How to decorate your yard with your own hands. High-quality landscaping of the territory of a private house at reasonable costs. How to arrange your backyard

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Sometimes people look longingly at photographs of fabulously beautiful green-flowering designs of private homesteads and believe that they may not have enough money for such beauty. This is only partly true: if you create a landscape design for the courtyard of a private house (we will definitely show the photo) systematically, then you can create an equally beautiful piece of paradise for yourself. It’s just that not everyone knows where to start, but a good advisor, an online magazine website, will tell you and show you how you can and should create your own little Eden.

A harmoniously designed and properly decorated local area will have a calming effect. This is a single ensemble of living nature and human creations

When there are a lot of fantasies and ideas wandering around in your head, in which the yard becomes a fairy tale, it is very difficult to draw up an action plan. The biggest mistake would be not to think through the design of the territory as a whole, but to act chaotically, designing everything “piece by piece.” In this case, individual zones may turn out beautiful, but the same impression that pictures of luxurious mansions in magazines make can never be achieved.

You can usually find zoning recommendations in articles. This is true, but private home properties are sometimes such that you first need to decide on the function of the front, back yard and recreation area. At the planning and design stage, you need to clearly understand: all buildings and green spaces require maintenance. It’s not enough to plant a tree or make a flowerbed; plantings need regular care. Therefore, if there is not enough time for something, from the word “absolutely”, you should not include such an object in the plan if you do not want to see the yard in unsightly desolation.

Front yard

Based on the size of the site, they plan the placement of various functional and aesthetic buildings. The arrangement of the local area of ​​a private house includes a garage, flower beds, a platform in front of the house, a path to the guest house and to the backyard, and ornamental trees. The front yard is the front yard of the house, and the photos confirm this.

Must be beautiful both outside and inside. This is an architectural form that serves as the distant background of the entire site.

The path leading to a country house can wind between green spaces or be straight, creating an alley. If the yard is small, then a winding path will be inappropriate.

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In the backyard there are usually outbuildings, a swimming pool, a bathhouse, a vegetable garden, a sports ground, and a children's recreation area. It’s easy to make the backyard in a private house cozy with your own hands. Why shouldn’t a bathhouse be combined with a home? After all, for many it is very convenient. Well, the rules fire safety no one has canceled it, and it is better to locate such a fire-hazardous building away from the house. In addition, a separate building provides a completely different atmosphere of privacy and comfort.

Gradually, acting according to the planned plan, the yard will be improved and acquire the desired appearance. If you develop all the stages in as much detail as possible, right down to where to purchase what material and at what time of year, the result will be impressive. Of course, you need to understand that art landscape design- the process is not one-day. Plants planted along the fence will not amaze with their majestic beauty in the first year; perennial vines also take time, like woody forms. In any case, you should put your dream yard on paper and figure out point by point what is in what order and how to do it.

Patio area

The patio area is a relaxation area where you can have a good time with a glass of juice in good company or with a book.

It is possible to exclude a recreation area, but this is the same as depriving your own soul of recharging.

Design of a private house courtyard with photos of functional areas of modern courtyards

Everyone loves order in the house and understands why it is needed. With the territory of the yard, everything is the same: each zone performs its own function.

Summer kitchen and dining room

The summer garden kitchen was once a very popular and necessary building in rural areas. But even today it has not lost its meaning:

  • in the hot summer it is much easier to cook outdoors;
  • modern summer buildings require the presence of a stove or barbecue, which allows you to prepare especially tasty dishes;
  • the dining room, located nearby, gathers all guests not far from the source of the aroma of delicious food on fresh air;
  • even in rainy weather it is pleasant to gather in the summer dining room overlooking the beautiful garden.

Improvement of a recreation area in the courtyard of a private house

The recreation area includes benches, upholstered furniture, swings, gazebos, open playgrounds.

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Gazebos in the courtyard of a private house with photo examples

The gazebo is chosen according to preferences: some people don’t like it open buildings, and for some people it’s cramped in enclosed spaces.

Advice! If there are always a lot of guests, or the family is very large, then the gazebo is made taking into account the number of seats required.

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Elegant ones can be made from a variety of materials. The photos you will find in this review demonstrate the most best ideas and design solutions.

Open areas

Open areas do not require a canopy or roof; they are placed either in the shade of trees or in bright sun.

Play area and swimming pool

The word “child” is usually associated with the phrase “play area”, but not everyone has children. It's not just about children's play area- adults also love ball games, tennis, and sports equipment. If space allows, why not set aside a corner for physical relaxation?

The pool can be quite small, the main thing is that there is a water drainage system and a covering that protects the water from blooming in the sun.


Not everyone has the desire to plant a garden: caring for seedlings, spraying trees, pruning, treating, harvesting and processing them require time and effort. But is it really bad when it’s at hand? bulk apples, pears, bright orange sea buckthorn hangs in juicy clusters, a beautiful dogwood with its fire berries decorates the site? There are many different shrubs and trees that, in addition to bearing fruits in summer and autumn, decorate the garden with wonderful flowers in spring.

Grandparents' vegetable garden is a thing of the past: why exhaust yourself weeding paths if they can be cultivated once and for all?

Recommendation! It is not necessary to pave paths between the beds; the lawn will exclude any weed.

Arrangement of the yard of a private house depending on the stylistic direction I

Many people like to look at photos of beautiful courtyards of a private house, hoping to create a miracle with their own hands. own plot. Well, it's absolutely real. If you don’t try to arrange the territory in the same style, you will end up with something motley, devoid of a single concept. Such a yard would not be called special. When there is a desire to create something aesthetic, cultured, beautiful, they do not act on the principle “I made it from what was.”

The issue of choosing a style is the second most important point after zoning. All materials and decorative elements must be selected in accordance with the chosen garden style. Among the styles in which you can arrange your yard are Mediterranean, English and Japanese. They are not found all the time and amaze with their novelty, originality and culture.

Mediterranean style

How to decorate the yard of a private house in a Mediterranean style? For northern yards this is quite problematic due to the characteristics of the local flora. In general, the style reflects the shores of the southern seas: an abundance of processed and unprocessed stone, rounded pebbles, terraces, ladders, shading from the sun. In northern gardens there is no need to shade the garden at all, but terracing allows you to grow more heat-loving plants in the summer.

The abundance of stone eliminates excess vegetation, but people whose garden is located in the steppe zone should take into account that the stone heats up well, and not every plant will be happy about this, because the climate is by no means marine!

English style

If you want to improve the yard in a private house, as in the photos showing decorous English gardens, then you should immediately understand that it will not be possible to create perfect option. Many plants in an English garden will feel better in the harsh conditions of Siberia than in the hot steppe lands. But if you want, you can create an oasis in the desert, right?

For English style Naturalness is characteristic in everything except the neatly trimmed lawn. The lush greenery is divided here winding paths, flower beds have irregular shape, the trees look untrimmed, but in fact, each leaf is in its place by the will of the gardener.

Japanese style

The refined taste of the Japanese, their special sense of beauty and ability to find beauty in those things that other people will pass by - everything is reflected in Japanese style in the garden.

If the main characteristics of the owner of the house are patience, hard work, and the ability to contemplate, then such a garden will become the embodiment of the mystery of the soul for a person.

Do-it-yourself courtyard design for a private house with photo examples

Today there are many finished projects landscape design of the courtyard of a private house with photos and instructions for creation. They come not only from desires, but also from financial opportunities. Often people try to decorate the garden with whatever they can get their hands on: yes, parrots made from tires look funny, but where in Japanese or English garden can you find the wheels? You need to remember that the main thing is to stick to the chosen style, and not get upset at everything that you come across on the Internet.

How to decorate your yard with flower beds and flower beds with your own hands

It is not difficult to create flower beds. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Consider the layering of plants.
  2. The flowerbed should have plants that bloom at different times.
  3. Plants are selected strictly for the climate zone.
  4. The soil must meet the requirements of the crops.

How to decorate the yard of a private house with curly trimmed bushes with photos of cutting ideas

Decorating the yard of a private house with topiary bushes with your own hands requires the ability to work with garden shears and pruning shears. If you don’t have such skills, then you should study all the nuances of the work before giving the plants a hairdresser’s execution.

Do-it-yourself decoration of the yard of a private house in winter with photos of options

How to decorate the area near your house in winter? Photos of examples of winter country courtyards will serve as a hint for this.

Landscaping the territory of a private house is a process no less complex, creative and labor-intensive than. Everyone dreams of having a beautifully designed garden or backyard. But not everyone can hire a landscape designer who will design everything. If you don’t have such an opportunity, but really want to create one, then our review will help you with this. In the article you will find practical recommendations And simple solutions, how to improve the local area with your own hands and without large financial expenses.

If you decide to create a landscape design with your own hands, then, first of all, you will need suitable designs. Before purchasing seedlings and certain materials, you need to make a clear plan for how to arrange all the elements of landscape design in the local area. The most simple ideas you can look at the photo. You can also see how to make a simple yard design project in the video below:

Before you start planning, look at what they look like, as well as design options small yard. You can create a beautiful landscape on your own using available materials.

The landscape of a private house requires a specific plan, on which you need to note:

  • buildings around the house, including gazebos, a playground and an outdoor shower;
  • bodies of water It is worth considering that laying is done first;
  • structures made of stones and alpine slides;
  • garden paths near the house;
  • areas for planting shrubs and trees;
  • placement of flower beds and flower beds. The choice of material and time for arranging elements near the house will depend on the type of flower bed;
  • local area;
  • systems

For your information! Marking of the territory must be done after careful preparation. Detailed plan It will not only help you think through everything well, but will also help you save money.

Site development

When deciding how to plan your yard, first of all, start from the house and the style that matches it. You should not allow excess decor in the local area. The plan involves dividing the site into separate zones.

The recreation area and children's playground deserve special attention. If there is not enough space in the yard, then perhaps some zones can be combined. Bushes and perennial plants can be used to limit individual areas.

If the layout is done correctly, then even in a small area you can place all the necessary objects.

The layout of the yard is carried out taking into account the following factors:

  • terrain. How flat or hilly it is, as well as the location of mountains or ravines nearby;
  • type of soil: clayey, light or fertile;
  • plot shapes: rectangular, triangular, rounded or L-shaped;
  • area dimensions;
  • level ;
  • illumination and orientation to the cardinal points.

The courtyard design allows for rational placement of all communication elements. Zoning of a personal plot in a village or in another area involves division into the following parts:

  • residential denotes the main building and all that are adjacent to it;
  • economic zone denotes buildings for storing tools, all kinds of garages and places where fuel supplies are stored;
  • rest zone includes a swimming pool, children's playground, flower beds, gazebos and;
  • garden and for growing fruits and vegetables.

The layout of the yard area should be carried out taking into account the ground level. In some cases, it may be necessary to create a blind area or fill soil. To strengthen the slopes, slopes, terraces, etc. are needed.

Also, landscape design involves observing the cardinal directions. Experts recommend placing it on the north side big trees and at home, so that their shadow does not cover the green spaces. Planning a site near the house involves placing it inside the territory in order to protect it from prying eyes and noise.

When planning village house and the yard, you need to think about the gardening area. Shrubs and fruit trees must be distributed so that all crops have enough light and space. You can complete your landscaping plan yourself. For this zone, the sunniest place in the garden is chosen.

Resting place for country house does not have to be located in one place. Individual areas can be found throughout the territory. Landscape design includes decorative elements such as flower beds, flower beds near the house and small ponds.

In the photo you can see wonderful ideas for a private house, as well as for plots in the village.

Sidewalk paths, platforms and fences in the courtyard of a private house: photo ideas

Arrangement of a personal plot always includes such activities as laying paths, installing fences and installing recreation areas and children's areas. When deciding how to lay out the paths, consider different options.

Some yard coverings can be laid out yourself and are very inexpensive. At the entrance, paving stones, cut stone paving or tiles will look great. To do beautiful fences paths near the house, you can use low plants.

When deciding what to cover your yard with, consider original solutions. For example, an excellent path design can be obtained from wood cuts. In this case, the free spaces between them can be filled with sawdust or bark. You can also use narrow boards for the yard. They need to be tightly fitted to each other, and then painted or varnished.

You can consider different designs of paving stones, as well as interesting solutions It’s worth looking at the photo to see how to pave the paths.

A yard path can be classified depending on the material used:

  • stone options: pebbles, plastic, paving stones in the courtyard of a private house, as well as, photos of which can be found on the Internet;

  • wooden coverings: boards, sawn logs;

  • brick and concrete coverings;

  • paths made from scrap materials.

To visually delineate the local area, you can use a variety of landscaping. For example, you can use small fences to decorate your yard from perennial plants, annual flowers and dense bushes. A squat one is suitable for surrounding a sports field or recreation area.

You can look at the photo of the design of the fence of a private house. Arches or pergolas for paths can be a beautiful addition to such mini fences. In this case, you will get a luxurious covered fence in a private house. Climbing morning glory, clematis and roses are used for the designs.

For your information! Frames with slats or wooden panels with perforations look original. You can make partitions from rattan, wicker and bamboo.

Landscaping and landscaping

After planning and marking the site, the question arises of how to plant landscaping in the yard. Before planting anything, it is also necessary to complete a project for green spaces. Landscape gardening necessarily includes planting bushes and trees. They will help make your home design more diverse. In addition, they will protect certain areas from the sun and wind.

When decorating a small area near the house, you need to give preference to crops that bloom continuously. For the yard you can use. It is important to take into account that such areas also require care. Plants need to be trimmed and watered.

Landscape design involves the use of various flower beds and flower beds. A good solution for a closed yard. You can plant exotic crops in them, for example, cypress, pomegranate or lemon.

You can create stunning vertical gardening with your own hands. Such decorative elements will help create relief and volume for the garden. Support elements gazebos, fences and tree trunks can serve.

Various examples of landscaping a private home and territory can be seen in the photo. Also, when creating landscape design, activities are carried out. You can highlight ponds, plants, sculptures and paths. To illuminate the area, you can use lanterns on poles. Fountains and sculptures can be installed in open areas. Plants that love moisture should be planted around the perimeter of the pond. This is swamp iris, reed or mint. When landscaping the territory, it is also necessary to comply with state regulations.

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Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photos of original compositions

Flower beds and flower beds are a necessary element of landscaping a yard in a private home. Even with limited space, you can find a place for luxurious plants. That being said, you should know how to plant beautiful flowers in your yard.

When deciding how to arrange areas of the local area with your own hands, first decide on the existing types of flower beds:

  • regular flower beds, in which they are planted various plants for landscaping the area. But flowering occurs at a certain time;

  • irregular have crops that bloom throughout the warm period;

  • raised flower beds consist of various frames of stone, brick and wood;
  • vertical allow you to decorate walls and fences;

  • carpet look like a canvas;
  • monoflowers consist of a single plant;
  • beautiful Look good next to paths. They can be planted near walls;

  • discount is a construction made of different plants, which can land on one side.
  • arabesques have custom design. In this case, low-growing plants are used, which are planted in the form of different geometric shapes;
  • rock garden looks like a hill of stones;

  • front gardens usually located in front of the house and near the road;
  • mixoborders are mixed compositions. They are planted along buildings, paths and fences.

If you don't know what to plant or what flowers to use, take a look various options on the picture. Perhaps some idea will suit your taste.

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If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on landscaping your territory, then a great solution for you is to create original flower beds and flower beds yourself. We will teach this in our article.

Beautiful gardens and courtyards: photo projects

If you have not yet decided how to create a beautiful area and garden design for private homes, then make a carefully thought-out plan. First of all, highlight areas such as recreation, garden and farm.

To divide a private courtyard and garden into separate sections, you can use elements such as arches and screens.

Beautiful private gardens can be seen in the photos. Fruit trees, well-groomed lawns, and a variety of flower beds complement the various statues and. Many decorative elements can be made independently. Beautiful ideas You can also see the landscape design in the photo of a garden on a private plot.

Outbuildings in a private house: photos of beautiful structures

When planning, the most important stage is the house and yard with outbuildings. Many yard elements can be done with your own hands. Without them, the landscape design will not have a complete look.

Let's look at what buildings in the yard can be used:

  • Separate area for the hearth. It could be a massive oven. Garden paths and furniture can be tied to this place. A good solution is to use a beam circuit.

  • Open dining room or kitchen provides a wonderful opportunity to eat outdoors. At the same time, all kinds of .
  • When deciding how to build a yard, you should use such small architectural forms, How alcove.

  • You can also consider an option like grill house.
  • Recreation area can be supplemented.

  • Pool It can be done both open and covered.
  • Equipped provides a lot of joy for children and an opportunity for parents to relax while the children are busy.

Gazebos in the courtyard of a private house: photo options

Is one of important elements landscaping the yard in a private house. You can do it yourself. Gazebos can be closed, open or attached to the house.

If price matters, then you should choose the polycarbonate option. A similar structure is located in the depths of the garden to reduce noise. The design of the courtyard of a private house with a gazebo is popular, as this can give you another comfortable spot for relax.

You can consider the following gazebo options:

  • open structures are distinguished by simplicity and practicality. Such buildings are made of supports and a canopy. This pavilion offers a wonderful view of the surrounding nature;

  • closed buildings more like a light house;

  • gazebos covered, consist of a frame;
  • great option - construction B-B-Q.

How to arrange the gazebo inside depends on its configuration and design features. If the building is equipped with a fireplace, then you can also build a dining area.


Probably each of us dreams of escaping from the bustle of the city by going to the countryside. Of course, there is no high-speed Internet and some of the benefits of civilization, but the surrounding nature, the rustling of trees and the singing of birds make you forget about these shortcomings. The landscape of a country house is a combination of simplicity and natural beauty created by time. If the site does not look according to the homeowner’s requirements, then it does not matter, because the beauty of nature can be created with your own hands. How to do this and format it correctly? About this in our article.

What it is?

Before starting to improve the site, it is important to understand what the rustic style is and what its features are. main feature This style is the carelessness that manifests itself in every design element, characteristic of nature. There should be no exquisite French lawns and antique statues here, because the plot is in rustic style doesn't have to be perfect. As for plants, the impression should be created that they are natural and grown by nature, people only take care of them.

Exquisite decorative flowers in one flower bed can be combined with wild plants, which is quite organic in this style. However, there are also limitations, for example, exotic flowers that are not typical for a given region will look unnatural and violate the boundaries of the style.

At the same time, to decorate a personal plot you can use not only ornamental shrubs and trees, but also fruit and berry or fruit trees. Thanks to this, the plot will be not only attractive, but also useful and enjoyable, because you can not only admire nature, but also harvest.

A country plot decorated in a rustic style is preferred by those who do not have the desire and time to trim each bush to required length, care for the vegetable garden and other elements located on the territory. Here it is enough to build a small artificial pond, plant bright and colorful flowers, enjoying the beauty of the site, both in summer and winter, with a minimum of effort.

How to divide a site into zones?

The landscape design of a rural yard cannot be divided into any squares or limited zones, because all its parts must merge into a single composition, smoothly transitioning into each other. The division into zones should be casual, conventional and not very noticeable.

Experienced designers distinguish four zones, including:

  • The entrance is the area that welcomes guests and relatives. It is she who will leave the first impression about the site and its owner, which means she should be the most attractive. As decorations, you can use small flower beds and flower beds, figurines and a couple of spherical lanterns to illuminate the gate.
  • Household - a summer cottage is not only a place for relaxation, but also an area where gardening is done. Based on this, there should be outbuildings on the site designed to store the necessary things for caring for the site.
  • Gardening zone - an area where they grow useful crops, fruit trees and ornamental shrubs.
  • Relaxation area is a space that should have its place in anyone, even the most small area. To arrange a recreation area, you can put a bench among climbing plants, build dining area with a barbecue under a canopy or build a full wooden gazebo. Alternative solution– a wicker rocking chair and books.

Main elements of the exterior


When buying a country house, most people want to start from scratch, so that every item and element of the site meets the requirements and desires. Based on this, you need to take care of the vegetation, choosing flowers, shrubs and trees, since they are a mandatory attribute of any land plot. It is best to use trees that are familiar to us, for example, pear, apple or cherry. You can complement your yard with beautiful sunflowers or pink hollyhocks planted in your garden plot. When choosing plants, you should try to combine them according to their flowering period, so that the garden will delight you from spring to late autumn.


When most people hear the word “vegetable garden,” they immediately think of potatoes and beets, collecting bugs, and dirty garden beds that need to be watered. In fact, this is all in the distant past, because now you can create high and small beds combined with a flower bed. Now a vegetable garden is the same decorative element as a flower bed, complemented by a wicker fence or clay figurines. Here it is best to plant carrots, lettuce or carrots, supplemented with edible flowers, such as daylily buds.


The rustic style of landscape design does not exclude decor, just its amount should be minimal. To decorate the area, you can use functional things, for example, a bench or cart, as well as wicker baskets with flowers or decorative well. In addition, you can decorate garden paths by laying them with stones or gravel, supplement the fencing of the area with climbing plants, or put up a regular one. wooden fence. An alternative solution is a wicker fence with clay jugs.

garden furniture

To arrange a recreation area, you need to choose furniture that matches the rustic style. You can buy it or make it yourself, since wooden or wicker furniture is best suited for such a landscape. You can also use rough hemp in the form of chairs, a gazebo made of logs, decorated with paintings or carvings.

Artificial pond

Another mandatory element for a modern country-style garden plot is small pond or a mini-lake surrounded by bushes. This place will attract with its beauty, so you can put a bench or rocking chair nearby.

Design ideas

To decorate a summer cottage in a rustic style, you can use any of the ideas that were proposed earlier. In addition, you can choose one of the designs shown in the photo. The main thing is to decide what is more important in a particular case – beauty, comfort or the opportunity to garden. If important appearance, then the area can be decorated with figurines and flower beds; if the dacha needs to be practical, then behind the house you can organize a small vegetable garden and install a greenhouse. Also, do not forget that there should be a place to relax, complemented by a barbecue and a children's playground.

A private country house is the dream of many people. If you are already the happy owner of such a house, you need to think about its landscaping and the design of the site. Original design the yard can show not only the financial situation of the owners, but also declare the presence of taste and style.

Beautiful landscape design of a yard in a private house is not only perfect place for relaxation and receiving guests, but also an opportunity to express your thoughts, make dreams come true, create your own, albeit small, but ideal world.

Relaxation area with decorative fountain and a gazebo Source

The meaning of a personal plot

Long gone are the days when a house outside the city was built or bought exclusively for a garden. Nowadays, the majority of people prefer to live there permanently, away from the turmoil, dust, poor environment and eternal traffic jams.

Modern personal plot most often it is a small park, an ideal area for family recreation. The owners create real masterpieces: they erect mini-ponds, alleys, and flower beds. The garden can be a real forest with exotic or simply unusual plants and trees.

The most important thing is to approach the issue with creativity. Even if the rhythm of your life does not allow you to start planning closely, this will not be a big obstacle on the way to beautiful area. Landscape design development is a sought-after service on the market, so finding a knowledgeable specialist who will give sound advice is unlikely to turn into a problem. U good designer has already ready-made solutions or the project can be developed entirely based on your ideas, in any case, all the wishes of the owners will definitely be taken into account.

Decorating a private yard with flowers Source

Types of stylistic trends

Landscape design can be divided into two main directions: landscape and architectural. There are other styles, but they all follow from the main ones.

The basis of construction and design is precisely architectural style, front yard design starts there. This direction is characterized by its solemnity, clarity of lines, observance geometric shapes. Everything should be clear and as simple as possible. Nowadays minimalism is welcomed in everything, so it is important not to overdo it with the number of elements and with the design itself.

Landscape style is designed to emphasize natural beauty and pristine nature. The presence of clear geometric shapes, angularity, and severity is not welcome here. Everything should be as natural as possible. The landscape style is considered simpler to design than the architectural style, because in this case you don’t even have to change the topography of the territory, everything should remain in the form in which nature created it.

While creating landscape style are used only natural materials. It is in this direction that you can show maximum imagination and creativity; there are no special restrictions here, unless you take into account the main condition - maintaining maximum naturalness, which will also emphasize the design of a private house.

Landscape style in the design of a large private courtyard Source

It seems that these two stylistic directions are completely opposite, but this is not entirely true. Modern designers They are often combined and, thus, a truly unique design project for a residential yard is created.

Landscape design principles are constantly changing, and new styles are being added. Now, for example, country and modern are very popular, and not always separately. These styles can easily be combined with each other - the result is a very beautiful and harmonious landscape.

Video description

Watch the video of the design of a multi-level site:

Arrangement ideas

The beauty of landscape design is that it is simply impossible to list all the ideas for arrangement - not only do there already exist a lot of them, but new ones appear every day. Who knows, maybe designers will adopt your vision of an ideal site and recommend it to clients.

In order to select the most interesting design yard specifically for your site, appreciate all its features. In some yards, you can create a pond or place a swimming pool on the property. For others, a rock garden or mini-park will be more acceptable. When choosing, take into account the terrain, quality of the land, size and other important parameters. A very significant factor when choosing a style is the appearance of the house. It should be organic and fit well with the chosen design style.

A recreation area for children and flowerbed equipment - all made of wood - harmonizes perfectly with the house Source

You can choose not just one style, but several at once and combine them with each other. Thus, to achieve individuality - your garden will truly be unique.

Dividing and zoning space in the yard

You can make several zones in the yard. For example, for active recreation, walks, romance. Territory zoning can be simply visual, for example, using paths or garden sculptures.

You can divide the territory with the help of living fences and bushes. This design will look quite natural and complement the overall design.

Zoning the space in the yard with a hedge Source

Arrangement of trees and flowers

The location of all plants in the yard must be thought out in advance; the landscape design of the yard of a private house begins with design; photos of examples will help you choose right direction. Many trees and shrubs prefer dry or, conversely, moist soil; this must be taken into account when planting. There are plants that prefer shady areas; they can be placed near other trees and shrubs.

The most important thing is that all plants harmonize and combine with each other, complement each other. Select all plants with different greening and flowering seasons. This way, your yard will always be green and blooming. A beautiful yard is harmony, minimalism and originality. Don’t overdo it, because too many plants and various decorative items will look cluttered, and this is not at all beautiful.

Design of a small private yard with a pond and shade-loving plants Source

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer landscape design services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Figures in the garden

Choice garden figures is huge now. With their help, a beautiful courtyard in the garden becomes even better and more original. When choosing figures for your garden, consider the size of the area. Too large sculptures and figures in a small area will look ridiculous.

When choosing, pay attention to the materials - it can be plastic, gypsum, stone, cement, etc. The sculptures in the garden look very original - they create the impression of majesty and beauty.

The real decoration of the garden is the fountains. In hot weather they will bring with them coolness, and in the evening they will allow you to enjoy the amazing glare from the moon and artificial lighting.

Sculpture with a fountain in the garden - beautiful and original Source


Most get-togethers with friends, and even family events, are most often held in the evenings, so it is difficult to overestimate the importance of well-thought-out lighting in the design of a country house courtyard. Smart layout includes main and additional lighting: for comfort and safety, plus illumination of all decorative elements.

Most often, the following areas are required to be illuminated:

    house facade;


  • main entrance;

  • recreation areas.

If your yard has a pond or waterfall, pay attention to the lighting around the water. Correctly selected lighting elements will help create a truly picturesque and fabulous look.

IN winter time lighting should be given special attention. Natural natural beauty has faded a little, but with the help of lighting you can highlight artificial elements that can be no less beautiful.

Don't forget about lighting stairs and paths. This is necessary not only for beauty, but also for safety.

Original lighting for a private courtyard - illumination of paths, flower beds and the facade of the house Source


A lot can be said about the design of paths in a country yard. They can be very diverse - gravel, asphalt, natural. Paths must necessarily unite all existing zones.

It is necessary to design paths not only taking into account the future design, but also taking into account the relief. Also, the tracks differ in purpose - they can be main or additional. Depending on the materials, soft and hard ones are also distinguished. The latter include paths made of concrete, brick, tiles and other dense materials. Soft ones are made from pebbles, gravel, crushed stone. Nowadays, combined paths that combine several materials at once are also very common.

Original wooden paths in the garden Source

Ideas for arranging a recreation area

A recreation area must be present in the courtyard of a country house. There are also a lot of ideas for arrangement, the main thing is to initially decide on your preferred goals and style. You can decorate a recreation area in a rustic style - a hammock, flooring, wooden benches, you can’t do without a gazebo in the courtyard of a private house; photo examples often represent this attribute of a country holiday. If used for registration wooden elements, then do not forget that they will definitely have to be periodically tinted and updated. It is also recommended to initially apply wooden furniture a special composition that will protect against insects and rot.

Video description

See an example of arranging a yard and terrace in the video:

If you use stone and concrete in the design, then you will get a more modern, European style.

Many people choose metal among a variety of materials. Such a recreation area can be decorated in a minimalist style, combining originality and practicality.

If there are children in the family, then a playground will be a must-have element. Not large gazebo, sandbox - all this will certainly appeal to children, especially if everything is decorated in bright colors.

A barbecue must be present in the recreation area - do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to cook Tasty food on open air.

Relaxation area in a private courtyard with barbecue Source

Don't think that a backyard isn't needed and shouldn't be beautifully decorated. There you can bring a huge number of ideas to life. For example, in the backyard you can make a corner for secluded relaxation or place a small table for morning tea.

Making your backyard beautiful is easy. Show a little imagination, and even small area will turn into cozy corner, where it will be pleasant to sit both alone and in a small company.

Original design of the path and gazebo in the backyard Source

Collection of photo examples of courtyard design for a private house

Design of a path in a private yard Source

Artificial pond in a private yard Source

Simple but nice design of a corner near the house Source

Landscaping and large gazebo for relaxation Source

Two-level flowerbed in the design of a private courtyard Source

Cozy relaxation area in a country yard Source

Original courtyard design in country house Source

A swing in the garden is a great place for privacy and relaxation Source

Original design of a recreation area in a private courtyard Source

The presence of figures of various animals in the garden makes the design even more original Source


With the right approach to garden and yard design, you can get truly amazing results. The main condition for creating a beautiful design project for a country house is to observe moderation in everything. Excessive clutter and clutter will create the impression of heaviness - from too bright colors your eyes will get tired. Approach design with soul and do not forget about harmony: you should strive for beauty, but convenience and practicality are no less important.

if you have a private house with a small adjacent territory, then you can arrange it at your discretion. This is the area that makes the first impression on your guests, so it needs to be designed thoughtfully. You can learn about what the design of the courtyard of a private house can be from this article.

Features and Benefits

Landscaping of a country plot near the house can be done with your own hands or with the help of professionals. Before you start decorating your territory, you need to carefully consider the layout of your yard.

View finished works designers, take into account the peculiarities of your life and aesthetic preferences. The decor you choose should fully suit all your needs.

Unfortunately, when decorating your cozy courtyard you have to pay attention to the size of the plot. Very often, a too small yard limits our imagination. But this should not happen, because even on a very small area you can create something beautiful and in accordance with your wishes.

Highlight what is most important to you. So, if you have a baby, it is better to arrange a playground in the backyard. If you like to meet with friends and spend time actively in nature, it is better to give preference to an area with a barbecue grill and a gazebo. And connoisseurs of beauty should decorate their area with flower beds, ponds or patios.

How to decorate the landscape?

Let's look at the main details that will help create beautiful composition in your garden.

Garden paths

One of the most important details in any garden or country courtyard is neat paths. If you do not arrange them correctly, then it will be completely uncomfortable for you to walk, and in the summer you will have to constantly make your way through the thickets. And with neat garden paths, your suburban area will look neat and aesthetically attractive.

In addition, garden paths allow you to divide the space into several zones.

To design them you can use different materials. These include bricks, neat flat stones, and wide concrete plates, and fine gravel. Additionally, you can decorate the path with low, neat borders. They can be not only a functional addition, but also a beautiful decorative design.

Depending on how you want your garden to look, the paths can be made strict and even, or they can be intertwined with each other. It looks very elegant, and this design will turn your suburban area into a tangled English garden overgrown with wild herbs.


It is very important for landscape design to decorate all flower beds beautifully. You can only use simple flower beds with fresh flowers or install tubs and pots with flowers on the territory of your suburban area. It is possible, however, to combine both approaches.

When decorating an area with flowers, it is very important to think about the choice of plants. The fact is that all plants bloom at a certain time, which means you need to plant them so that your flowerbed pleases the eye with new flowers every season. color combinations and exquisite compositions.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that you should not try to change hilly areas to suit yourself. Better play up all these vagaries of nature. Hills and hills can be used to place some eye-catching details on them.


All kinds of artificial reservoirs look charming on the territory of the suburban area. These can be small lakes, fountains or even wells. It all depends on the style in which you decorate the area next to your home.

Perhaps the most famous amateurs artificial reservoirs in the territory patios are considered to be residents of the east. Since ancient times, the Japanese have considered water a symbol of life. And together with the earth, everyone associated it with harmony throughout the world.

In Japan and China, many people decorate their suburban areas neat ponds with carps, live lilies and beautiful stones. You can be inspired by the ideas that came to us from the East and arrange something similar on your site.

You can remember your traditions. In our village we almost always had neat wells with clean water. Now you can return to this tradition and decorate your yard with a small well, which does not even have to be used for its intended purpose.

A more expensive, but very interesting idea is to install a mini-fountain in your yard. It can be a simple fountain or a shaped one, it all depends on what budget you have.

If you decide to decorate your site with an artificial pond, then you will need to first consult with specialists. They will study the characteristics of the soil, the possibility of access to water and other important details. How well your fountain will work and whether the lake will dry up depends on all this. If you don’t want your efforts to be wasted, then be sure to think things through in advance.

Lighting Features

Properly selected lighting also plays an important role in the design of a site. In modern yards it is important that all this interesting decor was visible not only in daytime days, but also when it becomes completely dark. In addition, properly selected lighting also guarantees your safety, because you do not have to make your way through bushes and flower beds in the dark.

There are two most popular sources street light. Firstly, these are street lamps.

Tall lanterns can be either simple or decorated with all kinds of forged elements or stylized as antique.

Another interesting option decoration is the use of LED strips. They are hung on all accessible surfaces - tree branches, bushes, poles, and so on. When these lights come on at night, it seems like there are no wires and your garden is filled with magical lights. It looks charming and truly fabulous.

Private courtyards can also be decorated with open fire sources. If you like to relax in nature, then you should buy at least the simplest barbecue. In this case, you can organize a picnic right at home at any time.

General advice to keep in mind in any case - everything decorative elements should ideally complement the appearance of the house, and the style in which it is built and decorated.

Site development

It is very important not only to think over the beautiful design of the territory, but also to do everything possible to make it comfortable for you to spend time there. Let's look at some interesting ideas that will help you actively use every free meter of land at your disposal.

Dinner Zone

The most obvious option is to arrange the area for a dining area. If you live outside the city, then you shouldn’t lose the opportunity to get outside the house during the warm season and start having dinner and lunch in nature. This will not only increase your appetite, but also lift your mood, because while eating you will admire the beauty of nature and your own landscaped area.

Arranging and decorating the dining area is very simple. You don't need a lot of space, just enough free space under a table and several chairs. To protect you from unexpected negative surprises of nature, a small canopy will save your furniture. If it is not possible to install it, then you will have to constantly remove the table and chairs and bring it into the house.