The main function of the artistic style of speech. Linguistic means of fiction style

Lesson plan:

Theoretical block

    Linguistic features of artistic style of speech

    Features of the artistic style and its characteristics

    Areas of use of artistic style of speech

    Genres of artistic style

    The role of sentences in the text

    Text-forming functions of a sentence

Practical block

    Working with texts: determining the style of the text and highlighting the linguistic features of each of them

    Highlighting the main features of artistic style in texts

    Distinguishing between substyles and genres of artistic style

    Analysis of artistic style texts

    Composing texts using reference expressions

Tasks for SRO


1. Russian language: textbook. aid for students Kaz. dept. University (bachelor's degree) / Ed. K.K. Akhmedyarova, Sh.K. Zharkynbekova. – Almaty: Publishing house “Kazakh University”, 2008. – 226 p.

2. Stylistics and culture of speech: Textbook. Allowance/T.P. Pleschenko, N.V. Fedotova, R.G. Taps; Ed. P.P. Fur coats.Mn.: TetraSystems, 2001.544 pp.

Theoretical block

Artstyle– functional style of speech, which is used in fiction. Art style influences the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the wealth of vocabulary, possibilities different styles, characterized by imagery and emotionality of speech.

In a work of art, a word not only carries certain information, but also serves to have an aesthetic impact on the reader with the help of artistic images. The brighter and more truthful the image, the stronger its impact on the reader.

In their works, writers use, when necessary, not only words and forms literary language, but also outdated dialect and colloquial words.

Facilities artistic expression varied and numerous. These are tropes: comparisons, personification, allegory, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, etc. And stylistic figures: epithet, hyperbole, litotes, anaphora, epiphora, gradation, parallelism, rhetorical question, silence, etc.

Style fiction has its own specifics. It serves the emotional and aesthetic area of ​​personal activity. The main properties of the artistic style are: a) aesthetic; b) impact on emotions: with the help of artistic images, the feelings and thoughts of readers are influenced; c) communicative: the ability to evoke a response in the mind of the reader, due to which thoughts are transmitted from one person to another.

Art style

Scope of application

The sphere of art, the sphere of fiction

Main functions

The function of emotional and aesthetic impact on the reader


Prose (epic)


Poetic (lyrics)

Novel, story, fairy tale story, essay, short story, sketch, feuilleton

Tragedy, drama, farce, comedy, tragicomedy

Song, ballad, poem, elegy

poem, fable, sonnet, ode

Main style features

Imagery, emotionality, expressiveness, evaluativeness; manifestation creative individuality author

General language features

Usage stylistic means other styles, the use of special figurative and expressive means - tropes and figures

The artistic style of speech is not distinguished by all scientists. Some researchers, highlighting among functional styles speech artistic style, its main features are considered to be:

    its use in works of art;

    depicting with its help a living picture, object, state, conveying to the reader the feelings and moods of the author;

    concreteness, imagery and emotionality of the statement;

    the presence of special linguistic means: words with a specific meaning, with the meaning of comparison, juxtaposition, words in figurative use, emotional-evaluative, etc.

Other scientists consider it as the language of fiction, and the concepts of “artistic style,” “style of fiction,” and “language of fiction” are considered synonymous.

The artistic style of speech is the language of literature and art. It is used to convey emotions and feelings, artistic images and phenomena.

Artistic style is a way for writers to express themselves, so it is generally used in writing. Orally (for example, in plays) texts written in advance are read. Historically, artistic style functions in three types of literature - lyrics (poems, poems), drama (plays) and epic (stories, novels, novels).

An article about all speech styles -.

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The features of the artistic style are:

2. Language means are a way of conveying an artistic image, emotional state and the mood of the narrator.

3. The use of stylistic figures - metaphors, comparisons, metonymies, etc., emotionally expressive vocabulary, phraseological units.

4. Multi-style. The use of linguistic means of other styles (colloquial, journalistic) is subject to the implementation creative idea. These combinations gradually create what is called the author's style.

5. The use of verbal ambiguity - words are selected in such a way that with their help not only “to draw” images, but also to put hidden meaning into them.

6. The information transfer function is often hidden. The purpose of artistic style is to convey the author’s emotions, to create a mood and emotional state in the reader.

Artistic style: case study

Let's look at the example of the features of the style being analyzed.

Excerpt from the article:

The war disfigured Borovoe. Interspersed with the surviving huts stood charred stoves, like monuments to the people's grief. Gate posts were sticking out. The barn gaped with a huge hole - half of it was broken off and carried away.

There were gardens, but now stumps - like rotten teeth. Only here and there were two or three teenage apple trees nestled.

The village was deserted.

When the one-armed Fedor returned home, his mother was alive. She grew old, grew thin, and had more gray hair. She sat me down at the table, but there was nothing to treat her with. Fyodor had his own, a soldier's. At the table, the mother said: everyone was robbed, damned skinners! We hid pigs and chickens wherever we wanted. Can you really save it? He makes noise and threatens, give him the chicken, even if it’s the last one. Out of fright, they gave away the last one. So I have nothing left. Oh, that was bad! The village was ruined by the damned fascist! You can see for yourself what’s left... more than half of the yards were burned down. The people fled where: some to the rear, some to join the partisans. How many girls were stolen! So our Frosya was taken away...

For a day or two, Fyodor looked around. Our people from Borovsk began to return. They hung a piece of plywood on an empty hut, and on it there were lopsided letters with soot on oil - there was no paint - “The board of the collective farm “Red Dawn” - and off and on! Down and Out trouble started.

The style of this text, as we have already said, is artistic.

His features in this passage:

  1. Borrowing and applying vocabulary and phraseology of other styles ( as monuments of people's grief, fascists, partisans, collective farm rule, the beginning of a daring misfortune).
  2. The use of visual and expressive means ( hijacked, damned skinners, really), the semantic ambiguity of words is actively used ( the war disfigured Borovoe, the barn gaped with a huge hole).
  3. They've robbed everyone, you damn skinners! We hid pigs and chickens wherever we wanted. Can you really save it? He makes noise and threatens, give him the chicken, even if it’s the last one. Oh, that was bad!).
  4. There were gardens, but now stumps are like rotten teeth; She sat me down at the table, but there was nothing to treat her with; on oil - there was no paint).
  5. The syntactic structures of a literary text reflect, first of all, the flow of the author’s impressions, figurative and emotional ( Interspersed with the surviving huts stood charred stoves, like monuments to the people's grief. The barn gaped with a huge hole - half of it was broken off and carried away; There were gardens, but now stumps are like rotten teeth).
  6. The characteristic use of numerous and varied stylistic figures and tropes of the Russian language ( stumps are like rotten teeth; charred stoves stood like monuments to the people's grief; two or three teenage apple trees nestled).
  7. The use, first of all, of vocabulary that forms the basis and creates the imagery of the style being analyzed: for example, figurative techniques and means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context, and words of a wide sphere of use ( grew old, emaciated, burned, in letters, girls).

Thus, the artistic style does not so much tell as it shows - it helps to feel the situation, to visit the places that the narrator is talking about. Of course, there is also a certain “imposition” of the author’s experiences, but it also creates a mood and conveys sensations.

The artistic style is one of the most “borrowing” and flexible: writers, firstly, actively use language of other styles, and secondly, they successfully combine artistic imagery, for example, with explanations of scientific facts, concepts or phenomena.

Scientific and artistic style: case study

Let's look at an example of the interaction of two styles - artistic and scientific.

Excerpt from the article:

The youth of our country loves forests and parks. And this love is fruitful, active. It is expressed not only in the establishment of new gardens, parks and forest belts, but also in the vigilant protection of oak groves and forests. One day, at a meeting, even splinters of wood appeared on the presidium table. Some villain cut down an apple tree growing alone on the river bank. Like a beacon, she stood on the steep mountain. They got used to her, like the appearance of their home, they loved her. And now she was gone. On this day, the conservation group was born. They called it "Green Patrol". There was no mercy for the poachers, and they began to retreat.

N. Korotaev

Features of the scientific style:

  1. Terminology ( presidium, laying forest belts, Krutoyar, poachers).
  2. The presence in a series of nouns of words denoting the concept of a sign or state ( bookmark, security).
  3. Quantitative predominance of nouns and adjectives in the text over verbs ( This love is fruitful, active; in the establishment of new gardens, parks and forest belts, but also in the vigilant protection of oak groves and forests).
  4. Use of verbal phrases and words ( bookmark, protection, mercy, meeting).
  5. Verbs in the present tense, which have a “timeless”, indicative meaning in the text, with weakened lexical and grammatical meanings of time, person, number ( loves, expresses);
  6. A large volume of sentences, their impersonal nature in combination with passive constructions ( It is expressed not only in the establishment of new gardens, parks and forest belts, but also in the vigilant protection of oak groves and forests).

Features of the artistic style:

  1. Wide use of vocabulary and phraseology of other styles ( presidium, laying forest belts, Krutoyar).
  2. The use of various visual and expressive means ( this love is fruitful, in vigilant guard, evil), active use of the verbal polysemy of the word (the appearance of a house, “Green Patrol”).
  3. Emotionality and expressiveness of the image ( They got used to her, like the appearance of their home, they loved her. And now she was gone. On this day the group was born).
  4. Manifestation of the author's creative individuality - author's style ( It is expressed not only in the establishment of new gardens, parks and forest belts, but also in the vigilant protection of oak groves and forests. Here: a combination of features of several styles).
  5. Focus special attention private and seemingly random circumstances and situations, behind which one can see the typical and general ( Some villain cut down an apple tree... And now it was gone. On this day the conservation group was born).
  6. The syntactic structure and corresponding structures in this passage reflect the flow of the author’s figurative and emotional perception ( Like a beacon, she stood on the steep mountain. And then she was gone).
  7. The characteristic use of numerous and varied stylistic figures and tropes of the Russian literary language ( this fruitful, active love, like a beacon, it stood, there was no mercy, growing alone).
  8. The use, first of all, of vocabulary that forms the basis and creates the imagery of the style being analyzed: for example, figurative techniques and means of the Russian language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context, and words of the widest distribution ( youth, evil, fruitful, active, appearance).

In terms of the variety of linguistic means, literary techniques and methods, the artistic style is perhaps the richest. And, unlike other styles, it has a minimum of restrictions - with proper depiction of images and emotional mood, you can even write a literary text scientific terms. But, of course, you shouldn’t abuse this.

As a means of communication, artistic speech has its own language - a system of figurative forms expressed by linguistic and extralinguistic means. Artistic speech along with non-fiction, they constitute two levels of the national language. The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word in this functional style performs a nominative-figurative function. Here is the beginning of V. Larin’s novel “Neuronal Shock”:

“Marat’s father Stepan Porfiryevich Fateev, an orphan from infancy, was from a family of Astrakhan binders. The revolutionary whirlwind blew him out of the locomotive vestibule, dragged him through the Mikhelson plant in Moscow, machine gun courses in Petrograd and threw him into Novgorod-Seversky, a town of deceptive silence and bliss.”(Star. 1998. No. 1).

In these two sentences, the author showed not only a segment of individual human life, but also the atmosphere of the era of enormous changes associated with the revolution of 1917. The first sentence gives knowledge of the social environment, material conditions, human relations in the childhood years of the life of the father of the hero of the novel and his own roots. Simple, rude people surrounding the boy (Bindyuzhnik– the colloquial name for a port loader), the hard work that he has seen since childhood, the restlessness of orphanhood - this is what stands behind this proposal. And the next sentence includes privacy into the cycle of history. Metaphorical phrases The revolutionary whirlwind blew..., dragged..., threw... they liken human life to a certain grain of sand that cannot withstand historical cataclysms, and at the same time convey the element of the general movement of those “who were nobody.” In a scientific or official business text, such imagery, such a layer of in-depth information is impossible.

The lexical composition and functioning of words in the artistic style of speech have their own characteristics. The number of words that form the basis and create the imagery of this style primarily includes figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words with a wide range of usage. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic authenticity when describing certain aspects of life. For example, L.N. Tolstoy in “War and Peace” used special military vocabulary when describing battle scenes; we will find a significant number of words from the hunting lexicon in “Notes of a Hunter” by I. S. Turgenev, in the stories of M. M. Prishvin, V. A. Astafiev, and in “The Queen of Spades” by A. S. Pushkin many words from the lexicon card game and so on.

In the artistic style of speech, the verbal ambiguity of the word is very widely used, which opens up additional meanings and shades of meaning, as well as synonymy at all linguistic levels, thanks to which it becomes possible to emphasize the finest shades values. This is explained by the fact that the author strives to use all the riches of the language, to create his own unique language and style, to create a bright, expressive, figurative text. The author uses not only the vocabulary of the codified literary language, but also a variety of figurative means from colloquial speech and vernacular. Let's give small example:

“At Evdokimov’s tavern it’s alreadywere about to gather turn off the lamps when the scandal began. The scandal started like this.First everything looked nice in the hall, and even the tavern floor guard Potap told the owner that,they say, now God has had mercy - not a single broken bottle, when suddenly in the depths, in the semi-darkness, in the very core, there was a buzz, like a swarm of bees.

- Fathers of light, - the owner was lazily amazed, - here,Potapka, your evil eye, damn it! Well, you should have croaked, damn it!” (Okudzhava B. The Adventures of Shilov).

To the fore in literary text the emotionality and expressiveness of the image come out. Many words that appear in scientific speech as clearly defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and journalistic speech - as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech they carry concrete sensory ideas. Thus, the styles functionally complement each other. For example, adjective lead in scientific speech realizes its direct meaning (lead ore, lead bullet), and the artistic one forms an expressive metaphor (lead clouds, lead night, lead waves). Therefore, in artistic speech an important role is played by phrases that create a kind of figurative representation.

Artistic speech, especially poetic speech, is characterized by inversion, that is, a change in the usual word order in a sentence in order to enhance the semantic significance of a word or give the entire phrase a special stylistic coloring. An example of inversion is the famous line from A. Akhmatova’s poem “I still see Pavlovsk as hilly...” The author’s word order options are varied and subordinated to the general concept.

The syntactic structure of artistic speech reflects the flow of figurative and emotional impressions of the author, so here you can find a whole variety of syntactic structures. Each author subordinates linguistic means to the fulfillment of his ideological and aesthetic tasks. So, L. Petrushevskaya, to show disorder, “troubles” family life heroine of the story “Poetry in Life”, includes in one sentence several simple and complex sentences:

“In Mila’s story, then everything went downhill, Mila’s husband in a new two-room apartment now he no longer protected Mila from her mother, her mother lived separately, and there was no telephone either here or here - Mila's husband became his own Iago and Othello and watched with mockery from around the corner as Mila was accosted on the street by men of his type, builders, prospectors, poets, who did not know how heavy this burden was, how unbearable life was if you fought alone , since beauty is not a helper in life, this is how one could roughly translate those obscene, desperate monologues that the former agronomist, and now a researcher, Mila’s husband, shouted on the streets at night, and in his apartment, and when drunk, so Mila hid somewhere with her young daughter, found shelter, and the unfortunate husband smashed furniture and threw iron pans,”

This sentence is perceived as an endless complaint from countless unhappy women, as a continuation of the theme of a woman’s sad lot.

In artistic speech, deviations from structural norms are also possible, due to artistic actualization, that is, the author highlighting some thought, idea, feature that is important for the meaning of the work. They can be expressed in violation of phonetic, lexical, morphological and other norms. This technique is especially often used to create a comic effect or a bright, expressive artistic image:

"Oh, Cute, - Shipov shook his head, “why do you do this?” No need. I see right through you, mon cherHey, Potapka, why did you forget the man on the street?? Bring him here, waking him up. Well, Mr. Student, how do you rent this tavern? It's dirty and you think I like him?... I've been to real restaurants, sir, I know.... Pure Empire, sir... But you can’t talk to people there, but here I can find out something” (Okudzhava B. The Adventures of Shilov).

The speech of the main character characterizes him very clearly: not very educated, but ambitious, wanting to give the impression of a gentleman, a gentleman. Shipov uses elementary French words (my sher) along with vernacular waking up, here, which do not correspond not only to the literary, but also to the colloquial norm. But all these deviations in the text serve the law of artistic necessity.


1. Azarova, E.V. Russian language: Textbook. allowance / E.V. Azarova, M.N. Nikonova. – Omsk: Omsk State Technical University Publishing House, 2005. – 80 p.

2. Golub, I.B. Russian language and speech culture: Textbook. allowance / I.B. Blue – M.: Logos, 2002. – 432 p.

3. Culture of Russian speech: Textbook for universities / ed. prof. OK. Graudina and prof. E.N. Shiryaeva. – M.: NORMA-INFRA, 2005. – 549 p.

4. Nikonova, M.N. Russian language and culture of speech: A textbook for non-philological students / M.N. Nikonova. – Omsk: Omsk State Technical University Publishing House, 2003. – 80 p.

5. Russian language and speech culture: Textbook. / edited by prof. IN AND. Maksimova. – M.: Gardariki, 2008. – 408 p.

6. Russian language and speech culture: Textbook for technical universities / ed. IN AND. Maksimova, A.V. Golubeva. – M.: Higher education, 2008. – 356 p.

Art style how the functional style finds application in fiction, which performs figurative-cognitive and ideological-aesthetic functions. To understand the features of the artistic way of knowing reality, of thinking, which determines the specifics of artistic speech, it is necessary to compare it with the scientific way of knowing, which determines character traits scientific speech.

Fiction, like other forms of art, is characterized by concrete-figurative representation of life in contrast to the abstract, logical-conceptual, objective reflection of reality in scientific speech. A work of art is characterized by perception through the senses and re-creation of reality , the author strives to convey, first of all, his personal experience, your understanding and comprehension of a particular phenomenon.

Typical for an artistic style of speech attention to the particular and random , behind which the typical and general can be traced. Remember " Dead Souls"N.V. Gogol, where each of the shown landowners personified certain specific human qualities, expressed a certain type, and all together they were the “face” of the author’s contemporary Russia.

World of Fiction- this is a “recreated” world, the depicted reality is, to a certain extent, the author’s fiction, and therefore in the artistic style of speech the most important role plays a subjective role. All surrounding reality presented through the author's vision. But in an artistic text we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in the artistic world: his preferences, condemnations, admiration, rejection, etc. Associated with this is emotionality and expressiveness, metaphor, and meaningful diversity of the artistic style of speech.

The lexical composition and functioning of words in the artistic style of speech have their own characteristics . The number of words that form the basis and create the imagery of this style includes, first of all, figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words with a wide range of usage. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic authenticity when describing certain aspects of life.

In the artistic style of speech, the polysemy of words is very widely used. , which opens up additional meanings and shades of meaning, as well as synonymy at all linguistic levels, making it possible to emphasize the subtlest shades of meaning. This is explained by the fact that the author strives to use all the riches of the language, to create his own unique language and style, to create a bright, expressive, figurative text. The author uses not only the vocabulary of the codified literary language, but also a variety of figurative means from colloquial speech and vernacular.

They come to the fore in a literary text emotionality and expressiveness of the image . Many words that in scientific speech appear as clearly defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and journalistic speech - as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech - as concrete sensory representations. Thus, the styles functionally complement each other. Artistic speech, especially poetic speech, is characterized by inversion, that is, a change in the usual word order in a sentence in order to enhance the semantic significance of a word or give the entire phrase a special stylistic coloring. An example of inversion is the famous line from A. Akhmatova’s poem “I still see Pavlovsk as hilly...”. The author's word order options are varied and subordinate to the general concept.

In artistic speech, deviations from structural norms are also possible, due to artistic actualization, i.e., the author highlighting some thought, idea, feature that is important for the meaning of the work. They can be expressed in violation of phonetic, lexical, morphological and other norms.

In terms of diversity, richness and expressive capabilities of linguistic means, the artistic style stands above other styles and is the most complete expression of the literary language.
As a means of communication, artistic speech has its own language - a system of figurative forms expressed by linguistic and extralinguistic means. Artistic speech, along with non-artistic speech, performs a nominative-figurative function.

Linguistic features of artistic style of speech

1. Heterogeneity of the lexical composition: a combination of book vocabulary with colloquial, vernacular, dialect, etc.

The feather grass has matured. The steppe for many miles was dressed in swaying silver. The wind took it elastically, flowing, roughened, bumped, and drove bluish-opal waves to the south, then to the west. Where the flowing air stream ran, the feather grass bowed prayerfully, and a blackened path lay for a long time on its gray ridge.
Various grasses have bloomed. On the ridges of the ridge there is a joyless burnt-out wormwood. The nights faded quickly. At night, countless stars shone in the charred black sky; the month - the Cossack sun, darkened by the damaged side, shone sparingly, whitely; The spacious Milky Way intertwined with other star paths. The astringent air was thick, the wind was dry and wormwood; the earth, saturated with the same bitterness of the all-powerful wormwood, yearned for coolness.
(M.A. Sholokhov)

2. Use of all layers of Russian vocabulary in order to realize the aesthetic function.

Daria hesitated for a minute and refused:
- No, no, I'm alone. I'm there alone.
She didn’t even know where “there” was and, leaving the gate, headed towards the Angara. (V. Rasputin)

3. Activity of polysemantic words
all stylistic varieties of speech.

The river is seething in a lace of white foam.
Poppies are blooming red on the velvet meadows.
At dawn frost was born.

(M. Prishvin).

4. Combinatorial increments of meaning
(B. Larin)

Words in an artistic context receive new semantic and emotional content, which embodies the author’s figurative thought.

I dreamed of catching the passing shadows,
The fading shadows of the fading day.
I climbed the tower. And the steps shook.
And the steps trembled under my feet

(K. Balmont)

5. Greater preference for using concrete vocabulary and less preference for abstract vocabulary.

Sergei pushed heavy door. The porch step whimpered barely audibly under his foot. Two more steps - and he is already in the garden.
The cool evening air was filled with an intoxicating aroma blooming acacia. Somewhere in the branches a nightingale trilled iridescently and subtly.

6. Minimum of generic concepts.

Another piece of advice that is essential for a prose writer. More specifics. The more precise and specific the object is named, the more expressive the imagery is.
You: " Horses chew corn. The peasants are preparing " morning food", "made noise birds“... In the artist’s poetic prose, which requires visible clarity, there should be no generic concepts, unless this is dictated by the very semantic task of the content... Oats better than grain. Rooks more appropriate than birds(Konstantin Fedin)

7. Wide use of folk poetic words, emotional and expressive vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms.

The rosehip, probably, had been creeping up the trunk to the young aspen since spring, and now, when the time had come for the aspen to celebrate its name day, it all burst into red, fragrant wild roses.(M. Prishvin).

“New Time” was located in Ertelev Lane. I said “fit.” That's not the right word. Reigned, dominated.
(G. Ivanov)

8. Verb speech science

The writer names each movement (physical and/or mental) and change of state in stages. Pumping up verbs activates reading tension.

Gregory went down to Don, carefully climbed over through the fence of the Astakhovsky base, came up to the shuttered window. He heard only frequent heartbeats...Quiet knocked in the binding of the frame... Aksinya silently came up to the window, looked closely. He saw how she pressed hands to chest and heard an inarticulate moan escaped her lips. Grigory is familiar showed so that she opened window, stripped off rifle. Aksinya opened it doors He became to the heap, bare hands Aksinyi grabbed his neck. They are like that trembled And fought on his shoulders, those dear hands that make them tremble transmitted and Gregory.(M.A. Sholokhov “Quiet Don”)

The dominant features of the artistic style are the imagery and aesthetic significance of each of its elements (down to sounds). Hence the desire for a fresh image, uncluttered expressions, a large number of tropes, special artistic (corresponding to reality) accuracy, the use of special expressive means of speech characteristic only of this style - rhythm, rhyme, even in prose a special harmonic organization of speech.

The artistic style of speech is characterized by imagery and extensive use of figurative and expressive means of language. In addition to its typical linguistic means, it uses means of all other styles, especially colloquial. In the language of artistic literature, colloquialisms and dialectisms, words of a high, poetic style, slang, rude words, professional business figures of speech, and journalism can be used. HOWEVER, ALL THESE MEANS IN THE ARTISTIC STYLE OF Speech ARE SUBJECT TO ITS BASIC FUNCTION – AESTHETIC.

If the colloquial style of speech primarily performs the function of communication (communicative), scientific and official business function of message (informative), then the artistic style of speech is intended to create artistic, poetic images, emotional and aesthetic impact. All linguistic means included in a work of art change their primary function and are subordinate to the objectives of a given artistic style.

In literature, language occupies a special position because it is the building material, that matter perceived by hearing or sight, without which a work cannot be created. An artist of words - a poet, a writer - finds, in the words of L. Tolstoy, “the only necessary placement the right words”, in order to correctly, accurately, figuratively express a thought, convey a plot, character, make the reader empathize with the heroes of the work, and enter the world created by the author.
All this is accessible ONLY TO THE LANGUAGE OF FICTION, which is why it has always been considered the pinnacle of literary language. The best in language, its strongest capabilities and rarest beauty are in works of fiction, and all this is achieved artistic means language.

The means of artistic expression are varied and numerous. You are already familiar with many of them. These are tropes such as epithets, comparisons, metaphors, hyperboles, etc.

Trails- a figure of speech in which a word or expression is used in figurative meaning in order to achieve greater artistic expression. The trope is based on a comparison of two concepts that seem close to our consciousness in some respect. The most common types of tropes are allegory, hyperbole, irony, litotes, metaphor, metomy, personification, periphrasis, synecdoche, comparison, epithet.

For example: What are you howling about, night wind, what are you madly complaining about - personification. All flags will visit us - synecdoche. A man the size of a fingernail, a boy the size of a finger – litotes. Well, eat a plate, my dear - metonymy, etc.

TO expressive means languages ​​include stylistic figures of speech or just figures of speech : anaphora, antithesis, non-union, gradation, inversion, polyunion, parallelism, rhetorical question, rhetorical appeal, silence, ellipsis, epiphora. The means of artistic expression also include rhythm (poetry And prose), rhyme, intonation .

artistic speech stylistics Russian

The specificity of the artistic style of speech, as a functional one, lies in the fact that it is used in fiction, which performs a figurative-cognitive and ideological-aesthetic function. Unlike, for example, the abstract, objective, logical-conceptual reflection of reality in scientific speech, fiction is characterized by a concrete figurative representation of life. A work of art is characterized by perception through the senses and re-creation of reality; the author strives, first of all, to convey his personal experience, his understanding or comprehension of a particular phenomenon. But in a literary text we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in this world: his preferences, condemnations, admiration, rejection, and the like. Associated with this is the emotionality and expressiveness, metaphor, and meaningful diversity of the artistic style of speech.

The main goal of artistic style is to master the world according to the laws of beauty, satisfy the aesthetic needs of both the author of a work of art and the reader, and have an aesthetic impact on the reader with the help of artistic images.

The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word in this functional style performs a nominative-figurative function. The number of words that form the basis of this style, first of all, includes figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words with a wide range of usage. Highly specialized words are used to an insignificant extent, only to create artistic authenticity when describing certain aspects of life.

The artistic style differs from other functional styles in that it uses the linguistic means of all other styles, but these means (which is very important) appear here in a modified function - in an aesthetic one. In addition, in artistic speech not only strictly literary, but also extra-literary means of language can be used - colloquial, slang, dialect, etc., which are also not used in the primary function, but are subordinate to an aesthetic task.

The word in a work of art seems to be doubled: it has the same meaning as in the general literary language, as well as an additional, incremental one, associated with the artistic world, the content of this work. Therefore, in artistic speech, words acquire a special quality, a certain depth, and begin to mean more than what they mean in ordinary speech, while remaining outwardly the same words.

This is how ordinary language is transformed into artistic language; this, one might say, is the mechanism of action of the aesthetic function in a work of art.

The peculiarities of the language of fiction include an unusually rich, varied vocabulary. If the vocabulary of scientific, official business and colloquial speech is relatively limited thematically and stylistically, then the vocabulary of artistic style is fundamentally unlimited. The means of all other styles can be used here - terms, official expressions, colloquial words and phrases, and journalism. Of course, all these various means undergo aesthetic transformation, fulfill certain artistic tasks, and are used in unique combinations. However, there are no fundamental prohibitions or restrictions regarding vocabulary. Any word can be used if it is aesthetically motivated and justified.

We can say that in artistic style all linguistic means, including neutral ones, are used to express the poetic thought of the author, to create a system of images of a work of art.

The wide range in the use of speech means is explained by the fact that, unlike other functional styles, each of which reflects one specific aspect of life, the artistic style, being a kind of mirror of reality, reproduces all spheres of human activity, all phenomena public life. The language of fiction is fundamentally devoid of any stylistic closure; it is open to any styles, any lexical layers, any linguistic means. This openness determines the diversity of the language of fiction.

In general, artistic style is usually characterized by imagery, expressiveness, emotionality, authorial individuality, specificity of presentation, and the specificity of the use of all linguistic means.

It influences the reader’s imagination and feelings, conveys the author’s thoughts and feelings, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, and is characterized by imagery, emotionality, and specificity of speech. The emotionality of an artistic style differs significantly from the emotionality of a colloquial style, since the emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function.

More broad concept is the language of fiction: the artistic style is usually used in the author's speech, but other styles, such as colloquial, may be present in the speech of the characters.

The language of fiction is a kind of mirror of literary language. Rich literature means rich literary language. Great poets and writers create new forms of literary language, which are then used by their followers and all those who speak and write in this language. Artistic speech appears as the pinnacle achievement of language. In it, the possibilities of the national language are presented in the most complete and pure development.