Features of dark room design. Features of dark room design What wall color for a dark room

How to solve the problem of a dark room using color, glass and rearranging furniture.

Most often, houses are built in such a way that some of the rooms always face north. Trees growing under windows also do not add light to the room, so most of us are familiar with the lack of natural light at home. Of course, insufficiently lit rooms are not the worst thing. household problem. But many experts are confident that prolonged stay in dark rooms worsens . And the fact that we feel more comfortable in a house full of light has been proven both by the experience of ordinary people and scientific research. However, today there are many techniques with which you can correct the gloomy situation.

Color spectrum

You can’t discover America here - of course, it’s best to start transitioning to the light side with. It is best to paint the ceiling white, which will not absorb light (to be fair, most of our compatriots are conservative when it comes to renovations and do just that), and also opt for light shades of the walls and floors. A simple rule applies here: the lighter the surfaces in the decor, the more light there is in the room. Try to control your desire to paint the wall wine red or dark ultramarine, such changes will not bring anything good, and the atmosphere of the room will darken even more. If, in your opinion, without bright colors can't be avoided at all, arrange color accents in the form of accessories - candlesticks, paintings, blankets and rugs. This way it will be possible to satisfy both the design ambitions and solve the pressing problem.

Photo: Aleksey Gnilenkov


If access to natural light in a room is limited, you need to make the most of what you have. It is not necessary to completely abandon curtains in the style - there is certainly a reasonable grain here, since in this way the room “receives” at its disposal all the light that can get into it, but, let’s be honest, such excessive openness is alien to our mentality. But you can add light, light, almost transparent curtains to the windows. For example, mesh tulle will not block sunlight, but at the same time maintain a feeling of intimacy and security. And by hanging curtains of creamy yellow or light golden color on the window, you will thus, at an associative level, connect your room with the sun, from the lack of which we all suffer so closely 9 months a year. The same goes for spot accents - a bright canary-colored rug or ripe lemon-colored chair cushions will set the right tone. Just don't overdo it, too much bright colors can give the room a somewhat hysterical appearance.

Photo: Helene Valvatne Andås

Artificial lighting

Question proper organization- one of the most painful for Russians. We are accustomed to the fact that in each room there should be one “working” source, and everything else is a whim and extravagance. But designers have a fundamentally different, no less categorical opinion on this matter: any, even the most small room must have at least 3 light scenarios. Think about what each family member is doing in the living room in the evening. If your spouse traditionally reads in a chair, hang a sconce above it. If your grandmother knits woolen socks on an industrial scale while watching The Magnificent Century, place a floor lamp by the sofa. If the whole family gathers for evening tea and bagels, hang another lamp above the table. All these sources together will help create a multi-level direction of light. And vice versa - the harsh light of one chandelier will certainly emphasize the gloom of the room. Also be sure to replace all light bulbs with more powerful ones. For example, fluorescent lamps emit more light while using less power. Pay attention to the saturation of the light from the lamps; it can be either cold or warm.

Photo: jinkazamah


Dark interior items absorb about 40% of light. Unexpected, right? That is, it doesn’t matter whether it’s an old or a new favorite nightstand - any such item will darken the room, literally. What to do with an existing dark, dark cabinet in a dark, dark room is up to you. But choosing new furniture, keep in mind that light, warm colors will create a completely different atmosphere.

Photo: Wicker Paradise

WITH upholstered furniture everything is a little simpler. Of course, you shouldn’t look distrustfully at the good old flea-bellied color and estimate how expensive and painful it would be to replace it. Firstly, reupholstering it will be much cheaper, and secondly, a dark spot in the living room can always be “diluted” with a light blanket and pillows.

Polina Lazareva

Ecology of life. Home: A sunny room is an ideal place to work on your interior. However, not every room has such a wonderful property.

A room flooded with sunlight is an ideal place to work on the interior. However, not every room has such a wonderful property. Let's look at the basic principles of light propagation and discuss the ways in which a room can be made brighter, and, accordingly, visually more spacious.

1. Turn the room into a “white cube”

Nothing expands a room more than blurred boundaries between planes. Paint the walls and floors white, lay down a light-colored floor covering, and your room will turn into a magical “white cube.” Under a fleeting glance, its boundaries will be erased, and the gaze, which does not find contrasting points of contact between the walls and the ceiling and floor, will perceive the space to be much larger than it actually is.

Let's now list the materials that can help you bring this idea to life:

    Floors - parquet boards, laminate, solid wood, parquet, cork (now they are already producing it with all kinds of surface designs), vinyl covering, Self-leveling floors.

    Walls - paint, plaster, wallpaper, wall panels.

    The ceiling is painted.

2. Use the power of mirrors

The mirror has a huge impact on the illumination of the room, if applied correctly. Position the mirror so that it reflects the window and a light wall. Thus, you seem to double the effect and increase the amount of light in the room. It doesn’t matter what size or shape the mirror will be - a huge full-length canvas or a small decor made of mirror glass located under different angles. You need to see in the room its main advantages and advantageous aspects regarding lighting and, with the help of a reflective object, increase their influence.

3. Use pastel shades

In poorly lit rooms, experiments with color combinations can be very dangerous. This is why we strongly recommend avoiding all dark colors and gray shades. The property of surfaces to reflect each other will ultimately lead to the fact that the low degree of illumination in your room will only get worse. Combinations that could be very noble and interesting in a large, bright room run the risk of turning out to be stale and depressing in this kind of room.

When selecting materials, choose shades that are even lighter than you would initially like. The lack of lighting and brightness in the room will make the wallpaper visually darker than it seemed to you in the store under fluorescent lamps or bright sunlight.

4. Don't curtain the windows

The window in the apartment is the only source daylight, and in a poorly lit room it’s simply a crime to curtain it. It is not necessary to not decorate the window at all. You can hang light but thick curtains on both sides of the window so that you can close them as needed. It is better not to hang tulle at all, or to constantly move it closer to the curtains. This will create layers and the textiles on the windows will look even more interesting. With this design option, you should take care appearance the window itself, about the condition of the window sill and the battery.

There are many design options for radiators, ranging from retro style to designer novelties using the latest technologies. Choose the one that best matches your interior or simply cover the existing one (if it’s ugly) with a neat decorative grille.

5. Watch for light reflection

As you know, light rays tend to be reflected. And the texture of the walls and surrounding objects greatly influences the degree of this reflection. Eg, glossy surfaces and reflect better than matte, and light ones - better than dark ones. A smooth surface in this sense is more beneficial than a rough texture.

Remember that every item in the room, and the wall covering especially (because there is very big square), influence surrounding objects and surfaces, and they, in turn, influence them. How more possibilities for the reflection you provide, the brighter the room will appear.

For example, removing from the floor large carpet with a high pile, you will almost double the illumination, and this can be checked using special devices. Think in advance about what objects should surround you, and if your goal is to make the room brighter, first of all think about the texture and color of these objects. Plan for this, because without accurate calculations you can end up with a clumsy design and poor organization. And only planning will help you correct existing shortcomings.

By using these simple techniques, you can significantly improve the lighting in your room. In this case, it is quite possible to apply all the advice regarding one room - after all, with daylight it is simply impossible to overdo it. But if suddenly it still turns out to be not enough, there is always artificial lighting, decorative possibilities which are so wide that this drawback at first glance, if presented correctly, can be turned into the biggest advantage of your room.

The main thing is not to despair and not to lament, but to accept the circumstances as they are, while firmly knowing that in the end everything will definitely turn out great. published

Often rooms are too dark for various reasons: design features, location on the north side of the house, the presence of tall trees under the windows, the use of dark colors in the decoration of this room finishing materials, insufficient, ill-conceived artificial lighting, and many, many more nuances.

But living in a dark room is not very comfortable, both psychologically and practically. Light is needed for mood, for work, and for health. But if the room is dark, what should you do? Of course, we cannot change many factors, for example, the location on the shady side of the house. But we can still do a lot! And as a result, even the darkest room can be turned into a bright and cozy one. There are 12 simple steps to do this.

Step 1. Arrange multi-level lighting and hidden lighting in the room.
Of course, first of all, check the main lighting; most likely, it is not up to standard. One chandelier in a dark room is not enough! You need at least one more good light source. Well, in addition to them - already backlighting. The secret is that it should be at different levels. To do this, it is not necessary to arrange dropped ceilings. You can make “sides” around the perimeter of the ceiling and hide hidden lighting in them, hang sconces on different heights, install a floor lamp, and even install floor lamps. Cabinet lighting is also lighting that will “work” for a single lighting scenario.

Step 2. Light floor, ceiling and walls.
The ceiling does not necessarily have to be white. It's corny. The same can be said about walls. A lot of white is uncomfortable. You can paint the ceiling with one of the light pastel colors: cream, unbleached wool, sand, even light green or soft blue (but a very light shade). The same can be said about walls. Paul better do better light wood, or himself light laminate, carpet, you can lay light carpets. Unexpectedly, in some interior styles the floor is made white. The maximum effect will be achieved by equally light floors, walls and ceilings, especially if they are also in the same color scheme.

Step 3. Make sure that the furniture, textiles and curtains strictly match the finish of the walls and floor.
Furniture and textile contrasts are not suitable for brightening the interior. Especially dark furniture and fabrics. After all, they absorb up to 40 percent of light. They also visually “dematerialize” the room, making it smaller. Furniture upholstery and textiles may well have a pattern, the main thing is light color and compatibility with finishing.

Step 4. As little textile as possible.
There should be textiles in the room, but there should be little of it. Open, preferably shiny surfaces are better. So don’t get carried away with bedspreads, tablecloths, pillows, double curtains, lambrequins. Curtains are better single and always made of light fabrics.

Step 5: Keep the room clear of furniture and clear out the center of the room.
No matter how attractive it may look, do not place furniture in the middle of the room, and in general try to keep the furniture to a minimum. Better is the good old “on the wall” option. There is nothing wrong with this, but as soon as the room is freed up, there will be more air and light. Any piece of furniture also absorbs light, especially if it is in the center of the room. Also, this arrangement visually reduces the area; it is acceptable for large and bright rooms.

Step 6. Do not use finishing materials that are too embossed.
This is stucco, all kinds textured plasters, tiles with relief. Physically, this is a collection of reliefs and depressions, creating the effect of mini-niches that absorb light. And on a large surface this effect is even multiplied. By the way, if you arrange real niches (as a design element), be sure to provide them with lighting.

Step 7: Use furniture with open legs.
Do not use heavy-looking, massive furniture without legs in a dark room. The legs open up the space, make the room feel lighter in appearance, and do not block the light, and if they also shine, then this is just what you need.

Mirrors are the most useful item interior for a dark room. They double the light. However, any shiny objects also have similar properties: glass, metal, crystals. They also reflect and amplify light. Ideal - both mirrors and shiny surfaces. By the way, crystal and chandeliers with crystal pendants are always good in dark rooms. If all this is played out tastefully and skillfully, it doesn’t look trivial at all, but the effect is enormous.

Step 9. Do not use wallpaper with an overly complex pattern.
Wallpaper for a dark room is better in plain colors or with a simple pattern. However, there is a compromise: the walls can be made different. If you really like patterned wallpaper, use a spectacular design move: let three walls in the room be “according to the rules”, and one with patterned wallpaper. This will not greatly affect the lighting, but the size of the room will visually increase, and the room will look fresh and original. You don’t need to use the entire wall, but just one strip of such wallpaper. You can also add light by gluing mirrored stones and rhinestones to patterned wallpaper.

Step 10. Use the “right” colors to decorate the room.
In addition to the walls, floor and ceiling, the room also has object content. And no one said that it should only be in light pastel colors or be white. To increase the illumination in the room, paradoxically, it is necessary to introduce bright nuances. But the secret is that bright colors cannot be any, but only “pure”, basic ones. For example, if red, then classic red, not raspberry, fuchsia, hot pink, etc. Yellow means warm canary, not lemon, etc. Also, these colors should in no case be with “ acidic shades. An interior with only pastel light colors looks a little darker than the same interior, but with bright spots.

Step 11: Clear the room tall plants with dense foliage.
Such plants absorb a lot of light. In particular, such plants should not be on the window. Maximum one small pot. If you still want to keep a large plant, then purchase a shade-tolerant one and place it away from the window.

Step 12 Add some gold.

Objects decorated with “gold” always brighten the interior, add “sun” and mood - frames, trinkets, vases, fittings, mosaics, lamps with a “gold” base. There are never too many “golden” nuances in a dark room. In addition, now gold trim is in fashion, and is used not only in classic styles interior, but also in modern ones. So you can brighten the room and fashionable interior create.

A dark room is like Tolstoy’s unhappy family - that’s it bright rooms good equally, every dark room is bad in its own way. If you got a room with a window facing north, with a window shaded by trees, with a small window, with a shaded balcony block, long narrow room, asymmetrical room - in general, if you have a dark room and need to make it lighter, then this article is for you.

Here I will tell you how to make a dark room brighter in daytime, at natural light, but I won’t touch the electric light.

You don't have to use everything design techniques, which I will tell you about - choose those that suit you best and like them.

The first way to make a dark room lighter is “white box” - white walls, white ceiling and white floor. In photo 1 you see a kitchen that has a configuration in which daylight falls only on part of the space, and the main part of the room is in the shadow. The “white box” reflects more light.

Photos 1, 2 and 3

In photo 2 you see a room that may seem bright - no, it’s just that when photographing, a window with daylight always seems dazzlingly bright because the rest of the room is shaded. In fact, this room is very dark, if it were not a white box, it would receive almost no daylight, since the window is north and the room is asymmetrical. Due to the white color of the “box” (floor, walls, ceiling), it becomes much lighter.

There is absolutely no alternative to a white ceiling in dark rooms; Russian consumers are gradually starting to get used to white walls. But the white floor causes protest, because white is the most rarely used floor color in Russia.

But a dark room with a white floor becomes noticeably more illuminated, the difference is very noticeable. And besides, the “white box” is not only a way to reflect maximum daylight into the room. This is also a way to make a narrow room visually more spacious, especially if the furniture is white, as in the photo above. It sounds terrible (all white), but it works!

Photo 3 shows a very dark narrow room, which in any color other than white would simply become a crypt. The white floor, ceiling and furniture make it brighter during the day and dressier in the evening when the electric light is on.

If a white floor is combined with white walls and white furniture, the room becomes lighter and visually more spacious. Then the lack of contrast and transition between background surfaces (floor, walls, ceiling) and furniture makes the space more homogeneous (the boundaries of the room seem to blur), and, in turn, because of this, the space seems wider.

The room in photo 4 seems large and bright. In fact, it is small and not very well lit - there is one high narrow window and two very small ones, the total window area is small. But white walls, floors and white furniture create a completely different impression. Mentally paint the walls, floors and furniture - and you will understand the difference.

In dark apartments, make white floors, white doors and white walls in all rooms. Everyone immediately thought about the dirtyness in the hallway and corridor. But modern materials(tiles, linoleum, veneer, washable wallpaper and durable paint) are very easy to clean and do not lose their appearance for a long time. Well, yes, you will have to wash it more often. But it will be clean and bright :)

Many people are afraid of the “white box” solution, and even more so of the “white box with white furniture” solution, because it seems very sterile, boring and “hospital”. But it’s easy to avoid “white silence” in the interior - add bright accessories and small furniture in bright colors, as in photos 5-8. If bright colors you don't like it, just use more details (photos 9 and 10).

Dark rooms with low ceilings the “white box” is very shown - among other things, this design of background surfaces also creates the feeling that the room is easy to breathe, this is very important in small rooms. To avoid boredom, use a variety of decor, especially white openwork - lace, carving, macrame, patterns on glass, etc.

In photo 12 you see the most beautiful headboard, which greatly decorates a small dark room (note the height of the ceiling) and does not absorb light at all. That is, the room remains white, it doesn’t even use additional colors, but at the same time you definitely can’t call it boring.

Photos 12, 13 and 14

So, the first way to maximize daylight in a dark room is the “white box”. If the room is small, then the furniture and some of the decor can also be made white. For decoration you can use several bright accessories or accessories in calm tones, but in large quantities.

If this method is completely unacceptable for you, modify it: use the lightest colors you can bear for background spaces, curtains and large furniture. Add white elements and accessories of rich colors to them, as in photo 11. This will help reflect the maximum of incoming daylight. Contrasting bright elements are needed to give the interior clarity, as in photos 13, 14 and 15, but there should not be too many of them - literally two or three.

Photos 16, 17 and 18

What colors are suitable for walls in dark rooms? From the cold ones: light blue, light green and mint, light turquoise, light light pink - these colors reflect a lot of light. But light lilac, light blue and light gray are not recommended in dark rooms - with a lack of daylight, these colors become dirty. gray shade and look sad.

It is not for nothing that the turquoise color, as in photo 19, is so often used in bathroom design - it reflects a lot of light and makes the whole design very light.

From warm colors dark rooms are suitable: milky white, cream, the lightest beige and Ivory, light warm pink, very light pistachio, vanilla and all light yellow shades (they are especially suitable for northern rooms, since the yellow color of the walls partly compensates for the lack of sunlight).

Peach, terracotta (absorb a lot of light and in cloudy weather also takes on a dirty tint), olive and orange (absorb a LOT of light) are not recommended. In photo 23 you see how bright Orange color darkens the room.

Photos 22 and 23

In general, in dark rooms, experiments with bright background surfaces (floor, walls, ceiling) almost always fail - especially in northern and eastern rooms. Photos 24 and 25 are an eloquent example. The top of the bathroom walls were painted umber - a beautiful and rich color - and then they were repainted blue. Feel the difference.

Photos 24 and 25

So, the second way to make a dark room lighter is “light + white + bright”: light walls and floor, snow-white ceiling, white elements (doors and at least a couple of pieces of furniture) plus a couple of bright accessories for contrast.

The third method is for some reason almost forgotten; I don’t even have good illustrations. This is a horizontal combination of wallpaper according to the principle “the bottom is darker + the top is very light.” Something like photo 26, only the colors don’t have to be contrasting. But the furniture against the background of the lower part of the walls should, of course, be light.

This wallpaper combination suits dark rooms well. The lower third of the walls is covered with darker wallpaper, the upper third with lighter wallpaper, the joint is usually covered with molding or wooden casing– white or in the color of the floor or doors.

Photos 27 and 28

Now a few small tricks that will help you make your interior brighter. Make some surfaces glossy white. If your room has a built-in wardrobe opposite the window, make the doors glossy and at least one of them mirrored. If there is no closet, but there is furniture on the side of the window, make it glossy white. In photo 27 you see how successful white gloss reflects light.

A similar role can be played by a mirror placed in the same way - on the side or opposite the window (photo 28). But do not overuse mirrors - contrary to popular belief, an excess of mirrors is not so positively perceived in the interior - read more about this. In short, white gloss reflects only light, but a mirror reflects everything.

Use pastel colors in a dark room. Pastels contain a lot of white/whitish undertones and reflect daylight very well. Plus, all pastel colors combine perfectly with each other and allow you to create very light, visually light, but at the same time not boring color combinations, as in the photo in the article at the link. Pastels are especially indicated if the room is dark because the window is shaded by trees.

Photos 29, 30 and 31

Hang only snow-white tulle and, if possible, white curtains (photos 29 and 30). If it is possible to do without curtains at all, closing only the lower part of the window so that the room is not visible from the street, that’s great.

For example, if your room is shaded by the dense foliage of trees growing in the yard, as in photo 31, or overlooks a non-residential space from where no one can look into your room, you can simply cover the lower half of the windows with transparent film or muslin, or light white tulle - and thus win a little more daylight. This method, of course, is not suitable for everyone.

Photos 32 and 33

Make the most of the window. In photo 32 you see that dinner table placed in such a way that people do not receive daylight at all - there is nothing near the window, and the table is pushed into the most shaded place in the room. Consider arranging the furniture in your room so that you spend maximum time in its brightest place.

Important in a dark room wall decor. Use paintings or posters in a light, light color. If you want more brightness, let them have bright colors too, but let the background and overall color be light and be sure that the top of the picture or poster is lighter than the bottom. Light flowers are very good (photo 33): orchids, jasmine, white peonies, white lilac, sakura, lilies, etc.

It’s good if you use paintings or posters behind glass (photo 34) - glass reflects daylight, although its disadvantage is that then the painting becomes less visible.

In dark bedrooms, use light-colored bedspreads (photo 35), especially if you use the bedroom during the day. Few people think about this, but a bedspread is a large object, and the larger your bed, the greater the role the bedspread plays in the overall color of the bedroom. Therefore, if your bedroom is dark, choose not only the curtains as light as possible, but also the bedspread. Light colored bedspreads can be very beautiful, as you can see in the photo on the left. In general, bedspreads of the “light background + beautiful exquisite pattern” type are great choice for any bedroom, but especially for a dark one.

Now a little about what is NOT suitable for dark rooms. All dull, faded, muted colors are contraindicated in dark rooms.

Neither for furniture, nor for carpets, nor for curtains, nor for decoration - for anything, do not use colors like those in photo 36. In bright yellow electric light they can be quite OK, but in daylight, as you can see, they take on this unpleasant “wornness”, especially in cloudy weather. Nothing makes a dark room look more gloomy than colors like these. Moreover, there are very beautiful muted shades of green, lilac, burgundy - it’s a pity, but you simply won’t see their beauty.

Photos 36 and 37

Grey colour not suitable for dark rooms. Gray color, even it light shades, has a very complex relationship with daylight and especially with its lack. Gray color often takes on an unpleasant, deathly hue during the day, especially in rooms facing north and northeast. In photo 37 you see an example - an elegant gray shade would be very beautiful if it were better lit, but as it is, it became flat and cold. At the same time, notice in this photo how well the light floor works as a reflector.

Pearlescent wallpaper is not suitable for dark rooms. Many people confuse gloss and mother-of-pearl or believe that everything that glitters and reflects light is good for a dark room. This is not true. Gloss reflects light without distortion, while mother-of-pearl distorts and darkens it. Silk-screen printing and metallography are not suitable for dark rooms - they darken the walls even more. In photo 38 you can see how strongly the metallography absorbs light - about two meters from the window the wall is already completely dark. Imagine this wall as simply light, without mother-of-pearl, and you will understand the difference.

So, if you have a dark room, don’t despair. Think carefully about its design and, in particular, its layout, abandon dark and dull colors in favor of white, pastels and pure bright colors; ask for samples of materials in stores so you can look at them at home in daylight (or buy them and return them if they don’t suit you), approach the issue as meticulously as possible - and you will succeed. I hope you found this article helpful - if so, click the +1, “like” button or your icon social network. Thank you!

If you are constantly feeling tired at home, feeling stressed, and having a bad mood that doesn’t go away, then you should take a close look at the room. It is the lack of light that causes this condition. It has been proven that people feel better in a room that is well lit with natural light and furnished in light colors. Here are 10 ways to brighten up a dark room with... additional sources natural light and bright interior.

1. Walk around the room and identify particularly dark areas

Those who have lived in the house for a long time will be able to easily identify dark areas. These may be poorly lit rooms whose walls are painted dark colors, and the furniture in most cases is also dark in color. These are some kind of “black holes”. Before you make a room brighter, you need to find the source of this darkness. You may have to replace the windows or paint the walls a light color, or change the upholstery on the furniture.

2. Bright colors can be diluted with pastel colors or white

If the interior lacks warmth, then you should opt for shades of coffee, camel or red-brown tones. Brown, coffee and white colors Look great in decor and go well with dark floors, doors and furniture.

3. Complement a dark ceiling with recessed lights

In many modern houses ceilings painted dark or even upholstered wood panels. This not only gives the room a certain character, but also creates the feeling of being in a cave. Built-in lamps will make the ceiling lighter and will not irritate you with harsh light. It may be worth installing a special switch to control the light intensity.

4. Combine light work surfaces with dark cabinets in the kitchen

If the floor and cabinets in the kitchen are dark in color, then it is worth installing light-colored work surfaces. This simple technique will transform the kitchen - it will become lighter and more spacious.

5. Use pendant lights in the kitchen

If there are dark areas in the kitchen, then it is worth installing pendant lamps above them. They will not only illuminate dark corners, but also make the room stylish and modern. Can be installed hanging lamp from glass, of stainless steel or mosaics above the table or in the corner.

6. Bright light in a dark bedroom

It is also necessary to mention dark bedroom. If the walls, bedding, flooring and accessories in the bedroom are dark in color, then this is not a bad thing when you need to relax after a busy day. You don't have to do it dramatic changes In decor, simply install a soft light fixture in particularly dark areas to create a certain atmosphere and make the bedroom more attractive. You can install lighting for shelves or cabinets, hanging chandelier with dim lighting to let the shadows play and transform the room.

7. Stick to a balance between dark and light

The bedroom is considered a personal refuge, which is not shown to strangers, but still, for your own sake, it is worth adhering to the basic rule and maintaining a balance between dark and light. For example, if the walls are dark, then it is better to use light bedding in ecru or oil yellow color; you can throw light pillows on the bed. Create an atmosphere of comfort and relaxation.

8. Proper use of dark colors in decor

Don't be afraid to use it in decoration dark colors, as this is a great way to add character and personality to the interior. First of all, you need to determine the source of natural light. The more light there is in a room, the darker the walls can be. If the windows in the room are small or there are few of them, then the color should be several shades lighter so that the room does not look like a cave.

9. How to lighten dark furniture

The darkest room in the house is the dressing room. If it has no windows, that is good way make it lighter. First of all, you can install additional lighting fixtures, including pendant lamps or recessed lights to illuminate cabinets. For the same purpose, you can install additional mirrors that will reflect light and the room will become brighter.

10. Access to daylight in the dressing room

Instead of bemoaning the fact that your closet is too dark, add a window to the room. Even small skylight will provide access to daylight into the dressing room; if this is not possible, then it is necessary to install light wells on the roof that will collect sunlight and direct it into the room. However, installing windows is not such a simple task; you need to at least pay attention to