Types of roofs. What types of roofs are there according to the design of a house with a vertical roof?

February 17, 2017 / / to / from

The roof of any private house has an incredibly important and multidisciplinary task - throughout its entire service life it must protect the home from snow, rain, wind, scorching sun rays and winter frosts. In order to maintain warmth and comfort in the house, the roof must be properly designed, the design and materials must be selected taking into account the nuances of the architectural structure and the characteristics of climatic conditions. But in addition to a rationally chosen form, reliable materials and high-quality installation, any owner would like to see not only protection of his home from the vagaries of nature, but also an externally attractive building element that decorates the building or brings originality to its image.

Roofing for a private house - a variety of shapes

You have probably already seen many options for roofing when building a modern home. The variety of shapes will help you not only decide on the most suitable way to protect the building from weather conditions, but also find your own solution for implementation design ideas to create an original image. Before you start choosing the type of roof for your own home, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the design features various options its execution. If we talk about the global division of roofs into types, the main criteria are:

  • material type;
  • roof slope;
  • type and shape of the structure.

It is the correct choice of these three components that will help create a truly reliable, durable and durable building coating that can withstand all the nuances of climatic conditions. The main influence on the choice of type of structure will be the weather conditions in a given area - there is no point in building a roof with a slight slope in places with a lot of precipitation in winter (snow will accumulate and subsequently destroy the structure).

The main classification of roofs is based on the shape and number of slopes. A slope is a roof slope of more than ten degrees. Roofs come with one, two and four slopes. There are also more complex structures equipped with combined slopes - multi-gable and hipped roofs. Less common, but still found in the construction of private houses, are domed and conical roofing models. If the roof structure contains several options and shapes, then it is called combined.

So, let’s take a closer look at the options for roofing in private houses. different sizes and forms located in different climatic conditions:

single-slope roofing is the simplest and most cost-effective design that does not require large financial and labor costs for installation;

gable– a roof structure that is no less affordable in cost, which is often used for buildings of various shapes (ideal for regions with a lot of snow);

attic roof is an option gable roof with a broken profile (each slope has two levels, the first is flat, the second is falling);

hip roof suitable for buildings with large area. It is able to withstand high wind loads;

a hip roof with an arched slope (like a pagoda) is rare due to the complexity of manufacturing. But the appearance is very attractive and original;

tent– variety hip roof, which is ideal for square-shaped buildings (the roof consists of four triangles converging at the tops like a tent);

half-hip roofing - another subtype of hip roof (a slightly more complicated design for a gable roof);

multi-forceps the roof has a rather complex design (suitable for both square and rectangular houses);

vaulted roof - the name speaks for itself - the roof has the shape of a vault (rarely used as the main type of roofing for residential buildings, more often it serves as an addition);

diamond the roof consists of four diamond shapes brought together to the center and is ideal for houses that have a square shape at the base.

In addition to classification by shape, there is a division of roofs into:

  • exploited;
  • unexploited.

The name speaks for itself. Operable roofs include flat roofs, on which you can create a recreation area for fresh air, a sports area, a terrace and even a lawn with plants. The advantage of a flat roof is not only its simplicity of execution, the minimum amount of materials and time costs, but also that such a roof will not be torn off even by a strong wind. A significant disadvantage is the accumulation of sediment on a flat surface without a slope.

IN Lately It is fashionable to use the roof surface to create real masterpieces of landscape design. Cost also plays a role. land plots within the city, and the desire to have your own green corner within walking distance, and the possibilities of the modern market for materials and plants for organizing such oases on the roofs.

If we talk not only about the aesthetic side of using the roof surface, but also the practical one, the most popular way to create an efficient space is to install solar panels. Energy saving and fairly high prices for electricity consumption are pushing many owners of private houses to use alternative energy sources, which are easy to install on the roof itself.

Also, all roof options can be divided into two groups:

  • attics;
  • roofless.

If the distance between the ceiling and the roof surface does not exceed one and a half meters, then this type of roof is considered attic. Typically this space is used for technical needs. A roofless roof is used if there are ideas for using the space under the roof to organize living quarters. In addition, the attic space can be organized in a finished building by adding a second floor.

How to choose a roof slope

According to the type of slope, all roofs are divided into pitched and flat. Slope is the angle of inclination of the slope relative to the horizon line. Most often it is measured in degrees, less often - as a percentage of the roof height to the span length. For example, a slope of 100% corresponds to 45 degrees.

The main reason for arranging a roof slope is the need to remove precipitation from its surface. If there is no slope at all (less than 1%), then the roof will often leak and cause inconvenience to the owners. And externally, this approach to organizing the covering of buildings is more suitable for outbuildings. Although many designers offer such design solutions as an original way to distinguish a building from similar houses on the same street.

When choosing a roof slope option, it is considered that maximum load from fallen snow to the surface is achieved at an inclination angle of 30 degrees. In order for such a roof to self-clean (snow naturally rolls down), the slope must be 45 degrees.

In addition to precipitation, gusts of wind also affect the roof. When the slope increases by 20-30%, the wind load on the roof increases 5 times. But even a very slight slope is not an option; the wind can penetrate through the joints of the ceiling and tear down the structure, as they say, from the inside. That is why the design justification for the shape of the roof and its slope must be entrusted to competent specialists who will take into account all the nuances of the weather conditions of a particular area.

In order to determine the magnitude of the slope, specialists use special calculation formulas and graphs. They are easy to find on the Internet. In short, to determine the slope it is necessary to calculate the ratio of the size of the ridge to half the width of the house. After multiplying the resulting number by 100, we get the desired slope value. If we talk about slope, in relation to construction costs, they increase with increasing value of this indicator.

Despite obvious fact With the rise in price of a pitched roof compared to a flat model, all developers prioritize reliability, durability and structural strength over initial costs. That's why pitched structures roofing is the most popular option for covering a private house. The slope of such a roof will be determined not only by wind and snow load, but also by its aesthetic appearance. In addition, the roof slope is determined by the use of a specific building material.

We select building materials depending on the roof slope

In order for the roof to be reliable protection for the building from any manifestations of weather, it is necessary to take into account the angle of inclination of the slope (s) when choosing a roofing material:

slate or corrugated asbestos-cement sheets - the coating can be used with a roof slope from 13 to 60 degrees. If the slope is less than 13 degrees, water will enter the joints of the roofing material, significantly reducing the service life of the coating (and slate cannot be classified as a durable material anyway);

ceramic tiles– the slope for this type of coating ranges from 30 to 60 degrees. Laying ceramic tiles with a slope of less than 30 degrees it is possible, but it is necessary to take additional measures to organize ventilation and waterproofing the roof;

metal tiles- one of the most popular materials used in private construction. One of the advantages of this roofing is that the maximum angle of inclination is not standardized, and the minimum is 15 degrees;

corrugated sheet rarely used as permanent material for covering private houses (mainly it is used for outbuildings, garages). The material is laid with a roof slope of 10 degrees (the maximum value is not standardized);

bitumen shingles – Great for unusual roofs with arched shapes. The slope angle must be at least 12 degrees, the maximum value is not limited;

bitumen slate– used infrequently and with a slope of at least 5 degrees. There is also no maximum value, but it is necessary to take into account the angle of inclination to calculate the sheathing - with a slope of 5 to 10 degrees, a continuous flooring is usually installed;

seam steel roofing – used at an inclination angle of 20 degrees (the final figure is not limited).

To a special group roofing materials You can highlight double-glazed windows and sheets of tempered glass, from which part of the roof is often made. Usually this is the canopy of a veranda or greenhouse, less often - a kitchen or living room in a private house. The design, of course, turns out to be incredibly attractive in appearance, not to mention the aesthetic features of the appearance of the ceilings inside the room, but such architectural solutions will also require considerable costs. Glass can withstand quite large snow and wind loads. Most often it is attached to a metal profile, less often it acts alone.

When choosing a covering to create a roof, you need to use a simple rule - the denser the structure of the roofing material, the smaller the angle of inclination of the pitched roof should be. If you take into account the angle of the roof slope when choosing a material, you can end up with a durable and robust construction, ready to withstand the various climatic features of a particular area.

Design and color scheme

The choice of color for roofing materials in the lines of modern manufacturers of building and finishing materials is incredibly wide. You can use color to create a harmonious ensemble of a building and its roof or highlight the roof with a bright, contrasting shade. The only thing you need to decide when choosing color scheme for roofing material - do you want the roof of the house to blend with the environment (greenery, mountains, steppes for a country home and other buildings for city apartments) or to stand out against the general background of the landscape with brightness and contrast.

If the facade of your house is made in light colors, then a contrastingly dark roof can not only become an original addition to the building’s image, but also make it stand out among other buildings on the street or outside the city, among green plants.

The opposite situation is when the roofing material is selected light tone, and the façade is finished in a dark color, which is rare. This will make your building look more valuable and original, standing out among the many similar private houses built in the neighborhood.

The bright, rich color of the roof will help create a truly unique image of your architectural structure. If your goal is to attract attention to a private home, then the colorful color of the roofing material is an excellent way to achieve the goal. But in this case, the facade of the building should be made in a neutral tone.

How to determine what type of roof your future home should be without drowning in the ocean of variety of options offered by today's construction market?

Any child knows that every house begins with a foundation and is crowned with a roof, and even the most absent-minded person has noticed at least once in his life that the types of roofs of houses are very different. Superficial idea of ​​purpose various forms roofing is that the roofs are so different just “for beauty”. In fact, the appearance of the roof is only one (and not the most important) factor that determines the shape of the roof of each particular building.

Numerous types of roofs of private houses have appeared in the process of engineering and design solutions the main tasks that modern roofing is designed to cope with as best as possible:

  • protection from precipitation
  • effective self-cleaning
  • organization of attic space
  • durable operation
  • ease of repair
  • economy and environmental friendliness

Understanding what different types of house roofs are is not at all difficult, since they are all carefully sorted and cataloged. We should not forget, however, that this cataloging is somewhat arbitrary, and in practice, the features of each house are always ready to introduce adjustments to generally accepted standards with their own individuality.

To help you navigate the matter of choosing a roof shape for your future home, we will look here at all the most common types of roofs, photos of which you will find right there, next to the descriptions.

Flat roofs

Roofs with a flat surface are rarely used in the construction of private houses. The snow load on such a roof is higher compared to a pitched roof, as is the price of every mistake when arranging a roofing pie: one small unevenness, and now a place for moisture accumulation, for example, is ready. Such a roof cannot be called economical either: rafters, monolithic floors– everything must be very durable and of very high quality. The presence of an attic is not considered at all. A flat roof is usually made only where it is planned to be used later as a terrace for the upper floor. In this regard, they are, of course, irreplaceable. But if you are not going to build a roof-terrace, then while we are talking about a private residential building, it would be wiser to refuse a flat roof.

Sloped roofs

We will dwell on them in much more detail. The angle of the roof determines many of its future characteristics at once. It is the ratio of angles and slopes, their location in relation to each other, that creates all the diversity that we will describe below.


They are named so because they have only one slope. The main advantage of such roofs is their low price, ease of construction and operation, lightness and airiness, both actual and in terms of appearance.


Mono-slope canopy - an achievement modern minimalism in construction, it gives the house a somewhat futuristic look. Deal with installation lean-to canopy Even a person who has never done this before can do it if he follows simple technology. A monoslope canopy roof resists the wind well due to its (usually) small slope, is excellent at self-cleaning, and saves you money on the amount of building materials. Not so long ago, it was believed that the scope of such roofs was primarily determined by the need for savings and the priority of functionality over appearance. Therefore, they could be found more often on utility buildings and government institutions, hospitals, production complexes, and similar structures. But today, Australians, known for their bold fashion laws, are confidently asking new trend application of canopy roofs in the construction of private houses.

Shed roof

So-called “sawtooth” roofs are used where extreme strength and reliability are required. Such roofs are designed to provide the ability to hang a lifting roof on supporting structures. industrial equipment. For this reason, shad mono pitched roofs It is extremely rare to see someone's private home being covered.

Gable roofs

A construction classic, these are the kind of roofs that little children draw on their first houses with colored pencils. In no way inferior to a pitched roof in functionality, it is a little more difficult to construct and more expensive, but it opens up the possibility of arranging an attic space. In the domestic construction tradition, you can often find options for an “external” entrance to the attic from the street; the Western style of construction gravitates towards stairs located inside.

The gable roof is simple and reliable, but there are several more complex hybrid forms. For example, the so-called half-hip roofs (when the end slopes do not reach the eaves):

or Dutch gable(with small pediments):

they are designed to both diversify the appearance of the house and provide more roof space. Hybrid gable roof Dormer» adds a “dormer window” to your attic, which serves to illuminate, ventilate the attic space, and improve the appearance of your private home.

Mansard roof

The same as the previous one, but with broken slopes. The mansard roof looks very respectable and spacious; wealthy people like to install such roofs on their spacious houses. Thanks to its pentagonal shape, the attic roof creates an entire additional floor in the under-roof space, where you can safely arrange the room you want. Windows are often made directly on the slopes, and in areas that are not too snowy, sometimes these windows lead straight up, flooding the attic with light and opening a mesmerizing view of the night sky.

The price of such a roof is always high compared to a simple gable roof. It is growing not only due to the simple complication of the design and the increase in the number of materials, the need to strengthen the rafters, but also due to the increased requirements for insulation of this type of roof. Due to the fact that the under-roof space is used as a living space, the insulation system itself changes, when insulating materials are mounted not inside the roof, but on an externally installed sheathing. A large roof area, again, increases the cost of a large amount of insulation, waterproofing, materials for the construction of sheathing, and coatings.

Despite all these difficulties, mansard roofs have remained popular for many years, and for many similar look roofing is a real blue dream.

A curious European and American version of a sloping mansard roof, in which the lower slope does not go down at a steep angle, but, on the contrary, is made very flat and long. Excellent for one-story houses, with a veranda provided, and perhaps more than one.

Multi-gable roof

Such types of roofs of private houses, such as multi-gable roofs with a valley, are rarely used due to the high complexity of the device and the high price. They resort to them for their beauty and the possibility of arranging several small side attics at once. More often, hotel builders resort to valley roofs, but they are also sometimes used to cover private houses by lovers of original and unusual design. To erect such a roof yourself, without the proper experience, is fraught with a senseless waste of time and effort: the installation of a multi-gable roof should be carried out by professionals who understand their business.

Hip pyramidal roof

Also, such a roof is called “hatched”, and most often it is used specifically to cover square buildings; this is the case when the type of roof determines the house. The complex design of the pyramidal roof, consisting of four identical triangular slopes, nevertheless makes it an attractive solution for those who love houses with the right square area. The construction of such a roof requires certain skills and knowledge of the technical side of the issue, and better yet, a lot of practice.

Combined roof

Combining different types of roofs, such a roof can become a real masterpiece of architecture. When the decision to use different types of house roofs is dictated by practicality, and not a simple pursuit of originality, then a combined roof can become a more economical, and at the same time reliable and functional option. However, the installation and construction of such a roof involves the need to take into account many nuances; this is a job only for a real roofing specialist who is well versed in all the intricacies of various types of roofs and knows the most important aspects of their proper combination.

Normal and original options

M-shaped roofs

Another type of rarely used types of house roofs, the M-shaped roof is usually used in special architectural projects. Two houses standing close together visually have separate roofs, but they are connected by a common valley. The loads on this very valley are very high; large volumes of snow mass can easily damage it.

Roof "Butterfly"

Agree, it looks very beautiful and unusual. Built on the second floor, such a roof can become a beautiful canopy for a balcony; it visually enlarges the structure and looks mysterious, attracting curious glances. Like many beautiful things, the “Butterfly” is very impractical for many reasons: price, lack of attic space, complexity of the design. And you need to think three times before building such a “snow storage facility” in our cold regions.

Saltbox roofs

The salt shaker roof was so nicknamed because of its external resemblance to the cutlery of the same name in the United States in the 17th century. As you can see in the photo, Saltbox is an asymmetrical gable roof, one slope of which is much longer than the other. The mere sight of such a roof can sometimes evoke an influx of patriotic feelings in a resident of the United States who knows his history. Many monuments of early colonial architecture have exactly this original type of roof, which was formed as a result of the gradual expansion of the once built house. The salt shaker roof, at one time, became a witty response from ordinary Americans to the new taxes imposed by the government on the size of houses. The “salt shaker” is a simple way to expand a house by lowering the roof onto the elements being added. For the same purpose, this type of roof is often used today. However, Saltbox is also used for other reasons, including as a tribute to tradition or out of sympathy for appearance.

And all this is just an incomplete list of the most interesting and used types of roofs. In the world of construction and architecture, you can find hundreds of amazing examples of artistic and engineering thought that deeply capture the imagination. Which type of roof to choose for your private home is a decision that we advise you to make after carefully considering all the options and thoroughly understanding what benefits a particular type of roof will give you, and what difficulties its construction, operation and possible future repairs will involve.

As you know, there is no house without a roof. It is the shape of the roof and its covering that gives the building a complete image, crowns it, and decorates it. The main purpose of the roof is to protect the building from rain, hail, snow, and solar radiation. Therefore, the roof of a house should not only be beautiful, but also, first of all, a durable, reliable and practical structure.

The importance of proper construction

When erecting any structure, even the simplest one, you must know and strictly follow certain construction rules. Thus, all standards relating to the design and construction of the roof are prescribed in the document “SP 17.13330.2011”, which is the current updated version of another document “SNiP II-26-76”. The requirements contained in these rules apply throughout the entire territory of our country and apply to the construction of roofs of all possible compositions in buildings of various purposes. The document contains a list of permitted roofing materials and requirements for them.

The possibility of using other compositions for roofing must be confirmed in accordance with the procedure established by law.

These requirements must be strictly followed not only during the construction of a new house, but also during reconstruction or major renovation roofs of buildings with roofing made from these materials. In addition to complying with construction standards, it is necessary that all materials used, literally down to every nail, comply with GOST. Only in this case will the constructed roof be reliable and living in the house safe.


The roof is the final link of the roof, its finishing coating that performs protective and aesthetic functions. The roof must be moisture-proof, lightweight, durable, inexpensive to maintain, and meet fire safety requirements.

When choosing a roof covering, factors such as:

  • roof shape;
  • peculiarities rafter system;
  • roof slope angle,
  • climatic conditions.


How the roof of the building will look externally is determined before all work begins.

All types of roofs can be combined into two groups, taking into account the magnitude of the slope and the number of side planes called slopes:

  • roofs that have a flat shape;
  • roofs with one or more slopes.

A flat roof is a rectangular, level area with a slope of no more than three degrees. This type of roof in modern housing construction is used only when it is planned to be used additionally. For example, equip a recreation area, a swimming pool, a helipad. In small private houses, the use of this form is impractical, since stagnation of rain and melt water can occur on it, and there is no need to talk about its great reliability and durability.

Undoubtedly, pitched roofs are more practical, although they are more expensive and difficult to build. The advantages include the fact that the main enemy of the roof - water easily flows down the slopes of the roof, without stopping and causing harm.

Depending on the design features of the roofing system, pitched roofs can have either an attic or an attic. An attic is a room located directly under the roof and suitable for habitation. The attic differs from the second floor in having low walls (no more than 1.5 m). Existing varieties of pitched roofs are divided into types depending on the design features.

Pitched roofs are as follows:

  • single-pitched;
  • gable;
  • hip;
  • half-hip;
  • tent;

  • multi-pincer;
  • broken;
  • dome;
  • conical;
  • combined.

The most inexpensive and easy to construct single-slope structure. Such roofs are found on sheds, garages and other outbuildings. A pitched roof has a flat roof supported by walls of varying heights. It is due to the different heights of the support that the slope is obtained. The disadvantage of this design is the absence of at least some attic space, and the appearance of such a roof is not pleasing to the eye.

The form of a gable roof has come to us since time immemorial and is perhaps the most common and familiar roof for a one-story house, especially in rural areas. There is only one explanation for this – practicality. The slopes can be located both symmetrically and at different angles of inclination, be equal in length and not quite. This roof shape makes it easy to create an attic or attic underneath.

The structure has two slopes, united at the end sides by pediments, and on top by a “ridge” that strengthens and protects the roof seam formed at the junction of the slopes.

Pediments are mandatory and very important elements of a gable roof. They cover the space between the slopes, thereby protecting the attic from exposure to wind and precipitation. The roof slopes rest on the gables, due to which the load on the walls of the building is redistributed. Finally, due to its location, the pediment can be an attic wall.

The hip roof is made from a gable structure by replacing the pediments with two more triangle-shaped slopes. The slopes in this case are called hips, hence the name of the entire roof. At the top of one of the hips there is a hatch called a dormer window. In fact, hip roof- This hipped design, difficult to construct, but very resistant to natural disasters, such as hurricane winds or heavy rain.

If the pediments of a gable roof are given a trapezoidal shape, and the upper part of the pediment is covered with a small triangular slope, or, conversely, the lower part is covered with a slope, and the top of the pediment is made triangular, then you will get a half-hip roof. From a design point of view, a building with such a roof takes on an interesting appearance.

The hipped roof is also a type of hip roof. There can be three or more sectors (hips) depending on the shape of the support. The ridge is missing, and the hips meet at the corners at one point with amazingly perfect precision, forming a tent over the building. Structures with complex, polygonal shapes are covered with a multi-gable roof.

Designing such a roof is complex, but nevertheless makes it possible to create structures that are unique in appearance.

The broken type of roof is often called a mansard roof. This is a cost-effective design, as it allows you to organize additional living space.

Dome and conical roof shapes are rare in the construction of private residential premises in our time. The use of this form implies a round-shaped structure under the roof. Often such roofs cover not the entire building, but its individual parts. For example, an oval-shaped terrace or some decorative elements: towers, rotundas.

Combined roofs have the most complex design. Essentially, they are combinations various types roofs, which gives a lot of scope for design ideas. Such structures are difficult to build and difficult to maintain. However, it is combined roofs can be increasingly found on modern cottages.

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In modern construction of private residential buildings, the following types of roofing materials are used:

  • roll;
  • mastic;
  • membrane;
  • leafy;
  • piece or typesetting.

Roll coatings include the well-known roofing felt and roofing felt. These coatings are made from polymer and bituminous materials. Layers of cardboard, fiberglass or polyester are used as a reinforcing base. This coating can be used for roofing on both flat and pitched roofs.

The peculiarity of the application is continuous lathing wooden rafters. Glue plywood panels can be used as a continuous flooring, with the sheathing turned upside down. The roof angle should be 10–30 degrees. The roofing material is attached to the deck using a hot method: the roll is heated and rolled out onto the roof with a roller. For reliability, the material is laid in several layers. Moreover, if a flat roof with a wooden ceiling is covered, then for fire safety purposes the first layer is nailed, and the next one is already fused.

Repairing such a roof is simple: the old covering is cleaned of dirt and a new layer is laid on top.

TO roll materials This also applies to modern roofing coverings such as bitumen shingles. This is fiberglass with bitumen impregnation. One of its sides has an adhesive surface, and on the other side, the canvas is covered with multi-colored mineral chips. The cloth bends easily, so it can easily, without special effort, take the shape of the surface. Due to these properties, bitumen shingles are increasingly used for roofing on non-standard roofs.

Roll coatings have their advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include the following:

  • high sound insulation;
  • thermal insulation;
  • frost resistance;
  • small mass;
  • no corrosion.

The main disadvantages are that:

  • the coating may tear or crack;
  • roofing felt and roofing felt are susceptible to rotting over time;
  • the material is fire hazardous;
  • When exposed to sunlight, the coating fades.

Mastic roofing is used only on flat roofs due to the fact that it is a self-leveling material. It is easy to install. Several layers of mastic are applied to a pre-prepared, dried base, covered, for example, with fiberglass. It is used in the construction of large residential and industrial buildings.

The disadvantage is the difficulty of obtaining a coating of uniform thickness.

Mastic roofs come in three types:

  • reinforced;
  • unreinforced;
  • combined.

The advantages of mastic roofing are as follows:

  • cheaper than rolled materials;
  • high moisture protection properties;
  • quickly installed;
  • tightness;
  • fire resistance;
  • thermal stability, since the roof can withstand temperature changes from -40 to +100 degrees.

Membrane roofs are made from a film made from a special polymer. Membrane coatings are used mainly on flat roofs. Film sheets, called membranes, are laid out on the surface overlapping and secured to each other by exposure to hot air or using special tape. Membranes are attached to the roof surface with nails, screws or glue.

This roof has high strength. It is quickly and easily installed. But, the rather expensive material quickly fades when exposed to sunlight.

Perhaps the most common were and remain roofs made of sheet materials. Steel, slate, ondulin, corrugated sheets, metal tiles, asbestos plywood are attached to a wooden sheathing with self-tapping screws or nails. Steel roofing does not burn and will last up to 30 years. The slope angle should be 18–30 degrees.

Slate also does not burn and withstands well low temperatures, does not heat up under the influence of sunlight, does not transmit electricity. The slope angle should be 8–20 degrees.

Ondulin is cardboard-bitumen sheets. It is produced by impregnating organic fibers with bitumen. The process takes place at high values ​​of state parameters such as pressure and temperature. Since the material contains no asbestos compounds, ondulin is considered one of the most environmentally friendly roofing coatings.

They are called corrugated sheets metal sheets, coated with a layer of zinc or paint. Quite durable and practical material. When used, additional sound insulation is required.

There are three brands of corrugated sheets.

  • Brand H. It has a high load-bearing capacity and is used for horizontal structures.
  • Brand C. Used for vertical structures.
  • Brand HC. A universal material that can be used for both horizontal structures and vertical use.

Moreover, for roofing works Profiled sheets of grades H and HC are more suitable. Grade C material is used only on small buildings with a roof slope of 60 degrees. When purchasing a profiled sheet, pay attention to the thickness, height and type of profile, as well as its protective coating.

Metal tiles are galvanized sheets, similar to slate, coated with polymer. It is inexpensive, lightweight, easy to install, fire-resistant, and not afraid of heat changes. But, at the same time, it has poor sound insulation, heats up under the influence of sunlight, and is susceptible to corrosion. If improperly transported, it will crack easily.

Asbestos plywood is as easy to install as all sheet materials. It practically does not burn, but it will not last long, because it can become damp. To enhance water resistance, the asbestos plywood coating will have to be periodically painted.

Perhaps all the shortcomings of sheet coverings are taken into account in a new, modern material - composite tiles. This is a sheet roofing consisting of sheets of steel coated on both sides with an aluminum alloy. This is followed by layers of aluminum primer, stone granules and acrylic glaze. The material does not know what corrosion is, does not transmit heat and sound, does not change color under the influence of solar radiation, does not transmit or absorb moisture. It is secured with forged nails.

Composite tiles can last half a century, but during the construction of the roof it will be necessary to provide a vapor barrier, since composite tiles do not allow steam to pass through. The second disadvantage is that the material is expensive.

To typesetting or piece roofing include such coatings as natural, polymer-sand, cement-sand, ceramic tiles. Beautiful in appearance, with all possible advantages, and with a service life of almost a century, tiles are not the most common roofing material. Tile roofing has a very high cost and no less heavy weight. Therefore, it is used in the construction of only elite buildings and requires a reinforced rafter system and high-quality sheathing.

Color solutions

Choosing the right color for the roof of a house is very difficult.

The following factors must be taken into account:

  • location of the building;
  • climatic conditions;
  • color scheme of the facade;
  • the color of nearby buildings.

The most common roof colors are:

  • brown;
  • red;
  • burgundy;
  • dark green;
  • black.

Their prevalence is explained by the fact that these colors combine well with facades of various types and color schemes. When choosing a roof color, you need to understand that dark colors absorb solar radiation, so a dark roof will heat up in the summer heat.

For this reason, dark roofs are more often used in northern regions. While in the southern regions, light roofing materials are used more. Bright colors on roofing they look very impressive, but quickly fade and are used only for buildings built without architectural refinements.

When choosing a color scheme for the roof, you must remember that shades of the same spectrum are always a win-win combination. For example, if the facade is painted in warm colors, then the roof is also made warm color. Cool colors are combined with cool shades. A classic is considered to be the combination of natural shades with beige and brown colors, as well as ocher.

A gray roof needs an interesting façade, otherwise the house will look boring.

Review of manufacturers

The modern construction market offers a huge selection of coatings for roofing work, both from domestic and from foreign manufacturer. The most well-known brands of roofing coverings, which are in demand and have proven themselves in the modern construction market, can be classified by country of origin.

  • Germany is represented by three well-known manufacturers:
  1. the Lafarge concern is famous for its Braas brand roofing coverings;
  2. the Crotop concern produces roofing accessories;
  3. Creaton produces ceramic tiles.

  • The Spanish company Cupa Natural Slate produces Cupa brand roofing slates.
  • The Italian company Tegola Canadese produces flexible bitumen-based tiles under the Tegola brand.
  • The French company OFIC SA produces roofing materials of the Onduline brand;
  • The French company Terreal produces ceramic tiles under the Terreal brand.

  • Popular Finnish manufacturers are the following:
  1. Lemminkainen produces roofing materials made from bitumen, mastic, roll coverings and flexible tiles under the Pikipika brand;
  2. Katepal OY produces roofing and waterproofing coatings Ruflex brands;
  3. Weckman Steel OY produces metal tiles and corrugated sheets under the Weckman brand.

  • Among Russian manufacturers, the most famous are the following:
  1. the Omi trading house produces roofing coverings of the same name;
  2. TechnoNIKOL produces flexible tiles of the Shinglas brand;
  3. Supron LLC produces Suprn brand roofing coverings from environmentally friendly ingredients.

Chinese roofing coatings are not far behind in the variety of types, types and colors.

  • Chinese-made coatings are as follows:
  1. metal - made of copper, zinc, galvanized steel;
  2. mineral - from crushed natural stone;
  3. organic - bitumen, polymers, wood shingles, and straw are used for production.

The most popular are Chinese metal tiles made of galvanized cold-rolled steel. The material is durable, does not burn, does not deform. Can last up to 100 years.

Accessories and tools

To get a beautiful, high-quality roof, you need to use the right fasteners - screws, self-tapping screws, screws. You also need to have at least a minimum set of tools for roofing work.

To install the roof you will need the following tools:

  • carpenter's hammer;
  • construction stapler for attaching vapor barrier fabric;
  • a medium-sized hacksaw for wood with a blade length of up to 40 centimeters;
  • construction cord for leveling the roof;
  • marker of a contrasting color for marking;
  • screwdriver with suitable attachments;
  • pliers.

How to make it yourself?

Since roofing work does not require special equipment, it can be done independently.

Roofing work can be divided into three stages, namely:

  • design;
  • construction of a rafter system;
  • roofing.

At the design stage, the shape of the roof and the steepness of the slopes are determined.

The deciding factors will be the following:

  • climatic conditions: a lot of snow and rain - steep slope, strong winds - on the contrary, flat;
  • type of roofing material. For example, when using tiles, the angle of inclination must be at least 22 degrees, because otherwise rainwater will seep through the joints.

The rafter system is the most important part of the roof and is a system of inclined slats, called rafter legs, vertically located racks and inclined struts. Rafters ensure the stability of the roof, give reliability to the roof, and redistribute the load across the entire building. The location of the rafter system elements is directly related to the shape of the roof. A gable roof will have one rafter system, and a hip roof will have another.

At self-construction roofing, you need to remember that even the smallest deviation from the rafter installation technology can result in a roof collapse.

After the rafter structure is ready, they begin to install the roofing pie, which is a multi-layer structure located directly under the roofing material. The roofing pie serves to protect the roof from moisture penetration, heat loss, and prevents condensation from forming.

It consists of the following elements:

  • vapor barrier;
  • insulation layer;
  • waterproofing;
  • counter-lattice;
  • ventilated space;
  • sheathing;
  • roofing material.

To properly install the roofing pie, you must follow a certain algorithm of actions.

  • From the attic side, a vapor barrier membrane film is attached to the rafters with a stapler, placing its outlet side into the attic. The seams between the film panels are taped. This is the first layer of the “pie”.
  • A second layer is laid on top - this is insulation, which is best chosen according to the criterion “in fire - does not burn.”
  • The third layer is a waterproofing film, which covers the insulation on top. It is fixed with a stapler, the seams are taped.
  • The next step is to nail the counter-lattice to the rafters. A counter-lattice or counter beam is a beam that provides roof ventilation. Thanks to the counter-lattice, between the insulation layer and the sheathing, a free space allowing air to circulate freely.

  • The sheathing is nailed to the counter beam, that is, the boards to which the roof will be attached. In this case, the roofing material is taken into account: for flexible tiles A continuous flooring is required, for slate - sparse.
  • Lay and secure the coating using the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Install auxiliary roofing structures: snow retainers, gutters.

To learn how to install the roof, see the following video.

  • roofing material is chosen when designing the rafter system;
  • the choice of roofing material depends on the angle of inclination of the roof;
  • a roof with two or four slopes can be covered with any roofing covering;
  • when purchasing roofing materials, be sure to obtain installation instructions from the seller;
  • tiles are used if the roof slope angle is in the range from 30 to 60 degrees;
  • if the slope is at an angle of 8 to 18 degrees, it is more advisable to use bitumen coatings;

  • steel sheets must be painted every 10 years. The paint will protect the roof from corrosion;
  • multi-gable roofs are covered with flexible coverings: corrugated sheets, bitumen, metal tiles;
  • Installation of metal tiles begins from the end part of the roof. The first sheets are attached to the rafters with one self-tapping screw, screwed into the bend of the wave. This will ensure the mobility of the sheet and allow it to be leveled if necessary. Metal tiles can be installed at any time of the year;
  • all types of slate are laid with an overlap using a hinged fastening;
  • asbestos-cement slate is laid regardless of air temperature, while ondulin and PVC slate become brittle in cold weather;

  • laying roll coverings requires dry, warm weather;
  • soft tiles begin to be laid from the eaves;
  • Before you start laying a ceramic tile roof, it would be a good idea to practice first. The tiles have a special locking system;
  • elements of cement-sand tiles have ready-made holes for nails;
  • Before starting work, it is necessary to take care of fire retardant and antiseptic impregnation all wooden roof elements.

The general rules for working with roofing material are as follows:

  • cutting is done on the ground. If, nevertheless, there is a need to cut off the material while already on the roof, then be sure to remove the sawdust;
  • Before starting installation, you need to inspect the roof plane on which the material will be laid. It must have a smooth and clean surface;
  • work is performed in soft shoes to feel the surface;
  • You cannot step on the sheets until they are finally fixed;
  • work begins with processing obstacles - chimneys, dormer windows;
  • The coating elements are fixed using fasteners recommended by the manufacturer.

By following the instructions and safety requirements supplied with the material, you can create a beautiful, high-quality and durable roof with your own hands.

Beautiful examples in the exterior

When examining any building, a person first of all pays attention to its roof, or rather, to its visible part - the roof. The roof of a house and its appearance always remain a source of pride for its owner.

A properly selected roof can decorate even the most inconspicuous building.

  • In the modern world, cubic-shaped houses are gaining great popularity. The cube house has a flat roof. It is not only beautiful and unusual, but also practical. On flat roof you can arrange a recreation area with a terrace and a green lawn.
  • The decoration of a two- or three-story private house can be pitched roof. With the right choice of color scheme, unusual and interesting options are obtained.

  • An asymmetrical gable roof on a one-story or two-story private house looks original. The appearance of the building is immediately perceived differently.

There are many options for asymmetric roofing:

  1. Place the slopes at different angles.
  2. Make slopes of different widths.
  3. If the house has several floors, then lengthen one slope, turning it into a canopy.
  4. Build a veranda under one of the slopes.

  • Amazingly transforms a gable roof using soft tiles as a covering.
  • The installation of observation windows on the roof slopes gives the entire structure originality.

A gable roof combines well with a hip roof:

  1. The slope is located above the pediment. In addition to the original appearance, this design solution makes it possible to equip a room in the attic.
  2. The slope is located under the pediment. Such a roof will be decorated with small windows located on the gables.

  • Appearance mansard roof becomes more effective when changing the angle of the rafters.
  • The decoration of the house design will be the installation of a canopy over the balcony in the form of a sloping mansard roof.

The right tools allow you to make your home extraordinary, memorable, and unlike others. color combinations façade and roof finishing:

  • buildings that have a light gray, white or lemon colored facade and a green roof, or a cream facade under a brown roof, always look harmonious;
  • combinations of walls blue, green, white under a black or gray roof;
  • if the buildings around are covered with brown and gray roofs, then a red roof will effectively distinguish the house from the crowd;
  • a blue façade with gray or white elements under a gray roof looks elegant and modern;

  • classic combination– this is a dark top and a light bottom. The most common option. Light walls of the facade and contrasting color of the roof;
  • tone-on-tone combination. The roof and walls of the same shade will give the building solidity and elegance;
  • dark walls under a light roof. To ensure that the roof does not dissolve against the general background, it is necessary to repeat its color on the windows, doors, and gutters.

Roofs of private houses are divided into several different categories, depending on the shape, structural elements, complexity of the device, and other things. When constructing a building, choosing the type of roof should take into account many factors: the amount of precipitation in a particular area, structural strength, wind load, design living rooms in the attic, etc.

The roof of a house performs several important functions at once:

  • provides hydro- and sound insulation;
  • creates a barrier from the wind;
  • acts as a thermal barrier.

The durability of the structure depends on the quality of the structure itself and the roofing material. These indicators also affect the cost of heating rooms inside the building.

Flat and pitched roofs

The roofs of houses can be flat or pitched (sloping).

Depending on the architecture of the building, the appropriate roof structure is selected at the design stage. Drawings are created and calculations are carried out, taking into account all the features of a given architectural structure. The layout of the roof - attic or living quarters - is also thought out in advance.

Country cottage with flat roof

Flat structures are found mainly in countries that receive little annual rainfall. Since with heavy rainfall, water will accumulate on such a roof, and it may begin to leak. In the vast expanses of our country, pitched roofs are used in the construction of buildings. The plane of such structures is located at a certain angle, usually more than 10 degrees and depends on the amount of precipitation falling during the season in a given region.

You can learn more about all the other advantages and disadvantages of flat roofs from this special video.

Much more often they use roof designs for private houses with an inclined structure, which can have several slopes at once.

Attic and attic roofs

According to their design, roofs can be divided into attic and attic. In non-attic systems, the load-bearing elements of its structure simultaneously serve as the ceiling of the upper floor of the house. They can be ventilated or unventilated. Attic roofs have an attic floor that separates their structure from the living quarters.

Roof purpose

When choosing the roof of a house, you should decide in advance how its space will be used: as a simple attic or living space. These points significantly influence which shape and type of roof is suitable for your home.

Main types of house roofs by shape

The roof structures of private houses can also be divided into several types according to their shape:

  • single-pitched,
  • gable,
  • hip,
  • multi-tongs,
  • attic,
  • tent,
  • dome,
  • conical,
  • flat.

Main types of roofs for private houses

U pitched roofs The angle of inclination usually does not exceed 20-30 ⁰. The planes of attic roofs are set at an angle of 45-60⁰ in the lower part and 25-35⁰ in the upper part. For ordinary gable structures this figure is in the range of 25-45⁰.

Hip roofs require 4-8 planes for better removal of rain and snow.

Beautiful roof designs for private houses are obtained by combining several gable elements or species, but maintaining and installing such structures is not an easy task.

Shed roof

It has a fairly simple shape. At the same time, in the arrangement of private residential buildings, this type of roof is extremely rare, since with such a design the load on the rainwater drainage system increases significantly, and they simply do not look very nice.

Private house with a pitched roof

In most cases, such roofs are used when constructing outbuildings of small width. If you nevertheless decide to equip this type of roof, then you will need enhanced drainage with greater throughput capacity.

Gable roof

Also having a very simple design, they are the most common type of roof for private low-rise buildings. When arranging it, you can use almost any roofing materials.

Diagram of a simple standard gable roof of a private house

Hip (hatch) roof

The hip (hatched) roof is more common in the southern regions. With this type of roof arrangement, the attic has no pediments, and dormer windows, in most cases, are located at the intersection of the ridge with the hip ribs. In its design, a hip roof is much more complex than a gable roof, so it is more often used in cases where the building needs to be given aesthetic appeal.

The design of a hip hip roof of a house

Multi-gable roof

The multi-gable roof type is distinguished by an impressive number of different design options, depending on the size and number of gables (gables). It is recommended to trust its construction only to experienced professionals, since its arrangement is accompanied by the formation of sunken corners, which require very precise and careful performance of roofing work.

Installation of a multi-gable roof of a house

Mansard roof

As a rule, they are equipped in cases where the attic is intended to be used for living quarters. This type of roof has a broken profile and, accordingly, is somewhat difficult to manufacture. Often a variety of multi-gable and gable roofs.

Scheme of a sloping mansard roof

Other types of roofs of private houses

In addition, conical, domed and combined types roofs Conical and dome roofs often used as decorative or individual elements of more complex building structures. The combined type is one of the most common types of roofs, as it combines several elements of individual types.

Private country cottage with conical roof

Choosing the type and shape of roofs for private houses

When choosing the shape and type of roof, it is necessary to take into account the factors on which its performance depends. First of all, you should pay attention to the slope of the roof. In snowy areas, it is advisable to select structures with simple and steep shapes, since snow will practically not accumulate on them.

In areas with strong winds, the strength of the wind load must be taken into account when choosing.
The higher it is, the greater the angle of inclination, area and height of the roof. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fire safety requirements for roofs.

Read also

Insulating the roof of a house

Glass roofs for private houses

Many owners country cottages dream of enjoying the view of the starry sky. Roof projects for private houses may involve both partial glazing and the installation of a transparent dome. Glass roofing is installed on terraces, balconies, and verandas.

The roof shape for private houses and various types of structures is made in the form of an inclined plane, dome, or sphere. Panoramic glass roofs are mounted on several slopes, thereby significantly increasing the viewing area. When installing such a structure, it is necessary to use reinforced aluminum and steel profiles.

Glass roofs for private houses have their own distinctive features. When designing the structure, it should be taken into account that it will be necessary to periodically clean and repair the glass. The roof, like the windows, will fade over time due to dust and precipitation on its surface. It is also advisable to install a heating system on the windows so that in cold weather ice and snow do not accumulate on them, and you can enjoy the views.

Materials for transparent roofs

To create transparent and, at the same time, warm and safe roofs, the following is used:

  • triplex glass,
  • plexiglass,
  • polycarbonate,
  • transparent slate.

Ordinary glass is not used to create transparent roofs because of its high fragility; if broken, the fragments can harm human health.

  1. Triplex is the safest material for creating a safe coating.
  2. Laminated glass also does not splinter when broken, however, the light transmittance is not very high and it is very thick.
  3. Wired glass is sometimes used for glazing roofs. If the glass breaks, the fragments will remain in the metal mesh frame.
  4. Plastic translucent materials - polycarbonate, plexiglass and slate - have excellent properties (lightness and high strength), which make them possible to use to create complex sliding structures.

Construction of a simple roof for a wooden country house

House roof projects usually involve maximum use attic space, for which the room above is expanded and insulated. The resulting usable attic space can be used for housing.

The roof structure of a wooden house consists of a frame and a roof. The roof frame consists of load-bearing and fastening elements. The main part includes: rafters, mauerlat and sheathing. Important additional elements frame - crossbars, struts, racks, etc. They give rigidity to the structure.

Design of roof elements of a wooden house

The height and volume of the resulting room depend on two factors: the angle of inclination and the number of slopes. Typically, roof designs for country houses assume a gable broken shape. This design is most convenient for human life. Sometimes the plan includes a balcony on the second floor. It should be taken into account that at the maximum point the height of the attic floor should not be less than 2.2 m.

The inside of a regular gable roof can also be used as a living area. There are bedrooms or an office here. The height of the middle part of the room should not be less than 1.8 m.

The roof consists of materials that provide heat, hydro and vapor barrier.

When installing a roof, special attention is paid to the choice of insulation. It is also worth choosing a roofing material that is more suitable in terms of characteristics for your structure.

Detailed diagram roof installations for a wooden house
  1. Waterproofing provides protection from precipitation, so the coating should not have damage or even very small holes on its surface.
  2. Vapor barrier ensures the absence of condensation, which can cause dampness in attics and in attic rooms. Also, avoiding dampness of the wooden structure will be possible by including window openings in the roof designs of country houses, which will allow for ventilation. The location and number of vents affects the ventilation of the attic and its illumination.
  3. produced depending on its design features. Rigid material is laid on monolithic floors. A screed is made on top and the flooring is installed. The following materials are laid on wooden structures: vapor barrier material, insulation, a subfloor is made, and only then the floor covering is installed.

For a private home, as for any building, the roof is considered one of the most important architectural elements, influencing not only the durability of operation, but also the quality of living, decorative appearance and technical characteristics. These are very complex complex tasks, their implementation can only be ensured by well-thought-out and perfect designs from an engineering point of view.

Modern roofing materials and innovative construction technologies allow architects to realize even the most daring ideas. A large number of roof types puts inexperienced developers in a difficult position; they may like several options at the same time and make the final choice very difficult. This article is intended specifically for such readers; here will be a brief description of the main types of roofs for a private home. At the same time, an objective description of both strengths and weaknesses is given. Not only architectural advantages or disadvantages will be taken into account, but also the possibility of erecting such roofs in various climatic regions of our country.

The choice of roof is mainly influenced by three factors: structural reliability, living comfort and designer appearance. Ideally, achieving a simultaneous optimal combination of all three is very difficult; during design, architects try to make special engineering solutions in each specific case to minimize the negative aspects. Existing options roofs are conventionally classified according to several criteria.

During calculations, take into account individual characteristics of each building, the requirements of developers and the technical capabilities of the used construction technologies and materials to ensure tightness, durability and safety of operation are agreed upon.

Flat roofs

In private homes, such options are quite rare; they are used only during the creation of exclusive projects of prestigious buildings. The ceiling is most often made of reinforced concrete slabs; either ready-made factory-produced elements can be used, or concrete can be poured into prepared areas directly during the construction of the house. In terms of manufacturing costs, such roofs can be very cheap if they are ordinary, non-insulated ones. But there are quite expensive options designs of operated inversion structures. Such roofs have not only effective insulation and very reliable, expensive waterproofing: they accommodate winter gardens, outdoor recreation areas, swimming pools and even car parks.

The slope of flat roofs is no more than 10°, the roofing is only soft roll roofing made from the most modern materials using modified bitumen. Synthetic materials of varying strength are used as the base, which are not afraid of moisture and can withstand significant mechanical loads. A common disadvantage of flat roofs is the lack of attic space.

Pitched roofs

A very large group of rafter systems with several slopes. The specific type of structure depends on their number, size and shape. The slope of the slopes is more than 10°; any types of modern roofing materials can be used on them.

Table. Types of pitched roofs

Pitched roof typeBrief description of technical parameters and performance characteristics
The simplest and until recently the most used roof option, universally applicable, which can be installed in all climatic zones of our country without exception. Attic spaces are mostly non-residential, but there are options for reconstructing them for use.
Already a more complex design, reminiscent of gables. The difference from the first ones is that each slope consists of two parts connected under different angles. Thanks to an original engineering solution, it is possible to significantly increase the height of attic spaces, making it possible to convert them into residential ones. This is the type of roof that most houses with attics have. Hence the second name broken roofs- attic. The rafter system is more complex than the gable system; there are also specific requirements for the technology of laying roofing materials. Due to the fact that the slopes have an obtuse angle of inclination, there are no valleys on the roofs - the most difficult elements for sealing. This is where leaks most often occur, and there are several reasons for this phenomenon, and most of them do not depend on the skill and conscientiousness of the builders.
The structures can be considered a type of gable, ordinary or broken. The difference is that half-hip roofs have small slopes above the gables. These types of roofs do not have pronounced operational advantages over broken roofs, but in some regions they are considered traditional and are found everywhere. Half-hip roofs have a more complex rafter system and the length of the ridge is reduced. Size calculations are made taking into account the angle of inclination of each slope.
Such roofs can be seen mostly in mountainous areas. The reason is that hip structures do not depend on the direction of the prevailing winds; they equally resist wind and snow loads on all sides. They can have a fairly large attic height, which makes it possible to adapt them to attic spaces. The rafter system is expensive and requires a large amount of very high-quality lumber.
The most complex of all types of pitched options. They can only bet experienced craftsmen, designs are used only on prestigious houses with exclusive projects. They have many valleys and junctions at different angles. All these elements are classified as complex; their sealing is carried out according to a special algorithm and requires special additional elements for roofing materials.

Warm and cold roofs

The choice of a warm or cold roof depends on how you plan to use it attic spaces.

Cold roofs

Previously, in our country there were only such types; this is the simplest and cheapest design. The rafter system does not provide for the presence of counter battens; the attic space is ventilated through natural cracks. There are no restrictions on the use of coating materials.

When constructing a “cold” roof, the roofing covering is attached directly to the sheathing boards

Important. Some builders, due to insufficient qualifications or a desire to earn more money, install vapor barriers on ordinary cold roofs. Their actions not only do not have any positive effect, but also have a very negative impact.

Why is this happening? It's simple. It is even theoretically impossible to make any vapor barrier completely airtight; steam always gets into the cracks and condensation will form. The installed vapor protection critically violates natural ventilation, condensate is very difficult to remove. This means that the wooden elements of the rafter system are used for a long time in a wet state. There is no need to talk about the consequences. It turns out that, for their own money, developers worsen the performance characteristics of the house and shorten its service life. We must remember that premature roof repair is a difficult and expensive task. Vapor barrier and wind protection are necessary only when the roof is insulated and mineral wool is used as a material. Only this material reacts very negatively to an increase in relative humidity and requires protection.

Prices for corrugated sheets

Corrugated sheet

Warm roofs

Currently, they are very widespread among home owners. Such roofs allow the use of attic spaces as living spaces, these are the so-called. The emergence of new technologies and materials on the construction market has made it possible to significantly improve the performance characteristics of structures and increase their service life.

Warm roofs are quite complex structures from an engineering point of view and consist of several layers.

  1. Roof. All materials existing today can be used.
  2. Lathing. The roof is attached to it, specific type selected taking into account the characteristics of the material.

  3. Counter-lattice. Provides effective ventilation under-roof space. Minimum distance between the counter-lattice and the roofing covering is at least five centimeters. This required condition, this is the only way to ensure normal air flow.
  4. Wind and waterproofing. Permits steam and protects the insulation from heat loss air currents. You need to buy an expensive, state-of-the-art membrane. It allows water vapor to escape, but does not let back drops of condensation falling from the coating. In addition, the membranes are not blown by the wind.

    Waterproofing and windproof membrane- an important element of the roofing pie

  5. Insulation. Polystyrene foam or mineral wool can be used. Polystyrene foam is used less frequently due to unsatisfactory performance characteristics. But modern types of it are allowed by regulatory organizations for insulating roofs (mainly from the inside), you just need to purchase the appropriate brands of insulation. Mineral wool can be rolled or pressed. All other insulation materials are not recommended for use due to low efficiency and high technological complexity.
  6. Vapor protection. Reduces the amount of steam penetrating into the insulation. The vapor barrier must be installed as carefully as possible. The less moisture in mineral wool, the lower its thermal conductivity, and this main parameter all insulation materials.

If the technology for creating a pie is broken, then big problems during the operation of attic premises.

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Thermal insulation materials

Original roof design solutions for private houses

Modern technologies and wide choose building materials allows you to embody a wide variety of ideas when constructing roofs, therefore, along with non-standard, rather original designs, you can find them everywhere.

  1. Tent. According to the classification, these types of roofs can be classified as hip. The difference is that if simple hip ones have four completely identical slopes, then tented ones have three, five or more slopes. All slopes have one point of upper contact and are completely symmetrical. They are used very rarely for several reasons: it is difficult to place, the number of slopes must correspond to the number façade walls. Residential buildings with three or five walls are rare, they are inconvenient for living, and difficulties arise during planning interior spaces. Only individual exclusive projects take into account this type of roof and, accordingly, the section of the house plan. Two more problems are a large percentage of unproductive waste of expensive roofing materials and the complexity of installation. An important advantage is resistance to strong multidirectional wind loads.

    Hip roof - outside and inside views

  2. Dome. They are very rare and have a round shape. Not all are suitable as a coating modern materials, most often they use piece tiles or copper sheets. It is recommended that such a roof is not installed on the entire structure, but only on individual decorative architectural elements.

  3. Spire-shaped. They have a large number of slopes located at a large angle. They often perform decorative tasks and can be found on historical and religious buildings. Disadvantages - very difficult to design and construct, labor-intensive design. Craftsmen with climbing equipment are allowed to carry out the work. Repairs can be carried out by specially trained personnel.

  4. Vaulted. The structures have a parabolic or round shape. They are rare and only on individual projects; they can cover houses with a large area. Architects recommend using such roofs when building cottage complexes.

The roof design must take into account not only the wishes of the developers, but also the requirements building codes and rules. In all cases, the safety and reliability of the roof comes first; only after solving these problems is attention paid to the design appearance.

Prices for various types of timber

Video - Roof options for a private house

You have familiarized yourself with a short list of possible standard roof options for a private house. Big variety architectural solutions allows developers to choose for themselves suitable option. We would like to draw your attention to another very original solution – a reed roof. You can read how to do it at.