Collect apples of the white filling variety. Description and characteristics of the white filling apple variety, when they ripen and how to store. The White Pouring apple tree grows poorly. Causes and solutions to the problem

» Apple varieties

White filling- one of the most famous apple varieties among gardeners. These apple trees bring delicious fruits one of the very first, when other trees are just beginning to form the future harvest. Apples are soft and juicy; many gardeners preserve them in sweet syrup.

The variety has a long history. Its appearance is associated with folk selection. It is assumed that White filling originated in the Baltic countries and soon spread throughout Europe, but there are also adherents of the theory that it is an old Russian variety.

The trees of the White filling apple variety are medium in size and rarely exceed 4-5 m. At first, the crown is shaped like a pyramid, but over the years it becomes rounded. The bark also has characteristics, which allows you to distinguish the variety from others, even when there are no leaves or fruits on the tree. Usually the bark is light-colored grey colour and quite rough, but in some places it is also smooth, but only in young trees.

The leaves of the variety are medium in size and shaped like an ellipse. The leaves have fluff on the underside and are smoother on the top. Their color is gray-green, but the stem is lighter. When flowering, large white petals appear with pink splashes. Thanks to its large flowers, it can be well pollinated by the wind without the help of insects.

Apple fruits differ depending on age.

In young trees they are large and reach 120-150 g each. When the tree ages, the apples become smaller and weigh about 60 g. The fruits themselves have a rounded shape at the tail and gradually taper into a cone towards the cup.

They have green color, which with ripening begins to look more like white. If the crown is illuminated by the sun, then a pink blush appears on the fruits on the south side. On one side of the apple there is a characteristic seam from the tail to the cup. After the ovary, a whitish coating appears on the fruits, which remains until harvesting; it is easy to wipe off or wash off.

Apple harvest White filling on the tree

The skin of the fruit is thin and slightly sour in comparison with the tender pulp. White filling apples are valued in making jam, marmalade, juice and wine. Cooking requires less sugar than other varieties, because they are not very sour. The fruits contain:

  • 10% pectin;
  • 9% sugar;

White filling tolerates winter well and can preserve the ovary, in late spring frosts. But it is not frost-hardy enough to maintain productivity in cold climates. In the northern regions, the tree is doomed, and cultivation makes no sense.

When do white apples ripen?

The first fruits of the White Naliv apple tree variety after planting the seedling begin to grow after 5-6 years. The average yield from a young tree is about 200 kg. Apples are fully ripened by mid-August. But it is uneven, so harvesting must be done at least twice as ready-to-eat apples appear on the crown. The first time I eat is carried out in early August on the 5th-10th, and the second time in the middle or last days.

If the apple is overripe, the flesh becomes cottony and mealy. The juiciness is lost though pleasant aroma lasts a long time. The fruit is very delicate, especially when ripe, any scratch leads to rotting and spoilage. For storage, only manual harvesting is allowed; when shaking, the fruits break and turn brown at the point of impact.

Storage of apples, subject to careful removal, rarely exceeds three weeks. Every day after picking, the fruits lose their excellent qualities, except when they are collected slightly unripe, but then rotting may also appear.

The crop is difficult to transport. It is not recommended to store it in a tall container, since the lower fruits are crushed and brown areas immediately appear under the skin, from which rot will then spread. Despite such delicacy of the fruit, the variety is very much appreciated among gardeners who are not aimed at sale, but for consumption or quick processing.

Harvest of ripe apples White filling

Benefits and harms

The benefit of White filling is early ripening and good yield. The taste of apples also has a positive effect on the popularity of the variety. The tree itself has a high survival rate and can grow on various types soil. If poorly cared for without watering, fertilizing and pruning, the apple tree will still produce a small harvest.

There are several disadvantages to this variety. First of all, this is poor transportability and softening of the fruit pulp during storage. Apples become smaller as the tree ages. The last important drawback of the variety is its inability to grow in cold climates. No harm to the body was also detected.

Planting young seedlings

Seedlings are purchased and planted in early May. For this, a suitable place is selected, preferably away from buildings that create a constant shadow, but if there is a desire to have a tree under the window, then White Fill is quite capable of growing in such conditions.

The main thing is that there are no roots of other trees nearby that can draw moisture and moisture necessary for the apple tree from the soil. useful material. The distance to the crown of a neighboring tree should be at least 4 meters.

White pouring is an ancient variety that has passed long term adaptation, so it is able to survive on almost any soil. Of course, fertile or average soils will be better, but residents of regions with clay soil will also be able to get a good harvest.

For planting, a hole measuring 45x45 cm is dug, at the bottom of which you need to pour a bucket of humus in the form of a slide. Fertilizer is sprinkled on top with a few centimeters of soil removed from the top layer of soil. The seedling is placed in the center of the embankment, and its roots spread evenly along the slope.

Holding it in this state, earth is poured on top and compacted a little. The root collar should be above the soil level. After planting, the hole is not completely filled in so that a small step remains. This will make it easy to water the tree, and the moisture will not spill to the side. When planting, you will need 10-20 liters of water.

Care and fertilization at the initial stage

The first thing you need to provide for the growth of a seedling is moisture. You should alternate between moistening the soil and adding time to add it. Excess moisture negatively affects the root system and causes rot. Upper layer The soil needs to be loosened periodically to ensure unhindered air access to the roots.

It is better to immediately tie up the seedling, this will protect it from strong wind and will allow you to adjust its shape. In the first years, it is important to ensure that the tree does not begin to bend. If this is neglected, then when the crown gets stronger, it will be impossible to correct the direction of its growth.

To speed up the onset of fruiting, you can promote the development of roots; for this, potassium and phosphate fertilizers, as well as urea, are used. You can start doing this from the second year after planting. In spring, urea is added at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of water for each tree, its use in the fall is undesirable because it will impair the ability to winter. In September, you can add a solution of water and superphosphate, in the same proportion: 2 tablespoons per bucket of water.

Apple jam White filling

Formation of the crown of an apple tree

To give the tree shape, tying alone is not enough, and you need to resort to annual pruning. The young seedling is initially cut at a height of 80-90 cm. This causes lateral branches to develop, which will contribute to the formation of a rounded crown.

When the crown develops, side shoots appear that extend far towards the trunk; they also need to be cut off at a distance of 50-70 cm. White filling feels better with a rounded crown, so you need to cut off the upper shoots that grow at an acute angle in relation to the trunk.

Branches that grow correctly also need to be shortened, but only to the third bud. Sanitary pruning is necessary in early spring until the sap in the tree began to flow. At this time, you need to remove dry and excess branches.

When the tree blooms, several small apples appear in each bunch. To make the fruits larger, you can remove the central apple from each bunch. In addition to increasing the size of the fruit, this will avoid excessive depletion of the young tree, which leads to crop failure in the next season.

Pest prevention

White filling is susceptible to the same diseases and pests as regular varieties. He may suffer from:

  • powdery mildew;
  • apple scab;
  • apple stalk;
  • leaf rollers;
  • apple blossom beetle, etc.

The condition of the trees should be monitored and if symptoms occur, apply special drugs . For young trees, treatment is simple, because their growth allows for full spraying. It is difficult to carry out full control measures with large specimens.

The White filling variety has a number of advantages, the main one of which is early ripening. But the low storage and transportation rates make it purely a variety for personal use or quick processing. A negative indicator is the decrease in fruits with increasing age of the tree.

One of the most beloved and common fruits, apples, usually appear in the fall. But some of their varieties, being early, ripen already at the height of summer. The most famous of the early varieties is “White filling” or white apple. It gets its name from the color Ivory, in which it is painted.

Description of the variety

The tree on which these white apples grow rises up to 5 meters. The size of the fruits is different: on young trees they are larger, on mature trees the fruits grow densely, but they are smaller.

The shape of the tree's crown changes with age from pyramidal to round. The bark is light gray. The rounded, medium-sized leaves of this variety of apple trees have a edge at the bottom. The tree on which the white apples grow blooms with beautiful pink flowers. In bulk apples with sunny side bright, ruddy sides. The fruits of a young apple tree sometimes weigh 150 g, and an adult one - half as much. The skin of white apples is tender and thin. The pulp is tender, white, loose, coarse-grained. The taste of apples of this variety is sweet and sour.

The apple tree bears fruit regularly, starting from 4-5 years and up to 45 years.

In many sources, in the description of the variety “White filling” it is also called “Papirovka”, although this variety comes from the Baltics, and “White filling” is an original Russian variety originating from the Middle Volga region.

Chemical composition, benefits and harms

White apples contain: pectin substances – 10%, sugars – 9%, ascorbic acid – 21.8 mg per 100 g.

Vitamin C, which gives the fruit a slight sourness, strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight infection and viruses. These apples also contain fiber, which helps remove “bad” cholesterol from the body. It also helps in the fight against constipation, reducing the risk of intestinal cancer.

Pectins remove excess cholesterol and toxins from the liver. The antioxidant quercetin, contained in the peel of this variety of apples, resists the effects of free radicals - constant companions of stress that accelerate the aging of the body.

Those who have gastrointestinal diseases - ulcers, gastritis with high acidity and different kinds colitis

Landing rules

There are several ways to plant apple trees of this variety:

  1. From seeds. First, the seeds are soaked and stratified for 1.5-2 months in the refrigerator or cellar. The hatched seeds are transplanted into separate containers.
  2. The washed seeds are planted in the garden at the end of summer. By spring, having swelled, they have time to take root, and in winter they undergo hardening. By mid-spring they are already sprouting. They are transplanted into a spacious pot of soil with garden plot. Below there is drainage and soil with sand and peat additives.
  3. Seeds in peat pots with a nutrient mixture are planted in the garden under the snow, protecting them from rodents with a layer of spruce branches. In the spring, the sprouted seedlings are transplanted to their designated place.

Planting apple tree seedlings of the described variety is carried out according to the algorithm indicated below:

  • at the beginning of May, when the earth has warmed up sufficiently, a hole 45 by 45 cm is dug in a sufficiently illuminated place;
  • soil enriched with peat, ash, and humus is added to its bottom. Excessive soil acidity is extinguished with lime. IN clay soil sand is added;
  • a seedling with straightened roots is placed in a hole and covered with earth;
  • the root collar should be above ground level;
  • the distance between apple trees and other plants cannot be less than 4 meters.

Trees grown from seeds must be replanted before being planted. permanent place. This happens only for 2-3 years. Seedlings should not be replanted unless absolutely necessary.

We invite you to familiarize yourself in more detail with the technology of independently growing apple tree seedlings by reading the corresponding article on our resource.

Apple tree "White filling": cultivation (video)

Apple tree care

The description of caring for apple trees of this variety differs little from general rules, however, there are some nuances in their agricultural technology:

  1. Watering is regular, without over-watering the tree. It is convenient to mark the border of the roots by driving pegs in a circle. Next to them you need to dig grooves for drainage.
  2. Loosening the soil and weeding are measures to provide the roots with moisture and oxygen.
  3. Fertilizing the soil is carried out during planting of the seedling; the next fertilizing is needed only after a year. For this purpose, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are used.
  4. In the spring, old branches are pruned; young trees need pruning to form the crown and prevent diseases. At the same time, trees of the “White Naliv” variety are treated with insecticides.
  5. Before winter, the soil under the trees is mulched with branches, sawdust, etc.
  6. To produce white apples, trees need pollinators to grow nearby. Suitable varieties of apple trees are those that bloom and bear fruit at the same time as the “White filling” - “Anise”, “Grushovka”, “Manet”, etc.
  7. An overabundance of apples depletes the tree and leads to irregular fruiting. Therefore, it is necessary to thin out the apple ovaries, removing the central rudiment from each bunch.
  8. You can protect the trunk from rodents by whitewashing, special paint, or wrapping it in spruce wood.

An adult fruit-bearing tree is fertilized in stages:

  • in mid-spring - the first feeding - half a kilogram of urea or 6 buckets of humus;
  • before flowering - second feeding - add liquid humus;
  • The third feeding occurs during the period of fruit set. A solution of nitrophosphate (1:200) is added under the trees with a little sodium humate added;
  • After collecting white apples, the trees are fed with 350 g of potassium fertilizers and superphosphate, diluted in water.

Harvesting and storage

White apples are harvested twice - at the beginning and in the second half of August. This variety, very sensitive to damage and shock, can be stored for no more than 20 days. Apples are not transported to long distances, and are immediately recycled.

White apples are used to make salads, juices, wines, compotes, and can be preserved. They are widely used in baking fillings and desserts. Jams, preserves, and soaked apples are prepared for future use.

Selection based on “White filling”

The described variety, having winter hardiness and high yield, is unsuitable for storage. At the same time, a ripe crop is difficult to quickly harvest without loss. Therefore, this variety was used for breeding the “Uralskoye Nalivnoe” variety by crossing with the “Ranet” variety. The resulting variety is winter-hardy, it is grown in the Urals, Kazakhstan, in the north and Far East. The green apples are small and have a pink blush on their sides. The variety is very productive, and pink apples are stored for 2-3 months.

“Ural Bulk” is an autumn variety of apples. The description of the rules for caring for this apple tree indicates that this variety is not picky. Gardeners love the Ural apple for its sweet taste, juiciness, unpretentiousness, frost resistance, fertility and extensive zoning.

"White filling": harvesting (video)

Growing “White filling” - an early white apple - is a long and troublesome process. But the pleasure from these healthy, tasty and aromatic apples is worth the effort.

It is traditionally believed that the national selection apple tree variety White Nalivka (or Papirovka) can only be grown in the North-Western and Central regions, but the active development of amateur gardening in Siberia made this variety popular in Western Siberia, Altai and the Urals.

Apple trees of this variety have earned love for consistently large yields, early ripening of fruits and high levels of winter hardiness. The White filling apple tree variety is loved by breeders to use in their work; there are over 20 varieties obtained with his participation, including many varieties of apple trees of Altai selection.

In the article:

White filling is a popular summer variety of apple trees. The time of harvest ripening largely depends on climate zone: in the southern regions - mid-July, in the middle zone - mid-August, in the gardens of Siberia - the second half of August. The variety is not afraid low temperatures, It has good performance winter hardiness.

The trees are medium-sized; their maximum height is 5 meters. The crown of a young tree is pyramidal, while that of an adult tree is round. The light gray bark of young trees is smooth, while that of older trees is rough. The leaves are medium-sized, elliptical, pubescent. White or white-pink flowers are collected in large inflorescences.

Apples are formed on the rings, covered with white skin with a slight green tint, the fruits hanging on the tree from the south side at the time of ripening appear a light, light pink blush. The fruits are round-conical, large.

Average weight apples on young trees - 150 g, on old trees no more than 60 g, since apples become smaller as the tree matures. The fruit pulp is juicy, white, tastes sweet, moderately sour with a subtle and pleasant aroma.

Apple trees begin to bear fruit 5 years after planting. With good agricultural technology, the harvest is high, one tree produces about 200 kg of fruit per season; as the apple tree ages, its yield gradually decreases.

The picked ones are stored, ripe apples no more than three weeks, the fruits do not tolerate transportation well, dents appear on them and brown spots. During storage, the pulp becomes loose and not juicy; apples must be processed immediately after harvesting.

In relation to pests and diseases, the variety has average indicators, as it quite often suffers from scab. Loss of presentation during transportation and short shelf life are not beneficial for commercial gardening. This variety is good to have on your summer cottage to provide the family with early apples.

Pollinators: “Antonovka”, “Medunitsa”, “Ottawa”, “Grushovka Moskovskaya”, “Aromat de Vare”, “Mantet” are very suitable as neighbors. The variety itself is not capable of pollination. If there are no other apple trees near it, few fruits will be produced, and their size will disappoint.

The variety has a number of advantages that make it relevant among amateur gardeners for many years:

  • high yields;
  • early fruit ripening;
  • enters the fruiting season early;
  • bark, flower buds, are not afraid of low winter temperatures.

The disadvantages that apple trees of this variety have do not interfere with their popularity:

  • short shelf life of fruits;
  • apples lose their presentation during transportation;
  • the yield of the crop is friendly; with short storage periods, problems arise with fruit processing;
  • ripe fruits quickly lose their taste, become loose and not juicy.
  • may be affected by scab;
  • Fruiting is not regular.

An apple tree of the White filling variety will live in the garden for a long time and bear fruit well if you take the planting of a new fruit tree seriously:

  • choose a good seedling;
  • select the area most suitable in size and location for planting;
  • prepare the planting hole and refueling for it in advance;
  • choose the optimal landing time;
  • provide proper care throughout the life of the apple tree, especially in the first three years.

How to choose the right seedling

The optimal option for planting is a two-year-old seedling grafted onto a regular rootstock. An annual plant is also suitable; its height should not be less than 0.5 m. Seedlings with a closed root system take root easily and practically do not get sick. When purchasing, you need to check whether it grew in this pot or was planted there before selling. It is easy to detect deception - you just need to pull the barrel. If the seedling grew in this pot, it is not easy to pull it out, but if it was planted right before sale, it pulls out easily. Signs of a healthy seedling with an open root system - a good root system:

  • light color;
  • elastic;
  • roots do not break when bent;
  • absence of growths and mechanical damage on the roots;
  • has a central root, five main roots extending from it, having a fibrous structure.

You need to know that the maximum time for planting seedlings with an open root structure is two weeks. It is worth purchasing seedlings immediately before planting them in a permanent place in the garden.

Clay soils are not suitable for White filling. But if there is no choice and you have to plant the apple tree in clay soil, then you need to add sand to the soil for backfilling, in addition to fertilizers. This will significantly improve its structure. On acidic soil, White filling does not take root well; the soil should be deoxidized. It has been proven that White filling grows best on loam.

On loamy soil, the apple tree grows well even if it is not fertilized. IN acidic soils you need to add saltpeter, this will help reduce its acidity. It should be taken into account that the distance from the fence to the planting hole is at least 2.5 meters.

Landing dates

In the southern regions with warm winters and long summers, White filling can be planted in autumn and in conditions middle zone with snowy winters too. And in other cases, White filling should be planted in the spring. When planting in spring, plant a seedling until the buds on it have blossomed and the apple tree has begun to grow, and in the fall, at a time when there is a massive fall of leaves.

Regardless of the timing of planting, it is better to prepare planting holes in the fall. Sprinkle fertilizer evenly over the selected area, the numbers are given per square meter:

  • humus - 2 buckets;
  • nitrogen fertilizers – 15 g;
  • superphosphate – 30 g.

Dig up the soil along with fertilizers. They will go down when digging. The dimensions of the hole on fertilized soil are 60 cm * 60 cm, on soil without applying fertilizers for digging - 80 cm * 100 cm. The bottom of the hole must be dug up. Add 2 buckets of humus, 50 g of potash fertilizers, 100 g of superphosphate to the soil removed from the hole. Additionally, if the soil is poor, add 50 g of ammonium nitrate to everything else. Pour the soil filled with fertilizers into a heap at the bottom of the hole. The planting hole is ready for planting.


  • Place the seedling on a mound, carefully straighten the roots.
  • The root collar should be above ground level.
  • Fill the hole, compact the earth, and form a small roller along the edge.
  • The seedling must be watered, even if it's raining. One tree requires at least 3 buckets of water.
  • After watering, sprinkle the tree trunk circle with mulch. Suitable for this purpose: manure, humus, peat. The thickness of the mulch layer is at least 5 cm.
  • Tie the seedling to a support driven into the center of the hole; after planting, it must be shortened by a third of its length.

Apple tree care White filling is standard. In the first years, formative pruning of the crown is very important. Young branches, no more than 1.5 centimeters thick, can be cut using pruning shears, thicker ones using a hacksaw. Formative pruning promotes the growth of new shoots and ensures the required form crown, eliminates its thickening.

To receive a crown round shape you need to cut out branches growing at an acute angle to the central conductor. Cut them off without leaving stumps, cover the cut with garden varnish. Those branches that grow correctly should be shortened to the third bud.

When shortening to the outer bud, the new shoot grows away from the central conductor; when cutting to the inner bud, the new shoot is directed vertically. Damaged and diseased branches are removed from mature apple trees. Sanitary pruning should be carried out before the buds swell and the sap begins to flow, and the tree suffers less.

Fertilizers are needed throughout the life of the apple tree, especially on depleted lands. Potassium and phosphorus fertilizers promote the growth of the root system and accelerate fruiting. Start applying fertilizers a year after planting. In spring, feed with urea. For one young tree, one bucket of water and two tablespoons of urea are enough. In the fall, feed with superphosphate, the proportion is the same - a bucket of water and two tablespoons of fertilizer.

WITH early spring and until October the apple tree needs watering. During the formation of ovaries and fruits, they should be carried out more often and be more abundant. After harvesting the fruits, they shrink; the last watering should be done in the fall before the onset of frost. To prevent root rot, the soil in the tree trunk circle must be loosened after each watering. In dry summers, in addition to watering, mulch with dry grass or humus.

The White Naliv apple tree suffers from the same pests as other varieties of apple trees. Young trees are especially susceptible to diseases. The tree can infect:

  • powdery mildew;
  • scab;
  • codling moth;
  • leaf roller;
  • apple blossom beetle.

There are many drugs on sale that will help cope with pests and diseases. The use of such chemicals How:

  • Zolon;
  • Atom;
  • Binomial;
  • Calypso.

If it is easy to treat a young tree, then with an adult five-meter tree everything is much more difficult; it is difficult to spray it.

White filling often affects scab - fungal disease, its causative agent is a marsupial fungus. Symptoms of the disease: yellow-green spots on initial stage the diseases are almost black afterwards. Active spread of the disease occurs at high air humidity caused by rain or fog. A sick tree begins to lose leaves early, the fruits become ugly, small, and wrinkled.

  • autumn cleaning and destruction of leaves;
  • cutting out diseased branches;
  • stripping bark and disinfecting with solution copper sulfate;
  • whitewashing the trunk;
  • treatment of wood with preparations (Fitosporin-M, Zircon, Raek).

If preventative measures do not help, scab can be treated with fungicides. The first spraying should be carried out in March, when the buds are not swollen and the air temperature is above 0° C. You will need 100 g of copper sulfate and a bucket of water. Spray the Apple tree well with this solution.

When the buds begin to bloom, carry out the second treatment. During this period, you can use the following medications:

  • Horus;
  • Fitolavin;
  • Gamair,
  • Strobe,
  • Speed

Carry out the third treatment after all the fruits have been removed with fungicides, colloidal sulfur or copper sulfate.

Apple tree variety White filling, or simply Papirovka, is grown in Central Russia and in Western Siberia. This variety is able to ripen faster than all others and bloom. These apples are characterized by a fragrant aroma and pleasant taste, juiciness and greenish color. When the apple trees fade, they cover the ground with a white, fragrant veil. Gardeners love this variety because it does not require complex care and produces a large harvest.

Characteristics of the variety White filling

The tree of this variety is usually 4-5 meters high, the branches are gray, the leaves are oval-shaped, and it blooms with pink or white flowers. The fruits themselves are light green in color and have a blush on the south side. The average weight of an apple is 70−110 g. The apple has a long, strong stalk. The pulp of the apple is tender, loose and light, and the skin is sour.

Planting and care

For planting, you need to choose a sunny place in the garden, where there is a minimum of humidity. The tree produces its first fruits approximately 5 years after planting. Full ripening of apples occurs in August. Rules for planting seedlings:

On winter period wood insulation is necessary. The fruits are harvested twice - at the beginning of August and at the end. If the apple is overripe, the pulp becomes like cotton wool, but the wonderful smell lasts for a long time.

Rules for choosing a seedling:

  • light root color;
  • root elasticity;
  • the root will not break when bent;
  • there is a central root.

Tree care rules:

  • in the first years, trim the crown (using a hacksaw or pruning shears);
  • fertilize apple trees throughout their life (potassium and phosphorus fertilizers);
  • sanitary pruning until the buds swell;
  • Feed with urea in spring.

How to save an apple tree

The following remedies help against pests: Tod, Zolon, Atom and others. It also helps against pests by bleaching the lower part of the trunk every fall and digging deep around the trunk circles. Under no circumstances should fallen leaves be left behind.

The apple tree loves moisture and sufficient quantity moisture will affect the juiciness and taste of the fruit. However, it is important not to flood the roots to prevent the tree from rotting. It is better to water in the evening and each plant should have two buckets of water. It is recommended to water the seedlings every week for the first 5 years. You cannot water the apple tree while the apples are ripening. It is also necessary to loosen the soil and prevent weeds from growing near the roots.

The variety "White filling" is considered quite frost-resistant. Even if it survives frosts, it can bear fruit 2 or 3 times. Sometimes gardeners do not have time to collect all the fruits during the 3-5 week period when the tree produces them.

This variety is considered self-sterile, so it is advised to plant it next to other varieties, and then you can enjoy the early ripening of the tree.

Like any other tree, the apple tree requires pruning. It is necessary to form a new crown by pruning every two years.

In my garden there is a variety of white apple tree growing. Every year I get a good harvest, which then turns into excellent wine!

The tree is fruitful and does not require special care. Every year my family is pleased with a good harvest. We don’t have time to pick, a lot of apples go to drying. Let's drink compote later!

Features of the variety Pink filling

The “Pink Fill” apple tree variety is considered more decorative, but the fruits also have their own value. This variety is also popularly called “Robin” because of its inherent red fruits. This tree is common in most regions of our country, due to its frost resistance and immunity to disease. "Robin" is popular in winemaking and canning.

Characteristics of the variety: average height, approximately 3 m; high productivity; inherent in apples pink color; The pulp is dense, unlike “White filling”, and has a sweet and sour taste. In winter, the plant can tolerate severe frost, even -30, and in summer heat up to +40. Although “Pink Fill” is resistant to diseases, rot at the roots can develop in wet summer weather. The tree has a long lifespan - about 40 years.

How to plant a tree

The “Pink Fill” seedling is planted in spring or autumn, in April or early October. The tree prefers soil with moisture permeability, such as sandy loam. It is advisable to plant this plant in a well-lit place.

The plant should be planted 3 meters away from other trees and crops. Planted in a hole about a meter deep.

Fertilization and fruiting

Fertilize “Pink filling” with minerals and organic fertilizers V spring period. In autumn, the tree trunk is whitened. Every year the branches are pruned before the buds open..

Like “White Filling”, fruiting begins in the fifth year of tree growth. Apples ripen in July and August. Apples cannot be stored for long. Due to its dessert taste, this variety is well suited for making wine drink. After 22 days of storage, apples lose their properties and become unsuitable for consumption.

Due to heavy rains, the apples began to rot. I hope next year the weather will be dry and sunny. Usually the apple tree produces a good harvest.

Landing: In order for the White Naliv Apple Tree to grow well, the soil must be well prepared before planting, free from weeds, especially perennials, and rich in nutrients (chernozem or any healthy humus-rich dark meadow/garden soil). It is recommended to improve the physicochemical composition of the soil by plowing with green manure or adding compost. The holes should be approximately 60 cm in diameter and 30 cm deep, the size dictates the size of the seedling. We transfer the plant from the temporary container without destroying the earthen lump (if the plant has a bare root system, then pour an earthen mound onto the bottom of the hole and distribute the moistened roots down over it). We fill it with fertile soil and trample it lightly. There is no need to buy special substrates. The larger the fertile layer, the less min. you will have to apply. fertilizers Let's do trunk circle with a roller, for natural collection of rainwater and pour it abundantly into several parishes. All varieties of apple trees in our online store are produced in Ukraine, are frost-resistant and do not require any shelter for the winter, except for the mandatory protection of the bark from hares to a height of 120 cm.

Ukraine is traditionally the largest Eastern Europe manufacturer fruit trees, therefore, be 95% sure that the seedling purchased in Ukraine is guaranteed to be frost-resistant. Our garden center does not sell imported fruit. If you purchased imported varieties of fruit trees brought from Europe (zone 6-9), then before the onset of the first frost they must be protected. A small mound of soil or mulch is poured around the root collar, which will need to be uncovered in the spring, but in winter it will protect the collar and the grafting site from freezing. The plant responds well to fertilization. All plants purchased from the PROXIMA nursery are provided with long-acting fertilizers with the latest formulas of the best European manufacturers and can be sold in your garden center without additional fertilizing throughout the year. But the greatest advantage of buying plants in a container is that they can be planted without additional fertilizer from March to December - even in the heat of summer.

Watering: it is necessary to regularly water the still non-fruiting White Naliv Apple Tree, not allowing the soil to dry out - about 5 times per season during dry periods, 3-5 pcs (10 l) buckets per tree. Lack of moisture will affect the growth of shoots and, accordingly, the future harvest. Starting at the end of July, watering stops so that the apple tree prepares for winter. The norms for the number of buckets for fruit-bearing trees are the same, but watering should be done at next stages: during flowering, before the formation of ovaries in June, 2 or 3 weeks before the apples are fully ripened. When lying close groundwater Irrigation rates are adjusted.

Trimming: on next year after planting, before the start of the growing season, it is necessary to perform formative pruning (the crown is too thick and branches frozen over the winter require regular and timely thinning), but when pruning, be careful not to remove branches with fruit formations. Otherwise, the volume of the future harvest will be significantly reduced. Trees without branches are cut 20cm above the planned branching. For branched trees, we shorten the conductor, and remove branches that are too low.

Diseases: The White Naliv variety is resistant to brown spot, needs protection against scab and powdery mildew of the apple tree, which affects the leaves, stems and buds of the plant.

Fertilizer/care: Planted trees should be fed immediately mineral fertilizers. The first portion of nitrogen is applied in the first year in mid-May. The second is in mid-June. Thanks to this, powerful growths necessary for the formation of a crown are formed before autumn. If the growth of seedlings in the first year is too intense, the next year we limit nitrogen fertilizer, leaving only the May application, but at the beginning of the month. To provoke fruiting, in the third and fourth years we reduce nitrogen fertilization to a minimum. The good development of trees and shrubs, especially on light soils, is facilitated by mulching with humus or compost.

Protection: Without chemical protection, high-quality plant growth in the first years of life is almost impossible. In the budding phase(green “bear ears” cone) tank mixtures of Aktara + Horus preparations are used to protect against apple blossom beetle, bud weevils, and the wintering stage of pathogens such as scab, powdery mildew and fruit rot. The next spraying is carried out with a mixture of Enzhio + Horus preparations in the bud extension phase - pink bud. This treatment protects trees from apple blossom beetle, leaf rollers, winter moth, aphids, honeymoths and against a complex of pathogens: scab, powdery mildew, Alternaria blight, fruit rot. In the Steppe zone in Ukraine, Tiovit Jet is added to tank mixtures to combat fruit mites. During the petal fall phase- after flowering, to simultaneously combat the apple sawfly, leaf roller (in particular the codling moth), wandering larvae of the Californian scale insect, aphids, copperheads, moths, and diseases (for example, scab, powdery mildew, Alternaria), tank mixtures of Aktara or Enzhio® + are used Match® or Branding® and add Speed®. During long periods of rain and heavy dew, add Horus. The approximate timing of the fight against the first generation of codling moth is the beginning of flowering of white acacia or after the end of flowering late varieties apple trees Spraying against caterpillars of the next generations of codling moth occurs on the 30-35th day after the previous one. Varieties susceptible to damage powdery mildew, spray with a mixture of Aktara® + Probrand® and Topaz, and if there is a threat of scab development, add Horus. Soil pests: today in Ukraine there is no more dangerous soil pest than Khrushchev (Russian - May beetle).

From mid-April, having seen the first flying beetle, we URGENTLY treat the crown with Aktara or any of the numerous preparations based on imidacloprid, for example: Prestige (Bayer), Antikhrushch, while part of the solution must get on the trunk (10 cm above the ground) and the root collar and not spill to the side. We repeat similar treatments every 40-50 days of the growing season. We pour it into the ground according to the instructions; Aktara is also effective. Treatment along the crown and topping up the root collar into the soil from late April to September once every 40-60 days. It is better to carry out preventive treatments once a month than to treat when the pest multiplies and “eats” the plant. An example is the war of gardeners and Ukrainians with Colorado beetles, which, like their human “cotton” namesakes, “Colorado beetles,” are very dangerous and gluttonous. Both the first and second must be promptly destroyed.

Weed control: in the period before or after flowering, the herbicide Hurricane Forte and Roundup are used to destroy annual and perennial weeds. The drug is applied subject to the protection of the culture. The best period of administration for broad-leaved weeds is from the phase of 2 true leaves to the flowering phase, annual cereals - the phase of 2-3 leaves, perennial cereals - at a height of 10-12 cm. All of these preparations are mixed without restrictions and without the risk of reduced effectiveness. Consumption rate of the working solution: young tree - 1 l, middle-aged tree - 2 l, tree with a large crown - more than 3 l. All materials used are for the convenience of the user from one company - Syngenta.