Why does a ficus shed its leaves? Immediate response. Ficus Benjamin leaves fall - how to save the plant Ficus benjamin dies what to do

Have you recently been given a ficus or has it been taking a place in your home and heart for a long time? Then you need to know in advance why the ficus sheds leaves. This will prepare you for all unpleasant surprises and illnesses.

Most often, home plant owners are concerned about the question, and for what reason do they turn yellow? How can this be prevented at home?

Many flower growers are interested in the question why. Scientists have been looking for an answer to this question for a long time, and found that there are several reasons for this.

Most often, leaf shedding occurs in autumn or early winter. That is, with the onset of cold weather, ficuses begin a period of rest and renewal of foliage. For example, the ficus "Benjamin" sheds its leaves in winter and autumn all the time, and new ones grow almost immediately.

Why does a ficus shed its leaves?

To understand how to help a pet, you must first find out what is the cause of the disease. When it is clear, it is very easy to determine the treatment.

The main causes of ficus disease:

Abrupt change in habitual conditions. Most domestic plants react painfully to any changes: moving, changing habitat, air temperature or moisture level.

Ficuses react to all these external stimuli by shedding their foliage. Better highlight the flower permanent place habitat, where he will have enough heat and sun. And do not forget about regular watering;

It's time for an update. Often, home plant owners start to panic as soon as they see leaf fall from their pets. But it is worth remembering that there are also natural reasons for this, especially in the cold season;

Too cold or hot. This, too, may be an important reason why the ficus sheds its leaves at "non-traditional times." Also, a cold stone floor or shelf can negatively affect root growth. The most suitable temperature is +18 +20 degrees;

External factors. Houseplants are very sensitive to external stimuli. For example, if a flower stands in the scorching sun or in the shade, sooner or later it will shed its leaves;

When feeding is evil. Often flower growers forget that any plant needs top dressing. As a result, the plant does not receive enough micro and macro elements and begins to shed its leaves. Or vice versa.

Wanting to feed the plant, people do not correctly calculate the dose of the drug or pour it into the flower too often, as a result, it also begins to hurt and lose foliage;

The wrong size pot. If it is too small, then the roots will become crowded, and the plant will not receive enough nutrients. If it is too large, then moisture stagnation will form and the roots will begin to rot;

Pests have appeared or the plant is sick. If you saw spots, swellings or insects on ficus leaves, it means that your plant urgently needs to be looked after.

From correct installation The root causes depend on the choice of treatment method. After all, the ficus suffers from various factors, and drugs will not always help here.

What to do if the plant abruptly began to fall leaves

Have you already determined the reason why the flower sheds its leafy cover, but do not know where to start the treatment? Here are some tips to help you experienced flower growers, and for beginners:

The first step is to check the soil in which the ficus is planted. If it is wet, it does not come from it. nice smell- then watering should be reduced. Ideally, the ficus must be transplanted by cutting off the rotten roots. Also make sure that the substrate does not dry out. Feed in desired period, based on the instructions for the drugs.

Perhaps the matter is a lack of nutrients or the plant has received stress due to a change in permanent location. Then it is recommended to use preparations for better plant resistance, for example, Epin or Zircon. But remember that they need to rub the ficus leaves, not water the entire plant.

If no tips help and fall off, then perhaps the reason is in the roots. It is necessary to remove the plant from the pot and carefully examine the roots, whether there are any damaged and rotten ones, whether a pest has wound up there. If the roots are cut a little, then be sure to process the cut points - sprinkle with crushed wood or activated carbon. Do not forget that the ficus pot must be chosen according to size.

If the plant has begun to grow and lacks nutrients, then it will also signal this by dropping some of the foliage.

Feed should be selected for specific type plants, universal fertilizers are better not to take. In winter, give preference to liquid solutions of vitamins, and in summer - dry fertilizer.

The effectiveness and result of treatment depends on the speed and correctness of your actions. Sometimes one transplant is enough, and sometimes it is necessary to process the plants more significantly.

Ficus disease. How to recognize and cure

If the habitat and care of the plant are correct, but the leaves still fall, then look for signs of illness.

Due to insufficient amounts of nutrients, ficus leaves become small;

If there is frequent overflow, then over time small yellow patches appear on the plant. A lot of moisture - and the leaves are already starting to turn yellow completely;

Are there black dots on the leaves? So, you poured too much fertilizer. The leaf cover began to blacken and fall off sharply - you are feeding the flower too often. If there is not enough food, the leaves fall off first at the bottom of the plant, and then at the top;

The most dangerous disease plants - rot, from a fungus. It is very difficult to deal with her. It can be seen on the leaves in the form of mold, reddish or black plaque, as well as on the stems of the flower. If ficus is not treated for these diseases in time, it will die very quickly.

The appearance of the plant will help establish the diagnosis, and an immediate response will save the pet in time.

When a plant is attacked spider mite, the first sign is yellowing, and then falling leaves. If you look closely, you can see a thin cobweb on aboveground parts flower. The mites themselves can also be seen, although they are very small. To the naked eye, they resemble red or yellow dots.

First, you need to increase the humidity in the room where the described flower is located. After all, it is in conditions of dry air that spider mites multiply most actively. To do this, you can spray the flower, especially considering that the ficus loves this procedure. It is important to use slightly warm water.

We recommend covering the soil at the base of the stem with a film or other protection during the procedure. If the soil from frequent spraying is excessively moistened, the risk of putrefactive or fungal diseases will increase. Especially considering that the immunity of the plant is weakened due to pests.

Also, you can bathe the plant. This will reduce the tick population. Sometimes, before bathing, the leaves are wiped with soap, soda, or an ash-based solution. With a not too strong defeat, such a measure can help.

If the infection is serious, we recommend using Neoron or some equivalent. It is important that the agent used affects not only adults, but also larvae. Otherwise, it will be difficult and time consuming to completely get rid of the pest.

For the duration of treatment, it is better to move the ficus to quarantine, away from other plants. The place where he was before needs to be disinfected. If the flower stood on the window, then it is better not to limit yourself to the window sill, but to iron the curtains as well.

In the event of an attack by scale insects, you can prepare a solution based on alcohol and liquid soap. Then, with a cotton swab or other tool adapted for local application, lubricate the pests. After applying the described agent, use a toothbrush, which, as it were, cleans the scale insects.

If the lesions are too strong, and local methods of exposure do not help, we recommend using Actellik or Fosbecid.

When attacked by aphids, you can spray with a solution of dry boric acid. You can use a solution of soap with ash. Of the drugs, Aktara is doing well.

If a fungal disease is affected, you can water the plant with Magnicur Energy. It is effective, suitable for prevention, and also improves the general condition of the plant.

First aid for a plant

What to do if the flower loses leaves and disappears? Proper care will save your flower from stress, but if it is attacked by diseases and pests, then it is necessary to provide timely treatment, otherwise the plant will die.

Leaves to be cut (photo)

If you notice that the disease has just appeared on the leaves of your pet, then you can do some simple procedures to stop the problem from developing.

  • Peel and squeeze a few cloves of garlic;
  • Mix the porridge with 1 liter of freshly boiled water;
  • Close the container with a lid and let it brew for an hour;
  • Strain the infusion, cool and spray the plant every day until improvement occurs.

Another effective tool that you can cook with your own hands is an alcohol-based soap infusion.

  • Pour 1 liter into the bottle warm water, add 1 tsp. grated laundry soap and 1 tbsp. l. alcohol;
  • Shake the bottle thoroughly until the soap is completely dissolved;
  • Spray all the leaves and stems of the plant with a solution, and after 12 hours the ficus must be washed under running water;
  • Then apply the product every 3-4 days, but after each procedure, the solution must be washed off after 12 hours;
  • Also, do not forget to carefully cover the roots with a bag before the procedure;

Leaves after treatment (photo)

The treatment period is at least two weeks.

Also in pharmacies and flower shops there are a large number of effective drugs that simply need to be diluted with water and applied according to the instructions on the package. But first you need to install, and there may be several.

If the treatment is carried out in a timely and correct manner, then the result will be positive and the flower will be saved. If the solution to the problem is delayed, then the plant will be difficult to save and then it will take a long time to resuscitate it.

While watching the video, you will learn about growing ficus.

In order for a plant to always be healthy, it needs proper care and a permanent bright place of residence without drafts. Then it will constantly delight you with a green and lush cap of young leaves.

How to reanimate a ficus is a question of interest to those who, for one reason or another, this plant begins to gradually wither and die. Unfortunately, a common mistake of frivolous flower growers is the false opinion that the rubber plant does not require any special care, transplantation, or fertilizers, but will grow on its own and nothing will happen to it. This opinion most often leads to serious and “neglected” cases of diseases.

When a tree begins to die before our eyes, a person’s conscience wakes up, and he begins to think about how to save the ficus and whether it can be done at all. The possibility of salvation directly depends on how deep the process of the disease has gone and on the desire of the owner to help the languishing green “patient”.

How to save a ficus

How to revive a ficus that has begun to rapidly lose leaves? Such a process begins due to many reasons: a sudden change of place, a draft, cold and errors in leaving, or even its absence. With a regular lack of lighting, too dry air or waterlogging, “leaf fall” and the imminent death of the plant will not take long, so measures should be taken immediately.

If the leaf falls off in large quantities, the first thing to do is spray it with Epin. Restoring the viability of a plant directly depends on the causes that caused its disease. Sometimes it is possible to restore the beauty and healthy appearance of the rubber plant with the help of elementary measures, without even resorting to scrupulous transplantation and lengthy processing.

The main conditions for the normal life of a tree are diffused light, moderate and timely watering, air humidity from 50 to 70 percent and spraying. soil between water procedures should dry out a little, and the need for watering is easily determined by checking the condition of the soil in the pot. If her upper layer a little dried up (two or three centimeters) - it's time to water the ficus. You can not often rearrange the pot from place to place, as the leaf fall will become regular because of this, and it may happen that the plant will completely lose its foliage, without even suffering, at the same time, fungal diseases.

Scorching sun ficus contraindicated. It would be wrong to assume that if we are talking about tropical plant, then the sunlight will be nothing to him. The foliage of most rubber plants is dense and thick, which means that it contains a sufficient amount of moisture (which cannot be said about tenacious cacti) and will suffer from its lack.

If the grower got a tree with a classic, dark green foliage color, such varieties are more unpretentious in care and can acclimatize well even under conditions of regular shading. As for the bright variegated leaves, the situation is much more complicated with them: they are capricious, and if the owner does not pay attention to them special attention, can die quickly. Variegated varieties are especially sensitive to lack of lighting: they can wither even if they are placed in the shade for a short time.

Air temperature is equally important. In summer, its optimal numbers are from +25 to 30C, and if it rises, the plant should not only be watered and shaded, but also sprayed. Heat can also cause dry leaves and subsequent rubber disease. In the cold season, hypothermia of the roots should not be allowed. If possible, it is better to put the pot on a stand or windowsill, wrapping it with a warm cloth. Do not allow the temperature in the room to drop below +15C.

So, the issue of resuscitation of a fading pet can be resolved by observing the usual and simple measures for caring for him, as well as choosing a permanent and most suitable place of growth, with diffused light and the absence of drafts.

Optimal conditions for ficus resuscitation

The tree can go out in more severe cases. It also happens that, due to total leaf fall, only the trunk remains of it. It is necessary to check how much vitality still remains in it: if it retained its flexibility and did not have time to dry out, there is a chance to save the rubber plant. When rot and plaque on the soil appear in the root zone of the trunk, you should also not despair: here you will need an immediate transplant with a scrupulous examination of the root system for damage by nematode pests.

The wilting of a tree can be triggered by the intensive growth of its root system, which simply no longer fits in the previous container. A transplant will also help here, while the new capacity should be two to three centimeters larger than the previous one. Too big a pot is not necessary.

After transplantation, regular watering will be required, but not earlier than two days later. Top dressing is carried out only after reliable rooting, after a month. As for the intensity of leaf fall, in autumn its loss of twenty percent is the norm, and it is not associated with any diseases and errors in care.

Common Mistake a grower who wants to reanimate a ficus - the desire to feed him as much as possible. This cannot be done, since a weakened plant is simply not able to absorb the complex substances contained in mineral fertilizers, and they will only harm it.

Experienced growers in numerous forums are happy to share their experience in nursing the most “difficult” patients among the ficuses that came to them. In their practice, there are cases when they had to deal with an almost flown flower, on which no more than five leaves remained. The dried plant was completely changed the soil to a suitable nutrient composition and the roots were washed in a solution of manganese.

If signs of decay were observed, diseased roots were removed with a sharp pruner and sprinkled with wood ash. After the transplant, a little fertilizer was applied, the flower was placed in a suitable place and shaded so that the bright sun did not shine on it. Of course, the irrigation and spraying scheme was adjusted. In most cases, the "launched" rubber plants came to life after a few weeks and began to produce new healthy leaves.

As practice shows, it is quite possible to reanimate a ficus - even in a very “neglected” state, but in order not to resort to such measures, it is best to properly care for it and take care of it. Then he will not get sick and will always delight the owner with his healthy appearance.

Ficus Revival:

Bought a ficus and it dies? Maybe the ficus has been at home for a long time, but has begun to turn yellow and shed its leaves? We offer to figure out why the ficus is dying and how to save it?

Ficus dies - how to save?

Most plants experience stress after purchase due to the change from the usual store conditions to a new, uninhabited one. home microclimate. In addition, ficus is often moved without packaging, which is especially bad for leaves in winter. Sellers recommend putting the ficus away from home flowers, creating a small quarantine zone and monitor its status.

What can happen with ficus:

  • Drops leaves.
  • Turns yellow.
  • Drops leaves.
  • Dries up - check by touch.

If we take into account only violations in care, you can create a huge list of problems. We suggest considering the most common ones in order to exclude them first.

Why ficus dies:

  • Relocation (buying or moving to a new location).
  • Change in luminous flux.
  • Root drying out.
  • Dry air.
  • Active hydration.

We figured out the rearrangements, it remains to go through other reasons for the death of the ficus. Lighting- one of the main criteria for the care of ficus. If you put the plant in a dark place, especially during the growing season, it will die. Even in the autumn-winter period, it is recommended not to shade the ficus. Lighting and so meager, therefore, an additional shortage will entail the death of the leaf mass.

What to expect: yellowing of the tips, blanching of the leaf, blackening or necrotic spots on the leaves of the ficus with extreme neglect.

direct lighting from the end of spring and summer they also create unfavorable conditions for ficus. The plant receives an excess of lighting, suffers from direct rays.

What to expect: in this case, burnt spots may remain, and the roots will quickly dry out.

How to save ficus? Of course, for the two options, a rearrangement to a more suitable place is recommended. Ficus does not like moving, you may be surprised. Indeed, he does not like, but he has nothing to stay in an unfortunate place.

When air dries up, what can happen both in summer and in winter periods, ficus leaves curl, wrinkle, dry out. Add other noted changes to the list. Leaves usually die from the entire volume of the surface part. The problem lies in the rapid evaporation of moisture from the earth mixture in the pot, as well as the effect of dry air.

How to save ficus? Humidify in a pot moderately, but spray the air more often. Spray from a spray bottle so that a water mist is obtained, but do not direct it to the leaves - there should not be droplets on them. Active moisturizing is suitable for summer period when temperature and light balance moisture. In winter, the air can dry out due to active work. heating appliances. Ficus is recommended to be rearranged so that it does not dry out quickly.

Waterlogging also causes the death of the ficus, and fast. Frequent watering leads to root rot.

How to save ficus? Replant by removing the damaged parts, sprinkling the cuts with a fungicide. The soil mixture is also fresh, loose, with a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. New container with drain bottom. Remove excess moisture from the pan and, again, do not direct water to the leaves and shoots.

↓ Write in the comments why your ficus died and how the plant was saved?

(1 rated, rating: 1,00 out of 10)


How fast does Ficus Benjamin grow?

Ficus Benjamin pruning and shaping

Video: How to cut a ficus so that it grows beautifully?

Why does Benjamin's ficus turn yellow and leaves fall?

When to transplant ficus after purchase?

Problems with ficus arise as a result of improper care and location, and extremely rarely as a result of a bacterial or viral infection. characteristic feature insufficient or excessive care is the yellowing of the leaves and, as a result of the fact that the disease has dragged on, their fall.

Ficus can “burn out” before our eyes in a matter of days, so it is recommended not to postpone treatment until better times, but to take on the renewal and restoration of the ficus immediately!

Check how dry the ground is in ficus peas. If the earthen lump is dry and the roots are deprived of moisture and life force, probable cause the fact that the ficus is sick - it was not watered enough. Optimal quantity water for ficus depends on its volume, but you need to water it regularly and in small quantities so that the soil mixture is moistened, but not too much.

If the ficus clearly shows negative vital signs and after the resumption of normal watering, the miracle did not happen - we still have a bare tree without leaves and slightest sign kidney failure - an urgent need to change the strategy. You need to carry out a quick extraction of ficus from the soil mixture, purchase new pot and transfer the diseased plant to the fresh soil mixture. In this case, active fertilizers and regulated watering will help us, which should resume the normal life of the ficus and save it, even if all the leaves have fallen off.

Another reason why the leaves fell and how to deal with it lies at the basis of the incorrect placement of the ficus in an apartment or in a greenhouse. Ficus loves active sunlight, but not in excess, rejoices in the coolness from the window, but drafts are detrimental to him, he can live at standard room temperature with the level of air humidity familiar to people, but he will not be able to endure dry air masses or too tropical climate. In this case, try to give the situation in the apartment as close to natural conditions ficus development (read ficus care), as well as go through all the parameters mentioned and bring them to perfection in the case of growing this plant - ideal and ficus are approximate concepts, even interdependent.

(7 rated, rating: 6,00 out of 10)

When Benjamin's ficus suddenly begins to shed its leaves, the reaction of its owners is just the opposite: from “something early autumn started for him” to “what to do, the plant is dying !!!”.

As always, the truth is out there somewhere.

In order to make the first think and calm the second, this article was created. It contains the causes of leaf fall in ficus Benjamin, the algorithm of action and ways to prevent excessive "baldness" of a pet. Let's start, as always, with the facts.

This is evergreen, common in the subtropics and humid tropics of Asia: in India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia. In the homeland of this ficus, there are specimens of more than 40 m in height and about 5 m in width.

At home, the maximum height of ficus Benjamin is 1.5 - 2.0 m. The reason for this is the unsuitable conditions of our apartments.

And yet, Benjamin, over several centuries of cultivation, learned to adapt to domestic conditions. Why do crashes happen?

Leaf fall in small-leaved ficuses

Ficus Benjamin leaf fall is a natural process: each leaf of this plant can live no more than three years. 20-30 leaves that turn yellow and fall monthly in an adult plant in the autumn-winter period is normal.

Do not worry if the lower leaves are actively falling off - the plant forms a crown.

When to sound the alarm

In case of serious “baldness” of a plant, especially in spring and summer, it is necessary to deal with its causes and immediately take the necessary measures to save the plant. Ficus (this is especially true for variegated specimens) is able to shed almost all foliage in 1-2 days.

But first you need to identify the cause of the violation of the usual way of life.

Why do ficus leaves turn yellow and fall off en masse

Experienced flower growers point to 8 reasons why Benjamin can drop almost all the leaves:

  1. Moving, especially in worse conditions or sharply different from those to which the ficus is accustomed. For example, from the nursery - to the apartment, from one room - to another, from the windowsill - deep into the room.
  2. Transplant to a new pot with a new substrate.
  3. Drafts, especially after spraying the plant or bathing it in a warm shower.
  4. Too hot or too dry air.
  5. Lack or excess of sunlight.
  6. Over or under watering.
  7. Pest attack.
  8. deficiency or excess mineral fertilizers, unsuitable soil.

How to save a ficus

We will analyze each of the reasons in more detail and find out how to reanimate the ficus.


If immediately after moving to a new place, the ficus dropped its leaves, then it has stress. In this situation, spraying with Epin, Zircon, HB-101 will help.

It is advisable to perform this procedure according to the following scheme:

  • on the first day after moving - half the dose of the drug;
  • after 5-6 days - a full dose;
  • after 2 weeks - half the dose.

In the future, spraying is carried out in case of renewal of leaf fall, but already in combination with other measures.

Note! Often, the fear of moving extends to regular rotations of the pot on the window to evenly illuminate the crown from all sides. You should not be afraid of this, moreover, turns must be done for variegated ficuses: the leaves, which are constantly in the shade, lose their multi-colored color.

Transplanting to a new pot with a different substrate

In the process of growing in a pot, a symbiosis of plant roots and soil microflora has developed. Therefore, completely clean root system from the old soil is not recommended, since in this case the habitual habitat of the ficus is disturbed. In addition, in the process of removing the soil, small roots can be damaged, to which the ficus reacts very painfully.

Important! Complete cleaning of the roots from the soil and soaking them in a disinfectant solution is indicated only in the presence of root rot or soil pests.

If necessary, transplanting ficus into a pot larger capacity transfer method should be used.

Immediately after the transplant, you need to perform anti-stress measures, as in the case of moving, according to the above scheme.

Remember! Frequent (more than 1 time in 2 years) transplantation of ficus Benjamin can lead to his death. To improve the soil, it is enough to replace the topsoil in the pot.


This is something that is categorically contraindicated for heat-loving ficus: there are no drafts in its homeland, and it has no immunity to them! open in winter vents can kill a plant in a day. If it is necessary to ventilate the room, close the flower from cold air jets.

Note! Drafts are especially detrimental to ficus, which has just been sprayed with water, sprinkled with a warm shower or watered.

The air temperature for the survival of the ficus must be at least 18 degrees.

Too dry or too hot air

Ficus is a native of very warm countries with high temperature air, but dry warm air He does not like our apartments at all during the heating season! The flower is comfortable with high humidity - more than 70% and a temperature of 18 to 25 degrees.

It can be seen that the ficus lacks moisture in the air if its leaves, which have not yet fallen, are dry and shriveled.

To prevent this from happening, at the beginning heating season it is recommended to artificially increase the humidity of the air next to the ficus.

To increase humidity, you can:

  • put a wide flat vessel with water next to the flower;
  • place the pot with the plant on a pallet with wet expanded clay;
  • put a damp cloth on the battery next to the ficus.

Ficus spraying is especially effective in combating dry air. It should be carried out the more often, the drier the air in the room.

  • spraying and sprinkling are carried out in the first half of the day, preferably in the morning, so that the plant leaves at night with dried leaves;
  • immediately after these operations, you need to protect the flower from drafts;
  • when sprinkling, it is necessary to cover the soil with a film in order to prevent its waterlogging.

Lack or excess of sunlight

In the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia, where the ficus comes from, diffused light predominates, so for ficus at home, it is the lighting that is optimal - 10-12 hours a day, but not direct midday sunlight.

With sunburn on the leaves first appear brown spots, then the leaf blades become dry and fall off.

With insufficient lighting, the leaves become dull and lethargic. In this case, it is necessary to provide illumination of the plant.

Important! The lack of lighting is not compensated by anything: neither enhanced nutrition nor watering. Reduce the harm from light starvation can only lower the air temperature.

Over or under watering

Ficus are among those plants that do not like "wet feet". Overfilling is worse for them than underfilling. Waterlogging the soil can kill the plant.

A characteristic sign of overflow is that only the edges of the leaves turn yellow, after which they fall off.

With prolonged drying of the soil, the leaves dry up and fall off without turning yellow.

Remember! You can correctly determine the watering time by estimating its moisture content at a depth of 1.5 - 2.0 cm. This can be done by lowering your finger or a wooden stick to the indicated depth.

For irrigation, filtered or settled for 3-4 hours soft water at room temperature is suitable.

pest attack

The most common ficus pests are red spider mites, scale insects, mealybug. The presence of pests can be determined by appearance flower:

  • sticky coating on the surface of the leaves;
  • deformation and unusual color of leaves and stems;
  • cobwebs around branches;
  • visible even to the naked eye pests.

The spider mite is activated in dry, warm air, so an increase in air humidity significantly reduces its colony.

If the ficus is affected by pests only at the very initial stage, then it can be reanimated by sprinkling hot water(40-45 degrees). For more serious lesions, when leaf fall has already begun, only insecticide treatment will help.

Lack or excess of mineral fertilizers

A sign of malnutrition is the appearance of new small deformed leaves with the simultaneous abundant fall of old ones.

With magnesium starvation, the leaves at the ends of the branches change color and fall off. Helps in this case, the use of funds "Emerald".

About the excessive presence of minerals signal brown spots in the center of the leaf blades.

Note! When replenishing nutrition, you can not give the plant a loading dose of fertilizers. It is better to carry out the first top dressing at a concentration half as much as suggested by the instructions.

Top dressing is carried out only after abundant watering of the ficus. Otherwise, you can burn the roots.

Summing up: how to save Benjamin's ficus

Fulfill 8 conditions for a comfortable life of a beautiful and useful plant difficult, but quite possible. If, nevertheless, the ficus began to lose leaves catastrophically quickly, then the following must be done.

  1. Identify the causes of massive leaf fall.
  2. Revise care schedule:
    - watering;
    temperature regime;
    - lighting;
    - humidity;
    - fertilizers.
  3. Remove the causes of stress.
  4. Destroy pests.

And remember - even if all the leaves have fallen, the probability of resuscitation of the ficus is quite high. The main thing is not to give up and believe in success!