved. The blinds do not interfere with the free opening of the shutters, as they are firmly attached to them. Moreover, this design opens up greater possibilities for regulation luminous flux, since one door can be left closed while opening the second one.

No. 6. Roller blinds and pleated blinds

Pleated blinds also made from fabric, sometimes from paper, which is processed by special machines to form horizontal folds, thanks to which the product is easy to fold and secure at a certain level. When folded, such curtains take up minimal space in window opening, and most importantly advantage lies in the possibility of use on windows complex configuration.
Blinds can be attached with or without drilling. When the structure is mounted to a wall, ceiling or window opening, self-tapping screws are used, but plastic windows It’s better not to drill – special brackets are provided for them.

No. 8. Blind control system

Blinds can be controlled:

No. 9. Blind color

Designers use several basic principles choice of blinds color:

You don’t have to settle for plain blinds – you can choose the option with drawing or even photo printing. The main thing is that they fit harmoniously into the interior: the more patterns, textures and colors used in the room, the more discreet the blinds should be.

Finally, the blinds don't get in the way test, opening and closing them 10-15 times in a row. A high-quality product will work smoothly, without jamming or squeaking, and the slats will not turn over.

Few people decorate the modern interior of rooms with boring curtains and curtains: much more practical and not inferior in color schemes and original presentation are blinds.

Once upon a time they were an element of office dullness and nondescriptness - today manufacturers offer such a variety of models, materials, textures and colors that choosing something special for the most varied interior of any room in the house will not be difficult.

You just need to find a little time to figure out how to choose the right blinds, and, in fact, find out what they are like.

Selecting blinds based on opening method

1. Vertical

This type of blinds is most similar to simple curtains, lamellas (strips) can be selected and ordered in different lengths. By moving them (to the center, to the right, to the left), you can change the shape of the blinds, adjust the light and shade in the room, and therefore easily influence the mood and appearance of the room.

There are 2 standards for the width of slats in vertical blinds:

  • “European” - 127 mm,
  • “American” - 89 mm.

If you are using blinds for large windows or as interior partition, then it is better to purchase wide slats, but narrow ones are suitable for small openings.

Vertical blinds are primarily chosen by owners of small rooms: such slats visually “stretch” the room, making the window wider and the ceilings higher.

2. Horizontal

Horizontal blinds will become ideal solution when designing small window openings: they do not load the already insufficiently large space. Such models are easily assembled and mounted on top of the window to open it completely. If you need to block the view of the room from others, but at the same time leave good lighting, it is enough to simply turn the slats with their narrow part towards the window. And in order to block out sunlight, the slats are installed with a “wall” to the window.

By positioning the slats in horizontal blinds, both the amount of light and the amount of air coming from outside can be easily adjusted.

The lamella width standards here are as follows:

  • 16 mm,
  • 25 mm.

Sami horizontal blinds usually made 150 cm high, and the width ranges from 30 to 70 cm.

3. Rolled

If in the previous two types of blinds the most different materials, then from the very name of this type it is clear that they can only be fabric or bamboo. This is a single canvas, made of some smooth material, that covers the window completely and, if necessary, quickly rolls up into a roll from the bottom up.

They are convenient to use in rooms where a free window sill is needed. IN daytime they will be under the ceiling in open state, and at night they can be lowered. If roller blinds have a beautiful texture and pattern (even original inserts made of beads, sequins or small stones), then when unfolded they look like a separate decorative element or even a painting.

It is important for their owners to know that such blinds require careful and careful handling: soot, grease and dirt will simply destroy them.

4. Cassette

This is a special subtype of horizontal blinds that is attached directly to the window frame. Most often they are used in conjunction with metal-plastic windows, extremely rarely - with wooden ones.

Due to the fact that they are installed close to the glass, space on the window sill is significantly saved. Each window sash has its own independent installation, and when it opens, a special cassette blind mechanism holds them in place.

So, you can open one window sash for sunlight, and leave the other closed.

5. Pleated blinds

Visually, such blinds resemble horizontal ones, but their basis is not slats, but a single pleated fabric.

The main advantages are the following:

  • they can be washed;
  • when opened they are aesthetically pleasing, but when folded they are practically invisible on the window;
  • closing is possible from bottom to top (convenient for ground floor windows);
  • they fit perfectly non-standard windows– in the form of a semicircle, trapezoid, triangle;
  • they can even be mounted on dormer or ceiling types of windows.

Blinds according to the materials from which they are made

1. Plastic

The main advantage of such models is their ability not to bend and keep their shape perfectly, unlike the same fabric ones. They are also easy to clean. But the disadvantages will directly depend on the price.

By purchasing the cheapest ones, you will get a fragile material and instability to temperature changes (the bright rays of the sun will heat them and turn them an unpleasant yellow color).

2. Fabric

These blinds are the most diverse (in density, shades and texture), and therefore the most popular. Polyester is a common manufacturing material - durable, capable of not fading in the sun for a long time and can be easily cleaned.

Adherents of everything natural opt for slats made of cotton fabrics. But the most important thing is the density of the material: the higher it is, the longer the lamella will look aesthetically beautiful: it will not be subject to deformation, distortion or stretching, but also the more expensive the blinds themselves.

For kitchens, fiberglass is used, which will not catch fire, and if it gets into fire, it will sinter and will not smoke or emit harmful substances.

3. Wooden

Let's say right away that this pleasure is not the cheapest. But there are more than enough advantages here:

  • naturally,
  • environmentally friendly,
  • durable.

Typically, strong but light wood species are used (for example, Canadian linden or balsa wood), and they are processed according to special technology. They are very easy to care for: the slats can simply be vacuumed.

4. Bamboo

Unlike wooden blinds, bamboo blinds are lightweight and very compact when rolled up. They are also resistant to moisture and are not afraid of sunlight. Their low weight allows them to be attached even to drywall.

Shades, depending on the color of the raw material, vary from light beige to rich golden brown or greenish. Their price is high, especially if the blinds are self made, which means repairs will be expensive.

Since bamboo can deform under its own weight, such blinds are not installed as one sheet over large areas.

5. Metal

In fact, they are found extremely rarely in residential premises; usually these are industrial rooms. After all, even with a slight wind they rattle terribly (the aluminum ones make a clicking noise).

In an apartment or house, few people might like this. Although they are easy to care for, they are not afraid of exposure to sunlight and are coated with special heat-resistant enamel.

Selection of accessories

Most often, blinds are made individually to the size of windows or other openings from a material chosen by the customer.

Blinds are always stocked standard fittings, such as:

  • cornice,
  • runners,
  • weights,
  • brackets and chains (connecting, control, etc.),
  • ropes.

However, you can always order additional fittings, for example, a comfortable metal handle, decorative strip (decor panel) or other details.

Good fittings will make the blinds aesthetically attractive and easy to use at the same time. Its main functions are increasing the comfort of use and improving the decorative qualities of the structure.

All metal fittings undergo galvanizing, chrome plating and varnishing. It becomes more resistant to corrosion and other external influences. The fittings are attached so that they can be easily replaced (if they break or lose their aesthetic appearance).

What about color scheme question, then the fittings are usually painted in a color close to the lamellas or, conversely, contrasting to them.

Advice. The quality of parts varies from company to company, but the operation of the entire mechanism depends on it - so you shouldn’t skimp on components.
Don't forget about the need for periodic windows.

How to choose blinds for a room?

So, blinds provide not only protection from the sun, but also perform the function decorative element or even zone division. A huge variety of models will allow anyone to find what is ideal suits the style premises and its appearance will solve a lot of problems and problems.

To the balcony

If the windows are made of aluminum or their design “spreads” to the sides, then cassette or roller blinds will not suit you. If the balcony is insulated with plastic, then vertical blinds are not your choice. For standard window frames Horizontal models, including cassette blinds, are best suited.

If the windows big size, pleated ones will look perfect. They are comfortable and practical, but it is the balcony that is prone to dust and dirt. If a loggia or balcony is a functional (for relaxation or work) and beautiful corner of the apartment, roller blinds are appropriate.

To the bathroom

In such a room, it is important that the blinds can withstand temperature changes and, of course, humidity (this also applies to swimming pools). Classic version- roller blinds or those that have different colors and artistic expressiveness, but always with an antibacterial and moisture-resistant coating.

The material should be chosen for reasons of practicality: so that it is easily cleaned from dirt and is not afraid of moisture (for example, plastic).

To the living room

This is where the choice is influenced, first of all, by the interior design. Vertical blinds made of expensive and luxury fabrics look original, horizontal blinds made of wood or high-quality wood-like plastic, as well as roller models.

Multi-textured blinds are also popular, combining a variety of materials and fabrics.

To the nursery

Such blinds must be heavy-duty, practical and, of course, beautiful. Roll models with a drawing or photo ideally correspond to these characteristics.

During the daytime, the sun's rays should penetrate well into the room to illuminate it, but if it is still small, then you need to be able to dim the light while you sleep.

Since the issue concerns a child, the environmental friendliness of the product comes first, which is something you absolutely cannot skimp on.

To the kitchen

Perhaps, among all the models, the most fashionable and worthy option for decorating a window in the kitchen is pleated. Other popular options are cassette and horizontal blinds made of aluminum.

Let's talk about this important issue, which blinds to choose. Blinds have a huge number of advantages; your comfort and convenience depends on how correctly the blinds are selected.

In the question of which is better than blinds or curtains, there are many pros and cons, let’s look at the undoubted advantages of blinds:

Curtains perform more of an aesthetic and decorative function, and blinds perfectly fulfill everything for your comfort, so to answer the question, what better than blinds or curtains you must answer based on your needs.

A little history, blinds appeared in the 18th century. They gained popularity only 200 years later. Today, anyone can purchase them, and their convenience and affordability have made them very popular in the market.

In order to answer the question of which blinds to choose and make the best choice, let's answer the following questions:

  • What types of blinds are there?
  • What to choose for a loggia or balcony?
  • Which blinds should I install for plastic windows and which ones for wooden ones?

Let's start our review with the types of blinds. If we consider the types of blinds, there are main types, although now there are also subspecies.

They are:

  • Horizontal.
  • Vertical.
  • Cassette blinds.
  • Blinds - pleated.
  • Roller blinds.


The most popular blinds. They are installed both in the sash and in the opening. The choice depends on the width of the slats and your color preferences. Sizes are simple. The wider the window, the wider the slats. Reliability. Simplicity of design. Horizontal blinds for plastic windows photo prices:


Installed as a replacement for curtains. Excellent protection from light. They are often impregnated with dust-repellent agents. Can be attached to a window opening, as well as to the ceiling or walls. Fabric is mainly used to make lamellas. Suitable for all types of windows.

Cassette blinds.

They were specially created for plastic windows. Attaches directly to the sash. Thanks to this, it can be opened together with the blinds. They do not allow light to pass through. Can last more than 10 years. Dust can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner or cloth. Cassette blinds for windows day and night photo:

Blinds - pleated.

Consist of two guides. A fabric is stretched between them and has folds. Rising upward, the blinds fold like an accordion. It has a weight at the bottom that pulls the fabric down. Due to this, it is in a vertical position. Pleated blinds are quite functional and convenient. This is achieved due to the absence of lamellas. It is also possible to close only part of the window.

Roller blinds.

They are fabric that is rolled into a roll. This is achieved due to a special mechanism located in the upper part of the window. They provide excellent protection from sunlight. Durable enough. Resistant to moisture. Excellent choice. True, it also has a number of disadvantages.

Such as:

The complexity of the lifting mechanism design.
Poor fit to the window surface.

Now let's figure out which blinds material is best to choose.

Types of blinds from:

  • Plastic.
  • Tree.
  • Aluminum.
  • Fabrics.

Plastic blinds are easy to clean. They do not require additional care. However, they should not be kept close to heat sources. Horizontal blinds for plastic windows photo prices:

Wooden blinds- the most environmentally friendly. They have a very beautiful natural pattern. In addition, they are one of the most reliable. The only and main disadvantage is their price.

Vertical blinds are usually made from aluminum. They are coated with a special compound that protects them from overheating in the open sun. Creates noise when open windows. Special clamps will save you from this. Easy to clean. Suitable for almost all rooms.

Fabric slats are treated with a special compound that repels dust. They are made from polyester. Pay attention to the density of the fabric of these slats. This determines how long they will retain their shape. Window blinds day night photo:

We've sorted out the material.

Next, we will look at what is best to choose for a balcony or loggia.

    • If your windows have an aluminum frame, then blinds that are mounted on the sashes will not suit you.
    • On small balconies, it is better to use small vertical models.
    • For casement windows, you should not choose vertical blinds. They will prevent the doors from opening.
    • If your balcony is used for relaxation, then hang blinds in light colors. Better made of fabric. This will add comfort to your balcony or loggia.

Now let's find out which blinds are better suited to plastic windows and which to wooden ones.

Let's start with the plastic ones.

They are mainly suitable for horizontal and vertical models. The material depends on the room. If we are talking about the kitchen, then the best option There will be plastic and aluminum. They are resistant to moisture and aggressive environments. They are easy to wash and clean.

It is better to install roller blinds in the bedroom.

A vertical model with photo printing is suitable for the living room.

Wooden windows.

Wooden blinds are best suited for them. Exactly this harmonious combination of all. We talked about the advantages and disadvantages of wooden blinds above.

Fabric blinds also work well. They are mounted in a window niche. Caring for them is problematic. But they create comfort and coziness.

Finally, a little about care.

Whatever type of blinds they are. And from what material? Dirt and dust will always accumulate on them. Therefore, they need to be cleaned regularly. There are special napkins and brushes for this. The slats of some blinds can be removed and placed in water. And then dry and hang in place.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this article was written to help answer the question of which blinds to choose. We hope that, guided by it, you will make a profitable purchase. And she won't disappoint you.

Until recently, blinds were perceived as a purely office option for window design. Today, they can often be found in residential premises. However, it is worth noting that horizontal blinds are still more often chosen for homes. To answer the question: “How to choose blinds?” Let's look at the features of each type.

Classic blinds are a device designed to protect rooms from sunlight, which consists of vertical or horizontal plates - slats made of various materials. These plates can be rotated around their axis, or they can be stationary. In the first case, it is convenient to regulate the amount of light by changing the angle of rotation or tilt of the plates.

For example, blind slats located at an angle of 45°, without darkening the room, will give it privacy and protect it from prying eyes, unlike thick curtains (this is especially important for residents of the first floors). And if we compare blinds with ordinary curtains or tulle, the advantage of slats is that during the hot part of the day they are able to protect the air in the room from overheating.

Both vertical and horizontal blinds have their pros and cons. The peculiarity of vertical ones is that their installation requires special conditions: interval from window sash to the ceiling (or upper slope) must be at least 3 cm, otherwise the window simply cannot be opened. However, even if all these requirements are met, there is no particular convenience in using this model of blinds: each time, in order to open the window, the vertical slats will have to be moved to the side.

Horizontal ones are convenient because they can be installed on almost any window (as well as glass doors) and in the most different rooms. They can be mounted on a wall or ceiling above a window opening, on upper slope opening or directly on the window (door) sash.

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The horizontal slats are connected to each other by cords and a “ladder” attached to the cornice with a control mechanism. In standard models, a rod (rotation) and a cord (raising, lowering) are used to change the position of the plates. The control of this type of blinds, such as cassette blinds, is somewhat different, but we will talk about them later.

Horizontal blinds can be purchased as finished product standard sizes(corresponding to the dimensions of standard windows) or order a product suitable for the format specific window. The total cost (measuring services, manufacturing, installation) will depend on the complexity of the design. The work takes on average from 2 to 5 days.

Types of blinds

Blind slats are made from various materials: metals, wood and plastics. It is difficult to answer definitively that one type of blinds is better - it all depends on the functional purpose of the room for which the blinds are selected, its style, the prevailing microclimate in it and the design (size) of the window itself.

Laconic and stylish metal blinds , made from aluminum alloys, look very organic in modern minimalist interiors. They are not only elegant, but also practical: metal plates are impervious to moisture and temperature changes. A slight bend in the cross section gives them additional rigidity. But still, such structures require careful handling: with strong bending, creases may appear on the lamellas that cannot be corrected.

Another feature: in direct sunlight, the records can get quite hot. Nevertheless, they are fireproof and not subject to fading. By the way, the choice of shades and decor is varied. The records are coated with protective coloring compounds that are resistant to scratches and abrasion.

Blinds in natural shades, made made of wood – an excellent option for eco-style interiors.

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Structures made from environmentally friendly wood, coated with several layers of varnish (to protect against ultraviolet rays), are distinguished by their noble appearance, strength, durability.

In such designs, the standard fastening cord is often replaced with a wide decorative tape that has a woody tint - this gives eco-friendly blinds a special charm. But of course, in comparison with blinds made from other materials wooden structures are more expensive.

In addition to the high price, there is another drawback: due to changes in temperature and humidity, thin wooden plates can become deformed and change color, and therefore it is undesirable to install them in damp rooms.

Plastic slats are often disguised as wood. They generally look very aesthetically pleasing. Also plastic blinds They are practical: they are resistant to moisture, resistant to cleaning agents, and easy to clean. Do not heat up and do not fade from exposure to sunlight. In addition to “wood” ones, plastic blinds in light, pastel colors are popular.

However, all of the listed advantages of plastic relate only to quality products not the lowest price category. In general, the range of prices for plastic blinds is large: from 500 to 3000 rubles. per sq.m. Cheap structures made from low-quality plastic can change color and even release harmful chemical compounds at high temperatures and when exposed to the sun.

Variety metal structuresperforated blinds . Their plates have small (1 mm in diameter) cells that occupy up to 8% of the surface. Thanks to these holes, the blinds do not completely darken the room, but, like ordinary products Made of aluminum, excellent protection from the sun. And, being completely closed, they 100% block the room from prying eyes, and at the same time allow you to observe what is happening outside the window.


Blinds - this element of the interior has long gone beyond office premises. Thanks to the huge selection of designs and materials for making blinds, they fit perfectly into any interior, adding the necessary notes to the textures of the room. Modern blinds can become key element, setting the necessary style for the interior. But to create the desired effect, you will have to go through a difficult path.

Step one: blinds or curtains

Advice: before you start selecting the ideal blinds, you need to determine exactly what they are needed.

For example, a classic pompous interior will argue with modern elements decor. In this case, traditional curtains would be more appropriate.

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Curtains have a number of advantages in terms of design variability, but we must not forget about such disadvantages as:

  • the difficulty of choosing fabric and selecting drapery options;
  • limited options for regulating room entry daylight and fresh air;
  • curtains are one of the main dust collectors;
  • the window sill turns out to be hidden and unused;
  • curtains are easily damaged by pets;
  • Keeping curtains clean is a labor-intensive process.

On the other hand, the advantages of blinds are obvious:

  • There is a wide range of products on the market already ready-made solutions blinds, you can choose the right one without resorting to the help of a decorative designer;
  • blind designs are functional and cope with complex light and heat-reflecting tasks;
  • do not clutter up the space near the window, leaving the window sill open to access;
  • easy to care for.

A video about choosing curtains or blinds will help you decide what is best for you.

If the shortcomings of curtains cause a persistent reluctance to see them in the interior, if the blinds do not contradict the discerning taste, then you can safely move on to the second stage.

Step two: choosing blinds

A video on how to choose blinds for plastic windows shows the main stages of the process of choosing this decorative element specifically for plastic windows.

There are a huge number of options for blinds on the modern market, so as not to get confused, it is necessary to highlight their main types.

Types of blinds

  1. Classification by type of construction

Vertical - the option most familiar to the eye accustomed to ordinary curtains. The main elements of blinds - the slats - are located perpendicular to the floor; accordingly, the blinds move like curtains: left and right. Good for panoramic windows And sliding doors leading, for example, to a terrace or loggia.

Horizontal blinds consist of slats parallel to the floor. This type of blinds is the most common, found both in office premises, and in apartments. It offers several installation options, so it can be used in different conditions.

Pleated blinds – non-standard option, suitable for those who do not like hackneyed solutions. In essence, it is a curtain made of pleated material installed directly into the window. Accordion pleated blinds are assembled using a cord.

Shaped blinds roller blinds(roller blinds) - the basis of the design: a roller on which fabric is wound, allowing you to see the street, but keeping secret what is happening inside the room.

Roller blinds can provide varying degrees of sun protection. They are mounted in the window opening and can fit tightly to the glass. If there is a need for protection from burglars, metal roller shutters installed outside are used.

Cassette blinds are similar in operating principle to roller blinds, the difference is that they are a one-piece structure - a cassette. This frame with a roller is mounted on the window sash and does not restrict its movement.

  1. Classification according to light protection intensity

Blinds are divided into: light-absorbing, light-reflecting and light-diffusing.

  1. Classification by materials

Plastic blinds are the most common option. They are easy to care for, but provide little protection from the sun, and when heated, they are often accompanied by an unpleasant chemical odor. - that's more aesthetic option for plastic windows, because it saves space and weighs nothing anywhere.

Fabric blinds have great potential for inclusion in interior design. The color range is wide, it is possible to use photo printing on slats, so fabric blinds fit into any room.

Wooden, including bamboo. These blinds are environmentally friendly with excellent light insulation properties. The disadvantage is the high cost. An alternative would be faux wood blinds. This is a complex material made of plastic and wood particles, combining their advantages.

Aluminum blinds are primarily strong and durable, easy to maintain and impress with their heat and light reflective properties.

Multi-texture blinds are difficult option for discerning tastes. The combination of textures and materials is designed to create a unique look for any interior.

Advice: Do not choose blinds without the recommendations of specialists with extensive experience in installing them.

In order not to regret choosing blinds in the future, you need to accurately determine the following positions:

  • type of construction, direction of the lamellas and sides in which they will move;
  • option for controlling blinds, it is important to consider the availability of the control mechanism.
  • material and texture;
  • mounting option and corresponding dimensions;
  • color and design;
  • correspondence general interior premises

Depending on the initial data, the approach to choosing blinds also varies.

Not all designs and mounting options for blinds are suitable for plastic windows. For example, the option with vertical blinds installed close to the glass is not possible.

We invite you to read the article about installation vertical blinds on a plastic window, it describes installation methods and provides a video -

You know what a comb for plastic windows is and what it is used for. The answer can be found -

To make the slopes look beautiful, finish them. Working with slopes of plastic windows outside and inside

The most popular option for plastic windows would be horizontal blinds located inside the double-glazed window. The second place in popularity is occupied by roller blinds, especially with special guides that guarantee the proximity of the fabric to the glass, respectively good protection from the sun. Cassette blinds are a universal option for windows with in non-standard ways opening or for example attics. For plastic structures Pleated blinds are also suitable. Their main advantage in this case is lightness.

Choosing blinds for wooden windows

Greater value there is an aesthetic here. Owners wooden windows You should think about maintaining environmental themes in the interior and choose wooden or bamboo blinds. If guided general principles decor, then in rooms with high ceilings You can hang horizontal blinds, but to visually raise the ceiling, it is better to resort to vertical structures.

Obviously, you will have to abandon blinds mounted on the window sash if the balcony is glazed using aluminum frames.

They are also of little use for loggias - the design of the ceiling on the balcony rarely allows you to attach anything to it, and the space is not large, why hide it with bulky blinds.

The material of the blinds must be resistant to atmospheric influences and easy to clean.

Accordingly, compact roller blinds and cassette blinds mounted directly on the shutters will be optimal. If the selection process is successfully completed, the most critical stage begins. Mistakes at this stage most often lead to disastrous results.

Step three: measurements

How to measure horizontal blinds for plastic windows

  1. When attaching to the sash, two measurements are taken: the width of the blinds is the distance between the window glazing beads plus 30 mm, the height of the blinds is the length of the window sash.
  2. If the blinds will be installed in the opening, then it is necessary to measure the height and width of the glass at three points, since the geometry of the window can vary. From each series of three measurements, take the smallest one.
  3. To install blinds on a wall, you need to add 10 cm to the width of the window opening; the height is determined by the wishes of the customer, depending on the position relative to the window sill. The main thing is that there is a margin of 5 cm in height - for attaching the cornice above the window.

To help you see a video on how to install blinds on a plastic window, now you can easily install blinds with your own hands.

How to measure vertical blinds

  1. Fastening in the opening: the width of the blinds is the width of the window at the top minus 2 cm, the length is the smallest value of the height of the opening in the left and right corners of the window minus 1 cm.
  2. To install blinds on the wall, you need to measure the width and height of the window. Then the width of the blinds will be at least 10 cm larger than the window size, and the height of the blinds will be equal to the height of the window plus 5 cm - for blinds reaching the window sill. If the window sill needs to be closed, add the necessary cm.
  3. When installing blinds to the ceiling, you need to measure the distance from the ceiling to the window sill minus 2 cm - this is the height of the blinds, the width of the blinds is equal to the size of the window opening plus 10 cm.

In any case, it is better to entrust this matter to specialists, but in general the installation scheme is as follows:

  • unpacking;
  • I'll eat decorative overlay on the cornice;
  • the blinds are applied to the planned installation location;
  • fixed with self-tapping screws;
  • the decorative strip returns to its place.

Step five: operation

If the long path from selection to installation has been successfully completed, it is worth taking careful care of the blinds to extend their service life.

Plastic slats should be regularly wiped with a soft cloth and soapy water. Wooden blinds require dry cleaning. Fabric slats are removed and washed delicately: rolled into a roll, soaked in soapy water, they straighten out due to their own weight while still wet and set in place.

Blinds are a wonderful decorative element with a lot of advantages, but they require a competent approach to selection and installation.