Business in India - how to open your own, is it worth buying a ready-made one, what are the taxes, checklist for business immigration. Small Business in India

India is a rich South Asian country with great prospects. This densely populated area is open to the creation of new commercial zones, thereby attracting foreigners to do business. The conditions for registering a company in India do not have any special requirements. However, in order to open a company, you must have information about the peculiarities of the jurisdiction. The specialists of the consulting firm UraFinance can help you understand Indian corporate legislation, as well as buy or register a company in India.

Buy a company in India: characteristics

A client can buy a company in Delhi or any other city in India, regardless of citizenship. The national currency of India is rupees, however, most financial transactions even between individuals carried out in dollars. This allows you to do business in India in a stable international currency. In addition, local banks open accounts for non-residents in both rupees and dollars. Specialists of the consulting company UraFinance provide a full range of services for registering a new or purchasing companies in India in the shortest possible time.

In most cases, offshore companies are not available in India. However, if necessary, registration of offshore companies for private clients is allowed.

Setting up a company in India. Peculiarities

Buy a ready-made company for a non-resident

Need for a registered office

Need for an agent

Income tax

30% - for resident companies,

40% - for non-resident companies

Number of directors

Need for a secretary

Yes. The Secretary must be an Indian Citizen.

Minimum number of shareholders

Reporting requirements

Requirements for conducting audits

Taxes for companies in India

  • Domestic companies pay income tax of 30% + 10% additional fees;
  • Overseas firms must pay 40% tax fees + 2% additional and local tax;
  • If there are non-residents in the state, an additional 15-30% income tax is paid;
  • Indian legislation provides for payment of education tax: +2% to all types of taxation;
  • The company's property tax is 1% of the total price.

Documents for company registration in India

To register and start operating a company in India, UraFinance employees prepare:

  1. Charter Copies provided must be in Indian or English language and certified by the “wet” seal of a notary. The documents must indicate the address of the registered office.
  2. List of staff management.
  3. Copies of identification documents about local citizens whose authority allows them to make decisions about the company’s activities in India and the management of a bank account.
  4. Address in India where the activity will be carried out.
  5. Legal name.
  6. Company development goals.

Registration of a company in India. UraFinance services

To register a company in India you will need to spend a lot of time and effort. In addition, errors during the registration period can lead to refusal to open a company or restriction of activities. UraFinance professionals have enough experience in guaranteeing the opening of a company and representative offices in India in the shortest possible time. The consulting firm's services also include:

  • Payment of fees and duties;
  • Legal support for a commercial company in India;
  • Apostille of documents;
  • Delivery of documents to the address specified by the client;
  • Nominee service;
  • Obtaining tax numbers, certificates, licenses, permits, etc.

To use the services of UraFinance, you need to call the specified phone numbers, send an application using a special form on the website, or meet with lawyers in one of our company’s offices.

Goa is the smallest and most popular state in India. More and more of our compatriots want to not only spend an unforgettable vacation on the shores of the Arabian Sea, enjoying unforgettable sunsets and all the accessible joys of the legendary state, but want to spend the whole winter here.

Those who are especially brave and determined completely erase the noise and artificial life of megacities from their lives forever and call their newfound paradise on earth with a short word - GOA. But, as one of the heroes of the fashionable film “Boomer 2” said about Goa, money is needed even in paradise.

How to make money in paradise?
Observing the so-called “Russian Goa,” one gets the impression that our enterprising fellow citizens, who have experienced various economic crises, find it even easier to do business in the fertile land of India than in their homeland. Economic indicators of business profitability turn out to be more effective, including due to the fact that the general costs of doing business, as well as expenses for food, rental housing, and medical care in India are several times, and sometimes even tens of times, cheaper than in Russia.

So, what do enterprising fellow citizens do in Goa? Owners of substantial capital have nothing to worry about, since the not very developed tourist infrastructure in Goa opens great opportunities to open new hotels, restaurants and entertainment complexes. But even with small investments in Goa it is quite possible to open profitable business. For example, a private kindergarten.

In Goa, many tourists vacation with families, including those with small children. The services of nannies are in great demand, and many Indian women are happy to work as nannies in Russian families. However, many mothers and fathers would like their children, in addition to care, to have the opportunity to participate in educational games, learn languages, communicate with peers, and receive familiar European children's food. An important factor is also the opportunity to leave the child overnight and be sure of his safety, because in Goa there are so many temptations for mothers and fathers different ages. And this is where private kindergartens with qualified personnel come to the rescue, the supply of which in Goa clearly does not keep up with demand.

What expenses does opening entail? kindergarten and what is the profitability of this business? Let's look at the example of a small kindergarten that can serve about 10 small clients. The traditional villa in Goa consists of two spacious bedrooms, in which, correct selection furniture, can accommodate up to 10 children overnight, a kitchen, a spacious hall-dining room and an adjacent area, which is used for educational games and activities fresh air. The cost of renting such a villa (subject to long term rental) will be 400 - 500 US dollars per month of rent, that is, about 3,000 US dollars for six months of the high season from October to March.

The cost of serving one child per day in private kindergartens in Goa is 15-20 dollars per day with meals, that is, 29,000 US dollars, subject to full occupancy for five months of the high season (during the New Year and Christmas holidays, the cost of service is usually in twice as high).

The cost of feeding one child per day will be no more than $4 per day, that is, $5,800 for five months of the high season. As a rule, private kindergartens for a small number of children are family enterprises, without the involvement of hired labor. If you have no desire to work at your own enterprise, then you need to take into account the costs of paying staff - from 300 US dollars per month for one employee.

As a rule, there are no expenses for advertising a private kindergarten in Goa. Advertising is passed on by word of mouth among residents of Goa, and such unsophisticated marketing techniques as advertising on various advertising spaces such as poles and notice boards in a minimarket or cafe are also used.

Receipt permitting documentation- the question is both complex and simple. On the one hand, in India the bureaucratic machine works hard and slowly, on the other hand, the corruption of local officials and the low rates of “baksheesh” remove obstacles to the noble goal of legitimate business in India. However, according to the same scheme, obstacles are eliminated even if the necessary permits you still haven’t completed the registration and the time has come to explain this matter to local officials (which, however, may not happen).

Migration services can create serious obstacles to commercial activities if newly minted businessmen stay in Goa on a tourist visa, which excludes any other purpose of stay in the country other than tourism. Therefore, it is necessary to make every effort and obtain a business visa, with which Indian lawyers or Russian agencies will be happy to help.

Business in Goa is seasonal; from May to October there are very few tourists in Goa, and even those who live here permanently tend to spend the rainy season in more favorable climatic conditions, for example, in neighboring Nepal. However, taking into account the above figures, the profitability of the business is quite high. The already low prices of living in Goa are reduced threefold during the rainy season, which allows us to say that Goa is a paradise on earth for businessmen.

Alexander Bachmann - about entering the Indian market.

To bookmarks

Alexander Bachmann

A company's entry into the international market is an excellent opportunity to send warm greetings to your competitors, showing how strong your company's position is.

Such an information feed is always beautiful and practically a win-win in terms of influence on reputation. But the volume of the previous one, and then related work- gigantic. Obviously, it is impossible to avoid everything by reading one or two materials from business representatives with experience in international development.

The task is completely different. Talk about what you should prepare for and how to avoid mistakes at the planning stage. I will tell you about my experience of doing business in India, where Admitad has had a local representative office for several years.

What business should you open in India?

It makes sense to start an IT related business in India. India - perfect place for companies planning international expansion. If any IT company is planning to expand abroad, then India is an ideal place to train and hone their skills.

In India there are many clones and analogues of Western online stores: huge supermarkets, online hypermarkets, there are local analogues of Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, ShopClues, payment systems, ordering food, tickets. That is, almost everything that exists in India is not a local invention, but something that came from somewhere either with its own investments or with its own ideas, but it’s all about digital.

When starting a business in India, one must take into account that Indians do not have money. This is completely foreign capital. Another thing is that now, when a company has existed for a certain number of years (three to five) and shows stable growth, then some American or Asian company will definitely join this company and offer to invest more in them more money.

But initially it must be your own money. You have to be prepared for the fact that you will do everything with your own money. Moreover, you can find a partner who wants to help, but he will provide any support, just not financial.

Legal and Legal Aspects

The process of preparing documents for opening a company in India is quite labor-intensive, and on our own can't cope here. There are a lot of nuances in the local market that are incomprehensible to neither Europeans nor people from other countries.

When you choose a company that would start consulting on the legalization of documents, various taxation systems, and so on, two companies doing the same thing will offer a price tag that differs significantly. For one it could be, for example, a million rupees, and for another it could be five million.

But the most important thing is that it is impossible to understand all the tax complexities and legislation on your own. You need to hire lawyers and study everything closely with them. It took us about three months of daily communication before we finally started the paperwork process.

Then about another month of registration and that’s it - achievement unlocked - you have a company, you have an account, you can work, receive money and then do something with it. On paper, everything is smooth, because I deliberately omit many legal and financial aspects that a specialist should talk about. And this is definitely a separate topic. And very big.

Office search

There is a place in India - the city of Gurgaon, also known as Gurugram. This is a city whose name changes every three years. It is located near Delhi. And historically, this city is the mecca of all Western companies.

If you are starting expansion into India, you should go to Gurugram because most of the people who work there are IT employees. You can also find staff there, usually local ones. There are also expats, but in most cases they stay in their companies and do not plan to leave anywhere. If you want, start from Gurugram - it is both cheap and effective, this is the right decision.


It’s another matter if we are talking about such a component as sales. Mumbai (formerly Bombay) is suitable for these purposes. A lot of agencies with which advertisers have contracts are located in Mumbai. Therefore, if you need large, powerful advertisers, then you cannot do without constant business trips to Mumbai for a week or a month.

If a company wants to develop its business, then it would be a good idea to have a sales department in Mumbai. But it costs much more: there is luxury real estate and Bollywood stars. You can maintain an office of 30 people in Gurugram and with the same money you can maintain a team of five people in Mumbai.

But on the other hand, Mumbai is profitable if you have sales there. I can confirm with our example that a lot of money is spent on sending people on business trips. But due to the specifics and the fact that we are still an affiliate, it is a little easier for us to work with agencies, so there is no need to have sales in Mumbai.

We tried to develop a scheme in which we would have a remote sales department there, but after reviewing a large number of people, we realized that people want so much money that it’s easier to fly there.

It is better to look for an office through the main players who are engaged in the construction and delivery of real estate for such purposes - for the needs of companies entering the local market.

These are one or two groups of developers. If you need an office, you turn to either one or the other. The difficulties begin when you come to look at the office, discuss it, explain what you want, how it should look, and they give you a deadline. You can immediately add six months to these deadlines, and after this time the office will be ready. But this is connected not only with the construction of the office, it is also connected with the Indians’ understanding of deadlines.

There is also a secondary one. You can move into the secondary building at any time. But most of what is on the secondary market is unacceptable. The conditions there are the wildest: anthills, where you can accommodate 30 people per 40 m². Therefore, if you want a person to come to the office and say “wow” because the tables are at least one and a half meters from each other, then you need to build a new office.

You can, of course, rent an office from which a company of 30 Indians will move out to 40 square meters, and seat five people on the same 40 square meters. But, as a rule, most people, when they come to a country, do something of their own. This is an indicator of business development; all companies are moving into newly built offices.

Hiring employees

Now the search for employees begins. Initially, our task was to find the head of the local office. We didn't know the people or the recruiters. We had one recommendation from another company with Russian employees who are already in India.

They recommended a recruiting agency and they later advised us of adequate lawyers. Through a recruiting agency, we began searching for a manager and at the same time we were looking for ourselves. It is impossible to do this on your own, because you need to process incoming resumes 24 hours a day.

Eight out of ten Indians have a couple of MBA degrees, but you start talking to them and realize that their English is at the same level primary school. And it has nothing to do with a degree or qualification. It's just some kind of certificate that every pizza delivery person can get from them.

Only recommendations work, because you will definitely mess things up if you search and check it yourself. We first turned to a recruiting agency, which we found in the search results. Both the conditions and quality were much worse compared to the agency that was recommended to us, and the price tag was much higher.

Perhaps if you come on a recommendation from someone, the conditions for you will be somewhat softer than if you come from the street. The specificity of this market is such that if there is no local person, then despite the fact that you seem to be a sage in status, everyone will try to promote you for money.

Having looked at the first ten candidates who asked, roughly speaking, 500 thousand rupees a month, you think: “Well, that means this is adequate money, it’s worth taking.” But then you start looking through recruiting agencies, they already filter through themselves, and you understand that the average salary for this position is 200 thousand rupees. You can do everything on your own, but it will be much more expensive, and it’s not a fact that it will be great and you won’t have to redo it later.

When talking about the level of customer service, you need to understand that everyone has the same interest. You look for an agency on your own, you call, they are ready to help you, come out, arrange it, take a look. And those agents who are recommended to you are ready to do the same. The difference is money.

When the stage of hiring a manager has been completed, the search for employees begins. Initially, we had the idea to hire employees from other partner networks, that is, with experience. It is not necessary to lure away.

Although in India everything is tied to castes, ties and friendships. If a person joins a company, then regardless of his level and rank, he can recruit at least five more people. That is, you hire a director, he already brings you the head of the department and various managers.

The idea of ​​hiring employees with existing experience turned out to be unworkable. Because it is very difficult for Indians to retrain. If a person had previously worked for three years in another network, and even if he held some good position, but dealt only with the tools of a paid platform for servicing affiliates (if you want to create an affiliate, buy a module from us and work), then it is catastrophically difficult for him to relearn.

After we hired the first part of the employees, we tried to hire employees without experience, and they learned much faster. They are young, that’s another thing. Average age, if we are talking about Admitad in Europe, up to 30 years.

In India it's a little over 30 years. Subsequently, of course, we figured out how to retrain employees who had experience working in other networks, but from experience I can say that we saw the first results only a year later.

Features of mentality

A lot is tied to mentality, to the same castes. Some don’t want to work with someone, some don’t like something, some castes have holidays all the time, some don’t. There are a lot of difficulties, but the main thing that started to bother me from the very beginning was their lack of punctuality.

This is when you make an appointment at 13:00, come at 12:45 and wait until 13:30, call, and they say to you: “Why did you come so early?” And this is a universal story. The same goes for any reports, letters, deadlines. They tell you: “Yes, of course, today we will send you everything,” and you budget another three or four days to receive an answer. Is this a national custom?

Intimidation only works if you initially position yourself as a terrible leader-punisher. But there is still a small nuance. Let's say jobs (vacancies). In India, jobs are still very difficult, and that is why there are positions such as a person who presses the floor button in an elevator in a shopping center and gets two thousand rupees a month.

There is a man who guards the bus stop, sits on a chair next to him for a thousand rupees a month. As soon as you publish a vacancy, you will immediately receive a million responses. But filtering them is very difficult; it takes a lot of time and effort.

It is imperative to create super-detailed step-by-step manuals for employees on any action. If your system differs even 1% from what they had to work with, you must describe everything in detail: click on the “Login” button, enter such and such characters into the URL line, we get there. And such detailed manuals are needed for everyone - both for managers and ordinary employees.

An interesting Indian factor also comes into play here. Indians are very smart, but they have one important feature- they do not rule out that anything is possible. The difference, however, between stupidity and non-exception, that everything is possible, is huge, the main thing is not to confuse it.

For example, you come to the office in the morning, put a bucket of manure, and say: “Guys, if everyone now smears this manure on their hands, then when you click on the mouse and keyboard, your conversion across all channels will increase by 10%.” And they will do it. Not because they are stupid. But because they admit the possibility that this is really the case. And when communicating with Indians, you need to start from this.

Because you didn’t describe step by step what to do and how to do it, there will be inaccuracies. As soon as the opportunity arises to do something differently (since the correct algorithm is not described in the document), the employee will do so. 99% that it will be done incorrectly. Or it will be done incompletely, with some important points missing.

For example, for an Indian, launching a campaign means going to a meeting, reaching an agreement, and that’s it. He already launched it in his head at a meeting after he was told: “Yes, let’s do it.” Such things as concluding an agreement, setting up an account, integrating, then doing many more tests, some kind of newsletter - they do not understand this.

Often, when you ask: “Why did you do that?”, an Indian answers you: “I thought it was better this way” or “I thought it was possible.” An analogy can be drawn with the behavior of children. And it’s not he who is to blame, but you. You didn’t clearly say that it should be done this way and not another, but this should not be done under any circumstances.

There is another nuance. As soon as Indians get some new information and see that it is useful, they want to create something similar themselves. Therefore, some of them may fall off immediately. You need to be prepared for this.

You plan that you will work with these people, this will be yours CEO, and after six months they leave and start doing something of their own. Two of the five employees who were with us from the very beginning left after six months, and each of them opened their own affiliate network.

But these employees are not doing well. This leads to the next question - the specifics of the work of all Indian Internet projects without external investment. They are ready to earn little if it is a stable income. The most important thing for them is not the growth of indicators and volumes, but stable payments.

Despite some of the peculiarities of India, our compatriots have long chosen it, in particular the state of Goa, as their residence during the holiday season. Many went further and even opened their own businesses. Anton Tarasov talks about his restaurant.

Disadvantages of Indian Economy

There are also tangible disadvantages in India that hinder the development of the state. Firstly, the country is very dependent on imported raw materials, and there is a shortage of electricity. Secondly, road transport is insufficiently developed; it is impossible to get into some areas of India, for example, during the rainy season, but in some places it can last up to four months in a row. Due to the fact that most of the population is below the poverty line, the state has to help people with various subsidies and benefits, which also negatively affects the economic situation. In India, numerous bureaucratic barriers prevent businesses from fully developing. Despite the fact that a large percentage of the population is unemployed, people from Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh still come to India, ready to work for less money, but at the same time more and of better quality than local population. Of course, businessmen meet them, which also does not contribute to the enrichment of the country’s indigenous population.

Today India ranks 12th in terms of level economic development in the world. The government is making every effort to make the country rise higher.

Today, India ranks 12th in terms of economic development in the world. The government is making every effort to make the country rise higher. Free is introduced here school education, children from low-income families are provided with books, uniforms, and food at school. Grants are allocated for studying at universities, which are increasing every year. Specialists from other countries are actively attracted to India - a huge number of talented programmers and developers are gathered here, new companies are opening, the government is ready to pay them and create the most Better conditions for work. The country's population is growing every year, and today, according to rough estimates, it is one billion three hundred million people. However, in India there are no policies that would affect childbearing, as, for example, in China, where the problem of a growing population was solved radically. The Indian government believes that becoming like the Chinese will not benefit the country, and young workers will always be at a premium when more factories begin to open. Here they are trying with all their might to unite the population and prevent strife, so in India Hindus, Muslims and representatives of other religions coexist quite peacefully, although 50 years ago conflicts broke out on this basis from time to time. The Government of India and the people of the country are confident that the path to a bright future is a friendly, united and large nation.

Restaurant in Goa

“I fell in love with Goa at first sight,” says Anton Tarasov- when I got here six years ago. I came on a regular vacation, and on a voucher, to some expensive hotel. Six months later, my wife and I returned here as savages, and when the vacation came to an end, we realized that we didn’t want to fly to Moscow at all. I know that many compatriots live here, renting apartments in Russia, this money is enough for them, and occasionally they do some kind of work. But I am an active person, and this option is not for me. A small advertising business remained in Moscow, and I began to think about what I could do in Goa on a permanent basis. The idea of ​​a restaurant came to my wife, but at the time it seemed absurd to me - I’m only familiar with catering establishments as a client, how can I open something worthy, I thought. However, on our next visit, we seriously discussed this idea with the Indians and Russians living here. Compatriots frightened me, but the indigenous people, on the contrary, inspired me. A year and a half later, we lived in Goa, and we already had our own restaurant near the coast.

You won’t earn much with our business, but it’s enough to live in India and make modest trips with backpacks on your back!

To be honest, this took quite a lot of effort: India is a bureaucratic country, and this especially applies to the resort area. There are always enough hunters to profit from newly minted businessmen. For example, all licenses are issued, everything is done according to the law, but the police continue to come to you every day, hoping to get a bribe. No way, just like that. The locals advised me to be tougher with him and, no matter how mentally difficult it was for me, it helped.

We've already filmed ready-made restaurant, building it yourself is very expensive. A foreigner must rent land, since he has no right to buy it. A small piece of land for a catering business, located near the ocean, costs up to 10 thousand dollars for the season, which lasts from October to June.

We live here on tourist visas, which we extend, but I’m trying to open a working one. After all, we could work on it ourselves. And now there should be local residents behind the bar, in the hall and in the kitchen, and we only control the process. The same goes for accounting - I do it inside and out, and the papers are signed by an Indian who is officially listed as our accountant. We have to pay him a salary, but he appears once a month and signs.

Here, under no circumstances should you enter into conflicts, since the police will never be on the side of a foreigner, even if he is the victim. You shouldn’t go against the rules - if music is prohibited after 11 pm, then you need to come to terms with it, and not try to turn it on in spite of everything, as some do. However, you can always come to an agreement with the local police - sometimes drinks and dinner are enough, and sometimes we offer something more substantial.

Three summer months are coming here heavy rains, exotic representatives of the local fauna are crawling ashore, and therefore there is no way to stay, even the locals are leaving. Usually we put our things in a specially rented room and leave the restaurant. Sometimes we go to Moscow, other times we travel around Asia. You won’t earn much from our business, but it’s enough to live in India and make modest trips with backpacks on your back! I have plans to open a small motel in the Himalayas, but that’s in the future.”

It's good in Goa! It’s even very good in Goa!!! Goa is so good that about 50% of tourists who come here to relax for the first time have the same thought: “To come up with something like this, what kind of business can I open here so that I have enough money for the whole season and don’t have to come back?! "

Nobody expects to get rich and doesn’t even set such a goal. In Goa there is no energy of big money at all, so the idea of ​​wealth does not captivate anyone here. Everyone enjoys ease of communication, simplicity of morals, freedom of movement and democracy. The goal is simple - to live a relaxed life and earn just enough to live on.

Rich people in Goa are even beginning to be ashamed of their capital. After staying in Goa for a week or a month, some of them cut their hair, take off their rings, watches and bracelets, give taxi drivers Armani jackets, buy alibaba pants for $2 and get behind the wheel of an ordinary scooter. They discover for themselves what a thrill it is to be back in the “pioneer camp”, where no one crouches in front of you just because you have “raspberry pants”!

But the rich don’t need to invent anything in Goa; they are fed by capital from Russia and other countries. Those who have very little money are trying to build their own business in Goa - representatives of the middle class, and even more often - children of representatives of the middle class. It is mainly young people who decide to undertake the adventure of building a business in a foreign country. Although, there are exceptions.

I’ll say right away that it’s better to discard the idea of ​​doing business in India at the start-up stage, before you ruin your life and your pleasant impression of this country. As a businesswoman friend of mine said: “Goa is a great place to live, but a terrible place to do business!”

Once upon a time, when starting my business, I was full of bright hopes and illusions. I thought I should just let you know White light about how beautiful Goa is, how a powerful flow of investments will immediately pour here and good ones will come business people. Precisely good ones, because under no circumstances should there be any “sons of bitches” in Goa!

At that time, I created a section on the website “Maharaja offers partnership.” Now I am no longer offering partnerships to anyone, and I am not deleting the column just because it is dear to me as a memory.

Let me give you this fact. In 2008, together with me, several other wonderful, smart, talented young people from Russia started a business in northern Goa. None of the people we started with are doing business in Goa anymore. Some of them have left India completely, others now come here simply as tourists.
If you want my advice, I will give it to you.

Goa has a short season, business is done here only a few months a year. Only two types of business bring real profit: rental housing and restaurants. Few people manage to make money from medicine, excursions and selling air tickets. That's all!

No other businesses are operating in Goa. People fly here who initially do not intend to spend a lot of money, because Goa has a strong reputation as a cheap resort. In order not to create illusions, I will give you the numbers.

The budget of a Goan holidaymaker is spent as follows. For two weeks of vacation, one person spends, according to my estimates, an average of $1,800. Of these, the tourist spends $700 on an air ticket and visa, $300 on housing, $300 on food, $150 on souvenirs, things and gifts, $100 on smoking and alcohol, $100 on renting a scooter and taxi, and more 100 dollars for massage and excursions, 50 dollars for using the Internet and mobile communications. That's it, the budget is exhausted.

The Goan tourist does not intend to spend money on anything else. Therefore, proposals beyond this list will simply remain without demand. So realistically, if you want to earn something in Goa, you have only two options: offer accommodation to tourists or offer food in a restaurant. Both are possible, but very difficult!

To run a legal business, you will need to open a company in Goa. This process takes at least 3 months. More often 6 months. If you think that the most terrible bureaucracy is in Russia, then you are deeply mistaken! You can’t even imagine how difficult it is to get any license or permit in India!

Not a single serious issue in India is resolved without a “baksheesh” in the pocket of an official or a policeman. At the same time, you need to know who to give, when to give, how much to give and through whom to give. Without this, they won’t take a bribe, and they may even be offended: the East is a delicate matter!

Resolving any issue turns into a whole bureaucratic drama and drags on for months. You better not even try to do this yourself! Such an abyss of patience, which is required by doing business in India, has never been dreamed of in the psyche of a European person. Very often you will want to strangle officials with your with my own hands or shoot yourself. Therefore, your constant companion in resolving any issues will be a lawyer.

At the same time, the only goal of the lawyer, like all the other Indians around you, will be to rip off as much money as possible from you. After all, the lawyer’s interest is not in your prosperity, but in his own!

At the same time, you will constantly hear the phrase “no problems!” and “dont warri, evrifink will be good!” (Do not worry everything will be fine!). You can relax, because you really won’t achieve anything in India with pressure and demands. Only endless patience and total positivity!

After you register a company, you will come under constant attention of the police and inspection authorities. From now on you will have to pay bribes in large quantities and at on a regular basis. With such an expense item, any business becomes simply unprofitable.

There is another way - to act without registration. Citizens from former countries usually follow it Soviet Union. We are not talking about large restaurants here; it is impossible to hide the goose that lays the “golden eggs”. The police will definitely come to her for baksheesh. And not from one area, but from different ones. And everyone will demand their share!

We are talking about small restaurants, mainly in Arambol. For example, there was a famous restaurant there for several years, the owners of which I know well. We often talked with them for hours about business.

Officially, the Russian owners did not do anything, but were simply visitors to the restaurant. All responsibility and cover from the police lay with the local owner of the beach property on which the restaurant was built. In fact, it was the Russians who ran the entire business.

For two seasons, things seemed to be going well for the Russian restaurant owners. And then they fled not only from Goa, but from India in general. I wondered why they abandoned an established business in crowded Arambol with convenient place near the beach and a well-known brand.

The owners explained their decision to me by the impossibility of working with Indians.

We are really tired of working with Indians! - said my friends. - They are lazy as hell! You have to constantly stand over them and control them, otherwise they don’t do anything. And at every opportunity they try to clean it up! I no longer have the nerves to do business with them. We will now come to India only as tourists!

And they left. Since then, I have not met them in Goa, even as tourists.

An Arambol resident, the owner of a spot near the beach, which was rented out as a restaurant, raised the rent for the next season from 2 to 10 thousand dollars per season. He didn’t find fools for this crazy money for Arambol and began to run the business himself.

A similar fate befell the Dane who opened the Checkey Monkey restaurant in Arambol. The Dane sincerely believed that he could create a restaurant of a decent level in a poor village, where hippies and Israelis traditionally come, saving every cent.

The Dane was shocked by the dirt in the kitchens of Arambol restaurants. The first thing he did was create a kitchen that was open to the eyes of visitors, so that everyone could see the cooking process in a clean manner. The Dane filled the restaurant with delicious, unusual dishes for Arambol. He spent a lot of effort, money and talent on creating a pretty and cozy atmosphere in a restaurant. It took him even more effort to teach the lazy Indian waiters to be efficient.

The Dane invested a lot of money in his project, hoping to seriously and for a long time establish himself in the Goan business. He was determined like a northern Viking: to go seriously and decisively to the victorious end... It all ended with the fact that at the end of the first season the Dane quarreled with all the Indians, sent them to their vigorous grandmother, abandoned everything and fled back to Denmark. He was never seen again in Goa.

By the way, special mention should be made regarding the thievery of Indian workers. My friend, a wonderful Russian man Vasily from St. Petersburg, wanted the same thing that many other Russians want: to create a small business in Goa that would cover his living expenses. In St. Petersburg, Vasya has a partner and a profitable business, so Vasya did not have to worry about food. Vasya is a tall and powerful athlete, an educated, intelligent, non-drinking, non-smoking and full of energy man in the prime of his life!

Vasya found a wonderful place right next to Mandrem beach, in the golden highlight of Goa. He rented a plot of land and invited Indians to build a typical Goan bamboo guest house on it. The foreman charged Vasya, who was new to Indian prices, triple the price. Vasya unknowingly paid. The Indians built houses for him from bamboo so that they began to fall apart on the second day, and dogs from the neighboring beach could enter into the resulting cracks. Vasya then had to rebuild the bungalow four more times, including himself.

With such expenses, the business, of course, could not break even. By the end of the season, Vasya could only count his losses. Vasya realized that if he had simply rented a bungalow near the beach overlooking the ocean, his expenses for the entire season would have been several times less than the losses that his business in Goa brought him.

At the end of the season, Vasya received a surprise knockout. His closest assistant, manager and friend - an Indian from Calcutta, with whom he worked side by side for the entire season, secretly climbed into his home at night and ran away with all of Vasya's cash (about 5 thousand dollars), all the equipment and equipment, including a projector for showing movies, laptop, expensive phone, iPhone and much more. The Indian from Calcutta was never found.

On next year the Goan from whom Vasya rented a plot in Mandrem raised the rental price so much that Vasya would have to work hard all season to pay this price. This is a common practice for land owners in Goa. Seeing that a foreigner has built them a bungalow or a hotel, they immediately raise the rental price several times so that any business loses its meaning.

After this, Vasya’s hopes for business in Goa were completely dashed. I still see the place he created every day along the Mandrem beach. But I never saw Vasya himself in Goa.

By the way, if you think that there are not enough restaurants, hotels or guest houses in Goa, then you are deeply mistaken: there are plenty of them here, even more than needed! There is intense competition between them. Any niche that appears is immediately filled. After all, for Russians Goa is a distant, happy planet. And for Indians, Goa is a field for making money from tourists. Businessmen from all over India flock here. First of all, competitive fight in Goa it is between Indians.

It is simply impossible to compete with Indians on prices, since Indians, in principle, are content with a much smaller profit margin than foreigners; for example, they can successfully live on $100 a month. In addition, local Goan owners do not have to pay rent for their plots, which also allows them to offer facilities and services cheaper than foreign tenants.

You can only fight for survival with quality or by offering a new, original product. But tourists in Goa do not want to pay for quality, because they come here specifically for cheap hotels and Goan food, which they can get in Indian restaurants. In addition, to create something expensive and of high quality, large investments are required. And foreign investments in India are not protected at all!

And what kind of business can we even talk about if you cannot be the owner in India?

Indian legislation is designed in such a way that a foreigner can never, under any circumstances, become the owner of housing or land. You can buy real estate only on the balance of a company that needs to be opened in Goa. In principle, this can be done. But you will have to forever keep the company you opened afloat by paying all taxes. If the company no longer exists, the property it owns will no longer exist; it will be expropriated by the Indian state.

In addition, Indian and Goan legislation is monstrously unstable. In the last ten years alone, Goa authorities have revised the procedure for purchasing and owning property three times. Many foreigners, including Russian citizens, lost their real estate without any compensation for lost investments.

The real reason was only the redistribution of property. Indians - former owners of land and houses - decided to earn extra money and present the new owners with an extra invoice. There are often cases when, after a transaction, several more owners appear near the land, each of whom has documents confirming the ownership of this plot and demands to pay him money. Sometimes different owners of the same plot successfully sell it different people who then go to court for years and unsuccessfully try to defend their rights.

At the same time, a foreigner is always a stranger to the locals, so he is absolutely defenseless against any lawlessness that the authorities or the police will throw at him.

These are the disappointing arguments and facts about doing business in Goa.

If you want to know my opinion, I think that property and business should be owned in those countries in which your money will be protected: in Europe, America or, for example, Moscow. And in Goa?.. Better come to Goa to relax and enjoy Paradise with the income from the capital that works for you in rich and civilized countries!

Of course, you can object: what about you, isn’t your business successful?! Yes, thank God, successful! But in order for it to become successful, I had to go through very serious trials.

It took trying everything possible options for business, living for two years in a constant lack of money, asking for financial help from all friends and relatives in distant Russia, suffering from severe illnesses in a new country, sometimes not having 20 cents in your pocket for a bun for tea, wandering around distant, foreign lands, almost for three years without the financial opportunity to return home and see friends and family, for two months to live with ten Indians in a cramped two-room apartment in a poor and squalid quarter of Delhi, to go through all the circles of hell of the Indian bureaucracy, to become close to India in the literal sense (my wife is Indian), rooted in the Goan land, finding a second homeland in it, gaining respect and becoming one of the local residents of Ashvem and Mandrem, learning the betrayal of the best Indian friend, then understanding him, forgiving him and accepting him again...