How to install a sliding door. DIY sliding doors on rollers. Accessories, installation instructions. Sliding structures on rails

Exist different systems opening doors, one of the most convenient is sliding doors. Such a system can save space in the room, since it does not require a large opening area and can fit well into any interior. Making sliding doors with your own hands - interesting activity, which can save money on the purchase of a finished product.

Advantages of a sliding design

  • Sliding doors have many advantages, the main one being the ability to save space.
  • Installing such a door is not difficult even for a beginner; it does not require you to carry complex instrument or have special knowledge.
  • Installing such a door will take much less time than installing a regular one; Assembling a box for it is much easier.
  • You can create sliding doors with your own hands by purchasing suitable fittings and any door leaves that suit your taste.

Where to start?

Before you buy Construction Materials, accessories, tools, you will need to arm yourself with a regular tape measure. Use it to measure the width and height of the doorway. If you already have a door, you can measure it. It is worth noting that an ordinary door on hinges can be turned into sliding structure, using an old canvas from her.

The dimensions of a standard door leaf are usually the following: height - 2 meters, width - 80 cm, less commonly 60 or 70 cm are found, sometimes you can find non-standard door 90 cm.

The main element required to create such a door is a sliding mechanism. It is absolutely not necessary to invent it: purchase finished design You can go to any store that sells door leaves and accessories for them.

Should know: when selecting sliding mechanism you need to know exactly the length of the door (for example, 80 cm). The length of the mechanism should exceed it twice. It's okay if you buy a longer mechanism - it can be easily shortened, but problems may arise with a short product. It will be impossible to lengthen it, and if it is not long enough, the doors will not open all the way.

You can install any mechanisms for sliding doors with your own hands. If you want the door not to open simply from a push, you can install handles with a special lock on it. This type of device can be useful if you want the door to be locked or to prevent pets and children from opening it.

Using these mechanisms, any door leaf can turn into a sliding door. For a more aesthetically pleasing design, you can make a new one door frame, specially equipped specifically for a sliding structure.

What is required to create a door frame?

There is no need to buy a frame for the door leaf. It is enough to purchase following materials in order to assemble it yourself. You will need:

  • 5 meters of slats; the thickness is selected in accordance with the thickness of the partition in the doorway.
  • Platbands
  • A bar used to hide the opening mechanism from view.
  • The door leaf itself. You can use both new and previously standing ones.

N The new canvas will not have traces from the installation of standard fasteners, so it will look more attractive.

Do-it-yourself fittings for sliding doors will cost much less than buying a ready-made, assembled door. This applies to even the most expensive fittings: installation does not require hiring specialists, since an amateur can handle it.

Preparations for assembling doors

In order to prepare the door leaf, you will need the following tools:

  • Manual frezer; If you don’t have it, you can get by with the tools below.
  • Chisel.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Drill.

Any tool is suitable for the work, but if available hand router the work goes faster and more accurately. Preparation of the canvas includes the following points:

  • You need to start work from the bottom end of the door leaf. You will need to cut an even groove clearly in the middle, the depth of which should be 3 mm. This recess is necessary so that the lower guide can work. It will serve as a stop for the door, which will prevent the door from swaying during operation. You can cut a groove using a hand router or grinder, on which a special wheel for working with wood will be installed: it must have a fine tooth.
  • The sliding mechanism kit includes rollers and brackets. They need to be connected to each other. This is easy to do using nuts. The elements have special holes for connection.
  • After fixing, the elements need to be attached to the top of the door leaf from the end side. There is no need to screw them on right away: you will need to trace the contours, then measure the thickness of the metal from which the elements are made, and make grooves equal to this thickness.
  • After this, you can screw the rollers to the canvas.
  • Making sliding doors can be made a little easier by not cutting staples into the door itself. The rollers can simply be screwed to it. This will be reflected in the external characteristics of the future door, but if you have little experience and only have a chisel and a hammer in your hands, it is better not to make grooves for the rollers at all.
  • Once the mechanism is almost ready, you can proceed to installation door lock. This design element is optional and is installed solely at personal discretion.
  • It will be convenient to use the design if you install handles. If you install regular ones, the door will not open all the way and the handles will hit the doorway. In order to avoid this, you will need to embed a special set of handles. For them, grooves are made on both sides, then a through hole is drilled. The outline for the handles will need to be marked in advance. It is most convenient to cut out places for them using a jigsaw.

Installation of the sliding mechanism

The design of sliding doors, as you can see, is not very complicated. Once the canvas is ready for installation, you can proceed to further steps.

Before you can install the leaf in the doorway, you will need to mount the door opening mechanism. To do this, you need to properly secure the guide profile: it must be positioned strictly horizontally. When installing it, you must use a level; the guide is placed on the floor. If it is uneven, you will have to carry out work to level the surface. If the profile is crooked, the door will not be able to open easily; if the slope is large, the door may not be able to move along the guide at all.

Guide installation features

Guides for sliding doors with your own hands must be installed in accordance with certain rules, otherwise the structure cannot be expected to work correctly.

  • Make sure that the edge of the guide extends 50mm on one side of the opening. On the side where the door will roll back, the profile should not protrude. Its length must clearly coincide with the dimensions of the door leaf. If the mechanism is too long, you can always shorten it with a grinder.
  • It is necessary to correctly calculate the height to which the door mechanism will be raised. It can be calculated taking into account the following factors: the gap under the door, the resulting height of the leaf taking into account the rollers already installed on it (the gap can be from 10 to 20 mm, it depends on how flat the floor is).

Before you make sliding doors with your own hands, you should check how smooth your walls are. If they are too crooked, this problem will have to be solved. It is easy to attach the guide to a flat wall; all you need to do is drill holes in the wall for it. If the walls are very crooked, you can use wooden slats; you will have to move the guide slightly away from the wall.

In order to place the finished canvas with rollers on the guide, you will need to insert the rollers on the side. After installing the door leaf, a special stop is placed on the door to prevent it from moving to the side. For this stop, a special groove was cut into the canvas from below.

To prevent the internal guides from flying out, they need to be secured with self-tapping screws. To do this you will need to open the door completely. First, secure the rubber cushion: it is used as a limiter, then you will need to insert a stop into the lower groove of the blade. It is secured with dowels. After this, you can close the door and secure the lower stop completely. If you watch the video, it will be clearer how to make sliding doors yourself .

In order for the installation to be complete, it is necessary to install door frames and a strip that will cover the opening mechanism. It is attached to a rail mounted on the wall. The gaps can be closed polyurethane foam or sealant.

By making an interior door with your own hands, you will not only save a significant amount of money, but will also be able to realize the most daring design ideas in the interior. Also, there will be no need to call specialists, choose among standard solutions or argue for a long time, defending your vision. But you need to master all the subtleties and nuances self-made door designs.

Features and Benefits

A sliding door is justified not only because it is visually beautiful and can fit into the most different interior. Its important advantage is the most rational use of space.

No one square centimeter will not go to waste and it will be possible to functionally and stylistically divide the room by dividing its new parts.

In addition to the listed advantages, the following input structures:

  • do not slam shut on their own in a continuous draft;
  • do not interfere with ventilation of the house or apartment;
  • are distinguished by easy and smooth operation of the opening and locking mechanism;
  • allow the use of automation;
  • eliminate the need to create thresholds.
  • the design itself is extremely simple - roller mechanism is attached to the canvas and inserted into the guides in a certain way.

Types and mechanisms of interior doors

For apartments and private houses the following options are used:

  • compartment doors(with one leaf or a pair of leaves moving parallel to the wall on rails);
  • cassette(at the moment of opening the doors are removed inside the pencil case);
  • radius(distinguished by their unique shape);
  • cascading(each sash has its own, autonomous guide);
  • intra-opening(when the doors open, they move towards you; you can only pass through part of the opening);
  • rotary-sliding.

The sliding door mechanism may have different quantity guides and carriages on them. Almost always, a thick-walled aluminum profile is used to make rails.

To prevent the sash from tearing out of the guide or rolling out of it, limiting and braking parts must be added.

Sliding doors are divided into:

  • hanging(held only from above);
  • supporting(the load from which is distributed only along the lower guide). A typical mechanism, which can withstand a load of up to 120 kg, in most cases does not require the installation of a threshold.

Sliding door open type, All structural elements which are visible, can have a canvas no heavier than 100 kg. In the hidden type, bottom guides are not used and they are incompatible with glass structures

A door closer can be installed on any type of door to ensure smooth opening and closing.

During the installation process, the slightest irregularities should be detected and immediately eliminated, otherwise the sashes may roll away without permission. This problem occurs especially often in the Versailles format compartment system.

How to install?

For those who do not have much experience in home renovation and installation of various door designs, it is best to choose single-leaf doors. Having mastered working with them, you can easily cope with more sophisticated systems. The first step is marking, which will help install the guides. Using a tape measure, measure the height starting from the floor surface, add two millimeters to the resulting value (a gap is needed) and take into account the height of the roller apparatus.

A pair of marks are connected in a straight line. Be sure to make sure that it is completely horizontal (this will help building level). Next, below this line, guides are mounted. The method of fastening depends on the weight of the door. The lightest options can be mounted on dowels, while heavier ones will require a bracket. The heaviest entrance blocks should be supported by timber.

When the roller is inserted into the rails, the sashes and leaf are secured on top with brackets. If the canvas is made of glass, the fastenings will be required differently than usual.

Even if you lift the canvas without difficulty, involve a partner: it’s faster, more reliable, and easier.

Additional nuances

When installing the door with your own hands, periodically check with a level for any deviations, and if necessary, tighten the bolts or other fasteners. The roller mechanism should be disguised with decorative film, and only then install the fittings. Sliding doors placed in a niche require the formation of a plasterboard pocket on the adjacent wall.

After completing all work, check that the structure and any part of the mechanism operate without failures and without tension. The rollers should roll along the rails easily and freely, without bumping into obstacles. Extraneous noises and creaks indicate that something has been done wrong.

More detailed instructions on installation sliding door do it yourself in the next video.

Assembly of the structure

Before the interior door can be installed, it will still need to be assembled. It is necessary to prepare for work a set of boards, a tape measure, a screwdriver, a level and fasteners. Advantage self-assembly It will be that you are almost unlimited in the choice of product parameters.

Most often, pine boards or laminated chipboard are used; the thickness is the same in these cases - 1.6 cm.

If time is more important to you, you can purchase factory-made canvas. The joints of boards or slabs are covered with PVA glue and then tightened with a clamp. On each side, three supports are added to the screws and the workpiece is left to dry for exactly one day. After the adhesive layer has hardened, you can remove the clamps and saturate the canvas with stain. The design of a sliding interior door implies a slope of two or three degrees in the direction in which they close.

But it is quite possible to make a hook; for this you take steel strips 35-40 mm wide, the thickness of which is 3-3.5 cm. An angle grinder will help to cut such steel into the required fragments. In the workpiece, clamped in a vice, holes are prepared for the roller axles. The product will last long enough if the canvas is painted with a special primer. M8 bolts are screwed into holes with a diameter of 0.8 cm over the guide. The guides need to be attached above the opening in order to set them in the correct position.

From all of the above, we can conclude that making and installing sliding interior doors with your own hands is not particularly difficult. You just need to carefully follow the simplest rules, and then success will be achieved for sure.

Sliding interior doors, which have many models and can be used in any room, have become quite popular in apartment interiors. With their help they separate living rooms into several zones and improve the design of an apartment or house. Sliding doors are especially popular in conditions small apartments, combining limited space (see).

Sliding interior doors: installation methods

Sliding interior doors are divided according to:

  • manufacturing method;
  • the material used;
  • decorative coating.

Based on their production, panel and panel products are distinguished. They are made solid and with glazing. The materials used for production are fibreboards, particle boards and MDF boards. Veneer that imitates natural wood is used as decor. different breeds, lamination and melamination of surfaces.

A sliding door is, first of all, a product that combines wooden, metal and glass elements, with high-quality fittings and a functional mechanism.

Installation methods

Installation of sliding interior doors produced in two main ways:

In the first case, the doors move along rails that are installed on the floor and ceiling. The second option involves installing one rail above the doorway.

Cheaper and affordable option is the installation of sliding doors along two guides.

Sliding interior doors move using rollers that move along guides. It is especially important to maintain the horizontal surface of the floor and the beam on the ceiling where the upper guide is installed. Otherwise, the door on rollers will move spontaneously. In some cases, metal fasteners are used, but they can ruin general form products.

Using the second installation option - along two guides, has more aesthetic appearance. There is no obstacle in the form of a plank on the floor. When the door of space rolls back neighboring rooms smoothly connect with each other.

The canvas itself moves through the movement of rollers, which move along a guide installed on the ceiling. The number of rollers depends on the type of door leaf.

There are more innovative systems sliding doors. These include the cassette installation method. In this case, the door leaf is hidden in a niche. Install sliding doors yourself using cassette system not difficult, although this option is considered the most expensive.

The design of interior sliding doors ensures that the movement system is completely built into the wall. It is necessary to arrange a niche with a built-in metal frame. For this purpose, the segment is destroyed existing wall and a plasterboard box is made.

The work may become more complicated if the wall into which the box with the cassette block is mounted is load-bearing. Before making a sliding door with your own hands, you must obtain permission for such repair work.

Installing doors in this way allows you to conveniently place furniture or household appliances and does not reduce the area of ​​the room.

Types of sliding doors and their scope

One of the most popular models is the sliding door system. This is the safest option and is suitable for families with small children. They open without using excessive force.

has a silent sliding system, which does not create extraneous sounds when the canvas moves. The design has soundproofing properties. It is attached to the ceiling and walls using special cassettes. They are quite expensive, so false wall sliding door systems are more popular.

When using such a mechanism, the door is placed along the wall and moves with guides installed on the floor and ceiling.

The door leaf is made from aluminum profile and glass composite. The second option is more unique. Fiberglass composite is transparent material, consisting of fiberglass and having particular strength. He does not rot and is not afraid of influence chemical solutions used for surface cleaning.

Veneered sliding doors are often used in the interior of a house. They are made from aluminum profile. In appearance, the doors resemble a product made from natural wood, but are much cheaper.

The budget option is considered to be installed in the house sliding accordion door. In the recent past, they were made from cheap plastic and installed instead of doors in closets and other utility rooms.

Modern accordion doors are made from metal, glass and wood. They are successfully used in design modern apartments. With the help of such sliding doors, the space of one-room small apartments is zoned.

When to install sliding doors

Sometimes, to decorate the interior of a house, the use of sliding interior doors is mandatory. This applies to the following cases:

  1. The need to close a large opening. It happens that a standard door with double fabric cannot cope with such a task, and also takes up a lot of space.
  2. If there is a catastrophic lack of space in the apartment. This confirms the main advantage of sliding doors - freeing up space. The design of some premises does not at all provide for the presence of traditional swing doors.
  3. Zoning of premises. Sliding doors are especially indispensable when combining the living room and kitchen. When dining with guests, the effect of being in a large, spacious kitchen is created. Sliding doors can also be used to combine a corridor and a dressing room.
  4. Correction of room space. With the help of sliding doors you can adjust the door and window openings of the loggia. If you install them in the form of an arch, the opening becomes wider and higher, which improves the overall design of the apartment or house. They adjust the space of the room in height by installing the upper guide in the ceiling niche.
  5. If there is large furniture in the house. An interior sliding door allows you to place furniture close to the doorway.

The sliding interior door is also used in case of replacement interior partition. The latter is limited in the choice of appearance and the material from which it is made. Then, a sliding door can complement any interior.

Sliding door designs

Each type of sliding door design solves individual functional problems in arranging the space of a house or apartment. Depending on the tasks, the following design options are distinguished:

Installing sliding interior doors with your own hands, the video is posted below, in addition to the advantages, it also has some disadvantages.

When opening, the roller mechanisms create noise. It is almost impossible to move such a door silently. This is especially inconvenient in the morning. During long-term operation The sounds when opening only get louder.

Over time, component parts - rollers and carriages - wear out. They need to be changed more often than, for example, hinges and locks on a swing door.

Installation of sliding doors, taking into account the cost of installation, the cost of components and the canvas itself, will cost more standard doors. Sliding doors have less sound and heat insulation, since there is a gap between the door leaf and the wall, which cannot be removed.

Which doors to choose – hinged or sliding – depends on the individual preferences of the homeowner. However, a sliding interior door solves the issue of saving free space in small spaces.

Installation of sliding doors in thin walls - video

Setting out to create unusual interior, using time-tested and well-known elements, you should pay attention to sliding interior doors. By using them in the interior, you can use the space more ergonomically, dividing it into different zones and at the same time maintaining the illusion of the integrity of the room. In addition, making sliding doors with your own hands is quite simple; you will need an understanding of the process and ability to use tools, as well as knowledge about sliding doors.

Advantages and disadvantages of sliding doors

Before using sliding interior doors in the interior, you need to know their strengths and weak sides. It will depend on what tasks you face when planning the interior whether you choose sliding doors or not.


  • save room space;
  • do not close under the influence of drafts, unlike swing doors on hinges;
  • simple and easy opening of the doors. The only thing that should be taken into account is maintaining cleanliness and timely maintenance of the roller mechanism;
  • can be easily automated if necessary. This is one of the main advantages of sliding doors, which can be realized very easily with the help of modern technologies;
  • no thresholds. This advantage is somewhat controversial, since there are sliding door systems that have lower guides in their design, which can act as a threshold or be embedded in the floor.


  • low rates of heat and sound insulation. Systems in which a door is glued to the end of the door have slightly improved sound and heat insulation characteristics. special seal, and the doors themselves slide into a special niche;
  • inability to install as front door. It is worth noting that if it is a balcony, loggia or country house with a wall of sufficient length, then you can install sliding glass doors leading from the room to the street;
  • the price of fittings and locks for sliding doors is an order of magnitude higher than the prices for conventional doors. In addition, prices for sliding doors are also slightly higher, which imposes some restrictions on the choice according to the budget;
  • When using a certain type of sliding door, it will not be possible to place any furniture or large household appliances nearby.

Design and types of sliding doors

There are various sliding door systems that differ from each other appearance, but the design itself in its basis and operating principle remains unchanged. The design of sliding doors is a system consisting of roller mechanism,guides And door leaf. The roller mechanism is attached to the door, and the rollers move along guides fixed above the doorway. Various types of sliding interior doors can include from two to four or more roller mechanisms, as well as several guides and door leaves. In addition, the design of the sliding door includes decorative panels covering the mechanism itself, various special door furniture, platbands and additions.

The picture below shows different kinds sliding doors:

But among all the diversity, the following main types of sliding doors are distinguished:

  • sliding compartment doors;
  • cascading sliding doors;
  • accordion sliding doors;
  • one, two, three and four-leaf sliding doors;
  • radius sliding doors.

Sliding door fittings

Because of my unusual design Sliding doors require hardware certain type. Locks and handles for sliding doors are not the same as we are used to seeing on regular doors. Characteristic feature handles is that they are recessed into the door leaf. This is done so that the doors can move freely to the side and, if necessary, enter the niche reserved for it. The locks are also not quite ordinary. If you compare it with a conventional lock, you can see that the locking mechanism is designed for vertical latching.

When purchasing a sliding door, the fittings usually come with the door leaf. But if there is a need to install handles and locks yourself, then you need to be extremely careful and choose them correctly. It is best to seek help from a specialist or search by catalog number.

Sliding door mechanism

Sliding doors get their name due to the method of opening, which is ensured by the movement of rollers along guides. The roller mechanism and guides for sliding doors must be selected based on the type of sliding door, the number of leaves and the material of the door leaf. The thing is that different systems have different weight and create different loads on the structure as a whole. So, if you compare a single-leaf sliding door made of MDF and a double-leaf glass sliding door, the weight of the first one will be much less, and you can choose a simpler and lighter roller mechanism for it.

Also, when installing some types of sliding doors (cascade, accordion, compartment), it is necessary to take into account the number of roller mechanisms and select the correct guides. For example, for a cascade door it is necessary to install 2 roller mechanisms for each door leaf and guides with two gutters. It is especially important to pay attention to the fact that to create sliding doors and cascade doors, it is necessary to provide one groove in the guides for each door leaf.

As noted earlier, the reliability of sliding doors directly depends on the roller mechanism and guide. But sometimes, as in the case of a glass sliding door, you have to install two guides - one at the top of the doorway, the other at the bottom. This is the only way to obtain a stable and a secure door with a large mass of door leaf.

Sliding door installation options

The functionality and convenience of interior sliding doors allow you to implement various design solutions as in rooms with limited space, and in rooms with a large area. Such doors allow you to transform inner space, organically fitting into the interior.

The most popular option is to install sliding doors between two residential areas. Using double-leaf doors, you can zone a room while maintaining its integrity. At behind closed doors these will be two different rooms, and when open - one, but with a large area. For example, by installing sliding doors, you can separate a small office, and when open doors- it will be common area for business negotiations.

Another option for using sliding doors is to install them between living quarters and loggia, balcony or terrace in country house. In this case, it is advisable to use sliding glass doors. A large luminous flux will flow through them, and in the warm season, by opening them, you can expand the room indefinitely.

Quite often sliding doors are used for technical rooms. So, having installed sliding doors, you can separate a utility room or pantry while saving precious space.

Some of the most difficult and expensive to install are radius doors. This largely depends on the complexity of manufacturing the door leaf and curved guides. But such doors can be seen in shower stalls or rooms with rounded shapes. It looks quite impressive.

Unfortunately, due to their shortcomings, sliding doors do not make sense to install between rooms such as the kitchen, living room, bathroom or toilet. Of course, with the development of technology, new materials and methods of their application appear. And perhaps the disadvantages of sliding doors with the use of new technologies will be leveled out or completely disappear, which will open up new horizons for their use.

How to make sliding doors

Having decided on the type of sliding door and purchased everything you need, you can begin installation. Let's look at the installation process using the example of a single-leaf sliding door. This is the simplest and most common door and the easiest to install. But it should be noted that the description will also indicate key points, which are also typical for other types of sliding doors.

So, to install sliding doors with your own hands, you need to do the following:

  • The first thing is to make markings for the guides. To do this, you can go two ways. The first is to simply measure the height of the door from the floor with a tape measure, adding 15 - 20 mm to it for the gap between the floor and the door. And to this height add the height of the assembled roller mechanism and guide. Then put 2 - 3 marks on the wall and draw a line between them. The second option is similar to the first with the difference that the door leaf is placed against the opening, and marks are placed along the upper edge, to which the height of the roller mechanism and guide is then added.

Important! Before installing the guide, you need to make sure that the marks are strictly horizontal. This can be done using a level. Otherwise, after installation, the doors will spontaneously open in one direction or another.

  • Now we install the guide along the previously marked line so that the guide is installed under it. Depending on the guide itself, it can be secured in different ways. Some are attached directly to the wall using dowels, some can be mounted on special brackets or wooden beam. The guide itself should be at some distance from the wall so that when opening the doors they do not cling to the doorway or trim. It is necessary to carefully select guides and know how to install them. For sliding doors and other sliding door structures that have a height from floor to ceiling, the guides are attached to the ceiling and floor.

Important! To prevent the sliding door from flying off the first time it is opened, the length of the guide should be 2 times larger than the doorway, and another 4 - 5 cm of spare space should be added to this length. It is because of this feature that sliding doors require a lot of free space near the doorway, although they save space when opening.

  • Having secured the guide, insert the fastening bolt inside the roller carriage and insert the entire roller mechanism into the guide. For a regular single-leaf door, only two rollers are required, but if we are installing accordion doors or cascading doors, we will have to purchase rollers for each leaf in advance.
  • We install brackets for roller carriages on top of the door leaf. They are attached with a distance of 3 - 5 mm from the edge of the door.

Important! For glass doors a different fastening method is used. The fastener itself consists of two metal legs that clamp the glass together and are tightened with screws. In addition, due to the large mass of glass, it is recommended to install doors with two guides: one in the floor, the other above the doorway.

  • Now that the rollers and fasteners for them are installed, we put the door leaf in place, lift it and screw the bolts into the brackets at the top of the door. This step of the job is best done with a partner who can lift and hold the door while the bolts are tightened. After this, we check the horizontalness of the door and, if necessary, level it by tightening the bolts.

  • The doorway and slopes can be hidden behind platbands and extensions. But we hide the roller mechanism itself behind a decorative strip that is hung on top.
  • Finally, we install the door hardware.

Installing a sliding door with a special niche in the wall will be somewhat more labor-intensive. To do this you will have to create from plasterboard sheets a partition into which the door will slide. But for doors with a track, you will have to cut out a groove in the floor, which will require the use of a hammer drill. In all other respects, installing sliding doors is a very simple and easy task.

How to make sliding doors? This question faces owners small apartments when renovating or wanting to have more free space in small room. Such doors allow you to divide the space of the apartment into zones, maintaining the appearance of the integrity of the volume. To make them yourself, you need to know a little about the tool and have at least minimal knowledge of what it is.

Typical designs and their types

There are several types of doors that differ from each other in appearance, but the operating principle of their mechanism is almost the same.

The main elements of a sliding door are closing doors, guide rails and a carriage with rollers. The operation of the system is based on the following principle:

  • the mobile element is installed on the door leaf;
  • guides are usually fixed to the top of the doorway;
  • the rollers move along the rails and pull one (or several) sashes along with them.

IN different designs the number of mechanisms used can vary from 2 to 4 or more. It is possible to use several guides and door leaves, which are made from decorative panels and cover the mechanism. In this case, extensions, platbands or special fittings are used.

Types of sliding doors:

  • coupe;
  • cascade design;
  • harmonic;
  • structures that open along a radius.

Sliding doors can have from 1 to 4 leaves.

Sliding door mechanisms and fittings used

When creating such a design, it is necessary to select a carriage with rollers depending on the number of leaves, the material used for their installation and the type of door. These parameters are different when using, for example, MDF and glass sheet, both in weight and in the load created on the rollers. If you need to install a cascade structure, then you need to select rails with 2 gutters and attach 2 rollers to each sash. The same applies to the coupe and the accordion. Reliability of operation installed door largely depends on the guides and carriage mechanism. At heavy weight construction (material – tempered glass), you need to use 2 rails: one at the top and the other at the bottom of the opening.

Locks, handles and other fittings for a sliding door are hidden in its leaf. This is done so that the doors do not interfere with each other when moving and can be hidden in a niche. The locks are vertical latches. If you need to select accessories yourself (usually it comes with door panels), it is better to consult a specialist.

Sliding door installation options

Installation of such structures in rooms with a small area allows the use of modern design developments. They can also be used when standard sizes apartments, and in a country house. There are many options for installing a sliding door. Let's look at some of them.

Most often, a double-leaf structure is used to separate 2 residential areas. At the same time, the room looks like a single whole when the doors are moved apart and is divided into two parts when they are closed. The entire area of ​​the apartment is divided unevenly, for example, into an office (with the panels closed) and a living room.

Another option is to install the structure between the main residential block and a balcony or loggia (terrace in the house). Typically, glass doors are used in this case.

Another application of such devices is to separate storerooms or utility rooms from the main premises. To do this, you need to use sliding doors.

The most difficult to manufacture are structures that move apart along a radius. Their installation largely depends on the degree of bending of the door leaf and the guide. They are used in rooms with a rounded configuration and in showers.

Due to their inherent disadvantages, sliding doors cannot be used between the living room, bathroom, kitchen and toilet.

An easy way to make sliding doors yourself

If the type of structure that the owner wishes to install in the apartment has been determined, then it is necessary to purchase necessary materials and tools on construction market. Accessories can be purchased in specialized stores. The easiest way to start is by installing a single-leaf version of such a sliding door - this is the simplest and most commonly used design. At the same time, a person will acquire skills that will help him in the future independently cope with multi-leaf systems.

The technological process of work is as follows:

  1. First you need to make markings for the guide rail. This can be done in two ways. According to the first, measure the distance from the door to the floor with a tape measure. To the resulting number you need to add 1.5-2 cm to take into account the gap between them. You also need to add the height of the roller carriage and rails. After this, the obtained data is transferred to the wall with a pencil (felt-tip pen) and a line is drawn between the marks. The second method is similar to the first. The only difference is that the sash is placed against the doorway and marks are made along the upper edge. The height of the carriage mechanism and the rail are then added to these.
  2. Before installing the guide, you must ensure that the markings are accurate. horizontal plane. This is done using a level. If you skip this operation, then after complete installation sash structures can spontaneously move in any direction.
  3. Along the line drawn on the wall, install the rail so that it is under it. You can fix the guide different ways: directly to the wall with dowels or on metal brackets or nail it to a wooden beam. The rail must be installed with some clearance from the wall so that the opening sash cannot catch on the opening or platbands. The main thing is that the rails are correctly selected and the method of their installation does not lead to distortion. If they are mounted for compartments or similar structures that are made from floor to ceiling, then the guides must be fixed on both planes.
  4. To prevent the sash from falling during the first attempt to open it, the rail must be made twice as long as the opening. To this figure we must also add 40-50 mm for the spare wheel. This leads to covering a large area near the opening, but saves space in the room itself.
  5. Having finished installing the rails, they move on to the carriage with rollers. A fastening bolt is inserted inside it, and the entire mechanism is inserted into the guide. For this simple design with one sash, you need to use two rollers. When installing a cascade type or accordion, their number will increase significantly.
  6. On top part The shutters must be secured with brackets from the carriage. They are installed at a distance of 4 mm from the edges. When securing a glass structure, a different method is used. Its fasteners are made in the form of a metal gripper, the jaws of which clamp the material and are tightened with bolts. Due to the significant mass of this design, it is necessary to use two rails, top and bottom.
  7. Then the sash is put in place. They lift it and screw the screws into the brackets that were secured in advance. This work must be done together with an assistant who will support the canvas. Then they check the level of the suspension with a level, and if necessary, level it by tightening the screws.
  8. The mechanism is covered with a plank, and the opening and slopes are decorated with the help of platbands.
  9. Install the purchased fittings.

Installing a structure with a niche in the wall presents a certain difficulty. In order for the canvas to fit into it, you need to make an artificial partition from sheets of plasterboard. If you decide to install the rail on the floor, you need to make a groove in it. To do this you need to use a hammer drill.

Tools, devices and materials for work

  1. Door leaf made of MDF, chipboard, glass, wood, plastic.
  2. Special fittings.
  3. Staples.
  4. Guide rails.
  5. Fastening for the canvas.
  6. Carriage with rollers.
  7. Platbands, extensions, planks.
  8. Wooden beam.
  9. Metal brackets.
  10. Hammer.
  11. Building level.
  12. Screwdriver and pliers.
  13. Tape measure and pencil (felt-tip pen).

Self-assembly and installation of a sliding door is not very difficult. The most important thing when performing this work is to strictly follow the above technological chain and follow all recommendations. You need to correctly assess your strengths and financial opportunities and pick up quality material for construction. If necessary, consult a specialist who performs such work.