Upholstery of a sofa with leatherette with your own hands. How to cover a sofa at home. Stage VI – securing the new tissue

As you know, people become very attached to comfortable, favorite things. This is especially true for furniture. If your favorite sofa loses its original presentation, the upholstery on it is torn or worn out, then it should be replaced. But what if good memories are associated with this piece of furniture, and buying a new sofa will not be cheap?

In this case, you can try to breathe a second life into your favorite thing. This is easy enough to do by dragging old sofa new fabric.

The main thing is to think carefully and plan all the work, and you will see that this process is not difficult at all, creative and interesting.

Repairing the wooden frame of a sofa

A sofa is not only an important piece of furniture for a person, but also indispensable element interior of an apartment or house. Sitting on it, you can relax after work, take a nap, read your favorite books and magazines, and watch TV. It is precisely because the family spends quite a lot of time on the sofa that the upholstery wears out and over time requires careful restoration.

Of course, there are cases in which it is easier to get rid of the old sofa and buy a new one. For example, an outdated model that went out of fashion many years ago, or a completely leaky frame that threatens to fall apart. Old wood shrinks and creaks, chipboard begins to release toxic substances over time, and dust mites. But even in this case, you can completely repair it.

You will need tools and free time. First, carefully inspect the sofa to find out what exactly needs replacing. Take a flathead screwdriver, use it to remove the staples that secure the upholstery, and remove the fabric. A screwdriver and pliers can help remove staples that are too tight.

Check the quality of the substrate. It will need to be removed, even if it is well preserved, otherwise you will not be able to properly inspect the frame. To remove old fasteners you will need flathead screwdrivers various sizes, wire cutters, hex wrenches and side cutters.

After the backing is removed, you should check everything wooden elements, especially the frame, for safety. Any broken or damaged boards or parts must be replaced or, if possible, repaired. You will also need to glue or additionally strengthen all joints.

After the repair of the wooden elements is completed, proceed to bandage the springs on which the batting and stuffing are located. The springs should not be tightened too much; 1/5 of the full compression will be enough.

Laying foam rubber

After wooden frame completely freed from nails, staples and broken old fiberboard, fasten a sheet of plywood on it, and stick foam rubber on top, carefully checking the dimensions of the seat and back, without leaving a margin for the hem, but also without cutting off excess.

When choosing foam rubber, be guided by the following conditions:

  • The optimal thickness of the foam used for the seat and back is 40 millimeters. For the sidewall, a thickness of 20 millimeters will be sufficient;
  • Pay attention to the density of the foam rubber. The most the best material For covering the seat of a sofa, foam rubber with a density of 46 units is considered, for the back – more than 30 units.

Low-density foam rubber deforms very quickly, especially on the upholstery of a sofa. Therefore, for such work it is better to choose a denser and tougher material. But you shouldn’t go too far: too dense foam rubber will be very inconvenient to use. In order for the sofa to be optimally soft and elastic, experts advise laying foam rubber in two layers: the bottom one is hard, the top one is soft.

First, use glue to attach the first layer of foam rubber to the plywood sheet, which must be cut strictly to the dimensions of the frame. Glue a second, softer layer on top. His optimal thickness– 30 mm, and when calculating the size, you should leave an allowance for the bend to the base in its front part.

Once the inside of the sofa has been completely restored, you can begin work on the upholstery.

We reupholstery

Before you start upholstery, prepare all the tools necessary for the work. You will need:

  • Construction stapler;
  • Crosshead screwdriver;
  • Flat head screwdriver;
  • Staples;
  • Hammer;
  • Pliers;
  • Wallpaper knife;
  • Needle;
  • Coarse thread;
  • Round nose pliers;
  • Scissors;
  • Nail puller;
  • Drill;
  • Glue (PVA works well).

To reupholster your favorite sofa you will need not only a beautiful, but reliable and quality material. Choose special sofa coverings, such as flock. Chinchilla, leather, tapestry, courtesan, velor or jacquard. The fabric must be dense and stiff, so the materials used for sewing garments, even outerwear, are not suitable.

It is also very important to decide what functions the updated sofa will perform. If you only plan to sit on this one, then take a fabric with the addition of synthetic fibers, it is more resistant to wear. If the sofa will be used for sleeping, it is advisable to opt for natural fabrics.

When upholstering a sofa, it is very easy to make some mistakes. The most common of them is incorrect calculation of the amount of fabric used. Try to buy material with a reserve. It’s better to have extra fabric left over (a good housewife, especially a needlewoman, will always find a use for such scraps) than not have enough of it at the most crucial moment, and you won’t be able to buy more.

You can use nails to reupholster, but in this case the furniture may not look very neat, especially if you are new to this business. Therefore, it is better to use a special stapler.

In general, if you are taking on such work for the first time, it’s better to practice first. Upholster, and as you work you will get a feel for the fabric and learn how to use the tools.

How to correctly calculate fabric for covers

Tight-fitting standard sofa and sewing a cover for it will require about 8 meters of fabric. In order to make more accurate calculations, measure the length and width of the sofa. Usually the formula “2 lengths + 2 widths” is taken into account. Let's say the length of the sofa is 200 cm, width - 160 cm. In this case, you will need a piece of material 7.2 m long and 150 cm wide. This is an approximate calculation that will help you determine approximately how much money you will need to buy fabric and decide what kind choose a material - more expensive or cheaper. It may turn out that it would be more advisable to turn to specialists for the work of reupholstering the sofa.

In order for the calculations to be as accurate as possible, you need to have some experience. To do this, you will need to accurately measure each section, each detail, mark the measurements on paper on a reduced scale, and make layouts using a split line.

The pattern on the fabric can also affect required amount. For example, materials with geometric patterns, especially stripes, should be cut only in certain directions, and ensure that the pattern matches, which will significantly increase consumption and cost. The most the best option It will be a plain fabric, working with it will not require special attention.

In any case, to yours preliminary calculations, no matter how accurate they may seem, add about another meter of material. You may always need it.

Making a pattern

The easiest way is to make a regular pattern for the sofa, rectangular shape, even if it is corner. Take accurate measurements for each piece individually, and place them on graph paper, taking into account the direction of the cut. After the outlines are drawn, transfer them to the fabric from the wrong side using chalk. Don't forget to leave seam allowance and hem allowance for a tight fit. furniture material they will be about 3 cm.

It's very difficult to give precise recommendations according to the shape of the cover pattern and determine the cost of the work, since now there are many original models sofas, and for each option there is a different way of reupholstering. But there are several standard tips that will protect you from frequent mistakes.

For example, if you are still new to such things, when laying out the pattern on the fabric, leave wider seam allowances. During these fittings, you will adjust the size more accurately, the allowances will be adjusted, and the excess will be cut off. The tighter the pattern during construction, the more possibilities make a mistake. The sofa only looks perfectly rectangular, but in fact its shape is quite complex, and accurate calculations are almost impossible to make.

Even at the factory, furniture upholstery is not sewn according to exact patterns; the edges of the fabric stretched over the body are fixed with fastenings, and then aligned. Therefore, it is better to make a free-form cover, and after putting it on, adjust the shape.

Sewing a sofa cover

When sewing covers for the first time, try to buy cheaper fabric. It would be a shame to spend a lot of money on beautiful material, and throw it away finished work because it didn't live up to your expectations. Try your hand at the simplest, cheapest fabric. Such covers can be used if desired, for example, to cover old furniture in the country, or even be used for rags. And when you realize that your level is high enough and you have acquired the necessary skills, start reupholstering the sofa.

To sew sofa covers, you should use especially strong threads - reinforced ones. At the seams, the loads are especially high, especially if the cover was sewn with dense embroidery, and therefore is strongly stretched. In these places you will need double stitching.

With sewing covers from thick fabric an old sewing machine will do a great job manual drive. Among modern household sewing machines, there are very few models that can cope with thick material intended for furniture.

Of course, it is difficult to avoid mistakes in such painstaking work. But they can be covered if you use decorative elements: ribbons, bows, pillows. All this is easy to make yourself. In the same pillows, you can use excess as stuffing. upholstery fabric.

Removable sofa cover – great way make the job easier. You just need to put it on the sofa and fix any possible flaws after that. But if you still decide to secure the casing to the body, then using construction stapler staple the fabric to the frame every 2-3 cm. The main thing is to make sure that the covering does not sag or is too tight.

As you can see, old furniture, which you fell in love with, can be given a second life. And it’s not so difficult to do it yourself, at home. As in any handmade, you will need to arm yourself the right tools, expert advice, patience and determination. Good luck!

Sooner or later, we all usually face the need to reupholster furniture. It's about O upholstered furniture, which just needs to change the upholstery. Furniture repair in the form of changing the upholstery is usually called furniture reupholstery. Today we will tell you how you can reupholster furniture with your own hands by replacing its upholstery with new one. As an example, we will describe the process of reupholstering a bed and show photographs of the main points of the process. Believe me, this is not such a difficult task (for those whose arms grow from their shoulders and not from somewhere else). In order to reupholster a sofa, bed or anything else, you will need three basic things:

  • upholstery;
  • staples for the stapler;

There are different reasons why upholstery fails, for example:

  • Fabric upholstery may fade in areas regularly exposed to strong sunlight;
  • leatherette upholstery may crack and begin to peel;
  • any upholstery can be damaged by the claws of pets;
  • any upholstery can simply be accidentally torn or stained;

Preparing to reupholster furniture

Preparation for reupholstering furniture should begin with the selection of upholstery material. Depending on your financial opportunities and tastes, I recommend choosing between genuine leather and fabric. Faux leather is not durable.

Leather upholstery

If you decide to buy genuine leather as upholstery, then choose it of such a thickness that it still remains quite elastic. Do not try to buy thick leather with a thickness of more than 3 mm (unless you are pursuing some goals known only to you). Thick skin will be difficult to work with. This is especially true in cases where the length of the purchased piece is not enough to cover any part and you will need to sew several pieces together. It is quite easy to work with thin leather (thickness up to 1.5 mm), just like with thick material. You need to work with dry skin. If the skin is wet, it stretches significantly in size, followed by shrinkage when dried. They work with wet leather only in cases where it is necessary to stretch it like a drum; in this case, it is wetted, stretched and secured. When the skin dries, it tightens even more. To buy genuine leather inexpensively and in the form of large pieces, you need to look in your city for shops selling materials and accessories for shoemakers. In St. Petersburg, one of these stores is located in the courtyard of a house at 93 Obukhovskaya Oborona Avenue (the intersection of Obukhovskaya Oborona Avenue and Elizarov Avenue). It’s easier to find by entering the courtyard through the arch from Elizarov Avenue (in the picture below) and immediately turning right. The shop is located immediately to the right behind the arch in the basement.

Fabric upholstery

If you decide to buy material for upholstery, then you don’t have to look for special upholstery materials, but take a regular tapestry. You may be surprised, but tapestry is often cheaper than many upholstery fabrics. Positive characteristic tapestry is that its structure practically eliminates the possibility of the formation of puffs. Even if your a pet If the claw catches the thread and a hook is formed, it will not disturb the pattern of the fabric and will not form a snag, so you can safely simply cut off the resulting loop and the tapestry will not begin to “crumble” in this place. There is enough in St. Petersburg wide choose tapestries by low prices presented in the Uzor store, located at Pyatiletok Avenue, building 9, building 1 (the intersection of Pyatiletok Avenue and John Reed Street).

In our case, we chose a tapestry purchased in this store. It is this material that is present as upholstery material in all the photos presented below. Unlike genuine leather, material has the advantage that you can buy it in a size that will save you from the need to splice several pieces together to get one, but with dimensions sufficient for upholstering any large piece of furniture being reupholstered.

Tool selection

Reupholstering furniture will require the use of tools that can solve the following problems:

  • Partially disassemble the furniture into individual elements and dismantle hanging elements, such as legs (for this you may need screwdrivers or a screwdriver, wrenches or adjustable wrenches);
  • Remove the old staples holding the old upholstery in place. The task is not at all simple, given that there can be hundreds of such brackets and in order to remove them, you first need to pick them up with something (to pick up old brackets, a chisel, chisel, a sharpened unnecessary screwdriver or some kind of strong knife can be used). Once you've picked up the old staples and lifted them up a bit, you'll need to use something to grab them and pull them out. (Pliers or round nose pliers are perfect for this purpose);
  • Pull and secure new upholstery(To do this, you need a stapler and the corresponding staples with the required length). If you are going to reupholster a bed or sofa, I recommend using an electric stapler (but not a manual mechanical one). Manual mechanical stapler Suitable for reupholstering a chair or similar small-scale work. It is also worth noting that staplers vary in power and not everyone may be suitable for you. Read more about the types of staplers and their comparison in our articleStapler... Which stapler should I buy?

Furniture reupholstery - where to start?

As we already wrote at the very beginning of the article, as an example we will talk about reupholstering a double bed and show photographs of the process.

First, you need to carefully examine the furniture whose upholstery you are going to change. The purpose of the inspection is to understand how it is disassembled and to identify attachment points. In our case, the first element to be dismantled was the headboard.

What happened to this back to make it look like this? It's simple - the old leatherette cracked and began to peel and roll off from the friction of the pillows on the back. So, having removed the backrest, you need to carefully examine it in order to understand where to start dismantling the old upholstery. Usually the upholstery is attached in a certain order and dismantled in the reverse order. When disassembling the backrest, we were faced with a dilemma when it was not clear how the upholstery was secured on the sides and how the side pads could be removed. No visible fastenings and no way to reach invisible fastenings suggested that the pads are attached with glue and/or pins. Therefore, using a chisel, we try to carefully pry the side pads around the perimeter and tear them off (without fanaticism, so as not to break them), they finally give in and separate.

Note the cardboard tape that was found nailed to both ends of the back. We damaged this cardboard strip when we used a chisel to pry up the wooden end caps. The purpose of this tape is to create a protrusion around the perimeter of both ends of the back. These protrusions are covered with upholstery material, after which the end plates are, as it were, “recessed”. This is done not only for beauty and to add volume to the upholstery material. No matter how tightly you fasten the end pads, there will be a certain gap between them and the back. And only the creation of protrusions, into which the linings are inserted, hides any gaps from the observer.

We decided to replace the damaged cardboard with leather, after making it more rigid. In order to give the leather stiffness, hardness and reduce its elasticity, you need to soak it in water containing a small amount of ordinary PVA glue, and then dry it. In the photos below you can see the result this gives - the strips of leather stand at an upward angle without bending.

After this, you can begin reupholstering the backrest with new upholstery. Before you start shooting the upholstery fabric, its edge should be folded (just as is done when working on sewing machine— by bending the edge, you protect it from starting to crumble into fibers. In general, reupholstering furniture in its approaches is practically no different from the approaches used when sewing on a sewing machine. For example, to hide the staples with which you secure the first edge of the upholstery fabric, place the fabric inside out and staple it, then turn the fabric over, covering the hammered staples. We forgot to photograph this moment separately, but if you look closely at the photographs of the backrest reupholstery located below, you will understand what we are talking about.

So, having replaced the upholstery of the headboard with your own hands, you can move on to reupholstering the base of the bed. First we need to dismantle all the elements that prevent us from removing the old casing. In our case, these are legs and side shelves.

Next, we study how the old upholstery is fixed, from which side we need to start dismantling it. In our case, there was a hidden fastening on top, from which installation began at the factory, and an open (visible from the outside) fastening was found below (under the bed). Therefore, dismantling was carried out in the same order - first from below, then from above. To be honest, in our case, to simplify installation, we decided not to use hidden mount, since it will still not be visible when the bed is closed. Therefore, we began installing the upholstery fabric not from above, but from below, then, evenly stretching, we began to fasten it from above. It is very important before attaching upholstery fabric to maintain the same tension of this fabric over the entire surface of the furniture. Otherwise, the upholstery will not lie flat, but in waves or folds (where it is stretched more tightly there will be indentations, where it is weaker there will be bulges). To evenly tension the upholstery, you can use a narrow strip cut from fiberboard. In this case, the edge of the upholstery fabric is attached to the strip, then the strip is rolled, twisting the fabric onto it one turn. After this, it is easier to stretch the entire upholstery fabric evenly along the entire length with a strip. Having stretched the fabric, the strip is fastened with a stapler, nailing it to the product along with the fabric.

As you can see, reupholstering furniture with your own hands is not that difficult process. Re-upholstering the bed shown in the photo took 2 days.

One way to update upholstered furniture is to replace its upholstery.

You can use the services professional craftsmen, or you can cover the sofa with your own hands at home. The event is quite troublesome, but does not require serious physical effort.

Sofa upholstery: a – soft and upholstery materials; b – cutting; c – order of upholstery and reupholstery.

Preparatory stage

The action plan is determined according to the type of upcoming repair - cosmetic or major.

Kinds repair work sofa

Cosmetic repairs usually only involve replacing old sheathing or even attaching new material to the old one.

For example, replace the wallpaper on the walls. Capital – full or partial replacement not only the top of upholstered furniture, but also the filler.

For preparatory stage required:

  • pliers;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • a set of keys;
  • hammer;
  • centimeter or tape measure;
  • piece of paper and pencil.

It is also better to stock up on boxes or bags in advance for storing fasteners.

When disassembling very old furniture, vinegar may be needed. To dismantle fasteners welded together by rust, just moisten them with acetic acid.

Scheme soft sofa in the section.

It doesn't hurt to have a vacuum cleaner or a brush and a damp cloth. With their help, you can immediately remove deposits of debris and dust found in hard-to-reach nooks and crannies of a furniture structure.

  1. The sofa is disassembled - the sides and other elements of its design are dismantled.

    Carefully remove the casing. The goal is to determine the true condition of the seat and backrest filling and to ensure the convenience of taking the necessary measurements. It is advisable not only to remember the sequence of disassembling furniture, but also to write it down in as much detail as possible. All fastening elements should be immediately placed in boxes or bags with appropriate notes.

  2. Measurements are being taken. Usually, under the upholstery of the sofa there are layers of foam rubber and batting. Using a centimeter, it is determined what size pieces are needed to restore the seat and backrest.

    The results of all measurements are also recorded on paper.

When determining the size of pieces of new upholstery fabric, the fastening features of the old one must be taken into account. In order to save money, some manufacturers do not tuck its edges, which are then “terryed”. Butt-butt seams also do not extend the life of the upholstery.

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The process of upholstering a sofa with your own hands

Furniture before and after reupholstery.

Before upholstering a sofa, you need to inspect its structure for possible defects and damage.

If necessary, carry out repair work.

The foam rubber is replaced entirely. You should not try to save money by placing pieces of new material on the dented areas. An additional layer of batting and burlap will not only extend the life of the upholstery, but will also provide comfortable conditions while resting and sleeping.

When calculating the amount of materials, the following must be taken into account:

  • seam allowances – 1-1.5 cm;
  • Hem allowances along the edge are 1-2 cm.

To cover a sofa, you need to purchase not only foam rubber, batting, upholstery fabric, but also:

  • threads – nylon is better;
  • ruler, triangle, tailor's chalk or regular colored pencil, contrasting with the color of the selected upholstery;
  • glue for fixing foam sheets on the sides;
  • glue BF-6;
  • good fabric scissors;
  • wallpaper tacks or a construction stapler.

In compliance with the main tailoring rule “measure 7 times, cut 1”, foam rubber, batting and upholstery fabrics are carefully cut out.

It is better to overlock or zigzag the crumbling edges.

Covers are sewn on the sides, and other necessary seams are made.

The time and effort spent on pre-ironing the upholstery fabric and seams will more than pay off during the process of attaching it.

One way to extend the life of upholstery is to strengthen the areas located at the corners of the furniture. To do this, patches from burlap or a piece of upholstery fabric left after cutting are attached to them from the inside or glued with BF-6 glue.

  1. Sheets of foam rubber are laid - usually only on the mattress, sometimes on the sides.
  2. Batting is laid on the sofa mattress, and its edges are secured with upholstery nails or staples.

    You can upholster the sides with batting if they were not upholstered with foam rubber.

  3. All elements of the sofa are covered with burlap. It is not necessary to sew covers for the sides; you can sheathe them by overlapping the burlap.

    The overlap is about 2 cm. The burlap should completely cover the batting.

  4. Clean sheathing is sheathing with upholstery fabric, the edges of which are rolled up if necessary.

All fabrics are stretched evenly and neatly.

How to change the upholstery of a sofa with your own hands

Then the sofa structure is assembled.

If you plan to cover the sofa with your own hands with new fabric over the old upholstery, then the second one must first be thoroughly cleaned of dirt.

Heavily worn areas are strengthened with patches that are sewn or glued. The advantage of this option is the minimization of material and time costs. The downside is that old accumulations of dirt and dust remain inside.

How to replace furniture upholstery with your own hands

Looking at rounded shapes expensive furniture set in the showroom of a furniture store, you just want to add volume to your old sofa or chair. Upholstering furniture with your own hands, like repairing a table top, is not such a difficult process and can be done by any Real Man.

To work, in addition to desire and direct hands, you will need the following tools:

  • Set of wrenches.
  • Furniture stapler and staples.
  • Hammer.
  • Scissors.
  • Screwdrivers.
  • Pliers or pliers.

The first step is to determine the degree of wear of the fabric (leather) with which your upholstered furniture is upholstered, and decide whether it needs to be replaced.

If you decide to completely update appearance furniture and, in addition, to make it softer, then you will have to go to fabric stores and buy tapestry, velor, jacquard, chinille, flock or courtesan - these are upholstery fabrics.

To add volume you will need foam rubber or latex, possibly batting or interlining. In addition to upholstery fabric, you need to purchase linen or coarse cotton fabric, canvas They are needed for the initial tightening of the packing and protecting it from dust and wrinkles.

Before buying all of the above, first disassemble, for example, a chair.

As a rule, all its parts (armrests, back, seat) are connected with long screws or pins. Unscrew all the nuts and disassemble the chair into its component parts.

Then use a flat-head screwdriver to pry up the staples holding the old fabric in place and remove them with pliers. Don’t throw away the old upholstery right away - it will still be useful as a pattern for cutting out new upholstery material. Then remove the lining fabric and padding in the same way.

Previously, in Soviet times, furniture makers used latex mats.

Modern foam rubber cannot be compared with them - it wrinkles much faster, loses its original shape and begins to crumble. If you are the happy owner of a latex sofa, ottoman, armchairs and the latex is still in more or less good shape, then it is better to leave it. You will always have time to install foam rubber.

Before you start upholstering furniture with your own hands, you need to calculate the required amount of new upholstery material using the old fabric.

How to reupholster a sofa - a master class on reupholstering furniture

To be on the safe side, add another ten percent, just in case. It is better to replace the upholstery on all upholstered furniture at once - it will be faster, and you will remove the dirt in the apartment only once, and there will be no disappointment from the lack of the same fabric in the store that you bought last time.

Assembling the “insides” of the furniture is done in the reverse order.

Attach the latex or foam first, then cover it with backing material, stapled to the bottom. Sew the top cover according to the old pattern and fasten it with staples from below as well.

The stapler has an adjustable strike force. Adjust it so that the staples fit completely into wooden blocks frame, securely fixing the fabric. Don't skimp on the staples - hammer them in more often to be safe.

To give additional volume to parts of upholstered furniture (armrests, backrests), simply add another thin sheet foam rubber.

Just do not place it at the joints of the backrest, seat, or armrests. Otherwise, it will either not be possible to assemble all the details into a single whole, or it will be very difficult. And the pull-out sofa may no longer fold.

After the process of upholstering furniture with your own hands is completed, you can not only admire it with your own eyes, but even sit on it with your butt. Good luck!

Due to its long-term use, the beautiful filling of furniture pieces loses its attractiveness, so you need to pull the sofa or chair. Of course you can buy a new one soft set, but this is simply unreasonable, since the purchase will cost much more than repairing an old sofa.

Benefits of restoring upholstered furniture

Furniture sets made on a high-quality frame are often much stronger than modern analogues on the market.

If only the upholstery is damaged, replacing it will not take much time, money or energy. Refurbished furniture has a number of advantages:

  • You can choose any fabric for upholstery and upholster the couch with the addition of interesting decorative elements.
  • In parallel with the replacement external material the frame is checked and, if necessary, the spring block is restored.
  • An old sofa often turns out to be a strong and healthy product that goes beyond the quality of many modern designs.
  • Dragging yourself or involving professionals in financially more profitable than a new purchase.
  • They don't always want to share their favorite interior, while the cone allows you to update the product and insert it with interesting fabric or skin.

Repair of upholstered furniture

It still makes a choice - you work independently, but with excellent time, or invite leading experts who can quickly and possibly from home.

Working at home

To do this job you will need whole line professional tools, fabrics or other upholstered furniture selected for furniture production.

Required tool:

  1. Flathead screwdriver.
  2. Antistagler for removing old terminals.
  3. Set of keys from 8 to 19 mm.
  4. High lift sewing machine.
  5. Strong thread for quality couch pull.
  6. Fabric adapter for pinning (leather, leather).
  7. Scissors, pliers and side knives.
  8. Decorative buttons.
  9. Glue or glue.
  10. Drill, screwdriver.

Stretch the sofa

A set of tools is enough to work from home.

In specialized stores, you can use a pneumatic gun for staples, which speeds up the process, but such a device is powered by a compressed air compressor.


The entire scope of work is divided into several stages. Think about how to gradually implement the narrowing:

  • Receipt phase. It is necessary to disassemble the sofa, write down the decorative elements - puffs, pillows and pillows. After this, use a screwdriver and keys to remove the sidewalls and back of the rubber.

    The furniture is then separated from the frame and the seat is removed.

  • Using a screwdriver and clips, remove the old gasket by pulling the clips. You should save the fabric to cut out samples later.

    The fastening elements should be separated for easy removal, for example for the right or left side wall, behind the backrest.

  • Check the condition of the frame and spring assembly to ensure that the couch lifts well.

    If the springs are damaged, remove them by checking the wire with pliers. You need to place new ones.

    How to sew a couch yourself?

    If the device is completely useless, it is replaced with a new one and built into the frame.

  • Sewing new upholstery. Old fabric used as crochet. From the selected fabric, new pieces are cut and sewn by machine before moving the pieces. If you do not have sewing skills, it is better to trust the subject of an experienced bouquet.
  • If you want to tighten the sofa more, use a stapler.

    First decorate the decorative elements, then the sides, back, and seat. The fabric is protected with clips. The distance between them is no more than 4 cm, but not too fragmented.

  • Place the fabric evenly and make sure the pattern is correct.

    When purchasing material, it must be purchased with a reserve in case possible errors. Once the individual elements are constrained, the entire structure is created.

  • Using a tool and removing fasteners, the parts are attached to the frame.

Furniture restoration

Once the fabric is underneath the material, new foam cut in a similar manner should be placed.

To increase the strength of the frame, all wooden elements can be glued together.

Specialty stores

If you donate furniture to professionals, it can finally be made quite quickly.

Typically, by the time the client is identified through fabric selection, the product has already been unpacked and removed from the frame. In addition, the master changes the spring or the entire block professionally and quickly.

How much does the cost of the work cost, does it depend on the price of the gasket material chosen? Harder to drag corner bed, because such work requires more work. If the customer wishes, you can add some decorative elements, but this specialist needs to cut out the wooden base for them, which also affects the cost.

Painting furniture at home or in a specialty store is a matter of personal desire.

The narrowing process is not particularly complicated. But if you don't have basic tool skills or don't have the time to do it yourself, it's best to turn to the experts.

Do-it-yourself furniture reupholstery

This process consists of five stages. Here they are:

  1. Disassemble the furniture, removing individual parts and mechanisms.
  2. Remove old upholstery.
  3. Cut and sew a new one.
  4. Use it to drag individual parts of the product.
  5. Assemble furniture.

Please read the first paragraph and tell me: is this about you?

The sofa stopped pleasing with its appearance. You have made renovations, but the armchairs and chairs now do not match the design of the apartment. If this sounds like you, then you need some DIY furniture upholstery.

Why on your own?

Yes, because it's cheaper.

And if you don’t know how, then the tips that you will find here will help you and upholstering upholstered furniture with your own hands will go with a bang and without mistakes.

Let us immediately note that reupholstering furniture with your own hands is carried out using a slightly different technology than that used by craftsmen in workshops, but the result will be the same.

However, there are cases when you will not be able to do this kind of work yourself.

Then you need to invite specialists anyway. And this is what these cases are.

When reupholstering upholstered furniture with your own hands is impossible

Do-it-yourself furniture finishing - stages of work

You probably want us to describe each stage in more detail?

Please, below we do this.

Furniture disassembly

We will not describe how to disassemble furniture, because this process is always different and depends on the type of product and its configuration. But we will tell you how to disassemble it so that during assembly there are no unnecessary parts left.

When you disassemble the furniture, be sure to take a photo to clearly see how the components and mechanisms should be assembled correctly. It would be a good idea to mark which part goes where, and in what order you disassembled the product.

And most importantly, so that finishing furniture with your own hands does not turn into damage with your own hands, disassemble the product very carefully so as not to damage the fasteners and mechanisms.

Removing old upholstery

It's better to do this carefully, keeping the integrity of the old upholstery so that it serves as a template for the new one when you cut it out.

Once you remove the old upholstery, make sure the filling is in good condition. If this is not the case, then buy foam rubber and cover all the soft parts.

Pattern for new upholstery

If you make a pattern according to the template of the old material, then make the new one larger around the edges.

This will make it easier for you to reupholster the furniture.

Once the pattern is ready, start sewing

Start with the most simple details, so to speak, to practice. The best thing is to take an unnecessary chair and try to upholster it to understand how the material behaves, when the furniture is upholstered, whether the stapler bracket secures it firmly, etc.

You should also know that the fabric should be stretched to the maximum and equally in all places. Thanks to this, the design will not warp over time, and the fabric will last longer.

Fasten the material with nails or staples using a furniture stapler.

Assembling re-upholstered furniture

Everything is simple here, because you have photographs, you have instructions written by you, in what order you disassembled the product, and all the parts are marked.

Put them back in the reverse order of the instructions and refer to the photo.

At the same time, you can make minor furniture repairs by replacing broken springs and putting new parts in the frame instead of worn ones.

In a word, replace everything that is possible and within your power.

And then we will protect you from...

Mistakes that most people make when they take up furniture reupholstery for the first time


The material is calculated incorrectly.

As a result, there is not enough of it. No problem, many will think. But they will realize that they were mistaken when they come to the store, and there they will be told that there is no such material left, and it is unknown when they will bring it. Or there is the same material, only it is from a new batch, and it turned out with a different shade.

It’s better to take a lot more fabric.

If there is a lot left, it doesn’t matter, because you can cover a chair or some kind of pillow with it.

2. Do not put padding polyester on top of the foam rubber.

But if you put it on top of the foam, the fabric will be lighter and stretch better, and it will protect it from rubbing from the inside.

New upholstered furniture at no extra cost: how to reupholster it yourself?

In short, it will extend its life. At the same time, it costs a penny.

If you want the furniture to be softer and more voluminous, buy thicker padding polyester. And if it so happens that you did not find it, then instead put the fabric used for sewing pockets.

3. Use regular threads used to darn socks.

This is wrong because they are fragile. It is best to buy Titan brand thread. You won’t be able to tear them with your hands, but you can easily injure them in the process.

This is where our story ends.

Carefully study what is written, or better yet, add this page to your bookmarks so that you can always quickly find it and use the tips when the time comes to reupholster the furniture with your own hands.


Changing the upholstery of the sofa

- write visitors to various handicraft and furniture forums - the upholstery is gone! How to sew a sofa along the seams so that it is unnoticeable? Let's answer honestly: if there is no professional furniture maker in your family, then in general there is no way. Of course, you can try. After all, sometimes neatness, diligence and love for your furniture can contribute to a miracle. So, first, let's try to fix the problem ourselves.

We sew up the sofa ourselves

There is a strict sequence of actions, following which a sufficiently dexterous person can join parts of the sofa upholstery that have come apart at the seams.

This is what it looks like.

  • Select threads, but not to match the color of the upholstery, but exactly to the color of the threads of the seams. It is desirable that the thickness and texture match. This is quite simple to do by cutting off a small piece where the seam has come apart.

    You should take the thread to a sewing and craft store. There, experienced consultants will help with the selection.

  • In the same store you can purchase a set of sewing needles.

    The main condition is that the diameter of the working needle does not exceed the diameter of the holes from the factory machine. This way the home seam will be almost invisible.

  • Google the “blind stitch” technique.

    There are master classes on the Internet in both video and photo formats. This will significantly simplify the work process.

  • Ask someone from your home to become your assistant.

    It is necessary for a person to carefully pull together the edges of the separated seam and keep them connected while the restoration work is underway.

  • When stitching, use only factory-made needle holes.
  • Having reached the preserved original seam, make a couple more stitches along it, then the joint will not be a risk point for a new hole to appear.
  • Gently tighten the threads, check that there are no wrinkles anywhere.

And a secret trick: find hand moisturizer in the house.

To test, lubricate some inconspicuous place on the sofa with it. Wait for absorption. If grease stain will not be in this place, feel free to coat the restoration site. This will make the skin feel softer and more natural.

Not all remedies are good

If in the case of a broken seam it is still possible to somehow eliminate the damage yourself, then more radical damage requires professional restoration. How to sew leather sofa, if the skin is torn, burned, cut, stretched and torn?

There are several options.

  • If there is a small piece of leather from the same sofa, slightly larger than the cut, then it must be carefully pushed under the upholstery.
  • A round hole is already a job for thin skin. You should purchase a set, mix the colors until you get the desired color and carefully fill the hole with the compound.

These methods have a lot of nuances and give more satisfactory than good results.

Indeed, in the first case, the junction of the break will be quite noticeable, and in the second, it is necessary to perfectly select the color of the color, which is practically impossible, since in the liquid and hardened state the repair material has different degrees of brightness.

Contact the professionals!

If you have doubts about your own competence or funds, it is better not to risk such an expensive thing as a leather sofa.

And the specialists of the Fenice-TM company can deal with holes, abrasions and other leather defects without risk. Unique Italian technology, appropriate equipment and materials make it possible to obtain perfect result at minimal cost.

The Fenice-TM company offers:

  • crack putty,
  • polishing the leather.

And if the sofa, according to experts, is not subject to cosmetic restoration, you can save it with a radical measure - changing the upholstery.

The professionals of our company will help you create a new leather outfit for a sofa, armchairs and any other interior items. Contact us!

No matter how hard we try to maintain comfort in the apartment at the proper level, sometimes it’s just worth looking around and admitting to yourself that something needs to be changed or corrected in the design. Over time, every piece of furniture becomes unusable. Sofas are no exception.

The place where we spend enough a large number of spending time with the family, or simply receiving guests, or reading a book, I would like to see it in good condition. No matter how often we use a sofa, it can quickly take on an unpleasant appearance.

Scuffs, aging, a stain from spilled coffee that cannot be completely removed no matter how hard you try, and children in the heat of play do not always understand what their actions can lead to. Here is just a small part of what can affect outer skin sofa

Now ask yourself the question: “Is it possible to do something about all this yourself, at home?” Answer: “Yes, you can.”

In this article we will look at the step-by-step process of reupholstering a sofa without resorting to outside help. Of course, it is worth mentioning that calling specialists to your home to show a master class will be less time-consuming, but at the same time more expensive. It's up to you to choose.

What will we face?

First of all, it is worth pointing out cases when it is not worthwhile to restore a piece of furniture yourself:

  • a very complex process of disassembling and assembling furniture;
  • the upholstery elements contain such parts, the configuration of which is not possible, or their implementation is difficult, due to the use of a material different from the original one;
  • not only the upholstery needs restoration, but also the frame itself, or the filler;
  • the material that needs to be sheathed is difficult to use;
  • lack of basic skills and experience.

So, we decided to carry out the restoration process of our sofa ourselves. All of the above options are not about us. This means we are moving towards the intended goal.

Preparation work

First of all, it is worth deciding on the material and equipment that we will use during the work process.

The choice of upholstery material should also be based not only on your personal preferences, but should also take into account, for example, the design of the room as a whole. Moreover, there is a large amount of information on cladding and it is worth consulting first before making a choice.

In the photo in any catalog sewing store There is a wide range of materials with which you can upholster a sofa and sew pillows. Leather, leatherette, velor, flock, tapestry and jacquard are in demand.

Here are some tips for choosing fabric:

  • Do not use synthetic or rough fabric;
  • It is worth taking upholstery for the cover, which is pleasant to the touch;
  • to reduce the cost of the material used, you need to use a plain material or with a small pattern;
  • You can achieve some kind of contrast or a pronounced style by combining a plain material with some multi-colored fabric;
  • In order to give the necessary softness to the furniture, materials such as foam rubber or synthetic winterizer are used.

Sintepon will add airiness to upholstered furniture. A pronounced chemical smell can be a warning sign of poor quality.

Sintepon is a durable material, and therefore changes very little if everything is done technologically correctly. When applying, you should pay attention to the thickness of the material and its strength. It is extremely important that it is the same over the entire application area.

With the use of foam rubber everything is a little easier. The quality of the material is determined by its structure. Material High Quality, when compressed, it will immediately restore its original shape, and when low, it will take time. It is worth mentioning that in high quality furniture Between the human body and foam rubber, pads made of batting, etc. are used.

Advice: Pay attention to the smell of the future upholstery, it should not be repulsive.

Preparing the instrument also takes separate place, here's some of what's needed:

  • scissors;
  • threads, strong;
  • spanners;
  • sewing machine;
  • an anti-stapler or a screwdriver, whichever is more convenient for you;
  • stapler

Furniture disassembly

Of course, before we get to work, it’s worth disassembling a piece of our furniture (keys will help us).

Don’t forget about some notes for yourself in this process, otherwise we can take it apart, but put it back together – problems may arise. The process requires accuracy on our part, which means we shouldn’t barbarically tear off the fastenings if it didn’t work out right away.

Elements such as sidewalls and backrests must be disassembled first. Step by step process showdown:

  • seats;
  • fasteners must be marked and stored in a specific location;
  • there are staples - use an anti-staple gun or a screwdriver;
  • we handle the old upholstery carefully, this is our stencil for the new one;
  • if it is necessary to replace foam rubber or other material, and we see it, then we do it without hesitation;
  • we look at the elements of the exposed structure (if necessary, replace the springs, tighten the structural elements, glue them where necessary);
  • We eliminate defects that are visible.

It is not necessary to follow these instructions strictly, but it is definitely worth paying attention to.


Here is the finish line. In order not to delay the reupholstery process, after disassembling the sofa, there should be old upholstery material on your hands.

This the best option, which will reduce the time for restoration. Especially for corner sofas or furniture with a complex design.

We take new upholstery fabric and cut out parts from it using the contours of the old one. You can first mark this outline with chalk or soap, applying the old upholstery as a stencil and adding 3-5 centimeters of reserve.

For most of the sofa, such actions are enough, but with pillows the situation is not so rosy. Here you can’t do without a master at hand, but we don’t have one, which means we’re organizing our own master class:

  • take a tape measure and make necessary measurements(length, width, height to help us);
  • we take the upholstery fabric and take the corresponding measurements, adding approximately another 3-5 cm to each (the additional dimensions will be used for folding the fabric);
  • there is a figure - cut it out;
  • place the pillow in the center of the resulting figure (don’t forget that the fabric has a back side so you don’t have to redo it);
  • we wrap the material and fix it with staples, for the most part the staples are located at a distance of 3-4 cm;
  • if there is a pattern, stretch the material evenly so that the pattern does not warp;
  • Then we repeat the re-upholstering method for the rest of the pillow.

Note: When buying material, pay attention to the shade, it may not match.

This method will allow us to cover the remaining parts of the sofa with our own hands. Do not forget that the material taken “back to back” may not be enough, be careful.

Buying upholstery material with a reserve will save you from unnecessary expenses. The remaining material can be used to reupholster something else, fortunately there is enough imagination.

And finally. You should not jump above your own head; if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to contact specialists. They will help transform the sofa. You can also watch the special video below to better imagine the whole reupholstering process:

It's no secret that over time, the upholstery of upholstered furniture loses original appearance, especially if there are pets in the house, old furniture often does not fit into new interior after repairs. In this case, you should not replace existing furniture with new interior items.

More simple solution There will be a replacement of upholstery fabric and soft lining of upholstered furniture. In most cases this is not at all difficult to do. In that small review Here are detailed instructions on how to reupholster a sofa with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself sofa reupholstery

It is quite possible to renew the covering of upholstered furniture yourself or with the help of professionals. When performing work on your own, you may encounter the following difficulties that are difficult to overcome without special skills:

Problems may arise at the first stage of disassembling furniture. Sometimes it is difficult to do this without special skills and tools. Therefore, having decided on this job, you need to test your strength by pulling at least a stool. Using this simple task, you can hone your technology and select a tool.

Sofa details may have complex geometric shapes. Therefore, it is difficult to make the correct pattern for them, and then carry out the correct stretching. It will be easier to make a pattern if you copy it from old upholstery.

Re-upholstering a sofa book, which essentially consists of two rectangular halves and two sidewalls, is much easier than not folding sofa with large armrests and additional pillows or in the case where the pattern consists of several pieces of fabric.

When restoring old furniture, it may not be enough to just replace the upholstery. Often it is necessary to replace the filler, repair the frame, and even replace the springs in old sofas.

Antique furniture requires very careful handling; its repair and renovation is best left to professionals.

Materials that are difficult to work with can be used for finishing. Leather is much more difficult to deal with than fabric. For the first hand-made reupholstery of a sofa, it is better to choose fabric materials.

Technology of work execution

This task is time-consuming, but completely doable. Reupholstering a sofa at home is not at all difficult if all steps must be performed carefully and in accordance with the recommendations and instructions.

At the first stage, the sofa is disassembled: the overhead elements, seat, and back are removed. The fasteners will be useful during assembly, so they are carefully assembled.

Next, the old upholstery is removed. This is done using an ordinary thin flat-head screwdriver. The covering cannot be thrown away, as new pieces of fabric will be cut out from its shape. After removing the coating, you need to check the condition of the internal structure and clean it.

Foam rubber requires mandatory replacement, as it has a short service life compared to natural materials. Instead of foam rubber, the relatively recently introduced padding polyester, which has a long service life, can be used. In addition, you need to correct and check the fastening of the metal springs.

Patterns are then made from the new material. They are very easy to make using removed old upholstery; you just need to add a few centimeters on each side for an allowance, the excess of which is then cut off. All fabric blanks for the pillows and for the sofa itself are made in a similar way.

It is better to purchase upholstery fabric with a small margin. Since if the dimensions and calculations are inaccurate, it may not be enough and in the worst case, it will not be possible to purchase more.

Depending on the purpose of the furniture, they are purchased various materials. They can be made from a breathable natural but not hard-wearing fabric, ideal for sleeping, or they can be made from hard-wearing leather, suitable for long-term constant use, such as in organizations.

Buying fabric or leather is a very important undertaking, so before reupholstering a sofa you should study photos of various design solutions, pick yours individual style, choose the appropriate fabric and store.

Material selection

The selection of materials should be done with great care. It is necessary to select fabrics not only by their design and combination, but also by their quality.

Textile good quality It shouldn't have a strong smell. The pile should be firmly fixed to the base, there should be no shedding. Its consumption depends on the pattern of the fabric, since in some options it is necessary to set the pattern in a certain direction.

Sintepon is also not the same and requires choice. When purchasing it, you should pay attention to the fact that it should be white, odorless, durable, and not tearable in your hands.

Foam rubber also comes in different qualities. Main characteristic feature is the size of the bubbles. In high-quality foam rubber, the bubbles are small, while in lower quality material they are large. The size of the bubbles, oddly enough, determines the durability and wear resistance of the foam rubber.

Fabric upholstery is the final stage and is carried out using a construction stapler and glue. This operation is easier to complete if you take photographs of the furniture before disassembling.

Upholstering furniture yourself at home is quite doable, but requires certain skills and patience. A carefully executed reupholstery will bring pleasure and save considerable money.