What flooring is best for the nursery? Laying linoleum on parquet - a new solution to an old question. Is it possible to lay linoleum on old parquet?

Update flooring, if parquet was laid before, it is possible without removing the old base. This will significantly reduce the cost of floor repairs, and minor preparatory work will reduce the time required to carry out work.

We will need

  • of course, the linoleum itself. It is necessary to carefully measure the area on which the linoleum will be laid, spread the purchased material on the floor and let it rest (at least 24 hours) to avoid deformation after gluing;
  • trapezoidal special knife for cutting linoleum;
  • mastic for gluing, if necessary.

How to lay linoleum on old parquet- work sequence

  1. It is necessary to inspect the parquet and seal all cracks, crevices and other holes with putty. On a parquet board, it is imperative to level all protruding parts so that the rivets do not imprint on the linoleum. If there are boards with a deflection, you should re-lay the parquet there - the coating must be durable and even - this is a necessary condition.
  2. Inspect the linoleum, if present uneven areas, you need to level them - you can iron them through several layers of paper.
  3. Cut the linoleum with a knife.
  4. Place the canvases along the parquet boards.
  5. If the room is small, you don’t need to use glue: we press the edges of the linoleum with baseboards and leave it, without nailing it, for a couple of weeks. After the canvas has settled well, nail the baseboard. How to lay linoleum on old parquet big room? If the room is large, we recommend gluing the canvas with mastic. In the absence of dampness and compliance with the operating rules, linoleum will last quite a long time, no less than on other substrates.

Laying linoleum

Floor covering is one of the main elements interior modern children's room. It should be safe, reliable, beautiful and warm. Give priority to environmentally friendly clean materials– caring about the baby’s health is more important than worrying about the cost of coverage.

Basic requirements for floor coverings for children's rooms

The room where small family members live is significantly different from other rooms in an apartment or house. Parents should consider a large number of factors when arranging floors for a nursery. For children, the following nuances can be noted:

  1. High level dynamic load. Kids jump, run, and play a lot.
  2. There is a high probability of liquid getting on the surface of the coating. This could be juice or water for drawing.
  3. During outdoor games, chips, scratches and abrasions may appear on the surface.
  4. One of children's favorite activities is drawing with felt-tip pens. But the marble stains left by these stationery items do not decorate the floors at all. Therefore, the floor in the children's room should have high level stain and abrasion resistance.

To quality and operational characteristics materials also have certain requirements:

  1. Environmental Safety. Coverings that release toxic fumes into the air can cause your child to develop asthma or allergic reactions.
  2. Step cushioning. Experts do not recommend installing too hard floors in a children's room. They are quite dangerous for the health of children. Hard surface can provoke the development of flat feet and will be a serious burden on the child’s spine.
  3. The floor in the nursery should not be slippery.

Finding a floor covering for a children's bedroom that would satisfy all the points listed above is quite difficult. Manufacturers offer potential buyers big choice flooring materials, but each has its own specific advantages and disadvantages. When choosing suitable option parents should focus their attention not only on the advantages, but also on those disadvantages that they are willing to put up with. Remember that the choice of coating is influenced by big influence and the age of the child. For example, for children it is better to choose washable materials, and for older children you can lay carpet with long, fluffy pile on the floor.

Parquet for a children's room

This is perhaps the most the best option from the point of view of environmental safety. But it is also one of the most expensive. Parquet is made from natural wood and has the following advantages:

  • a wide variety of colors, textures and shapes;
  • excellent wear resistance;
  • low level of thermal conductivity;
  • excellent sound insulation.

Damaged during use parquet boards can be repaired and put in order without complicated dismantling. But for all the advantages listed above and the absence of disadvantages, parents will have to pay a decent amount.

Laminate in a children's room

The material is made from compressed wood waste, joined together with resin. The top coating is laminated with film. It's relative a budget option, among the advantages of which are:

  • practicality;
  • strength;
  • beautiful appearance.

As for environmental safety, it all depends on the price category of the materials. If you give preference to the cheapest laminate, then you can find melanin-formaldehyde resins in its composition. High quality laminate, which costs a little more, is completely safe for babies. It is best if the coating is based on an advanced acrylic resin.

Cork floor in the nursery

Cork is a useful and environmentally friendly covering. The material has bactericidal properties. The advantages include:

  • strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • softness;
  • ease of care.

According to orthopedists, cork floors are the best floors for a children's room. This elastic material can reduce the load on the skeleton of a baby who is taking his first steps. But cork is an expensive material that not all parents can afford.

Linoleum in a children's room

This material is the most popular among buyers. Great demand is due to its low price. Available for sale widest choice design and color solutions. There is linoleum, which is made only from natural, quality materials. This is the option that experts recommend using for a children's room. Cheap linoleum is toxic and can cause harm to a child’s health.

Carpet for a children's room

It is considered the softest, warmest and most comfortable coating. If you lay carpet in the room, your baby will be able to spend a lot of time playing on the floor. But when choosing children's carpet, you need to exercise caution and forethought. Carpet is not suitable for children who suffer from allergies or asthma. The disadvantages include the fact that the coating is difficult to clean. If parents choose carpet, then preference should be given to models with short pile. Children love children's floor rugs that depict fairy-tale characters, cars or nature.

In the children's room you can combine flooring. For example, you can lay a small rug on linoleum or parquet, on which the child will play with his favorite toys.

Comment on the article "Which floor is better to put in the nursery"

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Take laminate or parquet. I'm against it carpeting-dust will accumulate and I’m thinking of putting a cork in the nursery, but she’s choking on her fingernail, I think it’s all full of holes. The rooms in the house itself have carpet, natural wool. IN old apartment was 5 years old, now...

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We just installed laminate flooring in the first (children's) room. So far we feel nothing but delight. How many meters are there in the room? 04/19/2004 22:39:36, Yoko. I don’t know why the parquet begins to creak, but the parquet laid in 1936 did not creak a year ago.

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Linoleum– how to lay a universal coating on a wooden floor in any room.

Linoleum is one of the most popular materials, time-tested and easy to install yourself. It has excellent performance properties and is superior to some similar floor coverings.

Since linoleum is one of the artificial products, the question arises: can it be laid on a wooden floor. If you correctly follow the technology for laying this material, it will not spoil the wood and will serve for many years.

About the types and types of linoleum

You can lay linoleum on a wooden floor with your own hands. How to do this is shown in the repair video. However, you need to know which product is suitable for this. There are several types and types of synthetic flooring:

  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC);
  • rubber (relin);
  • griftal;
  • colloxylin.

All types of linoleum are multilayer products. Vary component composition base layer. They have high heat and noise insulation and moisture resistance. Relin and colloxylin are the most plastic, while griftalium is fragile.

The most common is PVC. It is cheaper than other types of this coating.
When choosing linoleum for laying on a wooden floor, take into account the typical characteristics of the material. It is determined by the presence of a base. Canvases without it have a black (dark gray) rubber (rubber) bottom layer. This covering is laid in rooms where you are not supposed to walk barefoot and there is no need to retain maximum heat on the floor.

The following materials are used as the basis for synthetic flooring:

  • foamed polyurethane;
  • jute (fabric);
  • felt.

Linoleum-based material retains heat excellently. The thicker the textile layer, the more comfortable it will be for the feet of those who walk on such a floor. Products based on it are preferred to be laid in residential premises, hotels, kindergartens, etc.
PVC linoleumspecial kind coating, which has its own classification. It can be domestic, commercial and semi-commercial. The difference is determined by the thickness of the product and the purpose (type of room according to the degree of use). Household - the thinnest and intended for living rooms. The other two types are laid in administrative and office buildings with high traffic volumes. As a rule, these products do not have a base, but are particularly durable and wear-resistant.
On a wooden floor You can lay any type of artificial fabric. But preference should be given to rubber or griftalium with or without a base. These products are produced with the addition of natural ingredients. They are more environmentally friendly and safer for human health. Colloxylin material is fire hazardous. In combination with wood, this property is enhanced: both materials burn well. PVC is a purely synthetic product. It hardens greatly when the temperature drops and does not allow the wood to “breathe.”

Video on laying linoleum on a wooden floor

Laying linoleum on a wooden floor

To correctly lay linoleum on a wooden floor with your own hands, it is important to adhere to general order working with this material. It consists of 3 points:

  1. preparation of the base - wooden floor;
  2. laying and fixing linoleum;
  3. finishing with plinth.

Reason: research and preparation
Solid sheets of linoleum can be laid with your own hands on a wooden floor that has no flaws. The good condition of the plank floor base is determined by a number of indicators:

  1. integrity of the boards (no rotten or damaged fragments);
  2. no cracks or gaps between boards;
  3. no creaking or other extraneous sounds
  4. absence of deflections, protruding parts, protruding nail heads (screws).

If the wooden floor does not have serious defects, it is enough to remove the layer old paint and sand the surface. After this, the wood is primed and impregnated with a composition that protects the wood from rotting and damage by insects.

Some craftsmen advise not to peel off the paint. With well-preserved boards, it becomes a means of protecting them from harmful effects under the linoleum.
If there are defects, their nature should be identified and eliminated before laying linoleum on wooden surface floor. An informative video will show you how to do this correctly.

  1. If you find several rotten, damaged boards, you can carefully remove them and install new ones of the same thickness. If almost the entire base is damaged, it is removed and new floorboards are laid:
    A) a beam is placed on a concrete base (slab) at a distance of 40-50 cm. It performs the function of a log. The thickness of the beam correlates with the height parameters of the room. You must be prepared for the floor to rise and the ceiling to “fall”. It is not necessary to take thick logs. Boards 50 mm thick can cope with their role;
    B) new floorboards are placed tightly on top, leaving a gap (1-1.5 cm) along the walls. The material is attached to the bars with nails or self-tapping screws. Their caps are completely buried in wood. The recesses are sealed with wood putty or polyurethane foam. After the mixture has dried, the area is cleaned;
    C) you don’t need to do anything with planed boards, but you should go over unplaned boards with an electric planer or a sanding machine. This will allow additional leveling of the base;
    D) new floorboards are impregnated protective equipment. This must be done under linoleum;
    D) in some cases under artificial finishing coat lay a substrate or waterproofing sheet. Here you should focus on your own preferences and individual characteristics premises. For example, in the bathroom or kitchen, waterproofing will not be superfluous.
  2. When there are cracks, the boards are nailed together, and the gaps are filled with thin wooden inserts or polyurethane foam (putty, adhesive tape).
  3. Any protrusions are leveled electric tools. The fastener heads are recessed into the wood and masked with a building mixture.

The main requirement for preparing a wooden floor for linoleum is to make it absolutely even and smooth. Even minor defect will lead to premature deterioration of the coating. To prevent this from happening, use plywood, chipboard, OSB. With their help you can make an ideal base for laying linoleum.

Plywood, chipboard, OSB. attached to joists or old repaired boards. When fixing, leave minimum clearance between the sheets. These products are made from wood waste, so they also have a degree of expansion and mobility.

How to lay linoleum with your own hands

To perform the work, use the following tools:

  • sharp knife;
  • spatula with a serrated edge for applying glue;
  • rubber roller;
  • roulette;
  • double-sided tape;
  • seam welding agent (if necessary).

Linoleum manufacturers do everything for the convenience of consumers. IN retail outlets They sell products in standard formats. If desired, you can purchase a solid canvas according to the size of the room. Then you won’t need to cut and cut it yourself.
To properly lay linoleum on a wooden floor, it is brought into the room, unfolded over the entire surface, and allowed to straighten for several days and adapt to the conditions of the space. Thick linoleum and backing materials may take a little longer to fully expand.
The cutting of a single piece of linoleum is carried out on site or according to a drawing drawn up according to the geometry of the room. If the room has complex outlines, it is better to draw up a sketch and cut out the required covering from it. When cutting the canvas, be sure to leave an allowance of 0.5-1 cm for subsequent shrinkage.
You can fix linoleum on wooden boards different ways(video talks about this):

  1. using glue. A special composition is used to fix artificial products. The canvas is rolled up, the glue is applied with a spatula to small area floor, apply the canvas and press it down with a roller. This is how all the material is gradually attached;
  2. on tape. Glue along the edges of the linoleum from the wrong side duct tape and the canvas is attached to it to the base. At the same time, carefully spread it over the surface;
  3. baseboard. The product is spread on the floor, allowed to rest and fixed with a plinth, which is attached to the wall and wooden boards.
    The most reliable gluing method. Linoleum fits tightly to the base, does not deform, and retains its performance properties longer.

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Apartment owners, when they want to quickly and inexpensively renovate their floors, opt for a finishing material such as linoleum.

Many of them are interested in whether it is possible to lay linoleum on linoleum to avoid dismantling the old coating? Of course, removing it from the floor is sometimes not as difficult as other material, but cleaning, an inevitable consequence of such a procedure, will take a lot of time and effort that you would like to save for other important matters.

First of all, you need to assess the condition of the coating, which will serve as a substrate for the new material.

Is it possible to put linoleum on old linoleum completely without preparation? Of course not! First of all, you need to assess the condition of the coating, which will serve as a substrate for the new material. It is very sensitive to a variety of irregularities that can form various kinds cracks, abrasions, bubbles and tears in the old canvas. The coating laid on it is unlikely to look beautiful. In addition, the new linoleum will wear out quickly, and after a short period of time it will have to be replaced.

Do I need to remove the old coating?

Is it possible to lay linoleum over linoleum if the old canvas looks acceptable, but the condition of the base underneath is questionable? In this case, it is better not to save time and remove the coating. The floor underneath may need some serious repairs.

Important! Linoleum is a material that has waterproofing qualities, which can play a cruel joke on the base.

Dampness under the canvas causes mold to appear. Moisture destroys not only wood, but also concrete. It can come from below if during construction there were shortcomings in the waterproofing of the floor. Moisture gets under the canvas and from above (through seams or holes): this often happens in rooms with high humidity.

Dampness under the canvas causes mold to appear.

To the question of whether it is possible to lay linoleum on linoleum, the answer will be negative even if both the coating and the base seem to be in quite good condition, but the canvas has been lying on the floor for a very long time. The reason is simple: under finishing material(as a result of peeling of its inner layer), numerous voids are formed in which debris accumulates. They create a favorable environment for the development of bacteria and the appearance of colonies various insects: from ants to cockroaches. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the old canvas from the base.

Is it possible to lay linoleum on linoleum if it is new? flooring does not represent roll material, and what about tiles? It would seem that it can be laid on an old (even damaged) canvas, simply by applying a thicker layer of adhesive to it, which can level the surface.

The operation of laying new material also includes the stage of careful preparation grounds

The quality of such repairs will be below average: after some time, all the defects hidden under the glue and tiles will definitely show themselves.

Thus, the question of the need to lay a second layer of linoleum on the floor should not arise for a person who decides to repair it. The operation of laying new material also includes a stage of thorough preparation of the base, which is often not possible to perform efficiently, without removing the aged material.

When can you lay a second layer of fabric?

So is it possible to lay linoleum on linoleum? It is allowed to lay a new linoleum covering on an old one only:

  • with reliable adhesion of the latter to the base over the entire area;
  • in the absence of cracks and holes, waves and bubbles in the canvas;
  • if the old coating is laid on a perfectly flat, high-quality concrete screed(height differences of up to 2 mm are allowed).

If these conditions are met, previously laid linoleum can act as a substrate and waterproofing not only for a new canvas, but also, for example, a laminate.

Linoleum floor with underlay

Is it possible to put underlayment under linoleum? Even professionals cannot yet come to a consensus on this matter. Nevertheless, today manufacturers produce a wide range of materials suitable for use as a substrate.

It is entrusted with the functions of insulation and leveling the base. In terms of leveling, only slight peaks and valleys on the surface are absorbed by the substrate. The lining will not fix a “bumpy” floor.

Linoleum floor with underlay

But floor insulation is simply necessary if the room is on the ground floor or is unheated. In these cases, the substrate will not be superfluous for linoleum with a base. There are several types of substrate that are recommended to be laid under linoleum fabric:

  • jute;
  • linen;
  • combined (combination of wool, flax and jute).

These materials provide the most effective thermal insulation and do not deform as a result of pressure applied to them.

Important! Cork material, used as a substrate for laminate, is not practical to lay under linoleum.

Cork is a good heat insulator, but it will crumple under the load placed on it, for example, by furniture.

Floor insulation is simply necessary if the room is on the ground floor or is unheated

Polymer materials made from isolon and penoizol are not suitable as a substrate for linoleum in any respect.

Linoleum under laminate and tiles

Apartment owners who have started finishing floors are often interested in whether it is possible to lay laminate flooring on linoleum. Well, it will make a good substrate if it has been laid recently and, most importantly, with high quality. Often, linoleum fabric is used as a lining for laminate flooring in new apartments, where their owners decided to change the interior.

Linoleum under laminate

Is it possible to lay laminate flooring on linoleum if it is laid on a soft substrate? No! In this case, the laminate floor may become deformed. It should be added that between the linoleum covering and the laminate, a substrate, including cork, can be laid, which will improve the heat and sound insulation characteristics of the floor.

Floors in hallways, bathrooms, toilets and kitchens are often covered with linoleum. When making renovations in them, apartment owners rightly believe that ceramic or porcelain tiles better meet the requirements for indoor flooring of this type. But is it possible to lay tiles on linoleum?

The linoleum covering does not need to be dismantled if the base underneath does not require repair. A reinforcing mesh or grate is placed on the canvas, then the floor is filled with a leveling screed. After the solution has hardened and the surface has been treated with antiseptic and priming compounds, glue is applied and the tiles are laid.

Linoleum on wooden floor

Wooden floors require regular maintenance. This applies to both parquet and plank flooring. Linoleum is used to cover the floor to hide its defects. Can linoleum be installed on any type of wood floor? Are there certain rules high-quality styling finishing material?

Linoleum on wooden floor

It must be said that the floor with rotten boards should be dismantled. Simply covering it with a cloth will speed up the process of destruction of the coating. In some cases, the entire wood may need to be replaced.

You can repair the floor if the boards are in good condition, but:

  • cracks appeared in them;
  • Gaps have formed between the floorboards;
  • The paint has peeled off in some places.

Installation of linoleum over old

Loose floorboards are securely attached to the joists. Protrusions in the floor are treated with a planer, scraper, etc. Small cracks and crevices are filled with putty. Large ones are sealed with wooden planks of appropriate sizes. Peeling paint is removed. Unpainted areas are treated with an antiseptic and primed.

Depressions are sealed with putty. Additionally, the floor can be leveled by laying fiberboard on it, pre-impregnated with drying oil and painted. It should be remembered that the slabs can only be leveled minor irregularities. There should be no voids under the laid panels. The fiberboards are fixed to the base with self-tapping screws.

Laying linoleum

It is much easier to cover a plank floor with plywood or OSB. More durable than fiberboard, these materials allow you to level even more uneven surfaces.

However, the base for laying plywood sheets and OSB must be prepared. The protrusions need to be removed from it, and the surface should be treated with an antiseptic and primed. It is recommended to soak everything wooden structures fire retardant. Antiseptic and primer are also necessary for processing plywood. OSB does not need to be impregnated with an antiseptic.

Another way to level wooden base Before laying linoleum, cover the floor with gypsum fiber sheets. Sometimes GVL is laid in 2 layers.

Another way to level a wooden base before laying linoleum is to cover the floor with gypsum fiber sheets

Linoleum on heated floor

Is it possible to lay linoleum on a warm floor? It is undesirable to finish the flooring in this way, and the motives of the builder who wants to save on finishing gender are not entirely clear.

You cannot use material with an insulated base for installation, as it has low thermal conductivity. Yes, and single-layer linoleum laid on a heated surface does not The best decision, since the efficiency of the heating system will be low. In addition, when heated, linoleum may release substances that are hazardous to health.

It is not advisable to lay linoleum on a warm floor

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to lay a heated floor under linoleum is clear. Similar heating systems, both water and electrical, are designed for coatings that have good thermal conductivity and high performance environmental friendliness

Parquet- a wonderful decoration for the home, but even the best coating High Quality falls into disrepair. Renewing or replacing boards will be expensive, and owners cannot always afford it. Thanks to this, most people decide to lay linoleum on top coverage that is already outdated. More on how reasonable this is and what needs to be taken into account is further in the publication.

Linoleum in the interior

Is it possible to put linoleum on top of parquet?

Linoleum is a universal coating that is used in residential buildings and in crowded places. It has a lot of options, thanks to which you can put linoleum on an outdated parquet possible provided all rules are followed.

It must be remembered that this coating is installed on top of a smooth surface. The specifics of the material are such that even a thick type will reveal shortcomings over time.

Example of laying the canvas on top of the parquet

It must be remembered that creaking or susceptible to fungal infections parquet is not considered an excellent option: it will soon break and the laid panel will have to be removed to dismantle the base. Therefore, before taking any action, you need to make sure that:

  • the parquet is ventilated;
  • not affected by mold or mildew;
  • differences or imperfections in the surface are corrected;
  • the boards do not creak or fall through.

If these points do not cause concern, linoleum is laid on the floor without any preparation work.

What you need to know about linoleum?

  • thickness;
  • width;
  • class.

The thickness range varies from 0.7 to 4.5 mm, but in everyday conditions variations from 1.2 to 1.5 mm appear. Thick models are used when sound insulation is required.

The width is fixed and is:

  • 2.5 m;
  • 3.5 m;

When the width of the roll matches the size of one of the walls of the room, it becomes easier process The installation and surface are beautiful.

Variety of colors

There are three classes of linoleum:

  • domestic;
  • commercial;
  • semi-commercial.

The first type has great aesthetic qualities, is environmentally friendly and does not contain substances harmful to health. Not wear resistant.

The commercial type will last up to ten years and is durable, but the price is high.

Semi-commercial type - a combination of the first two. It is durable, wear-resistant, has great artistic performance and is less hazardous to health. The price of such material is affordable for the average person.

Which linoleum put on top of the parquet

Before you put it down linoleum on parquet, you need to know clearly what requirements to put forward for the coating.

You need to pay attention! Basically, parquet provides sufficient noise and heat insulation, but for the best effect, choose a material with a thick backing. This will enhance the properties of the parquet and soften the surface.

When entering a supermarket, the consumer must know:

  • roll width;
  • substrate thickness;
  • size layer for protection.

It is also necessary to remember that wear resistance does not depend on the thickness of the fabric. Thickness affects this layer for protection, so the main thing is to form with advantages.

Imitation parquet

If linoleum laid for a couple of years, and not as a temporary measure, then an excellent option is to emphasize resistance to wear, rather than softness.

Preparation work before laying

First of all, it is investigated ventilation unit under the parquet. To do this, lift one board and see if there are any traces of fungus or other lesions on it. No flaws means satisfactory ventilation.

If there are traces of lesions, then the coating, which is already outdated, is removed. Otherwise, after some time, problems will begin, such as squeaks, bad odor, or damage to the facial layer. After dismantling is completed, carry out work on surface leveling of the base. You can use self-leveling mixtures.

If the indicators are favorable, make sure that there are no gaps between the boards, no chips or noticeable irregularities.

Before covering the floor with linoleum, level the boards. To do this, walk grinder or configure some boards manually.

Repair cracks or noticeable crevices using plaster, plaster or similar material.

As the final stage of preparation work, bring a roll of material into the room and, if possible, spread it out. Leave the coating in this condition for a day. After this time, it will acclimatize, become soft and level out.

If this is not done, it will be difficult to cope with hard and unyielding material, and if we're talking about about transferring from a cool room to a warm one, then the linoleum will also be brittle.

Masonry floor coverings

When the material has reached home temperature and has leveled out, the installation process begins.

Masonry Any linoleum on parquet can be done in several ways:

  • glue;
  • using skirting boards;
  • with nails.

The latter method is used less and less often, as it harms the database.

Glue is one of the common methods. It has a number of positive qualities:

  • securely fixes the panel;
  • eliminates the appearance of waves;
  • primitive in use.

When choosing, take into account the properties of parquet and linoleum substrate. A well-chosen adhesive will ensure reliable adhesion.

You need to pay attention! Certain types of glue have a strong adhesion and, when dismantling the coating, will damage and parquet. However, aggressive components of the composition can also harm natural wood.

Trimming excess

Fixation using a plinth is popular because it does not require special costs and is simple. The main thing is to level the coating and only then press the edges.

If room sizes they are not allowed to lay down a single canvas; it is necessary to outline the material in advance, connecting the pieces according to the applied drawing. If it is necessary to fix more than 2 panels in a room, then glue is used.

Anyone can handle the installation, so there is no need to ask professionals for help.

Things to Remember: Coverage Disadvantages

Linoleum is a popular coating, but it has a number of special characteristics and disadvantages that you need to know about before installation.

Decisive moments:

  • dyes must not be allowed to penetrate the surface;
  • avoid contact with aggressive detergents;
  • piercing objects leave noticeable damage.

It is also necessary to remember that the panel, fixed only by baseboards, is movable. This makes moving heavy furniture very careful.

Long-term pinpointing will leave dents that are difficult, if not impossible, to remove.

If a caustic or coloring substance gets on the surface, remove it immediately before it gets stuck.

Thin scratches are hidden by injecting a little glue into the damage, but weeds or noticeable defects are removed by replacing the canvas or part of it.

Do-it-yourself laying of linoleum on plywood \ Anti-creaking