What to combine with gold wallpaper. Golden or light gold wallpaper for walls: relevance of application and options that will help decorate your home in exquisite gilded tones. Rules for using a golden hue

To create a high-quality interior, you have to use the most different colors. Most often, designers make do with a standard palette dominated by white, black, red, green, yellow and blue shades, but in some cases they also use exclusive options. One of the colors that has migrated from exclusive to ordinary is gold.

Perfectly chosen colors for the bedroom

Of course, it has not lost its distinctive qualities, but is now used everywhere. Today we will tell you how to properly use gold wallpaper in the interior, what place to give it and how to maintain balance when decorating walls in this color.

Expensive shade of yellow

Today we have the opportunity to use any colors in our interior. But before you build laconic design, it’s worth learning more about them and their impact on a person, his mood, and psychological well-being.

The golden tone is obtained from yellow by adding some orange color and metallic shine. Like yellow, it is filled with positive energy, warmth, good mood, a charge of vivacity.

The use of such bright colors The yellow palette is considered the lot of young, energetic people. , can invigorate, energize, make the brain work, if it happens in the kitchen, then with activity comes an appetite.

Luxurious furnishings in the bedroom

But designers do not recommend covering all surfaces of the walls of the room with yellow.

  • Firstly, yellow contributes to the visual compression of the room; it seems smaller to you than it actually is. For small rooms, it's just a disaster.
  • Secondly, after the stage of activity there is always a period of fatigue, and such an interior will not allow you to do this. As a result, the annoying walls of the room may cause you to experience psychological exhaustion, apathy, and even depression.

Like this great example how thoughtfully you need to choose colors and paints for the walls of your home. But let's return to our gold.

Gold color is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The successful combination of yellow and orange, enriched with an original metallic sheen, makes this color truly mesmerizing. It's nice to look at him in any situation, be it jewel, golden wallpaper on the surface of the walls or the decoration of the huge domes of the church.

It is also noteworthy that the golden color looks different in life and in the picture. Even modern technology is not yet able to convey the depth of brilliance of this tone. This is partly why the color gold is so loved and revered by many people.

Wallpaper in gold color

As in ancient times, so now, when you see the decoration of the walls of a room in this color, thoughts about the wealth of the owner always arise. Golden wallpaper is designed not only to decorate the walls, but also to show the status of the room, its high level. Other design elements made in gold will indicate the unique luxury and fashionability of the interior. In addition, gold emits heat, which adds luxurious room comfort. Oh, how nice it is to be in such a space.

Exclusive textured wallpaper on the walls of the room

But in pursuit of the beauty of royal palaces, the main thing is not to overdo it, and not to turn the beautiful aura of luxury and wealth into tasteless boasting and gypsyism. The elusive line must be found in the process of developing the design of a room, and you should not cross it.

Most often, wallpaper with a gold pattern or completely gold tone is used in classic styles, but also modern minimalism allows the use of such pretentious shades.

To make this easier to work with original color, designers have developed several simple recommendations, which you need to remember in the process of preparing the interior of your dreams.

Spectacular 3D wallpaper in the living room
  • Gold should be used in moderation, covering no more than a third of the wall space. Because the color gold belongs to the palette warm colors, it not only adds coziness and bliss to the room, but also visually reduces its space, as if bringing the walls closer to you. In addition, the metallic shine that the color is equipped with in large quantities will create a strong strain on the eyes, and with artificial lighting it will be even more difficult to be in such a room.
  • The color of gold is the main one; it is used either to create one, basic accent, or for a number of small ones, correctly distributed around the room. To create harmonious design, gold definitely needs to be diluted with light tones. If you don’t see it in yourself to create a balanced interior, give this opportunity to a designer you know.
  • When designing an interior using gold paints, you need to choose one style and strictly follow it. When choosing classic monograms for wallpaper, you should not build a design in modern styles, and vice versa, if you have a simple, laconic wall decoration, a large number of accessories, lighting and household items that have monograms on them are useless.

Minimalism and hi-tech involve the use of plain canvases for the walls of the room; modernism is characterized by the presence of embossing and texture on the wallpaper; neat gold patterns and monograms on dark tones indicate the classical style; East style reflected in large ornaments on the wallpaper.

Presentation of gold in modern style

Shades of golden color are designed to emphasize the direction you have chosen. For example, for classicism it is customary to use more faded tones, monograms, and canvases with complex patterns, while modern styles allow the use of bright and rich shades without patterns.

To comfortably place gold in the interior, you should wisely choose a pair for it; let's look at the most popular combinations.


The golden color is very strong, it is not advisable to choose an active pair for it; it is necessary to find background solutions that support the pressure and activity of this color.

Among the most popular options are the following:

  • A palette of pastel colors does an excellent job of smoothing out the intensity of gold. White tones will add freshness, compensate for changes in space, and give the interior balance. We often have white shades on many details, on the ceiling, because it is a universal and simple color. Beige shades will also be appropriate in their light manifestation. It is gratifying that beige and golden wallpaper can be presented in any room.
  • With other shades of yellow and itself, the color of gold also coexists quite well. A warm and assertive interior can be perfectly represented in the kitchen space, in large bedrooms and even children's, where there is some zoning. Black and red accessories and household items can always complement this pair.
  • Green shades combined with gold will be appropriate in the busiest rooms of your home. The combination of relaxation and warmth creates a comfortable aura for a person. In addition, we need green colors so much in Everyday life. In classic interiors, green shades are most often represented by floral patterns or geometry; monograms are used extremely rarely. Red accessories can be the accent points in this combination.

Rich in colors beautiful interior
  • Blue shades look very elegant and pretty as a pair. Blue tones with their freshness compensate for the warmth of gold and harmoniously complement it. This spectacular pair is used to recreate vintage interiors, luxurious and unique, in which gold monograms cover blue walls. By the way, if blue monograms cover golden walls, the interior looks no worse. This combination was frankly peeped modern designers from their old colleagues, who were also very fond of monograms and ornate designs.
  • Brown shades are designed to create a classic interior discreet style characteristic of noble people. Brown wallpaper interspersed with golden tones look very elegant. The picture is complemented by furniture made from natural wood, thick curtains and light tulle. This room should have a lot of light, so if there is not enough natural lighting, use more artificial lighting.
  • With deep, rich colors, gold looks simply amazing. For beautiful classic interiors, red, burgundy, blue, purple tones. These combinations give birth to passionate, strong, assertive interiors, more suitable for living rooms, halls, and rooms for entertaining guests. Such colors would be inappropriate for a bedroom, although we like dark red interiors so much.

Burgundy wallpaper with gold damask pattern
  • Against a black background, the gold color looks very impressive. The contrast that the black shades embody allows it to stand out before us. But for interior decoration such a pair will be too dark. Therefore, the interior uses black details with gold inserts, monograms, and patterns. They complement the overall picture of luxury and nobility.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of decent colors to combine; almost the entire palette of classic colors is used. But so that you can finally decide on your choice, let’s say a few words about the use of gold color in different rooms.


Let's start with such a close, dear and most important bedroom.


Classic styles: baroque, art deco, rococo, will perfectly represent the color of gold in your bedroom. Design with an emphasis on luxury and the richness of antiquity will create an excellent individual space. Gold will add gloss and shine to your chambers.

You can create a strong gold accent in the bedside area using bright colors, monograms, patterns, or wallpaper in a slightly faded tone, without a pattern, with some embossing, around the entire perimeter of the room.

The bedroom renovation was successful

White and its shades will help lighten the design; it will add freshness and adjust the space. Wallpaper in gold color will not greatly disturb the bedroom space, so it is permissible to use it in rooms with different dimensions.

Create luxurious bedroom Burgundy and red tones will help, which on wallpaper with relief will seem like velvet or silk. Passionate burgundy shades in combination with golden tones, they will create a unique atmosphere of sensuality and tenderness. No wonder this color combination was one of the favorites of the nobility of past centuries.

Living room

A solemn, aristocratic interior cannot exist without gold. By using this color we set a pompous style for our living room, hall, big room. Moreover, we can vary the degree of severity, with the same wall coverings, using furniture.

By choosing wooden furniture in light colors, we lighten the atmosphere, making it more relaxed, while with dark, high-quality wooden furniture, an aura of seriousness, severity, and some intimacy appears.

A good mix of old and new

Of course, the most advantageous style for a living room using gold will be classic. But to build a truly high-quality interior, in addition to wallpaper you will need good furniture, curtains, household items and accessories. This is where black details with gold accents would be more appropriate than ever.

Other premises

Gold color is rarely found in the kitchen; silver motifs are more often used. But at the same time, it can be used for finishing some surfaces. This one will easily fit in, beige or white, and will increase your appetite.

Wallpaper is used extremely rarely in the bathroom, but durable modern vinyl sheets can be completely glued to walls that do not have direct contact with water. The gold color in this room will perfectly complement the nautical theme of blue or blue.

If you want to use gold color in the hallway, first take care of high-quality lighting. Subsequently, together with artificial light, metallic highlights of gold will help to slightly increase the space in this place. Black paints in the hallway will be inappropriate, so choose furniture in brown colors.

For big houses Such an interior would also be appropriate in a hallway

Curtains for wallpaper made in gold tones are best selected neutral shades: white, beige, gray. For classic interiors it is permissible to use dense dark curtains from quality materials together with light tulle. The same patterns and monograms on wallpaper and curtains will look very cool.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the use of wallpaper made in golden tones will create a festive, solemn atmosphere in which Special attention will be given to luxury and wealth. Use this color in moderation, create an interior in the same style, choose a high-quality color pair, and then you will be able to enjoy the beauty of your room for a long time.

It's easy to add royal chic to your room. Gold wallpaper will help bring an atmosphere of luxury, prosperity and prosperity into the interior.


The golden color is associated with sunshine, warmth, and joy. In the interior, it also evokes the luxury of gold, wealth and prosperity.

The noble metallic shade stimulates activity and determination, inspires confidence and calm. The design of a room with such wallpaper makes an impression elite, expensive and unique.

The golden palette is complex and multifaceted - it includes muted light yellow, rich amber, and dark bronze shades. The characteristic shine of the surface attracts attention and fascinates. Wallpaper changes depending on the lighting appearance- from light shimmer to radiant shimmer.

Shiny canvases reflect light, which visually enlarges the room, making it brighter and more comfortable. The feeling of spaciousness allows the golden hue to look equally beautiful in both large living rooms and miniature bedrooms.

Golden wallpaper fits especially effectively into a classic setting. However, the variety of design options allows you to decorate rooms of almost any style with such canvases.


The appearance of golden wallpaper may vary depending on the interior:

  • The classic style involves elegant gold ornaments (medallions and damasks) on a white, beige, blue, burgundy or green background.
  • Wallpaper in the Art Deco style can have similar patterns, but in this case the contrast is much more pronounced. Black and brown colors are usually used as the main background here.

  • Modern welcomes plain wallpaper with embossing. Modern gold prints on a white background and options with a 3D optical effect are also acceptable. Geometric figures, stripe, plant patterns– the choice of models is very wide.
  • Minimalism and hi-tech styles are characterized by smooth textures.

Rules for using a golden hue

Gilding in the interior is good only in moderation. The predominance of golden tones weighs down the decor and makes it tasteless. Optimal quantity a brilliant shade, on the contrary, gives the interior elegance and fills the room with light. The best ratio is 1/3.

This can be achieved by choosing wallpaper with a discreet gold pattern or asymmetrical wall design (placing accents on individual areas).

Don't get carried away with gold accessories. Even in a Baroque interior, you should not combine such wallpaper with gilded furniture parts, chandeliers and other decorative elements (or do this extremely carefully, observing the measure).

Also, do not forget about the unity of style, the combination of wallpaper design with furniture, curtains and other components of a harmonious environment.

Golden color in different rooms


This room is intended for relaxation. Shimmering gold wallpaper will help turn your bedroom into a fabulous, sophisticated apartment. In such an environment, you can enjoy your sleep, feeling like a royal person.

Preferred here bright hues and a print with a subtle sheen. Bright lights are not suitable here, as they will interfere with relaxation. The same goes for contrasting tones, which are inappropriate here.

Typically one of two finishing options is used. The first is to highlight the wall above the head of the bed in gold. The other walls of the room are decorated with plain white, beige or cream wallpaper. The second design option allows covering all walls light wallpaper with golden print.

Living room

In the living room luxury wallpaper with golden glitter will be very appropriate. They will create a festive atmosphere for receiving guests and will speak about the aristocratic taste of the owners of the house.

Here you can focus on elegance and even a little pomp. Effective contrasts are acceptable. Great for this suitable furniture from solid wood in dark colors.

Wallpaper can be either completely gold or have a base color with a gold print. The background can be either neutral light tones or dark shades. The choice depends only on the size of the room and personal taste. In a spacious room, the color of the wallpaper can be any. If the room is not large in size, it is better to opt for a light color scheme.

In the living room, gold can be present not only on the walls, but also in other elements. These could be vases, furniture fittings, lamps, and so on. The main thing is to remember balance and maintain moderation.


Golden gloss in the kitchen - not quite good decision. After all, many shiny details are already used in the design of this room. However, if you really want to add a little glamor to your interior, you can choose golden matte wallpaper with a discreet pattern. This will give the space depth and a special mood.


The entrance area is the first thing that guests of your home see. It sees off and greets the owners themselves every day. Gold wallpaper will captivate you at first sight, enchant you with its brilliance, and make you want to come back.

Here it is only important to take into account the size of the room. IN small corridor It is better to choose wallpaper that is not too shiny and does not have a pronounced pattern. IN spacious hallway A large print would also be appropriate.

Also, do not forget about practicality. In the hallway, as in the kitchen, washable wallpaper is the best choice. They are easy to keep clean, because a flawless appearance in a golden interior is especially important.

Combination with other shades

To visually expand the room and add light to it, you need to pay attention to light colors. White, cream, milky, peach, beige colors. This combination makes the interior is light and graceful. This also applies to the wallpaper itself (for example, a golden print on white or beige background), and to interior items.

Snow-white furniture, as well as natural light shades wood (" bleached oak"and others), sofas, armchairs, poufs with light upholstery.

The luxurious duo creates a combination of gold and brown colors. Can be matched to gold wallpaper beautiful furniture in brown shades, or you can decorate the walls with wallpaper chocolate color with golden print.

The first option is ideal for small rooms. It allows you to visually increase the area of ​​the room and effectively place accents. The second option will make the room shockingly luxurious. Typically this technique is used in the art deco style.

One more no less spectacular option- combination of gold and black. This interior looks stylish and expensive, but it is important to maintain a balance here. Colors should either be used in equal proportions, or there should be less black than gold.

The combination of a golden hue with deep blue is suitable for decorating living rooms in classic style. This combination looks elegant and noble, emphasizing the luxury of gold details. The combination of gilding and pale blue is suitable for furnishings in the Provence style.

Burgundy is another classic shade. It makes the room respectable and creates a mood of solemnity. However, due to the richness of the color, it is recommended to use it in moderation, diluting the interior with other colors.

Golden color is rarely combined with green. In this case, calm, dim shades are suitable for classic interiors. Dark green creates a solid interior, pistachio looks gentle and romantic.

Gold and turquoise – bright option For modern styles. Can also be used grey colour. This will add severity to the atmosphere and balance the brightness of the gilding.

How to choose curtains?

When choosing a curtain design, you need to focus on the style of the room. As for the material, it must be dense. Light translucent curtains will conflict with the design theme and look out of place.

Tulle is acceptable here, but only in combination with night curtains. At the same time, it must be white, plain and not too lush.

Color has long ceased to be just a name for the color of an object. IN modern world not only psychologists, but even ordinary people recognize the influence of different shades on a person’s psycho-emotional state. Therefore, it is incredibly important what tones and colors surround us, because they can play a key role in behavior and have a strong influence on our mood.

How does the color yellow and its shades affect the psyche?

As you know, the color gold is derived from yellow. What associations do you have when you hear the words: sunflower, sunshine, chicken, smileys? Of course, the following: warmth, summer, high spirits, joy, activity. It’s not for nothing that yellow is considered the color of the active and young. If your apartment or room is decorated in this sunny, warm color, then it will stimulate the speed of brain processes and decision-making, yellow in the kitchen will activate appetite and improve digestion, and in the nursery it will help the baby to be more dexterous and flexible.

But, like everywhere else, there is also back side medals. An abundance of yellow, like an abundance of stimulation, can tire and lead to a state of mental and physical exhaustion.

As a result, nervousness, loss of strength and even depression may occur. In addition, yellow, or rather some of its shades, can visually “eat up” space, which is simply destructive for small rooms. Therefore, it is necessary to choose shades of yellow and their quantity extremely carefully.

Golden is the king of flowers

It would seem that there is something special about this color. Indeed, at its core, the shade of gold is a combination of yellow and orange, with its inherent specific metallic shine, which makes this color special. It will also be interesting that it looks completely different in person and in photographs.

The point is precisely this mesmerizing metallic shine, which not a single monitor or photo can convey. You should only look at gold in person, and it doesn’t matter if it’s an ornate ring on the counter of a jewelry store or the decorated walls of a palace.

Golden wallpaper in the interior from the Middle Ages to the present

The golden shine of walls and furniture always evokes thoughts of luxury and wealth. It gives a feeling of some special charming warmth and comfort. That comfort and gloss that was inherent in royal palaces and noble estates, and which is so lacking modern apartments. But here it is very important not to overdo it, because an excess of glitter and gold can create a feeling of boasting and boasting of the owners of the house, instead of the desired aura of sophistication and wealth.

This tone is used to create chic interior in styles such as:

  • Baroque
  • Rococo
  • Classicism
  • High tech

4 basic rules for using gold wallpaper

To highlight the best sides your interior, using gold-colored wallpaper and, at the same time, not going overboard, indicating the bad taste of the owners of the house, you need to adhere to four simple rules the use of this color in the design and decoration of premises.

  1. The most important thing is a sense of proportion. It should be understood that gold belongs to warm colors, which means that you cannot use it in large quantities, as it visually eats up space. An excess of this color is difficult for the eyes to perceive, especially in well-lit rooms, where gold will also create glare. Experienced designers It is recommended to use it in a ratio of 1:3, diluting it with other colors.
  2. If your sense of style is poor, then it is better to entrust interior design with gold-colored wallpaper to professionals. After all, the main thing here is to make either one big accent or several small ones. For example, if you decide to decorate a room with gold wallpaper, then everything else, with the exception of one or two small accessories, should be done in calmer colors.
  3. Strict adherence to one style is extremely important when you are working with the color gold. If your wallpaper sparkles with classic monograms, or has numerous patterns and ornaments, then Art Nouveau lamps and Arabian golden pillows will simply be out of place.
  4. Play with shades. Different tones of gold are inherent in different directions in interior design. Muted, antique-style, will be appropriate in a classic design style with patterns, and shiny and bright - in different directions of modernism.

How to combine gold wallpaper with other colors

As mentioned above, gold is appropriate in the interior in a 1:3 combination. And it’s incredibly difficult to find a pair for it. It can only be noted that this color harmoniously combines with most light and pastel shades. A color combination such as gold with grey, white, peach or beige will create a feeling of lightness in the room and will also promote rest and relaxation.

The combination will give the room a special radiance and richness chocolate furniture and golden wallpaper. It is also interesting that manufacturers often choose some kind of base for elaborate monograms or designs. So, on sale we can often see red, brown, blue, light blue, burgundy, white or gray wallpaper with gold patterns.

For lovers of stylish and expensive interior will suit tandem of black and gold. With such an interior solution, you need to correctly arrange color accents. Do not dilute this combination with any other colors. Black in this combination should be the background, and gold will serve as wall decoration, door handles, furniture fittings, accessories.

Which curtains to choose for gold wallpaper

Curtains with gold wallpaper for rooms such as a living room, bedroom or kitchen should be selected with special care. I take into account the specifics of this bright shade, most designers advise choosing curtains in soft, light colors. The most commonly used are: beige, muted light green, creamy light gray and other similar options.

Golden wallpaper

Any color used in interior design is associative and carries the main meaning for all those who are in the room. Many people associate the golden color with wealth and luxury, but besides this, do not forget that it is also a shade of yellow and is intended to bring joy and warmth into the interior.

The interior can be very harmonious

Shade characteristics

Application of wallpaper golden color acceptable in almost any interior, but in order for this shade not to spoil the decor, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. Sense of proportion - this color is included in the category of warm. At correct use and with sufficient lighting, it can expand the boundaries of any room and bring warmth into it. Please note that oversaturation with this tone has the opposite effect, and everyone in the room feels uncomfortable. Therefore, in order not to spoil the perception of the interior of a room with golden-colored wallpaper, you need to use it in a ratio of 1:3, diluting it with companion colors;
  2. A sense of style means that the use of this shade is not allowed everywhere, but only partially. And if gold-colored wallpaper is used in the design of the room, then a different color scheme should be used for the rest of the interior elements;
  3. Unity of style - the use of wallpaper with a classic print, pattern or stripes implies the presence in the interior of other elements, also designed in a classic style. At the same time, the presence of lamps and decorative items in the Art Nouveau style is not allowed;
  4. The shade of the wallpaper should match the direction of the interior itself. A more muted golden color is always appropriate in a shabby chic style room.

Please note! The color of the curtains, when combined with wallpaper of a given shade, should be slightly darker than the surrounding walls.

Photo: a luxurious holiday will be provided here

Color combination

You shouldn’t use too much golden color when decorating your interior, and what’s more, you need to choose the right combination. To visually add light and space to the room, you should pay attention to light colors that go well with gold: gray, beige, white, peach.

If you need to focus on expensive furnishings, then chocolate and terracotta colors are used for the combination. For example, gold wallpaper will go well with dark wood furniture.

A special style is brought by the combination with black, and golden should only be used as a secondary color.

Photo: interior of a luxurious and soulful living room

Where to use

When creating the design of almost any room, you can use golden wallpaper:

  1. living room (hall) - golden is best combined with black, beige and brown tones;
  2. bedroom – golden in light shades is best used only as a pattern and print with pictures;
  3. bathroom - applicable in plumbing details, for decoration.

Color has long ceased to be just a name for the color of an object. In the modern world, not only psychologists, but even ordinary people recognize the influence of different shades on a person’s psycho-emotional state. Therefore, it is incredibly important what tones and colors surround us, because they can play a key role in behavior and have a strong influence on our mood.

This color has its many admirers.

How does the color yellow and its shades affect the psyche?

As you know, the color gold is derived from yellow. What associations do you have when you hear the words: sunflower, sunshine, chicken, smileys? Of course, the following: warmth, summer, high spirits, joy, activity. It’s not for nothing that yellow is considered the color of the active and young. If your apartment or room is decorated in this sunny, warm color, then it will stimulate the speed of brain processes and decision-making, yellow in the kitchen will activate appetite and improve digestion, and in the nursery it will help the baby to be more dexterous and flexible.

But, as everywhere else, there is a flip side to the coin. An abundance of yellow, like an abundance of stimulation, can tire and lead to a state of mental and physical exhaustion.

As a result, nervousness, loss of strength and even depression may occur. In addition, yellow, or rather some of its shades, can visually “eat up” space, which is simply destructive for small rooms. Therefore, it is necessary to choose shades of yellow and their quantity extremely carefully.

Golden is the king of flowers

Photo: such combination options are also possible

It would seem that there is something special about this color. Indeed, at its core, the shade of gold is a combination of yellow and orange, with its inherent specific metallic shine, which makes this color special. It will also be interesting that it looks completely different in person and in photographs.

The point is precisely this mesmerizing metallic shine, which not a single monitor or photo can convey. You should only look at gold in person, and it doesn’t matter if it’s an ornate ring on the counter of a jewelry store or the decorated walls of a palace.

Golden wallpaper in the interior from the Middle Ages to the present

The golden shine of walls and furniture always evokes thoughts of luxury and wealth. It gives a feeling of some special charming warmth and comfort. That coziness and elegance that was inherent in royal palaces and manorial estates, and which is so lacking in modern apartments. But here it is very important not to overdo it, because an excess of glitter and gold can create a feeling of boasting and boasting of the owners of the house, instead of the desired aura of sophistication and wealth.

This tone is used to create a chic interior in styles such as:

  • Baroque
  • Rococo
  • Classicism
  • High tech

This is how it is formatted classic interior, reminiscent of royal palaces and noble estates

4 basic rules for using gold wallpaper

To highlight the best aspects of your interior using gold-colored wallpaper and, at the same time, not to overdo it, indicating the bad taste of the owners of the house, you need to adhere to four simple rules for using this color in the design and decoration of premises.

  1. The most important thing is a sense of proportion. It should be understood that gold belongs to warm colors, which means that you cannot use it in large quantities, as it visually eats up space. An excess of this color is difficult for the eyes to perceive, especially in well-lit rooms, where gold will also create glare. Experienced designers advise using it in a ratio of 1:3, diluting it with other colors.
  2. If your sense of style is poor, then it is better to entrust interior design with gold-colored wallpaper to professionals. After all, the main thing here is to make either one big accent or several small ones. For example, if you decide to decorate a room with gold wallpaper, then everything else, with the exception of one or two small accessories, should be done in calmer colors.
  3. Strict adherence to one style is extremely important when you are working with the color gold. If your wallpaper sparkles with classic monograms, or has numerous patterns and ornaments, then Art Nouveau lamps and Arabian golden pillows will simply be out of place.
  4. Play with shades. Different tones of gold are inherent in different directions in interior design. Muted, antique-style, will be appropriate in a classic design style with patterns, and shiny and bright - in different directions of modernism.

Photo: attractive monograms and ornaments

How to combine gold wallpaper with other colors

As mentioned above, gold is appropriate in the interior in a 1:3 combination. And it’s incredibly difficult to find a pair for it. It can only be noted that this color harmoniously combines with most light and pastel shades. A color combination such as gold with grey, white, peach or beige will create a feeling of lightness in the room and will also promote rest and relaxation.

The combination of chocolate furniture and golden wallpaper will give the room a special radiance and richness. It is also interesting that manufacturers often choose some kind of base for elaborate monograms or designs. So, on sale we can often see red, brown, blue, light blue, burgundy, white or gray wallpaper with gold patterns.

For lovers of a stylish and expensive interior, a tandem of black and gold is suitable. With such an interior solution, you need to correctly place color accents. Do not dilute this combination with any other colors. Black in this combination should be the background, and gold will serve as decoration for walls, door handles, furniture fittings, and accessories.

Which curtains to choose for gold wallpaper

Photo: good choice there will be curtains in light colors

Curtains with gold wallpaper for rooms such as a living room, bedroom or kitchen should be selected with special care. Taking into account the specifics of this bright shade, most designers advise choosing curtains in soft light colors. The most commonly used are: beige, muted light green, creamy light gray and other similar options.

Golden wallpaper

Any color used in interior design is associative and carries the main meaning for all those who are in the room. Many people associate the golden color with wealth and luxury, but besides this, do not forget that it is also a shade of yellow and is intended to bring joy and warmth into the interior.

The interior can be very harmonious

Shade characteristics

The use of golden-colored wallpaper is acceptable in almost any interior, but in order to ensure that this shade does not spoil the decor, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. Sense of proportion - this color is included in the category of warm. When used correctly and with sufficient lighting, it can expand the boundaries of any room and bring warmth into it. Please note that oversaturation with this tone has the opposite effect, and everyone in the room feels uncomfortable. Therefore, in order not to spoil the perception of the interior of a room with golden-colored wallpaper, you need to use it in a ratio of 1:3, diluting it with companion colors;
  2. A sense of style means that the use of this shade is not allowed everywhere, but only partially. And if gold-colored wallpaper is used in the design of the room, then a different color scheme should be used for the rest of the interior elements;
  3. Unity of style - the use of wallpaper with a classic print, pattern or stripes implies the presence in the interior of other elements, also designed in a classic style. At the same time, the presence of lamps and decorative items in the Art Nouveau style is not allowed;
  4. The shade of the wallpaper should match the direction of the interior itself. A more muted golden color is always appropriate in a shabby chic style room.

Please note! The color of the curtains, when combined with wallpaper of a given shade, should be slightly darker than the surrounding walls.

Photo: a luxurious holiday will be provided here

Color combination

You shouldn’t use too much golden color when decorating your interior, and what’s more, you need to choose the right combination. To visually add light and space to the room, you should pay attention to light colors that go well with gold: gray, beige, white, peach.

If you need to focus on expensive furnishings, then chocolate and terracotta colors are used for the combination. For example, gold wallpaper will go well with dark wood furniture.

A special style is brought by the combination with black, and golden should only be used as a secondary color.

Photo: interior of a luxurious and soulful living room

Where to use

When creating the design of almost any room, you can use golden wallpaper:

  1. living room (hall) - golden is best combined with black, beige and brown tones;
  2. bedroom – golden in light shades is best used only as a pattern and print with pictures;
  3. bathroom - applicable in plumbing details, for decoration.

Sometimes when renovating an apartment it is very difficult to decide on color scheme. After all, the choice of one shade or another changes the perception of the room and has different influence on others. There are universal tones that are well perceived different people, gold also belongs to them. It harmoniously combines yellow, red and brown shades and gives the interior elegance and chic.

Let's look at the varieties of golden wallpaper, options for using them for decoration different rooms in the apartment.

Features of the use of bronze wall coverings in the decoration of premises for various purposes

Golden wallpaper for walls is universal and can be used to decorate different rooms.

Features of using noble shades in the living room

Since this room in the apartment is used for receiving guests and holding family celebrations, gold-colored wallpaper in the interior would be very appropriate here. They look very presentable and create an atmosphere of celebration, sublimity, and aristocracy in the room.

Advice: When choosing golden wallpaper for the hall, do not forget to complement it with beautiful moldings, and decorate the room itself with paintings, antique objects, and a luxurious chandelier.

In such a hall it is pleasant to receive guests and gather with the whole family.

Bedroom decor

In the rest room you should not use too much bright wallpaper gold for walls. It is preferable to use softer light shades, with a light background pattern or ornament.

Royal dreams will be ensured by gold wallpaper in the bedroom, photo

Kitchen finishing

Do you always want to greet a new day with joy? Then you should use golden wallpaper in the kitchen. Matte ones would be a great option. wall coverings, giving a slight shimmering shine to the room.

Remember: This is a high-use room, so wallpaper with gold on the kitchen wall must be wear-resistant.

Small kitchen area will visually increase the use of wall paintings and furniture in a golden sand shade

Welcoming entrance hall

As you know, guests form an opinion about the owners of the house as soon as they cross the threshold of the apartment. Therefore, it is worth taking care of how to design the corridor. Golden wallpaper on the walls will create an atmosphere of hospitality, cordiality and comfort.

Advice: To decorate the hallway, it is better to buy vinyl wall coverings. They have improved performance characteristics.

The corridor in bronze tones will greet your guests with warmth and comfort

More options for using golden wallpaper in interiors various rooms our photo selection will demonstrate.

The role of gold wallpaper in the interior

Gold is always associated with luxury, wealth, brilliance and charm. This metallic shade seems to radiate warmth, giving positive mood. Previously, this color was used to decorate the palaces of nobles, but today everyone can afford gold wallpaper for their walls. They are able to transform the interior, make it more expensive, stylish, and elite.

Please note: When decorating a room, it is important not to overdo it with the presence of this color; its excess is considered bad taste.

An example of how to successfully use gold wallpaper in the interior, photo

What to combine with gold wall coverings

For gold in the interior to be a symbol of nobility and not kitsch, it should be correctly combined with other shades. This color will be balanced by beige, sand, peach, and gray tones. Such an interior will be light, relaxed, but at the same time interesting.

The combination of light and golden shades creates a feeling of spaciousness

Bronze and blue wall coverings combine to create a bright and positive design. Their light shades create a feeling of lightness and freshness. Can dominate as background marine theme(drawing of a fish), or plant.

Gold and turquoise are a very stylish combination

But dark blue and rich green shades in combination with bronze look completely different. Blue and gold wallpaper gives a feeling of luxury and respectability. And the combination of noble metal with green increases efficiency, so it is ideal for decorating offices.

The ideal bedroom for a respectable man

The combination of gold and bright red can create a boudoir effect. Therefore, for the decoration of residential premises it is better to choose more saturated dark colors. Ideal option There will be burgundy wallpaper with a gold pattern.

Burgundy and gold wallpaper is a sign of aristocracy and good taste

Playing with contrasts gives an interesting effect. Brown or black tones will effectively complement gold. They should either be used in equal proportions, or bronze should dominate.

Please note: These color combinations should not be diluted with other shades, this can spoil the entire effect of the repair.

Decoration in golden and black tones is a sign of the refined taste of the home owners

Varieties of golden wall coverings

Gold is a complex color consisting of various tones. The predominance of one or the other provides a wide range of shades: from sparkling sand and sunny amber to copper and bronze-brown.

On a note: Light golden tones add volume to the room, while dark ones, on the contrary, reduce the space.

Copper-bronze wall covering adds respectability to the interior

Wallpaper with ornaments has a different decorative effect. Vertical stripes different shades of bronze give organization to the space and make it visually taller. Floral motifs create a romantic and light atmosphere, so it is advisable to use them to decorate the bedroom. And patterns with curls are an integral attribute of the classics.

Remember: In order for the gold wallpaper in the interior to look harmonious, this color should be repeated in the furniture elements, textile design, or decorative items.

White wallpaper with a gold pattern looks elegant and unpretentious

Brave and outrageous people will like wall coverings depicting gold bars or money. This design draws attention to itself, so it should be used only on one wall of the room.

Eccentric bars - golden wallpaper in the interior, photo

In the catalogs of wall covering manufacturers there are quite a few interesting solutions, for example, with a drawing in 3D format. They have an interesting texture and are capable of visually changing the appearance of a room in different lighting conditions.

Unusual decorative effect give shimmering wallpaper, gold

Bottom line

Create luxurious interior you can use golden wallpaper. This color makes the room noble and aristocratic. You can use plain wall coverings, or with a pattern, or combine gold with other shades - the main thing is that the end result is a harmonious room.