What to eat to gain weight. How can a guy gain weight quickly and permanently if you are naturally thin? Increase your diet

People are in an endless battle with being overweight. There are a lot of tips and tricks on the topic of losing weight. Information on how to gain weight skinny guy and the girl, much less. I will pay a little attention to this issue.

I offer some useful tips for gaining weight at home.

  1. Adjust your diet. Follow a “reverse diet” of increasing your calorie intake to gain weight.
  2. This does not mean that you will have to abuse fatty foods and watch TV all day long with a pack of chips in your hands. Eat healthier by increasing your portion size.
  3. Choose foods that are high in calories. If you drink milk, buy it with 3.5-6% fat content.
  4. For breakfast, prepare porridge with milk and butter.
  5. To gain weight, include flour, fried and baked foods in your diet.
  6. Eat more fruits. Peaches, bananas, and apricots are suitable. Have small snacks between meals. They will cheer you up and charge your body with energy.
  7. Are you interested in increasing muscle mass and not growing a “beer belly”? Go to the gym. The right exercise program, several sessions a week, will help you gain a few kilograms muscle tissue.

The key to rapid weight gain is a high-calorie diet, healthy image life, strength exercises, healthy sleep.

Men gain weight by building muscle mass. This is not easy to do. First, consult your doctor, because changing your lifestyle can cause unpleasant consequences.

  1. The main building material is protein. You can increase your body weight by consuming protein foods. There is a lot of protein in meat, fish, vegetables, dairy products, eggs.
  2. To gain weight, you need energy, which the body produces from carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates increase body fat; they are found in sugar, ice cream, and sweets.
  3. The growth of muscle mass is ensured by complex carbohydrates contained in vegetables and grains. Include similar foods in your diet.
  4. If the body does not work correctly, you will have to forget about weight gain. Its coordinated work directly depends on the amount of consumed microelements and vitamins contained in milk, vegetables, fruits and meat.
  5. Normal functioning of the body is impossible without fats. Nutritionists recommend vegetable oil, dairy products and sea fish. It is better to avoid fatty meats.
  6. Intense training will help you gain weight quickly. It is better to use the services of a professional trainer to create a program. Exercise at least three times a week. Increase the load gradually.
  7. After each workout, give your body a rest. Don't exercise every day. Sleep about 8 hours a day.

Video tips

Effective ways to gain weight for a thin girl

Almost all girls, dreaming of a slim figure, are interested in methods of dealing with extra pounds. Some, on the contrary, want to gain a few kilograms.

I offer proven instructions.

  1. Start eating more. Include in your diet White bread, sweets, flour products, potatoes and honey. Don't forget about protein foods - eggs, fish, meat.
  2. Before your meal, drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice. Drink an average of 2.5 liters of fluid throughout the day.
  3. Go to the gym or work on your body at home.
  4. Eat about 5 times. Have snacks between breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
  5. Chew your food thoroughly and rest a little after the meal to allow your body to absorb the food. Buy a vitamin complex at the pharmacy.
  6. Increase portion sizes, add new dishes. If you ate regular porridge for breakfast, make a sandwich with sausage in addition. Over time, a woman’s body will get used to increased portions.
  7. Bad habits slow down your metabolism. Give up alcohol and cigarettes. Sometimes you can treat yourself to non-alcoholic beer.
  8. Stress burns calories. If you really want to gain weight, get rid of stress and bad emotions.
  9. Pay special attention to sleep. Get at least 8 hours of sleep.
  10. Seek help from a nutritionist. He will create a special menu for weight gain.

Is it possible to gain weight in a week?

Many people are surprised when they hear that someone wants to gain weight. There is nothing surprising. For example, some athletes have to increase their weight in order to compete.

  1. To increase weight and maintain energy, reduce activity. During physical and intense mental work, calories are quickly consumed.
  2. If you can't imagine life without sports, reduce the amount of training. If you study 4 times a week, reduce the number of lessons to three.
  3. Train only the main muscle groups. You will have to forget about jumping and aerobic exercise for a while, they require a lot of energy.


  1. Strengthen your nutrition by choosing protein foods. Dairy products and meat dishes will be a wonderful “fuel” for the body.
  2. Divide your meals into 5 meals with small snacks.
  3. For breakfast, eat porridge with milk and sandwiches. For lunch - a plate of rich borscht, some boiled meat or a few cutlets with mashed potatoes. For dinner, make baked chicken and pasta.
  4. To increase the calorie content of low-calorie dishes, add a little milk or grated cheese. Season salads with rich sour cream.
  5. For an afternoon snack, cottage cheese with yogurt, fermented baked milk or sandwiches are suitable. You can eat some jerky, nuts or protein bars.
  6. Overeating is not recommended. This will help your stomach cope with the stress.
  7. Don't eat at night. Eat two hours before bedtime. Otherwise, the gained kilograms will become fat, which is not easy to remove.

The key to successfully solving the problem is proper and healthy nutrition, increased rest and rational exercise.

Getting better without a strengthened diet is extremely problematic. But not everyone can freely switch to five meals a day, eating only soups, cutlets, milk porridges and sandwiches.

  1. To increase weight, perform special physical exercises and use sports supplements. Visit a fitness trainer and create a training program together and sports nutrition.
  2. Stick to a proper meal schedule. An hour before training, consume a serving of carbohydrates and drink a glass of protein shake.
  3. After physical activity eat sweet yogurt or a few bananas. So replenish your glycogen reserves. Half an hour after class, it is recommended to eat some protein food.
  4. Be sure to count calories. Body weight will increase if you eat a little more calories every day.
  5. When calculating, take into account energy costs for working out at the gym, preparing for exams, doing housework, and so on. There is no need to calculate to perfect accuracy. Record your most energy-intensive activities.
  6. If you don’t have time to go to the gym, and the thought of a normal weight doesn’t leave you, eat more and move less. At the same time, there is no need to consume kilograms of fried and fatty foods, sweets, pickles and smoked foods. Eat a balanced and nutritious diet.
  7. Sleep on average 8 hours a day.
  8. Most often, impressionable and nervous people. Try to reach peace of mind. Walking and yoga will help with this.

If the cause of excessive thinness is some kind of disease, you will have to visit a doctor, undergo an examination and course of treatment, and only then try to increase body weight.

Boys rarely ask themselves the question: “Why am I so thin?” The problem gets worse in adolescence, when they measure their strength, they begin to be interested in the opposite sex and are ranked according to the rating of “male beauty”. Then it turns out that girls are more willing to be friends with athletic, well-built men. They deprive attention of loose fat people and “eternal teenagers” with sunken chests and thin necks. The desire to gain weight, look good and be liked by girls is possible: you need to work smartly on your character and body.

Where do skinny men come from?

The first thing to do is to establish the cause of thinness: it can be pathological and physiological.

Pathological thinness

Sudden weight loss is caused by diseases such as:

If within 1–2 months the loss is more than 5% of weight, the first the right step- a visit to a doctor, first a therapist, and then a specialist. It will not be possible to gain weight with such diseases.

Nervous disorders - especially common reason losing weight.

  1. Stress forces the human body to work in high alert mode. All its resources (fat, protein) literally burn, turning into carbohydrates - a source of energy for the body. Even increased nutrition during periods of stress will not help a person gain weight.
  2. Depression is a consequence of prolonged stress. It is associated with decreased vitality, lack of appetite and, as a result, weight loss.
  3. Anorexia is a mental illness caused by the fear of being fat. The guy exhausts himself with diets and intense physical activity, becomes incredibly thin, but is convinced that he needs to lose weight.

In such cases, consultation and treatment with a psychotherapist and psychiatrist, sedatives, vitamins, and psychotropic medications are necessary.

Physiological thinness

  1. Body type with its own metabolic characteristics.

The tendency to be thin may be an innate predisposition. According to their bodily constitution, all people are divided into three types:

  • endomorphs - hypersthenics;
  • mesomorphs - normosthenics;
  • ectomorphs - asthenics.

Skinny and tall men with a small layer of subcutaneous fat, elongated muscles on thin bones, they belong to the type of ectomorphs or asthenics. Their peculiarity is accelerated metabolism (metabolism), in which the fat layer does not have time to form, and muscle building occurs with great difficulty.

Improper nutrition nullifies all attempts of asthenic people to gain weight. People with asthenic build should eat often and a lot. But they don’t have a big appetite, and they eat 1-2 times a day. The body only replenishes energy costs and does not receive material for building muscles.

Disrupted work and rest patterns are of fundamental importance in weight gain: people gain weight while they sleep. Erratic and insufficient sleep, eating on the go - a clear sign that an asthenic person will not have smooth outlines or prominent muscles.

Is it really necessary to gain weight?

Do you need to gain weight? Two formulas derived back in the 19th century will help answer this question.

1. Broca's formula is suitable for men with a height of 155 cm to 170 cm.

Weight = (Height - 100) - (Height - 100)*0.1

Let's say a guy is 170 cm tall, his normal weight will be:

(170 - 100) - (170 - 100) *0.1 = 70 - 7 = 63. If your weight is 1–2 kg less than normal, then you need to take care to increase it.

2. International indicator the correspondence between height and weight is the Body Mass Index. This formula appeared in late XIX century.

BMI = Body weight/Height2 (squared)

Body weight is taken in kilograms, and height in meters. This indicator is universal and has no restrictions on growth. The calculated indices are compared with recommendations developed by the World Health Organization:

Table: relationship between mass index and body weight

So, if your body mass index is young man before 25 years of age will be less than 17.5, and there are no serious illnesses, then he needs to increase his body weight. Excessive thinness is dangerous to health and has negative consequences.

  1. The immune system is weakened, diseases chain one after another: herpes, colds, sore throats, flu, etc.
  2. The bones become thin, the spine bends towards the digestive organs and puts pressure on them; food is poorly digested; appetite worsens.
  3. Nervousness increases, mood drops, fatigue does not go away.
  4. Tissues and organs quickly age and wear out, hair turns gray, and nails break.
  5. A very thin person freezes quickly; every wound on the skin threatens complications, since there is no fat protection. The absence of fat deposits under the skin deprives the body of energy reserves.

How can you gain weight quickly?

Getting better for an asthenic person is a difficult task. You need to radically change your lifestyle: first, change your diet; secondly, start training your body; thirdly, observe the work and rest schedule.

Proper nutrition management consists of several sequential steps.

Calculating your daily calorie intake for weight gain

Let's start with the Harris-Benedict formula, which determines the basal metabolism - the basic amount of calories to maintain the vital functions of the body itself:

GV = 88 + (13.4* weight) + (5*height) - (5.8*age)

If a guy is 180 cm tall, weighs 70 kg, and is 25 years old, then the base amount will be:

88 + (13.4*70) + (5*180) - (5.8*25) = 88 + 938 + 900 - 145= 1781 kcal/day.

This number of calories must be multiplied by the activity coefficient. It depends on the intensity of the loads that a person has during the day.

  • Sedentary lifestyle: sedentary work, passive rest - the coefficient is 1.2.
  • There are active days 1–2 times a week: work in the country, jogging, training - 1.3.
  • 2–3 days a week playing sports or physical work - 1.5.
  • Long-distance running, daily training or constant physical work - 1.7 – 1.9.

Let's say our guy spends 3 days a week in the gym, then he needs to consume:

1781*1.5 = 2775.5 kcal/day.

These calories will only replenish his energy costs. To increase weight, you should add another 400–600 kcal to the norm, because muscles are not built from thin air. An asthenic person should consume more than 3000 kcal daily in order to achieve weight gain.

Determination of diet

In men, weight is gained through an increase in muscle mass, this is achieved by a balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

  • Proteins are the building material for muscles. You need to eat 2–2.5 g of protein for every kilogram of weight. If you weigh 70 kg, this would be 140–180 g of protein, which is 560–720 kcal or 20–25% of the diet. Especially useful: chicken meat; eggs; mackerel, herring, red fish; cottage cheese.
  • Carbohydrates. Asthenics have significant energy costs, this is due to accelerated exchange substances. Therefore, carbohydrates occupy a central place in nutrition. They are consumed at the rate of 4–6 g per 1 kg of weight, i.e. 280–420 grams per day, which is equal to 1100–1700 kcal or 60% of the diet.
  • “Fast” carbohydrates (sweets, fruits, baked goods) are high in calories, restore energy costs well, but do not stay in the body for long. “Slow” ones - with a long chain of decomposition reactions - play an important role in the formation of muscle mass. These include porridges: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice; pasta, potatoes; apples, bananas, zucchini, tomatoes.
  • Fats are needed in an amount of 1–2 g/kg of weight; for a weight of, for example, 70 kg, this will be 70–140 grams per day. It is better not to get carried away with saturated fats (butter, pork, fast food), they are absorbed only by 25-30%. Unsaturated: vegetable oil, nuts, are 100% digestible and should prevail in the diet over animal fats.

Carbohydrates play an important role in gaining muscle mass

The right approach to food

For an asthenic person this is perhaps the most difficult thing. Lack of appetite forces him to eat when the body is literally screaming about the lack of calories to live. This means that all minor fat reserves have already been burned, and muscle tissue begins to break down. In order to provide yourself with energy, and even have the material to gain weight, you need to regularly add the appropriate amount of calories into the “metabolic furnace”: you need to eat often and the food that is needed at the moment.

A hearty breakfast is absolutely mandatory for an ectomorph: eggs, cereal, bread, coffee - this is a charge of energy + building material for muscles. Between the main meals there should be 3-4 intermediate meals: energy refueling in the form of fruits, sandwiches, juices. Protein lunch with good portions of meat, fish, potatoes, vegetable salads. An hour before training and immediately after it, have a light snack of “fast” carbohydrates (fruits, sweets), which restore energy reserves +. In the evening - cottage cheese, milk, kefir - sources of “night” proteins, because weight gain occurs at night.

Table: how to eat right to gain weight

Meals First option Second option Third option
First breakfastButter (60g), porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), black bread, coffee, jam.Three egg omelette with rye bread, canned corn(1/3 can), grapes or melon; black tea with jam.2–3 eggs (boiled or fried), cheese, oatmeal (buckwheat, rice), 1–2 tsp. linseed oil, bread, tea or coffee.
LunchA sandwich with butter or sausage, a glass of milk.Bread, cheese, juice or kefir, a handful of nuts or dried fruits.Fruits (apple, banana), protein shake.
DinnerMeat broth with pasta, meat or fish (100–150 g), potatoes (fried or mashed), vegetable salad.Soup, potatoes with meat or fish, vegetable salad, compote.Vegetable salad, meat (chicken, beef), rice or potato bread.
“Refueling” before training Oatmeal, banana, tea with a chocolate bar.Fruits.
after training
Chocolate bar, bananas, gainer.
DinnerPorridge or cottage cheese with sour cream, vegetable salad, sandwich with butter or sausage.Rice or buckwheat porridge, green pea(1/3 jar), berries, apple, orange (depending on the season); green tea. Fish or poultry, cereal, juice.
Refueling before bed A glass of kefir or milk.Cottage cheese, kefir.

It is necessary to eat food at the same time, only then will the body be ready for the next dose of calories: enzymes are released and appetite appears. The best remedy to increase appetite - diet, a great desire to gain weight and look beautiful.

A set of products for weight gain in the photo

Meat is rich in protein and contains naturally occurring creatine Eggs are a source of proteins that the body needs every day Cottage cheese is rich in casein, which supplies the body with long-acting protein Fruits and vegetables supply the body with many nutrients, vitamin C and E, beta-carotene Nuts are a rich source of monounsaturated fats

The sweat of your brow increases your weight

The second condition for increasing muscle tissue is muscle training, although they do not grow due to physical activity. Training causes fatigue in the muscles and triggers the restoration mechanism of muscle fibers, which grow during the rest period (if there is building material for this!).

“Fat people” have to run and move, burning calories, while the lot of asthenics is to “carry iron.” No matter how scary it may be for their fragile bones.

Classes consist of basic exercises with dumbbells and a barbell: bench press - for the shoulder and pectoral muscles; squats - to increase legs; deadlift - for a powerful back. But not all exercises are immediately suitable for beginners; you can damage joints and tear ligaments. Therefore, the training program and types of exercises must be determined with the trainer.

Video: basic exercises for gaining muscle mass

Some rules for gaining weight:

  1. The repeated effort method is the most effective at increasing muscle mass. The main thing here is not the magnitude of the load, but the repetition of the exercise “until muscle failure” until there is no strength to make the next jerk. During the last jerks, a “burning” appears, which indicates extreme stress in the trained muscle and the creation of conditions for its growth during the rest period. A short rest - 0.5–2 minutes - and a new approach. Three or four approaches give maximum load for muscles.
  2. Mandatory rest and relaxation (5-10 minutes) after performing one exercise before approaching another.
  3. Algorithm for increasing loads: if your own weight has increased by 1 kg, the number of repetitions of the exercise should be increased by 10, or the weight of the barbell by 2 kg. It is not recommended for thin people to work with one weight for more than a week: muscle growth will not occur.
  4. Classes should be no more than three times a week, muscles should rest and recover, this is when their growth occurs.
  5. The best time to work out in the gym is in the evening, from 20 to 22 hours.

At home, pull-ups on the horizontal bar are required - for a sculpted back and shoulder girdle; push-ups that tighten the pectoral muscles.

Steroids - hormonal drugs - can quickly increase muscle mass athletes before competitions. IN ordinary life they will lead to hormonal imbalance and liver disorders. Flexing your biceps on the podium and then falling down with a diseased liver is not an option for a happy life.

Preparing gainer at home

Gainer is a biologically active food supplement rich in protein and carbohydrates; means for gaining muscle mass.

1. “Chocolate lard” - an ancient folk remedy known to our great-grandmothers. With its help, you can gain weight up to 1.5 kg per week.

  • 400 g lard;
  • 6 green apples;
  • 12 egg yolks;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 100 g chocolate.

Cut the lard and apples into small pieces and heat in the oven at moderate temperature, then rub through a sieve. Grind the yolks with sugar and mix with the shaved chocolate. Mix all. Spread the delicious chocolate mixture on bread and wash it down with hot milk.

2. A sports gainer can be prepared from available materials. You can drink it after training and between meals up to three times a day.

  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Milk 2–3% - 400 ml;
  • Honey - 1 tsp;
  • Wash the eggs thoroughly, break them into a bowl, add milk, add honey and mix with a blender.

All men who managed to overcome their thinness and turn from an “ugly duckling” into a swan adhered to three gold rules Here they are:

  • adherence to a protein-carbohydrate diet;
  • strict diet and sleep regime;
  • thoughtful bodybuilding exercises.

Every healthy guy can gain weight and make his figure masculine. To do this, you need to create a balanced diet, regularly give a feasible load to your muscles, and set aside time to recuperate. There is nothing supernatural about this, so everyone can become a sculptor of their own figure.

Girls who suffer from excessive thinness, in order to figure out how to gain weight without negative consequences for the body at home, need to study the principles and rules of weight gain.

The human body can gain weight by increasing the amount of food consumed, but sudden changes body shapes are usually not stable.

The key to healthy weight gain is choosing nutrient-dense foods. Consumption high-calorie foods, such as soft drinks, candy and chips, is not in a successful way building muscle, strengthening bones or repairing tissue after surgery.

To gain weight wisely, you need the nutritional strength of all food groups:

For harmonious weight gain, sleep should be at least 7–8 hours, but you shouldn’t forget about daytime sleep either.

To get better in a short period of time, you need to follow the right diet and change your lifestyle.

How to adjust your lifestyle

Emotional condition. Weight loss in thin girls directly depends on psychotherapy emotional state. Constant stress and bad mood do not contribute to weight gain. For weight gain to be permanent, you need more positive emotions. Against the backdrop of a positive emotional state, the body will rebuild itself much faster and begin to gain physical mass.

Abuse of bad habits. When fighting for every kilogram, the damage caused by bad habits is very often underestimated. These habits lead to a constant feeling of stress and thereby speed up metabolism. Quitting smoking will speed up the gain of the desired kilograms.

Physical activity accompanied by physiologically unjustified energy expenditure. Aerobics, dancing and other types of aerobic exercise do not affect muscle growth. This means that a person expends a large amount of energy and loses even more weight.

Therefore, it is worth abandoning this kind of physical activity and giving preference to those sports that help increase muscle mass (fitness, swimming).

Target. Self-confidence and a positive attitude are a significant part of success in the fight against thinness. It is impossible to achieve results without believing in yourself. You won’t be able to find a healthy, beautiful body in a couple of weeks, but everyone positive result will bring a feeling of joy and promote the desire to further work on oneself.

How to quickly gain 5 kg for a skinny girl

A girl can quickly gain 5 kg of weight at home if she follows simple formula– sport plus diet. The diet should be high in calories, but since refined food is empty, i.e. It contains few useful substances and should be excluded.
Deciding on the type of products that provide maximum weight gain can only be done individually.

But the menu must certainly meet the following requirements:

To gain weight, you need to eat at least 3 times a day and don’t forget about snacks.

Strength exercises will speed up weight gain and improve your figure. To make sure that excess calories go into muscles and not just into fat cells, you need to visit the gym 2-4 times a week.

When and how to eat

Stable weight gain without reviewing the diet and further correction is not possible. Weight gain occurs when there is an excess of nutrients in the body. However, if nutrition is uncontrolled, fat folds will begin to appear on the body, which will significantly spoil the figure. To avoid this, you need to watch your diet and do strength exercises.

How to gain weight for a girl at home - stick to a diet based on energy-intensive foods. These are foods that contain a lot of calories compared to their weight. You should eat at least 4 times a day, and portion sizes are also increased. If there are not enough calories, you will not be able to gain weight in a short time.

Snacking at night will help you gain weight, but don't overload your stomach. At night, it is advisable to eat dairy products with a high percentage of fat. Protein intake is required to increase muscle mass, not just fat. Carbohydrate-containing products should be included in the menu of dishes in the first half of the day.

What to eat: foods

Nutritionists advise how to gain weight for a girl at home. They recommend eating foods high in calories.

Here are some high-energy foods that are suitable for weight gain:

It's best to eat plenty of protein, fat, and carbohydrates at every meal.

Sample menu for the week

A correct and balanced menu will allow you not only to gain weight in the shortest possible time, but also to maintain it. This type of diet for girls will be a good reason to forget about all prohibitions and pamper yourself with high-calorie foods.








The main thing in weight gain is diet and food.

What to consider when creating a menu

The most important thing when creating a menu for quick weight gain is that all dishes should be high in calories. and contain vitamins and amino acids. The weight of portions is increased by 2.5 times. Snacks before bed are also encouraged by nutritionists, and dairy and meat products should be of the highest fat content.

This calorie table will help you create a menu that will make it easy for a girl to gain weight at home.

The problem is that people on a diet with a monotonous menu are much more likely to experience nervous tension and loss of strength. Therefore, the menu for increasing body weight should be diversified with various variations of dishes, using spices, sauces and seasonings. The tastier the food, the easier it is to eat large quantities of it.

How to gain weight with a fast metabolism

Sticking to simple rules, you can already notice a positive result in a short period of time.

Rules for gaining weight with gastritis

Gastrointestinal diseases complicate the task of gaining weight, but following simple rules for gaining weight during gastritis will make this task easier:

Sports supplements for fast weight gain

Weight gain supplements provide the body with calories that will help create a positive energy balance. If you have weight problems, an extra 1,000 calories a day will help you gain weight quickly. However, choosing a truly high-quality and suitable drug is difficult.

  • Amino acids

Amino acids are involved in the construction of muscle mass in the human body. The human body generates most of the amino acids independently, but there are those that cannot be synthesized in the body. They promote rapid weight gain and have a general strengthening effect.

  • Protein

Synthesized proteins (proteins) accelerate the growth of muscle mass, while reducing the amount of fat deposits. The more amino acids are included in the protein chain, the faster and better the kilograms are gained.

  • Gainer

The gainer contains, in addition to protein compounds, carbohydrate-containing components for faster weight gain. This is an excellent remedy for people who have difficulty gaining weight. Gainer, unlike protein, promotes overall mass growth, not just muscle tissue.

Manufacturers also include vitamins and minerals in sports supplements. mineral complexes to improve the overall performance of the product.

Weight gain pills - which ones to take

Weight gain pills are divided into two groups. The first group includes drugs that contain protein compounds, proteins and various vitamin complexes. This type medications can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Drugs of the first group:

Second group medicines is a mixture of hormones that help increase appetite and maintain body weight. Prescribed only in extreme cases, when total weight is at a critical level. Self-administration Hormone-containing medications may cause severe side effects.

Drugs of the second group:

  • Dexamitazone. In addition to gaining muscle mass, this drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, but has a large amount side effects.
  • Diabetes. Increases the body's secretion of insulin. If you follow all your doctor's instructions, this drug will help you gain weight and will also reduce the risk of unwanted effects from accelerated weight gain.
  • Duphaston. Provokes rapid weight gain.

Folk remedies for weight gain

To increase body weight, girls can use recipes at home traditional medicine, such as:

Exercises for gaining weight

Gym training should be based on complex exercises that involve several muscle groups at the same time. These exercises are suitable for rapid weight gain in women. Muscle is denser than fat, and by pumping it up, you can gain weight faster.

Squats. The barbell squat is one of the best exercises for training your muscles. To perform this exercise, you need to lift the weight while holding the barbell with your hands with the back of your shoulder.
If necessary, use a gasket for convenience. You need to squat slowly. Having reached the point when the buttocks are parallel to the knees, they return to their original position. Squats will help increase muscle mass lower limbs.

Barbell press. This exercise will help you gain weight in the area chest. By lifting weights while lying down, you can not only increase your weight, but also correct your pectoral muscles.

Deadlift. The right solution for weight gain, as well as for the prevention of spinal diseases. This exercise can be combined with pull-ups on the horizontal bar. After a month of hard training, the result is noticeable.

Exercises for the abs. Similar view It is better to do exercises in the first half of the day. By raising your limbs from a lying position, you can get rid of fat folds, replacing them with elastic muscles in the abdominal area.

You can increase body weight either by increasing muscle mass or by increasing the amount of adipose tissue. Thin girls should stick to the golden mean at home. Here is a rule that will help you gain weight quickly.

Video on how to gain weight

How to gain weight:

How to gain weight and gain weight quickly:

In the fitness world, hardgainers are truly thin people who cannot gain weight even without any dietary restrictions. Skinny guys also have problems visiting gym. Many young people who have a hard gainer build simply don’t know how to gain weight, and without normal weight it is impossible to achieve a muscular, ripped physique.

To gain weight for a skinny guy, you need to follow the recommendations below. They are designed specifically for those young people who do not have a genetic predisposition to obesity.

Increase your diet

This task seems easier than it actually is. Doubling the amount of food consumed per day is not entirely easy. From three meals a day, you need to switch to six meals a day, which means eating every two to three hours. Portions should be full, but not reduced.

The first few weeks you will have to literally force yourself to eat, because in most cases there will simply be no appetite. Increasing your diet by 500 calories will allow you to gain a kilogram per week. If you add 1000 calories to the food consumed during the day, then in 7 days 2 kilograms will be added to your current weight.

Eat quality food

The daily amount of calories must be increased to 3500 or more, but only through the correct and good products nutrition. You should not eat chips or drink sweet soda. The calories obtained from such food are instantly deposited in the fat depot.

You can only get high-quality muscle mass by healthy food. Need to eat healthy fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The number of calories is important, but what's behind them deserves even more attention.

Eat more protein

Protein (protein) is the building material of muscle tissue. It is found in white and red meat, fish, almonds, eggs, milk, and peanuts. And in order to have a decent supply of muscle mass, these products must be constantly present in the menu.

Include carbohydrates in your diet

High carbohydrate foods help you gain weight, but not lean muscle mass. Eating oatmeal, baked goods and pasta, brown rice, of course, allows you to add kilograms, some of which will be fat. This often raises doubts about the advisability of eating carbohydrate foods, but there is a good reason for this.

If you limit yourself exclusively to protein foods, then it will be immediately used as a source of energy, but not for building muscles. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to give the body an alternative, which is bad carbohydrates. It is recommended to supplement each meal with fruits and vegetables. They contain healthy carbohydrates.

Always control every product included in your diet

There are many programs and websites for monitoring your own menu. Among foreign resources, this is dailyburn.com, registration on which will allow you to track how much protein, carbohydrates and calories you need to consume. The algorithm works based on the input data, that is, taking into account individual characteristics.

Perform challenging physical exercises

To gain the maximum possible muscle mass, you should concentrate on training that includes deadlifts, pull-ups, dumbbell presses, and barbell lifts. You shouldn't make it easy for yourself. Working weights on lifts must be taken to the maximum.

Performing complex (compound) exercises involves all the muscles in the process, which, against the background of a large amount of protein and calories present in the body, begin to grow. At the stage of mass gain, there is no point in including isolation exercises.

You should always monitor changes occurring in your body.

The main motivating factor for anyone who wants to gain muscle mass is appearance. Every change that occurs in the body is a consequence of exercise. And in order to be satisfied with yourself, you need to concentrate on lifting weights, improving your own endurance, and then the results will not be long in coming.

Don't stop there. If at the very beginning of the journey the weight being lifted is small, then, with perseverance, it will soon increase. The main thing is not to be lazy and force yourself to work. This will allow you to develop perseverance, endurance and, of course, achieve the desired shape.

Take a minute break between sets during training.

Rest after each approach should be 60 seconds or less. You should not do more than 12 repetitions at a time. The optimal range of exercises is 6-12 repetitions, but no more. If you lift weights, it is better to do it as follows: 12 repetitions with 50 kg, rest, another set of 10 repetitions with a weight of 55 kg, and then after a break another 8 repetitions, but with 60 kg.

Be sure to give your muscles a good rest

You can't work one muscle group every day. She needs restoration. Otherwise, exhaustion is guaranteed. It is optimal to wait at least two days, and only then work on the same muscle group again.

Sleep at least eight hours a night

Muscles continue to grow during sleep. And for this process to be as effective as possible, you need to sleep at least 8-9 hours. If sleep lasts less than 6 hours, then the effectiveness of diet and training decreases sharply.

Eliminate cardio from your training program

In order not to look like a marathon runner or sprinter, but to gain the body of a real Spartan, you need to completely give up cardio. This applies to long distance running. If the desire to include jogging in your classes is great, then you need to run either uphill or do sprints, that is, reduce the distance to a minimum.

Exercise regularly

Exercise should become part of your daily routine. And if you can sometimes skip classes, then this should not be allowed with meals. Otherwise, all efforts to gain weight will be minimized. You can devote everything to training free time, but without good and high-calorie nutrition, progress will not follow.

Recognize the need to gain weight

Along with muscles, fat deposits are also gained, which is a completely normal process. To avoid unwanted consequences, you should set a clear goal for how many kilograms you need to add, and then, when you reach that goal, reduce the amount of carbohydrates you consume. You need to continue to eat vegetables and fruits, but cut pasta, rice, and bread to a minimum. By continuing to exercise and run sprints, you can easily get rid of body fat.

Today, most people struggle with excess weight as it is a direct threat to health, life, beauty and grace. But there are also those who are concerned about low weight and want to gain it . Most women dream of having beautiful shapes in piquant places, sometimes weight is needed purely for medical reasons. Let's talk today about how to gain weight or gain weight at home by adjusting your diet and taking herbal decoctions. The best weight gain recipes available to everyone are here!

Low weight: why it’s bad and how it threatens your health

  • A girl with low weight may have impaired reproductive function, which leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle and, as a result, the inability to become pregnant and bear fruit.
  • Lack of weight leads to increased blood sugar and the occurrence of an insidious disease - diabetes.
  • Excessively thin people face disorders in the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • A small percentage of fat in thin people contributes to the malfunction of other organs.
  • Lack of weight can cause kidney disease and prolapse.
  • Lack of weight contributes to disease gastrointestinal tract, a decline in immunity, which in turn causes various diseases.
  • Thin people have a hard time in everyday life; any overload can lead to tearing of organs and muscle breakdown. We often hear the expression: I'm overstrained, all this is just from the area of ​​low weight.

Thinness and its types

There are two types of thinness:

  • physiological - the state of the body when a person has passed all examinations, no violations have been identified, he is healthy. Most likely, his low weight is caused by a fast metabolism; he inherited thinness due to the structure of his personal endocrine system.
  • pathological thinness is revealed during medical examinations when a problem is discovered in the functioning of some organs, and sometimes several.

The article will talk about how to quickly recover for a girl or woman at home, with physiological thinness, or weight loss occurred in a healthy body temporarily, for example, after experiencing, physical fatigue, violation

Gaining weight through physical training and pumping up muscles is a long process that requires time and the intake of proteins, the intake of which is not healthy and harmless, no matter how their manufacturers claim. However, moderate physical activity when gaining weight is of course important for the body to look beautiful and fit, and for the weight gained to not be deposited in “unnecessary” places.

We will consider here only products and recipes that increase weight at home.

Causes of underweight

First of all, to understand the cause of low weight, you need to find out whether you are healthy.

So, if no special disturbances in the functioning of the organs are identified, we will try to increase weight by changing your diet.

How to get fat or gain weight correctly at home

Not a few people, both men and women, would like to gain a little weight, this is especially true for young and middle-aged people. For mature people, the opposite problem is most often closer, how to lose weight. So let's start with the main thing, how to recover quickly at home.

  • First of all, your diet should be high in calories, this is obvious. If recommended daily norm calories for an average woman of average build and middle age is 1500-2000 kcal, then the diet of skinny women with an accelerated metabolism should contain 3000-4000 calories. If you are unaccustomed to it, it is difficult to digest such a quantity of food, so to gain weight, it is best to organize split meals, which include a snack 1.5-2 hours after each main meal.
  • Next you need to change your diet a little. Increase, as when losing weight, the number of meals to 6-7 every 1.5 - 2 hours. Breakfast should be a must, and it should be hot, preferably milk porridge, with the addition of candied fruits or dried fruits. In the evening there are two dinners, the first as usual at 18-19 hours and 2 hours before bedtime another protein one.
  • The diet should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the approximate ratio of proteins is 25%, fats are 20%, carbohydrates are 55%. Fats are essential; with their help, protein is properly absorbed - the basis of our muscle mass.
  • It is important to increase the calorie content of your meals, especially foods high in carbohydrates - this will help you. A special place should be given to fast carbohydrates - sweets, pasta, baked goods.
  • Dairy products: milk, sour cream, full-fat cottage cheese - food is high in calories, tasty and healthy, since natural products are recognized as beneficial in general for the body.
  • Increase the proportion of meat: turkey, chicken, rabbit, lamb. However, you should not overdo it; excess carbohydrates and fats in the body worsen the functioning of the heart and liver, and contribute to the development of diabetes.
  • To ensure proper metabolism, the rate of consumption is important. Of course, this includes all the water, and that contained in the products too. We don’t focus only on water, you can drink coffee, black and green tea, dairy products, vegetable and fruit juices are especially useful as a source.
  • Vegetables are low-calorie foods, but they are important for metabolism, so we season vegetable salads vegetable oil, better olive, flaxseed, rapeseed - they are more healthy.
  • Fruits play their right role here too. Eat bananas, grapes, apricots, peaches, and preferably in the first half of the day and before meals, that is, before breakfast and lunch or in between, to avoid excess fermentation in the intestines. For this reason, taking fruits in evening time little should be avoided. In this list Special attention would take bananas and they are available to us all year round actually contribute to weight gain.

  • Beekeeping products also help to increase weight correctly: bee bread, pollen, royal jelly have a beneficial effect on the body and increase weight if its loss is caused by malaise. In the morning, when you wake up, immediately eat 1-2 teaspoons of honey, it is quickly absorbed and starts the process of insulin formation, which leads to an increase in appetite.
  • Any nuts - pine nuts, hazelnuts, pistachios - increase weight due to their calorie content and oil content, with the addition of dried fruits - the effect of their consumption is even more significant.
  • Before meals, at noon and in the evening, drink a glass fruit juice, to which sugar or honey has been added. The juice itself is high in calories, in addition, it helps to raise insulin, which in turn accelerates the process of converting carbohydrates into fats.
  • In an effort to get better, there is no need to increase the amount of food consumed or overeat; all this can lead to overload in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and although it will give tangible results in weight gain, it will bring other health problems.

If there are no diseases, and the reason for low weight is in the special process of food absorption and metabolism, then you can try the following folk recipes.

Traditional recipes for weight gain products

This mass below, consumed with hot milk, works well and gives the desired result of weight gain over time.

200 gr. rendered internal pork fat (I think where you can find this, you can replace it with butter, which is easily digestible and simply tastier);

  • 6 large green apples;
  • 6 egg yolks;
  • ½ cup sugar;
  • 200 gr. chocolate

Mix the whole mixture and spread on bread. Eat 4-5 times a day, washed down with hot milk.

The recipe guarantees weight gain 1 kg per week!

And here is a long-tested recipe for those who drink beer:

Add a couple of spoons of rich sour cream to a glass of beer, add a little salt and drink. Take daily until weight starts to come on.

If you don’t like beer, you can buy brewer’s yeast in tablets at the pharmacy and take them according to the calculation data provided in the application.

Another delicious cocktail:

1 glass of milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and half a banana. You can use it as an addition to breakfast, or before going to the gym

This cocktail is effective for temporary weight loss.

Milkshake for weight gain

For one glass of cocktail you will need the following products:
Sour cream – 100 g.
Olive oil (can be replaced with any vegetable oil) – 1 tbsp. spoon,
Lemon juice from half a lemon
Orange juice – 100g.
Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon or can be replaced with any fruit jam or preserves.
Egg yolk – 1 pc. Mix everything and drink

Recipe for weight gain with bee bread (pollen)

  • 500 g flower pollen
  • 2 standard cans of condensed milk, natural whole milk according to GOST is important.

Mix everything thoroughly and put the mixture in the refrigerator for two weeks to let it brew. Use every morning on an empty stomach, 15-20 minutes before breakfast, chewing thoroughly, starting with 1 teaspoon, and increasing the amount every 3-5 days. It is better to drink it with warm liquid.

To gain weight, a man, girl and teenager need to increase the amount of pollen consumed to 2-2.5 tbsp/1.5-2 tbsp/1 tbsp. respectively.

It is important that a person is not allergic to bee pollen.

A good effect of increasing weight with herbs is provided by alfalfa decoctions (2 tbsp. fresh per glass of water or 1 tbsp. dried herb). Drink the decoction warm, half a glass, 2 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

Other herbs have similar stimulating properties for weight gain: clover, sophora, nettle, dandelion, cinquefoil, yarrow and others. You can drink a decoction from each herb separately, or you can mix everything we have and prepare the decoction as follows: recipe proposed by Gennady Malakhov :

Pour 2 tablespoons of pre-crushed collection into 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes in a sealed container, pour together with the herb into a thermos, leave overnight.
Take 100-150 ml during the day 30 minutes before meals.
To improve the taste, you can add honey, sugar, and berries.
The course of treatment is 3-4 months.
After which they take a break for 10-14 days, change the collection and continue treatment. Despite the improvement, herbal medicine must be continued for at least 12 months.

Brewer's yeast taken after or during meals increases weight. Yeast increases appetite, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increases absorption in the intestines, and provides the body with B vitamins.

Yeast is contraindicated for people suffering from kidney disease and gout.

Remember that weight gain of more than 1 kg per week is not safe for the body. An increase of 500 grams is considered optimal.

Exercise, muscle building - the path to weight gain

When gaining weight, you need to remember that the physical component is important here too. Don’t forget to prevent mass from being deposited in unnecessary places, pump up your abs and keep your body toned! And then the fat coming from food and formed from carbohydrates will not be deposited in fat folds, but will turn into beautiful muscles, making Tedo flexible and slender.

Here it is important to start with light loads so that physical education does not result in even greater weight loss.

Sometimes excessive thinness is a consequence of previous nervous tension, stress, or an overly active emotional rhythm of life. You just need to give your body a break, ensure healthy and proper sleep, pamper it a little and your weight will return to you. After all, a calm, measured life is the key to health and... good weight.

Well, in conclusion, I want to reassure everyone who is thin: if you feel good, you don’t have any terrible medical diagnoses, you are young and full of strength - be glad that you are light, because this will give you a chance to stay healthy for many years. People with less weight live longer and their quality of life is much higher!

And now tips on how to gain weight correctly and effectively: