How to calculate the number of floor tiles calculator. Easy and simple calculation of the number of tiles for the bathroom. Calculation of ceramic consumption in square meters

Many rooms in a house or apartment are traditionally or at the request of the owners tiled with ceramic coating, and it is very important to know how to calculate how many tiles are needed.

If you are planning to make a beautiful apron in the kitchen, laying it out of pastel-colored tiles, you can literally calculate the amount of material on your fingers, only by deciding on the number of rows. In this case, most likely, it will be possible to completely avoid any costs, especially if you use square tiles. However, when completely covering walls or floors, certain difficulties arise. The fact is that in addition to the main type of tiles, there are also border tiles. Ceramic elements are not only square, but also rectangular, as well as multi-sided and shaped, with a complex patterned contour.

Provided that the first two types of form factor are laid in even rows, it will be quite easy to correctly calculate the amount of tiles for a kitchen or bathroom. It is enough to know the square footage of the surface to be finished and the area of ​​the ceramic element to determine how much material will be needed for the walls or floor. But preference is not always given the simplest scheme cladding, it is enough to include a couple of borders in it, and the calculations will become much more complicated. Another problem will be added when tiles of different formats and all kinds of decorative elements are included in the decoration.

You will face certain difficulties if you want to lay out the floor or walls with different types of multifaceted ceramic elements. The geometric pattern will turn out beautiful, but to determine required quantity details, you will have to calculate the area of ​​each figure, as well as determine the percentage of its content in overall composition. The same applies to tiles with a complex contour; here the task is complicated by the fact that for a shape that is far from geometric, calculating the area is quite problematic. Add to any of the options the presence of plumbing and communications in the room, as well as lighting on the walls, and it will become clear that for each individual case you need to look for your own approach to how to calculate the tiles.

The shape of the bathroom, and in some cases the kitchen, is not necessarily perfectly rectangular. So be prepared by dividing his gender into simple geometric figures. For the most part, these will be the same rectangles and triangles. But in the typical version, when the lengths of opposite walls are equal and all angles are 90 degrees, it is enough to multiply only 2 values ​​- the sizes of adjacent sides.

Then, having found out the quadrature of the surface, we determine the area of ​​the tile, and since we are looking for the simplest cladding option, our tile is rectangular and it is enough to multiply its adjacent faces. Thus, the easiest way to calculate ceramic tiles for the floor is to use the formula N = (AB)/(ab). Here N- quantity, A And B– adjacent walls of a room with a common angle, a And b– adjacent sides of the tile.

You can determine the amount of material based on the area of ​​one ceramic element for tiles of any regular size. geometric shape, for which there are corresponding formulas.

Let's assume that you decide to decorate your bathroom with tiling using not only regular tiles, but also borders. In addition, for greater effect, it was decided to lay, alternating rows ceramic elements with the same width, but different heights. In this case, even if only 2 different sizes are involved, determine total material taking into account borders according to the above formula will not work. Therefore, we use another method, which, however, begins in the same way as the first - with determining the quadrature of the surface to be tiled, minus the area of ​​the door and (if any) window opening. To calculate the material for the floor, it is enough to know its length.

Next, you should take all the elements that will be located in alternating rows one above the other and lay them out in a vertical column to the entire height of the finish. We determine the total area of ​​the tiles, taking into account the spaces that are allocated for the seams, and then divide the quadrature of the surfaces to be finished by the result obtained and find out the required quantity. However, this method is not ideal, since small errors arise: where the window and door are located, only tiles will remain in the columns, laid on the lintels and the wall under the window opening. Therefore, you can use a slightly different and more accurate method.

We determine the perimeter of the bathroom or kitchen minus the door and window openings. We divide the resulting value by the width of the column into which we stacked tiles of different heights. Thus, we found out the number of rows in that part of the room where there are no openings. For the lintels above the door and window, as well as for the section of the wall under the latter, we lay out columns and count their number on these segments separately. Next, it will not be difficult to determine the amount of material of each individual standard size by folding similar tiles in one vertical row and multiplying by the number of columns in the perimeter.

The walls and floor, on which ceramic tiles with a figured contour were laid, look very beautiful. However, it is precisely for such an often complex form factor that it is difficult to come up with a sufficient reliable way correctly calculate patterned tiles. Indeed, if there are no edges, and the contour consists of various smooth or sharp bends, alternating with all kinds of angles, it is almost impossible to calculate the area of ​​the facing element.

It is very good if the manufacturer indicated on the packaging how many square centimeters of the surface to be finished the tile will cover. But such information may not be available if you were not interested in advance. Therefore the only one affordable way- practice drawing. First you need to take some squared paper, or better yet, graph paper. We draw on it the exact plan of the room where the finishing will be done, on a convenient scale. And then we carefully depict, also in proper proportion to the actual size, the figured tile. We draw the cladding according to your chosen pattern.

If all the elements are the same color, then upon completion of the drawing you are unlikely to have a question about how to calculate the tiles; it will be enough to count the tiles individually. We count individual fragments in pairs, taking each one as a whole facing element. However, it may be that you want to use 2 or even 3-4 tile colors for finishing. In this case, we turn the bathroom or kitchen plan into a coloring book, marking on it where this or that coloring will be located. Next, we count the monochromatic elements, and thus find out how many different tiles will be needed for the wall or floor. This method also suitable for determining the amount of material in complex mosaic installations of conventional rectangular ceramic elements when using large quantity colors.

A preliminary calculation will allow you to plan your renovation budget and think through the bathroom design in detail. If you correctly calculate the number of tiles, you will not have to purchase additional material during the finishing process.

To measure the room you need to use a tape measure. The most accurate values ​​can be obtained using a laser device. Having found out the parameters of the bathroom (height and length of the walls, dimensions of the doorway), you can make preliminary calculations number of tiles. The simplest option is when the room has the outline of a rectangle or square. In this case, it is necessary to measure the minimum number of walls.

If the bathroom is complex shape, it is necessary to carefully measure all protruding elements and take into account existing niches.

The results need to be recorded on the diagram, so it will be easier to calculate the materials. A drawing made to scale will also allow you to take into account all the details of the bathroom design and correctly plan the arrangement of furniture. The calculation algorithm is influenced by the type of masonry floor tiles(diagonal, rectangular, diamond, etc.).

2. Basic rules for calculating tiles

The calculation algorithm is quite simple. When counting exact quantity tiles will need formulas for determining the perimeter and area of ​​a rectangle.

To calculate the wall area we use the following formula:

Parameters A and B (width and length of the room) alternate depending on the specific area.

The perimeter of the rectangle is calculated by the formula:

P = (B + A) * 2.

Designations in formulas:

  • S - area of ​​a certain surface in the bathroom, sq.m;
  • P - designation of the perimeter of the room, m;
  • A - bathtub width parameter, m;
  • B - length dimension of the room;
  • H is the value of the wall height.

Calculation scheme:

  • The total area of ​​the room is obtained by adding square meters separate walls bathroom;
  • Then, from the obtained value, you should subtract those areas that will not be laid with tiles, for example, the area of ​​the door opening to the room or window.

In order to reduce material consumption, cladding is not done in the space under the bathtub. This option is possible if you plan to install a decorative screen. In this case, the height of the room for calculation is measured from the top level of the side.

Some sites provide a special calculator that allows you to determine the required volume of material for purchase. Using such programs, you can make the task easier when calculating the amount of material if tiles of different shades are combined.

3. Calculation of tiles for a bathroom with a total area of ​​4 sq.m.

Main dimensions of this room:

  • Wall with opening - 2150 mm;
  • The length of the short wall is 1900 mm;
  • Doorway - 700x2000 mm;
  • Room height - 2700 mm.

Dimensions of the selected bathroom tile collection:

  • Wall tiles white- 500x250 mm;
  • Green wall tiles - 500x250 mm;
  • Decor - 500x250 mm;
  • Green floor tiles - 500x500 mm.

Facing plan

Tiles intended for flooring are laid in one tone. White tiles are planned on the wall with the door. The remaining surfaces of the walls are supposed to be done with alternating colors according to vertical stripes and also add decor.

Calculation of floor tiles

We determine the parameter for the area of ​​one tile: S = 0.5 x 0. 5 = 0.25 sq.m;

  • Total floor area: S = 4 sq.m;
  • Calculation of the number of tile elements for the entire floor area: 4 / 0.25 = 16 pieces.

Calculation of tiles for bathroom walls

Wall decoration elements have the same format (width and height).

  • One of the walls (with an opening) is covered with white tiles, let's calculate its area without the door: S = (2.15x2.7) - (0.7x2) = 5.805 - 1.4 = 4.405 sq.m;
  • Area of ​​one wall tile: S = 0.5 x 0.25 = 0.125 sq.m;
  • Number of white tiles for a wall with an opening: 4.405 / 0.125 = 36 pieces (round the number up);

Let's consider another calculation method, which is suitable for surfaces with tiles of different colors.

  • Number of tiles in width for other walls:
    1.9 m: 1.9 / 0.5 = 3.8 pieces;
    2.15 m: 2.15 / 0.5 = 4.3 pieces;
  • Number of tiles around the perimeter of three walls: (3.8 x 2) +4.3 = 11.9 pieces;
  • We calculate how many elements fit in height: 2.7 / 0.25 = 10.8 pieces.
    This value can be rounded down if you plan to install a stretch ceiling;
  • In this example the tile strips different colors oriented vertically.
    Laying green tiles is planned in 8 vertical rows, taking into account decorative elements: (8 x 10.8) - 4 = 86.4 - 4 = 83 pieces;
  • Number of white tiles for three walls in width: 11.9 - 8 = 4 pieces.
    For three walls in total: 4 x 10.8 = 44 pieces.

Final volume values ​​of tiles for bathroom walls

White tiles: (36+44) = 80 pieces;
. Green tiles: 83 pieces;
. Decor: 4 pieces.

When calculating the number of tiles, it is better to take into account the safety factor. If the material is damaged, the remains can be used without discrepancies in shades.

This question is one of the main ones: how many tiles are needed for work, that is, how to calculate the number of tiles for the floor. Here you need calculations to accurately determine the required amount of tiles for a bathroom or other room.

To do this, measure the length of the room and divide by the length of one ceramic tiles. Also measure the width of the room and divide by the width of the tiles. Then multiply the two results obtained, after which you will get the required number of tiles for a given room.

1 option for calculating the number of tiles

For example, room length 3 meters and width 2 meters. Ceramic tile size 200x150 mm. It is advisable to convert to one unit of measurement:

  1. Room length 3 meters = 300 cm, and the width 2 meters = 200 cm.
  2. Tile 200 mm = 20 cm, and the width 150 mm = 15 cm.
  3. Now all that remains is to calculate:
  4. Divide the length of the room by the length of the tiles = 300/20=15 ;
  5. Divide the width of the room by the width of the tiles = 200/15= 13,3 ;
  6. Let's multiply the two obtained indicators = 15*13,3= 200 .

Happened 200 tiles for this room.

Option 2 for calculating the number of tiles

There is another calculation option that may be easier for you than the previous one. First you need to calculate the area of ​​the room and the area of ​​one tile. And then divide the floor area by the area of ​​the tiles.
Let's look at it with an example. Let's take the indicators from option 1. Room length 3 meters and width 2 meters. Ceramic tile size 200x150 mm.
Here we convert the tile size to meters:
200 mm = 0.2 meters
150 mm = 0.15 meters
Floor area in the room: 3 m * 2 m = 6 m 2
Area of ​​one tile: 0.2 m * 0.15 m = 0.03 m2
The floor area is then divided by the area of ​​one tile: 6 m 2 / 0.03 m 2 = 200 pcs. That is, we will need 200 tiles.

To begin with, it is worth noting that the correct calculation of tiles for the bathroom is the key to successful, quick and quality repairs premises. It is for such cases that a special program for bathroom tiles has been developed, thanks to which you can avoid unnecessary costs associated with the purchase of unnecessary materials.

Variety of programs

Bathroom tile calculation program – perfect solution, how to correctly calculate all repair aspects. Today, you can calculate bathroom tiles using a huge number of different programs, which we will introduce you to below.

When choosing a program, pay attention to the number of options and functions that it has.

A bathroom tile design program should include:

  • selection of tiles for the bathroom;
  • calculation of the required amount of tile solutions;
  • selection of the most suitable shade of tiles, their texture, as well as parquet and wallpaper.

Today, the most common programs are “Tile”, “Arculator”, and “3D Tile”. Using the programs is very simple - you just need to enter the initial data, after which you will receive the required number of tiles.

Tile calculation program "Tile"

For example, the “Tile” program today has many versions - it is used in tile salons. The program is intuitive, has simple navigation and control, you can easily create a three-dimensional model of your room based on real dimensions, taking into account windows and doors, plumbing and other elements.

“Arculator” is an original program that will not only calculate tiles, but also help lay linoleum, laminate, and make suspended ceilings.

Everything here is not as bright as in the “Tile” program, but “Arculator” calculates more accurately, so you will receive the most detailed calculation.

Some latest versions programs will also help you choose tiles for the bathroom, taking into account the lighting of the room, as well as its dimensions. The latest option, which allows you to design the entire design of the room, is the 3D layout of tiles in the bathroom. Laying out tiles in a 3D bathroom not only allows you to place the position of the future covering, but also makes an accurate calculation of all materials and indicates their average cost. In addition, 3D calculation of bathroom tiles allows you to look at the already finished room in a three-dimensional image. Thanks to this, we can notice and correct all the defects that we encounter when modeling tiles in the bathroom.

Bathroom tile layout 3d

It should be noted here that the ViSoft Premium program is a great way to design a bathroom with precise dimensions– taking into account all plumbing fixtures and furniture. The program allows you to plan the little things - everything in order to minimize the cut tiles, calculate the cost very accurately and create plans for the room and tile laying, in particular. This program for visualizing bathroom tiles is designed exclusively for advanced users, so they are mainly used by specialists from construction companies.


You can also carry out precise design of bathroom tiles yourself. The work is quite simple and does not require a huge amount of time.

Exists sufficient quantity methods for calculating the required amount of consumable materials.

We will describe to you the simplest of them - planning the tiles in the bathroom using them will help you create the ideal room.

Laying out tiles on the bathroom floor

For this method of calculation, it is necessary to measure the surface area and dimensions of the tile. For example, the size of the bathroom is 2 meters by 2, and the tiles are 20x20 cm. In this case, the area of ​​1 tile is 0.2 * 0.2 = 0.04 m. That is, the number of tiles is 2/0.04 = 50 pieces .

To do this, you need to measure the height of the room - 2 meters, the length of all walls 2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 = 10 m and determine the dimensions of the tiles 0.2 * 0.2. Next, divide the perimeter of the room by the width of the tiles 10/0.2 = 50 pieces. We do the same for a height of 2/0.2 = 10 pieces. Next, multiply the result 50*10=500 pieces. The final stage is to convert the number of tiles into square meters; for this, the number of tiles is multiplied by the area of ​​one piece. 0.2*0.2=0.04. 0.04*500=20. In total we get 20 square meters of tile material.

As you can see, modeling bathroom tiles yourself is a very simple method, accessible even to non-professionals. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that to the results obtained it is worth adding 10-15% of the material to stock the tiles in case of unforeseen situations.

You can also use the tile calculator on the website.

Counting the grout

After laying the tiles on the wall surface, the main thing that needs to be taken care of is the grouting of the joints between the applied tiles.

When preparing grout, the main thing is to correctly calculate the required amount, and for this you need to calculate how much volume will need to be filled.

The optimal seam width ranges from 1.5-3.00 millimeters, no more, but no less. Plus, to the depth of the seam, which will be approximately equal to the full thickness of the tile, it is necessary to apply a coefficient of 1.5 millimeters. This will help when taking into account tile shrinkage, room humidity and much more.

When calculating how much grout will be needed in a particular case, you need to divide 1/2 the perimeter of the tile by its total area, and then multiply by the height of the tile. The result obtained must be multiplied by the width of the seam and by the coefficient. The result will be the required volume in kilograms of grout, which will be needed for one full square (square meter) of coating. For example, if the area of ​​the tile is approximately 0.04 square meters, and the joint width is about 2.00 millimeters, then one kilogram of grout is enough for an average of 3.5 square meters.


We would also like to say a few words about special calculators for calculating tiles. The calculation calculator is another designer of bathroom tiles. They were developed to simplify calculations for construction companies. The calculation is as follows: measure the area of ​​the room, divide the result by the area of ​​the tile. The result obtained from such calculations is presented in meters.

In this article we introduced you to different ways calculating the required amount of tiles, the most optimal of which is the program for laying tiles in the bathroom.

The calculator itself is located a little lower, if you are not interested in the theoretical part, you can. Tiling a bathroom is becoming almost the only acceptable way of tiling the surfaces of sanitary facilities.

In this regard, it is important to know how to calculate tiles for a bathroom using a calculator specially developed for this purpose by our programmers.

This calculation will allow you to purchase materials in the right quantity to optimize your expenses.

Similar wall cladding in a room with a bathroom can be laid with the most different ways, the choice of which depends on many factors, including the design of the material, its size and texture.

Of course, one of the decisive factors is the readiness of the performer and his professional training.

Calculate bathroom tiles - calculator

How to calculate correctly with an online calculator - preliminary considerations

The program provides for calculating the need for tiles when laying them in the standard way, that is, in rows parallel to the floor, horizontal arrangement decorative insert(decorum). Despite the large number of dimensions marked on bathroom diagrams, you should keep in mind that not all of them are required to be filled out.

For example, if there is only one window in the bathroom, you do not need to fill in dimensions L3 and L4 or L9 and L10; if there are no windows at all, then the dimensions L1 and l2 are also not filled. If the lengths of walls 1 and 3 (scheme 1) and, respectively, 2 and 4 (scheme 2) are the same, then dimension Lb1 is not filled. If the long walls are unequal, the size of one of the short sides is calculated by the program. Decorative tiles should be laid after a full (not cut) row of the main tile.

“Distance to decor” means the size from the floor to the top edge of the decorative insert, taking into account the number and width of the seams between the tiles. If there is no decor, all dimensions related to it are not entered! If you need to tile sections of the walls behind the bathroom, you should indicate this by clicking on the square button with the corresponding question (under the diagram); a checkmark will appear on the button; You can remove it by clicking again.

THUS, the dimensions Lh, Lb2, Lb3, L5, L6, L8, the dimensions of the bathtub and tiles, and the width of the joint between the tiles are required to be filled in. Size L7 is indicated if the tile will run under the door trim. Size Lb3 may be longer than the length of the bath. The room height (Lh) must take into account the baseboard.

The calculation is carried out taking into account that the tiles are laid from bottom to top, from left to right.

Diagonal method of tiling a bathroom

Using this method, you can stick cladding of any size - both square and rectangular. Great importance when performing work in this way, the performer has professional training and qualifications.

Tiling a bathroom diagonally has a number of advantages and some disadvantages. TO positive aspects The following can be included:

  1. The rotated position of the plates in relation to each other visually separates the intersecting planes, creating the illusion of a wider space than it actually is. This is important when finishing is carried out small room.
  2. The combination of shades, patterns, drawings on the plates makes it possible to create original design premises.
  3. When installed diagonally in the bathroom, the difference in the size of the wall being finished is partially hidden, which is facilitated by the inclined position of the lines.

However, there are also some negative points:

  1. Labor-intensive and complex installation due to the large number of cutting operations. Complex marking, cutting and placement of individual parts with an angle require the master to have some experience in performing such work.
  2. When cutting parts diagonally, the corners often chip off, which requires additional refinement of the break with a file.

Preparatory work on surfaces

Before starting work on laying cladding in a room with a bathroom, it is necessary to assess the condition of the surfaces to be finished:

  1. First of all, the geometric dimensions of the walls are checked. Each surface must be strictly rectangular; if this condition is not met, the walls must be leveled, even before installing drywall.

  1. Potholes and uneven surfaces on the walls also need to be leveled. Irregularities up to three millimeters deep can be leveled tile adhesive during the installation process. Deviations from flatness up to seven millimeters deep are best straightened using putty.
  2. Irregularities with a depth of ten millimeters or more must be eliminated by covering the walls with waterproof plasterboard.

It should be noted that leveling the walls is mandatory before using any finishing installation methods in the bathroom.

And one more general wish regarding surface preparation. Before tiling begins, they must be primed with tile adhesive diluted in a ratio of 1:3. However, this action must be carried out in accordance with the instructions - use tile adhesive, for different compositions requirement may vary.

Diagonal installation of decoration on walls

It is no coincidence that we suggest starting with wall decoration. If the floor finish is laid first during renovation, the rest of the work will have to be done while moving on the new coating, which can lead to damage.

The cost of covering walls with ceramics is not cheap. How to calculate the number of tiles in the bathroom to avoid unnecessary costs? Diagonal placement involves its arrangement as a continuous canvas with cutting out the smallest fragments.

Therefore, this method, despite its high labor intensity, is considered the most economical. Only parts damaged during cutting end up in waste. Therefore, to calculate the coverage for a room with a bathroom, it is enough to calculate the total area of ​​the walls, and, just in case, add about 5% for damage and defects.

The cladding in the bathroom should start from the wall opposite front door. When laying diagonally, you need to start from vertical axis. Laying is done from the starting part in both directions evenly with the installation of spacer crosses along the seams.

They are inserted between the plates, two pieces per side. The thickness of the cross foot is 1.5 millimeters.

The laying technology is as follows:

  1. A portion of glue sufficient to install 2-3 plates is applied to the prepared wall surface. The glue is leveled on the wall with a notched trowel; its width should be equal to, or better if larger than, the size of the part. Ridge lines on adhesive layer should not intersect with each other, since an air bubble may form in this place.

  1. The tile is placed on the glue and pressed tightly against it. The starting plate must be carefully aligned on the plane: it must be installed at the same distance from the wall along the perimeter. The corners of a part installed diagonally should be placed strictly on the axial vertical line marked earlier.
  2. If the plate is skewed, alignment must be done by pressing on it. As a last resort, you can calm it down by carefully tapping it with the striker of a rubber mallet.
  3. The next elements are installed triangular fragments from tiles cut in half diagonally. Plastic crosses are installed in the gap between the plates - two pieces per side. The coincidence of the plane of each subsequent part is controlled by a short bubble level, and the overall flatness is long construction.

  1. The upper end of the cladding is formed entirely by cut fragments, so it must be finished with cornice elements. You can select cornices according to size and shape at construction market.
  2. A critical operation - cutting a plate - is carried out on special device– tile cutter. You can, of course, use a glass cutter, but it is much more difficult to get required quality cutting.

Diagonal laying of the coating in the bathroom allows you to obtain the most decoratively perfect compositions.

Lay out in a checkerboard pattern

With this method of placing tiles, the seams between the individual plates are located parallel to the intersections of the walls. This method involves cutting the plates to the size of the remaining gap.

This is not economical, especially if they are decorated with an asymmetrical pattern and the remains have to be thrown away. That's why checkerboard laying used for tiles of small diameter and different colors, which allows you to create original compositions.

But before you use online calculator, you need to take all the measurements of the room and get a clear idea for yourself about the design of your bathroom.

How to use the online tile calculator?

This program is presented in the form of a table, into which you need to enter data on your bath for calculation:

  1. Geometric parameters premises - length, width of the room and finishing height.
  2. Doorway dimensions.
  3. Window opening dimensions.
  4. Dimensional parameters of the bath.
  5. Should the side walls of the bath be tiled? - "Not really".
  6. Selecting a layout type. There are several options: classic, plain - involves the use of tiles of the same color, combined - uses several colors.

Data on the parameters of the bathroom such as the height of the walls, etc. are entered in meters.

The dimensions of the openings for the door and window are subtracted from the total area to be finished.

Dimensions of the bathtub - it is necessary to indicate whether its sides and the floor under the bathtub are subject to finishing.

Layout options:

  • classic way provides for finishing the room with material of several colors, separated using a border;
  • with a monochromatic finish, the use of decorated inserts is provided;
  • in the combined version, the finishing involves the use of plates of three or more colors.

Thus, the built-in calculator provides a wide range of possibilities for realizing your design ideas.

The size of the plates must be indicated in millimeter units. Decorated plates are counted individually.

To calculate the need for materials for curbs, their location along the entire coverage along the generatrix when laid horizontally, as well as along the entire vertical, is taken into account.

It is also necessary to indicate the reserve of the main material - usually the value is 5-10% of the total quantity.

Laying with offset

This method is used quite often, including in combination with those described above. This method does not bring anything fundamentally new to installation technology.

The calculation of the need for materials remains the same - according to the covered area. This installation method is reminiscent of brickwork and is most applicable when working with rectangular monochromatic tiles.

But the method using mosaic inserts provides an undoubted advantage.

The effect of offset lines makes it possible to make styling defects less noticeable.

Final work

Finishing operations do not depend on the installation method. In any case, you will need to seal the seams between the tiles. For this purpose it is produced special material– grout.

It is usually sold in finished form, packaged in jars. Each manufacturer recommends a certain grade of this material and these tips should be followed.

The grout is applied to the joint space using an elastic rubber spatula. Having collected a little mass on the tip of this tool, you need to rub it into the crack in the transverse direction.

When the gap is evenly filled to the full depth, clean the spatula and use a longitudinal movement to free the surface of the tile from grout residues. Afterwards, you can use a damp sponge and completely clean the surface.

How to take into account door and window openings

In built-in calculators, this calculation operation is embedded in a program that will automatically and correctly calculate the number of tiles that would be placed in these places.

But if the calculation is made independently, it is enough to take into account the total area of ​​free openings and divide it by the area of ​​one tile. The result obtained in pieces of plates must be subtracted from the amount of materials to cover the total area.

In this case, there is no need to take into account the installation method - remember that about 5% of the reserve is always included in the calculation. It will serve as a compensating factor for the error in the calculation.

Calculate the need for plastic corners

When working, two crosses are installed on each side of the tile. In this case, each pair works on two tiles. The simplest calculation: divide the number of tiles by two and get the required number of inserts.

We multiply the result by 15-20%, since this little thing tends to get lost as work progresses. The costs for them are so minuscule in comparison with the others that it would not be worth talking about them.

Calculate glue and grout requirements

The issue of the need for grout for bathroom tiles can be considered purely theoretically. After all, its quantity is as insignificant as the spacer crosses.

The consumption rate of this material is indicated on the packaging, and you can use these data as a guide when purchasing.

Another thing is tile adhesive. It can be sold as a dry mixture in bags and bags, or ready-made in plastic buckets. Naturally, the consumption rate per square meter is available on the packaging. But this is an average.

The actual consumption may be slightly different, depending on the quality of the surface being covered. If there are multiple places where the tiles have to be leveled due to the thickness of the adhesive layer, the consumption of binder for its installation will be significantly increased.
