Soundproofing walls in an apartment: installation methods and options. High-quality sound insulation of walls in apartments and private houses. Modern materials guarantee efficiency Sound insulation options in the apartment

This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Construction or renovation of real estate is not complete without soundproofing devices. Many residents of large cities dream of creating silence in their apartment or house. Today this can be done quickly, efficiently and inexpensively. On construction market many appeared quality materials for sound insulation for walls. They differ not only in origin or price. The buyer is offered panels and slabs, single-layer structures or triplexes, rigid and elastic materials. To choose the most suitable sound insulator for walls, experts recommend considering several points.

Criteria for selecting materials for sound insulation for walls, floors and ceilings

    Many Russians prioritize the safety of finishing materials for human health. Some panels contain allergenic substances. The most environmentally friendly products are those based on cork, basalt or quartz sand.

    The desire to save money can also play a cruel joke on the buyer. Cheap materials for soundproofing walls can be very thick, which will negatively affect the usable area of ​​a cramped room. You should also calculate how much waste may be generated after installing the insulation.

    There are many sound insulators on the market made in Russia. Many of them are produced under license from world-famous brands. They are of good quality and reasonable price.

    The general repair estimate consists not only of the cost of the material. The simpler the installation of sound insulation, the cheaper the work of the finishers will be. It is worth paying attention to the presence of hardware products in the kit. When we're talking about about large volumes of insulation, this trifle can negatively affect the budget.

Our review includes the best materials for soundproofing walls, ceilings and floors. When selecting applicants for the rating, the following criteria were taken into account:


    environmental friendliness;

    degree of sound insulation;

    expert opinion;

    An excellent combination of low thickness and noise insulation capabilities is observed in ZIPS-III-ULTRA panels. The sheet thickness is only 42 mm with overall dimensions of 1200x600 mm. Experts gave the rating laurels to this material for its precision manufacturing and complete set of fasteners. The symbiosis of gypsum and glass fiber allows a thin-walled panel to effectively absorb sound. Vibration isolators (8 pcs.) are used as a support system. Professional finishers use sandwich panels together with drywall.

    Craftsmen note the ease of working with ZIPS-III-ULTRA sound insulation. Installation requires the usual set of tools: hammer drill, hacksaw, cordless screwdriver. The easiest way to find answers to emerging questions is in the instructions for use.


      small thickness;

      effective noise absorption;

      affordable price;

      ease of installation.


    • not detected.

    According to the most attractive price Shumanet-BM sound insulation is sold on the domestic market. The material is mineral slabs, which are lightweight. As a result, minimal load will be placed on the wall. It is recommended to place the material between the cladding layer and the base or lay it in wall voids. Experts note the high quality of budget sound insulation, which allowed it to take second place in our rating.

    Installation is carried out according to classical frame technology. It is best to fasten mineral slabs with plastic mushrooms. The material is hygroscopic, so when installing sound insulation in damp rooms, it is necessary to pack the slabs in spunbond.



    • the slabs crumble and chip.

    The minimum thickness of sound insulation is distinguished by the material for sound insulation of walls - SoundGuard EcoZvukoIzol. It expands the wall or ceiling by only 13 mm. Chip domestic manufacturer became a quartz filler. It not only delays sound waves of different frequencies, but is also not afraid of moisture. Therefore, you can create soundproofing structures both inside and outside the house. The multilayer design includes, along with the filler, vibration-damping layers. The combination of all these qualities allowed the panel to take third place in the rating.

    Finishers write in reviews about the simple installation of sound insulation. The material is easy to cut various instruments. And it is possible to attach the panels not only to an independent frame, but also directly to the base of the wall.


    • one-way noise delay.
    • moisture resistance;

      ease of installation;

      minimum thickness.


      high price;

      heavy weight.

    Knauf AcoustiKnauf Plate claims to be the most environmentally friendly sound insulation. The manufacturer did not use phenol-formaldehyde resins during production. Therefore, the Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences recommends the material for use in children's educational institutions or in medical institutions. The slabs will be an excellent solution for soundproofing apartments and private houses. The scope of application is quite wide, starting from interior partitions and ending with the ceiling bases. Experts gave this material fourth place in the rating.

    Craftsmen note the ease of installation of the slabs; they are light in weight and do not slide down. But insulation only works in the room where it is attached. But in the neighboring rooms you can clearly hear what is happening in the room, despite the correct soundproofing of the walls.


      environmental friendliness;

      wide scope of application;

      ease of installation.


    • one-way noise delay.

    SONOPLAT COMBI insulation has the widest range of applications. Builders use the material when constructing walls and screeding. Finishers use panels when decorating interior partitions. Plumbers make special boxes and screens from the material. And music lovers create spectacular acoustic niches. If we add to all this an affordable price, then sound insulation could claim a higher place in the ranking. But users in reviews indicate an insufficient level of noise retention.

    The panels are mounted directly on a flat base. The insulation is equipped with a lightweight backing and the ends are joined using a folded edge. The manufacturer carefully thought out the design so that a single surface could be formed.


      wide scope of application;

      affordable price;

      thoughtful design.


    • low noise reduction efficiency.

    The three-layer structure of the SOUNDLINE-DB panel distinguishes the material from its competitors. Music lovers especially liked the sound insulation. Acoustic triplex allows you to make a room soundproof. The innovation of the design lies in the elastic layer, which is located between the sheets of drywall. Moreover, the external panels are heavy and 8 mm thick. The three layers are connected to each other using a special sealant. This unusual approach did not go unnoticed by experts; the material deservedly made it into our rating.

    During testing, the acoustic triplex withstood the fire tests quite well. Effective sound insulation lasts for 25 years. The craftsmen focus on selecting hardware for a thickness of 17.5 mm; they will also have to involve assistants in the work due to the large weight of the panel.


      affordable price;

      high level of noise reduction;

      resistance to high temperature.


      complex installation;

      insufficient vibration protection.

    Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.
    When soundproofing of an apartment is required, wall materials can be used different types. Modern sound insulation has an increased cost, but reliably protects against all sounds coming from neighbors and from the street. If you have financial problems, you can use cheap materials at hand.

    Soundproofing walls and ceilings in an apartment performs two main functions. Firstly, it must reliably protect against any noise. Secondly, a person does not want strangers to hear him, which means that measures must be taken to ensure the absorption of sounds from the apartment.

    Sound insulation is very important for apartment buildings. It will provide comfort and peace, even if the neighbors are planning a party

    Sound insulation is especially relevant and important if the apartment has Small child. She will provide him with quality sleep

    There are several types of noise that cause discomfort:

    1. Sound waves traveling through the air. This is the main background noise generated by people, machines, equipment, etc.
    2. Impact sounds. They spread along the walls of the structure. For example, a hammer drill may be used on another floor, and the noise from its operation can be heard throughout the house.
    3. Structure noise. They usually have a vibration mechanism and occur at the junction of structural elements. Come from construction tools and shock loads spread along the walls of the structure.

    Noise levels by decibel

    Reliable sound insulation should protect against any noise. In this case, its possible volume should be taken into account. When talking, people make sounds with a volume of 30–45 dB, and when screaming – up to 60–65 dB. Cars and businesses can rumble at levels of up to 100-145 dB. Noises above 120 dB in long-term operation are hazardous to health. This raises an important requirement for sound insulation - the ability to block sounds of any nature with a specified volume.

    Normal sound level in an apartment by decibels

    Materials for soundproofing apartment walls must meet the following requirements:

    1. Manufacturability. The insulation should be easy to install on the walls and ceiling with your own hands. At the same time, ease of cutting and fastening is appreciated.
    2. Small thickness. This parameter can “eat up” usable area apartments when using materials with large dimensions.
    3. Short specific gravity. Sound insulation should not significantly burden the wall structure.
    4. Ecological cleanliness, absence of harmful emissions when exposed to any operational factors, incl. elevated temperature.
    5. Fire safety. Flammable materials should not be used.

    The following types of materials are used as sound insulation:

    • long-length, rolled products and films;
    • polymer or mineral natural slabs;
    • combined panels and membranes.

    Based on the structure, monolithic and layered products, solid or porous, dense or fibrous materials are distinguished.

    Propagation of sound in an apartment from a TV

    Sound insulation is usually installed on the ceiling and walls

    Soundproofing materials

    Note! The main parameter of a soundproofing material is the sound absorption coefficient (Kz), which lies in the range of 0-1, moreover. The higher the indicator, the better the sound absorption. Table 1 shows its values ​​for some materials for different noise frequencies.

    Table 1. Sound absorption coefficient of some materials

    Soundproofing materials are divided according to the density (rigidity) of the structure:

    1. Soft. They have a fibrous structure. The main representatives are mineral (including basalt) wool, glass wool, and felt. They have a fairly high Kz (0.68-0.94) and low density (up to 82 kg/m3), but have high water absorption, which sharply worsens the characteristics when in contact with water.
    2. Semi-rigid products - slabs with a pressed fibrous structure or cellular type. These include some types of mineral wool and foamed plastic. They have a Kz in the range of 0.52-0.82 and a density of up to 140 kg/m3 with increased moisture resistance.
    3. Solid slabs and panels. They can be made from cotton wool granules or filled with vermiculite and pumice. Their Kz is about 0.48-0.55, and their density is more than 410 kg/m3 with high water resistance.

    The choice of materials is carried out taking into account the thickness of the insulation, which is especially important when arranging small rooms. For soft materials, real protective properties appear at a thickness of at least 4 cm. Thin noise insulation can be provided by modern products.

    Professional soft materials for sound insulation

    Economy class noise insulation

    The issue of the cost of finishing work often plays a decisive role. Quite cheap soundproofing of walls in an apartment can be installed with your own hands as follows:

    1. Drywall. Drywall sheets are considered one of the most common options for providing sound insulation. They have high protective properties, and additional air gap provides sufficient sound insulation. In addition, when installing drywall on a frame, you can form a combined protection by placing it in cells, for example, mineral wool.
    2. Plaster. It has a low Kz. With a thickness of 10 mm, its coefficient does not exceed 0.1. (see table 1). The desired result can be achieved by starting with a plaster thickness of 6 cm or by introducing special fillers.
    3. Mineral wool. It can be of different densities and sold in rolls or in the form of pressed plates different thicknesses. Its sound absorption coefficient exceeds 0.7, but its fibrous structure requires protection from moisture.
    4. Polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam. This is an excellent soundproofing of a wall in an apartment from neighbors and street noise, while at the same time being able to serve as insulation. The Kz value exceeds 0.8. Most often, slabs with a thickness of 2-5 cm are used, but extruded polystyrene foam in a roll can also be used.

    Scheme of how wall soundproofing works

    Cork is also one of the most popular soundproofing materials. Excellent parameters allow you to reduce the thickness of the insulation. The use of products made from natural cork is limited only by the high price of the material.

    Modern sound insulation

    The domestic and foreign construction industry offers a variety of modern materials for the manufacture of reliable and high-quality sound insulation. Russian manufacturers offer the following options:

    • SonoPlat Combi panels. They are made on the basis of a cellulose multilayer frame with sand filler and a pine backing. Such products can be attached to the wall surface. A layer of panels can reduce noise by 14-15 dB.

    Description of the SonoPlat Combi panel

    Installation instructions for Sonoplat Combi panels

    Soundguard Ekozvukoizol panels will absorb up to 29 dB

    Installation diagram of the Soundguard Ekozvukoizol panel on the ceiling

    Installation diagram of the Soundguard Ekozvukoizol panel on the wall

    Description of the StopSound BP panel

    Description of the Schumanet BM panel

    Description of the Soundline-DV panel

    • Sandwich panel ZIPS-III-Ultra. The size of the standard sheet is 120x60 cm with a thickness of 42 mm. Insulating properties are provided by a combination of gypsum with staple-type fiberglass. Vibration isolators will eliminate structural and impact noise. Taking into account their installation, the total thickness of the panel is 55 mm. This material is recognized as the best domestic sound insulation.

    Options for ZIPS panels for sound insulation

    Among other modern materials with enhanced noise-insulating properties, the following designs stand out:

    1. Special plasterboard with porous filler. The main disadvantage is difficulty in installation and low water resistance.
    2. Wood-based panels with decorative coating. A lock is formed on their edges using the “groove-tenon” system. High cost limits its use.
    3. Polyurethane foam sheets. Good sound insulation is achieved already with a thickness of 15 mm. Disadvantages: flammability and high price.
    4. Membranes with soundproofing effect. The material is quite elastic. The standard thickness of the slabs is 35 mm.

    Scheme of a sound insulation system for frame partitions made of plasterboard

    Wooden panels for sound insulation are distinguished by their decorative effect

    As the quality of housing improves, when the question of quantity square meters has ceased to be the only determining factor, the problem of sound insulation of residential premises is becoming increasingly urgent. However, due to the fact that this question is quite specific, i.e. in the theory of acoustics there are a lot of implicit features and “illogical” from the point of view common sense conclusions, a large number of myths and misconceptions have arisen and become established in this area.

    This leads to the fact that large quantity people have formed a stable stereotype about what materials, if necessary, can solve all the problems of insufficient sound insulation. However practical use Such materials will, at best, leave the situation without visible changes, at worst, it will lead to an increase in noise in the room. As a first example:

    The myth about the soundproofing properties of cork

    What cork covering- a good sound insulator, almost everyone believes. Statements of this kind can be found on many construction forums. And the “technology” of application is “developed” down to the smallest detail. If you can hear your neighbor behind the wall, you need to cover the wall you share with your neighbor with cork; if the noise is coming from the ceiling, then the ceiling. And the resulting acoustic effect is amazing... by its absence! But what's the matter? After all, the seller showed data from acoustic tests, where the effect of sound insulation was indicated, and not a small effect - about 20 dB! Is it really a scam?!

    Not really. The numbers are true. But the fact is that such figures were obtained not for “sound insulation in general”, but only for the so-called impact noise insulation. In addition, the indicated values ​​are valid only for the case when this cork covering is laid under a concrete screed or parquet board of a neighbor above. Then you really hear your neighbor’s steps 20 dB quieter compared to if your neighbor didn’t have this pad under his feet. But for music or the sound of a neighbor’s voice, as well as for all other cases of using cork covering in other options, these “sound insulation” figures, unfortunately, have nothing to do with it. The effect is not just barely noticeable, it is zero! Of course, cork is an environmentally friendly and warm material, but you shouldn’t attribute all possible soundproofing properties to it.

    All of the above also applies to polystyrene foam, polyethylene foam (PPE), polyurethane foam and other similar materials that have different trade marks starting with “peno-” and ending with “-fol”, “-fom” and “-lon”. Even with an increase in the thickness of these materials to 50 mm, their sound insulation properties (with the exception of impact noise insulation) leave much to be desired.

    Another misconception, closely related to the first. Let's denote it as:

    The myth of thin sound insulation

    The basis for this misconception is the struggle to improve the acoustic comfort of the room along with the desire to preserve the original square meters. It is quite understandable to want to maintain the height of the ceiling and the area of ​​the room, and also for standard apartments with a small footage and a low ceiling. According to statistical observations The vast majority of people are willing to sacrifice “for sound insulation” by increasing the thickness of the wall and ceiling by no more than 10 - 20 mm. In addition to this, there is a requirement to obtain a hard front surface ready for painting or wallpapering.

    Here all the same materials come to the rescue: cork, PPE, polyurethane foam up to 10 mm thick. Thermal and sound insulation is added to them as a separate line. But in this case, these materials are covered with a layer of plasterboard, which acts as a rigid wall, ready for finishing.

    Since the acoustic properties of cork and PPE for sound insulation of walls and ceilings were discussed above, we will focus on thermal and sound insulation.

    Termozvukoisol (TZI) - roll material, where it is used as a shell (like a duvet cover) polymer material"Lutrasil", and super-thin fiberglass fibers are used as padding (blanket). The thickness of this material ranges from 5-8 mm. I don't dare discuss thermal insulation qualities TZI, but regarding sound insulation:

    Firstly, TZI is not a sound-proofing material, but a sound-absorbing material. Thus, we cannot talk about its own sound insulation. We can only talk about sound insulation of a structure in which it is used as a filler.

    Secondly, the sound insulation of such a design largely depends on the thickness of the sound-absorbing material located inside. The thickness of the TZI, at which this material will be effective in a soundproofing structure, must be at least 40 - 50 mm. And this is 5 - 7 layers. With a layer thickness of 8 mm, the acoustic effect of this material is VERY SMALL. As, indeed, any other materials the same thickness. There's nothing you can do about it - the law of acoustics!

    ZIPS panels can be recommended as a truly effective material for additional sound insulation of walls and ceilings. For example, ZIPS-Vector panels with a structure thickness of 53 mm increase noise insulation by 9-11 dB, and the latest ZIPS-III-Ultra with the same thickness - by 11-13 dB. The panels are patented and this moment have no analogues in the world.

    Thus, with a total thickness of the additional sound insulation structure of 20 - 30 mm (including a layer of plasterboard), one should not expect any noticeable increase in sound insulation.

    In addition to these, perhaps the most common misconceptions, there are others, less known, but no less significant. Therefore, in matters of ensuring the required noise insulation of premises, it is best to immediately contact specialists. Sometimes one glance is enough for an acoustics professional to immediately assess the ineffectiveness of the proposed measures or materials used. But the most unpleasant thing is to waste time, effort and money, and not feel the results of your work.

    Soundproofing of residential premises is becoming more and more relevant every year. And every homeowner wants to choose the best soundproofing material to protect against outside noise. Although it is difficult to choose them on the basis of “good or bad”, since many of them have a specific purpose and, to one degree or another, fulfill the assigned tasks.

    So what is soundproofing? As a rule, noise and sound insulation is a complex multilayer structure, including dense layers that reflect sound waves and soft layers that absorb extraneous sounds.

    In this regard, neither mineral wool, nor membrane, nor panel materials should be used as independent sound insulation.

    At the same time, it is a mistake to assume that heat insulators (cork, PPS, PPE, etc.) are capable of fully fulfilling the role of noise protection. They are not able to stop creating a barrier against the penetration of structural noise.

    Even worse, if sheets of polyurethane or polystyrene foam are glued to the wall under the plaster, then such a design will increase the resonance of incoming noise.

    Review of the best soundproofing materials

    Rock Wool Acoustic Butts

    In first place we can put Rockwool Acoustic Butts, a group of companies that have been producing basalt fiber slabs for the eighth decade.

    Stone wool, pressed into panels, has found its use in both residential and industrial construction as a heat and sound insulator.

    Advantages of Rockwool Acoustic Butts:

    • High sound absorption class (A/B depending on thickness), excellent sound absorption ability: air vibrations up to 60 dB, shock – from 38.
    • Low thermal conductivity and complete fire safety.
    • Vapor permeability, moisture resistance, biostability, durability.
    • Certification according to Russian Federation and EU standards.
    • Easy to install.


    There is a risk of purchasing a fake.

    High cost, largely due to the need to use additional components and waste accounting.


    These are membrane-type bitumen-polymer soundproofing materials based on modified resins, which have sound, heat and waterproofing qualities.

    Applicable for walls, ceilings and floors, including “warm” ones using a floating system. Included in category G1 - low-flammable.

    Positive properties:

    • Versatility, durability, affordable price.
    • Water, bio and temperature resistance (-40/+80°C).
    • Low degree of thermal conductivity in accordance with SNiP 23-02-2003.
    • Sound protection for airborne noise up to 28 dB, for shock – up to 23.


    • A small dealer network in the Russian Federation.
    • The elements have considerable weight, and therefore they cannot be called the best option for weak load-bearing foundations.
    • We only allow one installation method – adhesive.


    The company produces polymer-mineral membrane soundproofing materials. These are flexible, elastic roll products, very dense, which is why they are classified as heavy.

    The basis is aragonite and elastomers. Belongs to classes G1 and D2 - low flammability, with an average degree of smoke formation.


    • Resistance to rotting, moisture and temperature resistance (properties do not change even at t°-20), durability.
    • Versatility due to the property of stretching.
    • Certification according to Russian and European standards.
    • Environmental safety due to the absence of phenol-containing substances.
    • Noise reduction air type up to 28 dB.


    • Possibility of installation - only adhesive.
    • Not applicable as an independent material for sound insulation.

    The cost is above average.


    Mineral wool boards of the Schumanet series are designed for wall and ceiling frame soundproofing systems for subsequent finishing with facing materials (plywood, plasterboard or fiber sheets, chipboard).

    • Resistance to humidity, formation of mold and mildew, durability.
    • Excellent vapor permeability and minimal thermal conductivity.
    • Complete fire safety and non-flammability - classes KM0 and NG.
    • Compliance with high sound absorption classes - A/B at any frequency, reduction of structural and airborne noise waves from 35 dB.
    • Russian Federation certification.
    • Easy to install due to its elastic properties.


    An increased degree of phenol emission (slightly exceeds the permissible level), that is, environmental friendliness is in question.

    High cost due to the need to purchase many additional items. elements, the need to strictly follow the installation instructions.

    ZIPS panels

    The panel system from the manufacturer Acoustic Group appeared at the very end of the last century. This is a multi-layer structure, the composition of which varies depending on its purpose.

    For ceiling and wall surfaces tongue-and-groove plasterboard sheets are used as a base, and gypsum fiber sheets are used for flooring. They are supplemented with fiberglass or basalt slabs.

    To a large extent, vibration units made of polymer and silicone prevent the transmission of vibration and noise waves. Flammability degree G1 (low flammability).


    • Durability, efficiency and biostability.
    • Low thermal conductivity.
    • The absence of inter-plate gaps during installation is ensured by the tongue-and-groove type of connection.
    • There is no need to use adapters when attaching plates.
    • Compliance with GOST requirements.


    When mounted on a wall, the slabs can resonate by 2-3 dB with incoming and outgoing low-frequency noise up to 100 Hz.

    During the installation process, many components are required, which significantly increases the final cost of installation.

    SoundGuard Plates

    A fairly effective product, attractive at an affordable price, produced by an alliance of experienced manufacturers who have been known on the Russian market for many years. Prefabricated noise protection structure includes:

    • Drywall Volma,
    • SoundGuard profiled board (consists of plasterboard with mineral-quartz filler and a cardboard cellulose panel),
    • Frame profile.

    According to the degree of flammability, they belong to group G2 (moderately flammable), toxicity T1 (low). The advantages of SaunGuard panels include:

  1. Compliance with all safety requirements and certification of the Russian Federation.
  2. Versatility - the slabs are suitable for any wall and floor bases.
  3. Minimum thermal conductivity.
  4. Good sound insulation performance (airborne noise - up to 60 dB, shock - up to 36).
  5. Easy installation, the ability to choose the installation method (adhesive, frame, using plastic dowels).
  6. Disadvantages:

    • Lack of moisture resistance properties.
    • There are few sales representatives in Russia.
    • High prices.
    • During the cutting process, the mineral filler is shed. This necessitates the need to cover the edges of all slabs with tape or tape.

    In addition, if the panels are used as an independent sound insulator, then the degree of interference with impact and airborne noise does not exceed 7 dB. Like ZIPS, panels can resonate with low-frequency noise.

    Other soundproofing systems:

    Basic rule for soundproofing walls

    A soundproofing structure will be effective if it is made of at least two layers, radically different from each other in physical and technical characteristics + the following requirements are met:

    - First layer should have a chaotic, loose, blown structure. Such a layer should effectively dissipate sound coming from outside. It has been practically proven that the maximum efficiency of the layer is achieved at its density of 40 - 50 kg/m3.

    - Second layer should be as heavy and dense as possible, which makes it possible to reflect an already scattered sound wave. It has been practically proven that maximum efficiency layer has concrete and brick. However, their use is often too labor-intensive and expensive, which is why today there are many materials from which we need only one thing: maximum weight at minimum thickness.

    - Requirement 1. The structure must be airtight. A sound wave is a three-dimensional concept, therefore, when soundproofing, it is unacceptable to leave gaps and cracks in the structure, which will negate all efforts.

    - Requirement 2. The structure should not have rigid connections to walls, floors and ceilings. Any hard contact transmits sound directly to the system bypassing the first layer, causing the efficiency of the structure to drop sharply.

    - Important note! The design described above is in practice well applicable to high-frequency sound waves: screams, music, car alarms. Usually the second heavy layer does not have significant mass, in order to effectively reflect low-frequency waves (bass, a neighbor with a drill) and vibration, therefore, when interacting with a heavy layer, a noticeable sound vibration is transmitted to the structure, which is transmitted further into the living space in the form of muffled booming sounds. Here vibration suspensions come to our aid (not a cheap pleasure), the operating principle of which is as follows: the suspensions eliminate rigid fastening of the entire sound insulation structure; if vibrations of the system occur, the suspensions easily dampen it thanks to an elastic gasket (Sylomer/Vibrafoam or rubber on cheap options). As a result, the sound does not travel further.

    Conclusion. To effectively soundproof walls, we need: loose fibrous material, thin and heavy panels. It is necessary to lay an elastic gasket between our structure and the building. All existing junctions and cracks must be sealed with acoustic sealant. Ready solutions with calculations are given at the end of the article.

    Misconceptions and Myths

    Misconception 1:
    To soundproof a room, it is enough to soundproof the walls behind which the noise source is located.

    Noise is essentially sound waves that do not propagate in space rectilinearly, i.e. If you turn on the TV in another room, the sound from it will be directed both through the wall and through the floor, ceiling, utility openings and systems. Thus, by soundproofing the wall, you partially solve the problem. Sound can still easily migrate into your room through the floor, ceiling, utilities, and door and window openings. Therefore, before fixing the problem, study it thoroughly. Check how much reliable design Your room is protected: just put your ear to the wall, listen, then move your ear 5 - 10 cm and compare the difference in noise. Do the same with the floor, ceiling, ventilation and other technological openings. All this will at least partially help you decide what really needs to be soundproofed.

    Misconception 2: For sound insulation, it is enough to stick on expensive, thin and extremely effective sound insulation materials (rolled wall sound insulation)

    These thoughts appear in our minds thanks to well-organized advertising. The manufacturer assures us of the reliability of such solutions, that all these membranes have been used for decades in Europe and around the world, know that all this is just an advertising ploy with two outcomes: either these membranes are used in conjunction with standard soundproofing solutions, increasing the final cost, or systems are ineffective. If you think carefully, this misconception exposes the existence of a sound insulation problem in principle. If thin and highly effective materials existed, then sound insulation of walls would have been decided at the design stage of buildings and structures. Moreover, solutions with soundproofing wool would be so unpopular that no one would use them.
    This misconception is very actively fueled by “experts” who claim that since such membranes, 4-5 mm thick, are good for soundproofing a car, then there is no point in using thick, massive structures in an apartment. Be aware that in the case of such sound insulation, a completely different vibration-damping mechanism works, which is very effective only for thin plates. In the case of a car, the thickness of the metal is 1 millimeter, which is 5-10 times less than the thickness of such sound insulation. Now calculate how much of such a membrane you will need to soundproof walls at least 10 cm thick.
    Convince yourself of our arguments - just find the technical documentation on the official website of such “super” membranes, where you will see the options presented in our article below with the addition of an ineffective thin “money layer”.

    Misconception 3: We solve an urgent problem with sound-absorbing materials

    Modern sound-absorbing materials: Heradesign, Mappysil, Ecofon - thin and highly effective, but not intended for sound insulation. The problem is that Soundproofing and Sound Absorption are two completely different terms. Soundproofing materials and structures serve to protect you from external irritants, and Sound-absorbing materials eliminate hum and echo in the room, absorbing sound waves from the telephone, TV, radio - sources of noise. Sound-absorbing materials are most often used in cinemas (home), recording studios, and conference rooms.

    Misconception 4: Soundproofing walls in an apartment with polystyrene foam is an “excellent solution”

    Unfortunately, employees of the AURORA Trading House company often encounter cases of using polystyrene foam as soundproofing elements. In absolutely all cases, customers complain about deterioration soundproofing properties after covering with polystyrene foam. The fact is that polystyrene foam is inherently rigid substances with a closed cell structure; when applied to massive heavy walls Resonance phenomena most often occur at medium sound frequencies, which increases the sound load. From the school physics course it is known that the average sound frequencies fall within the human speech range. Unfortunately, there are currently an abundance of illiterate soundproofing specialists on the construction market, so soundproofing walls in an apartment today is a thorough and complex issue.

    Misconception 5: When choosing a system, first of all you need to pay attention to the airborne noise insulation index (Rw)

    The value of the airborne noise insulation index is not always proportional to the degree of sound insulation of the system as a whole. The fact is that the methods for calculating the airborne noise insulation index date back to Soviet times and do not take into account some modern noise sources that appeared in Lately. The calculation took into account only common household noises: loud speech, TV and screaming. Nowadays, low-frequency noise sources have become widespread: home theaters, subwoofers, various Appliances. Designs with a high insulation index Rw reliably protect against loud conversations and screams, having in their arsenal a significant layer of fibrous sound-absorbing material, however, to protect against low frequencies, first of all you need to pay attention to the heaviest and thickest facing layer, and secondly to "sound absorber" layer.

    . Soundproofing of premises should begin with preliminary planning of the premises. Try to locate sources of third-party noise away from living areas;
    . When choosing the type of sound insulation, pay attention to the thickness: the minimum thickness of an effective sound insulation system starts from 5 centimeters;
    . When choosing a soundproofing solution for your home, it is extremely important to choose acoustic fillers, in particular mineral wool. Under no circumstances should you put “just anything”;
    . When choosing enclosing elements main role a lot of them play. The more massive the fence, the more energy the sound wave must have in order to overcome it, for example, instead of two layers of gypsum plasterboard, you can use gypsum board + gypsum plasterboard, which will make the structure a third heavier without significantly increasing the cost;
    . Sound insulation of walls and rooms must be completely sealed. Use special sealants. Never use foam for sealing;
    . Sound insulation of walls must necessarily include vibration and sound insulation of joints and junctions;
    . The soundproofing structure must be attached to the insulated surfaces only through special vibration suspensions or flexible connections;
    . Carefully study the design when deciding to add additional substrates and films to it. In some cases, you may encounter a result that is inversely proportional to the expected one;
    . When choosing a soundproofing system with multiple layers, consult with specialists. The same number of components can give different results with different sequences of layers.

    Soundproofing walls in an apartment - price in St. Petersburg

    Let's get to the practical part: you need soundproofing of a wall with an area of ​​16.5 m2 (height 2.75 meters and length 6 meters). From us you can order 4 sound insulation options, depending on the level of sound load and the final price of sound insulation.

    Note! All solutions for soundproofing walls presented below exclude the use of universally imposed expensive “ultra-effective” membranes, interlayers, etc. due to the maximum increase in cost and minimal qualitative improvement in the sound insulation system. The system includes a membrane with minimum possible thickness (2.0 mm) with installation between layers of cladding to increase the efficiency of sound insulation of medium and low frequencies.

    1. Soundproofing of walls Economy, thickness 73 mm.

    ΔRw 15-18 dB Rw from 50 to 68 dB.


    Under this name, a budget design was developed that meets acceptable sound insulation requirements. The structure is a solid metal frame with noise-absorbing filling and a two-layer cladding, fixed to the base wall using vibration suspensions. Is classic, time-tested solution:

    - First base layer , SoundGuard Basalt - the most effective sound-absorbing basalt-based slabs, 50 mm thick, with a density of 50 kg/m3. Acoustic wool is advantageously distinguished by its pure material structure, free from third-party inclusions (crown), which ensures maximum sound dispersion and absorption. The difference in the price range compared to ordinary cotton wool is insignificant, so the use of this material is justified even in the Economy system.

    - Second base layer - weighted two-layer cladding made of GVL And GKL sheets. It has been practically revealed that alternating claddings of different thicknesses and densities increases the index of additional airborne noise insulation of the system, therefore we use heavy gypsum fiber sheets as the first layer 10 mm. and second - plasterboard sheets 12.5 mm. for the most convenient and reliable subsequent finishing.

    To secure the sound-absorbing and facing layers, we use metal profiles 60x27, 27x28 Knauf, with metal thickness 0.6 mm. The frame is installed according to the technology of Knauf complete systems (S-623) with a pitch of rack profiles of 600 mm. The metal frame is secured to the base wall using universal vibration suspensions SoundGuard Protector, thereby eliminating the indirect transmission of noise through metal elements bypassing the sound-absorbing plate. Installation of horizontal jumpers from profile 60x27 - as necessary.

    - Important! At the Customer's request, it is possible to reduce the cost of the system using an independent metal frame without vibration suspensions (Knauf S-626 system), however, this reduces the rigidity of the system and the efficiency of the average and low frequencies. The savings will be 150 rubles per 1 square meter.

    Requirements for soundproofing structures are met in accordance with standard for professional soundproofing solutions. The first layer of gypsum fiber board cladding and the system connections are sealed with vibroacoustic sealant SoundGuard Seal. To dampen the junction of the guide profile, SoundGuard Band Rubber 27 tape is used, as well as SoundGuard Vibro Washer 10x19 vibroacoustic washers with a pitch of 500 mm, due to which there is no indirect noise transmission, including no contact between the screw head and the metal profile during fixation.

    To solve the problem of “ringing” of metal profiles (the ability to re-emit sound with the addition of a bright, pronounced spectrum of natural frequencies to the sound), before covering the racks and guides of the frame profile, they are glued with damper tape SoundGuard Band Rubber 27 and SoundGuard Band Rubber 50, as a result of which the sounding time of the profile becomes comparable to a wooden block.

    - Important! As a result many years of experience sound insulation, our company refused to offer an Economy frame solution with single-layer cladding, because This option has an extremely low index of additional noise insulation. Similar designs also have insufficient rigidity(pressed with light pressure).

    - Important! When using a frame structure, it is imperative to reduce the sonority of the metal profile by using only heavy tapes or a special profile like Vibronet. If you glue the frame with ordinary self-adhesive tape made of polyethylene foam (Stenofon or Izolon) like dichtungsband, you will not get the desired effect.

    This is what the Economy wall soundproofing calculation done by our specialists will look like:

    Economy soundproofing walls - price 2200 RUR/m2 The proposal is a professional classic solution, taking into account current adjustments, which has been tested and developed over the years.

    2. Sound insulation of walls Standard+, thickness 75 mm.

    Index of additional sound insulation of airborne noise ΔRw 17-20 dB(), general index after soundproofing Rw from 52 to 70 dB.

    Sound insulation class according to DIN 4109 ()

    Professional modern frame sound insulation is a solution for maximum protection against airborne noise (screams, TV), has high insulation of structural (impact) noise:

    - First layer with maximum efficiency across all octave frequency bands with a thickness of 50 mm. - SoundGuard Basalt, sound-absorbing slabs based on basalt rocks, density 50 kg/m3. Numerous practical tests have revealed that increasing or decreasing the density of a material at a given thickness reduces efficiency, regardless of the type of further frame cladding.

    - Second (facing) layer made from soundproofing panels such as EcoZvukoIzol and GKL. Relatively new, proven SoundGuard panels are made in the form of cellular slabs of multi-layer cardboard with a heavy quartz filler. The reasons why the material is better than time-tested GVL: higher specific gravity at the same thickness (remember the rule for the second layer at the beginning of the article), heterogeneous material, as well as the elastic-viscous state of the mineral quartz filler. 1 m2 GVL 10 mm. weighs 15 kg., 1 m2 of SoundGuard panel weighs 19 kg. at the same thickness. Thanks to the loose quartz filler, low-frequency sound waves are effectively absorbed. The material is a complete analogue of the European PhoneStar panels, made in Russia.

    A metal frame with damping fastening to the base wall is used using Knauf complete system technology, type S-623. Modern vibration suspensions on an effective elastomer - SoundGuard Vibro M are used as fastening elements, preventing the transmission of sound through the mount to the frame. The main advantage of elastomer in modern suspensions is shock absorption and absorption of natural vibrations of the structure that appear as a result of impact (structural) noise passing through the system, i.e. the lower the vibration frequency of the sound wave, the higher the increase in the efficiency of the structure as a whole.

    Complex use of modern professional components: sealing seams and perimeter with vibroacoustic sealant SoundGuard Seal, damping and vibration decoupling of the adjacent profile using vibroacoustic washers SoundGuard Vibro Washer 10x19, use of vibrating tape SoundGuard Band Rubber and for damping the guide profile and completely damping the metal frame (read more in the description above systems). Use of professional soundproofing fasteners.

    - Important! Currently, there are a huge number of ecowool or alternative solutions for sound-absorbing layers. Here are the arguments why you should choose a proven solution based on basalt rocks with a density 50 kg/m3 and don't overpay:
    1. A “dangerous” concentration of phenol-formaldehyde resins, contrary to numerous mediocre and superficial publications on the Internet (or the lobby of ecowool manufacturers???), existed in Soviet glass wool yellow color, in modern glass wool the content of non-inert phenol is already several times less. If we consider slabs based on basalt rocks with a fundamentally different production technology, such a product uses significantly less organic binder with a low-phenolic resin, which completely polymerizes, as a result of which we have practically 100% natural stone composition. Basalt slabs have hygienic certificates and are approved for use in children's institutions in all countries.
    2. Sealing of cladding and perimeter with acoustic sealant 100% prevents any dust ingress into the premises, thanks to which during operation we did not have a single complaint from allergy sufferers.
    3. The use of more expensive acoustic “ecowool” with a density of 10-35 kg/m3 is significant will reduce efficiency designs.
    4. The use of more expensive cotton wool with one-sided caching with fiberglass (usually black) does not work does not affect on the overall efficiency of the system.

    This is what the “Standard+” wall sound insulation calculation done by our specialists will look like:

    Cost of soundproofing system "Standard+" (Works + Materials - "Turnkey")3200 RUR/m2 excluding delivery and lifting of building materials. This price includes the cost of work and materials. Please note that this offer is a modern professional solution with an optimal price/quality ratio.

    3. Professional sound insulation of walls Premium+, thickness 77 mm.

    Index of additional sound insulation of airborne noise ΔRw 19-22 dB(), general index after soundproofing Rw from 54 to 72 dB.

    Sound insulation class according to DIN 4109 ()

    The most effective soundproof frame wall system, allowing to solve the most demanding problems in the field of insulation of airborne and structural noise in domestic conditions. The design has maximum insulation characteristics for both airborne and impact noise.

    The design is a "" system with a thicker SoundGuard EcoZvukoIzol panel and the additional use of a viscoelastic soundproofing membrane, thanks to which we achieve the following effects: physical connection And acoustic decoupling two layers of frame cladding, increasing the weight of the cladding. As a result, we get a sharp reduction in the level of emitted structural noise, i.e. effective increase resistance to the following stimuli: the sound of a hammer drill, the bass of a home theater subwoofer, the sounds of household appliances (washing machine, dishwasher, coffee machine, etc.). Moreover, a high-quality increase in the weight of the cladding with a relatively small increase in thickness makes it possible to simultaneously achieve an increase in the efficiency of airborne (conversational) noise insulation.

    Premium wall construction involves the use of SoundGuard Vibro P vibration suspensions with a maximum elastomer thickness (25 mm), which is responsible for reducing the natural vibrations of the metal frame, thereby minimizing the own re-radiation of structural noise into the room, i.e. There is an increase in the efficiency of structural (impact) noise.

    - Important! Today we are confident that this proposal is optimal in terms of price, thickness of the “eaten” space and efficiency. Despite the fact that this system can be qualitatively improved, in practice in most cases this is not required, because there is a phenomenon indirect noise transmission on adjacent building structures (walls, floor slabs), i.e. there is often a limit at which adjacent walls transmit more sound than the insulated wall and further improvement of insulation has no effect.

    You can improve the efficiency of the Premium+ system, if required, in the following ways:

    1. Increasing the thickness of the soundproofing panel (SoundGuard Premium 18 mm) and membrane (SoundGuard Membrane S 3.9 mm) - a slight increase in efficiency, a significant increase in the cost of materials.

    2. Increasing the distance between the cladding of the metal frame and the base wall - a high increase in efficiency without changing the cost of materials! We break stereotypes: we do not add a single ruble to the existing price, but we install it with an air gap between the noise-absorbing slabs and the cladding, thereby obtaining a result that is head and shoulders above that of numerous more expensive analogues. Installation principle: 50 mm sound-absorbing plate. + air gap between rack profiles 27 mm. + frame cladding 27 mm. = 104 mm. In this case, filling the air gap with any additional sound-absorbing material practically does not increase efficiency, i.e. leave the air.

    - Important! Heavy cladding of the frame in combination with “13 mm soundproofing panel + 2.0 membrane” is much more effective than a premium panel, for example SoundGuard Premium 18 mm. , and the cost of such solutions per 1 m2 is the same. Also, as a result of a series of soundproofing studies of frame systems of the "Standard+" type, it was found that additional installation roll sound-absorbing materials (ThermoZvukoIzol, TZI, SoundGuard isoCOVER, MaxForte SoundPro) gives an increase significantly lower than installing a membrane between the layers of cladding - exactly the technique that is used in the "Premium+" system.

    Price for soundproofing walls in an apartment: "Premium+" system, performed by our specialists:

    Cost of soundproofing system "Premium+" (Works + Materials - "Turnkey")4050 RUR/m2 excluding delivery and lifting of building materials. Please note, we recommend the additional use of SoundGuard IzoBox, a solution for soundproofing sockets, which has no analogues.

    4. Sound insulation of walls Frame Thin, thickness 55 mm.

    Index of additional sound insulation of airborne noise ΔRw 15-18 dB(), general index after soundproofing Rw from 50 to 68 dB.

    Sound insulation class according to DIN 4109 ()

    The best ratio of efficiency and cost with minimal frame thickness.

    The composition of the "Frame Thin" solution almost exactly copies the composition of the "" solution, however, in order to minimize the consumed space, sound-absorbing basalt slabs SoundGuard EcoBasalt 80, 20 mm thick, with an increased density of 80 kg/m3, are used. The material is mounted inside a 27x60 rack profile, forming an additional air gap of 7 mm, which is more effective solution relative to the most common solid filling of the frame with sound-absorbing wool 27 mm, with a density of 40-50 kg/m3.

    - Important! If it is needed "squeeze out" maximum sound insulation , but it is not possible to use thicker solutions, additional installation of a SoundGuard Membrane 2.0 / 3.9 or Tecsound SY 70 soundproofing membrane between the cladding layers should be provided, with the total absorbable thickness being 57-59 mm. Despite the serious increase in the cost of the system, in some cases such a decision is justified.

    This is how the calculation of the sound insulation of the walls "Frame Thin" performed by our specialists will look like:

    Cost of soundproofing system "Frame Thin" (Works + Materials - "Turnkey")3150 RUR/m2 excluding delivery and lifting of building materials. This price includes the cost of work and materials.

    The presented solution is the most promising frame sound insulation, because allows you to obtain a high airborne and impact noise insulation index while simultaneously saving precious living space.

    5. Effective sound insulation of frameless walls. Standard, thickness 29 mm.

    Index of additional sound insulation of airborne noise ΔRw 8-11 dB(), general index after soundproofing Rw from 43 to 46 dB.

    Sound insulation class according to DIN 4109 ()

    The system is designed for the tasks of minimal thickening of existing walls (thin sound insulation of walls in an apartment). The structure is attached directly to the problem wall. Instead of an effective layer of acoustic wool, a thin backing of 3.5 mm thick polyester fiber is installed. The elements of the system are matched to each other as closely as possible, but you should not be under any illusions: the laws of physics cannot be fooled and the level of sound insulation of this solution leaves much to be desired - protection from medium-level high-frequency noise (loud conversation) and minimal protection from impact noise. Among ready-made analogues, this option will be at the same level of efficiency as the ZIPS-Vector solution for soundproofing walls.

    Composition of the "Frameless. Standard" system and sequence of work:

    Installation of polyester fiber SoundGuard Roll 3.5 mm. on vibroacoustic sealant SoundGuard Seal directly to the wall. Decoupling of the subsequent layer is achieved, as well as a slight dispersion of the sound wave due to the blown structure with random fibers. MDVP can be used instead of polyester fiber;
    - Installation of soundproofing panels EcoZvukoIzol 13 mm. using SoundGuard DA-P acoustic dowel nails. Absorption of low-frequency noise and reflection of high-frequency noise is achieved;
    - Sealing interpanel seams, dowel heads and connections to walls, ceilings and floors using SoundGuard Seal vibroacoustic sealant;
    - Mechanical installation plasterboard sheets to the panels using specialized SoundGuard GP self-tapping screws of the correct length to prevent the tip of the screw from touching the base wall.

    - Important! Soundproofing walls "Beskarkas. Standard" is suitable as a basic option, taking into account the maximum savings of precious square meters of the room. You can qualitatively increase the effectiveness of airborne noise insulation by adding a self-adhesive soundproofing membrane SoundGuard Membrane S 3.9 between soundproof panels and gypsum plasterboard, while it has been experimentally established that in this design a thinner membrane gives a slight increase, in contrast to frame solutions! This technique is periodically used by our specialists in complex cases when the frame solution fundamentally impossible .

    This is how the calculation of sound insulation of walls "Beskarkas. Standard" performed by our specialists will look like:

    Soundproofing of walls "Beskarkas. Standard" (Works + Materials - "Turnkey")- price 2350 RUR/m2 excluding delivery and lifting of building materials. This price includes the cost of work and materials.

    Soundproofing walls | Installation

    Our company has been selling soundproofing materials since 2006. Since 2008, we have been engaged in the honest installation of soundproofing systems in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. Over the years, an effective system has been established to ensure peace and tranquility in your home:

    1. Call our office. There is an initial consultation and appointment for measurements;

    2. Measurement. At the agreed time, a surveyor comes to you, takes the necessary measurements, and helps in selecting a soundproofing system to suit your conditions. The master always has with him a complete set of samples of soundproofing materials and a mini-stand with fragmentary cut-away systems. It is important to note that the surveyor will subsequently carry out the installation, so you have the opportunity to establish contact and verify his qualifications in advance of making a decision. The cost of measurement is from 0 to 500 rubles. in St. Petersburg within the Ring Road.

    3. Calculation. A detailed “turnkey” calculation will be sent to the email address you provided, including:
    - List of required soundproofing materials that you can purchase at the AURORA Trading House;
    - List of general building materials, such as: profiles, gypsum plasterboard/gypsum plasterboard, fasteners indicated in the prices according to the Gold Card of our partner "STD Petrovich";
    - The amount of delivery and lifting of building materials. Here an individual selection is made that is optimal in terms of price and logistics;
    - The total amount for the installation of soundproofing walls;
    - Sample contract.

    4. Agreement. Carrying out work only in accordance with the Agreement, which regulates the noise insulation indices of the systems used and permissible deviations from the plane of the structures being erected. Before installation begins, payment for construction and soundproofing materials with delivery is made. Payment for materials can be made in any convenient way in advance, or paid to the foreman in cash after receiving, unloading and lifting materials. For any payment method, a cash receipt will be issued.

    - Important! Often the Customer does not have the opportunity to get to our office, in this case, if we are talking about a small amount of work, 2 copies of the contract arrive at the site by the installation date.

    5. Installation. Installation of soundproofing systems is carried out by time-tested teams, only Slavs, under a mandatory contract, as a result of which you receive:
    - Professional installation experienced specialists;
    - Installation will be carried out by a specialist with whom contact has already been established;
    - Only Slavs. The option of “wiring” by experienced foremen, with the subsequent appearance of guests from the Middle East in your home, is excluded;
    - Payment for installation after complete completion of work no prepayments or advances!

    Our employees value and hold on to their jobs. If you have complaints (extremely rare cases), or feedback and suggestions, be sure to express them on [email protected] marked "for Sergei Sergeevich"!