Decorative well made of brick at the dacha. Do-it-yourself well at the dacha. Photos and ideas. Methods of external design of a mine water well

There are such buildings in many village farmsteads and summer cottages. Despite the fact that today a well is becoming an increasingly popular source of water, they also do not lose their relevance.
These are not always working structures intended for mining drinking water- many people build them just for decorative decoration. In any case, the question arises: how to decorate a well in your country house with your own hands?

Design ideas

First of all, it is worth noting that the choice of decor depends on whether you have an existing well or a decorative one. In the first case, the decoration should not restrict access to or interfere with the operation of water-lifting devices.
If this is just an imitation, the scope for imagination expands significantly - you can decorate it with fresh flowers, install garden sculptures and figurines around and directly on the lid, or come up with something else original.

While designing a working well, you can simultaneously think about how to make it more convenient to use and protected from the influence of precipitation and other external influences.

How to decorate a header

The upper above-ground part can be made of different materials. Previously it was most often wooden frame, Today - .
There are also heads made of stone or brickwork, which in themselves look beautiful and do not need additional decor.
We offer you several ideas for decorating the walls and lid:

  • A wooden frame can simply be treated with tinted impregnation, giving it the desired shade and at the same time protecting it from rotting and bugs. You can also decorate it with carvings or carved overlays.

Advice. Wooden decor, as in the photo, can be cut out using a regular jigsaw according to a stencil, and then nailed to the boards with finishing nails.

  • An old log house or concrete ring can be hidden under wooden cladding. Pre-prepared boards - cut to size, planed and treated from moisture - are nailed to a frame mounted on the head. Then they are coated with varnish or drying oil.

  • You can also use facade mineral plaster to decorate the walls. By itself, it is unlikely to decorate the well, but its walls can be painted with high-quality silicate paint.

Advice. While the plaster is still wet, you can squeeze straight or broken grooves into it to imitate brick/stonework.

Cover, stands, canopy

Any structure, even if water from it enters the water supply network using a pump, must be equipped with a mechanical water-lifting device in case of a power outage or equipment breakdown. In addition, it is advisable to install a canopy over it to protect it from precipitation, close the neck with a lid to prevent debris from getting into the water, and make a convenient platform on which it will be convenient to place a full bucket.
All these elements should also be beautiful and aesthetically attractive.
When deciding how to decorate its racks, roof and gates, try to do everything in the same style. For example, if the house on the site is wooden - made of rounded logs or timber, then it is best to make the well the same.

The canopy can also be covered with the same material that was used for the roof of the house. This approach allows not only to harmoniously fit the structure into the surrounding landscape, but also to save on materials, the price of which is not always affordable.
And during the construction and finishing of a house, there is always waste that can be put to good use.
Decoration can be done in different styles:

  • In a rustic one - with a rough frame, a heavy gate, a thatched canopy and a wooden tub suspended on a rope.
  • In an ethnic-fabulous way. Carving, painting, figurines of animals, gnomes or fairy-tale characters are actively used here.

  • In the sea. It is enough to equip the gate with a steering wheel, make a canopy in the form of a sail and replace the bucket with a barrel so that the well acquires a recognizable nautical style.
  • In the east. With a stone base and a canopy in the shape of a Chinese pagoda, supported by pillars decorated with carvings reminiscent of dragon scales, the well is sure to attract the attention of your guests.


Want new ideas? Watch the video in this article, look through our website, see how your neighbors’ wells are decorated, and pay attention to them when traveling around the country and abroad.
It is not necessary to exactly copy the design you like; you can always make your own changes and additions to it so that your well is special and unique.

A well in the country, and sometimes near the house, is a necessary thing. But just a concrete ring with some kind of cover sticking out of the ground is not very pleasing to the eye, and the comfort of use is below average. To correct the situation, it is necessary to improve it and install a gate that will facilitate the rise of water. Ready-made well fences are sold - with a roof and a gate, but they either have a hefty price or look pitiful. Therefore, most often a house for a well is built with one’s own hands. Then you can use your imagination and arrange everything the way you need.

Types of well houses and their tasks

The primary task of a well house is to protect water from entering various substances- dust, leaves and other similar contaminants. This requires a tight-fitting lid. Open wells are only possible for process water- for watering. Water from them cannot be used for other purposes. So if you plan to at least wash dishes, the well must be closed tightly.

Protection from precipitation of any kind is also necessary: ​​rain and melt water carry with them very dirty water with fertilizers, animal waste, various garbage and impurities dissolved in it. If it gets into the well, it can cause serious contamination. To protect against precipitation, they make a canopy, most often a gable one - this makes it easier to remove precipitation.

Another purpose of the well house is to protect from strangers or, in any case, to ensure safety for children. To do this, they make latches or cut in locks.

To make it easier to raise water, they install racks and gates - in the simplest case, a rotating log with a handle to which a chain is attached. And all this together should still please the eyes of the owners, but at the same time require minimal care.

Open or closed

As you can see in the photo, the well house can be open or closed. It’s cheaper and easier to make an open one: the well ring can be trimmed with stone or wood, the lid, racks and canopy can be made of wood or metal - whatever will cost less. A minimum of materials is required for this structure. There is only one “but” - in winter the water in such a well can freeze. If you don't plan to use it in cold weather, no problem.

But for winter use you need insulated well house. But even then it can be made open:

  • buy a polystyrene foam “shell” for the well - they are of a suitable size, secure it, and then lay the finishing on top of it;
  • The overlap of the ring and the lid should be made of several layers of wood, and the boards should be laid in different directions, overlapping the joints.

Another option is to make an enclosed house. It is slightly larger in size than a well ring. Available air gap It’s already a good heat insulator, but the protection can be further improved by filling the gaps with polystyrene foam, for example.

What to make from

Choosing an appearance sometimes takes a long time. The fair half of humanity especially “suffers” from the desire to decorate a well, going through numerous design options and spending a lot of time doing this. In fact, everything is simple: if you have a house and a well is located nearby, you should decorate it in the same style and, if possible, in the same color. Agree, it looks good.

What to do if the house is brick or plastered? Choose a finish that matches the style. If this is one of the first buildings on the site, just do it as you like.

The question often arises: to make it from metal or wood. Wooden ones certainly look beautiful. But without proper care, they quickly lose all their attractiveness and become gray and ugly. If you are not afraid of the prospect, update regularly, at least once a year. protective covering(delete old paint, then paint it again), make it from wood. If this is not for you, make it from metal. The entire structure or just the frame is your choice. What’s bad about this option: a frame made of galvanized metal profiles, covered with siding. Especially if the house is decorated in exactly the same way.

As you understand, there are a lot of options. First choose the type - open-closed, then materials and finishes to your taste, understand the design, make a house for the well with your own hands.

Canopy for a well with a lid - an open house

Structurally, the device is simple: there are two racks located one opposite the other. They serve as a support for the canopy, and also a gate is attached to them - a device for lifting buckets of water. For a drawing of an open house with dimensions, see the photo below.

Please note that the posts can be dug in after the well ring has been finished. Depending on this, the order of work changes, but the design remains the same in any case.

How to make a canopy

First, the canopy is assembled. Make two side triangles according to the required dimensions. The drawing above shows only the approximate spread of the two extreme points. If necessary, it can be made more. The length of the canopy depends on where the posts will be placed - close to the well ring or behind the casing. The approximate dimensions of the canopy with a ring diameter of 100 cm are shown in the photo below.

Dimensions of a well canopy for a diameter of 100 cm

The structure can be assembled from a galvanized profile, a metal profile pipe or wooden beam. To prevent the profile from bending, it is reinforced at the door fastening points - you can put a wooden block or a metal corner inside.

To ensure that rain does not get inside, the expansion must be done much more more sizes rings - at least 20 cm on each side.

If the racks will be attached directly to the concrete ring, the order of work is slightly different. First, a frame is assembled that covers the ring. In the photo it is made from a 30 mm thick board. The racks are also made of the same board, the place of attachment to the concrete is reinforced with overlays. They also play a decorative role.

If the canopy turns out to be heavy, it is advisable to use timber of greater thickness, otherwise it will not withstand the load.

Afterwards, the previously assembled roof is attached to the racks. You can make triangles right on the spot, but it’s more convenient to prepare them in advance, assemble the rafter system, and then finished form place on racks.

Next is finishing. Sew up with boards, clapboard, roofing material. Just keep in mind that if you use raw boards, they will dry out after some time and gaps up to 5 mm thick will form between them. Then we are not talking about any hygiene: rain and dust will fall in... Using a dry board is also not very good - in wet weather it will swell, the flooring will “go in waves.” In general, if you want to have clean water, build a house with doors - closed. There are more chances to protect moisture from contamination.

Do-it-yourself indoor well house

We are talking about this type of shelter for a well - with a door. If you also make a lid inside, dust will definitely not get in.

A frame is built, then it is put on the head of the well and secured with anchor bolts.

  1. support post made of 100*200 mm
  2. short support posts made of the same timber 100*200 mm
  3. fastening beam 30*60 mm
  4. triangular beam

We assemble the frame and attach it to the ring using short bars. Then we begin assembling the pallet. Assemble the flooring from a board 30*100 mm or so. The frame is sheathed with boards or sheet material, for example waterproof plywood.

To ensure that the doors hold well, you can install additional jibs. We hang doors - one or two, as desired. To make it easier to navigate, below are drawings with dimensions.

Using the same scheme, you can make a roof for a metal house. If you have it, you can use it profile pipe. It is easier to attach finishing material to it.

How to make a completely closed frame

You can also hide a concrete ring in the house. In this case, the gate posts are usually installed separately, and then the frame is assembled. Choose the dimensions so that the design freely covers the ring. The height is 20 centimeters higher than your height: so that you can calmly bend down and get the bucket.

We take the profiles from thick metal, galvanized. From the guide we assemble two identical frames - the “floor” and the upper level of the ring. They are connected by racks (profile for racks). The result is a cube with filled sides.

We cut off the sides of the guide profile, leaving the “back” intact. This way you can make a triangle. We attach a stand that is equal to the height of the entire house. If you want to have equal slopes, the rack is attached in the middle. You can make the far slope steeper, then the stand moves 15-20 cm from the center.

We attach the notched profile to the fixed rack. We get one of the elements rafter system. We perform the same operation on the other side. We connect the resulting tops of the triangles with a crossbar.

On the side of the door we add racks - on both sides. It is better to strengthen them - put wooden blocks inside and fasten them with self-tapping screws.

We fasten the roofing material, for example a profiled sheet, and cover it with plywood. Then soft tiles are laid and nailed onto the plywood - who has what technology. The “foot” and sides of the roof are finished with any material. If you want, you can use wood - clapboard, imitation logs or timber, or you can use siding.

In this case, the same materials were used as when cladding the house: so that everything looked like a single ensemble.

Another video example of assembly from a drywall profile in video format.

Making a well ring with your own hands

If a head or canopy is made, the gray concrete ring remains visible. The view is not the most attractive, I just want to decorate it.

Stone finishing

The most popular way to decorate a well is to decorate it with stone - pebbles or small crushed stone. If with finishing material everything is more or less clear - buy or assemble, then the question of what to attach it to remains. There are several recipes:

We offer the third recipe for how to line a well with stone in video format. The composition of the mixture is very similar here, but before applying the solution, a mesh is fixed to the ring. With this technology, nothing will definitely fall off.

An interesting version of a hinged lid for a well is proposed in the following video: it hinges almost completely, but whether such a device is needed is up to you to decide.

Photo options for finishing wells

For those who like to relax outside the city and have own dacha, information regarding self-creation and design of a decorative well.

Several decades ago such structures could be found in almost every yard, and today they are becoming stylish element decor in the design of a summer cottage, provided that they are harmoniously integrated into the existing landscape.

Before you start creating a decorative well, you need to decide on its purpose, choose optimal place, prepare a plan and buy all the necessary supplies.

Functions of a well structure

Construction and design of decorative wells on summer cottage does not imply the creation of a water source for the owners, although previously such objects served primarily a practical purpose.

Today, decorative wells play a mainly aesthetic role and are an integral element of landscape decor. But among summer residents there are many who believe that a well should be used not only for decorative, but also for practical purposes.

Such an object can be endowed with useful functions:

  • the upper part of the well can disguise communications;
  • ensure protection of barrels filled with rainwater from contamination;
  • Thanks to this element, you can hide the source of drinking water from view.

Wells decorated with carvings look very impressive. Objects in antique style are very popular, they can advantageously transform the most unremarkable area. At the right approach a well can easily be turned into a stylish component of landscape design.

The main purpose of a decorative well is to perform an aesthetic function. How to improve a well in a country house? With proper design of such a structure and the elements surrounding it (a small artificial pond, cart, rock garden, flowerpots, low wooden fence or fence, garden paths) you can create an exclusive design. Your garden will be the subject of admiration for everyone who comes to visit your dacha.

Mini-wells look very impressive, decorated with colorful flowers. Decorative plants are the easiest way to decorate such an object.

Types of structures

Companies that sell construction products offer ready-made versions of decorative wells, but such designs are usually not cheap, and their appearance is not very original.

A landscape design specialist can provide professional advice about how to wisely choose such objects and how to decorate them in harmony with the appearance of the garden area, but you can cope with this task either independently or we're talking about not only about choosing a well, but also about construction.

Decorative wells are different design features- there are several various options. Let's list the most popular:

  • towers with a gable roof;
  • crane wells that do not have a canopy;
  • a column located above the ground (objects with this design are called Abyssinian).

Decorative wells most often mean structures that resemble houses.

The decor of a well on a summer cottage should be in harmony with the style direction in which the area is decorated, and architectural style country house ownership.

Lighting will help give a decorative well a luxurious look. Such an object will look especially advantageous in the dark. An illuminated well is a great opportunity to create additional lighting that makes it easier to navigate and move around the site.

The presence of a decorative well at the dacha makes it possible to turn an ordinary plot into a magnificent estate. Such an object fits perfectly into the country style direction - just build a well in your garden area, similar to a mansion with unusual carved details.

Against the backdrop of a rural landscape, such a structure looks very organic.

For areas with landscaped oriental style great solution there will be a small well with tiled roof with corners turned up.

IN modern design(modern, minimalist style) wells are appropriate, the designs of which are in harmony with other objects available on the territory (household, utility block, bathhouse - all buildings must be created from identical materials using the same technique).

Subtleties of choosing materials

Various building materials are used to construct decorative wells. The material of manufacture largely determines appearance well construction.

The easiest way is to create a wooden well at your dacha on your own that will decorative purpose. Wood is available material, its advantages include strength and environmental safety.

Important! A well made of wood can be organically integrated into any landscape, making it a harmonious component of the design composition.

For the construction of wells, both boards and logs, beams and even branches are used.

Wells with flowerpots installed inside look very unusual. Such wells can be used as an original alternative to conventional flower beds. After all, you won’t surprise anyone with simple flower beds, so every summer resident tries to come up with something special.

For individual personal plots Stone structures are more suitable. The basis for such buildings can be a ring of concrete, which is an integral element of a real water source. Painting the ring in a variegated color will allow you to get a presentable design.

The base can be finished with artificial stone, pebbles or brickwork. Such decor will be reminiscent of the Middle Ages, because several centuries ago stone wells were the main sources of water in the territories of castles.

A decorative well can become a highlight in the design of your site: spare no time and effort in constructing such an object.

Metal sheets can be used to decorate individual components of a well, for example, the roof. Any material is suitable for creating a roof: the roof can be wooden, thatched or tiled.

Important! Please note that roofing materials must be resistant to the aggressive effects of natural factors.

In some cases, to decorate a village well or well, you can use old accessories, tools (watering can, shovel, rake, etc.) and other unnecessary things. The base for such a structure can be made from several car tires stacked on top of each other or a large barrel, and for a decorative hatch, take a colored plastic circle and use decorative rock on the well hatch or cut out the hatch cover from plywood.

A roof and small parts (chain, handle, bucket) are attached to the original base. Don't forget to decorate your well.

Well from old barrel will perfectly hide the existing water well from prying eyes and will fit organically into the rural landscape, but the structure, complemented by a fountain, looks especially beautiful.

The design of a well in the country and its decoration depend on your imagination: some are limited to decorative elements made of wood, others use ornamental plants, and still others decorate the object with stencil designs and paint it in bright colors. A great idea is to place it next to a well. garden figurines and miniature sculptures.

A decorative well can become a key element in the design of a personal garden.

After watching this video, you will get a lot of ideas, thanks to which you will be able to build an original one with your own hands. decorative well at the dacha or on the territory of a private house:

Construction instructions

For construction wooden well you will need the following tools and accessories:
  • hacksaw for cutting boards;
  • edged boards and timber;
  • jigsaw;
  • hammer and nails (you can use self-tapping screws).

Decide whether your well will be mobile or stationary. For the first option, you will need plywood sheets or drywall to construct the bottom, and for the second, pipes with cement mortar to build the base.

On a note! If you want to turn your plot into something like an estate that was owned by aristocrats, complement the landscape decor with a well decorated with carvings. Such a structure always looks luxurious and cute.

Before starting construction, we advise you to make a sketch of the future well, reflecting your wishes regarding the design features and design. The configuration of the base and roof can be varied: square, rounded, trapezoidal. This parameter affects the construction of the foundation and frame base well.

A wonderful solution would be to build a decorative well next to an artificial pond, if there is one on the site.

The assembly of a permanently installed wooden well is carried out according to the following scheme.

With the right approach, building a decorative well will not take much time. Step-by-step instruction will allow you to quickly arrange a beautiful and original well structure on your site.

At the final stage, the well is supplemented with traditional paraphernalia: a bucket on a chain, a log gate, a handle. The listed parts do not have a functional load and are not used for their intended purpose: they perform an exclusively decorative function - they decorate the well.

Read about how and what kind you can build: wooden, metal, corrugated sheets - design and design options with examples in the photo.

View photo forged benches and benches for decorating a summer cottage or garden area.

To make the well structure look attractive and fit organically into country decor, you need to take care of its decoration and decorate it. In a well, for example, you can make a flower bed, planting vine plants or flowers creeping along the ground in it, and attach a wheel to the side so that the structure looks like an old-fashioned one. Thanks to this decoration, the well will become an organic component of a presentable landscape design.


Watch another video about the features of garden wells:

Ideas for finishing decorative wells: photo gallery

Look at a selection of pictures and photos with options for arranging beautiful decorative wells and ways to use original structures in landscape design - from rustic, small simulation models to solid buildings made of stone, wood, and other materials:

Source on suburban area primarily necessary for uninterrupted water supply economic needs. But also aesthetic side also has very great importance– in a neat, well-kept dacha, you don’t want to see a protruding pipe entangled in hoses. Decorating a water well will help to refine the structure and cover it using a variety of materials and elements - it all depends on your imagination.

There are a huge number of design options, we will look at some of them - how simple options, so original solutions. Choice specific type depends on the characteristics of your site, the nature of the surrounding landscape and, of course, your personal preferences and capabilities.

Options for wells without caisson

As is known, for best protection and the convenience of the location of all components of the system, a protective structure is arranged, which experts call a caisson. Most often it is deepened into the ground, and only part of it is visible on the surface. If you don’t have one, it’s better to make a structure that will take on protective functions.

Wooden structures

Undoubtedly, the most common and popular option for a number of reasons:

  • Wood is very convenient to work with - designing a well with your own hands will not cause any difficulties for almost anyone.
  • To work, you will need a simple set of tools: a hacksaw, a hammer and nails, or a screwdriver and self-tapping screws and measuring devices (a tape measure, a square and a construction pencil). With their help you can make almost any design.
  • The price of the material is quite affordable, and for the structure you can use various scraps and short boards left over from other works and not applicable for anything else.
  • Wooden structures they look very attractive and fit perfectly into the natural landscape.

The work is quite simple:

  • First, you should prepare the base; from a practical point of view, the preferable option is concrete - this way you will reliably protect and create a strong and even base for your decorative structure.
  • Next, you need to think about the design and dimensions. future design. Remember that it must provide normal access in case of repair of system components. If the building is large enough, one half of the roof can be a door; if the element is made in the form of a log frame of a well, there should be an opening hatch on top.
  • After this, the material is marked and cut into pieces the right size. It is best to fasten elements using self-tapping screws - they are more resistant to atmospheric influences and last much longer better than nails.
  • Finished design must be processed several times protective composition for wood, this will extend its service life by at least twice. Subsequently, it is advisable to repeat the treatment once a year.

Advice! If it is difficult to provide doors in a building, but it is quite light, then you can simply fix it on the base using pins or latches and remove it if necessary.

Structures made of stone and brick

Most often, such structures are an improvised well, closed on top with a lid ().

Due to the characteristics of the material, there are certain specifics of construction:

  • By virtue of heavy weight elements require filling strip foundation, otherwise, after a year or two, the entire surface will crack due to the subsidence of the structure into the ground.
  • If the structure is made of stone, it should be approximately the same size, so it is much easier to lay it. It is best to take red brick - ceramics are resistant to moisture and will last a very long time.
  • After laying the stone and drying the solution, the surface can be washed, removing dirt and coated with a special compound - this will make your improvised well look even better.
  • Options that combine stone and wood look good. For example, a stone base and a wooden top, or stone walls and a wooden roof.

Helpful advice! Very practical solution– make a water tap on a decorative structure, it can be used in summer period For watering the garden and other needs, it is necessary to cover it in the well in the winter to prevent freezing and damage.

Options for finishing wells with a caisson

Most often, the structure is hidden underground, and the design problem disappears as such. If only the lid is visible from the soil, you can place some kind of garden sculpture. This will serve both as a decoration for the garden and as protection from children.

Can be made from car tire sculpture or impromptu flower bed and place it on top. It all depends on your imagination - everything is applicable, from painting visible parts and finishing them to wood paneling, in this case the work is no different from those described above.

How to register a water well depends on you and the existing conditions. No specific instructions apply here - give free rein to your imagination, and no one will understand what is under original design hidden well.


Pipes and hoses don't look the best in the best possible way, sharply contrasting with the decor of the dacha and personal plot. To hide them, you won’t need a lot of time and money ().

The video in this article will tell you about some of the features decorative design wells