Round eyes physiognomy. Facial physiognomy in pictures, how to read a person’s face - online training. Physiognomy - Hair

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Theodore Schwartz
Reading faces. Physiognomy

From the author

The science of physiognomy is as old as the world. We can say that it began to take shape intuitively. Have you ever wondered why, for no apparent reason, we like one person, we feel antipathy towards another, and the third does not evoke any emotions at all?

Now imagine that on a subconscious level, your brain analyzes information, imagines a person’s character in a few seconds and sends a signal of sympathy or antipathy. That is why we either strive to win someone’s favor, or intuitively avoid meeting them.

This and much more is discussed in this book. You will learn that the eyes are not just a mirror of the soul, and deep wrinkles on the forehead are not always a sign of intelligence, that there are eyebrows that are “off and on”, that lips can tell much more about a person than he imagines, and, unlike him, they will not minimize his shortcomings and will not increase his advantages.

I want to warn you right away: this publication is of an educational and entertaining nature, so it will be of little interest to those who consider physiognomy to be serious and important science. Of course, its postulates and theory have been formed and tested for centuries, but this book will primarily become a fascinating guide for beginning “physiognomists” who see the ability to read faces mainly as an opportunity to obtain interesting information about people, close and unfamiliar.

Chapter 1
From the history of physiognomy

Physiognomy(from Greek ph y sis – “nature”, “natural inclinations” and gnomonik o s - “knowledgeable”, “insightful”) means the art of recognizing a person’s character, his destiny, a certain connection between appearance and character by facial features.

We can say that the origins of physiognomy as a science appeared in ancient times, passed on as medicine secrets from teacher to student, from father to son, and preserved in traditions and legends. Later, physiognomic observations were recorded by healers of the Ancient East, and in ancient civilization they acquired a systematized form and classification, gaining the right to be called a doctrine. Moreover, physiognomic knowledge included knowledge not only about facial features, as in modern times, but also about a person’s appearance, his figure, gestures and facial expressions.

In the tomb of Hermes Trismegistus, discovered, as is commonly believed, by Alexander the Great, an emerald tablet was found - a board on which was written the doctrine of universal mysterious and fateful connections between phenomena in the Universe and man.

The famous Aristotle paid a lot of attention to the study of features human face(this book contains excerpts from his works as epigraphs to chapters). He believed that facial features, its shape, general expression are inherent certain types people with specific character traits, aptitudes for various activities, abilities and intelligence. Pythagoras, another famous ancient Greek scientist, chose his students only from people whose faces he saw that they had a vocation and ability to study the exact sciences. The famous ancient healer Avicenna (Ibn Sina) made diagnoses after carefully examining the patient’s face.


By the way, in ancient times, sages who mastered the secrets of physiognomy and palmistry occupied places of honor at the courts of monarchs. However, they did not try to reveal the mechanism of the connection between a person’s face, his character and fate, acting purely intuitively. Without trying to comprehend scientific essence physiognomy, they were sometimes content with their meager knowledge and the ignorance of the nobility, who believed everything that the “foretellers” said. Nevertheless, as it should be, such a “teaching” was transmitted along the chain of student succession and developed and supplemented over time, often acquiring unverified, absurd details, which contributed to the emergence of many charlatans in this science.

Nevertheless, the ancient tradition influenced the culture of Byzantium and the Western European Middle Ages, especially Arab sciences and Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah). The works of famous physiognomists, such as A. Debarrol, for example, helped to detail physiognomy and clear it of the distortions of various charlatans. Desbarrol tried to develop a unified theory that would explain the existence of an empirical connection between a person’s appearance and his character. In addition, some Western European scientists of the 16th–18th centuries returned to physiognomy, for example G. della Porta, author of the famous work “De humana Physiognomonia” (1586). However, the approval of new scientific criteria in the 17th–18th centuries. threw physiognomy into the realm of everyday experience, imagination and intuition. The attempt of I. Lavater, the author of the four-volume Physiognomic Fragments (1775–1778), to return physiognomy to the status of a science turned out to be untenable.

Later F. Gall developed phrenology– the science of the connection between the human psyche and the structure of the surface of his skull. Having settled in Paris, he, together with his friend I. K. Spurzheim, developed this teaching in a large work “Anatomie et physiologie du systeme nerveux en g e n e ral et du cerveau en particulier, etc.” (1810–1820). “Stinginess, giftedness, and talent - everything can be determined using my method,” wrote Gall.

Attempts to develop phrenology were made in the 70s. XIX century Italian forensic doctor C. Lombrazo. In his work “Criminal Man,” he argued that in appearance and constitutional features, criminals have deviations from the norm, by which they can all be identified. Lombrazo identified the characteristics for classification by analyzing the external features of 3839 people who committed crimes and 383 skulls of executed criminals. Subsequent generations rejected his teaching about “innate” criminals. An international commission of lawyers and doctors did not identify any features in the structure of their faces.


There are many of the most bizarre “occult”, “statistical”, “theoretical” interpretations of physiognomy. Astrologers believe that a person’s appearance is given to him by the dominant planet in his horoscope, creating an “image” corresponding to its influence and specific character traits. Detailed Descriptions The typical external appearance characteristic of the chosen, “purebred” children of each planet makes it quite easy to distinguish them from the crowd of mortals. These people are characterized by character traits confirmed by centuries of experience. Unfortunately for physiognomy, such people are quite rare. Fruits are imprinted on the appearance of most mortals collective leadership several planets. Each of them not only controls the life and destiny of a person, but also endows him with specific character traits and appearance. Palmistry, astrology and physiognomy in their own way determine the dominant planet and its dominant influence on a person.

In the 1920-1930s. The “physiognomic” approach in the philosophy of culture was developed by R. Kassner. Many doctors widely used physiognomy in their medical practice. Thus, the famous Russian therapist G. Zakharyin was able to almost accurately make a diagnosis based on observation of the patient’s appearance. At one time, N. Pirogov even compiled the atlas “The Face of the Patient.” He argued that almost every disease leaves its own characteristic mark on a person’s face. However, the facial diagnostic method has become especially widespread in Eastern countries (especially in China and Korea). No experienced doctor trained in Tibetan medicine will make a diagnosis without carefully examining the patient’s face.

There are several schools of “face reading”, each of which is based on its own system. Thus, the Japanese usually divide the face into three zones: the upper (frontal part) - it reflects the state of the body and spirit, the middle (from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose), from which you can see mental condition person, and the lower (from the upper lip to the chin), reflecting the character. An experienced physiognomist can tell a lot about the condition of the facial skin, its color, moisture, the severity of the vascular pattern, the location of wrinkles and their depth, etc. In addition, the state of the five “vital features” is taken into account: eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Their proportionality (shape, color, purity, etc.) is a favorable sign. Their significance is the basis for the widespread introduction into traditional diagnostics of such research methods as iridodiagnosis, auriculodiagnosis, and diagnosis by the capillary pattern of the eyeball.

Analysis of the five “vital traits” and three areas of the face is considered the basis of the reading procedure. However, in order to form a general impression of a person’s character and the state of his psyche, one must also take into account the characteristics of the facial bones, the shape of the jaws and chin, and the general configuration of the face.


When assessing the data obtained, it is necessary to compare them with the person’s age.

Physiognomy determines not so much the actual character and possible behavior, but how you, in most cases, subconsciously perceive a person you don’t know and involuntarily compare him with yourself. Thus, if someone is unpleasant to you, this does not mean at all that he will be unpleasant to others, even if his facial features betray this person maniac. Knowing this rule will help you better navigate your conclusions.

Chapter 2
Where does the face begin?

Those who have a small face are cowardly; this correlates with the cat and the monkey. Those who have a wide face are lazy; this relates to donkeys and oxen. Therefore, the face should be neither small nor large; decent when it's average. Too dark and timid; this correlates with the Egyptians, Ethiopians. Those who are too white-faced are also timid; this correlates with women. Therefore, the color that indicates courage should be medium.

Aristotle 1
Aristotle Stagirite (384–322 BC) – ancient Greek philosopher and an encyclopedist scientist, founder of the peripatetic school, creator of a psychological system that integrated the achievements of ancient thought. The principles and main concepts of this system are set out in the treatise “On the Soul”, as well as in the works “Ethics”, “Metaphysics”, “History of Animals”. Aristotle recognized the driving force of behavior as aspiration, expressing the internal activity of the organism and associated with a feeling of pleasure or displeasure. Aristotle distinguishes between two types of reason: theoretical and practical. Stimulated the development of philosophical thought in subsequent eras.

The first thing that catches your eye when you take a quick look at a person is the shape of the face and its color.

Face shape

Physiognomy distinguishes six main types of faces:

♦ oblong;

♦ triangular;

♦ trapezoidal;

♦ square;

♦ round;

♦ oval.

Let me make a reservation right away: “pure” facial types are rarely found in nature. Take a closer look at the faces of the people around you and highlight the most dominant features. For example, a wide forehead and narrow chin, together with prominent cheekbones, make up a more triangular face type than a square or trapezoidal one. When determining your type, you can always rely on your own intuition.

Oblong face

An oblong face resembles a rectangle - in it the width of the forehead almost coincides with the width of the lower part of the face (Fig. 2.1).

Rice. 2.1. Oblong face

Such a face is also called aristocratic, because it characterizes its owner as an intelligent, balanced and sensitive person. Very often such people are endowed with power, and this does not prevent them, given their prudence and foresight, from being fair and wise rulers. More often than other people, the talents of those who have rectangular type individuals are used in the political and military spheres. They set goals for themselves and consistently achieve them. In the absence of pronounced negative traits The goals of such people justify only worthy means; violence and falsehood in relationships are alien to them.

Rice. 2.2. Maria Mironova


Maria Mironova (Fig. 2.2) is a famous Russian actress, daughter of actor Andrei Mironov. The actress's long face speaks of intelligence, determination and strong-willed character (which is confirmed by her reputation among fellow actors).

Triangular face

In its shape, it is as close as possible to a triangle and is characterized by a high, wide forehead, prominent cheekbones and a chin tapering towards the base (Fig. 2.3).

Such a face can speak of both genius and a tendency towards betrayal and falsity. Although one does not contradict the other. In any case, such a face, as a rule, appears in insensitive people, not prone to affection and devotion. They always stand a little apart from others - either because of their inability to be a socially active person, or because negative qualities character.

Rice. 2.3. Triangular face

Trapezoidal face

This face shape is also sometimes called semi-triangular - due to the wide forehead and clearly defined cheekbones and narrowed (but not pointed) chin (Fig. 2.4).

But more often such a face is compared with another geometric figure - a trapezoid. This more “smoothed out” face “removes” the negative qualities inherent in a triangular face. Thus, people with a trapezoidal face shape are more characterized by intelligence, sensuality, but at the same time a certain passivity. Unlike people with a rectangular face shape, they will not achieve their goal, and are unlikely to set a goal at all. If they nevertheless want to achieve something in their life, something will certainly hinder them: laziness, lack of professionalism, the desire to let things take their course - and they will abandon what they started halfway.

Rice. 2.4. Trapezoidal face

At the same time, the trapezoidal shape of the face characterizes its female owners only with positive side: They are optimistic, outgoing and generally content and happy in life.

Square face

The square face shape is characterized by a proportional ratio of the height and width of the face, which makes it look like a square (Fig. 2.5).

Very often such a face is found in courageous, but stern and sometimes heartless people. They strive to conquer heights, achieve their goals and achieve success in everything, but in terms of their qualities they are more likely to be good performers than natural leaders. Due to the lack of flexibility and logical thinking, such people can often destroy in an instant what they have created over the years. Very often, “destruction” in their lives is provoked by the desire to live “by the rules.” People with such faces are born lawyers.

Women with this face shape tend to dominate rather than submit, to dominate both in personal and public life.

Rice. 2.5. Square face

Round face

Circle - geometric figure, most clearly characterizing the round shape of the face (Fig. 2.6).

The absence of sharp, angular features reveals a good-natured, gentle and peaceful nature. But apparent humility can actually turn into amazing ambition, and if at the same time chubby people have a high bridge of the nose, protruding cheekbones, and sparkling eyes, then this means that this is a purposeful, strong-willed person. Such people can become enviable leaders and commanders.

Rice. 2.6. Round face

Chubby people are more likely than others to be able to adapt to their environment. They do this easily, as if playfully, however, in the same way they cope with all difficulties of both a financial and personal nature.

Oval face

The oval face shape (Fig. 2.7) combines oblong and round shapes.

The circle stretches out, but at the same time leaves its characteristic smoothness, that is, it “removes” the “corners” of an oblong face. Similar metamorphoses can be traced in the characters of people with oval faces. So, from an oblong face they took intelligence and sensuality, and from a round face - good nature and optimism. At the same time, they have lost the logic and consistency of thinking characteristic of people with long faces, so it is unlikely that in this case it would be appropriate to talk about a military or political career. On the other hand, the oval becomes a symbol of femininity, softness and wisdom, which are sometimes so lacking in the modern world.

Rice. 2.7. Oval face


Complexion also plays an important role in physiognomy. What needs to be understood here is that we're talking about not about basic skin colors - signs of race. Unlike Aristotle, modern physiognomists know that the skin does not have a constant color. It can vary depending on the person's condition or the area where he lives. The complexion can range from snow-white to blue-black, which is due to the amount of coloring pigment - melanin. The more it is, the darker the skin.

Very often, when characterizing a person, you can hear that he has “an unhealthy complexion,” “skin like an alcoholic,” or, conversely, “a healthy color,” “skin just glows.” This also gives a peculiar characteristic, but we will talk about it later. In the meantime, let's look at the eastern interpretation of physiognomy based on human skin color.

Following Eastern traditions in the study of complexion and its influence on a person’s character, skin tones can be correlated with the main elements: fire, water, wood, metal and earth.

Fire color

The reddish tint of the skin indicates that a person belongs to the element of fire. A dynamic life, a lot of expression, a temper that makes the skin “burn” are the main characteristics of people of this type. As a rule, they not only know how to shout and get irritated over trifles, but they are also good workers who work not through perseverance, but through courage and assertiveness. The skin of such people is often dry and easily irritated. Therefore, it is important for them to remember patience and calmness, the ability to control themselves and save energy not for useless disputes and conflicts, but for solving important professional tasks.

Water color

Being the complete opposite of fire, water characterizes a person with pale skin, which from a certain angle can have a blue tint (not to be confused with a bluish tint). Just as water takes the form of a vessel, people with the skin tone of this element are fickle and sensitive. The ideal field of activity for such people is intellectual.

Increased sensitivity and close proximity of veins often cause bruising from the slightest contact. Projecting this onto a person’s character, we can talk about excessive vulnerability and touchiness. Such people take everything to heart, and the result of this can be destructive, like a tsunami, because from outwardly calm and sophisticated people you can expect extremely unexpected actions that are completely unrelated to their appearance.

Metal color

The skin color of such people, just like that of people of the water element, is pale, but not with a bluish tint, but rather with a silvery tint. Often facial features are sharpened, and such people are characterized by a strong, strong-willed character. They always achieve their goals, and at any cost, sometimes without thinking about the consequences. And the reason for this is not recklessness and eccentricity, but cold prudence and even heartlessness.

With this type of skin, the face often resembles a mask: the absence of any emotions, the ability to control oneself in any situation, but if necessary, then to play to the public with a great degree of success. Main problem similar people is that their mania for self-control sometimes reaches a certain extreme, when a person loses his personality, retaining only its shadow.

Earth color

One of the most common facial skin tones - earthy, or yellowish-brown - undoubtedly belongs to the element of earth and belongs to people who are reliable and self-confident. They appreciate the attention and help of others and are never ungrateful. At the same time, one cannot envy their enemies or those who have ever betrayed them. People with earth-toned skin tones remember not only the good, but also the bad. Often their rancor develops into vindictiveness. They will not take revenge on purpose, but if an opportunity presents itself, they will never miss this opportunity.

It is very difficult to anger such people, but their rage will be like a hurricane, sweeping away everything in its path. Keeping this character trait in mind, one should beware of falling out of favor with them, and the people themselves, whose skin belongs to the elements of earth, should remember that hurricanes often destroy not only the bad, but also the good in their path.

Wood color

Skin tone, elemental wood, combines the bluish tint of water and the yellow tint of earth, which is extremely rare. The temperament of two elements – water and earth – mixes in the same way. From water he inherited slowness and methodical calm, from land - reliability and confidence.

True, very often such a mixture of qualities develops into a certain phlegmatism, a desire to observe and not interfere in the life process of others. On the one hand, this helps to avoid unnecessary conflicts, but on the other hand, such people cannot always come to the rescue in time.

Chapter 3
From forehead to jaw...

... Those who have a small forehead are stupid; this correlates with pigs. Those whose forehead is too large are flabby; this relates to oxen. Round-faced are stupid; this relates to donkeys. Those with a large forehead surface are sensitive, insightful, and understanding; this relates to dogs. Those who have a proportionate square in their forehead are great in soul; this correlates with lions. Those who have a frowning forehead are proud; this correlates with the bull and the lion. Those with a smooth forehead are flatterers; it goes back to the corresponding state. And you can see in dogs: when dogs pet, they have a smooth forehead. Since a furrowed forehead denotes arrogance, and a smoothed forehead denotes flattery, the middle state would be appropriate.



Remember the famous: “Once upon a time there was a priest with a thick forehead” 2
Thick forehead (disdainful) - about a stupid, stupid person, a fool. The expression comes from folk speech, “tolokonny” - from “tolokno” - “flour, most often oatmeal”. To obtain such flour, grain grains were not ground in a mill, but were pounded, crushed with blows of a wooden crush. Food prepared from such flour was also called oatmeal. Oatmeal forehead is a contemptuous nickname for a fool, a fool (lit. “forehead stuffed with oatmeal flour” - cf. “sawdust in the head”).

What is a stubborn person usually called? That's right, “stubborn forehead.” “Copper forehead” is a name for a person who is not surprised by anything, reckless, brave and never embarrassed. Pointing at a stupid or slow-witted person, we hit ourselves on the forehead. This is no coincidence. According to physiognomy, general form forehead gives an idea of ​​the moral qualities of a person and his character. Based on the height, convexity and shape of the forehead, one can draw a conclusion about the fundamental qualities of a person, that is, those that are a direct reflection of his character.

The forehead is located in the area of ​​the face, which is responsible for the period of life from birth to 30 years. Pay attention to the presence of congenital signs on it - spots, bulges, etc. Depending on the area of ​​​​location (for men the right side is favorable, the left is unfavorable, for women - vice versa), you can find out how happy a person’s childhood was or what, perhaps , awaits him in his youth. The shape of your forehead can also tell you a lot. First of all, pay attention to its height and width. For example, a high and wide forehead speaks of a person’s intellectual merits, but at the same time it also implies excessive stubbornness, which can harm a career. On the contrary, a wide but low forehead indicates a rude, cruel, but excellent performer who will not think about the meaning of the assignment, but will try to fulfill it as best as possible. A narrow and high forehead often reveals people who are talented, but fragile and weak-willed, while a narrow and low forehead indicates a person’s limitations, his criminal inclinations and cowardice. Of course, it is impossible to characterize a person only by the parameters of the forehead - all the signs must be considered as a whole, but by analyzing the shape of the forehead, you can quite accurately determine some character traits.


British scientists conducted a number of studies and came to the conclusion that the shape and size of the forehead are determined by nationality and race. Thus, scientists have discovered that the narrowest foreheads among people of the white race belong to the population of the Mediterranean region, and the widest to the inhabitants of the Alpine mountains. At the same time, representatives of the Negroid race have the most sloping foreheads, while Italians have the lowest and square ones.

Mentally divide your forehead in half with a horizontal line. Top part expresses a person’s attitude towards others, the lower one – his self-esteem. People with a more developed lower part of the forehead (brow ridges) (Fig. 3.1) are accustomed to relying only on their own strength, however, they are unlikely to provide support to anyone other than themselves.

Such people are individualists, focused on personal problems, accustomed to dominating and imposing their opinions on others (they are often born under the signs of Leo and Aries).

A person with a sloping upper forehead (Fig. 3.2) is often ambitious and is not used to obeying someone.

Rice. 3.1. Forehead with a more developed lower part

Rice. 3.2. Forehead with sloping top

He elevates himself above others, strives to conquer and dominate, and even if he does not succeed, he will not put up with a subordinate position, but uses all his strength and means to achieve what he wants. Sometimes this forehead shape is found in extremely contradictory people, who, even in the absence of own position will always hold the opposite opinion in a dispute with other people. A relatively high, convex forehead indicates the ability to absorb and remember information well, as well as receptivity, but the absence of suspiciousness.


The absence of a hollow between the right and left sides of the brow ridges almost always characterizes a vain person. A religious, powerful person can always be recognized by the strongly pronounced upper part of the forehead: it is convex, although the forehead itself can be of any size (Fig. 3.3).

The groove separating the upper and lower parts of the forehead is also of great importance. If it exists, then this speaks of a person’s great moral and spiritual independence, which is subject to high cosmic law, as well as the ability to combine his own view with the opinions of other people. Such a person has objective views and judgments. It’s bad if the middle of the forehead is fixed and large. This is the forehead of Jupiter. A person who has it often confuses good and evil and tries to teach others and preach. If with others it’s not very good good performance If a forehead that is too smooth stands out on the face, this also blurs the line between good and bad. One large horizontal crease running down the middle of the forehead indicates an ambitious and self-confident person who loves to be listened to and obeyed. If such a person chooses an occupation for himself that does not contradict moral principles, he will subsequently become an excellent mentor, capable of passing on his experience to the younger generation.

In general, forehead shapes can be divided into several types. Each of them classifies a person according to certain moral qualities and strength of character. The shape of the forehead is determined by the hairline, for example, uneven (means that the hair on the forehead does not grow in a straight or rounded line, but along an uneven or curved line) or M-shaped (the hairline is shaped like the letter M).

Rice. 3.3. Forehead with a convex upper part

You can tell a lot from people's faces if you learn to read them. You need to look carefully at the face and everything will immediately become clear. And then any actions of a person will not be unexpected, because we can already read it in the facial features.

In order to predict people's actions, you must first acquire the necessary skills. To better understand the essence of this method, it is necessary to consider photos of examples of physiognomy.

Learning to unravel the secrets of the face using the Japanese method of physiognomy

Even in ancient times, people learned how to read character by face. An entire science of physiognomy was formed in ancient China, and ancient Greece also developed its own rules. However, the Eastern and Western schools have some differences.

Eastern treatises on physiognomy have become incredibly popular in Japan. This is reflected in their art; just look at their paintings, theatrical performances, and the very style of communication of the people of this country.

Let's try to understand the essence of this method; the science of physiognomy is best understood with illustrations. The face needs to be mentally divided into three parts: one part at the top, the other in the middle, and the third at the bottom.

The upper part - the frontal lobe - can tell about many life events that happen to a person throughout his life. A healthy, optimistic person has an ideal forehead, characterized by the correct shape and ideal color.

The zone of the face in the middle will tell everything about a person’s life in later life, from 35 to 50. The more stable a person’s mental state, the more balanced this zone is.

The lower part of the face speaks about what life is like for a person aged 50-70 years. If his character is non-conflicting, then his facial features in this zone are correct.

The Japanese school of physiognomy offers many positions, each of which has its own meaning. All these values ​​are related to age and the specifics of a particular behavior.

There are several systems dedicated to how to recognize character from facial features, each of them has its own positions, the number of which can also vary. To learn the art of physiognomy, you need to know all these positions. In addition, it is necessary to consider other facial features - eyebrows, nose, mouth, ears. The smoother the facial features, the better the condition of the skin, the calmer and more balanced his character.

Let's try to recognize a person's character using physiognomy.

What do eyebrows tell us?

This part of the face can tell us a lot. Long, wide eyebrows indicate that a person has an even, calm character and an inquisitive mind. If the eyebrows are hard and bristly, then such a person is extremely unbalanced.

This part of the face can say a lot whether a person is in harmony with the world around him or not. Ideal eyebrows indicate that a person is non-conflict and always gets along with his surroundings.

Thick eyebrows, the hairs of which rise to the top, indicate a person’s success. Such people have everything in this life to be happy and rich.

When the ends of the eyebrows are lowered, it means their owner is shy. An inexpressive line indicates depletion of vitality.

Male intellectuals are recognized by their long, even eyebrows and perfect color skin. Women with such eyebrows love to flirt. The quarrelsome character is reflected in the short eyebrow line.

By his thick, bristly eyebrows, you can recognize a violent nature with whom you cannot come to an agreement. People who like to command usually have thick eyebrows that grow together at the bridge of their nose. If their owner is a woman, then she will never sit at home and do housework. Purposeful people have a raised eyebrow line.

What do a person's eyes say?

People can always understand a person's soul by the eyes; they, first of all, speak about the character of their owner. Beautiful eyes characterize a strong will, good health, and an inquisitive mind. They attract with their brilliance and warmth. The uglier the eyes, the more defects a person has.

People who strive for leadership have big eyes, and such people are also very sensitive natures. Stubbornness and complacency are characteristic of the owner of small eyes. They also avoid people and prefer to live a hermit life.

Iris big size speaks of a balanced, calm character. And if it is small, then the person is constantly tormented by doubts and is unable to establish contact with others.

The setting of the eyes can also indicate certain advantages of a person. A straight horizontal line indicates a positive character. Determined men have eyes slanted downward. Slightly lowered upper eyelid signals that the body is working hard. If the lower eyelid is enlarged in size, it means that the person is leading a wild life. Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes indicate observation.

In Japan, they always look at the eyes of the animal, which are similar to human eyes. Powerful people have the look of a dragon, refined people look like sphinxes, leaders look like lions, plump people have the look of an elephant.

Eye color - what physiognomy will tell us

Green symbolizes a sensitive nature that you can always rely on. But they need a lot of love.

Brown (light) eyes belong to people who usually do not commit rash acts. They are able to withstand any troubles, but without love and tenderness they die.
Brown (dark) in those people who act without thinking under the influence of feelings.
Blue eyes are deceptive; people with such eyes are not at all as weak as they seem. They always get their way.

Black eyes mean passionate nature. They love to command, but at the same time they do it without being rude. These people will protect their loved ones to the last.

Eye shape can say a lot

Round eyes can tell you that a person can easily become unbalanced and rude, but he quickly fades away. Wide-open round eyes are characteristic of people who are always eager to fight.

If the shape of the eyes resembles elongated tonsils, then the person is prone to violent actions, especially if their tips are slightly raised. But perhaps this is not at all true; such eyes may also belong to overly sensitive people.

The eyes are deep set, which means inner world A man is rich, but winning his trust is not so easy. Protruding eyes are characteristic of sensual people who are not devoid of common sense.

Nose - how to determine character by the shape of the nose

The more beautiful a person's nose is, the more positive qualities it has. A round tip and pronounced wings are ideal parameters. The nose must be considered in accordance with other parameters. If the mouth and chin are balanced and the nose is long, then this is a strong person.

You should also look at the tip of your nose. A person who loves life may have a teardrop-shaped nose tip. A sharp nose may belong to a cunning, vindictive person. Good people have onion-shaped noses.

Lips - how to read a person's lips

In sensitive people, the corners of the mouth usually droop. Successful people often have large, protruding lips. Stubborn people tend to have one side of their mouth droop. People with a protruding lower lip are characterized by selfishness, and people with a protruding upper lip are characterized by indecisiveness.

Ears - what can the shape of the ears say?

This part of the face can show how a person's childhood was spent. A beautiful ear shape can tell you that this person had a happy childhood. A sign of trouble are ears that are too big or too small.

A small lobe can indicate scrupulousness, a long one can indicate a carefree attitude towards life. Incontinent people tend to have a protruding rim of the ear; in restrained people it is retracted. The color of the skin around the ear will indicate diseases of the body; yellow, blue, dark indicate ailments.

Face shape - analyzing facial features

The science of physiognomy is best learned with illustrations and explanations. You can analyze facial features and recognize a person’s character during a conversation or by observing him from the side.

The best place to start your analysis is with your face shape. The shape of a face, an oblong rectangle, may indicate an aristocratic nature, the ability to organize people and always strives for its goal.

Sensitive people who are talented in something have a triangular face. But they can be cunning and difficult to get along with people. A square face indicates that a person is masculine but has a cold heart. Round form face is characteristic of kind-hearted, peace-loving people.

Have you ever heard the expression “it’s written all over your face?” In fact, there is some truth in this expression.

Reading a person's face has been used for thousands of years to predict the past, present and future.

Just like palmistry, face reading takes into account fine lines, contours and overall appearance in order to determine a person's destiny, health and personality type.

Facial parameters are used by corporate companies to help determine whether an employee is a good fit for the company or not.

There are many different types and styles of face reading, but this guide will help you learn the most basic basics.

Facial anatomy

  • The left side of the face represents the character of a person and the temperament of a person
  • The right side of the face reflects a person's emotions and attitudes
  • The upper part of the face (forehead) represents childhood, the past and relationships with parents, sometimes even imprints of past lives are shown, but this is rare.
  • The middle part of the face, including the eyes, nose and cheeks, represents the present and “middle” years of life.
  • The lower part of the face, including the chin, represents later life and later years of life, it also represents parameters privacy person.

Face shape

There are three main face shapes used in face reading. If you don't fit into one specific category, you can mix interpretations of several that fit your parameters.

Face Type #1: Oval Face

People with an oval face are intellectual individuals and dreamers. They may change ideas or goals frequently. They are often shy and more concerned with their inner world, so they can be classified as introverts. Emotional and sensitive people, if with an oval face shape there is a natural tendency to be overweight, then this person is prone to depression. Often such people choose creative professions and excel in music and poetry.

Face Type #2: Square Face

People with a square or athletic face type are often strong-willed and very goal-oriented. They may be quick to anger and feel easily frustrated when things don't go their way. Indicates a lot of self-confidence and a practical nature. Most often manifested in political leaders or people in positions of power.

Face Type #3: Round/Heart-Shaped Face

People with round faces are adaptable and very practical. They often philosophize and are quite wise, they like to spend time with other people. They are often interested in many topics in different areas and have a cheerful character. They may be aggressive or even mean, but there must be a good reason for it. They love working with people.


  • A high and wide forehead is a sign of intelligence
  • A low and wide forehead is a sign of patience and perseverance
  • High and narrow foreheads are a sign of a practical and analytical mind
  • A low and narrow forehead is a sign of cunning and meanness
  • Forehead in birthmarks, age spots or an abundance of moles, indicate a difficult childhood or repressed emotions
  • A mole near the eyebrow indicates financial success
  • Eyebrows are associated with health and longevity - the thicker and fuller the eyebrows, the healthier the person and the more fertile.


The eyes are definitely the window to the soul and can indicate a person's vitality, energy and personality. Here's what you should pay attention to:

  • Size: Large eyes indicate sensitivity, compassion and creative nature; small eyes indicate a strong will, inner strength and practical thinking.
  • Distance: eyes that are located close to each other indicate high intuition, but also a jealous personality; eyes located far apart indicate a lack of motivation, but also excellent communication skills.
  • Corners: corners of the eyes looking up indicate sincerity and honesty; the corners of the eyes turned down indicate good luck; rounded corners indicate kindness, and sharp corners of the eyes indicate adaptability.


The size and shape of the nose indicate a person's ability to thrive and the ability to take on life's challenges. The nose also indicates intelligence and career. Here's what to pay attention to:

  • Short nose: indicates flexibility, reliability, open-mindedness; may also indicate people who are somewhat loose or have difficulty getting along with other people.
  • A long nose: Indicates a strong sense of responsibility, loves to learn and has a very practical mind; They take everything too seriously, to heart, and sometimes it is difficult for them to open up to love.
  • Flat nose: indicates loyalty and patience and endurance, often such people succeed in achieving career goals.
  • Crooked nose: indicates Creative skills and success, may indicate an unstable mind or a mind that likes to wander from goal to goal.
  • Pointed nose: Indicates strong intuition and femininity, often with an interest in art and music.


  • Big mouth: A large mouth with thick lips indicates success, a love of food and people, and a very generous nature. These people have a good “appetite” for life and are very sociable.
  • Small mouth: A small, thin-lipped mouth indicates sensitivity, independence and self-awareness. These people are reserved, hardworking and very in tune with their intuition.
  • The upper lip is thicker: When the upper lip is thicker than the lower lip it indicates loving person with great love for life. You can also point to several marriages or very strong independence.
  • The upper lip is thinner: When the upper lip is thinner than the lower lip, it indicates a person who is eager to please or anxious. You can also indicate a very reliable person.
  • Straight lips: means someone very practical, with an analytical mind. As a rule, such people are very reserved.
  • Curved lips upward: Lips that curve upward at the corners indicate a lack of self-confidence. This person has difficulty being open and is inhibited, especially with people he has just met.
  • Lips Curved Down: lips curved down at the corners indicate a person who is very warm and affectionate. May also indicate a homebody or someone who is very devoted to their family.


  • Big ears: indicates masculinity, courage, strong drive and determination.
  • Small ears: talk about strong creative abilities
  • Large tip of the ear: People who have large ear tips are often very smart and have a good memory, they are very responsible and often achieve a lot in life.
  • Large earlobe: people who have large earlobes are usually very kind and full of fun. They love to be with people and are very artistic by nature.


  • High cheekbones: indicate a very private person, may also indicate empathic or intuitive abilities.
  • Flat cheeks: indicate a very polite person who may be shy or going through a difficult time, expressing true feelings.
  • Plump cheeks: indicate a person with a playful and light heart, often a sign of a great sense of humor.
  • Defects: spots on the cheeks may indicate poor digestion or an inability to “digest” emotions.


  • Very prominent chin/jaw: indicates a very active personality and loves to take responsibility, often becoming a leader. Can be very subjective and very stubborn.
  • Rounded chin/soft chin: Indicates a traditional family man. This person pays great attention to detail.
  • Imperfections: Spots, pigmentation or pimples on the chin can indicate hormonal imbalances or problems with your own masculinity/femininity.

Once you understand the basics of face reading, you can use this knowledge combined with your own intuition to figure out what facial features might mean.

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As you know, people judge other people based on their appearance. And based on existing life experience and knowledge, by certain features of people’s appearance one can often quite accurately determine the characteristics of their personality, for example.

It was observations of how a person’s appearance is interconnected with his character that became Starting point in the development of physiognomy.

What is physiognomy?

Physiognomy, also called prosopomancy, is a certain system knowledge that allows a person and his internal qualities, including both acquired and innate, based on the analysis of characteristic facial features and his expression.

If we talk about a narrower understanding of physiognomy, then it is the expression of the face and figure of a person, which is determined by the structure of the limbs, body, skull and face without relationship with expressive movements. Facial expressions are considered by physiognomy in order to draw conclusions about a person’s manifestations in an emotional sense. In addition, kinesics, which studies human body movements during communication, and phrenology, which determines the connections of the human psyche with the structure of the skull, etc., are distinguished separately.

But a few more words should be said regarding the definition of physiognomy.

Firstly, most modern psychologists consider physiognomy to be a classical pseudoscience. It is believed (according to Galen's records) that for the first time this term used by Hippocrates. In ancient times and some later eras, this direction was the doctrine of the necessary connection between the external appearance of a person or any other animal and its character.

A German philosopher and psychologist named Karl Theodor Jaspers called physiognomy the study of stable somatic configurations that are distinctive features of the mental sphere.

And in the dictionary of foreign languages ​​of 1907, in a Russian translation edited by M. Popov, physiognomy is interpreted as the ability to draw conclusions about the personal qualities of a person and his character based on the features of appearance, especially the face.

But, despite the fact that physiognomy as a separate direction has a rather long history, any unified terminology that would describe the methods of physiognomy has not yet been developed, and there is no unambiguous interpretation of the semantic components of the terms. In general, physiognomy is considered an esoteric teaching, as evidenced by the fact that in Ancient Greece it was considered a chimerical art.

But it is not so important how physiognomy is interpreted by ancient or modern scientists; it has a place and is popular among a huge number of people. It is for this reason that the question of what the presented “art of chimeras” is based on is of particular importance.

As has already become clear, physiognomy determines the internal features of a person by the features of his face. And, by and large, character is interpreted by physiognomy in three different stages:

  • First stage: the most striking and outstanding facial features that serve as a manifestation of the basic specificity of human character
  • Second stage: protruding parts of the face that indicate what capabilities a person has
  • Third stage: symmetry and asymmetry of the face, expressing individual personality characteristics

It is asymmetry that deserves the most attention in this list, because... If prominent and protruding facial features can immediately catch your eye, then asymmetry is quite problematic to prove, much less see.

The asymmetry of the human face is directly related to the structural features of the skull and the fact that the hemispheres of the brain develop unevenly. Asymmetry is proven by creating images of the left and right halves of the same face.

The basic postulates of physiognomy originated in ancient times. Moreover, each culture had its own observations on this matter. For example, in China there was the science of xiangfa (also called xiangrenshuo or xiangshu), in the Muslim world there was firasat, and the ancient Bedouins studied qiyafa. But physiognomy was still revered more than anything else in the East - there it was considered a completely full-fledged field of medicine, because There was an idea (and still exists) that the path of any person’s life can be known by looking at his face and studying it.

As for the Western world, the first followers of physiognomy were Hippocrates, Theophrastus and Aristotle. By the way, according to official data, it was Aristotle who is credited with the very first systematic work in the field we are considering, called “Physiognomica”.

And in the Middle Ages, physiognomic research was supplemented by observations of such famous people as a scientist, artist and inventor, as well as philosopher John Scott.

But the history of physiognomy does not end there, because even in our time it plays a rather serious role in people’s lives.

Physiognomy today

Despite the fact that, as already mentioned, modern physiognomy is considered a pseudoscience, many modern scientists confirm that the connection between the psychological content of a person and external features his face is there. It is also interesting that “chimerical art” is closely related to psychological science, and with its help you can compare psychological portraits of people much more effectively.

Below we invite you to familiarize yourself with some of the data that guides physiognomy today.

Some principles of modern physiognomy

In total, we can distinguish five ideas on which modern physiognomy is based:


Eyes are the mirror of a person's soul. They are able to talk about the spiritual and creative component of their wearer. People with large eyes tend to be sensitive and capable of being leaders. Protruding eyes also mean slowness. And deeply sunken eyes are characteristic of angry and unfriendly people who are prone to offense and cunning. According to physiognomy, the presented negative manifestations are due to the fact that people with the third type of eyes experience failures in life.


The mouth can provide information about love, sensuality and a person's inner energy. If the mouth is large, it indicates deceit or courage, and if it is small, it indicates timidity. A sagging jaw is a sign of health problems and stupidity, but pursed lips indicate determination and firmness.


The nose is evidence of activity and. A straight nose of medium length and thickness means that a person is gentle, accommodating and hardworking. People with a hump have a nose that is sublime and inclined toward intellectual work and strong cordial relationships. If the nose is slightly turned up, most likely the person is carefree, naturally cheerful and simple-minded, but if the nose is turned up strongly, it means the person is brave and always ready to take risks. Insidious and hypocritical people will have a crooked nose.


The forehead is an indicator of intelligence, as well as morality, morality, ideology and philosophy of a person. Gifted people and intellectuals have wide, high foreheads, with open corners and smooth wrinkles. Violent, unkind and tough people have very high foreheads and long faces. But if the forehead is short and narrow, then this means that you are not very smart, but a strong-willed, hardworking and home-loving person.


The chin is considered a measure of strength of character and sexuality. A wide chin is a trait of people with a strong character. A chin with weak features is characteristic of soft people. If a person visually has a heavy jaw, he is probably tormented by uncontrollable fears. A slightly cleft chin is a sign of a womanizer or a passionate person.

It is important to note here that all physiological characteristics are finally formed in people only by the age of 40, therefore people who have not yet reached this age can only be tentatively classified as one of some types.

In fact, physiognomy is a whole science, which can take many years to master. But, even if you have a grain of knowledge in this regard, you can use physiognomy as a tool for analyzing people’s faces and then deciphering their personal characteristics.

The skill of correctly and competently reading internal states, character and inclinations by appearance can help anyone and everyone in a huge number of the most diverse life situations related to interpersonal interaction.

You can put physiognomy into practice and observe other people anywhere and at any time. Even while alone at home, you can take the first steps in mastering the skill of physiognomy: just go to the mirror and study your face - what will it tell you? In the future, observe those around you and associate their facial features with specific forms of behavior - this will greatly improve your ability to communicate with other people.

We judge a person by his first impression appearance, and the life experience we have accumulated often allows us to accurately determine character traits based on certain external features. Observations of the relationship between a person’s appearance and his character laid the foundation physiognomy- a knowledge system that allows you to determine a person’s personality type and his mental qualities (both innate and acquired) based on analysis characteristic features faces and expressions.

In a narrow sense, physiognomy - This is the expression of a person’s face and figure, determined by the very structure of the face, skull, torso, limbs, regardless of expressive movements. Facial expressions are examined by physiognomy, allowing one to draw conclusions about a person’s emotional manifestations. Also separately allocated kinesics, which studies the totality of human body movements in the process of communication, phrenology, revealing connections between the human psyche and the structure of the surface of his skull, etc.

Physiognomy interprets character based on facial features in three stages:

  1. Bright, special features, as a manifestation of the main specific character.
  2. Protruding parts telling about human capabilities.
  3. Symmetry and asymmetry as an expression individual characteristics personality.

The asymmetry of the human face is associated with the uneven development of the cerebral hemispheres and structural features of the skull. The presence of asymmetry in a normal human face can be proven by creating images of the same face from two left and two right halves. The two additional portraits are absolutely symmetrical and thus differ significantly from the original.

The basic concepts of physiognomy originated in ancient times. Each culture accumulated its own observations: among the ancient Bedouins - qiyafa, among Muslims - firasat, in China - Xiangfa (Xianshu, Xianzhenshuo), etc. Physiognomy was especially revered in the East, considering it a full-fledged branch of medicine, believing that a person’s entire life path can be read from his face.

In the West, the first physiognomists were Theophrastus and Hippocrates, as well as Aristotle, who is credited with the first systematic treatise in this field - physiognomics.

In the Middle Ages, studies of physiognomy were supplemented by the observations of the philosopher John Scottai and the artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci.

Physiognomy has not lost its importance today. Modern research the connection between the internal psychological content of a person and the external features of the facial structure is confirmed. Physiognomy is closely related to psychology; it helps to most fully compose a psychological portrait of a person. Below are some data from modern physiognomy:

  • Eyes mirror of the soul - they will talk about creative and spiritual qualities. Those with large eyes are sensitive and have the makings of a leader. Protruding eyes indicate slowness and laziness. Deeply sunken eyes - in angry, unfriendly people, prone to cunning and insults, physiognomy explains such negative manifestations of character by the fact that this type of eyes is destined for life failures.
  • Forehead speaks about the human mind, his philosophy, ideology, ethics and ethics. Wide, high foreheads with open corners and smooth wrinkles are most often found among intellectuals and talented people. Very high forehead long face reveals a tough, unkind person prone to violence. A short and narrow forehead indicates a small mind and strong will, as well as hard work and homeliness.
  • Chin measures grit and sexuality. If it is wide, it is a sign of a strong character (remember cartoon supermen), a weakly defined jaw indicates softness, and a heavy jaw indicates uncontrollable passions. A slightly cleft chin is characteristic of passionate people and womanizers.
  • NoseWith indicates will and activity. A straight nose of moderate thickness and length is a sign of tenderness, agreeableness and hard work, with a hump - in exalted people, inclined to mental work and constant in cordial relationships. A slightly turned-up nose speaks of carelessness, natural cheerfulness and spiritual simplicity, while a nose that is too turned up speaks of courage and a tendency to take risks. A crooked nose reveals the deceit and hypocrisy of the owner.
  • Mouth talks about sensuality and love, as well as the inner energy of a person. A large mouth can indicate courage or deceit, a small mouth can indicate timidity, compressed lips can indicate firmness and determination, and a slack jaw can indicate stupidity or serious health problems.

However, it is worth mentioning that all signs are finally formed by the age of forty, until this time one can only assume a person’s predisposition to certain character traits.

Physiognomy— a unique tool for analyzing facial features with deciphering a person’s individual characteristics. Ability to correctly read appearances internal state, character and inclinations can help in different situations interactions in society: at the first personal acquaintance, during personnel selection, at important negotiations, etc.

Practice observing characteristic features You can do it at any time and anywhere: on the bus, at work or on the street. You can start with yourself by looking in the mirror. The habit of observing faces and associating their features with certain forms behavior, significantly improves social communication skills.