How to make sorrel soup. Sorrel soup: a recipe for classic sorrel soup. Very tasty recipe with nettles

Suede shoes have not gone out of fashion for a long time. This material looks luxurious, and the variety of models of suede products is amazing. Today in stores you can find boots, shoes, boots, sneakers and sandals made of suede.

In order for a pair of shoes or boots to retain an attractive appearance for a long time, you need to properly care for it, including knowing how to paint suede shoes. When making a purchase, be prepared to do so regularly.

How to dye suede shoes at home

Suede shoes can be updated using liquid paint or spray.

Shoe stores sell not only shoes, sandals and sneakers made of suede, but also care products for this delicate material. Some outlets They include brushes, water-repellents, or a can of spray paint as a gift with a pair of boots.

  • To return shoes original color, it is not necessary to contact the workshop. You can do everything yourself.
  • For painting suede boots, you can purchase liquid paint or a substance in the form of a spray. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to what type of material the composition is intended for. It is not recommended to use products, for example, for natural or artificial leather, to dye suede shoes - this will ruin the pile.
  • Be careful when choosing a shade, try to choose a tone that best matches the color of your shoes.

How to dye suede sneakers

Before you start painting your shoes, you need to clean them. Remove dirt using a special brush. If you don't have one, you can use the hard side of a dish sponge or take an old one. toothbrush.

Before painting, shoes must be cleaned of dirt with a brush.

If there are grease stains or other difficult-to-remove stains on the surface of the boots, get rid of them using a special stain remover for suede or purified gasoline.

Once the shoes have dried after cleaning, you can begin dyeing. The work must be performed in the following sequence:

  • Remove children and pets from the premises and open windows. If possible, paint on the balcony with the door closed tightly. This will prevent the pungent odor of paint from penetrating into living spaces.
  • Cover work surface newspapers or polyethylene so that paint stains do not spoil the linoleum or table top.
  • Fill the shoes with paper; the soles of the shoes can be sealed with tape. This will prevent paint from getting inside the product.
  • If you are using an aerosol, keep the can at the same distance from the surface during the painting process, spraying the composition evenly. When painting liquid substances use a foam sponge to apply paint.
  • After finishing work, let the paint dry. Often shoes are painted unevenly, and the procedure has to be repeated. Please note that you can start the second staining only after the boots are completely dry.

You will have to carry out this procedure regularly, and if it is performed correctly, your shoes will always have a well-groomed and attractive appearance.

How to restore the color of suede shoes: refreshing the material with improvised means

Coffee grounds will help restore the color of brown suede.

If you need to freshen up the color a little, you don't have to buy paint. You can use improvised means.

Clean your shoes to remove any dirt and allow the suede to dry completely. After that, use one of these methods to restore the color:

  • treat the surface with fine salt, gently and evenly distributing it over the material;
  • you can use coffee grounds for topical coloring of brown boots;
  • Sprinkle the darkened area of ​​white suede with talcum powder.

Residues of substances are removed from the surface with a soft brush or dry foam sponge.

How to dye suede shoes a different color

Suede shoes can be painted a different color using special paints. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for the product.

If you have a desire to change the color of your shoes, you need to understand that this is not always possible. You will only be able to change the shade slightly, making it darker or lighter compared to the original color.

It will not be possible to radically change the color of your boots by dyeing black suede white or red suede green. As a result of such an experiment, you will get something unintelligible, gray-brown in color.

How to paint suede shoes a different color without ruining them? If you want to slightly change the shade, select a paint of the appropriate tone and apply to the surface according to the instructions, after cleaning and drying the boots.

How to preserve the effect of painting

In order not to paint suede too often, you must follow the basic rules for using products made from this material.

Suede should be cleaned regularly, immediately after dirt appears. There is no need to neglect special care products for the material. Treat your boots with impregnation and water-repellent agents in a timely manner.

Remember that you can't wear suede shoes in all weather conditions. If it's raining outside, choose a different pair of boots or shoes - suede doesn't handle moisture well.

Not really

Not everyone knows how to dye suede shoes at home. This is easy to notice while walking around the city or traveling on public transport. Faded color and scuffs, traces of dirt stains and dust destroy the attractiveness and representative appearance.

It is possible to return shoes to pre-sale condition using the leather dyeing method. Restoration is carried out independently or in specialized establishments such as dry cleaning. What actions should be taken to update suede at home and what is needed for this?

1 Preliminary preparation

Suede is divided into 2 types: natural (soft leather made from animal skins) and artificial (made of polyester with elements of natural cotton). Their processing conditions are approximately the same. To new paint lay flat and held on for a long time, you need to resort to the following tips:

  1. Pre-clean the outer part of dust, dirt and add volume to the pile. For this purpose, a clothing, toothbrush or a specialized brush (rubber or soft metal bristles) is used. Smoothing is strictly prohibited: the dirt is rubbed inside and eaten away even more.
  2. If there are greasy spots, then sprinkling in the form of starch, talc or chalk will help. You just need to sprinkle the area to be cleaned and leave it for a couple of hours. The substance will absorb deposits, after which the dirt can be carefully removed with a cloth.
  3. In case of salt stains appearing, they resort to 3 components:
  • ammonia;
  • liquid soap;
  • drinking water.

Preparing suede for painting

Pour a glass of water, add 1 tablespoon of liquid soap and another half spoon ammonia. The resulting consistency is thoroughly mixed until foamy. Soak a sponge in this solution, squeeze out and apply in a circular motion to the salt formation. After 3-5 minutes, wipe off the foam with salt absorbed with a flannel cloth. Next, take 9% vinegar, wet the brush with it and wipe the treated area. Give the product some time to completely dry V natural conditions. Drying with a hairdryer or using a battery is not allowed, as the risk of hardening and loss of original shape increases.

When suede becomes shiny, the following method helps:

  • soak the tampon in ammonia;
  • wipe the surface to be cleaned;
  • hold the shoes over the steam for a while (do not bring them close);
  • additionally wipe the suede with an eraser.

To combat hardened areas, you should use milk. To do this, just a teaspoon of soda, a few drops of ammonia and half a glass of milk are enough. Mix everything and moisten the roughened surface with the liquid.

After cleaning and degreasing, the non-paintable surface (sole, heel, inner part) is glued masking tape. Inner space shoes are filled with paper. This prevents spray particles from getting into unnecessary places.

2 Main types of dyes

Painting shoes made from natural materials

There are 3 basic types of paints for eliminating defects:

  1. Cream based. Before buying paint in a shoe store, you need to check with the seller what type of suede it is intended for (suitable for large pile). Using a small flat brush will help achieve an even application. When there is no need for complete coloring, a piece of cut foam rubber will do.
  2. Spray (aerosol method). Recommended by experts for thin and stretchy suede. It is easy to find on store shelves in the form of a narrow pressurized can. When you press the valve, a dosed composition is sprayed from the hole and distributed over the surface of the semi-pair.
  3. In liquid form. Sold in bottles with special sponge included. The coloring element is quite small, so there is a high probability of dripping onto the floor or table. Rarely used due to its specificity.

3 Do-it-yourself painting

Before starting any work, you need to remember safety precautions. The coloring composition has a characteristic odor and is difficult to wash off. To prevent unexpected troubles, resort to the following:

  • the surfaces of the table and floor are covered with newspapers or film;
  • free flow is ensured fresh air(ideally, it’s better to paint outside);
  • remove children and animals from the premises;
  • work in protective glasses, a suit and gloves.

Painting suede shoes

When applying paint from a can (aerosol method), you should maintain the same distance during the entire process. If this is not observed, the risk of smudges and uneven color increases. After the first spray, wait 10 minutes for absorption. The procedure is repeated 2 more times. After the third layer, increase the drying time to 30 minutes. If the shoes have additional removable elements (laces, buckles, etc.), it is better to remove them.

The cream is used for severe abrasions on the “vamp” (nose), folds due to deformation and in the “welt” (attachment point to the sole). Due to the density of the composition, when fully processed, apply the coating in one layer.

The liquid version is applied with a used toothbrush or sponge. This reduces the chances of quickly using the bottle due to empty splashing past the target. It is recommended to take a 15-minute break between the three stages of application. When everything is absorbed and the surface becomes dry enough, use a rubber brush to lift the pile.

The final stage of the work done will be the processing of shoes water-repellent composition. This will increase the service life when worn in wet weather.

Based on the text, it follows that it is not so difficult to do all the manipulations yourself. The main thing is to be patient necessary tools and the right paint. Even when nothing can be done, there is always a second chance to fix everything by transferring the matter into professional hands.

Exist different types suede according to the quality of workmanship and the season for which it is designed. Summer suede shoe models are usually made from a material with a thin, slightly velvety pile. As for winter ones, here, on the contrary, the texture is quite dense and rough. Depending on the type of material, appropriate care is required.

The most common reason why suede boots deteriorate is wearing them out of season.

After all, this material does not like puddles and dampness at all. Therefore, in rainy weather, it is best to wear shoes made of other materials that are more resistant to moisture.

In rainy weather, it is better to wear shoes made of materials that are more resistant to moisture

Boots can lose their shape if they are the wrong size. Suede pretty soft material, so if the shoes are a little too small for you, then most likely the pair will stretch out and the protruding toes will stick out with tubercles on it. If, on the contrary, you bought boots larger than the size you need, then the loose fit will also make itself felt by losing its shape.

Also no less important point is timely regular care. If you wash a pair with a brush and water after every wear, then most likely you will have to throw out these shoes in the near future. After all, the less suede comes into contact with water, the longer it will retain its appearance.

Suede shoes must be treated with a spray with a water-repellent effect.

For summer shoes, you need to purchase a special spray that will repel dirt and dust. With this treatment, you only need to wipe the shoes with a slightly damp cloth. As for the cold season, then for winter shoes you need to purchase a spray with a water-repellent effect. This product can extend the life of your shoes for a long time, but, nevertheless, after some time, abrasions will still appear and the color will begin to fade. Below we will present several ways to dye suede shoes at home.

First, you need to bring the pair into proper shape, so that the finishing touch is a color update. The first thing to do is to thoroughly wash the soles and clean the shoes with a suede brush to get rid of large dirt. Then it is important to eliminate them, if any. After all, not from everyone. Below we list the most common types of them on suede.

First, wash the soles and clean the shoes with a suede brush.

A common problem with suede shoes is shiny spots. If you start painting on top of them, you will only emphasize their presence. There are several ways to get rid of them at home.

You need to take one glass of warm milk and mix it with a spoon of soda. Next, soak a clean cloth in the mixture and rub the shiny areas.

Wipe shiny areas with a mixture of milk and baking soda.

You need to mix three parts water with one part vinegar. Then, in the same way, use a cloth to go over the problem areas of the shoes.

Treat problem areas with a mixture of water and vinegar

Oddly enough, quite effective method- This is the use of a regular white stationery eraser. Rub the stains with it until they disappear completely and the suede hair is restored.

An effective method is to use a regular white office eraser.

In addition to this problem, you can also encounter problems with shoes. To remove them from suede, you will need gasoline or kerosene. Dampen a cotton pad and gently wipe the stained areas. After the stain has disappeared, wipe the treated area with a smooth, damp, lint-free cloth.

You can purchase suede paint at a large shoe store or order it online. Often only the most popular colors are presented, such as black, brown, gray and red. If you have colored shoes, then it is better to immediately turn to online stores and not waste time visiting shoe stores.

If you have colored shoes, it is better to immediately turn to online stores

In addition to color, you also need to pay attention to the texture of the product. If you are looking for a product for winter shoes, which have a rather coarse pile, then you would be better suited special foam or cream paint. It is usually applied using a brush or a brush, then you will get a uniform coloring. Most often, this paint is used for men's shoes.

Women's shoes made of thin suede will require a more delicate approach. Therefore, it is better to purchase a coloring agent in spray form.

If you plan to purchase paint from a shoe store, then bring a pair with you that you will paint. This way you can more accurately select the color of the product. Often, paints come with pieces of suede with the color that will result from the dyeing process. This way, you can accurately select the right product.

Suede paint

Of course, such dyes are quite expensive. average price they cost around 700 rubles per bottle. But you must admit, it's cheaper than buying new shoes. Moreover, if the shape of the shoe is preserved, then updating the color is not so difficult.

After you have purchased the paint, you should prepare the room. It is best to do this outdoors, since these products have a very strong smell and then disappear from the room for a long time. If this is not possible, then at least do the work away from children and animals.

Cover the floor with polyethylene, remove extra items, prepare suede brushes, sponges, tassels and clean rags. Wear rubber gloves and clothing that you don’t mind getting damaged if paint gets on it. You have already prepared the shoes; it is very important that by the time of dyeing the pair is completely dry. Take the brush and once again thoroughly smooth out the lint on the boots. This is necessary so that the paint penetrates the surface better.

To protect against accidental penetration of paint, you can insert paper inside

The sole must be protected from accidental penetration of paint. To do this, you can stick paper inside or glue the insole with tape. Shoe laces must be removed before the procedure. Often, it is under them that abrasions appear, which can be easily eliminated by painting.

First, let's look at the aerosol painting method. Always keep the can at the same distance from your boots throughout the procedure. This way you will achieve uniform coloring. This work must be done in several stages. After applying the first layer, the shoes are placed on open air until completely dry. Next, the dye is applied again. If there is such a need, then you can paint it in a third layer.

When spray painting, apply the dye in several stages

We list several similar products - TARRAGO Nubuck Suede Renovator, Silver Premium, Kiwi, Salton.

This type of painting is done using a piece of foam rubber, a brush, a sponge or a brush. Rubber gloves will protect your hands from accidental staining. You can also use tweezers to work with a piece of foam rubber. Some people prefer a toothbrush for coloring, as it also raises the lint when working with suede. If there are very worn places, then it is necessary to apply the product in several layers. Be sure to wait until the previous layer dries.

This type of painting is done using a piece of foam rubber, a brush, a sponge or a brush.

A few of these products are Suede Dye Tarrago, Nubuck Suede Color, Wildlederfarbe.

After the pair has dried after dyeing, you need to thoroughly comb the pile and lift it. And also treat your shoes with a water-repellent or dust-repellent spray, depending on the season. This way you will get an updated pair that will continue to please you for a long time.

This method is only suitable for brown shoes. It is very convenient because you don’t have to run around looking for special products and spend a lot of money. You can use what you have at home. To do this, you need to take coffee grounds and a toothbrush.

Brown shoes can be stained with coffee grounds

So, how to dye suede at home using these products. The grounds should be slightly damp. Using a brush, apply it evenly to the shoes and rub until you achieve the desired result. Next, brush away any remaining coffee grounds and leave the steam to dry.

After painting the shoes it is important proper care for her. After all, a material like suede requires a special approach.

IN winter time Every day, it is very important to remove dirt and salt residues from shoes with a brush every day. After all, they spoil it the most. It is also important to regularly apply water-repellent impregnation. Moreover, it is necessary to do this in advance, and not before going out, so that it has time to be absorbed. You can purchase one of these water-repellent products - Collonil, Nanoprotector, Nikwax, Kiwi, Shtrikh, Dividik and others.

In the summer, suede shoes wear out no less. After all, dust very quickly gets clogged into the pile of shoes. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly wipe it with a flannel cloth and then rinse it with a damp cloth. After this, it is important to wipe the steam dry and leave it to dry naturally. It is also important to regularly treat the pair with an anti-dust spray. Here are a few examples of such products - Silver Premium, Collonil Nubuk Velours Spray, Salamander Professional Combicare and others.

You need to hold your shoes over boiling water.

Another way to clean suede without using a large number of water, is the “steam” method. It is necessary to hold the shoes over boiling water. Next, use a cotton pad to clean it from dust and dirt.

It is very important that when purchasing suede shoes, you purchase a special brush for cleaning them. Usually it contains a whole set of 2-3 types of different brushes. Treat a pair with it after each wear, and then it will definitely last you longer. You can also carry such a brush with you in your purse and freshen the appearance of your shoes after every time you go outside.

After wet weather, be sure to dry the pair properly. Under no circumstances should this be done on or near the battery. Then the suede will become rough and lose its attractiveness. Drying should be done at normal room temperature using crumpled newspapers. They will be able to absorb moisture and will not deform the boots. It is worth considering that moisture leaves the shoes in about 20 hours.

Suede shoes are loved by the fair sex for their luxurious appearance. Unfortunately, during wear it can quickly lose its attractiveness. Now there are quite a lot of means to update boots or shoes and return them to their former beauty. You can dye suede shoes quite easily at home.

How to choose paint

You can purchase a dye for painting suede boots or boots at home at any shoe store. Contact the seller for help, he will tell you which paint is best to choose and advise on the shade. Don't forget to specify that you need the product specifically for suede.

To successfully choose the shade you need, it is better to take the shoes with you to the store. If it's new enough that you just need to freshen it up, you can choose a paint tone that exactly matches your boots. In the case when the shoes are a little worn out and also have stains, it is better to take paint a tone or two darker to paint over them problem areas and make the color richer.

If you want to know how to dye suede boots a different color, keep in mind that the dye may not completely cover the base shade and it will show through. This especially applies to bright colors. It is better to repaint a suede item in a more dark tone available color, for example, blue to blue. Then you will be insured against the possibility of unsuccessful painting.

The coloring matter can be produced in aerosols, in the form of cream paint, liquid composition or foam. For shoes that have a rough coating with large piles, for example, men's boots, the drug in creamy or liquid form is better suited. Thin Women's boots It will be more convenient to paint with a spray.

The aerosol can is very convenient to use. They are easier to process large area, which women's high boots have. It allows you to apply the dye fairly evenly on all sides.

If you want to further decorate your shoes, these are suitable for this acrylic paints. They are easy to use and have a fairly wide range of colors.

Preparing shoes

Before you paint suede shoes in the shade you want, you need to first prepare them. Clean the outside of the boots well and also wash the soles. Let them dry. If shoes or boots have laces, they need to be pulled out. Decorative elements(pins, rhinestones, etc.) must be removed during painting.

Please note that dyes have an unpleasant, pungent odor. If possible, paint shoes outside the living room or in a room that can be ventilated later.

Children and animals must be removed during the procedure. Also make sure there is no exposed food in the room. The area of ​​the floor where the treatment will be carried out must be covered with newspapers or polyethylene. If you spray paint, be aware that the paint can be sprayed quite far. Therefore, choose a place where there are no things that you can spoil.

In order not to paint over those areas of the shoe that cannot be painted (light soles, inserts of a different color), cover them with regular or masking tape. It is recommended to fill boots or shoes with a light lining with newspapers completely to the very top. This way you will protect the lining from paint getting on it. In addition, the operation will be more convenient.

If there are stains on the boots, they must be removed before the dyeing process. Take advantage special means for cleaning suede, which are sold in shoe stores. Apply a small amount of the product to the stain using a cloth and rub lightly. After removing the stain, allow the surface to dry.

How to paint

Painting suede shoes yourself at home is quite simple. In order to properly process and restore the appearance of your boots, you will need:

  • suede brush;
  • coloring matter;
  • brush, sponge;
  • gloves;
  • protective care product.

Take clean and dry shoes prepared for the dyeing process. Using a special suede brush, go over the entire surface to lift the pile. If the boots are very thin and delicate, do this carefully. This operation is necessary in order to paint the coating more evenly. Special attention give hard to reach places and the nose of the product.

Before you start painting, carefully inspect the boots, especially the nose and areas near the sole. Quite often they get scuffed. It is recommended to paint such areas separately using cream paint. It is also better to treat the junction of the sole and suede (welt) with the same product.

Wear gloves when painting to avoid getting your hands dirty. Gently apply the product with a brush to problem areas and wait until completely dry. Then you can start painting the entire shoe.

Using an aerosol

If you spray your shoes, shake the can well. Then start spraying the dye from a distance of 25-30 centimeters from the coating. Do this sequentially, smoothly moving from one area to another.

Try to keep the can at the same distance from the surface. Otherwise, the coloring may turn out uneven with spots.

When the first layer has dried, repeat the operation. Cover the boots or shoes with two or three coats of paint, depending on how intense the color you want to give to the shoes. Wait until the surface is completely dry, then treat it with a care product that will fix the color. When the boots are completely dry, use a brush to lift the lint.

Liquid or cream paint

If you decide to work with cream paint, you will need a piece of foam sponge or a medium-width brush. Some people paint shoes with a toothbrush, as it allows them to paint the pile more thoroughly and evenly.

Treat the scuffs first and let them dry. Then apply the dye sequentially to each area over the entire surface of the coating. Since cream paint has a denser consistency than an aerosol product, it will be enough to paint the shoes in one layer. If you are repainting a pair or going for a deeper shade, reapply the paint once dry.

After painting, treat the boots with a color fixing agent and a water-repellent compound. This will help the shoes stay in good shape much longer.

Now you know how to paint suede boots yourself at home. Take proper care of your shoes so that they always look beautiful.

Suede always looks beautiful, rich and respectable. When purchasing it, not everyone knows how to care for it and how to paint suede shoes at home. Suede leather can be different, it all depends on the manufacturer and the shoes for which season it is designed. For example, spring-summer assumes that suede has a thin, almost velvety pile, but autumn-winter, on the contrary, has a rougher and denser texture. Not only the type, but also the method of care depends on the seasonality.

For some products, it is necessary to use a spray that protects against dust and dirt, which helps to quickly clean and remove dirt; for others, a water-repellent aerosol is required, which does not allow the penetration of moisture and protects the suede from absorbing water. These preventive measures are capable of keeping shoes looking beautiful for a long time, but sooner or later your favorite boots or boots will have scuffs or the color will fade. You can restore the color of expensive shoes at home; to do this, you should familiarize yourself with some nuances in order to avoid mistakes and not spoil the suede.

Rules for choosing paint for suede

The most popular colors for suede shoes are black, red and brown in several shades, such as chocolate, dark brown and rosewood. When purchasing paint in a specialized store, you need to clarify what type of leather and product it is intended for. For boots that have large and coarse piles, it is better to purchase cream paint or foam; this product is applied using brushes or brushes, which will help to paint the pile evenly. As a rule, men's shoes are produced with this texture.

Thin and delicate suede requires more delicate coloring, so it is better to opt for buying spray paint.

The aerosol will allow you to paint a large area, be it low shoes or over the knee boots. When choosing a dye, it is better to take your shoes with you to the store so as not to make a mistake in choosing a color. Sellers always have samples of small pieces of leather dyed in one color or another.

Painting methods

So, the paint has been purchased, and all that remains is to paint your favorite shoes. To do this, you should first prepare the room in which the work will take place; the room must be well ventilated; children and animals must be removed, since the paint has a strong characteristic odor. The floor must be covered with polyethylene, brushes and an eraser must be prepared for dry cleaning, as well as sponges or brushes for painting. First, the shoes are cleaned of dirt, the soles are washed if necessary and allowed to dry thoroughly. Next, using special brushes, the fibers on shoes or boots are smoothed out. different sides, this is done for better and uniform penetration of paint.

Aerosol paint. When using a spray, keep the can at the same distance throughout the entire painting process. Otherwise, if you spray closer, the coloring will be uneven and blotchy. The procedure is carried out several times. After the first application of the dye, the shoes are placed in a room with good air circulation to ventilate and dry. After this, the dye is applied again. If required, a third layer can be applied. This type painting is very convenient and can be done quite quickly, the main thing is to take care of cleanliness while working. When sprayed, the spray may settle in a certain radius. You should not forget about the sole and inner lining of the boots; if necessary, it is recommended to seal the sole with tape or tape to prevent paint from getting on it. You can tightly stuff paper or towels inside your shoes, but keep in mind that drops of paint may also get on them. Also, don’t forget about the laces; they should be removed before painting. Often it is the part of the shoe under the lacing that has severe scuffs, so it is necessary to lift the lint well there and apply an aerosol.

Paint in liquid or foam form is applied using a foam disc, sponge, brush or brush. It is necessary to work with gloves; the foam rubber can be held with tweezers or a hook. Many people prefer to paint suede with a toothbrush; it allows you to comb the fleecy surface well and apply the paint evenly. For heavily worn areas on shoes, it is necessary to paint several times, allowing each layer to dry thoroughly. After complete drying, the surface of the shoe must be combed and the pile raised using special rubber brushes or an eraser.

Many paints not only paint, but also care for suede shoes, gently and carefully preserving their respectable and beautiful view. If you follow the basic rules for caring for shoes made of such a delicate material, they will last quite a long time and will allow you to appreciate all their advantages.