The best manufacturers of suspended ceilings. Choosing a stretch ceiling: looking for a balance between price and quality A good company for stretch ceilings

Tension fabric is the most promising material for decorating the ceiling space in an apartment or office. It provides perfect flat surface, has high performance characteristics and durability. Installation of a stretch ceiling is possible in renovated premises; it is carried out within 2-3 hours, does not involve wet processes and does not require a radical rearrangement of furniture. Variety of textures and colors, multi-level structures, applying prints and using special effects create unlimited possibilities For design solutions. Which canvas is better to choose? When purchasing, you should focus on the specifics of the premises, personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Blade type

Which material is better: PVC, fabric or fiberglass?

For the manufacture of suspended ceilings the following is used:

  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film with a thickness of 0.15-0.35 mm. This is the most affordable and popular material for finishing apartments.
  • Polyester fabric, 0.25 mm thick, impregnated with polyurethane. It is attractive due to its environmental friendliness and the possibility of seamless installation in large spaces.
  • Fiberglass. High strength waterproof fabric. Serves as a basis for painting. Rarely seen.

The technical characteristics of the materials are similar, but there are some differences that determine their scope of use.

  • Appearance. Film ceilings are glossy, satin or matte; the texture of fabric panels is always matte.
  • Strength. Fabric sheets are more resistant to mechanical damage from sharp objects than film sheets.
  • Frost resistance. PVC at negative temperatures becomes brittle and cracks. Fabric ceilings can withstand -35 C, which allows them to be used for finishing unheated rooms.
  • Water resistance. In terms of this parameter, the performance of film canvases is better. They are recommended to be installed in rooms with high humidity.
  • Environmental friendliness. All types of suspended ceilings are safe for health. At the same time, the presence of micropores in the fabric structure promotes air ventilation and ensures a healthy microclimate in the room. This canvas can be chosen for decorating a children's room.


Which texture is better to choose: matte or glossy?

All fabric stretch ceilings have a matte texture. The reflective characteristics of PVC sheets vary widely: from 5 to 70%. Which material to choose depends on the specifics of the room and the personal preferences of its owner.

Matte stretch ceilings

In appearance, matte ceilings are similar to flawlessly executed plaster. This kind of discreet elegance is preferred by people of conservative views with refined taste. Matte ceilings are suitable for spacious, well-lit rooms. They blend harmoniously with the interior in classic style, columns, stucco, antiques. The most popular canvases are white and discreet pastel colors.

Glossy stretch ceilings

Glossy ceilings are appropriate when creating modern interiors. They are chosen by active people striving for innovation. The material allows you to visually increase the size of the room and is suitable for small premises. Glossy canvases are characterized by a large selection of colors. The richer the shade, the better its reflective qualities are manifested, so even an unconventional black ceiling will not look gloomy and depressing.

Company manufacturer

Which manufacturer of suspended ceilings is better to choose?

The quality and price of suspended ceilings are largely determined by the manufacturer. On the market you can find products made in Europe, Russia and China. Which one is better?

European stretch ceilings

Canvases from Europe occupy the largest segment of the market. Manufacturers offer a wide range of glossy and matte ceilings of the highest quality, and French companies are trendsetters. The cost of European products is significantly higher than their Russian and Chinese counterparts.

Well-known companies: Barrisol, Alkor Draka, Extenzo, Newmat, Clipso (France), Poliplast (Belgium), Renolit, Pongs, Descor, Lackfolie (Germany), Cerutti (Italy).

Russian stretch ceilings

In Russia, the production of suspended ceilings is still poorly developed. The industry leader is Saros Design, which founded production in Moscow in 1996. Today, the company has production facilities in a number of Russian cities, Kyiv, Narva, and Stuttgart. The company offers canvases in a wide range of sizes and colors, applies drawings, and makes computer calculations using its own program.

Budget buyers can choose stretch ceilings produced by the Kazan Artificial Leather Plant and Ivanovo NIIPIK. Enterprises produce canvases up to 1.4 m wide in a limited range of colors.

Chinese stretch ceilings

The range of Chinese goods is traditionally heterogeneous. Here you can find both materials that are not inferior in quality to their European counterparts, as well as outright fakes. Industry leaders include the following companies: MSD, HALEAD, Gline. Stretch ceilings from these manufacturers compete with world leaders and are much cheaper.


How to choose the color of a stretch ceiling

A wide color range of suspended ceilings allows you to implement a wide variety of design ideas. The appearance of the material has a serious psychological impact on household members.

White color is traditional for ceiling cladding. It visually increases the height of the room, does not put pressure on the psyche, and is suitable for interiors made in different styles. White, as well as discreet pastel colors, are appropriate in living rooms, corridors, bedrooms, kitchens and other rooms. If you want to diversify the appearance to light matte ceiling can be applied with elegant photo printing.

Bright orange, blue, purple, green canvases are well suited for children's rooms, filling them with an atmosphere of joy and energy. Rich colors can be chosen for the kitchen and bathroom.

It is better to decorate the bedroom in calm, romantic colors: beige, blue, pink.

The business style of the office will be emphasized by a brown ceiling, but it should not be very dark and not cause a depressing mood.

Psychologists attribute many qualities to the color red. On the one hand, it is the color of love and energy, on the other, it imparts aggression. In the interior of apartments it is used in the form of small inserts.

Glossy dark purple, steel, black ceilings will add originality to rooms with great height. Dark canvases are often used to create a “starry sky” effect.

Multi-level designs often combine textures and colors, creating a stylistic effect in contrast.


How to choose a suspended ceiling for the kitchen, living room, bathroom and children's room

Each room in the apartment performs certain functions. The choice of stretch ceiling for the living room, children's room, kitchen and bathroom should be made taking into account their operational characteristics.

Living room

The living room is the largest room in the apartment. All family members spend significant time here, so great attention is paid to the design of the hall. Any materials are suitable for decorating the ceiling, the main thing is that their color and texture fit harmoniously into the interior of the room. It is better to give preference to universal, calm tones that do not cause discomfort to any member of the household.


To decorate a children's room, it is advisable to choose bright fabrics. The matte surface is more durable and will eliminate the risk of damage to the ceiling by active children during games. A big advantage is the presence of micropores in the tissue structure, providing natural ventilation air.


Cooking is accompanied by steam rising to the ceiling and grease stains settling on it. Here best choice There will be a glossy PVC sheet. It has high water-repellent properties and easy to clean.


The use of a bathroom is associated with temperature changes and high humidity. A glossy film ceiling is better suited for it. The canvas easily tolerates difficult conditions and can withstand a significant volume of water when flooded from above. After the accident has been eliminated, it can be installed in its original place. Glossy ceiling looks impressive in small rooms, visually increasing the space.


What lamps for suspended ceilings are best to buy?

Stretch ceilings are ideal for built-in lighting. When choosing them, you should take into account the operational characteristics of the material and temperature restrictions: if the standard values ​​are exceeded, the canvas will warp.

Incandescent lamps

The use of classic lamps with a tungsten spiral in tension structures has the greatest limitations associated with their high heating:

  • power up to 40 W for film ceilings, 60 W for fabric ceilings;
  • the ventilation gap between the canvas and the ceiling is at least 12 cm.

Incandescent lamps are attractive due to their low price, but have a short service life: about 1000 hours.

Halogen lamps

When installing halogen lamps The following standards must be observed:

  • power up to 20 W for film ceilings, 35 W for fabric ceilings;
  • ventilation gap – 6 cm.

Compared to incandescent lamps, they emit brighter light in the yellow spectrum and have a resource of 2-4 thousand hours. Halogen lamps are best used for directional illumination of work areas.

LED bulbs

LED bulbs practically do not heat up and have no restrictions for installation. This best option for suspended ceilings. LED lamps can be chosen both as the main light source and to create visual effects on matte, satin or glossy canvases. Lamps of this type are the most economical, and their service life is about 5 years.


Which cornice to choose. Installation Rules

When installing a suspended ceiling in a house, one should not forget about other interior details. An invariable design element is curtain rods. They are made from various materials. Structurally, cornices are divided into wall and ceiling. The latter look more presentable. The difficulty is that the thin fabric is not designed for hanging heavy structures. However, there are 2 ways to solve this problem. The cornice can be fixed in an open or hidden way

Outdoor installation

Before installing the canvas on the ceiling, it is mounted wooden beam on the same level as the guide profiles. It is better to choose hardwood. Before installation, the timber must be treated with an antiseptic. After stretching the ceiling, the cornice is attached to the beam through the film. Holes for self-tapping screws should be burned so that the molten edges prevent further tearing of the fabric.

Hidden installation

With hidden installation, the cornice is attached to the ceiling above the level of the suspended ceiling. A beam or corner is installed next to it for mounting the guide molding. The operation should be performed before taking measurements. The design with curtains falling from the ceiling looks impressive, harmoniously combined with both matte and glossy canvases.

Ceiling "starry sky"

How to make a “home planetarium” from the ceiling

Suspended ceilings allow you to create a stunningly beautiful “starry sky” effect in your apartment. Despite the high cost, this method of finishing has many supporters among lovers of progressive exclusive interiors.


To set up a home planetarium you will need:

  • glossy or satin dark fabric;
  • optical fiber;
  • light generator (projector).

The fiber optic threads on which the “star” function is assigned have a diameter of 0.25 mm. By collecting them in bunches you can create “luminaries” of varying brightness. The threads can be brought out through the fabric pierced in the right places and cut flush with it, but it is better to fasten it from the back side. In the second case, you should choose a thin translucent material. The light intensity will be less, but the overall picture will become more realistic.

The optical fiber is connected to the light generator. The equipment operates autonomously and is not connected to the room lighting system. The most advanced projector models provide effects such as fading and flashing of “stars”, flickering and movement of “celestial bodies”.

Additional effects

Additionally, the ceiling can be decorated with photo printing, glowing Starpins pins, LED backlight separate zones. Swarovski crystals installed on the “stars” will create a unique light scattering.

The “starry sky” effect is performed either over the entire area of ​​the ceiling, or in a separate area, combining it with light matte canvases.

"Floating" ceilings

How to create the effect of "floating ceilings"

“Floating” stretch ceilings will help to radically transform the appearance of the room and give it exclusivity. At the same time, creating the effect does not entail significant complication and increase in cost of work.

The design idea is to create a light barrier, thanks to which the ceiling is visually separated from the walls. It's like he's floating in the air. This effect is achieved through the use of a special profile, which has a groove for placing LED strip. Otherwise, the installation is no different from installing a conventional stretch ceiling.

The effect is also used in multi-level designs with a combination of matte and glossy canvases of various colors. Here you can create a “floating” of the upper or lower layers, depending on the direction of the light flux. In this case, various profiles are used to provide the required lighting angle. To create curved surfaces, baguettes made of flexible polymer materials are used.

The LED strip works autonomously. It can be turned on and off independently of the lighting system, replaced without affecting ceiling structure. When purchasing, it is better to choose low-power LEDs, unless you plan to use the strip as the main light source in the room. Their light spectrum may vary. Fade and fade effects are also available.

Stretch ceilings in a country house

Useful tips for installing suspended ceilings in country house

In urban environments, suspended ceilings are installed everywhere: in apartments, offices, hotels, bathhouses, and entertainment venues. But how appropriate are they in a country house? Indeed, operating conditions are different, which requires certain adjustments.

Installation restrictions

In a new house, a suspended ceiling can be installed only after it has completely settled.

Preliminary work

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to perform a number of measures before installing ceilings:

  • check the condition of the roof and repair if necessary;
  • treat the wooden floor with an antiseptic;
  • carry out pest control and seal all the cracks, otherwise the space between the ceiling and the cladding will become convenient place for breeding rodents.

About the benefits of suspended ceilings in a private home

Thanks to stretch ceilings in a private home you can:

  • cover uneven floors;
  • hide communications;
  • improve thermal insulation;
  • visually increase the space.

A large selection of matte and glossy canvases of various colors allows you to choose a canvas for any wall material.

In most cases, the quality and durability of finishing materials is affected not only by correct installation, but also the integrity of the manufacturer . Companies provide widest choice tensile structures, and it can be quite difficult for an ordinary buyer to decide. We have compiled a rating of the best suspended ceilings from European manufacturers, based on which you can accurately purchase a truly high-quality and durable ceiling.

Without a doubt, the best countries producing suspended ceilings are concentrated in Europe.


The undisputed leader both in the production of stretch fabrics and in other areas. It was France that first began to produce such canvases, which are associated with modern stretch ceilings. The products are based only on high-quality and durable materials (polyvinyl chloride or fabric).


The company was founded in 1967. Even then, she loudly declared herself and to this day is an industry leader. The products are so in demand that today they are sold in more than 65 countries around the world.

Vinyl film is used for production. Among the main advantages are:

  • Minimum thickness – no more than 0.18 mm;
  • Light weight – 200 g/m2;
  • Durability, waterproof, antistatic;
  • Fire and chemical resistance;
  • Possibility of dismantling and reinstallation;
  • Durability – 12 year warranty;
  • No condensation, color and light fastness;
  • Variety of colors and textures.

The presence of such distinctive advantages determines a fairly high cost. In this case, delivery of the canvas and components will have to wait at least a week.

Alkor Draka

A good stretch ceiling is offered by the company Alkor Draka, whose history began in 1947. It is part of the Vulcan Corporation. There are sales offices in many European countries.

Choosing a suspended ceiling to install in your home can be quite difficult. The manufacturer and the quality of the fabric are very important, but the cost of the product is no less important. To make the task a little easier, below is a rating of companies that produce suspended ceilings and the main criteria that should be taken into account are noted.

Producing countries

The first thing you have to decide on is the country in which your ceiling will be made. You can choose from three main options:

  • Europe
  • Russia
  • China

Each option deserves a more detailed consideration. Especially considering the number of European manufacturers of similar products, among which you will also have to choose.


Among all the European countries that supply their products to our market, several stand out: France, Germany, Italy and Belgium. Other countries are not so active in promoting their products and are not included in the rating of suspended ceiling manufacturers.

France - first place

Not only a trendsetter, but also the first country to launch the production of membrane coatings. The French are the leaders in this area. France still retains its leading position in the production and appearance of the most fashionable types of coatings.

The most popular are stretch films and fabrics from the following French companies:

Germany – second position

The number of linen manufacturers here is smaller than in France, but they also produce very popular types of such products. Only the smaller number of well-known manufacturers in our country prevents Germany from leading the ranking of companies engaged in the production of suspended ceilings.

  • Renolit is a company that has long gained popularity among Russian consumers. The quality is at a decent level. And the prices are quite reasonable. Eat different variants canvases - from the most fashionable and expensive, to more affordable in cost and appearance.
  • “Lackfolie” is another representative of Germany, which has confirmed the merits of its products through many years of presence on the market. There are many options and they are all different, so almost any consumer can choose suitable option.
  • "" is the most famous manufacturer on the Russian market. Its difference is the affordable cost of the canvas and an excellent selection of films. In addition to PVC products, the buyer will be offered textile types coatings.
  • Descor is an equally well-known company whose product range includes stretch textile coverings. With excellent consumer characteristics of the product, the price remains within an acceptable range for most buyers.

Belgium and Italy – tied for third place

Not the largest selection of companies producing such products allows us to unite representatives of Belgium and Italy in one position in the ranking.

  • Malpensa is an Italian company that has not yet presented a large range of products. However, all commercially available membrane coatings from this manufacturer are distinguished by high strength and quality.
  • Polyplast PTMS is a Belgian manufacturer that has moved its production to China. Due to this, the cost is reduced, and the quality is controlled by company representatives.

Russia – China – close the ranking

Also, not the largest selection of companies producing such coatings made it possible to once again unite the two states in the ranking. However, the price of materials from China and Russia will be the most affordable.

  • "Saros Design" - the most famous Russian representative in this area. The quality of the films is high, and the price is very affordable. It is important that the installation of the ceiling from this company will be carried out within a couple of days after the order.
  • “Fran Studio” is another representative of Russia. Prices are also low with a fairly large selection. Installation is also carried out in the shortest possible time.
  • “Gline” is the only representative of China that is included in this rating of suspended ceilings. Despite the popular opinion about Chinese goods, the products offered are of very high quality and are inexpensive.

On the websites of some companies that install and sell suspended ceilings, there are sometimes a lot of names of companies that produce materials for the future fabric with different pricing policies per 1 m2. This can be very doubtful, since in fact there are only a few of them in Europe. Indeed, many European brands, which are offered to our buyer when checked, turn out to be ordinary fakes, in Europe they simply do not exist - served with French sauce ordinary China Low quality. How to figure it out and choose the optimal one is discussed in this article.

As we know, there are fabric and PVC canvases, and accordingly there are companies producing certain ceilings. By geography - European, in particular France, Germany, Belgium, Holland; and Chinese - factory-made and produced in artisanal conditions.

In terms of price-quality ratio, all suppliers can be divided into classes:

Fabric ceilings:

  • the premium class is represented by the French brand Clipso and the Swiss Cerutti, the maximum width of the material is 5.1 m, the only difference is in the appearance of the fiber weaving, environmental friendliness and naturalness are at the highest level and are confirmed by the ISO quality standard. It is important to know that 1 m2 of these brands cannot cost 800 rubles/m2, because this fabric is only available to order and the cost with installation is 30-40 euros per m2 on a turnkey basis;
  • the middle class of fabric ceilings in Moscow is represented by the German Descor, the cut width is the same 5.1 m, the turnkey cost is about 1000 - 1200 rub/m2 including load-bearing frame, quite an adequate price for a hypoallergenic matte fabric ceiling in your home.

All other production, declared as an inexpensive analogue of fabric from China, does not belong to the fabric ceilings section and cannot be considered in this segment.

Premium PVC ceilings:

  • CTN (France) with a stretch width of up to 2.2 m, a mostly matte texture, somewhat reminiscent of fabric weaving, these fabrics have minimal odor even when heated, and are protected by markings. They are perfectly suited to involute photo printing, which looks like expensive UV. The seams on this material are practically invisible, the turnkey price is about 1200 rubles/m2;
  • This category also includes German ceilings from Renolit with an original width of 1.8 m, also with markings and a similar cost;
  • decorative textures are produced by the Dutch factory Alkor Draka in a width of 1.3 m, stretched up to 1.5 m, here you will find the likes of suede, wood, metal and other original surfaces for 1500 RUR/m2 including installation.

PVC ceilings middle class:

  • The German concern Pongs has been producing excellent canvases of matte, glossy and satin textures in widths of 2 m and 2.7 m for several decades; this width will ideally cover a room without a seam up to 3.2 m. Authenticity will be confirmed by the presence of markings along the edge of the roll and a quality certificate. But if CTN practically does not smell, then the German has an inherent smell during installation and the next few days. The asking price is 900-1100 rubles/m2 turnkey, depending on the geometric shape of the premises.

PVC ceilings middle class (economy option):

  • The Belgian brand PTMC produces wide-format material of any texture up to 5 m, and is in great demand among Muscovites, because with it a room up to 6 m without a seam is a reality!
  • Chinese MSD factory has modern equipment and technologies for the production of 5 m sheets not only of white but also of other colors. Recently, they have certified their ceilings in Europe and are attracting interest among Europeans due to the possibility of large seamless panels.

Of course, these are not all manufacturers of canvases for suspended ceilings, but we made a brief inspection of the best and proven factories in Europe and China, which are safe for our customers.

Updated: 09/18/2019 22:30:15

Expert: Boris Mendel

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

This type of finishing, such as suspended ceilings, quickly gained popularity in Russia. Consumers immediately appreciated the ideal flatness of the surface, durability, high speed of installation, and minimal inconvenience in terms of rearranging furniture and cleaning the room. Foreign and domestic producers offer systems from different materials, amazes with the variety of textures and colors. Difficult for an unsophisticated buyer right choice, so expert advice will be helpful.

How to choose a stretch ceiling

  1. Blade type. Today there are three types of paintings on the finishing materials market. The most affordable and popular is PVC film. It is often used by owners of private houses and apartments to decorate kitchens, baths, toilets and some residential premises. It is preferable to decorate bedrooms and children's rooms with eco-friendly satin fabrics. In large rooms, you can make a seamless ceiling by using fabric based on polyester and polyurethane. Only the price of such material is quite high.
  2. Texture. Any stretch ceiling has its own texture. Matte surfaces create an imitation of the base, with a perfectly even layer of putty. This texture is optimal for spacious premises with a classic interior. Modern style finishing involves the use of glossy stretch ceilings. Such canvases visually enlarge cramped rooms.
  3. Color. IN different rooms Ceiling coverings with a certain palette of colors will look harmonious. The most popular is white canvas. It is suitable for most interiors, has a calm effect on the psyche, and is combined with inserts based on photo printing. Romantic shades such as pink, blue and beige are suitable for the bedroom. But bright ceilings (green, purple, orange, blue) would be appropriate in children's rooms. Dark colors are used to decorate work rooms.
  4. Installation features. Experts attribute the fear of high temperatures and sharp objects to the disadvantages of suspended ceilings. During operation, mechanical damage rarely occurs, but at the installation stage it is quite easy to ruin an expensive canvas. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately decide on the number and location of lamps, cornices and other interior elements. Another nuance is important to consider at the design stage ceiling decoration- this is the gap between the base and the canvas. If you plan to install built-in lamps, you will have to sacrifice the height of the room.
  5. Additional features. Stretch ceilings are versatile, but some products have unique properties. Music lovers should take a closer look at acoustic canvases. They combine sound and heat insulation qualities. For residents with low immunity, antibacterial sheets are optimal. And in production premises or laboratories, it is recommended to install moisture- and frost-resistant ceilings with high resistance to dirt.

We selected 15 for our review the best manufacturers stretch ceilings. Their products are widely represented on the domestic market. The rating was compiled taking into account the opinion of the expert community and consumer reviews.

Which ceiling is better - plasterboard, tension or slatted?

Ceiling type




Affordable price

Opportunity self-installation


You can create multi-level structures

Low moisture resistance;

Lengthy installation process

Stretch ceiling

Wide selection of fabrics and colors

Quick installation

High moisture resistance

Minimal furniture movement

Installed only by specialists

Requires special equipment and tools

High price

Rack design

Communications are easily masked

Affordable price

Easy installation

You can change individual elements

Dirt accumulates in joints

The height of the room is reduced

Furniture needs to be rearranged

Rating of the best manufacturers of suspended ceilings

Nomination place manufacturer rating
The best PVC stretch ceilings 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.8
4 4.7
5 4.7
6 4.7
7 4.6
8 4.6
9 4.5
10 4.5
The best satin stretch ceilings 1 4.8
The best fabric stretch ceilings 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.7

The best PVC stretch ceilings

PVC film is the most popular material in Russia for finishing ceilings. The canvas has an affordable price; manufacturers offer a variety color solutions, there are matte or glossy surfaces. Experts highly rated PVC products from the following brands.


A unique indoor interior can be created using stretch ceilings from Barrisol. Experts call the products of the French brand the standard in the field of ceiling finishing. The company occupies a leading position in the European market thanks to its durable and beautiful material. The manufacturer offers 6 texture options, about 90 colors, as well as a 12-year warranty. If we add to this environmental friendliness (A+) and ease of use, the product becomes attractive in terms of design and reliability.

Some users may be put off by the high price, but it should be noted that Barrisol stretch ceilings are easily dismantled and can be reused. The brand becomes the winner in our rating.


  • high quality;
  • reusability;
  • rich assortment;
  • environmental friendliness.


  • high price.

Alkor Draka

An excellent combination of European quality and a rich assortment is inherent in Alkor Draka stretch ceilings. This Dutch company is part of the well-known international holding Vulcan. The history of the company began in 1947, since then the main specialization trademark production of PVC film began. The company's employees boast a wealth of experience, which is complemented by modern technologies. Experts gave the brand second place in our ranking for excellent quality, ease of care, variety of colors and textures.

Domestic users speak flatteringly about environmental friendliness; the film does not absorb odors and does not attract dust. It is possible to choose a film that matches the color and texture of any interior.


  • multi-stage quality control;
  • 8 textures;
  • 100 colors;
  • ease of care.


  • high price.


High fashion products include EXTENZO stretch ceilings. They are intended for wide application, starting from living rooms and ending with public institutions. Experts have identified several important features, due to which the brand got into the top three of our rating. Tension systems do not reduce the height of the room; the gap between the ceiling and the film is only 3 mm. The manufacturer offers over 120 color palettes and 12 types. These are classic options (glossy, matte), artistic, and antibacterial.

Users have no complaints about the quality of French PVC film. But the work of the Russian representative office leaves much to be desired.


  • minimum gap between the ceiling and the film;
  • wide selection of colors and varieties;
  • UV resistance;
  • long service life.


  • the smell lasts a long time;
  • there are complaints about the work of the Russian representative office.


German Lackfolie stretch ceilings can add zest to any interior. They will fit harmoniously into a residential space, as well as into a restaurant, hotel or store. The company is a leader in Germany in the production of PVC film and suspended ceilings. The company's largest representative offices are located in Switzerland, France and Russia. The manufacturer pays a lot of attention to safety and environmental friendliness, this applies to both the selection of raw materials and the introduction of advanced technologies. To ensure high quality products, strict control is carried out at every stage of production.

A lot of positive reviews from Russian consumers allowed the brand to get into our rating. Disadvantages include the high price and persistent odor.


  • elegant design;
  • easy care;
  • high quality;
  • safety and environmental friendliness.


  • high price;
  • the smell does not disappear for several days.


Has been involved for over 65 years PVC production films German company RENOLIT. The brand's products are used in various industries, from construction to healthcare. The company has patented a unique technology for manufacturing suspended ceilings; it is based on high-quality raw materials and modern equipment. In the manufacturer's catalog, the most demanding consumer will find a suitable stretch ceiling option. There are about 200 color palettes alone. Experts note resistance to combustion, absence of odor and defects.

Users are satisfied with the quality of the film, fireproof and antifungal properties, and durability. Only the transfer of production to China somewhat upsets domestic buyers.



  • high price;
  • Chinese production.

PTCM Polyplast

Compared to other European manufacturers of suspended ceilings, the Belgian company PTCM Polyplast offers Russian consumers affordable prices. When choosing films from this brand, you should consider some features. Minimum clearance between the ceiling and the film will be from 3 to 5 cm. The installation process can take approximately 4 to 8 hours. With the help of Belgian systems, it is possible to implement both single-level types of finishing and multi-level structures. The catalog also includes fashionable canvases with a 3D effect.


  • wide scope of application;
  • affordable prices;
  • variety of films;
  • moisture resistance.


  • large gap;
  • Chinese production.


The German brand Pongs has a good reputation in Europe and Russia. The manufacturer has gained a wealth of experience over a hundred years of producing PVC films and plastics. The company's factories are constantly modernizing equipment and introducing new technologies. Special attention pays attention to environmental friendliness of products. The range includes glossy, matte and satin fabrics. The widest film available on Russian market, has a size of 3.25 m. If the seller offers large dimensional canvases under this brand, then it will be a fake.

The brand has earned a place in our ranking thanks to German quality and environmental friendliness. Fire safety is confirmed by the appropriate certificate. There are no complaints about the quality of the material on the forums, but not everyone is happy with the price.


  • stable quality;
  • ease of installation;
  • good specularity;
  • easy care.


  • high price;
  • Film width is limited.


The Chinese brand MSD occupies a worthy place in various ratings. Stretch ceilings from this manufacturer are famous for their high quality at an affordable price. Film materials are absolutely safe, they have an A+ environmental class, which is confirmed by an ISO certificate. Some European manufacturers for suspended ceilings, film is ordered from a Chinese holding company. Experts note the innovative approach of MSD; it was the company that was the first to produce canvases 5.1 m wide. The company is constantly developing and introducing new lines of stretch ceilings.

Domestic users managed to evaluate the quality of Chinese MSD stretch ceilings. The affordable price, environmental friendliness, ease of operation and maintenance deserve praise. One of the disadvantages is the presence of stains on the canvases.


  • affordable price;
  • good quality;
  • rich color palette;
  • variety of textures.


  • spots on the film.


The SAROS DESIGN company began its activities by supplying stretch ceilings from Europe to the domestic market. But already in 2000 the company established its own production. Today, decorative canvases are made not only at production sites in Russia, but also in Estonia, Ukraine, and Germany. Thanks to this approach, the manufacturer was able to reduce the lead time for orders, as well as constantly monitor the quality of suspended ceilings. Experts pay attention to modern approach to clients, the company has developed mobile app, in which you can create suspended ceiling projects.


  • beautiful designs;
  • good quality;
  • attentive attitude towards clients;
  • prompt execution of orders.



A fairly young player in the suspended ceilings market is Ecofole. The German manufacturer joined the fierce struggle for consumers only in 2007. At first, the company produced products for packaging, waterproofing, and renovation of premises. Since 2010, film materials began to be used as ceiling decor. Ecofole stretch ceilings appeared on the Russian market in 2012. Today there are official representative offices of the brand in 18 cities. According to the manufacturer, about 80% of the audience are buyers from Russia.


  • orientation to the Russian market;
  • good assortment (3 textures, 64 colors);
  • stylish design;
  • acceptable price.


  • there are a lot of fakes on the domestic market.

The best satin stretch ceilings

Weightlessness, original texture and rich color are the main advantages of satin stretch ceilings. To create the canvas, the following are used: natural materials like silk, wool and cotton. The fibers twist and intertwine to form a shiny structure. Experts have identified one brand that produces satin coatings.


Experts call Arridel satin stretch ceilings the standard of reliability and aesthetics. Today in the world no one can reach the level of the French manufacturer. The Russian consumer is offered a wide palette of colors, in which the most discerning buyer will find his own color. Arridel stretch ceilings are suitable for decorating studios, restaurant premises and living rooms. Thanks to the fragmentary reflection of light, the ceiling surface looks elegant as if natural light, and in the case of backlighting. The material even has a small sound absorption coefficient (0.4).

The brand becomes the winner in this rating category for durability (up to 50 years), environmental friendliness (A) and high strength. The disadvantages include the high price and narrow canvases (up to 220 cm).


  • noble shine;
  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • silky texture.


  • high price;
  • narrow canvases.

The best fabric stretch ceilings

Fabric-based stretch ceilings are in demand for the effect of a putty surface. The canvas is made of polyester, which is impregnated with polyurethane. The disadvantage of the material is its high price. Experts have identified several brands.


The world leader in the production of fabric stretch ceilings is Clipso. The French company began its activities in 1997, and its products immediately became popular. Experts note such properties of fabrics as high quality, versatility of use and durability. The manufacturer offers Russian consumers a wide range of textures and colors. IN classic interior Seamless white surfaces will look harmonious. Shiny or colored materials will help make the room unique. For special conditions The catalog includes antibacterial, moisture-resistant and dirt-proof fabrics. Product quality is confirmed by ISO 9001 certificates.


  • high quality;
  • durability;
  • moisture resistance;
  • environmental friendliness.


  • high price.

Cerutti Next

Cerutti Next fabric stretch ceilings stand out for their originality. The Italian manufacturer pays a lot of attention to multilayer acoustic structures. Seamless multi-layer canvases up to 5 m wide stand out against the background of competitive acoustic coatings. On back side the canvas has a layer of polymer, and front side made in the form of a standard matte finish. According to experts, the brand deserves a high place in our ranking for its uniqueness, high moisture and frost resistance, and durability. The installation of a stretch ceiling will solve not only the problem of sound insulation, but will also reduce heat loss in the room.

Feedback from domestic users prevented the Italian brand from overtaking the leader. They are dissatisfied with the unpleasant smell of rubber that the canvas gives off for a long time.



  • unpleasant smell.


The German company Descor produces fabric ceilings that successfully combine affordable prices and excellent technical characteristics. The manufacturer's assortment includes canvases with a width from 3.2 to 5.2 m. In most living rooms it will be possible to create a beautiful seamless ceiling covering. Experts included the brand in our rating for environmental friendliness and fire safety. The light weight of the material helps to save on the profile. Descor fabrics are counterfeit-proof and have fringes on the stripes with the inscription “D-Premium Made in Germany”.

Weak side German manufacturer is a modest range of fabrics. The Russian consumer is offered only 30 color solutions. Users liked the elasticity of the material, which easily takes complex shapes.



  • modest selection of colors.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.