Low-growing varieties of tomatoes. Low-growing (super-determinate) tomatoes: the best varieties for open ground and greenhouses Low-growing fleshy tomatoes

Hello to everyone who prefers to grow their own tomatoes! Every year we face the problem of choosing among hundreds of varieties. I would like to try new things, and not forget about the old, time-tested tomatoes. Many people prefer unpretentious tomatoes. The best varieties for open ground– low-growing, they bring maximum impact with a minimum of care.

Of course, the climate of each region has its own characteristics, but there are tomatoes that everyone likes. Which ones are considered the best? Each experienced vegetable grower has his own list.

Round classic

Many gardeners love tomatoes with their usual round shape and bright scarlet color - they look equally appetizing on bushes in the garden, in photos, or pickled in jars. If we talk about the earliest varieties for middle zone and even more northern regions, they annually delight us with a stable harvest, , .

They do not require any special shaping (or we do it minimally - up to the first hand), repeated re-gartering, and solid supports.

Of course, from each such bush you won’t get a bucket of tomatoes, but with square meter– easily, which is very good with minimal labor costs. And the entire crop is able to ripen on the vine.

Explosion (improved White Fill)

For many decades the standard in this category was considered White filling 241. It has not lost its significance even now, but its updated version Explosion is becoming increasingly popular.

It is resistant to, and can do without regular watering.

Despite its precocity, it has a good weight - up to 100 grams.


This is a unique variety in its early ripening. In seedlings - super compact, does not stretch. It blooms almost a month earlier than its counterparts, and begins to turn red on the 78th - 80th day from germination.

It is not particularly resistant to disease, but manages to produce a ripe harvest before infections spread.

Tomatoes 60 - 80 grams; To get a decent return on the area, we plant it more densely. Bushes that bear fruit are harvested quite early and the bed is filled with early ripening greens or.

In the conditions of the Black Earth Region and further south, Betta can be sown directly into open ground. In the Moscow region, the Urals and Siberia, it is still better to use the seedling method, but do not sow too early: the normal age of seedlings for planting is 30 days.

Long red

  • Fighter (Brawler)

Incredibly stable, it succeeds every year, regardless of weather conditions, even for the most inexperienced gardeners! And experienced people appreciate it too.

This variety will not leave you without a harvest!

In seedlings it is very compact (does not stretch). The main thing is that you should not sow it too early; the normal age at planting is 45 days.

The height of adult bushes does not exceed half a meter. Fruits in clusters; The tomatoes are very beautiful, elongated, quite fleshy and dense for an early variety, weighing 70-90 grams. Good for pickling.

Tolerant to many diseases.

  • Banana red

It begins to ripen a week later than Fighter, and the bush is taller, but the yield is also slightly higher. The fruits are very dense, long-lasting, elongated-cylindrical, smooth, weighing 70 - 100 grams.


It’s not for nothing that pink tomatoes are considered very sweet. These are also found among the early ones. IN last years Pink Lyana is in great demand (you can read about this variety).

  • Demidov

A reliable tomato of medium early (from 100 days) ripening period with a low standard bush and round pink fruits weighing up to 120 grams.

Excellent taste and good yield.

The group of cherry tomatoes is also very attractive.

  • Garden pearl

Unusual, amazing variety! The bush is only 20-40 cm high. You don’t have to tie it up at all, just lightly mulch the soil underneath it, and the baby will lie lightly on the ground.

But it is capable of producing more than a hundred cherry tomatoes weighing 20 grams each. They are round, almost berry-flavored, transparent, pearly pink. What’s interesting is that they are quite lightweight.

For those who prefer heavier tomatoes, there are also worthy representatives.

  • Pink Stella

This variety is not one of the earliest, rather mid-early, but not tall, very compact. The shape of the fruit is a cross between Buyan and.

On a low bush, the first cluster can produce tomatoes weighing up to 300 grams or even more, elongated, heart-shaped, raspberry-pink. On subsequent clusters - 100 - 150 grams each. The pulp is almost without seeds and without water, fleshy and sugary.

Suitable for salads and pickling. They are not stored for a long time.

Colors of the sun

Orange and yellow tomatoes add nice variety.

  • Buyan yellow

It is considered a variant of the red Buyan (which is a Fighter). Indeed, it is similar to it in its compactness in seedlings and in the soil, as well as the elongated shape of the fruit. Only Buyan yellow’s first tomatoes are slightly larger – up to 150 grams, with delicate, sweetish flesh. Very unpretentious.

  • Golden heart

Very early and very productive. Beautiful, bright orange “hearts” form on a rather low bush.

True, their taste is not sweet, but sour. Good disease resistance.

Low large-fruited

For large tomatoes, the concept of “early” is special. Of course, they begin to ripen later than the medium-sized ultra-early ripening ones. But even among the large-fruited ones, there are those that ripen quite quickly, have a low bush and do not require special formation.

  • Canopus

The bush is determinate, about half a meter high. In open ground it shows excellent resistance to infectious diseases and vagaries of weather. The oval fruits can reach half a kilogram. They have good keeping quality, which is a rare quality among tasty fleshy tomatoes.

  • Hospitable

The fruits of this variety are round-flat, bright red, very large (400-600 grams), several pieces in a cluster; mature ones are not stored for a long time (they require quick processing). The pulp is not fleshy, but rather very juicy (highest juice yield).

The plants are no higher than 80 cm, extremely unpretentious, even without consistently producing a very high yield, a significant part of which ripens in the open air. Due to the large fruiting load, it needs staking.

Tomatoes are considered a self-pollinating crop, although spontaneous cross-pollination can occasionally occur.

For receiving From non-hybrid varieties, several of the most typical fruits are selected. They are harvested from the bushes that produced the earliest and most significant harvest.

See you soon, dear friends!

With all respect, Andrew

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Abundant fruiting and early fruit ripening are the main advantages of super-early tomato varieties.

Typically, these include plants whose harvest ripens in 90 - 100 days.

Among the hybrids and new varieties bred by breeders in last decades, there are ultra-early varieties of tomatoes, the ripening of fruits and harvesting of which begins on the 70th day.

List of super early tomato varieties

More detailed information You will find information about each variety in our articles.

For your convenience, we have compiled table of super early tomato varieties in alphabetical order:

Determinate or indeterminate

Timing of sowing seeds and care features

Attention! High-quality seedlings of super-early tomato varieties have a thickened stem, short internodes, 6-8 leaves and at least one or two flower clusters.

To grow such seedlings, you need to correctly calculate the time for sowing the seeds.

  1. Growing tomatoes indoors. If the seedlings are planned to be planted in a greenhouse before June 10, then the seeds must be sown on March 18-20. For correct calculation We take into account the time of germination - 5-8 days, the beginning of flowering - 55-60 days, adaptation after picking plants - 5-7 days. Seedlings are sown in boxes or two seeds are planted in separate cups. Seeds are planted in cups a week later.
  2. If you plan to grow tomatoes in open ground, seedlings for permanent place planted later, taking into account a possible drop in night temperatures. Therefore, the seeds are sown in early April.

Sowing seeds and caring for seedlings:

  • Seeds are sown in the ground to a depth of 1.5 cm, dry or pre-soaked in water for swelling. Soaking time is no more than 24 hours.
  • The crops are covered with film or glass.
  • Seed germination temperature - + 25 degrees.
  • For better seedling yield, after the first “hooks” appear, additional lighting is provided for at least 14 hours. Daytime temperatures are reduced to +20, nighttime temperatures to +16.
  • Water the seedlings moderately, twice a week.
  • Picking is carried out when two true leaves appear. Seedlings are planted in separate containers.
  • 15 days before planting the seedlings, the plants are hardened off: the air temperature is lowered by 4-5 degrees, and taken out into the fresh air.

Before sowing, it is necessary to check tomato seeds for germination. This can be done by visually inspecting the seeds or using a saline solution. Dilute salt (1 tsp) in 150 ml of water. Pour the seeds into the solution and let sit for 10 minutes. After this, mix well and remove the floating seeds - they will not sprout. Collect the seeds that have sunk to the bottom and rinse well under running water. running water. Then leave them to swell. Check the seeds before planting.

Features of early ripening tomato varieties

Whether there is a distinctive features in super early varieties? Yes, I have.

  • Disease resistance. The most common and unpleasant disease of tomatoes is late blight. The cause of the disease is fungal spores. Late blight develops during a period of increasing difference between day and night temperatures and increasing air humidity. By the beginning of autumn, when weather changes occur, super-early tomatoes have time to ripen. Many varieties, especially hybrids, have stable immunity to fungal and viral diseases.
  • Stem size. It is mistakenly believed that it is super early varieties have a small stem. They can be of different sizes. The low-growing tomato “Explosion” grows only 45 cm, and “Blagovest” F1 has a trunk length of more than 2.5 meters.
  • Fruit quality. Different varieties of tomatoes differ in taste. Tomatoes are heat-loving plants. Super early tomatoes ripen in the sunniest, warmest months. Their fruits are sweet and aromatic and are mainly used for salads, juice making, tomato paste. The taste of the juice made from them is much higher. Tomatoes are stored for a long time and do not lose their presentation during transportation.
  • Fruit sizes. Super early tomatoes are not gigantic in size, but there are record holders among them. The fruits of the “Big Momma” tomato reach a weight of 400 grams. But this is rather an exception. Mostly they weigh from 100 to 200 grams, small-fruited ones - 50-75 grams.
  • Productivity. All super early tomato varieties have high yields. From plants planted per 1 sq.m. harvest from 7 to 15 kg or more.

Rating of the best


  • — a universal, determinate variety, intended for cultivation in open and protected ground. The plant grows up to 50 cm. Resistant to viral and fungal diseases. The fruits are bright red, weighing up to 90 grams. Ripening period is from 80 to 90 days.
  • - ultra-early ripening variety. Harvesting begins on days 73-75. “Sanka” is resistant to low temperatures, diseases and pests. It is not demanding on lighting; short daylight hours are sufficient for fruit ripening.
  • - a high-yielding, low-growing, determinate variety of tomatoes. Can be grown as indoor plant. The height of the bush is no more than 50 cm. The fruits weigh up to 25 grams, the pulp is juicy with sourness. You can harvest up to 2 kg of tomatoes from one plant.
  • - a plant with a powerful, strong stem requires a garter, otherwise the fruits will lie on the ground. The ripening period of the first fruits is no more than 85 days. Productivity reaches 10 kg per 1 sq.m. Resistant to powdery mildew and late blight. – hybrid, determinate variety. Harvest ripening period is 90 days. Characteristics: early ripening, disease resistant, productive, has excellent fruit quality.
  • . The variety is large-fruited, the weight of individual specimens reaches 750 g. The first fruits ripen on the 85th day. "Pride of Siberia" has good taste characteristics, used for making juices and tomato paste. Due to their large size, the fruits are not suitable for canning.
  • – an early-ripening, high-yielding variety of tomatoes. The fruits ripen on day 95 and are bright red in color. The average fruit weight is 110 g. The bush grows up to 1.8 m in length and requires mandatory support. To increase the yield, the plant is formed into two trunks.

For growing in open ground

There are a huge number of super early tomatoes. Breeders annually offer new, improved, zoned varieties. Today you can choose any one for a greenhouse or open ground.

If you lack experience or not summer cottage, you can start growing ultra-early tomatoes at home.

Early varieties of tomatoes for open ground are divided into several groups according to their growth type. The parameter for classification is the height of the tomato bush. Low-growing tomatoes for open ground are represented by four varieties, which are combined into two groups:

  • determinant;
  • superdeterminant.

Classification of tomatoes according to bush growth type

The height of early low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground, belonging to the determinate group of plants, does not exceed one meter, super-determinate plants are shorter, their upper limit is 80 cm.

A subgroup of standard plants is distinguished from determinate tomatoes. It includes varieties that have a compact root system and a strong trunk. Those varieties whose maximum bush height is less than 80 cm are classified as superdeterminate tomatoes.

There are many tomatoes for open ground with tall bushes(up to 2 m), having unlimited growth power. They are all combined into the group of indeterminate tomatoes. Indents require more attention, it takes a lot of time to form bushes, and for intensive fruiting they need balanced feeding. Therefore, we will compare productive varieties of tomatoes for open ground, which are part of the group of determinate plants.

Features of determinate tomatoes

You can understand why all super-early varieties are most often of the determinate type by looking at the following characteristics of the bush:

  • the number of stepchildren is small;
  • bushes have weak branches;
  • short internodes;
  • A limited number of inflorescences are formed on the bushes (6 pcs.).

After the formation of the number of fruits stated in the description, the bushes stop growing. All their efforts go into ripening tomatoes, which is why the earliest varieties are usually of the determinate type.

Many very early varieties are very small in stature and belong to the group of super-determinate tomatoes. They stop growing after tying 3 tassels. Early growth cessation explains their precocity.

All standard tomatoes are high-yielding. Their bushes do not grow for a long time due to small roots, so the yield of fruits is early. Having understood the terms, you can understand from the description of the variety which tomatoes for growing in open ground ripen earlier.

All about the advantages of low-growing tomatoes

You can name the reasons why you need to choose determinant early ripening varieties of tomatoes for open ground:

  • short stature;
  • precocity;
  • cold resistance;
  • easy care.

Low growing plants do not need strong supports, some varieties do not need support at all. Determinate (super-determinant) bushes are compact; they only need a small amount of soil to grow. Determinate and super-determinate varieties – great choice for small gardens.

Early maturity affects planting dates. Low-growing varieties can be sown for seedlings later. The short ripening period guarantees a harvest even with late transplantation (mid-June) of tomato seedlings into open ground.

Low early varieties of tomatoes rarely suffer from late blight. Late blight affects bushes in August, and determinate and super-determinate varieties ripen already in July. Fruits collected from healthy bushes, are stored longer and are not damaged by fungus.

Scientists have developed cold-resistant determinate varieties for open ground; some can be grown without seedlings. By sowing tomato seeds directly into the ground, summer residents significantly save time and effort.

For summer residents with a day job, low-growing tomatoes make it easier to care for. Many varieties do not need to be tied up; some do not need to remove the stepsons. The easiest way to care for standard tomatoes.

Early salad tomatoes

For summer consumption in the garden you need to have large-fruited varieties. By planting several salad varieties (early, ultra-early) in the garden, they achieve uniform fruiting from June to August.

Boni MM

Standard variety for the lazy. Low-growing (50 cm), ultra-early ripening Boni MM tomatoes do not need support or pinching. The variety is suitable for those who do not like or do not know how to grow seedlings. Seeds can be sown under film in early May, and planted in a permanent place in June.

Tomatoes begin to ripen 80-85 days after germination. The seedlings are ready for transplanting in a month, so seeds for seedlings are sown late - in early or mid-April. Fruits for salad purposes, red, semi-round, weighing up to 70 g. From bushes planted in the soil in the first days of June, the first harvest can be harvested at the end of the month. From one bush you can get about 2 kg of tomatoes.

Raspberry surprise F1

A determinate type hybrid, bushes 80-90 cm tall form a powerful root system. The plant loves well-fertilized, loose soil. Productivity is noticeably higher in beds where regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out.

The fruits are crimson, flat-round, large. Tomato weight is from 300 to 500 g. The pulp is dense, without voids, and has a harmonious taste. Purpose: salad, yield 15 kg/sq.m. m.

Early ripening universal tomatoes

You can’t do without early-ripening universal-purpose tomatoes in the garden. Russian women traditionally prepare tomatoes for the winter in the summer and early autumn. The varieties (hybrids) for universal purposes are suitable for all types of workpieces.


This variety begins to sing faster than others. Grandmothers who sell tomatoes at the market love to raise Sanka. The first tomatoes begin to sing 75 days after germination. The fruits are beautiful, round, red with a good taste balanced in sugars and acids. The size of the tomato is small, they can be used for preparations and salads.

Semko 18 F

A hybrid resistant to heat, drought, diseases: Alternaria, TMV, blossom end rot. In open ground, tomatoes of the Semko 18 F1 variety delight with stable yields. When planted densely (5 bushes per 1 sq. m), 10 kg of tasty fruits are collected per unit area.

Characteristics of tomato Semko 18 F1:

  • weight – 140 g;
  • shape – round;
  • color – red, saturated;
  • the pulp is dense.

The fruits do not crack, have a good taste, and are universal. The bushes are compact, determinate, sparsely leafy, up to 1 meter high. The harvest begins 85-90 days after germination.


Fans of pink tomatoes will love pink early tomatoes Zest. Tomatoes are ripe at 80 days. The fruits are not large, weighing 100 g, are stored for a long time, and do not deteriorate during transportation. The pulp is tasty, sugary. Caring for the bushes is not difficult; they can reach a height of 50 cm. Valuable properties early ripening variety Izyuminka:

  • cold-resistant;
  • tolerates insufficient lighting;
  • has good immunity to some viruses.

French grape

New determinate tomato, mid-early, pickling. Bushes up to 1 meter high need support and tying. There is no need to remove stepchildren. The variety surprises with its unusually beautiful clusters of finger fruits.

From 5 to 20 clusters can form on one plant. One bunch consists of 6-10 red tomatoes weighing 80-100 g. Open ground tomato planting scheme French bunch: 5 plants per square meter.


A wonderful early ripening tomato for open ground. The variety is very popular among amateur vegetable growers. The bushes are standard, low (up to 40 cm). Caring for them is very simple; there is no need to tie up or remove the stepsons.

The fruit size is medium (up to 180 g), the color is red, the purpose is universal. The variety can be grown in open ground in Western Siberia. The main advantages of the Fighter tomato:

  • productivity;
  • precocity;
  • versatility.

Dwarf tomatoes

Miniature tomato bushes will decorate a small garden. Ultra-early varieties of standard-type tomatoes are very decorative; they can be planted in flower beds or grown in pots on a loggia or terrace.

The dwarf hybrid Red Pearl F1 will appeal to fans of mini tomatoes. Miniature standard bushes 30 cm high produce 30 small, red tomatoes weighing about 20 g. The bushes do not need to be pinched, they are compact, can grow and bear fruit in low light. The fruits begin to sing 85 days after germination. There is a mini-tomato Pearl yellow with similar characteristics. The only difference is the color of the tomatoes.

Another miniature plant deserves attention. The determinate variety Bullfinch grows well on the balcony and in open ground. The bushes are low (up to 40 cm) and begin to bear fruit on the 75th day. The tomatoes are red, rounded and flattened.

Super-yielding low-growing tomatoes

It is necessary to choose from a huge number of seeds super-yielding varieties of tomatoes for open ground. WITH small area at minimal cost you can get good yields from them.


The standard low-growing (35 cm) variety Yamal shows good yield. 10 kg of tomatoes are harvested per square meter. This is an excellent indicator for a low-growing variety. Variety value:

  • super cold resistance;
  • resistance to heat, drought;
  • Propagated by sowing seeds in the ground and by seedlings.


An excellent productive variety with determinate bushes. The height of the densely leafy bushes is 90 cm. 20 kg of medium-sized round fruits are collected per square meter. The maximum weight of one tomato does not exceed 200 g.

The fruits are pink, universal, and tolerate transportation well. Ivanych tomatoes are used to make marinades and light summer salads. Valuable qualities:

  • transportability is excellent;
  • good quality taste;
  • immunity to TMV, Fusarium, Alternaria.

Pink miracle

The pink miracle amazes with its productivity. Up to 19 kg of medium-sized pink fruits are collected per square meter. The weight of the fruit does not exceed 110 g. The tomato is a racemose; 6-7 pink fruits are formed in the cluster.

Any gourmet will like the pulp with its dense structure and good taste. Super early tomatoes Pink Miracle have a number of advantages:

  • immunity to most diseases;
  • early ripening (82-85 days);
  • high yield.

What is most often grown in garden beds? We will not sin against the truth if we take first place in the popularity rating vegetable crops, cultivated on garden plots, we'll give it to the tomato. A healthy, nutritious, dietary product that conquered the vast territory of Russia without a fight. Let's look at the varieties, analyze the advantages, find the disadvantages, and study the best varieties of low-growing tomatoes for open ground.

Knowledge of the characteristics of the variety and the characteristics of low-growing tomatoes gives an advantage when growing a crop popular among gardeners. In general, all the described varieties are distinguished by early fruiting and simultaneous yield. The appearance of fruits begins in June. In the short and cold summers of some areas, this becomes a determining factor in favor of low-growing tomatoes.

Before purchasing and planting tomatoes, pay attention to certain characteristics that will later help you avoid unnecessary labor costs and contribute to obtaining a bountiful and healthy harvest.

  1. Determinate plants. They are characterized by the fact that the bushes require the formation and removal of stepsons. By skipping this procedure, you risk overloading the tomato with fruits and slowing down the ripening of the crop. And early fruiting is the main advantage of low-growing tomatoes.
  2. Superdeterminants. Formation and other operations may not be performed. They are distinguished by early harvest dates. The first brush is formed after 4-6 leaves, and then after one leaf.
  3. Standard ones. Unpretentious, do not require pinching or gartering. They are distinguished by their low, strong stems and unpretentiousness. The formation of brushes occurs in the same way as in superdeterminants.

IN Lately manufacturers planting material simplified the inscriptions describing the properties of the proposed seeds. Instead of the mysterious terms “determinant” or “interminant” for inexperienced amateurs, the inscriptions “tall” or “short” are increasingly common.

The difference between the standard (left) and determinate (right) type of tomato bush

Varieties or hybrids of tomatoes

In the endless list of tomatoes offered for growing, the initial guideline will be another subtlety that is overlooked by gardeners who are in a hurry to buy seeds. It's about about varietal and hybrid plants - representatives of different directions and even opposing philosophies when approaching agriculture.

Hybrids Varieties
Hybrids are characterized by fruits that are even and similar in weight. Zoned hybrids are characterized by disease resistance, increased yield and long-term storage. Another common advantage is self-pollination.

From negative traits We highlight the following: the need for constant care and conditions provided for by the breeder’s recommendations (soil, temperature, watering and fertilizing regimes). The next disadvantage is that hybrid seeds do not inherit parental qualities and are not suitable for re-growing.

The taste is average. The best results are obtained with strict adherence to agricultural technology.

Varietal plants are characterized by less uniformity; tomatoes of varying sizes can ripen on one bush, and the shelf life of ripe fruits is shorter.

The advantages include the ability to adapt to natural conditions and resilience. The varieties are not so picky about following the rules of agricultural technology - missed watering or fertilizing applied at the wrong time will not be stressful for them.

In addition, they are closer to wild plants and therefore contain more nutrients and differ in taste. Gardeners harvest the seeds of the variety they like and use them for further planting.

Buy seeds from trusted sellers. Specialized agricultural stores or agro-industrial fairs, in addition to an extensive selection of seed material, have another undeniable advantage - trained consultants who can give qualified advice on choosing seeds and growing tomatoes in open ground.

Large-fruited hybrid "Sunny Bunny" with early maturation. Fruiting begins 2 months after planting the seedlings

Determinate tomatoes: characteristics

Some of the decorative appearance of such plants is misleading regarding the yield and quality of the fruit. Product range - strong trait these "babies". Large and small, sugar, dessert, plum or pear-shaped, pink, yellow or cocktail - for those who, in addition to useful qualities draws attention to appearance garden beds, there is scope for imagination and a vast field for experimenting with color and shape.

For example, consider the popular hybrid “Semko 18” (“Coming of Age”):

  1. Compact bush with few leaves. The formation of the first brush occurs at the level of 6-8 leaves.
  2. Fruiting occurs after 3 months (85-90 days).
  3. The bush reaches sizes up to 1 m.
  4. The weight of the fruit is up to 140 g. The fruit is round, dense, intensely colored in dark red. There is no green color at the base of the stalk.
  5. On open ground, the yield reaches 10 kg/m2.
  6. Resistant to damage caused by traditional tomato diseases: tomato mosaic, rot, fruit cracking, Alternaria blight.

Like other hybrids, top scores“Coming of Age” shows on abundantly fertilized, prepared soils in full compliance with the rules of agricultural technology and crop rotation. The short ripening period gives an advantage when using the seedless method, saving the gardener from growing seedlings and the associated hassle and expense.

An undeniable advantage of determinate tomatoes, resistance to diseases, is explained by their precocity. During the time when tall varieties As soon as they gain strength and are exposed to the aggressive effects of pathogenic insects, low-growing tomatoes are already reaching the state of fruiting.

"Marianna" is a productive, large-fruited plum-shaped hybrid. The weight of the fruit reaches 200 g.

Superdeterminate tomato varieties: description

Tip #1. Growing such tomatoes is especially beneficial in areas with cold, long springs and short summers.

Plants, depending on the variety, independently form 1-3 stems. If desired, pinching is used, removing unnecessary shoots and leaving one standard. In this case, thickening of the planting is allowed (up to 8-9 bushes per 1 m2). For illustration common features Let’s consider the “Parodist” variety of this group of plants:

  1. Bush height up to 0.5 m.
  2. No pinning required. The bush, without using the shaping operation, grows into 3 stems.
  3. Unpretentious to temperature changes and other weather phenomena.
  4. Fruit set is high and simultaneous.
  5. Fruiting begins 80 days after planting the seeds in open ground.
  6. The weight of the fruit reaches 160 g. The tomatoes are round, bright red, without a green spot at the base of the stalk. The yield is up to 3.5 kg per bush.
  7. Resistant to fusarium and cladospirosis diseases.

Early ripe tomatoes can grow even in open ground

Due to the inherent early ripening of super-determinate varieties, they are ideal for growing in various climatic zones, in greenhouses and in open ground.

Standard tomatoes: varieties and hybrids

We will consider standard varieties and hybrids as a separate group. This type of tomato is called the “tomato for the lazy.” He received this nickname because of his amazing unpretentiousness. Seedlings are characterized by easy survival after transplanting into the ground. The developed leaves are slightly corrugated with a short petiole and an increased plate area. The stems are thick and rough, and the roots are strong and developed. Stepchildren appear late, weak - the difference with conventional varieties is up to 15 days. Because of this, axillary shoots develop slowly and do not take up many nutrients.. At the same time, depending on weather conditions and the planting location, sometimes the bushes have to be pinched.

Most varieties do not require pinching and tolerate planting seeds well in open ground.

According to their structure, standard tomatoes are divided into low-, medium- and tall-growing. Read also the article: → "". The differences between early-ripening and mid-ripening varieties are presented in the table.

Early ripening Mid-season
The height of the bush is 25-50 cm. The start of fruiting occurs after 80-90 days. Such varieties are sown in seedlings or without seedlings, immediately placing the seeds in open ground. In this case, the planting is covered with film or agrofibre to protect against late frosts. Fruit weight is 60-130 g. However, with abundant watering, tomatoes reach a weight of 250 g The height of the bush is 35-70 cm. Fruiting occurs in 90-120 days. In many varieties, the powerful trunk is able to withstand the weight of the fruit and does not need tying. New selection varieties are resistant to common diseases and pests. Fruit weight from 200 to 400 g. Productivity is friendly

Secrets of cultivation

Like any other crop, tomatoes need individual care and require a little attention. Even unpretentious varieties will respond gratefully to the implementation of the rules of agricultural technology and the application in life of simple recommendations developed by generations of gardeners.

  • Plant seedlings at maximum development time.
  • Mulch the planting. In the absence of mulch, do not allow the formation of a dense crust on the surface of the earth. Loosen row spacing at least 3 times per season.
  • Water with settled warm water“under the root” and between the rows.
  • Remove yellowing and wilting leaves.
  • Individually shape each plant.

Tip #2. Don't overdo it with application nitrogen fertilizers. As a result of oversaturation of the soil, you risk getting a beautiful spreading bush without fruits - nutrients will be sent to feed the green mass.

Correctly carried out formation of a bush allows you to increase its resistance to negative natural factors and speed up the ripening time of the crop
  1. Wanting to get rid of unpleasant work related to gartering and bush formation, pay attention to varieties that are able to develop without pinching. This will help reduce the amount of work on tomato beds.
  2. A natural stimulus for the development of side shoots (stepchildren) is dense planting or shading of the bed. Avoid these factors. Otherwise, the bushes will grow, the development of ovaries and the ripening of the crop will slow down.
  3. To strengthen plants, especially those formed into 2-3 stems, resort to the method of placing the bushes between two rows of vertically stretched rope. Place support stakes 0.8-1 meter apart. Stretch the synthetic cord from one side of the bushes first, wrapping it around each support. At the last support, wrap the row and pass it along the other side of the plants. Thus, without tying up each bush, you will create a supporting fence for the tomatoes.
  4. Remove leaves no higher than the cluster where the fruit begins to ripen. The tomato develops through the process of photosynthesis, which involves 2-4 leaves located after the fruiting raceme.

Tips for growing tomatoes outdoors in infographics

(click to enlarge)

The most common mistakes made by beginners

Mistake #1. Planting one variety of low-growing tomatoes.

Plant at least 2-3 early and mid-season varieties and hybrids. This will help avoid crop loss due to unfavorable weather conditions or outbreaks of tomato diseases. Do not place beds with different varieties at close distance from each other.

Mistake #2. Rely on stable varietal traits of resistance of low-growing tomatoes. Do not harden seedlings before planting seedlings in the ground.

Such neglect will certainly have a further impact on the development of plants and the speed of their adaptation in open ground. Despite the stress resistance of determinate tomato varieties, transfer to the soil is always accompanied by a slowdown in development. The hardening procedure (gradually accustoming seedlings to low temperatures) helps plants overcome this period in the best possible way. Hardened seedlings develop steadily, tolerate temperature changes better and are more resilient.

Monitor the condition of the tomatoes. The plant will independently tell you what type of additional feeding it needs during each period of development:

  1. Curling brittle leaves with a greasy effect - excessive nitrogen. Water the soil generously and apply potassium fertilizer.
  2. Yellowed leaves and drooping bushes indicate a lack of nitrogen.
  3. A purple tint on the underside of the leaf blade indicates a deficiency of phosphate fertilizers.

Tip #3. For urgent fertilizing, use the foliar method. When spraying, fertilizers are intensively absorbed by the plant and begin to act on the bush faster.

Mistake #4. Determinate tomato varieties are intended for immediate consumption and are not stored for a long time.

Don’t forget to read the characteristics of the variety you are purchasing on the seed packaging. Attempting to store salad tomatoes will result in product loss. Universal varieties, if certain conditions are met, can be preserved for a long time. At the same time, tomatoes grown in open ground are stored better than greenhouse tomatoes. Fruits picked from the bush at night temperatures above +8°C will be well preserved. Remove tomatoes intended for storage during the day. Store tomatoes at technical ripeness.