I have no luck in what to do in life. Psychological reasons for bad luck. Unconventional methods of dealing with bad luck

Do you consider yourself a superstitious person? Maybe you have a lucky pair of socks that you wear to important events? Or a certain number, when faced with which you are sure to expect good luck? If so, then you are not alone. Research shows that even those people who do not believe in luck are susceptible to superstitions at one time or another in their lives.

But what to do if you are unlucky in life? After all, luck really plays a big role. The difference between luck and bad luck is the feelings of hope or despair that directly affect our lives. So, let's look at some principles that may attract white stripe in our lives as quickly as possible.

  • In order to attract good luck, you need to relax and take advantage of the opportunities available. For Lady Fortune, this is principle No. 1. After all, those people who are calm and relaxed notice things around them much more. useful information and favorable opportunities than those in constant tension and anticipation of failure. Thus, for the lucky ones, luck seems to be asking itself into their hands. But this is not entirely true - it’s just that those who are relaxed and calmer have a broader outlook. Their ability to notice benefits is much more “pumped up” than those who are constantly under the burden of problems.
  • If you are unlucky in life, it’s time to learn to trust your own intuition. We all know that feeling in the abdomen or solar plexus, which, like radar, is always ready to tell us the next step. But for some reason, we, who are accustomed to thinking logically and rationally, do not always listen to him. And in vain. According to surveys, about 90% of “lucky” people are those who listen to their inner voice according to such important issues like career and personal relationships. On the other hand, those who are unlucky are much less likely to trust their intuition.
  • Expect good events, and they will not slow down to happen. Happy people– these are those for whom life is a “box of chocolates”. They look forward to a wonderful vacation, the fulfillment of their dreams and the fulfillment of their career ambitions - and, in the end, life kindly provides them with what they so passionately dreamed of. The expectations of those people who live in anticipation of troubles most often also come true. Why is this happening? Here you can recall the joke about a guardian angel who, standing over a passenger’s shoulder in a transport, writes down his thoughts in a notebook as wishes for tomorrow. “So-so,” God’s messenger says to himself, “the work is terrible, the boss is an idiot, the wife is a fool. Accepted for execution".

    On the other hand, psychologists have long proven that in order to be lucky in life, you need to think like a lucky person. To do this, first of all, you need to reconsider your attitudes regarding various life spheres. For example, if you think that after forty years old it is impossible to build a career or change your occupation, you are unlikely to come across appropriate opportunities.

    Psychological attitudes are laid down in early childhood and are almost unhindered in the child’s mind. Not yet possessing critical thinking, he takes the words of adults at face value. It is not surprising that natural-born “sandbox leaders” often grow into successful entrepreneurs, cultural figures, and athletes. The fate of those children who occupied outsider positions in the future is often unenviable.

  • Learn to see the good even in bad events. Imagine for a moment a person who has a minor accident on the way to work. In this case different people will react completely differently. One will be upset that he will not be able to get to work on time. Another will be happy just because he is alive.

    It doesn't matter how lucky or unlucky a person is. Undesirable events will always happen to everyone. But how we respond to them determines our luck as much as other factors.

  • Surround yourself with positive people - those who believe in you and will support you. The fulfillment of negative expectations from life has long been studied in psychology. Regarding how a person is influenced by the opinions of people around him, a lot of research has also been conducted. One of the most famous phenomena is called the “self-fulfilling prophecy.” Another name for it is the Rosenthal effect. It consists in the fact that reality is formed with the help of “prophecies” of other people, which ultimately turn out to be true.

    For example, the teacher's favorite in the class always gets good grades, and those who are rejected or judged as failures do worse and worse. A wife who considers her husband to be a drunkard and a klutz, over time receives a “product” that is more and more shaped according to her expectations. This is why it is so important to surround yourself with people who are positive towards you. This can fundamentally affect your self-esteem and, as a result, your “luck”.

Everyone must be honest with themselves in order to answer the question “Why are you unlucky in life, and how to deal with it?” Not everyone can face the truth and admit that it was their thinking and psychological attitudes that brought them to that point life path where they are currently located. But if you conduct a complete audit of your life and identify those areas in which mistakes were made, you can always find a brighter place.

Failure is perceived by the individual as an unsatisfactory process or result of some event. When something doesn’t go or ends the way you wanted, a person certainly asks the questions: “Why am I unlucky and how can I get my luck back?”

Why is the issue not resolved, the need is not satisfied, expectations are not met, and efforts were in vain? Some people look for reasons in the outside world, blaming their environment and circumstances for their troubles, while others blame themselves, labeling themselves “losers in life.”

Both in earlier times and today, luck is perceived by many people as a random positive event, a desired outcome of a situation that does not depend on one’s own actions or decisions. That is why people have invented and continue to invent amulets, talismans, amulets, and rituals for the purpose of... But is luck really random and is it just special magic symbols able to attract her?

The question of what determines luck and fortune is controversial and philosophical. The answer depends on a person’s worldview, religious beliefs, and life experiences.

People's opinions vary extremely: from the belief that everything in life depends on the individual himself to the belief in subordination and dependence on higher powers. Perhaps the truth is in the middle, but until human nature and the entire universe has not been fully studied, it is difficult to say with certainty about the phenomenon of luck.

Luck - relative concept. Two people see and understand the same phenomenon differently, since perception is selective and indirect. Psychologists argue that the external world for the subject is the way he sees and understands it.

In general, the psyche is a form of active reflection of objective reality. The external world depends on the internal and vice versa. A person can choose how and what to think and how to behave.

The same event can be seen as luck and failure at the same time, it all depends on the attitude towards it. Luck is a positively perceived phenomenon, that is, an event that is seen as positive.

The problem “I am a loser” is psychological, as it lies in the sphere of perception and attitude towards oneself as an individual. A person who has admitted that he is constantly unlucky should try to find the reasons for bad luck in himself, in his usual behavior and thinking, and not complain about bad luck and a hard lot.

Reasons for failure

Those people who feel powerless in the face of current problems and they think that they cannot change their life for the better on their own.

When an individual turns to a psychologist (or psychology) with the problem of “loser in life,” identify the cause total bad luck It’s not always possible right away; sometimes it’s a whole complex of psychological difficulties.

Chronic bad luck can be caused by any problematic personality trait or behavior. For example, such “harmless” personality traits as timidity and shyness can lead to a person being unlucky in his personal life; low self-esteem and fears lead to failures at work; Laziness and lack of motivation prevent you from studying well, and so on.

Some answers to the question “Why am I a loser?”:

  • Lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, inferiority complex

All these and other similar problems with self-perception and self-concept lead to the fact that a person initially has an attitude towards failure or avoiding failure (which is equally wrong), instead of an attitude towards achieving success.

To achieve success, you need to be focused on it. Confident people They see opportunities, not limitations; they perceive personal shortcomings as an area of ​​work on themselves, and not a reason to diagnose “I’m a loser.”

  • Passive life position, shifting responsibility, laziness, weakness of will

It is not for nothing that in Christianity despondency and idleness are considered mortal sins. Lying on the couch exclaiming: “Why am I a loser?”, complaining about life is easier than taking responsibility for yourself, leaving your comfort zone, starting to actively think and act.

It is difficult to develop, take deliberate risks and take initiative, but without this there is no personal development and the opportunity to catch luck.

  • Lack of purpose and sufficient motivation

When a person does not know what to do and what to strive for, life is seen as a series of white and black stripes. When everything goes well, the passive subject calmly “goes with the flow” and calls it luck when the situation changes out of control. better side, the question arises: “How to return luck?” and a frantic search for a miraculous ritual of her return.

When there is determination and sufficient motivation, the jackal “lucky or unlucky” loses its significance, a desire for a goal and “steps” on the path to achieving it appear.

  • Unresolved problems, prejudices, thinking errors, fears

Everything that prevents you from living and being happy is usually the product of past mistakes. When a person is young, he is bold and fearless, proactive and creative. Pervasive stereotypes, difficult memories, unforgiven grievances, erroneous conclusions and generalizations lead to the fact that later a person simply does not give himself the opportunity to regain luck again.

Stereotyped thoughts, rigidity, cowardice, anxiety, suspiciousness, excessive adherence to principles, shyness, modesty are the basis for chronic bad luck. What to do? Let go of negative thoughts, feelings, memories that interfere with life, think broadly, creatively, and be the creator of your own destiny.

Many people are unlucky in their personal lives precisely because they limit themselves to the boundaries of thinking and behavior. For example, a girl had a single negative experience in a relationship with a man, after which she made a mistake known as overgeneralization and began to have a negative attitude towards all males, thereby depriving herself of the chance to become happy again.

It is impossible to know and predict everything in advance at once, but you need to strive to learn as much new and useful as possible. You should not treat mistakes as failures, especially when you are young and at a young age. When you make mistakes, you need to draw conclusions, sum up, learn from your mistakes so as not to repeat them.

By developing, learning, acquiring new skills, experience, it is easier to do right choice in life, catching luck by the tail. Self-doubt, fears and other problems that lead to bad luck often arise due to a lack of necessary knowledge and experience.

In this case, it is not difficult to return luck - find out everything you need to act correctly. In particular, psychological knowledge- one of those that is necessary for every person who wants to be successful.

So, first of all, in order to return luck, you need to realize that the cause of bad luck is within the individual, and not in the outside world.

How to attract good luck

Successful and fortunate people are successful, satisfied with their lives, and happy. Why is fate favorable to them, and what “rituals” do they use to attract good luck?

People who are offended by life complain with anger and envy: “Why am I a loser, while someone else is always lucky?”, instead of thinking about how the thinking of a lucky person and a loser differs.

Some features of the lifestyle and personality of successful people:

  1. healthy sleep and early rise;
  2. doing what you love;
  3. physical activity, sports, health care;
  4. moderation in everything, absence of bad habits;
  5. camping;
  6. love of reading and learning;
  7. pursuing hobbies and creativity;
  8. the ability to set goals and dream creatively;
  9. communication with successful people;
  10. understanding the need to get out of your comfort zone and do something new;
  11. determination, activity, developed strength will, determination, endurance, optimism;
  12. responsibility, organization, consistency, commitment;
  13. focus on quality rather than quantity;
  14. knowledge of yourself, yours, Full time job above oneself;
  15. self confidence.

It is the way of life and the way of thinking that distinguishes lucky and unlucky people. But before you develop new positive habits, you need to get rid of old negative ones.

For a person who believes in himself, any thing that reminds him that anything is possible will become a talisman of good luck, but not a single amulet or ritual will help someone who lacks self-confidence.

British psychologist R. Wiseman has been researching the phenomenon of luck for ten years, working with groups of lucky and unlucky people. In 2003, his book entitled “The Luck Factor” was published, which collected the results of many years of work.

R. Wiseman came to the conclusion that you can learn to be lucky and proved this experimentally.

  • Success and unluckiness depend on the lifestyle and habits of people.
  • In order to become successful you need to learn four main rules:
  • Listen to your inner voice, trust your instincts.
  • Be open to everything new, avoid boredom and routine.
  • Every day, spend a few minutes only on good thoughts and memories.
  • Visualize yourself as a lucky person and a successful outcome of a particular event.

Constant luck is hardly possible, but successful people differ from unlucky people in their attitude towards failure:

  • are able to see the positive side in any situation;
  • they are confident that luck will still be on their side, they adhere to the rule: “everything that happens is for the better”;
  • don’t dwell on troubles;
  • take constructive steps to prevent future failures.

Luck can be both expected and unexpected events. Lucky people look for a lucky break in any circumstances; they are ready to let luck into life.

Successful people are sociable and observant, but unlucky people have blinders on their eyes, they are less aware of the real situation, they miss opportunities and chances, and that’s why they think that luck is elusive.

Luck is a combination psychological readiness to it and its objective possibility. Lucky people are not born, they are made!

Very often we hear statements from friends: I am the most unfortunate, why am I unlucky, and so on. Many become so fused with the image of people offended by life that it becomes almost impossible to convince them. Very often such thoughts become the cause of real resentment or even anger towards others. A person begins to feel that everything is against him. As a result, he risks losing friends and being left alone.

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of why this or that person is unlucky in his personal life, at work or in relationships with friends. However, you can only get out of this situation on your own.

First, you need to clearly formulate all your negative thoughts. It is advisable to write them down on a piece of paper and read them carefully. After that, reformulate them so that they become positive.

It is very important to learn to tune in to the best. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers used to say that everything that is done is for the better. This simple saying perfectly helps to survive even very difficult situations, which, unfortunately, often happen in life.

Answer just three questions for yourself:

  1. What doesn't suit you in life?
  2. How do you want it to be?
  3. What prevents you from achieving what you want?

Having received specific answers to your questions, you will be able to remove everything unnecessary from life, that which does not allow you to be truly happy. Try to live as if luck has already come to you. And it won't keep you waiting long.

Stop asking the question: why am I unlucky? Everyone has moments in life when nothing works out and they give up. Most often, troubles happen only in one area of ​​life. This could be work, personal or family life. Never quarrel with loved ones just because things aren’t going well at work. This will not solve the problem, but will only make it worse.

Global bad luck is very rare. Most often, the reason that “I’m unlucky” is unrealistic plans or unattainable goals. This leads to decline vitality, low self-esteem and reluctance to do anything. If the situation cannot be changed, then the only correct solution is to change your attitude towards it. Changes are always for the better, even if they occur because of events that were unpleasant for you. Believing in this is the key to success.

By analyzing the situation or the question “why am I unlucky,” you can find answers. But this is not enough. You must have a desire to correct the situation and, of course, know how to do it.

Try to lower your demands on yourself a little. You should not come up with goals that will be impossible to achieve. Most often, only bad memories remain in memory. Try to change this. Pay attention to all the pleasant little things that happen in life. And do it every day.

As a result, you will get used to the idea that wonderful things happen in life all the time, and you will be even luckier than some of your friends.

The most important thing is to believe in yourself, in your dream, and you will see how the world around you will change for the better, and the wheel of fortune will begin to spin in the direction you want. By stopping wondering “why am I unlucky”, you will finally start living a fulfilling life.

Do not forget that no matter how rosy the the world, troubles still happen. It is very important not to fall into despair or depression. White always follows and, most likely, today's troubles promise only good things in the future. Be positive. Come up with an activity that will distract you from unpleasant thoughts. Go for a walk, to the cinema, to a club. Call old friends you may not have seen for a long time. Communication with pleasant people, a friendly atmosphere will make you remember all the good things that happened in your life. So you'll get charged positive emotions that will help you find the right solution or way out of the current situation this moment situations.

Many people ask this question.

For example, the neighbor’s appearance is no better, and she has no more money, but she got married so successfully - her husband is loving, not a fool, and wealthy. For what? And why doesn’t it work out for me?

Or again: my colleague is clearly more stupid than me, how many mistakes have he already made? But it was he who was promoted. Why? Probably connections. Who helped him? And why are fools so lucky?

Navigation for the article “Why am I unlucky?”:

Unlucky in life: how does this relate to the picture of the world?

Think about it: who gives out the luck?

Who is responsible in your picture of the world for why you no luck in life?

There are 3 types of pictures of the world, to summarize:

1. Chaotic

  • when you believe that there are no patterns, everything is governed by chance, and chance is fundamentally incomprehensible.

This picture of the world is the most hopeless. Because when you talk about incomprehensible chaos, you admit: there are no patterns. And if there are no patterns, then you will not be able to control the situation. And all you can do is sit and wait that maybe chance will suddenly choose you in a way unknown to you.

2. Rationalistic

  • when you believe that at least some patterns exist. But they are limited solely by the abilities of your analytical apparatus.

That is, if you cannot take into account all the variables that contribute to the development of the situation, collect all the information about the situation and analyze it logically, then you cannot understand it or predict it.

And, accordingly, beyond the boundaries of reason, the area that you are talking about opens up. it was just luck" or "just unlucky." Given the amount of information in modern world, no processor is enough, alas, to calculate all the necessary situations and collect enough information.

3. Mystical

  • when you believe that you are controlled in some way by a higher power. In fact, it doesn’t matter what it is - God in any of his incarnations, the Universe as a kind of higher intelligence, Fate.

As a result, your whole life comes down to trying to understand what Fate (God, the Universe) has prepared for you. And then it depends on your ability to contact higher power. And it is clear that it is not easy to unravel her intentions, and it is not always clear how to contact her.

In addition to these main trends, in each of the pictures of the world there are some everyday superstitions. Signs, “bad” or “good” signs, different beliefs that came from your parental family, etc.

For example, the belief that punishment will definitely follow for some actions or conditions. Or the belief that your desires are unlikely to come true because you are “not good enough” for this. Or that you personally are on the universe’s “black list”. Because, for example, “the world loves optimists and sociable people,” and you, as luck would have it, are a thoughtful and unsociable introvert.

Usually, any picture of the world is formed to one degree or another unconsciously. As a rule, they find themselves in it. And already when the situation " always unlucky"becomes obvious.

That is why I called any picture of the world, including the rational one, a belief. Even if part of this picture was formed at a conscious age, a person often does not understand why he is inclined to certain ideological and philosophical positions, because he has not passed these beliefs through experience to a sufficient extent.

Most often because everything, no matter how banal, comes from childhood. And it is clear that a child cannot completely copy his parents’ picture of the world, but he takes some fundamental elements from there.

Not necessarily in direct form, maybe the opposite is true. Religious people develop into freethinkers, rationalists into mystics, and agnostics who deny knowledge into rationalists. And sometimes it’s straightforward: “my grandmother always told me that if you laugh a lot, you’ll cry a lot.”

And such an idea of ​​​​universal balance can accompany a person through life for quite a long time, influence his worldview, before he thinks about why he always unlucky and what to do with it.

So ask yourself these questions:

  • Who or what is responsible for luck in your picture of the world? Who or what determines why you always unlucky?
  • Who helped you form these beliefs and when?
  • Do you think such beliefs help you or hinder you?
  • Would you like to believe in something else? If yes, what picture of the world would you like to have and what would you like to believe?

I hope that now you have a little more clarity about what your beliefs about the world look like, how much you yourself participated in their formation, as well as what you would like to change about them.

If you are constantly unlucky -

This is already a pattern. And, to begin with, it can be studied using logic, observation, experiments, i.e. completely scientific methods.

Remember any situations Lately, about which you could say that you are unlucky in life. And others that you might say you were just lucky. Was your situation any different? Mood? Feelings that preceded these days and events?

If you cannot remember this, then perhaps you have not yet developed enough powers of observation. Accordingly, before sorting out your relationship with luck, you will have to learn to notice your feelings (and, above all, negative feelings), and then consolidate the habit of observing them with the help.

Why does it make sense to notice feelings and, above all, negative ones? Because negative feelings are the mechanism that triggers bad luck.

A simple example. Night, outskirts of the city. There are 10 people walking along the road from the metro, all one at a time, at more or less equal intervals, going to their homes. Robbers are sitting in the bushes. And out of 10 people they attack one.

Why this particular one? " Why am I unlucky"? – the victim asks. Because, whether we like it or not, we perceive the world not only at the level of logic and analysis, but also at the level of intuition, feeling, reading unconscious information through non-verbal signals.

A robber cannot thoroughly see in the dark who is dressed, whether there are any valuables on a person, whether he is strong enough to fight back, etc. But he can feel the person's condition.

Posture, gait, mood, which is expressed through a mass of “imperceptible” (primarily not noticeable to consciousness!) signals - all this tells a lot about a person. About his ability to resist, about the number of his fears, about his degree of self-confidence etc.

And as a result, the robber, most often without consciously realizing it, can, nevertheless, have a good sense of who is “ready” to become a victim.

If you are willing to become a victim, this does not mean “it is your own fault” (as statements of this kind are often interpreted). You simply bear your part of responsibility for what happened. You participate in the situation, including the information that you communicate about yourself at all levels, including non-verbal.

Need I say that the more uncertainty you have, the feeling of being a victim, fears, helplessness, feelings that you are a toy in the hands of fate or an accident unknown to you, the higher the likelihood of becoming a victim in reality?

You have only 2 options: either you are responsible for your life or not. Either you control it to one degree or another, or it happens to you regardless of your desire. Which position do you prefer?

Presumably, the one in which you control your life. But then you will have to admit that you yourself had a hand (consciously or not) in your failures. True, there is good news: your luck will also be your own doing with this position. And no one can tell you that if you, for example, have advanced in your career, then you it was just luck.

More precisely, they can say anything, what matters is how you feel. You will either wonder why you are so happy (and then, if you don’t know why and for what, you are unlikely to be able to repeat it), or you will understand after what specific actions of yours this happiness came to you. And then you can increase your happiness in quality and quantity.

Many people refuse responsibility because it is difficult to admit their participation in failures. And if you don’t take responsibility, then it seems like you’re unlucky in life, but I myself have nothing to do with it. Most often, this position stems from great internal uncertainty, from a constant feeling of being insufficiently “good”, accompanied by inflated demands on oneself.

As a result, there is a need to prove to oneself and others one’s own basic value by any means possible, positive traits, and all failures should be qualified as “ no luck in life” and take the position of a victim, which in itself can attract additional attention to the person.

And for a while it works. “Look how beautiful and smart she is, and a good housewife, but they won’t marry her, what’s wrong? I meet, but I’m always unlucky.” And the girl often reinforces this myth.

I won’t argue with the fact that facing feelings of inferiority is unpleasant. It hurts. It is much easier to think that you have advantages and try to think only about them. And just don’t think about possible shortcomings.

However, in order to change something, you will have to stop telling yourself fairy tales about how almost everything about you is perfect, but you are simply unlucky in life.

Ask yourself: What will happen if you admit the fact that you are responsible for failure? Not necessarily 100%; if someone else was involved in the situation, then 50%. But what terrible thing will happen if you accept this?

And most often you hear in response: “I will hate myself, scold myself, be angry with myself,” etc. In order to understand this topic, it makes sense to think about your attitude towards error and why you place demands on yourself for perfection (). There are materials about this in the links, so I will not dwell on this in detail.

But even if you have not yet figured out your attitude towards mistakes, you can already understand a simple thing: if you accept responsibility for failures, decide that you are responsible for your life to a large extent, then successes also belong to you.

And you can right now begin to look for how specifically and due to what factors you came to your success, to what you (and perhaps others) are used to talking about “just lucky”. Taking credit for your own achievements will certainly soften the transition for you from the level of “unlucky in life” to the level of “I am responsible for my mistakes.”

Strokes to the picture of the world: boundaries of responsibility and use of resources

However, I am not inclined to convince you that any event or phenomenon in the world can depend on you. The point is that there are different levels. Personal level: your relationships, your earnings, your health, your hobbies, creativity, the place in which you live - all this depends to a very large extent on you.

But there are processes that you cannot influence. World disasters, global environmental processes, wars, financial crises. One person in such a field is not a warrior. Often only one thing depends on him - to take some maximum safe place in similar situations. And here it is useless to wonder, “ why am I unlucky? - in such cases, as a rule, an entire nation, a group of states, or the entire planet is “out of luck.”

On the other hand, it makes sense to learn to separate these things. Because there is a risk of again starting to attribute your failures to the crisis or political, demographic and other situations. The science of distinguishing these nuances cannot be explained in one article; most often, this comes with experience and practice, including in psychotherapy.

Here I just want to say that the limit of responsibility exists, but it is determined quite subtly and individually, depending on the strength and tasks of each individual person. History has proven more than once that there are individuals capable of influencing the course of history. The question is whether you are such a person, and most importantly, whether you need it in this particular life.

The balance of your personal responsibility and global processes can exist within the framework of any picture of the world: within the framework of the mystical picture of the world, you will understand that, of course, “man proposes, but God disposes,” without forgetting that “ask and it will be given to you.” ” and “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself.”

Within the rationalistic framework, you will understand that some things cannot be comprehended and changed by logic alone, everything around cannot be calculated, and you will have to open the way to other qualities: you will have to accept your intuition, physicality, feelings as factors no less important than logic and rationality.

And the last thing I would like to touch upon here is the issue of resource balance. The world is a system. Man is part of the world. At the same time, it itself is a system that can develop and improve itself.

All this gives rise to a rather subtle and complex interaction, in which there should be no obvious distortions. In other words, if you want to control your own luck sufficiently, you will have to use all the resources of your personality.

People who are more formed closer to the pole of logic and rationality should discover feelings and intuition, those who rely more on feeling should develop logic and practical ingenuity.

In order to be able to coexist harmoniously with the world, flexibility is necessary. The ability to use those resources that are most effective specifically in this situation. Conscious formation of your picture of the world, working with your own beliefs, awareness of the specific measure of your responsibility.

And yet, the step from the state of “I am constantly unlucky” to the state of “I shape my own life” begins with two simple questions:

  • Who is responsible for luck in my picture of the world?
  • What actions, feelings and states of mine influenced the formation of this situation?

And with these questions, perhaps, your path to a more independent and, believe me, much luckier life will begin.

Failure, loser - words that we don’t like to say; one might say, we are afraid. For centuries people have tried to attract good luck to themselves with the help of various amulets, rituals and spells. It is believed that luck is a capricious thing and is not subject to logic and laws.

Some blame themselves for their failures, while others blame anyone and anything around them: from neighbors to the government and spots on the Sun. Perhaps both are right. But, unfortunately, we have no control over sunspots, but trying to change something in ourselves in order to grab Lady Fortune by the tail is quite possible. To do this, we need to think a little and determine what prevents us from being lucky.

1. Lack of information and understanding of what is happening

Although we receive a variety of knowledge at school, we, however, for the most part are not ready to real life connect the received information into a common cause-and-effect pattern. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the volume of knowledge we receive is very large, and it is not surprising to get lost in this information flow. Secondly, modern system education, moving away from the academic principles of presenting information, mainly concentrated on the so-called “mosaic” method of teaching, when knowledge is given not from the point of view of the system as a whole, but separately for each discipline, without understanding the relationships between different disciplines. Be that as it may, when leaving the school walls into real life, we need to try a lot to, with the help of self-education, logic and intuition, “sew” the mosaic we received into a real solid canvas, and thereby facilitate the understanding of the life processes taking place around us.

2. Psychological ignorance

As practice shows, knowledge of psychology is one of the foundations for achieving life success. Unfortunately, most of us live with various children's psychological trauma, laid down by harmful programs, and does not even suspect that you can get rid of this burden pulling you back in order to look at the world with completely different eyes. Only a few of our fellow citizens know how to properly build relationships with loved ones, work colleagues and friends, and cope with their own emotions... and without this it is so difficult to achieve success in many areas of our lives!

3. Banal laziness

The danger of laziness is that it perfectly mimics, masquerading as all sorts of reasons and reasons for inaction. Of course, there are cases when such inaction is not laziness, for example, taking a decision over a long period of time. at a certain stage does not involve active actions. But in most situations, alas, it is laziness that prevents us from achieving much in our lives. Only we ourselves can determine whether we are lazy, or whether there are objective reasons for our inaction. Psychologists define laziness as the absence of clearly necessary actions without objective reasons. If you once again internally argue for your inaction, try to be honest with yourself: is there really an objective reason for it?

4. Spiritual immaturity

As a rule, we are all so deeply immersed in our problems that we forget to simply enjoy the fresh morning and the beginning of the day. Our argument, as a rule, is invincible: I have problems, I have no time for joy! But in vain. It is the ability to see small bright moments in life that helps us tune in to perceive great joy. If a person is spiritually focused only on his problems, he is unlikely to be able to get out of them.

5. Lack of logical thinking

Many problems in a person’s life arise from the fact that he draws the wrong conclusions from what is happening and incorrectly plans the necessary actions that can help correct the situation. The reason for this is weak logical thinking, inability to ask oneself and others the right questions, in which, as we know, half of the answers already lie. In my opinion, the logic exam should be made compulsory for graduates of any educational institution, because exactly logical thinking helps us avoid making mistakes.

6. Lack of paradoxical thinking

A paradox is a combination of seemingly incompatible things. It would seem, why do we need this in life? But it is the ability to combine incompatible things that is often the key to success and acceptance the right decision. Train your brain by periodically pushing your thoughts beyond conventional boundaries, and one day this skill will serve you well.

7. Indecisiveness and cowardice

You will be horrified if you find out how many people around you are being prevented from becoming happy and successful... by excessive modesty. “The whole world is for others, but I need to move on” - it’s hard to imagine a more destructive thought than this. How many unfinished deeds, untaken first steps are buried in our past precisely thanks to our cowardice and indecision! How many missed moments, chances, opportunities were ruined as a result of hesitation and empty fears! Modesty, of course, adorns a person... but only if there is something to decorate. Think about it.

8. Life is a draft

You can often see how people, seemingly quite capable of coping with certain circumstances in their lives, react to them as if they were first-graders with two notebooks: a first copy and a draft. In a draft you can “try”, make a mistake, write carelessly – right? So in real life, such people act as if they were writing in a draft - half-heartedly. Meanwhile, life does not forgive such an attitude towards oneself. There are no rough days or hours in it, and what’s more, there aren’t even rough seconds, everything is serious, everything is real, “all over the place.” As soon as you understand this, the need for a “draft” will disappear, and the intention to do something seriously will entail a certain potential that will give you strength and your business success.

9. Health problems

Our body is not such an eternal luxury that we should treat it with disdain. Strength diminishes over time, problems and illnesses appear. To prevent your body from letting you down at a crucial moment, pay regular attention to it. Do morning exercises, go to the gym or pool, monitor your health, and visit doctors if necessary. The longer you manage to maintain your health, the more productive and successful your life will be.

10. Awareness of your desires and goals

Often our life is useless and empty if we don’t know what we want. Try to always be aware of your desires and the reasons for their occurrence. Clear staging goals greatly facilitate the path to achieving them. Are you not rich and “want to get rich”? What for? How do you intend to manage the money? And how many do you need? Try to clearly build this chain in your mind, and see for yourself: this way it is much easier to achieve success and luck.

11. Nothing comes for free

This truth should be remembered by everyone, starting from a very tender age. The love of free things has never made anyone happy. The crumbs picked up “for free” from Lady Life’s table have never brought any good to anyone. You need to realize that everything you want to receive must be earned - with your brains, hands, resourcefulness, ingenuity, strength... Nothing in this life is given for free, this is the law.

12. Freedom and responsibility

If a person suddenly gains freedom, he, as a rule, immediately feverishly looks for someone to give it to. Alas, this is how most of us work. Freedom is responsibility, the ability to be responsible for your choices and actions. This is not available to everyone. You need to have a certain courage to feel free and make your own decisions.

13. Fear of publicity

Take a closer look at blogs and forums. Are there many participants on them who show their own faces in their profiles? Fear of publicity, fear of standing out from total mass is one of the foundations on which a loser stands. “Let them be in the crowd, as long as they don’t notice!” But if they don’t notice, then everyone won’t notice. And Luck – including...

14. Lack of intuition

Intuitive instinct, inner voice is a very important factor that cannot be discounted. Our intuition would seem to be similar random access memory computer: it gives out tips and solutions that seem to be based on nothing. Meanwhile, this is not so. Our intuition is based on the totality of knowledge already accumulated in the process of life and acquired experience, but sometimes we are not able to trace all these logical chains. Trust her! If you don't hear your inner voice, luck will pass you by more often.

15. Negative perception of the experience gained

Let's say you are left without a great job for reasons that are beyond your control. How will you act - like a loser or like a lucky person? The loser will endlessly complain about what happened, look for reasons, blame the former bosses, the government, the stars that lie askew in the sky... and in the end he will remain without a job. Fortune's minion will only shrug and smile: how much great opportunities dismissal opens up for him! Maybe this is a chance to change your profession, to realize yourself in a long-desired field? Remember that if the world takes away one opportunity from you, it will certainly give you another in return. Know how to find positive sides in what is happening, and luck will definitely put you in the saddle!

The problems listed do not necessarily all apply to you. But read more carefully, and, most likely, you will find manifestations of your own behavior and reactions at some points. Try to get rid of what prevents you from becoming successful. In the end, just try changing something in your life for a while and see what it does for your luck.