We make garden paths from tires. Garden paths from old car tires Do-it-yourself lawn lattice from car tires

Maintaining a summer cottage has always been considered prestigious, so many not very rich summer residents have to go out of their way to equip and give their summer cottage a residential and comfortable look. Dacha owners resort to different options arranging your own, one of the options is to give the site individuality by laying all kinds of paths between the buildings. Each summer resident chooses an option according to the fullness of his wallet. However, if your wallet is not very “competitive” - do not be discouraged; if you wish and have your imagination, old car tires are ideal as a material for garden paths! Let's take a closer look at this simple option.

Photo of the garden path

Durability – tires use ONLY high-quality rubber that can withstand both severe frost, so high humidity, and terrible heat. This rubber does not rot, does not crack in the cold, does not melt in the sun;
Economical – in order to lay tire track no need to spend any money! Every motorist has a whole “army” of them in his garage. unnecessary tires. And now these tires have finally waited for the moment where they can live a second life and show yet another usefulness;
Saving time - to lay such a path you will only need nothing - about an hour, an hour and a half! This is the best option for “always busy” people;
Practicality - paths made of tread rubber can be laid between beds (in one row), between outbuildings (in 2-3 rows), near inclined entrances to the garage (wheel tires on the same rubber will significantly reduce sliding due to the inclined surface to zero, even in winter).

  • Tires;
  • Knife or jigsaw;
  • Nails;
  • Hammer;
  • Wooden bars.

Car tires are ready, how can we “extract” building material from them?

A sharp knife or jigsaw will help you with this “simple” task. Your task is to carefully cut out the tread of the tire. To do this, make a hole with a knife at the border of the tread and, carefully, using the same knife or a jigsaw, cut out the tread on both sides. Cut the resulting rubber ring and you will have a ready-to-use rubber band! Cut as many of these tapes as needed for a specific application. Determine the width of the garden path as needed - from one tape to three.

  • We trim all the resulting ribbons to the same length;
  • Dig into the ground across future paths wooden blocks, at a distance of a length of rubber tape so that the end of one tape and the beginning of the other are nailed end-to-end to each wooden block;

  • Moisten the soil between the bars - it is advisable for the rubber to lie on wet soil, this will make the path lay down faster;
  • Nail strips of protectors to the bars. If the track consists of 2-3 ribbons in width, leave a distance of 1-2 cm between the ribbons. Later, grass will grow in these gaps and decorate the path.

Roads made from automobile rubber can serve well both in the farm yard, and in a parking lot, or for washing a car - the rubber does not slip at all, does not wear out at all, and looks original.

Photo of the finished track made from a car tire

Don't believe me? Try it yourself! You will be pleasantly surprised by your timeless and practical runners. And your friends, having seen such a “miracle path”, will definitely take your idea into service and soon, such paths made of tires will decorate more than one summer cottage and country house.

Hello to all DIY lovers! Today I want to show you a great idea for using old car tires! The main advantage is that such tires can be purchased for free in any quantity at tire shops, and the benefits from them are quite great!

Making garden paths

First of all, we stock up on tires. To begin with, I took 4 R13 winter tires, but in general it would be better to find wider tires.

Next you need to cut out the inside. You can cut with a knife, but this process is very long and it is better to use a regular jigsaw and it is advisable to immediately put the blade on the metal. It will cut both rubber and metal inserts in the middle of the wheel.

After all the middle parts have been cut out, the tire needs to be cut in half. At first I used an angle grinder, but the disc cut rubber very poorly and in the end I sawed the rest of the tires with a jigsaw with a metal blade.
And if you know where the middle parts from tires can be used, write in the comments, it will be interesting to read, since I have accumulated quite a lot of them.

After this, it is necessary to make small cuts approximately every 10-15 cm on both sides of the tire blade so that it fits better to the ground.

And in the end we got these wonderful garden paths that have a lot of advantages:

- this is completely free material
- durability
- ease of manufacture
- grass will not grow on the tracks under the rubber
- you can safely walk after the rain

When answering the question of how best to organize the approach to a house on a slope, most experts recommend terracing the site using gabions. If you have a limited budget, another option is possible - a do-it-yourself tire track.

This is the most original way arrangement local area. Unlike wood, rubber is more resistant to temperature changes and moisture. Its other advantages include an anti-slip coating, as well as shock absorption when moving, making it more convenient to climb slopes.

Old truck tires can be turned out and painted. In terms of dimensional stability, they are not much inferior to new tires. Therefore, if you are looking for raw materials for garden paths at reasonable prices, or even free, best option can not found. In the construction of low fences that delimit several zones in a dacha, such coatings perform decorative functions. Returning to practical problems, the first thing to note is:

  • frost resistance;
  • hydrophobicity;
  • softening impacts when falling;
  • easy maintenance, including the possibility of minor repairs;
  • no significant costs during installation.

In choise car tires it is important to be guided physical properties products. For example, summer tires, thanks to their hard rubber, can withstand 40-degree heat and grip any surface. Longitudinal grooves on the tread promote high-quality drainage, thanks to which even the most simple paths serve for years. More suitable for decoration winter tires with large lamellas. It dries faster, and in the cold, unlike concrete and wooden coverings, almost does not slip.

Video “Garden paths from old car tires”

From this video you will learn how to make a garden path with your own hands from old car tires.


If the raw materials are properly treated with oily liquids, large tires can be easily cut by hand. A sharp knife, a hammer, chalk and power tools for cutting hard products will be useful. The easiest way is to make a ladder path from 40-50 tires. It is convenient to go down to the pond, gazebo and summer outbuilding. And if the building is located on a hill, this is almost the only way to get to the transport stop.

The manufacturing process involves the following steps:

  1. Place clean tires on the ground from bottom to top.
  2. Compact the base of the path with a vibrating plate, and if necessary, dig a 2-centimeter trench for each element of the path.
  3. Fill the holes with broken bricks or pebbles to prevent the structure from collapsing in the wind.
  4. Install handrails for safe movement with children.

An equally durable path can be laid out from rubber modules. They easily change direction and connect to each other like puzzles. Long paths leading to garages and outbuildings are best made of square tiles. The material is easily repairable, does not slip and does not deteriorate under mechanical loads.

From whole tires

If there is a children's playground on the site, it is not necessary to cut the tires. From whole products it is possible to make a winding staircase leading to a hill or to a horizontal bar. Depending on the size of the area for fencing, you will need from 40 to 60 old tires, which can later be given green, orange or red shades. Small structural elements are laid out on top, and the largest ones are laid out at the bottom of the stairs.

IN winter period they never become covered with ice, and in summer they are easily cleaned of debris. They dry quickly after rain, allowing for safe outdoor activities. Products can be laid horizontally or vertically. Moreover, in the first case, the holes are easily filled with soil, and in the second, it is possible to organize high-quality drainage.

From tapes

First of all, it is necessary to take correct measurements and process the products. To make the rubber straighten faster, the power tool is directed along the edge, and only then the tire itself is cut. The finished strips should be nailed to pine planks and laid on clean soil. The optimal distance between coating elements is 1 mm. The gap is needed for complete drainage of rain and melt water.

Before laying tapes on the site, it is important to arrange drainage. Gravel is best suited for this purpose. And so that the path does not climb up, small grooves are made at the place where the bars are installed.


Such structures protect paths from the growth of weeds, and roadbed from erosion. With their help, you can not only decorate the area near the house, but also mark the boundaries of the most beautiful places Location on. The maximum project budget is 700 rubles. This is 5-7 times cheaper than installing metal and plastic tapes. Tires can be laid vertically, and for better fixation of the products, you should use cement mortar.

The cut tires will be used to create dense ribbons that delimit the public and private areas of spacious areas. Most often, such fences are fastened with bolts and plates. From supporting elements you will need logs. To prevent wood from deteriorating due to bad weather, it should be soaked before use. antifungal composition. As decoration, you can use larch cuts with a diameter of 10 cm.


Painted surfaces increase the resistance of products to moisture, frost and ultraviolet radiation. When choosing such compositions, it is more logical to give preference to paints marked KCH-136, intended for processing rubber. They absorb up to 97% of sunlight and provide a perfectly smooth surface of painted parts. Thanks to unique property Thixotropy allows for independent leveling of coatings, and most importantly, thickening of paints at rest.

Complete drying of the layer occurs after a few hours. If you work at a temperature of +25 °C, the path can be used in 2-3 days. The remaining tires will serve as the basis for production rubber tiles by hot pressing method. These coatings are convenient to use not only outdoors, but also in residential areas.

When planning the construction of a path in the garden, you need to weigh the pros and cons when choosing materials. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice is determined by purpose, size and appearance. These characteristics must correspond to ease of movement and decorativeness of the garden. In this article we will tell you how to make a garden path from tires and look at step-by-step instructions.

Advantages and disadvantages of tire tracks compared to other materials

The functionality of the paths always comes first, according to which they are divided into driveways and parking lots, as well as pedestrian ones. The following are suitable as coverings for all types of paths:

  • Paving slabs, which is otherwise called FEM (curly paving elements),
  • Brick,
  • Cement.

For pedestrian use only:

  • Sand,
  • stone chips,
  • Wooden cuts,
  • Boards. Read also the article: → "".

Each of the materials has certain characteristics.

Name Advantage Flaws
Paving slabs Strong and durable material for all types of paths and platforms. Easy to install. Differs in a variety of shapes and colors. Slippery after rain and snow.
Brick More wear-resistant than paving slabs. One type of shape is a block. Color limited. Only moisture-resistant, fire-resistant, clinker materials are suitable for paths.

Tip #1: Pay attention! Wall bricks are not suitable for paths.

Cement It is used as a covering in the form of concrete. Suitable for all paths and areas. Installation does not require special qualifications. Slippery after rain.

Color is limited, the most commonly used is gray, which is determined by cement. If desired, you can add pigment color, which is used in the production of paving slabs.

Sand Suitable only for summer walking paths. In winter, sand paths cannot be cleared of snow, so they are used only in the warm season. They require careful compaction during installation and constant moisture during care.
Stone chips

(fine gravel, crushed stone and screenings)

It is used for seasonal paths in the same way as sand. Absorbs moisture well. Can't clear the snow.
Wooden cuts Must be at least 25 cm in length. Placed only in walking paths. Before laying, you need to remove the bark and treat each cut with an antiseptic on all sides. It slips after rain and is difficult to remove snow from.
Boards Pedestrian paths are often constructed from them, although driveways can also be constructed from durable species - oak, larch, pear. Slipping after the rain.
Paving slabs are the most popular purchased material for paths. Used on driveways and pedestrian surfaces. It has a relatively low cost.

In addition to the listed materials, resourceful craftsmen adapted old car tires for the construction of paths. The undeniable advantage is cost, or rather, its complete absence. Costs are calculated only for delivery.

  • Automotive rubber is a high-strength material that is resistant to any weather conditions.
  • They don't slip even when wet. Snow does not stick to tires.
  • Dry quickly after rain.

What are the differences between driveway and walkway sizes?

Parking lots are calculated based on the size of the car. A starting point– its width, plus 50 cm on each side for free opening of the doors. It is important to take into account the features of driving and turning. Taking into account all the features, it turns out that the width of the access road should be at least 3 m.

Pedestrian paths along functional purpose divided into transit and pleasure.

  • "Transit" serve for functional movement. As a rule, they lead from the gate to the house or connect buildings in the yard. For example, they run from home to summer kitchen or a bathhouse. The width of such paths is calculated for two pedestrians walking next to or towards each other.
  • Walking paths resemble paths due to their size. A width of 40–50 cm is sufficient for them. Just the diameter of a passenger car tire.

A path made from cut tires can be laid between the beds. Then you can walk in the garden even after heavy rain.

Tire laying schemes, where it is better to use each of them

For the construction of tracks from whole tires, there are not many laying options.

  • Lay the tires horizontally.
  • Install on the “edge”, tightly adjacent to each other.
  • Figured paving in the form of a herringbone.

Which method to choose depends on the scale of track construction, the size of tires and their number.

Each construction method has advantages and disadvantages. For example, it is easier to cover flat tires with reinforcing material. Vertical device problematic in bedding. To thoroughly strengthen the tires, you need to fill the empty spaces between the walls before installation. There is an opinion that it is best to fill it with concrete, which increases wear resistance and stability. It is better to do this directly at the installation site.

Tires laid vertically create a slope for free flow of water.

From car tires you can build not only a flat path, but also steps.

If you are armed with a Grinder, you can cut neat strips from tires to form a track-like covering from them.

Step-by-step instructions for constructing a track from car tires

In addition to the fact that tires can simply be placed as a whole, original version in the form of cut ribbons it looks much more impressive. In this case, rubber replaces the hard surface. The work is performed in the following sequence:

Step 1. Prepare " construction material" To do this, use a grinder to cut off the sidewalls of the tire. The result is a ring that is formed into a ribbon.

If the path is small, you can prepare strips using a sharp knife.

Step 2. When required quantity material has been prepared, we begin to prepare the base for the path. Using pegs and twine, mark the length and width of the path. Within the designated area, carefully level and compact the soil.

Step 3. Pegs are driven in along the edges of the path on both sides and transverse wooden crossbars are secured to them. The distance between them is equal to the length of the tire strips. Several rows can be laid in this way.

Nailed to the crossbars rubber cover. The following tapes are overlapped.

Comparative analysis of tire types

Ideally, for the construction of the path, it was possible to select tires of the same size. Otherwise, they will definitely have to be cut. Tire sizes depend on their purpose:

  • For passenger cars,
  • For trucks.

In the second option, fewer tires will be needed, but they will be more difficult to handle due to their greater weight. In addition to the dimensions, “winter tires” are preferable for the construction of paths, that is, tires designed for low temperatures. This will ensure a longer service life. In addition, the wear resistance of the coating increases. In this case, you can even use it for driveways and parking lots, provided proper preparation grounds. It is formed in the same way as for any other coating. The depth of the trough must be at least 50 cm.

For pedestrian paths All types of car tires are suitable.

Type Characteristic Recommendations
Summer “Road” is the most common type. They do not attract dust and water, but snow easily sticks to them.

It is better to use for constructing walking paths or paths in the garden

Used at positive temperatures + 5 0 and above.
“Universal” – cope with dirt and water better than road ones. Suitable for paths of any season.
“Mud” - have the deepest tread, so they are uncomfortable for walking. They are best used for parking lots. Ideal for regions with rainy climates

What can borders be made from?

If the number of tires allows, then best material you can't think of a way to decorate the edges. In this case, the base coating is guaranteed to match the finish. There are three ways to install a border:

  • Bury whole tires vertically. This finish can be installed not only along the tire track, but also with other materials.
  • Cut crosswise into two equal parts (using a grinder).
  • Form ribbons.

Tip #2.Note! Tires can be cut into strips with a knife, but the cross-section must be made using a special tool - metal scissors, a jigsaw or a grinder. A regular knife will not cut the metal rods along the tire rim.

The curb can be fastened with plates and bolts. Other materials will also work.

  • If small sized logs were used for support, they can make an excellent finish.
  • For decoration, saw cuts with a diameter of 8–15 cm, which were not useful for paving the path, are suitable. Before burying them in the ground, the posts must be freed from the bark and treated with an antiseptic, for example, Pinotex.

Category: “Questions and answers”

Question No. 1. Is it possible to build a tire path on clay soils?

Only with preliminary preparation. Natural clay soils They are called floating, due to the fact that they cannot be compacted, they spread apart. Therefore, to build a path, you need to prepare a full-fledged trough. This is a ditch, 25-30 cm deep. A layer of crushed stone and sand is poured onto the bottom. Each material is carefully compacted and only after that the tires are laid flat.

Question No. 2. How important is the type of tire for paving driveways?

It depends on the purpose of the track. Any type will be suitable for pedestrian areas, but for vehicle areas it is better to use truck tires. They are stronger and more durable. The deep tread guarantees reliable (without slipping) contact of the car wheels with the coating. Moreover, in any weather, even in rain, even in snow.

Question #3. Is it possible to concrete a covering made from tires?

Undoubtedly! This combination will increase the strength and durability of the path and save costs on cement, sand and crushed stone.

Serious mistakes gardeners make when creating tire paths

Mistake #1. Laying tires on the path without leveling and compacting the soil.

At first glance, the surface of the earth may seem flat. But if the form is not prepared correctly after the construction of the path, all errors will appear very soon. The path will sag and warp in unstable places.

Tire recycling is a global problem. In our country, they are mainly burned, producing deadly poisonous smoke. The trouble is that not only during combustion, but also during heating from ultraviolet radiation tires vaporize harmful substances. That is why it is better to cover them with cement or paint them with special protective compounds that tolerate differences in high and low temperatures.

A summer cottage is a great place to bring extraordinary ideas to life.

Hosts country houses They try to improve their territory and use unnecessary things to create compositions, which after restoration become a decoration of the site.

These are both kitchen utensils and antique furniture, multi-colored lids. Add some flair to landscape design car tires will help.

Craftsmen are very creative, so they make flower baskets, swings, swimming pools and sandboxes for children from tires.

An example of using tires - a homemade pond

If you get a little creative, you can easily create a garden path with your own hands on a plot of old tires.

Pros and cons of using tires in path construction

The advantages include:

  1. The main advantage of rubber is high quality . Despite its service life, the tire remains resistant to temperature changes and can withstand any precipitation well. Doesn't get worse appearance and from an increase or decrease in temperature. Therefore, tires occupy the main place in the arrangement of a garden path. The equipped path will not crack under the influence of frost, will not get wet under heavy rains and will retain its shape in the hot summer.
  2. Behind the tracks easy to care for. You just need to sweep away the debris and water it with a hose from time to time.
  3. Road made of car tires – safe way site arrangement. Even after a heavy rain, the rubber dries quickly, and it is almost impossible to slip on it.
  4. Easy to create with your own hands, perhaps, is the main advantage of a garden path made of tires.

The only drawback of such material is that it is required a large number of. But this is not a problem either, because you can go to a service station for unnecessary tires.

Ways to use tires

To create tracks on summer cottage you can use 2 options:

  • arrangement using car tires;
  • the use of rubber tiles, which are obtained during the processing of rubber tires.

Path-ladder made of car tires

A ladder path is suitable for arranging uneven territory.

For example, along such a path it will be convenient to go down to the pond located in the background of the site.

Depending on the functional load of the stairs, you can lay out the path in 2 rows.

For the manufacture of original staircase it doesn’t take much time, and this is perhaps the most budget option.

Manufacturing process

The tires are laid flat on the ground, starting from the low part of the site and going up. To make the tires stable, they should be sunk slightly into the ground and soil should be poured inside the holes.

Advice! In rainy weather, this path can become slippery, so it is recommended to sprinkle it with gravel.

The ladder path absorbs well. Walking on it is much more pleasant than on asphalt or concrete steps. During movement, the load on the joints is small, so fatigue in the legs will not be felt.

We build at the dacha using our advice and step by step instructions. More details in the article.

Coniferous tree larch: planting and care, as well as tree propagation. about larch requirements for soil composition and other nuances of cultivation.

Garden path made of rubber modules

This track is convenient and practical to use. It is laid out like a puzzle.

At any time, the rubber modules can be moved to another location or their inclination can be changed. This will result in a new design.

Path made of rubber square tiles

To create such a decorative path, you will need to buy rubber tiles.

Of course, making a track will cost you a little, but it looks much better and more original than a strip made from a tire.

Laying rubber tiles

The manufacturing process does not take much time. You can simply lay out rubber tiles in a checkerboard pattern directly on the grass. Squares can be pressed down with decorative stones anywhere.

Over time, the tiles will lie to the ground, and the beautifully protruding grass will harmonize with the overall design. The video below explains how to cut a tire.

Path made of rubber rectangular tiles on a concrete base

From rectangular tiles you can arrange a path near the pool or around the fountain.

In the production of “rubber mats” the same car tires. The performance properties of the tiles are no different from tires; they also last a long time and do not slip.

And most importantly, with their help you can diversify the design and create a unique composition.

There is nothing complicated during installation. It is secured using special locks or bushings. When constructing a path from rubber tiles, you need to take into account one nuance: the thickness of the material.

Tiles whose thickness is less than 20 mm should be mounted on a solid base: cement screed, wood flooring or asphalt surface.

At the very beginning, it is necessary to level the base, fill in all the depressions and remove bulges, cover up chips and crevices, the appearance of which was caused by external factors.

To treat the base, mix acetone and polyurethane glue, taken in equal quantities. Well, then, just your imagination.

When making a track, proportionality should be taken into account. There should be equal distance between the tiles. The space can be filled with crumbs. It will look beautiful if the path is made in the same style.

But not less interesting option It will happen if you fill the space between the tiles with multi-colored pebbles.

Do-it-yourself track creation technology

Every summer resident dreams of beautifully decorating the paths between the beds, or the approach to the parking lot, so that it is convenient to walk along them even in rainy weather.

It’s uncomfortable to walk on boards, and they don’t look nice; linoleum is a bit slippery, and slate can crack.

Therefore, to create a track you need to choose specialized rubber that will last longer than all these devices.

Tools and materials for work

You will need:

  • car tires of the same size;
  • sharp knife or jigsaw;
  • oil or soap solution;
  • wooden block, pry bar or adjustable wrench.