How to get rid of the smell of new furniture. How to get rid of the smell of new furniture and eliminate a specific aroma from the apartment New chipboard furniture smells

Many people often notice bad smell from the sofa, appearing suddenly. There are many reasons for the appearance, so it is important to understand how to remove the smell, because it will certainly cause some discomfort and hostility. Most common reasons Its appearance is caused by pets or various drinks spilled on the upholstery. Increased dampness in the room where the piece of furniture is located leads to the appearance of a musty smell. Often the cause is smoking in the house or children, since in the latter case feces and urine get on the upholstery.

Upholstery upholstered furniture usually created in such a way that it has a multi-layer structure, so any liquid penetrates deeply into it. As a result, a smell, which may be unpleasant, begins to appear from the sofa. This often leaves unsightly and visible stains on the sofa that need to be eliminated. To remove this problem, use different methods, both popular and professional.

If used folk remedies To remove odor, the most commonly chosen means are:

  • soda, which eliminates most unpleasant odors, and it is available in every home, so there will be no problems with promptly getting rid of dirt and stench;
  • soap, and it is advisable to initially use a household product that is the most effective against various stains and odors;
  • salt, usually used on new sofas that smell of chemicals;
  • acetic acid or table vinegar - diluted in water to obtain a weak solution, after which you need to wet the sheet in it and put it on the sofa, leaving it in this position for about half an hour. This procedure should be repeated several times;
  • black or green tea, fresh ground coffee– perfectly help in the fight against fish, beer, dog and tobacco odors. To do this, you need to place tea bags on the sofa and leave for a day;
  • lemon juice;
  • solution of potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia.

There are many other means that allow you to remove the smell from the sofa, as well as those related to folk methods.

Folk remedies for getting rid of unpleasant odor

Professional products

In addition to standard folk methods, it is always possible to use specialized solutions and compositions sold in hardware stores. If you decide to use chemicals To remove odor, this process must be performed when there are no children or pets at home, and after the process is completed, the premises must be thoroughly ventilated.

When using these solutions, it is important to carefully and accurately follow the manufacturer's instructions. It is usually possible to achieve an effective result after two or three treatments. Once the product has been applied to the upholstery, it is important to wait a little, after which the sofa should be knocked out using a standard knocker. Next, you need to go over its entire surface with a vacuum cleaner equipped with a special attachment for upholstered furniture.

Organic contaminants are the most difficult to deal with, since the particles penetrate directly into the inner layers of the upholstery, where they decompose.

The most commonly purchased products for work are vanish, chlorine-containing bleaches, or another product similar in composition. Odordone Antmal Gold does a good job of removing odors.

If the smell is very persistent, then you can use products from the Belgian company CHRISTAL, which contain microorganisms that destroy pathogenic flora. For processing soft furniture will fit Multi product or Allergy Free aerosol. If there is no specific stain on the surface of the furniture, then you can use deodorizing agents added to a bucket of water to eliminate the smell, for example, MAGOS MECHTA JSC.

Vanish products are most often used to clean upholstered furniture.
Animal Odor Eliminator OdorGone Animal Gold

Odor Elimination Technology

The upholstery gets damaged during use. various pollution, leading to the appearance of foreign and unpleasant odors. Each individual case uses its own effective and reliable means, so it is important to approach each situation individually.

Causes of unpleasant odor from the sofa

From new

Often, after purchasing this piece of furniture, users notice that it emits an unpleasant odor associated with the use of formaldehyde or other substances in the production process. chemical substances. If the purchase is made in the summer, then it is enough to ventilate the room for several days, but this will not be possible in winter.

The smell of a mixture of varnish, glue and other components is unpleasant for many people, which leads to the need to look for other ways to get rid of it.

For a new sofa the following methods are used:

  • Initially, you should go over the upholstery with a vacuum cleaner to remove small particles of wood and other components used in the production of furniture;
  • then absorbents are placed in the laundry drawer, if there is one, as well as under the furniture, to ensure the absorption of foreign odors, and with their help it will not be difficult to get rid of this problem;
  • Constant and high-quality ventilation of the room is certainly ensured.

Not only expensive purchased products can be used as absorbents, but also certain items that are always on hand at home, for example, salt, mint or lavender, as well as vanilla sugar or honey, but these products cannot be eaten or used for other purposes after the process.

From old

Interior items that are quite old can smell, and they give off a smell of mustiness, mold and dampness. This is especially true for furniture left for some time in a non-residential building. How to get rid of sofa odors? Eliminating this problem is actually quite difficult, so complex and specific treatment is carried out:

  • Initially, you need to take the sofa outside, where it is thoroughly knocked out and also left in a draft for effective ventilation;
  • then it should be vacuumed, and it is important to use a special nozzle for upholstered furniture, and you also need to get to the most difficult and inaccessible areas;
  • all surfaces are wiped with a vinegar solution, and this remedy is simple to make, since one part of vinegar is mixed with 4 parts of water;
  • then the entire upholstery is covered with gauze, previously soaked in vinegar or a bleach solution.

If the furniture was in an unheated and damp room, then it is thoroughly dried, for which it is advisable to use a fan heater or other similar heating equipment. If there is a pronounced smell of mold, then it is advisable to place baking soda next to the sofa, and also effectively use mint mixed with salt.

If all of the above methods are not effective, then this indicates ingrained dirt present directly in the upholstery, so the only way out of this situation is to replace the upholstery. Even the filler, usually represented by foam rubber, is replaced.

Depending on the upholstery

A person removing odor from a piece of furniture must take into account the upholstery material during the work. The fact is that certain methods can be detrimental to it. Therefore, important factors must be taken into account:

  • if you have dark-colored furniture, then a product with bleach or bleach is not suitable for it;
  • if the upholstery is made from dyed fabrics, then you should also not use bleaches that change the color of the material;
  • work with leather sofa is considered the simplest, since the leather does not allow dirt and liquids to pass through, so it is enough to just deal with the smell and stains on the surface of the sofa;
  • When using any purchased drugs, it is important to carefully study the instructions, since manufacturers usually indicate for which materials they can be used and for which they cannot.

Thus, it is important not only to understand the methods for eliminating the problem, but also to make sure that the chosen method will not harm the interior item.

Iodine Chlorine corrodes some tissues

From a cat or dog

The most common smell found on upholstered furniture is the smell of cats, since pets often mark various items in the house. The same applies to dogs, and getting rid of this problem is quite difficult. How to remove cat smell from sofas? To do this, follow the following steps:

  • urine is initially eliminated, and the main way to combat it is acid, so a solution of vinegar and water is applied to the area with urine, after which it is thoroughly wiped with a napkin;
  • then uric acid, which is the direct cause of the unpleasant odor, is removed by sprinkling the upholstery with regular baking soda;
  • then a special solution is prepared from hydrogen peroxide and any dishwashing detergent, and it is applied to required area furniture where it is left for a couple of hours;
  • wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

Thus, removing cat odor from your sofa is quite simple if you carefully understand the correct process.

From vomiting

If vomit gets on the upholstery, then certain actions are taken to prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant odor:

  • Initially, remove vomit from the sofa with a rag or napkins;
  • wipe the area with a rag soaked in water;
  • sprinkle the area with regular soda;
  • after the stain has dried, remove the remaining soda with a vacuum cleaner;
  • Using a solution with detergent, wipe the upholstery area.

After the procedure is completed, stains and stench are eliminated.

Baking soda removes any odors

From dampness

If old sofa starts to smell damp, then various effective methods are used to eliminate this problem:

  • vinegar, and it is advisable to use apple juice;
  • special antifungal drugs, and they should be applied mainly to wooden elements upholstered furniture;
  • potassium permanganate, however, it is important to make a weak solution so as not to change the color of the upholstery;
  • absorbents such as baking soda or Activated carbon.

Each of these means is effective and efficient, and it is possible to use several substances at once.


A person who removes foreign odors from a sofa wants them not to appear on it again. To do this, it is important to perform certain preventive actions:

  • All surfaces are regularly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner;
  • An excellent solution is to use removable covers, because if they get dirty, they just need to be removed and washed;
  • Surfaces should be constantly cleaned with soapy water.

Thus, it is quite difficult to remove foreign odors from the sofa. To do this, it is taken into account what problem you have to deal with, what material the upholstery is made of, and also what means will be used - folk or modern.


Buying new furniture is always an exciting and at the same time enjoyable experience. But sometimes it happens that the purchase begins to emit an unpleasant odor, which is difficult to get rid of. In this review, we’ll look at where unpleasant odors come from and whether it’s possible to combat them.

Where does the unpleasant odor come from?

Many people know that laminated chipboard is made from wood chips that are impregnated with a binder. It is otherwise known to everyone as formaldehyde. It is this resin that emits an unpleasant odor and negatively affects the health of the entire family. The following symptoms may occur:

  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • decreased performance.

All this is the impact of formaldehyde resins, but unfortunately, it is impossible to refuse their presence in the material. Special GOSTs have been developed that clearly indicate their permissible value for their presence. If the requirements are met, then there is no need to fear for your health. You can check this when purchasing furniture in a store. Ask sales consultants to provide relevant certificates.

On a note!

High-quality laminated chipboard does not have an unpleasant odor, and in some cases there is an aroma natural wood.

How to choose the right furniture from chipboard or laminated chipboard

If you assemble everything yourself or purchase ready-made kits in a store, then do not forget to first choose a quality material manufacturer. The most environmentally friendly are chipboard and laminated chipboard from Austria or Germany. Russian manufacturers They are trying to bring their products closer to the European standard. Professionals under no circumstances recommend purchasing materials made in China or Ukraine.

You have the right to request supporting materials, certificates and papers for review. In them you will definitely find information about the country of origin and composition. If you have been provided with a product certificate, it must contain the following information:

  • Manufacturer country.
  • Type of DLS or laminated chipboard. There are two groups E1 and E2. In the first subgroup, the amount of formaldehyde resins is significantly lower. This material is considered the most environmentally friendly and safe. Subgroup E2 is strictly prohibited for the manufacture of children's furniture.

When you come to the store, do not be surprised by the large difference in cost for the same products. Initially, Austrian laminated chipboard cannot cost less than Chinese one. There is no point in saving money in this matter, so choose furniture for your home carefully and according to all the rules.

But this in no way means that you need to be afraid of all chipboard furniture and buy only expensive products. Material differs from material and can be found quality material at an attractive price.

Fighting unpleasant odors

What to do if you come across low-quality furniture that has an unpleasant odor? There are two main directions:

  • Radical. First of all, you should return to the store and study all the documents more carefully. If everything is in order and all GOST standards are met, but there is an unpleasant odor in the house, then carry out independent examination at your own expense. If fraud on the part of the seller is confirmed, then you have the right to demand a refund Money. If there is no action from the store, then feel free to go to the consumer rights protection authorities and higher.
  • If you do not have the time and desire to seek the truth, then inspect the ends of the furniture at home. If there is a sharp and unpleasant odor coming from it, it means the ends are open and untreated. To do this, you need to purchase furniture edges and glue them.

Traditional recipes for fighting odor

Tea bags. Place them on all shelves and open surfaces. Only unused sachets should be used. It is recommended to keep them for several days.

  • Ozonizer. There is a special device on sale that purifies the air in the apartment from harmful impurities. It should be said right away that such equipment is expensive.
  • Lemon juice. Rubbing with juice will help eliminate the smell. It can be replaced with vinegar. You can try spreading out the peels of citrus fruits for a few days.
  • Activated carbon. It will help absorb all the unpleasant odor. If medical charcoal does not help, then use regular charcoal.
  • Ventilation. Be sure to open windows or vents every day in a room where there is “smelly” furniture. If there is a smell in the children's room, then move the child for a few days and leave him in the room open windows for a few days.
  • You can try to thoroughly rinse the products with a solution of potassium permanganate and dry thoroughly.

All about MDF

This material compared to Chipboard new, but became more popular than its predecessor. Used in the following areas:

  • furniture manufacture;
  • manufacturing wall panels and flooring.

A safe MDF board is made from wood sawdust, which is glued together with paraffin and a special substance obtained from heated natural wood. The cost of furniture made from such material is compared with products made from natural solid wood.

Unfortunately, many manufacturers use formaldehyde in its production to reduce the cost of the material.

  • Moisture resistance. Can be used in the kitchen or bathroom. Fungus and mold do not form on the material.
  • Fire resistance. Can be used in the kitchen near the stove. Withstands temperature changes well.
  • Can be used in unheated rooms, for example, balconies or garages.
  • You can combat the smell of furniture made from MDF using the same methods that were given for chipboard.

    So that you do not have to deal with harmful odors, buy only high-quality material and products made from it. Don't skimp on your health. Protect your loved ones from negative consequences.


    The video contains tips for housewives that will help eliminate unpleasant odors from new furniture.

    How to eliminate the smell in the apartment from new furniture?

    The varnish used to cover wooden furniture, also emits odor and releases into the air harmful substances. Air environment apartments become polluted, and this negatively affects people’s well-being.

    Laminate can also be used in furniture production, decorative tiles, upholstery materials impregnated with special substances that allow furniture to maintain its impeccable appearance for a long time. This “chemistry” not only smells, but can also cause allergic reactions, headache, asthmatic attacks and other unhealthy reactions of the body. Children and the elderly are at risk.

    To reduce the risk possible poisoning to zero, you need to buy certified furniture that meets established standards and has passed quality control. If a chip or other damage is found, the purchase should be returned to the store.

    Use of specialized tools

    Any furniture emits odors, be it a bedroom set or Kitchen Area, bookcase or transforming sofa. Helps remove the smell of new furniture modern device, capable of eliminating any, even the most corrosive aroma in a short time. It is called an ozonator.

    The device generates ozone from the air, which is an odor neutralizer. It is enough to plug in the ozonizer and let it work for several hours. The windows and doors in the room must be closed.

    The ozonizer will not only remove the unpleasant odor, but will also disinfect the air, while all harmful and toxic compounds will be neutralized.

    The ozonizer has only one drawback - high cost. Not every family can purchase it to eliminate the smell of new furniture. On sale you can find a liquid to eliminate odors. According to the instructions, it is diluted with water and applied to hard surfaces wooden and plastic furniture, forming a film. Film coating will prevent spread unpleasant odors.

    However, the liquid also has disadvantages:

    • it can only be used for products made of wood, chipboard and plastic;
    • people prone to allergic reactions, it is not recommended to use it.

    We use available methods

    There are quite available funds combat odors, especially since they exist in every home. For example, tea bags (black, green, herbal) or orange and lemon peels.

    If an unpleasant odor comes from a new cabinet, bookshelves or bedside tables, you need to pull out all the drawers, open the doors and place bags of salt or tea bags in all compartments. Odor neutralization will take several days. And then it is recommended to ventilate the room well and wipe all surfaces with water and a few drops of lemon juice.

    If the source of the smell is upholstered furniture, lay it out and place citrus peels around it. Another option is to place saucers with vinegar or use aromatic sachets.

    It happens that new furniture smells musty. This suggests that it was stored in a room with high humidity. You can remove the smell in the following way: leave the furniture in a draft for a day, and then warm the room with a fireplace or other heater. However, these actions may not be enough. If the source of the unpleasant odor has penetrated deep into the upholstery, then the furniture must be cleaned or returned to the store using a warranty card. Moreover, the case will probably become deformed due to dampness in the near future.

    How to remove the specific aroma of leather furniture? The room must first be ventilated, while the sofa or armchairs must be unfolded. When strong smell will go away, you need to place the same absorbent substances around the leather products: tea bags, bags of salt or citrus peels. You can place a container with ground coffee beans next to the sofa. However, be prepared for a long period, up to several months, of getting rid of the odor emitted by the skin.

    And do not forget to regularly ventilate the room, then neither new nor old furniture will cause discomfort in the form of foreign odors.

    Buying a new wardrobe or bed is a significant event. By choosing new interior items, we strive to simplify our life and fill our home with comfort.

    No matter how stylish and convenient the purchase turns out to be, sometimes it is not easy to get used to it, because along with the purchase a specific smell penetrates the house. It's hard to call it pleasant. How to get rid of the smell of new furniture, and why does it appear in the first place?

    Usually the purchase of a new piece of furniture is planned in advance. Then they go around more than one store or warehouse before choosing something specific. Before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the quality certificates - the seller must provide them. However, paper confirmation of the safety of materials and production technologies does not always save.

    In a store or warehouse, it is quite difficult to “sniff” the upcoming purchase, since all sorts of “production” smells are mixed there. Often, the only place you really experience stink is at home. Wiping cabinets or cleaning upholstered furniture from odors is also not always effective.

    It is temporarily interrupted by the aromas of detergents, and then appears again. Not everyone knows how to wash new furniture to remove the smell. Some people think that any thing should smell “new”, but this is not always the case.

    Eliminating furniture odors should start with the main thing: understanding what exactly the purchase smells like. In most cases, a specific aroma is emitted by economy class furniture, cheap, made from industrial waste. To make the flimsy material last longer, manufacturers add formaldehyde and phenol to chipboard.

    The most odorous areas are those areas that are not covered with finishing, joints and back walls cabinets The causes of the smell are adhesives, impregnations, and varnishes used in production.

    These substances (especially formaldehyde) are very toxic, can cause allergies and poison (literally and figuratively) the lives of household members for quite a long time. If, along with the purchase, a strong smell of new furniture appeared in the apartment, how to get rid of it?

    Getting rid of the smell of furniture in the apartment

    The first thing you should do after new furniture is brought into the house and assembled is to ventilate the room. Ideally - draft. Often the smell of furniture does not disappear in one procedure, but becomes less pronounced.

    If it does not become weaker, more serious measures should be taken. When choosing how to get rid of the smell of furniture, you can follow one of two paths: trust traditional methods or turn to specialized tools.

    Traditional methods

    How to remove smell from new furniture without spending money on household chemicals? The means at hand will help.

    Bags of salt or tea

    Every kitchen has products that effectively eliminate odors from chipboard furniture; few people know how to get rid of a strong chemical aroma using tea and salt. It's simple.

    Portioned tea bags are placed on shelves and in the corners of furniture. All surfaces should first be wet wiped. It doesn’t matter what kind of tea you take – black, green, with herbal or fruit fillings.

    The main thing is that the bags are dry and unused. They are not removed for about a week, during which time the tea absorbs unpleasant chemical odors. Then the bags are disposed of as household waste: you cannot brew a drink from them!

    Linen bags with salt work similarly.

    Hydrogen peroxide or vinegar

    Pour hydrogen peroxide or table vinegar into saucers and place them around the room.

    Removing odors from furniture occurs by neutralizing them. It is better to change the contents of the saucers daily for 3-4 days.


    After a festive dinner, in honor of your new acquisition, you should not throw away lemon or orange peels. They will help in such matters as removing the smell of upholstered furniture and products made of chipboard and leatherette.

    It is enough to place the crusts inside cabinets or in drawers of tables and sofas, and soon the unpleasant reminder of the novelty will disappear.

    Coffee will become good decision tasks on how to get rid of paint smell from furniture.

    The grounds from the drink are poured into a stable container without a lid and placed inside a cabinet or table that emits an unpleasant aroma.

    Since removing the smell of furniture from chipboard by extensive washing is not an option due to the risk of deterioration, you can use charcoal to absorb the specific aroma.

    It is an excellent and natural absorbent that quickly gets rid of the formaldehyde odor.

    Specialized means

    How to remove the smell of new furniture from chipboard or other materials using specialized products?

    An ozonizer will help you completely forget about odors and give your home freshness. This device works efficiently and effectively. It eliminates not only the odorous signs of newly purchased furnishings, but also allows you to solve the problem of how to get rid of the smell old furniture. Usually this is a “smell” of mustiness and dampness.

    The operating principle of the ozonizer is based on the ability to eliminate molecules of pungent, nasty odor by spraying ozone. At the same time, the air in the apartment is cleaned and disinfected, pathogenic bacteria in it, fungi, and mold spores die.

    When purchasing a device, you should pay attention to its performance: the higher it is, the more efficiently and in a shorter period of time the ozone generator will cope with such a task as removing the smell of new furniture.


    Quite often, after purchasing home furnishings, their lucky owners are faced with the question of how to get rid of the smell of upholstered furniture or chipboard cabinets. Sources of unpleasant odors are all kinds of glues, varnishes and impregnations that are used in production. These fumes cannot be called harmless; some of them are quite toxic.

    If the furniture smell is still present, you can get rid of it in a few steps:

    • after assembly, wipe all parts with a damp cloth and add detergent or vinegar or citric acid to water;
    • if possible, leave the cabinet doors open and the drawers pulled out for a day or two;
    • be sure to ventilate the room where the furniture is installed;
    • additionally use products that absorb unpleasant odors - flavored sachets, charcoal and others (for example, citrus pieces, tea bags, coffee, vanilla, cinnamon, etc.).

    You should pay attention to the quality of the purchase even before purchasing it, ask the seller to provide Required documents, confirming the quality and safety of materials and production methods.

    Preference should be given to furniture that is made of natural wood. This is especially true for interior items in a children's room.

    Over time, any furniture begins to emit aromas that may not always seem pleasant. How to get rid of the smell of old furniture without resorting to such radical measures as changing the decor in the apartment is of interest to many housewives.

    There are many simple means for the care of interior items, after using which the musty smell will no longer emanate from the furniture. Most often, old furniture smells due to the development of bacterial or fungal colonies in it. This is due to the fact that the chest of drawers, wardrobe or sofa was in a poorly ventilated room with a high level of humidity for a long time. If the activity of microorganisms does not lead to destructive consequences for objects, then the situation can be corrected by using self-prepared antiseptics.

    After using them, you just need to follow a few simple rules:

    1. Regular ventilation of the room will help prevent the reappearance of unpleasant odors.
    2. You should periodically open the doors of cabinets, tables, chests of drawers, etc.
    3. It is necessary to ensure free circulation of air around interior items.
    4. Of course, it is better to eliminate the cause of the increase in humidity in the room, but to do this you need to move the furniture away from the walls.
    5. Do not allow dust to accumulate on furniture, which can also be a source of odor. Furniture requires systematic cleaning.

    Returning to the topic of home antiseptics, we cannot fail to mention chlorine-based compounds intended for bleaching. Bleach (for example, “Whiteness”) can be dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:5. It is recommended to carry out the treatment in inconspicuous places, since chlorine compounds contribute to fading of the lining. Chlorinated products can hardly be used on upholstered furniture, the upholstery of which may lose original color.

    Nevertheless, treatment with them quite effectively frees surfaces from microorganisms and the odor that accompanies their vital activity, but you should not completely rely on the miraculous properties of chlorinated compounds. Soak them up solid wood not worth it. Chlorine vapor will not penetrate into the deep layers of the material being processed, and water that gets into them can provoke a more active development of microflora.

    Advice! You can get rid of the smell of old furniture coming from the depths of the closet by using vinegar.

    It is better to use an apple one, but an ordinary table variety also copes well with its duties. 1 tbsp. l. vinegar is diluted in ½ glass of water. A sponge or piece soaked in liquid soft fabric wipe all surfaces, joints and corners of the interior item. After this, the furniture is wiped again with a dry cloth. Vinegar penetrates well into the depths of the material, destroying microflora at the root, but you should not wipe furniture with too wet rags.

    The vinegar treatment procedure can be carried out again after 7-10 days.

    Works like vinegar water solution potassium permanganate. The treatment composition should be pale pink. A more saturated one can color the surface.

    Removing odor from upholstered furniture

    For upholstered furniture it is better to prepare detergent based:

    • water (2 glasses);
    • liquid soap (20 ml);
    • citric acid (1 tsp);
    • vinegar (1 tsp).

    The composition must be mixed until a thick foam forms. It is applied to the upholstery with a sponge and left for 2-3 hours. It is advisable that the piece of furniture is located in a well-ventilated room. Dried foam is removed from the upholstery with a brush.

    If possible, you can put lemon, orange, etc. peels under the upholstery.

    Eliminating odor with sorbing agents

    Citrus peels are active sorbents. How to get rid of the smell of old furniture with their help?

    Advice! You can place lemon, grapefruit, orange or lime peels in the corners of shelves and drawers.

    Ground coffee (it is better to place it in a linen bag), crushed activated carbon, cooking and sea ​​salt, lemon acid, baking soda powder (bulk sorbent is placed in bowls).