Rubber-bearing ficus elastica Robusta: growing at home and care. How to grow a lush and healthy ficus Robusta? Ficus Robusta propagation

Ficus rubber (or ficus Elastica) has long gained popularity among domestic flower growers. However, there are also varieties of this plant, one of which is the rubber plant Ficus Robusta. Ficus Robusta is very easy to care for and also has a very attractive appearance. In this article we will tell you what kind of care the ficus Robusta requires so that it becomes a real decoration of your home.

If necessary, the lack of sunlight is more than compensated for by artificial lighting. The optimal temperature for these ficus trees is between 18–25 degrees. It is forbidden to place the flower close to batteries and other heating devices: so it will dry out and die very soon. In addition, during hot periods it is recommended to maintain humidity levels at the proper level by spraying the tree with a spray bottle. IN winter period make sure that the ficus Robusta does not freeze - the temperature should be 16–18 degrees. If it is below this mark, the leaves will quickly wither and fall off.

The plant likes light soil. You can use special soil for ficuses or take a universal one and add perlite to it. Also, do not forget to fertilize the flower as needed, especially when it is actively growing.

Features of care

Home care is not difficult. You just need to take into account several aspects to ensure that the fate of your home tree is prosperous. The main issue that concerns the owners of this plant is the issue of ficus Elastica.

It is not difficult to propagate the green beauty. For propagation, as a rule, cuttings are used - this is the simplest and quick way propagate the rubber baby. Since it propagates by cuttings, we will need to cut them off with a sharp knife, put them in water and wait a while for them to take root. It is better to build some kind of greenhouse by covering the sprouts with a bag. After the roots have appeared, the cuttings are placed in separate pots. Ficus is also propagated air layering, but this method is suitable for professionals, not amateurs. In addition to reproduction, there are several other important aspects to consider.

Watering mode

  1. Placing a newly purchased flower in quarantine. Never place a newly purchased plant in your flower garden - you can bring not only beautiful flower, but also several diseases. The best option The flower will be placed in quarantine, where it will stay for about a week. Then you can place it with other colors.
  2. Don’t be lazy to inspect your flower garden. This way you can recognize a disease or even harmful insects before the process has gone too far. In addition, by devoting a lot of time to your plants, you can notice in time when they need replanting, watering or.
  3. From time to time it is worth wiping the leaves of the plant with soapy water. This is a kind of preventative method that will help avoid the appearance of pests.

Video "Ficus Robusta"

In this video you will learn about rubber ficus Robusta.

Caring for ficus Robusta at home involves providing dim lighting and no direct sunlight. The air temperature should not fall below +18 °C. The plant loves plenty of watering, but too much moisture can cause the roots to rot. It is advisable to periodically wipe the leaves with a damp sponge. This not only freshens them, but also removes accumulated dust. When planting, ensure good drainage.

In summer, the ideal temperature ranges from +20 to +25 °C. In extreme heat, the leaves of ficus elastica begin to turn pale and droop.

In cold weather, maintaining a temperature of at least +18 °C is required. Drafts are not allowed.

Required amount of moisture

The plant requires regular spraying. In winter - twice a day. In the summer - a little more often. Spraying is carried out with filtered water.

Under normal lighting conditions, the plant should be watered abundantly, but it must be taken into account that excess moisture can lead to rotting of the roots.

Watering schedule:

  • several times during the day in summer;
  • once every 4-5 days during winter.

If water remains in the pan after watering, this can lead to mold and disease in the plant.

Reaction to light

Ficus elastica Robusta is not afraid of the lack of light. Therefore, a plant standing on a windowsill is suitable not only for windows located in the west or east, but also for windows facing north. If you plant a ficus in strong shade, it will not grow. If it is directly exposed to sunlight, it can burn, which will lead to leaf fall.

The soil

Ficus needs light and nutritious soil no acidity. For such plants, special or universal soils are sold. To make air flow better, sand and vermiculite are added there.

Fertilizing ficus trees is encouraged. Especially when it is actively growing and developing. It is recommended to feed them from November to March.

A fertilizer is used that is sold in liquid form and is intended for decorative foliage plants. Let it be a composition that contains sufficient nitrogen content. The application procedure is carried out once every two weeks.


Reproduction methods:

  • cuttings from a leaf;
  • sowing seeds by air and horizontal layering;
  • more convenient and lighter - from the handle.

How it's done:

  • cutting cuttings begins from the tops;
  • take a couple of leaves and wash off the milky juice from them;
  • leave to soak in clean water for a couple of hours;
  • the cut is dipped in Kornevin;
  • the cutting is lowered into clean water, it is changed periodically.

Roots will appear within 3–4 weeks. The ficus is planted in a flowerpot and given constant attention.

The cut root-shoot is immediately transplanted into soil with the mixture. To make it fit better, it is insulated on top.

Transplant methods

The plant requires constant replanting as it grows quickly. If after watering the leaves drop and the roots are visible on the top of the soil, it needs to be replanted.

The best method is transshipment. This is a transplant into another flowerpot using the same earthen clod. This causes less damage to the plant.

Transplanting to another pot is carried out as follows:

  • Water, making the entire lump of earth wet.
  • Remove the plant from the previous pot along with the earthen lump.
  • Place drainage in a new pot, place the ficus on it, and add new soil.
  • Water. Determine the place for the plant and try not to move it again.
  • It is advisable that the pot be made of clay and a couple of centimeters wider than before.

Ficus is a plant that by its nature grows exclusively upward. However, this is not entirely convenient for growing at home. This is why you need to prune the plant to form the flower shape you want.

Features of the plant

Ficus rubber (how to form a crown will be described in this article) is a plant that belongs to the genus Ficus of the Mulberry family. The homeland of this representative is considered to be India, namely its northeastern part, as well as southern Indonesia and western Africa. As ornamental plant it is grown outside tropical areas. In addition to the decorative function, it can also perform an industrial function, since it is large trees that produce rubber.

When growing in their natural conditions ficus can reach a size of 40 m in height, while forming so-called support roots. The main feature of the latter is that they descend to the ground and take root in it. If grown at home, the maximum growth, as a rule, does not exceed 10 m, if pruning is not carried out.

Beneficial features

In addition to the fact that rubber is extracted from this plant, ficus is also considered the most useful flower, which can significantly improve the health of the air. This happens because air passes through the leaves like through a pipe. During this passage, it is significantly enriched with oxygen.

Another important advantage is the ficus’s ease of care.

In conditions home grown it practically does not bloom, is not capricious and can adapt to absolutely any conditions. The only thing is that the plant needs to be kept away from direct sunlight, watered and bathed on time and in the right amount.

Physiology of ficus growth

Ficus rubber (how to form a crown will be described later) can take on all sorts of shapes using the pruning process. This will allow the plant to become a truly unique decoration for any home. You can do this yourself, the main thing is to be patient and follow the basic rules.

How does rubber ficus grow? New shoots, as a rule, develop from formed buds. There are two types:

  • apical (located at the top of the plant);
  • lateral, or axillary (located in the axils of the leaves, in those places where the petioles of the leaves are attached directly to the trunk).

The apical bud develops at an accelerated pace, while the lateral buds slow down their development or are completely blocked. If the top bud is removed, this will activate the lateral buds, and the shoots will begin to grow to the sides. This is how the rubber ficus is formed.

Pruning rules

The time of crown formation is important. Before pruning rubber ficus at home, you should choose the right period for this: autumn or spring.

If you form the crown in the spring, this will allow you to get a more lush plant, since it is during this period that the plant is able to recharge itself with energy. As a result of this, you will get a flower that will be sufficiently stimulated, and in different directions to the same extent.

But if you decide to carry out the procedure in the fall or winter, this threatens a one-sided development. There is a big risk that you will end up with a lopsided plant. In addition, it is during this period that the rubber-bearing ficus (you will learn further how to form a crown with the help of some devices) uses all the accumulated summer season And if you cut off some of its shoots, you will simply deprive the plant of these very reserves.

The process of crown formation itself consists not only of pruning shoots and shortening them, but also indicating the direction of their further growth. As a rule, various tension devices are used for this.

Crown formation without pruning

Before pruning the rubber ficus, think about whether it is necessary to do so. The crown can be formed solely by directing and fixing certain shoots. Using this method minimizes injury to the plant. After a certain time, these fixing devices can be safely removed.

It is also worth considering the age of the ficus. A younger plant tolerates this procedure more easily. But adult plants no longer have sufficient shoot flexibility, and they are very easily injured.

Ficus rubber: how to form the crown correctly?

These rules apply to single plants that grow in one trunk.

  1. You need to wait until the plant grows about 70 cm. After this, you need to cut off the top cutting of the rubber ficus. This will allow the plant to develop its side shoots. The cut cuttings can be rooted next to the main plant, thereby forming an unusual bush shape.
  2. If you want to work on the shape of a small plant, simply pinch the top of the plant. However, it is worth understanding that there is a high probability that only one sprout will grow from this point.
  3. You can stimulate the growth of side shoots simply by bending the crown, after which it is securely fixed. When the bud, which turned out to be the top one, begins to actively grow, the trunk can be returned to its original position.
  4. The following procedure will help stimulate the growth of additional branches: use a thick needle to pierce the main trunk by a third of its thickness. If you make several punctures, only the bottom one will be active. That is why it is better to start this procedure from the top.
  5. A thin branch of the plant should be cut straight. If you need to trim a thick shoot, the cut should be at an angle.
  6. For the procedure, take exclusively sterile instruments, and also perfectly sharp. Fire or medical alcohol is suitable for sterilization.
  7. The secreted juice must be removed. Use a wet cloth for these purposes. Additional processing not required.
  8. A month after the procedure, the plant needs feeding. It is also recommended to transplant the ficus into a larger pot.

How to prune ficus rubber at home? Easy enough. Just follow the basic rules. For example, when pruning rubber ficus, do not forget that it secretes milky sap, which is quite poisonous. All actions should be carried out wearing protective gloves.

Formation of an unusual crown

How to form an unusual type of rubber ficus? Everything is very simple. This procedure should be done not with a single plant, but by planting several ficus plants in one pot at once. Flowers should be young, equally developed and the average height should not exceed 15 cm.

All side shoots must be removed, and the trunk, as the plant grows, must be given the required form. The main rule: weaving should be done freely, since over time the trunks will thicken. To form a spiral, you will need two plants in one pot, for a “pigtail” - at least three.

You need to start weaving when all the plants in the pot have reached a certain height (usually 13-15 cm). Each subsequent turn must be done as the plant develops. To prevent the braid from unraveling, the trunks need to be tied up. The threads should be soft, ideal if you take woolen ones. They need to be bandaged every two months. If necessary, you can install a support.

Such trunks look really impressive and unusual.

Instead of a conclusion

If your ficus bush has grown too much, then some of the shoots, mainly those directed into the crown, are removed. This will allow each leaf of the plant to receive required quantity sunlight.

Having gained some experience, you can quite easily form entire sculptures from ficus.

Ficus elastica is a widespread indoor plant. Since ancient times, the plant has been considered a symbol of family comfort and well-being. It received its second name (rubber-bearing) because of the viscous thick juice that contains a large number of rubber used in the production of rubber.

Ficus rubber is native to southern Indonesia. It often grows up to 30 meters. In these regions, the plant is revered by Buddhists. IN indoor floriculture Ficus elastica are widely used for decoration.

In our country, after the revolution of 1917, the flower was ranked among the notorious “seven elephants” and declared a symbol of philistinism and bad taste. However, true connoisseurs natural beauty plants have never renounced ficus, but in last decade they increasingly began to appear in the homes of our compatriots.

Types of ficus

Ficus rubber is represented in modern floriculture by numerous varieties that are more compact than natural varieties. The most popular and widespread are the following types:


A completely unpretentious variety with wide shiny leaves painted dark green.


A plant with tricolor leaves (white and pink rims along the edges and a green center). Unlike Robusta, this ficus is more demanding on lighting.


A spectacular flower with very beautiful dark burgundy leaves. The plant does not require care.


An original type of ficus with leaves covered with irregular spots of green and white. The plant is more fastidious in care, needs good diffused lighting, regular watering, fertilizing and pruning.


The variety often bushes and has dark green leaves (up to 20 cm). Easy to care for.


It is distinguished by feathery, light leaves with light streaks.

Black Prince

The plant has very dark shiny leaves. Unpretentious and ideal for home keeping.

Description of ficus

The young plant initially has one unbranched trunk. Gradually, aerial roots appear on it and its branches, which in a natural humid and warm environment reach the ground, forming new trunks.

Ficus elastica has large elliptical leaves with pointed ends. They are arranged alternately. The newly emerging leaves, as well as the stipules, are colored a rich dark brown color.

The benefits of ficus

Today, many people grow ficus elastica at home, in offices, and in their country houses. This plant has a beneficial effect on the microclimate of the room, purifies the air from harmful substances, in particular trichlorethylene, phenol and benzene.

In the Indian teachings of Ayuveda, it is recommended to grow ficus elastica to improve the energy background of the room, cleanse it from negative energy. This plant is harmless.

Ficus elastica at home

Like most indoor plants, ficus loves scattered bright light, but direct rays of the sun can harm it. Ficus elastica also develops in partial shade, but in this case the flower grows slowly, and after some time the plant begins to shed its lower leaves.


Ficus rubber feels comfortable in spring and summer at air temperatures up to +25 °C, although it can tolerate summer heat without serious consequences if it does not last too long.

IN winter time, the room where the flower is located may be cool, but the temperature should not be below +15 °C.

Ficus elastica: watering

The plant needs regular moderate watering. This should be done only after the top layer of soil has dried by about five centimeters. In summer, water no more than twice a week, in winter - no more than once every seven to ten days.

Ficus elastica should not be allowed to become waterlogged. The leaves of this plant fall for many reasons, including an increased amount of water in the soil. It is necessary to support and the desired flower air humidity. In summer, it is increased by spraying with water and washing the leaves with a damp cloth or sponge once every ten days. Once a month the plant will need a warm shower. But first you need to cover the soil in the pot with film.

In winter, ficus elastica is not sprayed, but only the leaves are wiped with a damp cloth. It is advisable to keep the plant away from heating appliances in winter.

Top dressing

In the warm season (from April to September), rubber ficus needs feeding, at least twice a month. It is advisable to alternate liquid mineral and organic fertilizers, in which nitrogen predominates. For example, water the moistened soil in a pot with a nutrient solution (1/2 spoon of nitrophoska per liter of water). After fifteen days, treat the wet soil with mullein infusion. Try to keep fertilizers away from the growth buds and leaves.


If you don't want your ficus to reach maximum sizes, then it is necessary to carry out regular pruning. The crown is usually formed in the spring, when the most active growth of the plant is observed, so it can more easily tolerate this procedure. It is necessary to remember when starting pruning that ficus elastica has a poisonous milky sap that can irritate the skin.

When the plant reaches the height you want, pinch the main shoot. If you think that it is necessary to shorten the flower, then first cut the shoot five centimeters above the desired mark, and then pinch it. This will stop the growth in height and help form a lush crown.

Don't forget to disinfect your tools. Before pruning, the pruning shears and knife should be heated over a fire or treated with alcohol. After finishing work, remove the milky juice from the blade with a damp cloth or sponge. The spring formation of the crown activates the growth of new shoots and lateral buds.


If you notice that ficus elastica has grown out of its old container, transplanting it into a larger pot should be done in the spring. It is advisable to replant one year and prune the next season. It is difficult for a ficus to adapt and recover immediately after two procedures.

A small young plant should not be planted in a large pot, as this may cause increased growth of the root system, and ground part will freeze for a long time. For replanting, a pot is used that is five centimeters deeper and three centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one.

A drainage layer (about five centimeters) is poured onto the bottom of the container. You should first prepare the soil mixture. For ficus, it should consist of peat, turf soil, leaf humus and river sand in equal proportions. Today you can purchase ready-made soil in specialized stores or prepare it yourself.

Young plants are transplanted using the transshipment method in order to injure as little as possible root system. It is much more convenient to keep adult plants in tubs, periodically replacing the surface layer of soil.


Most owners try the leaf. It takes root well and can live alone for a long time. But a stem will not appear from the leaf, and the plant will not develop.

To get a new plant, you need to find out what features Ficus elastica has. Propagation of this plant is most effective using cuttings. For this, the upper lobe of the stem with 2-3 leaves is used. The bottom sheet is removed, and the top sheets are shortened by a third. Before planting, the cuttings are placed in water to allow the milky juice to drain. Then it is planted in the ground and covered with polyethylene. Rooting duration is twenty days.

Reproduction by layering

Ficus trees can be propagated by air layering. To do this, tie the stem under the sixth leaf plastic film, which must be filled with moist soil. Polyethylene is necessary to retain moisture. To make roots appear faster, make an oblique cut on the stem.

Diseases and pests

These are quite powerful and strong plants. Ficus elastica diseases are quite rare. With proper care and proper watering the plant is actively developing and growing.

Dry and wrinkled leaves may appear in hanging and bush varieties due to drying out of the soil and low level humidity. It is necessary to normalize watering and spray more often. The same symptoms can appear with sunburn. In this case, it is enough to move the plant to a more suitable place where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight.

If you notice that the leaves of a plant have begun to turn yellow, then experts believe that there may be several reasons for this: drying out or waterlogging of the soil, drafts, insufficient lighting.

Some leaf diseases can be caused by pests. Most often they appear in rooms with high level humidity ( fungal infections) or too low (aphids, nematodes, spider mites, scale insects). To prevent pests from injuring the plant, preventive inspections should be carried out.

If you notice small spiders on the bottom of the leaves, then you know that these are spider mite, which at high temperature and dryness multiplies rapidly. To destroy it, the plant is washed with a weak solution of tobacco dust with the addition of soap.

To get rid of shield aphids, you can use the same soap and tobacco infusion, adding a few drops of alcohol or kerosene to it.

Why do the leaves fall?

This question interests not only beginners, but also experienced flower growers. Most often this happens due to lack of moisture. In addition to watering, the ficus must be sprayed with water, but its temperature should not be lower than +15 °C.

Plants with large leaves are less demanding of moisture, and small-leaved species need to be sprayed frequently. During heating season Place a container of water near the plant and regularly wipe the leaves with a damp sponge.

Fungal diseases

These diseases may appear as spots on the leaf blades. Poor room ventilation can lead to the formation white plaque. This disease is well known experienced flower growers and is called "powdery mildew". If the plant is extensively damaged, treat it with a fungicide, covering both the crown and root system.

Ficus elastica is a magnificent plant that can enliven any interior. It does not require labor-intensive care, and if the simplest maintenance rules are followed, it will please its owners for a long time with a beautiful view.

Flower lovers try to decorate their homes various plants. One such plant is ficus robusta. He will not only become good decoration in your home, but will also complement the office interior. We will tell you how to care for ficus, its methods of reproduction and difficulties that may arise when growing it.

Ficus robusta: general information

This type of ficus can safely be called the most unpretentious plant, which is perfect for beginner gardeners. Caring for it will not cause much trouble.

This flower is a member of the ficus family. Evergreen crown will not leave any gardener indifferent. It is most notable for its large leaves. They are oval in shape with pointed tips pointing downwards.

The leaf color is dark green. A central vein runs through the middle of the shoot, the color of which can vary from red to dark green.
The leaf plate has a smooth edge. The leaves are arranged sequentially along the entire trunk, which is green.

If you touch the surface of the leaves, you get the impression that they are made of plastic with a wax coating. The leaf length is approximately 20-25 cm and the width is 15 cm. However, in some plants the leaf can reach dimensions of 45x20 cm.

Did you know? In feng shui indoor flower Robusta is a symbol of cleansing the aura and protecting against negativity and evil spirits in the living space.

Robusta may also bloom. However, the size of the inflorescences and fruits is small compared to the size of the flower (only 1 cm in diameter), so they are very difficult to see.

Ficus robusta is very common in the north-eastern regions of India, as well as the southern regions of China, Indonesia, Nepal, Burma, Buran and Malaysia.

The length of some representatives of the species can reach 60 meters in height. However, the average height of this tree is 30-40 meters, and the trunk diameter reaches 2 meters.
In nature, the trunk of a plant has many branches and can form aerial roots.

Conditions for growing ficus robusta

Although this plant is considered unpretentious, it is necessary to pay attention to the conditions under which it is best to grow the flower.

Optimal conditions For growing a flower, the usual room temperature is. If temperature regime goes beyond 18-25 degrees, then the plant’s leaves begin to fall off.

When temperatures rise above 25 degrees, the foliage begins to turn pale and droop.

Important! Picking up optimal place for ficus robusta, you must remember that the plant does not tolerate drafts well.

Also, you should not place the flower next to the battery, as the hot air emanating from it will accelerate the evaporation of moisture from the leaves, and the plant will get burned.

In spring and autumn period the plant can be moved from the room to the balcony, the plant tolerates such changes quite well. And in the summer you can even take it outside, the main thing is to choose a place with optimal level lighting.
One of the most important conditions for proper care of a flower of this family is maintaining optimal humidity air, which should be at least 50%.

In winter, when indoor humidity rarely exceeds 30-40%, it is recommended to use a humidifier or spray the plant more frequently. If you regularly spray your ficus, the flower will always delight you with a beautiful green crown.

This flower is not particularly picky about lighting, and tolerates both a darkened window and a window with a northern orientation. The lack of light is easily compensated for by artificial lighting.

This feature of the ficus allows you to place a flowerpot even in the back of the room.

However, this plant does not tolerate direct sunlight - such exposure can lead to leaf fall or cause burns.

Soil composition

For good growth Light soil with neutral acidity is suitable. It is better to purchase special substances for ficuses or universal soil, which can be bought at any flower shop.

In order for air to penetrate well into the ground, you can add a small amount of sand.

It is recommended to lay drainage as the bottom layer in the pot. This will protect the soil from stagnation of moisture and, accordingly, from rotting of the root system. Before watering, it is recommended to loosen regularly upper layer soil. This ensures good air and moisture permeability.

Like any other plant, Robusta needs proper watering and feeding, pruning and replanting.

Although the flower loves abundant watering, it is not recommended to overwater it, since excessive water levels can cause rotting of the roots and acidification of the soil.

Important! Regularly after watering, when the plant has absorbed required amount moisture, it is necessary to drain the remaining water from the pan. This will protect the flower from the formation of mold and the development of various diseases associated with its presence.

The optimal watering regime is once every 3 days. summer period and once every 5 days - in winter.

It is recommended to let the soil dry before the next watering. If the ficus has been repeatedly flooded, then it can only be saved by replanting.
Ficus robusta needs regular fertilization during the period of active growth (from March to November). In this regard, it is necessary to feed the flower every 2 weeks with complex fertilizer (“Ideal”, “Palma”, “Gumisol”), which can be bought at any flower shop.

This feeding contributes to the good development of the flower crown. You can also use foliar feeding.

Under normal conditions this plant allow you to grow freely. However, to create the desired crown shape, the ficus can be trimmed or pinched. If you want your flower to send out side shoots, you can pinch the top of the main shoot.

This will stimulate the development of side branches, although it is very difficult to predict how the plant will develop.

Cut off shoots can be used for further propagation. The optimal period for pruning is February-early March, when the plant enters the active growth stage. To form the crown a certain form pruning should be done 7 cm above the desired location (leaf or branch).

Thin branches must be cut at right angles, and an oblique cut is used to trim the trunk. It should be noted that pruning the main shoot will stop the development of the flower trunk.

Experts recommend using a knife blade that has been previously disinfected to trim ficus.
This can be done using fire (heating the blade) or an alcohol solution. After performing this procedure, it is imperative to remove the released juice.

This is due to the fact that the “jelly” that the flower secretes has a toxic composition, and getting it on the skin or mucous membranes can lead to unpleasant consequences. You can remove it with a wet sponge.

To form the crown, bending the top and fixing it in the desired position or piercing new branches to a depth of 1/3 can also be used.

Transplanting a plant

Ficus robusta is a fast-growing flower, especially in the early years. In this regard, the plant needs to be replanted annually into a larger pot, and to do it better in spring or early summer.

Video: how to transplant ficus Robusta For adult plants, when replanting is difficult due to the size of the ficus, you can get by by replacing the top layer of soil. When making such a replacement, care is important so as not to damage the root system.

There are several options for propagating this flower:

  • cuttings;
  • shoots from leaves;
  • seeds;
  • horizontal and air layering.

The most simple method is propagation by cuttings, which are obtained after pruning. To form a root system, the cuttings are placed in water and after 3-4 weeks they are transplanted into the ground.
Reproduction by cuttings However, you can immediately plant the shoot in the ground and cover it with a jar or cut-off bottle, which will create favorable conditions for root development.

Ficus robusta has good immunity, which protects it from various pests. However, in some cases it may be affected by scale insects.

These pests are easy to remove; all you need to do is wipe the leaves with a damp sponge several times a week. During this treatment it is necessary to wipe thoroughly reverse side leaf, where the tick or scale insect most often hides.
Diseases of this flower are most often associated with improper care and can cause yellowing and falling leaves. Therefore, it is necessary to reconsider your approach to care.

If you notice that your pet is dropping its leaves or they have turned yellow, then it may be exposed to a draft or require additional watering.

Brown spots that appeared on the foliage indicates that the flower is overflowing. Also, excess moisture can cause rotting of the root system, which will be accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

Did you know? IN Central Africa And Latin America Canopies and roofs of houses are built from the foliage of plants of the ficus family.

A sharp drop of leaves indicates that the ficus is in under stress and requires urgent resuscitation. Don’t forget about dry air, which can also cause the crown to fall off.

To protect the plant, it is necessary to carry out some preventive methods. For example, immediately after purchasing such a beauty, you need to quarantine it (that is, put it in a place away from other plants), which will last for three weeks.

Once a week, inspect the plant and analyze the health of the ficus. And it’s better to complete such an inspection by treating the leaves with soap, which will serve preventive measure from various pests.
Ficus robusta is unpretentious flower, which complements the interior of any room well. Great as a gift for a budding gardener. But still, his unpretentiousness does not mean that he does not need care and attention. Proper care will allow you to enjoy this handsome guy for a long time.