English high school education system. Secondary school education. Conditions for obtaining a visa

The UK education system is a product that has taken centuries to perfect. In the 21st century, it is considered the benchmark. It was this system that provided the backbone for the teaching lines of states. Both before and now, teenagers travel to England to gain a competitive education.

The higher education system in Great Britain is 4 periods:

  • Preparation;
  • General;
  • After-school;
  • Higher.

The stages of education in England are also postgraduate courses.

Compulsory education in the UK is eleven years. As the name suggests, this is the minimum inevitable to pass. It has a couple of stages:

  • Initial;
  • General.

Preparatory education

The process of studying in foggy Albion arises from the very youngest nails. Kids literally from two years old already begin to gnaw the granite of science. Primary education in the UK is performed through:

  • Nursery;
  • Kindergartens (Nursery School);
  • Primary schools;
  • Institutions full cycle(from two to 18 years old).

As we can see, even kindergartens are called not kindergartens, but schools. And the programs in them are special. The emphasis is not on the fact that the baby could be sent somewhere while the parents are at work, but on the fact that the baby can master elementary educational materials from an early age.

Secondary education

The school system in the UK is not only about schooling. There are also institutions of a different format in Britain. What are they needed for? Everything is aimed at ensuring that the parent can choose to study in harmony with personal conditions. If a university is planned, one school is elected, if the parents want special training schemes, another school is elected:

  • Boarding school. Status studies aimed at enrolling in universities. Specificity: a teenager lives there all year round. Separate boarding schools are in demand in the country. Russians can also enter the establishments;
  • Private schools. Specificity: personal approach, detailed study of the material, availability of all tools and equipment at the school. The doors of commercial schools are open to Russians too;
  • State schools. Only an Englishman can learn them without spending money.

Colleges in England for Russians, schools where teachers communicate in the Russian language have not been created. Education is available only in English.

There are types of schools with specifics:

  • Grammar. This is the path to mastering academic knowledge. Such schools are relevant if a teenager plans to try himself in the role of a university representative;
  • Modern. Emphasis on applied learning. Schools of this specificity become relevant when a person plans to start mastering work qualifications;
  • Standard. Training according to a standard in which the load is uniform. These are general establishments.

International colleges are a chance to get a high school diploma. They are admitted at the age of 14-18. Colleges have programs for university admission. Their passage is a guarantor of admission to a university without introductory tests.

Exams in the UK catch up with teenagers at the end of school. They contain the delivery of 6-8 items. If a person sees himself as a university student in the future, he will need to pass mathematics, foreign language, natural sciences, English.

Videos about British schools

Post-secondary education

Places to explore professional programs(Tertiary College) is an analogue of schools with an emphasis on preparing for university enrollment. What does vocational education in the UK provide? This offer is for teenagers who have decided not to get higher education, but at the same time want to be competitive in the job market. The issued diploma is a pass to work in the chosen field.

Post-secondary education will take 2 years. The main goal is to pass the A-Level exam.

Its specificity:

  • The student must wait for exams after each year, as in normal studies;
  • In the first year, a person chooses 4-5 disciplines;
  • In the second year, a person chooses 3-4 directions;
  • Subjects are not chosen spontaneously. It is expected that the teenager has already figured out who he wants to become. Lessons are selected in accordance with its purpose.

Post-secondary education is given for the implementation of the institutes:

  • Colleges;
  • Institutions, lessons in which are sharpened both for the programs of universities and for professional places of study;
  • At the institutes.

Most often, for Russians, the A-Level program is the first step on the path to education in foggy Albion. Russians can switch to the Foundation program. Its specificity:

  • Selection of 1-2 disciplines;
  • Studying the language of the state.

Through the efforts of representatives of training structures and employers, a different version of the Foundation program was created. Its specificity:

  • Completion period: 12 months;
  • This is an option for teenagers and adults who work. These programs are for a busy person.

Higher education

The primary education of higher education institutions is called undergraduate. In the UK, there is a two-tier training scheme. If in our country such a scheme appeared only in 2002, then in England it was perfected centuries ago.

Higher education in the UK is implemented through:

  • State universities;
  • Prof. colleges;
  • Private universities;
  • Commercial colleges;
  • State colleges.

There are degrees in Britain:

  • Art;
  • Economics;
  • By architecture;
  • Accounting;
  • Engineering.

You need to give money for it. But the British can also get budget places. Russians and other foreign citizens cannot apply for the budget. Only a teenager or an adult who has received post-secondary education can enroll in them. Data is requested for the device:

  • Points already acquired in exams or expected points;
  • A compact essay describing the goals, justifying why the teenager chose a particular area;
  • List of universities, desirable for admission;
  • Characteristics from the school.

Secondary education in the Russian Federation will not become a pass to universities in England. What should be done? It is necessary to unlearn two years at a Russian university, to pass the IELTS test, which will "tell" about the mastery of the language.

For studying in England, the legalization of a Russian diploma is relevant: its translation into English, a meeting with a notary. It is necessary to confirm the authenticity of the diploma.

A student who graduates from a university becomes a bachelor's degree.

The higher education system in England will take 3-4 years. Exact timing depend on the chosen future work.

Video about higher education in England

Postgraduate education

Postgraduate education in England is postgraduate and doctoral studies. There are four postgraduate study programs in England:

  • Schemes for passing to the magistracy. It will take from six months to a year;
  • Programs in specialties, through a number of which you can obtain a master's degree;
  • Academic and research programs, through which you can obtain a master's degree;
  • Doctorate. Will take 5-8 years.

There is one more difference from the domestic educational scheme - in Britain the Master's program is an autonomous institution. This is not a transformation of the bachelor's level, as is customary in Russian reality.

A master's degree will take a year of time. The educational process is short, but very intense. Requests to students are tough.

How to get a master's degree? A bachelor's degree is the admission ticket. If a person has received a master's status, he can choose to continue his postgraduate studies with a doctorate. Test and interview required. Foreigners need to provide an IELTS certificate confirming the required level of knowledge of the official language of Britain.

Grading system

The rating system in the UK is not uniform. That is, it, unlike our fatherland, is diverse. Based on these factors, an evaluation structure is selected:

  • Region;
  • Specificity of training.

There are two rating systems:

Holidays in the UK

Studying in England in the summer for children, as a rule, is aimed at comprehending the language. However, for teenagers, courses are also presented:

  • Art;
  • By design;
  • Acting and others.

They facilitate the development of new skills. Since the training is associated with intensive communication with the British, a bonus is pumping your English proficiency.

Getting an education for Russians

Education in England for Russians is ideally carried out when the child is very young. To implement this, a commercial school is selected. In this version, the teenager will have time to adapt to English standards, master the language, and get used to the environment. How much does it cost to study in England? Institutional policies are at the center of decisions. The estimated price for commercial schools in the country will be 4-5 thousand pounds per trimester.

This is only relevant for those students who are eager to go to Cambridge or other high-profile universities. If the ambitions of the teenager and his parents are not so great, you can prefer small private schools, the cost of education in which is equal, plus or minus, 2 thousand pounds.

Can study in England be free? Unfortunately, the access to education for a Russian citizen is practically closed. However, nevertheless, it is possible to acquire education without paying money for it according to the following schemes:

  • Registration of citizenship, which will make it possible to apply for budget places;
  • Participation in international programs;
  • Exchange trips, if the Russian university has established contacts with local universities;
  • Grants to study in England;
  • Scholarships from the Russian Federation or from universities in Britain.

By the way, some people are so obsessed with studying in foggy Albion that they try to follow their dreams with very extravagant methods. For example, registration of refugee status. But this is a laborious path, since not everyone is granted refugee status with all its privileges.

To solve the problem of paying for education, it is better to contact directly the representative of the educational institution in which the teenager dreams of enrolling. In a personal case, a reduction in the cost of training is possible.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the majority of the question of education is stopped by the significant cost and the fact that foreigners have to pay for education. However, ways of solving the financial problem are possible. To find them, it is recommended to contact the representatives of the institutions directly, since information about grants and programs is not widely advertised.

The British are convinced that all the best in our life owes its origin to England. The UK education system, like all English, is considered the benchmark for quality. At least the educational systems of other countries are constantly being compared with the British. It took shape many centuries ago, and during this time it has not undergone major changes. Distinctive features of British schools, for example, are "iron" discipline, classical teaching methods, a streamlined educational process, a versatile program to prepare students for life in the business world and society.

Particularly well represented in the UK elite education system.

High-ranking families from different countries of the world are trying to place their children in prestigious British schools or universities, since education in them guarantees not only the acquisition of deep knowledge, but the acquisition of secular manners, British style of behavior and broad connections in the world of business and politics.

British system flexible enough. Among the many different training courses, you can always find exactly the one that suits you, and, if desired, the selected subjects can be changed.

Regardless of age, nationality and religion, anyone who successfully passes the entrance tests can study at educational institutions in the UK (you must pass the international exam in English, documents from the school, sometimes take the test of the educational institution)

Secondary education

Modern education system in the UK consists of four stages: Elementary School, Secondary School, Professional or Post-secondary (Further Education) and Higher Education.

Preschool education takes place in kindergartens and preschool classes. Primary education is received by children from 5 to 11-12 years old. From the age of 5, children attend two-year schools for toddlers (pre-preparatory school), from 7 to 11 years old - primary schools (primary, elementary or preparatory school). From 11-12 years of age, the stage of secondary education begins for children.

The UK has public and private schools... All schools adhere to the same educational minimum. Compulsory free secondary education for schoolchildren under 16 years old was introduced by law.

School graduates take final exams and receive GCSE secondary education certificate(General Certificate of Secondary Education). This certificate is sufficient for starting an independent labor activity, but does not give the right to enter higher education. educational establishments.

State Schools- free, intended for teaching English children, as well as for foreigners from 8 to 18 years old, whose parents have the right to permanent residence In Great Britain.

International Colleges- secondary educational institutions that only accept foreign students from 14 to 18 years old. Accommodation is offered both in student dormitories (on the school grounds) and in host families.

V international colleges teaching is conducted in accordance with the British high school system. Subjects taught: Mathematics, Physics, Algebra and Geometry, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Human Anatomy, Sociology, Political Science, Fundamentals of Legislation, Statistics, History, Music, Fine Arts, Computers and Programming, English, English Literature, Fundamentals of Religion, One or several foreign languages ​​(French, German, Spanish, etc.).

In addition to the basic subjects, each school has additional subjects, such as Latin, accounting, business fundamentals, economics and some others.

International colleges along with school programs, they offer preparatory programs (Foundation) for applicants to universities. Upon successful completion, graduates are admitted to universities with which there is an agreement to recognize the status of these courses. For foreigners wishing to pursue higher education in the UK, this is a very convenient opportunity.

The main condition for admission to a British university is the presence international certificate for English language.

A year of study in preparatory courses - good practice and preparation for independent study in English at the university, and, in addition, the opportunity to prepare and pass the required language exam.

Private schools (Independent Schools)- a more prestigious form of education, mainly for English children (85%). The percentage of foreign students should be no more than 15%. Children from 8 to 18 years old study in such schools.

Good private schools are independent, well-equipped educational institutions that own about several hundred hectares of land, on the territory of which educational buildings, sports facilities, a swimming pool, and residences are located. Accommodation is mainly in residence, but some schools offer local homestay accommodation.

Public and private boarding schools generally have a good reputation, long history and tradition.

Professional education

In addition to schools in Britain, there are Tertiary colleges offering professional (Vocational) education and are an alternative to A Level programs.

Professional education obtained from Tertiary College suggests a professional career after graduation, while A Level programs prepare for university admission.

Educational programs are constantly changing. The qualifications awarded at the end of these programs are also changing. Below are the most common professional qualifications.

NVQ (National Vocational Qualification).

This qualification is for practical work... It confirms the ability of a graduate to perform a certain job in a particular area of ​​business or production. NVQ standards are based on the actual requirements of employers and reflect their practical needs.

Currently, NVQ qualifications are available in most industrial and commercial areas. There are 5 levels of NVQ ranging from Foundation Skills (NVQ 1) to Professional (NVQ 5). In order to obtain a qualification, it is necessary to demonstrate in practice the ability to perform work in accordance with established standards.

The training takes place directly at the workplace. The training program consists of separate modules that can be learned independently. There is no set training period during which the program must be completed.

GNVQ (General National Vocational Qualification).

Unlike A Levels, it is suitable for those who are inclined to practical activities. GNVQ, like NVQ, is a multi-level qualification that provides a foundation of knowledge in a chosen field that a student can use to continue their studies at colleges of further education, university admission (GNVQ Advanced) or employment. The Advanced level requires nearly two years of study to complete.

ND (National Diploma).

This qualification is similar to the GNVQ Advanced qualification. Colleges of Further Education (Colleges of Further Education) allow you to take a further education program, culminating in exams and the issuance of a Higher National Diploma (HND).

HND can be obtained after two years of study in almost any academic or professional specialization.

In the field of vocational education, the most highly valued and recognized are the diplomas issued by one of the three main examination committees: the CGLI diploma (City & Guilds of London Institute), the RSA diploma (Royal Society of Arts), the BTEC diploma (Business and Technical Education Council). Many colleges are authorized to issue diplomas on behalf of one of these examination committees.

Other institutions issue either their own diplomas and certificates, or diplomas from other examination committees. Highest value HND has a diploma for those who are going to immediately engage in professional activities by receiving a bachelor's degree.

From the point of view of a professional career, this diploma allows you to move up the career ladder within the middle technical or junior management staff of a firm, enterprise, institution.

HND Diploma allows you to enter the university for one of the programs leading to a bachelor's degree, and get a degree in just two years.

Admission to HND programs requires a GCE / A Level, GNVQ Advanced, or National Diploma.

The definition of Further Education in the UK refers to vocational education not leading to a degree or its equivalent. The definition of "Higher Education" in the UK refers to programs whose purpose is to award a Degree: Bachelor Degree, Master Degree or Doctoral or PhD Degree.

Higher education

In England and Wales, it takes three years of study to complete a bachelor's degree; in Scotland, four. In the case when obtaining a certain degree requires not only study, but also Internship(Sandwich courses), the total period will be lengthened accordingly.

At some universities and colleges, students who intend to pursue a degree in some specific field, such as art and design, are required to first complete a basic course and then study in the chosen field for three years.

Training course ending with a bachelor's degree in fields such as medicine, dentistry and architecture, usually lasts up to seven years.

Bachelor Degree... There are several options for bachelor's degrees awarded in the UK. Their name depends on the specialization. The four main degrees are BA (Bachelor of Arts), BSC (Bachelor of Science), BENG (Bachelor of Engineering), LLB (Bachelor of Law). There is also a Bachelor of Medicine and Dentistry.

A bachelor's degree is awarded after three or four years of specialized programs in a full-time university or college. The British Bachelor's degree is recognized all over the world, which gives high chances for a successful professional career in any country. Bachelor Degree is the first stage of higher education. The second stage is Master Degree.

Postgraduate Courses... This level of education begins after completing a bachelor's degree and leads to master's and doctoral degrees.

Master Degree... There are two types of programs: research-oriented programs and improvement-oriented programs. professional level in one of the specializations.

As a rule, master's programs consist of a course of lectures and seminars, exams are taken, then students make a diploma project. Based on the results of exams and the defense of the thesis, a master's degree is awarded.

A research master's degree (Research) is called M.Phil's master of philosophy (Master of Philosophy). This degree is obtained after 1-2 years of independent scientific work under the supervision of a supervisor. Based on the results of this work, a master's degree is awarded.

Doctor's degree (Ph.D. - Doctoral or PhD Degree)... In the UK, most doctoral programs are purely research projects... No lectures or training seminars are usually given.

The scientific advisor, in the laboratory or department of which the student is preparing for the doctoral degree, determines the topic of scientific research for the student and provides the necessary research opportunities (workplace, equipment and materials).

It takes 2-3 years to complete a research program. By the end of this period, the student must publish the results obtained in official reports, in scientific or specialized journals and write a dissertation based on published materials. A doctorate degree is awarded after successfully defending a thesis.

TEN- a group (association) of independent British schools with a very high reputation working in the market educational services over 30 years.

The Association was founded in 2010 to carry out joint marketing activities and exchange experience, which improves the quality of work of school staff with foreign students.

TEN member schools are located in ten different UK cities: London, Cambridge, Eastbourne, Brighton, Bournemouth, Torquay, Bristol, Oxford and Chester.

BEET Language Center- a small "chamber" school, founded in 1979, located in the city of Bournemouth. Highly qualified teaching staff ensures the quality of teaching. On the basis of the school, a center for the training of teachers of English as a foreign language was created. www.beet.co.uk

Cambridge Academy of English- the school was founded in 1975, located on the outskirts of the city of Cambridge, offers high-quality English programs for foreign students, specialized programs such as English + business, English + law, academic English (preparation for the university).

In the summer, on the basis of private boarding schools Moreton Hall and Princes Helena College offers interesting and high-quality programs for students from 9 to 17 years old. www.cabridgeacademy.co.uk

Eastbourne School of English Is one of the oldest language schools in Great Britain, founded in 1936. Located in the heart of the resort town of Eastbourne, where there are many restaurants, cafes, three theaters, a cinema and a lot of greenery. All year round accepts foreign students over 18 years of age. The school is a center for the training of teachers of English as a foreign language. www.esoe.co.uk

Excel English- the school offers quality programs for students accredited by the British Council, and a combination of professional teachers and excellent technical equipment enables students to master the material in the shortest possible time.

Here you can see the modernized classrooms, a combination of green and yellow color positively affects the psychological state of students and the assimilation of the material. The school is located in one of London's expensive dormitory areas, where there are gardens in which to relax after school. www.excelenlish.co.uk

English in Chester School founded in 1976 as a medium-sized private school, of which there are many in the UK. As a rule, this is a family business that guarantees you quality in everything, from study and accommodation to interesting leisure. The reason for this is the desire of the owners that you like it and you would like to return.

It has a wonderful habitat, good ethnic composition. At the same time, students from Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, France, North Korea, Czech Republic and Russia study here. www.english-in-chester.co.uk

Oxford English Center- the school was founded in 1979, located in an old building in the heart of Oxford, not far from university colleges, well equipped (interactive whiteboards in classrooms), is an authorized TOEIC, BULATS (business) admission center. Here students can study General English and English for professional purposes. www.oxfordenglish.co.uk

The English Language Center, Brighton- the school was founded in 1962 as an independent educational institution. 2012 marks the 50th anniversary of its foundation. Located in an old building of the Victorian era in the resort white-stone Brighton, on the coast.

Offers quality programs for adult students throughout the year, is an Authorized TOEIC BULATS Admission Center. www.elc-brighton.co.uk

The English Language Center, Bristol is a small family school located in two historic buildings near Clifton University in Bristol. Beautiful bright classrooms, a well-equipped computer laboratory enable students to master the material well.

The school offers a wide variety of English language programs for international students. Provides an individual approach to each student. www.elcbristol.co.uk

Torquay International School, Torquay- the school has existed for 40 years, located in the wonderful seaside town of the same name on the British Riviera in Devon. Accepts students from the age of 16. Special attention devotes to teaching English for professional purposes, including business English, English for financial professionals.

Organizes an interesting program of active activities in the afternoon. Provides an individual approach to each student. www.tisenglish.co.uk

Wimbledon School of English- a small building in one of London's districts - Wimbledon, surrounded by a wonderful garden, 5 minutes walk from Wimbledon station.

The technical equipment (interactive whiteboards in almost every classroom), combined with highly qualified teachers, ensures a high level of success when moving from level to level.

Offers English for professionals, preparation for international English exams, courses for teachers.

7k (189 per week)

It is impossible to imagine a UK developed in all spheres without a clear, verified educational process. Despite some conservatism in the educational sphere, one cannot but admit that it is one of the best in the modern world.
Speaking about education in the United Kingdom, it should be understood that in fact there are 2 different systems there - one in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and the other in Scotland. Both of these systems are thoroughly worked out and fully meet the needs of society.

Features of the educational system

For over 70 years, the UK education system has been governed by the Education Act, signed in 1944. This important document is more related to school education, but it also notes many aspects of the entire educational system as a whole.

Education in the UK is divided into 5 stages:

  • preschool - for children 3-4 years old;
  • primary - for students 5-11 years old;
  • secondary - for students 11-16 years old;
  • after-school - for students aged 16-18;
  • higher - for students over 18 years old.

Education for children from 5 to 16 years old is compulsory. Whether it is worth studying for a child under 5 years old is up to his parents, and whether it is necessary to get an education after 16 years is up to the citizen himself. The system is designed in such a way that students can complete some educational stages in one educational institution, while others require training in specialized institutions.

Preschool education

Preschool education in the UK is an integral part educational school full cycle, and often kindergartens are part of primary schools. Children aged 3-4 years can attend kindergartens or nurseries at the request of their parents. There, kids are taught to write, read and count, they are fully developed with the help of games. There are public and private preschool institutions.
UK preschool is limited to 2-7 years of age, but, in fact, most children are in a nursery from 2 to 4 years old, then they are sent to primary school.
For services kindergarten with a full day, you have to pay or send the child to a free nursery, but they are designed for only 2-3 hours a day. Average British cost preschool education significantly higher than in other European countries, so the country provides parents with special loan programs.

Primary School

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, primary schooling can start at different ages:

  • from 4 to 11 years old (Primary School) with a 7-year period of study;
  • from 7 to 13 years old (Junior School) with a 6-year period of study.

In Scotland, the primary school admission policy is slightly different in that the formation of school groups depends on which month of which year the child was born:

  • children born from March to August go to school from 5-5.5 years old;
  • children born from September to February go to school at 4 years old - 4 years and 11 months.

Experts believe that the Scottish system of forming school groups is more flexible.
Primary school studies geography, history, mathematics, English, music, art and industrial technology. All these subjects in elementary school are chosen by parents for their children.
Pupils in UK schools take 6 semesters or terms, starting in September and ending in July. The academic year lasts 38 weeks, and there are also 2-3 weeks of holidays for Christmas and Easter, as well as 6 weeks in summer. In the middle of each trimester, children are given another 1 week break. In most cases, education in schools is 5 days.
Schools have their own examination systems. At Primary School, this is SATS, which is held 2 times: one 2 years after the start of training and one more at the end of the educational stage. At the Junior School, the "11+" exam is held - it is the final exam for training. Both of these exams are required for the transition from primary to secondary school.

high school

General features

At the age of 11-13, children go to secondary school and study there until the age of 17. This period of study is also compulsory for all UK citizens. Upon graduation, students receive a GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) - a certificate of secondary education. There are also schools in the country that issue GNVQ (General National Vocational Qualification), a certificate of professional qualifications.
Children of immigrants are also enrolled in secondary schools from 11-13 years old, but most often they are placed in boarding schools.
After 2 years of high school, all students take the 13+ or Common Entrance Examinations in subjects such as:

  • English (British and International);
  • mathematics (mental arithmetic, with and without calculator);
  • geography, history;
  • Latin and Greek writing;
  • chemistry, physics or biology;
  • Irish and Welsh (for Northern Ireland and Wales, respectively);
  • foreign languages ​​to choose from.

Based on the results of the exam, students receive a pass to further education in secondary school. In the period 14-17 years old, students prepare for the General Certificate of Secondary Education exams - this is the final check for obtaining a certificate of secondary education. The list of examination subjects is repeated by analogy with "13+" with the addition of several more disciplines.
School education in the UK is characterized by strict discipline, for example, for absenteeism or poor academic performance, a student can be expelled from school.
If parents wish to teach their child at home, then they need to obtain official permission from the Board of Education.

Private schools

Private schools in the UK are called public schools - these are educational organizations full or partial boarding, which is less common. They are closed educational institutions, where students are at full content, that is, they study and live there. These schools have become traditional in the United Kingdom and are a prominent feature of British private education.
Private schools undoubtedly have advantages over state ones - they have more subjects studied, a strong material base, and the teaching staff is highly qualified. All this has led to the fact that graduates of private British schools are more likely to enter a higher educational institution.

Secondary special education

In addition to schools, in the United Kingdom there are institutions called Tertiary Colleges, where students can receive vocational education, that is, a specific profession (the English analogue of our vocational schools). Training in such institutions is an alternative to the A-Levels programs, which will be discussed later, but unlike them, Tertiary Colleges imply subsequent professional activities, that is, a less flexible approach to further possible training.
For institutions of this type, it is characteristic of a private change in educational programs.

Post-secondary education

After graduating from high school, every Briton has two choices: either go to work or continue their studies at a college or university. If a person chooses the second, then he must receive additional preparatory education, that is, take two-year A-Levels courses. They represent the study of core 4-5 disciplines in the first year and another 3-4 disciplines in the second year. The student himself chooses which disciplines to study, since they determine his future specialization.
Every year, students must take exams, but they are not clearly regulated, the student himself can choose those subjects that he wants from total the proposed disciplines.
If a foreigner comes to the UK for higher education, then his path begins precisely with the A-Levels courses. For foreigners, a more simplified, but more intensive option (only for 1 year) is possible under the Foundation program. Its peculiarity is that the student pays his attention only to 1-2 specialized subjects and in-depth study of the language in order to understand academic English university vocabulary in the future.

Higher education

General information

The last stage of students is higher education, which students become at the age of 18. It starts at the bachelor's level, which lasts 3-4 years (in the field of medicine - 6 years). If the bachelor's degree takes 4 years of the student's time, then in the 4th year they offer knowledge for the first level of the master's degree.
Anyone who has received a bachelor's degree can continue their studies at the following educational levels:

  • Master's degree (1-2 years of study).
  • Postgraduate studies (3 years of study).

Colleges in the United Kingdom are of three types:

  • Classic (they are accredited and can issue a bachelor's degree).
  • Technical (they have a narrowly focused training program and provide practical basic training in a specific working specialty).
  • Further education (give special professional education, for example, in the field of mechanical engineering, design).

There are two types of UK universities:

  • Unitary (they include faculties and departments).
  • Collegiate (several dozen colleges are united in them), for example, Cambridge and Oxford universities.

Higher education for all residents of the UK, including foreigners, is paid. However, citizens of the country have some privileges in payment while foreign students must pay the full tuition fees. There is support for students in the country in the form of scholarships and grants that especially gifted students can receive.
The starting time for classes in higher education is the month of October. The academic year is divided into terms, which in turn last 8-10 weeks. The main forms of work in colleges are lectures, seminars and laboratory works... In addition, there are also tutorials for groups of students of 2-10 people, for whom the teacher (tutor) conducts his own classes. Students' vacations last from June 1 to September 30.

Features of higher education in the UK

More than 600 colleges in the United Kingdom (both public and private) offer young people professional skills in a variety of fields. Prospective students can choose between studying at an institute, university or polytechnic college (here it is assumed that they will receive a scientific or doctoral degree). Students receive a doctoral degree for invaluable and outstanding contributions to science or for special inventions, research for practical application.
University students are offered a large number of electives to choose from, they have access to scientific laboratories and modern libraries. And the educational program is so flexible that it allows, as a result of successfully completed training, to get 2 academic degrees in different directions at once.
In the United Kingdom, extramural studies in tertiary education are also encouraged. In this case, the student learns independently, focusing on specially designed educational packages. At the same time, he has the opportunity to communicate with teachers and consult them by e-mail or online.
Education in the UK can be called elite, so many high-ranking parents from around the world are trying to help their children enter British universities. Despite the high cost of training, students gain in-depth knowledge, master secular manners, and most importantly, acquire valuable contacts in business and politics. Diplomas from universities in Great Britain are the most prestigious in the world, every year up to 3.5 million students study here, of which more than 400 thousand are foreigners.
The success of the developed educational system in Great Britain is also evidenced by the fact that its principles were adopted in Canada and Australia.


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Education abroad has always been considered a prestigious business, especially for the younger generation, so today I will share with you my observations on how education is conducted in British schools.

First of all, it should be said that our schools are very different from the British ones. If it is customary for us to send children to study at about six to seven years old, then children are sent to study at about five years old.

In general, all training there is divided into three stages. The first is primary school, just like ours. There, children study up to twelve - thirteen years old, and study the obligatory number of subjects, there are about 12. After that, the child goes to secondary school, where he studies until the age of sixteen. There schoolchildren eventually pass the exam and receive a semblance of our certificate, with which it is quite possible to go to college. Finally, the third stage is graduate School where they study until they come of age. There, the emphasis is only on the subjects necessary for admission to the university, and upon graduation, graduates take a special exam. An important plus - the result of this exam is already the basis for admission to the university, that is, you will not have to take exams even upon admission.

With discipline in English schools everything is strict, therefore it will be useful to send unlucky and restless children here to study. It is customary to wear a school uniform there. Schoolchildren live in buildings near the school - boarding houses. Moreover, boys separately, girls separately. Several people are accommodated in one room, privileges are given only to students from 16 years old - they are lodged one or two people per room.

The learning process has its own characteristics. For example, if our grade is given only for the final answer, then in England the student receives grades even for an attempt to answer, if it was in the right direction. This greatly stimulates children to learn.

Teachers focus on ensuring that the child is comprehensively developed and can speak up on any issue. Therefore, students are constantly asked to say what they think about this or that matter, and this is also evaluated.

In the UK, it is also considered polite to thank the teacher if he has made a comment or instruction to you. At first, Russian children and their parents who live in England cannot accept this fact for a long time, because Russians do not really like criticism.

To prepare your child for admission to English school, first of all, he must know at least the basic basics of the English language. It would be helpful to send him to an English summer school program. Also, together with the child, you need to learn some important points about culture and so that the child feels comfortable and confident in the new country. For admission, a child must pass a special test, which is sent to his school directly from England, and based on the results of this test, capable students are selected who are already being interviewed by representatives of English schools.

In principle, it is not that difficult. But the result will make itself felt: the child will confidently know English, acquire the skill of communicating with foreigners and get a lot of impressions about the culture and customs of another country!

Education system in England

British Standard of Complete Secondary Education presupposes the beginning school education from 5 years old. Education system in England consists of three steps. Grades 1-5 make up junior or primary school, after which students enter secondary school or college. In England, secondary education is compulsory until the age of 16. Both public and private schools from grades 5 to 10 (from 11 to 16 years old) prepare students for passing exams to obtain certificates:

- GCSE(General Certificate of Secondary Education) - a general certificate of secondary education, which gives the right to continue education in high school
- GNVQ(General National Vocational Qualification) - national certificate of professional qualifications

The main task of the school in the UK is to form a creative, self-confident and independent thinking person. From grades 1 to 8, students study according to the general curriculum, then they choose 5-10 subjects. Grades 9 and 10 are devoted to preparing for exams for a certificate of general secondary education - General Certificate of Secondary Education. Exams are tests in 7-9 disciplines. Those who pass the exams successfully can continue their studies in high school and prepare for university entrance. Those who fail to do it receive professional education. However, vocational schools do not close the opportunities for further study at universities.

Those who aspire to enter the university study at school for another 2 years (from 16 to 18 years old) - they are preparing for the A-level exam (in Scotland this program is called Scottish Highers). There are no compulsory subjects: disciplines are selected from a list of 55 subjects. The choice of these subjects determines the future specialization at the university. The exam is taken in two stages: during the first year, the children study 4-5 subjects and pass the AS level exams, during the second year - 3-4 disciplines at A levels. A levels are exams in the last grade in the disciplines in which specialization is planned at the university. For admission to the university, the overall result in all selected subjects is taken into account, as well as in each separately. Each institution sets its own requirements.

AS Level A Level Rating scale of 60 points Evaluation scale of the Unified State Exam (RF) of 100 points
A * 56 93
A 48 80
B 40 67
C 32 53
D 24 40
A 20 33
B E 16 27
C 12 20
D 10 17
E 6 10

For admission to top universities, you need to score the maximum possible number of points, that is, get an A * or A grade in three subjects. Attention! The correct choice of subjects is very important: it must correspond to the profile of future studies at the university.Each university for each specialty of study establishes its own list of compulsory subjects for delivery to the A level. If you have passed even the maximum A * level inappropriate subject, your dossier admissions committee will not be considered!

List of items:


AS level


African languages

Afrikaans - First Language

African languages: first language

Afrikaans - Language

African languages

Applied Information and Communication Technology

Applied information and communication technologies


Arabic - Language


Art and design


Business (since 2016)

Business Studies (until 2015)

Chinese - Language



Classical Studies


Computer science

Computer science

Design and Technology

Design and technology

Design and Textiles

Design and textiles




English - Language and Literature

English language and literature

English - Language (from 2014)


English - Language (until 2013)


English - Literature

English literature

Environmental Management

Environmental management

Food, food production

French - Language


French - Literature

French literature


General paper

Critical thinking and argumentation, oratory


German - Language



Global Perspectives and Research

Global perspectives and research methods

Hindi - Language

Hindi - Literature

Hindi literature

Information Technology

Information Technology



Japanese Language

Japanese language

Science of the sea


Mathematics - Further

Advanced mathematics

Studying the media

Exploring Nepal

Physical Education

Physical education

Physical Science

Natural Sciences

Portuguese - Language


Portuguese - Literature

Portuguese literature


Psychology as social science

Psychology as a branch of biology


Spanish - First Language


Spanish - Language


Spanish - Literature

Spanish literature



Tamil - Language


Thinking skills

Travel and Tourism

Travel and tourism

Urdu language

Urdu - Pakistan only

Urdu language

Urdu language

The A-Level certificate entitles you to admission to all British universities, and is the only way to enter programs in Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary medicine. The program is recognized all over the world.

Teaching takes at least 36 hours per week, of which 18 hours are in the classroom, and the rest is self-study and instructor-led assignments. Exams for the A-Level certificate (complete secondary education) are taken in May-June, and the results are published in mid-August. The results of these exams are the passing score for university admission.

Methods of admission to schools with a British program

Foreigners can enter a school with a British standard of complete secondary education from the age of 7. Under the age of 13, it is usually required to prove a sufficient level of proficiency for training English language... Older children undergo a special general training cycle in various subjects, which ends with the Common Entrance Examination. Successful passing of such an exam - required condition admission to high school.


The cost of studying in schools in England

Price study in schools England averages from 6'000 to 9'000 pounds sterling per term. It is 18`000 - 27`000 pounds sterling per year or 23`500 - 35`500 USD per year. It should be understood that this is the base cost. Children spend their holidays and weekends in the family of the guardian, for which you have to pay extra. You will also have to pay for all additional classes that go beyond the obligatory ones. Sports activities, as a rule, are also paid separately. As a result, the annual cost of education and living of the child will be at least 40'000 - 50'000 USD per year.

Tuition fees at universities in England

Higher education in England is not the last source of budget revenue. At the same time, the UK budget is replenished mainly by foreigners. The cost of studying at universities in England for the British themselves, as well as for EU residents, is 3'000 - 4'000 pounds (4'000 - 5'200 USD) per year. At the same time, students - British citizens study in debt, which they begin to repay after receiving a diploma and subject to employment with a minimum wages in the amount of 21`000 pounds per year. If such a job is not found, then there is no need to repay the debt. This is for local citizens.

As for students from the post-Soviet space, they will have to pay for study in England out of your own pocket. And this is not a cheap pleasure. Price study in England on bachelor's programs for them is:

  • on theoretical courses;
  • in courses with laboratory practice;
  • in courses with clinical practice.

The cost study in England does not include accommodation, meals, transport and other expenses. The minimum spending will be 7'000 pounds per year (9'100 USD).